Ml? if f 1 i ( I I - l : i .1 4 1,1 : ii i i r If, i f ' it i, i i t i !. t ! THE FAMILY JEWELS. One enowy day when titter Pen was running tbe machine and I wnt making button hle I always do the button holes Pen paid, as she finished the last seam of a pretty flannel drees: I'm thinking, Xettit., that I will not make vou any Christmas prw ents ihw J'far, hut take the money I should ,nd for it and buy Abby a pair f blanket." , "I should enjoy that," I paid. "more limh an tmke me. and n.sWl of my giving .vfl.) tllrlll SilV l!lll V1U vou a prent 1 11 serif " 1 f TIT 1 thick. of those dear little children iu that . . ...... I. iP I LlilVCI 1. f Tl 1 Llllllb r T I t. T I- cold log house. We tbounht it would W nice to be l x r"h Abby aM-ut Chfiiiiis. ai.d we would put tome tots and f-'rthe in it liltle the fiM hoe l. V went t tow n to our purchase we went about n giod deal, liMikioy of tsiind e;iriH tfi, f-T we f-lt 8 if it were AhhyV money we ..;., .r t.. tiin-i.d. and that we were liiil-t PIH i.d it to the best advantaga. Fi lially, we made our purchase satis fHcn'irUy, and then we went to our lunch. . That morning I noticed that many ladies in the -tores and on the streets wore th.we liitle star shaped spark ling jet earriinrs that were so much in vo;ue a few years ago. I knew tliet were inexpensive, and I thought how Incoming a pair would be for Pen. I should like to make her some trilling gift Christ mas morning, just to surprise her. and so I determined to slip off and get her a pair if I iositibly could do As we were eating our lunch I eaw a lady sittiag near us who wore a pair of them. "Pen," I said, calling her atten tion to the lady, "don't you think thne black earrings are very pret ty?" "Yes," said Pen, "I have seen such earrings a number of times this morning, and they are very pretty ;" and after a little pause she went on in an abent minded sort of a way, "yes, they are certainly verv pretty." I had found out that Penn liked the earrings. That was one point gained. As we rose from the table. I re marked: "I meant to have bought some stationery when we were in that book store; you know we are nearly out of letter n;uer. and I will eo back and get some. If you will tav at the desk and then sit down near the door and wait for me, 111 be back shortly." Pen cheerfully absented, and presently I was hurrying down the street. I got the stntionerv first, then went into the store .where I saw pome of the sparkling black brooch es and earrinsr in a window. I asked for jet earrings, and a large tray contai nine different and styles were pbicd Wf.r m. "How much are thepf I asked, selecting a pair that I liked verv well. "One dollar, nn'mn," said the ludv who was waiting on me. "Cheaper than I bad thought. "Are they strong?" I aked. "Oh, verv strong," said the yonnir lady touching her own as shespoke, 1 live since thought perhaps to as certaio if they were all there. "1 will t ike thi pair." I said, and she put them up carefully in a little box, which I slipped into mv pock et, and then I hurried hick to the restaurant. Pen was not there, but she came in a minute later looking as if she had !een hurrying. "I thought I would go and look at some of the holiday goods in the windows," he said, forestalling any inuuirv un mv part She asked me eome careless question about the stationery, and then we went t the station and took the afternoon train home, filing on the whole that we had had a very satisfactory day, and I was quite elated thinking of the pleasant little surprise I had plan ned for Pen. It was a fortnight to Christmas then. Once or twice, when I knew that Pen was buv down stairs, took out the earrings and slipped them in my own ears, just to see how they would become Pen. of course ; for we look very mucn ante, inougn Pen is some years older than I. One day. iust a week before Christmas," Pen had a sick headache. We had planned that afternoon to call on our friend Mrs. Arnold, who was going to Florida to spend the winter. "Oh, dearTaid Pen ; "I can't lift my head from the pillow, load have to go alone and say good-by for me." So, as Pen did not need anythiug except perfect quiet, I dressed to go out Some imp put it into my head to wear those earrings. Pen would not see them. Mm. Arnold always had the latest and newest things; liut I knew she had nothing like them. She would he sure to admire them. I could give them to Pen all the eatue Christmas morning, and ehe would never know I had worn them unless I told her. I took the box from my own private drawer and went down ttiirs. I put the earring in my ears In-fore the sitting room mirror, and after observing the cflV-ct sufficiently, I went out Mrs. Artwld did notice them at once. the thought them very becoming, aud ehe expressed her intention of get ting pair when sue reached Hie city. It was nearly d irk as I approach ed home. I wondered if Pen would be rt.i'1 on the bed, or if t-ht would be d.twn stairs. lsitly the latter; fk I thought it wi-ie to t.tke the ear rint out before I let myself iu at the front door. I put tuv hands un. U.kxI heatr ens ! One of them was gne. I felt of ray scarf. I looked down at my ekirt and dres, but I naw no ear ring. I went slowly(dowu the steps and walked hack all the way to Mrs. Arnold's, looking carefully for uiy KM jewel. I found no earring. It might hare vanished from the face of the earth for aught I eaw of it then or ever alter. It was quite dark by the time I got home now with my one earring. Peo's headache was better. She was xiown stairs and had tea ready. I no up stairs to put away my cloak and i.L I leesited the one solitary earring, a olitaire in truth, in the little box, and pushed it into the back corner f my drawer in a somewhat dazed condition. Christmas dawned a pnowy, ! blistering morning. We loured over our late breakfast, wenderiag if Abby had received cur box, and talking of the weather and the .church festival that would be held in the afternoon. At I moved back from the table, "Nettie," Baid Pen, I paused and looked at her. "I thought," she said, "that I should like to give you tome little I thine tliis mornine She hesitated and tkn Vul.f fn ftt1 ulr. as if the hardlv knew how to say what ehe intMi.lwl insnv "lionie niere mile, Ld ?"' , TiSftTf' J "receptacle below the table a single earring that lost earring, as I iri- mediately supposed. I "Why Penelope Dillingham 1 where did vou find it?" 1 exclaimed in .w.azt.iin.t , j "Find it! echoed Pen, plaintively, 'I did not ihid it. 1 bought it in ; Boston. I U.ught a pair ol theru to ' .. i ...1.4 VOU allow . miu ruv .i.... u - j Ule you hked them, but I'u. so sorry, iMve villi lo-tlilV tUU know iuu luivi I've broken the other. 