NO 800NEE, ! NO LATER ! NO LONGEK ! J. THE BIGGEST AND BEST SHOW IN AMERICA! WILL EXHIBIT -A.T n ? ii II1. IV. rllMU p if F1 And poMtivcly the only big show that will exhibit in SOMERSET this season. GEE AT GOLDEN MEKAOEKIF! T VAN AMBURGH, FROST, STONE & CO. : .5::,?, ,7 J FA Jin flit V: 4eilflllJ'Lll.llJ. J I i 1 1 J i mi mm mi W W " Ss j u s t Frost 7 and CRANE'S Gymnasium and Aquarian.! A MAMMOTH BXHIBTION! 50 DENS OF EARE ANIMA1S! IfTH In which the Ulont emnlcvcl i. ununlcl and coinj.ri the hig'sjit or.l-r of perfoniM rs 111 the laml. Ttie public, and offt-nd the most fi-tiuious'uts: of a refined ooinuiunitv. Anions the illustrious and world t;ii.ied artist? in this .Je,;irtm..-nt are: rnuiiled. 0. II. Lowrv, who rides the most thrilling dashsnR and clettrifyin" Hurdle Act of ony artist in the prnl.wion. Mile. Tnineze IV rf.nner, assisted bv Mons. Manurd. John Saunders, the world"? tlhampion Iviuetnui. Mons. Ajax the Inula K libber La ihise, tho Cliamj.imi llnrizoutal I'.Hr PerformeM. Miss Manard, in lur Majestic Suspensions. Thorpe and Millets, tlie l.ym Siiun-on and Chapin, Tumbler?. Leapers and Vaulters. T.arvev. with his Lions loose :n the street, b. I . Chamitte, i hnstal V. Stone, Sam McFlyr.n, ilarry, Clown Wits, Jesters and Vomic Vocalists. The most ori-mal. rehneL p ntle-nau y and eouinetition. One of thu manv sensational features of the ?reat show is Oh Ke Na WV.kee Iro(piois and ( mnanche Indian t!ie red men. War sons, war dances, feus of horsemansliin. nlso the entire tribe appearing in tiie romantic episode of a ( iiae tor -rv JL Some Tliiut: I Have Noticed. I have noticed that a horse pets ip first and jerks his hind parts af ter him. while ft cow will ret hr rear half up all ricrht and draw her forward half up in also, w hen drinking, a horse will draw in wa ter rapidly with every breath, the cow, on the contrary, will suck in one continuous draught as long as she can hold litr breath. I have noticed that sheep and poats are Loth butters, yet a ghc-ep has to run a few tteps backward be fore he can butt, while a troat has to raise himself on his hind logs to ex ecute the same movement. One is railed buck t-heep, the other a battering ram. They are the only two animals I know of whose bvitt ends are in front. . A Kjuirrcl can run down a tree Lead firt. The cat and the bear muot get down tail first ' if left to themselves ). Ifyonr dog finds his way into your ce1.'.'!- and sees a nice steak he will steal it and ran out. but if yonr oat trets in and finds a tUak. the will sit right down bv it and eat what she wants ufnot surpri-ed be fore i.- I have r.otieed that a lectin r strap buckled about the height of your self around a young tree in a few year will le away beyond your roach, bnt if nailed the same dis tance will i over get any higher 'on ly the outer shell runs up). Although turkeys are liuidi more t-wiftof foot than geu-e, v.'t in a week's drive n flock of ceese will ecme iu ahe nl: for ge s vou can drive at niirht. especial'v inoonliiit but when evening approai h- tur- Ueys will roist. . A mnn c-.v.i on 00,0 foot in tiie middle of a ro n and juili on his shoe, while a '.vom.