si itk-1 i a! i i I j oijjr ? uiis. T f a 1 1 t :.:4 !v f t ti ' l I it I "4 r r . i Somerset Herald. !n "scl'l-l-. KiiMr. The 27U of this niutith has been fuel n by Von nor as the date of the next preat sUinu. 1. I The st' editor of the Herald has been ; oirilinel t. his lie! for tiie ;.;ist few .lavs by ia very painful illt'e.1-.'." Fverylviy c.iiiei'i.s the ref-on.; t '.uee on itlie l;i'ul)!ican tieket to Liiie.ln. The jtVnventi'.ii tn:iy Iin'l it expedient t move hitn tip a )n. To the liepullicamt of Somerwti Cvwity : Through the Chairman of the County iV The new huiWitu'y erected in Somerset (lurilii: the wirtrr nTrflw i-nt i"..otH- : ' :r ( to cnupleti the lirM of April at.proaht .uarcti .:, in. yn. Y.Vua. lielTley, who had been serious ly ii! fr some time, died at her home on Patriot street at an early hour Monday tion ! I ... The Republicans of Hlair County, on ;, ,; ,.r .1.0 i stur'Ia'' a-" f-ir as the know'.e-Ve if the w th n rtoiut:n ot tne 1 r j Altoona Tnhunr- extended. 1 .! Lot manifest Llicaii Primary EIcc- ; ... the Court ll.ui-e in the n:o--et, l'a., on the -v''li day M, the Keptiiilkan voter? of y are requested to assemble H i's in their several election ) If .'. ;., .. of cic.titip two persons to ;ep:ih;i( mis of Somerset Coim 1 ..lveiition to be held in the ,ir-, At-ril H5.1SJ, whofcha'.l .:re-sional leleL'ates to the National I mueh interest in the primaries. Mr. lir k Snyder i having material liaul ed on the ground for a carriage maker's &hi p w hich he w ill creel 0:1 the vacant lot ad- I joining the Kvangclical church, ou Patriot striHt. How appropriately March has ben coin pared to a fiekii-iuinded maiden! Ti.e weather of the lormer iiiidcrjioes as many changes within twenty-four hours as the af fertions of the hitter. Each sin-cex-dins? audience was larger than j Madame Fry Concert Company last night its r ,b-oi wr, unfit, the thin! night, the ' at Oakland Garden a grand success. The house was d rc!;.- packed. Wheeling I W. i artistic merit displayed by every member of j Committee, ' name is announced as a Va; ,'.'.;..'.. I the t'impany rather inclines one to the belief candidate for Ielt-ga;e to the Uepuhliran j that they cannot belong to one family, but State Convention, with power as u conferee 1 ..1- 1 iuiii;, nanroao ompany a.- fn- carefully hclcvtod to make a jier.eet. I in tins Co'igre .vii-ileturs -!i, iiic.'iiven-1 concert: .e are assured however, that the '...m ei.: iiair ::ie.-i-s hu-m-.-s a: the lir .jd! j,,,.;,. , are .'.uighiers of Madame Frv : and jilttd.-lphia. Puns bate: the results jiistil'v one in the belit f that thev areihemost remarkable family before the public- 11-Htnn Advt i titcr. Tickets for sale ut Boyd's Drug Store. Mr. William U. (''.-oih, !.o his . . ! 1... - t- H .1 t .l r I..... x--- L oTitereeP 1:1 the ! lKr l' n 011 urn i ,tn oi iasi .tottmuer. was ublutu be out of the house for the first time last wees. Ills leg N still painful and he walks will) great ditliciilty. JOHN P. St 'TT, oiiuty CI, airman. are busy, he here wait. 1 ow i uigi-r. : .1 '.iiting time. - Patrick's day. . hate a Chinese laundry. St. Patrick's day tva ;'e'iiir;i!ed in Soiner se: inaverv mild wort of way. Large 1. um bers of rai!r.u h-rs c.ime to town, stood roii:i'"i on the corner-, 'n krd. taiWe 1, and went to tln-ir quarters sober in the evening. ii;.;"ht i i r prices tliis will he r.piu! 'f.n -n th I lr. Jlostetter. one of the .beers ,( the! South Pennsylvania I' Company, I sats it is the purpo-e of the company to ; have the load completed and the c ars run ning by the 1-t of January, lssi;, Tiie con tra. Is for grading have ail been let. Strict. S;a:ion, 1 been diann lor enlarging the station, ami even when theso hate been canicd into ef fect it will not be large enough to afcom niodate th" company s business. There are 2.'s passenger trains in and out the ftution daily, and forty more will be put on this summer to at. .luiauiutc the excursion bnslliejs. P.y a miiake in reporting tho Court j ro cecdings o::r rejx.irter named as the prose cutor in the Aj'pel-lohr et id robbery case Mr. vVH'iam Appel, when it should have been Nicholas Ap!h S.:ni of the reporters for pap rs publishid in n igl. boring coun ties, in their comments on the 1 ase have bee a very unjust to Mr. April, who has been a citizen 01'lhis county for a number of vtars, and has always borne an irreproacha ble character- No word can be said against the old gentleman, save that he used to indulge in a dram. Tiik TuiMi- La.'.'. Under Cue act of tS7j to Mippre- vagrancy, it is made the duty ol any eon liable, on view, or notice of any in habitant, to urrot any person found going from doer to h or, or placing ihemsclvt s in the Mrnhi.r highways to 1.' or gather aims : and all persons so oirending who shall Lave no fixed residence ill said town or township. : ha'l be uj prehended and con veyed before a justice. And for failing or : Mii-im; s.., to io. any constable shall he lined S-10 lor e.uh iie-;h.vt tiicrcof. And it is made the duty of any justice be- j fire wln'M s'icii vagrant is brought, 11 con- j Vicle.l ni si( j, ti;.elice, 10 senieuce 10111 10 j labor ut farm, poor house, or Work hou-c: au.l he shall he sen: into the cusio'ly of the warden id'MKh place and be obliged I lahor. if able, not lc-s llian six hours each ; day, the term of sentence not being less ! than do d.n .s nor more than six I'.e nlh-. : p..;.itoes lor Is the sale at Kciier i ticket prop sed :.:ie spring," sa the ,; i -priug is hailine. salmon and Lahra.'.or Her-i Keller A Sanner's. j k of igarsand Tobacco in the j , ! .iiii.l at Keller v Sanner's. j The custom of sending Eater Cards at this sea-on of the year is a cry ph-a-ant way of reuieniberiug friends. The 1 'r-igris this sea son are tcry handsome, and prices ime ii low er than foriiieriy". Among those brought t i Somerset, none Mirpiiss thos- ottered for sale by C. N. Hoyd. Selections are good ta-;e. und jiriees low. A crre-pondeiit of the ' 0'e.'' .vm ciaiios to have dlsciteril a remedy which I orvvcitu the lose bin; from de-U'oVlti the ! Ido-s. ,n.s of .l.e srr.ipe. The deprevlations of this bag on our cinm atcO grapes have 1'ieii mcica-iiig i'-.'in tear to year until there are 1 notv ! .i alii ii s in this c.niiy where il is al j most in, ihietogiow a crop ,,f grapes, issolus assooii a- met . h Anv ex-soldier v. h can L'ct a cci'ill, a'c of d :11s at half price. L'roi 1 . aiuounis to tiie same m lost his discha'-je 1 Large, wli.cii daidi-a'e. by; .11 tniij hung - ! .