hie Somerset Herald. ,;r:. i; sru. K-iit..r. aw,'-'... 9 Jacnary S, 13- .... jtixkN at HolJerliaum's. M--re V W'.'tiful line of parnet elolli am L ..tlis. all -''"" -l Ilol'li rl.auni'f Ti ii,'t ul,-'! Karaiae. bargain'. nd lu ll. Cull R 1 cc i polT, WHOOPING COi::H and Dn.n imiiiedialelv relieved bv Sliil-li'i-Cure Tin- late-t stylet-of liata. el. gloves, et:. . , . rmieil -l Holilorliauiu'e. ' atcr-tfor the next tbirty la.at ... U r-rkefa. X ,e latest and -t w-l.'te.l wk t iiliiii;: ,,ave "vcr ll!,d- c:"' " ,Hi n,..urci-il""t-'r,,"m- J. M. 1I..L lKRBlM & Njns. THAT H.U'KlSt. tXH'OH can be ; . ure.l bv S-IiiIoIi'b lure. We fUaT-uiiteclt- ,,,i. "'"I overcoats a specialty at Hul tiKERAV N S. WII I YOU 'l'TIlIl with Dysi.epiaun.i 1;v..r(V.,.lai"t? H.iloh'. YitaHzer is .'ui!a..t.f.ltuoureyu. A i. j"i " l,f e001" r, t;,,rd!,s9 "f c"1' at U. K. a' " " A nice assortment of ladies tires px" i . .l..tl.- tn.lie' eimls. ,i tniiuuin. ia.. - I,,,' underwear, li. - --"-. ,..T.nril CtT.r'.D, health ana ftl rlail! sVunsI by Mi.l.d.'s faun-li Keme.lv. . ... i..t.-tir tree. l'r.ee Jt'-ei.ts .--"' it- bc-t d..me:.c iifcUiaii. a. i -.... , i . .,t r'.t eent. at Hol.ler- r; IiYsI KI'SIA and Liver Complaint ,ii a pi of s;iiioi."i Oil.-.! guarHiitee on every o . Viia.izer. It never fails to mi .n.-M.iple Sugar. Bj.con. V:ii.it. poiaioesan.i iwai.s .... .-.. ' ... ..r iiierehiiiidi--er "ir line of trade. t'OOK t ItKEIilTS. l',rs..i,s knowing theme!ve-indebted on ,m b.oks. will phase call and settle wit li on! further noiice. ti. It. I'arker. Tin- lar-o-t a-.-ortnient of dres g.H..ls and ciiV. "I .' A i-nrrespondi lit 11 .I.I.r.KBM'M -. wr'ting from the south ..! tl,ec"iii"t sas : - -li.mgii ii ic. ;; i ki.'k- the eternal siitf'Ting of Hint . .,:1. di--ae " .sIHl.oH S fOl'till anl ('..lisnn'ptioii ... .. .. ....... It i-nri- ... 1 to Cijr.. i- soli! l us on a giini.no-. .Ulio.tlo" F lp , l.,s horse bin: l:et-. w!.:pv elc . ., Ii oMi'l.:iMlll S ! Ir..!!. a. rossthe Missisi pi. carload 17' i !..,!!. Is el.oi. e hand piete-l lan les. t" arrive ibis week. N w Is the tune i toiniy them. Send in your or.i.Ts. i I'niiK .V Br-Kklf. ! sl I KPLFSS NinllTS. made o.i-era'. l.v that terrible cough. Shiloh's I "'e is the , remedy for u. Tne lar-sl stock of children' school iH.li's sh.H-s. men and Imy's binds ...a f 1 ..a and sh..es in town will touno si HoLDrKBAfM S. G.l.lmrt's Pn-st Flour. ti.amifaeture.Hin- .I..r the I1CW tin. ii. n t .. ...i,iui t-cwitii-iion iinnw. Union fiet.hart A S.ns. try t barrel. l.v IVi.e f2 .'i0 l.isthnn lenna. (Viok .t BrrKitx. Morrison A Hm ' Cough Syrip. I.ini tii.i t. Horse and Ca'tle Powder Iihvp. i their pooilne" ize mid prin paired a large sale. 1 1 suits me. AIhi try P.nn.- Mead s Worm Syrup Having rented Ihe new store-room on the rrm.r ofthe Diamond, east of the Glade House. I am anxious to reduce my Hock ven- much, to keep from moving it. Come ,.t ftome of the bargains. Mbs. A. F.. I'm.. MftT MAKkcr.-Main Street. -We bv, ;.,st dd.sl a large refrigerator to onr Meat Vrkct in which all meats ran be kept coot and clean. Mutton. Beef. Prk. Ac. kept constantly on hand. Open daily. P.ir buying mest can have it kept in the Refnp .Tutor until wanted. V.'e'.iave. aso. inn.ftffl new brick for sa'e. which we will sell by the hundred or ihotis- ai.,1 st a low pri.-e. Row Davis Crt. Ut:i. Tins! I t-w oiler ail the coats dolmans and jacaeis oil hand al cost! also g.ai l.ati-aii.s iu coin skirts. .xileus ol a I .lex r pilous; Woo. nose, scarfs coitilorts, lur tajis, maies and gents underwear, ladies jicck . ;.r, luiijc cioins, towels, einhroidt-ry , etc. ii j uu w ,n tiarbaiiis, cail. No ir juu.c to Pi. g lOtls. Mia. A. L I'll l Wai.mi 1-tAr 11.uk Btsiokta li is en t'.riiv uiiitreht irom ail oliiers. ll Is as ci.-ai as aatei. and, as lis halne moicul-s, Is i-crmiA Yegeiable Hair KesU.rt r. U will ii..ii.ctiiuici irec the I.eaU iron, nil Ualidrutt, restore gray lmir to lis naiurai color, auu priniutc a i ferowih w hcic 11 lias Imtili ..ll It o.in i:..t in ui, ii.al.ncr alio t the ilea. Ill, inita.e i"iii suipimr, sugar of lead and ul tiinr pit paialiohs have .lone. ll Kill chaise ii i.a s lo a htuu.iiu Bni or hided hair in a lew j...-) brown. Ask jour .Ituggisi luT iu tii In.uie is warranted. Ami.ii, Iviiuc LV., wh.iiesaieaf.ei.ts, Phil a.lelplna, anil liali .V liuikel. New Yolk. Look 'o your interest and buy where you cau to niV t.-si a.ivaiitage, and gt pint Ifcs-ii (t urns. Iu tinier to insure these, two li.ii. ks e would a.uise our readeis lo l.n t .1 u.ij.s, incuiciiies, elc, at Cainpbeii a -VI .Iani stmt. CaiUm iiuu when in Johns town, anil juu am Ik- convinced ti.al what w e sa is col reel. M.-s-rs. Keller & Sanncr, the well known prj,-ers and eoiih uoners (d this town have a lied ti .nrai.d l.t-d to their business, and propose t.. pusu u vigorously. The have the I el.-hn.trd Vienna Fiour 111 barrels and I H.U 1, u. ..li - 1 : 1.1 ... 1... s-uks. as well as a choice brand made by 1-rn.ker A; Mullin, by the gradual reduction roller pnccMi Com, lwts and chop alwavs "i M-.k. Their stiak .if j;roccriee is new, f-oli and fuil. Mocha, Java, and all other fradts of line coffee a i-eciuliy. 1 he purext 'iu best ciulectiuiiery in the market. Best "'i' ..ftolwixo haliil. and cigars always on -N'w MtAT ii a kket. Messrs. Auiuafi I iie aid ..j,, , ,irw U)t.al market iu the r'"'"' hX I'fwiit tKvupied by the Somerset h'MT? "lKii.y on Monday, January X, I'M. Hienurkrt willl-eopeu daily; and 'd be supply .!, lM,.f iIHu, mutton, a"-ige. and nm.ked meats. Oysters will aiaavs be kept on band, and sold bv the can, gajj,,,, ormtarl i)n. cl,i,kens 2j teui. ,-atf,. j,T1p in Utvevr blm, quantities. Vr 1,,, retteive a fair share 'l I ui.iic patronage ,,,,1 .trive to plea- U ho favor u, wjlu their custom. Geobk Ai-max, Gtou-.K W, Pile. I Would rwnusrnit.- :..r..m. .... rg..a. . .r r. Sninrrsct county that I have opened a new j interspersed with Ihe ni.e-t humorous an drug More t Zi' Main Street, Johnstown, I mwdotes. U.ld ill Oil. Sanford's illimitable ''a , w lure I would be pleased to see them. way, which provoke.1 a great deal of laugh Mock consist of Pure Drugs, Chemicals. ' 'er and ap,.laus. the seaker freipuently 'ateiit Me.liein.T, Dye Stuffs, pertumery ! h i"B -use until the clapping of bands and l ane tiou,!, generally. At this seasou htd eule-ided. Those who had the pleasure 1 ouid call mu-niion to" the insectra.lea, j f meeting CoL Sauford afier Ihe close of "entel.upe j.aru( iinvn n Powdered U'i .. Hellebore, Persian ltle-t Towder, W beu in ifed of anvthinz in the Ofug line cuiae and see me or write for iafied and proud ol his receut institute, and l-rioe. Ad inquiries cheerfully answered. deserving of the thanks of the general CaiA, GaicriTBl public for the several evenings spleudid eu 232 Main Street. UrtaltimenL Write it ik. Tin- KieieJiit.jj is excellent. The .ul iies. bid.li.of the b-.nvttgli reopen eu Tuewlav imiruitit:. ti... ,...,.?.., r .i.. .U,...i; r ,i, : l...e Tea. bern.s I,.,titaie will bo VW,iM in inr nt'vt iii4 A irt-at wa iMVru .. it.- t hi! Irvn of l l.-l.VI. Tll.ll MlM.lilV M h.n.l ill ll . ir ll.lll.i- mil 'iltle chureh Mi.mluy evening. tur eitizens ore determined that they will ii.it lie without ire next ruu'titer. Al! the i. e h in ei. in the t.iwn have been R'.led " We understand that on the 1st of A,.ril t:.el.st..nice will be m. .v. d into the frame building on the DiaiiiMiid, n-.w .wviipie.! by Mr AmoKnepi-r. This will be a n.ueh better and m..re cmvei.