The Somerset Herald. ::Zcio. R. SCULL. Editor ' Subsribers UL" please noSfy us whan they change their residence and poto(fice address, i ilaj. Vn Dora my Uii Congressional district has more pensioners than any other in the 1'nited States. . .1 rtDHESDAT Jeurcall Easter egg dyes for aali by C S. Boyo. ... Holderbeam' and ee their new c,na, end buy your dry good at cost A new edition of the achool law i pub lished every three year. The Department r .,Mi. instruction ia now diatributms the latest. ."' Morrison & Bro.'a Congh Byrup, lini ment. Horse and Cattle Powder have, by their goodness, gained a large sale. TO. cite and price ait e. Also try Bam stead's Worm Syrup We are headquarters for hardware, Iron nd nails, oils and paints. ' J. M. Holdmbacm A Boss. Easter canla, all prices, at Boyd.s. a iurr township. Cambria county man tl cut a pine tree on hta (arm which about six thousand shingles, five iocs aixtean feet long, six logs twelve feet long, and one log fourteen feet long. MtT MAtT.-Main Btreet.-We hare iurf added a large RefngernUW to our Jes in which all meata can be kept coo' .udilean. Mutton. Beef. Pork, &c., kept constantly on hand. Open daily. Parties buying meat can have it kept in the Refrig erator until wanted. Weliave. also, 100.000 new bnck for sale, which we will sell by the hundred or tbous- snd at. low price. Rogs DaTM 4 , ..., I,., inst received a beautiful atoik of Easter cards. Also Easter egg dye. You can have your hall and stairs cover ed itli brussel carpets with borders to match at Holderbaum's. t Bio BAur.AiK.-One-half interest in a A iving business. nit required. shout $1,000. Inquire of Jonn it. uui, m. ., at la. Somerset, l a. ixere ib u. :-r. one. Good reasons for acll- piii I---. ii'S- There have been io licensed houses in r..rrtt. Bedford connty, for a wk or two, MJ U.e change U so much for the better that tli people of that town wouic oe ue lipliUd if the last glaaa of rum had been M1J over a licensed counter. . fmk res dves In great variety; also, the fine stock of Eadr tarda in the county, for sale by Boyd, the druggist. Satchels, 14 inches, 75 cents; 18 inches, W cents; IS inches, 95 cents; 20 inches, fH'). Trunks, 1 50, 2 u. 2 60, 3 00, and up. Bovs' wool hatt 25, 35, 45, and 50 centjk Vens' wool hats 40. 50, 60 and 75 cents. " IVmt fail to take advantage of the bargains at H. Hetflej 'a. Somerset Barptiua t Ilolderljaum'a In men and boy's overcoats, ladies' satin dolmans and circulars, etc i . (iFBHART's If you want good bread buy none other than "Gebhart s Best Flour," manufucttired under, the "New Jonathan VilU Pnc," the improvements prepara tory t t'.ie .manufacture of which ctt Uie proprietors of the mil! f3f,000, and our re tail trade of one hundred barrels a month attefts the fact that it iano humbug. Respeutfully, ; Cook 4 Bekrits. The sunshiny days which come in March siv very apt to tempt imprudent people to srand around out doors on the sunny side f buildings, and that makes basin ess for the dolors. IxMifing In the aunshine in early spring while the ground is wet and culd is a dangerous pastime. . " . Note Turn If ny of our readers have private receipts for liniment, family medi eitie. hore powders, etc.. tliat they desire to have compounded," they will do well to ctuult Campbell, the Druggist, 2l4 Main ftrert, Johnstown. His stock of drugs, dye tnff. ets., are not only fresh but pure, and his prices reasonable:"' Hi aim is to please his customers, and he knows that the way to do this is by selling strictly pure goods at reasonable figures. - Dotft forget the name and number, 2T4 Main U. Johnstown. HefHey's is theeheast store in Somerset 1W heavy coata at $1.00, worth $2.00 . vercoau! at ' 2.00, worth 3.00 Men s 'V . -, - . " 25. 44 3-" " " S.00, . " 4J50i " " ulst.Ts " 2.75, - 4.25 n.ildrens' suits, 3 to 10 yrs of age 1.75 to 2J0 " " 3 to 10 ' 44 44 3.00 to 4.00 1 Boys' good heavy suits 3.00 to 4.00. do, 4.50 to 5. ; youth's do, 3.50 to 5.00 ; do, 4.50 to !.; mens' do, 4.50 to 5.50. A tew single vests Wll at 50 eenta each. By calling yon will have the largest stock of clothing in the county to select from, and at prices that defy competition. taster egg dves only C cents at C. If., Boyd's. - . '. i Usiber is now manufactured from straw One ton of straw fields on thousand feet of boards, the KtarTdard size being twelve feet hi leepth, tbirty-two mcfaes in width and tlieaveragethiekness of surfaced boards. Tins ean be used like ordinary lumber, and old in competition with wide walnut, at about halfthe rost of the latter. Messrs. Keller 4 Ranner, the well known yroeers and confectioners of this town have added flour and feed to their knsinesa, and proimiie to push it vieorouslv. Tbey "have the Celebrated Vienna Flour in barrel arid sack, as well as a choice brawd made oy IWiiker the gradual reduction t1fov. Com, oats and chop always stock. Th.4r stock if eroceriea is new, frvah and full. U'ba, Java, and all other ?r.i,Vf fmeeiffeepeV!y. The purest and best confectionery in the market. Best braoJs of tolcoo and fipars alsraya tm fc(ln4 . . ..... rT HiAur roa Voca SrmiM Woa. Otir friend Frank Gaul haa gone east on a 1t to get on tooe latest atylesin fats line, lniiie decontion. He proposes to take in New York, Vhiladripbia. Baltimore, and 'siilnirtisi,nd will visit all tta noted art ieMw4itents 1n tlie ciBw named. - Nr. distil W Hi fiian, and believes in keeping ' ipo aWtiaui. justly ates aa among tUt itm f our tcorwu i i P-utit(l Easter cards ost f&i&i at P"yfl"s. ' I onK BsjiectftiHy toforni any firiends of ""fHt euuiity that I hae opened a new 4rritrt j Main ttoeet, Johnstown, whese I would lie pleased to see tbera. kiy coiudstsof Pure Drugs, Cbeuiicals. futem Ve4i3ins, !) fAtim, Perfumeiry fancy OooAs gemnwlly. JU ttiU seaaoa ' Wd call aUcutiiu to the iasectradea, aa 1"ure Paris 3reen. Pure Powdered LH Hiif4ore, fpersiaa toaeot Powder, C MTben Hi need of anything in the rF lUkt ni mm 4 write far ("Ms. J inquiries cheeutty anaarcrM CaiAa. GirnTu' 2 Jtaintjet. A'LM T l-ir Hata JlxaTopxji. Itu jen (Vly durewu tana ail others. It is as m jrater, ad, aa iff name indicate, if Ikfboly VKefab'e Hair Restorer. ' U rill gray liair to its nUual OuJdT, and C"4" new growth jribei U bu fylit t ds jiot la ary roaiuier WTect Uy; a-bWj. auljj.ur, pupar of (aA n Fanners reort that the growiag wheat haa avf&red reat' Injarr durfug the past few weeks by, ther alternate freezing and" thawing out ' " i ' ' 4 j ' Out merchants are beginning their prepa rations for . the coming season's business, the impression