The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, August 22, 1883, Image 3

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    u U
crsct Herald.
1 ' - t t v.litiir
Court neit week.
Somerset is to have a circus at last.
Our streets were crowded with country
l-oile Saturday.
Our lioii-U and boarding bouses still con
(inuc crowded.
-are "'''
v.tir borse.
c.n. r'yd.
- arc in
l;:ond Pyes.
. are numerous.
,;:,in of the dry spell.
,vl ri.'
. . i.
wit to iuucu next
jolc take afternoon
,.r'j time is f drawing
f vi!.iloos are being mar-rt-earllew
of cost, at A.
. t., rut down thirties and
w.ailier is Rivinfc corn a
v,.:;ti :
,. . . i;..k.
lW, only $2.50, at A.
colors. Ko
Saturday and Sunday were two of the
warmest days we bare bad this year.
The Hctad averaged new subscriber
every day last week, and it wasn't good
week, either.
Rev. Dr. Conrad, of Philadelphia, preach
ed in the Lutheran church Sunday morning
and evening.
Our farmers tare busy harvesting their
oats. The recent storms caused fall in
this cereal before cutting.
C. A. B. Coffroth, of Winchester, Va., is
snding a few weeks in Somerset. lie is the
guest of his brother, Mr. William B. Cof
John A. Walter not only keep a good
boarding house, but be raises fine plums,
as we are able to testify, having sampled the
same Monday.
Mr. W. S. Witt, who in the last six years
has visited all the Stales and Territories of
the far West, with Lis wife, is visiting his
parents in Somerset.
The old stable ou the jail premises has
been torn down, and work has commenced
on the new building, which will be a band-
some and convenient one, built of brick.
'. ll.iyd.
-v it and see that your
;.3t you are assessed.
Violin Strincs, for
mii's. I kief s Hlack.
s;a:e Fair this year, it
.,,! until next summer.
a paik of Diamond
. r from one to three
i i ii.i. v. use Diamond
: 1 . S. ll.ivd's
, i,i u down to half their
... M M. TRr.fwr.u.'s,
,.. .ird stvlish summer
-i ut any price.
Ur,. M. M.Tredwcll.
i.uv niulinery in an
!:-. M. M. TKI''KI-,
. knowing themselves
r-..Mi!, will please call at
, -omits cither by cash
,! ti the assessment,
r.-l and assessed CO
,i you may lose your
line of Acordeons,
A. Nathxk'h,
Hair's HlooV.
.'v ' Kive rijrnr mi
,'ii the trade. Aj;ly
.1. K. Cn no-ru,
Somerset, I'a.
r will tind it to their
money by writing to
they want in the
i:.f s Dlock,
Mrs. Harriet Ogle aid her daughter, Mrs.
F. J. Kooscr, left for York Sunday evening,
to attend the fuucral of Judge Black, which
takes place at five o'clock this, Tuesday
m m
Elder l'etjr Vogel will preach in the Dis
ciples' church at Berlin next Sunday, Au.
gust SSJth, morning, afternoon and even
ing. His senuon in the afternoon will be
in (ierman.
Mr. C. C. Yoder, of Amish. Iowa, called
ct our office Saturday, and renewed bis
subscription to the Hebald. Mr. Yoder
was formerly a resident of this county, but
for the past fourteen years has resided in
Amish, where he has been very successful
ly engaged in the mercantile business. He
is at present visiting friends and relatives
in this county.
A meeting of the members of the Somer
set bar, to take action relative to the death
of Judge JeremahS. Black, was held in the
arbitration room Monday Morning. Judge
Baer presided, with Samuel Gailher and
John R. Kdie, Esrjr.'s as Vice Presidents,
and H. S Kndsley and Ed. B. Scull, Esqr.'s
as Secretaries. The object of the nieetinz
was stated by Isaac Hugus, Esq. On mo
tion, Isaac Hugus, W, H. Koontx, A. H.
Coffroth, W. H. Kuppcl and H. L-Buer were
appointed a committee to draft appropriate
resolutions, and report at the rising of the
court Monday afternoon, August 27ih. The
following named gentlemen were appointed
l committee to attend the funeral : W. J.
lacr, A. II. Coffroth, W. H. Koontr, F. J.
Kooscr, A. J. Colhorn, John R. Edie, Isaac
Hugus, Samuel Cailher and II. F Schell.
iii ii
v. a full line of
.o.'.s. Cloth Suit-
,i. ki!.-s. Ac.
Mis. A. E. I'llL.
v ;o t to make us for
w.m't much. It is
tin-jump. Heean's
- a t.idle. but other
; au- ht-r-hy notified
v wav molest any of
in l?rothersvaIley
v . i'.toserution.
John J. Fbitz.
H.-ffiey keeps
tl.ii p. and his prices
r clothing establish,
flrand Army suits.
:i' ten dollars.
One of the great poiuis of interest to many
of the country people who were in Somerset
Sunday was the county jail, and the chief
attraction at that institution were Wecht
enheiser and Musser, the two alleged bur-
i glars, brief mention of whose capture was
made in last week's Hebald. For the past
six mom lis or more a great many daring
burglaries and robberies have been commit
ted iu different parts of the county, and the
indications were that there was a regularly
o-ganized band of thieves within the limits
of the county, it Ixjing generally supposed
that tbcii headquarters were in Stonycreek
township. The announcement that they
had been discovered in the mountains near
Shanksville and two of their number, one
of them the supposed leader of the gang, ar
rested and lodged in jail, gave very general
satisfaction. The warrant upon which the
arrests were made was sworn out by Sheriff
Spangler, and contained the names ofj
Chauncy WeJitenheiser, Isaiah Wechten-
heiser. Wcchtenheiser, George Seibert,
aliai Wagner, Abe Musser, and John Shad
rack. A number cf our business men pro
cured the wrvisces cf two Pittsburgh de
tectives, and they, in company with Sheriff
iianikT and sir. 1. J. ricking, made the
f The Glade Academy, at CentrevUle. ia en
! joying very successful term; There are at
present between forty and fifty pupils on
the roll, of whom all but four are in the nor
mal department.
The Sorth A meriran Review for September
is an admirably constituted number, wheth
er we regard the timelines and importance
of the subject presented, or the eminent
competence of the authors chosen for their
discussion. First cornea "State Regulation
ot Corporate Profits," by Chief-Justice T. M
Cooley, of Michigan, showing how far, by
wise legislation and by applying in the com
mon law, the harrowing exactions of cor
porate companies and monopolies in gener
al may be restrained and the interests of the
people effectually conserved. John A. Kae-
son, M. C. writes on "Municipal Reform.'
and offers suggestions for the abatement
of the evils of misgovern ruent in our great
municipalities that will command the ear
nest interest of all good citizens without re
spect to party. Richard Grant White treat
of "Class Distinctions in the United States,"
a subject that is destined to occupy more
and more the attention of the American
people as great fortunes increase. "Shoot
ing at Sight" is the subject of some pertinent
reflections by James Jackson, Chief-Justice
of the State of Georgia. In "Facto about the
Caucus and the Primary," George Walton
Green unveils the tricks practiced by politi
cal managers in large cities. The well-
known English essayist, W. H. Mai lock,
contributes "Conversation with a Solitary,"
in which he seta forth with much ingenuity
the arguments adverse to popular govern
ment The Rev. Dr. D. 8. 1'helan contri
butes an article sparkling with epigrams, on
the "Limitations of Freethinking." Final
ly, Grant Allen, the most charming of all
living writers on natural history, discourses
on "An American Wild Flower." Publish
ed at 40 Lafayette Place, New York, and for
sale by booksellers generally.
