The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, January 03, 1883, Image 4

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80 you ar.t to know how I came
to marry Culeb when I eaw liow he
usea ancyiienrsiwiie. nm, .
tell vou all about it.
You' know Dan left me purty
poorly off. I had two little children,
au' what to uo 1 didn't know. The
mortgage was run out in a year and
a half after he died. I'd sent the
children to John's to school. Broth
er John wanted me to give 'ein to n' he'd do well bv Vin an' I
1:.. ....'. ,CWnl lotlitn!
do it. But what else could I do
with 'em when the old farm was
took away from me ?
Que day when the time was near
nt I vrna ririin' th IwaOS side f
" - I
1 1 f
the lence jiniu tajeue ivm. ir.
vou, Hanuer, 1 never lelt bluer in
"mv Inirn day. I'd always livel an'
worked on a farm, an' couldn't d
no other kind of work ; mi what was
to become of me I didn't know.
Purtv good hiii' for a preen
hand,' ttz somebody over the
Yes.'' Z I, ' I've dime t-n-iu.'li ot
it niiie I w.i left alone. Tractive
iiiak.s K-ri.-l,' we used to write in
oureopv InMiks wbeii we werechll
dren,' 'nd I couldn't help heaviu' a
Well, Emmerline,' mIic, 'vou
an' me w in to le in the same fix
You need a Hum I Io our hoein'
an' eii h, an' i! ou're agreed, we'll
hitch horM-s an' work in double
barney. I cau'l find 110 bind belj.
tliat w ill do n Nancy did.' (Thinks
I to nivxt if an u.u'il never find an
other wife that will, either) 'So
wh.-.t do )oti cay, Kuinieiiine ?'
iVihans I didn't think o' nothin"
fr the next few minutes. It all
fl inhed over me in:l second what an
unfeeliii' man beM always lfit.
Pour Nancy bad all the housework,
an' a tood'deal of it li'lonyed to him
to do, an' be was ctiniiier than an old
miser, tm. 1 knew be was a smart
man to work, an' was forehamled
an" able to live a good deal better
than he did; an you know. Maimer,
that poor Daniel was jut the i.jk
site. lie was n orful clever man,
wa Daniel, but was kind of chillies
an' it always worries! me so much to
hev things goin' so slack. Sez I to
myself, a Ixidy can't hev even thing;
there's always come outs, an' a poor
man is Wtter'n none. So I spake
rinht up, an' sez I, 'Caleb, we've
been neighbors for many a year; I
know your failin's an' suppose you
know "mine; an' 00, if you say so,
all right; erhaps we both might do
Well, to make a long story short,
we agreed to have the business done
right off. Caleb said it was stylish
to go on a wedding tour now-a-days
and as he wanted to go down to
Bancor to see alout selling his wool,
and as Sarah Jane Curtis (who used
to work for him) lived about half
way we could stop there both ways,
and not cost us anything, he thought
we'd better go. His niece, Rebecca
Gillman lives there, and we could
visit her at the same time. Brother
John lives there, too, you know, and
I made up my mind that I'd jist
bring home the children. And I
did ; but Caleb was orful sot agin
it, but sez I, 4 Of coure they can
oouie and make a visit, and let him
think so, because I wasn't ready to
have words with him yet
We staid about a week, and got
home a'.ong in the afternoon all
right. The next morning I woke up
purty early, an sez I to myself,
"Courage, Einmerline; now or nev
er.' 1 kept still, for Caleb was still
asnorin'; but bimebv he fetched an
unearthly snort, waked himself ui.
and when he sees it gettin' dayl'ubt
lie nudged me, an sez lie:
'Wake up, Einmerline; Einmer
line, It s broad daylight ; come, come
we shan't have any breakfast to
1 was orful hard to wake, but after
awhile, a rubbiu my eves, i sez:
'Got a good hot fire, ain't vou,
Fire?' said he ; no, I never build
my fires. Nancy alters built the
' Did she?' sez I, cool as a cucum
ber; 'so did D iniel.' I turned over
and went to sleep again or at least
he thought I )id.
Well, he wigUd m l turned and
twisted, and tie did.i't move to get
up for about an hour, but when tin
sun-rose and shone in at the window
he got up an' built the fire. There
wasn't no kindliu', nor a stick ot
wood, an' he had to skirmish 'round
and net some in.
After the fire got to crackin' in
good shape I got up. I didn't hurry
none, let me tell you. I w.cs iu st
dead lyin' abed so lonr, but says I
to myself, Ef I m ike the fires now,
I'll probably hev to do it in cold
weather, and I wou'l do it for any
He was pretty sullen all day, but
I didn't tike uo notice of htiu ml
he got over it. The next dav he was
to t?in bavin', and hid six men to
help hi:n. I had to do all the work
and take care of the milk and churn
in, and it wasn't no fool of a job.
It come time to get dinner, and
there wasn't a sliver of wood cut. I
sent Johunie, ( he was then about
seven year old,) out to th field to
tell Caleb I wanted him.
He came in lookiu' savage enough
and wanted to know what it was I
Sez I, 'I want some wood to
' Well,' sez he, 4 there's a whole
wood pile out there; help your
self.' 'And not a stick split,' sez I.
You'll hev to git a bigger stove to
Lurn that'
' Well, it ain't sich a hard job to
split it,' sez he ; Nancy used, to of
ten, when I waa bizzv."
4 Did he,' sez I. ' S J did Dan
iel.' He got the wood, an' sed as he
wa eoi 11' out, that he didn't want
me to call him out of the mowW
field again, unless it wa fur vittles.'
'All right,' sez I.
The next diy 'twas the time
thing, not a stick split Thinks I to
myself, 'old feller, you ain't got no
N.ney here. I'll learn you a littla
something that p'raps you don't
know.' Sj when it w is dinner tim
I blows tb horn an in comes all
eeven of the men ami sets down to
theUhhs. gich streaked Ion kin' fa
ct atkey viewed that grub J There
was the U:uit, j.-ct doub, the im)
taUten, meal mJ vegetables, an' eve
rything wart willed clean at.' put
on raw. Not a hiur w.s cooked.
Caleb looked blaekeT'o a thunder
Wud. MViut does hu jjean?'
c c be.
It mean what it means,' s.-z I. j
lou sou yesterlty tint you didn't
want to be called in from The ill win
tit-Id a.'aiu uiiI.t.s it ncM oT Vt:les,
and here l?y are.'
4 Nice shape, too,' sez he.
Weil, I can't cook 'tbout wood,'
sei , ry nice,
With tht all the seven of
started for the door, nod they uevtr
ten van wooa pile tail it wu redy
for tk etow. I sever wu Utbrd
for wood again.
