The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, March 12, 1884, Image 3

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Somerset Herald.!
publican Primary Elec
tion !
until a resolution of the
' '., .. County Committee, adopted at
i.tiJ in tbe Court Howie in the
" .Xl ..f-omerset, !', on the 2Glh day
;iy. 1S4, tbe Republican voters of
; luiit v are requested to assemble
ui;al .la- ia their several election
. 'i
AT!i:rAr. APRILS, 1SK4,
.,.; ;:,. of electing two Jereons to
,. -.! tljf Kepublicans of Somerset Coun
, Mate Convention to be held in the
., Uar'iburRon April 16, 1RS4.
Countv Chairman.
? - a
i out of tbe ground.
pUf ., i: time is cominpon apaee.
jjf 5" i;v are now ru-arly eleven
r n;i'l Mrs. Cameron are in Florence,
vi: that always keps lent an uni-
!: f?arc in great demand iu this
weet l'utatoes for a!eat Keller A
.... ,i
le-sl holiday is iood Friday,
v, April 1st, comes on Tuesday
es arc selling in New York at
liave hail their day, and are now
i. kbotie of winter will not be broken
iri ii is over.
ni.ljiiioon of.the year can now be
!n heavens.
i.nual moving time is advancing
iinte livelv.
:,f w.'iillier pnphets predict sleiKhing
,-f.ire ing comes.
t sin is gaining more power, and the
a-c much longer. Cessna has been confined to
p1 fir the past week.
:, t jii'l;:' nian'a character by tbe um
, !. carries. It may not be his,
- k Trout, Salmon and Ijibrador Her
jii t be brut, at Keller A: banner's,
aj.j will be looked forward to with
aniiety by both olitical parties.
!..-: Mock fif Cigars anil Tobacco in the
nrc to be found at Keller A Maimer's.
( ;n r prophets predict an early spring
, : !i..t Mininier. The latter part of tlie
; ; r will doubtless prove true.
, i off hats at half price. Kroai 15
1 1 nts for the best bat in Stock.
M. M. Trepwell.
- ribers in changing their postoflica
. . will please notify us where they re-.i-
from as well as where they remove
i.u-tield county will ot build a poor
.:. tiiis year, as tbe majority of her citi
uted against the measure op the l!tb
7:.w iar no sring picnics have been ar-t-iii
fir in this locality, and neither does
. weather seem propitious for hatching
A iL iford county huckster named Chas.
: vjjvart, has skited for stures new,
a wife, one child, and debts amount
I ' .'."'0 biliind him.
I'.uflalo Lime Company is now sell
c.i.od I.ime at eight cents, deliverel on
. at their works. For orders, write to
V..;:iam Mason, Garrett. Fa.
"!-. the last two days of Fabruanr $i;W,
O w.'-e paid out to the employes of the
jrri.ra Iron Company, in
c about $i OJin excess of the month
!: S reus Have in stock large quantity
- : timothy, very low in price. Also
.:ti: and mammoth clover at prices low as
i'v sold.
Ckk A Ukebits.
A the' season for horse bills is approach
(arsons interested are informed that
!!iiiti is supplied with a number of
' cuts, and is prepared to turn out this
al kind of work in first-class style and
! e rt notice.
N"TF. This If any of our readers have
; -i-. n!e rei -eipts for liniment, family medi-
horse jowHers, etc.. that they desire
! avr o.miKiunded, they will do well to
: -u't CampWll, the lruggist, 204 Main
: Johnstown. His stock of drugs, dye
mc. as rot only fresh but pure, and
t i rice reasonable. His aim is to please
- :itomers, and lie knows that the way
.! this j. J,y selling strictly pure poods at
t'S-'tiahle figures. Don't forget tbe name
! nundier. 3 '4 Main Ft.. Johnstown.
It is claimed by our most exer;enoed
k-gnwers that colts should never be
; i:tel to stand on a hard floor such as
! :! k, brick, stone or cement, until after
'!' sre a year old. as haul fiK)rs are liable
l" it!' ire their feet and limbs.
Having purchased the exclusive right to
! the M!uire Fatent Bed Spring in fvjm-
'. I county. I will shortly make a canvass
' the county to solicit orders. I think
ti s spring snj-erior it any yet offered for
Among tbe acts enactl at the last session
f tlie legislature was one that has an im
', r'.ttit bearing uppn the border township
'' a!l counties of the 'ommonwealth. in
!': .at farms divided by county lines shall
l.i r.-kfter 1 assessed in tbe county wherein
'i.i farm house is located.
Hiram C. While, of A.J. White Son,
M-rehant Tailors. Chambersburg, Fa., wiU
U :n Somerset about Saturday March ltli.
i'li samjiles of their stock of Sprilfg and
fju.iuer goods, and solicits the patronage of
tiiose who want first class work at reasonable
Ki.-es. Satisfaction guaranteed.'onier is txut to have a new enterfirise
ii tiie shape of a .telegraph pin factory. A
ft'iticiuan in the employ of the Merchants'
Hankers' Telegraph Company, bailing
''n New York, has leased the building
ati-'v i-sed as a hub factory for this purpose,
4''1 will start the new enterprise about
Vsv lt.
Mr.AT Markpt Main ptreet. We have
dled a large Kefrigerator to our Meat
Vii-iiH in hi h all meats can lie kept coo'
';! i.nn. Mutton, Beef, Fork, Ac. kept
'"'autiy ,n band. Open daily. Fartiea
'y'n.f nieat can have it kept in the P-frig-"'"T
until wanted.
'.iave. also, I00,J new brie k for aale,
! h we will sell by the hundred or thous
; d t a low price.
Ross Pavis A Co.
f T!,.. Bellefonte Watchman gets off the fol
'Jnir: "Can you tell me what kind of
etl,er we nmy expect next month ?"
'tea fanner to the editor ofhia county
Ir. Awd the editor replied as follows ;
It if my belief that the weather next wonth
VC?T much like your subscription
The farmer wondered for an hour
l't tbe editor was driving at, when he
"l Itned to think of the word - unsettled."
rK-r I fhP
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V i I , .- 7 March IS, 1SM.
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t a postal note.
Jew maplt sugar n now ffered in our
confectionery stores.
Diphtheria prevails in Johnstown, though
not to an alarming extent, norof a malig
nant type,
The dark cell of the sew lock-up was oc
cupied by a drunk from the Emerald Isle
Monday night.
Mr. A. J. Lull returned Saturday from a
three weeks visit to his former home in
New Berlin, New York.
His Honor, Mayor Kimruel, of Meyers
dale, spent several days of last week iu Som
erset, in attendance at Curt.