The second annual camp meeting of the
' ; ' Latbom, Pa, 1
Aug. 10, 1883. J
Editor Hiialb: It might be of Interest
to the many reader of the Hiald, espec
ially in the rural districts, to read a descrip
tion of bow we Westmoreland county people
celebrated at Busby Run, the 120th anni
versary of CoL Bouquet's victory over Pon
tiac, and bis confederates, on the 6th of
A a gust, 1763, at Busby Ron, six wiles east
of Greenabarg. Here, 120 yean ago, Colonel
Bouquet with his gallant force, braved the
war whoops and yell of the red man, with
all its sickening accompanimenta. This cel
ebration was an enormous and complete
success in all that the term implies, fully
10,000 people were present, vehicles of every
description lined the roads for miles around.
It was indeed a grand assemblage of the
beauty, and the chivalry, fair women, and
brave men of old Westmoreland county,
and honored citizens of the Republic from
abroad, distinguished in the forum and the
field, were present to honor the occasion
occasion with their presence.
General Bearer traveled 100 miles over
land in his carriage to be present. He deliv
ered a abort and pleasing address at 2 o'clock
and immediately afterwards reviewed the
different Posts of the Grand Army in anoth
er part of the field. The writer only re
grets that General Bearer did not atteud
this celebration as the Governor of the Com
monwealth. Had such been the case, we
have reason to believe we would hare I
of that muchly "needed and promised
economy and reform," and not likely
three - thousand dollars-a day-all- summer
extraordinary session of the legislature, at
the expense of the dear people.
Another object of interest on exhibition
on tuts occaslrn was ISob, tne old war
borse ridden by CoL Covode through the
late rebellion. He is now 31 years old, and
is near bis journey's end. He passed
through eighteen battles, and carries enough
lead under his hide to sink an ordinary tug
boat In the review he was led at the head
of the Ligonier Post, and attracted much
ILIGT OF CAUGEG.Jp01, proclamation.
MILLER LIXG. At the the Lutheran
parsonage, In Stoystown, June 2, 1883, by
Rev. A. K. Felton, Mr. Henry Miller to Miss
Sadie Liug. both of near Stoystown.
BELL WITT. At the residence of the
bride's parents, in Stoystown, by the same,
on August , 1833, Mr. Wm. Bell to Miss
Bertha A. Witt, both of Stoystown.
MILLER SMITH. At West End, "Bed
ford county, P., by D. S- A. Tomlinson,
Mr. J. 8. Miller, of Dividing R'dge, to Miss
Carrie Smith, of Fairhopc, Somerset county,
Pa. ,
dence of Mr. George Spangler, August S,
1S83, by Rev. D. K. Layan, Mr. Henry
Spangler to Miss Emms Carver, all of Som
erset county, Pa.
KREGER SCHROCK. At the residence
of the officiating clergyman, on Sunday,
August 12, 18S3, py Elder John Cunning
ham, Mr. W. H. Kreger to Miss Maltnda
Schrock, both of Upper Turkeyfoot town
ship, Somerset county, Fa.
For trial at Aoirast Term of Oort-btnciig
oe Molay, AbshM . 1SK1
Jacob W. Q 1insi va. rather Nmbert k Co,
I. H. Kont fc Uo., vs. Orov a Imnlnai.
Slixrrr Hewlaa; Msehtoo Uo. Ti..Alatt. Huwmao.
Msrr Vender's Triuteo va. Diwrner a. Header.
liavul Khamatl vs. Jamn MeKalrey.
CrllehnelU ilros. va. K. At. Ucatv't Oarojbo.
Kama . E. M. Ucntjr.
Oeorg Setter! vs. Klwht lteal.
J onp A. wilt s un ?. KvU. f. Ihr Adm.
Juseph UhrUtnet va, Jutaa A. Hucliueiler.
John JoliaeuB's Aitmr. va. Jacob Shatter's Exr.
Wm. Slider va. Mcholaa Apple.
Angiut aloohler oae vs. S. V. Snyder.
Dyrua llorknt ri. Bamuel Oooimun.
Francis U. Uriltfih va. W. I. barclsy.
Somcrwt a. I 8. V. TKENT,
Aug 1, U63. frutlwootary.
Evangelical Association ojiened in their J attention on account of his war record, and
' iv r. N. I'M.yd.
wagons! The place to
-;" r ir 1. s is at Cook Si Beer
l- . rv. Wagons at cents.
; !.. .'-"", $.'!6ii and $5.W.
. '.'. ;.: i r.- sate a waaon better
:! .-an buy them.
TKi-r-Main Street. We have
t !av !: i'rlt'eral.n to our Meat
'... !. nirats can le kept coo'
V r..t T, Pork, Ac. kept
i.:l. 0n daily. Parties
i' a-: l-.ivi- il kept in theRefrig
'. ;i'.:i.l.
, new brick for sale,
i ' . 11 !-v tlie hundred or thous-
v ;Ti.v.
Ross Davis & Co.
a.-..:n to the front, with an
: I nriiiture. Bottom prices
l. - k! lW only So,
. Ki:. i-of Furniture at prices
V i:. vile yon to visit our new
v. Vou may find some article
i ;: v , vou will be suited with
Coffroth A Co..
Main Cross Street.
Leading to the Ioiot,
Ai: i Sivic The greatest
!:.! t!ie world. Warranted
i .r:is bruises, cuts. Ulcers,
IVvi-t sores, cancers, piles, chil
' - rliapped hands, and all
' c-iarni.ti-ed to cure in every
n f-.nnled. 2.r cents per
ii want good bread
'! ' ;.-'.'art' Best Flowr,"
I i.i .l. r ! ., "New Jonathan
t!. in: j rcvements prepara-
",; of which 4 the
!! n ..'. $;,mo, and our re-
1 1 f l.i.ii.'.red bftrrt'ts a month
' i; is no humbug.
i'ool Sl Beekits.
1';-. t.vrsv. Physicians are
! ! y niuarkable discoveries.
I'-, king's New Discovery for
: ! all Throat and Lung Dis
r -r.i pa'.iientsthat they have
': i startiing them to realise
-;y. and examine into the
K iii icrful discovery, resulting
"f.-ur lest Physicians using it
' Trial bottles free et C. X. '
-v .rr. Regular size $1 OX
r -V S.inner, tlie well known
I'.i f.rtioiicrs of this town have
'"-1 ft to their business, and
' it vigorously. They have
'-''1 Vii una Flour in barrels and
a a choice brand made by
M.ilii,,by the gradual reduction
" 1 "rn, oats and chop always
-r stin k of groceries is new.
