If- ,-...VVTjfltHh.M. - irr t i 1 -s.7V ..u butter i becomim; more abundant. M, iThC: SOIllCrSCt Ii,r l,n pixx-nta neat and clean ap- m ul,"i)!,h,... I fjranoi. tlieV-'ktr. I f ""' I ' Ku ,:- - F'jliioti-liolfl'i" ' brcomeouitc i c ' lt If J"Lf "TtJ'JtI Tlir iTrrrr-i-i-"---'"-'"-" ''-' '-!h',ht J ' -' KZS3 'l m-in il is s.vl.01.. I T TU- I--for i-i ,...k.i1, 1 St. m, i - -... i it fU,roMT i ' 1 lv..ra J f fri:i"m an-1 ' . ail on tlit Mi'iare, t. latv yMil f prain The Peatl .4rjo. nnf CtVfif jWniw if I to a Jut. Iuti: "A disorganizing Billet is ; what it hutuen, aud ii " filial with jies, drivel. 'isappointmcnt," r(re. hypoc raey, and wtever else brood ia a soured nd disordcrf brain. It trie hartlerery week to piq quarrel with somebody to ' gratify it inlinate propensity, and its ef forts would ridioulou", if they were not so devilish, I is idle to want words witb a paper thai U exasperate, lie, whin", and err all in tbnie sentence." With tbis ifcsue, the IIesild enters upon I Asxcal Mektiss or tub Di'tXAan it !um-!iri year under the pirietorsdiin jCnracii. Knowing that many of your 4 it- jiMnit editor. It carrio nm it lit t readers will be interested in few jottings iM" Milivriln r many old friend now al-: concerning the yearly meeting now in 'orlcsT"' J "'"Intr luuft v ' n-r, u... - "v 'kJ ' B'1 i 2 . T!,e fri-ty rit-' l"P ' l"'Win afl-r the ft I null' xarittie. ul, c-.it roroi is now Jookina- after the T":itini om. ;;: u; a fn.it .tnhadc tree wherever I v.u ran liiiil !'a,v- h!very i lie.-. at D , y j;u)f. jjjfc 0 fur alHntt i-rVbratitii; f r TV.-oiation IVy ,i. -;lirioii' Kurtli." i in i in J i .iiik.mj- the unt liononble of our eitixeti -who diiriiiK alt that jriod have Wu it imtiint reader, and liave oftni rheetvd and Kiiiiciiluli-'l the labors of it eliir.hv their approval of hi. y)iin. A the younger feneration have come npon the stage and aMimc l the jilaoes ooce neriipied by their I ion at Arnolds, in N'orthweJtern Indiana, I employ a few minutes that I have while waiting for a train to Chicago to giving you a brief aeeoutitof b same. Your corre spondent left hi home In Somerset connty on Monday morning, the 29th ulu, and ar rived on the meeting groands on Tasday, The movent to abolish the pnent big case sylem',id turn it over to the ex pre companies, fms to have struck a popular l.iih.T-. t !- lute naturally -litiiiiiMl the iheCoth, at 10 a, ra. !! journal that had been their box IiokI's j The ground are all that could be desired 1 "nm Jin.1 rleV,u,-: 1oir.ln 1. 1 at l'..v.l A m Wa.ntki-. 1'otatiHS inn! f.jr .r ali. at llu! !er lir lame Hack. Side or C l''iMi; I'later. I'riiv J"c tiv-iH at JicuAi.u tahieto l'.r siiie r'f I! iiU St'ire. Tiie hot white t-.'iirt The lanp of -a his thint:' i" P"K 0" ,,f -tyle. tir cirb- now talk of having a rvgu Ur .I.ii.iIki time. .. I 1 10 ..'il l.ilV , ,ver Mxt ... k Jrou,bt Jaa. La. .uade that crop a . iny n wi.pi "... ; " , wijeiy ,,!,ulttol,e this sprini;. with pro -tat.- at.. I. It. Snyder hipwd out lieets that tliountry will have ait ahund We will 1 gM for any item of intejet ant Mipjily fall at moderate prices, sh it our renders mat funiih n. Yon cm , Other Maple t promie as well, and ore help " funiiMh you with the new.. Thel'ourtli July draw lu-ar, and yet ,iied no t. ! have been UKett to celebrate. Must le enthuae on ieanu:s and ginperbreau. e-b-l lie.'M.y keer. the tC -hea3"t elothiiie "' 4 He.'!l-y !; the ehetti all I ii r 1 Inn l , ;ln in,j, , 1 ".,: '.'nli, Ut,f o;uw, fnl'i WlIuuJ'INti' i:t: itiiiiieil;a!c.y rei.ev i i. at i II. III. v . li ariKt than I'hiladelphia prici ll inn; inJ.Ijy u:'J ji i-i iiauiij .i. I'me Walnut I r.itne l Mcl.ii-;i' !..r H. i ii lKilt a!l paji ' untv, at , lll.'v". . lv.yd v. Urns. I lintter which com to market now i o. i il... i.ri..l.t.r -ilt edirc variety, ami i erv " j tempUiii; at fifteen cents pT Miund. ;r.mni. to isvaliiw. tiiirw" I. .?ue i irrateful to invali.l. a it is refreh- . . -i .i ...T.-v. dtf tints? i in wiTlio.it too mi ' jierfuincs. lld- ' Mn.v f llir i-i''1'1"- eliiployI iu the !aii l.d'le enterprise of li.imr up their pT.-m- !. aim liiakiiii nil" i!.i!ily. political ;iitmctor ao-l a regular iiouenoii visitor from U'ir earliest recollection, and thiu huudreds of family name. Lave been chord. Aim every railroad manager con-,; ixrti. upon enr list from the day upon suited on thphject favors the scheme and , Uich we first assunieil control of the iper gives tt a is opinion that such action ' untij yie prcwnt time. During these many would go fatwanl righting many abuses j ypars we j,avCi of cource, in the expression of long btaaig. So favorably impressed of our uuiased sent imenU, diOired with an- ihe rill-.re A Ohio peuplc wiUi the j mmr of olir constant readers, but we have scheme that' y amioiini-e their intention j tjie ..leasure of knowing that even those with whom we have difl'ered have conceded to us honesty of purpose, and that an over whelming majority of those who habitually read our journal are in full accord with its uuUiokeu sentiments. We Lava but one other word to say as we step into the new journalittic year, and we doubt not that it will be gratifyinz to our old and generous friends since the day of its first publica tion, the IIebald has never been more pros perous or carried on iu list a larger, m re intelligent, or more valued number or subscribers. of reorpanizi their express company with the understaingthat it is o handle all the baae of tt-oad. The hiirli 1 "f potatoes, owin to the ! ANNOUNCEMENTS To Fabmkb. Huekwhcat see.r.Ijf! time i anrmiaehini. anil tlie nse of Ttallvti t Son'i Double Kagle l'hphate mav udd perj cent, to the yield of your if.., riu r.ri.re' fSE fE JUKE ELTUBLICiS PEDIAEIES. we think it t your advantage lo .ive it a ! fair trial. Xotiee price In lora! tvilumn (J-1 are satimrixed to ann ine the following aniJ iieiiiUawa as emadi. Hit th rarimM Ibis paper. .!. .)i..iuni.l. al lh 1. . ai.iai Prnu.ry rerpecifullv .lti.. lube biKlog Survl, JutU b. Usi: foot A. It;tKlf. ( ure. heajier ...ik a nii-ely as -t in tlie j The enttitiier schedule went into effect on ! the It. .V 11. and S. A 1'. railroads on Sunday. dependent ot on average pood summer weather. Tlvtiilook for a Urge exjxirta tiou is favora. This will les-son the cost of the chief ides of food, now so high that labor is nerally disatiM'ied with its wages. A grtdeal al ways dend on the question. "Wi will our harvest leT" The line wticr lately U having a mark ed effect iija the prowing viis. Tlie wheat field i much improved, and tk as well as coite expecleil when the back wardness, of t-pring season ia taken into consideration.! f no imforseen atvident cHX'Urs there who doubt bea line and large rrup of wherlThe gras is doing well, and a latere hamp is cxjiteil. The gar dens, too, are 'ling along nicely, and with H-ttle.1 warm Ither which will ecrtainly oinnelielore h-tlie season will bea hope ful one, and tirops plentiful. I'o-'kel Iki. mk iiiinery, add tilet A ii. u dcpanuiv 'I : i .-ti. rf I It.! !.i:n-i.K Tlia' Tcrriii!e c.mi 1 1 1 1 its' y l':r ym. A n"T line .if r.i'ii-' !.r. u-. i i.ivi.its. etc. Micl.-r ,V r.i.V ful" A tiiii- a-...niin'i ivtv ia.-' rlmu !..-st nuil l.-ii:nV A new line curium lys of II made, ji' .'e.phia- i sera! ii.' i- i the , :i.nt'erji u-l at J. It. Ii -, lace nails, the it Hi.Kl.