The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, November 29, 1882, Image 3

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    II u
The Somerset Herald.
.IX). R. WTLU E-litnr.
. s
.Nutmhuct , ui '
Mure new goods at Holderbaum'a.
.1 .. .i.nt Mnt 11 mA lit-
beauiuxi i.- ft-....-
..!.. ii., a 11 colors, at jioiiieroaum .
all colors, at Il jlilerbaum's.
J. li. Ssvm.E A Co.'s.
M.t tail rj i.m.uo.m - ,
ful, line in sto. k and forsa'e by C. N. lU.yd. ,
il to try "Iiainond Dyes;
jl.U'KMETACK." a lasting and fratrant
1'ru - ana so cents.
. ail new. at I
J. . srrvnH t Co's. j
... . , j
The latest stvies oi inns, in--, t ..-...,
Men' heavy ulr overcoats at worm
a; ll.Hl
, l . ... ...1-
0f j
m anil lesv sen-rteu nioi.
, .""..have ever had, can now be seen I
AVe are st-Uiii clothing cheaixr than ever
" J.U. -YlER Ai C'O.'S. . .. . . i -r j
; in the Presbyterian chtirc" 1 liu rsday even-J-,,r
lameliai-k. Side or Chest use Shiloli' j j,,.. (Thunksgtviiii:) at 7 o'clock. Miorc ad
j',inus 1'lasler. 1'rice 20 cents. j d roses by proiuiiieiit. citizens, r-d
H.avv white beJ blankets ?2 M a pair, at i with music, will be the progra nuie for the
nothing and overcoat a st-ecialty at
HoLDthbACV 8.
F.nest line of Majolica waieeverin Som
..II 1 UM f IlKI.I lit.
erset. " "
J. li. OS V DEB V.U. S.
WHY WILL Yul' couth wheu bhiloh's j
i -in will tivc lliiuieuiuie renei
Price 10 I
ti,.t ;i el..
i;.u.- tiaiinei shirts and cardigan jackets
... u..ol....'u
I ai ta
k iu the btore once more, and wilt j
...ail to see my friends
' I
A. K. I'hl.
The lines! line of ilk handkerchiefs ever
li, t.on ai
J. li. SxvorR & Co. s.
nii-e assortment of ladies' dress goods
and trimming. laOien Cloms, lauira coaio,
launs' uinlerear, hose, etc. etc., at llol
U ihaiim's.
S.III.o:i CAI'AKUH UF.MEDY A p-l-,ne li.r 1 ati.rrli, lliphtliena ami Caiik-
r Mouth.
Hi til. v se!'.-. it-d undeishirts and drawers,
a ! o. at J ' a set.
Ti.c hit douiest.c gingliams at 10 cents;
'.. .iiiiiMl casiuiierc at li cents, at lloldcr-
: .ililil S"
i 111: KEY. (ilX. 11. Thavcr. of Bourbon,
Inn., says : "lii tli myself and w ile owe our
i , cs to i 1 1 LOll 'f x i.C M PI luX Cl'KK.
Wimui- Maple Sugar. Ha.on, Wheat,
Uats, PotatiK-s a:nt lnus lor :ush or ill ex
. I.iu, rt !! iiier. iiainlise of our line of traile.
largest assortment of dress ginxls ami
I n II: HI . II-
shawls, flannels, etc.. just re-
ci i vol at
A corresMnd nt writing from the south
of the county says ; " 'Hough li Uheuma,
tisiu' ku.icks thectcrhal sutlerillg of that
terrible oiscase "
A NASAL IXJIXTUU free with each bottle
of Shiloh's (,'a-arrh Penusty. PrUsfnOcts.
SlllLOll'S CIT.K WILL imtnljately re
IieveCroUp, Whsping cough ami llioiic'ui-
Tor lap rolx-s. horse blanket-, hi, etc.,
go to Hold.-ri.aum s.
rrom across the Mi-sissippi. car loa.l (17l
barrels; cho'u-e hand picked fail and winter
ii PI
s, to arrive tins wees, .now is inc ume
to tmv tin-in
S. nd iu your orders.
Cook A Hkkkits.
AUK YOl" MAIK miserable by Indigestion.
Constipation. I'izziiiess, iiss oi ipju-mei
Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's Yitalizer is a posi
tive cure.
At HcfhVy's you can get valises cheaper
than at any store in U.wn; 14 inch 7 cents;
Hi inch sS cents; IS inch IK cents; 20 inch
fl.'HI. .
The largest stock of chiidrens' schiol
-ho.s. Uvlie's shoes, men and hoy's boots
and shoes in lown will lie found at
iel l, art's r.est Flour, niannfai tureil un
der the -new gradual reduction process,"
by Simon flcbhnrt A Sons. Try a barrel.
IVii e $2 .'i0 less than Vierna.
Cook Xi Bkefits.
;..,U ..f all kinds will be sold at or near
...i for the next 00 days. Cnjl and see the
laMi-st and best -elected stoi k in thecounly.
All kinds of nrodnce taken in exchange for
:inie at Hi flle.-'s.
SIMLOH'S YITAl.lzr.U is what you
need for Const i pat ion. Loss of ApM-tite.
and nil symptoms of IysH'iia. Price 10
snd S cents er Inittle.
Morrison A Pro's Couch Syrup, Lini
i.u t t. Horse and Cattle Powder Lave, by
their i:oi.drcs. gnii fd a lrnyc sale. The
- 7t- m it price suits n.e. Also try P.uin--?ei!'
Wonn Synip
' T M m.kkt. Main Strict. We Law
in-' y. :,!, ,) i ;f,ar Refrigerator to our Meat
ViirUt h, wl i h all meats can le kept coo'
M,dil'i,n. Mutton. Pef, Pork, Ac, kept
:'l.l'.'ta!i'IY 1n bund. Open daily. Parlies
ey it's meat can have it kept in thePefrig
'm'or ut til warted.
We'.iavc. nlso. loo.OUi new brick for sale,
which we will sell by the hundred or thous
nd at a low price.
Pops IaY1f A Co.
Wum't Hub Pfstoktb. It is en
tirely ilifT, rctii from all others. It is as as water, nnd. as its name indicate, is
perfectly V-gc'uble lluir P-sytorrr. It will
inmie,!i;:'.i lv free the head from all dandruff.
re-ton gray hair to its natural color, and
produce a liewv growth when? it has fallen
off. It docs not in any manner affect the
health. wl.M-li sulphur, sugar of lead and
tiitra'e of silver preparations have done
I will change light or faded hair in a few
'my to a Unutiful glonsy brown. Ask your,
m.-L'is-t for it. Kach buttle is warranted.
Siaith. Kline it Co., wholesale agents, Phil
adelphia, and Hall A Pti. kel, New York.
1s.k o your interest and buy where you
an to the iKut advaMage, ai:d pet pnte
fri-li giKls. In order to insure these two
thine- we would advise our readers to buy
thrd ndgs. meilicines. rtc, at CaniJeH
- Main otrwl Call on him when in Johns
'"n. nj j-ou will lie rumviiMwi t''at what
we sy i. -nrrect.
P.tirlington. Vt., Jan. i''. I"!.
Ihaveiis Huwiis' Klixir exclusively for
my-elf n,) ; ,y fmi!y for a score orimire
-;if yean.. aijy jt with me.
President Vermont I-ife In. Co.
l'airhaven, Vt.. Jan. l,lw2.
1 prel.T Rfvn' Klixir to any other cough i
i,iljr f..r cUJdren. amiply on account of
its ,, ai,fl i.orai.t
1 -Hs-tfully, .eo. II. IIabbir.
I'annia. and lUos vho exj-ect to buy
" itnolui. will sav auonev br liuvinc
ofC. V.
. .-
linrd. He lias all the books used ,
in the town and county, anJ t prices lower
than ever before. A fuli Line of scIukJ sup
plies, slate isticils. lead pencils. tabU-ts. ait:, !
Hid iirM-ks taken in exchange for new. -pe-
ia! discounts to dealers, tinders by snail
aill receive iirompt attention. P" Mire aud
.'my at lloyd's.
Wsmed. A situation in a rrist mill: am
a married man with small familv; have bad,
: . . ......
jeare rxH-rienoe 111 trade; will f-uaran-
tee to give satisfaction. i
Iv B. Lob a.
