Somerset Herald. i GEO. K. SCTLL. Alitor. .December 19, iwa, ,! FtboS. Between this and tbe ,,f January all those indebted to the , rirrtion iith work, adver- c will roeeire nUU-nienta of tbeir :... will Dina settle wilb- . jjjti from that time. W e bave a tiiaiiv account of long standing on ..k? that must be settled on or before iurv 1. Is'- " e nor ,110,, ,,,r wnom meant will attend to this matter !v w ithout further notice. ftiy UMiow at . re HOW goOOS ai nnira.u. 1 lI.1.I..J...l.n'a beautiful line of garnet cloth and la elolhs. 'l oh,n- " Holderbaum's. .. i; 1 -.l. a and 1,0"u" I Mks. A. E. I'blV. V handkerchiefs at Scents, linen at w M-arfs. tu aim ."! !.,-.- a, n. rt!oy'H. . i ....I dolmans at reduced Ia1. jaiKrio k.t il l'. WHOOrlNG COlH andBn n- . ..i:..t.u.t hi' KIiiKiIi'm fur' . iiiinifiiaieiv ico tv. latent styles of hats, caps, gloves, etc., 1 ... ii.-.1.1a.4miiiiiim. recelveu ai jvtiv... K cheapest dolls in town at MRS. A. t KLL . . I - ...,.1 .. largest and txt ei-w-u v , . . ... i.v.l an now be seen we nac r.. .-. r cioiliing r-s'Hi. J. M. ilol-DEKBACM x SONS. lAT il-UKINi COL OH can oe so u , mcvl lo r!iiluh Cure. v e guar- ii. nd uiiitens for girls, hoys, ladies Vl.S Hllvl ( i.iu men. at Ma. A. E. Vbl's. filing and ovcrx-oaU a sicialty at HoLtlLKHAl M S. ; j Yi'V M'KKEU with Iys'iiaand '. Vmipiaiiit ? IShiloh's Vilaozer is .nteeil to cure you. ! lo ad. ...rtinetit of ladies' dress gools IlliT " lailies' cloths, ladies' tyat, nr. hose, etc.. etc., at Hol- umicr .tuiu s. ahite .l Iwl blankets at SJ.25. ,, a! t-;..'; only a few pair left Fnty suits lor men ains'. less a! llerney's. . iav hattirtrtt inmU at V2., cheap j also" heavy bla. k oven.iats from an't le bought in town, only j t,.,-i on : ci , t:. '. lot less than M. i l a;s-t line of silk and linen hand- 1 . !,k is 111 toA n at Mas. A. E. I'hl's I TAUlllI CI Ktl. Iieaitti ami se-i ; MuredbvM..tohst.tarrUiU.uc.v. ,-1EKKTl, pKB,. -Mr. I. T. O le--nvnts Nasal Injector free. ,a f slis.lury. this county, 1 as recenUv best domestic ginghams at 10 cents: , kv1 elllj,.tt.(i , the signal corps of the army . it 1 ful cashmeres at li i-enls, at Uv.ioer- j 1 s- i: DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint j i.i have a printed guarantee oil every bot- J .f Shiloh's Yitalizer. It never fails to I Wasted Maple Sugar. Bacon, Wheat, its. Potatoes and Deans for cash or inex for merchandise of our line of trade. Cook Deekits. T.RiMi your children to see the elevated ii road train running by itw-lf, at. Mks. A. E. I BL3. - , a 1 hr lavest assortment ot oress gooos ami shawls, flannels, etc.. just re-IIolpebbai-m's. iiiiungs veil at . correspond nt writing from the south ' ruI1 0,lt" we publish the following amenrt he county says : ' 'Rough on Kheuma, I meI)t tl ,.e p,,, pae.l by the state 1 knocks the eternal sulTering of ht j lti-lature in lssi: -That no trs..n shall kill r.lV ilisease or pursue in any port of thia State, any elk " Hr.haMlsoniesI lineofChrisima presents , r ha.i. and at the lowest prices, at I Mb. A. E. I hls. tnil.OHS COI'GH and Consumption j-e is jolil hv us on a 11 cum siimiticr . li ..l .... 1 : . . or iai rones. Horse Diainvcii-, ioj-s, to Ilolderbaimi s. 'in across the Mississippi, car load (170 choice hand picked fll and winter k; to ar-ive this week. Now is the time uv them. Send ill your orders. Cook A Dei-kits. ttmt ternl.le t-oiii:b. Shiloh's Cure is the melv for vou. iThe lavt of childrena' schol t-. ladies shoes, men and Isiy's boots la slurs in town mill be found at I Holders iri'i. hai's Pest Flour, manufactured un Y the "r. gradual nsludion process, I Simon (iebhart Swis. Try a barrl. p e $J JO less than Yienna. ? Cook A Beekits. X 'Tr'.n X rm 's Cough Syrnp, Lini-sti-t. Horse and Cattle Powder have, by Jrir g.Nii:es., paired a large sale. The ire and j f,iv suits ne. Alsi try Bum trail's Worm Syrup f Ele-jant Christmas Cards! Ciis. H. Fish-p- of the P. . an elegant assort k nl of CliHst.iiR and Ne Year's canls. A f'rf l"t of small, cheap Chri:inas and New ir suitaDle for Sunday and day "Is. '.f'T M r.KCT. Main Strett. We have ' a a la-. e Rrfrimrator to our Meat :;-k.-t in which all niest ian be kej coo' K'.t i'un. XU:ton. p.e.f. pork. Ac. kept jnts'sntly on hand. in daily. Parties an inc tueat mn l,ve it kejit in the Refrig Tator until asnted. I Wejave. also. W.Utt new brick for sale. !' iv h m e m ill seil by the hundred or lhons- u ai a low pn. Roas IIavis A Co. ''VtlXrV III! It. id Prn...... T u v ,i:fn.r,.i r -o .i 1. ai: uen.. it j nr as mater, and. a. ia. name indicates, is I " rWyYecctatlellair Restorer. It will niliately free the h-ad from all dandruff, !i f V ... : - - . t 1 1 i r- -u w jis natural color, anu rs.K a new prewth where it has falien if5 " not in anv niar.ner affe1 the i!'h. miii.h sulphur, siimr of lead an " f 'lilver prorations have d. ii rtHft luj-ht or faded hair in a ft )rv i.. a Srtu; jfu (U0,My jrom.n At y.our VlCfist i jt FjK.h warr,nt .nth, K'.me 4 ., mholes,!, airw.ts. Thil )B phia, a,,d H.:i 4 R1Ickei Sw York. f D- k u, your iMe,t and bnv where vou n to the b. adv.atage. and get pure . gsK In mv, to jllsur tliw wo Jiang, . would advi our readers to bnr li eri ndgs, turticin,,. etc at Campbell f 4 Main street. Cllon h: ! wn. and you will nvimed that what ' say i correct. 1 would rec:fu!Iv inf,-- at friends of S'luerset iLty that I Uv. ojined anew -n:sst..reat22 Maia Street, Johnstown. 1 a.. wheW 1 Woa;d , . I .Is' MBs Stai Periunieir "1 Fancy Uaal. ..n I. w.Hud call attentioa ik. inmA. a , .uwj, 1 ui? j owaerea 1 r.pU a- , , HelleUire. Persian l.. t P...H.M- neea ot anything in the He Im rtJe see me or write for A" inquirin cheerfully answered. CbaB. (tBIETtTH 232 Main Street. Sw v -"--.cBOLa, wme with airistmas j I'l'J . Mas. A.E.CHL. in. NisH An a'lj'iurnoil rourt will be held Thurs .Vow f.r ChriMiuas, aoj the merry holi-1 day. I ' " The IIeM.D wixhe iu ,trons a very nii rry Cliri.