'4 i The Somerset Herald. JKO. U. SCl'LU Eiit..r. Bomeof oiir farmer liave rwrnnenred. to I make tntir hay, ' , " ' Some of tlie Miuil fruita promise a heavy yield, ciwially blackberries anI rra-s. The corn crn; in this rotinty is of a briglit j auddicerin)? character. on the fimndatiou of the new aoad n.v. WLKNEPUA- ...July !- Ve tliellEBLD Tablft. Xnr clothing. rlieav ami f the laU-si Mvln at H.iUey. Another laiye invoi.-e of clothing just re ceived a! IloMerbaum'ts. Wanteh. lNrtatoes and o in eschar.- for p'xtdf or cali. at HoMerbauni".. ti..t. i' hat, the choait and lar?(t l ie of Mraw and felt hais iu Soniervt. CROUP, WHOJlMNli CuO-H anJlIriU chiti immediately relievci by Miiloh'e C'l re, J. Jl. Snyd'-r .V: Co. wlUhe dK-ai-crt law in town. The nobbitt -uits, n.vk wear, linen lfis n.l collar ar at H.-nleyV. IUeald tabl.u. ferule at Oia. H. F h cr' B.K.k St-re. Biwness men ohotild ti-e the Haao Tablet. KineWalntii Frame F.it'ht Iay 1fnl- at K. Milowell'f for $4. New fronds .it all kinds ju-t iwlvi at Heffl.) -'a. I.F.K!'I.KS M;in-. made mi-ruble Mr. Ja k Colborn, or Addison, tuta been in Somerset for the past ten days, undergo ing medical treatment with lr. Bmbaker. We rrj-uUUU the tabular statenjeul t.f Uie .rimary election held n the 2lm in-t., pv in:? the f iflieial vote of every precinct. Advertising is the life of trade. How can a man sell nnlw he tell? the pnblic what hehxs and invitos them to pun base. Irish potatoes, like the wheat, promise ui inimtmse yield two pretty jrood articles of diet. The busy tiiiTs of women in the United States use tip 2T,l.,i spools of cotton thread every year. Kecentricities in fancy jewelry now taVe the form of flat-irons, .-hoes, hoe, and rakes. Bill Nye ayi the reason the Imiv tx.d cm the burning deck was that it was too all fired lnt to sit down. Farmer lxy will be free to celebrate the 4;h of July this year, as the grain will not be rinened sutlk-iently for harvesting. 'Let's out and take a Mississippi," is the latest. 'Miissippi i an Indian word meaning "big drink." OFFICIAL RETURNS - " - 5 ; . . - ' ' OF THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARY ELECTION, 1( " ' ' " " " .. ! HEIJ) SATURDAY, JUNE 24. ISS2, by that terrible coned rwne.lv for you. Shilob's ' 'lire the i Already this season three rah men have jlic.'n slain in their tracks for asking per ; spiring inim. I'tHs: " Is it hot enotieh i.r IlleTaiCT. Ambvlt. vou t The jirowiii.' w Ileal crop is sustaining cin- iiil pit: .,f k;,i Lives, lace ed at ! Mderabie injury 111 some lin auties ironi me J ravages of an inect commonly known as (the fly. I found ; know hat i: from a It takes teries. Now we thunder a tidy is for. A ni'T assort ment mitts, la.-e curtains, Holderbaum's. Bui!iess men should order thi ir T...1 and letter Heads lint -up in jwkets. pr:::t . IllaH unpinned a tidy the ver- hand-oniet at thi Ollice. i ,.j,;,ir a;l wip-l his nose npon it. I-v i-.nsl- ti.rtions. oii ei.-ihs, 4 ret 'lis aiitl i j,n (iliio man t ssilvemy il.li.o i,t the laU-st im!!i m t Ilefth-ys corner. THAT H At'KIN'i ntfl.li e. . be so .juickly i-nivl by r-bihth's 'nre. u'' 1:,r-anti-e it. The l-t ierman plate lis.k'ai- ghis., all sizes, at Hol.l'Il.ilAlMS. It will be to vour a.lvautat: mv Henley s lar-e line of wall ai d window pajier U-fore buying in that line. CATARRH Cl'RU". health a:: ', owct Lreath seoure.1 by Shiloh" atari h P.ftn.sly. rri-T "oceiits Nasal Injector free. WIIJ. YV srFFKR with 1 i p-ia:md J .iver Complaint ; Sliiloli s iialier is gtiaranleeil to cure you. A beautiful lin of ladies. Mis- s. chil- ; A herd of Jersn-v nttle. the j.roHTty of jtieueral Mark ie, of Wrt Newton, is valued ' at f S'.i"' ). t'ne bull i worth t!,0Hl, and i several cow are worth l.m each. ; A suit va brought bcfoivan Indiana jas- tice last weeli. alio a warrant isuei, ior me i, .... i ! klliiiiiz ol a chicken. The iiarti- were an uii'i hound over to court. Ariilina Allegheny ..... lierliB hkruunn.. ......... Brmbenrallay Oooemauab (Vmflaeace Borvagli. Elltllck Oreenvllie...... Jeflereun , Jeoaertowa Bon mgh .Tenner Larimer .. Lower Tarket foot. ... Meyertdale Buroogo....... Mtadiaereek.. ...... ....... Mil Ion I New Htltimor Borough. New OetitrwlUe... Northaaiptoa.... ...... Paint t armahorlOK Sabsbary Uoroagh....... Sbile sairrt Horoagh Sumertet No, I sonierel No. 1.... Soutbampton Stonyoreek Stoynown Borough. Stommlt Cppw Turkey loot... ...... t'rsina Hrtuth Wellersbnrg Borough s m P.H. I). Jt Oo. K I 141 z ! ' M; lit SU ' "I I?! ; . : si lij "ihl M; ; US' , 13 4' !UJ 6; lj i "i 27 21 S3i io ; uj 31 s! a! 44' 4! SI 14 6t ti It o ; 21: 11' 1 n. w it 2Si "i SI -! 2' & UM li4 4U' IT, 4 12 11 4 M 13 Tl Ml 10, 3 15 4 0 - ll I 4'j I li't lJSi: 3 ! 4 211 Mi iru) a.: u I so I 14: r s: M 7s; si, M 104 70 4.1 1 , i; 6T" W: 1 1.1 Mi 43 64'! M- 113 ' 50 1 4'i it : Mm ! iH ; si I 17. 1 97 I si : 15 J. 50 31 34 llii 4ai 27; 31, 12 IHl 101 m; 13, 30. lUil 4 14 -! 1 27 1 m; iw; ia 13i 10O! : 14 1. 12 14 i Coamrriraia. US 15, 121 4 4' 62 i m; 13 Si! 2U, 1 17' 47; 2 .... l1 7i i, - 3 4.V 134 v M 4a 23 l t I 4 ! IJH John H. Bird. . Amof War. A. E. Frant. lute Yoder. A. K. Uombert. .Toilab Patton. Kred Uurr. John L. Gardner. Benj. Kaoa. Jamei Murry. R. Pall. W. J. Brant. Oeora Hatlord. Joaeph H. Kaatner. S. til 1. E. Wagner. Win. S. Hrenr. Philip WilL P. I'mbcrser. H. Martx. Va, H. Baldwin. Amo hhafler. W. T. Hobllttell. H. H. WltU .1. B. Jennlnga. .H. DeHaven. ToUl. .; W2 1271. li 8W' 1 204. 1237 M7.I i It ta";;cs ulx.ut two dox-n young men at ! h- ar:otts chun hes in town, when tbeser I vices have concluded, to guard the d-or , -bile the ladies j ass out. Th. r..!i. w lie Idiy's Sile JU-t slat nd laiuily of Ch-ster A. Har NimepM'l countv 1mv, now inemlKT j of congress from Louisiana, arc at Knep ! per's Minimer hotel. d a!! kinds of eoiiu-cbi'iiL-r' for ois's nt dreu. men and IIoI.lt -rhauin's. Wool, maple sticar. ai: trv i.rodticc taken in cx Heffley's. SiillJHS Ct'i'l.il and t':ns::ii'p)ioi; Cure is eidil by ii on a pimrar.t.s'. ll cun- consrjn.tion. The tilH-st assoritucu! ! Watcher "Ki k'. Jewelry. Silver-plated Ware. 5p.-ctaci.-s. Kye fiav. ev. r brought t" S-.inerset coun ty at E. McIowe!l's- l'..r a nice summer suit or anything :u the clothing line be sure ! mil at J. B. s-nyd'-r A l o.'s. They have g-t cin way dow in price. Call and hh- our fine line of cashmere. uniy, on Mon- ii.ii. where tbey will spi-nd tiie .iirt'n as the guests of Mr. I". S. ; The Suiiersc: ilvcr Cornet Baud h fl for i Li;-.iiier, W .