- ;he best hat in SfK-k. M. M. Tiii:iwi:i 1.. ..h-rrihers who intend tomove Air.', should notify i;s at once . r j n 1 i r will be received at the v : , have looked in on thecroun 1 , pre-ents a very pref.y picture in ,i . countenance is wreathed in . i to ,;.s ni thoc.irh l'edf-ird. like - I . be given the go-by by the K.c'r iad 1: i- said that the . .r the line north of th tow n. : v.l... should r.'idertalte to d o - . t.. the March wea'hi r of this .,! the eo'iseifie fa pirate .'. fary oi ?. tvh rn mu'ed-ivcr. ; hew. .-lid fail. .-. the davs when the weather is : on the con"l' utiou. Man : - d:iv i-wncciiih r cighs. cold-. ,,: .. ,.l-.iin.i";:i'T,i'. book a.'t .-and old bills. s : , ll.ite in stock lii'ge .jii:i:,t:tv :':. very l-w in price. A'o : 'iiamtllotll clover at prices low ;,s Co, K. .V I'.i.i kns. . ' l.ime i 'ompany is r..,w s, l! : Mine at eight cents, delivered on their wot Us. For orders, write 10 M.ison. '.arret t. Pa. . - ,,f the handsome-: "cut" in . we are prepared to print , -iip. rior manner at very low rates. w a tit printing of this kind ex. -, : fail to call at the Hitr.un Job "M received a large lot of a sup. ri- , : 'i.ariiess . il, in boxes, which I . at the old reliable sa in. erj . Juie Why. - i s , f Pennsylvania have organ '.r lenevoUnt institution, which ;,:,!,. f,.r aged Masons. Over one thousand dollars have been en -.wards the support of ;he ttab- i writing toihe Adj'.itant-t.euerai ofthe Army 'at Whington, who will s-nd him blanks itosigu a.ud 1.11 out. Thi- is a pointer to them that th.-y can p't lor litic n cents mat for which p. tisi,,:i agetiis would charge them live dollars. An andienceof ah, the Mine. Fry Cmci odl-l Church iasl ut lour Iri'-d'e 1 ct :t t'oni.:iny at the M tli-ni-h;. A select 'ri- erai'i'oe of selections was very creditably carried out. and received hear'y applause fioin the au.iieii. e. Mine. Fry and h. r dauahters are r.atura: born tnusicians, judg ing from the-r performatice List evenn.g Eogansport .lnd .f.-jT...,-.'. Tickets f. r saie at Jtovd s lrug store. the id. - . a-.iiig tiie 1 1 arc op. 1. 1'lie i'lig seems to be attracted to ' : :i.. i.::.e bv liie sweet odorol 'the blossoms; upon mis hint. Miiiiil t i.ds were 1 t ic ti. ics or treihs about iwo to ..part, and itilo eac a was p.! two cir li.i'ee drops of disi.biliaie of carbon, the disagreea ble oil' r of w l.i. ii is so tr- at 11s to entirely netitraiie the smell ol the grape blossom. The coin, po.iueni states thai .-he obtained ... oe-s ,.u h. r vines wlicn t er the t i::;s were 1 placed and 1. nc "ii otheT patts ol toe same 1 trehis. 'Ve ;cH i e .-v. ry . ' to cut this out. sve it an 1 . . a lair tr'.ii when then ; ; hhOiil. ne ol oar readers Live the leiii. dy ' tie. t: ,.-:iv Town of Ih rliti tv.i scene of a small -ied rin on M-"ii;:iy of last week. A cr.c.vd 1 :' Irishmen from the Ail-gh.-ny Tut, tid came in-., the t.ovu, I'.U-, by Ca;,t .- 1 1:0 w i'h lire w :;.-r. :-.d i:::dc-ock to run as a ;- thing- to s't't them-. Ives. '!'!; c fib iais .if i Jnd i tne boroili;!i to .k w il n 1 1 em, ami i t. r knocking s' ve'ul of ti.e unruly vb: i down and hand. in .- others in a very do. l.le.i toe 1:1 losnn.-r. thee siie.-el -.1 in nellins ttie dl ; 'I ' v Cir'oance. The r-rlin au'lmrities think , ''' ' i'..-f ;ir. ;ii.i. to run t.ietr town ; :.i m.-' , t es. . - Whether th- i'nitc i Sia'.-s are to rcg.oii i i.e.r i-riii.T J . c-;-m.n''Ui rank i'c a commcr fi.11 and naval power on the se.i, is a .jues tcm ,aai 1.0 A..,e: run cm coiit.-n.plate wilh inoitfere-iee. The subi.-ct is discussed who t.imk.d -.'.i.itt. in tne A-..''. A.n-.ioo, .'. '.'. I t Apr.!, by the lion. Nd- : 1'inj h y, who opp.'s. a tne pr..jcci of admiitui f .reij:. b.iil; Mp to Af.ierican register, and ,bh: '"ii. cm, who is wen known 1 e.ib.-is adv... a'c ot thai measure. :e.l. A. .ii: meson, in the same uumberol l... .' .' I eir i 'ivi.i '. 1 .1. P- r. based the exclusive right to ioe Patent lied spring in Som i w !i shortly make a cart ass v to solicit oid.-rs. I think :ii!i,.rto hi.v vet oil. red for -1 s the o'i. -ti HI. "Shal. Prc-e. led," j iii'in.: . lit .,: !...., .If ..-withstanding a!, moral a- : I s il' 1 I -. 1 . : , II I tl lt.o- !'r. Phi in shall gives a sk. i, .1 The com . rt giv. :i at T;ir::.T Ilaii la-t 1 "ivvel of .011- 1 ree l mi evening by the itse. Fry Concert Company j l'.-lii L. -wa d ttilte- of "i hang. was one of rare 1 vpii-ite mu-ica! taste. ,( diioa'.e of North America,' v.:th Mother and'.-rs se-Min-d eotiaily a: 1 reference to the i::c:ea-:i g Ire.pieiicv o home in -oh,, duet, trio, .jii irt. :;. While j as;r, i; tl-m.i- tl ... prof. A. l.ig. ito: tmi. h could be iriithl'n'.ly said, of voices and ; f, -s "A Pita for Mo.'., ru loinguag.-s" in the c.,g the matter ..frn.rst mure. 1 and int. r-: 1. .-h.r t dm at Ion : and Juhaii Hawti.on.t 1'r. . the .1 dis- est was, that each appeared n.l-t res at piano, with thite, coronet or violin.--t;aler.a Hi. ;.! ;:. T:.k. Its f.r sale a: P. .y.t's 1 'ri g Store. 1 Fma! Ct,;:, II eh. mer. .r-c- , .v Literature f.r Children a ,!isci:-s!oii of " lhl.le." i y the b v. 1 !r. V, .ii 1 the Ih v. A. t,. M-.rt: 'i : : 1 -a'coft F.x-Sherid Shater met w ith a very 1 and serious accident w hile 1 rving thf Mr. Norman T.-dr.w persona! pr perty in Mi. fori township, his: Thursday. In re turning from a m. a low where he had Wcti selling 1 attic, be was Licked on the left l.lp bv a vicious hors-. He was brought Lome that evening, and h:i - beet: eoitiin. 1 to Lis bt 1 ever since. It was f, an 1 !" -r -. time that thehip bo-;.- -, as broken, hu' evamina tioti proved that it tta- only 1 .. :ly bruised His l.-g isb. idly swollen, and it wdl be a longtime b. foie he will be able to Use i: again. A SHOOTIM. I All- i- going the rounds j W. i.. Met I erst t t . ! the rlt! I only .1 1 car !::. 1 thelil 1 .-.The foil.. wing .l.-m 1 our exchange? : lb v. w. a Methodi-t minister of Som tinly is reinurkaidy proiiiieiit with aiid it is as,.rf..d that he an r ot licale any feat whit h Carver or ha- a. c .icpiish: d. but . an !'. t W i.loh. W heth.T ti.eV ,i'l a . J . F. Fu tent . !. at .1 r'tiss sh'iTigVs are now be .'; . 10, ,!, and by and by it will ! ':':;'i! fa'her w ill have to o clear ( rimevat lumber t amp to pick :,:o w ith wfcii h to . ar.-s his 1. lto, M tor. Fcr.MKRs ' Watittd 1 delivery : ishelsof Hats, .shei-of Wheat. r.-l- of Maple Sugar. C.H.ji ,V I'.HlilT-. io-s.f manufacturing Prtsideii-hi'.- got s st. ad'iy t.n. The man mil, cut in and wh-t-e t:.. been liieiitione l in that em-:-t f-'t'I as lone-cm" a- K,.b:us,ii) !pl:-li .r not. they Lave nev r :.": i ' . .):,....'' t'n. in is the i'c.iMig v.l...:; r - .1 longtime b. foie he will be able to ie ' t,.., t, t;.r.,w!i into the air t. veth. r 1, i ,: a-i. . 1 eithtr fall- I" the gioiiiid. He eu'-..!.e ..: : ;l,e .-ob'.-t-itl twain a: tile s'l m. lt.w.r- hi.