-mas. The stive! i'il'ttil school kerp ihcyouuj; stersoiit "f it. Wfial have y.u b tiilii fur your girl's Christina JTest nt ? . Hora:e Ume, hij., of Johnstown, was thrown from his sleigh and slightly injured, Saturday. The !!eighing has bwn riirtit frKd for the at few days, an J the owuers of hoixs and cutttrs hak e bwn making p.xHl use of it. Judge Jeremiah S. J51ack has been in Somerset for the ast few days, called hither by the illness of his sisvr, Mrs. Tredwell. The countenance of our genial Jenner township friend, Mr. Worth Picking. i. wreathed in smilea. There's two of tlnin, and they're bovs. The Attorney General has given au opin ion tiiat all arsonages owned by churches or religious societies, must betaxcii the same as other dwelling bouses. Some one must be getting up a corner in turkeys in this section, or the ruffling match es have cleaned theui out. Least wi.e, there is a great scarcity of the birds just now. The probabilities are that the county Teachers' Institute, which meets in the Court House next Monday, will be more largely attended than any of its predecess-predtx-essors. The drawing of a fifty-four dollar set of furniture took plu-e ut Wave A lieikebile's establishment Saturday night, and resulted in the landlady of the (iladc. House secur ing the prize. The coming Christmas will be a merry one. The people Seem to be happier and have more money than any Christmas for many years. Another thing, everybody seems more inclined to celebrate this year than for a long time. Mr. Jacob J. Yoimkiij. of Lower Turkey township, for twenty-two years a suh scriher to the IIfrai.d, called to renew his subscription Monday. Mr. Younkin is in the seventy-fifth year of his ego, is hale and hearty, and has scarcely a gray hair on his We are glad to I able to announce that Commissioner Shaffer, whose serious illness was mentioned in the Heeli last week, is improving and is 011 a fair road to recovery. He is still confined to the limine of Com luisMoncr flruhauer, in Berlin, but his phy sician thinks he w ill he able to he moved to his own home bv the tirst of next week. The number of school fli-tricts in the state j of Pentisj lvania, as shown by the lal annu- kl ri rt of the sUiM'rinteiident of public in- structioii, is now - the number of di rectors. 14.000; teachers employed in c .111- 111011 schools. ; the numiieroi pupils enrolled, iKI.T-PJ; total niiuilH-rof schools, i l-.s-'iv). of which 7,-TT are graded schools; I total annual cost of 'the svstem. it .HiU.TOI t'l; I ai;J t'le estimated value of sclnsd ppjerty ! in round iHiii.Ur-. a'-out ot0. m the rw.,u,u,.n,laiiaii of Ir. 1'enrod. He . ..! i-!.ir was assignetl to uuty 111 me ciiiei signal 01- f, Wasl.i t m, and is now the short hand reporter for the Pay and Disbursing oflicerof the scrxice. Our ice men hive ben h i-v us b.-avers during the past few days and have sueiwed ed in harvesting a fine crop of ice, ranging from six to nine inches in thickness. Profit ing by last year's experience, they went to work on the first freeze and kept at it steadily ever siin-e. M't of the houses of the town are now filled, and tbe average citizen don't care whether we have any more vervcold weather or not. For the benefit of our hunter friends who lare cor.stantlv asking uas to when "deer or wild deer, save on'y from the 1 it day of October in any year to the 31st day of De cember following." The penalty for the vi olation of this act is fifty dollars for each offense. We hope all whom this may con cern will bear in mind that deer don't "run out until the thirtv-first d.iv of December. The Somerset it Cambria Railroad is forty six miles long, and has already proved an inqv.irtant feeiier to the Baltimore A Ohio system, ast quantities or iron ore from Spain, Elba, and A'.gier", are brought eco- nouiicallv to Johnstown, the flight charge from mine t- fnriisi-e being less than $4..r0 pr ton. The sunnnit of the road, three miles north .of Somerset, is feet alsive title-water. The ad has twelve substantial iron bridges.over the S'.onymck. The st-el rails and stone ballast are standard in every respect. Local developi.ients ill ore mines, coal, charcal, limetoiie and tire-clay are taking piace every week. Seven creameries furnish excellent butter and cheese, and are turning out 1,3m xunils of butter per diem. Somerset county is the boss" county in the I'uited S.ates for maple sugar. The earnings of the branch for the first year were over f piO.OUO very gnsl result for the managers? Destrhtive Fire. m the evening of De ember IS. ls-s Mr. Henry Hecker's hou-. with its entire contents, was consumed by fire. The fire originated in the garret and lief re it was discovered the entire building waa in fl.nies and the family, consisting of seven small children barely escail mith their liv.-s. The Cold mas ) inWnse that betore xssistance could be rendered the children almost perishsl. Tiie children are ail miiuM. ther a:es Moving fr in 9 months to H years. They saved Iiotning whatever.' and are now thrown on the hari:y of the j i.ub.ic tor iirotection. A solicitation and ' piva for them is made to tno good jwsiple of our town for ui-.l No money is asked, but Ciotbimt, shoes and Iiedding is badly needed for the cinhireii an. I mother iu this their hour of sore distress. All tlotuMhM can le left at tbe store of Frease A Koowr, S-'iner- 111J tbe ihauKS ai:d pra-rs ot a sna-r- ...... "" homeless n.ioren n, reuirn j " P "lf ""D ciotmiig lor ( boys and girls. Will not some of the ladies ; of ur town take this in hand, and provide a j Christmas lor the homeless? m.m. n. f.Jlowim; in recard to the saie of t.VXj.ond. will be vlaeed immediately. Tbe famous Bedford Spring property is taken Vompany will begin work right away. Every from a Bedford exchange of last wet k: thing is in readiness. The road must be "Bedford Springs, Pennsvlvania's famou completed iu eighteen months or two years, summer resort. about to change hands et Ul be an ex eusion of the Philadelphia The deed has t-een Mgned hv all the Ander-1 Reading to Chicago and tbe Northwest, son heirs aad is now d pished here with j will connect with the Pittsburgh A Lake the law finaof Riss.11 A Lougcnecker. ltiie on theSouthside. Tbe Lake Eneouu- .a.W to G.rge W. Muliin. of Phiiadel; phia, and is to lw lifted on tbe l-th of nex. 1 Manh upon the granU-e dejxisiting two- ., . r .u. 1.-.- .... . . miros ui titv iiuioj-s ....... , : I gage for the remaining third with the bank nit house of Hartley A Bowers, in this place. Tbe price is t i5. and the roort- itf is to be riven to secure Mrs. Anderson's dower in the pr.rty. The deed con veys the various aprii-ps and building and about ! railroad. Tbe line will Deconstmcwa wiiu 1. acres of land. Mr. Mallin isorganixing , a view to rapid transit for both aengers aeompanv with a capital stock of tpOO.OiiO, and freight. The Reading, tbe Lake Erie divided into twenty Miares. each share to be I and tbe I-ake Shore are already famous lo fcS out). One-half the capital will be used J cally for these qualities, which are wirtoea i .'