seeming to prevail that a prosperous year will Us enjoyed by all branches' of trade. ' " " ' " ' " i i The roads in and around town are very rough at present, and teaming is very hard and laborious for the horses. It is hardlv expected the roads will get much batter un til after spring is fully opened. Quite a number of counterfeit Bland sil ver dollars have been ahoved at Johnstows within the last few days. They are so Weil executed that so die of the backers ofUis town have beea deceived by them. ft,. .,.....! There is considerable grumbling amongst tax payer .about the amount of valuation put upon their property by the assessors. This one is too high; this one too low, and so onto the end of the chapter. ' ' lev, 8. R. Brideubaueh, pastor of '. Bcforned Church, Berlin, Bosnarset county, Pa, lately tendered his resignation to the Consjatcs-yr -with a view of aatlng -,4U from tbe lief erased Church, of Westminster, Md. r Tha Consistory would not accept the resignation, and requested him toot to as Sonaiset. ClassJs fot k ffistoimttoa pft&t pastoral relatioa, heaca ka retMtaa, sd The tract of isJC acres of land in Mahanoy and Ryan townships, Schuylkill county, that recently was sold to the Philadelphia 4 Reading Railroad Company, once was sold for 78 cectato satisfy back'olauiis for taxes. ! As many of our subscribers will doubtless change Uteir place of residence and postof fice address on the first of April, we request them to be sure and send us a postal card with present address as well as their new address. ; J V ; ? f J hMf; ifl. It is now given 'out that tha Messrs. Mel Ion propose to build a railroad from Ligon ler up the valley, via Pleasant Grove and Stahlstown, to intersect the South Pennsyl vania road at the most practicable point be tween Jones' mill and Donegal. Passion week will be observed in St. Paul'a Reformed church of Somerset with appro priate religious services, beginning with the commemoration of the palm entry next Sundar: morning.1 The Lord's Supper will be celebrated on JSaster Sunday morning. -' t ' ' ' la the days, before the war it is said the folloa ing notice was posted on a bridge in a Georgia town: "Any person driving over this in a pace faster than a walk, shall, if a bite person, be fined $5.10; if a negro, re ceive twenty-five lashes, half the penalty to be bestowed upon the informer." m m The address delivered in the court house last. Tuesday evening, i by ' Miss Xarcissa White, under the auspices of W. C.T. UM was listened to by a crowded house and was well Wiirth .listening to. Miss White ia a pleasing and forcible talker, and is deeply interested in the cause of temperance. The time is fast approaching when the chronic croaker will begin his annual pro dictions of a short fruit crop the present year. Some fellow, in th eastern part of the State, out of the usual line, has had the honesty to say that the peach buds are un harmed and a good yield may be expected. r The Bedford Rerublicon reaffirms the sto ry, upon authority, that the Bedford Springs property has not been sold. It says Mullen bought the property with the expectation of the South Pennsylvania Railroad Company taking the bulk of it out of bis hands, but that Company refusing to meddle, Mr. Mul len was compelled to get out of it, Within the last couple of weeks we have received, through the mail, items of news ior publication, .but in several instances such articles did not have the writer's name. We will say again that we are al ways anxious to receive news from reliable arties, but they must be accompanied by the writers name, not for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. A bill imposing a penalty of fifteen dollars for allowing wild daisies to grow in fields passed second reading in the House at Har risburg on Friday, February 23d, and will probably become a law. The father of the bill is Mr. Donly, of Butler. Now. some of the owners of real estate in this county had better be getting a force of hands ready for th coming season, or be prepared to fork over the fine. f - LstC K rascals tojustioe. , Th following . jfj Tfeaes askfci ba of tat to Sanr W nfaWii aisd outtawrifl ttria now there ar bright prospects ft a Pwlasidthat,asryat,o(UrT Reformed Church edifice, in the naaf fit-' D. fi. Andersou, a traveling anll'msa fhra 1 Pittsburgh ooofectiower, baa beeai arrested and held for trial at the Allegheny County Court on die charge of altering Peoaayl. vauia Railroad ticket, purchased at Hoptx- dala, and covering a rid to Johnstown, by substituting th word Pittsburgh instead of the original destination. Mr. Fleming, station agent at Houlxdale, teetited that h had sold a ticket o Anderson on each of the following data r October 8, 1883, December 9, 1882, and January 19, 1883. They were fmsa Jloutxdala, to JohnatowiC bul.when collectad the deatiawMoa bad been changed fjrota Jolinstown to PitUburgh. ' : A farmer named Andrew Hendentoa is in a peck of trouble in Pittsburgh. About ten day ago )e disposed of 50 pound of butter in th market at 50 cent per pound. On Saturday last he sold a similar amount at th save figures. On complaint of eoj person th Milk Inspector cot woe afwie roll in twain. U had a revelation. With in th roll was rancid and white and with out it was coated with the finest, fresh, yel low butter. - Henderson was immediately arrested and compelled to refund th money to duped purchaser who applied. He was also held in $300 bail for a bearing for vio lating a city ordinance. Served him right. The Mount Pleasant Raitw says: "Two rears ago Jonathan Longabaugh, who re side in Nevada, cam bom to see his father and in making a trip through th Chestnut Ridge, in the neighborhood of MaJ. Newell i sawmill and tha old "Rola". car h dis covered an outcrop of quarts, but being no practical miner himself did not know the real worth of it, but, nevertheless, he se cured samples, ; which he took with him bosne and sent them to Carson City to an assayer -who reportad the specimen eon tained at th rate of $20 worth of silver to the ton. The gentleman named b now en gaged in making a thorough prospecting tour of the Ridge. Should gold be fonnd in quantity who can measure the futur of Westmoreland county in wealth and popu lation. ' ...