1 touK mem , out to look at them one day, when j ou were down-sUirs, and then I T -.i , ..;., mi am in mv ' hurry 1 accidentally let one fall on ; the marble top of tlie bureau," and : ,t broke quite levond repair." And ; Li.e or.Miuced U.e l'X contaiiiii.g e,i,e hiokeu nils, wliicn corroui.raicu htrsioiy. 1 miidenly Trailed the little walk thl slie had taken to look at the :ui. huav koi ids I" the windows. I ii- motives now. "Wait a minute, P n, I cried. I rushed up slaiis and got the little Ik)X containing ny one earring. "Here is your Christmas token." I said, re-entering the dining room. Pen took the earring I extended and compared it with the one she alreaoy had. They were precisely alike. "But, Nettie," she said, wouder ingly. I sat down and commenced to laugh. Pen looked at me, and look ed at the earring, and gradually the situation dawned on her, and the began to laugh. "Where are the pieces of the other one." she asked finally. "I'm sure I don't 1 gasped. And bit by bit I managed to tell my story. It seemed as if we never should get our work done that morning, we stopjed so often to laugh. "Whose are they, Nettie?" asked Pen, looking at the two I had placed side by sic in one of the boxes. "Yours, f course," I answered, promptly. "No, indeed," said she, "they are yours." We concluded,, however, that it would be hardly safe to wear them, for they were too precious to lose or get broken. And they have reposed side by side on the soft pink wool in the little box over since. Every Christmas since then Pen and I have always given each other some valuable and acceptable gift, but on the whole I do not know that we have ever planned a surprise that jrave us more pleasure than did those earrings. Certainly we never got half the fun out of any other Christ mas gift that we did from them. And now you know all about family jewels, and how we happened to be joint proprietors of the sparkling gems, and further, why we have no fears on the- score of thieves. S. G. D. Uuwthe World Sa "Mow D'jna Io.', Most of us say "Howdedo," and think we have said, "Mow do you do." "ow are you," is more ele gant, jterhaps; and "llojx; I tee you well," is the habit of some people. Then we shake hands, and women sometime kiss. In old times the English speaking (teople said, "save you, sir," or "madam,"' and "GimI bless you;'5 and long ago men as well as women "kissed for courtesy." English and American men now consider such a salutation as absurd between pTsous of their owu sex. Frenchmen, however, are not ashamed to kiss as thev ask, "How do you carry yourself:'" and Ger mans crush each other, bear fashion, as they cry uHow do you find vour sclfr The Italian goes both airy clasp and kiss, after he has flourished his lingers in the air and cried, "How do you stand?" But the Dutch man's "How do you fan-' is gener ally followed by a clapon the shoul der. When two Swedes fall into each other's arms and look over each other's shoulders, they ask, "How can you?" And the Polander, who has lived in a land of sadness, inquires, "Art thou gay?" In Turkey people cross their arms, bow low and saj', "I will requet-t of Allah that thy prosperity le increas ed." And the Quaker of our own land regard his approaching friend without smile or nod, and quietly remarks, "How is thee?" The mvre of the Tarty. Much has been ali, since the election, on the subject of unity and harmony in the Benublican party, Ue necessity therefor, and the Itest method of bringing about that con surauiatioo. Most of the utterances on this subject voipe from those who actively helped along the independ- eut racket, r sympathiz-d ujore or les openly with it. I he anxiety fr unity and harmony, now manifested in those, quarter, seems wholly un necessary, if the view insisted on by the Independents, during the cam paign, was well founded. A great deal of rhetoric was employed by ludejiendent bosses, orators and or gans, iu assuring Republicans that the loss of the State need not cause the leaet anxiety as to the future. but that Republican defeat would have the instant eflect of producing a purified and united party," in vincible hereafter, while victory this vear would result in hopeless ruin. Thev did Hwt explain bv what hiCM the divissiiii which then threat ened party defeat would le healed by the actual exja-rience of defeat. Now that they ee the p;irty 4iii divided, they nrenTVously inquiring lor some ii.ethod whereby toe ex asperation of those who mva suffer ed defeat may lie neutralized by the exultation of those who caused that defeat, and a spirit of harmony es tablished that will give the "unity and purity" ahich they predicted. It is quite proper that any anxiety which the ituatiou may tend to create should be felt by the f nde. pendents alone. The regulars have nothing to do but to wait, with the utmost peace of mind, for the salva tion which the Indeendeiits prom ised the party as lh consequence of its defeat Among the Independents alio have discussed the situation is Sen ator Mitchell, in response to the question whether he considered the independent battle won, he said. "That depends. If the party man- agersxontinue to pursue the course they pured before the election if they ignore ttajroice of an indiguant people, and go on feckless of the protetit which has been made at the polls there is no telling where ttys ; tting will end. The ma-; chine leaders must surrender. They j must relinquish their hold upon the j throat of the party, and it will saon ; gei upon lis ieei agawa. ii mey ao Dot ate fit to unload themselves, the result will be defeat certain, disas trous defeat" Senator Mitchell is by no ositire that the defeat of the means positive party has been the defeat of thb macnine jeaaers. mure miuusi matter, however, is the total helnless- i , - - , nets on the part of the TH-ople wnich w assumed in his view of the matter, If these machine leaders "go on reck- less of the protest made at the polls if they refuse to surrender, and to "relinquish their hold on the throat of the party" whatever that may mean there is a very oark utlook for the party; because, in Senator Mlir.l.H'c i-it.u- tl.f iwniilf rp fHiw- , nvi.n o . ..... .-. , . , . - ,- er ess to d-. ; "j. : . .... 1 1 1 lers except uy a jiniiwv uiuirjnuia Un the thaje ot a party det.