Adoress Olade, Somerset county, Pa. I
! C'iiristniascotimon Mwilay tlt:s yfar.
I The T's come iirxi Tbafik-jrivinc anil
Lesilaturc of tliis State ill a'sem-
i ble on the first TmiJay .f Ja-iunry next,
! wlticli will !e t'if 21 day of tlie mouth.
Fanners cunii.laiit that a small insect or
wonn is destroy iiii: the voiine wheal bv cut- i
j tiug the stalk olftlu- to the -jduu ).
' This is the It'ioiiK'SN man's wawii for
; p'aiititig. If he piants his HotMay adver-
j tisiini ht iu the Heiuld he will nap a rich '
harvest every time.
tinte a number of the -avi'i.leiits of tiie
borough are in bad widiliou. Thcj. should
T;ainly lie rr-airi'il l-fire Winter conies
The beautiful came down ito.tdily all day
Suudav and covered the t-xojnd to the
! depth of several inches. The sleighing is
,(it loc.JI11(iMn is tll9,er ,
There will be union Tlianksjivin servi
ces in the Presbyterian chur.:h on next
Thursday inorniug at 10J o'cl.ick.
Shearer, of the Lutheran climcu.
All ureeordiailv and farm Mly in
viled to' attend
Mayor Wellley has Ix-en preparing Winter
quarter for the borough fire tiparatushy
having window lights put in, and shutters
j placed on the witidows to the engine house.
The reairs don't a Id any totje safety of
the twn, in.rdu they to the eiiirine.
A tnitti.rii'ii. iiims liie,.if,t. U'il! beheld
; evening. The attendance of tae public is
! earnestly solicited.
Mr. K. A S ue, of New lterlin. New York,
who for a number of years so successfully
Aiirtu.l tita l.ia.tot. uiwt '.-Iwu f -ti iriu. lit
. .
this county, spent several days ii last week
j,. g,,,,,., 1(M)k aUi.T ,iaMm., i,m-r-
es's. lie was ai"lii a''itil by hu wile and
returned home Monday eveiiin.;.
People in town and country cannot le too
careful about adtiiittiiigand feeding tramps,
i or njiening their houses to persons who have
wares to sell; freijueutly . it is said, these are
I..,, r..-.. .. n ... t;... r.-.....ii.
noiters, as it were. These forerun m-rs. if
they do not secure admittance, are piick to
take in the situation of I lie housi- and rooms
from the door.
Dulsie Mi-Ciintock. a voting man
about i
2!J or M years of age, who had l.n'ii living
with K-ter Cunningham in A-N in town-
I snip, coinni.ttc'i suu'iiie on :oe n;:ai in in.
j 2 !r I. inst.. by strangla'ion cause J fey tying
'a susic:iiler lii;!illy around h t:k. No
cause can be assigned for the ac" rxrept that
j he was not of sound mind. His body was
! found lying by the wayside Walker's
Here is w hat Veimor pre lii ts for I.V-eeni-ber:
A Montreal di-patch says that "Yen
nor predicts a sudiicn freeze-up, with tiif
tl emu n.ett I at z roor l. low, at a few Lour
notice, am! advises ail river men to lak
necessary precaution. December will be
full of cold waves. Toe Si Liwr.-uc,. river
will be solid liefore Christ, in,, and the year
i!l close evtretuely cold, with plenty oi
SujMTvisors of public roa Is should take
time by the forelock and see to it that all
bad and dang rous places in tlieir divisions
are improved. By a'.teiioii.g to this import
ant duty at once they will save themselves
much iinneces-ary trouble and expense, !
nidi's averting much of ttie anuoyam-e and
warning which he generally receives
throughout the winter from those who travel
over the highways.
- -
The term 'buckwheat" has ofo-en Itecn
applied to the people of Western Pennsylva
nia in derision for some unknown cause. If
pancakes are good, however. and about
everybody seems to think they are the
Pennsylvania!! has reason to lie proud of
the epithet rather I hall ashamed of it. Of
the total- buckwheat crop of the United
States, which amounts to about H.'rio.ikK)
bushels annually, the keystone Mate pro
duces nearly one-half. Thus does the thrif
ty Pennsylvauian manage to scratch along
in competition with his neighbors.
County Siii-erteiiileiit Weller called on us
Tuesday morning for the purHise of making
arrangements for getting out programme,
ect.. for the approaching teachers Itn'i'ute.
His program will be published in a few days
and will surpass I hat of l,it year when the
Institute was voted by al! who attended to
have been the uust instructive and success
ful ever held in the couty. Pro. Weller
has enterprise, energy and grit and will
spare neither trouble r exense to make
this annual gathering of teachers prothahle
and enjoyable for all.
H yjie.viaI.. At the residence of I he bride's
parents, on Main street, nt 10:40 a. m. Wed
nesday. Novemb.-r 22d. 12, Samuel V.
Trent F.p, Somerset county's able and op
ular young prothouotary, was niurriidio
Miss Man m B. Kiernan, the accomplished
and cultured daughter' of our fellow town
man, Mr. Edward Kiernan. The wedding
was strictly private, none but the immedi
ate relatives of the hiirn contracting parties
being present. The ceremony was pcrform-i-d
bv Uev. Thomas White. Episcopal minis
ut of Baltimore. Md. Immediately after
thecercmnnv the happy young emple left on
an extended wedding tour to the principal
cities of the west, bearing with them ttie
kind wishes of their host of friends.
PlTTsBt Bull ASIiCoBKH.IVll.l.r Railboad.
From the fifty-sixth aiiaiinl report of
President Garrett to the Directors and stock
holders of the Balto. and Ohio Uiilroad.
made on Tuesday of lat week we extract
the following, showing then-suits obtained
tlurefrotn :
The eaDln;" f-rthe yeareo l1 Sep
lr i-Ch. ISM were 2K7s9.Z7
Ttie wurklna exiwnses lor the same
lTtil .
.. 1.437.664
lr lug per cent.
i . xi . a turn
workM einse hus hern 6 T ir ceut a com-
i.aml allh Mia preceding )rr.
tl &42,K4.w'
Met esrninifs
Afier caving the lntret
cn me m.uwuv. T
verreot first mortar;
bonds 0,00t
th' tntrrest on th Tnr-
tltierark tutuhi 19.U4.00
the Interes on thr Ster-
llna i :nm JMalcil Mult
a'K nowls 374 441.7'!
Mill the Inteiestnn the
anient hehl In the
HleklSBtund 4,82)64
and enei'litaie for ths
eonstractliu ol dnutile
456 374 4i
l.lai.lSl U
1 tbrre remains an excess of net e-n-
! 1110' oW13
. U'huli has been credited on account of cash I
MIOwinrDfitiniinir .-b , . ,
The rnln wit 47 i-40 more thui. Hew r call)", while the social enjoyments are niu
th .rev..u year. mi Hie exprnwlicr-il 61.- i tUtt there is great advantage ill such inter
ttye '" oe' In. reuse ever i he p-ee1lii ... , , r
vrr MIT 6il 0 The eeerrss In tti rUo f course. We are your neighbors. We of
advMs and interest thereon made by the j call the atttnliou of our readers to one of
; Ilultimore ud t'hio Ihiilmad Companty to j the largest, ublesl, ani ntust jsipular reli
! the Pittsburgh J Coimellsyille Pailroad gious newspapers published onu tfat ?f
i Company. j cures the best writers in this cotyilry and
The large and rapidly growing traffic of : Europe, regardless of expense ; has Um best
; the Pittsburgh Division, i-aMicularly le-
tweeii tJie Coiinellsvillc coke region and ths
i f- . r t:t l I. 1. ... .aniLwo.) as saaww-kwl I
. JiojnU Vyry dt.irablc.
nnrinK the year 3-W Uiih-s of this second
; twck have befn f1JI16,rllJ.ttJj , t rnogt sub-
I stantini manner with sUtel rails ami sto-i
',... :; 1 ... 1:. c
(aiia.1t, 1 CVJU II 1 1 ip 1 Ml rftVIUUI4lllT M
, ...... ,,a ,,i1,.-;l4fl. hruliwa
and culverts, and the const ruction of addle
tional sidings for local deliveries at mills
and manufactories where the old sidings
were ussl for the Mt-iMiil track. This im-
orUut jjiiprovi'intiil is still tn progress,
wkb the cw of ci imputing the second
!tra.i or tlie auiiire distance between Con-
nellsville and i'itt-sbiu-cli at an early date,
The station bouse at Ilociuijood, the juno
... .
tioti ol itie tSiiiierset aim laniDna avoau, pas
been enlarged and i ved for the acoon-
-uodation of both freight and rassenger
I T jc rullo-rinp. in regard to on important
f Somerset cinty case tried in the United
St ilea Court last week, is taken from the :
l'llt-burgh ."
