The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, August 23, 1882, Image 1

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    ernis o
i' I?iiblicatioix.
he Somerset Herald, j jf
I . J
.dUfijc j ery W.:ie-sJ ui.jmtr.a- at t
innoa:. wi ! tn a.KtB.-e : Tneiw. 2 M ;
I t critisi
.ulwrlptlon will I
tarwi m raid !
V-tiry n. when " tok OUt
. lleXr re- vB" K'U,a to
tiered itl- t! ,"r"leT "
t :b jjrcea'-
1 Si
.llii.ccJ antll ail j
plwtmror Den'iectlo" '
d 1 Vl
orMi.xnns ix c ocut.
? v.
Xlie Somerset Herald.
f.niirrset. I".
WHOLE NO. 1624.
Somerset, Pa.
Somerset. Ps,
I Frank W. It .it.
EI -A. "X
John B. Hay
i;oiu;i:i:. mull.
f S.'incr.--eU Pa-
- r-
i i 1 A .
rumnrset, rT.z a.
S-.n:crit, Pa.
S.iur?ei, Pa.
h ISSut'K.
n yatiiuit
"Thank you; this is such a cozy j dressed for her journey. As her! A great astlvm ox fiue.
"V te tfce r H?s..
S-'meret, Pa.
Airiiu?ln.'i entrant-
V. II. J.i I'l tL.
' .Hi:. Til.
, attorneys -atxav. .
iK,i4 en-r:e. ' - l
iBin Pnnr.nrj nr,fl Ohnnt Twit. Worn MnnrifV
nil, uuiipi aim oiiooiiiuu rraio iuquui j,
Xo. 280 W&sliington Street, Johnstown, Pa.
At Prices Less than any other House in We? tern Pennsylvania.
Siph1 at'cn!i'.n fii-Ho JM.Mnif In Tin. QalTMilie.1 Iruc an.1 Shet-Iron, Snar P D, Strain
Pipe, r.-Air Pi.c. Ii.i..nns. So-af!s. timrkt ot Liuine. bI H wurS jrtaiuui) to I ellar tar- j
nklri j;;:int:r' nivrn unil wirli l"n l. lirt-rlnj !IianiM only. S.! Airnl inr NiMile 0-t. '
Jnt'iit.iwT. '! -1-lrs' Anl!-lurt CojIc. Kx.IK.t 1. la Hvu.Fnrnl?hlnx Kxi we nttxr j
l!.ii:V.T"i:n Se:. Iirvs-! Ji. 'he HiX.. Ciuintbcr-Pt:, Kcivet aa4 Fork (common;
sr ! ;!"!) Hfnr.jn s!!rr NjKwn. DrfarnU (), Tea Trays. I.tnrtl. Irwn aini Enameled;
Wares Mnif, snl :.'p:-er lvetii, Mct Hr..iier. i-vMer Hr.nlers. tirK liciter. ! ulflerenl Vlnil.
ltrraj Tuar--rr. Pla'-I rirtiminsa Tnl 'Wire tUmo'rn, Inm Stan.'.. Tire irum, an.l everrthinK wf j
Wnr- nee.l.-.i In ih "klii IK-pBrtinrnt. An exiier:en'-? ( Ihlrtv-iliree y.iaif In Im'tneu bereena- I
n io ir rh" wsum ut i h1 ir'.miiTi:!T !a uur line, rlih if.cjii ar:i. ie a: a low pricw. All geti j
MM WA KKANTKI AS Ki:i'KKSKTKD ir liie uiont'T rt.tin.l-.l. rail and -e ttm Wre : ten
pri.M t iH-i.rt' iir.Tl!Hin : no iriMc In uNow ir..l. Hf!' rummenfn lltrtise-Keeplnir arm ave ,
I apiT frpt I y I'uvii nntht lnm .. M ro)n:n frslinv invd in "ur line Flux M pond f-.r
i ... i.. i.i.i r .f fM .I KT'ii u.r .iiiiiiMti'inc itt ..ur wrf. a k wr h&ve D' apprentices all our
aurk i Warrant-it to be nl tlie Ih-h. ju.ilitv at ;.t pttpn. To Mve money call i oreml to
II.tY JSIiON..Xv.SSO Waxliiiielou StrorS. Johnstown. Pfim'rt.
W'liat thoujib before me it is dark,
Too dark for one u see?
I but light for one aicp more;
'Tis ijnitc enongh for me.
Each little, bumble stvp I Utke,
Tlsc glixmi clears from the next;
So, though 'tis rery dark beyond.
I never am perplexed.
And if, sometimes, the inL-t haii- cli
So cl'jse I fear to t.tray,
Tatieiit I wait a little while.
And soon it clears away.
I would not sec my further putli.
For mercy veils it so;
My present steps might harder be,
liid I the future know.
little home, it will be a real treat to father passed out of the door he ;
i stay here awmie, replied the young ; thrust a bill into J ilJy s Lands with
A Lettor lYom James O. Blaine?.
the remark:
; The two girls were soon chatting : UI owe you a debt of graditude
j as familiarly as though they had al- J for sheltering my daughter, and you
j ways known each other. As it grew . nhail bear from me again."
(toward night th '; strange lady's . "Tilly opened her hand and a crisp
friends did not appear. Tilly won- five dollar bill lay upon her palm.
! dered why fhe appeared so perfectly ; She had never owned so much mon
; eajy about her situation. i ey in her life before, and fhe gazed
Not long after ten the young lady i at it in pleased wonder. How long
said: '"If you will allow me to spend ! the time seemed till night, for then
I the night here, I will make some ar- j she expected her parents home. At
j raiigeinents whereHy I can meet my - last they drove slowly into the yard,
j friends further on." land from the expression of sadness
! "I should be very glad to have you ; upon both their faces, she knew their
replied lillv, "as mv father i errand bad been a Iruitiess one.
a a.oouioits.
rtt it ('0!.r, P.N.
k " : 1- .io
AllU...Lif. -
i.C. O'l-B'-KN".
fcL.iiH.Mlnirur.ed t.. ..urrar wi'-M .rf talrt-
.i,iva:ie.!.icl i O-ilf-iioanwle i; '"'-
, H-;..r.!. ''! ;,!";" S"'V-it,veyai-iuit
l ue "G r:-P.l"
S-:ntriwt, Pi.
li.iiiir.K cxir-tic iil pn.nipt-i'Bl.-
I'D Mi.ln On" rtrrct.
f ATT"UN!'.Y-AT-LA'.V,
- t S'jmeiet, Pfc.
0 l.u:neu:ru-i.l to ei:!
te 1 lu i'h prouiptne 'id fl-lfhty.
a,ru 1. 1.'.