-stiiiorc.au.! i .lev afterii ' glorious j" i Klicl.dier.st. I (i.neral llcuvcr. e-iov. Curtiu and Sen ' ator Alexander have l-n invite-l to be pre ! sent a! the anniii.l meeting of the printers' . pic-nic to he h. l.l at Bellefonte on Septcti. ; !kt 1st. I A new dance whi.h promises to fill a I lon-lVIt want during the warm evenings : has just lieen invented. The couples have nothing to do but to stand upand hu while ! tlie hand plays a funeral dirjje. The "Junior C-.rnet Band" i a newly or- froin :." to t cent per y aid: s;'k warj 6 !.!" i j-;iuiz(sl insiiuition of this place. The boys ID iS; lawns s to Uf sm.i at IlOolcr- : bttlllll s. Ji jtits-e- sheet music, selling at j cents j f.-ich. Fine selection, full !.'e. an.l nsualty ild at '-' an.! it cn--: at 1).ir!e 11 Fish- : it's I1.M.1E Store. If yon want first-f las- S'aiionerv at tiniaK ! tsist buy the IIkkm.p packet. Note, letter ; ul lsd .ghcTsiZ'-s put up in ihis way. They : are just the thiug for blisitie-s men. : are under the efficient leadership of Mr. Charles Sliu.'Vr. and give piom!s .f niak- inra tirst i hand. At a ss :al election liel.l in iliifor.l town ship on Saturday, June it, 12, as to a change in regard to the phicrof holding the eh-.-tiotis hereafter in aid township, it was decided that a change .should lie made bv a vote of l.'i.'lo W lion. A. J. Colli rn, representative friin anteii. Mapie Suear. Bacon, W.eat. j ; , . .... .1 ti r 1. .. : ... I ' r chatige f T men ban.iise it our Ime of trae. : Cvik .v. Brr.KtTs. on atlIlay of last week, lie wa- . au able and Jui.iliiut r. proejitauve, ami i well desTv. the endorsement of hi peo- IjkUcs we have reduced our lawns ami ! p',,-. 7,i,T;i,u-.7 TrirnrajJi. .Ircsj ginghams. Cail and see them before ! they are all gone. . iir. 'et.-r Heihey leiJ tor 1st. Loiiik on J.B. Ssvi.ru A- Co. iThursd,.y last, having a very valuable horse, A snTesivmdent writing from the south i the pr.ny of Mr. Jack Fry. in charge. of the county say- : " -Kough on Bheutna, : The horse was shipped by express, having a timn" kn.h-ks the eternal Mitl. ring of tiiat i Neciai car atiachcl to a tlir..ni:h mad tram terrible disease " j the isist of which was $. j Trunks. valise, shawl straps, ladies, .. . , , , ... , . 1 , due hundred and sevenlv-tive kegs Ol gent ana ei.il.ircn s gauze e.at, ctieBir-r , , . , , . , , - , , ! beer were revived at r-cotulalc on lat Sat- tnan inev are lo ne loun.i in :ie marKej, i kept by Herley. SHIU'H'S V1TA1.IFR ! urd tv evening house within its ict there is not a li.-ciised borders. The temperance ."ipl of Westmoreland don't sem to on di r-tand the a; .pet iics of the f? -itt dale folks. what Vou need for Con-'.ipi'.tion, Loss ..f Appetite, and all symptoms of lys-pejia. Price 1" : " - and 75 cents per bottle. ! The potato hue am jnt now jrettine in Simiui.-r coats, pants and v.M. gauze uu- w"rk in f!no r-vI- '' Srl im-dershirt-. drill drawers, and su-jh nd. r a prc-ssion i th-y are not quite so plenty as low as Hi cents, all of which are very . heap, j heretofore. It is now about time for them at Ile'nVv's i shdf out and give ..me other est a ..a- .i i - , t ... , ... , , ! show. The tiorato crop promifos to be a Ofhee (hnks. N i.Kel I.k-. eitbt i 1 11 thicks, I-ver 'l.s1cs, Cairti.lars. Mantle 'lo.ks. Bronze Cl.xks. P.la.-k Walna r.v! one. I -k, Br. lire MelVwrll'. igurcs in gre:it variety, at s caii RriiniKs. Wi .-! now prepared t.i To t'. NTKA to sjiy timt we .-ir.- now prei-ired to inrnisji the lst win:.- line. caU-incl pla-u-r and -men', in 'ive r.. vn lurrel lots, at pri.-isi !- than city ou -lati .Us, I.niI fret t a.l.t.d Not .i- our pri' l- abere in l.s al coluniTi of tl.i- o, k X I'.rrRiT-. 11m st, ,. :'( t. d ! iit.- of Mxlliijs Sbauiis-. late of S uuerset towiisbip. d.s.-;i t-l. has bwn .-ontiitiM-d cut:! Tm-iay of August court next, at the -o'irt h..'se. un s ,I at private sa'e s.sn..r. Persons le-r,is to buy mill nl U'!i Jacob Nc:f or John 11 l id. at Souiwsrt. J'a sfv'ikle Ai.VH'lc not a!!ow -kepti cism ti overrule your U-'tcrju.tiri'ient w hen au article r.f true iwerit is plucsl l.'f..re you. If you are dyspeti'' or y..;;r kiJnevs and liv er are aiteeted. delay no lot-g-r : pna-ure a bottle of Swedish Bitters, ib- infa!!itj!e rem rdy. It m id Uo more for you ;!.bii we av about it. SHva.lk.TU.seni.iit and testi nv.niil in this paiwr. laroKitxT To Biiliu us. -Wc . tier a our warehouse .it im track Sonacrv-t -tsiion. in five to ten barrel h'ts. White Lime. p-r barrel. I! lbs. net. s-t.tWi 1'id tin- ' liid.-js iidcnts' of the eounty n-fraln faitu ro.ing two years apo? At the primarj- elei-tion of lsso there were 2. .'it; vo!-s jilie-l. of which A. J. Co'h.ini, who wra h .- lid ate for itoeniMy. n-ceire.1 1 , t the recem jir"mry there were 2.10T votin p.ll.s!, actu.i! e..iin of whi. h Co!LKrn r.s-iis l.os. for the s,.iiiie oiV.v, The gi titlci.ten who are iiispciing (be pr. .js.-sl line of tVe South I'e'insylvania Raiiroa-I. arriv.sf in Somer-e! on Thursday lat. T. K. Sickle. hicf engine-r of the Fn'. i'i r.u-iiic rai'road, and rine nf the ni' mini id engiturrs of ihe l'nite.1 Stat. is onw of the party. They continued their journey westward on Friday. A striking re.iiit,laii.-e ..f cucuiiiIkT bugs . to swevrhears and t..v. rs.sys an exchange ; may Iw found in ib.-ir n.-lise t.f onion t J V.'Ikii Ihe cm iiudH r vine b-giu to appear. take a few toiw if yonrr.iimg onion and i lay theiu nhoiit the viinv. Thu rtvult wiU i ttifif in t.M Ctiin I'.n'f n 1. -, .1 1.., can ! . r i win lie cone nnu win stay awav s ions n the onions ,sre tept there. The result of the late primary election a).ars; to give very general satisfaction. As will l? seen by the official report there were some twenty-two hundred Totes poll ed, alxitit the same as that of two yean ago whrti nominations for the same oflice were made. Notwithstanding the fact that the few half-hreels at Meversdale refrained from voting, the vote (mil. si was a fair aver age one for an off year. In 1877, before there were any "Independcuts'' to refrain from voting, there, were only l,40o votes olle.l at the primary election. The body of Lieutenant J. Russell Win gate, who wax buried on the 28th of June, lsy, in Hollidaysbnrg. w-a taken tip a few days ago for the purpose ofre-intenuentand was found to lie a wonderful state of preser vation, the clothing in good condition and the hair smooth on the head. The face waa shriveled and not recognizable, otherwise die corpse looked a.s though it had been buried only a short time. The remains were embalmed on the tield, near Petera hur, Ya., where lie was killed, he being a iiM-ndier of the Wth regiment. The New York ismrt of appeals rules that diuiiktnuesa does not take away responsi bility for crime. It refuses to grant a new trial asked for u the ground that the con demned murderer was the victim of an ap etite for drink which amounted to a dia ea.se that destnjyed his will powT and ren-der.