MK'ha, Java, and all other
:"- tT.-c a jcialty . The purest
:,f" ri.,iii-ry in the market. Best
"! -v. and igars always on
-1 ".fullv inform mv friends of
5"'t"y that I have opened a new
'!2.;-' V..;,. filrJ t.Jmainwn
" ' ''ii)ii Ik; pUmsed to see them.
"Msi.f pun, Un,- f-,,,,if-.lM
lilies. Hye Stuffs
fMerallv. At this season
K'eminn to the insectrades,
H. , ' "-en, i-ure J'owilered
- . irrsian Insect Powder,
U" "d f u'u'nR H'
4'.'t1''l see me or write for
" ""Writ, theerfully answered.
Chas. C.BirriTB
Goon Niios. In another column will be
found the Ix-st railroad news we have been
able to furnish our readers with for some
time. The American Construction Campany
have the contract for the building of the
Harrisburg & Western Railroad, and adver
tises for proposals for driving the tunnels
and for building the masonery for the bridge
across the Susquehanna river at Harrisburg.
This is an indication that the work of con
struction will be commenced in the near
future, probably within the next sixty
The Harrisburg I'atr'iot of Monday fays !
"Supt. Robert H. Savre, Richard K. Shel
don, George R. Sheldon, F. L. Stetson G. II.
Kent, Reon Barnes, G. G. Cinon and W. T.
Sauger, of New York, were the gentlemen
present at a meeting of the stockholders
of the Harrisburg and Western
company, in this city Saturday. Independ
ent of the Vanderbilt interest in the new
line, they represented ,Kf ,000 capital
among them. The meeting, at this time,
was held to take into consideration the
ad visibility of choosing under the provisions
of the recent act passed by the legislature,
between what specific terminal points on the
line of the road as chartered and heretofore
agreed upon, the work of actually construc
ting the new road should be undertaken.
The law calls for a settlement of differences
before the road can be built. Accordingly
the tracks of the Harrisburg and Western
comauy will lie laid to the points where
ether rosds touch the new line, or where
such roads are in process of construction.
The stockholders decided to f o ahead with
the new line from this city to where the line
strikes the Pittsburg and Youghioghcny
road in the Sewickly Valley, east of Pitts
burg, and where there is a dispute with the
Pittsburg, Washington and Baltimore and
Southwestern Pennsylvania roads. The
route from McKeesport into Pittsburg has
been abandoned, the result of recent
negotiations by which the Vanderbilt in
terests gained control of the Youghiogheny
"The Harrisburg and Western makes a
series of connections near Pittsburg, along
the Youghiogheny road and parallel to the
Baltimore and Ohio branch. This is partic
ular! v the case around McKeesport and on
to the Smoky city, the Pennsylvania and
other lines having possession of the availa
territory. McKeesport is the western ter-
minous of the new line and Harrisburg the
eastern. As urst puoiisnea in. ine i airu
last November, the station in this city con
nects directly with the bridge over the
.Susouehanna, and will occupy the strip of
land purchased, running from Second and
Vine to the river bank. The bridge will be
of iron, deck and double track, and as the
structure will 1 an enormous affair It is
likely that it will be the last work done:
The track of the Pennsylvania road will not
be interfered with, the intention being to
cross them as stated with an elevated bridge.
Superintendent Sayre gives out the con
tracts in September and preliminary prepa
rations for a road bed will begin then. The
tunnel work beginning without delay, to be
prosecuted throughout the winter season as
opportunity admits. The original plan In
cluded Bedford as among the towns touched
by the new railroad. A correction by a
survey made last week leaves Bedford a
mile and a half to the north bat takes in the
famous springs. This action is due to the
adverse conduct of the borough councils.
The hotekto be built ou the Anderson prop
erty at the springs is to cast $500,000 and the
model is the United States hot J at Saratoga
springs. The great building season will be
in !SM and the way for the successful push
in of the enterprise will be prepared this
beautiful grove a short distance north of
town Friday evening, and will continue
over next Sunday. The grounds have been
somewhat improved since last year, but we
arc surprised that the improvement has not
been greater. The grove is naturally a very
attractive and elegant one, well adapted to
the purpose for which it was selected, and
with very little labor could be made one of
the most handsome camp-grounds in all the
country. A neatly-constructed auditorium.
with a seating capacity of about two bun
dred has been placed immediately in front
of the altar, adding greatly to the comfort
and convenience of worshipers. Several
new tents and a large boarding tent and
restaurant, are among the additions since
last year. There were a great many people
in attendance Saturday evening, and the
crowd all day Sunday was simply immense,
fully three thousand people being upon the
grounds.during the day. At an early hour
in the morning people commenced
coming in from every direction, and
the excursion trains from Connellsville,
Meyersdale and Johnstown assisted largely
in swelling the crowd. Notwithstanding
the great number of people present the best
of order prevail!, and the services were
listened to attentively by most of those
present. The sermons in the morning were
preached by Rev. Dickey and Presiding
Elder Boyer, and were forcible and eloquent
resentations of the Holy Scriptures. The
sermon in the evening was also an able one
and was appreciated by a large and attentive
audience. Thursday evening Hon. George
A. Hilton, of Washington, D. C, will deliv
er an address on the liquor question, and
Rev. II. J. Bowman, of Cleveland, O., will
seak next Sunday. So far the weather has
been all that could be desired, and we hope
it may so continue during the remainder of
the meeting. An admission fee of ten cents
is charged, and we are informed that over
two hundred and fifty dollars was taken in
at the gates Sunday, and over one hundred
dollars Saturday.
Brotheksvallky Items.
Two of Mr. Edmund Glessner's and three
of Mr. William Mussers children are very
sick from typhoid fever. The doctor, how
ever, is confident that they will all recover.
I.ast Monday Mrs. Silas Lane, after a lin
gering illness died of consunition, leaving
a buslmml ana tnree small cnuuren. 3ir,
Lane has our sympathy in bis bereavement.
The farmers throughout this township are
busily engaged in threshing wheat and stor
ing away the oat crop, which is simply
nornious, and preparing the soil for fall
. ..
Lime is by far the cheapest, if not also the
best fertilizer for Brotbersvalley farmers,
where limestone and coal almnd on almost
every other larni. However, a great
many of the farmers are nsing phosphate
this fall by the ton. My own experience is
decidedly in favor of lime, but the experi
ence of others, may prove different.
Alvin A. Cober, who has been attending
College the last few years, is at home spend
ing his vacation. He intends leaving in
a few weeks for Ashland, Ohio. Mr. Cober
is s minister in the Brethren church, and is
a young man of more than ordinary ability,
and in a year hence I think we can annex
A. B. to his name.
Elder Holisinger, of Ashland, O.. filled
the pulpit in the Brethren's church in Ber
lin last Sunday evening. The Elder has
many warm friends in Berlin and vicinity,
and he preached to a full bouse. .
A great many of our fanners have invested
in a new variety of wheat for seed, namely
"Golden Mediterranean." The wheat ex
hibited bv the agent was very fine, and if it
is adapted to our soil and climate, a few
years hence Brotbersvalley will be tbe
banner wheat-raisinc township iu the
Wm. H. Manges, who lives on the line
between Berlin and Brothersvalley township
is giving all his buildings a fresh coat of
paint. Me. M. is a believer in a beautiful,
pleasant and attractive home. He also car
ries on the boot, shoe and leather business.