-r- j The Mcy rila!e "tmercitl lioi-t.- the In-; jde;ii.l.!i"t tiikct. Wonder if the silver j.iiiL-ue..l'i. iicraf KooiiTz will waji for the j li..-ii.leut criii-e' il!-- nuflrr: The .iiad birds" are uuite imnieroiis. : ! They have a golden lret. dark wing, lire j I prettier than canaries, and are .iid t j mke ! ' very line singer wheiicaiied. i.fla ie - ati.l I'lieiip ATAIIKH itli 4i-umi hv 1 vi.:u . 'o and sweet arrli Keimsly. Ali.r the t of July ail U tler-i hich have ie t ImviiIv prepaid will be detained and the writer .tilled, if they are known, of the liu-t. iu;cr that the deficiency can lie made up. siy j-eri.oni' take; advantage of the present, and do in care whether the letter weiiver an half oum-eor not, which oliligi-sl nstiiiastt:r at the receiv inir office to het mitt! the balance is raid Per, is wil. to hitch al,..retoa;l'ytheIonVhomthehtt-risaddres- tree in .he lairmgli r.t.ius should remember cl. This ..Iter w. delay as well as .,U.g ,1,.,. ,ue act i iluaal. and mav cost them o Ing ti.e r.-eiv pay the balance or refuse tin , besides that, it show a lin k of good j the letter. ; n. .moil sense. Willhim li. don-, a clerk in the dry ,., , r" f Z .: gil establislnt of Ilaltzell A n..uss, Mr. t harlej I.. Trent, of tin t-. n-lup, , i KiiiiM.rl.ie.il I Li.'ti -irritiHl fur lii-elliu cliiims to have the K-t Heel ol wlieal in me p : county. The field contains about lil'teen acri-, and is one of the nii-et we have ever peel i . ii .". ents Nat Vmi ill come ,trec f.ir potato btls. says the r of an cxchanire, is CJir- inaLe the jmtato bug il v.. !Mi Hi , o .!'!!. Msnit. ail :ii.. t'.-r .1! -1; 1 i! AT sl dnij Liti'Mirr) . -.-ct a -' ' eel iff ii.in.-r h II A( m.slM-ine. .it f.N. Ituvd . J. 15. Snyder A it bad a t1tT tioii. His ktuv extemis throiigli the .ast year, audisum total of hi sti-alins will airgrei.-aU t thn thousands dollars. His plan of opfniis seemiHl to be to make a ale of good-i smuggle them out of tlie establishment, iting the prm-eed in his own pocket, taking of stock last .lan- however,closed the fact that the si hjf ,. Cur.' an be so "We tiP- The liest thin agricultural e.lit" f l . linii nf lime. I I iiiire. 1 1 1 1 I - i .r- I hold their nose ami wait on mine ihii,-!! , ary, to uet a breath of fresh air. ; ilej.rcdations w of a senou character, 1 ' and a d.-eoy Ir sent to Madura from TmkHi.mf.st Rink.-Made from harm-; v,,yerdale itnaed the thief. less materials, and adapted to the need of fadeimr and falling hair. Parker Hair Hal- l ti rum W Moboin. In answer to sain iia taken highest rank as a reliable Iiair r.--t.)rntive. lb li! t;.tn l : eliti-.II. fat . !...d i-olor. at he fie i-IV I iiv - in I-TIC d isiv's, nn-selliui; S.vik v C'o.'s. i Wll 1. ViH jwitLDyspep-iaand .4 l.erotp:l,inl',, ViMlizer is l i K v.... .,m-'"w ' ;' ii !' iiuiuirie from ry of niy friend.-, through out themuntyto why I do not visit them. I wUii siy that I am rebuilding my wtMilell Ini'.liii. 1) WOo buruedaftcrl became a candii fur aetiibly, atidtli.it the work requifiy entire tiiueatid atten tion. I am Miil.n.lidate. but will have ! to dejiend flit i on the efforts of my i ii i.:.. i... mi friends for what-support I mav receive, liunners should make it a point to kill ' - i -i i tu.. W I'h thank fn kind assurances of sui- every Lawk they can find. They are num- , , . 1-r .iu mid one of these liirds of prey mil . ' , As tiie bumble bees have bruken up their winter camp, it isn't safe to sil down on a sunny bit of green sward nom have carefully re.-onnoitered the a -tick. until vou ' ;rass with I . ' I am Trul. yours, W. 8. Moau AX. .1 X at.., m. , . A UlhtliT ? tl. St.. o-l t!l ai : in d: ua and a ;;i limi jut -'.iii.iii"-y Tt '.- SIIIIoHS H"! ron-onrpl it -a tae t , ( Vjv N M ( vnn,.. It .re . got in the way. 1 In- is an increase a com- i . rih .. :1 ...'.,.;; !ire.t will. 11 ..f ir: killed and Tit in- j X-T ij J. M.'llolJ'V Sms iuviie every-jj"- :inx-ih- ti "I.' t". " ' ' ' ir n' n" n'" n i i'l.e aiitrial eoiiiiiieiKvineiit excrcisi-s of ; Tiie railroad of IVnnsylvania kille-1 MI jM-rs.'iis, aJid injured l.'VJ last year, includ ing employe, passengers and other who ot in the wav. This is an increase as com- lUt-&t ; irset hur . ive. u 1 .erim- alitor. i-iv da j;.. i.ls nvmlli; ill lucks. demy hnndrc-ds of partridg.-s aid jiheas ants in a season. j At the residciu't'apt. Wm. M. Schrock, Cither of the hi on WJ:iesday after noon at half pa-rce o'clock. Mr. Thomas Ilanu-tt was mar to Mis rior.i Schrock. The ceremony WK-rfonned by KIderW. W. Woolery in ttesencc of relative and a lew of the iiKntimate friends of Hie - 1 1 - 1 i i a - i . . . uiimcnt-eiiieiit excn isi-s of ; "rle "iu gnsjnuiey ien on me evening riassi.-al and S. ie:.tiiic IiWitute at Mt. 'rain for a visit Mr. Barnett's home in ri.-asant will lake place ..n the lth and Lawrence countyiey will return to Som L'lt inst, inchiive. The commeticnient ex- crset in a few weiwhen they will -upy ....;... uniwr will lake nlai-e on We-lnes-! Mr. C. X. Boydouse, on Main street. i dav. l!ie Jlsl. fi:i ets. l.r i to !:i Ii I :t 17 rfcarar a)tf-M- rh.arav M! 1 U- I'T- unit ! I. ' mtor. '! h.- il.i-j . i of Wai. he. .!. el n-. s-.h' .Vare, ?p.-tacl.-. .ei;V-i,eh; to Somerset .-ouii- ty at K. McD. W imfii ;iiL.ir. Itacoii. AVhi-at. j Mr. Yennor has modiiieil his sinister pre 1 nt. 1'otat.ieaii for cah or in ex-I diction about the weather this summer, se ol'our Irue f tra.te. and ssys ihe outuik l somewhat better; (,'o.iK i I'.r.i.iiiTs. i J,;i! he can t say lunch that is encouraging ; The IIkbilu's erat illations and liest shti are most oallv extended. ..r ' j Iiiusi K.iisixs.rr young friend, Fred, i Pile, one of Sorot townshiji's staunch I Republicans, raibarn ?0x4) feet on his .- i a i.;i ..r AtvordiUL' to his best infor-, Iur"' JlL'1 ""u oa n.- I . f . T T tt 1. . .14. nation the cold will put in an unusually I ""' "rr. .uan,u earlv and se.vre ai.aram. ' j a",, h"',hlr- n toeongratulatehim- . , - ; self on the sinoots with which all the for next fall. pieces tit togethed the ease with which the structure wa d. The Farmers' cor- X .-..ri..,,. ritim; troni the south ..f the count; " Ito'igh on niieunia. limi.' L n... wind viilVeritiir .f That rr, ile d.ea , vtrPaj ( the inischievousstu.lents at tiie SHII.oirsl-loEK i what ! M, -..,.,.,, imiversitv trave artistic ami :i- .-! f..r ' os- ..f .pitiie. ! j,, .i,, to a c-ow Uioiigitig to one of n"t band was on H and discoursed sweet :n ! .,'1 yW .f lyp.-pi.i. I'ri'-e 1" , ..r..,,, ....,. of . bruh and it i strain of music the assembled crowd. i . I an ! . .cuit-.tie. (of paint. Tie animal La since died, and i"..rtc Im children suit jut re- tit, ar,j.tf, ar pujnying a suspension from ei i ,-el in ad our already large stock j t.,.i,. "ii hand. d eit!in:iat Holder-1 :ri:n .V. S,m Mr. John 1. Siivder, .liti.r and j.roprie- 1 -. . i - iiv; and I.iv.-r 1'oiiil-lal t i t.r of the l.nndy ('enter. Iowa, KrvUA-V.r .1 I. ace eiiar.Ult.-e oil every lst- ulnl wmw, naoe us a pieasaui c-au on last which was num of eousiderablv over one hundred menj an equal number of ladies and children the evening an en joyable social was -n to the young folks, and "they danced, night, 'til broad day light, and went li) with the gals in the morning." 4 f Slill iiaiier. It never fails to i 'A 5 ) V, 1 j :i.e O Nickel f l-x k. I.e-iks, i'i B r'.ocks. 