1 aaaanasai ii . .- . -. - - , I A ,ir.t1.oth loud and have a uggttion to make leading - " WEDSESPAY ..Jnne W. l"i REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. ST ATI- OOVEUNolU JAMES A. LEAVER, Centre count-. . i . .i -it ' im the people Or wppwe i to harmony, wnue uw-y are wi V'rMarsliaU.a.l:.rcfI.leJ,an,ll.o,ly impressed witli the conviction or anv other member of the ticket that unless Something is done, would die, say, within thirty days 'defeat is inevitable. Mr. koontze 'preceding the election, must the contributions towards narmonycon I Republicans he deprived of a candi-jfwt in setting forth his objections to !dtc. became, although the old con- the ticket, which are that the bosses Ivention mHit W re-assembled, there ma.1 it. nni mai iw m im ... t. . .. i i ..r lkA ' IN not time mfliciont in which to.lon u-.uo.Tct m ... Vl -"-.,,,, of t!ie convention, that1 . .. i . vention? This is like the ' 'eiit!euiau know hair splitting that denied the right platform in the nmvention-that j - -- - --" . i The noisiest "demagogue, in the ed, comes inquiry from thev Mail: 'irvconcilable movement ire dis- Warren county, as we see by tlur apjmjnted "poilsmen, andttnse who! proceedings in tho 7Vmc.5, had t;eore ;rire Itulepcndt-nt from principle, i V Mapes as Senatoria It le legate jojn hinl. with! M li,,..,a In'iu in I'hlhli ( n in mill I i. rhleni of our Senatorial j-ch. shallow set of termers, district. No Warren county caucus ,T..ey have no re-p-. r f7 1(111(1 appointed him. lie was simply put of reform that ' aije them in bv ' "bosses'' in the general ir,,;S nn i i M to ob wMir. licr.pres.-r.ieuuooouv m . , ..j u . ;n Missoriu oi iluvs. '.aid to Kent Terrible Eipltwion In a Ti A Soli A t I . f.ii.r.i.t tri in: imi i" 1 1 i 1 1 v i . . - " 'I'l I ... II j ' I u. I i I HIT ll lliil ltilif II NritlllJI III' 1 convene a meeting "I the eoi.ieniion. ": ' i,opul..t mil. Uur county ileietr.ue . " , V. . , s for he was ou the was Captain L. I. Rorchers. imt j nlayed out, masters anu mmhicui of Abraham Lincoln to call out; the nomination oi i.eaxer. immcs Mroor at the outbreak of the rebel-) and Mar-hall were made with en- ! lion , for ihe purpose of preserving thusiasm by every vote in the con i ... r.i . on.l 4tmt nil tti trpn ir line nirui oi me nation. There is no doubt that in accord ance with precedent, Chairman Jt'STK'E OF St TUEME VOVHT, WILLIAM IIENUV RAWLE. Philadelphia. sr. i:i:tauy of ixtekxal affairs JOHN M. GREEK, Butler countv. Cooper might have called the State Committee together to select a can didate, but deferring to presumed public sentiment, he preferred that the delegates elected for that pur- J iose rhould perform that duty, an the caviling at his course is born ot I.I EfTEX ANT CiOYF.IlXun, WILLIAM T. DAVIES, Bradford count y. A niPATcn from Chambersburg says that Franklin county, the home of Senator John Stewart, can poll about 4 .MO Republican votes, and at least 4,400 of these will be given for General Beaver. IIox. James G. Bi.ai.ve has writ ten a letter declining to be a candi date for Congressman-at-Large in Maine. lie hopes that the cam paign will result in the election of a vention, and that all the bosses in Christendom could not have com pelled euch unanimity, if the senti ment and hearts of the delegates had not been enlisted for the candi dates. But "the ticket had been indicated for some time in advance of the convention," complains the veteran general. Well, we should say it had, and most unmistakabby a mistrust oi tne common m--u.-u ui . uiuita i mu, w- iiiuuihi the Republicans of the State, or fear the State. The kickers at the out of the howl of a few implacable mal- start announced that they were go conte jts, whom nothing but an un- ing to carry the convention and die conditional surrender to their de- tate the candidates. They demand- mands would satisfy. led a long canvass and a short cam paign, and they got it. The canvass proceeded, the cry of the " bosses'can didate " was raised against General Beaver, and yet the kickers were in a minority before two-thirds of the delegates were chosen.. To cover their defeat the' proposed a scheme of compromise, (the Continental Peace Conference) and to their con sternation their proposition was agreed to and their terms accepted. Before leaving the hotel their repre sentatives declared they would not keep faith, on the very terms pro- They at once whoe will did he reprsent.? Who 'hacks in the State. They make a made him a h legate? What con-1 t,,xt of the air;est notl'ngs to vention or what caucus was cahe. I, . Ju,t becaue State tor thai purpose : . e nave ncani oi none. Thus these individuals flocked to gether like foul birds of prey, actua ted by a common purpose, to nonu Senator Daviea was not ncpinated for State Treasurer last yar, Mr. Wolfe, of Union, felt called ipon to head a revolt against the'regular Ever since General Beaver's name has been mentioned in connection with the Gubernatorial nomination, the story has been industriously circulated by the 4 Independents" all over the State that he violated his instructions as a delegate to the Chicago Convention. In answer to inquiries as to the truth of this statement, the State