.vment for the" wonerty and the bal- in a railroad. If the South Pennsylvania ance will be employed iu erecting new buildings and imjoving the grounds. It is rumored Uiat among the stockholders will I such well known capitalist Judge: Leisenring. of Mancta Cbanch; William H. J How soon will this agreement be signed scription. Parents can get nice gift books ' much admired, and her moral qualities en Vanderbilt's sou ami son-in-law, and the by the Pittsburgh and Lake Erie and the j for Christmas presents, teachers IWks for deared ber to ber friends. Wit that never sons of tbe late Asa I'acker. Negotiations Lake Shore, and bow long wiil it take to their scholars, scholars books nr their failed, was united with kindness which st are now pewling for a transfer of a a trull- place thetJO.000.000 first mortgage bonds T j teaciiera, books for sweet hearts, books lor tracted all wbo knew tier. Before her mat ing interest to the Sooth Pennsylvania R. j " It is being done now. A very few days , lovers, books for brothers, sisters, mothers, riage she became a disciple of the Christian R. Comimnv and it is believed that the cotupanv wiU take such an interest." JC S-ri the pnvpmsnts and the crossing, and iKu&le aslie on the alippery walks. It is humane to jy a tetitjon to thee mat- ,hU ieM(0n tbe . It is not necessary to pick our word in th iudelntaia Time,. th 1 rofictQ of which journal appcMrs in i another column. The Timer has pit to be a jeort of necessitv with some people of tbia eommanitr and It ouht to be with many I more. It lim nuiiy imitators all over the ' lm.1, but th.-re is really nothing like The Irmn Maine to t -nil forma Ve bave persuaded ourselves at times that tbe reason the e'ple like it so much is that it is cou stantly giving its readers juicy bites from the sunny side of the journalistic peach. Ax Aobeeabi.e Scapaisic On the evening of theCtb of December, while William IL Miller and family were pleasantly seated around the fireside, they were very agreea bly serenaded by Homer's I'nion Ciruet Hand. This being the 'Squire's birthday, these merry fellow meant to make thebet of it. After playi.14 several tunes in front of the house they were invited in to partake of an elegant snpicr, which had been pre pared by the 'Squire's good wife. This band is in its infancy, but under the able instruction of Prof. Kautz, of Jennerville, it promises to be the best band in the county. As ETE-wrrsKsa. TEMPKBANi r Cokvektioh. A convention of Somerset county is hereby called to meet in the Court House at 2 o'clock p. m. on Wednesday of Teachers' Institute week, to effect a county organization auxiliary to the State Constitutional Amendment Associa tion. All citiz.Mis of the county in sympa thy with the contemplated prohibition, by constitutional amendment, of the manufac ture and sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage, are earnestly urged to be in at tendance at the formation of a county asso ciation, the work of whose executive com 111 it tee mill be prompt organization of dis trict a-"soci:Uions over the eutire county. By order of the Committee. How to Onik tb Christmas Tcbkey. A lady who is reputed to always have "good roast turkey." wrote out the following: "Cnless it is badly soiled, never soak, wash, or wet a turkey, as many do. Indeed washing injures any kind of meats and fish, except tbos kept in salt brine. Carefully draw the turkey, and wipe thopjughly in aide and out with a dry towel. It will thus keep longer uncooked, and be better flavor ed. If it chances to be.a tough one, steam it an hour or two, as needed, before baking. If one has not a steamer large enough, as few have, it may be done in a wash boiler, supoortiug the bird above the water on a couple of inverted basins, or suspending it by strings from the handles. My family has learned to like plaiu stuffing rather than the highly seasoned, rich, indigestible dressing so much in vogue. I use stale bread, chop-d fine, just moistened with scalding mater, not to a 'mush,' and add a little butler, t-alt, pepper, and, if desired, a small pinch of sweet marjoram or thyme; most like sum mer savory. After stuffing ami sewiiiK, fasten the wiugs and legs down closely mith skemers or by tying with sirin U ist in the dripping u without wat.-r. To keep the skm from scorching ' haste now and then with a little water sea- .! 1111 but. er and salt. Duke through uoitorniW to a light brown, avoiding bum nig or hardening any irt. A good oyster stuttiug, when easily obtainable, is liked by many as follows: Drain off most of the liquor from the oysters, season with suffi cient butter and peptier and roll them in crac k r and bread cruiulis. Fill the cavity of the turkey entirely with tlnwe." The Xnrtk Amrrirnn' RTinr tor January opens m iih a symposium in which three ol the prominent advocates in this coun try of the Revision of Church Creeds," namely Rev. Dr. Newman Smyth. Rev. Henry Ward Be her, and Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott, set forth the grounds opon which such revision is deemed necessary as a de fense of revealed religion against the en croachments of skepticism, and as an ad- .. X justment of the relations Detween iaun anu science. "University Education for Wo men." a question that just now is being warmly agitated both here and in England, is discussed by Prof. W. Le Conte Stevens who, though be realously advocates the measure, commands the attention and re sect of its opponents by the eminent fair ness with which he states the adverse argu ments. Prof. Isaac L. Rice gives a " Defini tion of liberty," deduced from a profound ly philosophical study of the phases of political evolution, from the earliest Anglo Saxon times to the present day. "American K11glu.l1." by Gilbert M. Tucker, is a spirited defense of our cis-Atlantic fashion of Eng lish sje-ch against the aspersions of sundry British critics. The Rev. Dr. II. W.Thomas writes an article that can hardly fail to strike a sympathetic chord in many a mind, on "The Eoponsibililies of Progressive Think ers." -Bigotry in the Medical Profession," by Dr. David Hunt, is a protest, from the pen of a resisted member of the medical profession, against the First Commandment of medical ethics, which forbids association, with aiiA- but regular practitioners. Fiuaily, Charles' T. Cotiplou, under the singularly ai title of "Adulteration of Intelligence," expose some of the grave evils to be appre hended from tbe monopolization of tele graph lines, press associations, and inffueu pubiic journals. Published at 30 Lafay ete Pbn-e. New York. V . I T- . .