-ent pia.ef.r the ol'iee than its present liTalion. The Niw Y". :.r was ushered ill in a very uii'leiii'iiisirative w.iy in 8'.ineriH-t. There I UH4 ixiiie .if the iir..in:irv ri.i.'iiii' ,.f Iu-Um I .. , . , . ' i i . i:s halving of tire ar:ns, and gfiieral racket 1 ti i . ' mi . lent to tlie xval hi. The .lav w as nut i .'lle ,l. . . i i . i . :.: rallr observed as a holidav bv tdir cm- r.-ns The 15 ird ot I'.iuntv Auditors met at the ('.uiinissi.iiier's olll.x' M..inl.i f eniti and ; rj;aiiisl, prepurai.iry t..eoiiiiiieiiei iti their ( anniuil lalM.r. by teleetinx F. W. ll.c-ecker, ! Km) , as clerk, and l'liilij. ,'upp, as ai-t:int. ! Tin; Auditors are Messrs. Israel Eiuerick, . John I'. ni.OA.ls, j iiliujii, and James Meyers, licmocrat. They are at present hard at work auditing tlie accounts of the I 'our Directors for the pu-t car. Mr. Wei). 1$. I'arker, w ho for the past jcar has been connected wi'li the large dry goods es;ablisl.ment ot D. I- I'iKe.V:Co., Iat.m, Oliio, .111 the 1st of January returned to Somerset to aivcpt a position in the dry 'mhIs ami general no;ion store of his uncle, Oeorge K I'arker. Web. has had a Urge ami varied business ei'i ielice, and ha al ways borne the cliurarier ..f ail a'-coiiinioiia-tiug and obliging business man. On Fridav last lleurv Will ai.d a son o A lam Zerfoa', met with a painful aecidei.t j ' . 1 at the lime quarry of Daniel Keller, about!; ' two miles ei.st of Somerset, on the Bedford uirni!he. It seems that they had put in heavy charge of giant powder which laiied to explode, and that while removing it wi:h a driil it was prematurely discharged, burn- ,.g ...e,r .aces, neeas a,.o an.,, . ..o.,..,.c- . . . . ... . . .1. .. .1.. .1.... .1... r . . i 1 :.. 1 -:i.l.. uiai.uer. ai ursi 11 was iiioiigui u.uk .i.e sight of their eyes had been destroyed, but 11 is now believed that it can he restored. O ir slightly c .rjniient but g .. l looking and good nuttirvd young friend. Ml. John C Cuiiiniings. court streiiograplier from Sunimry, Northunimr'and eoiiuty, sjm-iii la-t w.s k in Somerset reporting the proceed ings of the Teachers' Institute for Miieriii t. iideut WelU-r. Th ! many t. uder glanois cast at himiy the pretty sctiool inarms was caletiiai.sl to confuse and agitate bun slight ly and any errors, if any there he that may ..pcar 111 the proeceiiiiigs Wlii be chargahle ; io tins account. Be-iiles being a first class j s ei.ogmplier J.w i.sag"ii!at, p easant gen-' . .-man ai.il one wn :u we .viil atAavs he la I to Welcome to So ;iiTet. i ln- I'otmty ('o.iiMii-siooi-rs t'.ii i rda.i aliet lesm and is.! A all tinir iipj.oinu met in ill--i r organized for s l,.ld j;iveH t.-ry t'enerai satislaeli, ne general public durn to the Ix.uni, and the pa-t ear tliey a. re ad reappoinud tor .ino.ii.-r Mar. Tory j re. l. J. Horn-r, clerk; J It S.- .it, u't-.r- ' i.ej ; Austin Keel, janitor and Dr 11 S. j K.mmell. j.iil physicoiu. The pn-sent Board j i I 'ominiH. ioners e .ininet.ee the new year Willi the satisfactory knowledge that they ; have eareiiilty, judicially and . coiioinieully managed the business of toe county sintv : thev have had charge, and that their cm- ; duct of the :Iice bus met with the approval of the tax payers of the county. The Board of Poor Directors met at the i '.unity Home Monday, and organized for the present year. Mr Jesse Hoover, the newly le. te.l director, was sworn in t.itake : lie- place- of Mr. B'idolph Ferner. whose terni of ..Hi -e eipin-d. The dirts-ton now ..re Messrs. Alex Korns. Daniel Kimmell. Mr. Frank Iatiintz, one of the liest and most careful, prudent and hard working stewards ihe County home bus had for many years, was retained ill his present capacity. John II. Weimcrw as continued as ! rk. Dr. H. S. Kimmell a physician, and Fred W. P.ie secker was employed as attorney. The ap pointments are all good ones. Hons A J. Col born ami Win. S. Morgan, inenils Ts-chtct t the State Legislature from this county, left for Ilarrisburg the latter part of last w.-tk. They will both be pres e it at the organization of the house, which take- place to-day. Tuesday. We notice by tne city papers that Mr, C lb irn's name is tiieiitione-1 ir.itnitent!y f..r the K- piili'iean nomination for s'cakcr, and that it Ii-s lie. tweeu l.im and I. is friend Niles. if Ti-va. Of course the Democrats will elect the I .SjH-aker, but to the man dignified with the lb-publican nomination the leadership of i his party in the Hons? will lie conceded, j For many reasons Mr. Coil) ni i dci. rviiig j f this honor. Let the ' B.lid Eagle" i scream. Thetwentv-ruth annual u.c. tit.g of the i constitutional provision. That the consti Somersct County Teacher's Institute which j t"'i,m of 1W l'r'"id fr of edu- was in session last week was the m,d ,..- I tati" thr"Ulotlt the State so that the p-K.r ce-.-ful and the most largely attended ever held in the coun'y. The corps of instruc tors euihrii.-ed some of the tines! talent in the State. Prof. E ) Lyte of the Millers v lie State Normal, was very popular with the ti acli -rs, .piite a ininil-er of whom ha I f nil. r!y Iks-ii students of his. His talks w.-re a! ways li.-len.--l t w;th the ni.-t mark e I a't.-'itioti and left a U-tine impr.-ssion on the minds of his hearers He is not only one of the best instittre workers in the S-.tte, hut- is a gonial, pit aant gentleman. Prof. S I! Heig.-s. of the Shippeushtir.: Stre N'oriiia', was a'wavs oil hand when needed ready to entertain Hml instruct. ' IV .f J J. Miller a Somerset county l.y. ! now engaged in ihe profession of tea hinir, in P.tt.-biirgh. deli v, red several s. ho'.arly a Mrex-es that wen- highly i.p .r.s-iii!e.l by his an licnce. The i.vlur.- Wednesday even ing. ' 'Sunshine,"' by Kev. Dr A. A. Williis, of I'lnladi Ipliia, Was one of the chief at tractions ofthe week. The au licnce that assembled was an utiii-iiallvlargeaii.ini telligent one. the eourl r.H.111 U-ing tax.sl lo . . . . its utmost capacity to aec-.mm.xlate those who had purchased tickets. To say that the audience were delighted with the lecture Would be stating it very mildly. When the speaker wts iutr tinted a bright ray of 'sunshine" (srinculed the entire assem I) 'age, and before he had finished seaking a warm gleam crept into many a heart to remain lor many .lavs t.