-. How thby no is Ianiaaa CoruTT. If, a it ia alleged, the baHot box in Homer City was opened at 3:30 r. M., aad the vote count ed an 1 mad known to outsiders, th officers committed an error, as it gave interested lrties, on a clos vote, an opportunity to drum up the necessary majority. Demo crat. We learn that some of the election officers of Brush valley are to be indicted for illegal ly throwing out a number of votes at the recent election. It is claimed that a number of ballots were cast containing the names of two inspector and that the election officer, or th Judg, rather, insisted on throwing out the whole ticket, and did so throw out some forty. The defective tickets were only invalidated so far as th candi dates for inspectors were concerned Me- enger. jWsa. Or mans, 4r M has aeen constaM -A of Dublin township,. HonCon county, for forty -eight yeas 1 was t;5atd-at th testation. p, cKasspori ia no us y thieve 'it eaa be eoataft- aJryMlalldt6m v. " Tmm ba bean, sincthev I Vnwar, no iaas thaa four pr mwoi B. & 0. depot., On hi use neartfaa diamoad has been eAtered ta'ios by burglars. On house oa Seventk- m net has also been en tared. Mercluuita stake numerous ': plaint of petty thie-.Ttig, and th murdatof Jama Logaa is still fraalt is tha mind of every on. "The work Of this gangxtoda" to Coultenville aod nwyond. Hitvbway robbery aad braaking intw houaes by force. ia alas ft tart of their amine. Caa it ba gainsaid, with aU thr"wvidat)e before ua, that the gang exiats only in iataginattoo Kot if fact are to botakaa Into considara tion. . If tha autatriUas mom to take the matter Into ba&i, 'lat mMf oar law -j v .i no.: j 1 1 I ' - nu ! ' r-ST-1 Average attendanes during tern till date The March moon fulls on the 23d at twen ty minutes j-ast 1 o clock in the evening. She is the most distinguished moon of the year, and exerts an untold influence upon the affairs of men; for the first full moon after the vernal equinox determines th time on which Easter shall fall. Easter in turn determines the time of the other movable Casta and ' feasts of the churuL. ' This year the moon fulls three days after th vernal equinox, and th following Spnday, the 20th, marks the Easter festival, within three days of the earliest date on which Easter can occur. Mercantile exchange are moving in the matter of compelling the sale of many ar ticles by weight which are now sold by count or. measure. There is a growing shTikae in measures. -Apple barrels sometimes fall short - as much as half bushel from the regulation aice. ' Peach Caskets and atrawtterry baskets how a similar disposition to contract, and a dogen bantam eggs are counte4 in at the same price as though they were the fruit of the queenly shanghai. On the Pacific coast most marketing is sold by weight. There is no eood reason why a similar rule should not prevail here. Easter comes this vear on the 25th of March. The following will be suggestive : To dye eaigs, onion skins put in the water in which they are boiled will make a bright vellow. or if Jeft loneer in the solution, a rich " brown. Log wood or violet ink give a royal purple. Cochineal, pink and crimson : and manv iiecea of chintor bright ribbon tliat fad easily, if sewed tigbtlr around the eggs will color them nicelv la figures, stripe or dot. Another ray is to dip the egg into hot water, and then writ a tiaine or motto on the shell with tallow. It is then boiled in th solu tion of dye wood, wuen me inscription ill appear In white, upon a colored ground. - till eh.,,- ii j..!TZT.ri T7. deBC ofWW-W The queer pa to .VeamTS " ZZT'.Z Z.'. tiiPWt that althwUgh tke trusU- wr u. boul i parmntO. Kline Co, vfcohaale agUa, rtil Itda, a.ili.tIMkd, Kew York W cards atC. K. Boyd's. '..'if The case of Mrs. Rebecca C. Alfyers. wife at K. I. Meyers, vf Berlin, agaiiwt John Feig. was the first case tried last week that excited any considerable Interest.' ' The his tory of this case is a peculiar one. . A nam ' tjrr of year ago a' house and let in Berlin j are sold under an order of the Orphans Otxurt, jM lie records of lit court show, to E. I. Utye, and Uit trustees wore directed to make a deed to Meyers, ah truatee swear that th deed was so made, aad one witness swears that he saw the deed before acknowledgement and that it contained th same uf Einanuel, Mryeo. Several yean afterwards Mr". Meyers became Involved and the prvporty pf old by tii beri)T a th pri(rty of E.. Ueydrs. Mrs. Meyew gav notice that the Joprty f f hfff and pur chased out of her separate estate, and that the title waa in her name. The deed record eijred that the deed as recorded was ia the name of Mr. Rebecca p. Mey.rra. A Uial was bad- Th original .deed could not be found, and th case went a gainst Mr, afey ew. 4notrWl.f juatrfof iiie meeting ttf court Uie original deed, it is said, was found injjtt bjck of an ol,4 bureau, where Mrs. Meyers' always p'aimed to have placed it. Th deed con temned ftp name of Rebecca C. Meyers, and there yas pp evidence thft it bad evef befp altered in any manner, as tjier w no evi- queer parioi ana o4tft ,wff tfiat Mr. Meyer va no known la th trapsaction, th dead jrhjen u nndisputed contains her nami. alU)igbf the ftsst nam ia in a dtffeaeot hand writing from the body of th daed.) Two FaarDS. Two sharpers have been defrauding tbe farmers of neighboring coun ties in rather an original and decidedly I shrewd manner-' They went over the coun' ty leasing th land for coal, but when they eame across a German farmer, who was im perfectly acquainted with the' English guage, or some man who was unsuspecting and confiding, .they presented for his signa ture an article of agreemeat, tbe concluding rvortion of which was a 5udrnnt note. They secured $ 18,000 of these note,' which they disposed of to bank and private cap italists, realising in ibis way about $14,000. The moral of all this is, that if a man wants to see his name in writing, h had batter en roll it with a elate pencil. Things have come to such a pass tliat, as an exchange truly remarks, it is unsafe to sign even temperance pledge without first consulting a good lawyer. One of th scanips above referred to has bean lodged in the Clarion county jail, and will probably apand some tim working forth State in the peniten tiarr. Huntingdon GioUr. ' . No case tried in the Courts of Somerset county for ears past has elicited more in terest than tli case of George R. Drips' Ad ministrators against Joeiah Brant." The case aru in the' form of an action of ejectment to recover possession - of the Glad hotel property, and certain out lots which had been sold by Drips to Brant, and mortgaged by the latter to th former. , There was no dispute as to the sale or mortgage, but Mrs. Brant, wife of th defendant, produced I paper purporting to, be an assignment to her of the mortgags. The Administrators of