-u mu.d h-an up against se-'tiething to .rcorapiis'i the same th"i'. A man holds the needle in iiis left hand to thread it, but a woman holds it in fir ri-ht. In one thing 2 ihir.V verv one will aprec v. i h n:-: lri-s a mn as woman tin sses and you will frcerc him to death. It is th" common observation that the s'and od of natural hallhand normal aetiv'ty, niunir Aineriean women, is b-in lowered by the in fluence tT fa'se ideas find habits of life, cngenderod by fashionable is ignor: nee and luxurious living. It is a bapnv 'ireninstanef that Mrs. I.vdia K. l' has come t the front J irstruot arid cure the suffer- ors of her fox. Happy is the tramp the book agent will not buttonhole him. ,( " A t-oi-ret is t;o little for one.enongh f.f TW.Mid too much for three. Almost anyliody can run into debt but nearly everybody has to jt?w1 out of it.- St man wearies of the csres of tstnte quicker than he who fern in the state prison. ' At tix-. Avlur-,as usual, one wave .... rom , it wouaii 0 hiinitkcrcbief will eontrtiem t lirart more Attention than hundreds of waves from the O ret n. - " , If a roo'J cake be passed around it is ript losiiminish in hize. It if rt so with a lie. hut is just the op- oval CollosseumliS A. Herd of the (a n A 2 2. 2. Will occur lictwcen !) Hop flitters are tlie Purest and IVt Kittors Kvor Made. They are compounded from Hops, Malt, Buchu, Mandrake and Dande lion, the oldest, best and most val uable meui'-int-s in the world and contain all the best and most cura tive properties of all other remedies, being the greatest Llood Purilior, Liver Regulator, and Life and Health Restoring Aticnt oa erth. No disease or ill health can possibly long exist where these Hitters are used, so varied and perfect are their ojeratioi.s. They give new life and vigor to the aged arid infirm. To all whose em ployments cause irregularity of tlie bowels, or urinary organs, or wno nquire the, Tonic and mi;d Stimulant, IIop Litters are in valuable, being highly curative, ton ic and stimulating, without intoxi cating. No matter what yonr feelinss or symi'toms are, the or ailmeil is, use IIop Litter-, wait ii'.til nn are sick, bm Don't if vou USe Hop Litters at once. It may save our life. Hundreds have !.(.!! .ived by so doing. s'o'M will be iai.i for a casetlu v will not cure or help. Do not Miller or let your friends Huifor, but use and ur tl.em to use i Hop iVittois. Keintmbui. Hon flitters is no I vile, crued, drunken nor-trum, but the Purest and Ilet .Medicine ever nude; the ''Invalid's Friend and J Hope." and no person or family isliouhl be without them. ; litter-i to-dav. I Tfio ri- Kt. . 1 1 1 1 1 ' They are !ttau'.iful bi ne's, br.i oh 1 ; ,it- '-,'Vi , . Their !,a a'e po' w l ilt lilii'JUe. 1 11. ev i'ir.10 '.in!r :.! s out ai '.h, and their h doi.l" to them ;! s li.iVf I lii.'t iz a it one front lor. ' They ;:ro ealh-i! pole !;:: t r itisi ' it is pot eon venn i.t ic.v kill them I with a Utib. nut with a poiv. ;.nd ! t'.O Linger tlie pole the more euiive ! , lil'-nt. ! W'riUrs aw natur.d bistorv cree about tiie ri-iii cngtb ov the! . 1 1 ... 1 1 1 . .... 1.... s po,eUM-. ..U, I WOUi.1 -'S-M.Utl(l((- , ..ill,,,... .,K. . ... V . 1.1 . :.... 1 . . " h-i, .. ...... ci ' 1 t iv u the wind is m favor of the tat. , --i., . 1 1 . 11 .1 j-i! 1 he po!c lent will remove the 1; , , . , , ing lrom a lienst ii iroin a fi" e no ',,!, , . iLU Ttl ana ni iirowiat,." . I his vu.gany -aoed sml.m i A',K.le kat travels end.