Committee has issued the following authoritative denial : legislature wnicii u .uu... . ..,.pnCRlI j,i1lv(ir v.t , in,,r(lc.t0,i hy IU1 1C iu Wit . - , , 1 1 1 a A 1 ; wiiiptj at Clnrug", nor hy any county there- po&Ou ly tnPmselveH, - 4', a o .ivlimimn nartv nominee, and this yar. le- of principles which ought to have ' eau.se Mr. Davie to nominated brought the blush of shame to their j for office and Mr. Wolfe s not, brass'-fronted faces. Their impu- j the gentleman fron Union t-es an dence is so profound that it almost 'other reason for revolt. Wdldany commands our admiration. ! thing short of Mr. Wolfe's lomina- 'tionfor something have pevented his kicking this year? Wi think not. Would he have kickfl if he had been nominated? Wejdo not believe he would. When 5r. Grow was a candidate for United Sates Sen ator. Mr. Wolfe, said he haJ as good GLKAXIXGS. The Philadelphia Record remarks that Chairman Cooper "need not la borunder tic delusion that anything he can do or that he forbears to do niilL'ICiISC luc juur n.iiui.iii:. j ., . . 1 .' I V 1 1 1 , a r Hit to be lor himselt Is te had have madeun their minds to kick ;l 1 . if the roof off the Republican wigwam, and soft words are thrown away up on them." GriTEAf V last chance for li""e was disposed of on Monday, the .hid-res constituting the Court in banc de ciding that the case shall not be re opened for argument. This settles the case beyond a doubt, notwith standing Charles II. Reed 'u endeav ors to have a still further hearing. ..-I . i. : ..: I.:... -...1 I oi. i nr onjy niMrui nuns i.t'ii uiui. hiiu ! uniler wbieli ho aetl, ww tlnse of t!io ' Slate Convention, to almle bv wliich lie was pledged ly the delesratt-s of his county, who communicated to him on their return home. Heaver was not al llarrishur); ia attendance umiii the Convention which elected him a delegate." As confirmative of this denial, William Shortidge, of Bellefonte, who was a member of the Countv Bv order of Chairman Cooper the delegates elected to the Republican State Convention, held at Harris burg. May 10, 1SS2, will convene at llarrisburg ou Wednesday, June 21, 1SS2, at 12 o'clock m., for the pur pose of nominating a candidate for Congressm an-at-Large, instead of Thomas M. Marshall, declined. The first election of 1S.S2 was bell last week in Oregon, when the whole Republican ticket, Legisla ture and member of Congress was 'lected. This insures the election of a Republican V. S. Senator to succeed Grover, Democrat; and thus makes the Senate at its next session reliably Republican, unless the party meets with some misfor tune during the year. called a separate State Convention, and renewed the fixht before they knew whether the Regular conven tion would endorse the compromise or not; and now having placed their ticket in the field, they are howling for "harmony" and clamoring for still another convention. Committee,tel!s the manner in which j Judging from the past, we do not the delegate was Ft lected, and shows j believe that the managers of the that General Beaver's position was j Independent machine would go into thoroughly understood : a new convention if it was assented "When the Republican Committee nf j (o bv the Regulars. I ellire couniy mei io cicci ucieuie vt Hftrrisburg Convention which was to select delegates to the National Convention at Chicago in lSsl, there wa no possible nils understanding as to iencrul JJcaver's posi tion, in uit lint miv, vliiiiu iMuiui, t. . , . . rotation, was entitled to a d. l.yate to the ' They do not desire a new conven It is too much to expect that the' would agree to be snuffed out, as they would be in a convention of the entire party. National Convention. This beinc under stood, it was generally conceded by all Re publicans that tieneral Heaver was our rep resentative man, and would best serve tiie interest of the party. I was a member of the committee and a Illaine man. 1'riorto the meeting of the Committee!, railed on Ueiii ral Heaver, and stated to him that I be- tion, or a united party ; they will accept nothing that would take them out of the field. They would le satisfied with nothing that a new convention would do short of an The Democratic papers are all jubilant over the prospect of the Republicans of this State defeating hemselves by division. "It means a I emocratic Ixgislature," says the New Orleans Democrat, "and a Democratic Senator in place of Cam eron ; also a Democratic apportion ment, which will give us twenty Congressmen instead of nine, equal to a change of twenty-two vote in Congress doubtless more than enough to decide the majority. It is easy to see therefore," says the paper mentioned, "the great influ ence this Pennsylvania bolt prom ises to have upon national politics." Si.vce the Chairman of the Re publican State Committee has issued a call re-convening the llarrisburg Convention, on the 21st inst., for the purpose of nominating a candi date for Congressman-at-Large, in place of Hon. Thomas M. Marshall, let lined, General D. Stewart Elliott, of Bedford county, and Hon. George lieved it was the desire of the Republican j uncon(litional surrender of the par ol our county that he should represent us at ... , Chicago, and usket) him for whom he would vote in the event of his appointment a del egate to Chicago, lie replied : ' I will vote for ticnrral Grant.. 