A few weeks after I wanted some
nionev nurtv bad. I wanted tocend
Johnrie and Nellie to fcIiooI.
anj I was hound that they glioma
have some clothes fit to wear. I
asted Caleb a number of times to let
me have some, but he made all kinds
of excuses. I dian't tell him what I
wanted of it, mind you.
So one day along comes a peddler
that boutrht butter and egirs. I had !
! considerable on hand that Caleo was
to carrv into the city when be had
.. in ..
time. So 1 sola every pounu 01 win
ter and every egg I had in the
house. I got nigh unto S25.00 for
When Caleb came home 1 told
hint I had sold the butter and
'.. . .1 1 t ...
How much did you get?" sez
1 tola him. 1
Where's the money ?" said he. j
I've gt it,' sez I. .
ell. eavs he,
11.' eavs he, ' Nancy allers give
nie the money she took for eggs and
t. inter.'
'Sue did,' says I, 'and so did
He got tired o' holdin' Nancy up
afore my eyes, for 1 would offset her
with Daniel every time. He found
I was powerful sot in my way, and
he thought he misfit as well let me
have my own way, an' so he ez, I
don't mean to be ugh, but! wont
he. trod on by anybody.'
When he wouldn't let me hev
what I wanted, I'd sell something
tvry lioie. 1 sold two tons of hay
one lime, vihin 1 knew be hadn't
euou-h to winter Ins critters. Soon
the whole, fie found I wacu't afraid
of him, and he behaves quite decent.
I told him not long ago that fie was
growm' clever.
But I notice he has improved, and
lay it to his training.
JuNt Wliyl'apa Weakened.
"But, Papa "
"Not another word," said the per
cou thus addressed, a tail, handsome
man in Whore deep brown har a
linge ot gray Wan lU:t beginning to !
bliow. -You kuow, my child," he s
continued, "that nothing could give '
me more pain than refusing anv
wish ot yours, and that I am never
so happy and free lrom care as when
some act of mine has made your life
brighter. But this request i cannot
grant A seal-skin sacque with fur
1 11.. i..7i;.i... ......
jest bravely and turning hasti
ly away, Dunstan Perkins stepped
to the sideboard and took a drink.
For an instant Lillion stood in the 1
conservatory, looking steadily down
at the heavy velvet carpet in which
her shapely feet sunk deeply, but
presently the spirit ol desolate lone
i....,.i ... Uo..ui,.r ,.r
quietly into an adjoining room she I
Oegan eating nie. I
In a few moment her father came
into the apartment. '"IVrlia. I w8
rather harth with you, Lillian," he
But the girl interrupted him.
"Don't icak of it again dear papa,"
she SMid, '' 1 know that you
really have no money to ppare.
While I was mending your overcoat
lar-t evening 1 saw tliat note from
"Daisy," and I would not "
"You saw the note ?" asked Mr.
I'erkins in hoarse, agonized tones.
"Yes, papa ; but you know I nev
er "
"How much will a sealskin sacque
contr '
i hree hundred dollars, and as
the gerl spoke these words a baleful
iij,lit fhot from her eyes.
"You can have the money to mor
row," lie said, and went slowly out
ol the room.
''1 thought mv darling papa would
weaken," aid the girl, and lii'lim
the fork slowly to hc-r lipf, the last
ol the pie was gone.
An Ohio father, whose son was
1 1 t Hit to make a journey to St Luis
nst'ucteil In iu to keep his eyes open
.thd take in the commercial inter
ests of Uu3 citv, and when in due
time the sou returned, the old man
beuan :
Well, James, what did you see?'
Heaps, dad.'
' Did you inquire into industries?'
I did.'
4 And the railroad and steamboat
interest-" ?'
And did you make a study of the
commercial interests r
1 did.'
' And how did you find them T
All 0. K. father. I saw revolver
-old for two dollars apiece, and
found a pawn-liftikcr who lent me
seven dollars on your silver watch.
I wish you'd sell right out and move
down there and invest lhe whtile
business in peanuts, for if turnips
fill this fall peanuts are going to
cliino like coons I tix.
A PtMloffiue ltobbud.
The postoffic at Monroelon, Brad
ford county, was entered by burglars
early Saturday morning. T he sale
was blown oiien, aud several hun
dred dollars, in slamn were taken,
together with some registered letter.
The postmaster, D. J. .Sweet, also
hist $3'JJ ia money and some valua
ble paper. The indications are that
the work was done by professional
A Chicago chap advertises for tn-'V-r
serai steady girls to help on panta
loons, and au envious scribe says
tliat a felloe w ho can't help on his
own pantaloons, ount to be asham
ed of himself to want girls to do it
for him.
The deacon's son -was telling the
minister about the bees stinging his
p. and the uiiuister replied: "Stuni
OJr pa, did tl.y? Weil, what did
yoir pa say?' "step this war a
momeut, said the boyt "I'd rather
wuisjrer it to you. ,
She decorated her room with brie
abr.ic and picture, and placed her
husband's photo on the topmost
nail. Then she sat down to admire
her work, and blissfully remarked,
"Xow everything is lovely, and the
goose hangs high."
"Tliey teil me Mr. Brawn has a
treat -ar for uiumc," said Fender
m.ii. ' Yf," rej.lit d Koft, "I knew
lie hail art-Ht ear two uf tlieiu, in
(act; but 1 did not know that tbey
re for inusia I suppose they
t-re lor brusliiny; flies oti the top of
Uli..t-i,t!ie iwTer ?' asked a law-
Tne liorees are
running i?ay,
Can vou not pull them up V
A li IU iX.ild
'Then. saiJ the lawver. aflt-r iit-
aicuu aeiay,
j: t . . . . : -
run juj something i
Scolt and the Lunatic.
Sir Waltes Scott was in the habit
of employing in literary work a Ger
man student named WeW. Bfing
an interesting person, he became a
favorite with Scott's household, and
often dined with them Sir Walter,
knowing that Weber was inclined to
drink too freely, encouraged this
intimacy, that he might keep him as
much as possible from temptation
IIM 11-. I a I. r L'J, til
When Sir Whiter left Edinburgh at
Christmas, lS13,thet wo parted kind-
Iv, and on the day after his return
Weln-r was with bini in the library,
as usual, making extracts. As the
light began to fail Scott leaned back
. . . . 1 t . .
in his cnair, ana was aooui m nog
. 1
"Mr. bcott,-said v euor, rising ou
f. - 1.1 1T
" . - r,
hear it no longer. I have brought a
pair ot pisto.s, ano. musi
your WKing one 01 iun inau . , .
ia IX. l... .1 H.n.o.iitia Plitn
aiio ne prcM.u,-eu r - "
had been placed und. r Sijo s pa-
said recoil, in your nay renin):
about this affair but no matter. It
can, however, ne no -arc o.
nh ectto annov Mrs. Scott and the'
children ; therefore, if you please, w e
will put the pictols into the drawer
till after dinner, and then arrange
to go out together like gentlemen."