-uome. The lec ture abounded ii. wit and bright and happy savings Said one old gentleman, ' it was the best sermon 1 have listened to iu twen ty years " Dr. Willits will always be held iu pleasant remembrance by his Somerset audience e-lnodav evening Col. J. f Sauford. f I .wa. delivered his s..ular tec- I ture eutithsl. "Old Tin,. and New." The house was more densely crowded than on tlie former evening, and while the lecture was entirely different from that delivered by Dr. Willits, not calculated to make so last ing an impression or to do s i much good, it was of the most interesting and enteitain- im: character, and the m.r-t of the audience I before them, Out that 11 was uiteny ii.iisesi wa immensely delighted with it. It was j hie to keep them iu the room after the elec the lecture were charmed With his pleasani social qualities. Prof. Weller bas every reason to feel sat- ' RkPOST or TRC PftKKElHSu OF THE SoM- EK-ET CofkTT TKACHEll' IkSTITTTB. Tll Twenty filtli Annual Session of the Sottier- : s't County Institute met in the Court House j Monday, December 25, 18S2, at 2 o'clock r. sc. The Institute) was opene-l with devotioiuil e"'iee. cunducted by Rev. King, of Somer- ren.arks by Om.ty S.iperi.i- lemleiit Welter, who first wi-di-d tlie teach- rlrm.'iit a merry 1iriMtiMi. tlWii calling u-i.tj..n tu U im-rtiit w.wk i le H-r- ....1 . .. - . " ie.i..lS tueiu ol the nice intellectual treat in store f-r them, akilll; theiu t-j be protuiH and puue- tual in attendance, and active participants in the work. j This was fallowed by the election of-offi- ceis, which resulted in the choice of J. M. lTkey. V..e I'rea.deiit ; J. A. Will. ikretav jrv. j A. Berey, Assisiaut Setrretary. iie! .,mv le.tchers reponed preset and Were onij..iy enrolled. Tfie executive C(ll,mjlu WHS t,ui,.v,l x,sistint of I'ruf. A. V. ll..lbert, O. M Bakr, J. E. Fer tier, M. L. Middlekaiigh, and J. iScbrock. 1'r.jf. E. . Ltte, ol the tjtate Normal School at Miliersville was then introduced and betan his talk on Solus. I Government. r preM-iiliiiK in a concise form tlie great value 1 B ,.r .. ,i. ........i. i i...i ..e .i.: i.:. luiii'iiiuu aiii.w ieii;e .11 10. s punjecv oil . " 4 tlie part .11 tlie teacher. On million of 1'rof. Holliert the following were a.iiitei a committee on text book on Tnei.ry of Teaching : A. C Hoi belt, J. M. Kerkey, J A. Wil1, I). C. Kichnor and J. A. Berkey. The exercises of the afternoon closed with musii: by the Institute, Miss Liz- lie e.ier presidiii); at the organ. EVfMXO FtxiloN. After music, the Address ot Welcome was delivered by F. W. Birwker. Esi.. of Som erset, who ably acquitted himself in his ef forw as the representative of the people of SMiinerset. He spoke of the power of the mind, its position in the natural universe and its relation to nature, and the projier method and course of study which best tends to the culture and proper development of man. He continued by saying that (he true idea or end of education is not purely a practical one, not iecuniary or utilitarian. True education means not the gaining of knowledge for power's sake, a means for an end. whether that end be for making money I or rwintr fo T.luroir rvmi.i 1 uniwn Kill on.w , , . . ' Hung to be 111 us, our own culture, our own , . ,, , . . ... T trHonul slrenivtlienintr ami arlorniTiellt- 10 I --- - r? r -- muke men of us, greater, purer, better, no bier, strong in thought and deed, cultured, finished, full, rounded, balanced, ideal, car rying oil (.oil's idea of man education for its own sake; for a cultured mind is its own rf , ' 1 j.y in its own pleasure. Prof J. M. Berkey, of Berlin, responded on the part of the teachers, stating the pur pose of the Institute, it having the effect of bringing the teachers ot the county together. He said that the puqvose of the Institute was not t put forth stale platitudes, as the value of eitui ation is of its own necessity under a republican form of government these were settled long ago. But that the teachers met together for the purjMise of Considering what the necessities of the times demanded, in order to accomplish the full purpose for which the school system was established Both addresses were greeted with hearty appiause by the an hence. - Tl 'EsD.lV M .ll.NINU BKsSIOM -PE EMRI.B ti. Insiii.iie met ul A M., and was called I.. . I .... , 1... I',...;.l... 1 1............ -I r. i.H- I w.-re eon. iucied h BeV. Ddncaii, of Soiner-i-et. alter hi. h the niinil es of the previous meeting were read and approved. The coiniuittee on text l.k .ill Theory of Teaching, rep .rt. d thut they were niiani- in .its y iu fav.r ol Baldwin's Art of School MsniiLeiueiit. Prof Lyte contintied his instruction ou the subject of Sclio.il Gov. rn men t, and dwelt particularly on rewards and punisliinents, stating that if c irp.ral punishment was used at all, it should lie very spari'.gly ux-d J. A. Berkey r.a.1 a rc.rt on the subject of History in the trunnion Schools. A number of queries were then discussed by the teachers. The remainder of the forenoon was taken up by Prof. J. Jay Miller, who presented a method of Rapid Arithmetic as taught in the Pittsburgh schools, illustrating the sys tem with blackboard exercises. Prof. L. B- Heiges, Principal ofthe Ship peiisburg Slate Normal School was then in troduced, and began his talks on Sense Culture. AFTl.BItOON 8ESSIOX. The exercises were ojiened with music by the Institute. Miss Ella Kimmell followed with a class drill in Literature, by a class of pupils from the Somerset schools. The scholars exhib ited much training and mental discipline ou the part of their teacher, as none of them failed in reciting what they had so well committed from the different authors. This being Director's day the mevting was given into their hands, and Gen. W. ll. koontz having been invited to address them, delivered a telling speech on the Relation of Pubiic Schools to Government. He said that a proper discussion of the subject in vol ves the consideration ol three things: First, What constitutes a public school? Second, What is the nature and character of our government? Third, The relation be tA'een these. He said that the common school was the creature of legislative enact ment, and was supported ami sustained by may be taught gratis, and that the constitu tion of 1X73 provided that the general assent, b y shall provide for the establishment of public sch. sils throughout the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, and that the legis lature shall appropriate at least one million d 'llars each year for their support. It is the duty of the pirent to educate the child. As ihe family is the foundation ofthe State, the education ofthe family is the foundation of the greatness of the State. In 1012 Martin Luther favored the adop tion of common schools for the poor, and iu counts'! ion with Melancl.ton he drew up a system of public schools, and throughout bis life said that it was a subject near and dear to his heart The common schools lake hold of the child and h ad him up, so that when he comes to maturity he is capa ble "f administering government ll' this great government of ours. He chfsed In stating that the common school was the pil lar of til.- government, and that we could only preserve our institutions by strength ening and maintaining these institutions, so that in tlie onward march oi civilization universal education might go hand iu baud with universal litierty. I).rect..r David Husband discussed at length the subject of a Uniform System of Text Books in the Common Schools, and stand that there was a great diversity iu the use of text books in the schools of the coun ty, and that it would be highly beneficial to adopt some system of uniform text books. Hesjmke ofthe manner in which directors were daily harrassed by book agents, or drummers, as hecalled them. Hest.gested that the only way out ofthe ditlicuity would ; be by legislative enactment, and that the I County Superintendent, 111 c mj 11 net 10 11 with the State Superintendent should recommend to the legislature the adoption of such a law. He said that au atteint had been made at several director's conventions, held for the election of County Sueriiiteiideiit to hold the directors for ten minutes after tlie regu lar convention, in order to bring this subject tion wastlecidea. 