"The ca- of Kicbard S. Hardest" against
Georce W. Pile, Sheriff of Somerset county,
to recover the value of certain rolling stock
of the Somerset A Cambria railroad, which
.was soH by the sheriff, was called for trial
Monday in the United 8tate Circuit Court
bef..r: Judge Achcson. Several nice U-gal
Mnuia auu ij,."jo in uiuiu-y aiv niYoneu. j
The history as gleaned from the testimony 1
taken yeterUay, w an f .'I lows: in Ino a
ruini..d was built from .Somerset to Mineral
Point. A first mortgage for "0,0tl0 was
given to pay for theconslruction, and stibse
ijueiilly a second luoreguge for $o0,00il was
given. After the road was finished rolling
slock was leased from the Pennsylvania
railroad and everything progressed favorably
until 174. when the trustee of the second
mortgage, alter notice from George Cobaiigh,
a boiidholder, sold the road. Gen. A. H.
Coffrotn bei-ame the purchaser, subject to the
first in irtgage. paying $J1,0j0. Iu February
lsTJ a new company was organizesl and lyoic
possession of the road. Having no proerty
or credit as a company they could not pur
chase rolling stock, but Gen. CorTrolh. M. A.
Saiiuer and J. H Chi, as individuals pur
chased a locomotive, passenger and baggage
'car and two gondolas, and placed them on
the road as their individual property.
Things continued in this shae until I87S,
wheu Sueriif Pile, at the instance of Isaac
Xauff.uaii, trustee of the first mortgHgc, sold
the road. Messrs. C. long. Judge Win. M.
ilall and (ieorge F. Baer beevme the ur
eluHKtrs. They organized a company known
as the .Somerset and Cambria Railroad Com
pany, and afterwards sold the road, includ
ing the individual rolling stock, to the Bal
timore X Ohio Railroad Company for about
SoTiOU. The rolling stock, however, had
previously been assigned to Mr, Hardest)",
who had furnished Slo.Oot) to iu purchasers
He gave notice to the sheriff hot to sell his
property, and therefore brings suit. It is
stated that the last owners of the road only
paid $10,000 for the bonds, and that wheu
tne.t sold to the Baltimore A Uuio Company
Ho V Cleared a nice lutie sum. It is also
siulcd thai wiieu liiey learned that Mr. ilar
Ocsiy iiiieudetl to remove the slock lriu the
roail. tuey procured an injunction against its
nomitial owners restraining theni from re
moving it.
The case is exciting great interest in Som
erset comity. It, will probably be on trial
for several days."
Several days were consumed in the trial of
the case. The jury were iu their room but
a short lime Monday morning, whei. they
returned with a verdict in favor of the plain
till' 'or $i:i,iiW. Sheriff Pile, weare uilonu-
ed, is fully secured by a bond from the iur
ticsat whose instance the sale was made,
Baltimokk Excuksios. Ou Monday last
about one hundred and ten of the lawyers,
law sliMeuis and business men of Johns
town and some twenty -tight or iweutv-nine
of the lawyers, Business men, and political
favorites of the powers that he from Somer
set, and David Hess of Uockwood left for
Ualtiiiiore on a sjwcial train of new cars as
the guests of the Baltimore & Oiiio Railroad
Company. The run from Johnstown to
B.i'timoi'e was made ill i) hours and 1"
iu oi. ues, the only stojri made being at Cutu
hiirlaud. for dinner and at Harper's Kerry,
Li get a view of the points where Johu
llroA'ii made his fsnious raid and where
'his soul goes marching on."
The party arrived at Baltimore at a liltle
ai'tersix o'clock and were met at the depjt
by M.y- Hill, Purchasing Agent of the
B. A 'O., big bodied, big brained and big
Jiiuirted, and Mr. Somebody who acted us
proxy torthe llavor.
The Excursionists wen- tpiarte I at the
Kutaw Hou.-e and in the evening on invita
tion of the Mauager visited Ford's Opera
House to witness the drama " Taken from
Life." Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock the
ice boat C. F. Latrohe moved down the har
bor with as merry a set of Excursionists as
ever gatlu-r on a boat aboard. The party
was in charge of Mr. John W. Garrett Presi
dent of the B. A O., who walked up and
down the deck with Hon. D. J. Morrell as
his special care. Mr. Samuel S'iicer,Third
Vice President, Major Hill, purchasing
agent, E. 1). Smith, Frank Bond and E. E.
Pation Passenger agents were everywhere,
looking after the comfort of their guests,
bent on making each one enjoy hinisclfto
the utiiiiwt. The first stop was made at
Locust Point wherethe steamship Hermann
of the Bremen line, lay alongside the
wl.arf receiving her cargo. This ship was a
great curiosity to many of the Excursionists
a- it was the firs . sea going vessel hey had
ever seen. Then came the elevators; next
the dry diM-k was visited; then aboard once
more, and the Latmbe steamed down the
beautiful harbor past great iron steamers,
fancy liltle tugs and schooners with all kail
set to catch every breath of wind. Fort
M- Henry on the right and Fort Carroll on
the lefi attracted all eyes. The steamer went
d iwn as far as Curtis Cheek, and then
head, si for the cily.
Tables were set ia theeabin, ladened with
all the gistrouoiuic delicacies for which
Baltimore is famous. Everything possible
was done by the B illiinore and Ohio Com
pafiy that could add to the comfort or plea
sure f their guests. Just before reaching
the wharf the excursionists assembled on
the upier deck and were addressed by Presi
dent Garrett, wlu said:
'Gentlemen: Tn my early mercantile life
a large business was Iran-acted with the
section from which you come. That inter
course continued until the Pennsylvania
road was opined, when that artificial com
munication broke up the relation. A few
years since the managers of the Baltim ire
AOhio deemed it wise to restore these rela
tions. The Connelisville road was con
structed to Pittsburg. Another Miint of
interest was John-town, and the Baltimore
and Ohio determined after conference with
the Cambria works, to build a line. A
year ago the othcers of this road visited
Johnstown. All who were with them 'tp.
predated the kindiiessshown our party, and
caused them to be convinced that the Balti
more and Ohio company had made no mis-
ac ' """n - "
i ...1... : .. l...;i.l;n nnA r..!t tl.t M..;i
I advancing our own interests that we were
benefiting yours, giving you a line lo com
pete with the Pennsylvania road. Practi-
i i .. of Pennsvl vania. are stand-
ing shoulder to shoulder. There has always
existed mutual good feeling, and this dales,
back to 1M2. when Pennsylvania held in
ihe defence of our city."
ilin. D. J. Monell said that the duty of
re-iinling had been assigned to him lie
cause he never made long speeches, there
fore he wanted simply to return thanks.
Wednesday the Excursionists were pre
sent at the opening of the new corn and
flour Exchnge, while Thursday was spent
in viewing the sights at Washington. The
trip was an unusually pleasant one for all.
A Rkliuiocs Nkwsfaffb We desire to
laud fullest book reviews of any pajier in the
country j lias able articles upon financial
w. rs l -slt,, n1 .ifw .la KllJllsWtJI ' iltk ifl Ul rt mnt
edited by s,-t ialist3 and devoted to Fine
Arts. Music. Wence. Religious Intelligence
Missii.dis. Scwol and (College, fewt of the
Week, Hyuui Notes, thf Sunjay jchooi;
1 1 c.,.o,.er n,ii;,. n,i;..l
ijsi mv - J i - " -
n-h la.tfncil.inir tiiat cannot lie found in
any other r.c-Hs)rT ft life I'luwJ States),
Form and jardTi, Ji.surafipc, H'eekly afar-
kei Rei4l-.. -n--ii ImCI neas-iaT hiji.
nh ils tw my iwillaliift emituwut. a
sinleil to ibe tturi'iiieiit of ever lam 11
containing a fund of information which
cannot be bad in any other shape, and hav-
ini; a wide circulation alt over the country
and in Europe. We refer to The Ikdk-
r - x- V. . IT 1 .1 Tl
rxnpasT, 01 jtw ion, unw mu-u iw;
UrzL the ablest, the best." See aJvertise-
mentin a.ief eoluiaa, and aend postal
card for free siciiuen copy.