'aiendar. (locks. Black Weight Mantle Yaln! : Thursday. Tiis i the frt time that Mr. Snyder l.a-s viited his oid home since leav ini it. sume -ihteen ir twenty year ago. The story relate! u by our Jefferson township fnend iujard to the extraordi nary methoiU resd to by the Mevers- , j dale L'vmmrrcial tenure subscribers was Where notioof di-so!iitnj:i of cj-partner- i , , , . . ,, 1 . only one of the ma hat has been told us !iii is not lvin, the retiring partner i , , . . . . V ;, ....... 7 . of late. A nual,e inmmartil comes ,.eia .e.-,..-ir .... ; back withr'ifsa lie.alic." Forthe truth fulness of our stat'it we would referto its agent at this (e, who was present when the conversajwa had. Tlie Her ald offers no preis. Lax no canvasers employed, and st.J sulwription list ia daily increasing a&. larger dian that of both the other cou papers put together. Its list i alwaysojieiexamination. Pub lish a live, wide-tke. readable tter. I I.uther. and you not have to send it . eight month free al inducement forr.ib senbers. . the firm of dncu he u a a mem U-r. Per son retiring "rotii a linn should keep this in mind, and see that a projier notice i p'ibl:!iel in irej;ular newspaper. in all town where a newspaper i pub- 1 lislic.1. every man should advertise in it even if nothig more than a card. tating ' Li name andhe busiin-ss he is engaged in. It nt oniy )iy the advertiser, bat it lets the peopicat distance know that the town y.i reside in as alive and prosperous com ; musiiivof bun.-s men. dav. 1 "'lock. rUs j,s I'.r."ig'irt- in great variety, at 1-'. MoU,.-, We l.av.i-e line of .-arjM-ts still on Land that. -ill sell ebenper than tliey iiave ei sold itl Sil:i-ret. To l onviiiii J uid si- our pric.1!- they tnii-t ti -ol I'licap is ; pHl al.-iuan. J. B. S-X-. TO IT iV 'o. 11- 1 kic i. IKm't fail to c-.iiie and .-, our ci.n stock of good. before huy t n z el.i w iwV large assortmetit of dnrn sl.s-t.- ihithiiiir. liat. l..t .,:.'. i,... all (."if.-- at eM"irion rates aT i i.,:-ler:ir. Sol I'M vs to inform ihe public that !- ha i-j a Jarei-and iii-.re comphe ;. k . T "i.n.l shoes than ever Wf..re Tii.e .die tuiri-hased when the mar ket ..t ',.! w ill lie ..ld at l.ric ill atni,ie Jrw. rail and s.-him ls-1'..re puitij eNewhere. N"i. 4 Mam moth 1:1,1,4 l'.-roi. i-.-l .if pKl. strong, durable tuii i go 10 the M.iinni.rfh l'.not ; u-l sf ,f slot; Vlil to b-iy them. He l..i :!..- Iarst(-k (,f bo.ts and shi-s iu !" "iiriM , I rtlls ;hem at pri.i-s far 1-e-: on Kri.ly rviir.Tr lnt by Major Ward well '" co.-iijM-t.. If vou don l U lieve it call and Mr. Fal.fr. They had one hundred :" ' s- aiii No. i Mammoth Blink. and f.fty-n measuring from si j to iif-K-:.e:i1;,, even l-s'.y's interest at teen incl.e. j.-aught in a day. The Major K.i.v,., . y;t rve,! , La of. Las ' of.iti.g his h...k that the av-r-. aii.K-. tl.;H,; i,r,fc,i, iLriagen-hereaS -getem t." J.enii.c truLU,', :M1 ma.kcrel. Al... ! 1 fuii 'hi. ranned fntit. I mean bui- j !-. Tl'kl ..l!: . -M v ;.l .,f i-ro.-.-rles . Hour. aM , C.,m ,.ri,s. ralUndi"' sn Mtem.4 burglary. Four men ma-le s.v I.f. .... . .. :. .1. j , Mil Mltellllt tk-lller tlie -fsui:.i; ..iiirs. . i.r .--.Titer- W Hollv. The Pittsburgh dlviwen of tlie B. A O. R. II., gave their usual summer excursion to members of Pittsburgh a id suburban press on Saturday last. The train left Pittsburgh shortly after eight in the morning, and reached here in a Kuring rain aliout 1 p. no. Carriage were in waiting, which conveyed the nartv to the Somerset House. After a few minutes in which to brush tip and get an apoctizer. the dining room was thrown ojk ii and displayed a large table in tbesbape of a crass and covered with the many good things for which the Somerset House is fa mous. The cuntre of the table was orna mented by an huge botpiet of wild flower, while here and there were to be seen exqui site little bunches of lillies, pansies and vi olets. Mr. E. D. Smith, passenger agent, introduced the attorney of the B. & O., Gen. Koontz, who welcomcJ the guests in a fif teen minute speech. After a short reionse by the President of the Pittsburgh Press Association, the hungry scribes each seized knife and fork and wielded them in such masterly style that the dinner of mine good host Tayman, though furnished with nioiiH lain trout, roast beef, roast ham champagne sauce, roast mutton, eroo,uetts, green iea.s, and innumerable other dishes of vegetables melted like flowers before the touch of frost. StrawlH-rrics, ice cream, nuts' and coffee fol lowed. I'nfortuuately lor the excursionists, the rain continued to fall and the pleasant drive which had keen arranged for them had to given up. At 4-15 p. m. the train steamed out of ton u, the strangers, one and all, expressing themselves as pleased with Somerset, and loud in their praises of that famous hostlerie, the Somerset House. The next stop was made at Markleton, where the party were the guests of the Messrs. Markle, who took them over the new tram road by mule power, and exhibited the wonder of their pnlp mill. After partaking of the gallant Captain's hospitality, they once more lioarded the train homeward bound, but an unfortunate freight wreck detained them at Pinkcrton, and it was after six o'clock Monday morning that they reached Pittsburgh. Tiie following is a copy of a letter written hv Wm. S. Morgan to the editor of the Mi-ycndale Comwrrcil. immediately after the (JwwierrWhnd hoisted the Philadelphia ticket, requesting that his card be with drawn from that paper. As the CommertHd failed to withdraw the card, we are asked to publish this letter in order that Mr. Mor gan's positio-i as a candidate, may not be misunderstood by the Republican voters of the county. Mr.Morgan is still acandidate, but is not in sympathy, as lie states in his letter, with the position taken by the Com-meivi-il. When he announced his name i.i that paper he did so nndcr the impression that it was a Republican pajier. Friend Iir: I am sorry to find, in your last issue, that you have cut loose trom the regular organization of the Repnblican iar ty. and lent your aid in organizing a new tiarty which can, at best, hope for nothing beyond the defeat of our grand old party. I hope you will yet reconsider the course yon have taken and nail to your masthead the Harrisburg ticket, and must ask that, if you fail to do so, you withdraw my announce ment from your paper. I make this request because I have no sympathy whatever with your Philadelphia movement, and do not wish to mislead any of your readers who might support me, supposing that, because my card is in your paper, I endorse and ex pect to work with the new party. I have always been in sympathy with any move ment looking toward honesty and purity in politic or elsewhere, but I think the Repub lican party, founded as it is on principles of right and justice toward all men, and com posed a it is of the best citizens of this na tion. U able and willing to correct any abuse that may lie found in it without its members going outside its organization and banding together for its destruction. With regret for the course vou have taken, I am a ever, your personal friend. Wm.S. Moth; 3. Tlie following is tlie reply received by Mr. Morgan from the editor of the Cummrrcial: Metebsiule, June G, 152. I am jiowerless in the premise. Get tne county chairman to issue tiie orders, a, un der the rules, be alone can ; He standing up forthe Regulars it is well to be consistent in observing regularity. Respectfully, Lor. A. Smith, Chairman Tile this (Tuesday) morning wrote the editor of the Cnojio-cia instructing him to withdraw Mr. Morgan's card. " " A husband com pjed that Lis shirt bo TIm- twmiT, sale of i.nseatl lands, anJ colUrs ud,v p ,nJ whu ht.kp.vin the court hoaeonMon-r, . -,., to . knowinc shirt- as nor as largely attended a usual, i fn.k a -n- w.ti woltilV th, that. . ., I . in. -...sv. ... .. : attention of houseners: said the eoiiiuiissioii.