-at. It is nam U imagine a view cm me matter marteo wun more uriKiiiK imbecility. If the people cannot influence party management except hy political nan-Kan ai uie jkiis, there is an end ot popular ruie, ana nothing is It It tiut ma party bosses. Ih-feat hine rule bv at the polls may take power from one boss, but only to traiish r it to another. The fact is, Senator Mitchell mistakes the real nature vf the situation and of its requirements. The people have, and have hail from the beginning, full power to control party management, and to depose obnoxious or incapa ble leaders, without a sacrifice of party success. Popular rule does not depend in the least on the dis position of machine leaders to" "unload themselves," or to "relin quish their hold on the throat of the party." The jieonle have not to wait for any action by these leaders. They can govern absolutely, with in the party, if the' will only do the work of governing. If the people will not da this work, .a "surrender of the bosses" has no meaning, and a "prott st at the polls" will avail nothing in advancing popular rule. Bad party n.anage nient may result in party defeat or destruction; but the party w ill never theless be governed by those w ho do the work of governing. This work, to be effective, must be done at the primaries. At the polls, the people govern only in a secondary sense; they can do no more than record their approval or disapproval of the work growing out of the primaries. If the people will do this work, uboss rule" falls at once. If they wiii not do it. it will be done by bosses or demagogues. ' The only thing that seems clear is, that the Indepen dents have gained nothing by the defeat of the party, unless it has awakened the people to the duty and necessity of commencing the work of party government and puri fication at the primaries. Hunexdde Citizen. Saving Liquid Manure. It is a matter of great surprise that so many farmers allow the li quid contents of their bam yards to Pe washed away into creeks and riv ers, instead of saving and utilizing it in fertilizing their land. Nor will it ever be otherwise until proper means are taken to prevent it There certainly would be no great trouble in doing so. All that is necessary is to dig a round pit or cistern of suf ficient size just outside the barnyard, and walling it up with stone, firmly imbedded in cement mortar to make it water tight. A trench, or sort of blind ditch, about a foot in depth the sides of which to le also walled with stone should then be dug all along the lower side of the yard, close inside the fence, for the pur pose of conducting the liquid from the yard to the cistern, from which it u to be pumped or emptied as needed into a fiva barrel ca-k, plac et! in the hind end of a wagon, to be hauled to wherever wanted. A hole should have been previously bored into the cask near its lower heading, from which there-should extend a piece of rubU-r hose to connect it with a distributor sus pended from the rear end of the wagon bv means of iron rxls, the distributor to le made of four-inch pump stock, five feet in length uosed at both ends, and perforated with quarter inch holes at short in tervals the whole length of the bot tom, for the purpose of. distributing the liquid over the land. lth such a simple fix it is an easy matter to distribute the liquid as fast as ac cumulated, and it is particularly lenefioial to grass land at any time when the grass is not large enough to be injured by oemg driven over, By this means, and by carefully saving and utilizing all other manu rial material found on the premises, we verily believe that on a majority of farms the most of the money now being sjent in the purchase of fertil izers could le saved. nnle Ljaon's Fearfal Leap. Pittsburgh, Dep. 5. To-night, about 8 o'clock, an Iritsb eirl, 19 years of age, named Annie Lydon, threw herself from a fourth Btorv window of the hwuse No. IS Diamoii'l tre t. When pick d up both limba were bent backwards until her heels touched her liad. She was fright fully injured and will die within twenty-four hours, bhe came to this city from Scraiton, Pa., about six month' ago and has been living as a domestic at various rioteij and residences in the city. At her laat place she wa accused of having stolen some good.s from the store of her employer. She confessed to having committed ihe theft, but gave a a reason that her mistress was rich and Ut wan poor. Dreading arrest she hurriedly packed her clothing into a small buuditi to-night and leajted from the window to lli cobble-stones, forty feet below. She has an aunt and sister in this city. Other relatives reside in Serauton. Tbe House In U'bk-It Ijincoln Died. Washixgtos, December 6. The House Ways and Me ins CoinrniUee ha appointed a eub-committee to m ike inquiries relative to tlue pur chase of tfie house, opixisite the Ar my Medical Museum, in this city, in which the late President Lincoln died. The bouse is a three story brick, tearing a marble slab with a suitable inscription, and the lower floor is utilized as a printing office by tbe Sentinel, the organ of "the Na tional Beer Brewers' Association. It is proposed to dispose of this prop eny JU the government and to make of it a branoh of the Medical Muse um, formerly Ford, Theatre, in j which Lincoln was shot. DvX-apllaUaMl um Kai!v))r trau.k. Cairo, Decemler 7.-Wluia a switch engine on the Wabash Bail- way . was pushing care down the track a man ran out of a house on His .track, dropped upon all fours and craning his head forward under one of the can to enable the wheels to break his neck, vat ajmost in- pianuv oecainuiea. ineniaa was John Ktlly, Suitcrvisor of the Illi Doi8 Central, sixty-five rears of age, and insane. i Then Hop Bitter are the Purest and Best Bitter Krer Made. Thev are compounded from Hop, , . r. Malt, liuchu. Mandrake and Dande lion. the oldest, best and most val uable medicines in the world and contain all the best and most cura tive properties of all other remedies, being the greatest Blood Purifier, liver Regulator, apd Life and Health Restoring Agent on earth. No disease or ill health can possibly long exist where these Bitters are used, so varied and perfect are their operations. They give new life and vigor to the aged and infirm. To all whose em ployments cause irregularity of the Lewis, or urinary orgaus, or who require the Apetizer, Tonic aud mild Stimulant, Hop Bitters are in valuable, being highly curative, ton ic and stimulating, without intoxi cating. No matter what your feelings or symptoms are, what the disease or ailment is, use Hop Bitters. Don't wait until you are sick, but if you only