10 carry out ins ooject he illustrated it by telling the anecdote ot tiie little boy who was crowded with blankets at Saratoga. The Superintendent then followed by saying that be was aware that there was . nayt Esq.; Secretary. Dr. II. S. Kimmell; class of school omcers who received so much AjMant Secretary, Frank Meyers; Treaa abuse as the dirwlors, and iu many instan-1 urer w H Ruppel ; Vice President. J. J. cea the abuse heaped Ukd thew was 11 n-! z,)n)i j. H- Snyder G- j. fciack, M. A. warranted. lie said he desired no better Charles Shank, Levi Iichliter, Reuben evidences of the ou ward stridea the common jlcMillen, chrobi were making in the county, than Tue Society then adjourned to meet at the erection f the beautiful school building 0 President, on the Academy ground in this borough. J. C. Welle. Secretary. ne alsoaix.ke of other buildings erected duniis: the nat Tear, ami ol ttie improve- menu made by the introducUou of patent fiirniiiitw in t.i mint of the schools : also of the general advance of teachers' salaries. . , , . , . The following directors were present Jew Listen, Albert Hcffley, Isaac Stotier. U. F. Kayman, D. I- Meyer. Jacob I. Kanf- mail, Isaac Yoder, Joseph Johns, D. Comp- - t.. I f f ll-r YVitlmtu 7inimernian John toil. J.L. Miller, William .immernian.joiiu lileM-tker, J. V.S.:l.r.ick. Henry Penrixl, S. J. M.Kenzie. H. W. Say lor, John Miller, Wilson Whiokev. Solomon Pile. Cyrus An- keny. J. J. Long, A. I). Weaver, W. 11. Kooiitz, G. W. Pile, J. M. took, Charles J. Harrison, David Husband, Fred Welter, Gabriel Good, Wesley Burkholder, J. C. Vouiikin, Dr. J, M Lumber, G. W. Phillip pi. V. W. McMillen, Maitin H. Hartzell, E. D. Y'utzy. Levi Joder, John Schlagh . - . , anss uouisa ji. viiiuock, oi ,ncn.....c, was introduced and sang Jamie. Prof. Lyte then presented the subject ofj Morals, and explained that we were triune beings and that we had a physical nature, ; nteiieciuai nature, ami a spiritual ui mmo. . nature, and a ierlect man required the full development of his three fold nature. At Uie conclusion of Prof. Lyle'a address, , the Institute adjourned. Ciit BCli Dedicatiok. On Christmas day the new Lutheran Church alKoxbury, this .S.......V v.iMii,v.Mt t th worshin ofCnl with appropriate cerenioiiies. ThU church j is iu ihe Berlin charge, of which the Ilev. j J. V. Pothiubergcris pastor, and is another ' evidence of that man s activity in the sr-1 vice of the Master. This is the third church j Kev. Poffliuberger has seen erected during! his ministry in this charge, covering a peri- od of only eight years. The church at ( Shanksville. built several years ago. is a tine structure, with stained glass windows, well finished throughout, and could not be built now for less than $10,000. St. Paul's, the oue built near Pine Hill, is also of brick well finished, and cost a little more than the Suanksvilie church. St. Matthew's, the one just detlicaled at Box bury, and of which we are particularly writing, is a frame structure Jox-iO feet iu size, with ceiling IS ieet high. The interior is painted and white-coated. The windows are teu feet high, of gothic style, and have ornamental frosted glass. The seats are made of ash back and ends, capiied with cherry, and finished in varnish. The chancel is enclosed by a neat cherry railing, and the nicely designed pulpit is of the same material. From the centre of the ceiling depends a beautiful six-light bronze reflector, which is said to give ample light to every part ot the auditorium. Whilst no elfori at elegance has been made, the bund iiig throughout presents n heat and comfort able uppearance. The jMulorw ho originated and Med the project to a successful termination, on con sultation with some of the members, secured a lot of ground on the edge of a beautiful grove on the outskirts of the village. Some delay was caused iu securing the material, and the edifice was not finished unl.1 about a month ago. The building cost $1, 200, all but two hundred ot which was paid before its dedication. The dedication sermon was preached by Kev. A. M. WheUstotie, Irom Hubakku 12) ' But the Lord is in His holy temple; let all Ihe earth keep silence before Hun." Tne discourse was liigniv appropriate, piac- , . . ,. i , , . ,, .u I ell Alter the sci moil the speaaer ; staled that there wa.ssiili uu lutlcluedhcss ol j auoul -iU remaining unpaid. He appealed lo tlie congregation to raise the money at I once, to which the audience responded by liberal contributions, and not only the$2oO but iu ad-.ilioii thereto some $) more for I the slatting ol a Sunday school were raised in a snort tune. The dedicatory services proper were then read by the psstor, Kev. Potlinberger, in a clear and impressive manner, and the sing ing of another hymn, with the benediction, cioseu the cereuioides. A large audit- ice was in attendance, and while all seemed to be deeply impressed with the solemnity of the occasion, a look of proud sal inaction rested on the counte nances of both pastor and people, sujwriii duced no doubt, by the consciousness of having a beautiful little house of worship, every dollar of its cost being full)' paid. The congregation organized wiih twenty nine members, ami they are certainly de serving of much praise for the good work they Lave accomplished. SPECTATOB. Tribute of Respect. At a meeting of the Somerset Cornet Band held December 29, 1S82, the following resolutions were adopted. Whereas, God in his wisdom has, by death, removed from among us our esteem ed and efficient instructor, Irvin J. Heffley, therefore be it Ilautral, That in his death we have lost a wise and able teacher. Ilaulvcd, That we extend to his bereaved wife and parents our heartfelt sympathy. HenJied, That these resolutions be pub lished in the Somerset Herald and Dmno ctnt. Chas. C. Siivfek, Secretary. A. C. ScH ELL, President. Cosfli'Rnck Items. Tlie Christmas trveat the Lutheran church 011 Christmas eve, was a success. The cantillation and treat at the M. E. Church on Christmas afternoon, was an en joyable affair. There was a sumptuous feast of good things, and it was the beginning of a protracted effort. Isaac Smith, the man hurt at the blowing up of Cotes' mill on the lDtli insU. is lying very low at his home in Draketown. The merry jingle of sleigh bells has not yet (treeted our ears this season. Those who made extensive preparations for sleighing, feel much disappointed. Confluence, December 20, 18s2. X. Report of Weaver School, in the distri c of Paint, for the month ending November 14, 1S2: M. 12 9 ft! 9 F. 14 13 to No. in attendance during month Average " " " Percent of " Per cent of " " term Number of visits by patrons, 3. Report for the second inoiitli, ending De cember 14, ls.2 ; M. 14 13 11 iM 99 N.i. in attendance during mouth Average Average ' term Perveut " " niohtu Per cent " term Number of visits by patrons, 19. The two months were pleasantly spent in the work of education, and we believe that all were interested in our work. W. A. Weaves, Teacher. Tempkbakcf Ohgumzatio. A Somerset County Constitution Temperance Society was organized in this piace last Thursday. The proceedings are as follows : Val. Hay, Esq., was called to the Chair, and J. C. Weller chosen Secretary. A com- n,itu?e fjve, consisting of Revs. Duncan, s;rait, Baumgarduer, and Messrs. J. H. Sny- der and Albert Wright. Rev. 11. King. H. F. Schell, C. C. Mussel- man, Oliver Knepper and I.G.Jones were aplinted a committee on permanent or ganization. Chairman Hay, in a stirring address, then set forth the effects of forming a Constitu tional A mend men t Society. The Committee on Constitution then sub mitted tbeir report, which was unanimously ad- ipled. (The Const ii at ion submitted is the same as that ofthe state society.) The Committee on Permanent Organiza tion reported the following officers, who were elected by acclamation : President, Yal j Mrs. A. t. I hi has rented oneoftne more room iu n.nrp.ra new mmn, on me comer of the U.amoud, and .m. her millinery establishment into it on the lirt r i,.! of April. Notice. The third QiiurU'riy Conferenea for Stoystown Circuit will be held at Shank- ... . . , vine on tataraay, January t. JWt, at . r u. 1 he Macninient Ol me lora SUI'tier will le ,...'