The South Tenn engineers have rented
the second floor of the Knepper Block, and
are moving their offices there.
Two of the jurors who tried Dukes for the
ruurder or Captain Kutt, have sued the ed
itors of the IlepubUeaH Standard for libel.
The attendance at Court last week was
very slim. There were but few cases tried,
most of those on the list being settled or
Messrs, File &. Aumau disposed of their
meat market Tuesday to two yoang men
from Johnstown. Possession to be givea on
the first day of April.
A flock of wild geese flew northward
over town last week. This is generally con
sidered as a sign of warmer weather, but
thegeese certainly missed it this time.
Tlwe fashionable girl now loads herself
down with a large smelling bottle. It is
probably at near the Kxket flask of the
fashionable boy as she dare go at presant.
y uite a number of the schools in diflereut
sections of the county have completed their
winter terms, many of them closing with
examinations and other suitabl exercises.
Mr. George H. Love, of the Somerset Dai
ry Company, has returned to Somerset with
his family, and is engaged in making the
preliminary arrangements for starting the
factorses the coming season.
Hand-painted lavender suspenders are a
new token of regard. Au old shawl strap
and a teti-peany nail will prove just as ser
viceable in case you have no lavender paint
in the house.
The carenters are putting the finishing
touches on Mr. Kd. McDowell's new house
on Main Cross street. It will be ready for
occupancy by the first wt April. J. G. Ogle,
F.sq., has secured one of the front rooms for
a law office.
The new lock-up received its first occu
pauU Saturday morning. Five small boys
were arrested and fined for snow-balling an
aged and esteemed male citizen. In default
of payment of the fine, fifty ctnts, they were
incarcerated for several hours.
The editor of our youthful contemporary
the Rock wood Timet, last week divestejll
himself of his superfluous clothing, stepjl
into the ring aud knocked the Cammercinl
man out on tbe first round and in the most
approved style, Marquis of Queensbury
The Board of Borough Auditors, Messrs.
M J. Fritts, W. M. Hochstetler and John N.
Snyder, met at Burgess Colborn's office on
Monday evening, and audited the Borough's
finances for the year just closed. The result
of their labors will be published in the
Herald next week.
"lieorgie" Boyd, who had the honor of
being the first person to test the comfort of
the new quarters prepared by our city fa
thers for violators of Borough laws, was es
corted from tbe lock-up to his home by a
large crown of small boy admirers after his
discharge Saturday afternoon. "Georgie"
was the hero of the hour.
Mr. H. B. Coiborn, merchant tailor, of
Frostburg, MJ., is now in Somerset solicit
ing orders. He has a full line of foreign
and domestic samples. Persons desiring
clothing will do well to leave their orders
with him. Mr. Coiborn has an established
reputation throughout Western Maryland
as the manufacturer of stylish suits and
giving good fits.
One of the most common sights noticea
ble on the streets is that of horses unhitch
ed, even in portions of the thoroughfares
where business and constant traffic causes
more or less excitement. One of these times
a runaway will be the result of such care
lessness. The owners of horses are respon
sible for w hatever damages may be inflicted
by their horses running away from the re
sult of carelessness
In view of the number of frauds, impos
tors and tramps with which this conimuity
has lately been infested, it might be advisa
ble to see that your doors and windows are
well sec ured, that the watch-dog be allowed
tn mam atkmif flip mvmisps and be iarticu-
i. .c..l,oi ), V.ntiftin is well loadeXJ
primed and ready lor immediate nse ami
also see that it is used to effect when the oc
casion presents itself.
March came in like a roaring lion, and we
have experienced for tbe last few days very
cold weather. In some parts of the country
it has been pronounced the severest of the ,
winter, although we can hardly say that of
it here. Still, it has been extremely cold,
and the only comfort we have is in the re
flection that having come in like a lion it
will go out like a lamb, in obedience to the
good old prognostication.
We are authorized by Chairman Scott to
announce the names of James M. Cover,
Esq., of Jenner township, and Dr. T. F.
l.ivengood, of Salisbury, as candidates for
delegates to the Republican State Conven
tion. They are both earnest Republicans.
Representative men of the party, and if
elected will represent the best interests of
the party in the Convention. The card an
nouncing their names will be found in
another column.
Donavin's Tennesseeans sang to a large
and delighted audience in the Court House
last Wednesday evening. The company is
composed of four ladies and four gentlemen,
with an organist; all are first-class singers.
They were certainly the most talented and
entertaining troup that has ever visited Som
erset. The novelty of their songs, the
sweetness and power of their voices, the
most jerfect manner in which they render
ed not only their own peculiar music, but
also the great variety ot songs which the;
had on their programme, combined to make
the entertainment a most delightful one.
' IasI Wednesday evening'a string of fifty
two horses and carts, driven by that many
Italians, arrived in Somerset, where they re
mained over night. Tbey came here from
Blair county, where the Collins Brothers
had just finished a large contract on the
Snow Shoe road. The carta were moetly
new, and the horses were large and fine
looking, being sujerior to those generally
used on railroad work. Thursday morning
they were taken out to the Summit and dis
tributed at farm houses in the vicinity until
the buildings in course of construction for
their shelter can be completed. It com
mences to look like business at the Summit
Six or eight car loads of carts, wheelbarrows,
picks, shovels, plows, etc, have been dump
ed there. A dwelling bouse, to be occupied
by one of the bosses is being erected and
several large shanties have already been put
up in the vicinity, while others are in course
of construction. Several hundred Itilians
and Hungarians arrived last week, and large
squads of ftem are coming in almost daily.
Several car loads of Swedes were landed at
the Summit last Friday. They come to
town daily to make parchasea at the stores,
and to visit the poetoftice. They are all
comfortably clad, and teem to be a good
natured, easy-going net of mm. The agent
of the Collins' bas been endeavoring to rent
a dwelling bouse for their occupancy, and a
store-room in town, bat so far bas not suc
ceeded. They intend starting a general
store here at once. They expect to com
mence work on their contract by tbe first of
st ofUri
Every day a half dozen or more dirty
looking tramps perambulate our streets, in
truding their ugly mugs into the bouses of
our citizens importuning them for some
thing to eat. These nomads are becoming
aa intolerable nuisance, and we hope our
Council will take hold of the matter and do
something to relieve our citizens of so much
annoyance. Every tramp caught begging
within the corporate limits should be pat
to work and compiled to break stone for at
least half a day. If this plan were adopted
these worthless creatures would soon learn
of it and in the future they would give
Somerset a wide berth. Respectfully sug
gested to oar borough farthers.