Mr. Richard Hoffman, of Bt-ntleyville,
WaHhiugton county, who, for years has been ;
a cripple from paralytic affet-tioiix, was slid
denly cured on Friday last. He ascribes
his remarkable cure to have been brought
about through the influence of prayer. The
physicians had pronounced his ease incura
ble". '
Advertised letters in the posiollice at Som.
j erset. Pa. If not call- ' f r : or before
' LVccinber 15, LSrti. tn. ' ! -ent to the
rad letter Office, viz:
I Ballard, Leven ; Corti in, Eden A.: Ii
I bcrt, Helena ; Frantz, Luptoii ; J'iiiin. J. 1 ;
Hoffiuan, Richard 2; Hodan. David;
McCinnis. Henry : McCray, John ; Miller,
Joseph; Obertidorf. David: O'ilara, Dennis
2; YanHorn. B. X.
Nov. 27, 1342. A. C. Davis. P. M.
Pao. Hakt. This world renowned Magi
cian and Humorist, will give three enter
tainments in our town commencing Thurs
day Nov. 30th., Thanksgiving night at the
Court House Hall on which occasions he
will give some very beautiful and costly
presents eve.-y evening consisting of gold
and silver watches silver ware of all inscrip
tions Groceries, Provisions and many other
articles to numerous to mention and two
hour; of solid fun. Prices of admission
reserved seats 50 cents. General admission
25 CW. children under 12 years of age l. Cts,
The following is a report of the Hare's
school for the month ending November 11,
No. enrolled during month,38; average at
tendance, 27 ; per cent of attendance, 84 ;
Number of visitors, 2. The following per
sons attended every day of the month :
John Miller. David Peterson, Harry Frank,
Jerry Griffith, Walter (.rover,. Walter Oard
ner, Minnie Siialler, Liziie Cover. Emma ! waiting for who did nut come, the
Smucker, Amy Petersou, Mary Cover. The j torches were ignited and a procession form
school is in a prosperous condition. Visitors ; ed under the command and direction of the
are always welcome. Directors and pa
rents, give us a call.
Lloyd Stitit, Teacher.
Report of the Samuels school for the
month ending November 21, 1SS2. Whole
number in attei.dauceuiiriiig month: males
1,". females lo; total, JO Average attend
ance during month: Mates 11, females 13;
total 24. Per cent, of attendance during
month: Males 07, females 915; total 'Jo. Those
who attended everyday during the month
are: 'Simon Baker, Willie Tospon, John
Tospon, Katie Hostetler. Sadie Ash, Cora
Swauk and Emma Adams. The mouth was 1
very pleasantly and we believe profitably
spent with both citizens and pupils. The
citizens with but few exceptions were inter
ested iu the attendance and progicss of their
children, and to them I tender my sincere
thanks for their co o-ra:ioii outside the
school room.
M. R. RoWttts,
The following petition his bct-n sent to ihe
Woiiiatis' Christian Tenipcrauc.e 1'i.ion of
this place by the Constitutional Amend
ment Association of Pennsylvania:
Tu the ll'iiuirnhlr the ,yuV nnd Ihnut f Rep-
rtteidntiret uf J'eimfiliania.
Yonr jietitioners, qualified electors of
this State, residents of comity.
do res as 1 fully pray ynr Hoc
to agree to siihni' !
Amendment ti ihe i" . i
sylvatiia, to the !: a v-.t- r ;'
Table bodies
li'. pr posed
it' Petin
" uiiuon
A.;u le xviii.
wealth, in i
Sei-tiou 1. of the I'onstitutioij of Pennsylva
nia: "
Article XIX, Section I. The manufac
ture, or sale, or keeping for sale of any al
coholic or intoxicating liijilors, whether
brewed, fermented or distilled, or any com
pounds thereof, or any compound of which
any such liquors consti'ute a part, to lie
used as a beverage, is prohibited within this
Commonwealth; hut the manufacture and
sale of such liquors, or coui; ni l Is thereof,
for purp es other than a beverage, shall be
regulated by. law. The General Assembly,
after the adoption of this article by the
qualified electors of Ihe Commonwealth,
shall, without delay, enforce its provisions
by adequate enalties.
It is less than two months till the Legis
lature meets, and the ladies will, at as early
a date of possible canvass the town in
wards to obtain signatures.
Mkvcbsdal Items.
Miss Polly Wilhelm, of Elkliek township,
the last one of the old historic Wilhfclui
stock, fell down stairs on Saturday evening
at Ihe old homestead and broke her neck.
Coroner Wolf held an inquest. Deceased
was aged about t0 years.
Meyersdale now boasts of having the
finest and most commodious railroad station
west of Cumberland, on the Pittsburgh Di
vision of the B. A. O. road. The train mas
ter and dispatchers have nicely fitted up of
fices on the second floor. Convenient plat
forms have been erected for the accommo
dation of the large passenger and freight
traffic that the road enjoys al this place.
John II. Friedline, who not long ago lost
his planing mill by lire, has now a better
building under roof on the same site than
the old one, which he will soon have stocked
with new ami improved machinery, and ha
expects in the near future to turn out more
and heller work than ever liefore. He has
l.-l heeavily, but with him the motto is
" try again " not fallen by the wayside.
Talk of steam heating! Just last winter
the first steam heating uparatus was planted
by our enterprising citizen James Hobiitzell
Esq., it answering the purpose so well that
now Dr, W. 11. Meyer-, too, basks with his
large household iu steam hval. S. B. Liv
elihood, banker, comes next, and will be
war. net! up to with steam by Thanksgiv
ing day. through all the many rooms in his
large hank mansion; supme he will soon
think of running his hoiking business by
slealli. M. U'.si' I'll!, Esq , is also getting
the latest improved slea'U apara
tus plan in his new and elaborate dwelling
on Main street. No more stoves, stove-pipe
and dirt will M-rvade their homes, when
steam heating dors ihe work.
The old, or regular Du'ikards. are having
a new and improved healer i-u' "' 'he base
ment of their new im cling h,,u-e, to heat
'the auditorium mi the second tl .r. It is
so arranged that you can h. '' Vrv or moist
. ''I il
heal. It also does service he base
ment room during Sunday Si lux
The new steam-power shook fc .
Messrs. II. J. Bloogb A Co.. are d..ii'..B j jt .j l,v.laws uf this Company, Ihe annual
a lively business, considering the im. ' j,g f tockholdcra will be held at the
drawbacks in their machinery arrangement. ' 4 ,j,e Company, in the city of Pitts
They are already turning out shook at the l. .l,n Monday, Decemlier 4th", next, be
rate of seventy -five per day, and will soon tween the bourse of 12 o'clock m. and 1 p.
do much better. They are putting up a ! , f, ,i. h., tioi. r.f . n..or,i ..f I!rm om
numlser of tenement houses for tlieir em
ployes,and also have a new Ciri Hit It it Widge
steam saw mill at work three miles from
town, making oak lumber into slnxik lum
ber. Tl'lr f'piiiljcrlaiid and Elkliek Coal Com
pany will In the near future turnout coke
for the trade. A numler of their new ovens
are about completed. This will be a new
enterprise in the Cassclman coal region, and
it is hoped that the coke made will be equal
to Connelisville coke.
Meyersdale, Nov. 27, 1W1. M.
Somerset towxship items.
This morning it appears as if stern old
a inter was going to show his hoary locks
once more: the wind bowling through the
forest and everything indicates cold weather.
Dr. Bell, of Indiana, Pa., has located in
Sipesville for the practice of his profession.
By all appearances the Doctor is a man of
ability, as is indicated by his already num
erous patients.