... aominisicrea will, j.uiuary 4lu. al me toreiio..u eervices oi me. evasion. l M. BoVER, I . lu A. 8. Bai-msakpneb, 1'. C. j CoMXACGR iTB-MS. Spelling schools are all the go. Typhoid fever and diphtheria are ceasing. , ,, , , , , . Sleighing is in full blast. One of our boys, while out sleigtnng, met with a slight aeci- . - - . dent. Levi, yon must watch the turns better. Ji;nmiflh Weaver, from Kansas, is KUtivei j tU vidllity. jerry ueHrty. Mr. I. L. Y'oder, one of our leading farm ers, has brought home another lot of nice sheep. Mr. Y. bas handled four hundred since last July, and is still looking for some more. The death of John Sala, which occurred December 21st, was mourned by alt who knew bim. He was bora iu this county and lived iu this tf wuship from bojh.Kj.1, and was at the time of his death about CI years old- Tlironjjliout the whole of h.s life he was remarkably vigorous and healthy, uiuil the spring of ISSi Oue Sabbath morning, while preparing to go to church, he was stricken with jaralyais. Since that time he has been siieecbless, and unable to work. He was a cabinet maker and farmer by oc- cupation, was a memlier of the Meuuonite church and the father of eleven children, all of whom are living except one son, who has preceded his father to the spirit land. 1-ast Sunday the remains of Mrs. Tobias Hershberger were interred in the cemetery ' Oo the farm of Joseph Y'oder. She died of , typhoid fever. After a Ion illness death J raiueto her as a friend, not as a terror. DaVii viixe, Dec. 23, 1882. L. The desire to perpetuate the lives and rec ords of our forefathers, ourselves, what we are and have accomplished in life, is one of the noblest desires implanted in the human bosom, and a distinguishing mark between us and savage nations. As this is what the j ilisU,ry of our county will accomplish, we , ft SMfUred our jieople will heartily support ltie project, for a failure in this most lauda ble undertaking would seriously r.-Heel on us in more ways than one. Let all give the enterprise their supjiort, and thus liertcord ed on the side of a progressive humanity. Ucmember eduitation is what makes us n of the greatest nations of the world, and those families come to the front who are most lilier.illy supplied with reading. That old established remedy, Downs' El ixir, still more than holds its own in the public estimation, despite sharp and active competition. It is a "home remedy," and in this locality needs no words of praise from us, so well and favorably known is it. It is the andard remedy for coughs coldsundall throat troubles, with irreat numbers of our eople, and their continued use and tuiso licitcd r.s-oniinentlation of it s(s-aks volumes in its favor. Burlington, Yt., Free Vr., January 2t. lss MAKltlKD CLOSBY MAY. December 25, 1SS2. by Kev. J. A. Nuner, Mr. John S Crosby ami Miss Amanda May, all of this county. MONO BLOl'GlL At the Lutheran par sonage in Stoystown. Deceiiilier 2S, ltssj, by Rev A. K. Felton, Mr. Frank F. Mong to Miss Alice Blotigh, both of Stoystown. SWE1TZEII-CKAMEU, November 2. lfWSJ, at the house of Mrs Anna Cramer. b I). W.Will, Esq, Mr. Jesse C. Sweitzer to Mrs. Anna Cramer, both of Middlecrcck township, this county. TRENT SPANGLER, At the U. B. Parsonage, in Sprucetown, on Sunday, De cember 24, 1SH2, by Rev. A. V- Felton, Mr. J. E. Trent to Miss Lizzie Spangh-r, both ol Shanksville. IHKD. SALA At his home in Couemaiigh town ship, on Tu.-s.lay Decern her 19, 1SH2, Mr. John Sala, aged 03 years. He was a cabinet maker and undertaker by trade, and had buried a generation of Conemaugb's citizens, as during his life he made 321) coffins. GALLAGHER. At Jenner X Rmtds, No veinber3. 1SS2, Miss l.illie Gallagher, aged l'J years. 3 mouths and 27 days. For several weeks our little village wa lilletl with anxiety and sadness, because this sweet girl, a happy companion to the voting and beloved by every one, wrs rapidly sink ing in consumption. Wnen she died a horn. was sorely bereft, and a whole community was in mourning. MOMERMKT MAtXMKT !orrectd by Uoos a. nasai-rs H1UU I "MOICE GROCEHIES, FLOUR i FEEl Apple. nrtcd. fl a. Ai'iieraiirr. V gal Krn. rt 1 0 fc liutu-r. V (keif) n.ll) Backwneat fl bnh , -' meal, 100 lis Recswax ft . Hacn, sbouloeM, fl B - sides, " eoaoirvhams. fl ft Corn, (ear) new fl bushel (helle.l) old " neal fl B. Cult skins, ft Kn:. fl d.ix Fl.r. ft bhl r lazaeed, ft ' u. (80 f) Hums. IdtiKiiMuroul fl B. tatrd. fl ft Leather, red sole, ft ft - upper, - kip. MlddlirjR-s. and ebop 100 l , Oats, ft bu Potatoes, ft bo (new) , Peaches, oried, ft ft Rye. ft ba Kaa,ft ft Salt. No. L, ft bhl. extra - Ground Aum peraark M Asni4i per Hack .......... Suirar, yellow ft ft white Tallow, ft ft , Wheat, ftba Wool.fi ft 110,- 74 ! I tew zoc Tae Zigae z 12'4lc l-'VJIie .. ..12 Klac ToiaSoe ' Sc fc -Z6e ... s 6047 00 7Sr 1- lawi 30i'tt title Oai nT-ic '..75eS0v stl ou S0r(Sus 80- 7 e a, J0c 7jo le .1 OOviz tm ; 1 4 tvfi i j 00 I'.l'.'icW lOe lit 4c! t7c j ft 00 Wit E STRAY NOTICE. Came trespassing on mr premises In Jenner town.bip. S-Hiierset eounty. Pa.. n or about May lath. I si. ..no re. I st-er with whlie soot on ihe forehead and white strl e on right sh .u liter, aup pxaed to he one year old. The owner e.n have It by i -roving property and paring rhargrs. V;rt KISIl ia.X Ktl.H, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. r .state ef John Krlng. lata of Somerset Twp., Lettenradmlnisiratl.ai .in ahova eatate havine aee d. been granted to the undersigned by the proier au- tbor iy. notice I hereby given to all pen ns In- dented o said estate to make immediate pay - menl, and thiaw naving claim against It to pre - ent them duly au.b nlea-.