Lately he associated Isaac Stoner as partner.
and the firm is now Manges & Stoner. They
constantly keep on hand a Urge lot of boots
shoes and leather, which they offer for sale
at bottom prices, uo and see them, and I
am sure you will always afterward deal with
Manges & Stoner.
Now and Thex.
ConFLtEKCE Items.
A. J. Colborn, Jr., has sufficiently recover
ed to resume business, after an il!nes of
about two vears.
A party of cattle dealers from Frederick,
Md., shipped six car loads of cattle from here
on the Hih inst
Messrs. Jobn and William Hanna are en
tertaining quite a number of boarders from
Pittsburg and elsewhere, who are spending
the hot and sickly season in the mountains.
The posthumous slayer of X. L. Dukes,
the slayer of Capt- A. C. Nutt, is looking
around for some one to defend it. Who in
Somerset county will venture to do it?
George Hare, of Harnedsville while pre
paring a piece of ground for the plow, came
what he snnnosed to be a boiler, but
upon examination found sn arch of solid
mason erv, underneath which be found ashes
and pieces of earthen ware in good preser
vation. The oldest inhabitants of this
tion of tbe county have no recollection of
anr ware of that kind having been manu
factured in the viciidty of Harnedsville. The
question is, who did it ?
The acquittal of Dukes for the murder of
CaU. A. C. Nutt: the acquittal of tbe etar
Route thieves, and the recent acquittal of
Rowand. of Pittsburg, together with the
.,niti nf M.rwfal for the murder of
Roach, and Hoffman for the murder of his
wife, makes one feel that a trial by a jury of
twelve peers is one of the abominations ot
the nineteenth century.
from the fact that horses that passed
through the late unpleasantness are now
becoming few and far between.
A cavalry company of about seventy-five
mounted men, dressed in Continental style,
added much to the military display of tbe
day. Also, a full-fledged and and genuine
" little Indian boy," with the war paint on
his face, the bow and arrow in his hand,
and dressed in the gaudy Indian costume of
the forest, and assisted greatly the imagina
tion of the spectators to carry them back
one hundred and twenty years, when the
red man in all his hideousness and treach
ery was roving over these hills in stern reali
ty. Numerous relics and implements of
war that were found upon this battlefield
by the early settlers were on exhibition, and
were viewed with interest by all present.
The Latrobe Post of the G. A. R., accom
panied by the brass-band, took op the line
of march Sunday evening with one day's
rations, and went into -camp on the old bat
tie-ground Sunday night about ten o'clock.
We noticed among the list of Vice Presi
dents the name of Ed. Scull, of the Somer
set Heeald, but failed to see bis
portly form among the assembled mul
Twelve or fifteen stands were on theLr-
ground to supply the wants of theinnfs
man. One stand alone sold sixty-fivaal
Ions of ice cream, and were out Half the
time. Tbe total sale of refreshments on the
ground amounted to at least three thousand
A great deal of historical interest about
the Meadow, Battle, etc., of Bushy Run
might be said, but time and space will not
permit, and we must close.
Yours truly,
II. J. Miller.
Mt. Uio College Irs New Era ahd
Improved Featlsks. This College ia free
from debt, and its permanent growth and
greatly enlarged facilities and usefulness at
ML Union are assured. Tbe past rear bas
been the most succesful and aggressive it
has enjoyed in its 37 years of reroarkal
history. Tbe Winter Term accommodates
those not teaching, enabling them
term. Its distinctive features are : To make
thorough, liberal, piactical education ac
cessible to all ; enabling students to defray
their expenses : equal privileges to Ladies :
'Christian and Patriotic; not sectional or
partisan ; proper care for student's health,
morals and comfort ; freedom of thought
and opinion ; excellent Literary societies ;
good religious opportunities ; competent
Professors, and practical, integral instruc
tion with illustrative experiments. For
new catalogue address 0. X. Hartshorn, LL.
D., Pres. Faculty. Mt, Union, or Alliance,
or Hon. Lewis Miller, President Trustees,
Akron, O. By having erected buildings
this College regulates and cheapens the cost
of students' rooms and board, their chief
expense. Table or club board is $1.75 to
$2.10 ; self board, including good room,
$1.15 to $1.53 per week ; good board and
furnished room, $2.85 to $3.00 per week.
Tuition is but a trifle in any course of stud
ies ancient or modern Classical, Philo
sophical. Commercial, Normal, Instrumen
tal, Fine Art, or Preparatory. No inciden
tal or extra charges. All published prices
No Rest Day or Night.
Ia Us tall of 1874 my sufferings were tarrlbls-1
was swollen to rash proportions that I feared my
limbs woald burst. I bad the best mad leal talent
obtainable, and at the worst stag of my Illness,
wbsa my husband and many friends had given
mo np to die, the lata Pr John Woodbury mads a
thorough examination of my water, and pronounc
ed my easo acute kidney disease, bordering on
B right's disease, and accompanied by gravel, and
recommended the Immediate ass of Hunt's tic ro
od. At this time I was suffering most terrible
pain in my back, limbs and head, and oould find
no rest day or night lor weeks, and I was growing
weaker daily, on til this kind physician ordered
me to take Hnnt'i Remedy. Before taking half
of on Souls 1 eommeoeed to improve, and after
taking six bottles was entirely cured. This was
nearly tight years ago, and I have had no return
of the disease. I have recommended Bunt's Kern
ed to others In similar cases, and it has never
failed to cure. I have also used It tor sick head
ache, and found It a saro relief. 1 think it the
best medicine made, and cheerfully recommend It
Ko. U Tyler SL, Boston, Mass.
April IS, 1883. .
A Well-known Man. -
Unnt'a Remedy having; been ,recommended to
ma for kidney and liver eomplalnta, I purchased
some at the " People's Drug Store " and ased It
In my family, and found It to be a valuable med
1 cine, and I highly recommend It to my friends
knowing it to be beneficial to those troubled with
kidney or liver disease.
Respectfully yours,
April 14, ISM 61 0. EL, S. Boston, Mass.
Notlos ia hereby given to all persona concerned
aa legatee, creditors, or otherwise, that the fol
lowing accouta have passed resistor, and than he
asm wUl be presented for eunnnn&tlon and at
lowaoee at an Orphan's Court to be held at Som
erset Aaarost 34, ls3 : .
First and final account of W. N. Coleman, ad
ministrator of Abraham Hoover, deceased.
First and final acecant of George W. Rhober,
administrator and trustee lor the aale or the real
eatate of John U. Brant, deceased.
Fourth and final account of Peter Haager, ad
ministrator of Michael Snyder, deceased.
Final-account of William A.(fennan, executor
of Benj. Bitlner, deceased.
Third account of J. B. Davis, administrator of
John Davis, dee'd.
Final account of Jacob Ia Miller, executor ot
Michael Putnun, deceased.
First and final account of Aaron Blough, ad
ministrator and trustee for the sale of the real es
tate ot Cbarlea W Inert, deceased.
Flrrt and final account ot H. 8. Endaley, trus
tee for the sale of the real eatate of Catharine
Iloon, deceased.