Drips denied the legality of the paper. Several witnesses were put on the stand. who swore they were familiar with the handwriting of Drips, and identified th signature to th paper as th signature of George Drips. Other witnesses swore, to conversation with Drips, in which h is said to have promised to fix the mortgage for Mrs. Brant. On cross-examination tbe witnesses were shown a number of papers with signatures purporting to be the sign a ture of Georg R. DriM, and all,, without hesitancy, picked out a signature which they declared to be that of Drip. Later in the case an expert was iuton the stand, who proved couclnsivelv that the paper so identified by them had been written by himself a day before. ConnuJcrable smpac ment was caused by exposing th fact that the counsel for Brant bad teetl passing around the bogus paper, prepared by th expert, snpppsing it to be the original paper. The plaintiffs produced a number of let ters from Brant to Drips, which it was claimed acknowledged the indebtedness. The case was called on Friday, and the evi dctice was not all in until about 9 o'clock Saturday night. The entire day Monday was taken tip by "hearing tb argument of counsel; this Tuesday morning tb charge of the court wa delivered to tbe jury, and up to tb tim of going to press no verJict has been returned. J . Lath. J 30 r. ., The jury has just re- tqTPPl verdict in favor of Drips' Adminis trator for th full amount With interest and cost. Foouaw 8roxr TB- Philadelphia Pre of Saturday published a long dispatch from a Pittsburgh correspondent, inwblch was detailed what is supposed to be a plan concocted to defeat anderbflt ta b Har- risburg and Western' enterprise. The story goes that the charter oi tha PiUaburg and Atlantic railroad baa Wen purchased by a syndicate of railroad men, at th head of which ia E. K. Hyndman, president of the Junction railroad, and general manager of th Pittsburgh and Western road, and that this has been don either for the purpose of compelling Vanderbilt to buy the charter at a large advance over the price paid for it by them, or ta psevent absolutely th construc tion of th Harriabarg and Western over th route at present located. The correspond ent thinks it not improbable that th Pennsylvania company is th moving" spirit in tbe plot. ' 1 - - Our readers will remember the Pittsburgh and Atlantic project The engineers came into this county with a greet flourish of trumpets, aad worked quite industriously for awhile In th east end. When the em ployes of the Harriabarg arid 'Western com menced work in the narrows, below tow a tb P. and A. people bad an injunction is sued against them, restraining them from continuing tbe work." This matter; ia still pending in our court, and it is noi likely that it will ever be brought to a final decis ion. A short time after these proceedings were instituted the P. and A. engineer corps were disbanded, but after an Interval of a few month they suddenly re-appeared and remained in this neighborhood for two or three weeks, when they were again dis banded, and nothing further was heard of the Pittsburgh and Atlantic until the dis patch 1xve referred to was - published. If th P. and A. engineers ever located line through thia county, as is claimed i they must have don it after night. They did do a little work in the east endef (he county, but we doubt, whether they ever went west of Bedford, how they claim to have located a line from Fair Haven, in Fayette county, to Shippensburg, in Cum beriand county, and to have secured passage way through all the narrow mountain de files that the H. and W." want possession of. If the story be true that the incorpora tor of the P. and A. have really disposed of their charter, making such representations as are above given," the pnrcbasers were badly swindled. Ucdftrd Uazrlte. ' S? NJ mala 17, females 14. f ' - fV Per cent of attendance durinc month- Jsi-ki. 1 v, , " males vu, wmaies kc .Per cent of attendance during term till date males 93, females 93. Number of visit, a. i -: ! . J.C.F. Mills, ' , t Teacher. BaornxuvALtrr Item. The time for the wonderful storm is past, and in Brothersvalley, instead of tempest, there was a great calm. Last Wednesday night th dwelling house of George Hanger, with all its content save a' few chairs and a table, was destroyed by fire. Your correspondent has not learned how. the fir originated, nor whether or not the building was insured. There has not been much sugar made in this township up to th present writing, but some of the sugar-makers have bad their trees tapped for more than three weeks The indications now are that the sugar season will be " short but sweet" Some, of onr avlarianc have, since last fail," lost hundreds of their chickens, both young and old, through chicken cholera. and W bear of t few that have died this spring of tbe same disease If any of the readers of tbe Hxkalu knows of eqre or a preventive of this disease, a report through tbe Hcbal will be thankfully received in Brothersvalley. ' : j We are glad to report that Harry Landis, of whose sickness mention was made a few weeks ago, is again canvalescent .' - ' Mrs. John J. Blough is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Isaiah Brant at Youngstown Ohio, jSbe expects to remain seyeral weeks. This Is the first trip she has ever taken on the ara, ud -w hope she. will enjoy it hugely, j ; James Weizle. an old and respected citi zen of Berlin, died last week after a pro tracted illness. , -. v . - - Last season a majority of onr dairymen keged their Latter in the old. way, and in the fall shipped it to the different commis sion merchant in Baltimore. A few of them received tbe proceeds in a short time ; some ' have their butter in Baltimore, still unsold ; some shipped to a firm that failed, but their butter was sold and they received a check for tbe proceeds, and had it cashed at our home bank but in the mean time tbe firm failed, and they had to refund tb money and pay costs besides. This reminds me of Henry Ward Beecber't experience in farminr. A part of his book account ran thus : Bought a pig for six dollars, fed him thirty dollars worth of com, and sold him for fifteen dollars ; gained on the pig, . but ost on the corn." So our dairymen gained on their butter, but lost ou tbe check. The lesson' to be learned is that when you can get a fair price for either milk, cream or butter at heme sell it, and don't bold it back, and finally get nothing, or but very little, for your crop. , ' Now d Tan. : -T-v- As tex pect to, move from