-r an i.lius i which is called a ekunk. I lit-re iz . a treat many . . there is anases j one of them. ! OnetMile kat in a township is enuff, esi.eshily if the wind chansres once in a while. A pole LatV -k;n is wtirth 2 dollars in the umrLi t af ter it iz skinned, but it i wurth 3 dollars and Juty cents ti skin him This is one way tew make 12 1 FhiJimgs i i.hitj. in a wet day. J,h Dii- "Do I believe in a woaian siotlu enee?' paid tnan on 'J wentv-sec ond street last Sunday. " II, you see that young fellow trundling a baby carriage along the street with A look of aneelic resicnation on Lis face an inch and 11 half thick ; I knew that fellow when he would swell around tiie Tivoli as Lig as a circus advance agent, and order beer around for the crowd. He don't do it anv more." Ch.mon tlie Finest Perf or tM The nicnasrerio embraces only one ever captured, very rare animal), wild Yak Ibex. Uova! I Jen b hick and wml Snakes iVom th e Kiver Gambia: also, Animals, Birds . Monkeys and other 1 i iy. 11. 4.1s and 10 a. m. r4? Wholesale I'anninff. Newspaper correspondents writing from tlie new Northwest grow very enthusiastic over the mammoth ' farms of Dakota. There are single i tarms there of tens of thousands of. acres. One called the Ronanza farm, and owned by Oliver Dalrymple, embraces fifty square milei of con- tiguous territory. In Cass county j tiiere are four farms with a combined ! extent of S-"),(1i acres. These big farms are owned in almost every j instance by non-residents, often by ; a syndicate of capitalists, whose sole j object is to get as much money out' of tht-ir bnesuiient as possible. ! Everything is done as far as it can j m by machinery and by wholesale, i The laborers employed are often im-j ported lor th purpose, ami leave j again alter harvest The wheat isj .-own, ripens and is harvested and. M-nt ha.-t ; the railroads receive; 'some beuelit in freight, but, as far as' U.r lorntory is concemod the crop iiiiriit almost ns well have been car ried off by the grasshoppers or never have been planted. i It is iloubtle.-s very interesting to j ride through those big iarmlands, jand see the fields of ripening wheat' extending without interruption its', far as the eye o.di reach in every di- root ion. it were belter, however, u ; K..w. t'-it vtLdik. fit .r.'ii w.:ot1i! were bn ken by fences, hedges, and 1'ore jsnd th. re n home. Tnere are no clustering villages where bonanza : farms abound on cliuiches, school- imiises or other incidents of civiliza- j ti'in. The soil is Woiked for all their is in it. w:thout nv attempt' .at toUttion o; crops or au ;eu rd !r 1 tiie fiitnre. The profits i.n t.uh crop' ar- spent elsewhere b tin-noli itil- . ' . . . 'leot o'vin-rs. ami tlie loea is rowing t!.,tt the s-.stein is not .conducive to ' the pt roiaot-lil iitlett sis. of tho'loiri toiy. Ti.t- Nui H.ei 11 P.ietlU- liai!roal i 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 v resjiisl!.'le lot lolJ htate of 1'iii.s. iis is adopted tbo policy of sellii: its lanils in as l;t as it oouid liod pnrehasrs for. It new perceive that actual set tlers are more profitable as pur- oiiasers of lanl along its line, hs they f .. . ... 1.. ..1.:.. .t 1 .1 i I a. . . T . 1 " .1 1 .1 lint o 1 v s ( iiH-ir irriiti iv in Z u ,- . , , . inii.o.r iis vteii. i liqties-.ion.toi V "... ! become an issue in DaKot.t. as 11 4 - , 1 . , jreiuiv iias, with lar less cause, 111 ; ' ti . . ' lalnonua. 