-d him legally irresponsible, as in the case of Insanity. When the court declared that if a man voluntarily gets drunk and then commits ninnh-r, he is fully responsi ble for his crime, it stated 110 new doctrine but nierelv reatlirmed an old one that needs some fresh illustrations. Alniiit 11 o'clock last Thursday night Mr. Philip Cupp, ho lives aotue three miles north of SoniiTset. on the line of the S, '. Railroad, was awakened from his slum bers by a uoisc at the front door of hi house. Thinking it was the hired man, who carried a key. and is in the habit of coming in late at riixbt, he paid no attention to it, until he heard the door of the spare room at the head of the stair, creak, whereupon he wakened Mrs. Cupp and asked where he could find a match. There heingno matches up stairs, Mr. C. luade his way to the kitch en, and in so doing frightened 'he would-bc burglar, who made his escape. Nothing i? niisved, but Mr. Cnnp thinks it was some one who knew that there was money in the houe. A ConaeiiioeStricken Murderer Sar-rentlcrs. Mr. Samuel Panon, a pnengcr brake man on the Somerset A. Cambria Railroad, wa married a short time sine to Miss Katie Swank, of this place, and the young conple have for several weeks been boarding at the reitidcnee of a well-known citizen of Meversdale, which town is at the end of Mr. Parson's daily run. A day or two ago, in the absence of her husband, Mrs. Parson received a call from an old friend, a rather fast yonng man, whose home is in Somerset They chatied together quite pleasantly for a short time, and then the gay Lothario made a proposition which the young woman in dignantly spurned. The young man insist ed. but was unable to accomplish his pur pose, and soon took his detwmire. On Mr. Parson's return his wife told him of her ad venture, and the young husband was natu rally very indignant. Happening to meet the aforesaid young matt at Rockwood on a "uhsetjuent trip, he said: ''Do you knw what I want with Toil?" "No," the reply. "Well," said Mr. Parson, "you have insulted my wite, and I intend to give yon a sound thrashing." He suited his actions to Lis words, and pelted away at the young man until he was rendered useless. When picked up and carried into Haines' Ho tel at Rockwood it was found that his right jaw wa broken and that all the teeth on that side had either bceu knocked nnt or loosened, while his whoje eron was so se verely bruised that he has found it conven ient to rema;n in lied ever since. .'A'w letters deixisit.-d at the nistorti.ie without ln-ing sum;-.!, or without directions or with iniprojxr direction are returned to the writer. If tlie name of the writer is print- .'a':, il:it t'lsl.-r itr I ,T .1 . !!, ..: t"jt . . ', ,. V. . 1 ed "n the enveiot this can be done and the ' euK-nt. per banel. so lli. net, 2.(t . ' V ialitv cuarantecd. It Causrs llldllV i tn- ,(l:lt gool i mistake corrvcte.1 with little dclav. If. C.s.k A IVf eiTsi. ' however, then- is no name on the letter it j is sent tJ the dead letter oflire. Person nuti'.ing valnable letters wonld do well to a strange thing, and one which tiioiiirtef.. but nevertheless it I 1 1-H.k lo this matter. .d S.-11 it. rv.y.Jer d. o. !! more them at lower price, than i " " '" any tKher tm, ;,, ,, ,. Tllp.. M r,,.,.u. i Urn person is atta. ke.1 on the highway by ordering mv;,1? ,w pXB,. ,hllt j a dog. he or !ic his a ripht to kill the dog, the lat.-t and their ! Tn' nwnrr ne,a auntl ' tor ( any injury inflicted by the animal. Now t! irsty.es 3)wv, k-n.vls tip loth tiIlM Any of i supporters urty- Urs i.,. , . i I 13 ""i-"- " Hi , , , ... n lieu nuiu or woiiu.il uiiuersiaftuus me imw rla,l I, . tm ... ll.al 1U1 fn this ioiiit they will walk right up to the first bull dog they meet and cut his throat. glad to learn that the ! line-t stock ev.rbr,m(cllt u. S-micrset cotintr I " andyel'ing for help. lias tusr tiecn recetv-i i,r r v u..-.t n makes a mwialtT of 11 'i. .' .' instead of climbing over the n caret fence ft---s-um antees satisfaction. Prit-rs are within the reach of all. Also, a nice stock of ladies' and gent's shoulder bra.Ts see them. i.rwi win aim ic.i your neithh,, ibt .-....i.. T..v. i iv.i. - - : ri w w-'s. -'. wva r '4t s .a. . Md HUVitUU i eiilar..! Ins store mom i.r fort Th" T&t titti rf f.rkieM IT nni.nr ammh. TV. , .:, " e- I I- " " l '"'"".cJ, advertise.! in the i week in the HrEAi.n for some a sold June 27th, by lVm.0. Knep- TI....I il . a f 8 eniav! ins store room w ( tbe following prices: The dwelling ther. I ancyKi,h and Notion,. Tranks jRenhen McMillen and Aaron TYill for $t.- esMi-iieis. at. ties, ti.wks and Jewelry, an '. 4s immense selection tf men . hoy's and chil aiMt1. ..i.i. t s . . . . " , o.-., w N. l. ailjoining Jlartin liartxelt, was WnT ""1"min n rrh. Men'. ! to lUrTf Uav for T0Jrt fvT trrt. l, attA'..e lUtk suit at f7..K. to SV 2 was sold'to'rtr. W. H. Gardner tr - d; I SUItS M.W to U lie .-lol.lisftn'. . . t. - . v ., . t i-r acre; jot .so. j was soiu IO IT e itata in enilless netr, eirht acre of land north nf town was L. 1 1 . . t -1. r .1 r , I sun io jejeniiau eimerior pT acre; ' va-1 V,. H. Gardner for y9 per acre: lot No. 4 The IiVm of the following late, will be remembered a the young man who ran the barber shop under the tilade House at this place several years ago. Hay the Johns town Ti 'thunr ; Several months sintse a young man named Jan.e '. Ford came to Utr place from Iitts burrfi aud secured cuiployuwnt at Mr. Yon Alt's barber shop on Clinton street. He had been here hut a day or t when he ackrd his hoss for the los.n of a sulh ient sum of money to pay his wife's fire from Pitts burgh, and his retpiest was cheerfully grant? ed. They.Hing woman arrived In due time, and the couple enjrsjnd iHKirdiu at the houie of a family nanie.1 "iw iiig. in (iia- maugh lrough, where they held forth until yesterday, when the drvanii. of happi. 