Jlje ljme quarrjes of Jacob Pile and oth
ers fit ibis yiiiiiiijy are in successful opera
tion, and thousand,? of buslp:!s of this fer
tilizer are brought to terra firms.
Ifr. Joseph F. Berkey. of the Jfaple Grove
(aria, has just liarvcsiiu ' a trn acre
Relo) p: corn, icj:i J-KJ busl-t-1 to the
avcr, of l,sfi pisiieis n( ail. . r. tfrkey is
one 01 our moat tutcrpruii; Ufujers, and
1 knows how to doit.
On last Tuesday evening Mr. J. D. Meyers
gave the young- folks a spelling bee at Sipes -
.. : 1 1 - 1 , :.! .. 1... . i . I. .. .
The;ille. and notwithsuindin- the liou was
tuk, wu nui.uuiiuiuj mc umw wax
packed to its utmost capacity, the bestof
order prerailed.
gipesvilie, Nov.24lh. P.
Following is a report of the Lavansville
school for the month ending November 21,
182 :
M. F.
Whole No. in attendance 30 20
Average attendance 28 in.
Per ceut of attendance ' 99 97.
No of visits by patrons 3.
J. A . Berk by. Teacher.
El. HkiaC-O. The illumination, torch
light procession and general jollification of
the Democracy of this end of the county,
over the result of the recent elections, raraf
off on last Saturday night, and taking all
things into consideration, it was a miserable
failure, especially in point of numbers. It
is to be remembered that this was not lobe
an ordinary affair, such as we have been
accustomed to seeing, but a general out
pouring ct the people from far and near,
especially from Fayette county, Pa., and
Garrett county, Md. Formore than a week
the country was carefully canvassed for
many miles around, notifying the faithful
that the biwses demanded tlieir presence at
the hour and place appointed, and it was
predicted by the leaders that at least five
hundred and perhaps eight hundred persons
would turn out and join the procession.
Two hundred and fifty torches, mounted on
wooden guns to add to the large number al
ready secured for the occasion, a lot of drums
and a barrel if oil was ordered from Pitt
burgh early in the week, and from the gen- appearance of things, and the unusual
effort made, it was generally believed even
by Republicans that it would be the largest
and grandest affair that ever took place in
this end of the county.
The appointed time finally arrived and
! the unterrilied began to assemble at Jockey
! Valley, Fayette county. After some delay,
bosses and the captain of the black horse
cavalry, the greater portion being mounted
on horses. Among the number of the ever
faithful was the venerable A7ir.-x
dressed in female attire, and tagtinted upon
another big mule with a placard upon his
back marked "Mrs. Beaver going up Salt
river," and a lad Irom Fayette county, who,
during the war. nursed at his mother's
breast, while his father said cuss words
about the war and Abraham Lincoln, pla
carded and mounted upon another ass,
"General Beaver going up Salt river," after
I which the' caravan started with music in
frout and marched through the town ol
Suiitlilield with torches iu full blaze, mount
ed on wooden guns, and from thence to this
place, iu all a distance of about five miles.
Those who, during the war, sku ked through
the mountains hieing from the draft, "smole
a sweet smile'' as they marched throng'i
town with wooden guns upon their shoul
The Independents were not nermitied to
partake of the joys of the occasion on ac
count of their failure lo deliver the goods
on Ihe Legislative 'Ulestioii. There was
much che"riiig for all the Democratic can-
delates, but none for the Independents; even
Geo. Kooutz, who acted high priest in their
own side sho during thii campaign, receiv
ed n i recognition.
The pr.ieessioti was not disturbed in the
lea-t bv II tpuhlicans; quite a contrast from
two years ago when the Garfield club from
Confluence visited this place and was gross
ly in-ulted and annoyed bv some of our
unc iiith Democrats.
To the credit of those who conducted the
priHession it may he sai l that g.wxl onh r
waspro-erved. and there was but little mis
behavior with the exception of a young
atiot-iioscnf a Democrat, who under thein
spiration of having oorrowed'ten cents to
pay his portion of the rebel debt, lut drop a
few things that caused even Democrats to
say that his papa had better take him home
and change some of his underclothing.
So far as the management was concerned
the affair was a success, but in point of
numbers it was a miserable failure, much to
the mortification of the bosse. lo:J being
the whole number in line and a few hoys
on thesidewalks. . Q
Petersburg, Nov. 22.
A nice line of lamps and glassware at
J. B SYDKRit Co.'s.
A genuine $.'50.00 Amiricati Lever Source
Silver Hunting-case Watch given away. See
Paul G. Xowag's advertisement in another
Column of this paper.
' The best place jti lown to buy a nice hat
or cap is at
J. B. Ssyder & Co.'s,
Prices ark Dowx ! For untriinmed and
trimmed hats. Some half price ; some a
little more, to close out to make rixun for
Holiday gissls. Many other goods reduced
for the same reason. Jfuch below price!
A. K. I'hl.
Public Salc. A. J. Colborn will sell at
public sale, at his residence, Somerset, Pa.',
on Saturday, December 2, 1W, all his per
sonal property, consisting of two Ahlerney
cows, hay, saddles, bridles, etc. Also stoves,
tables, chairs, bedsteads, bureaus, carpets,
dishes, glass and tinware, etc., and many
other articles too numerous to mention.
"Hellow Fisk.been toj. B.Snyder it Co.'s
"Yes; golly, don't they sell lots of cloth
ing? They should at the price they sell at.
Why, they beat them all; overcoats they al
most give away. I tell everybody to go
there if they want cheap clothing.
I would re-pcciftilly inform my friends of
Somerset county that I have opened a new
drug store at 232 Main Street, Johnstown,
Pa., w here I would lie phased to see them.
My stock consists of Pure Drugs, Chemicals,
Patent Medicines, Dye SlulEs, Perfumery
and Fancy Gixsls generally. At this season
I would call attention to the inseclradcs,
such us Pure Paris Green, Pure Powdered
White Hellebore, Persiun Insect Powder,
etc.. When in need of anything in the
drug line and see ine or write for
prices. All inquiries cheerfully answered,
Cms. CiKiEKirii
232 Muin treet.
PlTT.-Bl.'RUH it Connkli.svilleK. R. Co., I
iins'i. urncE, Pittsburgh, Nov. 15, '2.
Notice to sitoi-kholdeis. Notice is hereby
:..,,.. .1.,,, in aeeonlamv with the charter
to serve for the ensuing year and for the
transaction of snch other business as may
be brought before the meeting.
The stock transltr books will be closed on
the 2oth inst. and remain closed until after
the annual meeting of stockholders.
J. II. Wt'liUUTOX,
COXLEY LEE. On Sunday, November
19, IS5J, by Eider J0jn P. Cober, Mr. Siiuon
Cotiley and Miss Lticiuda Lee, botb of Mil
ford township.
' MANGES MILLER. On Thursday. Noyau-ber
U, 1U'2, St the residence of the bride's
parents, near llerlin, bjr Rev. J. y. PolTin
bergcr. Mr. J. W. Manges to Miss Eila C.
Miller, botb of this cou;ity.
GKIFFITH. Oil Wwlnes-Jay Xovernbt-ri
d, Earl S., son of Josiali J. and Sidney '
Oritlith, iu Ibe siitl year of hi age.
Earl was an nnifsually iuterestinj? child, '
and quite a favorite in the village. Hislnsw
will be deeply lei t by many outside the 1111- I
ineUiate lanniy circle to which lie belonged.
, i tie heart stricken iareuu bave thesyiupa-
ihyof thetmlira coiniuiiiiity, as was attest-.
ed by the Ure number of persons that were
1 present at the funeral
I 1 .,11 . .1
iay tuey rest ineir-
burdened hearts udjd tlie words of Him in
, uumcucu u. uju iu wuhu u ...
whose sight the tear of submission is sacred :
and by ttaom the prayer for assistance is
ifTerherrd. C.
OnrrecMd by Uooa tx Bsaxrrw.
suuu 1
Apple, dried
. ft
l ti
S3 frj
U !So
.Too sue
1 10
... s 6us7 ltd
3u ir.ic
tl Sli'l CO
..I 4 tJ tl 50
Ill c
1 i"e
Aopie-uLU-r. V gal
rlruf) I 0 ls
iloiwr, V (kinc)
Buckwheat $ bush
- meal, 104
Beeswax ft
tUeim, ahouloars, ft t, ,
" -does,
" euunirv hams. h
Corn, (ear) .mtw ft bushel
- sneliel) ola "
" meal ) a .