A telegram from Bedford to the Pittsburg
Viijmteh says there is no longer any doubr as
to whether a mammoth hotel will be built
and the Springs mads a resort for the special
uses of aristocratic capitalists of the Van-
derbilt calibre. The result of the proposed
transaction has been announced from head
quarters, and it is that the negotiations are
all off and that the old firm will still carry
on business at the old stand in the old way.
Mr. Roscius Barnes is apparently a heavy
loser by tbe failure to connect. It is more
than a year since lie put up a forfeit of $10,-
000 for tbe option to purchase the projierty
for $230,000, or perhaps a larger sum, in Oc
tober last. Failing in raising sufficient sub
scriptions of shares, the time expired and a
new option was secured at the same price
until February. Now it appears that the
second effort was as complete a failure as
the first.
Mr. J. B. Snyder was made so happy by
the advent of a new boy baby at his house a
few days ago, that he resolved his friends
should rejoice with him. Invitations were
issued to about a hundred of his friends (J.
B. says he wisties there bad been room
enough for double the nuniler) to meet him
at Piatt's Oyster Parlors. The tables were
filled with tbe delicacies of the season, and
while a smile of epicurian satisfaction over
spread the faces of all. Mr. Vogel rose in
place to congratulate tha happy father. As
the youthful cause of the spread is destined
to follow mercantile pursuits, where truth is
always important, it was suggested that he
be christened George Washington, and in
order that the Illustrious example of that
great and good man might be constantly
before him, he was unanimously voted a
hatchet. In addition to the implement of
destruction, his heirship was made the re
cipient of numerous other presents. In the
hearty enjoyment of the occasion Snyder's
guesta wished that his tribe may be as the
sands of the seashore for numbers. The
Hf.kai.d respectfully suggests to the mother
of the cherub that inasmuch as there are
several George Washingtons in this com
community, she name him Fisk, a sugges-
uon mai wu. mm w an appro,.
ot J. i. s numerous imiroiis. iiiul mr-scu
WIah.road Niks.
It is conjectured that the South Pennsyl
uania Railroad will erect machine shops or
works of some similar character at a point
Donegal township, Westmoreland county,
known as Franklin, where they have taken
up a tract 10) feet wide along the line of
their road.
It is reported that the contract has been
given to Charles McFadden for all work on
the South Peiin Road from Bedford to the
Allegheny tunnel,
from the Allegheny
Thet part of the road
tunnel west to Laurel :
Hill has been given to the Collins brothers.
The compressed air drill is at work at each
end of the Allegheny tunnel. The first day
tbe drills made forty six feet.
We learn that work on the tunnels of the
Yanderbilt R. R. is progressing finely, and
that tbe men will commence their under
ground operations in about two weeks. Tbe
approach to the eastern end of the Blue
Mountain tunnel wil' be about f00 feet.
There is very little machinery on thegrotind,
but a large supply is expected to arrive in a
few days. The citizens of Roxbury and vi
cinity are greatly exercised as to what will
be the result of the excavations in the moun
tain. Some think the mountain contains
greit deposits of ore coal and some are con -fident
it is filled with gold. They will doubt
less find plenty of slate. thiiinbrrrburg lie
jrtthlican. The Hungarians. Italians aud Swedes,
employed at the eastern end of the Blue
mountain tunnel, of the South Pennsylva
nia railroad, have been receiving $1.25 a
day. They have demanded $1 ."0 which
was refused them by the Contractor, Mr.
Keating. On Saturday last about one hun
dred and eighty refused to return to work.
Mr. Keating at once telegraphed to New
York for laborers, and they are expected to
arrive on Monday or Tuesday. There are
only about one hundred hands at work now,
they being principally negroes. No fear of
an outburst is apprehended. The employes
at the western end and those of the Kitta-
tinnv tunnel are still at work. Fulton
Covrt Proceepinos. The following cases
were disposed of during the second week of
Conrt, which convened on Monday after
noon, March 3d. .
Daniel Hull vs. Annie C. Parke, Thomas
Parke, John Parke, Ida Parke and Adelaide
Parke widow and heirs of John Parke, dee'd,
owners or reputed owners and contractors ;
Sci Fa sur Mechanics' Lien ; Plaintiff, by
leave of Court, takes a non suit ; the costs to be paid by plaintiff before pro.
ceeding further on his lien.
Same vs. Same ; Sci Fa sur Mechanics'
Lien ; same order entered as above.
Samuel Poorbaugh vs. Peter C. Meyers
Assumpsit ; Jury return a verdict in favor
of tbe plaintiff in the sum of $-01. 17; same
day plaintiff's bill of costs for $22.4') filed;
same day motion for a new trial tiled by
Matthias Bowman and Catharine, his
wife, vs. William Deeter; Case sur Slander ;
jury return a verdict iu favor of the plaintiff
with damages iu the sum often dollars.
David J. Phillippi and Len Wol fersberger
vs. Pittsburgh A ConnelUville Railroad
Company ; Iease ; Casc,continued general
ly to May term, 1M, to take rank at head
of list for second week of next term.
George W. Curley vs. John Ravenscraft ;
Tr.spass ft armu ; jury return a verdict
in favor of the plaintiff tor the sum of $225 ;
game day motion for a new trial filed.
William H. Deet.-r vs. Matthias Bowman;
apjieal by defendant ; on 5th of March, ls4.
defendant confessed judgment for $10 and
costs of suit.
John Fisher vs. Jacob J. Bowman ; Cov
enant ; Settled.
All other cases on the trial list were
Petition of citizens of Paint township for
a publ ic road at G rushes' saw mill to a pub
lic road at Hoffman ' sawmill. Yiewers,
Jacob Swauk, EmanueI.Eash, Charles Yeo
man. Petition of citizens of Summit township
to vacate and supply part of Mecbanicabarg
and Salisbury road to a point on the road
leading to Shaw mines. Yiewers, William
Baker, Jamos Critch field. Alexander
Petition of citizens of Larimer township
for a bridge over Laurel run, or creek, at the
point where the old plank road crosses said
run at the foot of Savage mountain, near
William F. Bittner's, in said township.
Yiewers. M D Miller, Joseph S. Miller,
Samuel F. Meyers.
Seed Cobs Famis. Probably nineteen
farmers in twenty must bay seed corn for
next spring's planting, on account of the
failure of tbe 'S3 crop to ripen. We must
look sharp to tbe seeds we buy, that they
are better than our own, as many unreliable
parties will effer inferior stocks, to take ad
vantage of the demand. We suggest that
every corn grower should send to Hiram
Sibley & Co., the reliable seedsmen at
Rochester, X. Y., and Chicago, 111, for their
catalogue and seed-corn circular. . This
house makes a specialty of seed-corn and
believe that .they will do what they My
tbey will.