Somerset ia a few weal x, f offer at private sale my houe hola gc ods, stoves, bedsteads, aislliasss, springs .' xtenaiow. table, sewing machine, oil stof e, ate I will sell thes good at a very 1 ow price. If not sold for the next two w eeks they wfil then be offered at pub- : d '' 'J.T.Blws ' 1 ' 1 ., : i il '. r i . .. i Ow. c readers will ahmrw by the notice at the I oot of the advertising trlitmw oaom Iocs, page, that Mr. A. Nathan, tb well' kno- am bmanesa maa ol Johnstown, will op i a large dry goods and notion store in tbe room now occupied by Mrs. A. E. UhJ in ; Jeer's Block, Th reputation ofthis firm foe the quality and Variety of th stock they bar a for sale, and for. fair and honest deal in ', i not aarpaased by that of any firm do tal ; business in Johnstown, and we are ae str.wd'that their Somerset store will be marked by the saiii characteristic. Report of Wable aehool, Mflford district, fa rth fifth month ending March t, 1883: , ; Whole No. In stteadanoe assies 21, f- Bial17. ' ' Average at tend see during month males Jan. Editob t Permit me, through the columns of your excellent paper, to cotrect an error of your Middlecreek correspondent A few week ago I saw in th Middlecreek correspondence an item touching a meeting held by myself, in which th writer stated that a meeting wa in progress at Oak dale by the Winebrenarians. . We do not own the name as a church title, sa Elder J. Wiuebrenner was not th founder ef the church, but simply a mem ber of and minister in the church, which is th Church of God. Jesus Christ founded the chutch nearly nineteen hundred years and named it (Tbe Church of God in North America was in organic form three years befote J. W inebrenner became a member of the body.) We are not wwteria er denominational. Men become member of the church by virtue of a new birth, and a member of the oranicbody by the hand of fellowship. ' Our discipline, creed and guide is the Bible. . ' Elms J. C. Ccwvwohais. Lents. The following ad- Man ia the postoOo at Somerset will he swat to the Dead Lester ornos, Wash tMrioa, D. if not called ior in 15 days: Mr. Sosaa 8. Baker, Ellen C. Croylej M. B. Fryer, Sebulah Ganoa,Mra. Amelia Lewis, John Shark, Mrs. Mary Smith, John O'Mal ky, Sadie ,Y-. Peterson, . Anguste Stenen, (German.) , , . In calling for the above letters pleas say advertised., J, ... ,? , A C. Davis, Postmaster, A large and varied assortment of new goods baa just been received by Sol. I'hl. Hate, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Leather and Shoe Findings. - 5-.- . ' ' 1 f Report of fessslmsn school for tb mouth ending March 9th: , . . Whole No. in attendance during'month males 12, females 19. , Average attendance during month malm 10, female 17. Average attendance during term males 13, fmals 19. Per cent of attendance during month malm 96, females 91. Per cent ofattendancedoring term malm 88, females 92. ' The following pupils attended ever day during the month. Minnie McDiffitt, Annie McDiffltt, Myrtle McDiffitt, Blanche McDifBU, Lucy Witt, Lassie Witt Austin Banner, C. R. PhilUppL The following attended! every day during term:' u k '-:.-.:)"., . ., Anni McDiffitt, Blanche McDiffitt, Myr- tle McDiffltt v ; The term has been pleasantly aad profit ably spent by both pupil and teacher. W return our thanks to th citizens for the in terest they have manifested in the tcbool. L..L. Wuxit, Teacher. WANTED To t EN WANTED To esavass tot tbe sal f xVA Fralt and Uraammtal Trees, Shreba, Viaa, Kosaa, ate. Ko xpariacM) reqalrad. Og4l aat- ary aad an xpease paid. AdUrtas. J. H. Bowden A Co., srU - It.T. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE -. ' 7 : ; OF ' VALUABLE SEAL ESTATE!! By vtrtaeofaaerser of tale laraed ootaftke Orpnaaa' Ueert ol Somrrsat eoaDty, to saa dtnet d, 1 will axporn to pabue aala, on th prasaissa, at 1 e'atdck p. aa , on Friday, March 30, 1883, tb tullowbur real estate, to wit: A tract ot Unit altnaui la Lower Tarkejtoot tuwoabJp, Somerset uanty, Pa., containing on koodred an4 aixtv. nvo aeraa, mors or ioaa, 'ot which tbsro la about sixty aoros etoaroit, tra aeraa la saeadow, adjoin ing lands of J. W. Bnrkboldar, Mrs. Knoda jsbxuu, u. j.JUHaafhavUo., aad otaan. hav Icr a storv aad a kaif l buoao. lar bun .nd other oat balldlags ihmaa orsetad; also, a fla vrnowrrj aiaae on ta pnaaiao, Rom wblcb oaa be aUerod from U to 10 baabals of eraabarrls. TEBHS UashalfeasB, balaoe la six moatht with inter est; toBpwosntef abehaad manor to b paid a soon as th pro party is knocked down. ... , THOMAS BEAM, , Admnuatntor f Jacob W. Yonakia, tlac d. mart Th following resolution was adopted by theCT. A. A. of 8toystown last Saturday evening:- WaxaxAS, Th sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage by two hotels in this borough during the past year has been effected by only twenty-two mens' petition, some of them being required to sign bo(h petitions; and whereas, we regard it a mark of honor and virtuous citizenship never to sign a pe tition for license; therefore Rooked, That for the benefit of the com. munity and for the information of all whom it may concern, we will henceforth seek in a legitimate way to publish the names of all persons who, by signing such petitions mske themselves responsible for th sal of liquor in our town. Stoystown, March 8. 8, TaiBOTS or Rxstect. At a regular stated meetng of Stoystown Lodge No. 373, I. O. O. F., held on Saturday evening March 3, 1883, - th followidg . resolutions were adopted: . Whxreas, Th an gel of death has visited tbe family of our 'brother, J. 8. Wagner, and called the spirit of his dear wife ftom its earthly tabernacle and from the family circle, guiding it, as we believe, to light and liberty beyond the dark river, leaving her place vacant in the family circle, therefore belt ' Rrtehed, That by this dispensation of God, this community has lost a faithful member, and her husband a loving and trusting wife. Rooked, That our brother has our heart felt sympathy in this his time of trial and deep distress, and our bone that he may fully realise that be b in the bands of one who can and will heal every wound, and thus find consolation. Rehed, That a copy of these resolutions be given to our our worthy brother. J. 8. Wagner, and a copy furnished for publica tion in our county papers. : . , , . William Bscbaxib, N. G. Acoinrs HxrrLST, 8ec Aa IsBisraKsABLi IsfrTxcuirr. Recent improvements in the making of stylograph- ic pen have made them a very serviceable and almost indispensable instrument for those having occasion to do much