Call skids, t) ft
Ka. .ill
Flour. V bhl
Maxiwed, V 1U. (60 ft)
H-ius. (soxar-curcu) V ft.. ,
Cnl. V
Leather, red sole, f ft
- upper,
" kip. "
MiddllriKS md chop 100 Is
Oats, fl hu
f.itat.a, l b (nwj
Feaehe. nrled, ft
Hye. Vbu ..
K;. W ft' ,
Sail, No. 1, fl bid. extra ,
- Orounu Alum, per sack
" Ashti'tt perssea
Sugar, yellow ft
- while
Tulli.w. V ft.
Wheal. V bJ
Wool, y ft.
Voluntary Tribute of Cratitude for
Benefits Received.
BiiAS Sib. Pleas allow nu the privilege or
giving; my testimony regarding the wonderful
euratire properties of your Invaluable mtiltclce,
Hunts Rcnmly. During the pst (lx or wren
years I bare been a great sufferer from kidney
Unease, and daring a great part of the time my
sufferings have been so Intense as to ts iadlscrlb.
able, (.mly those who haveBuBered by this dread
disease Know of the wlul bsckaehe, and pshu
of all kinds, acoonipanlei by great weakness and
nervous .rostratton, loss of force and amMiion
which Invariably attend IL I had all tbeae trou
bles Intensified, and was In such a baJ condition
that I could not get up out of iuy chair except br
putting m hands on my kneel, and almost roll.
log out liefore I could Mralghtea up. I tried the
best doctors, and many kinds of medicine, but all
failed to help me, and I experimented so long en
deavoring to gst cured tba. last spring I was In
very pour shape, an I In Seeking lor relief my at
tention was directed by a frl nd to the remark
ble eurt n kidney diseases, e e., which were bt
iog accomplished by liuul's Kerne J. I s in
duced o try 11, and began to take It, and Te j
soon "limbered op" as it were; my severe back
ache, and the Intense pains 1 had sufTere 1 So long
speeilll. disappeared, notwlinstandtng 1 had been
boibered wilb this comalalnl to mi y years.
W hen I began ti lake Hum's Remedy I was
eo.'isl 'rrably run 'town In my gi-neral bealih, ana
suffered also Ipjid loss of appetiie. fcver tuca I
hare been taking the Remedy, however, my im
provement has been must, mark d; my lormer
complaints aches, paint, etc, have ol -appeared,
and I now ml ilso my lormer ti II, hale, beany,
and souao In be Jib 1 shall aiWiys keep Hunt's
Kerne ly with me, an 1 would mist earnestly re
commend all IhoM who are suderers from klunry
or liver diseases or diseases oi the bladder or url-
nr orgtas to an Hunt's hemedy, and lake no
other. Your-very tru
HK.VKV H. 611 tLDO.N
No. 280 '.Vestuihisur St., PioT.dence, K I.
"In the lexl -on of youih. etc., there is no such
word full " That --lexicn'' Is now found In
the labjra'jiry f Hcnt's Hkxkdv. It knows no
such 'wort as Fail.
Tbk Inukpssdisst nscls only to lie better
kn wu 10 aiIu to Its Alrca-ly larite tini of Ir'en -s.
U hi-en pa', I-t liunji-nve years and
bus cqulred a W"rld-a,e rrputuiion as ibe best
rt'lialous aud luerary newsp.per.
Ihk lsna kmisst la noi deuumlnalional. In
cruel and neiii are broailer than any eecl. As a
I'hrisiiau j.'Urnal, lis aim la to atreualhi-n aud
txiead cvanaeiii-ai reliielon snd u ilel;nd II
aaains' Ihe atiaraa ol .Vlaierialisiu, Arhrlsm. and
uuiielle'. Il ia tree to auprove or erluclse in a y
id the danouiin i Ions whimv-r 11 believes Is de.
aliened 10 a. 1 v. nice or binder Ihe proK.eia ol the
l' Sicl of ChrtsL
Iu civil and political ft ilrs Taa Isna- xdct
will con end lor a. nod Ides aud prim Iplea. li
icUiiht analog, slavery and ihe iuiuiiuua sysieia
ol ine cnii'ltla Comuiu:iiry. It ! now Qhtiua
atraiust M rmoulsui. li believes in tne reiorm of
civil Sirvtce and tariff, iu the bUiinalioD ol poll
' lea aud in cheaper piantae u,i will maintain
tlHe nluii In which the blgheateihlcsand beat
Inleiliaru erequir s
Tu IsDtPkMDaST Is 4eslv:ned to suit all tastes
aud wauls. Me p old ww-Hiy suirl. s by the
l-esl mi if ilnewri e s. poems by the leading Kje
of Am rii-a aud Lnglami (we Qrsl puhtlaiied tn
A-nerici Toiinyaoo'a lust poem), aiid luroihera,
wiio louk raiciiily lor luairu-llun. whether iu re
IIkIhus. literary, educational, phiiosophlial, or
scientitlc articles, we lumlsh wnai no other peri
odical uea or can. We iy Inigr prices to o "tain
the most eminent wrl.era. Heaidea me ediloriala,
thire are twenty-two disilnc departments, eiitied
by twenty two etieidalista, wb cb Inviuu Bihlk-al
heeearch. Sanitary, Lienal Fine Aru. Music,
Science, Pehblrs, Fersuualiiiea, Ministerial Keg.
isler, Hi mn Notes, School and mira, Lilera
lura, Kelialous Intelligence. Miaslona, Sjui'ay
school, Newa of Ihe W ek. Mna nee. Commerce,
Insurance. s.ioiies, Fuxzles. Selections, aud Agri-
cuhure 32 Pages In all.
We will r pon .u lull Kev. Joseph t ook s eel
ehratei Ko-U u .tt"ndr Leciares, wnicb will be
gin in Junuarv. .Mr. Uook baajuai remrn-d Irom
a iwo years trip round ibe world, and hia lectures
ihls winter will attrsst greater attention loan
Our Sew Terms for IS S3.
One subscription one year CS OS)
Fur m. tn br. SI for three months. .. . 7
One suhwrluilouiw.iyears K
On-sulis riuMm. Ove y-ara IS Otf
Tbean r titter d pries (t per annum In clubs uf
Ave or more) are very much lower ihn any ol ibe
standard religious Weeklies,
In order that on may read a lew consecutive
numbers of Ths Isnar nokst, nd ll.ue learn I s
V ila - wx "Her a ini,ih'sauiniripiloo. aa a - I rUI
Trip,' r r 3 cen 8 which e n he remmed ny po-U
aeauimps. Fymeniolf 7tn d lili"U will se
cure the i-aianee ol a yar'a tu rl lho
Send p sral erd lor fne specimen copy sad
)U'lgo lor yourself. Add, ess.
m Bmitnw tr, new Tarn.
The undersigned admintstrttne and trustee for
the sale 01 the re-l es itenf Frw'ertck J. Youn
kln. I'tcf t'pp-r Tur'eyfiHii t .wruiip, Suiuer
set county. FaM dece-sei, will otfjr tor sato. al
public outcry, eu
20, 11
at I o'clock p. m.. a' the court house in Somerset,
r'a , t be loliuwuig real es sie, Uie the properly of
Said deces se.i.
The firm and h. mnsteml of the deceised. situ
ate In lb - towosbl.s co ny an I Si ate aior.-said,
adj iluiog lan is ol Charles Meyer Alexander
Kboadsao iB F Ulevinger.cniaining I3 acres
nvrfv or leas, altoat luo acres clearod, ihe balancs
la llmlier. wiib good bouse, burn and oilier out
buildings Ihereou
This property is In a g"od eommunity. conveni
ent lo schools and charahes. and Is in a hL h stale
of culnvailoD, an t li a d-airtb! bome. M'nerai
rights under Said land excpied.