X. AT n )'.;X KY-ATX AW,
Tr.,i.itT and Pecrt-u, Akbu S ::cer-t,
in Aluiittuu::'. ;.;;o'k.
A Com j -let,' Assortment --f GENcRAL rEHCKAKDISE consisting of
A Iirj-e Assortment of
WiM pn-.nip'Iy ::nd t"1
4 4 in iMiu:ui'i h'Jii-.ii'i;.
oT!!critl. P..
Im.jncr'H erjiili-iii-'l
Souicrei P.,
.leefkni.l busincff eaint"l wy care
,fd u ai-n pn-iui itcis a:, j i. .ti....
.int-rwu la..
. ill KltepmsiM t-1'U-lTirw e:'rsft
I to lii. rare in sV-ncwt and a-JjeintiiR fo-uti-.
vjf Iti Prlniin? liu K'iw.
S 2i n'. Pa.
Ilwo Van-ninth KiorK. UO eraim. i.uir.un.
S Mi Cp-w tret. tV!lcrt!o. M-.dc, -etnte?
.tM. tClM xomlmHt. an.l all l---al business
Sr.M'iloJ to iib pruu.piuei- nod nJedty.
: ? Will prctiMn Sonwt ar
;. tm'Mf,i.i' ectrui-'ttvl to hi:.
y ;XMi tn.
! i.i..;nlMpenai ti
u Iiejirowptly
SoiEvrMt, Pcur.'.
SrtEi'T-rt, Fei:n a.
!1 Uwxl tuif'nrsl ntruleO Ut It'.mTC alll r
tided to rl:li pftej-tiM-M fidelity.
t-, In Jln;n."tii rii.'-s r.cst mr '
,n: .tore.
j-i.'ixsri i '.r.v. y.'.'.Y.v.i .
!MSffJ'.lI. V.--r. Xve onl ThP'St.
o.i .nil r xidntvc pmoiiKe. H"nrs. a. . !
m. U lift tire n Link. 'Ai iiam St.
j 1 1ST, SOSi tKSFT. PA
tee is Mammotli rti4c. aiore K-ytl" lrr
f oi.. where twranat all tiir-s be Msa-l
.io all kin.n -I rk. m..-h bVtv: ifsu
(ex. eatraeiinc Ke. Arlli-ial totttiol mm kf'v!!.
the belt u.aieri'ii jcrteU, .jeit:oo
a4r.intct. tAKl'F.M. HICKS.
.1 X STICK if TW E PEAt'K.
S-ccrJct, Ftn'a.
r- M. II. . KiMXKLL.
tin!r thMr j-rtitoPKt.irh: m-rvtfe? to ttie oil I-
y ?iur4rl. f lani t tliclr .'(itce, on Main
rirt ot tit J -iamuaJ.
Queensware, Hardware, Glassware,
All Kinds of Window Blinds and Fixtures, "Wall Papers,
Umbrellas, Satchels and Trunks, Churns, Butter
Eovls, Tubs. Buckets, Baskets, Toledo
Pumps, Farm Bells, Corn Plant
ers and Plows, Cultivators,
"With I);-taehui)V Fertilizer.
It iiihv be that my path is roti!i
Thorny aud hard and steep;
And. knowine thin, mv strencth
Through fear and terror deep.
It may be that it winds alonj:
A smooth and fl iwery nay:
Hut, saving this, I might despise
The journey of to-day.
Perhaps my journey i very .-Iiort,
My journey nearly dune;
And I nnght tremble at the thought
Of ending it soon.
Or, if I if trearr lengtli
Jif road that I must wend.
Fainting. I'd think, "My feebie power.
Will fail me ere the end."
And so ' do not i.-.H to see
My journey, or its length:
Assured that, through my futiier's iove,
IJach ;-top will bring its strength.
Thus, step by t-tep, I onward go.
ot l.HiUing far b. t'ore;
Trusting that always 1 shall have
Light for just ' one step more.''
i and mother have gone unon a jour- "Your father's friend was unable
1 ... ! , - I . . . T I .1 I II 1 IV. Jl
. ney, tt.Ki it win ..e pieasani m nave ; to uj. i , an., tie n;ui come drtl who Iip(1 the t , h i Wl.ver neglects o mkp his infla-
; . . Tl homo lull inn litlar 1 1 A i.Allra rrasi ' . , . 1 .
tlli'-br. Ittil I COIIllailV. .....v. uvivi.j w.cvuujaw,
The Connly Insane , Vsy lnm neslroyed! NATION VL Qt'ESTTOXS WHICH ARE IN
by a Brand from an Incendiary Fire VOLVED IS THE STRUGGLE THIS YEAR.
-Itemorinff the IDmate. Mr havin2 eQ farted to
i speak in his native State, (where the
Laxcastf.k, Aug. l:. Two alarms ( Democrats as in Pennsylvania have
of fire within the brief period of an j started an Independent movement to
hour were not much of a novelty to i promote their chances,) has said he
the people of this t-orely stricken ' cannot stump owing to pressing bu
town, where of late the incendiary j siness affair, but writes his views in
spirit has been rife and where the ! an extended letter designed for gen
destruction of property has been sojeral publication. It applies as well
extensive and disastrous that the in- to Pennsylvania as to Maine,
surance companies have come to 1 Among other thing he says: "The
hesitate before they will accept risks 'election of 18S2 involves many deep
upon the most valuable and sub-! questions of National importance
stantial structures in the business j questions which deeply affect the
centre of the city. But the scoun- nrosDeritv of the neonU of Maine.
',v and bv Lncle John came in, said .Mrs. thnord, as sue sank wear-
land was introduced to Tilly's visi-;ily into a chair.
! tor, who made herself very agreea-! "I'm so sorry,'' said Tilly, with
ble'to htm, as she talked about crops i trembling limbs; "but it isn't so bad
and other matters that she thought j t lose our home as though some one
i would interest him. 1 of us had been killed or gone crazy."
I s?he retired quite early, and Tilly i Then as her. father entered soon
! ave her tiie spare bedrtwm. which : after, Tilly told all about the excit-
Ifed out of the "parlor. ;ing events of the previous day and
! "Where did that voung woman : night.
iconic from?" asked Uncle John, as ' As they realized the danger that
I Tilly returned to the kitcher - t bad threatened their only child, Mrs.
! She explained the- story J "'havhHfcWrord exclaimed thankfully:
i i.m.w. r.Mtl from' 1it I'rixiuU" i "You were ritrht. Tillv. in savino-
' ;ir.l of s et-kin" rest here. ; that our trouble is not the worst that
! "It is rather a etr.inire statement. I could befall
should think," replied Uncle John, i becoming fortitud
"Do vou think tuere is anvthintr lives are spared.