-. were Capt. C. J. Harrison, Ya!. Hay mid. H. Coffroth, P-sip.. to all of whom -n- a numU-r of tracts were knocked .'low The finest I of mountain trout we have x-en f.e yes was brought to town I luring thalisenec of J. W. Harnett in the West, hisorcat Hillside a the Kene tore iid wer le- tcctej bv Uie -rk. Mr. Thomas Hyatt. He , ruin, "the fault Lvith your laundress. When doing op j collar she stretches them the wrong w Damp linen is very pliable, and a go-ulI will altera iour ' teen inch eo'.Lr.r if fifteen inch iu the twinkling of an j She ought to stretch tiieui crosswise auot lengthwise. Then in straightening oyonr shirt bosom she make another nuke of the same sort. I They also on ! it te pulled crosswise in i stead of lenpthw' particularly in the j neighborhood offnevk. A lcngthwte pull will draw theikXiood auiuewhat un der your chin, wit it was rieier meant to iro, and of course jils the set of your cul- The members of. the Pennsylvania Edito rial Association, with their wives, daugh ter, sister, and sweethearts, assembled at Harrisburg on Monday of last week, and were quartered at the three best hostlerie of the town the Bochiel, Jones and Bolton. Tuesday morning they started on a ecial train, kindly placed at their disposal by the oflicials of the P. R. R., on their tenth an- 1 nual excursion, with Washington City a j their point of destination. The party was coiuosed of about three hundred person, I and were met at the Washington and Poto ; mac depot bv the members of the local ex ecutive committee, who conducted them to the Metropolitan and National Hotels, where every arrangement had been made for their entertainment. On Tuesday even ing Senator Cameron escorted the Jrty to the Executive Mansion, where they were received by President Arthur. On Wednes day morning the association boarded the good boat W. W. fiircoran. and after a most enjoyable ride down th Potomac, vi-ited Mt. Vernon in a body, lre they wept over the last re-ting f-lmm 'rietid Wash ington and gaxod with wonder and awe upon the historic hatchet. The day was pleasantly spent at Mi. Vernon. Immedi ately after lunch, Bob" Risk, of Lancaster, in bcnaii 01 tue ineraoers 01 tne aasocia for nm-li a meeting. An immense boarding tent, in which l.UM people can be. Muted at the taiilea at a time, is one of the first feat urea likely to he noticed by all who arc anx ious altout the provisions made for the out er man. Near this tent is the tabernacle, J which is a large circular tent in which 4,"UU pel sons can be seated, all so arranged that the faces of the entire audience are turned toward the centre, where a rostrum about three feet high is erected, occupied by the nioderator, clerk, representatives of the press, and the standing committee. No one can enter this tent and look over the assem bled multitude without being impressed with the venerable appearance of those within. The locks of at least three-fourths ol the male portion of the audience were Vilvered with the frosts of time." We have never seen so many together ia any assembly who gave evidence of having passed the meridian of life and whose ap pearance gave such uniform evidence of physical strength and robust constitutions. No better evidence than this is needed to prove the beneficial effects straight forward, upright living upon the constitutions of men. On Wednesday it was estimated that not less than 20.0.H) people were on the ground, and yet everything was quiet, ordtrly and and pleasant. The arrangements for fecd ine this multitude is almost perfect. Alwut IO.UUO people were fed at the dining tent and saloons, under the sujiervisioii of the com mittee having this matter ir. charge, and pic-nic dinners seemed to be the order in almost every fence corner and under al most every apple tree ol an orchard near by. For breakfast yestenlay morning, five lieevcs; were consumed, for dinner six, and five again for supper, making in all sixieen for the day. The coffee-pot, which is a larget tint, holds five barrels, and at a sin gle meal yesterday wa emptied four times. Think of that ye hotel keepers of Somerset, and do not desjiair of being able to cater for the multitudes who gather in our good old county town on court week or when the "Big Show" conies. Knoch Eby of Illinois is moderator again this year and John Wise of the same state is reading clerk. Both of these men seeni to lie well qualified for these respective du ties. The moKt interesting question that has come before the conference thus far, was the reiort of the committee to visit the editor of the Progressive Christian aud the Berlin congregation. A the adoptioil of this report by the conference would sever the relation of the editor as well as the church over which he presides, with the general body, it wa considered a grave question and excited much very warm and earnest discussion on both tidi-s. When the vote was taken there was perfect still ness in the honse and after the announce ment by the moderator that the rej-ort wx adopted the next item of business wa call ed and the quiet manner in which the con ference passed to its consideration presented a striking contrast with the commotion that usually follows tlie tinal vote ujion a ques tion of equal importance in almost any oth er deliberate IkkIv. Another resolution which wa warmly discussed and finally passed, provided that members of the brotherhood who sjioke dis- respcetftilly of the action of the body or the measures it passed should be he'd responsi ble to the meeting, and unless willing to make confession should be dialt with at once and so reported to their own cliurchc. For the correctness of the statement con cerning this resolution we can not vouch, as it wa rejHirteil to us from second hands. This a well as tlie action of thoconference in relation to the Berlin committee is said to be ot jte unsatisfactory to what is known a the pnrressive element of the church, and it 1 thought by laai.y that a division is likely to follow. Several confc meet ings of the Progressives have . jn held at some point near the ground during the session, and the propriety of separating themselves from tlie body is said to have been discussed with a great deal of feeling. Principal among those who have been pres ent at these Progressive meetings, are J. W. Beer. J. H. Worst, E. I.. Yoder. P. J. Brown. Edward Mason, Ir. J. E. Roop, H. K. Meyers and W. I). Mallow all of Ohio. Also II. R. Holsingerof Penn'a. anil J. C. Cripe of Michigan. At their meeting yes terday a committee was appointed to wait on the standing committee with propositions looking toward an adjustment of all tne dif ferences lietweeu the different parties, and it is yet to Le Imped that a division may lie avoided. These annual meetings afford au excel lent tipKirtuuity for the Dunkard brethren in all parts of our country to keep up the most friendly relation with each other. Vearafteryear they Come together every state in the In ion bring represented and in their social meetings outside of their regu lar business session they make each others acquaintance and thus become more inter ested in the prosperity and well being of OTF0H ASSEX3LT, Doc B li EaoL' rnosrniTK. Having ban- JOHV A V!TKFt died Baugh A Son's Double UgU brand (or ; . ' mh'-h '". two years, the merit of nhu li have brut ; sul-iect U, the dwbi.iB ... the Keputils-itB Pit fairly tested by many of the farmer iu thi . mr fclactisn, to tw ztel.1 Salunlay, June itMU. section, we are prered to say that it i one among the best fertilizer row in u.r, and I tSFFWIi ASSEHM. 