-Sift-KN I'rtr.i.-Mr.. .1...,,, l..he ''i"-' ; r,. 5,", ;.:, pi., throw e.npty shell s-addenly at the b..iie ofMr. ueorgc W crt.or. , .,. , .,..-.!..- globe, f d.. in tid- Ito-ough. s.i-irday after:..-.;-.. M - A,i,or tUiu., ,e.i.-ei, to shoot Fa::- had L-ne to the depot. "'''."pa-' .j,,. ,,.,:,,., !,;,!, thrown :.,r 1 punee: the j., air au.i knock the bo.tom our ,'.- M L' ....... .lu 1 i -i ,v" I 1 ' - I. .-'.. . t. Vl-'t I daughter. tion lhat the train fr hour late, ami that il t:ee'!.!.s at J..-(KW, I iis'ponc tier vi i I.,'a-Iiin; at the North was an wo;ii 1 ti .' make c ! -...1. -he comlud d to and s.artoi to r.-'urti had i:i!v gone a few stej.s igered and would have fallen. Led she no: been supported by :n. Sh. was :ak. n into Mr. Wermr's h Use where after g..s in- .once or twice she died. Fr. Prtibaker pronounced t apoplexy. Mrs. Liue M home. Ti when she . gl ;-s balls t ! r. in a trap. he e :. t it thrown so that evert )in is presented. He shoot hroogh the mouth and knot k it. i M,e that is still more d:f .ot w ith a r",.. a'mg ritlc two ir.ovn in ot,oosi'w directiotis A: the e .tinty fair last fail in invited to L-tve a public f bis-kill. 11- ci.s. ntcd to do cause of herd, a'h as thti da.igiit.-r 1 . Christian F-. r'.rnui. of this tow n, and tin 1. ,V s.,'s Piiosi in n s. We are now i ..ig . I It ake orders for tliese : ,ws at our ware hou Ion. P.augh A Son's per t-'ii. ...ds. and or track 1 wife -f Mr. John l-ahc, one of : townships most re-,"ec'.el tanner-, i about bit v - fit e years of age The shelving ami counters are be simer-ft She tva- s... ,,r..V; 1-1 r. 'inde.'l with ei t;:...t l-oni the , . a--ioii 1 hi':- ; hroivn frc at the hr-i !ire. lie ev nt should no; re sisr it c',iin-c;:ices Uiat w cild '1.' .hg'iity of his calling. On tirsl broke thirty single a a t rap. Lilting every one Tl.i n he tried his hand ut .at S 1". I I P.,;,,., ( ' k ,v Ft I KtTS. t robaidliiies are that there will I"' e a the inauag. u.enl ot the igs the coming summer. No sale ecu made, and even if cue were An b-rsotis W'.uel keep control ot es ii'.;r't:g the Coming season. :. r ig'.e.i .filers for sale a 1 P , s' lb ady Made '! ' t . : ;1 ",' for tin sum t ,-nt: i - :- a tig put up in Parker A Park, r - in w storgr .oin. and I in a !.-v wivks the carpenters will have I.ii ilsheJ their v.'rk, and it w ill be r.ady f..r I iH'c.ipam v. Tin- room will be one ofthe larg.-t and decidedly 'he Laud.- .mest In the cmnty, 1' i- stxtv f. t long and twenty four feet wide, ami w :11 be lighted bv sixteen gas burners. The entire biid.'.Pig will be llgl.ttd by gas. and iieate 1 bt a Keynobls heater. The regi-ters in the storeroom a-e placed iu fr..ut of the counter, about l ight -trn k of f,,-t apart, with a n-volt it. a stool in front of hing toleacli tftliem. The -h w window s are i t f f J. 5 '.' ( ,..,':, mal'v l.'ands.ime. and would Lea. -re.! r twenty five bun Ired dol-i it ... any city st..r. . '1 he French lat. d o..d Lame f.r a eouiitry ,.;;l.s :ir,. twelve fret high and six fee! wide tit'-ecu double balls, and broke every atr. ' if tin -ixty balls he did no; mis-., rt... All this was .'. .nc '.ritii a rille. Fx-"'t. nu t Hott wa a witness ofthe exhibition, trad pr ui'V.yi'-e-l it the 2tt..t remarkable di-piay of marksmanship l.e had ever "t-en. Following : for the term : it rep. ,r: of the ' l'ir-t M.nth. over Si l. .! to sat e . n:i sojd. as the S: . A J Til 1-t F. Money. Ti; goods costoig alone over f-eir h iud.-ed dollars. It re Fooin is to be va-! r. Park, r s .me tifiecn .iollars ; er r particulars call on yt ar to keep them iiun-l. Th. y expect ti : take p,ssesi,-in offtheir hand-cm ettcw iiuar JoMN Sti No! P., t. rs bv tiie Illldd.C CO I fit I .tout U wiifll they will e : la i to have a l th ':enu- c.i.i Johnstown Pa. .nsnran.f eompanie 1 at e r.,rii- ' and sec tin ni. i-.iieif ..f ihe I'i'tsl.urg Fx jsi- j " y. because thcballoon was tiketi , I'v a glance at the timmrl.d statement i f . 1 ding and wa-l.ed with benzine. ' Somerset It. trough. 'jblishisl eNewhere ill v bus be. i "iitsl for damages 1 this isue it will be sei il tiiat during the .s Laving relict s on exhibition, pa-t year the all'airs uf the It..rt.ti.'!i were .'tfii'.Iv inform my friends ,,f , "'.' i""""'"-J '" " nation oi (tie IwM.ks new ttiat ounug me pas; vtar intre were t'g arresi.s mini' .or ti- v that I have opened a n. tv : j Mtiin S'r.s-t. J.-hn-town, i ula'.ioiis of oruinane-. There Ml: I m. r. r. j Wiioh No. in a'tt-ndaut e P'- ' j Avra.e attendance 1" 7 17 1 P.-rcet.t of .itt.''l'r tsl .'" -s 1 Second Month. ' Whole No. in .r'en, lance Id M go ; Ave.-.uw att.-n Lin. e 2 s .0 t Percent of anemhifiee s. j ( 'lbir.l Month. Wiiole No. in attei. dance ........ 17 1" 27 Average a'tcmiunev II 7 Is P. r cent of attendant e... 7t t! 70 Fourth Month. Wlioii No. in attendance .... 17 U If A vera.-.' a'ttiij cm e . Ig s go Per cent of attendance ej hJ S2 Fifth Month. Whole No. in attendance lo M 2o A i t rage att. "eiam e 11 IS Per t t nl . ! ntleii iance . -0 77 7t The following named pupils at'eiidvd every .!mv durinp the f,rst month : Forest Trt xel, John Hvfiuian, .1. hit E. Cover and p.. r.ha M. Tre.vW. S'volld M otoli. The Postmabter (Jeneral orders that nr hus'iR'ss cards, handbills, or advertisement of any kind can he placed on the walls of the postoffee. The reason piven for the ruling is that the practice is "apt to excite a feeling that the jiostmaster favors particular per sons.'' lr. KIhmi Tourgee, Plrector of the New England Conservatory, lioston, writes : "Madame Fry and her daughters have unu sual! musical talent, and I cheerfully com mend them to the public." T.iftnn Time. A very large end varied stock ol Sundey NOTICE. JJRIDGESALKS. Tie- V,nimi-si,,ii. rs ol Somerset Cni.nty will of- NOTICE Is herebr iclvrn that aM.liratl. ' " l'''1 ""' "e 10 " willt mule vj the Ot.vrrii-.r t.l Penosvivania at i ,'jW',t af" ,ie'1 'M't, on the HiwutivdOtfieetntheCltTof H.trrl.-burir on ., , -,. , , thI:h.Uyof April, A. I).,lsM at K. orb . k .. J tOAEifMr. ff Ji. 1S-4. 'rV',?.1,'?.''.' ''.'f'.!"'""1"- THl; NKW'iat '.'