WeU-r aiicwered nith the same ('(Millies-
: "I believe that will be U tter,"
ami laid the second pistol on the ta
ble. Smtt lucked both in bis draw
er, saving: "1 am glad you felt the
propriety of my suggestion; let me
only require further that nothing
may occur at dinner to give my
wife any suspicion of what has been
passing." Scott then went to his
dressing room, and immediately sent
a message to one of Weber's intimate
companions, who came and toi.k
him away. He hud been on a long
walk through the Highlands, during
which he hand drank so heavily as
to unsettle his mid. He became a
hopeless lunatic, and until bis death,
was supported l Scott's expense
in an aluiu at York. But f r the
n ,vei: f's -elf control, there w .uld
have been a murder in that quiet
Sliavint; a OeafMaii.
Quietly entering the b.irlier shop,
! the stranger removed bis hat and
i . 1.1: !.-.:.
coat, and laKini: a caru irom ins
pocket wrote on it :
"I want to be shaved."
A barber stepjH-d forward, read
the card, and pointed to a chair, said
to the other artist :
"Deaf ns a brass kettle and dumb
as an oyster."
The man straightened himself out
in the cnair. w
.hen this manipulator
" , , ,.,
" f he ,cup !" 1 c!, tk llk,i
tonr 'a.,.1 alil' wlan a H
iauuu iiiiuin rt.
Stick a pin in him and fee if he
is entirely dumb," said another.
The victim remaining undisturbed
the following shots were tired at him
by the delighted tonsorial artists :
"He needs a shampoon ; his head
is dirtier than a cesspool."
"Shave him wth a stool leg ; don't
spoil your razor on th it stubble."
"Gracious what a breath 1 It smells
like a Dutch baud of mu'ic."
"He ought to rent that nose for a
headlight," etc.
While all these complimentary
illusions were flying about him, the
operation of shaving was finished,
and the man arose, put on his coat,
and then turning to the barber,
said :
"Haw much for the shave and
compliments ?''
"I I I," gasped the astonished
man. '"Oh, nothing nothing, call
mam, excuse ami as tne stranger
lelt the shop the discomfited barb.-rs
swore they wnuld nevt-r bt-lieve in n
leaf und dumb man again until!
they had fir-t fired a ten-pjund can
non about his ears.
-'rrqere H iltlinff Bick Grain.
It will be news to many readers
that western farmers are holding the
greater portion of thtir grain for
higher prices. Generally the farm
er has been jcnmpelied to sell his
grain at whatever price he could get
for it, and if anyone hfld it for a rise
it would be the speculator at Chica
go, Milwaukee or elsewhere. But
the farmer, in spite of what people
say about him, is a progressive in
dividual ; he reads the papers and
he says money, so when there is a
possibility of gaining much by wait
ing a little while, as some o'oerwrs
of European alFairs say there is now,
the farmer quietly astonishes the
public and disgusts the speculators
Ly organizing a "comer" on his own
grain, jt is good for him and for
every one elo thai th.e farmer is
forehanded enough to. be able to
hold back his wheat mdCorn for
higher prices. If anv money is to
le made on the pr-nlucts of his in
dustry the people would rather see
it made by the farmer himseli than
by the speculators, who use wheat
and everything else as an excuse for
The Boston Pv4 very properly de
nounces "the Diiserable gush that
is always put in th papers about
new babies. The W man is right.
The nuisance is much more venous
than is generally supposed. The
growing unwillingness of the young
men Jo marry has never been satis
factorily explained, and there is
every reason to suppose the real ob
jection is not ihe expense of face
powder, etc., but the inevitable local
item about the new arrival. Men
are naturally modest, and they
would rather go through life in a
stale of simrlct misery, than to be
congratulated, through the press, on
the consequence of their rashness.
This is a free country, but when the
press interferes with the census,
something should be done to curb
the unbridled license of the daily
William IJ. yauderbijt receives
four times ,er annum a clitk or
$17C,XXJ interest on the United Istatfs
bonds beholds (enough to keep a1
man Irom want), and yet it is a but
a tithe ot Ins enormous wealth. It
is certain that he is the richest man
now living and it is probable that he
is worth mora than any two men
that ever lived (if Gould, perhaps,
be excepted) the rinwt f it made
within the past twenty-five years.
He is believed to own more than
$lrO,000,(XX) of railroad securities,
besides his government bonds pay
ing him STlU.tfWper annum.
The successful farmer is the read
ing one ia nii.e cased out uf ten. It
is only by reading that one &n keep
up with the times in which we live.
It lias been pptly stid that an agri
cultural c m ii iuiiv t- itl.ut ln .ks
for candles when, string Uieuerman .re Apetizer, Tonic and
looking at him with unusual solem- StinuliintHop Bitter8 are in
nity he asked what was the matter j M hUy cutaliWt t0n-
land nailer's" relating to f.irmin r in
like a ship at sea without rudJ'cr or
compass. '
Hop Bitter are the Pure and Be
Bitten Ever Made.
Thev are compounded from Hops.
Malt, Buchu, Mandrake and Dande
lion, the oldest, best and most val
uable medicines iu the world and
contain all the best and most cura
tive properties of all other remedies,
lieing the greatest Blood Purifier,
Liver Regulator, and Life and
Health Restoring Agent on earth.
No disease or ill heaith can possibly
long exist w here these Bitters are
used, so varied and perfect are their
They give new life and vigor to the
aired and infirm. To all whose em
ployments cause irregularity of the
bowels, or urinary organs, or who
, Rt rnulatin without iIjtl,Ai.
1 eating.
. Nq matter what feelings or
gvm.,toin3 are whal lhe disease or
-. . Bitters, lon't
Wuit unlii vou are cick, but if you
or mitt.rabIe Use 1Iop
liiutrs t once, it mav save
life. Hundreds have been saved by
so doing. 80OO will be paid for a
caW lhe"y will uot cure or help,
- ....... , K
Do not suffer or let your friends
sutler, but use and urge them to use
Hop Bitters.
Remember, Hop Bitters is no
vile, drugged, drunken nostrum, but
the Purest and Best Medicine ever
imde;the -Invalid's Friend and
Hope," and no person or family
should be without them. Try the
Bitters to-day.
Sweet-Minded Woman.
So great is the influence of a
sweet-minded woman to those
around, that it is almost boundless.
It is to her that friends come in sea
son of sorrow and sickness for help
and comfort; one soothing touch ot
her kindly hand works wonders on
the feverish child; a few words let
fall from her lips in the ear of a
sorrowing sister does much to raise
the load of grief that is bowing its
victim down to the dust in anguish.