1 will not fro back on my old commander. In the event that lieneral Grant shall be withdrawn or ccae to lie a candidate liefore a nomination shall have licen made. I will vote for James G. Illaine.'' liefore the delegates were elected i to the Harrilmrg Convention I stated to a cam uf ot the lilainc memliers oi tlie ounty 'oiniiiiu. the aliove conversation with (iencrul IVuvrf. 'e did not believe that Grant would be a foriv'''"'' candidate be fore the ChicagotJonveiitioa.. and being anx ious to serve General iVulitf te concluded that we would give hint the support of his own county and send Heaver del egates to the State Con vention uninstnicUsl. I wa at that time as I am now a Blaine luan. Last year I voted for Mr. Wolfe ; but 1 believe (iencrul Heaver isthe choice of the great mats of the Republicans of l'ennsylva nia and was Curly nominated by them, and 1 am uncuivK':iily tud enthusiastically in favor of him for Governor., ami I assert that the statement that he in any wise betrayed his constituents at Chicago in uixsliiedl v false." The Buffalo Commercial Adccrtler says: "During the eight months General Arthur became President there have been over ono hundred federal offices tilled in New York State, and by great industry a list of twenty-three stalwart appointees is made up and exhibited as evi dence of the Peesident's !tirpose to build up a personal party." to be fori Grow.v And 1 wps lor himself jUst of Ntlnrti)ej The thorn in liis side then was Sjnator John Stewart, of Franklin Resent Independent nominee for Gorf-rnor. Mr. Wolfe has his revenge ijw in supporting Stewart for a soir,d po litic d drubbing. S:ran'.on 7ipuLli- cat. A IJlood-Cliillins Scene., Sr. Loiis, June 8. A speiarl to the Globe-Democrat from Clirlotte gives an account of an awful acident on the North Carolina lUlway. The engineer of a train whicj was ! under a full head of si.eam sawm ob- Pennsyivania means a Democratic ij.t on the track some distance Jiead, Sf-nntor in Tihiee. of Cameron, ami a i which he supposed to be a die. It A Demociiatr' Legislature Democratic Congressional apiior-I,lwaretl to .be lUt(:rl? u,na,re ot tionment the Legislature must aj portion the State this year which will give the party twenty Congu-ss-men instead of nine, equal to a change of twenty-two votes in Con gress. It is easy to see, therefore, the great influence this Pennsylvania bolt promises to have upon National politics. T;n: Philadelphia Prc edited by a gentleman lately imported from New York with the object apparent ly of teaching Pennsylvania Repub licans their duty is now niot vo ciferously clamoring for a new curb vention with plenary powers to nominate a new Republican State ticket. A few days after the llarris burg convention the endorsed General Beaver and the convention as follows : T1IF. (iROI'NnS or M I'l'iiRT. Every lndeendent Republican can con sistently and conscientiously sustain the Republican State Ticket for these reasons : ty organization into their hand We do not believe that anything is to be feared from a new conven tion ; our candidates are too strong ly entrenched in the popular heart, but with the integrity of their nomi nations questioned, and their titles to position challenged, the party cannot afford to concede an iota to the demands of the foes of its organ ization. I,et " Independent veterans like General Jvoontz, who are ready to spread tafore the public their lam entations over the divisions in the party, suggest the remedy. Let us know the panacea for their aches and sores. Neither the continuous rub-a-dub-dub of the Yc-ss, nor the! lamentations of the weeping Jere miahs of the Independent breed will cure the evils of which they complain nor induce the Republi cans of the State to abandon their ticket and their organization. The Philadelphia Pre thinks that the rilatc Committee has no right to re assemble the Republican State Convention of May 2'th, and any of the delegates of that conven tion who meet at Harrisburs in re sponse to Chairman Cooper's call do so only as piivate citizens. The PriM thinks there sho the approaching tram, and th- engi ncer blew on brakes. At th first sound of the whistle the object r.oved, and the engineer was horrifiedtu see that it was a child. The tran was within a few hundred yards if the child, and the engineer reversal his lever and had all the brhkes ippli ed. The child began to crawl tl'the track, but on reaching the rat, de liberately stopped and seated itself astride of it. The brave vgin.er trtnibled, and the tears came o his eyes as he realised that it wodil be impossible to stop the train Wore it reaches the spot where the child was sitting, but bravely swilling himself out of the window, he sarted to crawl along the engine to its Yont, with the intention of picking to the child before the cowcatcher struk it. He would probablv have succuded in this perilous undertaking, nit a AL",,0.,,in!t"?,"nr!rp.Jhe Mapdalexa, June S.-The rt- Cm. :.. June 7 Away shooting and Mbont- . mains of deneral Garibaldi were ir.