writing and who desir a convenient pen at band wherever, they may be. Tbey have come into such general use that it is rather late to recommend them to arybody, but there have been some improvement in th man ufacture of tbe Livermore 8tyIograpic Pen relating to the fastening of th needle and tbe ease with which it can be cleaned and repaired, which have occasioned much fa vorable comment. There are now over 500,000 of thes pen in use, to my nothing of numerous inferior imitations. Thar make not only a very handsome but a very useful implement. The manufacturers have cut down the price of their short plain pens to $2, and short gold mounted to $2.50 each. By remitting tbe amount to Louis . Dun lap, Manager Stylographic Pen Company, 2U0 Washington street! Boston, the pen, to gether with a package of superior ink, will be sent by return mail and the money will be at once refunded if they do not prove to be perfect and satisfactory in every respect Daily American, Haterbury, Chen. CoSTLrXSOE iTXMS. Wiggins' great storm resulted in a little Windy talk between some uncultured youths. we are again promised a summer school, to be taught by Professor J. Schrock, but we don't know how it will be, as last sum- c the school directors put their foot upon such exeecUes. ' While the political bulls and bears of Fay ette connty were throwing dust in each oth er's eyes, George W. Daniels, of Addison township, received th appointment and con firmation of supervisor of the national pike for Somerset aad Fayette counties. Mr. D, ia a worthy and deserving young man and will doubtless make a good officer. Nobby Gaiters at Sol. Uhl's. "PULE TO ACCEPT OR REFUSE To Harriet Brant, reddlnsr tn Oxford, Jobnsoa eonotf, Iawa, William Plael, Amanda Dora, Laninde Harmas, Philip Pbel.nd Sarah Plant aha lattor a minor) cuiidtcn ot Maria PlsoL deceased, and Samnel Final, buaband of said Maria Plana, deceased, raaklln; In Bedford aanty. Pa.: Eudolph Keller, reaidlng In Bod ford ooanty. Pa, Albert Keller, ubarlas Kaller, Kiwi KaUor and John Kaller, residing In Johnson eonnty, Iowa, children of Catharine KoneT.deeaued, and Goorg Keller, buaband or said Uaibarlns. Keller, residing In Johnson eoaniy, Iowa; Rudolph Statler, reaUioa; la Cumberland, Md.j Lociada Brant, roa M tor In Johnson, eonnty, Iowa: Jane Barkley, nsid tos; In Allegheny township, Somerset count,. Laura Bell Barklov, Ida Lap, Charl.a Laps, and Albert Lapo, (the last three being minors, cbudrea of Loulala Lap, deoBaaed, and John Lapo, bnsland of aafal Loaiaia Lapp, de ceased, ail Mid in a; In Bedford connty. Pa., heirs and leral representatives of Catharine Hoon, lata of Alleitbeny tewnthlp, Somenot connty. Pa., deceased. Yonaro hereby notlHed to appear at an Orph ans' Court to be beld at Somerset on Monday, th Bd day of April, ISsS, to accept or refuse to take th real estato of Catherine Ueon, deceased, at tb appraised valuation or abow cans why tbe sam ahooid set be sold. JOHIT J. SPAWQLER. Simairr's i Ornos, 1 Sberlff, March T. lata. J , DtjrrnmiT. Dr. G. J. (Beachy is now at hi dental rooms in the stone building on Centre street, Meyersdale, Pa. Operative dentistry a specialty - ... i Mr. J. B. Snyder left for the East on Mon day, With his pocket liaed with cash, with which he proposes to buy tbe largest aod finest assortment of dry goods ever brought to Somerset; in fact, he is going to show Somerset how to keep a store. Drop in the latter part of this week and see this im mense stock. ' Waittid Persons" about commencing housekeeping to know that we have on hand the largest stock of cook stoves and house-furnishing goods in Somerset county. W are exclusive agents in Somerset for the Excelsior Cook and New Regulator (revolv ing top), the leading cook stoves in the mar ket, which we have in all sizes. Please call and examine our good before outfiting. W will save yon money. . . , . . A. C Schkix k Co. Persons desirous of looking through Shenandoah Valley to Richmond, Va., and the eastern portion of Tennessee this spring or summer, will find it greatly to their ad vantage to enquire of Amos Stock. Greens- burg, Pa., in regard to rates. He is arrang ing with passenger agents for special rates for a prospecting party looking toward col onization there. A fine farm of 150 acres of tbe very best and richest soil, with good improvements thereon can be had there for $1,500 to 12, 000 one-half cash, balance in five years. ' ' Dry good, carpeta, clothing, hat and shoes Th largest stock of hemp, ingrain, extra supers, three ply, and tapestry brus sel carpets, wall paper and window shades, ever exhibited ia Somerset, can now be seen at oar carpet rooms, in connection with a large stock, of men and boy's clothing and hats of th latest styles, womens, misses, and children's shoes, all new goods. We will sell onr entire stock of dry goods at cost for cash until further notice to make room for onr spring stock of new goods in that Hue. ' . , " - J. M. HoLDsaaA vm dfcSows. . T EGAL NOTICE. Not otic Is berebv riven to all whom It mi ann. com, that I will apply to th Court of Common flea of somerset County. Fennarlrania. on Monday, March e, IMS. for tbe beneiit of the Act of Assembly aeeurtne; tbo separate earnlnfr of mamcxi women, approveu to su oay of AprlL A. I). UTS. . CORDIW E. ZTTFALL. SowxasaT, Pau, Feb.'y M, lfe. ' The " bom boot and shoe man of Som erset is Bo). Uhl. He sells more boots and shoe than any other firm in Somerset conn ty, and all at bottom "price. 1 MARRTEDi. CoCBT PsXM-BKMSOe. C k J. C. Scott v. Daniel A. Glessner and It S. Gleasner. D. S. B. Case settled by the parties, ; Wllliars B. Maolsberry ys. Conrad Brock, Administrator of Ixtdwick Brock, deceased Assumpsit. This waa an action brought by Maulsberry to recover money due for the building ofaaaw mill, erected for Buck in Alleebeny township. Jury returned a vT o(t370M. ' w-.- L Rebecca C. Meyer vs. John Feig et al. BJectavrnt-T ThU jrai f snlt to try the tide of a honse and lot in th borough of Berlin, Jury returned n-verdict in favor of ta Sainuel Iunrcker vs. John F. Blymyer, Adminiatmior of Daniel aVryaad. aeceaaed. Sdr facias. Jpry return s yerdjet n favot! of defendant. . .( ;;'; ; , Proprietots of the lowp of CimBuenM ylf ; Dr. W. 8. Mountain, fvlrlheto. Osm gelled. n; f"'1 J ,: ; j trt Samey. ym. JC-foUikvi Aladfal Set tled as per paper tied. 5, Vl','- :i j Samuel C. Bums and Albert I. ' Fyan Execntor of Japae Burn, iuasid, . vs. Jacob Custer, Sdr fccias. 