SEESE DIETZ. On Sunday, March 2,
I8S4, at his residence, by Key. E. J. Blongh,
Mr. William G. Seese to Miss Annie R.
Diet, both of Faint township, Somerset
county, Pa.
GARDXElt HORNER. At the Luther
an parsonage, Stoyestown, Fa., on Tuesday,
March 4, 18S4, by Rer. A. K. F-lton, John
II. Gardner, M. D., of Stoyestown, to Miss
Susan M. Homer, of Stanton's Mills, Som
erset county. Pa.
1SS4, at the residence of tbe officiating Jus
tice, at Sand Patch, Pa., by S F. Sweitzer,
Esq., James Bell to Miss Annie Shoemaker,
both of Larimer township, Somerset county,
BecKLAXD's Arsica Saiv. The best
salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, fleers.
Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give per
fect satisfaction or money refunded. Price
25 cents per box. For sale by C. N. Boyd.
To purify the air of the cellar, and to de
stroy parasitical growth a German authority
says. Put some roll brimstone into a pan,
set fire to it, close the doors and windows as
tight as possible for two or three hours, re
peat this inexpensive operation every three
I would respectfully inform my friends of
Somerset county that I have opened a new
drug store at 232 Main Street, Johnstown,
Fa., where I would be pleased to see them.
My stock consists of Pure Drugs, Chemicals.
Fatent Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Perfumery
and Fancy Goods generally. At this season
I would call attention to the inset trades,
such as Pure Faris Green, Pure Po wdered
White Hellebore, Persian Insect I'owder,
etc., When in need of anything in the
drug line come and see me or write for
prices. All inquiries cheerfully answered.
Chas. Gbiefith
232 Main Street.
There being considerable rivalry among
the different candidates for tbe postmaster
ship at Uniontown, Major Brown, of Pitts
burgh, has written President Arthur asking
that Miss Lizzie Nutt be apiwinted to tbe
position. It is said that this action is op
posed by tbe Congressmen from this State,
and also that Miss Nutt and her mother do
not care for the position.
Never uivi Up. If you are suffering with
low and depressed spirits, loss of appetite,
general debility, disordered blood, weak
constitution, headache, or any disease of a
by a procure, botUe
of Electric Bitters. You will be sumrised
Nto sec the rapid improvement that will fol
low; you will be inspired with lie w life;
strength and activity will return ; pain and
misery will cease, and henceforth you will
rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold
at fifty cents a bottle by C. N. Boyd.
There aie 154 applications for hotel
licenses in Cambria county ; twenty-seven
applicants for eating house or restaurant
licenses; five for liquorstores and one appli
cant for eating house or resturant licenses ;
"ve ,or ,Klu"r tM'ore "uu -n"""'1
license. This makes in all 187 ap
r- r i - ... i 1 : .. . e . -
plicants for license in that county.
T'RorERTY fobSale. I have for sale a verv
desirable property in Somerset, consisting
of a brick house, a good stable, outbuilding,
and nearly a half square of ground, with
fine fruit trees, etc. Terms low. Payments
easy .
Jons H. I'hl.
In trimming grape vines it should be re
membered that the wood of this season's
growth will be the portion to bear next year
and enough of it should be left on tbe vine
for that purpose. The object of trimming
is to remove only t he superfluous wood and
the vines should not be cut too close.
A Gbkat Dibooveby, Mr. Wm. Thomas,
of Newton, la., says "My wife has been
seriously affected with a cough for twenty
five years, and this spring more severely
than ever before. She had used many rem
edies without relief, and being urged to try
Dr. King's New Discovery, did so, with most
gratifying results. The first bottle relieved
her very much, and the second bottle has
absolutely cured her. She has not had so
good health for thirty years."
Trial Bottles Free at C. N. Boyd's Drug
Store. Irge size $1.00.
A meeting of "The ex-l'nion prisoners of
the war" of Bedford Co , will be held in the
parlor of the Washington House on Friday,
March 21, for the purpose of organizing a
ounty Association" under the "State"
d "National Association of ex-l.nion
Prisoners." Other matters of importance
relating to soldiers and prisoners will be
The undersigned ofliers for sale a Stock of
Mens' and Boys' Ready Made Clothing to
the amount of $4,0o0 for the sum of $2.S K.
Four thousand for twenty-five hundred dol
lars. This is a good Chance for a country
Merchant to save some Money. The goods
must be sold, as the Store Room is to be va
cated by April 1st. For particulars call on
or address,
Jon Stesoeb,
Johnstjwn Pa.
There are three hundred and sixty eight
soldiers orphans now in schools under the
care of the State, who will reach sixteen
years and be discharged during the current
year. Parties wishing to furnish homes and
occupations for any of these children can
obtain further informrtion by writing to
the principals of any ef the orphans'
Bai'uh & Son's Phosphates. We are now
prepared to take orders for these goods, and
quote as follows at our ware house or track
Somerset Station, Raugh & Son's
Double Eagle per ton, $'i0 fO
Dissol red Bone, . $35 00
No. 1. Fine Bone, $40.00
Cook Jt Bkebits.
Matthew Arnold says; "I find one thing
in America which impresses me. It is the
tendency of the people to flock to the cities
to seek an education that.' will fit them for
clerical rather than manual labor. This is
bad and is to be regretted, as the demands of
the country are more for manual labor than
for such duties as (he people generally are
anxious to prepare themselves for. It is a
great mistake that the tendency oftheyoung
people especially is for city life."
I have just received a large lot of a superi
or quality of harness oil, in boxes, which I
will sell cheap, at the old reliable saddlery.
Jeke Wot.
The business of manufacturing Presiden
tial candidates goes steadily on. The man
who is prominent in politics and whose
name has not been mentioned in that con
nection must feel as loneseme as Robinson
Crusoe did.
Axothek Boon fob Fakhees ! Wanted,
for cash on delivery :
2.6O0 Bnshels of Oats.
1,0-0 Bushels of Wheat
100 Barrels of Maple Soger.
Cook & Bee kits.
Apvektised Letters. Tbe following let
ters remaining in the postoffice at Somerset,
Pa., will be tent to tbe Dead Letter Office if
not called fof before April 1, 18M :
Arnold, Dr., 2 ; Alleman, D. B. ; Capsate,
E. ; Clark. Miss Emily ; Grey, Miss Sarah ;
Hickman, Boynton ; Koontx, George W. ;
Lohmeyer. Fred. II. ; O'Cennor. John R. ;
Feck, Mrs. Jennie; Rile, Mies Emma ;
Smith. Mr. Julia ; Warren. Wm. ; Whip
key, Mrs. Barbara. Postals Rowland,
Mr.; 8hiver,W.P.