- ma. fexas, special says ins lake ik'uionx. i tered in the remeterv .it Canrer.i tliU exuhision occurred v ester - j afternoon. The funeral ceremonies 1 unnel No. 1. mi the G., P. Kansas Crry, June -S. Just as i bejjan at 3:4 o'clock and closed at 5 Railwav exh nsit. To hi the Bank of Brook field, in the town o'clock.. A Morui of w ind and rain and fife'v kegs of blasting ot that name, on the Hannibal and j raged the whole time. The coffin, I were isnitrd bv a workman St, Joseph Railway, was closdiir, at covered with earlan.U ami ihiwu-s ' .t n of t! - extension. four oVbN-k yest. rd.iy nl't. rn.MHi, wr.s l.r bv some of the survivors workmen hi the west end six men rode into town from the -of the- "Thousirud of Marsals," and' once overwhelmed with etrtli. r-j. wesi i.inn me sireei.auu .iismouiu-. .- bdiowed by the Duke ot'C.Pnoi. tr.r... Tliree wtr.- 1 r 1 f is If ! Vim I T. i li !.! : SHERIFFS SALE. tij Tlrt jo of's.rtalTi wr! i. y si ing, entered the bank, where they j Slp;i,or Z inardelli, General Ferrer... five w..oi,d. d. ki.ad ill W u, pnl.nr t-.ft. fl t:- i rnrvs yin't. In twa ni', . -' amv, r , ua "s IhurMlaij, June 22. toflrelta. m , llth. r(iih t: i. Htlllluf .I'D' (.tlavBluB H.!.,.!,.. a t.'ti.. a ai, ,! i, ,. , X sod -ulln l J. Is. h , . i,. v ! Krimia H.oti..ni. l i , ' . Hnrntri . tl m ivi i.. L 'f, m.l pr jwrty. twlra tts sh: w , covered the clerks with their revoi-; the representatives of both chamber, vers and went through the sale and 'and delegates of three hundred van- money drawers, securing about S o, (XK) in cash. They then backed out, still covering the frightened bank people with their revolvers. Re mounting, they departed in the way they came, firing their revolvers and shouting like demons. The robbers as they departed started toward the other bank, but were ev idently alraid of finding a warm re ception prepared for them, and con cluded to abandon that part of their original scheme and to safely make awav with their booty. ,1 he robbers connected with this! Senator fiill al Home. June tr TAlu ihlA mineral nr mut'tla a... iitat, 1 in nnl hvlnv in A t ous !is(xi itions. Speeches w re :h livr.i ... I .. . . ii. Ati.wta. G.i ui mi; ;i,r ui lilt 1 IIT i res- , . . ,. ,, is , ident nf iht.n..t tVn i,i.L... ,.f Hid arrived troiu htireKa the Chamber of Deputies, the twtiV,vtIay 8U1'!:,f( 7 ' Cabinet ministers nreUnt and Signor i ,,e atrtlie Xa u Crispi. All applauded the deeds of j ,,,en.se "ng,?f IP1- tlh"; the deceased. As the coflin was low- no !' monstrat.on owing to the oPi i -i .. i- ators critical condition, tie " ' - (V fc -, v-tl nine H t IU III- ed by the Italian men-of-war Wash ington and Cariddi. OARIBALin's LAST WORDS. Iajxdox, June 8. (Jaribaldi died witn tiie window of las apartment place. I in a carriage and cony'tl i IIkartilt Reco.mm endsi. Lon'l wide open, and while the sun was i r'"1" a P! thini? Iwcause you ha i . . i.i it l... i ..i auuacious ueeu au wore musns, oui n, :,.," , .,, ru , X(ini enn manv in n as IOUOWS. i ..... ., ... ,.f .......... ,.,.! mo ' II'. II VI 11, i , UU.1 Ul.-wi-ni.-, w..,. - - ' U1 i m. t I Ixml. ! s n.l l ',. p. ....i..d an. .., ItrTia iweulj vsif inn Hit Uy i. , : issi. 1 . Nu t A rr.jili tsvs; nf tn wns.l -,- : WaMe.iii'aii:.i,,( u wrta, nx-re ur i- - i ' t lit J ill Kiaitrr. Jamei M i .. " i I.staof n. i i i.ier. is-iiiimt lir.-, "I -js.isiUva, uc'irr ls- ' ie n a w '8 ' "t'JL. ,ttn simttti. Jrr !..' '" "' : uhiV?itainiou Da-pi. mure or ir rt m'ha Anfhii;y Shosmaitpr tr.. .. a'.j lnitl.T.,1 A. J. I'niwi. -lr Sh.:,-' ?.t.ilijinz iJ :wn's. m.-rp r t.4. Li-.li htrier trn-'t. a, i .i.,-.. to his home. As the carnage p f t i .'y."'!"'. .Vr,r.- A::ri J v' t. through the crowd heads were u;io. x. .tm v. .m cimi irWr"' Ii Hhlt..l. Ji.tlB t.'iihi.i i.. J J nusif ui. I . ' . . - ... - s-a.-a-.a... . , '"- Iv'iitn.P trwt. n-h-.lnica- u- ; " ii"i i I uM.. m.ir. ,.w !.... , . 1. i- , . . .1.1 : 11... .1.1 .. ... .u .,, .,u I 'Krf 4 i 'T IrR. I. T sciiio,. ieiore nis last acronv a iiirii ; """"" - T- --, 1t). T I ecu I.,.:- .1, I III II U1.CV11UUVI1 ... , I -T 1 1 J I,. . I ...... , . . . y-, ., ... L . . remained twitterin-?. Garibaldi saw : inree oi . m vere apparently itftnd 8tammered."(b,flfio allenra" i "eartily to such sutWers.-J The correspondent of the Time at Uomesaya the girls of the Munieip.-' School have made a funeral wreaui !)ITLIC SALE Hira tri.-:.i.i, i,i;n i,n ,., . .tram I ran! , w i,v, ' inic ir ai-rsit, m.ir or lc, ' . w - 1 - .,.- -. . .i J.-lia Hani,,, ,,, !.:, .,V:,; ?.V . ST 3ts, nil,.r i..,. "'n '''' sc.- I via .Ank t others. on .- v i ..... j. j-auiii traci. ccnooi nave made a luneral wreaui , or I ruThMU" DESIRABLE FAJM.j young men all well built. One was an old man as his hair was quite gray and being long hung from be neath his heavy black slouch hat upon his shoulders. Another one wT. an :m,m,l..lBlr .rK.ciL-o.l ,,U ... 1, lllgOlU in perfect disguise, and no descri, J " ,e; t the wreath are the . - ... . . '. . . i Words. I O thp Tmmiirtnl fw-vpil.nlili tion ot him could be altera p ed ly!j .,. 1S8.-, T, f.nrr(1Bri.,I1(,;nt' . tuUly, two . imm Mooriie.a mk-...bI KtaU.;nure 1' !? the people at the bank. Tl ! 2, June loth, 18s fcrd, ,., he back ground but seemed to e I thousand t' mt ini1? p-- ! 