8 ytt iift W defendant- ; fJoorge R. pennbon ani John &V Nicho las, administrator of peotg R. t$i, dee d vs. Josiah Bntt, Reetment. This cje ff tea- n'p on f jiiy.f af Vf' L. U. LmA Btw. ta.' Jaw A,' Appeal by defendant. Settled. - JviTAtio Haxin PowDias. To tit pue- Ket The 'pobtlo is cautioned against th I practise of many grocer who sell what they ! 1 eiamx' to be Royal Baking Powder, loose or in buIlCwlthout label or trade-mark. All such powders are base imitations. Analyses of hundreds of samples of baking powders sokfin bulk to parties asking for Royal have shown them all to W. largely adultera ted, mostly with alnm, dangerous for use in foodVend comparatively valueless for lenv eiOng porposea. JJ. J j''' "The public is top well aware of the injnri- on effcet ef arum vptm the systopi, tq ne4 Ibrtber eftiiUon agMoat the- s of any bsking powder known to be fa ad from thi drag but the dealer's' assuranc. " Oh. It's just as good as-Royal," " It's the genuine Royal, only we bay it by the barrel to expense nf -ettr, apt to mis lead the Dswmecting sWUtnmera into bat ing an arUcl which they would not know ingly us in their food ander any considetsV t4aT - treafotr pmk eaoh pnt&m to in buyiaw aUr Mte only; in the 9$&0l fwWw;f tv weUwnraai, lwrP, Swlintd jmtefion, I Jh EaalEkis- Ppwderi. aoMoely In cane, eenrely cfoend with t;Company'r trade mark label, and the weight of packag etar4 or waeb evrer: 5 H b'nerer sold In bulk, y the barrel, or loose ej veigbtj w; if consumer will bear these facts if mind, and also sa that tbe peokace nr eh-r WffllJ the labeU WW. i 3C. T.itn,rrwitimt, Royal Baking Powder Co., K. Y. SocTBAMrroa Itxms. The sugar season ia a poor one so far, but may improve -in the future. ; : Levi Eennell, the bom hunter, shot nine wild turkeys tbe past season. - . Mr. Jonathan Kennell is recovering slow' ly, after a long and paiuful sickness with rheumatism. ; , ? . The schools ar about cloning for this son. W hop that much good was dona bv the teachers.' .. ''-'- - - : Martin Tauber.wbo ha bean a resident of Southampton for several years, was elected two year ago justice of the peace hf an jority of about sixty votes. He was well liked, and although a Republican, many itemocrat voted for him. He is not so popular now, and all because he showed little partiality to a man who was badly sun burned, in fast h married a negro to a white girl after they had beea refused by other magistrates. The Democrats say be did H for the two dollars, and some of tbe Repub licans who do not like miscegenation, sar they will ."scratch" him when be. runs for squire again. The fun of it h he is elected for five yean, and in that time can do a great deal toward ltTpIyirig and replenishing the with wlttt ginger oolomd gentry. a :jnt i j; '-'---Blot Bian.' ' All the latest Spring sty lea of Hats and Caps for rale by SoL TJhl. ' , ' . . i i J The Befliir56rhial School wilt rfooeja April VM8S,, with a fufrcdrrv C taWvUAr Iiersand oontinne tfljf j w-is, yairr-T and higher ttA le-izf tesbt If eV J sired. 'Tha ( mty fkj4nlsat will b ol : J0am aad grant certiaonees attatoMtbaterm. ' "'Tor rnfcr- "ca and circular addrms ' V Vrt-'r r ?i of hwg imy, JfA moaeM fou mtX teem ly Wjr Vv ' Inst k- J w 1 a i w 3i o4Vs in m V tiev."i .- u . Sol. VbleteCfeefenwwk a aniamyeitbe baA LbWa to be bad; if I yon don't beLiere it give him an order. BARXim GRADY. On the 13th day of January, at the Lutheran parsonage, Hooversville, by Rev. John N. Unruh, Mr. Charles F. Barnett, of Armstrong couaty, Pa., to Miss Maggie I.. Qrady, of Davids ville, thi county. BOYER HOOKTZ-On the 25th of Jan uary, by th same, Mr. Robert P. Boyer, of Stoystown, and Miss Maria Koontz, both of this county. - 8IIAW KJNG. On tbe 6th of March, at be house of the bride's parents in Ursine, byG.O. Groff, Esq., Mr. W. J. Shaw and Vim Lncretia King. YOUKKIX KRIGAR. On the 5th of March, 1883,, at the house of Mrs. Deliah Younkin, in Upper Turkeyfoot township, by G. W. Anderson, Esq., Mr. Nesley Youn kin and Miss Caroline Aregar, both of this county. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOH LAND. To all whom It may eonoern: Take noUce that I hare filed aa applleatloa with Hon. A. K. Dnnkel, Secretary of Internal Affairs, for a warrant for eixty aena or land, ail. nata In Rtonvar k tnwnhlr. R.jn..u. Pa., adjoining lands of Mary Ackerman, warrant ed in nam of Charles Ogle on tb east, Iiayld Specbt,warrsatd ia tbe name of Adam Hoelm,oa uoiio. awujrcrvea river on me west, ana Al bert Writ and James Lambert oa the aoath. And at th expiration ol SO daya I will ask that a warrant do issaea lo me lor tee sam. feb JAMES LAM BEET. Bright and New. The White Qoods and LACES, EMBROIDERINGS, SATiEENS "jiLND OAHHMEKES, IN NEW SPRING COLORS Now on orn: Counters. Call and .See Them. They are Handsome and Cheap. Mnnli sis, Calicoes and Ginghams, Lower than the lowest in price, and all of the very best Quality. our stock of We call attention to Feato, for Bells, Pious, Etc. These Feather are Cleaned by a new process recently Invented, which thoroughly re moves the blood and grease from Feathers, and leaves them soft and downy and per fectly pure and odorless. OUR NEW SPRING CARPETS Are arriving daily, consisting of goods of all grades, from 20 cents oer vard ud. Wa are prepared to take orders for furnishing houses complete with Carpet for Parlors, Halls, Stairs, etc., matched, sewed, and put down at lowest prices. Bargains in Remnants at Greis, . Foster & Quinii's. Beautiful Homes. Mil 11 lEEUiS. Frescoing, KalromlniiiK Pa per Hanging. MR. FRA2TK OAUL. who has no annerlor In tbe above styles of work, bas lost retained Irom a protracted tour through tb east, where be "caught on to" all tbe novelties In his line. He ia prepared to toralah all styles of DUDor at nrlraa va iuil. gnu, oi bh aaniptea ot papar are aim. ply snperb. Parties desiring bis services will una ium at to Somerset Houae. feba REST and! lite I sweeping by, go dare before you die. Leometniag mignty ana sno lime leay behind ta eon. iaweek In vnar own town. S5 out. No riak. Erenrtblnv new. (lanital tuA raiiaw. ko win rarnian you evemmnK. Mini ar making tectanea. Ladles make as mnet as mea. aad boys and slrla make mt n Bonder, If yon want business at which yon ean uu grout pay ail tne time, write nor nartlealara w a. nAuan-r uo roruaao, mala. deeas-lr euer time. fit ire. UBLIC SALE -OF Yalnable Real Estate. Pursuant to aa order of tbe Onhaas' Court ot Somerset county. Pa. .there will be sold at nubile sal aa tb premises, is Somerset borough, oa Saturday, March 24, 18S3, at 11 o'clock a. m.. tb following d ascribed real es tat: Tb