! wrens about her. Uncle John?" ask- i A few evenings alter, while the
ltd Till v, anxiously. ; family were sitting together in the
I cannot say there is," lie reph-; twilight, a neighbor, who had been
strange glitter in t io me posionice, tiirew a letter into
oarn or ramuei eizei, on i-ast j ence iHt in trie penning caa'.paign
King street, opposite tlie county jail, i disregards tlie imprests w hich per
this afternoon, probably had little : taiu to his own future end. his own
idea of the mischievous effects about i iirtside. The choice of four retire
to result from his act. The fire was st i.tatives in Congress and of a Leg
discovered about 1:40 . m., and in islatuie that shall appoint a Senator
response to the alarm the engines i of the United States brings directly
were promptly on the scene, but ! before the people every issue that is
were unable to stay the flames.which involved in the administration of
raged fiercely for nearly an hour, and ; the National Government. On ev
completcly destroyed the building, a j cry question on which parties di
large frame structure, fifty or sixty vide in this country, the interests of
feet square, valued at 3o,UOO. It j the people of Maine must lead
was stored with six acres of wheat; them, after sober second thought, to
V CurioiiH t'j
in ih- FranMin Co,
i.. 1'iiurf.
in the sheaf, three or four tons of
juoie is not me worst inai hay a large quantitv of rye straw.
II us; we 11 bear it with . t 'ether farilii-, in)eim.nts
ortitude, now that all our L.a machinery, etc., all of which
TiiiiiVs aiVi:mi UK
Tilly Clifford was sitting one even
ing in the door of her humble home,
an old brown farm house, situated
two miles away from the centre of
the village of N . She w as won
dering what made her father so quiet
and sober of late, and why she
camht her mother ever now and
Ithen wiping away a tear witli a
i stealthy hand.
She heard tr.etr voices now, as
they were talking in a low tone
the kitchen, and ooce in a while she
caught the words, "mortgage,
closure." (i.-ction," ami the
((1. "but there s ft
hT eve oiico in a whtle which I
don't "I'ke. I think she'll bear watch
ing' There were two bed rooms h ading
from the kitchen. Tilly occupied
one and Uncle John the other
where Mr. and Mrs. Clifford usually
slept. ?
About midnight Tilly awoke with
a start and thought she heard strange
sounds in the kitchen. She crept
out of bed ar.d looked through the
crack of the door, which was ajar.
There she ww a sight which froze
her blood with horror. Her young
ladv irui-j-t was standing bv the table
'lore-1 clad in her night uress, and wutuy
like, brandishing a large carving
fare oi
Pianos and Organs
Arc too exTwnsIvc uhv t. i nv vf ry yrnr it'wo
mi in titr-wi wi,t y. a hvy ua fi wl'toiu y. u buy
rn.:!!lr? yu rFt-n? uev4 want'ly Ik uM ihni efU"'
rocrtry n 1 ftintd lvin'Lfty lut - tr.-i-i',.
c.-itri"i ! r ll.i 1c. Vob hD .lrfnrt!i ' ii 1 it.ry :tr
rhc: p. trasby K''P. xiiat & t lvr -tii r
with inx-'a K'Kljiaeihr
oil THE
Steinway Pianos.
So tit c"t 1 f imjK.fipJ ui"n !
. Uir.itr
yt MUts. 1 ut - n; J
C -';J' ' O
itnd !" ooiiuerca verv HimiTiv ninui i .mse cnur, cuii now m
th.-ir ir.ennir." I'rtttv soon' her ! she would anoarefitly try unou her
lather went out, to attend to matters ' !inicr.
hi. th kirn, and her uiothi-r called to i "Ha! she ll make, a tnce victsni.
won t slit? she muttered; her n
is so thin and white. The fiends tell
me I'll have a fount ot blood to-
niitht. Ha, ha!"'
Tillv tried to scream, but she
couldn't make a sound. To her in
tense relief, Uncle John, who, as he
afterward expressed it, "had not un-lres-fd
at nil. but had slot with
one eye open," rushed out of the bed
room and wrenched the knife from
the frantic woman, seized her by the
arm. and marched her bat-k to her
I?v the time she reached there the
j her to come in.
"Sit down, my child." she said, as
Tillv entered. "1 want to have a lit
tle talk with you."
The girl obeyed, rightly thinking
that whatever "was troubling her pa
rents was about to be revealed.
"We have been harnessed greatly
for some time row," her mother be
pan. "with the fear that we should
lose our little heme."
"Lose our home? Why, mother,
I thought father owned it: that it
was left to him by Grandfather Clif
the open door.
"Tilly lighted ti candle, and her
father gazed curiously at the direc
tion and the postmark.
"Whocan it be from?" he exclaim
ed, turning it over in his hand.
"Why, father, open it and see,"
said Tilly, laughing; "that's the
quickest way to find out."
"He did so, and a check for five
hundred dollars fell out.
"Here, Tilly, read it," he said,with
a trembling voice. "I can't think
what it means."
It read thus:
"Mu. Cmffoud Having obtained
vour name and address as 1 parsed
r knife. ! through your yiliage the other day, i f
1 then. ' I take, great pleasure in sending you j r
the enclosed check. It is oniy a
slight return for the service your
daughter rendered to my afflicted
child. I beg that you will use this
money for your own or her benefit,
as you may see best.
Yours truly,
JIeuman St. Clair."
"Oh, father," said Tilly, clapping
her hi.nds with delight,' "that will
pay off the mortgage, and we can
keep our home fter all." -
"Ve can, thank God," he said;
"what a merciful Providence s-nt
that young woman to our door."
I a Po.'dive Onre.
ILJ. K. Jllbl.Wi J'.as vcrma-
? i i Deim f". v tit rtf-uia?ir ot
' K TL li . h' LUP.A K EK tenders
1,.r..f,..MieTv1-es:it!ie etleru i Siffl
et awl rMiatr. liflire in r-iiitire ca 3Iin
ttreet,ve?n ot liie Iiatii't;d.
i!af reawred t South Bred. Ir'tlsna, where be
ran I fiirfwird t j letter or oil.erai".
4 - ----
irtiee at.ive Henry Hdtif't store, viain IrJ
fn, ftuenereet. Pa.
faratl Oune Palnrl l .!iiln mm tVntiirHc.
j McUBaa I4..rb.lfr.l WtMl.tHM.
h.'tt.l r:i..:3r aC.tli U'.'jlid, fa.U AlIiQ -jvji.114.' i pUiiX, oarum trntiWM, .rd t !fcr
dl'irf Vm-, tlco, iU::iw mid replacement., and the ronwvpient
limi.-s l,imu J rbl4l tA-cttn-r., .jmI l. particular! aoiI to th
Charjr- cf I-:c.