'eU'tS ottl i-'t!f me icauer anu me impression ini- ,titi r.u f i c i, ;-nouer,aDiconiain3 those who ; - Vk- Vr :r:r.,T." . f i. i,iwaia.v v. ::f.'' .' ir ulnstiain n.t i..:... r " "r ; The nndeniiansd will Kell at pahlic lie ni !. r, ru!aliur frimor tr:i-t. Rrookfield and among heard the news here is that he is no less than Frank James. The sixth and last member of the gang is not described, except that he had a long, sharp nose and piercing black tyes. The party was armed with two heavy revolvers each and spread terror throughout the town as they rode through it. The men were well mounted and rode like troopers. Two of the horses were dark bav, one a black, one a sorrel and one a gray. The county Sherill and Marshall organized a posse as speedily as possi ble and stinted after the robbers. In conversation with Rob. Ford. Dick Little, ex Marshall Leggit and others in this citv who are familiar with the James Gang, the opinion was gleaned from them that Frank James was not mixed up in this af fair, although they admit the job was done in the James boys' style, and the opinion was hazarded that the robbers might possibly be those who sat at the knees of the famous leaders. It is claimed that Frank is not in the neighborhood, howev er. There is plenty of tall timber near Rrookfield and it is not thought likely that the gang will be captured. A -dispatch from St. Joseph says a telegram from Kirkville, not far fpnni Hpii.L- f lulil ufotiaa 1 1 i fi t !i Yvir.tr raite tfuse ! ; wV i 'A'-:-' . , J Th. ! ....loinin. a mler. A. s. Min t., i, nSlTt TTltHTir)T.TN i;m ik M,,;:a c :i i . ilWiA ""i "'r ..iioiivii'iii V.OUIHJ11 anu ine ; tk. i. I...,1.t: . . .. ' There la iiciiuiiiiwii oiess lor me svuiiiainv . r i -r pi. r- .i!...i. i -i , uutiu i wu-uiui w riaiiic mugu . .... i mull 'ivitii nr ...inn , j . i .-, , i. i j - - - - , . .... . .v. w. .u..o. unuii. , im, BaBk BirB w hy w fMt nearIy nc Xhere , r, 10talnlIlI, .;-;;vnrM i," '" ' :,: GaRIRALM S SWORD AND FLAG. ', I. er lallm sprinn of Water at liu ld-''''u 'lllin irn. t. am i ... , anil iiarn. .ne i me urai umiarw . f -un i. - . tiie lyrolese war, (.taribaldi ; "i? pi present! he hers bers h to the family. It is stated that the liimilv trill 'ml- !,. f.M.i 4lw. ! i , " . . . . ! JWondayofaale. on April V3. aa.l SWOrd, in Order to oiler it to the the lUne In lour, liveomix e.iual aiiuil paj- . lir..tAil I After the Tyrolese war, Garibaldi ; w? p- ah- band ia m a " . "X't.mXt 'v. i i.lf ed the SWOrd and flag which j witll.e wild on account ot bavlnc otheIslneM j John'Hanna. K.-wt;5,''.1; had at Eontevideo to Col. Cham- !? - K,,u"-, A fiTfrS ! ta$r.rT:r..V- 1 ,. , , ' me iiouiisiuns Tiitatceoi iiti.irriiii, v"iiv - 1.-T lriit n'ti.i,;n,' English OtlSCfrr. Col. Cliam- ' the Somerset Uambria- KallnwJ. Mil"n Jin haana. J.., -., '. n- as offered to return both relics , w'" "'" A"r'' Ti.uiii...Me. K-r is No. !. JiiK'Uh !m of John Hitnna, TIM niiiniciiifilitv ofl?,M..o 1 1 i', ,,,.,,.-..,1 i mentu. to full the Mir.-hiiaer, wun intetut ...niuiiionvii Aov information eoneerTiliiK this prny tan that, sooner or later, the remains of , te u'j iy a.i.ltsiDl ! Garibaldi will be brohght to R vne. j ' AU su TJXiZZr. till A'ira iirrirnniTi.nr V. i - . -a lirsifk. .... I,.. t..l,.f;...:t... i: ! REffETPTS A TIE fixPESE.TTJSJS.S taiJ bln. will be buried on the summit of! OF rr t : somerset borough, shot bv the Austrians are buried, rar as Y23T Ealinz Hartk 31,11832. It is stated that the body of Gari-' baldi showed scars often gunshot: and bavonet wounds. Oliio Ilepulilieans. BBcairra. Fnin (iilllnn Lint, Collecter....! m L 1J !... illui,,. ri.i " Korouxh Mills '2X ti Burues. Wei dry. Hoes, LA- ftlS, A.C B. ii tUTf and lamp lllfhtiun... Amount nul l foroli. Uuiba. kc. Aoi't paitl lor street an.1 roaila.. " " lntereat on Jebt for fire engine Ain't nalil for aranlt-ptcc patientu (Terrel and West) Ain't paiil tor lulcellaasona ex- Iiensea. ln.lutlln(( printing au.l nrk-ui Am t pnul for aalar; of Buricean an'l Clerk 2-5' ) so JuO M i. ... i ..i. i. .. .i ii . i convention wiucii siiouid wuiiuraw , lunge oi tne e.iiiT causeu inn i; Several horses the present Republican State ticket I le his balance, i-.nd he was prtcii.i- Jsattirdav ni"ht i :.., .i.., ,.t.ii l . . ., Itated down an emijanKment. , lie 1111. A IJ.111 1 1 UI IV 1llJ 111.11 -.1.111 l ixprsniTruaa. i.. . T 'el I. ii ; VOI.l MUl s, .1 une I . I lie ncputill- i Amount paid for poblio sorrire ican State Convenuon met to-dav and made the following nomina tions : Secretary of State, Charles Townsend, the present incumbent; iJudsreof Supreme Court, John II. ! Do vie, of Toledo member of the Roard of Public Warks. C. A. Flick- ot Defiance 1 he resolutions ' s j LIAlilL.rilhS IIF THI 1IMUII -ar- ! Tf.ial auionnt of onlera i.ucil liliinl , durinir tlis VMr 411; of that n'.ace. for the nast threei.u c 1 I Am'toi unpaia iriier outstanJ- ' 1 1 , ' . . I, ""ct thuran assuranc-; ot confidence in mir at ia seitiemeiit n,. weeks, an.l kept their revolvers on j his !l(IllJini.stration and approval of; " ""ich. hereby iupaii J-iJS all the time. Nobody knew them. 1 .l,. .,,., . , i. , , , ,1.'. I11V7... 