-N & Tm SotTH PEX5. Last weeK menuon Thc Soith Pes. Last week was made in these columns about an agree ment entered flito by President Gowen, of the Philadelphia A Reading railroad, and Mr. Win. H. Vanderbilt. Further details are given in the following Philadelphia dispatch, under date of 11th inst. : The directors of the Philadelphia & Read ing raiiroad have approved the irathc agree ment with the Coal and Iron Company, Pittsburgh, MiKeesport A Youghiogheny, Pittsburgh A Erie. Lake Shore A Michigan tv.u;heru and .South Pennsylvania Cumpatt- ies A mortgage of JU,w.iU.Tm) is to be cre- lo buiid lue South 1 ei.iisyivania. eacu company named agreeing to set apart 20 per cent, or the griwa earnings accuiuuiiuiiiB from new business to meet the interest on the mortgage. In the Pittsburgh Dirpatch of Wednesday there is published an interview with Presi- ! dent Drvcrcaui. of the Cleveland, Columbus Cincinnati aud lutnaiiapolia railroad, in re- ...... M th . g-. . i"'""" "77 " ' ' " iere w ,v. - sued lor uie const ruciiou u. mc sj lvania road. We condense as follows : "It will make the paper of the South Pennsylvania g.iod and the nna mortgage necta with tbe Lake Miore ana Micnigan Stut hero ana inai m "'"-T"'- jfcnd Idling, wuicu . -sw inncii mVht to ana pmiuiumcc a hit - Vinml line in tlie country. " What kind of a future do yon picture for the new trunk liner - Everybody knows that there is room and business en-igh in Pennsylvania for two can be made equally aa good as tbe three stent kined, and it oagb t to be for $20,000.(Xa the line conlj be made the fastest in Uie TniteJ State. will be required to settle the cosine, as uie entire plan lias been perfectly matured. - Miltobd Siatioj Itfms. ilercurv tbree dwrifes below eero this I morning. Tbe old house, known as tbe Henry Heart property, one-half mile from Walter's mill, and occupied by ilr. Henry Hecker.was destroyed by fire on the 19th inst. Report of the Petersburg graded school for j tbe month ending Uecemoer , lBf- 51. Whole No. in attendance dur. month 13 F. m a venue attendance during month 11 p..r cent of attendance dunna-month i TUosewho attended every day of the month j are K.L. Mitchell. William Shirer, Grant Ooff, F. Shirer, W. Jeffries, O. Nicilow, Charles Shirer, M. L. Wright, M. L. Deau. Mary Rishebarger, E. L. Col born, Carrie Hartiell, VeuieB rd, Emma Roberts, M. L. Rosa and Laura WnghU A. J. IIiLEMA.i, Teacher. Report of Confluence public schools for tbe mouth ending December 12th : ORADI KO. 1 i. SCHBOl-K, TEACMIB. M. V. No. in attendance during month 26 24 Average " " " . 25 23 Per ct. of " " " 7 'M T. 50 48 97 BADB XO. 2 BATTIE HAMSOM, TEACHfcB. M. F. T. No. in attendance during month 35 28 C3- ATerage " " . " 32 26 58 Perct-of " " M H3 93 Number of pupils present every day during month, 40; number of visits by patrons, . Report of Dwire school for secoud month ending December 7, 1SM2: Whole No. during month, 4!). Average " 3H. Perceut. " " 81. Per cent, during term, 82. Scholars that were present every day: Harry Yough, Silas Nicholson, John Vough, Willie Hicks, Alice Yough, and Ma tilda Yough. Visits by directors, none; by county siierintei.(ient, one; by citizens and friends, eleven. The month was pleasantly spent and we believe all were benefited. A. J. Semboweb, Teacher. " Wiley Duke," oue of the Short-horns brought from Kentucky last February by Zimmerman A Stulft, now at the head of Jacob J. Zimmerman's herd of Short-horns waa weighed at Stoystown December 9th. He tipped the beam at 2.300 pounds. Wiley Duke 0239 Kentucky Reg., red, bred by W. II. Richardson, Elk Hill, Lexington, Ky.. is from a noted family. His dam, Miss Wiley, is from a very noted family in England. Many of the descendants of Imp., Miss Hud son, have been sold for from $2,000 to $3,000 und the Louden Duchess branch have made from $2,000 to $,000 per head. Lady Chan dos, the sister of Miss Wiley, sras a famous show cow in England, while the Louden Duchesses have been famous prite takers in this country. Mr. Z takes great interest in his herd, and has some fine specimens of Short-horns. Si-fscbibeb. Histobt op Bedfomp and Somerset Cofti ties. Since the organization of Somerset county it is most" astonishing to note the great changes that have been wrought on tbe face of nature by the intelligent labor lerforuied by all industrious and progres sive jieople. The almost impenetrable for- 1 esis hae been he. 11 down and in their ! j.;ace can be found fine farms and farm i buildings and many little busy marts of I trade. Streams that were wont to be ford ed bave been bridged and in the place of the Indian migwams can he found comforta hie houses and many church spires pointing upward. Aside from attending to their pri vate affairs our people have ever taken a prominent part in State and national affairs and have well sustained their position During the war f the rebellion they nobly responded to our country's call, and many a brave man laid down his life in behalf of his country, 'n fact they have been pro gressive and kept up with the wonderful progress made by the world in the last cen tury. The question now presents itself as to whether the people of this county, from the first adventuresome frontiersman who pen etrated the wilderness and established a home for himself and family, down to the present time shall have their deeds recorded in imperishable history, and honor accord ed thee to whom honor Is due. Whethe r those who have bv.patient toil and industry brought our county to its present high state of productiveness and those who bave serv ed in township, county, State or national affairs, whether dead or living, shall have their names and deeds appropriately record ed on the pages of history. As has been announced, the publishing house of Water man, Watkins A Co., proposes publishing an elegant history of our couty, including Bedford, and we trust that our people will consult their own interests and patronize them liberally that the work may go for ward This should be neglected no longer, and it behooves us all to interest ourselves in the matter, and to furnish all the infor mation and assistance we can. The history of our soldiers alone, which will be embod ied in the work, were there no other consid eration. should be sufficient incentive to cause us to give the projeet our nniversal support. A former issue contained an out line prospectus of the proposed work, which is worthy of careful tirrusal. Always something new. at Wayne Berkebiie's. uid Heffley sells men's heavy over and dress coats to close at $2-t0 worth $-.00. Must be sold. ' Any of our customers Jesiring to procure mince meat ready for baking can do so by calling at our meat market on Main Cross street. Rose Davis A Co. The Somerset Steam Grist Mill is offered for sale or rent. For information apply to J. II. Zimmerman, Somerset, Pa. J. II. Zimmebmas. Boy's bats and caps at 25 cents, men's bats and caps at 35 to 4 cents. Cudershirts 25 cents les lhan eost ririiH. Men' h.1.1. ivTCCillff, Vl'TI v . ov ceuui. 