1 tie mammoth farms 1 1 , , , , . ans hud enoUi.h in Uieii(elves, but , w,lpll , 0WIJf.,.,.: We ,,;iV(f a con. "f ,hJT, which "u Ca"! ! . , V. 1 aiiu pfrmimeni ieaiur. inr Yr. 1 Kalamazoo, I-b. 2. issi). I know Hop Hitters will U:ar; recoiaineiulation honestly. Allwboi use them confer upon tbeni the; highest encomiums, and give them i credit for making cures all the' proprietors claim for them. I have kept them since thev were first of- tered to the public. They took high rank from the first, and maintained it, onl are more called for than all otliere combined. So !on2 as' then I keep up their reputation for purity ! i and usefulness, I Ehall continue to t I I t ;.i:. .n i never lefore done with any 6tlieri (patent medicine. J. J. Babcock, M. D. n . - .u , Bv a test oi the closest average work, it requires four bushels and, a71 pounds of wheat to mike a bar-1 rel of flour. anions 5 v . f. i TT ATS? BAT.SAW Thii elcar.; urevi::j is prefcrrtd hy t;os2 wbohavruuitoariy suniutr artK, on ac- , xunt of iis suporior : It cariLmrs mutm.n ; oniy tlul are berefci;! to the caip and J:rir ami always 3 Restores Ibe Youthful Color to C1T7 cr Faded Hair j r.irfcrr'1 Hair Balsam fineV perfamed anI is warranted to prevent falling of the hair mnd to re- move dandruU and udwig. lliscox it Co . a. k. 53c and $1 ciMt, at 6er ra drag ad nmltriiM. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC A Superlative Rultii aad Strength Restcrsr. If yen are a mechanic or tanner, -aro out with overwork, or a mother nm down by family or hot.e hold duties try Taskex's Ginger Tonic. If yon are a lawyer, minister or business man ex hausted by mental strain oranxiom cares, do not take sotoKicatingstimulantsbutuse Parker's Ginger Tonic If vou have Consumption, Dyspepsia, Kheuma !sm. Kidnev Complaints, or anvdiioider of the hinps. SSiwS stomach, bowels, blood or nerve,, Pswyna's Gixger Aod th Best ni Surest Cocgh Cure Ever Kui. If you are srasrin; away from age. dissipation or any disease or weakness and require a stimulant take Ginger Tokic at race ; it v-ill invigorate and build Ton up from the first dose but will never intoxicate. It has saved hundreds of lives ; it may save yours. CAUTION 1 Rrfawsll vebvurotM. rVkr',:i.r?rTotfeb empttre of Um bMI msratal .feau tn iWwoH.,aal .tScMtfram pwrnUMtuvf rufnalm. ftrrxl (wcwcuJart. Hikoi a Co., N. Y. S0c4$lun,.ldralcnia4rac. GREAT SAVING EVTTN3 DOLIAR SIZE. Its nrh and ia&ung frajtraaos bas nut'te this S delightful perlume eaceedinc'y popular. Ihera i.aothlns like it. Insist unon having Fu-kas- ti Tea Cologkb and look ice s i jnature cl n tottle. Any drofnt awlrr !n ivrr.'otT Si mm Mffly fr- tJ wid wul r f aMrV CAVlVn r"flV.' m. . a. a- mSB aL SU fV-r'l t 'T. -, 1 1 j C0M3TSFATICiM I anJ oilier di ast-s th:it i"-j!Iow a dig ortd t.tntc; of the Stnach and Uuw j els, when the use oi Dl KK5Y PAXTEITS Will give immc-Cialc i -ilof. After ... ;j ,::., r.:-,MS E3H3otfne3-;f CyGpcpsia.a Kincligolirr., Cicczrc-3 of i th3 Kidneys, Torpid Liver RheuiT.hiisrr., Diizrr.OGS, Sick Hearsachc, Loss of oplesy, Palpitations, Eruptions and Skin Di3- eaSCS, CtC., cf which these Rtti a1ll spndlly earvJ.y r.m,.tfnT tl, Keep UwSbit firlaum ia:d wring trrlr,, eml prrfoet bealth I wiU be the ralt. tad3S ad .,:!,. lh. I jacttoSIcK Headache ;:i s.