undivided one-half Imerect of three certain lot of graved situate in Somerset borough. Pa., bounded ea th north by Rao street, oa the east by an alley, on th south by lots of 3.7. Pile, and oa tb west by Mam Cross street, fee ing about xo met en Mala Croc street and about llS1 feet on Bac street, oa wbteb ar erected a large two story brick dwelling aena aad other baUdlnga. . . TERMS: ,, ., ' Ten oer cent, of tbe narahasamonav to nasal on day of sal, aad tb balance when deed Is de livered, about May I, 183 Possesstoa rive April i, la,-. J.V. HORlf EK, Administrator of Mary Ana Shaffer, dee'd. At tbe cam una and nlase I will offer sir aala my undivided hall Interest tn th above described remises, ao tbe purchaser will ret tb entire lav tbh. j. u. UUKIfEK. feba ' "pjJXECUTORS' NOTICE. tjtat or saarael rearson. ut of Stonjereek lownsnlp, deceased. Latter testaawntarv en tbo ahnva eetats having beea granted to tbe undersigned hv the pronor 'autbotity, aotlo la hereby given to all parsons Indebted to said eat ate to make Immedi ate payment, and those having claims against th eamo to praeen mem nuiy auiaemioaied for set t lenient oe or before Thursday. March It. ISM. to Q. A. Pearson, 1311 M street, Northwest Wash- S n It l WVs,ar. u. LOUIS LUCKHARDT, JTL9 103 Clinton Streeit. JOHNSTOTTN, WALTHAM, ELCIN, 8PRINCFICLD, ROOK FORD, HAMDEN, HOWARD and SWISS WATCHES, In Cold and Sliver Open-face and Hunting Cases, Key and Stem wind log Watches. A TOLL LIKE 6F CHOICE MUSICAL U2TBUOT1 CLOSING OUT At Reduced Prices ! OURSTOCKOP COATS: AND DOLMANS, DOtTHLE SHAWLS, CLOTH AND FELT SKIRTS, BLANKETS AND COMFORTS, HEAYY CLflfflGS AIID CLOTHS ! ! ALSO A LOT OF LADIES' AND CHILDEEN'S Wen Merra and Hosiery ! ! A.T GEO. KEEPER &C0. ONE PRICE STORE, 255 & 257 IIADT STREET, JOHNSTOWN. PA. DIKD. . TnOMAS,-On th 27th of December, near GraeTs chorch, Mr. Joseph Thomas, eged about 73 years. ' CKOYLX On the 18tb of Janoarr, sear Lambert' chorch, t. Bernard Crorle, aged 38 years, 3 month and 29 days. FLEEQLK. On the- 3d of if arch, near Backstown, If r. Eckhart Ficegl, aged 59 yean, months and IS days. Oerjrettt Uaosfc CHCSI TLOUR A FEED Aualee. arte. Asetesmttevv eai-.. brha. i , TftM .7&sses ...... ai na a a (kMM.......M.M......XbeT3 bush sanAlM BS oia. Vswaz a a..........M...,...,4,,,,7.5s ; asm. 1 .... . .. un ttaJna.9k.M. u vmjL a anai tosm V- Tie fc ,aeeasaa- . T"Ar S ea r-t ft nit sim i ii w iuii itl W ee fee . oHRI mmt,W M eeMr 0 111 sens. bm. f V. kaasa lea a an rant a isase. s m.......w.i .... ... Mr , v laAeMfU F! sMV V aa m f " pre,.-.,, . a I k 't f eeo ea9s ''OeJ 1 e m.?k&0 1 4eeeo1miemeiewfieieee!aeo i2.Va;atra 4t r Ahm,isae.... av lM fic v.-.w-f :!'J 'f It .T"' ). itnaiiiaHii . I T :;taM,.8.Me..ef. yMIeva.etMMtaa A seatU. ADAH a. riArm, HKBMAJI W. BSUBAKEB, A DMINISTKATORS NOTICE. ra 01 tjewir J . inaer, - lata or Somerset Twp., deoeased. Letters at admlnlitratlon on tb above eatate having been araalod to tb undersigned, by the proper authority, notice ia hereby given 'o thoe nMODteu to is as maao immeauat Mynunt, aa thos havmsi claims or demands will present tbei duly authenticated tor settlement, on er before Saturday. April 14. issa, at th offlo of Jams U rata ia ianafoKB oi somerset. OATHABIIf K DENTVEK. i Admiaistntrlx. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Joepph P. Bruiaker. 1st of Brothers- vasy Twn,4eeend. ISttwt f admaalatiatieu oa th above astato barbs beea granted to th undersigned by tb propsr authority, notice Is hereby glyea to all persoaa Indebted to eaid estate to make Immedl ate payment, aad those having claims agalaat tb same es preeent them duly authenticated for set tlement oa Satarday, April 14, tm. at th boos oi in aaminisuamr. . 8AM UD. BRUBAKER. warT . i Admlolstrats. DR. FAHRNEY'S j v--1 HBiLTE RESTOEEB. THE. wonderful .carta effected by thi sear c9-. known remedy, no: only in oat yroraje practice at home, bm .taraegnceit th. yntfed Scare, lua drawn tbe attention ( te SKclicai prolrwioa te ua ut taraeb4 hineV Chronic Khenamiaiei end JJiiA yoytJawndice. Bilioua duordvra and aas vmbiiuai, runple ai4 Eroptkm'oai the face, trytVeu, InuUea, Paiaftdaod d f acntrwatMn. Nervous or sick licsda die. Cwvcc et-Celiatipdtioa, alilk Xec. Vald alcai af f- bit- iaes, Ukm and noib, Aidncv. yj) V cinry v female 'weakneaKS aec i'bet aSect fp A kirce BTeooct"n;i Jit.akajt AitsaUfc-rr.Ti Ttakascs that ,41 Jl VAyti htv ibei' origin . 'ftJK1' V" depmred cp a a ytjbe. Vtvyt, ut iilnene tbe very Mee-aiN of a,nw V vl eviter JiuMUT can rm OMcfa . v ta HesMrttV A oMtcis Borri vi aucb acrtaaseofiieeBnc aa often in.vetwtiNU the SvrsnKS). - Be A nvnam and give if a trial. Ala Davccnm ann "iiiusasnsln mli i. axAO OI jaOTTXJE. ; j t Psavasan Fr DR. D. r'AHUtET SON, UACERSTOWX, MD. The "Mogul" Engine, NEW DE8IGX, BEARIXG8 EXTRA LARGE, OOlsTACT, SDCFLE, STstOKO. DUXA- BLE, AND OF SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP AND JIATKRIALS. . MANUFACTURED BY , MEKTyEff HcJEAIO, - Cnnfceri&nd, 2Id HON rOIUIlEB, nACHIM?, AMD EOESB niHEB, Dealer in Bailnxmd, Mine, Machinists' and Mill Supplies Iran . nTaTT M m-J ma a s m hum rrotNi-itciiif eUtKttMryt ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notiee is hereby given thai SMUra of sdmlnla tratiaa have been graatW by th proper author ity to th undersigned oa th estate et Jacob W. Toemkia, late ot Arer Turkey met township, do- THOMAS REAM. , Admiaisuator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICS. IsUto f Fraah O. Bampeell. lato e Somerset beveeajh, liiut Letter ef sdrnmietrntkm ea th av estate haviac been graatod to the nndenigned, by th peeper aetheruy, ssasss seasby give to those tadobtod to 1 ti- asaae mnillaii payssont. aad thus havtasi rm,ls 1 a ii will prises! th a uly suisewt wsin ior sssussseat oa Tansuay, law, a ta a jaall AJCKTa a. iAntPSELlV ESTABLISHXD 1880. Fisher's Book Store. Always la Mack a th Be Steve swell as sisted aaeortseoa f Btbsss, Testa meats, Oospel H ymas, ChiisUass' fiyma Beehs aad Hyaaamla, Latheraa Hyma Bsoks, Dietleaarlea, Albums, ftmM, lass. Papers, envelopes. Mega visas. New. els, Eevlews. blaak itooha. Ieds7toada, Mort gagee aad aU kinds ef Legal Bleaks. books of orrY. Bsoks of Travel and Adventure, History, Ble st sob y. aad Fdeontleual Works. Tev Boohs la enworwa, an m evwry tnmg usually wwu regutaw sees star, rteooqe fwu imiifi ana scaooi oeeaa as i is. JalT . t2lV atBeetaMeh. . ' this; sfjlgk Id Reserved for the Advertisement of T7to wlll OcCaspy tie UM Ecsm la the JZzzr Cloek. i ffi APRIL 1. 1883. WITfTM FULL LIME OF GOODS & rornrors-