1.011 iiui 10 uui -. I. -. r - . T 1 -. r . ! . 11 at IDrRey's before they are all sold. Ovm ns. Weeipeet to receive at least 50 gailims and a large lot of half cans of oys ters during Uie holidays. Don't fail to give as a call if you want fresh goods. Remem ber the place, basement of Cook & Beerits. W. II. PLATT. Dav and evening atliutrinn thrones are! seeu in the drug store of C. N. B-yd mak ing purchases fur the holiday s. The stock on his cuuuli-rs is by far the finest ever brought to Somerset, and cannot fail to please everyone. Presents front five cents to twenty dollars. All are nrged to call and see these goods, whether they wish to pur chase or not. local no. i. School teachers, and all other persons wLo visit Somerset during the Holidays, a:e re spectfully invited to call at the Mammoth Gr-)cery. on Main Cross street, near the Court House, and if, after taking a bird's eye view of the immense line of goods in stock and learning prices, yon are convinced that we are neadquaiters in the county for anything aud everything in our line ol trade you may need from a stick of candy to a bag of pea nuts, a car load of Gebhart's Floor, or even a ton of tobacco, then, as a matter of interest to yourselves, your sweet hearts, yoar wives and children, and other people's children, we ask that yoa invest in and take home with you such article as will make all happy, healthful, merry and cheerful. Respectfully, Coog A BCESITB. Books, books, books : The place to bny books is at a bookstore, and tbe only book atore ha Somerset county is operated by Chas. j H. Fisher jn Cook A Beerits' block. Somer- I set, where may be bought books of every de - ! tauten I xtooss lor every Doay at flaAers Jookl ijtooK ewe. ' Go to Wayne A Bfrkebile's tor Christmas . i'resenta. Five thousand Cbrfetinas presents from one penny np, at Ma. A. E. Uhl'h. The cheapest, tbe best, and most complete assortment of Christmas books, pictures, rtc in town are to be found at tbe rooms of Julius Welfley, and don't you forget it. tOCAL so. 2. ' Read our No. 1 iu these columns, and "'"r" ... l... . 1. ........... It ittt, la f fiinter! J. t " J.'" ; .1VW IU IV,VS V.I pfc --v " - sis ting of 'the most complete line of tine family groceries ever exhibited ia Somerset county. 2.UU0 pounds of stick and fine mixed candies, 2,500 pounds of tobacco, and 20,0it0 ciears, the best selected stock, prices considered, in Western Pennsylvania. IU) bushels choice Yirginia hand-picked peanuts at 5 cents a quart, or 10 cents a pound. Flour, salt, oats, corn, and rye feed and oils bv the car load, all of which is offered for sale retail or wholesale, at prices which can not be affected by competition. Cook A Befbith. Your Christmas will not be perfect unless you see our elegant stock of beautiful things selected expressly for this season's holiday trade. It includes everything new in jew elry, watches, bracelets, chains, pins, rings, sleeve-buttons, etc., etc., and also many unique and artistic designs in Holiday nov elties, which must be seen to be appreciated. Our Christmas will not be complete un less our endeavors to present an attractive display of Christmas goods are compliment ed by your approval. Call and see us wheth er you wish to buy or not. A sight of tbe inside of our store will do your eyes good and we will be glad to see you. Remember the place. E. McDowell, Somerset, Pa. Holiday furniture at Wayne A Berkebiie's LOCAL KO. 3. Taking for granted that everybody has read Nos. 1 and 2 to be found in local columns of this paper, it is our object now to call aitcntion to the fact th;tt we whole sale largely in flour, sugar, coffee, syrujo, carbon oil, salt, soaps, tobacco, cigars, pea nuts, candies, spices, canned goods, crack ers, etc., most of which we offer at prices not higher than city quotations, bx-al freight added. Bear this in mind, brother dealers, and when in need of goods above named give us a call, and we will try and make it financially beneficial to both you and us. C000K A Beebith. That old established remedy. Downs' El ixir still more man 11010s us own 111 uie public estimation.lespite sharp and active competition. It is a "home remedy, ami in this locality needs no words of praise from us, so well and favorably known is it. It is thes andard remedy for coughs, colds and all throat troubles, with irreat nuniliers of our people, and their continued use and unso licited recommendation of it speaks volumes in its favor. Burlington, Vt., Free 'rest, January 2G, 1HH2. LOCAL SO. 4. After reading Nos. 1 to 4, you are prepared tor something more. Gebhart's Iwst flour, manufactured under the new process, is destined to drive all other brands off the market nnless something turns up very soon to stop the cyclone. We control the sale of this flour for Somerset county, and besides our retail trade of one hundred barrels a month, we are jobbing to dealers in Meyers dale, Stoystown, Shanksville and Friedenit burg. and the way is open for at least one dealer in every town in the county. Whom shall we hear from first? Don't all speak at once. Cook A BeebitS. Elegant Iloliilay presents! F.leeant pres ents for the Holidays at Chas. H. Fislier's Bookstore, consisting in part of Bibles, Hymn Books, Testaments, photograph and autograph albums, box papers, purses, writing desks, fames, a large and elegant selection of of books, beautiful toy books for the little ones, and elegant volumes of po etry for the older ones. LOCAL HO 5. Now, then, resting assured yon have no ticed ourJSos. 