1 IUHI IIIIUIUlll; liHUI- W...IU IIUClll.UIIIII. .mi t hnro .... . , pursue.1 by him amid tlieembarras of men had been stopping on the Afon thft (I(1.lth pf Genen, Harper farm, five miles southwest j und tt,,der ,() prt.si)len were stolen there '..il! 24 ;sin circumstance unavoidably at- sal-;. . . . , . c .1 1- i ... ..... . . 1 t.f til 1 inr lii ! 1 !i iifi.inn'il fri:ij rriit. . , nail Iiaroiy reaaineil nn ieei oeure a ; !enator ana:-e niltne iriacpcniicnt 1 r. - - isfactory to henator Mitcnell and KPI..Vm u -i hinnl m.l h ! te. resolutions also ndorse (iov. Fos- his followers Yilltnr Pccnl ! t-r.m. thtVhil.l lnnl been mr .b.vn ! ter's administratbn, condemn Rus. The eii"ine stonned within it-h i -th 1 I irTsr.URcn, 1.1. .tune r.x-; sum prosecution i .lews, atiirm the The l'liiladelphia Kceainy AVim has taken the trouble to interview all the business men except cne, who called upon Senator Camkkox during his recent visit to that city, and all of them deny most explicitly that after striking the child, and the! the horrible task of pulling the nianped body .out fron under the wheels be gan." 'finTboTiy had been cut haf in two as cleanly as done with a kiife, the head part falling to one sideuid the leps to the other. A shudderran the Senator made use c.f the- silly I through the engineer when he picted threat attributed to him that he ! P the head and body of the elild 1 .ip 1 . .t . ,-m . 1 ... land the sensation he cxperieetred n , , ., I when it broke into a cry was 11.de- manuiacnirers sioou uy mm. 1 nc acribaWe- He hastily laid it u ion gentleman not interviewed is Mr. j the ground, when it uttered the nost Kramp, who is absent in Washing- agonuins sc.rearrjs before it ga' a 1st) and died. It was a strain Senator William Wallace in an That the so-called Independent party was conceived in fraud and brought forth in iniquity has always been patent to those who took the trouble to examine or inquire for themselves. The latest swindle at tempted by it was the pretext that ppuiiiican siaie i ickct inr inee reasons : ti -i 1 1 1 . . I. I5.ausc tJencrai leaver's personal i the 1 hiladelphia convention was a Lear of IJuck have written letters t J-1'81 ."J iu are imvrnailmi.le and I fair expression of the will of the ive.ir, oi iu,a.s, nai wi uitu mum because, with a public disavowal of any ,, ... and caused tiiem to be published, denying the right of tiie Chairman to re-call the Convention, because when it adjourned it adjourned hc die. party and tieuplu. II. Because the tL-lut embraces a clear ruajority of recognized and true Independ rnl Keullicans, fionie of n bom, if slated, were blutej witli lull lclercnc to tlje liiL-li In OUt judgment, both of thes i MandarU of public requirement, and one . . 1 of mliom was nominate.1 ly the lree and gentlemen have a greater love for Fpntitaneous action of the Convention in parliamentary hair splitting than j w,hi,jk,L.rer..rtl, iMpuiar r.ule pecional obligations, he litis jriven the most people. We have the admission sacred pledge to administer the hijrli tnist rf). :,H nr(rnn :,, .1.: rnllnlv lint ofUovuraor-ui the inter..t of the whole i lrm "9 rSan 111 l"IS counl u,al the delegates from here were elected by ; proria and U'Ucrt"' from a few sub-bosses, and we supplement the many evidences of fraudulent repre sentation heretofore published by us, with the following ; Of the man who pretended to rep resent Juniata county, the Herald inquired : "Who is II. S. Winter? Where did he spring from, where has he vanished lo, and whom did he repre sent besides himself at the J'hjladeJ phia convention?" The CimeroH Prrzt in its search tor the cool of the rartr that lion- 1 and Kree lieprewutction are established in , .., . . ", I the Republican paitv ci'iVnnsvlvania. and, ored them with seats in the conven- tUnmph th provision f. dw popular elec tion. A becoming modest v would lUm a, delegates, the ,,lo l.aye the , . opportunity to shape and control tlieCjtv have referrctl the question of their auon ami "overthrow all Iki-s deuomiua- right U. further act as delegates to j 'Z thc the people who selected them, in- in.ist advanced rclorm principles as the re-1 , c .. .- . j. uiar ltcpiiblican cnvil, and, thouirli it tu.iv ! stead of attempting to further cm- w ml eniIv IU,u.Kury witli some of the ma-1 i.rnil tlif iMirfr liv dinatinir tw. au- 1 chine men. it ii.vcrtlicli-ss lixes the doc-! , . '. ' , , . . . ' trine of the irtv, and crowns those whoac-1 a 1 i i . thontv of its chairman and inviUnjr. l-pt and eni.rce it as the true Kepubliean. 