Account of FliillD T,aie and Isaac Hoffman
uecniun i Anmony iapo. oeceasea.
First and final account of Thomas Ream, ad.
mlolstrator of Jacob W. Ynnnkln daiwued.
Irst account of U. B. Moore, executor of John
nviiuwr, uvrcaseu.
First and final account of Frederick Qroff. ex.
ecutor of Lvdla Penrod. deceaaed.
Account of Oeorze Oardlil, administrator of Ea-
ciiiMH jvuren. aeoeaaeu.
f Irst and fiual account of Samuel E. Berkev
administrator of JoalahLhr. rieM&ad.
First and final account or Samuel E. Kerkey and
John Lour, executors or Peter Sbclt her. nee'd.
t irst and final account or Joseph B. Davis "one
of the executors or John P. H. Walker, dee d.
first account or Wm. M. Schrock, executor or
Aonrew Dialler, oeceasea.
Second and final account of Thomas fTunn s-nar.
uin oi dciij. nK-aier.
First and final account of Honry Knlerem, ad
minlatrator ot Henry Knlerem, deceased.
First and final account of Henrv Knlerem. ad.
mlnlstrator of Henrv Ackerman. deceased.
First and final account of John H. Snjder. trns.
tee for the aale of the real estate of ltebeoca Mo-
ureaor, deceased.
KeaUrtor s Office, I A. A. 8TCTZMAX,
Juiy su, iskj. I Register.
Wskrkat, the Honorable William J. Basm,
ProslJent J autre of tae several Uoart of Unmmoa
Pleas of the aavesaf oounltca comuostna the loth
Judicial district, saw JuMice oft lie Conns of Oyer
an i rrminur ana uenerai Ju Delivery, tar ine
nil of an rapnai and oiaer osenders in me saia
Irtmrlrt. lml Wk Cot lis s in. I Saxi kl SaTDia,
bquires, Judas oTlhe Courts of Cummoa Pleas
and Jiu'lceaot in. Court ol Over and Terminer
and Ot-neral Jail lielifery for the trial of all capi
tal and other oilenders la I lie county ef Somerset,
have Isautd th ir precept and l ate directed, for
holding a Court ol Coromoa Pleas add General
Qunruir Mlr of the l'ece, and Uenaraljail
Delivery, and Courts of Oyer and Terminer, at
cromenci, on
, Aaawat 27, IftM.
Nones Is hereby glvea to all tne Justices of the
reaee, the coroner and (xestables within me
aaia county ol somerset, that they be then and
there in their proper person with their roll, rec
ord, InquUtitluns, examinations and other remom
brenoes, to do those t hints which to their oirtce
and la that beltall appertain to be don : and also
they who will prosecute against the prisoners that
are or shall be in the jail oi Somerset eoanty, to be
then and there to prosecute against them as shall
be just.
augl. sihenfl.
A Last Manufacturer.
I have used Hunt's Remedy for the kidney com
plaint, and, bavins; been fully restored to health
by its use, I can testify to It value.
Dally I recommend It to some one of my friends,
all. of whoa I know have been benefitted by
Its ass.
Maldeh, Mass., April 20, 1S3.
Orrica or ths
Socth Pennsylvania Railroad CoMr'v.
Hkbisbi ru. Pa,, Aug. It ls3-
4 SPECIAL. MEKTINO ofthe stockholder
JYot the South Pennsylvania Kail road Company
will beheld at the othoe ol the a.idOompauv ia
tbe city of Harrisburg, on Thursday, the Sth day
ol Senuunber. lk3. at S o'clock In the afternoon.
when and where tbe joint agreement entered ioto
by the dtrectore ot the oolti rennsyivama Kail
road Company and tbe director ol the Harris.
burg and Southwestern Railroad Company, for
the consolidation ol tne said two companies and
the merger of the aaid HarrUbunr A Southwest
ern railroad company into the aaid Sooth Penn
sylvania railroad company will be submitted to
tb sahl stockholders, and a vote by Daiiot in er
aon or by proxy taken for the adoption or rejection
of the same, and at the same time and place all
of the acta, resolution and proceeding of the
board of director ol the said South Pennsylvania
railroad company since the last annual meeting
and up to and including the day of the aaid meet
ing win De saumiueu to tne caia nocanoiaers,
together with a resolution spprovlDg and ratily-
Ing each and every of the said acta, and a vote of
the stockooiaen win oe taken upon ins question
oi adopting or rejecting sucn resolution.
auglS 4t Secretary.
to gain a I XjL
. I Estate of Alexander Stern, lata of Somerset
township, deceased.
Letters of administration oa the above estate
having been granted to the undersigned by the
proper authority notice 1 hereby given to all
Hereon Indebted to cal l estate to make immedi
ate payment and those having claim against the
same to present them duly authenticated for set
tlement, on oamruay, ine 3uu aay oi aepiemucr,
lsu, at the lata residence of dee d.
Septlt. Administrator.
Tb undersigned hereby give notice that any
person hereafter tresspassing on our premise
for tbe parpose el hunting, fishing, or gathering
nut and berries, will be dealt with according to
Always on tbe boom. We mean tbe five
and ten-cent counters at Cook A Beerits' arc
constantly getting something new, and al
ways have a full stock of these highly popu
lar, extremely nseful, and remarkably cheap
goods. Look over the counters and take
your choice for five or ten cents. Four
years trade has indelibly stamped sueces on
this enterprise. If you come to town and
don't drop in and look over these counters
you have lost money, and your trip is a fail
ure. Always extraordinary bargains. The
biggest thing we are running now is our
five-cent glassware. An extra large stock
just received for Gamp-meeting and Court
week trade.
A. H. Ferner and Bro have already re
ceived tbe greater part of their Fall A Winter
stock of Boots and Shoes. Tbey also purpose
selling the best quality of robber goods ever
To Mr. Scull and family, to Messrs. Miller
and Stevenson, to the Misses Baer, Hunsick
er, Harrison, Endslcy and Scull, who so
kindly lent their aid to the Parlor Concert,
in our behalf, the ladies of the Christian
Mite Society tender their most sincere and
heartfelt thanks. May it be like bread cast
upon the waters, that shall return to you
after many days.
Also to Mr. Jonas Cook, to whom we are
endebted for the use of bouse and grounds,
in which to hold our Lawn Fete, from
which we realized quite a considerable sum.
Boabdisto. I have just completed the
large addition to my house, and am ready
to accommodate boarders. Jurymen and
others coming to Court can secure good
rooms and meals at reasonable rates.
Job A. Walts.
Notici to TlACHiaa- Applications for
situations in the public schools of Somerset
borough will be received until Wednesday
evening, August 29th.
By order of the Board of Directors,
W. II. Weljlii, Sec'y.
Kotx This If any of oar readers have
private receipts for liniment, family medi
cines, horse powders, etc., that they desire
to haTC compounded, they will do well to
consult Campbell, the Druggist, 2IA Main
street Johnstown. His stock of drugs, dye
stuffs, etc, are not only fresh but pure, and
his prices reasonable. His aim is to please
bis customers, and be knows that the way
to do this is by selling strictly pure goods si
reasonable figures. Don't forget the name
and number. 964 Main 8C. Johnstown.