, B It will (ii.Mi. erpri Timior. Trom w. nwra-i.
j v"t"y''-'.y, j aa car: Trlo-nt. Thett-niiai-yt.ieaa-
" 7 eero'!hlTr.c? cbfTkrd Terx.perd.1) 1 it. usr.
Write or .-11 u
Mn :n I 'mm tri:e:
u in t'ur nui'ii1 t..rc. tn
lie Rure to ?-?iid l-r illustrated
'ieet. i'cha'a
tdnmnlar and ell known lioase )u LttelT
l-.r.ihly rnl nwlr rrtitteil with oil Dew
d rct turt'stnre. wfck'a nude It a very
' Ki-.i..t..ti, .;.. i.T fuhltr,
i. 'alne mv. r..n C'lr.m tie ur,m(eil, all le
f firMeUw, with a lante patdu liall attaehetf
i the tmt. AlK lame t.1 rvmj ttaMicx
ti rlaw ; -nn l haJ at the lowest it
lie price,, t j u,e week, n.y 4-BeaL
i 6AMl'lXrrSTFR,PT0ffc
kt.E. Cor. Utucoad
Having ha.l Many .
yc-r rxrin.i e t
in !! tr?.!irht- f ;
lf "J mrf Hit- '
lurgs 1 tcatriinteA !
SHtltE::;n to ail ,
why uiuy &). i
r-tn in f.ri.l fiaVi.t i
"i3f it J("lJ ne with tlicirpat-
X r v i Yoora, 4tc,
Somerset, Ia. ' i
It nmtm f.iiitnw. CatuklM-.. drw..Il eruTn-
for ijuiiantK. ar.d r-ll.Te. weakne.. of It:'' rt tn. h
It euro. riiaCna:. It. Mlacbe Nttmi. rmtT.t!-,
Crnrni! DtMllt;, K:ctplrtme, Xlcrfion and :-. i
Ibat frr!ir(r ft b.f.rir' down. e.ntrp r'.w.:r: t
mi bctK-hc. 12 ctirr.r. rennawat: cnre.1 l;:'.n '
itwiliatalttin.fsi'iia wndr.I!,;r-un!n'- :.
toirmacf rltll til? !r-i .that porrm Hi.' r---: ir-l " i
rortfi. rureof Mt'.iiejOMaiaajuu of .lrr K : t..j
i-ybiv r. r!'.!.n.s rrr.;rr.r ' -
POrM! prra.- - at 0 ana fi 1 . i ..
imi.Mvo. r-t.-C'- a aotics r-rts ;
iatdttori n! j..:1. . .: lnt:ie f rrn I - - n
receirt of prlt. SI ?erbox fur::licr. : . :
free!r.nrer.:i k traof in-iulir. S. ! t , . '..
Ict idirc-j c : ore. i'lX." o t':i ire.
Xefam:i. rli" : 1 I wjhaiit I.VK.V T. t '
I TtTT: r:l-". '-"T 'ire eiw;: ir.t:.. '.
atifi t ' ' Ce IIt-. ie-V'--;
jj-SiJa'a.l i;rj.. j.
Somerset. Pa.
"So it was, dear; and ymr father i fierce glitter hail gone from her eyes,
received it free lrt.rn incumbrance. ! and she seemed a docile as si child
but in an evil hour he put a mort- i Shutting her in the room and barri-
gageof three hundred collars upon j t ailing the door, L ncle John return
it in order to lend that amount to an j ed again to the kitchen,
old friend. Not long after the friend j In the meantime, Tilly had dress
failed and the debt was lost. The j p and stood there, with a white face.
time, tor Jorecli'sing the mortgage awaiting mm.
r. I)
i.,. t-;,wi m
who h"ld it. Icis said rfpeattlly,
"never mind, Mr. Clifford, as long
as vou pay the interest, the money
. .,..11 T
can remain invested in toe House-.
s John!"
qier. ''I
"0. Unci
ho.;r.-e wii'i
meant to kill
It mej'.iis. child, that the worn
he cried, in a
do believe she
what does it
He died, as you know, a few weeks J is crazy, and has probably escaped
ago, and the nephew who inherits J from some lunatic asylum."
the propel tv, ti s we must pay the j "(). dear! I'm afraid to stay here
three hundred do'dnr. within three ,' :inolber minute, l.'r.ele John, and, as
months or else have the house
''There is only one hope. We
have thought of a friend about thir
ty miles from here, who may possi
bly lut us have the money, and al
low us to transfer the mortgage to
"I do hope he will, mother; it
would be ro dreadful to have to leave
the old house."
4 It wil! be us God wills," rvpiii
Mrs. Clifford; ''but we must make
every effort we can to save it. We
thir.k cf taking the journey in our
own wagon tosavefxpei:s,s;, and we
I shall not
I'm sure
T I . 1,
ose my eves to nignt
'Her madia ss comes on by spells,
I think, aud wc won't be troubled
bv her any more to-night. You go
to bed, and 111 keep watch the rest
of the rihjht." said Uncle John.
Assured thus of safety, Tilly it
tired to her room, but she was too
j excited to sleep soundly, and only
i ioai3''ht a short nan now and then.
Next morning the young lady
came out. daintily dressed, to break
fast, and looked and appeared so per
fectly sane that Tillv wis almost
have decided to start to-morrow f.n.n to believe that the incident of
morning. Vou will not ' afraid to! the night before was only a horrible
slay here alone through the day, will J tlieam. She retired to her room as
you? We have arranged for your I soon as ttie meal was finished, and
Uncle John to come here and sleep j while Uncle John and Till v were
were consumed. A horse was safely
removed -from the building. There
is no doubt of the incendiary origin
of the fire, as the barn is surround
ed by corn fields that would afford
ample cover for escape, and it is said
jthat in expectation of an incendiary
visit the budding has been watched
night after night. About two years
ago an attempt to fire the barn was
made, but the incendiaries were
frightened off. The loss is probably
8-VKX), on which there is a light in
While the firemen were at work!
ou the Wetzel building, flames were
seen issuing from the roof of the
rear part of the County Insane Asy
lum, which stands some distance
back from the Philadelphia turn-
i pike, and is situated about a quarter
a m;le lrom the scene of the for
mer conflagration. The asvlum is a
large three story brick building.
with a frontage on the turnpike of
supjiort the Republicans. iy the
spread of manufacturing industries,
by the growth of our agricultural
interests, the peopleof Maine become
every yt?or more interested in
4iNo candid man believes
?r""!l to !!-. A Jiert-st.