'alter Knowledge wants a question continued controversy. ! , ' ;usr lL? z1 Jvtajw which ! answered : mo:wil tuiin uiiniip lur puMrui mm They have gained, KfhapS, what in the lnribtr(r ('.invention hy thepcr i" i i-..i i i :istent dciuaud uf the Kefiinuent rimw they desired a little ephemeral no- tba, ri.onu uuiv tUu a,-ty is practicable. tonetv and thev have exhibited sponsible for having publicly given thc lie, as the original publication appeared in that sheet. It is a good campaign card for the Democrats and Independents, and no amount of proof w ill serve to induce those who have circulated the slander to retract it. It is too weak and silly, however, to Influence a single yofe against thc Republican ticket. The supporters of General Grant in thc Chicago Convention, the ''he roic .'JOG," stood by their choice until the" were fairly defeated, when they joined in making the nomina tion of General Garfield unanimous, and labored zealously for the suc cess of the ticket placed in nomina tion. How much more manly was this conduct than is that of those who arc now engaged in a war against these men and the party or ganisation, and to serve their selfish purposes are now banding together experience to hear a dismembered body cry, and the engineer tuned away heart sick. Destitution from Drought. Daxvim.k, Va., June 1 1. Reports from Patrick county, this state, ire to the effect that five thousand per sons in that county arp starving. The drought of last year greatly curtailed the crops. In many po tions of the county hundred-) of jiea pie are ciowding around tho settla ments imploring aid. A load of corn was received at the court house a few days aco. Before it could lie distributed hundred of starving women and children crowded I around the vehicle imploring to lie given a quart or a peck of gram. A courier just arrived gives heartrend ing accounts of the situation. Tiie court house is crowded with mei, days. This county is very isolat.il in the mountains. The nearest rail way station i3 forty-five miles. In : i., t. a.ii l. ... as Assistant Democrats, honing to T rr 7 . i , . ' been offered for a barrel or flour. interview to-night sui-l, speaking of the political situation in Pennsylva nia : ''As a Democrat, I do not principle of protedion as adopted at the last National Republican Con vention ; reeomnend revision of the Constitution s that by specific think we should be too sanguine of j taxation the liqtur tratlic may be the Independent Republican vote. , j made to bear its s:iare of public bur lam disposed to discount largely dens through regulation by Con their present claims of strength not gress ; recite the measure placed that I depreciate the hijli personal jon the shitute boks by the Republi- RllSnFRTKll OT TUG Am't due on iluplieate of Gillian Unt, Collector mt Am't due on duplicate ot Wm.H. -PUtt, Uic Collector Am i due Irom J. 11. UuMon " " I)K- (llLLU-l Ll-1T, To anm amount of daplieute . 'r.. By autonni nht tsjr exouciikiiuiiaiinii conuuii on aiuuaut collected, t - By haUncv wi collected IM... .... , ., tatnln-& acrra, uiu , - No. -11. A. J. Miffk .', ; ,..i.. i. a-res. more or !.-, an ' Thepurchar to ka tjt ... rattii-icnt '"!.!??.!!! r Vr'.., Vl.. , l.l hu.-iinfs. 7 i KlZHKttVATlOSS. Tfc trie arsive ie.,M'riie.i are to receive the lull I otroleuiu. ronl, ro.-a ualils mineral or ol- exi-avate.1, puaiiie-l -in I iiriwlu'-el.exc,ivatei or i the oil or roralir to te Into piti line. An I : to iullv ue anil er.j. .y purposes ot tillaicn, exf l nts-essarv lor fui.i iuiih of wiiy over and arnna lla-e or plaoe.tot iniiiir. J T .iken in exs-a; ! in in I fe uae ol A N. IKitJlo titnn ti'miainitnATO. At the same ttins and 1 Ktime writs of li.tj rlfc-hU liOe.J ani, ,.4.. . ,' .,(.,i;,.t v.ent"i and Br,.uin II. o,,.n , IT.'ioala afi partner '(the firm t i ,. axt-'o. And alao the rght. titlo. -,l.i ?,D'lnIni ul J. 1 . Bara"", V i o I ri; i. m wj . Ijanitn H. Ih.ln.rn. doi-l i'J.-ia-i a, I mei . Co., ot. ia an 1 to ' If t-.il..iui to wit: . tnglns. 1 IV.-.ter ant irn, Mere . and cmnertioni l Mslt, I IK ;4-i- aa-. Ui Complete. . ' j tin in aeciLii.Hi t tl I iv iwe ol A. M l..l.lo aa.1 1 toil i 'unD'.nil'.itn. Vo-rii All nerins sr. i:ilowill iileo" t:i'e n"'r lnoilHV will lie rr.imr.t j to s.ile at the nfk of the h-t JOHN SHtmrr',4 I'rm t, la lwi i ?u:. - . nTs !n fp ij.:, , , ' f Uti.l. r-...-;,.,', i.nii-eioih j.',-: ., . 'll..".lti-r.. ,h' i-rt. 1 "n :ir ji .:'i, . t A ia :ni 'i-, :! :C w -a r w. : , ' i I Urr:!!!-!! t'T a tun a ,-!i n.", and il l (ireHi:.-i i& ; , ric;ivalifj. -nit nr S 1. ?:. ,. I . ( P 'i U-ir n I h',- r:r--i- 1 4-. h'i. la to n ,44 U- tilS o ".Col, I -sx-. 0.1 IK. Wm. H. Piatt, Coll- character of their candidates or the earnestness of their followers ; but I have been in too many contests with tho Cameron power in Penn- ean party concerting tne war, recon struction, the pullic debt, etc., and promise to continue the party s war fare upon dishonisty and fraud at cylyania to undervalue its strength or .the ballot-box un.il a free ballot and resources. Mr. Cameron Knows ne is in the struggle of his life, and so does President Arthur. They know that to lose Pennsylvania in 18S2 is to lose the campaign of be yond redemption. You can depend upon it that before October official heads will be dropping into the basket, and every application of po litical machinery will he in opera tion to insure a Stalwart victory " Thirty-Vive Lodge of Dull mm Siarv iutf, iit Dakota. fair count is tirmiy secured to every locality and to eery citizen. The convention adjou ned sine die. To balance outstanding onduplic i n. nf amount pant By exoneration and runiminiio; on amount collected lir balance due bonm:h We, the undersiirned Andltar oui(b, do here!. y certify that and audited the accounts and forei;ulnK statement, and hav rect. Wltnen our hand!! ami seals. Attest Chas. C. Sh.afkr, I'lerk. FAKKKK If I M. J, VKii Ua le J2 IS 1 UDITOR'S N tl'JLv i A llotiu PoUrer and H ui: ! s. V ',; . ,. O. ijr.:l u-. , i'it:i a' f tint l!ie r : n us the pr. ill !..! ax tin pQjrli..r. rAXHI.!!!, ,Vart of l I., - a-.