We, tbe undersigned fartuers of Jefferson
township have seen the Buckeye Down
Binder at work, and pronounce it a success.
Simon Young, Uriah Schrock, H. H. Ma
son, Silas Flick. Simon Young, Uriah
Schrock, Levi Kanpp, Isaiah Flick, Casper
Jacobs, Hiram Brnner, Geo. Barclay, Wes
ley Barclay, Solomon Baker. J, W. Bark ley.
Cucumbers should be pealed and pot to
soak in salt water at least aa boar before
serred. Tbe salt extracts tbe poison and
thus renders them brittle and easier to be
J. dK i IV T,
D. J. BLOl'GH,
List of Civil Causes
For trial at September Adjourned Court, beglr.
clng Monday, Sept 17, 1-83.
Shade Cr'k Lumber Co. (LlmltcdlvsG.W.Cober.
Geo. Hardlns' Extr. v John R. Brlnhamet at
Wm. T. Wallace t. Wm. Slloaugn.
Same v. Andrew J. Holliday.
John Reel vs. Henry Johnson et al.
John A. Clark v. Same.
Enoch Plough va Same.
James Parson va Somerset Township,
Mrs. M. A. Snyder right v. P. A C. R. B. Co.
Herman Cbriatner vs Wtlmoth A Zufali.
A. J . Casebccr A Co. vs. C. W. M'Coy deft et al
H. H. Lohretalvs B. F. Lung.
Isaiah Kodgers va Shade Cr'k Lnmb'rCo. Lim'd.
Isaac A. Jenkins vs. L J. Miller.
John Valentine vs. P. AC. R. R. Co.
Gust Sellers va James Albright
I. 8. Lane vs. Saacael P. Snyder.
Gkleon Hlteshew vs. John Kerkeyblle..
Wm H. Deeur vs. Catharine Bent.
Howe Sewing Machine Co. va B. A. Fichlner.
Same vs. Same.
Same vs. H. A. Flebtner et aL
Same va Same.
Robert Plckworth et al vs. B. F. Lung.
J. R. Hendrlckon'heirva C. J. Harrison etal.
PaoTuoxoTARY's Orrica, ( 8. V. TRENT
Aug. ii, 18W. Prothonotaiy.
MT virtue of certain writ tt n r. ..j t
BBirou nuvi tne iun oi uommon Pleas of Son
erset county, Pa aad to ma din-ctj.,1 i,. -n
be expos! to pubUo sale at the Court House
iu 0vuicigc l, r on
Friday, August 24, 1SS3,
all the right, title. Interest and
claim of the defendant, George T. Hummel, ol. In
anu u ius loiiowing real eeutie, situate in South.
amptoa township, Somerset county. Pa., adjoin-
1113 imuuB iate 01 jonn w iu, joenua r . Uox and
Charles Ogle, containing fifty acres more or less,
about forty acres clear, with an orcliarJ thereon
and a one and a hall story dwelling house and
table thereon erected, with the atmnrtenancai
and known a purpart No. of the real esuta of
samuei i. wilt, deceased.
Taken In execution at the rait of Catharine
mong and martin V. Sorber, Executor of John
"intii, deceased, who was Trustee of Samuel D,
w lit, deceased, use of rdwla f. Witt. Charles H
Witt, A. H. Pile and Mary J. his wile, in right
of aaid Mary J. Pile and Kebecca J. Witt, heirs
vi aaiu oamuei v.- mi. oeceasea.
All the right title. Interest and claim cf the da.
fendant, B. F. Lung, ot In. and to the following
real estate, situate In Shade township, Smtret
eoiiniv. 11, contaiuiDg la acre, more or leaa. .l.
joining Itnda of George W.Clark. Tbos. Crlfser.
Jim" natner anu jona wigie, (being Umber
hdiii witu toe ai'ourienances.
J Taken in execution at the ruit of Aaron
XII the right title lmcmrtam claim of Alex
ander Paul and Mary K. Paut of, in ood to the
mowing real estate, slluite in Meversdnle nor.
ouih, Somerset cuoty. Pa. being tour lots known
on the plot of said town as lots No. 3S, 37. 3K8
ami , eacn 101 neing in size SOxliO, bounded
on the east by Railroad street, on the south hy
Fifth street, on the west hy a twenty-foot alley,
on the north by Fourth street hiring thereon
erected a two-story frame dwelling house, stable,
foundry, and other cult nilUings. the foundry be
ing In good miming order, containing all the nec
essary tools, cupalo, patterns: engine, boiler.
turning lame, etc., etc., wnn tne appurtenances.
Taken in execution at the suit id Peter it. Mr
er. use of Carroll, Adams A Co., and. Adams,
Li ii. M k ttt
Notice. All nersona trarehrjdnff at th ahnv
sale will please bike notice that a part or tbe
purchase money to be made Known at the time
oi saie win te required a soon as tbe property
anocaou aown, oinerwme it will do again ex-
fd to sale at the risk of the It rut purchaser,
he restdneof tha purchase monevmust benaidnn
or before Thursday or the first week of August
Court, the time Bxod by the Court for the acknowl
edgment oiaeeti, anu noaeed win he acknowledge
h imu iu. purcuaac money is paiu in mil.
SBKKtrF'a OrvK-g
July 28, .1H83.
tannic r.utler by her next . In the Court of Com
mend Jama Albright ( mon Plea of Somer
v. f set :o.. Pa., A pril T,
Franklin M.Butler ' 1SS3. Sub. in Divorce.
All persons Interested will take notice that in
pursuance of a commission tome issued to take
testimony, i will attend at my oHice in Somerset.
Pa. on Thursday, the Sth dav of Seulembcr
augl Commissioner.
Estaia of Samuel Hay, late of Somerset .1 wp
somerset uo., pa., deceased.
Letters of administration en the above estate
having been granted to the undersigned, by the
riroper authority, notice I heieby given to thou
ndeated to it to make Immediate payment and
those having claim or demands will pleas pre
sent them dulv authectlcated for settlement on
Saturday the !d day of September, 1883, at the
late residence ol deceased, or the law onto of J.
;. Scott Somerset, Penna.
augl. Administrator.
For Sale at a Bargain !
The farm formerly known as the JOHN PAID
LEY FARM, containing 877 acre, of which i:
acres is good level bottom land which, with but
little expense, can be made to produce five hun
dred tons of hay annually, and can be made one
of tbe best (lock and gram farm In Western
Pennsylvania. Tbl farm 1 located in Lower
Turkeyfoot Township. Somerset County, Pa,
within one aad a ball" miles from Urslna. and
with la half a mile from my present boms farm.
For sal a vary desirable property jnst outside
of the Borough of Crstna, containing 7 acres of
land, on which there Is erected a very ale new
two-stoty frame
Dwelling House,
with sit room ; also a good stable, garden, and
well of excellent water ; a beautiful local loo.
For particulars apply to ma at this place.
Urslna, Pa.