feel bad or miserable, use Hop Bitters at once. It may save our life. Hundreds have been saved by so doing. SoUO will be -paid for a case they will not cure or help. Do not sutler or let your friends sutler, but use and urge them to use Hop Bitters. Iiemember, Hop Bitters is no vile, drugged, drunken nostrum, but the Purest and Best Medicine ever nude; the "Invalid's Friend and Hope," and no person or family should be without them. Try the Bitters to-day. A More to Reduce Letter l'ostage. Washington, December 7. Rep resentative Bingham, of Pennsylva nia, chairman of the house commit tee on post offices and post roads, is engaged in the preparation of a re port urging the importance of the passage at this session of Congress of a bill reducing letter postage to two cents per helf ounce. Mr. Bingham has called a meeting of his commit tee for to-morrow morning, at which time he will submit his views on the subject and endeavor to obtain au thorization to report a bill to the house. How to Avoid Drunkenness. Forbid intoxicating nostrums and use Parker's Ginger Tonic in your family. This delicious remedy nev er intoxicates, is a true blood and brain food, and aiding all the vital functions never fails to invigorate. A Horrible Diswvery. Easto.n, Pa., Dec. C. Since Sat urday last tht-re has been treat ex citement at Newton, Sussex county, j N. J., over a horrible crime ullt ge-d ; to have been committed in Unit i vicinity tbe day or night before. At ! a certain spot seyeral citizens discov- j ered newly made ground. Curiosity , . .11 . 1 led tliem to remove thr loose eartti, i and a short distance below the sur face they found a bag containing the entrails of a dog. Digging down further they found the carcass of a dog with the dead body of a child inside. EfTorts are now being made to find the perpetrators of the crime and bring them to justice Swiudlera Abroad. If any one has represented that we are in any way interested in any boy;us bitters or stuff with the word "Hops" in their name, cheating hoa- est folks, or that we will pay any of their bills or debts, they are frauds and swindlers, and the victims should punish them. We deal in and u iv only the bills for the genu ine Hop Bitters, the purest and best medicine on earth. Hop Bittkks Manu facto ring Co, Terrible Storm. Loxdo. Djcemler7. TeWrams from various parts of the United Kingdom report a snow storm of unusual severity. Traffic on the railways in many districts has been almost suspended. A train was snowed up all night at Cheshire, and the twelve passengers suffered acute ly. Telesrraphiccommunication be tween London anil Glasgow is totally interrupted. Elsewhere messages are greatly delayed. Many wrecks around the coast are reported. At Oldr am and neighboring parts of Lancashire county the storm has not been equaled in thirty years. Heavy loss has been caused in many places. What Women Should Use. Dyspepsia, weak back, despond ency, and other troubles caused me fearful suffering, but Parker's Gin ger Tonic makes me feel like a new being. A great remedy. Every woman should use it Mrs. Garitz, Pittsburgh. Pu timing a Murderer. CnARLOTTE, Dt'cember 7. Three!. hnn.irpri m...,t,.,i ., fH,m -.,th ! Caroliua, in pursuit of Joseph Moss, the raunler of r. ii. .Mcuuvvall, at Canidfln, South Carolina, have tracer him to vithm five mile of this place and are confident they will capture bun. Uirt brother is at the head of the pareuinif purty. Premature grayneHs avoided by uin Parker's Hair i un, distin guished for cleanliness aud jverfume. Hogs Poisstsned ia Berks Count jr. Great excitement prevails in the leighborhood of the farm of Lewis Adam, near Eagle Point, Maxatawny townnhip, Berks countr. A few davs ago eight of Mr. Adam's hops were suddenly taken sick and three of them died. The hog feed, consisting of chop, was examined and in it was found a number of umall balls of dou;h. These ballo were found to ' contain Jarge quantifies ot arsenic Mr. Adam made further search and found many similar balls mixed anions his rye and other grain. The remaining hogs will die. There is no clue to the culprit. MB .Thi GREAT ,f-fN Man REriED I cutis Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, lasabafo. Bickicha. rleaaacn. Totttacf). arTIrvMst.swrlltwasslw.Mrsssew. Btssrasa. Sseislal. rrssat Mitwa. aaa tu ernt usilt rtiaa ttawa. iaMsvirwjsussadpiHr.n.r.saTa. IhnrOaaiiaawUav OlrflUi m 1J LHfMva. Tate est sstLti a. t res. taaawaaaiaa. Sotjsl llV aauaM . I. f. PAttKES'S i HAIR B AL3 AIX I i prelum i hy tli -s ; ftiio&ir aftnJe, on mo i count of IU np-ri.r Acanltnmft acd ptrrv-y. it contain marmi only that rv b-ncficvJ to the halp - d kir and always ResfomttttYsMtfarvlColortoCreyorradnalr Parker Hair PJsam h finely perfume ', and is warranted to prevent falling of the hair a ii .o re taorm dandruff aud itching. Hiscox & Co N-Y. We. mi $1 , at teim hi imn mH.4tx, PARKER'S ginger mm A S'Jrerlativt Health 4 Struts tli Restorer. If you arc a ine-hanic or fomirr, worn out with overwork, or mothCT run down by family or house. h.ld duties try Puui'i Got T-nic. if you arc a lawyer, minister or buiirv- cian er Kaust-d by mental strainorauriotjscares onotlake intoxicating stimulants, but use Parker's 0...ffrToiiiC If too have totnrampticn, Dysprij. Khrima Ism. Kidney Complaints, er any dtdcro 'the lungs, totnach. bowels blood or nerves Pa mri: Cince Tonic will cure you. ItitlieOreatesrlioodPuriiier (tad tiit. Best an Surest Cough Cure Ever Used. If yon are wanting away from age, dissipation or any disease or weakness and renuiie a mn.uUni tnke CiNGCtt Ton at once: it will invic'irate and builtl Ion up from the n-At dose but will nevrr iiiu icate. t has saved hundred of Eves; it may ve your. CAUTION ! IUfwlI ftrtittii. fr-T,Gir.ifr T.Mr It eulHil ol lk bM tvtordul pt i UlurlJ.5i!,ly .(Wat Iran r'-rwattotn of nrr !". 8a " eir.nlai u auras C J. V. oc II uS ' l ''"V- GREAT SAV1SG BCTISG DOLLAR SIZE. T1 ranee Lu.s nur'e th:$ i? delurhrful perfume exceedu j-ly popular. Iheu E Its nrh and lasting nvi; Isaothin likeit. InsUtunon havuie Fkjkk. y. ton CouJs and look tor signature ot - aMX MDQ loo hjb .a;iu.uiac wt - ewrv bottle. Any 4nvTfrt er tira:,r IB f. tutly v.i. IS and 7 "t f. Ul:i.tSMIv'l rt:T!V; Tr. lt.-a-y-N: 5. POSITIVELY CURED BT Banson's Capcine PGrcus Plasters. Reason Woy ley are PrrfiTred t A".l Other Pororii P'.nsler or Kxternal UpTitp-liPS: first. Icamie they possess all the merit of the stret.i;thenlnir tHiroua t:asier. and contain in ad . ditH.u tliereto the iHwiy discoverefl powerful aud nctive veiretatr combination which ants with in rrraned rnhpfaeient. sliwulatiug, aedutlve and cannier irritant t-lfects. SeconfS. TVranse they area ferin!ne pharmcccatical prep. arui;oti, and eo rccoguUci by the professiou. Tird. r.ecanpc they aro t'jo ou'y i-Iasters t!