-i reiiarl ar.Jpemanent cine by-the nwof t'lene Hittrr4 ( Being tonic and mlldlj- purndve fliev I PURIFY TIIE BLOOD. Price 23 els. nor hnfia Tf, "l l" in '"'"n S.d addrafoTIB,p!;l,t,fre,Klvi,,guiidIrcnM n:i4-1y l 1 I Trn If A I I r K - n I. I I. II ANDERSON, COS. TO ST. AND SIITH A7EKUE mui., - NO 9?fi iTrFPTV CTDtrr J L1BERTY STREET JITTSBTJROK, XJ. . its . 7MmM?JS Camels EffW' CK sul Timers. African mflfWmM 0 Deer, Kamreroos f- v: A'-W - e4-3 1 ID WW TAILOR Two Performances Doors Open at 1 and 7 p. One Ticket Admits to Menagerie, Indian Show LH Ef m V.'nnderf tUiy simple arid perfuct la ita tbreabixur and deitftratinqijnlitit. Saves ALL the Oraio. and rlrnn. K ready Tor .Market. Runs easily, oon Rtrnttd diiraMy, fiaisbed beatitlfully.loaKteziies. .ivc, and nont ecnnoiuiral and SATISFACTORY MACHINE sow D M.1DE. It will handlo wet frraia fa a I as well an dry. Itbaanovant70UCrD a1 ta tlirwhina- I II IT & O n C. I"! md; elusna aaj lCT bota aa well aa wbat; reiiuires " "Ofa no cthaiure er rejittliemeTe, lias uioro aqnare feet of afparxtuir. and eanina snrf ace than any other machine; can Lot be overloaded. It Is both over and under Want. Our t I.OVKU H1I.UNC ATTACII.MENT (n-w and very dirable.) NEPA R ATOItSi of th varioiMainafittMl for Steam or Howe-Power. Tue tl.WAKD.tac PITT and thcWOODBrttY I IorscP wr ra, a made by ua, are unexcelled. TILLVATERNo.10 ENGINE Vealomaie hc STU.I.WATEK No. 18 and AIIN-NK.SOTA ;i.ST FAltt! EXJINES. ea:h hivjiia- irturn-aue, and fitted for btirnina: ftraw, wool or cnaL Theae Enfrint are nuule and finuJied in the m! prrfet aiaaaer. TlUt'TIOX ATT.l I'll .11 K Ts can be f urnUbetl with any of Ukq. ZT Fir PrirLrit Circular, addresa SEYMOUR, SABIS & CO. Manufacturers. Stillwater. Minn. GO O O W P4 2 0 Eh (fl H Ot rK CAT A R R H ELIST3EAI BUM tfleotaally cleanses t he n..l iasaaicea uf Catarrhal virus, caus ing healthy secre tions, allays In Hum iliation, prutect the membrane (rum ttonal col'l'. complete ly heal the aoaaaaad restores the sense of tfette and smell. Beu ehclal results are re alised by a few ap plications, k b .r uasrh trnatniect will cure Catarrh, Hay Fevsr, ke. CBeqaalr ed for oolds Id the head. Arrerable to nvift I HaV-fcVcr cue, Apply vy tne Ittla nnra Into the aostrila. wlUmatla uackaa-e. . Oo receipt uf j(!c. Sold by Somerset druKvlctf. nrl iX 8' OKl-.AMBALM CO., Clweg.i, ff. V. B ii a ffrJSTwf CyUader Tils 1 Oh Ke Na Wakees Camanche Indian Troupe, FIVE GREAT SHOWS COMBINED FOR THIS SEASON ONLY. ming Elephants in the World ! leadin- features a living Xondcscript, and Drumedaries. Zebra. White Llama, tara. Lions and Lionesses, Abvsinian LeojMird, spotted and striped hyenas, (roeodil(?siVom the Jliver Nile, Pvthon f)0 dens of oilier rare and Monstrosities. Hi I larly ladies and children and families, are assured that this department is without a blemish, and nothing is done or said th.r Mile. Anna Carroll, the tnont charniini; younjr !:idy Kquestrienne in the profession. H-r challenge bareback act h i" nev-r Lizzie Cordcllo, the Aerial Queen. W. V. Carroll, tlie iVerless Rider, whose reputation is word-wide. Mile. Manard the tr .Man, wtio-e aMiievements are without precedent. Ng. nasnc . miners, 1 yraniuls, witty Clowns that ever stepped on sawdust, and many other sowialand general performers a'ppe irin.,' daily and ni-litlv in fv Troupe, the greatest attractions ever seen under canvass, bein a compile exhibition of the manners, customs ari-l cerem..