1 , GEIS, FOSTER & QUINN, 113 and 115 CLINTON STREET, JOHNSTOWJf. PA., Beg li WILLIAM S. MOKUAX, or -jknxeb Towxsuir, Subjfet to the deoi-len of the Repal.llcan Pri mary iectwo, tu t held Saturday, J one iMib. FOR ASSEXVLY, ANDREW J. COLBOHN. take pleasure in naming Price by the ton of 10 bags, $iS.im Price by the bag of SO ismnds, :t.00 Cook A BKrairs. Think of it : Men's full stock, half dou ble sole stoga Shoes at $3 cent a pair, men's fine buttoned or lace shoes at $1.. "7; ladies' fine pai button shoes at 37 cents; best sole leather at 21 cents jier ponnd. The largest, cheapest and best selection of shoes in the county just received at Paul G. Nowag's cbeapstore, "'Rd towaemr. liorl'n i Subject to the decision of the Repntill.a Prl- iieriiii. 1 a. : aiary Election, to be held Saturday, J une ti-lih. or SOXKCSCT BOBOCOa. bllraa Prima- uae 24th. ie kid button or lace shoe at Oil cents a ; Subiert to the decision or the Repu ir. carpet slippers at S7 cents; infant's j " t0 beM IT" FOR ASSEMBLY, ALLEN S. WILL, Mkat Market. Main Street. We have! just added a large Refrigerator to onr Meat Market in which all meats can be kept coo' and clean. Mutton, Beef, Pork, Ac, kept constantly on hand. Open daily. Parties buying meat can have it kept in the Refrig erator until wanted. We jave, also, luO.OCO new brick for sale, which we will sell by the hundred or thous and at a low price. Ross IUvt .t Co. FOR POOR HOUSE DIRECTOR, JESSE HOOVER, or xiLroan TowasHir. Sabjret to the deeUioa of th Republican Pri mary Election, to be held Satardar, June 2iih. Special Mestiox. During a mem visit to Johnstown, wcdropjied in to co Curt, (i Campliell, the popular Main street drnggist, and found him a courteous and obliging gentleman. Mr. Campbell's store is at 2"'4 Main street, and his line of Drugs. Medi cines, Dye Stuff. Perfume, and Toilet Ar ticles is large and complete. He keeps no old, stale stock, but everything fresh and re liable. We would advise our reader to call on him when in Johnstown; and onr farmer frienils and physicians will find it to their advantage to consult him on any thing in his line before purchasing elsewhere. Read thi and tell your neighbors that Paul (i. No wag has enlarged his store room and added to his stock of Shoes, Hats Leather, Fancy (iooils and Notion, Trunk?, Satchels, Watches, Cbx-ks and Jewelry, an immense selection of men's, Ixjy's and chil dren's clothing, and invite everybody to come and examine stock and price. Men' suit at j-1-..o; fine black suit. at $7..r to !."5; boy's suits td.iiS to 4.l; children's kilt suit $1.7o to ft.OO. Hats iu endless va riety. jod Wool Hats .iO cent. Also, all the leading spring and summer styles of la die' Hats and Millinery (loods. 13TF0R JURY COMMISSIOSF.R, CHARLES F. RAYMAN, OT BROTHERS VALLEY TOWSSHir. Subject to th decision of th Republican Pri mary Election, to be held Saturday, J une '.Mta. DllY GOODS, MILLINERY. FJLIsTOlT GOODS, Notions, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Bugs and LACE CURTAINS! Our assortments of the alow iiicr.tioiu? ! oo-ls art- the LARGEST IIST JOH1S STOAVsT ! And we know that those buying of m wi!! f.i:J OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST! Walmt i.x.r Hair EnsTORtR.--It is en tirely different from all others. It is as clear a water, and, as its name indieates, is a perfeetly Vegetable Hair restorer. It will immediately free the head from all dandruff, restore gray hair to its natural color, and produce a new growth where it ha fallen off. It d. not in any manner afli-tt the health, wlm h sulphur, urar of lead and nitrate of i'ver preparations have done. It will change tight or faded hair in a few days to a he..utiftil flossy brown. Ask your dnigs'ist for it. Knch bottle i warranted. Smith, Kline A Co., wholesale agents. I'hil adelphia, and '. V Crittenden. Xew York. List of the committeemen of the Ilepub lican party for Somerset county for 12: Addison A. J. olliorn. Allegheny Wm. H. Miller, llerlin borouh Jaeob Kri.-sinf.-er. Ilrothersvalley S. . Forney. t'oneniaUfih Samuel Mi-hler. Confluence horonjihT. H. Krantz. Elklick M. F. hour,-. Greenville J. C. Kendall. Jefferson A. l. Leiihnrt. Jennertown Jaeob Kautz. Jeiincr township K. . Nell'. I-arimer-!'. W. Suder. Lower Turkevfoot J. J. Hush. Meyersdale borough Alex, sliuei .Middleereek-J. R. McMillen. Milford-J. C. F. Miller. New Baltimore borough John treorge. New Centreville borough I utiiel W. Will. Northampton K. 0. llowman. Taint Levi Swank, tiucmahoning J. H. Zimmerman. Salisbury W. H. Lamliert. Shade-T. 0. Mock. Somerset borough L. M. Hieks. Somerset S. M. Wendel. Somerset, North Jonathan Miller. Southampton W. p. Martz. Stonycreek E. M. Lambert. Stoystown borough Abraham Ferrer. Summit Samnel Savior. Upper Turkevfoot S. I. Weimer. Frsiua borough E. I. Yutzy. Wellersbui- lioroiifth Michael Tn. J. R. Scott, C.. W. F;lk, Seeretarv. Co. ( liairinan. t-FOR J I R Y COMXISSIOSER, CHARLES II. MILLER, OrSOXEUSET TOWXSBir. Subject to the decision of the KeiiuMK'sa Fri mary t-leetiun, to be held Satunlsy, June Mtli. D' SSOLUTION NOTICE. inz (Hmnty. ra., we, the Emlerslrieil, ninprisliiic the linn of the '-Somerset Italry Co., Lliniieil." have this day dissolved by mutual eooseot. Any per son bavina cUlmt iflr.t ihe said eompsn or nrni, will forward them at one to E. A. sjaire. New Berlin, N. Y., their duly aathnriird auruu listed New Berlin, N. Y., May 1st, lsi OKORilE saoi; tlHAM. U KOHINSUX, 1-7 MARY K. SJAHE. E?pc.i;il Xotit'c is tu imr Frgf stock of Carpets and Lace Curtains ! ! ! ri CARPET at frcm 18c psr yard up. LACE CURTAINS at frcn 75c. rair hd. CARPET MaicliediCut, Sewed, and Pit Gown, if Desired ! IDGE SALE. Cooimi.iiineri of Somerset ciiunly will oiler to let at public outcry to toe l.-wct and l.ts; bbider on the premlMt, on Saturday, July 15ti, at one oVInck p. m.. the building ol a bridge over KoariDK Kun at r'rie-llinea Mills, in Jeoner X"'p., Somerset eounty. Ha. Flana and epecitteatinn' will be exhibited on dayolaale. AIIAM S. SHAFFER, AtteM JOSEPH HORN LR. U. J. HORN ER. H.W. URl RAKER. J-'.4 Clerk. JOTICE IN DIVORCE. Harriet U. Hanxm In the Court ofl.'oaimon by next friend 1 Pleaj of SomenHrtOontr, Adam R. Humbert, I Pa., No. Jan. T. IU- t. Sabuo;n In Iiivoree. Dempsey B. Hanson. 