The husband comes home, worn out
with the pressure of business and
feeling .irritable with the world in
general; but when he enters the
cozy sitting room, and sees the blaze
of thebrigbt tireand meets his wife's
smiling face, he succumbs in a mo
ment to the soothing influence whic h
acts as the balm of Gileud to his
wounded spirits that are wearied
with combating with the stern real
ities of life. The rough school hoy
flies in a rage from taunts of his
companions to find solace in his
mother's smile; the little one, lull of
grief with its on large trouble,
liuds a haven of rest on his mother's
breast. And so one might go on
w ith instance after instance of the
influence that a sweet-minded wo
man has in this social life with
which siie is connected. IJeauty is
an in&ignificaLt power when com
pared with hers.
Honest nU Liberal.
WLen the Hops in each Lottie f
Hop liittfr (at t!ie ireptr.t price,
S1.2 per pound), coot more than a
bottle is Hold for, besides the other
cortly medicinen, and the quality
and price are kept the same, we
think it U honest and liberal in the
proprietor?, and no one should com
plain, or buy or use worthless ptufi",
or cheating bogus iiiiitationg because
the price is letn.
The Lrf'glblative Clerkahipa.
II AKKisnckG, December 24. The
content for the Clerkship of the
House rieenis to be between Harry
J. McAteer, of Huntingdon, and 1.
i y ttK ol . ' '
1' St.. I. C t.. . . .....1. I
vor of McAteer. Ex-Recorder
Ureevy, of Altoona, is also a candi-.
date and hojies to slip in as a com
promise candidate.
a vnv uitiwi t v.c, ii iiu vtiv vmtuvvu
IVhat Women Should Vtte.
Dyspepsia, weak back, despond
ency, and other troubles caused me
fearful suffering, but Parker's Gin
ger Tonic makes me feel like a new
being. A great remedy. Every
woman frhould use it Mrs. Gantz
' It mav hab been de intention at
fust fur preachers to hab a disregard
ob money, but show me a preacher won t el inn) uowii otieu a six
teeu-hand mule ter pick up a nickel
in le ro. ui, and 1 ll split you a thou
sand rails fur nothin .
How tu Avoid Drunkenness.
Frliitl intoxicating noatrunis and
use l'.trker's Ginger Tonic in yvut
l timly. 1 delicious reiuetlv ntv
er intoxicate?, i$ a true blood ai;d
iiram l.jod, and aiding all the vita
functions never fails to invigorate.
The same kind of so.ipiitone that
is usetl 111 a powdered form b" shoo
dealers to facilitate the entry of a
toot into a tight boot, is also used in
coloring green tea.
Premature grayness avoided by
usin Parker's Hair Balsam, distin
guished for cleanliness and perfume
A bridal couple boarded the train
at Kemiitville the other day. The
groom was a strapping fellow, and
squeezed the bride into a seat n? xt
the window, borne of the train
hands who were posted put the
newsboy up to bringinging in a box
01 babv-rattles and ollermg the em
barrassed party their choice for five
centd. -411 eorts of excuses were of
fered by the min a& reasons for not
buying, finally be made a clean
breast of the situation with: bee
here, young fieHer, I've only been
married a little oyer fifteen minutes
Give us a ret-t. We don't want to
set up housekeeping right here in
the car. Keep vour tinware, an.l I'll
be along next year. If the returns
are satisfactory, 1 11 buy your hull
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica,
Lambago. Bidtache, Keidach, loolhache,
Mmi-km. rM risnM Ktlv.
i u. wriiis aiwu t rtisut 4a m.
HtfMajr Drags11 Hmmn'mkm FHtr Uaawa bsuai.
IMrrciiMa ia 11 l.aucMirHi.
TUt CM KI.K A. tn:r.l.r.K f.
J.L aiwai 11 4 Quo aaliiaiM,a,t. a a.
This elegant (rei;g
l preferred by ttos :
wh?havcusaitt,tuaiiy (
simtfjir article, on ac
count of iu stipcrtnr
cicamine and punt v.
It conuua materials
only that are beneficial
to the scalp and h.or
and always
lteitomtbtYMflifalCoiortoCfVorradedRa!r I
Parker's Hair Balsam is finely perftimed and is
inted to prevent falling ttienair and .0 re
! dandruff and itching. Hiscox & Co w N'..
M.ntl at liwn J -dfc.v
A Snperiativt Rnttk Strength Rntorer.
1 yoa mrt mechanic or fanner, worn cot with
overwork, or a mother run down by family or house
hold duues try Pakker's twcti 1 imk.
If joa are a lawyer, miniiier or business man ex
hausted by mental strain or anxious cares, do not uko
tntoucatwgsumulants,butuse 1'aiker i Ginger 1 u:uc
If too have Consumptjon, Dypeiisia, Kheiima
bra, kidney Complaints, or any divwderof tlie
atomach. bowels, blood or nerves r"n;r-s Oincf
Tonic will cure you. ItistheCreatestBioodPuri.icr
And tfct Best la. Snrttt Casgh Care Ever (hed.
If yoa are wasting away from kc or
any diseae or weakness and reqiriie a stimulant t.J:e
GiKCaa ToMCatonce; it will mvignrMe and build
you up from the first doe but will never imxKJtc.
It has saved hundreds of lives ; it may save yours.
CAUTION ! RWaxsIl nuutlMa. Pukrr'tGibrrrlViiir I.
wupotiJ ol th Wit nrnUl afrau la u utirl v
rf.SVnttt from ptvpanUMMof pofmltm: 8md Uir iirvalai to
alttcOK a Co N. Y. 0c a 1 w, at drrr. di
Its nth and lasting rr .grxnce has nuce l) r. v,
delightful perfume exceedingly popular. 'Ilicm F'
Is lot bias; like It. Insist unon bavins Flikcs- .'
ton Cologne and look far signature of
Benson's Capcino
Porci's Plasters.
Reavnnt Wfcy tln-y avr- Vrerprreil t
Other Povou-i'.er or Internal
First. tlipy po?rfS oil Ihn rHT:t of t!ie
-ir.'ii.'i!i-i!mT MnMi !a:rr. anl contain 1-t ai
l.lifti Olefin the iHfvlt itim.ov.Tti i Hiwerftli and
.('iiv.'ve?..taltpi-i!iiliimti.n vliirb a"ts with in-p-!!m1
riiVr;iri.Tit, anniululiug, aeuutiva and
t.:. siiur irritant etleLts.
r..tfnw they linen rvnrtinc nliarmi.centical prr;v
ir..: lou, ciui m i-cii'ijiA' .1 l.y the jirutcsaiun.
Tlrraiiet. thi-y ar.t t!io only planters that relieve
jtnin &l once.