A. C. Davis, P. M.
"I believe I am the richest man in the
world," said William H. Yanderbilt to a re
porter. In England the Duke of Westmin
ster is said to be worth S3J0 OjO.OOO, but it Is
mostly in lands and houses. It does not
yield him 2 per cent. A year from now I
shall be worth more than $200,000,100, and
will have an income equal to 0 per cent, on
that amount." He owns 0.'!0,M0 sha-es of
railway stock, valued at $S8,7o0,000; his
railway bonds amount to $2,857,420; he
holds $70,5SO,O( 0 in Goveniment.and a trifle
of $5,000,000 in ether securities the aggre
gate wealth of this Midas being $201,332,413.
Should he live ten years longer (and he may
live twenty, with an income of twelve mil
lions a year, of which at least ten is careful
ly reinvested, and with his capacity for
making money he will be worth at leart four
bnndred million dollars.
The Philadelphia Pre. says that
Dr. Steckler, of New Jersey, ha been
innmliitintr children with the virus
of scarlet fever taken from horses
with good effect, it is an old story
that carlet fsver orizinated in hors
es-, the firt cases being report' jd in
the royal stables in 1514. Shortly
after that time it appears among
human beings. It is not common
now among horses. Dr. Steckler is
reported to have inoculated young
colts in arder to obtain the cquiie
virus. Of twelve children vaccinated
with th virus all escaped on being
exposed to the disease. If as is sup
posed by many physicians, the germ
of scarlet fever is the same as that of
diphtheria, and ifSteckler's discov
ery averts both, ha will de6erve to
rank as high among the benefac
tors of the race as Jenner himself.
A chapter of Crime.
Jer.iET, March 3. A murderous
assault was made upon Captain
John M'Donald, deputy warden f
the penitentiary here, on Saturday
afternoon. The assassin was the no
torious desperado Frank Kande.
Dcyuty M'Donald, in going hia
rounds, entered the collar shop
where Rande works. As customary,
McDonald stopped at the desk of
Keeper Madden to receive his re
port. While tho deputy was talk
ing with the keeper Kande snapped
his finger at his keeper and raised
his hand, giving tho sign for a re
quest. Madden nodded assent and
resumed conversation with the dep
uty, whose back was tamed toward
Randt. The kseper also turned his
back to Itande to give an order to
another xonviet. Instantly iiande,
who was crossing the room, picked
up a heavy iron poker, three feet
lonjr, and ruihed upon Deputy
M'Donald, striking him on tho Lead
with all his forco, smashing in his
skull. M'Donald dropped senseless.
Rande shouted : "I Lave killed the
at last, and drew a large
knife. Keeper Madden rushed upon
Rande and received a terrible gash
in the arm, but held Rande until
two life convicts, Demolin and Rub,
came to his assistance, and Rande
was hurled violently to the floor.
Hearing the alarm Assistant Dep
uty Warden Garvin and Keeper Ed.
M'Donald. brother of the attacked
deputy, rushi'd in. Convict Roab
was on top 'of Rande when Garvin
ordered him off. Roab bogged to be
allowed to choke him to death.
Rande, rising, staggered toward tho
door and made a quick lunge, grab
bing a knife on tho table, turned
desperately and attacked Deputy
Garvin, who broke a heavy case
over Rand s hesd cutting him badly.
Pulling a revelver Garvin shot
Rande in the side and then caught
the convict by the throat. While
holding him thus keeper M'Donald
drew a revolver, placed the muzzle
at Rand's right ear and tired, when
Rande dropped.
Deputy M'Donald and Rande
were carried to the hospital. An ex
amination showed that M'Donald's
skull had Ueen terribly crushed.
The pieces of skull were removed
and a portion of the brain two inch
es long and one inch wide was left
exposed. He will die. Rande was
unconscious for a long time and it
could not be ascertained how dan
gerously wounded he was. Upon
recovering consciousness Rande
said: "lam Jesus Christ and wa
sent to rid the prison of that cruel
deputy. I think I have done it. I
left a broad trail of blood all the
way to prison when I catne here. 1
have killed nine men ; this makes
my tenth."
Deputy Garvin says the responsi
bility of "M'Donald's death rebts up
on the jury which sent Rande to the
penitentiary instead of hanging him.
During the terrible struggle the con
vicU behaved admirably.
Tbe Liquor War.
Wilkesbarre, March 7. The
Liquor Dealers' Association, at a
meeting last night, agreed not to sell,
hereafter, on Sunday and to observe
the liquor law in every feature.
This is the result of the agitation
now going on here between tho
liquor men and the tempfcratrce peo
ple. The Law and Ordr Society
have caused the arrest of three per
sons for violating the license law
and threaten to follow them up
with more, unless the individuals
engaged in selling liquor without a
license consent to st"p forthwith.
Convicted of Murder.
Indiana, March 9. The trial of
Joseph Sarver was concluded last
night and at ten o'clock this mor
ning the jury returned a verdict of
guilt of murder in the first degree.
The crime for which Sarver has been
convicted was the unprovoked kill
ing of his father at West Lebanon
by shooting last October. He quar
reled with his father about a divis
ion of property and shot him in a
fit of anger. He also badly woun
ded Belle Kelley, a domestic, who
was a witness to tho crime.
Charged with Horse Stealing.
Chicago, March 2. A dispatch to
tho Daily Ahrfrom Sprinp fluid, 111.,
ssys: Rov. Mr. McDonald, who
preached an able and interesting
sermon last night at Auburn, was ar
rested here to-day on a telegram
charging him with the theft of a
horse and a suit of clothes from a
man named Foster to whose house
he went after religious service for
the purpose of spending the night.
The minister, horse and cWhss wore
missing when Foster woke up this
morning. The stolen preperty was
found in McDonald's possession.
Domestic Tragedy.
Delapuse, March 4. Ou Sun
day morning John Glascock, while
in a fit of passion, supposed to have
been caused by jealousy, murdered
his wife and three children. Then,
after setting fire to tbe house, he
went to the woods and shot himself
through the heart. Tho fire in tho
house was extineuisbed before tho
bodies were much damaged. Glas
cock was tbe eon of one of the wealth
iest land owners in this section.
Shocking Suicide.