- t relieve iaju ai oucc I'onrtb. T!..ciirsv they vr ?l poiiively rnro disc ee which ether reniedii-6 not creu reiieve. TiftJa.,eri.".fl'iii,!'ici;iiiwaiHlc;ruiTOinave .(.;untrt:y teini t-'mt tuey stwiutperHsrwaU r..-cau'o overtiOOp!.ysicinnarKl drnsrifitohave i iier piaaiera or mediciuts lor external use, sixt:. Ttccanee the) mannfactnrm havo received the r.siy meuu ever given for porous plasters. Bern's Capcins Porous Plaster! SEABURY & JOHNSON, Msnnfacttmng Chemists, New York. I MIRI? RKMKI1V AT1.4ST. PriceSScts. A HEAD'S Xedicaten CORN and BUNION HASTES. roR SALE BT C. N. BOYD, DRrGGLST Ksntarrrl. Pa. Back Ache A $30 WATCH GIVEN AWAY f SANTA CLAUSE IS C0MIN3! Here are His Headquarters. Paul G. Nowag's Cheap Store, Berlin, Pa. o I have j ut riive.i (tear loa-l of Illi.lay Oj.i.L, and have jut what yuu want. Call and c invmce yo'irolf that I o!Y;r the largest tteleetion, the Im-I tf.xxU'at lowest prices. Your atic'iti.m i. ustllct to tu; f.jllawiii!;Mx.'ial b-irgairM. To re.taoe stuck I have reiluc- el jirii'es. Men's full .suits ut $3 S7, wurtU $5 M Men's blai-k suit- at H S7, wortli .j 50 Men's fine suits at $s 25, worth $S 50 Men's fine all wool suits at $3, worth $11 Ou Men's overcoats at $.'5 i, worth $J 50 Men's Beaver ovenvKiM at $7, worth $.1 50 Men's ejetra fine overcoats $12 75, worth $IG Extra good bargain in la lie's shawls and millinery go-ids All s-h.t les in factory yarns, Shetland, Saxony und iieriuantown yarns at 7 cents x-r ounce. In jewelry, watches, shirts of all descriptions, glove, hosiery, etc., I iifl'er ttie finest selec tion at lowest cash prices In addition t ofT-nng the public the nest selection of at prices lower than the sauie quality can be bought elsewhere. I will present to every purchaser of one dol lar's worth or m ire one ticket eiilitlinKthem to one chance in an elegant genuine $.10 00 Arnen.-an lever five ounce silver liuniiii'' case watch. Drawing to t.tke place at noon on the 22d day of February, ls.S3. K -member, every purchase amounting to one dollar or more entitles vou to one ticket. , Nov. 2S. CLARK Indian 4 Cures all diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels. Kidneys, Skin and Blood. It ill ions testily to its efficacy in healing the above named diseases,and pronounce it to be the HJlaST KKiYIIlIJJY KNOWN 1 (J MAIN. M 11. a J. rar Guaranteed TSAui MASK, ttTjS A R.P.TMT r' . . .. uaooraiorv, itBSi s;r33T, a Dr. Clark Jthn'on: I is tr-M . l-vlih jftfij rlj srs o tf. sitai ml i y 'ir Itstl Biooti sty rsss t hsve recetrod mui-ii rellet. tvc are now rmhlisn'na series of Star?sr " CHEAPEST AI.O type, on eood nacer. and verv attract. vuiv bound tu W'eare aisopublUing a new aeries under the miii - of " Lowell' Library " that ifivm ail tir L. Cnrrent and Standard Fiction at prices eunallv k m.v r-s in aov uiii.t loru. In.iou'l. however of t:. Unre quarto broadsides we have adopted a " f Tf (7 I C D PJ A f t eat at., with bantisonie cover, DUMiiV? LwV bl kflMLaU uainr lame, clear type, mostly Ion? primer, and n.k!ii .. a uuuibet x& of pnaerviiUuu. Tna follomnir gives a list of the iititiil-rs so fur irm-d in. Handsome liimo vols., i I. Hyperion, Longfellow, t. Outre-Mer, Longfellow, . The Happy Boy, . 4. Arne, by bjCmaon, 5. Frankenstein, (. Iaut of tbe Mobicsns, 7. t'lytie. by Batton, b. The Moonstone, Part I, . lh. try Collins. Part II. 10. Oliver Twist, !k-lcen, II. Thj CominK liace. . 14. LeibLby lxl I.) Hon. 1.1. The "riiree himninni". .91 Ui. 'the r-niii.s'i .m.u, Ly . Iieuim-t-r. . . .10 .10 21. The t.itxu ';;ain .10 iiys. . . . .21 .10 K. Fli-ur Ue. by SrrH.c. . JUJ .Jit ilk Sserond '1 uot by .8 hrnnsbtmi. . . .a .1" SI. " he .e .iu;-'::! i.. . .a .'At ,iMrre. bv l.ce. .?i iife.d W aVii.i.jiuii, . .it .1 l U7. rxa-lal r.l .l:t :l-. . .Ii .11 "is. &niL'io limn n.u- .'2 hie tlx'. I.. !V;j-.iu, .1(1 a. irenp. ny ttr:'. i !!'. . . :i. V ut Vrr-1... r ,:l .-. ' . M. Frueet uiiir,'xt. . XJ .: V. 'lue liniliu.:. i.o-is" .V" ! and t'ui.:'i. u. l. i:.'il .T'l ' ,Tmm llBiifav. Alu'n'-k. jjj i4 W. hvo'. -..:i ii..- .'ito- JS) j tkzoit, by Jt: ... erne, .10 14. TheTrkkeof thet.rreks t nveiled. by llondiu, 15. T.'Abns Consiantiu. . IB. Freckles, by Kwlcliff, . 17. The Dark Colleen. 18. They Were Married ! . IV. (seeker after Ood, by Farrar, ... . EXTR AO R D ! K A ?! Y fbd lollowinj; are n iarsul ii.t t.f Uxiks gnoa pttper, and very j,ii Hyperion. Bv lm.-feiA. . t i tre-Mer. At Looct. n .v. . l,e Happy Boy and Arnt. sakerxataen. l.yMw-o.... '.'lytie. by Hauou. . .'nu Moonstone. P.v !''-. ce Comloa; ace. 1 . .. lia Threw BT-aniarrl.':. .ue Tricks 01 tun iirt;. ..:iveiled. itohert i,o., .. 'Abrw ConstantJtt. j.-tiWea. Jy lirurdtf Anions tlte ;:r- i !r ix.iio.l in Th D-iik CcIl.--pTt. waieaeia wkr 1 y . ui:. u r The &iv:i 2Conntrln Tf ys . iaui'et: o. i'.. . .....c . . jecouu li-CilKbtS- bt.'U...i.n laa Ne auiiiiaien. .Lvorce. i .' ..aiji.-t Ice. JLdle ol' Waahinrftoa. iae:.e. i-.v an ix.-tiei. Vic Vcrna. fly K. Austev. wuit u v.c ti(ire to cull alteutiuu ue : A new edition of Caomi i rreat vrurt. arly Days of Innstiamiy '. 'oo, cloth, plit, l.U) " half lair, edition 1 vruded fro--i i 'per, and very ul1it;-t . . . i loll Wiii Ituke ' rr , '. for f-A.r b-.4-.ja:: f. Thc ul i eV. iji';- - u pster cti-.t-r- '. Early 1)3 ft CUv 4!v. r"" t'i X.M f. clear tvrie. on . . .nd. Tiie uaif t. Hue Clineiinn - Stiitflay-ricltool m vo..; '' ' 'i.:'r;it'y. Ui.lty. bv - . rt i, ,St ; li, Jal i 7, su . c xjnt. i . 1 1 - 7 rCarw -at sn .lo . lM.: clulll. ii ii rtjaerti.l uj.t. ..o vital imporlat.f- u t. UrJSCRIi'.'l V U Ui iviUi a suo dar. i.i.LB win. ee II W. LOYilia C:.. Taiblidicrsa-U & 18 Vescy Bt.. ITew Tzzj V. 11. l&lWIL, Azent, Homerset. Pa. Tier Is ao esnss- f:r siffarl from CONSTIPATION and other 3iseaet that follow a dl ored stnte of the Stomach and Bow els, when the use of EH. HEMUY BAXTER'S Will give immediate relief. After uuii ij-n'.Um so!Ioe h-jCiliousnssa, Dyspepsia. M Indigestion, Diseases of "?a." i;f mm " j Rheumatism, Dizziness, Headache, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, Ap oplexy, Palpitations, inEruptfor.3 and k!n Dis eases, OtC, a'1 of which these Hitters will iipoeililr curetr removing theeaaw. Kfp the &imnck, Boiedt, mmd Oryam m ,Ntat Ksrt-imy ordrr, ml perfect health wil' L the rcsnlt. f.3tI!SS -nd othere tnb- LijecttoSick Headache ! mur nana permanent rure )r1he u-e of theee Hitlers fPURIFY THE BLOOD. Prico 23 ct3. per bottle. For au'a l-v ait (Valcrs iu medicine. Send JaJJmw f..' rarnpMet,free.riviDgfuIl direction. BUST. JOiC: :)- & L0E9. Props., Burliartoa, ft. ov. la, HX ' -m r tv rnox notice. 