I'.. n;v:.- ilicy vri'l ini;ivc:- rr.ri!:suases which
tiit-r iL-iueuii-s ixiil UkA k.vlu mauve,
r.'-ciii:' ovfrr.TOOpI.ypKiflnsiul Oruirrists hav
' - .sir.i.iriiy te.tiil?.l l:tut ti:-y am snjrrior to l
;.:.-r ).Wtent or re2k'iu 9 lorcxteruii Lc,
r. i sno tho msnnfartnriTS harri rereivedtbe
.ui Uit.i.jt ctt given lor porous piasters.
oil's Capcing Porous Raster!
Afanufnctnnng Chemixts, ew Vori.
A tit l fi Ell EM FI VTl"tT.npr1rJSrtaI
merel, Ps
Here are His Headquarters.
Paul Or. Nowag's Cheap Store, Berlin, Pa.
I have jit-d r.i-ive.i near loin I of H iliilay (Joils. ami huvw just what ym want. Cull
ami u niviiicf ynurself liiHt I oiler the l.iriet sninnii 111. tlie it (mkIm at lawest prices.
V'.mr iiiii-nti in iic;illl t.jtlie f.iiloif in ji.vial harijaiiw. T-j reduce stm-lt I have retluc-
e.i pnccsi.
Men's full suits at $'i ST. worth $j 50
Men's lilack suits at $t X, worth $ ,i0
Men's fine sdiiU at $i i", worth $S 50
Men's tine all wool suits at $8. worth $11 (W
Men's overcoats at$:l 25, worth $4 50
Men's Heaver overcoats at $7, Worth j!) 50
Men's exlr.i line overcoats $12 75, worth $16
Extra 'rtnl harains in I.nlie's sluwls an.l niillinerv c.ikIi All -h.i l.-i in factory varo.
Slieilan. I, Saxony an l (j.-rmntitown yams at 7 cents -r ouoie. In jewelry, watches,
slnrlsof ail il.-w:ri(.tions, gloves. hiery. etc., I oiler l lie M-te. lion at lowest casli
prices. In a.lililioii to oiforni,; the puhiic tha r.-: e.tii.ui ..f . i,!- at prices lower than
the same iiuality can be bonlit elsewhere, I will pr-ent to everv p irciia-ier of on, dol
lar's worth or more one ticket eiimlin theni to oneclianrc in an elegant genuine tfO 00
American lever live ounce silver hunting ravi
the 2J lay of Ketirn.try, T-i.
more eniillen vou u one ticket.
Cures all diseases ol the Stomach, Liver,
Bowels. Kidneys Skin and Blood. .Millions
testify to its efficacy in healing the above
named diseases,and pronounce it to be the
Laboratory, 77 Hdii 3J stmt,
t)r CTsr ikni:- t r t l 1 1 l't Ptl it
Blood st rap 1 b ive rfleeiveJ much rellut.
re are i...i v
.ii '' Suc.i!:irrt nnil Pi.p'ilnr won i nr:tevr-:ll N; fotittt! tNe cheap
; jM V C ET S2 i-t Ua-t l'k -ver niiule. 'i lii-y
J t-HJ BaatKsjO J nit p.-ii; firm ii: ckar
v ry atiTuct.vely bonriil in clutL nKiKina i.i.-n. .ir. niuinietit I'.irany l.ltirary.
I t..'r i?er:ed Pm'.er the tiitrn? itt " i-..ceira Lit'tni'tr " ttmt i;i vea all the Inwt
. ir , ; i-:: :i? prin-s rumll'.' a- l'iw us v .iJ.-r .. ri... " l; ;iyi'! however t.f the
.. I; : n.;, -i.y i-rihier. and makimr eaL awulat uorutr l preatTVain.a.
: .. n t ! .l- o fur issnnf!
tj, on .,.
IVeare n.
Cnrrent aim ;
Best lr... -
Slhg lart.- .
Tliel,,.. ...
I i ij.aridcoa 12mo Vols.,
1. Ilviienn. i.UL ciit.u-
t. tlutlv-M. r. Ii.i.:.:l..,
t. '1 lie ll.-ij.j.y Va. .
4. Artie, i.v l.j.',
6. KrHiikei.i.(:ii,
t. of il.i. s'.nT.aus,
7. t'lytie. iiv liutli.n.
8. The M.Miiiioni. art 1.
. Ik. by .olli:is. (Vrt II.
VI. Oliver T it. i!,-Imi..
31. 'l'li; Ciimn.t; I ..i--li.
l-iia bv l.or . I moi
ls. The iiiyv ;. i, . r.. .
14. TlielrifK-ofllr. i.v . i.i
I uvvilrd. in I. ..i .i ...
IE. i.'Ahlie Cit.iiH.iit...
lt. Krerlcies. ;v I;. ... .
17. The lnrk 'n:u i
JS. 'I uey Were '! .
li!. 5M.fK.Ts alu,- t..,;, ', j
r'urrur, ...
yi. lhe pnn.s'l i.:;. -v
I. e tuinix'V.
SI. The t.tnen 3io:...-j.ii.
iS. Fienn ite, hy S r 1 1
Z. ml Tiiiitij:!;!, n
II. Tiijrhtor..
?t. The New Miipdi'l. i.
''. liivurce, bT
.X I
-i. I.ifeuf"lv
I r. .s-inl Kt i.'ieTi..
ii'L'le ii.-an r.i. l i..
Lie Kiiee. IVt-w..
C"., tiy fari'l;rtii'
:.''. Vli-e Vdrsil. 1'. A .-.
.'II. Krneyt Vaitraver.
The ll:iiinle.l lU. i-.-'
and t.'al.leron. I vi.:
John Ihilifiix. Iu'Iok.
i. feiAi Lfli:iii on i in .'.!
axon, by J ult V ei m
uriivnii a
Jlypenon. J;, . ..-r..-- .
OiJre-Mr. I . ' ,.i r. II v.
'Al.e Haopy E j turt Aruc.
'rautiialn!i.. t,
Olytie. li. i.. ... i.
I'ii8 Moous'.-jti I'v '1 f.
1-bo Coininx P-,i;e. i uini.
Xh Three fc ai : -,
a'h fricka o. ti. oicti.-.
; !iveiff: l(
-'-ii.4. bCLia, a nt :ii
iiie luiiou'.i.
Ore n 1'nrtiHi lt t-t Imsji.S Bo r.
mtiMir 'y lminl in rlu;li. s-1:-:
i-!'..-' ! Tho Dark Colleen.
teeaeia aiber bou -v
; i nit r'mn.r.
j T?if & i-cen Houctaui :.'t vu
j Fleu-ette. Ly i ".v..- - ,
I fceconU i'Loughts. I...i-..t...i
I Tl; XM'evir X.iadulcn.