0(r were suddenly dirielled by' the arrival of warrant for Mr. Ford's arrest m th charge of wife-de-rtion. The warrant had been forwarded to Chief Harris, who took Ford in cosiodv. Mr. Yon Alt had become attached to hi workman, who was sober, industrious, and favorite with all the cus tomers of the shop, and on being told that JfM bail would be required for Ford's ap pearance at the next term of Allegheny county Court for trial he cheerfully became surety for that amount He weak eced soon afterward, however, and, suing oat hail piece before 'Soutt Kasly, had Ford rear reste.1 and turncj over lo the authorities. The young roan wa place. in the lock-tip, where he remained over night, his alleged wife keeping his company. Alderman Burk, of Pittsburgh, by whom the original warrant was ined, on oath of Mrs. Maggi B. Ford, was told last night of the situation of afairs, and bo officer was eiiected to arrive from that city to-day to remove the prisoner to the. Allegheny- county jail. Ford claim that be never was married to lh prosecutrix. r He took very good care at himself during his residence in Johnstown, and made a creat many' friends, bat those who should be bn aoauainted With all the tVts iri the case say tliat be is a gay deceiv er. He and the jmnne woman who lived i with him hare got along nicely together. ! and are reported to hare frequently given JkrsKt Citt, June 2. John Roach, em ployed at the new tunnel of the New York, Ontario and Western Railway at I'nion Hill to-day went to the Hoboken police station and stated that he wished to surrender him self liecausc of a murder which he had com mitted in t rsina, Somerset county. Pa., in summer of lS7i According to the man's statement, he was working, in the year mentioned, in Brooke's Tiinnel.on what was then called the Pittsburgh t Conncllsvillc Railway, but which is now a branch of the Baltimore it Ohio system, and boarded at the house of a man named Lli Hann. A fellow workman at the tunnel, named John Mitchell, a native of Virginia, was paying attention to an eighteen-year old daughter of Hann, despite the objections of the lat ter. Roach stated that Hanu came to him one night and proposed to waylay Mitchell, and he consented. The two men then went to a pieceof woods, near the boarding house and when Mitchell came out they knocked him down with a crowbar and beat him un til he was unconscious. They then picked Mitchell up and threw him over a clitfto the railroad track Mow, where he was after wards found dead. Hann wa amied, but was not indicted for lack of evidence. The chief of police at once telegraphed to lr- sina and received an answer stating that an affair of the kind did take place in 1S7L'. and that Hann was still living in the village, where he had auiaioed considerable prop ertT. The telegram lurtiier stale.! thai toe District Attorney of Somerset comity had been notified, and would take immediate action. Roach is aixiut u- years ol ae. anu says he has become conscious-stricken, and ha not had a good night's rest for years. He is held, awaiting further orders from Pen n s V 1 van ia. fciltimurt A nerict n . - . The following account of the hearing iu the case we take from the Hi.bm.ii of fK-to-ber 1. 17 '"KH Hann, who was recently arrested on suspicion Of the murder of J. Marshall Mitchell, had a hearingon Friday last under a writ of huhror cw-y.w. before Hon. I. Wat son Rowe. and was discharged from custody for want of proof on the part of the Com monwealth to jnstify his detention tor trial. The evidence offered showed that about r o chick on uie in ruing oi tue jwi oi .mi- . Kn. Hr.R.M.D. The following editorial mpiib is from the Meversdale Otnmrrdtl of June 2M, and it is so highly characteristic of its author, and shows how deep that journal has been steeped in the slough ot political demagogueism that I thought it would be interesting reading tn the renders of the Hkkw.Ii, attd therefore I send in for publication. "We want this fact distinctly understood and we intend to keep it before the people: President Garfield was murdered for doing right: and a "Stalwart of 8talwarfa" mur dered him. That is enough of Stalwartism for us. We w ill vote the Philadelphia ticket, the tniei iartield Republican ticket the only Republican ticket in Pennsylvania this year." The Stalwarts are no more responsible for the death of Garfield than an infant is for its gender. To say that the Stalwarts killed Garfield would lie eual to saying that the Indcieudeiita hired him to do so. Both as sertions would lie void of even a shadow of truth, and no Stalwart journalist ever made either u.ertion. No one can do so without disgracing his intellect, and the dirty work has been left for such journals a the Mev ersdale finnHfrclnl. No Stalwart has ever attempted to justify the great crime committed by Guiteail upon any plea of right. The only defence that has ever been made for him was through hi council; that the tilt between President Gar field ami Senator Conkling. over the ai poititment nf Kohinston. in which the President won, so uisttirbed the weak mind of the assassin that in his desperation to ob tain otliee he killed GarfiehJ. About the same defence might be, with equal propri ety, set up for the Independents. The long continued and triumphant success of the Republican uirty iu Pennsylvania, under the leadership of the Camerons, has so dis turbed the weak minds of thooo whose iu ordinaie desire for party distinction, in the way of leadership, caused tbem to spring a leak aud had to switch off for repairs, and arc now trying to tear up the track they came in on. . It has not fallen to the lot of of every man who can write an article or make a speech, to become a great leader, Those self-constituted leaders are like a cer tain insect that is always the largest at the tinieof it birth, and the longer it live the less it grows. A good leadership is indis- peusihle to success, and when a man has proven ins abilitv as a leader, wnv not ac- gust last, the bodv of Mitchell was found j knowledge it, and let him go on. close to the northern rail of the P. A- C railroa.1,' near the weteru ' approach of Brook's tunnel, with the right ami crushed off between the ells w and shoulder by the wheels of the cars, and with two wounds, one straight and one angular, on the hack of the head; it U supposed that death was caused by the fracture of the skull, extend ing half way around the head from the an gular wound; that the wounds on the back of the head were made by different blunt in struments; that there was a comparatively slight flow of Mood from the severed arm, but that the artery wa so lacerated and bruUed as to account for this. A small pool of blood was found some hours after the body was discovered in a fence corner near where the body lay, but this was satisfactorily shown to baye been caused by some one's nose bleeding whilst Mitchell's Ixidy was being examined. It was further shown that bad feeling had ex isted in ' Hann toward Mitchell to within a few week of Mitchell's death, liecause of Mitchell s attention to Hann's daughter, which Hann disappproved, and that during the time this feeling existed Hann several times said he would kill bim if he came back to his house, and continued to press his claims for his daughter; bat it was shown that about four wm-ka before Mitch- ii. ,i,v, ir ..... I. .l ... . ... 