CuAMr.ES;si:i nr., Aug:it .". -There
is to.w sod in proiss,m'!;ec:urts
of this rrinkim; couidy which
is not only interesting to the citizen.
of thio county and ttate, but to those
of other States as well Nestled in
our valley is an association of Chris
tians known as Dunkards. This
sect took its rise in this State about
the year 1724. They have multipli
ed very rapidly and increased great
ly, and to-day they comprise one of
the strongestdenominations of Chris
tians in this county. In its early
days its adherents practiced absti
nence and mortification of desh, un
der the idea that by so doing they
secured the favor of God, and salva
tion for themselves and others. It
is the custom of this denomination
to wear clothing of very plain mate
rial, to furnish their houses as plain
ly as possible, and their ministers
serve without compensation. They
have no book of church discipline,
and, as a rule, their ministers are
not men of education. An annual
council is held, which is composed
of the bishops of the church and
three ministers from each district,
who are elected as delegates to rep
resent their people at these meetings.
This annual meeting is represented
by each district in the United States.
The trouble, which will be settled
in a court of justice, takes its rise
from the following: In recent years
innovations have been gradually
creeping in upon the customs of the
church, until there is now a divis
ion. The younger members of the
church are known as the "Progres
sionists," and insist upon dressing
in accordance with the customs of
the day. They say times are greatly
advancing, and think that they
should advance with them, and not
remain in the old rut in which their
fathers have been content to remain
for a century and a half. They in
i ist upon an educated and paid min
istry and the establishment of Sun
day schools, and the like. They as
sert their privilege and right to pos-
pnoTEtTiVF. i sess and use pianos and organs m
! their houses, ail of which is con
. . I Homed hv the olrler members of th
man beheves thata! , .. . , e
. -rr ,.rti i v . u i i 'iiiua.i. ah ijuvi uir itiiuuai cviucr
jiieietLiie umi nuuMi ne ujiiifiii
with a wing run-
for a single year if the onponents
of the Republican party should
come into power, and by just so
much as any voter in Maine helps
to elevate the free traders to power
by so much he aids to imperil the
manufacturing and agricultural in
terests oi the State. And not les3
so in the matter of shipbuilding.
Two out of every" three candid free
traders outside of New England will i
probably declare that if their party
was in power they would at once
proceed to admit i'oreign-bi.ilt ships
to American registry, and would
break down what thev term the odi-
ente was held in Lenark, 111., at
which a resolution was offered con
demning these and similar innova
tions, and declaring them contrary
to the teachings of the Bible. The
"Progressionists" had advanced so
far, however, that the resolution fail
ed to carry.
Many serious dissensions have
arisen in the churches of this and
other States since this meeting, one
of which is situated in this county.
The two factions refuse to worship
together, and the suit is now brought
for the. possession ot the property.
The bill
j court o'
in equity was filed in our
he 'g-ldoi December. 1SS1.
there are one hundred
about loO feet and
mil a southwardly the same length.
The building stands between the
county Almshouse and the hospital
for the sick. The former is one of'
the handsomest and most costly
structures of the kind in the State,
and fears were entertained lest it.
too. might share in the destruction,
but this disaster was happily avert
ed. The point at which the tire
originated was in the extreme rear
fif til ivin.r i.r kf a-V.ti.K ta
'God has many ways of bringing j tlin. v,,i, '. 'i
about the same result said s- where the most violent of the luna
Uifford reverently. I have bad tic- are confined. It is supposed
faith to believe He would help us in ,,. .,,OJi
our trouble, butt never dreamed it i,r.,r,i frm (u u-,i n j;..
"io'i ji.iij iur i!ct.ti inu laiitiiiii;
would come in the way it has. How
can wt ever be thankful enough?"
A few days after, the whole family
went upon a journey, and when they
returned they brought with them a
.! . al 1 1.11.
clear title to me nine nousenoui.
on the shing!" roof. They spread
rapid!' to the entire upper poitun
Alter paving the mortgage thev in
vested one hundred and fifty dollars!
in the bank for Till v, and the re-
John, thus enabling the old gentle
man to purchase some farm imple
ments he has long needed.
Tiilv never forgot this lesson ot
her girlhood, or the lesson of God's
watchful care over us. which it taught
ous monooolv o the coastni" trade. I
u:u .1 . i I m
causes nuicii iieeu nut. nere v cu u- , , . . i r i .
, . i , , , f plaintiff- and sixtv-two defendant,
merited have imposed a long list of ; ... , -, . , .,
i,,.i ,:. .. it . . : . 'In tins mil the piaintitls set forth
hardships upon the navigation inter-! ... , ..
- - , f ,i . ;,.i... i .,7 ,i .-. i that thev are members oi the Cer
es ts or the country ut the free- t, - - . , , .. ,,-
. i . .1 " t i i man baptist churcn oi toe falling
trailer partv if the onlv one which u, - i t i
' - i . , Spring District, and are in subordi-
lias proposed to altefiate those' ' . ., , ,
hardship.; by the utter destruction J natlon to ?',nera annual con ler
of the navigation interest itself. e?re .oft.that ch"rch; that V 'V
"In the transfer of so large a pro- c ",rc 1 the au! owners of yalu
nortii.nof the oce.on freiiihtir,' tn ! able ChUrth property; that they are
'.ti o..;i;,.. ....o..l lUlKtllUlUl IV.U- Ul t.117 Mil Ullll,
sti-amshiiis, the
relatively lost its importance ; but
it still represent- a very large inter
est, in which the people of Maine
have a p.reat stake. During the year
1S82 our principal shipbuilding
district will launch as. large a num
ber of wooden sailing ships as it
ever did in a single year even when
those vessels were the oce:m freight
ers of the world. Whatever contests
may be hefort us in regard t a re
vival of American commerce. no
Baptist church of the United States,
and that of this church the general
annual conference is the supreme
judicatory; that the defendants have
fitctiously and schismatieally com
bined together to bring discension
into the church, and have refused
du subordination to the conference;
that the defendants, by reason of
their conduct, are not entitled to the
I use oi the church property; that
!they have obtained aud hold p
Maine man who
the future of his
'inptrion n inturiut ii'r.iuli nr i!a
.i-. i ... . .v... i-.-fask that they be
cici I ti.2L:LjiiiLieLiieiiL- n;i. tiniM ir . -
been so energetically Rkimtatned
oi the tiuuding, which was soon
ablaze. The firemen quickly an
swered the summons to the new
scene of disaster, and worked man
fully against the swift ravages of the
f! ri TrhirVi fri.r. aIaimt llto Mrm r.f !