UivoTcet. l.y Ni!' ...
liia of Waahljurtoi.
lrtue. I'y arl li-.i;.
Vice Versa. Itv H. aiwtc
Jotun HiUilax.
Alu m' ti. i..-..- .;
i) wydtjre U, u iilti'.'iin.ri u
A new tii.ti. u .t Ci.i:.-u i :,n..r a utmt taorlc
;ariy Days zi Cnristianity
ToL, -Hith. p it. . . Jl.uo
' ii if t.-.!f, .... 2.M
This (nliiiun is j' fmm l ir;re. clear tvpe, on j.-na-r, m '. .t ry in : r:iri n . ,f iniund. The huif
.l l;..i, j.ij iim;:i- ti v.ry li.iiiiiaoiiie Clirjtmis
-ii J..r Jf.ijit . v-"';,'',' "r SjiHiday-bchiiol
. -i! r. '''!''!.''". .;": ..fcn l.,ul In 2 voi..
il iH-.l ikm'I kji..'!-!. i t I 'vi-;i s Lilimry. '
Ji. i '. 3JrlF LV3 ol CUrisiiaJiitv. hi
Uiuvii turj., r I'art I, M
!t r'..' . i.-,VJ...')f ft .
11. JM 1
"a o:lrL 1 inTo!, by "Ear-
.: .c J "i .-.i hi paM cocr, .OT
... . cl.ilh. ni.J ;r-il. - - .5.1
,. iKcrfi itiirrtr.,ii m, tiiaiinpwita Stib-
i.u iuii.iuiiii r nit. jincui uay.
I..!. I'l-St ltilVTVi?, .AlAUitB M ILL KE
;lir W- L372L-. CO.. PaWisisrcli t ic Vc:c7 Si. ITew 7cr
. II. Agciil, Xoiucrstts Pa.
Tiare h ro ezzzzi f nS sriaj baa
ini other diseases that follow d!
oretj state of the Stomach and Bow
el. 'hen lhe use of
Will giya innmodiato reilcf.
fior nnn.'fyttiMn fjtlows
Msn.'ousness, Dyspepsia,
.naifjsstion, ussaascs or
the Kidnoy3, Torpid Liver
Rheumatism. Dizziness,
Sick. Heac'acha, Loss of
Apaetite, Jaundice, Ap
Popiexy, Palpitations,
I Eruptions and SJcIn DIs-
casus, eiC, o o' n:cn mese
S3 Keeo tiir &iwa, sjokc mtd LijtMir9 Oryoaw
in yy4 nntrr, mnd perft-t t health
Ejjail the result. Lft 33 and others mb-
jcv vii;K nesane w,1 nti rmiei
pj and Dennanent cur tythe ne of tliasa Bitten
Cfiiittoulc ami mildly purgative thej
a Price 23 cts. par bottle.
1 Tot ! I t all urul.-rs iu lno. Send
al.lrpi for pinirtVci, free, rrfris full direction.
BEKT. IU jm WEI), rr'-ja., Barliartea. ft. I
Mut. la. ez.
i n anr.nil -liKtt.n of the Farmers' I'nlon A a.
m'Hiii.nn.i t ire lnurnr tv.mpnny of Sutaer-
aeiei untjr. ni l ue neiu at rsera'.e i jiiii oo
Tuesday, ficcemher -JG. 1882,
; t fleet a President. We President. SecnUrT
sn.! si .ilreetom tu oerve f.-r th en."Oir'ir rear.
I D. J. HfcU H 4 K r.K. AMOS W A I.K KK,
Seoretary. 1'reiiJent,
A Inrra; one hundred and fifty acres
of tiioa ui.kjIU, level land, well Improved with
Hous-j and Barn,
. IiM-a'e.1 "Uhln hr.ll a mile ..I K.rkwod Station.
'! n tile n.Kl lea.tiiiK fmin ttie latter pUt to
New l,ntrevil. Ki.mrfvt n.unt. f Tuisfarm
is l.h'aieU in fiilfnl toarnsbiji. Fur particulars
X .v. i.
Th' iIT-r la mads by lhe
Xrw York UMrver,
the an.l nl the r.'tlul"U weeklies F-ir
six y rears, thi . un.lif.niin -,
an-t newcpip-r has burn riri-ulail k
in the t 'iiiie.1 Sia'es so I in almost erery t.ireiu
onn'ry. lis .-aon-rioer are (..inai l.y ten...!
On Kk'D year i.s tiniprietors hare a.lle.i
iu ;s TAtuft. enKrtirtD freh e.ii..r anile rreson.i
enisitt noiue n.l anr al, ei.iamina: a..t roultip y
Ina it. tetarti.:enlR. anl enie .v..ria: t re-.lixe
their bull Meal 1.1 the iie-t KeliKioas and Sreu Kauiily N 'W..iiwr Th" nllei . this yer. to
ervry u. w ti-r new r iN wIi.k u1ii.t ii.'l"" is
p.l lliH- 1m. ih new i..'k ul Ht-w s. Irenaeu
Prime. 1 li , . milled Prayer snd I's iDJSrr."
a lMu.loine v.'iu.u.. ot nearly 200 jmices, n.un.l in
c .tu the. retHil price id wh:rh Is one il.illxr
Swiin.n ci .pies ul the paer sent tree. Address
ew Yrk.
l he un.lrrii(ned will apt.lT to the Lextalatare
.it the nxt 0t-s-l.n tor the 041111 ife id an act . u
ih.'tilii( au.i requ,rlni( he Auditor and
.Si If Treasurer to u lit and settle lhe arc lint
l Hi m Bru) .iker and others, ol Somerset ooun
t , Pa tar rent, ee., due them for the nsa of a
b 'Use and hd in Somerset townhln. eoun'y atore-
s.mi. i upie, -r t ;pu negioj s cavalry eompany
durluit the ymr .3 3
H IK All BRUBAKER aad others.
Men's Mtoca biou at $1 75, worth $2 50.
Men's Hiojia b.xita at $J 35. worth $:5.
Men's kip boots at $3 GO, worth $4 50.
Hoy's ooots at $1 45, worth $i
Hoy's tap solo at $1 05, worth $2 50. laoc sluvs at HOc, worth $1.
Winners' hint 111 snoes at $1 10, worth $1 50.
waicli. Ur i.nii: to lake place at. noon on
p:irciiae amoiiniiiifr 10 one dollar or
Nov. LSI
Blood Syrup
to . Cave Disncnsia.
Hiq Yar City. Qrjjgists sail jt
ronvrow. Pa.. Au-ar 2l' m
Jin ji tni tl s ir., b u iun u-il i f ur n lts
Vc, tsijer Covers.