..'ctc lf p. ., Iliercp.l.inir efthe old ii .hat it is but fair to the Republican vo- j AND it, ;KK COM PAN vj Ihe p.f M SS. .? iXhirritk. fprsi.f'his eountv that thev should know 1 0,l",ri"i"n ' fur 'earryiruf on Meelmnie.l, Min- siu r,i i;..untv, p.. where the publlo blichwaT tersot ilns coui rt met miou. kuow , t-uarryln. M.nBicturln aa.l feili.m f.l, ,rJ,!ir!, , .uentlale toSull.Harv erases where their candidates tor IHlegtiles stand Ineclny. In.n Ore, Iron, Ho. rel other -Mio- tream At th- same time and lilaee they wtU . .o .1,1.1. s-ill 1... ,i:m,,i ,' cral urn.tanca, aoil the tmsinr-s c.iver.l t'V an.l aii oi old brl 'ifc on the tpicstions w Inch w ill be directly or , lnelIeit , ,h)1 provi.ion. of Clause 111 l.tcen. i indirectlv submitted to them, I hereby an- itSeetiun Tw,ol the Act f Asstiaitily ol : of j ALSO , . - i r - , . Ai.rii is.. BR.i ne, nun mat ine,, n-Tir-r,..!,.,. ,., ,. . .... e that my first choice for President is heiurM u, vnMJim it , tmnsaete.1 in 1 '". TItT nIA -CH .3,1-, at 12 ., tl.. ,al Hislrict to vote f-.r Del e'-ates to the National Convention Ileliev-j nounee tuai my ursi imm c ior i n-srieui j.s ,ueiMsi u( ,a CtinwraiLja la to be lransactel in James G. lilaine, and if elected I will vote ' th Cout-ttn ofCarobrta anJ Somerset, In the ww. . muF..BuiB,Bau mil miu iwi.,nLioii Is to exist perpetually HI-K8CKIBIC11S IOR CHASTER. .Toils C. Short - - New York Cltv. Siat'ii HossKLL, Ja. - KlUalteth, N. 3. (tun Stckdkvasit, - l'billelpbla. Pa. O-l. I. It. MoSSKLL, . " W'M. Ul'LAClKB, - L'lll l KUTH i KVPPEL, in Histrii t Conference for a I'clegste to the National Convention favorable to James 0. Blaine, and iu State Convention for Iele-gates-at-Lart;e with like views. With the understanding that should James G. Pdaine relume tormit bis name to go before the Sillkiu VorTueam, terCh.ner. National convention as a canuiuaie, mat the Delegates be authorized to vote for cuch other candidate as will best harmonize all elements in the party, aud secure us certain victory In November. Somerset, March 17. Jons J. SrAM.LEB. Announcements. School Tickets, cards and cdrouios, and! Store. Scriptural Wall Texis for Sunday Schools, at Fisher's liook Store. Iteautiful Finhday Cards at Fisher's P.ook IEx.piisito ami lovely Faster Cards, lurgo display and cheap, at Fisher's Book Store. The county of Washington, Pa., grants iwi " " MAKKIKO. BllANT SFJBiair Ou 2Sth of Febru ary, at the home of the bride, by Kev. J. II. 7.inn, Mr. George Brant to Mrs. Julian Sei hert, both of New CeutreviUe, Somerset Co., Pa. licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquors. There is: no special legislation restraining; the sale, but the Judges decided that there is no necessity for them. Hon. 0 forge S. Hart is the President Judge of Washington c. tunty. A- Answer Wa nthd. Can any one briiiar us a ease of Kidney or FiverConiplaint that Fiectrie Bitters will not speedilv cure? We say they can not. as thousands of cases al ready permanently cured and who are daily recommending Kleetric: Bitters, will prove. Ilrights Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back or any urinary complaint quickly cured. They pu rify the blood, regulate the bowels, and act directly on the disea-ed pa-t. F.very bottle iiaraiue."!. For sale ut 5) cents a Lottie by C- N. Bovd. IHKI. STEKX. In Jcnner townihip, on Friday, February 2J, lssl, William Klmer Slern, aeJ two months. WEN DEI.. On March 1. 14, at his res idence near FricU-iis, Mr. I-aac Weadel ageAl 7o years o months aud PJ days. FKFASF. On the tith inst., in New Centrevilit , Somerset Co., Pa., Mrs. Hannah Froa-v, agcs.1 sti years, 2 months and ti .lavs. Epikob IIeuald : Yon are hcrel.y antherif..l to announce the JAMES M. COVEK, ESt., Of Jenner Township. Ml. THF.OKORE K. LIVENUOOD, Of Salisbory Borouith. A ei.R.ll.lfttes fir Dcleiriites to the Kriiubllean State imventlon, to he held al flarriftbnrar April l. ISM, subject toihe t.eeislunol the Ke,ul.llcan voters ut their Primary Elcetioa to he DelU Aprtl 5, lst- JOHN R. SCOTT, Chairman County Committee, Editor Herald : Pleate announce the names of Charles J. Har rison and John J. St'anKter. bih o( Somerset Koroutth, as eandl.lales to act as ue legates lollie Suite Convention. JOHN R, SCOTT, County Chairman. vears, 11 months and lit days. I It is with feelings of unusual sadness that i we record this death. He was voung, a HOFFMAN. In Jenner township, on lw , .... it II .r. I The vcrsalitv of it, ii,emb,:rs i- verv strik- ' 1 " ""'a". aK ii g, considering the .iivcrsity ot acc.imj.'.ish mentsthey undertake and carry to such a iii'-h dezree of nerfivtion. Madame FrT Plat s the violincello, is a cornet soloist, and tumily of Utile ones about him, an earnest has a remarkable inizzo-sopraiia voice. Mis' ll ii-t nie plays violin and alto born, and has a high aria voice of wide ranee and gnat tleiihiiity. Miss I.uiu plaj's tlute, piccolo, viola, and tuba, and sings charmingly, with a full and rich contralto voice. Miss Alta FOR SALE. TWO THOROUCKBRED SHORT HORN BULLS. PRINCE ALBERT, 2 YEARS OLD ST. CLAIR, - YEARLING. BOTH nS23 SOCE A17I1LA.LS. PRICE LOW. p'iavs violin solos and tenor horn : she has a superior .j.rano Voice, which promises mui.h for the future. lirlvn I't.ft. Tickets for ;a'c at Boyd's Drug A l.t VKlt's Ol'IMoN Ol lTi:r.l sfT.) til.. j. A. Tatwiey, Esq , a leading attorney of Witiona. Minn., tvritts : "After using it for more than three years, take great pleasure in stating that I regard Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, :c the best remedy in the world for Coughs and Colds. It has never failed to cure tiie Inos? s, vere (olds I have had. a:id invariably relixvcs the pain in the chest." I'rial P.ot! Ics of this sure rii re ('..rail Throat and bung Diseases may be had Free at C. N. Boyd's Drug Store. Large si.v, 1.110. devoted niemher ofthe Lulheran church. I a linn friend ol the nastor, a good neighbor, a loving father, a devoted husband, a natu ral, successful teat her, a Sunday School worker almost indispensable to the school at Hoffman's,, but, greatly mitigating our sorrow, a good Christian gone overthe river into the " beautiful beyond.'' The follow, ing were the words of his lips and his heart, when near his end . '.My Jesus, as thou wilt! Ail shall he well forme. Each changing future scene, I gladly trust with thee; Thus to my home above I travel calmly on. And sing, iu life or death, My Lord. Thy will bed. me I" A large church, fi iuarrj..t. Di:.y V V.7.''7777.s, 1,1,,1'MHl. Pa. Nol'K Tins- If readers have that thev tl.. galesmen Wanted On Salary. RELIAHLE MEMiavtnir go"! natural atlllilcs and pluck, to dell Nl'lusr-ltY STUCK. Such men aiu sure to tuoree.1 and earn LimatAL sala ries from the atart. -situations i'hi:mae.t. Write l.r tcrmt: CLEM BROS. Nurserymen, mari&st I., k It 1:-. 1 Mi, N'. V A UDITOK.S NOTICK. Lsuieol Ahr. O. Walker, dee',1. late ef MiltMrd Twti.,S..tii,et C,... Pii. Having heen ai.iK.iiited i.y the Orphans' Court ofSon.erdet ouuty to .li.