1 , . . i.:. : ; ', . i , 3 vt .i' iiaiii. i,si. . rit fti iu .i:-i.,iii,,r II si marriage with his daughter: their rela tions bad liccome 41ui.tti.1le. an.) Mitchell went t'l Hann' honse when he liked. Mitchell was kiilc.J within a hundred yards of Harm's ho-rse, and not far fr-itii his oh 11 boarding house .Mr. Hill's) a-i.l in tne morning when, with other, he was called j up, Hann admitted that he bad met Mitchell I bet ween s and t o'clock of the evening be-1 , ' ,, r 1 . . . 1 i. 1 1 -, ilearnelbt r,iM ai.,1 ll.;.! tl,..i- I1.1.I ..ulL.-..l tin .1.. .... f J . 1,1. .1 spondeney. indigestion Guiteail was tried for his crime, and the jury refused to acquit upon the plea of in aanitv. and the assassin of President Garfield has been hanged in punishment of his high crime. The ifey.rs.lale CbMrrui is still on trial, and public opinion will bring In the verdict iu due time, and it is hoed in the interest of chaiity that the pleadings will be accepted and that there will be an acjuital on the plea of insanity. Garfield Republi cans is a high Hounding term, but it is so much like taking the name of God in vain The voii of Garfield ia forever silent in death, and he can no longer rise up and ask the people to "hunt the scoundrel down,' and therefore hi good name is slandered by unscrupulous men. If Gen. Garfield was living he would disdain to recognize such a I -arty as now assumes to use his name for political effect. He would say of them as he did of those who published the Mor ley letter, "hunt the scoundrels down." Confluence. June 21. X. HelHey keeps the largest line of white and colored shirts for men and hov in the connly. I'EBHIT so SV8.titi;tio.. Insist upon having Floreston Cologne. B is greatly su- : perinr in i-rmanemr and delivacy of fr. Fvded Colors Restorku Faded or gray hair gradually recovers Us voitthful color and lustre by the use of Parker's Hair Bal sam, an elegant dressing, admired for in purity and rirh l-erfmne. near where Mitchell was killed, and talked a few moments, when they separated, M itch ell going east to Hill's and he home. Mitch ell was seen, by several other persons about the same time, and was then under the in fluence of liquor. The arm ia suppoced to have been cut off by t J411 exresR train east abuf 1 1 o'clock at nighty but the theory ol the Common wealth was tbt Mitchell bail ppdiahly been mur dered bjr the blows 011 Il)c head, aud the body dragged to the track that it might be mutilated and the crime roverod oj. The Commonwealth wa required to prove, first, that the tuan had been murdered or us ihe lawyers say, the torytu dAit1e,iu second, who committed the crime; and failing to prove the first reuireJ, or that death aud all the wounds were not caused bv the train, secured the prisoner's discharge. , . Constable Southerhind and his assistant received a well deserved compliment from hi Honor for their vigorous, prompt and conscientious efforts toward the vindication of Uie law. This investigation was abso lutely necessary for the protection of the in terests of both the Commonwealth and de fendant." . . t Hann was arretted at bis home in C rsina on Saturday and brought to Somerset on Sunday morning, where be ia now confined ii jail. Deputy Sheriff Dickey left for Ho boken on Monday morning for the purpose of bringing Roach here. Why WoMf.s F-s It. Because thev have iy experienn that it overcomes de- wea.nes in the back and other troubles of the sex is why women even-wlicr use Parker" Ginger Totiie. ll'iv r Jnvntnl. Wanted. By two gentlemen, a furnished room 'n Somerset, without board, by the month. onart"r or year. Will iajr a reaaon ohla pfice. Addtess, stating locality and terms. . Joh Mawtox, P. 0. IV. X M. Meat Masket. Main Street. We have just added a large Refrigerator to our Meat Market In which all meats can he kept coo1 atid-fli-ati.' Mutton. Bet Pork. Ac., kept constantly on hand. Open daily. Parties bnying meat can have It kept In the Refrig erator until wanted. Weliave. also, 100.0UO new brick for sale, which we will sell by the hnndred or thous and at a low price. Row Davis fc Co.- tl e l ' Ul "t''' AL'' H : wa oU to Ferril for $114 per acre proofs t4 their ardent attachment for each i '"'tF pmiC and srttntner styles of la-: Jot No. 5 was sold to Harry Hay for $7 30 ! other by "hngsing" in public at the barber u. a.s and Millinerv Good. peracre. shop. Specal TeiegTam. A PLtASASI I.ETTrK. Zeeland, Mich. Please find enclosed draft for amount of in voice. May 7. 187!). Tbe Baxter's Mandrake Bitters give the best satisfe! tion of any pau eift triedicuie 1 handle. They ha ve adver tiwwi 'thewtsrlee after selling 1 few bottles, and I warrant every bottle. - ' - - i, t v.. V nrK:i-.- fir..s.vii .... r .7- ' Billiousness, Liver CniupiaiDt, Diziineat in tbe bead, IudigesVion. Constipation, and all similar' diseases, yield readily to tbe ef fect of Baxter's Mandrake Bitters. Price 35 cents per bottle. Think of it: Men's full stock, half doa ble sole stoga Shoes at 88 cents a pair; men's fine buttoned, or lace shoes at 1.37; ladies' fine kid button or lac shoes at !X) cents a pair; carpet slippers at 37 cents; infant's button shoes at 37 cents; best sole leather at 24 cents per pound. The largest, cheapest and best selection of shoes in the county just received at PaulG. Nowag's cheapstore, Berlin, Pa. t U is en s. It is as 1 1 - i induates. is Waj.ni'T Leaf H.mb Restober. . tircly different from all others, clear as water, and. a its name ir a perfectly Vegetable Hair feieiiorer. ' It will immediately free the head from all dpdrti restore gtiiy hair to i'li nttii-ai vvfer. s4 produce a new growth, wjjer it ki feiUa off. ' U tlojs no.t in tsy manner affect tbe health, which sulphur, sugar of lead and nitrate of silver preparations have done. It will change light or faded hair in a few day to a beautiful glossy brown. Ask your druggist for it. Each bottle ia warranted. Smith, Kline A Co., wholesale agents, Phil, adelphia, and C. X. Crittenden. New York. 1 e - . . ..... ...... j Curtis KooKer was bom oear Suhbtowu, I Westmoreland county, Pa., ami wan the old. ' est of a family of four brothers ; consisting I heide himsulfpf Bcnj. I lateeilitorof the I Santa Crur, California, iVtitincf, who died in ! 