1 ne annual 'le. linn of the Farmers' Vnkin A. surU!lnan'l Fire lusor mee t kimpany of Sosier SDl coiiu.) , i 1 be held at Berkley's .u ill on Tutmlay, December 2G, 1S82, to eleet a President, Tlee Preeident, Secretary Hn-J six ilfrector to serve for the enaulne; veer. D.J. BKL'HAKKK, AMOS WALk'lk, Secretary. President. nor' AT ! A BARGAIN! A fiirro e..nlninir r one hundred and fifty acres of nice emuuth, level land, well Improved with good House and Barn, ' lorated wlrhin half a mile of Rorkwoed Station, '. ada on the rottd lea'llna: frini the latter pl--e to New t'entre.viiie. Somerset county. Fi. TlilnUnn : is located In Mllfrd township. For particulars apply to XOAll SCOTT, L'rttina. Pa. X. r. IS. -A. GIFT TO EVEKY SUBSCRIBER. Ttile otT r n mule by the Xv "Voriii OServer, the .1'!ps n! h.-rt of tho r1UIitit week tier For iix y fr. thU uf.'l'riiomln ional, uncrria ; an i tv UkftfiitMl uwptp'-r Iihs rm-uUii -; Id the t'ttiieti St vb kul in ltn.Mt every hreikru 1 cun ry. lis ui-vr..crj are cunt 1 t.y (ear r i ih'.uan 's. Each yuar its (trt-priytwr haveit!ei ! o iT T;il tie. f iikfitiriri frtonh Asllttti-M nii t ti-riisitnti. i J tntn.-i' home in. a.r eittar;lnir ni multip y. in.r its tlt-purriuv-iits ani eol v .rin-f u realize j their h tf h ui the Hil Htflinriuux nl Sei u- I lar ct in Uy New-pi.p r. Thev utter, tltia year, to ; fvry u ('- iter uew or uU whon ?ut!4'ri"uti.K, 10 i for l-'C, the new tNmk vf Khv si. Itviiueui 1'ri-ne, It ii,-n!lt,et "I'nyer nwl i's Answer, a li4U'l?'tte v iiuineof nearly IhO l and in 01 tin the retail price ol wh-rh i-t one dollar. - Ieeiraeii eoies of lite paier seui tree. Address m:.v yokk okskkvkk, ew York, VTOTJCE. 11 Tbr nn.ler.'iirne.l will apply to the Ierlslatare at tbe next ars? 1iq f.r the passaire ol aa act au thorizina: ao.i rciUirina: tho Au.litor General and Tieasurer to au iit an. I settle tbe art unt of Himio. itru!uker aa.l others, ol Somerset ouwo t Pa... lar rent, e:e., dne them for the nsa of a h.n!e and lot In Sotnr?e t township, eoant y store. Kttt, oe npied by liaut. Netrlev'seavalrjeompaov during tbe year IS 3 11 IK AM BRUBAKER and others. deoK. BK0.IXS IX B.TS AND SU0E3. Icn's st.aa 1xh( at $1 75, worth $2 50. Men's) stofra bMts at t2 35. worth $3. Men's kip IxmXi at tk), worth ft 50. iioy's boits at $1 -15, worth $2. Itoy's tap sole at $1 worth $2 50. Womens lace shoes at Stte, worth $1. Womei's' button t-hoesut l 10, worth $1 50. JOHNSON'S Blood Syrup to Cure Dyspepsia. WANTKD i 3 Af ijr.t my. urjiiisis S9II II P.irrnrow, Pi, Aairnst zls'.. WX J A'JUd K.OL,rt. ' .- nE&T !Yv a ill K- f tli.- t 1 are all priuu.-d Xrotti nuL.n. c...:l.. iuakiii! theni an ornament foraiiir 1 1 - arrG -ype, Taper Covers. i. 1 he Cryptot-rntn. Veme .13 oo. Life of Aianon, by liorry arri v n uia, . ."0 57. Paul and inrinia, . .10 ;. . Tale of Two 1 itlt-s, . .! o.'. 'i he Il.-nniu. Kitirsiev, ju 4j. An Adve:tiurr m Thii'le ate: Jll.trriiu.-e of Mot- ta 1 i-r.;".a, W m r.lacic .10 l. ' itt Ili;h Life, .30 4!. Ifohin. by .Mi i arr. . jso i 1. 'i wo. ).i u Tower, I lardy j&) 44. l.aftetdae. by Jobiatou, .10 4."t. bv T.vtton. . . .a 4l. 1 like of Kuudoe, . ,a .tfi 4i . imron M un4-liHti!en. .Id 4. 1'ruitcseoi Thii.e. blnrlc .o 4h. The tMi-ret lifoalclt, ja) &UL Lurly Dxvk of 4 hnti awtj, by farrar. PL I H . .. JJ CHEAP BOOKS. now in..;y ; tlier are nt-utly printed on r;.,th. 1' &0 conts mch. Tha Giant Baft. Veme. Two on a Tower. Esrdy. Frinctun of Thuie. hiai k. lifw ot Uaxiou. iiy iiorry and t - i The Eermita. By Kmpaler. Luke of Kando. Matliey. Last Ly nne.Mra.lfenrvVtn! Janei-yro. ( hartotte Lroute, atobin. i.y Vra. Parr. 31 arriasrej in High life. AtUuirall W arO. AieuuHjpr. V.." m . .a. Ciss. Ulciena Compiete Works. 15 Vol omr. i-mo. cloth,, aim half caaf. ' W. TtC. Thackeray's Complete Works, 11 V on.. .:(. I-4UM, Chilli, rnil. ami half calf. Gforr-e illiot's Complete Works. 8 Volumes, Izm t. rUm, irilt, aiiu nail cnif. ' . Piuia-.i-U's LjTea of Hinstrions Ken, I iu-. lOniti. aith. pill, aiai had coif: IloITi-j' &nei?vt History, 4 Voluuita, timo. Char! KxUghlt Popular lTJifTT t Ena la:ivl, -I o. .!!. liino. Liu ti.j. i v.vt i. ...... nan cu.i Jti.icauiay"B History of TWiginAi 5VoIce.'.i luoo. v.iiii. miu - -- Iovell'a Series of Eed IJne Poets, 41 xi? of M.i the best uorlo.i i ik V.iiio j-tin 1'u. ta, TtiniVMiB, haktpae. klilimt, i'a.;i Sent ox Ai'iucatios. i,", rrocior, aeon, riyroa, imuic, c Mill IMS LIME! LIME! The Buffalo Valley Ume UoniiHsnT, li-Mled. ' will aell.antll fori tier urilered, Btuuicftd lime t tbe fol low Ina; WW: Atloentaper hnxhei ..led on ear at kiln: at l'i cents per buahe! lor any i) mil y r than a , ear 1I; at 11 eeut per buHiel delivered at any i (tattoo on the IWlin Railrmwl: at 12 renin per I baths! delivered at AIeji-lHl ami 1: 1 and at eentr per bu.-h. I delivered l all uttier , rallr-ad etlhK io SoinerMit eonn'V Inclu Hnr all ; thoae on the Somerset a Cam'.riH Ktllr d. fay- ment nan be made to the following persona: ! John L Sawr, a-, Kriedena. W. 11. Kuon'a. at Stiraerset. ! Harriaoa Sntd-r. at K. i Frank t.m at uariett. ; I Samol J. Miller, near Meyermlale, W must depend upon lime the basla to ter- tins our mu. i T-ler It Bw and nave n r y . when needed. Order fr iin Frank fcnu, Uarret.t. E XECUTOUh .NOTICE Lutale of Peter Spelcher, late of Cneua)th Township, Somerwt Co., Pa., dee d, letters teatameniary on the atjve eprate havinir been aniuled tn the umlenixued. b the proper eu' horny, ant lee la her!y iclven to thone Indebted U it to m.k lmoie.ll .ie pay ment, and t boee baviLO- elaima or tenun!i will ' plesee preeent them duly amhintit,-el rr eet- lieroens us riuriav, me A i ; ui i "-m.i , IS.S2. at t'.e lati' r-sitlenve of the deaed In Uvo- etnaoich township. 1 SMITFf, K. BEKKEY. Boen JUHXLAHKi;,eeBrrr,. "VTOTIt'E. The andersla-ned will apply to the I.eirMalure el i lie Deal, eeec i. in nir I lie paeae ii rii w-i thortilna; and reiiirnv the An. III. T (lenerl and Slate Treaeurer t au.ll and aeltle the a.-r unt of ! Oeorsre HelBey, of SSon erwt eouniy. Pa., Iir j rant. eur.. due hiaa for t ue use of a buU'e and bt I In Berlin. In the euontv al.