-tril.ute tho lu.nt in the handa ol Silas A Walkeran.i (tiliUn A. Walker. Adiuli antral .rs of Ahr. ii. Vt nlker. Ute uf Millord Twp.. dereaaed. to and urn. -tut h.e leitallv en titled thereto, notice is herel.v nlven that) will 1 with oeot-le on a i attend to the dulU' ol luv iinpuintiuent ut niv of. 1 1 , ... L- . .... . Tl I . -II ... it. , ,1.11 1- .1 ii'"c iu r-'.uiers." , ii . ...i . itur.inn. j:ni i". I ratny day, was a marked tribute ot respect , wllon and n ,,erfons interested mayat at his funeral. F. ! tend. VV. H. Kt PFtL, . i In.irl2. Auditor. 1 umui.MMKf. DMIXteTKATOi:.-? NOTICE .-et t .'UnTy, rts,. -At an c'n.han' Curt hetd st Soinrr- ' Lotai - 1 net in and l..r ajid i ouuty on th-- gsth .tay j , ,t, y. Iss4 helur. the Hutiorahle . l' riet t '..urtr. At an Crt.h.m' Curt held st Soiner-' Estate ot Ifaae tV.n.ii'l. dec'.!, late ..!' Somer-'et Townshiii, s.i!isr.-et t un:.'. I i. SK.l. ',,-1' V. 1SS4 l.elure Tlie Hull, .ral.le . rtiuiliiirii.i::.,n oil I in- ,..... ni.itc i l t...i..u. Ii. t,u ma,. ..1 i.m ... . hfir.Ttir li't. wrii.tR.i to 1 1. e lit). lersluTi.s.1 t,v The a:e receipts for liniment, family n.edi- t..,,),,.. :asel, er. deceased, on motion of i proir aiuiiority, noti.e is lierel.t iiicen 10 all II. L. P.aer. r.-'l . the Cot rt app.. Hit J u Kin.- irs.i.s initii'.i 10 smi c-i.ue iiukb luime i ...1. .... ,i.!r,i,ui. iu, .iim.i. iii 11,. ut r.nviiii'Bt- iin.l those havlnir .-laiing aifalnl the ive c"tiipo'.iii,le.i. tl.ey will do W1I to .hxecuter t .u.l.amoJi ih legally eutltled ' same tl present them nuly 1111' heinieated lor r .'I At'iio ! lie retu rer curiam. eui-mem "ii r.a.ii'.M . ,io i-oi, .-ic. 1, t .'lain 1 A. a. MTTZ.MAS. ! the late resideuee cl tliedec I. ! ci.rk ! S. M Wl.MiKL, ' .! SJll'KL H.U,li'IX. A.tuiiiiisirator. consult Camp'tel!. the lb- street Johnstown. His sn.clv of drills, dye stutl's. etc.. is not only fresh but pure, and his priet- reasonable. His aim is to plAi-e his customers, and he knows lhat the wa to d this is by seiii:',:: s:rietly pure go. ids at :e:-.- usable figure-. D.-fi't forsft the natiitt in.l ti i'iiber. L'ol Ma n St.. John-town. The c.iticert las: evening by tho Mme. Fry Concert Company wa- an unu-uaily fine entertainment. This t uiiif iiv came h:s:hlf To the and Lt ftul Brpresentatlves of Kit- j ther Cuf. l'eer. dtees. scl : la pursuance el the ; loreKoiiiit s.muii?lon, 1 will attend at my ctt:e ' in S,, me. set Jl--,r.,uiti m Thursday, the loth day t ..f April, lss4, loperlorni tlie duties therein en j " juiiied. J. O.KIM MKU u.arl.'. Audit'ir- inarlg. 7Xi-:cinoi:s notice E TOTICK. The under-litned has made ari'Ilratlon to the s-eeretiirt of iniemal Affairs for six acres of un- , , , . . . 1 1 . . r .1 1 iini.rovr.i 1.111,1 -ituate in t t.per 1 urae. io.i i own reconiniende l. but Hot too h:g.i;t : for I ,,',,, somerset County. p. adjulnin": lan.H of reaii. a'.i .'i lar evceede.i e"; , i jotm . t rauier, on ine ..iiu, iirurj oiai... i',o l hou-e greeted tle oi, atid if they could remain to-night the hall would be too smull f.r the audience. (irand Traverse i Mich ) "td. Tickets for sale at B'.vd's Drug Sin e the late tornado in Minnesota which ground houses into kindling wood and blew people from one township to an other, afforts are being made to make life more serene as well as secure. Tornado in has been es'abli-hed and cyclone cellars are being built. The latter is con stru'ted on the west side ofthe house, and" Consists ofastrongly arched subterranean room connecting with the cellar under the h'iise. and having traps f.r proper ventilation. Danl Baer, todup. . Ky worK Kyexin-llture.... Hy salary Iiv cash Toial Wm Ifrown. todup. 8ii7 11 HI. dup. 13 v si ir lers b lit preciative nudieiice : and should they return salary..!.".'.".'.!".".'." their audience would lie doubled. The pen- i Kipen.liturts..... ,. , , ! I.rrer stuteni t of XJ p'e, on every hand, are asking to have them i w..ri return. London tO.I lUterjiritr. Tickets : ' The Madame Fry Convert Company play . 1 ! re in the tabernacle to a large and ap- Ptnlio H.iv and on the tast and Siouih. and'Henjauilu Mnvderon the West. uiarW. AAKO.N Ji. CliAAIEK. Annual Statement OK THE SUPERVISORS OF Somerset Township FOR THE YEAR ENDING MARCH IO, I8&4. DR. CR. ill M 66i M 4 :.r. bs 00 1 v 1I 01 Estate of A. Urn Ycler, inte of Summit l'.n.-hlp, Somerset county. Ia., dec .1. IjettT testamentary onthe iMveesiate having tieen grante.1 to the linoer? iictied f.y the proper autle nty, notire Is herehy ictventoall rm,ns In-del.rt-d to said estate to'tuake luitne.iiute pay mrnt, and t hose having cla.iu? avntn-t the ame will pre-ent them duly authenticated tor settle ment on the 'iii day ol Marn . Iss4. at the b"Ue ofthe Eireut'.r ina,J town-ion. EL.1AS A. Vt'I'EK. janaUsM. Executor. for sale t Bovd's Dr Store. Court i duplicate House, Saturdap evening. March -Jd. 1'lioI'i.KTV JollStLi:. dfirahle property in Bv work hxorier.itions ....... ""' 1 Salary I have for salea rt-rv : v, 1 .1 H Countrymniiup oinerset, eotisisiingi ttork. f a brick house, a good stable, outbuilding, j ti,1 and nearly a half square of grontui, wi:l fine fruit trees, etc. Terns low. easy. Johx h. rfiL. ( irler. aymntsj,.Jh ; st KO 0 W IA) 6) :0 3S 11 M ."!4 10 r U 6 12 u: u ; . gs St' I Si 64ti'S( 31 Vi 1'J 71 3 U 3D 17 71 70 tii '.'J 15 .'sit 10 Financial Statement OF Somerset Borough I or the Year Ending .Ma roll , ISHi. KKCKIPTS. W. H. Piatt. Collector $ 0 00 w. 11. Weilley, 'J7 Wtn.fJlllwrt, S;i 75 (tllian Lint, " 171 11 I.. M. Hifks. " l.I't: 6 Taxes .ald In on Irvin duplicate 11 77 K..n.UKh Scales gT'l 41 Kines and Licenses lis 1 Sale of Lutnlr.Jie l.s -M 2 '.'21 So KXPEXDITl'KKS. Am'l pd. psllec X lnptnp liirhtor t-i 2 lor streets and r,ials v44 s;; material Ac mearchan- tlie . . 4:t "S ' misi.ellane.iis, ineiu l- Ireiicht. pr n'in. &e. . 237 6i J 41 salary ef liuricesfl, elk. an I aU'li'-ori 11a Co " paid on old orders ls '.5 2.26 ' LIABILITIKS OK THE HOR. tftill. ' I: Bowman, Treas'r It is useless for the newspapers to talk ; c,.t. pi In Court... about Winter I interim: anl chilling the lap ' x"c!k'"' k'c"! of Spiin AVinter will abide with us until ! lt.iiame in treasury., the sun crosses the line 11:1 the I'lst. There ! n-Jtii 17 312 1 I Total am't issuel durltnj y.