One-half cash, the balance In two equal annual
payments, with interest. The nnpaid purchase
mi uey to be secured on the real estate by judg
ment exemption a'.tes Twenty per cent, te be
paid '-n day uf sale, balance when sale Is confirm
ed. Fur Information cull on John H. I'hl, at Som
erset, or Ihe undersigned on the farm.
N rSLtt lUlihll,
Nov. IS. Administrator and Trustee.
The undersigned will apply to the Legislature
at Ibe next seaslon lor the passage of an act au
thorizing and requiring the Auditor Oeneral and
Siaie Treasurer lo audit and settle the amount of
1 Oeorge Henley, of Somerset county. Fa., lor
1 rent etc., due turn (or the use of a bouse and lot
I in Berlin, tn the euuntv aforesaid, oocutdeil by
i t'apiMins H. wlea and tsnyderand the men under
' their .simmand itu log Ihe year 1HS.I
f0V. "?J. UtUtlUbHUiriiLl.
Joax J. SrncHga
Wo. 31, August T.,
isS'l AL Subpoena in
SIsBTHAKraicBBR. ) lilvorce.
eommlsalrrfier antiointed by
the Court 10 take ihe testimony and report the
facte with an opinion In this ease, will meet tea
parties in Interest at hisonVe In Somerset. Fa
on Friday, the 15th of December, lssas, al 10 o'clock
a. m., to discharge his duties.
' JOHN H. rHL,
Nov. 29. Commissioner.
ValnaolB RealEs
vjT? Indian Blood Syrup
Cures all diseases of the Stomach, Liver,
Eowels. Kidneys. Skin and Blood. Millions
testily to its efficacy in healing the above
named d iseases,and pronounce it to be the
' Guaranteed to Cure Dyspepsia,
1 !.... -71 uf . -3 A .1...1
. ,-auy" aiu' J' " c " ""s
n. . . . ,KI.K v.,.t.,l Viri'.ViSI:-
. Bio- sjraal hars raeelred moeb relief.
The Buffalo Valley Lime Ccnpuny, linlteil,
will srll.anlll further ordered, unsiacbeit Urn at
lb" f 'lluwlna ram:
At cenu pr bushel. loaded oa cars at kilut I
at I cents per nushel lor any qu tnttiy les than a I
ear load; at II cents per bushel delivered at asy 1
nsiioa on cn Herua valiroaa: at IX eeols per
buibel dellrrred at Meyeralaln and
and al Ui erais tier hasb. I drlirere.1 at ail other
rtilriait i illis s la Somer-wl enuary. Inclootng ail
thus on the sh, morsel a Cia!irt t it ill road. raj. ,
jciit can be niaiie to the hdlowiua rsuii: j
J La L, a, l,., si IrleOen.
W. H. Kounis. al Somerset.
Harrison Sny-l. r. at K or k wood.
fun t nu. st
s;hu!UpI J. Miller near Mejervts'e,
We must depend upia lime as the basis to fer
tilise our Soil tirUcr It ami nave II ready
when ieled. Order from i'raus Lnns, Oarrett.
Krtate of Ppter Spelcher. late of Onrmaaab
lownstiip. iimerset 10 , ra.,dec u.
Lieiters lesiamemary oa lb artove estate
bavintf been aramed to the unitersianed, b
the pmiier aur horny, aotlee is hereby f0vea
10 those looenied 10 It 10 mke imtaeiiute uav
menl. and those hariiia claims orilcmand will
please present them duly auiheniicsiel for eel.
ilpmcnl on Saiunl.iv. tne 1.1 duvol lieremlier.
lg-2. at ti e Ut. rsiuiuc ol Ibe deceased In Coo-
emaugh lowusbip.
a)vli Kxecntors.
knosnasthe Fmlerlek Bluhsuah farm, situate
in l'piir Turkej f tuwnstiip. Somerset county
Pa , a. I lulu Umls ol U.trrrt Leur, '"hn 1. p-
hsn, biuliel Fiiiley, an I others, cootsinlna
aeres. more or less, anout 13 acres eleareil and
in a it--.! s'a-e ol cultivation, balance well ti
hereo: Is e .nvenlcnl to railrwl. enurrhes snd
Kiimi'S. and in a x-isni larmina cimmuniiy; bav-
Ina thereon erecie.1 a hia bouse and bank barn
For terms and further p.rtlcuUrs addrrra or Call
on K. . iHC.U ILLI..1 a KM'.
No'.".'fit New i exinaion, Somerset Co., Fa.
The undersigned offers for sulca new and vala-
Hotel lroiorj-
In the boronith of (Touflumre, just oppo'lte the
Kullroad Siatloii. ulhiu liberal terras. For par
ticulars address either B. A. Fli'hmer, Couflu-
ence. or Mary E. Hill, Meyersdale, Fa.
Th. Model N.wspap:r.
Tho Inter Cc.aa far ISS3.
To.ive ill the news without indulging In of-
febS4ve senaatl'-nall-m ; 10 beea ngeousaodag.
gressive In Hie a.ivo acy of well eaiMhllshe.1 prlu
rloles. wit-iuui t'eing uamw minded or unf ilr,
local er tuthetas ea ol ail classes ot intelligent
readers, with, ut pandering to. tne prej k-eaol
any: lo prrseni in most attraciiv fnrm the great
rat variety id ra tite". witbooieur ailing or low r
lug the sMmlurd of any depjr m-n ; iogn w!n
In', rest and rx,e lencw with ,acb succeeding year
of its ei's'in-ce. 1 ii betim mniel newrpiier.
Fmm the firs' tl ha been thSalmt,! ihe pub.
puidisherr.f Thi. IsTica IK'S a I to h. To thnp.
oer rncb bis huh sai.daril, and in each ol ,be
tea years ut iia txiaien, a notable step f rwosi
hits tieen taken. As very change has met wita
encouraging response from the p'lhllc in the shape
I ll,crea-e,l paln liHge, It IS luiroi arau ue mat
the efforts of the puhli.herab Te been In lite rUbl
dlreeTHMt. no i b ve been apprei'lale.
THk lsraa Ockas win nmiin uncompromis
ingly Kepuh.lcin, will di
a e vt T neeilng Am-rictn Indusiries: will con
tinue la devote secUl atten inn loinfle irans
pTtathm. and e"nom(c queMlhins: I retain the
ilepsrnieB s of The Curiosita Shp. ( current
en'icl"peilla of curioD.. luie- stlu,aa 1 valuable
liili'rmatlon. cill-sl nut by Irqulrina .1 snhacriis.
ers); I be w onian a Klnadom, fdevoted to Ibe prik
greaslve omvemeuta in which women re in errst-
eilji Ihe Farm and Hm, (is.verlig topics of
h tl lntereti in larmers, ineir wives, an.i ineir
child en); The Veterinary, containing an-wrra 10
queBi Ions as to tne In-mineM 01 horse ca tie and
other animals by one ul the beat veieri ary aiir.
g uns in the Wis' ); an.l ' :..mplici.)ua (t.king
Pi iinzzlna enigmas, conundrums, etc ). al: ol
which are tus'jlhtr lothe paper; will much
space as nunerio to serial auu anon stories, crig
Iral and selected kkeiches and p--ras. and with
increased tacilitl. s f,,r news gatni-riug In the
shape of special wires tu New York and Wash
Ingion. andexiasrienced mrrcsiioiiilenis well plac
ed at home and abroad, will more than maiulafo
lis high standard ",r eDtcrprne and accuracy la
all itepitrtmenis of news.
Tiik Istkb I Hit as, always closely Identified
wiih ths Interests of the m, ss led ia ibe
work of development of 'both Ibe Northwest and
the -southwest, anil it wuiconiinue to m-ike umnx-
inentthe rharactcrlMtio 'eaturesof the pngres
ol the newer ounununpies towanl Starehisid No
paper In the coumry has glveu so mut-b at-entlon
to immigration m..vemenls rsilway and can I
euteri rises, race and econ. mfc iiriiblems. and oih
er topics relatli.g lo the prosperity ol the older
sis'es ami ine fleveiopmeni 01 toe newer sections
as Taa Intkh (k kiJ.