-e1 for s- ttlement ,m , 7. .Lllti; "h" rewoc LAVINI Kelfr, Admlntsiralrix. jana IhMIXISTRATOR'S NOTICE Eet-teofOllllaa Walter, late ef Jenner Twp.,!!.,.!, ii. Zi mmemi-o, ' J ie -h J. Zimmerman, u-r r a , oec u. Letters of aduiniftrailon . a tbe above estate having been ar-nte-l lo the wndrnlgned by thai pmper authority, notice is hereby given to all j persona inuenie.1 to aa... eatate lo I ft lmme.lt I ate payment and those having claims against the aanu. in M.i,t then dai. .nK.i.t . tleaent on Thursday. tWuary a, ls3 at tbe late resldenee of .leceaaetl. JOHN 0. WALTER. lana Aiini.iutrji.a-- . , LUllUliO iUllL. Somerset Onnnty. as; At aa adjourned f lagans Court held at Somer set, In and lor Somerset euamy. on ihe 241 day of December, ls2. bet .re the Honorable the Judges thereof. In the matter of the estate of Kllabeth Fleegle. deceased, on mutton of V. W. Hlesecxer, Em., tbe I 'unit appoint J. H title ' , auditor todist tbut. the luusls In the hands of t tie aotnin Istrate to aai amuug tnuee k gaily entitled thereto. By tbe Court. A. A. MTCTZM A!. flerk. By virtue of the above appoint mer t the under signed hereby gives notice that be will meet t. at tend to the eniirs of hla appdntaeni at the . the. of J. Mt. Kdte, la Isomeric u Fa.. n Thurslay, Jaanary is, 1 S wnen and where all parties lu te rested eaa alteau If ihey thmk proper. J. t EPIE. jan Auditor. TEGISTER'S NOTICE. in Zii tuwioa aeeuaota aar tuM mcla.er, uil that tli m Im presented ..r i-ounrmatk anl aU luwMirv m mn .uimiu iaun w 09 ociu aula- rael. Janaar; !1 ,mU. 1. not auo naal acoontor Uaolel A. weaver, Arimllilrilrauir iti Ji.bn I Mrle. tt,wMd. a. F.rt o.i anal a.-o.iQ(.il saao Mifflo, exeo- , air a tl an huun unhj. . wfciinl. j Kirt uud Hnl aucniu ul frederlck Oiof, eaeeaiur 01 ana .un ttieseeacr. aentareu . Sen.n.1 and 6, al acjoutiof rucllu Berk- U3 , ""mi..uilrl...f AnLt Su.bL oereaaed. aee-'OD ul u. J. uruimker, auicluuiratur 01 FltnlrrH-k Mtvoll. uecea.d Ukuis aa's Ukficc, ( A. A. STl'TZ.M AN, le.reuiber i.7. IbtcL Hvauter. K JOTICK. la l7a the eoante (!iimni,.lm.ri nt jmvat ; county placed aa li.aurjsce ot .0,00 ..n the euart h- UK a rd Jill. The pulley Is Uated September : Km ikT't, Mo. lwt in tae inn-aoce cwdu-ut of " rr-"?:" . imw iiib iirwu. imiu ui . tun oi iss i .vera came lntuflloa A..y one h.li,c u in iheir pwwjsh-n vr Kiiuaiuf ui iia wufrMixsiii win please maae the tact au wn by calling at (be uvuimu-sluo. r' uthce al once, as a m puiicy haj beeua.ul.ed lor. A II AH si. sK . r't-'btt, JllStCH HoKX'.K. HtKa.V w. HKLriAKER, Dec. S7. CumuuMiobers. A UMIMSTRAlOlW NOTICE. fcautte of John Sala, late of Concmangh Twp., deceased. Letters of admlnltratli on the above estate havina been i$.-aniod to Uie uu.ierM.ue.i, by the proper aaittunty, o.ilee is uereby given ro those inavbled to It to maae linmedlaie uayuient, and th.ae havina claiats or demauAS will ureseHl tbeui du. auibeuticaied lor settlement, ou Saturiiay, Kebruarv ii). Is 'A, at the oUice of Jacob &waa, ttq , lu l)vlil.-vi.le. LtTI A. BUirCJH, Jaii3 Aouuuiairaior. LIST OF CAUSES. ForTrlnl at January Term of Court, beginning un the 'tl ol Jauuar, lsSL John H. Sinner's nse t .It-t-ph J Stutsman's gnriiitihees. Joriab Brant vs. E.I. W. Kho.l. Vi m. H. liowm .n v. John L. Smith's a d min imal. .r. ajarn snee lv.. 4t.imiuiiuw. aith 01 Kennsvtvsnta use of John Wit heirs T. Jacob Ned et. ah Si true vs. Same. Ssmevs name. Karue .1. Mms Elijah rlowrrs v. Sllns Jenkins and wife, Sall.e K. Havrl vs. U T Hav Matthias Sbaulli' adminiatrators vs. F. M. s-haulls et. al. V. iiliam T Wall, re vs. William Sllbaugh. Snroe vs. Andrew .1 HnUlilny. Phi 'win. hl.n-k h. Vu vs. !. II. Mrsireet aL Charles A L-wls rs .luhn Wriirlo Auaust Koebl r use vs S. P. Snyder. J.iseph 1'rist vs. Henry o Shatter. .I.din heel vs Henry Johnson. J.-hn A. 1 irk vs. S -me. Knoch HtouKh vs S uie Second lVeek John B Dull vs Paint township Pino Hu.un Nich.iMa Herkry Sadists Ai.ramm I'niih Shaite Creek Lumber Co , (Umlte.1) vs O. W. C.ber. ( L. Miller v rsnr nun.'. Manhuu Shaulin' adminiatrators vs. F. M. Sli-iUll Ht-nrv H Witt vs. Tolin J Spiraler ohn Luman vs if erne i a krr et. si. Jamrs far-oe vs. David Hetpl-. rupervlsor, ke F I oil and wile vs. .1. A Hurte Jam. a W. Clark vs. J (. Hartmsn. Htver Knept er vs. I nlon Mutual Lire Ins. Co of Ma inc. John Hill vs. Si. me. Hartley Hrothrrs vs .TnhnH Snyder. L. Morrill vs Mary Kit. n Hill e al. Arn -s E Flneaao vs. George W. Oa'emsn. John W. YnunK vs. Same " Francis E Finneirvn vg Si tne. K. F. Snyder vs. Pitt". It i ton R. R. Co. ChainhrrsKau's vs. Sarah Kau'i Herman Chriatner vs. Wi m-.'h h. Zufa'L A. it Wlllvs John J. Spangler. s,an1ft va Siime Oenre Snr v W. X. Moer KlliHlweh Keefervs. JncoN R. Deeter. 1 e It. O leaner vs. A. F. John. John A. W ilt's use vs. DarlJ Lohr'l admlnia. tra nr. IMtrlch Trlmpev". C C Miller. Iaiah Kn. v Plnk'rtnn Limber Co. limited. Mrs. II L. Ke-ichy vs Liveiiasl k lau t Mesrn. Viarinf -ci nrma . 's. vt. Y.nt: k. Hrttwn. A J. CaKOeer St Co. vs C XV. McCoy's tfr nlsLcs H H Lhr and X Ko-ntt vs K F. Lung F-ovo W tetier va. Joi til Speeht. Si.nu-rset. P., 1 si ft Trent. Dee. 27. iSSJ. t Prothonotary. gHEKIFF'S SALE. v virtue of certs In wrltsnf V-nd. Ex.. Fi Fa., Al Fl Fa . Al. Fl Fa P..sr. Vend Ex., and Iev. F-.. tecued out ot the tN nri of Common r-la of Somerset ceunry Pa., and t. me oiret-u e-t. ther will be rnu.Vl to public sale at the Cuurt House, In Somerset, l'a., on Friday, Xinnary VMh, 1SS-3, at 1 o'clock p m . all the rirht title. Interest and claim l the defendant K J V naht. f. In an.1 o the ftdlt.winK rent esta e. situate in New Cen-tr- ville h-minirh. Somerset e-unty. fa., known on aeneral p'au orpl.rf "I as id t-.wn aa hit N 17. Isiundcl on Ihe n-rth bv Main rrct,en Ihe south by lot of Will, am H. Miller, east by an alley and n the weal by bit of Phehe, Waller, eontatntna; s perches S'ricr measure, with a two story frame dwelling; house thereon erected, with tue appur tenance a. Taken lo execution at the tnit of Clara Bell Vouabt. ALSO All the rieht. title, lu'erest and claim ofthe defendun-s Catharine A. Merger and W. H Heric.-r. of In and to ihe Mlneing- real ests'e. fit uioe In the bnnoah of Itrnin. enuniy and Stale al..resald. heina two lots of pr round. ech fronr ina thirty seven and a ha'f leet on Hlirh s-reet, nil I vlna; contiguous a d of aa-ne breadth, ex tendlnw; ou bwar.1 to ttetlar alley a dis'anre ol one hundred and fifty feet, hounded bys-ld Hlu;n street on the north. First street on the west l e .tar alley on the south, and lot row owned by Jamil Albright on Ihe east, with a two lory frame dwelling bouse, ea-penter sh.. ami other out liullniuKS thereon erected, with the appurte nances. Taken In execution at the suit of Leroy For qner use of E Kiernan. ALSO All the right title. Interest and claim of the defendant. Auvuttua H. Kraal, of. In and to the f-.l wina real r si ate. o wi-. No 1. A certain lot of ground "I'nateln Lavans ville S .m. rtet Co , Pa adjotnina Latberneiiu-h pr-jierty on Ihe west, sHimersei u Ureensl-ura; p ke on the sonth. and all-y on theeas. and norih, wl h a two sivry frame dwelling hoioe. shop and sL'ble thereon erected, with the appurtenances. fia.. A Certain piece or parcel lan-l ei.ui.ta In S-imerset townatilft. Somerset enu-ey. P., ad )..ltilna lan-l- of John Ti-ompaon on the west ind north pu.ilie raid 00 the south. and lauda of D-.D lel ttronaa n the ea-L. eontainma three acres, itrl -t measure, wlih the apiunrnances. Taken in execution at the suit of J. W. Weigh ley et ai. ALSO All the riant, title. Interest and elaim ef de fendant. Marl -n (rlotfe'tv. of, in and to the fol fotloainir real etta-e to wit: A rer-ain plei-e or parcel of smund. sttnate In the bor. ua" ol Salisbury, e -unty an t "State afore said, containing one half acre, more or as. be Inir e-mixired of Ion Na. 35. 