1 1 Nov.lSH allaeSuhfena J loaed. And now S3nl of May ISM on motion of John R. Seolt E. attorney for the libellant. the Cuurt ai polnteOeo. R. Scull Ei. Comniif-iimer tu lake testlmimy. Extract fmm the rworil. I'er'.itied May Kth, Ist. S. V. TRENT, Prothonntary. All parlies interested will take notice that the nniletinel will a-tend to the ilutiegofhis i polntment at bin olhve on Wendemlay the 17th oay ol July 111 when and where lliey are request ed lo attend. CEO. R. scrEi. jU CotumUdiuDer. D M I N I ST R A TO R S' X OT I C E. Etate of Frederkk Swupe. late of Reilin Eor oui$. Simerwi Co., Uee'd. Ietter? of admialtratlon on the aliore estate bavina: been granted to the undenfyned, by the firoper authority, notice Is hereby fivea ro those ndebted to It to ma ice immediate payment, and thone havina claims or deman'ta will present them Inly authenticated lor settlement, on Wednesday, the luth day of July. at the residence ot the Administrator. 1). J. BRUBAKER. Administrator. WWlii n isitin town, Io Not Fail to ali in ami icr GEIS, FOSTER & QUINN. frank W.IUy T3 ESTAIJLISHLW 3t YEARS. .A. IT John II. ll.-.j. BROS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Til, Coper and Sleet-ta fare Mannry, Xo. 2S0 Washington Street, Johnstown, Pa. v73 AI2 TC CFrE- -FURNISHING GOODS II GESERAL imilULOl OIUILO UilU UUU0L-IUIU1IO1I1H At Prices Less than any other House in Western Pennsylvania. Ijn. Kti-ani VO'IICE TO CONTRACTORS. 11 i Bt direction of the Biiard of School lllrector. I will receive until Monday, June l :h. lsU. ieale. j prop-.s-ils for the building of anew two-story brick i actum! house In Somerset bo-onuh, the plans and ! soecincatlons of which may be seen at my office. An approved bonil conditioned on the ialthful i jierlormaucej of the contract will be repaired trom r. I the p&iv.to whom the tame mar lie awarded. The rlitht of reiectioif any or all bids is reserved ' to Hie Board of Wet-tors, J7 V. . JL W tlxi.J'-i. liKl'L'BLICAX J'KIMAUY El.KtTlOX. The Republican vtiters of ?iiiiTH!t cutin ty are rejiiitl to sxerublc at tlie plao-s se lecteil in tlit-ir iwveral election districts;, on Saturday, June 24, 1HX2, for the pur pose of nominating' a county ticket. J. li. Aott. 'iF1.,V. 11 LI., Secretan'. Cliainnnii. all, than ould I the case bad they not this j wou)ll respectl-aiiy inf,.rni my friends of opportunity of beeoming acquainted. On Somerset county that I have opened a new our way out we stopped at Vanaw fifteen .iruj; store at 2T-' Main Street, Johnstown, miles below this place, and had the pleas- pavi.re I would le pleased to see tl.ein. ure of paying a short visit to onr old friend Mv st.M k consists of Pure Irup, Chemicals. Allen V. Snyder brother of your enter- P3tent Medicines, lye Stun. IVrfumery prising merchant John .Snyder of Somerset. ttI1j fancv c.U generally. At this season Allen in flourishing like a sunflower plant- I wid call attention to tiie iiisectnules. elin rich soil, and knows how to make an ,(l, aPure Paris ;recii. Pure Powdered old friend comfortaMa fora few hours as White Hc!lelore, Per-ian Insect Powder, well its any one we rver met. ,.tr When in need of anything in the ours Truly. ! dni line ror.ie and see nie or wri'e for r.Li.Kt. ) nrires. All in-iMirie i-lioerfnllv anwerel. i'has. tlcirtrnr. TESTED 3ni FOOHD WORTHY ! In order to brlna: more fully before the notl.-e of the people the raiue ol a true and tried remedy, we hereby xive the following reliable testimonial fmm one of the many who have been cured, and whose reputation for veracity cannot lie ues tinned. tVooriBrsv, N. J. March M, ISsJ. ! Swkih.su BittebaCo. : ! (rnnTLCvrx : I have sufleml with dyspepsia and IU horrtiile etfecti lor many years. Have I spent hundreds of ilollara with physicians and in ' patent metiwines, witn no avail, i nave oeen un- : 1 able la eat meats of any kind, and could not re I . tjio water on my st.ma.-li, and was unaoie to ' jleep at oiidit. 1 was lnilui-el to procure anil try a buttle of your Swedish Hitters, and can consci I entiously aay its use was lollowwi by beneUcial In-sults. I can now sit down and enjoy a hearty , meal of meats and vexetablea of any kind, and , hare rained sixteen pounds In three weeks, ami ; can cordially recommend it toother. Very respeetiu'ly. j AVlit'STl'S PKCHU j PriprietOT ef Woodbury City C-oach Une. irehl's ! lavery and Aecommodatluii Stables. i The above statement cjn be relied wi. ! WM. 1. SCOTT. Ex-Mayor of the city ol Woodbury. N. J. Swedish Bitters Is a sure cure for dyspepsia, kidney and liver eomplaint, bilioasness, and all I diseases of tlie stomach. rive II a trial and you will see that the test of Swedish Hitters t the ' pruof of Its merits. ATanutartured bv SWEU. 1SH B1TTEKS CO.. Wi.nlliury, .V. J. Sold by all drunitlsts at T-1 cents per bottle may 14. Milford June, InJ . June 1. MARKET REI'OHT lX-rrecte-1 weekly by R. Beatty. Son i ., : W holcmle Produce Communion .Merchant, lltLs- , Imrxh. Pa., j ouafry Prsxlsieo. A Mile Better. per s-aL SOaTjc. Eacni. I'onn- try Clear Sides. 4luc: Kit. T'-sci Shoulders, I TaSc. 0heese. JSew Ohio Kactory. 111 J". Miried ; Krnlta. Apples, sliced. eaTe: do. .uarters, toto : ; Peactes, halves, ea7c : peeled, do. l.ic ; pit ted j Cherries. SSaiw-: Raspberries, MiiVc: Hlaeiir-; rics,lfcl: .erlbkiralL eUie-s. Ijve reese, ; OIIKRIFF fver lb. .Miicl. 4,iaJ. per dmen. ' .-. -. . i Uv r Mil nl a iwrla n Krit m mill K.I . iytl4il ..i.l .H.i.tL.11 ml.t In l.ihl-lii.r in Tin. i i !rmlied Iron rn-l Rhcct.Ir.-n. s-: Pipe. li..t-Air Pipe, KN.nnif, Spuutiinf. M u-U. nl Korines, aud all w.irk jru.lr.ln- to inUr I ur-a-es. t'.timates riven and w.k i by nrt-clis .Me.-haui.-s only. S.le Aifctii. l-.r -it.le t - k. Johnstown Cook Siars' Antl-Iust I.Hok. kxivlsinr Pcnn. In H.me- urnislnnit O.i-sis we .ti -r Coal Vases. Toilet Sets. Hme. I Closets. " ike Hoxi-S, I'liamder-i-allo, Knives au-t t.irxs nu.i n and plated) Itenaan Silver spoons. KrcanoU Si..n. Tea Truys. Liticl. Ir. n an-l Kinn.r.i.l Wares llntssand Copper Ketile.1, Meat Hrnilers, fivster Ur-llcm, U-n Hei?r. iU .intercut kiwis. Bread Toasters, Plate.! Britannia and Wire t:ators. Iron Stands, ire Irons, an I ever. tl..n o. Ware nee led In the Cooklnit I n-part in en t. An experience of tliinvtbrec years In buir.es here wa bles us to meet the wants ol t' i rn.ntmmiiv m mir line, with a K.nil article at a low prlc. All gn-is sold WARRANTED A3 R KHK r S t.SI Vl or Ihe money relunded. I all and se- the V.ar : it-1 prices betore purchasing ; no tr..ol.le lo show!.ls. fersic onmnienciDif H..osc -Reepln will per cent, by buyiiiK their i n ht In.in us. .Ilercbants sllinit ipio-ls In our lino hm send it Wholesi.le Prlcsj List, or cab ml itet i, nutations of our Ware . as we have no apprenib -s nil -:r work is Warranted to be ol tbo is. i-Mlr.y t li.west ptl - e. 1- Java money call on or send to HAY BROS, Xo. 2S0 a-Iiinctoii Mreel. Johnstown, Prnr.'a. HERE I S THE PLACET J. M. HOLDERB AUM I SONS NO. 4 BAER'S BLOCK, A Ci.n-ij.i.-l AM-irtnicnt -d GrHGRAL MERCHANDISE c. i -l.-i i,.- o; STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS! A I-.i.-to Asiortrirr.t of DRESS GOODS AND NOTIONS! MENS, I JOY'S & CHILDREN'S CLOTH IXti! HATS .BOOTS AND SHOES ! CARPETS & OIL CLOTHS I Queensware, Hardware, Glassware, VJTJLX JLA JL XjJLJCLa sZ?. AUKind8 of Window Blind3 and Fixtures, Wall Papers, Umbrellas, Satchels and Trunks, Churns, Butter Bowls, Tubs, Buckets, Baskets, Toledo Pumps, Farm Bells, Corn Plant ers and Plows, Cultivators, and WAGONS! THE JIOLAXJ) CHILLED PLOW, The CHAMPION JIOWEll A- HEAP Ell, 'Ihe CHAMPION (ill A IX SEED DP ILE With Detachable Fertilizer. THE BUST OF EVKKY1 JIIXO AT J. M. HOLDERBATJM & SONS', am:. o Wayne A IVrkebilu have just rweived a laiye amount of new stock at their Turni-1 ture wan-room, un Main street. Call ami' 2".2 Main Stn-.