ItllA 1 .111 1.1 ! 11. r Tliull it-. in...
t i list of the occupation of the people
oiuining fifty they presented to Uncle , n)ake njUch"RttllwaVt however ,'ow-!.f Mai1'- r a bis pee
ing to the difficulty in obtaining an 01 ,l? ,leU,us to ,liavt; u?e
adequate supply of water, and soon trader point out one that would be
the entire r-.Y was wranped in helped by the destruction of the
f!ames,anl it wtts seen that the build- Irote live tariff, or, indeed, one that
ing, or at leat the upper stories of wuM not be harmed by it. I ne
it, would have to go. " j first one indicated by the frte trader
removing the inmates. j would probably be the navigation
Measured crs t-.k-n witbnr.t. fur. interest, which hi Would bo;k-tfullV
A Xeicro Squatter s Home. L. , t.'e . i . f mainttitn w seriouslv iniure.I !,v n
titer ueiav lor toe ren-ovai oi me in- i . . , - -- j " -j -
fhose who were harmless or Proucl.u:' ,:,n . l'ut fipowii-
r wmiiii riT i pcir. iri .'
intelligent as to f,m ? " : 'jrLn p.operty any
t .-..V t-- , i bave barricaded it so that the plain-
tins cannot emov it. ine plaintiiis
declared ttie Cer-
!roan Bantist church of the Faliing
Vlfccn i.itb. nnl nf C 'K n t l-i niinlro ' HiateS
M. AU til V O V V UH'l'OVl,Uj , . - , 1 1
on the Bri.Lreoort road. I came unon ' nl-v Iiauj insane Wtre p;aceu in
It would be curious to call over ai P!ftr' 111 the 1 rtlte1 ,St:it'"!''
ana mat tney ne restoreu to me un
interrupted pssession arl enjoy
ment of tlie property.
To this bill the defendants filed an
answer, asserting that tlie plaintiff's
have abandoned the faith of the
fathers, and have combined to de
stroy the rLurch and its ft.rm of
worship by encouraging extrava
gance in dress, lavish expenditures
in home, and in attempting to in
troduce a'paidjmip.istry. They deny
the authority of the General Annual
a negro squatter. I he cabin was a
structure of poles, which a man
could have pushed ovtr, and the
roof was simply a lot of straw and
weeds and biiahes thrown Upon the
rafters and held down bv limbs.
The one room was not over twelve
feet s'niare, and in this, with no
ill 1 iu-tnu.iAn
-"--- i - , . - f . .it PPT iirr "nii !iv ii; i. r n .'rinrii r
the care of friends, who escorted i OI 1 ,e I'cuou lo iu:uiuiacturts ii - ii!a.)0 mL
litt ine Kline it carntd with ltL. . - , , i."""-
i .t . i
them to places af safety. The offi
cers and employes of the institution,
assistetj by willing volunteers select
ed lrom the crowd that had assem
cihs and the maniac, lhe scene
was a most thrilling one. The idiots
strut-lion t- the protection ofi.'l'eiir: '
,.;,...(;. ...;,-i, ... . ,;.t,;i ;trnttn
tice in trie church. They also itnv
.!. nfriii....innr...t tvhipb mnl , trnt ti.ey nave ananuoned tne iaitn
from securing the coa.ctii,- trade! l'of tl,e '.h.urth and urge Uiat they
.. . fire r.ot dissentc
i-ntcrs. They claim that
he con?
i .i -i- -i tn A rii-rii'fif rm:f it rn.ii ti-i 1
removed ine idiots, tne lmt.e-1 " ' ''-"V. . . " ".r.7r," thev aie not in exclusive nossessi.m
uiuitu veeeeis. .ni, u sweaa i;i uit! , -, , . , ' .
countless sailing vessels, en-aeed in!?f l.h property, but that they enjoy
the night we are away."
"It will he dreadfully lonesome
here with you both away; but I am
not in the least id'raid to stav." said
Tillv brayelv.
uisned t lake tin earlv
", " 1 11 1 .1 l .. 1 ! 1
floor but the earth, lived a family of I""" V ' :"" ' ","iru , uu 1 J"-";.1'
There were two straw beds, ?' '' arrcr.rcu loeiyov me r
immensely. i no nanti
aiihics, on the other hand.
more violent than ever, curs-
the coasting
the Gulf ant!
1.:. ..1.1 i.i.i t... Jreedom
Ul.f li:;iij, out out nou, untc piling, ; r .
tma l-.t!V. . . r ft frr? tlto k'TiOOIlO finrl CUIlC( t
Ollt iii.t. iu i'in, w, p.fttc" .
. .1 . . . ' i
- 1 1 I. 1 1 , I -
(Hvl.. It llitil in ill 1U.1111111;, iiiti
consulting as to what should be done,
thev were startled to see a handsome
carriage, with a span of horses, drive j
A pale, anxious look ing gentleman
came hastily up the walk, and knock
ed upon the door.
"Have you -een an thing of a
young lady, dressed in a black silk
dress and " sack, and a white hat
part of the
earthv floor was a
ed ami swore and raved utid fought,
'moil "wi .-? i. 1 . .1 . . . , ,
Thefamilv had about i ?nf! lo ''l ,,:,,l'0 rts,st ?wnvn.
le in thv Atlantic,
jit in common with the plaintiffs.
he iciiic, it must be! ' ouuoings were
remembt nd that tie steam tonnage i rr.''( ' :U 'wn s aim piamt, is
lou.ti), iiiiii iii.'s property ii;e
Annual Meeting has no control.
After this answer h.-d bem filed
engaged iu the tuie trade, all built
and owned ;:i the I mted Mi.tes, is i
ViVger thuii ihe entire steam tonnage
Alb est A. liffj..
J. Scott Wu
rotieetiue roiile in all tartt cf tl.e
Pa file. wiliinp U -al Tpoirey Wert can t ae- !
e-.tntoo-late-t l.y Jralt New Ytrk In rny mm. '(
tN'lle-tiorn maile wim proniices. '. S. P..Jiiii .
bouifkl ai-l l't. N-oey u.t valna'ile. fecoreJ i
i.yiHieof liieWild'.eelet'rateil ale, with a Sar-a-'etit
a Yaie aO CC Unc lotk. j
tiAl lejrkl iiUldiTl obnerred.iS JeT !
i ii.
as wtey
start in the morniiig. the family re
tired very ston ai'u-r Mr, Clifford re
turned from doing his barn chores.
Tillv awoke tit sunrise, and found
that her mother and father had been j trimmed with lace and feathers?
up already quite a while, and the asked, hurriedly,
preparations for their journey were j "Yes, sir; she is" here now," said
nearly made. j Tilly. "Won't you come in and see
"Thank God!" he exclaimed, fer
vently. Then, turning to the lady
in the carriage, he cried out:
'Dismiss vour fears, my dear. Al
ice is hire."
five pounds of meal and three or
i i. ..i. i . . of bacon. hi.H of all the Matches ! '. l'ss
of the
inmates wvrs e;d,
had to be carried out.