There will be xpoee-1 at public outcry, on tb
premises la Milford Township. a
The following described property, knows as th
"Cant. John Suraev tana." located owe
half mile soath of Rockwood. Tbl Una is aw
tn a good stat of ealtlvattoo, has been lately
limed and aambors la acre, over co hundred
ars etoarwd, SS acre ia saaadww. aad aboat SS
acres ia timber. Thar is a good two-story log
Swelling boaas, bank bars aad other baudlags
oa the premise; also, a sa gar earn p with between
six aad saves hundred keelers. a good orchard,
aad ha good water la awmrly vry field. It is a
good farm for stock mixing. There Is coal aad
Urn tone a th pracaisea.
TERMS : Ooe-UIrd ia band Aped 1. tSSf.
Balaar la two equal anneal payment, with bi
ter. For rartaer parttcalars call sa er address toe
aadcrstgaed at Roekweod. Pa.
of Jsha Caaahoer, dee'd la' of Sosneraet
Borough, Sosaarsat Coaaty, Pa.
Latter of administration oa the abov estate
aartng ba granted to the aadersuraed by th
proper aataorily aotles Is hereby given to all
Mrsoas ladebted to said eatate to make laasstdl-
ate pajmsnl. aad those having claim against tb
same t pre, at them ealy satneaUcalad far set-
111 us ail l r i naraoay, ut nut oay vi
Mas. al the amaa f riaaaa A Kooaer.
Fjtataof Edward R. Griffith, dec. 'd Ut ofjen-
ner Twp., Somerset Co., pa.
Letters of administration oa the abov estate
having been granted to the andersiirneit by the
proper authority, notice ia hereby given to all
persons Indebted to said estate to mak Immedi
ate payment, and those having claim against tbe
same win present them duly authenticated for
settlement at the late residence of deceased, on or
before September IS, 1383.
Somerset, Pa., Aug. 8,1883. Administrator.
Tventy-fflh yenr commences oa Jlonduy,
Stemler 17th.
Doardins; School for LJoy and
Young Men.
Comforts of a ChriMiaa Hume.
Family School limited. Locality beauti
ful ami healthful. Social and literary ad
vantages of a groat city without its vices.
Pupils thoroughly fitted for any College or
department of business.
For catalogues containing testimonials
and cuts of huildiniis, address
r. . llANTIXCrt. Pfe.D.
Kcsidence ZYl. Locust St., Philadelphia,
The Best
Sewing Silk
That are GOOD VALUE -for the mone?
Greis, Foster & Quirm's.
113 & 115 Clinton Street,
Every spool Vi-arrantfd
hand or machine srwing,
unenunled for
Smooth, fining,
Full length. Ladies, ask your store-keeper
for " Curucellt Spool silk. auirj lit.
Fjtate of Jacob J. Miller, lato of Quemahoning
Two., Somerset Co., rs, dtc u.
Letters testamentarv on above estate bavh
been trranted to the nndersiireed by th proper anv
thoritr. notice is herebv alven to all person in
debted to said estate to make immediate pay
ment and those having; claim against it to pre
sent them dulv authenMc&Vyl for settlement on
Saturday, S. p'tember 15, lrsS, at the lata resi
dence of the deceased.
angS. Executor.
The undersigned oft. rs for (ale a tafm eontain
inff U tores, situate one and one-half niiie ol Somerset It. i well l-v:rov; d and ucder
Kood state ol eui'lvation. with irood Irult, irond
runnioic water. Forchasers detirir. to see the
properly and learn the price should bill at the
larui, or suuress
bukS-SU DAVID FILrVSonvrset Fa.
Estate of Sotonvm Camp, dee'd. late of South
ampton twp., Miinermi i., ra.
Letters testamentary tnthe above estate having;
been uranted to the undernamed by the proper
authority, notice Is hereby given t all person in
debted to Mid estate to make tmnscilla'e pay.
meat and those havirir claim earatnt tbe same
111 present them duly authenticated lor settle-
men on or oeiore Saturday, Auajtiai zt. iwu. at
the resilience of Israel Kinerirk. in sai l towns' lp.
jul18 . GtOKGE A. WKISUi.
Estate of Aaron I Techier, late of Mlddlecreek
twp , Somerset Co., i'a-, dec d.
Letters testamentary on the above estate
bavins: been uranitd to the undersigned by the
proper authority, notice is hereby given to all
nersona indebted to said estate to make i aimed i-
ate payment, and those havlna claims saalrst the
same to prereni uiem cuiy amneDiicaieu tor sev on Saiuriar. September 1. UU, at the
ate rsid ence of detxaKd.
J. K .MCJttlL. ..,
jul25. txeculor,
Do You Want To Make Money ?
Then Buv the Celebrated
-A.meric.aii Fruit Drier,
The followlna account have been filed, and will
he prex-nted for cotiCnnation on Tbumlay, Ai
rust so; W3.
H. L. Hacr and J.O. Osle, Assignees of John
O. Ktmmell.
Valentine Hay, Asslicnee of liozina Zimmer
man. Danuel H. Banger Committee of Rebecca Uaa-
5. V. TUF.NT,
The Bulfalo Vallev Lime Uomnany. llaiitd.
will sell, cntil further ordered, unslackcd lime at
tbe following rates:
At 9 cents per bushel, loaded on cars at kilns;
at 1 cent per bushel for any quantity let than a
car load; al 11 rent per bushel delivered at any
station on the Berlin Railroad; at 12 cent per
bushel delivered at .Meyersdale and Uorkwowl:
and at cents per busht l delivered at all other
railroad stations in Somerset cuuntv. including all
those on the Somerset h. Cambria Railroad, pay
ment can be made to the tollowiog persons;
Jobn U savior, at rrteuec.
W. H. blooms, at Somerset.
Harrison Snyd. r. at Rockwood.
Frank tnos. at Garrett
SamuelJ. Miller, near Meyersilale,
We most depend upon lime as the basis to ter-
tlllis our solt Order it now and have It ready
when needed. Order from 1 ranh Anos, Uarrett
I have acccDted the Aeenev In SOM ERSET and Camhria Conntle for thl
bor-Saving and Money-Maklna Invention, and will be glad to explain Its aivantaves to. and lake
theonler from every man owning an apple tree in the two counties. The AMEKH'AX EVAPO
RATOR Is Ihe best and cheapest now cccred the public, and will par it coat, and make money lor
you beside, th tint season.
Tbe profit In evaporating fruit etc. is enormous, a every farmer must see by comparing flirnre
Take for exampls apples, of which there promise to be an alondanca :
On No. i Eraporator will coat vou t 74 f 0
Ten bushel ofappleeach day for IV days IJObuJhelj S 00
Fuel OU) Labor (;) i 00
Total cost tios 00
Ch. By 750 lbs. Evaporated apples at licts IDS 00
The above is tbe lowest price at wtlrh kvatoratl anolc-s have vet aohl. and It I reasonable to
suppose the price a fair average. Evarnrate-I apples are bow selling In tbl market at 26 cent a
pound. Counting six pounds to the bushel, tbl would make tb trull worth 1.60 per basnet Evap
orate.! peaches are worth 36 cents a pound.
Thus any man owning an orchard can convert his (rait Into erapirated stock, equal to th best
In the market, and pay lor one of these machines 1-mr and hve time In a season: Every farmer,
specially, ought to hare one, W add two testimonial, given the company by tanner la Bedford
county :
ix itoADs, uedtnni county, ra,, January .tma.