-t. skre gtxxid ami fnJ tlieirprcrs are. MARRIED. how Mirririsinply Ion lar. With the lit of your iiitkUanJ an ! tioii, iiresentej IStahle, of Uie Ocitysbarg S"vi.Bp.V Ti.RE. Mr. Fieher, "f th? anf KT4ricltJ. lii.tfiit orn-nnl tire tlii iii. vhen they made a j .rvii :-tate rem. Trunn of blood found ; Inn nat ion . i . : tlw- urxt tliiv iittat? tLat ww of the shot ' , rV I siHfo. i Hvmns. Kansilr I " r ' iVS I.-.. m RHan.'. rwk Pouk. Har- " ! ". "'" ' r 1 ei; m l .ril,. s, : , A tne niaihtin east wa cominp along le Libra i- v ' inch totliiirh. nirour collar an inch too 0My7er, with a Tittle batchet. The t.re- Vou have it nnilrmraoleoirabi-j joutation sjieerh was replete with wit and - . 1 I . 1... C. .1 I uumnr, aaiA was repuoupi ui ) ouuic, who. hv the way. was an intimate personal OnThaisvUy. JuMh. li in the Meth-: frienJ (.r i.m who s buried there, in his ist church. Smirt. Ta . by Rer. tstew- j MU , j wIiner. He related a nnm- an, Mr. Ed. M. KUtI, uf J)erry Ration; j T of umorouj annecdotes of when he lAaTiijM!aa'ta4 MTlfT fn TTt 4 PffiWl f a 7 9 1 i. .1 3 J hi t .miir roar lxtr iu.,1 . i " - V -MM1a UtTJ . SlASIBtAnVK E. Ik, BUI ioW shi to orrrule roar IxttjuAm, in art ii-J ot true inent i piao-J Wf.ire you. y.i r Ji-Uc or your l.iJncT4uj . . ,l.i. i ... otr p-viwi, ii wttsrr ; lswsure a We9tm.jrlaTi! eon-. Pa . w-a. married to LnJ George were boys together, and fre quently lived his bandana, so allccted was he at the recollection. - I'pon returning to the city the party, after taking supper, spent the e renins at Abner's concert cardens. The Miss Martha C. RK lati2luer of John Roberta one of tl.airext and most accota- uti.lcr a full kl of .team at Fort Hill on j ,,i!lliej of Sook-- many for .laughter. : Sunday afterm. it was run into by a ThrlnmJi tliealur.7t.irh !,il Wiuta- ik-sUv JecorUel.well AileJ with inrited 1 v,i. ,.r d. . as neriotwlv' uml. bat f'-rtiinatelv none ., ijv- ,v hri.lal nartr ' ,. . " . -.".- 1 . : (ruests wtien at ir mM tne nriiiat I1" 1 to. the diflerent uoiuw of interest in and Watted By two gentlemen, a furnished room in Somerset, without board, by the month or quarter. Addre-, Matin? liKal ily and term. Jons Mars-ton, Y. O. box KtRMTt KE fur All. i 'all at "('ofTroth'i Old Reliable Fnrtiiture Store,"' on Patriot street, Soiiier, Pa., where you can buy first -;laj. hand-made and city mannfactur- ed Funiiture of all descriptions at bottom prices. j The sale ol the rial estate of Muthias! Shaulis, late of Somerset township, deceas-1 eil, has been continued until Tuesday of August court next, at the conrt house, un less sold at private sale aooner. Tenons desirous to buy will call upon. Jacob Xell'or John H. ITuI, at Somerset, l'a. Ii U il l i M K R C'Ol' X T U Y 34 A S . On t he Slh day ot June, at the residence of the bride's pan-nts. by Rev. !.. !,. Sirber. Mr. J. W". Eroniher to Miss F.innie Count rynian, both of this county. HOFFMAX STAT1.U!. n thefirt of June, at the residence of Mr. Tobias Scich er, in Shanksville, by Rev. J. J. Welch. Mr. Charles Hoifinaii to Miss Ijllie Ststler, both of Stoystown, this couniy. Sua-ar. Hal.- pr H.: Saaar Oran . ual-Jti I .n ODliiD setti, ptr l.u--a 0aTiJ. Butter i ('bole Koll, -.tatilc. Fuultry. Live ChK-ttnn, 7ijc per pair, aeoirlini X11 file : Iirestx"!. xt I lb. 1-U1V: Torkejs. lnaiilct Om, sasie; lnit-an, I Ualiie. Potatoes, 1 Taai si per insbel: Sweets. ! S 00. Salt, Jfn. l.ptrblil. 1 : titra. ir I l.hl, 1 Si : iKiry. per btil. 1 . liaa-. OKtun. ! White. rlt.w.-: "ku. Mixeil.av-': Uwil : en. ' .'a'.w. See-'ls. limothr. er bam-L 2 e.'i SOMERSET, PE-UrA. III'IIANS n-UKT ..Y. of vai.i Ar.i.r: i:k it. ist .. ry.. Co.. y . an-l u m itire-ne-l. t'itsi tml I eil to pulilic sale, al ttie l-niirt House, In IsnuitT-et, l'a., cn Ff'olrj, J'inc !'Wi, t Ilrirlusr.f r.n .irler of s ii-int '.tit - f t.'. i ( rjii.an Ci-urt 1 . nirrnet 1 "..uoty, to i:.r-s: i r-l, I will exjMi'fl tu i:f l: ia!-. -i.i ' Si'irJo'i. h '. I I .1 !' ' on the iirm:i--i. at 1 i'p!-i-' f. int. of. in ami l Ihe j d ta Miiu,T i t',t,l,. n'MH 1 in ..aiersei ti.wn-. fc),)ltltll iauu (), J t H,.Ju.r, ,im,TdK tin lie-.: . iiioma; H ji.t, -ijrii . rx vuu. . . . . .1 . - r - 1 w. 1.. ....... . . u - ... -- ly.dpcticoryour Mrw.J wi' entered. The bndud. were M Mary I abont th(1 twnlr,-inpU,n Heigh, the .iim,,.-..... Stewart and Miss V Roberts; and the stoldiers' Home, the Corcoran Art Gallery. ' i I '"Ie,f e!i.sh Ilitt j idy. It wiil d. more A liaoaal Jn 'J it r. ' I 1 rosmt nf rV ttcrtheinfalliliUreni-!""1 J . . proomsmen Air. t Jatt.rson ana r. -j tbe Bureau of ngranng i rrinUiiR, Uie moreforyou than we : ,n'', "."" ""l,'r W. Beifker. Drr after the ceremony HmithiomimH Jnite, the rarioiw depart- Irertisient and testi. "" m , number of Ihe itndiate frada of tftelmcnt- arv) jn tct fTeTTthing worthy of 11- r. . . A wit ralf e A Idemey row. the ucup- f dM ne n,- loo1ce, ,t. T,ie party returned -' "T tHe sud lew 4lt.p in u. rtyof 04 . Ik-nforl. committed sui-1 aeace 01 Ioe orlle rnL". n,Jsl j to HarrLsburg on Friday afternoon, where, .tui sk Ha. rii.lkitl.ii-f-U- haiw hersr 00 Sundavaft- re,i,i rej An " p- 1 after taking dinner at Hutchinsqns, they iMo.'fc i, 1 :i.u .... v. il.i , .:i.i..!bPWupUtoahe Uam for Phila-1 hoartW trains cuiDr north, eaat. aoutli. and m rni H,s- t . .in,, i.Ut of k-aJ iVe t., ,n. h : Jeifm, w T we ea"Tn Aur I rest, and tbe tenth ninu-Al etliMnal excur v lations. Some uf the us4 ltook csms in tbe tiNir ole eastern ntier . r ,r. v, nuW.-ri;.-. n- -iji.,..;....i. Hiau eatemU it m heaKy conrmtn- ..!,: DeGr the imk. il i.v.., - . . -....i ..... .: latiofia. 1 Thm r.u.i inmi a sii.I- uem ia-uitui.i. iiU tlie baiter an mod I II .ii.'. atnl -f!W a lut. Mini 1 1" .-. ... Irr mrt. Hnul.i.u i.L.4U I. Ui I ar I'linm e-. try Call and see our tine line of cashmeres. IvrosTtXT jo Rt iLDCRs. We offer at our warehouse or on track Somerset station, in fWe to ten bnrrel lots. White Lime, per barrel, 130 lbs. net, M.fid Calcined Plaster, per bbl. 2S0 lbs net, 2.0D Cement, per barrel, 2s0 His. net, 2JD Quality cuaranteed. Cook A IIkekit. MIIUIT Milk wrt Uometad by Ouusi k RcBarra SAuaa w CHOICE GROCERIES, FLOUR 4 Apple, dried. f . AiiUebotter, 9 fai. Krn.f 1 Bntur, V "sew) (rail) liockwheat V bk meal, 10S ! IVffwix V fc Uassio, shvalders, f mAJKm t 1 o'clm-k o. n . all the rli'it. tl'le. l-r-" an. i-l:ilm ..I ihe da-femlant. liaiilrl I". .Milirr im l , - - ... .... - . . . . . . rnnmiu n n mi- -.n. ,ruau - a: I i'-ver. iiaa lor nuiaii . - 1 fnwiiix real estate, sitnata . T" . 9h;r(. x,inert ninriiT, r-. rooiaimnK 1 si-.- .,, n. ..,,1 .,,,, j Ir m. incr.-s-uiiairy. iw pn pu .I perches, strict mea.are. MH,,U l..s M j yn, 4 ,,.r ,' 4B;,'.h, reriew. Henry barn.ll.Sinoei Herney. lle.ic- J Ssn ao, wrli tiinnere l. A t.i-.t..r liame . u. ! Oreen Coffee. FaneT Kio. Ml Ih. 13c K.bolisa. n-l uth-r. bavins; tberw ernete.1 a :ry an-l a ,mra aii nnt.r,,..u-Ant ibn -11 .r- I do. l-.'V : Prime Ki. lle;Oil K10, lw ir- " Mra "" .i..u1ann-. rrhmrt , a .irietT l lrnu.a l miu, hur ilinarr. V-,-: Java, VMCJe 1 with the apiurtenaorm I leet IhK-a, ami llintn)e nn t.e t.r. tM'i-'. T;i KMSieJlCoflea. la paper, perils Kalsr: luw-i Takea in eiernttwi ai tbe suit .. Ai!am Air-1 Urm it ln , tirh ,t,le .,, mm,, :,.,. (, er ara.ies. lS'vil.'lc: In Lull;, liilic: Java, paper; . man. te. eoneaiitly lo l.'entreiiie an-l 1:. -ka.l, . . . . ,. 