Others, both male and female, were
,f Great Britain twenty-five years i)'.,e appoint.-., i .tic-
.... .. -.- !lriw:in t-.vfi tii l-.p:ir tin. ttttiiiiriv ine cotmling trade keeps alive , , 1 : : ." "'
I the navigation interests of America, 3 n1 T(:luvc - writing. The
nr.d nut nfit will ..;... rr.iTt- - examiner sat two days in. I tine, when
foreign trade that will restore us to
one ever saw the greatest show was v'1"1'?' vv" - ' .
right there. I ne old man nau mx- ( . . ' ' ' ih.. . r j our former and worthy rivalry with
teen patches op .e leg of hi. trou- V . r ( " T the chief comn.erci.d nations of the
ers, eleven on the other, .even on i" I .. I globe. Therefore the Republicans
unite in holding on to the coasting
"Don't leave the house except to
go a short distance, and be very care
ful, Tilly, about fire," said Mrs.
Clifford, as they niove away.
Tijly gave the desired promise,
kissed them good bye, and then
went into lhe ho.iae. to for"et her
loneliness as besti-hc could in"doing TiH iipmefliately conducted her to j 'yo v
up the morning housework. her daughters room. I '-pnildrpn
the had a long day, all to herself, I pon her return to the kitchen,
and manv a little niece of work that Tillv told the circumstance of the
I l . 1 1 .1 f r l- ! w . .l .11 T - y.
naa oeen put oy lor a lavoratue time young lady samvai, uuo . ocie juhu
Vrt O FTe-TlT 1VPVTTP lbe had managed to finish. In the j related her midnight visit to the
w' " riEAI1 - "XVK. afternoon eke happened to think of kitchen, and the muttered threats
hu interekting ioot. which one o! ; they had neard her niase wniie noiu-
Quite a number were m strait-jatK-.i
ets and gazed in blank amazement
at the burning building in which
ithev had passed so many weary
hours. It is believed that all of the
inmates were safely removd, though
l... ,i ,.! quite a number ot them alterward-i
now do you i , , , ,
i one of the i tw:aPetJ ai)J a few are Je at wrge.
ine unionunaies were mr a time
; herded in the tvtup-y-urd connected
' .i .i . i i i
K r.U man "Wll eh w-- 4IUIsuuum;, n nere .1 cceiie
kuv wava 1 tj -a 1 1 vaa a c a a
his vest, and his cotton shirt was
patched in a dozen places with red,
yellow and white and blue woolen.
The old woman's dress looked like a
crazy quilt and two of the boy9 had
only one trouser leg apiece.
"Great Scotts! but
live ?" I asked, while
boys was watering the horse.
Lib, sab. how does we lib ?" re
j we is gainm on it right smart. 4
J v ar
I of indescribable confusion ensued.
The lady soon after entered, and w "
on raise?"
Children and doga, Bah."
berly replied. :
"Do you work any ?"
Only when 1 feels like it.
The vard id enclosed bv a high stone
wall, and in it is a large frame build
ing. In this the more desperate of
l line maniacs were piaceo, nut, owing
lie BO- 1. r . ..
to a scarcity 01 guarus, 11 was a uu
ficult matter to. keep them there.
t As soon as the flames at the Asvlum
mJ.i,;,;.,,!,..,,. f,-,r,;toiwere well under coritvol, arrange-
"Well TiWna ,1a;' mnv- I.p a rhaV ! Ir,t"riti . were made for the safe keep-
.. - --, t . , J ,
i her school friends had lent her a day ing the knifv. j
I or two before, and she sat down by j "Xly unhippy child," gald the
' tVttt irlnilmi. in finiAf !f 1..... f.jfVt.. in u liriikn Vnl'e tt'bilp
A... 1.. I.,n'f 1.. n.x l.i n
I lit uf..iiiti tie Ltiiii,
"And these are all the clothes vou
ealth Restorer!!
'eirreat Vettrtalile llerneily. eerr -core rarrr
4. start ...I i lie 1.1 f.K. klMA t v mhi l.lili
any other known rvtne'y. It e-mtaiti. nc
-r-nary. do pol-ou : If aatl oi t t.t UMt b.rtcl-,
't -urxeoe meilel iioot.. liark- anl Hvrti
lileh atetxee tits illifrc.-td
f -l r ivtac.toB to te Stotuarb auk LlTer. Cat:
' "-e "Hli -H-r;rt aaV-ty ly ok! ik! yuunx. It
ill bnild ap the ran-iiii-iii ail nverworken
jJ (Til. Kreinrtliand .iiror Is llue who (ei-1
-ak are. won ..m
rreiiarea tj
Kit. V.
All niCbidnc Ocaier. m-11 tu
HaevriitowB. M1.
(Above Hlirjr Hf-lrlry'a S"re--e.)
j SPRITO, 1882
Eirbro'.deriet, Ucaii V.i'ry W.Vil. Goods, HiimI
rig o: the insane in the county
Almshouse and the Hospital, neither
i of which buildings was injured by
the window to enjoy it poor father, in a broken voice, while . , , itiithe flames, though the Hospital is
She was so absorbed in its con-1 the tears rolled down his cheeks ;on(j r0of"' ' j connected with the Asylum by a
tents that she was startled when she ! She has been bere.t of reason for the j , , .. .. . , 'covered corridor and the Almshouse
past three vears, and was the inmate i - -' i stands but a few rods distant. Some
. ..r... .:l . l .. if v
01 an PSMlim unui levenuy. iiir.
trade for our own vessels, and will
yield to no compromise on this
"Our proep. cts are so promising,
the surroundings of the party in
Maine are so auspicious, that we all
have heart and courage for the work
of the campaign. Divisions that
distract Republicans elsewhere are
nnbrAtpn r. rr. on n ul: o r ' t , i at T o
UllAtl Kf TV I A (kiUUIl ti t-- , ttllU A - V ISls if T 1 1 1 f
our happy fortune bv unity 'and Mrs-Erenfnt'rf U :Bf r'
.1 t The resuit of this control
victui iu ret uii raiujiic w tiie
Republican party of the whole coun
try, and thus to induce tne harmo
ny and co-operation which are indis
pensable to success."
The Wheat HarTest in Dakota.
t . . i . . .i. . ...