-ree tid. e iple.l by tfentaine B,.wlea and tnyderaml i he men aiider their command durlnir the Tear Svr. . GEUlvOt HtFFLEY. DMIXISTRATOli'S NOTICE. blaM ot Frederick .T. Ynunkin. late of I'pjier Tarke) loot townsuip, dee d. Letters of administaiion on the uhove estate bavlnir been aranled to the andersia-neil hy the Iiroperaatbnrity, noUce Is hereby Kiven to thuee ndebted to the Siilii esrate to mske im'neitiate payment, and those harinar rhsinjs or demanils analast it to present them duly authenticated lor sett'ement. at tbe la'.- resldene ot the d.t-eued on Saturday, (he 3uih .1 iv of Ihe-nlwr, 1 -Hi. NtiSLtV YOU.VKl.V. nor23 AdffiininLratur. FOB SALE! A VALUABLE FARM known as the Frederick Blubanirh farm, situate In L'pperTurke) fo. township, !nieret coutity I'a., a.'j"lniiiir binds ol Oarr-t IVar. inhn Up hart, liAliel Faldley, ant ot riere. e'mtalnintf -i-u acres. n're or less. at.ut li acres cle:fe.i anl tn a (fwd state ol culllViilon bilance well tun bereit; is einvenient to railr!. enun-bes and schools, and in iiml farnjiinc ennimunity: bav insr thereon erecteil a ba h.iu.e aud bank barn. For term, and larther p-.rti.-ular a.l.lrens r call on K. S. ill UiLLKN K Bk . NovXI-Kt New 1 eiinaT'on. meret Co., Pa. EG AL. NOTICE. Tu Harriet Brant, IvsMinsrln J..lmsin f'o. low, William Flsrl, Amaa1 Horn. l.u. in-la Hay man. Pblllp 1'lw.l, ar..l Siirnti flu-l (the latter a minor) t-hil.lren of Vlaria PisH. itc-eas- ert. and iSamuxl Pliwl. hulr.. of S'iil .Maria i Piaei, ileeeaseti. resiilina: in He.lft.r.1 r..nnt, ; Pa.; Rnilolph Keller resi-ltnir in ilif.l e-.un- i tv, Ta., Albert Keller 'liarl s Kellrr. Hii'.el I Keller, and John Keller, r'shlin- in J..hnsia j eonnty. Iowa, rh'l.lren of Cisttiarine Keller., decease'l. and Georare Keller, hu-ttan-l .f sai.l -t Datharine Keller tvl.ln.a: iu J.tits.n r.nnt y, j Iowa : Kotolin Sratl-r. rtsi' loa; in fumb-r-' land, Ud.: IVicinda Hraut, resl.l.i.a; in J.thnm eunty. Iowa.; Jane rtarklfy. resi ea In A lie- pheny tow-ship. Somerset e.nniv. Pi:Lmr:s j Hell Karkley. I. la Lpr. t'l.arlci' Ijiim, and ; AUert itiie. (the last tnre l- niitior-) rh.l- j dren ot i.uisa Lnfie. der.n-,l. ah. I John U-ii, I hushand of said L-uisa Lajsj, deessifd. alt re- i siillna- In Bfdtor i eooniy. Pa., heir- and I rermntatives ol l atharli.c l;iir.. .,1-' lnicheiir township, Somerset eonnty. Pa., de- deceased. j Yo are ben l.y notified that in f.nt-uane ot a ! writ of (atrlitioo isine.i oat of th OrpLans i:nurt ol omeraat ooanty. Pa.. 1 will hol.l an in.nst on j the real' estate of ('u-banne Hooti. deoeusr.i. at ber late resi.Ienne in llrzhnv tvn" in. Ji-.tiir- set oiunty. Pa . on the 11 n day of Jaun'iry, lss3. where vou can attend it v.. a ttii'ilc pr p r. JUrii J. SPANUI.ER. Sheriff's OFricn, t s.-ien J. Dee. C, lwi. i DMIMSTRAT0US' NOTICE. restate of Jacob Bradliram, late of Milford township, deceased. tattlers or adnnnistrathw on the arare estate bavinsi been srranteil to the underpinned pr.per authority, notice is herehy v'veti 'o In It to make iinmediaie (invmrnt, and thie bavins: claims or demanH a will uresent them dnlyauthentir-ated tor settlement, n Satnr-lay, j December 2J. lCi. at the i,ttl.-e of A. I vans, hso,. I in K.wood, Millord k.wnshlu, Somerset county, i f. I JONATHAN RHIIAIN, no vis Administrator. s ALESMEN WANTED, Salary and ex- peuses paia. ateay employment, write fur terms. CHVSE BROTH FRS. Nurserymen, Rochester, ' . T. decl3-3it JKGAL NOTK E. 1 cUiollne Miller, (widow) Wm. K. Miller. Ka'e illi ler, John F. Miller. Carrie J Miller and Marian 1 Miller, residinir in Fisner, t ain- ' palKne county, lliln ils. and J. S .tiiller, reid-ina- in Foster, lleulon county. Indi n:s. belrs i and learal representatives of Aaron Miller, lite of New Uemrevilla borough, Sjtuursel couuty, Pa., decea-.! . ; You are hereby notified thnt in pnrsuanee rf a j writ of partition issued oat of the Orph.n' Court of Somerset county. Pa.. I will hold an inquest ' on the real estate vf Aaron MUlrr. deceased, at his late resi'ience, in N-w t 'enireville horoua-n, onthel ith day of January, lDKt, where you can attend if you tidnk prt.p-r. JOHN J. SPAX'JLFR. Sheriff's trFFirx, i MiierilT. . Not. 22. J FOR SALE. 4t Sock3733i, S3ni2rs:t County -'a., Junction B A O. R. R. and 3. A C. R. R., all that certain pMperty known aa ilia Eagle Hotel, Including out uiMlnfrs ami Blacksmith trhop, WITH Tiircfi Lets of Grcnni S-a?.1 Pmsi salon drasa April 1, 18S3. F-.r term, Ac , ad- K. A. WIII. Attorney at Lair, Irj A h Avenue. PirrsiJUKOH, Pa. deci3 pXECUTOUS NOTICE. a J tsutie of Jostab Lambert, lt- of Stonvcreck Two., Smersei Co., Pa., dve'd Letter tesamentary on the alvn estate bavins! been granted lo the undersia-nvl by the proper authority, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to ma ke immediate payment, and those havlnn claimeaa insi the same will present them duly au.aerticxml lor settle ment on Saturday. January 13, IS-a, at the late residence of said ueceased. L.fc W1SC. LA.MKrRT, ' Kzetutor. Valuable Farm FOR SALE. That valuable property known as tbe J. B. CrltefaBeld larm, mux e cn the line id tbeSom-erw-t at. Cambria Railroad, in Alilrord towrsbip. I ottered at private sale. It eontaiLS S1J acres, mora or less, and baa a first class te Stery Illiiii House. bank bam n.l other on'bail.limrs thereon l. This farm is well waierrd. is omrt ltnt to churches and sctoids. Thrre Is an open lrk of No. Icsal. Any one desirina- a maal h. me lll find this a Kuod opening-. U ill be x.ld ua ea v emu. App.-y to or ad.ire.s J H fFITtKFILI. dee. t. Milford Station, S mersvt Co., Pa. rULLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Parsaant to an order of the Orphans' four! of Btitcenet etnnty, there will be sold at puMic talc, oa the press Ires, on Saturday, Ecc. 30, 1882,' at 1:30 o'clock p. m., a tnrt of land situate In VtBcoiahonina; township, homer-es cvamy fa., (with a small piece tliereot in Mia. e toWLrh p.) aojolnlnc lanlsof Jacih Kerkeh.le Jiiq Vt eixle, Mrs. awls Ober, Jno Hoover. I vliir (icirei Ji 91 ever and o. hers, o nta nit a i ui VHi acres i f which ata-qt tu acres are eie.