1.2. Sand 4, let yoor atten tion be directed to No. 5. which though last, rnav not be least of all in importance. Christmas comes but once a rear, when everybody wants to lie happy, filled tip and running over, therefore, let your steps be directed to the Mammoth Grocery, and if after seeing our selections of Holiday goods, consisting of toys by the wagan load, candies by the ton, oranges, lemons, bannanas, co coanuts, almonds, walnuts, cream nuts, fil berts, jieanuts, grapes, raisins, figs, dates, apples, and one hundred other items not mentioned. If yoa are not prepared to buy we will make you a present of at least one stick of candv. anil wish voq a Merrr Christmas, and Happy New Year bessiiies. Respectfully, Cook & Beerits. Goods roa Christ as Pbfjse.xt. I offers large line of beautiful engravings in hand some frames, more than fifty choice subjects and the finest lot of this sort of goods ever brought to Somerset. Also a full assort ment of panel pictures, statuary, flowers. tc. Beautiful hand-painted plaques of assorted sizes and handsome designs. Plaque bang ers and easels. Nice imitation birch bark pictures, wall-pockets, and Japanese brack ets at low prices. Christmas cards in great variety, including Prang's choicest and best designs. Also a large and well selected stock of books of every description, standard histories, sets of Dickens, Scott, Thackeray, etc., at about half the usual price. Elegant presentation books, all the popular rioets in fancy and plain binding. Children's hooks in great profusion, from the common toy book to the finest specimen known to the bookmaker's art, all of which will be sold at figures greatly below the cata'ogue prices. Call and seenie. and examine these goods for yourselves. Rooms open in the evening. W. H. Welfley. MARRIED. RIXGLEU KIMMEL. At the Lutheran parsonage, December 10, l2, by Rev. J. W Puftinberger, V. H. Ringler to Jennie j E. Kimniel, both of Stonycreek, Somerset couuty, Pa. QCEER BO LINGER. At the Congruity Parsonage, December 7, 1N2. by Rev. E. Robinson. Mr. William Queer of New Alex andria, Pa., and Miss Catharine Boiinger, of Congruity, Pa. VIED. BIEtsECKER. On the evening of the 10th inst., after a protracted ilinese, Mrs. Agnes B., wife of Abraham Bievecker, of Jenner township. ' he hath escaped ail danger now, Her pain and fighting all are fled; The crown of joy ia on her brow, Eternal glories o'er her shed." Died, at her resilience in Somerset on the ' evening of the 15th inst., Mrs. Mary Ann Tredwell, aged i years. Sne was the only daughter of Judge Hen ry Black, and was born at the place seven miles east of this town, where her father was born, lived and died. In 1S3H she was mar ried to Mr. Miller Tredwell,' who preceded her to the grave only about seven months. She bad oue son and three grandchildren. who survive her. After her marriage, and down to the time of her death she lived here and was always during that time an im- portant part of our social system, though for j some years she suffered much from ill health. 1 Her uncommon intellectual ability was cnurcn ana was ever seauoosin the cause. wimoni snaoe oi mgotry to ctouo ner ge- nial and true-hearted benevolence-. Tbrou all her misnirtntiw and "ber sufferings her faith never faltered, and the brightness her hope never grew dim. Anion;! the last articulate sentences she w: able to n.ter. weretiiee: "On this rock I rwt ; Thou art my refuge, my strength and my ncdeenier.' The funeral on Sunday was largely attended by frieritrj and relatives, and the services j were most impressively conducted by Rev. Mr. Ihmcan, of tbe Presbyterian church. Hear what on member of the Pro fession testifies regarding the scientific preparation of a brother member. Mr. bawley has been lata drug badness fa the city of ProvMene IwsrtT-flre years ml clerk and proprietor la jrood stasxling, aad knows whereof ha alnrma fto. Mr. I. says: "Fur many years I bare (uttered, uteuMly at times, wtita what Is geosrally called r tit mat ism. When nrst attacked I was eonna d to my bed aad eoull not walk a step. I etmld not bear tha weight of th bed clothes, so axera elatlngwas the agony I cuvlurau. I always no tfcad that before thtaa attacks came on my kid neys war affected; be fur than would be any pain In my limbs or any swelling ol joints or limbs, th euler of tb seeretfons from tut kidneys Would ba vary dark and the odor strong and le vwrlsh. Th last attack waa very tvr about fire years ago, and I was conflaed to th bwue sev eral weeks, and was nnabla to attend to badness In thro months. During the time I was cod fined t home, and th time of my convalescence I em ployed four of the beet doctors that I could ob tain, but none of them gar m permanent relief, tor they did not go to work at th cant of Lb trouble. Having been acquainted with ih pro prietor of Hunt Bemtdy for a long time I was Induced by him to give It a trial, hoping that It might reach th seat of th disease; and anr 1 taking on bottl I found myself very muih im proved, aad alter taking tb seouad I was feeling better than I had after any previous stuck. Daring many months previous to u king tbe hem dy, my hands and Sogers would b much iwol len and stiff every morning; my left tide In the region or stomach and splesn was very lame and seusltiv; at time I would b taken with severe cramps over tb spleen, and be obliged to apply mustard or cayenn fur temporary relief; I was very nervous nights, and could not sleep; I was obliged to be very particular In my diet, and my physical system was cadly demoralised. Bine I han t.k.n n,i.,.ll...ll. .11 bare taken Hunt a Remedy aynematkally all these things bare changed; 1 bare no saollen bands or limbs, no pain or cramp In th side, can eat all kind, o, food, sleep soundly and get thi roughly rested, and my kidneys are actlv and perform their functions promptly, thus taking out of ,h. system all th. I-l.-r-Uun.wM oootamlnat th wbola system where tbe Kidneys do not act emcieuuy. My friends, what Hunt Remedy has done fur me It will do for all of yon. 1 it to be tbe only sure cure for all dis eases of the kidneys, ilrer and urinary organs. Re-pecifolly, E.R.DAWLEY, 44 Hroad Street." MOSIERNET If AKHET Corrected by Oooa a bbbbit. obalkh is CHOICE GROCERIES, FLOUR A FEED Apple". dried, fl It Appienuttor. W gal Knot, if l'O ts liutler, f) B (kea) (roll) Buckwheat V buah meal, 100 as Beeswax f bacon, Bbuuldera, r ft.... Bides, country hami. ...... TSIOc IMwei tl -tit ! 