-ir. .t- 179 .) A in I. ol unpaid orders al last settlement ,-7a 91 fW 95 ""'I00 n'ls ',-en P-ii'l Present liHliilltles t.uil'linit 01 cine n-w abutment for a c:rnhlnatUia Hridice over Coses' Creek, near Minor! Suction, Millord Tow nsfiip, bounty aforesaid. Platisan.l f pe-iacations can he seen at the Commissioners' Oiflce, alter ihe -7th ol February. ALSO Sealed proposals for Ihe superstructure of a Combination llridice over Casselman Kiver. near the house of Jonas Llehty, as alrove described, will lie received at the Commissioners' office up to 10 D'ehaik A. M , KKIIIAY. MAKC11 14. Iss4, said nurs:ructure to be placed on abutuieulsl'Ji teet apart. ALSO For a reruMnation Superstructure of Bridice over Coxes' Creek, near .Millord Station, as a:ire described, to be placed on abutments 60 feet apiid. Proposals received up to tho same time as ntiove. The roadways ot both bridges will be 12 Teet. AT AM S. SHAFFER, .IWSEPH IKiKXKK, Attest: H. W. UKIH&KKK, It J. II on sea. Clerk. Coiuuiicsionen. leb'JJ. Foi- Sale OB RENT. TWO FJ11ST-CLASS HOTELS U SOMERSET. F03 FURTHER INFORMATION IN QUIRE OF Josiah Brant, Clade House. E. A. Taytnan Somerset House. nurMi SPRENG BULLETIN. We are now Prepared to Show our Carefully Selected STOCK OF CAE PETS RUGS. OIL CLOTHS. LACE CURTAINS. Sespectfally Solicit tio Patron cf tho PaWic Car Carpet S:::k :dudes Velvets, JJjqusttJS, Bcd7 Erocsels. Tapcrjy Snissols, Three- Isdndes Velvets. ?iy all W03I, Persian laaask, Isgras, veneuaa, Chain, i,ars ana ten:ps, ana wa in;r.ic .sale OF Vahabk Real Estate! Jy Iri ue ( nu orler of ale i??ue l oat t the ( r(.han" 'urt i SumT,et unty. Fa., to th uniler?inet iin tel, there will te exiKi"eU to eaic l-y iutlio outcry un tlie prcu.l-cs on TJICJiSDAV, MARCll 27, lv!, at 1 o'cl'K'k P. mm the tulUnriuif ileJcrlbeil real s tntr, Hitujitc In istnvr Turkeytiit tuwnsliip. Suii;er.-1t O-uoty, i'a., late tlie projKTty ut Sarah A. lir.iceiitieM. Oowa.etl, ronluiiiinit 4. arrt'S nnr ir It-.", t whifii lit atrn are cleared, the reiiialii'i. r well timterel, haviut lhere.n ert.-cte.l a two-Fifiry log DWELLING HOUSE, Stable, an-! other ( hitliuiMlnK a-ijolninx lanIs f J. . Tanavhill. I'uhle Ji i 'o.. Freeman Nic ia, Ari'ler n Unu, unl other?. One li iir cah en confirmation f hhIc anl de livery nttleit. nI the oi her hall In one rear from lay of Mile v. ii limit imere?'t. to he !n-urel lv tutliftneiit Nirii n the prtrnle.-, ten ier cent of the iur hH.Mj mon-y to I paid aa Joun ai proiHT ty is kiux-kt-.i ilowu. J. W. Ill ItKHnlJjKH. liiari. AIinr. ol Sarah A. Unentield, deed. "rAi.CAiu.i: FAiiM AT PEIVATE SALE. Guarantee our Prices to lie the Lowest. We Measure Rooms, Halls, Etc., and Match, Sew, and put Carpets Down with as little delay as possible. Iiuijs in Newest designs, STAIR RODS, STAIR PADS and STAIR BUTTONS AT LOWEST PEICES. Our line of Lace Curtains is Large and comprises a great variety of patterns, and at all prices, from 75 cents per pair up. Greis, Foster & Ouixm, JOHN8TO WJNT, PV. R. B. SCHELL. PAl'L A. SCH ELL. R. B. SCHELL & CO., MANTJFACTT7BEKS OF m COPPER AD SHEET-IRON ME fl'h upileniuneil oflem for nale the KKIJ 1 KA KM, on utid one-ha!t miles west o' tov- t'-wn lej oliho itatto. au'H'hto Hailntad, "on in? iii"M ann i rretiuurif iiirDpiite, ontamiiiic ine hunoreii uri'l one acres. icire or le-. alM.ut T' acre cleared. 1'taerea in meadow, and tahinee in timl't r. This i.- a m ft desirable lcailoa lor I'.'inrttiil hom. A jfOijd DWELLING HOUSE, an. I L"K Stjl.l.' n thp .rn:lfr . ;no.) Stx k nn.1 (irnln larHi: clo.e tn S.-fi.M.I. 'hur'he nnd .'MiiU, ar. 1 all' ..nveuieii.-s. F..f hsI'-d wull le iin.' .p I'.rly, close t. town, will t..r parti, ulara 11 in WM. H. VII.LKI!: let. I.iirm..r :f Jacob J. Millyr, .l;'d. D.K janSu-'jt' Farm For Sale. :o :- Th unlersiune.l oflrs for me Lis tann vt 12 nrren ut lan l. J nrrc olc:iro.f. lvirm one mile Northeast ot Stanton' Mills, witu 1 mnl 1 wn Siory flank llitrlllUK Hout wttb eliibt room ami kitchen, and cellar, with water in cel lar, t.n.1 a Bank I urn 4u-o fe. t. with m Urio' fruit or.'harJ ot apple and cherry tree?. 1 r-K.u iwenry-two lmn.lrr.l rtullars anke.1 1 ir 11 in La D.I and a. vtar without interest. H,l.ji'a.,n niven on the 1 of April. 14. I'"T lurther intormation call on or ailvrr mari-3t, LEVI GKlfrlT-J. -IGNKES NOTICE. i:itl TO 2.1 'Js 17 tJZ 01 RKSOVRCES CF THE I'.OKi UGH. 5-- i 4 '11 1 So 27'. W SVi I W. H. I'Utt, Collector iVJ SO 1 Vim. i '.Inert, " e: ih I L. .M. Hicks, " 574 1 Am t due u sale oi luu!.er 4100 tan Ix-un Ppri:i vrorth (ln.litnr on ii:t the vtTtial t",j!iiii..ix. This information is extracted uir.ftly from the latent patent uiciitine ainianac. Meat Market. Main Street. We have nr aMH a larjro Rffris-vrator to onr Meat Market in which a!i meals can he kej.t coo1 in.i clean. Mutton. I!e f. I'nrk, Ac, kept 1K. L.M. HICKS. COLLECTOR. 94. 61 We. the un-lr?!ine.l Aa.lit..r! have au.Ute.l the Whole am..ant of .lupll;' .t. .. an.l Dnd it a. cjrrect statement. OKMKOK O LICHTV, A. S. M1I.LKH C II. S. imt c kee. I . S, U'hLLLR, marlu. Twp. Clerk. Auditors. Assig nee?s Sale. CI;. I'.v ex. '!) rations an 1 com By an.t paid in treasury " lfaUcce uncollcoied ii2ra 0:1 y2 is 1103 ."Hi 67 30 WXi (K) WM. GILBERT, Collector (Irvin duplicate.) 1)R. Pahin.-e due on duplicate. $14'. 74 ( K. A int. pal. I In -5 7". 1 Balance uncollected 63 ' 14 73 I WX. H. PI. A TP CIlT.I.WTOR 1 Y virtue of an order of sale Issued out of the ..nMnntiv on hand. Open dailr. Tarties a Court of Common Pleas ..f Sum rset . ounty " ' " la M""n 1 . ' i PemMVfiiia. to th nndernned Ansiunee .i-1 -K.. Anil, paid in ) 00 otiy.n meat can Lave it kept in the Keing- ; reeled, there will leexpo:ed toale by pnt.licout- j Balance nncoliecte-l li o era!nrntil wanted. . cry. un il. preui t. Veiave. a'so. V1.' new hrirk for sale, whirh we wiil wli Iv the liundred or thous- 11 at a 1"W price. so Saturday, April 12, 1834:; IIchs Patib A Co. i at 10 o'clock in the forenoon the following de-crit.-. ed real estate, formerly the pn.pert ol .ieorire J. l j BUck the r. namely : ! No. 1. Heinit the H jrneflea.1 of sail Oeor;i J. Ti f'.e nj-ithUfiiiif of S'ltneryet (nnutti : I Black, owming ol two loia of round situate tn .... T j . , , ' ihe B..rouzti ol Neyer.lale, Semeret County. Havui,; -a as a candi!ate Penncylv.ui. km.wn at lot. lu and lw on f.,r P.'lesafe ! tli State Convent!. in, I deem 'h plannl the tiliniter Addition to .ro-iKh ' . i . -c i . i t ii fltuate on the Smthwen orner olCenlre aud it proper t.i i-tale. that if elected, I pleile Broa.1 Streets, each lo livntinK 0 te -tenCeatre niv-elf to rote for sti. !i men as Ilclevates to :reet. and evendln hick lij leet, and on which , . , ... . ,; I erected a lance, two-itory lrame the National I.epi:llnan .onventnii at 1 f'bieau.t. as will support Jame? fi. Blaine j DWELLING HOUSE, for the Pre-d.lential candidate. j .... , , ; who uaeemvui ai iciira aim uining-room ; Baiu , tiou'e contain, eteven Urare roomf. There are alM ! derectcn ?aid premise a fta'de and other nece ' cary outl.uil.linKS, and on the premises ii a well of ! excellent, neTer-tallini; water, and young trait ; tree?, uraoeTtne etc. I No. 2. To certain lot l of (round ailuate In the I Borcnzh, Count, and State aforesaid, known aa ; lot!. No 6 and 67 on the plan ol the Olirwer Ad : dltion to raid liorouh. tituate on the corner ef Broadway and Sixth Itreets, and bar. Da; thereon Threa thoiisand bo!t all the latest styles j erecleu We, the understirne t Aa.iitora f Somerset Bor hrrehr certify that we have examined and aa.litcl the account. and Touch ier' of the loregoinst .tatement, and hare found them correct. Witne.