: 1 he liyiiiutrnm, Verne
.10 j l.ii'e i.r Mariun. bf
I lorry an.l U i'ius, .
.il ' T. fulil .ruinia.
.JJ . rf. I :ih' . i'l'ii.. V Hies.
s: '1 1, !1 iinii... Uiii.;i.ey.
.i i -.i Atiwi.inn- in 1'inile
i iili.i .Niiitliiii:e of iui-
r.i i.'". m Hiaek .10
.'.'jrn ..i l.'i-.'b Life, .a)
I.....II.. i.y mv 1 arr. .al
': ..:! ; r. llanly Jt
I. ': - ". 1'V JollllMlll. .10
A-..:., l ilt . Jit
: '. of Ki.imii. . v ja
' :ir:i. ..itii.(....n. v ,tf
'. l lnile. mark .
ii..- -- r.t liiiiMirh. Jftl
Jurlv .Bivs 'if t'liristl. -
I. ,
I ' iiiiity, i.y l'lirrur, H. I Jg)
.t j - " 11 JW
w a a I. i t
tii- y i. re ueutiy printed 00
60 cntl 'r.r)i.
The Raft.
Two on a Tower. Banly.
r-iuc. ti. of Thule. Wack.
Lsifs rti li m-ioa. Hj llurrj
-tn.i . . ..
Tne Hermits. Hy E ingsley.
I.'me ot Kandoe. Mathey.
l.4HtI.ynuo. Mra.l!enryWoud
'hu3 i-jre. liartnlte ilroute,
Xoo::i. i llr. Harr.
nrr'afre in Hiifh Ufe. W.
J iTir x-SA2'3 Sing.
Cuca- lcitTifl' Corai teto "Work, 15 Vol-
unii ii-po, cl Ui. tul, ana half calf,
w. K. Tiiackeruy'ii Complete Works, 11 Fliot s ttuplete Works, 8 Volumes,
I-.'-li "O. '-.f. ati luil .-rif.
Plutae-r-'a Ut; of IlhtstTions Xea, S
... !--. t (.ill. uuu ua.f calf.
Solil'uf rincienc History, 4 Voluuua, 12mo,
cavio. t'lif aii" r(i ii'. '
Oitu-ltn. Ki..f ht a Popular History otEnav
...,, .i,,...i, .ui. in-ii can.
lTld H .... titl e. Tl.i.i 1-.. II1 .-i.l 1. in
Z.ttCAUiay's Biatoryof SztsUuid, & Yolamet,
14IIH. i::i L':ll.
LovH buries oi Sed line Poeta, 40 ol-
lilliw .rf hi. Ihi nt-Kl, Mi.rkf..t lile aurid'S irmu
1'iBb. i iiuysoL. hnak!K'ni JUiltnn, sierediUl,
"?"-". rr.-.r. imu, orou, Liable, .
II if
1core Somerset Coun
ty people have r ail the
HERALD during the
past year than ever be
fore, since it was first
Because its news col
umns present all the
latest ncYS m
tractive stvle.
1 1
an at-
Because it always
gives all the local news
without burdening its
columns with unmean
ing and unintcrestins:
Because it is always
reliable politically, and
savs what it means and
means what it says.
Because its Court re
ports are always full,!
fair and trustworthy.
Because it i.s the me-:
diuni used bv the peoJ
ml 1
pic of the county when j
thev wish to let their
neighbors Know when
they have a farm or
anything else for sale.
Because all Ieural ad
vertising appears in its
columns, and people arc
thus kept posted as to
what transpires in the
management of the af
fairs of the Courts and
Because it has the
best Washington and
Harrisburg correspon
dents attainable.
Because it is active
aggressive, and always
lor the cause
of its1
If you have friends
who live outside the
county, there is no
more acceptable pres
ent you can send them
than a copy of their
county paper.
. If you have a neigh
borwho needs a paper ,
).n.. .1 ll I
jIULUIlimpilU 11EU-
It yourchudren want:
n -cn..- ,..1. !
tl lttJUIj &UUSU1UIU 1U1
per year.
Somerset, Penn'aJ
The Long and Short
of the story, as told by our cut
this week, is that we are fully
prepared to meet every exi
jgency occasioned by odd siz
ed people, and have in stock
C.othing to fit the Fat as well
as tho Lean man.
A. C. YATES & CO.,
to" Eniiiim Cicstact ail Siilli Str;
Kncrxetie, relh.bls men to sell Fruit Trees,
ra V io s. Miruus. e, ete Oood salaries
an-t extnses paid. Address at on-e, J. F. Lxf LAKR.
R.jchestar, Mew York.
f'nn l9 eHwta Uy cured by sins Dr. Fahrney's
Health fiesiorer. ber:iUM It punni s the iv."lem
and ren..r.ttes the cau.-e. Thera is no danirer in
its use .ud la purel.' sexetabla. Vil b (ti'en to
any axe. auaJU
Havinc aiwx-iated with tne In the practice of
virion lir. Li K. tji.nn.t, and opened new
all old accounts mupt he settled up Imine.
ur tnev win ne :e:t in tue nanus 01 an urn-
I cer lor ctilloeiioD.
; Stoyjtown, July 10th, li
? vst f ---', iy-i
Ltehtest RunnFnzSbuttle Machine
being almost noi-e!ea. It bat a
Sslf-Thrsadin's Shuttle,
which tenti .n can be regulittcl without remoTln;
frota tho race; an
Automatic Bobbin Winder
hy which a bobbin can be wnandaseseassa spool
o silk without the anl of the bao.l tu RUlde the
thread, thus awurioK an area Usotiuo;
?n.p.?mivi wrrm.n
a latver r.ce on.ler tne arm than any other fam
ily marhice m i. In. .1 .ln a lancer TarietT an.l
ri.ter ratite f w.irlt thn any l.-iinilv machine.
S oiplst c..ns-roe e.1, easiest manacet, m .st
ItK.n.UKb Imiul au.i best macbloe to the wurl l
Svlil uo the
Jcnnvr X Koa;Is, Ia.
aniilS It
n h 7? i i
,r V I J- C C f Is
tor siTii, ossKt. sr. m zami,
Johnstown,- - JPa.
Books Neatly Bound
Old 13 -.ks Re-Bound.
Hurtles ileslrlnix hmk iiun 1 en -.hta n prlres
by 1r piliar roe a Arrannunnia h i. been
riiiite tirehy npna ..m w ir -.III h pil.l on
all I .mi, VII n-le. il . natlun can be
oMainH at Sjinerst HualD "tD'e.
Wo continne to
act assfilici tors for
patents, caveat.