1377 ; 'William, now a farmer in West- 1 mftnt,iit 1 n f v And VTriiiAii It livincr near San Jose, California. When quite a youth, his father moved lo the State of Ohio. After remaining there a few years he returned to this State, locating in Jefferson township, Somerset county, Pa. When Curtis was about 14 years of age his mother died. After ber death he made hi home with an uncle at Lavansville. where he wa apprenticed to the trade of Wagonmaking. After be bad learned his trade, he establish ed himself in business in Somerset, manu facturing wagons exclusively ; but success attending his venture, with commendable foresight, be combined with wagon making the manufacture of buggies and carriages, giving special attention to this lat depart ment. His skilled workmanship. Ids fair dealing, together with his promptnese in all business engagments, enabled him to close the 40 years of his business career with the most honorable and gratifying success. He was a man of much natural reserve and dignity, and yet not at all unapproacha ble ; for be was remarkable for the great number of clese personal friends, nd was not unfreqnently sought out by there, for bis counsels in matters of importance. Hi fidelity to bis Wends and the readiness with which he granted favors, drew to him not only the people of Somerset, but the copIe of tbe surrounding country as well. His extensive personal acquaintance throughout the county gave him a knowledge of the preferences, wishes and demands af the, peo ple such aa few possessed. In public mat ters, therefore, he was capable of giving wise counsel regarding the selection of men who would lie acceptable with people gener ally and secure the united suffrage of the party of which he was a member. Men in the county desiring ortice, not utifrequently came to him before their desires were made known, asking his approaval and recom mendation, and when this was once obtain ed they felt reasonable assured of success. His superior judgment enable.! him, so to speak, to make and remake men ; and yet it can lie said that he never used his influ ence to resent any supposed jiersonal injury, nor did he seek his own personal preferment to the detriment of others who might he askingfor political favors. For many years there was perhai no man who did more to mould and make effective the party which represented his own political convictions. He himself received repeated expressions ol the confidence and esteem of the voters of Somerset county. In 18jo he was elected to the important and resjionsible position of County Treasurer, and again in 135 he was elected to the same office, and could have received other manifestations of their con fidence had he so desired. In the year of lt,, be was married to Miss Emma Kiernan, of Somerset, and their sincere devotion to each other laid the foun dation for the long life of domestic happiness which followed. To them were born sona and daughters, roost of whom have grown to manhotsl and woiuaiih.ssl, and live to love and cherish his memory. During those years his was a husband's faithfulness and constancy, a father's devotion and example, making home that sacred place to which his affectionate nature brought his best gifts, a place now to them of the most hallowed memories: and imw that he i gone they say my husband, our father, would that he were with ns again, and many friends stand about them, but many do no more than mingle tears and recall cherished mem ories. But to these bereaved and sorrowing ones we may say -God lumMir bath dona it; yes, although severe May Sean, the stroke and bitter be the euis TU Uli own hand that holds it, aad we know He'll Rive thee grace to bear It ap." He unite. with Triaity Lutheran church of Somerset some six or seven years ago. He at once became an active and exemplary J member. At the meeting for social praver on Wednesday evening, as well as on the Sabbath day, his seat was scarcely ever va cant In conversation with his former pas tor, he at one time said that he too long had neglected to attend to the "one thing need ful," and that he now desired, as tar as pos sible, to redeem the time. He was soon elected office bearer in the church, and to it he gave conscientious devotion nd exem plary life, fulfilling the trust to the approval of his brethren and the commendation of his pastor. His sickness was a protracted one; for niorethan a year he was stibje-t to great physical suffering. He bore it all with meekness and resignation. His was a sanc tified affliction. He bad set his feet on the Rock of Etemrl Age, and knew bow firm was his foundation. He consequently said that if it were not God's will that he should again be restored to health, be hoped that his life might soon come to a close. His end was peaceful. Death came not to bim as a king of terror, but as a welcomed friend. To "depart and be with Christ was far bet ter." He could say Since Christ bal Taoqolthed death, hi itlna Extracted, spoiled or all Bis power: He eon a frteod, not terror! king His visit welcomed, wished for hour. The porter, key of life and bliss. Aad teat la tore, I By Ood above To bring as Into perxlire." The funeral services were conducted at his , late residence by his pastor, Rev. J. F. j Shearer, assisted by Rev. King, stor of J the Reformed church, after which the hands 1 of loving friends bore his mortal remains to ; the cemetery, followed by a Urge concourse of titiien. ' Com. J ISSOI.UTIOX NOTICE. otiee is herebv elreo that Uie tirra M .1. W. . seat, and that Ken;anin H ewlmrn and Alnt'itiJ Crlttea late partner at J. MT. Jiarnea. auler the , shove firm aaate. wtll is .5 he rsfftmih tor any 1 indetlmlneei wmreeteii rr tbe wkI J. W. Barnes, ; tlx the rflMolatlon .4 toeo. partnership. ! BFSf.f AHlS" H eHoKX, jj . ALMUM'KUtt.'.. i BARGAINS FOR SALE. A Valuable fares conialBine; Shoot Our ffeedrre sad Stsfr-jiM Jerea. (Itt) fifty to firry. Are (JO-ai) acres of ihe finest Oak and Poplar timber in I. lo onier Valley, twenty-are acres excellent meadow, eighty acres tpleadld iraia and peat are land, he fides ether timber laad. all well waJnsl, lime stone ea the farm, good frame howea, waoB ahed, arala house and Urn bam. sitnated from Lnefc- port, P. K. B..4 miles, Laeollo. P. R. H.. mtlea. West Fairfield, one and eae-haJfrnUe, where may always oe loaati a oui gram ana say martei. TTK3IS KASiY. Address JAS. Q. LEMMON'. 3Tol Woodland Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Or Inquire of IV W. Leannon, Latrobe .West. more iana uo., ra.) ertic4v GEIS, FOSTER & QUINN'S In BONNETS AND HATS, HOT STORE! NEW STOCK AT JENNERTOWN. I have Jaat opened out one ot the flneat and heat stocks ot mods ever brought to this county, wnicn 1 am onermg at LOW PEICES! Dry (roods, Notions, Drees flood. Queen wire, Hardware, aad in tart everything auaily kept tn a OENERAL STORE ! Don't fonret that BARWAIX are to be had. No store in tbe eounty aires belter firuods ior toe same money. apris-fta J. J. GRIFFITH. THE NORMAL TERM Ml PmOTINSTIIDTE OPENS JIAECH 22d, 1881 lEA.CrC7X.T V. KEV. LEKOY STEPHENS. A. M., PuEaibaar, Theurv an.l Practice of Teaching. BYRON W. KINO. Eluention, 0umetry, ami Normal Ooraihy. KATE REYNOLDS. A. R. Natural Philosophy, Phyntcal Cfeoeraphy and I'hemlMry. U. L. FLl'MMLK. Normal aud t'oinmcrelal Arithmeti.