-Mour handiand seal!.. M. J. PKITTS. SELl W. M. IKM'H.STLTLER, tsr.aL J. N. SN YIitK. KE.M.) nisrl'J. Atditoks. John Shaffer k. Eve his wife ) In the I'onrt of 'lo Common IMeais .if Samuel Fox. Somert Co., Pa. No :;77 January Term, l-7'. And now. Februarys. IsM. peiiti. nofAwiirnee and Afrdirnor hlel. praylni tor the recovery of l no property aiKnri, wiiereup..u tne court or der ami ii. rect notice oi its nil' k to De irlven In two newspapers published in Somerset, Pa., for three weeks, and that the prayer ofthe petition ers will be heard and rrpnted on the l'.eh of May, l"v4, unless cau?e be shown to the contrary. S. C.TKt.NT, marli-3t. Prothonotary Li VISTXD DEALERS 1 1ST Stoves, Ranges and House Furnihing Goods, 3Iiin Cross St., O.ipnitc Cok & Uecrits' Stoic. 0 $mf f.J t .--J: GOQK STOVES AND RANGES ! Weans agents for the Excelsior" r ik Storef and K init'S. the New Kearulator Cwk Sto.-s, Catwll.. aud A!.llo Banifcs. We al.-o sell the hoval and other O-ok St..TJ. All stores ani rinn'S Id with aiuir.mree. A'.f-j reaiir for the ai.v stoves and ;..r the New lr.nslde and .i oth' in u.-w. STOYE HOLLOW-WARE! Pots. K. ttles. Skillet.", Orld.Uea. Tea Keitln, C.s kir.ij Cten-iis and all .Pla.n, or ucd and Enaaiele l. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS! We kee-i full s'ock of C'.ttee-.ts Huck", Basins. Sad Iron. H . Mi!i, i r pain, Wali-tw!tri!. Imst pans and Brush.- c. VS'emike Suz..r bucket, and SUGAR PANS We Keep Nails, Glass, Puty, Coal Oil, Terra Cotta Pipe, Clothes Wringers. Call and Sec Stock Before linijimj Elsewhere. JOHN J.r-CHEIX, AL'tnt and Attorney-in-Fact. EST A 13 IJ S H F.l 1 o FTSIIER'S BOOK STORE SOMEESET. YA.. Chas H Flshr Wholesale and Ketail I'ealer and .Toi.ber In School F.mKs. Scho.1 Supp les nd StatMterV. Alwav in t.-k a well selected stock ..I Poe'i al Wo-ks. Histories. Uionrapln. Kouki f Trav-i and A.lVeniare. N-vels and MaLdard Proe Works Bibles. Testumenta ro.-l Hvmna Lutheran nd Msclples Hvmn Books. Iiictionaries and Ch Llr-n's T'.y B.oks, aiairaunea. heviewi Norels Iiady Pape, f. and tleneral Pern.iical Laternu.e. Sheet Music and Irtxiin Instructor". Sun day school and Day school K. ward Cr.:s. A Iiriie and Complete Stwk of blank Books. Leg Blanks and Marriatre Certin. ates. Pine Aloums. imrses aud Bot Papers. SCH OL TEACHEKS' HEADQUARTERS! 3jVrA.II-, ORDERS SOLICITED. EXECUTRIX' EALE OF i IfaMctMS nl Eealers, j I Wholesalers and Retailers.; T..R. MAI ka;n off AT JOHNSTOWN, PENH. Rear 2C6 Jlain Street. J. V VE.KI.ANI). :nmni'IiOllan.l a.r-1 Somerset, Pa., Op. S iC. R. R. STATION- VamaDlB RealEstate i Lumber -ANU- T A""??' A T 1 Charlie J. Harriot. A ;REAT IlEDI'irTIOX In W'aW Taper at IleCley's. S ents a bolt usually s.M at 10 cents, l.'j " " " " ' " " " 1.1 " 2i ' " ' " " " 2i " ainl pattern!? to scleet from. General Grant, on crntclies. is l.obblini: armml tlie frra.'s-S"-'-" rarajiets of Fortress Mitiroe, r,.r.-.-t T rev.-!. Allien Treiel. J. K. Civer TIIK UWTEK'S INVOCATION I?. M.Trex.-;. K;..rei;.e J. C.v.rr.n.l Kflle SsPniVG. 1 !i-l le.-t .f Like t. W er. i ti.r.i'i. t . T 1. .ii.-.v.-.! t..M'e tliell ...M.ts .f Pure l.nlL-.'l.en.;.aN. I cement .ut down by tlie ntuli.-ri- J V.. 1 ;..!., live suit', IVrfumerv ;: lurinS tlm fame tn.J. an.l C1M of. . .i !, urj.i i'tjft-et of Mono c rossin were , ,11 fc 1 . !.- A. !l-r'Vf'l h'ltlH'ttliat, 8 i' Ml .un, I rir;nu i l a tmvn i, a Ltriitrf Bf"V 1)111 III : wliieh ine.f tl. lt in ti.e state, wa. l.i.nati ii..i..!iai!. j. , isiyer. -onn H'Jii-j The oi.?s of tbfi5e sai.l birds arouse built. Ti.e Mreeis iat huu:!iier prewenTel a inari. rure-i irex.i. jv.k n i reiei. Dannie The memory of our voutbful hours. TO ti in need i.f anj tiling in : " i.ic ui.d m- ii. e .r write f.r Aii ii .ji'.irle!. l:e.-rft;I! v anwerel. i.ftbc towa w.rei:ii-j 11. . C.v. r. J.iiti iiurul'fT of additional . M. Cover. and a 1'K.k-tit.. I Kourtli I Whereas, on certain b.ughs and sprays H .; and .M.i.r-ie! -sow divers birds are heard to sin?, , And tundry Cowers their heads upraise, Muiitlj. ' Hail to tlie coming on of Spring ! i ('has. l.KiKrnn 2;ii Main Srreet. As prwn as thos said sprays and boughs, As froh and sweet as those said (lowers. dej-ervp preat credit for the ir t. rest have taken in iniiovJuK the ti.iarii( d i 1-cr iny p. ' 6m we j.a-x u ine winter n. neat and c'.-an rn.jxarance, That was verv j C Harnett. M . M. Cover und E.J. Ci.vt-r. I gratjlyir.g toail ourcit;ns. Barrel 'l-1 Fifth Month, i. i .1.. .i ..r T. ,n n Cm in ! i II. AV. I '..ver. John ilofTiuaa. A. A. Trent . ... .1 II BI..J . il." Ill.-Iii.H II .' ... ' " I ' ' . . , - i 1 . thev F. J. ( over, 15. M. Trox. I and M. M. ( over. I i i iOV, midtneatoresaKl noupns, inslmnes Kerv J '.e(.-Unt:.v t .,. -ether. I thank the ci,i. ; 'o.u nesis ; meuiseivee, u.eir very im-ch fr their .kind co-t .ration J Adiuinistrators ana assigns. (itiriiiff the t.-riii. and I fa ope tiie patrons ! O busiest term of Cupid's court. iil know a little jnore what edm atiun .s ! Where tender plaintiffs actions bring, for, atid will send their (.liildreu a little more' eaon of fruUc and of sport, nt;uiuriy next wintvr. j Hail, as aforesaid. gentle Spring! C. L. FoEXEV, Teacher. ! II. P. U. lirownell. r At.M. a Salvk. Ti e l-?! M.r'.l (. rCt::, ItrtS!"-. ri rs. lever .irin. l.-tter. Lani-ed c.u- t..n and in l.x.kiiii: alter tne peaie .... i '.'ait s t r.rr. ..! m'i Slim r.I . 'f..'.-..f our eit-r.-t,. ThatttieV are , zer.a v Ht .l p.i!ively cure l'llc. or to ' 0"d t!lir), and that ll.ey have bcret'.f'.K' '"!- h i. puerantwd u. p've ;-r- ' .lis . haiy.-d their cnerua uiitj.