38 and one-half of lot No. 34 In general plsn of saiti borough, bound ed on tt.e west by a alley, property ol E Iiurst K IV on the nonh. alley on the s -nth; and alley streeton the east, with the appurtenances Taken in execu Ion at the auil of Jacob D. Llr engood n-e et Joeiah Dlvely. AUSr a 11 the right, title, In'eresf and e'alm ef the de fendant. The S -mersef County Agricultural So ciety, of, Iu and to the following; real eatate lo wii: A certain Piece or parcel of ground situate In the b-iMO. h and township ol Somerset, conntv and State f.repai.1. C'-ntainl.tg 1 hree and one. half aer-a more or less. wih i.umer na heil and lair buildings thereon erected, bounded by the S -merw-t It Joh' Mown ptke on Ihe west, on the s- utn bv lamiaof Daniel Hauver and ontheesst and north by lands ol Henry F Schell, with tbe appurtenances. Taken In execution at tbe rait of J. H. Frltx snt nse of Wra. H. f rease. Notice. All persons purchasing at the above sale will please take notice that a part ofthe purchase mnuev to be made known at tbe time of sale win ne reqoireil a soon as tne proi-erryis knocketl down, otherwise It will be "gain exposed 1 1 sale at the rlk of the first purchaser The res. l-'ne ot t he purchase roooev must be ..aid on or ber.-re Thurolay ot the first week of January Term 01 t;.-urt, the time fixed bv the I'ourt for eeeurtea 'ii- aeam.w inrmi-ll ... tieetia. ami uw deed will lie arkn.twle.iged until the purchase money paid in tun. JOHN J. SPANGLER. Sherift a r.fliee, t SherifT. Dee. IT 1X8. ( POSTPONED SALE OF VALUABLE HEAL ES TA TE ! 1 DURStMNT to an orlerof ssle eranted hy the I Ja ges '-f the Orphans' 'onrt of Somers-t county. Fa., the un lerstgnnl Trustee for the Sale of the Real Ernsts of J hn I.. Soitih. late of Uuemahoi Ina i--wusbip. ded'd will a II at i-uldic I . at the ho.el of John H. Hue, in Stoysiowa boruui$b, on ; S'UnrJny, tilt (Uk dill of JllXUnni, 'S3, j " J J J 1 , M 0ln(l m . pUnaton containing 184 I km. 1 acres cle r. it acres In meadow, witn a I FINE DWELLING HOUSE ! Bank barn and ot-er tiaildings; with pi ntr of fruit trees on the line; Is near to churches, wills and scho Is. and is wl h.n three--ouriha of a mlie w lilUm Hei ke aud v rs Klizabetn Berkey. I O LUKO E H. SM 1 f H. W.A.POWELL Trua'ee. Aucilotieer. d2T raw . VT7PV IVIi P VT 1 1' P 1 VT 'I'AVKKa A L litJS I A L KA.V 1 i I LICEN -Et. ke The 'ollowlng named persons have Men inwr ! petitions lor Tavern. Kesiaur.nt a .1 huail las- oar nntnse. witn inttr imnstvi.DrniiKi.in wn bonds, and ssalec la hereby glveo that the same ' will beires-aied h.r albiwanee to - theCoun of i Ltuarterseafloaat, rnurai.y.Jan. s isiw: TAVgaa. Joseph Sheets, Oleneoe, Northampton twp. WillUm Slkaer, .Weyeradale borough. Ueor.is Wagner, Kaliahary borough. Jac b S. Picking, S-.me reel hwgh. Klisa A. Taymaa Hou-erset borough. Max Keche. onlerm borengh. Fre-leric Durr, P asthontaa. Ureenvllle twp Ab-xan-ier Khoads, R-k.e.t, ill-M twp. Tn.nu Ai-liama, West Salisbury, tlailck township baa uel Buckosn, Rockwo d, MUlord I wp. asracaaT. John SUietr. Meyersdale borough. E. Pll't- Meyersslale b-rmk Alexand- r Herab, aleveistlale hoe- ugh a-U.TKt-T. ftomerset Pa, I Clerk. December XT, UsfX 'X)URT PROCIVMATIOX. t i Vu ,.l ib Krrl aanea aimumioii the SIX. j trwmh Jwiirlnl IMrtrin. and Jojitieeul ihe :..n i oi i rver &a i erm fa'T anu itnmi j 1 1 tmiivery. hT I lie trial of all eipiul awl other cflleni id , the InMrici, an.1 w iLutiuoLum anu a- ; .vt..b UmitH 1 n.l 4.1 thm 4't.arffl of ! onipo Pleat, aa.1 Jaailce ol lb Cmru of i Tm ir imI llnn Jatl itelivtv i hw, ha trial of aileaiiul and oilier uBeo er la ; the eunniyul bumenel. nave isaoru ineir .rmfnv 1D,lt.. m. 'dlreete.1. hul.Hi. a IV.art ..I O-m- , Plea. and li, nerl Uaarier SruKOMi Hie . feaee, ana CHoersl Jail IKuivery, and C"art ul ljer aad Terminer, at Somerset, Oa. Moaiday. Jam. S3. ia3 TSoticb U hereby alren to all Ihe Justices of the Peace, the Cormier and ttoosiaMes wlibia the raid iunty of Somerset, that they tie then and there In their pnier peiis with tbeir rolls, retwnie, Inquisiliona, exauunathaf, and other reniein brauoeK.to do th.e thioas which to tbelr om -ea and In mat hehall a) (lertaln to he done; aril also tl.ey who wi I rueeruie avsinst the ortauoen that are or shall be In the jail ot saimersei county, to ls t...n ..... ,h.n. nr.n-. aamai ihm shall i -- r- ,,: , , .... i. L. be mat. JoHN J.aPANijLKh, Dec iff. Staerld. XTOTICE. 3 fne and. rstgne-1 will apply to the next Legis ts, ure lor a speui.il act lor 1 iinself and others n.r furnishing pr..vil..ns, etc , to Pennsylvania emer gency voiuuieer eoramsnded by I'ai.ls J. Bo lea and m. vt Sehroek In the year ls83t Berlin, Dee, o-u V. K.K VISING ER. D M I N ISTRAT0 RS X0TICE- k-.wte ot Frederick J. Ynunsln. late of Vpper luranvioottownsoip, dee d. Le-tera 01 ,u.uiiuis!iKtu on ihe ebove estate having been gr-snied to tbe underslgued by the t roper autlioiify, noliee la herer.y given to those lOebted 10 the aal.i estate to aiake immniiaie pas men t. end thoee having claims or deuiauoa against it to preeeut Ihem duly aulhentleateu lor setllemetit. at the lat- resin-lice ul the dis eased ou Saturday, toe 3oih .Uy of Deceiulier. 1 Si. ItUbbl nuiimi,., novjx Administrator, for US. Now 1-Ihe lime, v U din w. ra in spare ilnv- or give vt.ur wb le lime to the husme-a. - nt er l usines will pay y- u neatly as well. No one can tall to not enotm.is pay bye. gaging al once, Cily outfit and terms live. Money made last, easily and nouorably. Address Tuck Si 'o , Augusta, Alalne. deitio-ly OTICE. "The undersigned will apply to the Legislature at the next session tor the passage ol an act aa t homing the auditor General aud state Treaa urer 10 audit and eeitle the cc-.nul of John K.es ler of Somersei cuniy. P . due him for rent of a h-use aud .lsni.g.l done 1 h. Mo. anuate in 'he c.uniy aforesaid, al Short's Hri.lge, in Mllfor.1 Uiwnsblp. which was occupied by Captain Snyder and th- men under hhn in the :V ue-S0-4t JOHN PU1S1 tit. not, lite Is (weeping by, go hetore you .ne, mighty aud sub 1 behind lo e- n- r I some ning nj I 11 J JL lime leave ouer luie. 8wee In y.-ur own town. e hi tree No risa Every thing new Capital n-.t r.uulre-l. We will turnisn ..u tverythlng. Many are making b-riaiica. Lai'les mske as mueli as men and bo and g'rls mk grest . ntw tr-tr.-i m hit. 1 1, ens at whli-t. yon cn makegresi pay ill tbe time wrl'e for parikul.ra lo H - Li.kTT Si Co., Furiland, Maine, dec-au ly NOW IS YOUR TIME! Get txo Weekly ICeTsjajcrs f:r tie Plica of One. And the Ifcst Iu'and Daily t ltalured Kates ! The subscription price of the Wkkklt Pathiot Is 1 00 H-r annum, cash in advance. Heie.Iierthe W bi-klt PATBiorsnd 'he ew Yoia Weekl Sua w 11 lie tent to tlie Siuie a.1 orers, ne year. I .r 1 o-sn In a' vitice ; -r the w kkklt Ptki.t mii-I the Pliila.itl-bii Hetkly Tint! lor 0 cash in a-ivanre. To any person getting np a eluh of ten or mure suhscrl -era to the Wi.nr Patriot at si ou per copy per annual, one copy will be sent gratis lor tlievear. The subscript Ion price of the Daily Patri.it by mull is io.u- T anti' m, cash In advance. It D .t paid 1. a.lv.tice 7- 1-r ant uin will be chHrae.it lor six months (3 Oo la aovam e or -J to il not paid in .