1-J0 e Tic 2,'vfio 1c ....VltilU ,. ..lisailfte ...U rt lie "Oiasoc 1 iO , 3c Sc 2Ac , te tog? oo Toe 1 VJrHl&c oi nTnc ?:vioe , i oo WVijUoe o .1 c St-rjioe 7ou lc ..41 rx2 00 ,.14;.l&o , , 00 9c - lue llrg 4C i7e l 00 S450: Corn, (ear) new fl bushel (shelled) old " " meal V t Calf eKlns, ft t Kaas, V dot. Floor, V bbl t-laiaced. f Lu. (AO fa) Hams. (fnnr-eureu) ft l Ijird. tV B Leather, red sole, )) - upi-er, " kip. " Middllr.KS. and chop 100 ... Oats, f bo f no (new) Pearlies, oried, 'fl t Kve. l hu , Kaaa. ft Salt, X-jl L, bhl. extra - tin. una Alum persat-K.. " Ashnin. per tack Suxar, yellow fl l while Tsllow. Wheat. M ba W ool, t ft o UPIIAX'S COURT SALE OF By virtu of an order of the Orphans' Court of Somerset county, to me directed, I will expue to ale by public outcry, on Ttmrxlay, January 18, 1SS0, at 10 o'clock a. m, on the premises, the follnwlna deseritied real estate, late the property of John W. Halnea, deceased. A certain tract of land, ill ante in Jenner Twp, Somerset County, pa. eonalnlna Z40 acres and alloWAB e, 190 acres thereof clearetl and under good atatoof eo livatl a. haianee well timbered. S'ljolnin; lanls of M tchaet Cover. V m Kaldwin. K line and others, luvins; thereon erected a koou frame Dwelling House, bank barn 40xCI, spring house and other ouiballd. iuit: then Is a Urs;e and thrifty i1 bearina orchanl of 4HC tree of 40 choice vaiietle on this farm two foar-foot veins of oual opened and ready to work; alao, a lare vein ol iron ore of araal quality. It Is well supplied with sever tallin iilcuu of water, aud is one of the nvxt central ly located farms in Jenner township, sltaate on tb Bedford and Greeasburc turnpike, two miie fr-m JeULertown and havinir Lto-oi boa-eand ei.ureh within I S of a mile from dwelling house, .'4 mil to gnat and saw mill. TERMS : One-third to remain alien oa the premise after the payment of debts, tbe interest to be paid to the widow anoaall' dunna ber life, aad at her drth tbe principal to tbe telrs of deeesanl; owe thlnl easa. and th balance m two equal annual pat menu frcm oat ol sale with inureat; 10 per eibt. to be paid when pntpeny Is knocked down; 0otr and payments to be srenrea b. judamcnl note JOIaH Kl.LLKH, aecX AdmisUtiator and Irusie. YaluaDlB RealEs Th people iretierally set that which they make a market lor. They demanded better newpa pers. sad within th la lew ycrs journal) a ba m vi rapid llri lea. Ttib Tl VI KS. waieh. from tbe day of It nrst iasue. to-k place 11 the front rank of proa; eive ornalii-n, hx keut alone at the doible qnlek rep. and at thta tine I a belter newtpaper than ever. It ia a J urnal tba never ab-ep sod never take bnlidav. A t here are 1 rim. ao there are ftj lsue of T H E T 1 ! tS la a ) r The week dv edlll m of THE TI -i ES w of f-mr paa-es. bina in a form tmitable for the buy men or Ih bay wonua. Tbe San-lay eiri.. of eiaht; pa-. enntal a Kreatdealof the l-et mta-e-llariT as well a all the aew The edltorul rw eta of TH E TIM r'S need n- Iv dwelt upon the tact that I' I quired m .r 1 ban any other paper ia America I sufficient evi'lenc of It exeet-lern-e ! that dtree-toa. Nor need tne typ-arapblcU up.Tiunty be more than mentloaetl fur It i widely know a "th aandsaateal paper ia the eoantry. " The PlauulpMa Weekly Tines Covers a distract fleM. Into THK WEEKLY oe th cream of to daily Issne and at the eame time k euataia matter especial y adapted u lb want ol remier ia every pan of Amenoa. It nr. cui ilea, a a arat ciae fam Iv joumaJ. In every Sta e and TerriPry. and - n rlhr In every part of tbawurM. Th teaJli.a leaturaaf THE Wfc.l-.KLi l thi "A.HVlLS ,.r THE WAK" Tbiadepartmewt embrace chapters of wo written hiarory. eonirttMited by prominent artur in lb vi r of t! Jetll.. aad It has bee-me a reer-eniieil depKitory of auch m iu-r wbe. bee fr m Not a era r pjuaiucra louree. Tb wiil In kept lolly p to the biga standard ol tornaer year. TEEMS: THE DAILY Tit ES Twelve CenU a wsek. Miil ratiarripllowl, pnstaae fro. Six Dollars a year. Fif y ent maata. THE EtKLY TltieS FWy-als snlBmns of th choVjest read in;, cspeeially prepvred to meet tbe waut of weekly awpp-n. reader Oue epv. S30V; Five ov'e .": la eop!. 10: Tti n piea. ? ill xtra n-v aent Ire to any penva aeutna up -two of tear twenty THLatsHlT tDITION Double het, eihiea In beat known and aceoaipliehec writers evoulbat le lu oiamn every week. T DuUars a year, puug free. Slna ie cupkat, Four Th'e TIXES ALV AXAC A Manual of Political aad Other Information, published oa tbe First of Jacwarv. Fifteen Cert a eopy. THK AN! ALS OF THE AR A royal octavo volume of sot) pvs. beaaUfally iilar.rated. W muc by Principal Partkipaau la in Wax, Aunb aad -wwta. Pne 9. ADDRESS ALL LETTERS A?D OTHEB COXStL WIC ATIOS TO The Times, PH II .ADELPHTA. Send for a Specimen Copv.' marie at hmne by the hv i U' " J rtastrkwis. H of Li d. W. wl.l Ht MUIIWI now iw- Ite. al ltal ner.1- tar o. Mm, w torn aot atrl wante-1 ryv r lu work for a. Now fa the lima. w ran lo pr I YJSHiTm yaT-eT- So j Unecn iH u mniemrraHiiy by ririin t oc. (tir mii tea lemt in. imwj bpw fat. sasilT and howirahly. Alilre Tara a 'o , angwa, Xatno. "jOTICE. The undemtaned will apply t the lsilier at th next iMl for IL ! ! n aft au thorlxiti the AaMttor Oraerml and Male Irra. mrer u autlt and settle tlie iwunt of Jolin f.iis lr. of SHnen eoanty. Pa., tiue htm U "-m of a hoae aud damages done ibereto. aliuaie iu the eoanty aforesaid, at Nbofl's Hrn'ae. in MIII.tI U.wi ntilp. whicli was oeeupted by t;itain toyler ad the men Ulster bin is the ysr l"'3- de.-jo.4t JtHM rolfTER. REST! not, lite Is iwepin by, go and dare before yon .lie, tome tunc mlabty and ub lime leave behind to c-n- ourriiuiv. swea ia yimrowj Ul ire. one r.rjmiui . . require-!. We win tnrnisn yea everything. Many are .making h-rtaiies. Lartles mak aa much as men, and bo and girt make icre it pay. Keaiier. If voa want ba-ioe at which yoa can make grest'pay nil the time, write for particular to H H aLurrr k Co., Portland, Main. deca-ly NOWISYOTJETIME! Get two Weekly Newspapers far th9 Fries cf Cue. And the Best In'and Daily at Red need Rates! The subscription price ot the Wbcxlt PaTaioT Is $1 oil per auuuin. eaeh In advance. heieattertiie Wskklt Patbiot and he New Yora Weekly Su will 0 sent to the Man a-1-rire, aoe year, lr l.SOeatti in advane ; tr the Wujilt Hatkiut and tb Philadelphia H tekty Timtt lr ti 0 caab in airanee. To any person ae'.tlng up a club of tea or mrre nli-rl H Cji the W KK1.V P ATUIUT at ?1 OU 1-er per aimum, one copy will b sent gratia lor j the year. Tile iubSrTip-.lon priC of th DAILT PaTBIOT . mM , p,rrBnnnBV , adrance. tt 0u pia in advance 7 ou per annum will tm ' eharaed: lor six monthe 3.00 in adrauce. or .3 60 J r35tZ ttie tad-loos of I'ooanveaand tne Legislature will 1 especially inteiesiing. Send iorsaiople coplta hr bank on which it is drawn Adureaa f A 1 Kl Or PUHL,IH1N"U CO. . 