-, Honk-keenlna: and B-tn. E. C. WALTER, Normal Oramioar, Literature, and I'ntted Statea History. EMMA RE KM, Paintlna and Drawing. ANNA A. PALM. Piano, t'rinn and Vocal Cul tare. MRS. A. S. WILLIAMS. MatMn. A new brick bull.linic. tour iurle, l'ii4l feet. exrlaeirelT for lady boarders. A full corse of lectures free. Suiriatendent Mpeiael and Judae Hunter are amona the lecturer. Muie teacher jnnt from the Conservatory of Muie In Kion Art ami t rencn tearher jun fnm Parts. Native Oerman teacher. Prof. Kind's vaiual.le Liuen tionary trainloft frre. Hoarding iaclutia, about la tbe In.nltute. 03.06 to ?... Toiiloo, 10. Semi for catalogue anu circoiare. LEROY STEPHENS. n2i Preldt)t, Tlie Nation, Since Iu oonsolldatioB with the New York kern ing Pott, has inerrawd Its facilities lo every le partment, eniarKe.1 its Use to twenty-lour pane. and a.l.ied many able writers to its previr.u li9t. It Is now pronounced by many of iu readers to be better than ever before. Established In lRja, th Sal ion wan a pioneer la this country a a weekly journal of literary and political criticism of the liiaheat order, conducted free from tbe onntr.il of party or Interest of any sort. Depiie a precarious support durlna the first few years. It held persistent iy to IU .irixinal aim antif its financial success was assured. Mean- white it had become a rvssotralxed authority at home and abroad .- Its editorial mananement "has been unchanged from the nrst. an.1 its pmiectors intend that, with their present facilities, the Na tion shall beeume mere than ever before the me dium of the ablest thought of ttv time. the form and style ol the paper ura chosen with a view to the most suitable shape for Mm lr, end a set of the lioa preserved, Ihuo.I and inoexed. makes tbe most complete an.l readable record of current events of importance in the political and literary worm avanxoie ior tn American pui.uc. The subseription pries has been Reduced to $3 per Annum. Specimen copies sent on renut. AJ'tres the Publisher, -JO Brdwy, New oris. jJl AND A IX MILLINEEY GOODS. 15c. GINGHAMS REDUCED TO 10 CENTS! PAHAS0LS 5 Cents ! PANS 2 ents! limy aim in LACE CURTAINS! it will pay you to call at GEIS FOTER & QUINN'.S JOHNSTOWX, PliXN'A. NwiKfiati man apr-J6 State Normal School, INDIANA, PA., PaSiiTS VJ.srarAKi FaoiHTisa roit Pan- raaiso TCAt'uaiLS a Esteoiso THEIR ElELU or L"lt. There is no more noble pursuit than llit of moulding human cLarter. ao.l no areater iwno taet.T than the truly saecesslnl teacher. 1 you ln'.eml le icacn, prp ,..-..v.. .tf.. .... ,h... m.k. v.ur work i.lea.ant and protttible for yuuraelf and of real value to others. Every teacher should take a lull course t a professional school, and Pennsylvania offers you none superior to that ol tbe Maaa Normal &M of Wa. 1. LfK'ATIt'N, BeHUtiral, Convenient and "af'tJl'lLDINti AND APPIRTENAXCES, unexiselleil. 3. INSTUL'CTOliS, experienced and success rul. ... 4. ORADt. ATES leswi hiEtt wnerever snowu. 4. tot'KSE OF ST! DY and plan of instruo. tlou are what you need It you have determined to become an earnenl atvi suci-eulul teacher. PALL TERM WILL OPEN SKPTKMUEU llh, 1SS. For further particulars, address L H. DURLING, Principal. TESTED Bui FDDKB WORTHY ! the people the value ot a true and tried remedy. LOTS FOR SALE! -TMIe unlrThizn-l oRVh ior sale a 1 numtier ol Lots, in the BOnOl'CII OF I.IGOMER! some of wliich would be very suitable for maklna Krlck. The clay is of ei..1 o.oallty. L-aiton very eoovenleo I to leiit. Brick will be ia reat demand here Ihls Summer, nod at all times. JOHN McKAKLAST. LtKonler. Westtnoreland Co., Pa. marl JjWECL'TORS' X0TICE Estate of Anthuny Lape. late of Jenner township, .ie eascl. Letters ol leJUiuer.lary on ths above estate hiving- been aruated to the un-iersnroeo. ey Ihe proper auihontv, notice is hereby alveo tothue Indebted to it to make immediate pay ment, and thow havlna elalns ordemands will i.la&u nn.ient them dulv authenU:e.i I.T set- o..n! mi swmnlnT. tbe 16th Ut f July, at tae late re.sl.lewe ot .leeease-l. PHILIP LPE. ISAAC HOFFMAN, jj Lio-ulors, t'orrected by Uh RKasat-ra deals m CHOICE GROCERIES. FLOUR k FEED Apples, dried, "! Aoplebutter, V gal Kri.n. V 1 as liutter, V S I kea) " (roll) Buckwheat W bunb meal, 100 .... Heeswas fi tiitcon, shoulders, "r1 sides, ' country hams, V V. furn, (ear) bushel ' (shelled) " meal y ("air lns, V t. Eua-s, V l.'S Flour. 1 bht Flaxsee.1, tn. (SO l Hima, (suYHr-oireii) V sV.... Lard. f ft. Leather, re.1 sole, "r - upper, " kip. " Middllnca. ud-1 chop lis) .... Itiu. y) bu , Potatoes, i ha (new) Peach, oried, , Kye. f bu. Kavs, ft :aioc iOfJlMc 1 M !"!!.'".!!.".. lie H oD 1 CO 'JbC I'saiic iiVi lJ'..lj l 10 (1 iu V o l,'s- oovst ." ,.'e re Vicri lie a-i ui- .'iCilT'JC 7jci,sc S j atsHCue jl .ftl -2r ci I0 51 tlO 10 la order to brlna more fully before the notice of we hereby rive the follow inn reliable testimonial from one of tbe many who have been cured, and whose reputation for veracity cannot be ques tioned. W.mnuckv, X. J. March iO, lssi Sweiiihd HiTTEaaCo. : Gk.aTLai.al I have suffered with dyspepsia and its horrible effects for many years. Have spent hundred of dollars with pnysh-laas and in patent medicines, with no avail. I have been un able to eat meat of any kind, and could not re tain water on my storaaoh, and was unable to sleep at nis;nt. 1 wa inoucci to procure ana try a bottle of your Swedish Hitters, and aa consci. entioaly say Its use was followed by beneficial results. I can bow sit down and enjoy a hearty meal of meat aad Teifctable of any kind, and have italned sixteen pounds in three weeks, and eaa cordially recommend it toothers. Very respecttu'lv. AVfsUSTfS PREHL. Proiirietor of 'Woodbury UUy Coach Line, Prehl'i Livery and Accommodation Stables. The above, statement can be relied en. W M. il. SCOTT. Ex-Mayor of the city ol Woodbury, N. J. Swedish Bitter 1 a sure cure for 'lyspepsia. t ItLImv an.1 liver emaillalnt. biliousness, an.1 all disease of the stomach. Olve It a trial and you PRKL'MEKY. PAIXTS, OILS will see that tbe test of Swedish Hitters Is the ' foflts merit. Uanaiactnred by swill. (Has an.1 Putty. Hairand T..th BrUJDes, fancy ESTABLISHED C.T.FRAZEHs ". 