An. Mvo. Co. Dear Sir : " The apple crop has been an onilre lailure here this year, but our
tio. x Evaporator has paid us big Interest. We dried lots of sweet corn, tomatoes, pumpkin and
eabbaas, Tbe dried cabbage is splendid ; we cut It on a slaw-knife, and It dries very fast it should
he soaked ten hour to prepar It lor tableuse. 1 was at Mr. D. S. Sell' to whom Isold a No. 2
F.vaDorator last vear. Mr. Sell 1 so well til eased with It that she would not do without one nohow.
She hail no apples, but she bas about paid lor the Evaporator by drying pumpkins, berries and cab
bage. To her belongs the credit of Urst evaporating eaDbago In thij section."
Yours truly,
Increases In popr.larirv
every day, as isuit-s and it
the most
corset ever worn. Mor
. chnnts ay It eives the best
' satisfaction of sny corset
they evr sold. Warr-int 'd
piti.fartorv or monoy re
funded. For aia by
Tuthonotary' Office, I
August N 1S9.
Reliable and Experienced Men In averv county
In Fennsvivtnla. to sell WHtF.LUR k H'lLSOS
SEW J SO MACHINES: the UK-st liberal term
to good men. Correcponilence invpeii. Adrees
augl-lm M. SCMSEB Ir CO.,
in W js. 4th Streec, Cincinnati, Ohio ,
STasrvacTvaaK aim paauia ia
Masonery & Tunnel Contractors.
TPVoPOSAU will be received at tb office of
x ta American Conartructlon com
Dsn Room It, Slh Floor, MUls' Building, New
lorklltv. saUl U a'ctock aooa. Aaarastsl. ISMS,
for driving seven tannelA aggregating aboat 3,000
linear faat.eai tb Unaaf th Railroed U ba eoa
rtraeted between Harris bunth Fa., and the
Youghiogheny Hlver, tagether with one section of
say on bum sb raogia, oa aaca auw oa a
For building th Haaonery for tb Bridge across
the Sarqoahanaa BJver at Harrtabmrg, Fa.
Flans, profile and fpeciflcaOoei may ba a,
and all necessary Information obtained ea appli
cation at th office of th IMvtakai Engineer hi
Harris burg. Everett, Bedford and Somerset. Fa,
Th Company will raqalr satisfactory evIoVne
from bidders of their responsibility and ability to
complete any work that may ba allotted thasn at
Us atMM named la proposal, aad wKala th
tin hied lor Ii completion. All propooal must
be sealed, aad addrauad to th anJerstgned la
New York City. a
Th Company reserve the right to rerrs any
or all bMs received If not deemed atuftory.
Sec American Coestructloa IV.,
New York City. Ag-S.
s nu iuu i i i i i i i i i r
people are always on
Lut for rbanci-s to n
crease their earnings, and n
time become wealthy: those
who do not improve their opportunities remain la
poverty. We oner a gn at chance to mak mon
ey. We waut many men, women, boys and girls
to work for us right In their own localities. Any
one can do the work proerly from the first crt.
Th business will pay more than ten times on'
nary wage. Expenslre outfit furnished free. I
one who engages tail to make money rapid ij
Yon can devote your whole time to Ihe work, or
only your spare moments. Full Information and
all that I needed sent free. Address Snsoa A
Co., Portland, Maine. t'erttt-iy
New EsTEaraiSB, Bedford County, Pa., November ST, 1882.
Aa. M m. Co. Pear Sirs : " We have lust finished drying. We hav dried all kind of fruit and
vegetable, and most say we cannot thick the American can be excelled. We have dried a lame lot
ol cabbage, and when people found out how nice It was drlol. th y bnuvht waaron load to as for
drying. Some of the neighbors made run of us for buying such a dear drier, but ihey have changed
their notion already, and by spring we will h t them know what ia in such a mat bine."
Yours Resuecttully.
We aild the following testimonial to show tbe capacity ef the machine from one operation made In
Missouri. lean furnish a thousand equally as favorable :
CLirTos. Henry Co., Mo., Januarv H. 1W3.
As. Mrs. Co. Gentlemen : " I Intended writing you sooner but 1 wished to sell my (ruit first,
anil I fell much indented to yoor company for my success in this bu.iness. 1 sived my entire crop of
down apples, which dropped from the trees oa account of the great heal and wind of one week. an4
which would havabeen a total loss, a apple were plentv here. I evaporated on nil Null
bushels of apple, which made 2.250 pound of araporatnl fruit, which I sold here at US cent per
pound, maamg 5o..a. ioiai expense oi operating-, inciuuing macnioe, ireignts. anu inciuenLaie,
tl'M si. 1 bar th Evaporator a aood as new. aal have railed It the Kln" ol all evaporator. I
am Indebted to the American for thl achievement, and lor doing tor the fruit-growers of Missouri so
much. I am perfectly satisfied with my succe..
Respectfully Yours,
For further particulars address. julyll-3m.
A. A. STUTZMAN, Somerset, Pa.
Blairsroilie (Pa.) Ladies' Seminary.
TUwmtlful OTOUiids. commodious hulldiniv
heated throughout with stew ra. yrnr tn r!.
healthful location, no ma'aria. THonotJOH
instruction In English. French, tierriian,
Latin. Ureeic M usic. Drawing, Painunjf,oc.
For catalosruea, apply to
EEV. T. E. EW1NG. PrindpeU.
THIRTY-THIRD YEAR begins September 13
U8 JulylS-lOt.
Always the Best.
a nvii nniBioT.
A Daxictocs Caeb. -
T the yolks of It ega. well bealea. add on
cap sugar, eae-naireup cutter, one a all-cap wn
milk, oa taaspooaful ground eianamoa, on gra
ted nutmeg, then the white of twe eggs well
beaten, one afctd a half cap Boar aaviaaj ia it eae
mearare Bia" Baking Powder ; bake la
jelly eske paAc waea sold spread each laver with
aa icteg mae with th whites of three egg beat
en auo aooruaw si aaiiowyp jwwwww mm.
OPEN from SEPT. 6 to OCT. 13, 1883.
Artit-t, IJventors, Mechanics and Manufacturers of America are cordially
invited to participate in this Popular and Successful
By all Railroads Centering in Pittsburg and Allegheny.
Gen- Manager. two rotary.
fanvLVAKiA FEMALE COLLEGE, httsskshi w.
The onlv completely equipped. Bmt-el school for ladle, with full colleglat 9"? '?Bi12S
rhenv MounlaiS DehVbtlol lor.tion a-ay Irom city book aaj sawke Lornpfi-t. "Li Kat
' Faculty ts. Scbael year apa Sept. Uth. ur catalogue, term. - aoilrea liauta K, jiiavaa v. ma.
Three Cakes of Fine Toilet Soap for Five Cents.
Twenty Dozen Gloss Towels at Five Cents apiece.
1,000 yards of Towling, all patterns, at 6 cts. per yard.
We are closing out all Summer Goods regardless of cost.
It will pay you to give us a call.
tin o .
year." jfi
bronght to Somerset.