3J0 Market street. Hr- rUburg. Pa. WISEI peoDte are always on tne looli 'Ut lor ctiatic to io crease their esrrliitfs.ani In limetieaimewemltbr: ihc who do noi Iworve ih-ir ot.ponuui(ie remain in poverty. i tf-r a itr at ehanc to make ujoo ' ey. We want many men, w-.ineo. bora and airl ; to work for as ri(hi In their own' ies. Any one can do the w.rk properly from th Ant ran. The t;liie win pay more mn leu i meeorn nary waices. r-xfenslre outfit furnished free. No one who eneaae falls to make money rapl llr. You can devote your whole lime to the work, or ol Tour auare mowenu. Full ln'otmatlon and all that t needed sent free. Address Srisss a Co.. Fori laud, Maine. decvo-iy First Ccms First Served. Special Holiday Offer. I offer for the next 30 days (o put up Fine Deeorative Ceilings in Distemper at -'.00, the same that 1 get f 10.00 for in the ritj. Anyone wishing anything in this line will wite 100 per cent, by leav ing ordei s at the Somerset House dnrintr the next 30 day, where samples of my work may be seen. I nse nothing but best materials anti guarantee to do the work in a Crt class manner. My de signs are all fresh acd original. I make J-pecialty of decorative ehnreh work. Ileinemlu r, this offer is fur 30 days from date only. W. FRANK GAUL. Iec. t3-4t. $25 Itcward. Straye 'or ttolen from the mountain ranire on Laurel Hill, twentywe (Jl)heep, barina a piece or bail penny oat of tie undersi.'e of tbe rUht ear, an-1 a Jmall T with tar on each hip ai d on each side. On some the tar mark are entirely ruhbed ott. Any peraoo droppm me a rani t Lviaonier P. ()., Kivina: lnf.jrma li.n wb-its all or part ol them can be foand, will oonler a favor and be pabl lor tueir trouble. 1 will pay 4 lor tne cimvictlou el any person of scealins; my hcep from The ranice or chasing them with h-un-fa. dtcli3t JOHN A X. JJISS0LUTI0X NOTICE. I he Insurnnoe firm of Wilkinson. Voore A Trout has thisday r-en Hsolred br mnfual con tent, and the bunineas will be continued by Maore av Jordan, to whom all outstanding premium must be paid. J. 5 WILKINSON, W. F. MookE. declS T. J.ThOVT. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the estate of Xatblas Shaulis, deceased. Somerset County. Mi Ai aa Orphans Court held at "om erart In aad lor Somerset, c-uniy on the lot a day of November. A. l , lss-A belore the Honorable tb J udges thereof. SEAL In tbe matter of the estate of Mathlss Shaulla. deceased, on motion of John H. I ul Ik)., the court appoint L. t'olborn. lq., auditor to paw upon all claim that may lie presented In ali ea tat. fix th wWoW dower, an mak dln'ribu tioo of th funds in th aanis of tbe a.iministra tors to and towi taut lee-all r entitled thereto. By tbe Court. A. A. bTU 1 Z.M A.N. Clerk. Bv virtue m the above appointment the utHleT stvned hereby g-ire notice tual be will meet to at tend to the dui't-s f his appointment at tbe ' fflce of t'vlborn a I .ottiorn. In ix.meraei. Pa., on Toes day, tbe 2d day of lanuary. 1M1, when and where all parties Interested can attend if ihvihlnk proper. L. C. UOLBOrlN. dec!3 Au-tltor. HOLIDAY Christmas Cards ! IN MANY STYLES, Lace Plaiidkercliiefs, Silk Handkerchiefs, lmbroidered IVfats, Velvet Hugs, Gloves, Dress Patterns, Dolmans, Jackets, AND THOUSANDS OP OTHER Appropriate and Useful Articles for Holiday Gifts, JSJT GEIS, FOSTER & QUINN'S JOIIXSTOWjST. ElST'. BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! In great variety, nice binding and low prices. My stock of school books embrace everything used in the county. Inks, Itubbers, Crayon, Slates, Pencils, Scratch IJooks, Pencil Tablets, Note Looks, Pens and Holders, Appleton's Head ers, Burt & Kaub's Grammars, Warren & Ilarpcr'a Geographies, Swinton's Histories, Osgood & liuckwalter's Spellers, Brook & GofFs Arith metics, Ellsworth & Franklin Copy -Books, and a full line of School Supplies. Also, Blank Books, Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Photo graph Albums, Autograph Albums, Box Papers, Gold Pens, Bibles, Reward Cards, Christmas Cards, Sliced Birds, A B CJBooks and Blocks, Paper Weights, Inkstands, Spectacles and Eye Glasses. Also a full stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals Combs, Brushes, Perfumery and Toilet Articles You shculd see Tie Eeauffl lias cf Miscetaoiis Boots Ron in Stool, including all the Poets, in handsome binding. Any goods not in stock will be ordered if desired. MAMMOTH BLOCK, LOUIS LUCKHARDT, JR., 103 Clinton Stwt. JOHNSTOWN, mun'n WALTHAM, ELCIN. SPRINCFIELO, ROCK FORD, HAMDEN. HOWARD and SWISS WATCHES, In Cold and Silver Open-face and Hunting Cases, Key and Stem winding Watches. i F.LL LIKE EF CECICE 1882. FALL AND Our Stock 1 now Complete In Every Department. Ladie's Cloths, Flannels, and Scqueings IX ALLTOEAEW SHADES. CASHMERES IN ALL SHADES AND QUALITIES. Mils acJ Step Mi Plaids at all Prta Xeu Rraicl. in Wool and Silk. Embroidered Cash in ores and Silks for Trimming in all the New Shades. We aIo Carry an Immenw Stock mf Blankets, Comfcrts, Quilts,' Shawls and Ccats. VJE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF tiMHfl ceilbsiis nmiiiL.un.ifl Hssrai. t-if Beirg our First Season We have only Newsnd Stylish Goods to Offer our Patrons. We are tbe only House in cur Line of Business that has Strictly ONE PIUCE TO ALL. AND XO DEVIATION. GEO. KEIPER & CO. 255 & 257 MAIN STREET, JOHNSTOWN, PA. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Burdett Organs! 1 kar jat rvtTed a nloa lot ot BardeU Urfaat, d ffervat aad art, walca win to aaM at XTRAOKDLARY LOl.' PI! ICES tmiB bow ta-Jl alter th HoIWfaji. Xotbina la ta world man taliabla tar a Cartataaa Out taaa a, (wel ta4 Burdett Organs. Every Instrument Warranted f:r Five Tear?. Icttrsrtw Na-a M tl ra with nft ma ft. A amad toa 3taaajT"aa al PrW . To fall a.i rtl. b4 a irat 4aa aniar Alaa. Tktia. ABna, Mt aua, Drf Avrwa all hwtnamn aiT ua hB4 tad tar UiiIumi aad ai Mo. Offie a Mala Cru Mna, ata Haarj uS' atar. Irvin J. Heffley, Somerso t, Pa. PRESENTS C. INT. BOYD, SOMERSET. PA KU2ICAL 152TEUXOT1 WINTER. 1882. vA"