Because it Is c na'amly enlnruing the field of
newspaper inscusain, anu grappling unhetiat
Inglv with all new queslions that come before ths
lieopte, it has rncrea-eil rapliiiy In eln-uutlon
among al' classes of trades neu aud larm-ra. Be
cause oi its enterprise in leasing special telegraph
wires to the grew neueentrea, li ha gnn lo
fnvor wi: h ail who like ootupleieneas and accuracy
In d-spatches. Heeauae ot Its steadfast Kepubll
canisin and Its el"e sympathy with the heat ele
ments ol the Kenuiiitcin party, !l has grown stead.
lly In favor witn party men. Beeiuseoft hlgb
charaoerand wide range ol lis litem rv and spe
cial departments. It has teeome a greater favorite
In the home than any other distinctively political
paper in ti e a un ry.
The aim bss been tn make It the best paper for
city, ruhuibao or coun'ry resder; the heal paper
tor the business man and bis family; the best pa
per lur tne sirtv g pari wan ss wen as tne gen ml
reader: and as ine circuli inn of ihe several nil
tf. n has Incrcss- mine ra,illy ihe pa t year
than In any year, awl as It is n w laraer
man tintt "i nuv uiaur p ip-:r irn'i isew imi
t iiy. the publishers, feeling that they have falr
me sure of uopul r approval will continue In the
course marue.1 nu'. making suck tmpri-vementshts
will keep Taa Istsb IKaiS al In head of the
list of American journals as the model newspa
per. The circulation Is best shwn by the amount of
postaas paid on the papers sent toactaalsuh.
'C'iber". Judgeil bv this standard. Ths Istbk
Ockak la far abeaiior all ol li-1 hlcago conif
porres. as Is SLOwn by ths table below Th's
table Hives the amount ol postage paid oa circula
tion by eaea newspaper named for CbKago)
lor the fiscal vearenulng June., iwt
Ths ISTSKOtus Sgi-n30
The News J7S9U
Ths Times K.t lo
TheTrti.une i,i44 &4
Th Herald 1M3H
Thl- statement Beet's no comment. It speaks
for i If.
The aui serlptl. n price of Ths ISTxa Ocaas Is
as firinwa:
Weekly ei'li"n. postage paid. Is.. SI 15 per year
Semi w rekly n. postaepaid t.M) per year
Pally edUl"0. postage paid 10 00 per year
Kample copies of The I-rrxa Octcan will be sent
on applies) Ion.
Send mnnev in rpvlatered letter. moncT order.
batik draft or by express, at our risk, and be sure
and write the name and address of e.cb sabsontv
er plainly. AdJr,s,
Chicago, 11L
For Calicoes A (linhuins.
For I! I each ei I ,t I'lihleat lied Muslins,
For Sheetings A Pillow Case Muslins,
For Bleached, rnbioucl.ed, Brown A Lend
Colored Cotton,
For Table Linen, Napkins A Towels,
For Nice it Cheap Press Goods,
For the Best A Cheapest Colons! A Black
Cashmeres in Town,
For Black Silks A Satins,
For Black Velvets A Press Trimminjf-i,
For Bard it Plain Woolen FlantieN,
For Casiiucres A Twetils,
For Hosiery, Gloves A Handkerchiefs,
For Chiidrens' Ladies' ,fc f ientlemens' I'n
derweur, GO TO G. R. PARKER.
For Shawls A Blankets,
For Stockings ,t Carpet Yarns.
For nil Cloth,
Sep. 77. Jan. L
yui vn.l p;u !! Is
' J- ,,. ...
OF 1882 I
Now have in stock a Lar ami S;!,iilil Asaortrtiftit o s , i, ,,,
Which will be sold at the
Speci;J attention is called to our stock of
Including First Quality Germantown Yarn, Saxony, Shet
land, Zephyr Yarns in all Colors, Smyrna, Pompa
dores and English Art Crewel, and other
Lace Tall Kindt, Kilk and Unfit EirnlJi, IMth(-rvI Mni
R'fk-Rack II raid, l oop IlrnliN. I inii and MIU I m
broidery FIwsim. Java, tlailrii-i and lVaHIe ' un
Taw, Crorlit-t llostk-a, sr.
In great variety, nice binding
school books embrace evervthin
Inks, Knbbfrs, Crayon. Slates, lVn ils, Scratch lVok. lVncil
Tablets, Note IJooks, Pens and Holders, Applrton's le ad
ers, Kurt & llanb's Grammars, NVarr.'ii & Harper's
Geographies, Swinton's Hisrorii's, Osgood &
Buekwalter's Spellers, Urook & Golfs Arith
metics, Ellsworth & Franklin Copy
Books, and a full line of School
Supplies. Also, 111. ink Tooks,
Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Photo
, graph Albums, Autograph Albums, Bo
Papers, Gold Pens, Bibles, Reward Cards,
Christmas Cards, Sliced Birds, A B CA Books and
Blocks, Paper Weights, Inkstands, Sprctaeles and Kye
Glasss. Also a full stock of Drugs, Medic ines, Chemicah
Combs, Brushes, Perfumery and Toilet Articles ou shculd see
Ths EKtiM Lis ff HiscfiltasBKh M inStfxX
including all the Poets, in handsome binding. Any goods not
in stock will be ordered if desired.
13 Clinton Street,
and Silver Open-face and Hunting
Cases, Key and Stem winding Watches.
1882. FALL AND
Oar Stock In now Cam pie te In r.Tery Department.
Ladie's Cloths, Flannels, and Sacqueings
teie and IVMi Hails at all Ym
Xen IC raids in Wool aud Silk. Kiii!raitlrctl
CaMliineren ami Silk for Trim in lug
in all the Xcw S!ia(!r.
W e alito Carry an Inimensie S(o'k or
Blankets, Comforts, Quilts, Shawls and Coats.
um id muiDT nraiui hites in np.
JBrv" Being our First Season We have only New and Stylish Goods to
Offer our Patrons. We are tte only House in our Line of Business
that has Strictly
DR. C. P. LEX HART tenders
professional serriem to the rttlKns of Som
srsct nod TkriDity.
Ulfir (ippuslu C!entral HuttL
Jet. I 'W.
Kotlra Is hereby (irea tbat I, ths nmlar
shraoa. IU at be resoosltle for f debts o.iw
ti-aete.1 by I". F. WesTer. ol ths arm ot . K.
W esr.r a l'o. , dolss, basiaets at Bethel, Sorntr
tty.P.. j.a.bter.
J. A. Boysr will eoatlOM tba Fhoei'hsie hosl
aess at the okl stsati.
Jair U
site Jsoob Schneider, lata of Soatbsmptoa
toarnsblp, iio-aerset county, a . dec a.
aaelac been -rnntsd to the -UHterslsiieU by the
Lifper satlKHrity. BO.t- le nereoj li'tn -"
: i.ui.hi.1 m Mt.r. to atka lmmedl-1
al paynMBt aad those bavin claims saslnel tbe j
m to present tnea amy aineocicte.i
. t..i. so. liuri al the
1 - lu.ul In.K,. In M.1.1 InwuhlD. I
oettt Executor of Jacob Schneider, dec if
and low prices. Mv stock of
used in the countv.
WINTER. 1882.
pmixi.sti:atous notice.
l-...ii:e of Juhn Olener. lats of Alleaheny
"Lettersof s.lmloiMrtl. ua sb"e episte hselrf
been srantetl to the aiwlereieneo by ihe pn.-r-thority.
notice is hereby sie to sil r'r- s ib
debted "o ssltl estt? to awSe lmnlite lr
aient, and thnM hsTlns etaia-s sai" ' l""
nt thia dnl oia.nilr." lor srttl-eeni o
We.lnexiT. Iiewsilwr "-, st ike Ute resl-
no,!), A'imiDisirab'r.
tUte of Jacob Bradlannt. lts of Mllt ri
toteuhip, deceased.
Letters of sdmlnlsrrntloa oa tbe bo sttts
haetna been STsme.1 to Ihe aadenlsncl. by the.
pmir satborlty. n.lee Is herel.y ie. ' t-
tndebte.1 to ft to make Immcliate payment, sa
those haelns clainis or dewaiiH will present tneas
rtulTsarheriirateH K.r ee'tlement. ... Sat-sr-isy.
Itrccmher Z) st te of 4. Etans. tsj.
In KueMwood, Al 11 lord township. So-newet eona-y,
BOT.j AtiailnlAraUir.