-uvauer: and at pros)rii..nal rates for shorter pert-sis. The Daily Patriot ourlng the sessions of toogressanJ the Legislature will be especially inteteaiing. Send ir sample copl. s of the naily and SVetkiy. Kemittancra must lie mle by pact fflce monev OMorr tlratt accepted by hank -n which It isdr.iwn Ad.tr.ss PA I Ki ll T PUsLIsHlXii CU-.a-M Market street, Har llsburg. Pa. WISEs people are always on the look ut lor i-hanc s to in crease - hclrean, lugs. ami In time become wealthy t those who do n-ji improve in- Ir o.p in unities remain la poveriv. U e . Ultra gr, -at cnanee lo make mon ey. W e want nisny men. women. Is.ys and girls to work lor us right In Iheir own lor, lit les. Any on can do ihe work properly fn m the hrst s-art. Tlie b-.sintss will pay more than ten t ines or- l nary wages, rxpensiveou'ht furnished tree No one whorngiges tails l make arni-j ra-l lv. Yon can devote your whole lime to the w..ik. or ot.lv your spare mom-Mits. Full In oi m-.tb-n and all that is needed sent tree. Address Snsnnn a Co.. Pun laud, Malue. cettio-iy First Corns First S:rr.d. Special Holiday Offer. I off r fur the next 30 dsi;toput up Fine D- curative (Vilines In Distemper at 95.00. the same that I -ft $10.00 for in the e fy. Anyone wishing anjtliinir in this line will save 100 per crnt by leav ing ordei 8 at the Somerset House Unrin? the Bext 39 days where samples of my work may be seen. 1 am nothing bnt beot material!1, and guarantee to do the work in a first flag -tanner. My de signs are all fresh and oritriiial. 1 make a specialty ofdecarative chu-ch work. Remember, this offer is for SO days from date only. W. FRANK GAUL. Iee. 13 4t. 0 RPIIAX S COURT SALE OF Ry virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Somer et county, to me direeied, I will txpoee lo sale by public outcry, on Tiiurxday, January IS, 1SS3, at lOn'ct.K-k a. m . on the premises, the following described real estate, late the pr -pery of John W. Haines, deceased. A certain tract of land, aitustein .Tenner Twp , Somerset eounty. Pa . eomaining V40 acres and sllowan-e, 130 acres thereof cleared and under gissi state of eu-tivati-n. balance well timbered, adjoining lands of Michael Cover. Wm Kaldwtn, Heiij. Kline and others, having, thereon erected a good frame Dwelling House, bsnk ham 40x'. sprl' g house and other ou'bnlld Ings: there is a Urge an' thrifty good bearing orchard of MA tries of 40 choice vail. tlrt on this farm, two ftur.f.ar veins ..f coal opened and ready to work: also, a Urge vein of Iron ore of g sal qu .llty. It Is well supplied with never tailing stream of water, and is one of the m, at een ml ty iated farms in Jenner township, situate on the He.l ford and Greensburgtu npike. two miles fp-m Jen. er'own an l having seh sn hott-e and e' urrh within I S of a mile hum dwelling bouse, )4 mile to grist and saw mill. E-S r One third to remain alien on the premises after thepavment of or hi a. the Interest to lie paid to Ihe widow annuallr during ber llle. and at her de.th Ibe prf citwl tothe i:elrs ol neceaaed; one lhir.1 cash, and the balance in two equal annual payments fr. meats ol sale with Int. rest; 10 er cent to be paid w hen pna-rty 1 hnoeiied down: le . rand payments to be scored b judgment notes JO-lH KLLLr.K. uecSl Admislstiatorand trustee. ORPHANS' COURT SALE or VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. IT VIRTUE of sn Ihrderof C urt, to me. the unilerrlgned. direct-.!, I will expose to poblie ale, va tne prrm.aes, on THURSDAY, FEB. 8, 1883, at on .'clork sal-1 day, the real estate ol J-eob P. Sueieher 1st ol tJoneraauKO lowmtnip avrntr- I V - . . ' i .:. . . ... 1.1 1 err a In tract land tlt-.are In eald town-htn. ad.nlng lands of srsmuel Keim. Chrta"aa Keim. Jam name, uir wi i-em ir. en- tabling acres, mure ur lesa, about icuo acres --v. TWO STTSLLDIff HSES ! and one barn and other eathnildtrgs thereon erected The farm Is lo a state of good rultlva tl- n well supplied with wnter, a gowl variety of enoiee trull, on tae premises. TERMS One third after the debts are paid to rensa'n a lien tar ibe widow. a?.Sot in hand when tbe deed Is del ve' on the 1st of prll, 183 M per year for IV years, and tne Balance purciuse moeev la payments of -40n a year antli all Is paid. Also sut.jert lo a rrser" lion ol a nwlnien une to Peur H-eicher an.1 wife aa her agreement of rec.4s1 st Simerse-. tu keconier'a ofhi-e. In ltee.1 Kaik Vol. i page 431. will b- fullly made known ea day of Sale Ten per ee-1 ef h .ad ms-ney to '-e paid tm mei.lateiy after the ppaerty Is kn.ke down Purchase m--ney t be seca-ed on Ihe premises. Pucaesaiun girtn In r Ai rlt, 18 S. HANISL A WEtTER. deeST Atta r ef Jaw P. Upaicber. -K e j- K week made at home 1-y 'he In U' J .tustrtoua. Heat busine-s now t-e- X fine Ihe public, t spiialnot ne-sl-AJ f 1 cd We wid start y.m. Men, w. , . 1. U. T--1U.. girls wanted evetywnere t.- work YalnaDle RealEs tae HOLIDAY Chirstmas Cards ! IN MANY STYLES, Lace Hantlkercliiefs, Silk Handkerchiefs, Embroidered .Mats, Velvet Bugs Gloves, Dress !Patterns, Dolmans, Jackets, AND THOUSANDS OP OTHER 'Inidiile M Useful Articles for Holiday Gifts, GEIS, FOSTER & QUINN'S BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! In preat variety, nbe binding and low prices. My stock of school books embrace everything used in the county. Inks, liubbt rs, Crayon. Mates, Pencils, Scratch liooks, Pencil Tablets, Note Books, Pens and Holders, Appleton's Head ers. Hurt & Kaub's Grammars, Warren & Harper's Geographies, Swinton's Histories, Osgood & liuckwalter's Spellers, Brook & GofTs Arith metics, Ellsworth & Franklin Copy Books, and a full line of School Supplies. Also, Blank Books, Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Photo graph Albums, Autograph Albums, Box Papers, Gold Pens, Bibles, Keward Cards, Christmas Cards, Sliced Birds, A B C4 Books and Blocks, Paper Weights, Inkstands, Spectacles and Eye Glass--. Also a full stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Combs, Brushes, Perfumery and Toilet Articles You should se He MM lie tf Boots If in Steel, including all the Poets, in handsome binding. Any goods not in stock will be ordered if desired. C. N". BOYD, MAMMOTH BLOCK, - - SOMERSEI'. PA. LOUIS LUCKHARDT, JR., I 1)3 Clinton Street. jotusrsxowisr, pa., DIALt ! WALTHANI, ELCInt.SPRIMCFIELO, ROCK FORD, HAMDEN, HOWARD and SWISS WATCHES. In Cold and Silver Open Cases, Key and Stem winding Watches. A F LL LINE EF CHCICE 1882. FALL AND Onr Mock i now Complete In Frjr Department. Ladie's Cloths, Flannels, and Scqueings IS AI.LTIIEXEW SHADES. CASHMERES IN ALL SHADES AND QUALITIES. iETisie aD3 . lepMs Plaiis at Prtei IVrH StraiiN in Vool ami Silk. Embroidered Cashmere and ftilk for Triiiiiiilnx in all the Xe.v Shade?. We alsoCarryan Imuienae Ktosfkf Blankets, Comforts, Quilts, Shawls and Coats. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF ws in muinr iifiiioounnii bssiiit. tBcirg our First Season Wg have only New and Stylish Goods to Offer our Patrons. ' We are tte only House in cur Line of Business that has Strictly 0XE ritlCE TO ALL. AX1) X0 DEVIATION. GEO. K IPER & CO. 255 & 257 MAIN STREET, JOHNSTOWN, PA. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Burdett Organs! ! 1 kave jut received a alee lot ol Burdett Organs, 4 If rent itylef and prices, which will be seM at EXTirtOKDIXAIlY l.OW PRICES from now until after the Hoi Ways, nothing la tbe world more suitable fcr a Christmas Olft thaa a sweet t.n d , Burdett Organs. Every Instrument Warranted fcr Five Years. i,n":r 5- .v.? rrr1 L":: . T.!,. A " tSL and Strings H-r all InstraB .nls always . a hand UOIce oa ala Cross air el, above nenrj ucmey a wire. Irvin J. He file v, Somerset, ra. PRESENTS - face and Hunting KULXAL lHSTMMTS. WINTER. 1882- head tor l a atog.es ead prle. Usta.