- a ite. Daily. m. & Circus. -i- i i i i 111 1 IS K I N G ! it is Tin: Lightest RunningShuttfe Machine It ninkc. lesf nol?. I!im nny nthr Shulllc Ma chine : it has A StLF-THEEAElNG S DT7LE! A SLLF-SETT1N3 BELELE! A EODELE-STEEL FEED! CD both sides d the Needle ; an Automatic Uobbiri Winder and ad.vlce to till the Bobbin Wlthnt Knts stistar isi vtiscnirie ! Ii is the Mcst Durable Machins made. All It. w.'jrinir parts are nuilo adi'jsta ble. Ita merits should I carefully ev.ainice.1 be lore buv ing any other. S..M on the MOST REASONABLE TERMS! I -BY- JOSEPH CIUSTj .Tenner X Itoatls, Va. atild ly BRICK! BRICK! The undersigned res)iertfully Informs the poh. lle that he is a-ilo eniwl tn munutnetarinx llric-k. of k SuiH-rlor (futility, and in Larire Quantities, and Is prepared to nil orders protcptly by tho Thousand or Car-Load. Builders and Contractors will find It tn their advantage to examine my stor 't belure ba.v'nz elsewhere. TUOeS, JIAXWELL, FAIRIIOPK May 10. Mopnerael '.. P. VALUABLE S2AL ESTATE FOR S .A. LIE I The fine farm adjoining Somerset borough, Utr merly ownetl by Isaac Huirus, E . Is ntlonxl tor ale. Also, 38 nu.uling lou on Turktyloot street, Somerset- Als.s the traot of land knewn aa "Marhle HIU," near Oonlluen., on the B. k. O. Railroad. -For full descrtutlons of these properties, prices and terms, apply to We. H. Srilih. Presi dent Artisan Insurance Company, 1'itlstiurnh, or to HERMAN U BAEK, Bfc) Att'yl Law, Somerset. P . tfek i hps' 1 m ,1 WPS j iTONE'S Monster valtiabii c sam .ucr lynn, nn Milts. .Miss and Heavy halanciriL'. and Chinese Crockery Acts. Prof Jjmw C.aUrhpr Admission 50 Cents, Children under 9 years 2dcts. A Ladiss and Gsntlea?n at a Small Advance. GOLD! reat chance to mave mon- ' ey. Those who alaays ' Utke advaniaxe of the a-nod : nances to make Dinner ; that art) otlereo, icenerally bettime wealthy, while ! lhoe who no not impn'Te saca chance, reuiain In ' poverty. We want many men. women, boys and ! Bins, to wora tor us rm in in their own localities. Any one can do the work properly from the flrrt start. The business will pay more than ten times ordinary waa-es. txpensive outnt furuishad Iree. Nuone who entires tails to make m. ney npiilly. Yon can devote yiur whole time to the work, or i only your spare moments. Full Informarion and allthat la needed sent tree. Address Stiboi t:o. fonlaml Maine. tiee.-lyl)) j F. W. CLARK, IWHOLSEALE PRODUCE AND iCOMMISSfOH MERCHANT Corner Main and Market Streeis. JOHNSTOWN, prl PENN'A. Mi Female Cise, Rttsiuril Tc only .in;'-'.' i tii!iti?. d-st cia -h ni for ia'iie.. with full c d fi?iie i"er? wen .,( ne Ailevhcny .Miain'ittos. K-liullul iH'.'! n away Iniui Htv n a I s:noke. L'"ini!ete lilvira tory. Smcri'.r FaciUy etc. S'hd year opn Sitileiuber 7ih For catalnue, terms, etc , ad drs : HKI.KN H PF.LI.KTREA1'. !I8i fresld.nt. T1 ',,i,bu,'nMln,'" be lure the pub L L I lie. Yon run make numey f p.. 1 I Uater at w.n-k for us th.m at 1S itKj A. auythinic else. Capital nut wee. led. We will start yon. Hi a day and up wards made at home by" the Industrious. Men and women, hoys nrd (Oris, wanted evervwhere to sora lor Ui, Now is the time. Yon can "ork in npare time only, or irive your whoie tiuu tn the hustnei. Y'ou can live at home and do toe work. Jo other bu-iness will pay poa nearly aa well. No one can fall to make enormous pay by enKajriua; at on-e. Costly onttit and terms Irce. Monev matle fast, easily, and honorably. A .1.1 row. Tri-k k t'o , Auirusta, .Maine. Ierla-ly SEND STAMP TO e!' r03 SATAiOOUB Of REVOLVERS, tits. HAF.CER. TYRONE. PA. ROUGH ON RHEUMATISM. The Greatest Discovery of the Age for this Most Torturing Disease. It is Advertised to do Only What it Has been Known to do in Hundreds of Cases. Cures Rheumatism! Give it a Trial and be Convinced. Ue ?ral Ag-eiat, Ma. . Kwsnermert, Tss, 'r - Mm&m C USSR Marjuese, Wild Indian Kider, and has I'.alette, ..cahst. Miss Dordell,,, Serio few roservcil seats for RAILROAD SCHEDULES. SOMERSET & CAMBRIA RAILROAD. On and alter June Vi, trains will run as follows : SORTHV ARI). aorTHVTABD. ! r. m. a 6 31 :.'j0 i i P. M ViM 1:0-.: I: 1:.-U I.M 2ia 2:1U. f. 2:a7 A X. :1a :.?0 :3 tii 7:iM l.-M 7:4J 7 8 Ci A. at. P. H. r. M 11:W 5:V) Ite H. a::ii 7:15 H O.'. S is 7: 0 ..RIKKW.XtD... ... aiLroKD.... ...aonsiuin.., ... .fvCKIKR .... ...rumi'SiM... .arrov stows... HOOTERaVILLB ....BETHSL.... ....BtlRDKH.... .. ISttLSSI DK. .. JOHN9Tt)VTJ(..i 10.SH h:li lirso a:'.u.... 10: M 4:4.'! .... 10:la( 4:a :0U; 4 16 .. :43 4 011 lr.3d 3:44 .. 9:lo 3M... The Mail, north and south, runs daily; the i Train dallv except un.l.iv. ' On the Pliisburith ltivisb-n. H. Is (. Kallroad I , tiiiiui:ii .an.eiiKer irains, ea-i nouno. win leave I Kockwoort at !:" a. m.. and li:44 d. in., arrivinu respectively at WashlnicTti at 7uij a. m , same dv, and w -llo:lt even in.'. o.l at llaliimore at 9:3 a. m., same day, and at 1100 next evrninir. Westward-bound throuah trains Inva Hallnoore at 0:30 a. in., and 7 pm., and Washing-ton at 10:40 a. m., ami s:ip m., arriving repecttvelv at Koctwood at e.03 a. ui., and 3:1' p. m. BATIMORE i OHIO RAILROAD. PITrSBChOH OIVISION. 1 in and after June 12, trains will rno as follow : KAsTWAULl. WESTWARD. r! 3 5 STATIONS. ! p. M. . 9:10 11:10 I J lo 12:lt ! 1-:!T ' 12:41 ' U: 11! l.OO 1:0S 1:K l:l i.:c: 1:S4: l.: 1:4' l:.iM l is; i:o7, 2:l"i A. M. 1 :w l-:04 A. M. . :.0 . . 4:t ' , 3::: I , 3:2, 3:vtl . 3:17 .1 3: . ,: C:IW I ,1 2:.4, .' v:4 2 4t: I -4 , .j 2:.J1 i i I 2:: I -0K-' I I ! . l.-aut! 12:4J j p. M. 10 10 747 :47 6 41 :S 6:2.1f 8:ie :i : &:4'J 5:1 J:-lt bsx :2!t :.& 5:10 i ":03f 4i4 4:4. t 427 3:f2 ...PITTSHIKiHI... fiiNNhLL-VlLLK ..t;o.NFl.r..Ne;E.. la:Ht 12:17-1 12 T.t , r-.u 12:44 12:;4 I KMX .bKOOX stllilKQ. .. PIM KFR'ION... .. e:..-K..MAN. ....kfc'KWtI... ...PINEirrMiVE... .... UAKHETr YCHKK .SLIshI'KY arise ...MKVKKSlULE.. ....KEYsreXK.... .. SAXIl PATt'U.. .... ltitW.MAN PHIL-'O.N lLLNt.tK .... 'IKHi'PK.... .. HYNDMAN.... ..CUlBtKUMl l:ol 1:05 l:lot III 1:1 l:2o 1 4 l:42t l:4Vt l:t 2 10 2:40 Mountain Express leaves Pittsburgh (Satnr days only ( at 2 p. m leave Conneilsville. 4:30 fonllurnce, ;,:,; I'ruiut, o:.M) : Brook s Sblinir 6:so; Pinkertor :42: l'aielin n, 4:.'i0: Kk" wwl. :U; Pinelirove. i:l; Oarrett, :24: Vir dcr, :2H: Salisbury Junction, ::: Alcyers.lale, :35. Letves K'K-kwoul, 4:15; Millord, 6 31 ; ar rives at Somerset, 4:10. Throairh Mall tralna dally. Expsess tralt-s daily except Sunday. Iruin. . n. I r..i. " - -- daily except Sunday. I Ticket omcea, corner Fifth Avenoe and Wooo streets, and depot eorner tirant and Water sti., Pittsuri(h, Pa. j. n. wish, eteo. raenaer Aaent. U M. COLE, General Ticket Axene. POTJTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS to Moe wMl die of Coite-. Boraar ltra Pr TEt, If roul. Powders ar- u.d ia time. lo.iu ryiwilen wilii-ureandnrevent HowCwoi.irna