Reading, Pa., March 10. A ter
rible suicide occurred this morning
at the hous-e of Samuel P.iircv. at
Pott strove. Mrs. Emma Kirklioff,
j Mr. P.urgy 8 daughter, has been hick
! for some time, and for the past few
days :i watch has been constantly
kept over her for fear f he would in
jure herself during the deleriuui at
tack upon her. This morninir the
watcher was tho invalid's husband.
Edward Lirkhoff. Toward daylight
he was overcome by slep, and be
ing suddenly awakened from a doze
discovered his wife standing in the
middle of the room in flames,
Rushing to her aid he finally sue
ceeJed in tearing off the unfortunate
woman's burning night clothes, but
not until she was severely injured
and bis wife burned almost to a
crisp, death resulting in a short time.
While he was trying to put out tho
tire Air. Kirkhon heard his wife re
peat over and over again. "I could
not help it : 1 was told to do it."
Mrs. Kirkhoff ignited her night
clothes by holding one of her garters
in the chimney of the lamp until it
caught fire and then holding it
against the hem of her garments.
Hunted by three Huatlred Men.
Eakersville, N. C, March 8.
Excitement in this section is at fever
heat caused by the pursuit of Ed.
Ray and Waightstill Anderson, the
revenue officers who murdered three
pen in February. The State reward
ollered is SbUU. I lie county and
private rewards swell this amount to
S3.)0. I he murderers get no sym
pathy, as all clusees of tl.e people
are indignant
Liberally Granted.
Umontowx, March 10. Judge
Ingram heard the license applica
tions to-day and granted or contin
ued all those against which no re
monstrances were filed. Opposition
is manifested to a number on the
ground of alleged violation of law
and these are not yet decided. Some
express great surprise at this liberal
granting of licenses. The Judge be
ing unacquainted, he inferred the
licenses were wanted whers no pro
tests were made. The temperance
people will likely learn a lesson
from this.
Killed In a Street right
Washington, March 4. In a
street fight this evening, growing out
of a difficulty between a white and
a colored man, Frank Langstan,
United States Minister to Hayti.shot
and killed James Spencer and seri
ously wounded John !. Williams,
two spectators, both of them colored.
A Iesiperatlo s Snlciile,
Chicago, March 7. Frank Rande,
the desperado, who attempted the
life of a warden at the Joliet peni
tentiary on Saturday, and who was
himself badly hurt in the conflict,
has onnmiitUd suicide by hangine.
He killed thirteen ponl in his wild
A Revenue Informer Hanged.
Richmond, Va., March 7. A reve
nue infWmor wa hanged lust Sat
urday night in Floyd county by
moonshiner", His name is not
EuiRoa Hkrald :
You are hereby authorized ta announce the
name of
Ol Jenner Township.
Of Salisbury Borough.
As eamlUlaten for Deleif sites to the Republican
Stale t'oneiiti.iU, to lie hel.l at llarrtaburs;
April 16 ISHI, jubtect to 1 he ilens'on ol the
Republican Tiler-at tbelr rrimary Election to be
belt! April 5, im.
Chairmaa County Committee.
vessy i;noTiu:i:s,
LiosiKR, Pa.
galesmen Wanted
On Salary.
RELIABLE M EN harlnar (rood natural abilities
and pluck, to sell NL'liSfcKY STOCK. Such
men are sure to succeed ami earn likkral sala
riui from the start. Situations pirmaent.
Write lor term?:
CLEN BROS. Nurserymen,
mariiH KOCHE.-,iEK, X. .
John Shaffer at Eve bis wife
e ) In the f'eurt of
Common IMeas of
Somerset Co., Pa.
r Terra. 1T9.
Samuel Fox.
No 37" Jannarv
And now. Februarv 'Jo. iM. petition of Asslznee
and Assignor tiled, pravlng lor the recovery of
the property assigned, whereupon th Court or
der and direct notice of Its hlirg to he ittven in
tw o newspapers published in Somerset, Pa., for
three weeks, and that the prayer of the petition
ers will be heard and granted on the lmh of May.
18M, unless cause be shown to the contrary.
S. I'.TKL.N'T,
mar!2-3t. 1'rotbonetary.
Estate ol Abr. fJ. Walker, dee'd, lata ofMllfard
Twp.. Somerset Co.. Pa.
Having been appointed by the Orphans' Court
of Somerset County to distribute the tuds In tbe
hands of Silas A. Walker and Gillian A. Walker.
Administrators of Abr. O. Walker, late ef Mil ford
Twp.. deceased, to and among legally en
titled thereto, notice ia hereby given that I will
attend to tbe duties of my appointment at my of
fice 'n Somerset. Pa . on Thursday. April 10, 184,
when and where all persons interested may it
tend. W. H. KVPPEL.
marl:!. Auditor.
Estate ot Isaac Wrndel, dee'd, late of Somerset
Tewnshlp, Sooisrsei County, Pa
Letters of Administration on the above estate
having been granted to tbe undersigned by the
proper authority, notice Is hereby given to all
persons Indebted to said estate to make Immedi
ate payment, and those having elaims against the
same will present tbem Only authenticated for
settlement on Saturday. April liHU, at
tbe late residence ol tbe deceased.
marli. Administrators.
NOTICE Is hereby gives that an application
will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania at
the Executive Office In the City of Harrisburg on
the :h day of April, A. D., 1884 at 10 o'clmka.
M ., lor letters patent incorporating THE NEW
AND COKE COMPANY. The purpose of said
Corporation is for carrying on Mechanical, Min
ing Claarrylng. Mannfaoturin2 and selling Coal,
Fireclay, Iron Ora, Iron, Coke, and other Mio
ral Substanoes, ana the business covered by and
Included In the provisions of Clause Eighteen,
Section Two, of tbe Act of Assembly ot ivtb of
April 17 and Its Supplements, and that the
business of said Corporation is to be transacted In
the Cout-ties of Cambria and Somerset, In the
State ol Pennsylvania, and that said corporation
is to exist perpetually
Johm C. Short - New York City.
8isrrt Bohskix, J. - Ehiabeth, N J.
Chas. Sti nrEViT, - Philadelphia, Pa.
Oao. B. Bobseix, - "
Wat. GcLAUtR, - . "
marl24t. Solicitors lor Applicant lorCharter,
Estate of Daniel YuLy. deceased, late of Green
ville Twp., Somerset Co., Pa. ,
Letters of administration on the above estate
having been granted to the undersigned by the
proper authority, notice Is hereby given to all
persons Indebted to said estate to make Immedi
ate payment and those having claims against the
me to present them duly authenticated fur set
tlement on April 12, lsM, at tha late resident of
feW7. Administrators. '
Th (Vmml.l' n'rJ ol Somerset li nty will of.
for u, let st !u).lk- outi rv. on Ibe ireT!iiW, to the
! lowest ana uett bidder, on
.t 2 n't Uts r. the repM.lrij of the 41 hut
tnent tor a 'omhtnaitiH llrl.lin'. over Outelinan
I river, near Joca l.irhir'. In Klkilck twulilp,
Sutntreet Ct'uoty. ra.. wnere thpulIie htichw.iv
IrjilinK from Meverfuiale luSalintiury rroetea uUl
1 Mimm At th dime time c.l pla'ce they will
en me oui linage.