SW l,C!.b a-,h " h.. becrnr, s 1,- l"eH1 ust" !" uiiiy
v a-U, -aw " f- 1 - " T -V
"" e i.: i -
better thev allowed her to come out L." ,f , i,-i..iuiat arrangements
keepers thought she was so much I
and trv a change. While we were
riding 'slowly along yesterday, shei;J '
. .ie , ,.r i f- .t : , mucn
, i - ... e j, no fust-class hotel heah an
for the present. It is probable
will be made to
; heard a 6weet voice say: past three years, and was the inmate ; ' 3 -' j stands but a few
"Shall I intrude if I step in and of an phim until recently, iicr.- 4l., uru.. i 1 of them will be
rest myself a few moments'?"
' Tilly looked up, and a young lady,
I beautifully dressed, stood before her.
; the had a sweet, winning face, and
J the most faultless grace of manner.
She was instantly charmed with her
, - I , i - i i .t i
vk tnr nrm miieK i v rer leu- i nv tr p n a i luuu.tu do iasb iu i . .11, -ir ! or a new one ui
. . 1 1 ,, .,.. l... -1 , 5 J I . . ri vo Ufuu uu v uu u it; roiiiti oitns ti .. 1 . ,:i 1; J .- 1
rchitft, Dr.S. TrL-iingk, iy, 0ft.. ! - m ln e ieaei. II , ai rigni Ul couiu, out mic rr...... uie, -m 11c , d()wn road , wlijte fojkg . . , llt nuuiimg a omnnuu. inu
00K me cnair 01-j motner ami i nave umi ruunm; . . .ir,1,ii.i v ears ago at a cost. 01 f,w,nv, mas-
rd to her v - ' " J" ing the total law on building and
uic uwi-otcij , yeai tv uiv ii.t . , , . r . 1.
X ' r. . .... 1 send thft violpr.t of tha T.ntients
vou was mqtiann a leetie too . , .
! We doan advertise to keep j lu " x- - . -' ' 1 "t".uat"
plunged into a piece of wood, TJtlC'Z.rZ U 7- th burned asylum can be repaired
e road. I fodoweu as last as 1 . , , ,-i: ' or a new one built
and Norri?ti n, until such time as
yonr own town, ti Mitt
N irji. Feerytbiiia- nrw.
not rt(wlri. W e will rur-
vua .Teryuuiw. xiiMy are
m .kin loitnnt. Ladle, make a. iceb t men
an.l l yi aiM rtr!. art Biakicir irreat pay. lieaocr
11 yott waal a t-nMnriw at wkk'li Ton ran make,
itreat f U tb time vim w.irk. write I. r nartic
alan to H. liAixirrra'Ctv. Purtland, Mailt.
CotmU, Mytiw and Keri Uad.rwear, U
fzntt' and Chiidrwi'i Cltthinf. Fancy
Goods, Vans, Ztphyrt, Kite
ria!t of All Kindt far
The voung lady to.
fered, wLieh was a large cushioned j tortures of suspense m retan
. a. .
. rocker, and fanf; mfo its easy depths
, in utter wearines.
t "I was journeying with my
friends." she said, "and somehow
. , -n i n n have strayed awav from them, and
X tturetay uin ni.i iiuu mu,
"and in the
rest here as
rtra FaTaoxaoi I iBncrmiT boutd gaiil Tilly, hopefully,
aj-oRFBS.rj.aii.ArT.vflrflro wna ' meantime, you may
cake j.d dispatch. nut. i long as you choose.
say they
f, hopeful
V r"f, ; ' ; i W'dat nuffin on airth am quite up ,nfluf 1
e has sped of rant. c t . fst , , . lrfDirD .controls lully
f hlond ?i knv- jt, en H ' bosa an1 let this peticuler white man i a"oli -V 'n.?re
tragedy miSht have happened . foe dm two naked laDe iamatt8 m tbc building.
'TI. 1 - a i
fate. She
for Mood.
"It was
u,is); insurance
There were 111 m-
a narrow escape,
L'lltie, an il, luut -
was no harm done, and I am glad !
that vour daughter is safe." ! The Easton
-aid ch!1,lren cLn.m j10??6, A de sassafras j A J(rr?ev ca)f WB8 jn thtster
n' nrtrrir hia felin a I . e " rr.
; county for $2juOi).
silk factory, now be. I The wheat crop of Fayette this
Soonafterthe voung lad v aDDear-i ing built, will cost over thirty thou-i vear will be the heaviest in the his-
ed, accompanied by her mother, and sand dollars. i tory of that county.
St. Lofis, August 10. A snecial
to the Ghbf. Democrat from Fargo,
D. T., says : The weatiier in the
Dakota wheat belt is cold enough
for lire and hot whisky punches.
Farmers were ham-sting in winter 1 was largely represented, as have also
overcoats and mittens, lhe wheat been a number ot other Mates not
One of the
a large amount of testimony was
taken. The matter was then ad
journed until Tuesday last, Ahen
I the examination of witnesses was
resume j, but owing to the sickness
of some witnesses ain '.her adjourn
ment had to be effected last even-
ing. vt hen they will again meet has
not oeen determined. 1 he It-st le
gal talent in the country has been
secured in the case. The plaintiffs
are represented by Hon. J. McD.
Sharp and Messrs. Sturges and Me
Knight; the defendants by Hon. F.
M. Kimrnell, Hon. John Stewart ami
controversy is
anxiously awaited by all thechurche9
of the United States, as it will doubt
less establish a precedent by which
ail future law suits of a like nature
will 1-e governed. The case, rn
doubt, will be appealed to the Su
preme Court no matter what the de
cision of the lower court may be.
There were a great many witnesses
present, among whom were many of
the ablest men of the church." in
cluding several bishops. Maryland
U,eit.Utl-T ilUM milieu.-. lltj niittolj wi.1.11 . ai.uf. . v. vim i -lan
and oaU crop is turning out splen- including Pennsylvania. One
didly. Kufus Hatch, w ho passed j rules of the church has always
through here, telegraphed the mem
bers of the New lork Mock ex
change to sell their seats and come
to Dakota to raise forty bushels of
wheat to the acre, and make an hon
est living for the first time in their
I'laht AViih Thiers.
Desvfk. Col., August 10. At
Prcckenridge List Friday Wm. Lird
and son, who live on a ranch at
Baer river, returning home from
work, discovered their cabin had
been burglarized. In company with
five other men they started in pur
suit, soon overtaking the thieves.
In the fight that ensued both thieves
were killed ; also Mr. iJirds a sou.
that the brethren should never go
to law, and it seems strange that
they should now apply to civil courts
to have them determine what their
rule of faith is.
Don't lie Alarmed
At Prights Disease, Diabetes, or
any disease of the kidneys, liver or
urinary organs, as Hop Bitters will
certainly and lastkgry cure you,
and it is the only thing that wiii.
There seecas to be a great revival
of base ball all over the State.
j .
Pittsburgh will have a deficiency
of 8 100,(XA to meet at the end of th
present fiscal year.