louui rwle- aid prev.nt Oaraa is I..I'. KooU's Powders w'll increaae the tioantltvnf m ix eed creani tweai. per reuL. aod aiaae tue butter llri and ivo-i, Kouui Powders win core or prevent almeat Stxet pi'kA.a lo wnich Horses and artle areeooiwt. Koi ra'a Poanru willoitx baTtarauTioa. Sold everywaere. PAT1D S. FO0-TS. rreprletwv. BALTIKOSS.Klt. Ftb 1 ly. PATENTS obtained, and all boslneaa In the U. S. Patent Otace, r in tne Ovru attended to for MODERATE i HtS. We are opposite the TT. S. Patent (Mnce, en irwed in PATENT BUSINESS EXCLUSIVELY, and can otitam patents In leas Uiue than tnuse remote lrom WASHINGTON. When model or draw Ins; ia sent we advise as to patentability free of charge: and we make NO CHARSE UNLESS WE OBTAIN PATENT. We refer, here, to the Postmaster, the Supt. of the Money Order Division, and to otttelale ol the U. S. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and reference to aetaal clients In your own State or ooanty, address C. A. SNOW & CO.. Opposite Patent Oil! ee, Washington, I). U. Circus no eul in the world. Cordel Comic Johnson. Oarvev l: 1,u n .r ..r,. r .!,c" State Normal Schc( INDIANA, PA., PHliJitNTH V.-tat-BPASSEO Fi !UTIS3 Fr3 I P&Kl.tO TlA UCr.S POK TCIi TRBi b Field up LasoR. There is no more noble purcult than thi mouidina: human character, and no irreater r. factor than the truly snceesslul teacher. If you intend to teach, prepare yourelt : ouirhly, and thua maka your work pleunii: t printable hr yourseit awl uf real value to uC' Every ta.:her sitould take a full cour , protrssional school, and Pennsylvania :! :' Dime superior to tbat ot the Indiana Normal Mod of . WX7ATH1N, Beautiful, Convenient . Uealthtul. a. BI ILDINU ANI APPUKTE.VANi ancxr-ellnl. 3. INSTRUCTORS, experienced and ss ful. 4. GRAIiT'ATFS tnd hih wherever k . COL KSE VF STI UY and plan ! ic Hon are what you need It yon have detrc!' beeome an earnest and luocewj! teacher. FALL. TERM WILL. OPEN M:iTi..niii:u iui, isvi For further pirticuhir., address L. H. DUELING, Principal jykauit Peimsylvaiiia Colleg i;ettysli'i:c, r.. I'll E flrst term of the next OoIWialc yea: A. bei(in Septeirber 7th, 1882 Tht F.TiTf.f h5 TnMltnrtim Is full. Th"-' t Instruction 1 Hr-er..! uA thruh. Tli tl'Ha U a M lek.4nt ttnt hfalf Uy, in thr mi an intw.i'tftit ii mtirl ox.niuiii:v, ol ' tl hy i.ilT'l tmiij t!ir? iiuicji i I Pr-paratcrj Dsparta--: 'n rhnra:e of the P'ln"l"tl. K'V. J B f M., w(:h to acist int Tachets turtii.iir9 " ouali iniruiTtlnii fur 1mvs and youra: meo iliK lor Uu4rt:ei9 or Col.eice el'a!Mes ini!'iir this depart ir.cnt are umler the speriui r.r, tl.eir liistrucn rs who reside with ir.eai a boll. Unit. ror lurlher inlormatioa or Cataluyuts, Adiiress M. VALENTINE. 1. I'.. I're.i.piii. REV. J. B. FtMiHT. Prim-ip" Oettyjburir, Pa., July li. lass. CrACLIHCI l4.-. C.T.FBAZEB' "os. 501 and 2(K. Sain Strwt. JOKNSTOWN, PA. WHOLESALE A.ND RETAIL- DRUGGIST AND DEALER IN PKKFl'XEKY. PAMTH. Oil? Glass and Putty, Hair and Tootk Brashes. Article., Ioiiet and Nhavins: -iai. aic. Family .Meilicloes ai.1 Physicians' Pref tlons accurately Mn.xruiHle-l. ai-ri' EDWARD ALCOTl 7 rir ssu cil ia lumbee: OFFICE ASU FACTORY.: URSIjNTA. SOMERSET CO., PA. CHAMBERSBURG ACADEMY. & Will open September . Boys Stted k CoIW West Pomt, AnnaMls. or business pur . Home eomlorts. ktna care, thort.uh instruct JW,,M,r' J.H.SHrMAKER,F,h.P. . ,u4t yrii i ju