On THVKSDAY, M A Ki ll 13, U-4, at 12 the
InilillDtt: of one miw ahutmcnt lor a Comhioiitlon
Hrhlire over Ooies' l'rek, near Mllfonl Station.
Mlllnrtl Township, oeuuly aloreaaUI. Plane ami
rpecincaiioa can ie teen at me lommiseioneri'
Utnce, alter the -7th ol February.
Sealed rrono?ali for tbe snDerstructure of a
Combination rtrit!)reorert?afseman River, near
the houte of Jonas Uchtr, aa above deerrilted,
will be received at the I'oinmlM loner' ottice to
10 ocIkcIc A. M, rKlll.M, jtlAKl M 14, 184,
eall taperttracture to be placed oa abutment JliS
feet apart.
For a Otnhlnatlon Snprrftnictars of a Bridge
over Coxes' Cre'k, near 3Iillord Statioa, a above
deerrtbeil. to be placed on abutments 60 leet
apart. rTojKisals received up to the same time aa
above. The roadways ot bulb bridges will be 12
Attest: H. W. HKI BAKLK,
D J. HoRNKa, Clerk. Cvwoiiuiouers.
For Sale
Josiah Brant, Clade House.
E. A. Tayman Somerset House.
OF -
Valuable R:al Estate!
jy virtue of an order of ale i?uel oat f the
Oriitmns' Court of Somerset Nunty, Pa., to
tbe UDiierined ilirvrtetl, there wilt Ixj exposed
to Bulr by puulie outcry on the ireinlsej on
TllUfiSDAY, MARCH 27, 1SS4,
at 1 o'clock p. mm tbe follow. ntc described real es
tate, Mtute In Lower Turkeyfoot township,
Somerset County, Pa., late the property ot Sarah
A. LiSKcnliaM, deceased, containing 41 acrt
more or 18, ot which 2i acres are cleared, tbe
remainder well limbered, having thereon ended
a two-tory log-
Stitliia. Ami other Oathull'llriK, iKljolnintr lxnis
ol J.N. Tanaelilll, Cable a. Co., I reemnn Xicois,
Aniltrsori farm, and others.
One-lmlf rstibon cwfinnaiidn of pale ami de
livery oMred. ami the oi her ball In one jeur from
tlay of sale without interest, to be secured by
lutltfment tHind on the premises, ten per cent of
the pun-hane money to be pa Hi as soon as proper
ty Is knocked down.
mari. Ailmr. of Sarah A. LlnKennell, te:'d.
Valuable Real Estate!
The andf-r?i(:ricl heirs and leiral representatives
of Jaco( Irftihart, deceased. lat of Jctlervnn
tnwo!tiip, will cithiiw to puMic outcry on the
prein.pes on
8.-1 T I. '11 DAY, MARCH 20, l.vj-1,
at 1 oVluelc p.m., of said day, the following
sirUed valuable real t-Jtate. to wit: A certain
tr'ttt land situate in Jetlerfofi township, Swu-
ttet county. Pa., adjoin. nic lands ol Abraham
K Lenhurt, Jerctulalt Brown, ti-eorge J. Khkt
Jd )' 1. ShauU and Peter ShanM. containing
oue hnndreU and forty acre, more or lei,o! waf h
on- hundred arrei are ciear, ad about twenty
acres in meadow. There Is a two-story
f-artfe Bank Barn. kooiI Outbuilding. an! a
larxe Apple Orehanl on the premlfc. The farm
is well war-'twi, anl unter i?1 cultivation.
TLKM.S made known on dar of stle. Person
desiring iurther inlormatinn can apply to
l.l V. L.tAllAUl.
Il.,o. ifal. Pa.
A. R LI i HA KT.
nmri' LaransviUe, Pa.
YalnaMe Heal Estate.
)YTlrtne of an order of sale Issued out of the
me directed, I will expoe to pnblic sale at tbe
Court Hons In in Somerset rioroogb on
That val.uble pmper'y known as the Jofeth
Snylr Farm, situate one ami one-balf miles
Northwest ol Miankgville. containing acres,
of which 160 arres is cleared and In a good state
ol cultivation. 34 acres meadow .and, the balance
well timbered. Tbe entire tract Is underlaid with
coal, limestone and other valuable minerals.
There are two orchards on the farm ol learlug
fruit trees. A good Log
Log Bam ana other outbuilding. It is conven
ient io schools and churches, and is In every wjj
arc on desirable property.
TEKMS made known on dav of sale.
mart.M, Executrix of Jos. Snyder, dee'd.
Farm For Sale.
:o :
The undersigned offers for sale his farm of 142
acres ol land, to acres cleared, l)ing one mile
Northeast ot Starton's Mills, witti agi odTss
Story flank Dwelling Honoe with eight
rooms and kitchen, and cellar, with water In cel
lar. tnd a Bank llnrn 4 i-o fei t. with a large
Iruit orchard ol apple and cherry trees.
TEKMS: Twenty-two hunored dollars asked
l OKI in hnnd ami J1S0 a year without Interest.
Possession given on the 1st of April. 1S14.
For further Information call on or address
rt'he nnderslnncd cflcrs for sale the BELL
1 FA one and one-half miles wast o' M
town epo ol 'he Halto and ohh Hailroad, on
the Bil!ord and Greenrhurg turnpike, containing
one hundred and one acres, more or less, about
76 acres cleared, lo acres in meadow, and balance
in timber. This is a most desirable location lor a
beautilul homo. A good
and Log Stable en the premlfes. Good Stock and
Grain lursn : elote to School, Churches and 31111s,
and all puiillc conveniences. Possession would be
given at once. Any person desirous ot buying a
line property, close to town, will lor partic ulars
call on
lebJ04t Executor of Jacob J. Miller, dee'd.
Our stock of Spring Clothing
is now ready for jour ins
It comprises such a variety
of styles that we will surely be
able to suit you.