301 nd 2011 Main Street. JOHNSTOWIf, PA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, ASt liEALEK IN SH BITTERS CO.. Woodtiurv, i all drarwlstj at 75 cents per ls4tie may 1. N. j. Sold br irrtcies Toilet iin.1 Shavlna Suaos. A. Family Medtetnes an-l Physh-iann' Presi-rip-tloa accurately cuf.ulil. aprt MARRIED. SARYEK BRANT. On the 25th tlty of; June, by Kev. Jf. F. Kev-ner. Mr. fieorse I. , Sarver ami Miss Conlilla Brant. lxlti of Al- j leglieny township, this oountv. i Hk.h ami NoHMat. Jlf mool. The seoon.l term of the Motiicrset school will on July j 31st, and continue ten weeks. Imnnjt this term a iioriiial Jeiirtinent will be conduct- j ed in which the usual facilities will be offer- - ed teachers to prepare themselves for the school room. The hi'h ami classical de partment will he conducted ia the lnvere&n ul iteueial education. n tLLeoe.l and inooessiiil lea. her will s-salsl. A public ex amination far school tulint will be held at the il.e of the term. Terms reasonable. P.J. Yosua. Principal. Special Mfstios. During a recent visit to Johnstown, we dropjied in tu see Curt. j Campbell, the popular Main street druggist, ! and found him courteous ami obliging gentleman. Mr. Cainiibeir store is at SA ; Main street, an.l his line of Drur. Medi-; cines. Dye StutTs, Perfumes, and Toilet Ar ticles is large and complete. He old, stale stock, but everything fresh and re-! liable. We wonld advise our readers to call ! on him when in Johntown; and onr farmer ! friends and physicians will find it to their : advantaje to consalt him on any thing in his line before purchasing elsewhere. j LOUIS LUCKHARDT, JR., 1 '! Clinton Street. JOHNSTOWN, DkALIi IS WALT HAM, ELCIN, SPRINCFIEL.D, ROCK FORD, HAMDEH, HOWARD and SWISS WATCHES, in Cold and Silver Open-face and Hunting Cases, Key and Stem winding Watches. A r.LL LINE 8F CECICF. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Notice ta tain! Jat reeeiTe.1 a rar l.ia.1 of Knta.-kv Ssil-lle an.l HanwM Horse, ts.th slnal an.1 OuiiUle .'.ri vers, .-..DUtinx of several pairs ul Pins-Stylsd Match Hcrscs Allelrs; ;.1 stepers: well lip. ken : rsnnini trutn five to six yers m.l. We ruarautee ttieui perlectly soan.l. Oar 9ioale-loi4l rackers are SPLENDID 3I00VEKS! Ami all trot io harness. Perar-n wiehinif this kind ot Horses will .Jo well to call oa or al.irea I. AI..TISTROXCI A SOU I Brurctou, W, X . 1 mart j IIS.nTlON XOTiCPl " j Uavinz dl..)iosel of oar pnipetrty In Simoret I couDty. ., we, the n.leniane.l, eumfrlsina tne ; rinn .if the "Somerset liairy Co., Limned." hare thiii .lay .llssolTe.1 l.y aiuiuai eiA-ssni. Any per m tuviotr clsims axninst the saU cunpiiiy or Anu. will r.irwarl tlirm at owe to fc. . New Berlin, S. V thir nly authonwl arul. DaUsl New Berlin, N. Y.. .VIT lt. .iKoklifc SAUK. 'HAM. U KiiHIN.SIJM, l-T MAKY K. SAti. B,! iIDCK .SALE. 1 ouiniLgj't. ,nert of Siitnerset eouatv will offer to let at pul.lle ootrry to.tbe lowest snJ Isrst Imider oa the premise, oo Saturday. Jxhj l',(h, lw, at one o'clock p. m., the hoiMIn; ot a bridae wer Kourina Kun at t'tiedilne ililln, in Jeuaer Tep , siuierset ouunty, Ka. flans and speclaratlons wtll tie exhibited en dayot sale. ADAMS. nHAIitli, Attest .IU.Sf.FH HUKNLK. ll. J. HORXER. H.IW. BKI BAKLK. J-'. Clerk. I'DITOR .S NOTICE. state of David Lvhr, der'd. The onilerslt-ned duly aptwinte.1 Aa.liu.r to pass oo the ex-eptkin. and tlie fact, state aa ac count and iliMrtixite the lun.1 in the hands 'rf It. P. Liahr. Aomloistrafnr of DavUl lhr. dee'd.. to and am.ia tbuse levaily entltle.1 thereto, hereby 2-itct notice that he will attenl tn the datie .l said i.uilnlinent, at his ornce In .HmnerM Hir.. on Friday. July 7th, IhsJ, at 1 e'clork p. m., wtwa an.1 whe all jaries interewt.! rn at!en.L l't. l. xii tits. j-1 Auditor. BONE AT DMIMSTP.AT0RS' NOTICE. tstate of Kn-derick Swope, late or Berl.a B-.r-ou, Somerset Co., dec'.l. Letters nf ad minis' ratio na th a bore etat hiiviDK lieen a-ranted to the andrlimed, by the profsjr authority, uic 1 hereby kio ' those ::.l-lited Ui is to make linme.llaie uajiaent, ao.l tii.se fc.Ttit claims r demand will present them luiy authenticated lor settlement. .n We.lnes.lay. the Wth dav of July. 1-J, at tte residence of tne AJuiinistratiir. J. DK' EAKKH. J-U Administrator. .CL'TOR'rf NOTICE. Ijtate ef OcTie Kncptr. late .if New t.'euire ville IwhikIl, dec'o. Letters testameaiary oa the above estate harinv been a-raiited to t!ie in.iersiane.l by the pro per authority, notice i hereby a.rea to ail (erauns in.iente.1 to said estate ui asak natae.lt a'e payment ami 'hose havinx claim aa- kinM the aine to iiceeent thea duly auiiirniicsteii l? "e tlement. on Saturday. Jaly liih. Iwi. at tne .-flic of H. 1. Baer. In ".merset rssr-arh. Wil. . K'tfrU. maySl Enecntor ol leo. kaepper, dee'd. (ir TH G OH V dar at aome. SampU 00 IU OZU vorta Iwlrwe. AddreseSna aow ft Co rortUnd.Ctf aloe. Xsr.le-lyr. Wc S3.00PER TON LESS Than Can be Purchased Elsewhere. Warranted Pure Slaughter-House Bone Dust. Xot Steamed, Xot Boiled, Xot Dleached. a will sell our Bone Dust b analysis atsarre price as any other Bone In the marht, and return S3 per ton to e win sen 0UotTJ if. It is higher Tn Bone PrTosphate arfd Ammonia than any other Bone in ' America. It Is richer Tn Ammonia than Peruvian Cuano. DISSOLVED BONE DUST AND BONE FERTILIZERS uilet Ar- 1 eUesat at keat tmr the) rrsjv t - r Tore. !alal Bmm l rskr ls A sa sissls sssel Bm) ! 1 ,-.. Ba a FfeesakaM ll ibis k aaa lleaa fsrspeeay aa Ian jleMs. Pure Chemicals and Super-Phosphates. Joshua Horner, Jr. & Co., BALTIMORE, MARYLAND- I would wspert fully Infurni my frimJs of j Somerset county tUat I have otneJ a new j drug Wore at Z1 Main Street, Jubntown, I Fa., where wtitili! be pleased to see thin. J My stwk consiKts of Pnre Dmps, Tjer;:joa!e, j PsteDt Medianea, Dye Sju!5, jerujnierjr and Fa.ncy 9podj generally. -t tV aecsi ; 1 would call attentiou to lb uueUiauK, ancb as lure "Vra i-recv, rue yowderet) etc hi w aerd of iyvia ia frig Uo; gowtt nd nt or write for puva. ah infjutrim cneenuuy answereo. CHAaV (iKICftTH. T.2 Main Street. F, W. CLARK, WBQLSEALE PRODUCE AND Glade Academy. !few CertlreviTle, Penn'a. (Olaile P. 0) wilt reopen July 31. 12. Rer. W. W. Deatritk, principal; L S. Sny der and Jno. S.Wili, graduates) of Htate Xor mal srfannl. mstaota. COMMISSI OH MERCHANT Corner Main and Market Strtcit, JOHNSTOWN, PENN'A. aprta A HOIE STOCK OF DRESS At JCZ:: ST2::322S, 2:3 St., Jcbatcro, Pa. GOODS i 1 WEEK, til aaa at Imd. aailv ataxie. oczlr ctatwc. AJ4wsTca uru. Maa. Mar U lyr --'- : PHASQLS II IIMSS MM! BLACK SILKS! LAMES' A1D CHIiIBI2'8 Which ar. the Ke.t Haniaia w hav. oflered T AfT A ND PLEATED COLLARS! TMlaSlla. Alt... a fall Uoeef LAtt AHi i k"""' . 1 Htack ,od fOiite LACES. niWitt. CoM S2U FMii & WalereJ Satins m ;The La Baine Corset, Low Priced Dress Goods! ForSaieOniybr JOHN STENGER, A Larva Aunrtaent of TiRFxh OITfOHAMS. Hiaca aad 'olrl rfL JITIXO. aa4 WHITC UlS ili at aU aesxrtvtxsa. I