- in a manner ;' ''n or monev rcfund.1 l'rice ' satifa t..rv to our t itiens. j ma.lo inani- l" ler b-,x. For tale bv C. X. liovd. j fe.t bv their unaninions nouiination and re- iunJo. ' election a few weeks since. POTTERY ESTABLISHMENT AX D TILE WORKS, iDclndlre two kilns, a shop, engine, boll. r. and tae latest Impr. vee machln-rr lor the maBafaet ure of Water Pipe. Iraln Tile, Kartheo Ware, ete. Tbe hallo, fc Olio Kailnd (PUisbargh Di vision) passes within 10 leet ot the (hop. No. 3. six certain Ion ol around situate In the Swuith, County and State aforesaid, knf m a Iota No. on the plan ol theKeaeh- 1t a.JUIuon to said BorHh. and eentalninK in all one acre and twenti-alx penhe. and aojoinibg lands Dow or formerly ol Catharine Walker, on the rorm, a twenty-toot aileron tbe East, land Bbiror formerly of U. D. Hrourheron tho South and laiia now or lormerly of Panlel Beaehlr on the Went. The said ki.s. contain exeellent clay for tbe manufacture ot Water Pipe, lira in Tile kc. TERMS OF SALE. (ine-tblm of tho purebasa money tn hand: one third tn six months, and one-third In ooe year from data ol eonBrmati.'nof sale, with Intenat on de ferred payment from date of eonrirmat.m of sale. W. T. HiiHL.UZf.LL. maris. A iiinee of Ue- .no J . bUck. I I IY virtue of an order of sale issued out nf the I i)rkhan's Court ol Somerset County, Pa., to f me nireete.i, i win exptn topaeite sale at tne Court H. us In In Somerset Korv,uith on SATURDAY, MARCH U 1SS4, That val iiMe pmier-y known as the J i't;.b Snyder Piirm. situate one an I one-balf miles Northwest ol Shai.ksTille. containing: -3'J acres, of wh!"h 1 aens is rlearel and in a n o state f euitication. i3 acres meadow .atid. the balance well timbered. The entire tract Is underlaid with coal, limestone and other vaidable mir.erals. There are two orchards on the tann of be;riinr Iruit trees. A (tJci Log Hard anJ Soft Vcefls.. OAK, POPLAR. Slbl.;s. AWf. ir.uMT. Kff.oft.vf;. tsh-. I HKRllY. YHU.0W PISE, SlilSi.l t S. i',".'!1) . l"t,J. :1 ' .". "":"'.'; ,""V...,.K...v.,.ri,i and R.afil: I A (Jeneral L. neor all ara.ies oi i.,umiT mn-. nuu.i,. -. - - ,.r1m, tne-'. 'uch as Als... ran lannsn anything-in the line ol our l.u.ine.f t order with reastna. .e ; r-.roi tne. ., uca aa Brackeu. Ol.i-sixed work, ie. VfOt f.t 'V. S. .sr.uR kiii.s. H 4 I . I V I I . K M.n 1 1. POSTS U-e ke,.t la t.ik. DWELLING HOUSE. Loz Barn ana other outbuliiiczs. It Is e nven I"iit to schools and churches, and 1) in everv way atrost itc'irahle property. TEK.MS made known on dav of sale. HAKKiJ.T S.NYDEK. uiarj.36. Executrix ol Jus. Snyder, dec'J. H'BLICSALE hp- Valuable Real Estate ! The underslirne.1 heirs and learal representative of Jaisil. Lenhart. deeraael. lata ol Jeflerson townslilp. to public outcry on the premises on SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1SS4, Manager, Somerset Branch. Offices and Yard Opposite S. & C. R. R. Station, Somerset, Pa. I8LEY ST EST ED fEEDS a L I i F.n: all a t-i: ail xmls,1 vir .I.: v. nn.l in (l ril.-'.s for nu r;1 V an ! V:i!'i 1 7 .fr. . P-.;. i f tap ?farth Corn, r -yn-1 ;n V BarUr, . i. : '.- i : if '" 2-6 bush- per acre. L'j:j Re I P j'Io. 1. -: .: u-. . i: .ii i- i :'f i.-'u 725 bosa. per acn. lioches: -t Tan3ti, :.. . ... .,- ' r'..- First anl Beit Pea, .r!: - . - -; r-T-' :. S.'j'.cra Testel Z .bbi -e Seed -n-x I. SIOOOIN PSiM!:.T3 AT r..:. i,: i 1 . :.l n,L ,. AN IK ll. Li.I LOW PRIC'S. o-.t rs i.-i-jt v d. nal-n a .,-.! -t .-c at h i-rc. LOWEST ?3 HIRAM SIBLEY & CO., Rochester, N. Y., Chicafjo. rr-Vln. C T rCMFY ! o..d. 4 DMINISTRATOK S NOTICE. Llil r?;iai), Ren t aeil h aertld Taluable real estate, to wit: A certain ' (.IMID MLtKY paid honeit. aetire. sueees hsuteof Jofi.h Nearaberaer, Ute of Paiat Twp.. tract of land situate In Jet! township. Som-1 lui aKenta. ior terms addresa, arivlng age, reli-r- bomerset to., ri, u. a. erset county. Ha., a-tjoinins: lands of Abraham ! orences. tetter, nf administration on tho ahore estate HOOPES BRO. A. THOMAS, hating been arante-l to tba uadersianed by the febl-oc ei (..ut.-lcr, H. proper aathority, notice Is hereby lren to a. I pera..ns laueuini ...... uj vabv H. Lenhart, Jeremiah Brown. (IwmJ Fliclc Jacb 1. Shaulis and Peter fhaulis. con'alnlnir one hundred an I forty acres, more or less. 1 whl h on hundreut aeres are clear, and about twenty acres in meadow. There Is a two-story DWELLING HOUSE, Lance Bank Barn, good Outbulldinas. and a I larve Apple Orchard on tho premises. Tho farm I Is well wat' red. and under good c altiraiion. TI.KSI S made known on da of sale. Persons . desiring further information ran ape It to LI. MAUI . InioicsI. Pa. A. B LDNHAKT. OEO.J. PLUCK, or SAKAU ILII K, ma ra LnTansville, Pa. 1VANTEO I Eneraetie. reliable men to sell ate payment, and those bavlnst elalais against the IkLLs, UKAPE Vi.VKS. SUKL'U.S. l;t same "HI present them SIS (, kc. SALARIES and extenses nnl Experlenca not ersentiaL Li-CLAKE a. 111. k K1CK. Drlxhton. V., I mile east ol Koehettcr. HenUon tab .aper. fet.27 atimea. duly jthemwited f.r aetrlement on Ttors.lany.tho day of March, ls. al tne late reuin. e of deeease-l. JDHS .NEAhNhEKOER feMl Admla:sratOT. NOTICE. I Ny wife, Sarah. barlnK left my bod and board I just proToeal tun. the public Is hereby cautioned not lo trust or harbor ber on my account j as 1 will not bo responsible for any debts of ber I contracting. DANlEXSECriLEK, fehl3-oX Turkeyfoot Pa. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Always the Best Lie Dion Jelly Cake. To the yolks of six ears, well beaten, add three quarters of a pound ol white sues- juice r.f one lemon, one-halt pound of door, having; in It one ' measure B issita" Kakir.a Powder: then add tho whites of aix eirjs beatet. sua , bki In jelly- pe.p-r aathirity, notice Is hereby tiven to al cake pans. erdns to leoto l to sai l estate to nuke immedt rUK THE JELLY. rake the yolks cf three ate payment and those hartni(elalm aa-ainsttba! eira betten, and one half pound of white sugar same to present them duly authenticated for set- ! line Twenty (CO) Horse Power STEAM PdR- juiceofoneand arated rind ot two lemons, and dement . April li, 18t, at the late res Id en -e of TABLE SAW MILL. In complete rannlna or- wbltes ot three e(s beaten rery stifT: tut tn a ueceasel. der and built by (inrB'-li a. Wocie. tor lur.her Tessel and place tho Teasel in hoillna; waur; boll E. D. TTTXY, particulars address until it thlcaens : when It Is cold spread orer J. J. YUTZY. i KOCH sk mui s, each layerof the cake except the top one. Peb.17 Admlnutraton fetrr-2m, Uux 71, FaooTacBi, Ma. Eaiateof Haciel Ynty, deceased, late of Ureen- Tiiie iwp.. somerset fa. Letters of administration oa the abore estate ! baTlCsT been arante.1 to the emlemnned by the i TgXECl'TKIX S NOTICK Estate of Jonas Cbristner, dee'd. late of Summit Township, Somerset County, Pa. Letters testamentary on the above estate harlna; been vranted to the uodersianed by the proper aathority. nctico is hereby given to all persons Indebted to said esiate to mako immediate pay ment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated lor setllo- j settlement on Saturday, April a. IM. at tlie reaftueoco oi tne tjteeairix lo sum suit lownsntp. FKEDEKIi.'A CHhlSTNEK. fel.'A. Executrix. FOUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDES: . ' f -al E2UT2 FOR SALE. r - 'i:'- P 'w. ':-! w Of fi.LI T r irv rt iu mt v-t-. -j "s-- i T'TTZ' P')WJ R3 VILl fclTit BAT1fAt-TIi . bo .4 xfrymaem. DAY ID T. rOCTC. Propria to, siairfl-ir.