A. C. YATES & CO.,
f I
We are now Prepared to Show our Carefully Selected
We Eesjectfallj Solicit the Patrcnass cf tha Public Our Carpet Stock
Includes Velvsts, M:qu32S, Sod7 Brussels, Tatiestry Brussels, Thxee
lj all Wool, Persian Baausk. lugraius, Venetian, Cotton Chain,
Bags and Hemps, and W9
Guarantee our Prices to lo tie Lovosi
We Measure Rooms, Halls, Etc., and Match, Sew, and put
Carpets Down with as little delay as possible. Rugs
in Newest designs,
Our line of Lace Curtains is Large and comprises
a great variety of patterns, and at all prices,
from 75 cents per pair up.
Greis, Foster & Quinn,
Stoves, Ranges and House Furmhing Goods,
3Iain Cros St., Opposi tc Cook & Beerits' Store.
VsKa?1"'""-. I
We Keep Nails, Glass, Puty, Coal Oil,
Terra Cotta Pipe, Clothes Wringers.
Call and See Stock Before Buying Elsewhere.
Agent and Attorney-in-Fact
Cbas H Fisher, Wholesale and Retail Ttealer and Jot.ber In School Roots, School Supplies mad
Stationery. Always in tock a well selected stock of Poetli al Works. Histories Biographies. Book,
of Trar-I and Adventure. N..rel and Standard Prone Work. Bible. Testament, (rospcl Hym ns
Lutheran and IMsctples' Htms Books. Irtctlonaiies and Cb.lilrrn's Tor Bocks. Magailnes. Bene w
Norels Daily Paper, and (leneral Periodical Literature. Sheet Music and Organ Instructors. S un
day school and Dar school Kt ward Cards. A Large and Complete Scoeg of Blank Book. La g
Blanks ami Marriage Certin. ales. Fine Album, Purses and Box Papers.
; JfEtictra
mnveninTmr nrvir. : WiUWMWUlu
.r 2c Main sir!.! Wholetalert
Hari and
A Sit,
1 . I. .)!' JI.V,
SH 10 LIS,
LA i II,
A Oeaeral Line of all srradee of Lumber and
Also, can l.ri.isn anything In the line ol our business to order w.lB reaaenao.a
Brackets. Otd-slxed work, Ac.
Manager, Somerset Branch.
Offices and Yard Opposite S. & C. R. R. Station, Somerset, Pa.
Ipoi: au. Climates, g
All tr-jt.-.l for vit l in (i irtbnsfor purity and value. LOW PRI
S:bl7's Pride of tac North Corn. ri:ewd 'n ctr mc V.nh in '3i anoV "8 aihiey'a Ia
Barley, yi- itiri
C.JI-I.S.: W--:t
2i6 bash. Dor acrtv
d 725 bish. per aero. Rochester Tomato, lur.'r smooth, and ,. --irt ;
r ' SthlcrYTnrei Scd nnT.
First aaa ucst r, -
vND F.,5. c Yi A!. mv" i A".i lM K MS T of vt'ruMe, fl.wr and fieM f
riiliKtb'- varif . Mail !'.-r p--mrr! t'Aii. mj.inj; a vrd store at home. LOWEST PRICES.
HIRAM SIBLEY & CO., Rochester, N. Y., Chicago, III.
Si T rCMVY VATZl Oood.
J jl jOil Hii.1 reliable men to sell
our ..r tKllTst ASD PK I A 1.1 1 E
tMl MA I. A It T paid honest, actire. success,
lul agent. For term address, giriug age, reler
febl3-6u Weil Chanter, Fa.
WANTED I Energetic
reliable men to sell
1K1.E.S, UKA?r. VI
SES kt.. Ac. SALAK1LS and eztene lM.
Experience not essential. LaC'LAKK A HKK
K1CK. Brighton, N. V., 1 mile east of Rochester,
ilention this caper. febZTliimea.
Lstate of Jonas Chrlstner, dee'd, late of Summit
lownshlp, Somerset County, Pa.
Letters testamentary on the abort estate having
been granted to tbe undersigned by the proper
authority, notice Is hereby girea to all person
Indebted to said ea lata to'maka Immediate pay.
nent, and those baring claim against lb aaa
will present them duly authenticated for settle
settlement on Saturday, April , I MM, at tha
residence of the Kxecutrti In Summit township.
febSS. ExecutrU.
One Twenty (20) Hone Power STEAK POR
TABLE SAW 3I1LL. In complete running or
der and built by Uninth k Weuga. Fur further
parties lar address
KOCH at ir,
feb27-2n, Box Vi, FBOwxacaa, XA.
Wf are agents R.r the " Excelsior " Took StoT.i
and K:kcs. the New Regulator Ceok Sutm,
Cupello and Apollo Banges. We also sell the
Koyal Cook" and other Oak Stores. All store
ami ranges sold with guarantee. Also repairs
lr the al.e stores and lor tbe New Ironiide and
any other store in use.
Pots, Kettles. Skillets. Griddles. Tea Kettle.
Cooking 1 tenstls.and all otherPlaln, Urouml
aud Enameled.
We keep a full stock or Cottee-pot. Bucket.
Basins. Sul Iron. Cotfe Mills, f hamber pall.
Wash-boards. i)ust-pans and Brushes ho.
We make Sugar Bucket and
I. Il)ran r Ottiea and Yard
ami Mersj
Uim uu, . somerset, pa..
and Retailer, o?M:.-.?:.?:..
Soft Wccfls.
...... ... di... w-t In KtiMlr
Building Material ana kooiidb o "."-r .
Fop. all Soils, All Flams.
Dakota R 1 Potato, best ol 134 vanctw ; t i v.
arii - t. w r-!-). - - m tW..
Estate of Joseph Nearnberger, late of Paint Twp,,
Somerset Co., Pa., dee'd.
Letter of administration oa the abore estate
Baring beea granted to tha undersigned by tha
proper authority, potlco 1 hereby girea to all
person Indebted to said estate to make Immedi
ate payment, and those harlag claim against tha
same will present them duly authenticated for
settlement on 30tb day af March.
1HM. at the lata residence of deceased.
febll Admsaisirawr.
Mo HT! wtl! d! of rntir. TTr rr Icmi r
ras, it r " nr P-jniere re imw m dm-.
f.-ou"; l''l!ir!inlnreni im ntrwr.
Fnj-.t7' f'r.w.r will prevent ir
.,u7' !' wll In- rfs-e tl-e irnnntTTT ef Tils:
tr.ii -rem twenty prr ent aixt aiskf tae better Ursa
r mn A Powc will rare or prreiW arnwwt ervsT
Dtt4 to Wlilrn Hot..! 4 sttle re witirt.
arTZt Powm a viu air laTisracTkut.
sold everywhere.
B ATJ9 Z. TCVTZ. Prepriatew.
next week.