-.rvd, ana me lln. ber on the balance. A two story Frame Dwelling Huukc, orchard, consisting of apple, cherry, nd peach trees, eto., oa the premi-ts; katei at-ut one half tallc frou tbe town ol bouversville; eouveni ant to conre&e. aeboola, Ac TEEMS : Tea pereept. of the parrhase money to h paid on day of sale; ta0 (I s asw unt paio on ray ol ass) ea April 1, laMI. when reed will he delivered ai.d possers on aiei ; lb balance In two eunal anaaal pay meats, with laterest fn.m datt-ol sate; the tierreal (layawau lo he tecared by judKsseni bond. HEXRYGEISrL, Ja.. AdBtlnlatraturaf CaUariu Uaiscl. ' dast. . ! The Long and Short of the story, as told by our cut this week, is that we are fully prepared to meet every exi- gency occasioned by oddsiz j ed people, and have in stock Cothing to fit the Fat as well ! as tho Lean man. A. C. YATES & CO., Ls!3r Euiittiiz. CSstKl ail Siitl Stnets, 111 1 LiDELPnii . WANTED ! Knerirettc. reliable men to sell Fruit Tree. Ur,e Vines, Mirabs. bes, eu Oood salaries an.1 rxieie paid. Address a; once. Sepu;-3m J. F. Lie 'LA HE. Rx-hester, Mew York. HEADACHES fan he effectoilly cured by alnir Dr. Fahmey's Health kesturer. bet-ause It pailtMS tbe system and ren.iViiies thecaue. There Is no danaer in Ita ue ,nd b purrl.- veiretable. C.n be icnen to anr axe. auxJO TICK. Havinir e 'ei ate-1 with me in the prteth-e of l""w."7, . J ? f' '"r, liaielv or I hey will be lett is the nanus ol an otn. eer 1t ctiilectivm. 3. M. LOCTHEK. Stoystown. July 10th, IWei WHITE "TliTH star- IT IS THE I Lightest RunningShuttle Manhi.n being almost noiseless. It has a Sslf-Tteading Slmttb, which ten rim enn be refpiUted without remuTfng iruiM mm r-veu; a Automatic Bobbin Winder by which a tv.bMn aa be wound as even ass spool o. silk without the aid of the hand to sjui.le the tnrea.1, tnus assuring an even tentlon; A SELF-SETT1NB NEEELE! A ECUBLE-STEEX FEED a lara-er space uniler the arm than any other fam tly mac hine made, il.dna; a lanrer varietv and areater rauire of work than any family machine. simplest construe e.1. ealct manaareil. t thorough build ami best machine iu the wurhl Scld on the M3ST 3I53?i ABLE TERMS! BY Jen tier X Roads, Pa. ana In ly MARTIN SCaaiPiSK, Book Binder, b:ast Straat. mM St. Ic-ia's w. Jolinstown, a. ALL KINDS OF Books Neatly Bound a r unvixT Ki rix Old Bwkslse-Bound MUSIC BOOKS A SPECIALTY. Paries desiring; tx.ks bound ean obtain prices ri'o "iv m mm. rrsnffinrn' nave nen mle w hereby eipre one w.iv will he pnld on ail 1 irtre orders. All needed Information can be ooiaineu at Somerset Hkrald office. Bovla. We continne to act iBsoiicitorafos" Tintpnta. ra.vca.tji tra1-Tiisrka, copjTitrkts. etc.. for tlie U l. i te 1 Siatrs. iiiU to obtain pat- enm iu i rr..-..,a, i.:i?iana, .Trance, rvt.iv. U.l oilitT COnilineB, S ll.ct--HiT vriN' rtmcticA Vs rhar.a fr exmn:;! ,f cio(kls or draw- IE?. A lvt-i) hv l-.-ro. la.'Mif-s o'lti'ii-.l t-n. i Tt are nnfiped in the bCIEtikic aJil UKaS, which has me lariat eirci:i;iln.ti. ri;,' ;s tho nasi infln. entml n:wsnr.ff r ut it. I. u.l pnliiinhedin the World. TIi j .-'.l r.iir.K-s. 1'fip U a notice erery uatnnm U11UI r?-'Uil.i... TUislar.i tin.l rf'.. p Ji,:iv illustrated news. PTw;riiipnlli.'.hc i t.t KI.VatM.20ayear, sn'liaa Imitttn! P l-i- t:m (.st psper evtite to eci em-o, mMi;a i:ivt, fi.meruiK works, al o-h-r tii ; iinf.i:;a i.f industrial projn-es". v.r;l-...!-.l i:i njv countrr. Sincla conies tr it-ail, 10 --t.ti-. H-dd by all nevrow dealers. Addn-.. "frun ,-. C o.. ruhiishera of Sc:on tSu Ampn. tn. !.';'; "'.a iwav. New Ytrk. iiautlixxili all-.:: - : .it r.u r.jaid free. Catarrh EiiYS'KEAMBALM Effectaallr cleans- . be nasal paaaap- jf 'at irvnal virus iaa. inst aeailby cre- WAmjH COLO .. ttons. allayi .nnara- mation. pr ecs the merahraa irons addi Y4L tional -old4.Qo-nplete ty neats tneaort-a snd resuire i he sense of 'as'e and tm-ll. Keo- fli-ial result ar r aated by a tew an. pli.-alt.Ki. A oaa-h tseatavnt will Tever Ac l.'neanal- Catarrh Hav I I 1. Vr "( AW M HAY-FEVER "'- A -aree.. i. .o ,. Appy hy the Oncer inl the aosuil. Un receipt of ."oe wltl mail a packaaa. Fold by Sunerael dracilst. marl IXYb' CatEAMHALM "., Oweayo, N. T. i i. - - ,.. . . 11 u Te RAILROAD SCBj SOMERSET 4"aii2RiA ; On and after Jane 12. trin, XORTHWAKIV. r 1 rl ' sab jr wlli X airesw no av lr erU Sar. etoer wetli TATlrixa, r. . r. w. a m. I U:V :uo 1 ' til t-M, .BHKwnr,D ILVUKU "" . iT' - ..Un. ..r-Ki an.,,'" .srivT.iw'' lo. f t l ) 1 H 4i I -M Bm.vitiwvii,. -t T-si... nu. 2 "m 1 iei ... a..m.tR " -:7 H bo . IM-Lfej,,,,,'" e:ao..iH.ierowa " Tbe Mall, north and faecal dally ex -t,r u - Oil tan PHUoarari bivui thn.o. h passeinier (rain., korkwood si k Ha. tu.,ar..i to 1' -restwtlvely at vv ashinai,.n . day. and n il wit evnitu ' - a. in., same .lay, an.i Al i ,J: v Westward-buttsklinrooali trm,.' " at S Jo a. m., an I 7 p m..ail ' a. an., an.1 iop m., ar.iv)r, . ' Koi'twiKai at .o a. id., and a BATIM3RE i 0H10RA- PlTrsKtK.JHDlVis,,,,! tin aal after Jun li, trii. w;'; , ' EilTWatD. . ' it STATIONS T. M. 9:1I "ll:lO I J H I2:ltlt li:U U: 0 lot) 1 lis l.-.'J lrJD :M 1:W l:ao 1 a aM 2:i0' S:j.J .ri 1 I HI !,(-, . ..... -i , v x; - t i . 1 . ,.....,ri.u-i,,L 1 :v4 ..tJUNH.1 K.i li lo, w.i: U.Tti li.J. VI u :t l:o5 l:l"t . I U I -14 1 S4 l:-'Jt 1 lt 1-t i lu 2W I hl- .BKI a in. Ml'lNii .. Pl.Klvk.u . . ' .4 K l .A " .. Klh KWia.i, " .... U'sithtTr ViHir.M ALIt;l KV jr',',' ..MI.VKi.Mi . i ...Kr.V!t'Nr " ...S.ANI'PAT. Ii "" ill W '4 A.N PHU.HN 'iLKM'i t. "" ... F AlkHKPK, "' n V.NIid , " XX .VI bttL i, a Mountain Kxpresa leaves ;, datsoniyi a; 'i p. tu. : iravt- -.. ttifluM-e. ..i.; rsint, a::,..; 4:io; Pmikertt a:4 : -.I..!,!! wtaal. 6-lje; pine C:i j; ii (ier. : ; Salm-ory Juti.-t;... . t LfVM K'-k.., :i; rives at -tutrM-t, :l-o. Thn.narh Mail train dat'.v. b.xpSHis trail s daily e-i.-e. t ,T A oc.ttn oh. a r I n an-i K..--. tally except Sunday. Tkket orficea. e Fich At . ; streets, an.1 depot wmer iran: n, . PiUat'urKb. Pa. V. K. IJ'KI. (fn. P.. -, , M. CULib.a-tier.i r R0CKW00D He pot. K'-i'tari w x-r u-iie-t. i,. in -niiiht. Ktf3tsur;ttit h -4 lf n in to ulte Dittjlit trMua mill fi.i I vwuicnc. O r-: ; cc i : o z : i go : W O EG r-H IT , O FOtTTZ'S KORSEANO CATTLE P0: rVrt-it w'Tl Af Tf'.' tku. :i Iomu'! Pwtifn ar n.-. in I rr i .kMsT" f-.wdv- will'-'ir-nfipn:v-Tn'in-rtlu P'w'tra will prvint ' f oiiu pt..,T wtil inrrtMt" IV tii:!- sn-1 .Tvuni i-e.tjr per ccul, aw l n.Aic i rtnif Powftf- win nr r f-wTn i1 Di-EvM Ui won h Hon-n l f khh t-. forrz PnwDKB uiAj.fciTtbnaA'.-:-bold everjrwhrre. AID . TOVTZ. Pir?r SAIsTiaiOaX.! Fh. 11 F. W. CLARK VTHOLSEALS PUT AND commissio:i Ktf Corner Main snd Mark-t JOHNSrOWN, vzx aprl SEND STAMP TO F01 C-lTAUXi'JB Ot S, REVOLYEKS. V. HARDER. TY.lCNi: ROUGH ON RHEU MAT:, The Greatest Discc of the Ago for tt Most Torturii: Disease. It is Advertised to do- it His bsenKn to do in Hundreds Cases. Cures Kheumat OiTe it a Trial and e CcrJ V.. UOID, C ?rl It.'"'- WALTER A SDEHSk mmi was. OR. VJ03 ST. AND SITTH ATECt i ii Ml 223 U3ZU'5T PITT9BTJBGH, tehlt :..,r.-- 1 r rrr.f I. nia. w. at 1 -. I mi n Vs TTsnST jaBB aaiiV wr? 3sv - i