1 I vvt. w ATI Troti imti-haiin, mt t'i attire I . . . . .- r 1 - . . 1 an-l lift -nurciie ann sctiw.l. sale will please utt Hutu tbat a part ol t he par-1 ehase mrnv-y to lie aiaile knuvn at tlie nine uf ; AMI sale will tie reijulrej as Mm a lh pn;T- i j A kit -f jrroutvl iltn ite al lJ.-i, il. Iotj m knocked il "W. "therwii It still b arain eip"-l ! the pUr 'il si-l Ku-Ww.i aj ..t .No. i. to sale at the ri or tne ami fn nr. 1 di : i.rt . .. i;i s crrrK nn the eatt. ai-i-v m t: ; Java. balk. Mb, Sugars. Mamianl A. per lb, V-le: Windsor A, !,: Prarie IJ, Vf- Kenned Yellow, sae M.il'.aSKes Yellow. T'aSc : Oraoulate.1. P-'c: Piiwden d, 10; Be ; CruniieJ low, lwc -, Cut !al. l'-7ie. I s.n.u r-h,iii.i Mfttile 'larorel. -VV : Prima Maple Flavor!. 0c : ubofisa Suirar STmp. or 1 V Prime Sua-ar Syrup, I4c ; Owl auicar Strap, -jr; I Wars: Strap. ii. rmiilftfte ul the purchase mnaey man lie ii-l n or helure Thursday of the Brstweeaof AuauntCAurf. the time Died t.y the Uoort for securin theai-- knowl lument of deeds, and aodeed wl.l Im e- FEEO lUnJaM ner lb 'V 'aC'"- Carolina, I ; knowleOaed until tbe purchase notieT 1. wl. lu wua. rmiaini..., arr tfe Orleans 5Iol.W-Cholce, Tie: Strictly SirsJ Ow, Sheriff. 1 th. j rcmi-s Prime. Prime. -. ! May J90, 1SA -1EEM. :ilain'lii( Hi per;hirs. ALS A certain piece or iiarrcl of IviJ. nitur. in trr- ftiiua, nmiinins:.i14 a-res. known ifie .nrr! fAUn ajl a i(..l viriiril OF SALE To C0KTKAT0KS A5D Bl'ILVEKS. We wish to say that we are now prejiared to furnish the best white lime, calcined plaster and ce ment, in fire to ten barrel lots, at prices less than city quotations, local freight added Xotk our prices eNewhere in local column of this paper. Cook t Bcekits. There has been considerable rivalry in the boot an4 altoe business in Somerset county for some time past, but it is now an indisputable Xact that Sui Vhl lead the ran in that line. He has the largest and finest stock of both foreign and home-made boots and shoes in Somerset county, and sells ... ,. . I ... 1 1 - I - I LBS) CfWatJ WI SWIRs ' -.-J. -J iti licc si. k h..I.Mlir rone sc-.a" .ml th rs, iiu, Ml on I m.rkei .r. ii. l n .1,. furnitnrw from 1 j to Mi mil ner rard: silk warns . nunureus 01 pairs wijere outers sen a siugie jmm- jsu. at la 'eJotk a. at. slwauoiamaa Ides. eoaDirybams, V Com, (ear) f bushel - (shelled) " meal Calf sains, 9 Jjtas, V ds Flour. 9 bW Flaaseed. V (W ) Hum, (sar-eureo) t ft Laird. t ft Leather, red sole, V nppn, - kip. Midlines, and enopl ft Oats. 9 ha Potatoea, 9 bufaew) Peaches, dried, f ft Bye. 9 bm - kci.f Salt, No. 1. ? I'M. eltra - Oround Alum, per aatk - Astatoo. per sa-C Sucar, yellow V ft....... ..... - white " Tallow, f ft Wind, f ft -iCT'Oe Prime. Toe: Prime. sC. ..T; I Tas,--loon- xlyroa. per iu. .at w t .un- . oae.tt.irH in hao4. ese-tMH to nrcstn a ! -. .-I aO powder, -iic al Wi : Imperial. 3.)- : Jpan, F, -nYrf-t'T( 11' VflTIfT the Interest 01 wi.irh i- p.Tahie annually 1.. ti- -!;; Wnkar. KiTie ; Sob, ;. ; LAUUIM.. -M,"u- , wb!ow. al at Bee death tne prlncir-.l P. t"b heir. :' I Camiles, SU-r, roll weiaht. 14c ; Me rlne. ir Jjj . ' and leiral repr-outives ..I m nc- .i. sn 1 tn- ayt- li:c: M.iaM. Der et- V - ' t-i.v,,., v.ii..tii8 UiiiiCiiiiiM..w! 1.1.. . . . . . u llrala, I'lwwr, Fweel. e. ' boruaa, auaicrt Co., Pa., dee d. ,-ureil apoa the pretoiiftcs i.y iu. itmcnt ll. Io W beat.-Prime Ee4 Whiter, lJal 4i; Jleiil- Letters testamentary on the ahnse esuu 1' reut.n h.-l m.y to tw p;d wnrn tn- pro am. havrna hsn rraated to the undersiifned by the i ty is knocked down. l-.mK, ,a iiit. vi. 11.- Corn Hlah mixed Rbclle.1. ; 1 enow prnpor authority : Dotaw is hereoy civew v an . - Shelled, Umc : Ear (jrn. iwik. perams indebted to amid estaU tofakelmmeiiw .rats. ruin w nue, . jiw-i, in, , a trot. wi,i m ... Rye 40 for Western ; 1 M 1 lor .rena--yl- will present then duly aattmeticaied lit seiur . ran la aad Ohio. meat on Sat unlay, Jun 24. Ivci. at the olHr' harlev 1 SOal 10 for Prime North western i. Mk-kev, In LioSuerx-e boruuiia, at 1 , Sprint:: S.al M for Metlluni. ; o'clock p. m. Flour Fancy Patents, spring n-l winter), SAM'El. A. il PHEE. SuaKOO : Fancy St. tools, (winiets 2. .'m ; i m17 Kaeeu-- Fancr Family Whits) Amner aad Winter, 7 T3e i S SO; Choice Finily. (ebir rcl winter) 7 Sou i al le ' Be I luetic ,. ..llVjlie I ...U1. j l w 1 1 18 I -JJie e lie .7 Mf7 60 inajlT A.U.11X WILL. A-!trir:: ri 17e ....UcftTlae ... Jueti-tsr ....jcmTvc c Tue ...; aoest 20 ci ile at le 1 S01 ..1 jj1 J t is) aesftiae Ilea sviis'e 1 v) ixigjc: ; C) C T C O Ol per day t Ix.ace. Simce 0U I U OU wftifih soiree. A-l-:rs,i- a Co., P.,riii.l, Maine, Mar IU jr. A UDlf OBS NOTICE. The Dderti&rDed Auditor appo Bled by tUe tsr phaat' Court ut Sosaerset Co.. Pa., to past oa ex cepuoos tiled and (sake a diatriltloa ot tba two i . k. . 1..H.1. .f Umm klif. r iis uLnr of Davbd jsh iuafTleirally catltled 1 Fat Cows. 4 Otta oa ; Veals, to ki rim aouftsa that ha wlU alt and ! Shsep Cneaaaow to Fair, at to the daiiea of said appointment at his oreca .Soiem1 CHOICE STOCK OF DRESS iao-y'7 74 08: Kye fUar, t 7ia 0. I U w-l )ftii Jdni, mJ .. t 1 PAB1S0LS II OiUSS GOOD Mill teM v one atiauunas, um vtn . Coarse, do. I OOa'ja 98 ; Seeoods, 21 SOa-as l : j Braa. li Waal 00 ; Cboppol Food, 2 (hsj4 00- ! Hay Prime Timothy, baled, at U iuali B .per toa : Prime New Loese. M vwi: W. Prw ialeMM msS aUftteek. Provisions Ex. 8. C. Kama, per lb., lie; Ei i S. U. SbooJders, lias : Ex. f C Breaklut Kaeon leci-f; Ex. S. O. lfted Beef. c sets, li e: Beet. Toairues. cer doten. M 0) ; Baom Swshlrrs 'c; Short Kib SKte. 13H : do. Clear Siidea. M.ccj ., , k . Meas Pork, per bU, tal 11 s aVa, bttrt Cut FamU Which are tha Best Bnrala we have cQrl ly . a to io pes . in bnl. Sl Vr. Lard. Kenned.! jet U Silas. Also, a Fall Ha o( summer asa, m tiema. 13c : ao, ta nait noi. u-e ; , do. ia bocketa. I1. : do. j it, pau. ra it. in cmse. UU.c: ao.ifc paUa, 13ei do. lh paiU, 11 V ; do. It lb palls. l4c. CaulsFair la rrine Sh'ppine. 7 VaT 7" ec in to traM kaieMTinar, : mu aan Wa bar K tpcaeJ a new lot of BLACK SILKS! y Baxter's Mandrake the en-f of it ho H-h1eidnt the loop j rooms of Wayne A It chile. Theirstocklto $10; lawnt to 12 cents at Holder- j P"'- tWl ariMiud her neind "iraiiirlinr, her. ( is large and consUotlji-reajiinft. i banm's. elsewhere. Iwll and see him befiice purchsains . n.pilft intcftaAil eaa attend. JAMES L.PVOH. Auditor. a rru aismtxht or Priced Dress Goods! & MaS k Sad : Gsmd to Prima, at i OUai 40 : Lambs, J oVas is i TjQ-rjr P-'Ua" M MllenWJSJipai a-a'-ex, sr. . - , Cora fed Yorkers. 7 77 w: Oraassrl.S 7 to ,.. ,- ,sr.-n AaTA star () todtcato. that the qaetauona ta , A Lara. Ajsc.nmewt or JL "i0,1 w h it K Uric oritiuMte hare raaaxed sine ia Uuv. I Black aad Colored Bt-JITI.XiS, and WHITE W-Not geaeralrhawiea la Floor qu itat tons I (i XjIiS of all 4esrriptlofi. LAPIF.5' A.XD CHILDKE. LACE AND PLEATED COLLARS! BUck ami White LACES. SIXK FRIMJKS. M(.S1 EK V and ixLOV ES. The La Raine Corset, i or Sale. Only T 111 w a - -. s . - i.-ae-- v s