: ft. coi.Tr.ylita. etc. for
I S:s:!s, a:.ii toubtainpat
' u..iU. Er.rfantl. France,
a .a all liiw t cnnnirifs. .
t:- -i . year- rnctii'p. No
' l r fHr,i::n u:;i of iiiuiiuia or draw
tvi-if ''v !!!'.: ir.'..?.
l.'-t fiiif.i;;:rl t'. -..T--t yi ba Tinti,.-..t in
tho Uimilr iu A!1K,1,V, ttIiicU hm
tho lurs. Ht circslatitir. : l in tlipriont inilu-e.nti.-il
iu.rrj, .j-er ft its k :ul - nblislieil in tho
wurtd. T'im ulrant.-ios. : suou 2 notice eyerj
psWntco i:nui-:;
Thin !:ii";e aivl M ' !: 1; ''l ttew-a.
papri!!rHlii-ii;-.r i 1 KI.i atib'.-JiaTear.
aiiJinal;ilittcd to Lie !. b'- rpr dt votrd
tusriorjiv.inochnui.-. invf-iii; s. ei!
ar :i t f mdmtrwi
m an- rur.mrr. Kunriu
coiiit-s by -rta.1.
copies i.y mail, VI c-i:M. KmI.I l:r all ncwaw Mt!tn .' O
.u'l'Niiers of ScieDr
vav. V-w York.
; rm'.'.! fre.
tiiic Aiier-rin. i'U j .s n
".'.nnclixK.'t u'uf. -.t !.:.t
Kfftylly clean -.
(.tiirhatTirn ias
cor.1 I1..DS. allays .nllniu.
mti.. pp eo's 'th
mmlirap raa ail.l
It brals thes..rran.
rrsumsth. aro. u(
XfJrtnn COLO 'ett
wi and .IB II. Ban. !
D.-lal rvsalu ara r
allsel hjr a lw a p.
plications. A ih' r
. aah trratm.r.t will
car. tlatarrh Has i
ferrr kc. I'ncqual. '
"J for elt In th
HAY-FEVER' srsrai ls to
ass. Anus iiv thai
S ia-r Into the nostrils On raeciut if otic.
wlllm ul a Mk4ae
r - I l t r. M
1 iS 1110 Lr
j j.T-.l I
aj 'in.
S il bj Susnmat drnawlat.
irwsxa. K. Y.
on hi
per a 1
wlU '
w otl
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wail a
On al after Jane 1:
, trsins .
F. at.
6 31
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Ui:i : ..fltw.,0
l.t. f:ts .. iuw.j "
I. :. ...a..KeKr!.'
I:.i4 ... lltlK..
10 : 2 .. r.klj""
3:ll 7 M.n.Vncuvii.,-
f.M r.n... iiwum..
I M ... ..ICl.tu..
2:o7 9 l.Lt..i.s "
1:1a. a:u. .ou9(riuv 1
Th Mill, Bxirtb and .un.
m iu rius..urn uiiui 0 .
thn.a.b jtaawniter trin, ea-i'
kwkm.0,1 si i . m., ,i u
repeotlelT at W limt.,n . 1
day. and V:41 next esrDii.K. sn.t
a:4,i a. m., satus liar, ami at ii ou
Writunl- o lihrt-ichtr..'i..
aw j
at Ju a. m., an. 7 p ta., an. u ,.,
a. m.. an-i :luu m.. invii.. . 1
Mockwuiid at tut a. ui..
and iu. v
BATIaGRE a 0.i!0 P.AIL?-
t)n an.i arter Jane li, trains will
r. w. a. i
I0 :. ...PlTTKl h'lH
H it lsncitVXfLL-liUL I"
li lj 1 :ut . . ;o.N I LI t.. t. '
l-.':lt ; 1- t" I kMM T '
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J2:MilSt... ft.Kr.Klt
li:i JU.A .. (..,. ' '
li: ! 1S:4 ... KIK hWiH.i, " ' " '
l.uo li4 ...Pi t. l.'i r"' '
l:un l:u: .... IAnh K T V. "
11 l:u-. oiir.n "
1:1s l luf .i5LIhl hY .iTiV
l.vS l.l.i. ..Mt.Y r:nl).r '
l:Ht, '"
l: l - ...SAM) PAT. ll""
J:S' li .... rn.wno " :J.
: J:t PHII.ti.N
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a. an
x:u, i.f .... rslKKuH.
!4:ll 2 10 .. ,,
x:aO' i:40 ..CL'.MothL V.Mi '
M'.UDtaiD Fxprrss leaves llr
.las ..nly. at 1 v. iu. : iear-s t ....
I'ontiueiM-e, . A.; 1 rlu, i:3i.; hr.,
:;; Pinaerto , :f: t ,, tJ"
M; Pine 6:1 i i
l'r. all...urj J ud. l.-r, 6 ;, : v"
Le .es K'vks.ui, :15; nii .,, .
rites at 6.'iuerHt, o:o.
Throuifb Mall trln di.liy.
KxpseNi tril. s daily ex.-e,.t Snr.ur.
Aceoinmodatii n Ira us and 1..V;,
lally except Sunday. ' "
Tlckei wtticea, enmer Firth Av.'iii-,.
streets, and depot corner tiraui x
PltUburvb. Pa.
K LliKlt. eo Pi.!..-u4 .
L. M. Ctli.b,reueral Tlc.fl
to 4 I
Op?nel 3Ionlsi. Sept.
Sltnats rlaht at the Hall m I s ,
(M.t. Krtaur Olt altachvi.
; Dlseht. Kt-Sliururit Q.s ttii vliii--.
m.lilie.1. parties a ..I if iii...n x
I inn t lake uorlil ir.ilus :li Uh i ihi-,
o si
o 5
- :
tn b
v ii..if"n wi rr rnr.r. rrr-. or I
TFK. I 117. V..W.I. in t ,. ,
. H' f.. !. r a illrurri. n-r - p
...It. , :i t,n-ral s
l ..-I? Ho i l.-r. t rvj- tt- ' '
sn'i 'team ltfaty fitiiu, aaj u..t L.e im...
o;it' iv.wM-s w'T .ir. or p"nt t'-ii'
Pi- :.-. U. ...1. :, .n
I Pl-l'H P'H'l..! s 1. II.CITL t-illilit .! .
be 1 v.i.r to ... r.
BAviB r. rorr:, rrcrrncr
Feb. 11 j
commission im
Corner Main and M3rkt Strer
. - " i ' - -r . w tr
C. V. HAH3tr, TYR0. P-
The Greatest Disco ve.
of the Age for this
Moat Torturing
It is Adverti-ed to do Oi!
What it Has been Kno2
to do in Hundreds of
Cures Rheumatism'
Give it a Trial and bo Conv:nA
v, no if
efal 4 gent.
waiter mm
am Jt av j. . - - I riaaU
Snerin id. n Jaer ur. u i a nrmm- -