-.. ol :s.'Uii-- Ruias ii. Hull. ! April T. V (Vulanlry Arjau-nt And nor, May. Iivdjun moli, .1 S-ott. tfj.. aitoniey for . jtu'it rredit" Court api.ints Harki-r Y. -urii-l Km-.. A to ilistrii.ote the Pands in s'iiiee to and uiuou tUo.. to. Kxtraet fn.tn tiie re- " ; May, l-: ! bit. SW' l a Somerset hor- have etamined -..-urhera of tho .inl tliem enr- ol il.e iitlr i x:i' .rtilii tiie r;!. l. r. then r. J'mi uiaUir. Tiie nnderNliifie-l. in puraim-e oi to- f.reciiv-- lfien in tt.e Inr-U'iiiiK iuiiiu.-sion. iriil u-i-i -the ottv-e of .1 .. Kiiuiuel.bi. . in S.-uu-r-rt N: ouuh. on i"rt.ly, the ZdltAy l Jam-. Ivc pertorui tlie.iunes thoreinioin.-i. All rn fnlorested will pleaiw .ak i.'ii . fAKKtl H. KIVUKU uiay.'ll Au.lit.-r :t. t-K. U 9 J u aj (l . a. I Auditors. A l.ivf StiJt f 'enaiv. St. Pai l, June 7. A dispatch has been received from Captain E. C. RenneU, Seventh infantry, in command at Fort Sisseton, Dak., stating that thirty-five lodges of In dians are encamped within three miles of the fort. They are report ed to be out of food, and their chil dren are crying for bread. The men express themselves willing to work, women and children begging for " tu r...- bread. Thrrn Inm.lrP,! of U.pm hi.l Ploi pl , m ki a government . I c.n--oa iViin' not tasted a morsel of food for two NVAsin.viTc-N, fur.e S. sus bureau haa isued a The een-bulletin JXKCUTOKS NOhCE. Estate of Anthony tape, latetf Jen nor township, deceased. Letter! of testamrnlary ol iha havinc l-een k ranted to tL unilerslirne.1. I t herrl.y -tlren the proper auihority, not lea H storcj tVom ebster, Dak. Mr. Crissey the agent sent word by one of the Indian police for these par ties to return to the agency, but they seemed di-dnclined to do so. Thev sa- their is no food for them at the ajrency. Captain Rennette .u.t .u- 1. f 1 1. j .o buow iiiucuwu iv it w maie tmiaedute pay- bUOWilU: ttiai lti live; Mo-jh. oi me I meot. and those navlnif clal.,, w jrmunda will United States on farms on June 1, 1 ?i""fatu ""1' ' , ttement on Saturday, the latl ol Juiy, at the 1SS0, was ftS folOWS: Horses, 10,- I late residence of deceased. ! U37.i)Sl ; muleamd asses,l,8l'2,i)::'; ! i""1?ho kman. worKin(r oxenWI, D70 ; milch cows, ' Enxitow. 12,41)3: othe-cattle, 22,S8,5m; -pxEClTTOIW SAiE sheep, :,l'.)l.G..i ;swine,47,l'..S:!.!) )l. ! it The rate of incrMlSe front 1S70 to i By virtue of the lii wlt Mi testament of lssowas in horses 4" per cent. ; j hlZZl mules and ass? dl per cent. ;! working oxen, a decrease of 25 per : SA Tl'JiDA V, Jme -jrtj, jsj cent. ; milch ctws, increase of oi) ! ., : OCl)(.k. , New ,-eBtviiie 1J(,r ,e MUj.. per cent. : other rat tie tUV per cent. ; invt real etate. to wit. ... , , . Mo. 1. The homesti-ad, two j,,,, 0r mn, -n Sheep 24 per (mi. , and SWine W the said bon.uah, situ.e on tt aiMith si te ot XKcr roiL's notri:. l.itatr af .i"-irr Kncpiier lab of New r.it f tille hur.iuiif, c'.t. le tter" testamen'ary .n tn faisne bavin Ueeu aranted to tlit 'Ibltir.U nc I 1.5 ( proper authority, notice if hri ai.v 1- iers.iDS iudetitci to said e jftta u miie ir. ate payment and those haMm;au imji airiii -: -same 10 present thr:n dulv aijkanfi,-ntei I tleivent. on Satuniay, JUy ttili. V: a oilii-.-ol H. L Bier, in SoiiuTann.uij'i WM. r. J.Kel't! may3I Etecutorol .Jeiiiepper, A, ' DMINISTIIAT0IS1 per cent.. AliiMlwilppi X fg'-8 fJoing to Mt-iieo .lain street, ooun.le.1 .ti i.Mt i, aiimniii on the eat hy Jacob Sipe, hat;nv lneri,,n cr'eeteJ a two story frarn ., t-a,ie and .Kher.mt huildlnics in repair. Tlis a r. Or,ira- ble property, there Mair eaxiient fruit on the premlsea. No a. A lt of around ..i,,t, i Miir..r. bit-fro: ,wP-UCHr 1 enirrT.i.r iiininu lanUa oj .o.v 1 jiwun ..liner, jflnuuku v liter and jJiJa- St. lions, Mo. June 8. A dispatch from Dallas, I.xas, savs; com pany of well to-do represen tati ve j 'in '"J fZlT Z'F.V" oes from Mississippi passed and in icood euitir ation. f A l.?late of Jaooh Iijrorr. late deceoaed. Zttersora4luiln;s;ration JSh-s entfci.lut been arantett to tiio uu.loriaed, iy the -rt-th'.riiy, notice Is hervty Kivcn ti ail j- r.- dehted to said elala to iuai.a immerrt )M ment, and th.4 bavuiK claimt-x tins' ir sent them duly autheiiii-a--d ir se.cai'' . ' Smuplay. June loth. ISD'J.iU t ita t of iiL-i-val in .-.aid township. a . tl .11 Nil i.UN'-.;. uun .;;'.' negroes through here Iat night en route to Chihuahua, Meico. They will pros pect in the mmng and agricultural regions, and if tie country suits and uestroy tnat wnicn tney were una- Scver:lj wa?ons with reli,, !Klve ,,cn j .y . -1 - c can . ,, ble to force into submission to their (pushed out from Danville and will Mexican (V-"W'it i friendly dictation. Tiie true friends of Re-j travel all night in the hope of s.tv ! these creatures' and w awaiting in-iV?. V1'1' "V Vl ,F ,,tl,e tl;cre 11 i mi 1 ..I 1 uur iiih iii-nd ni enma . - publican principles will battle for the men and measures they believe fo he F'o'd inside the party orgr,:ii- iiicr. the lives of some. ray and lMne. lep!l)Uca Tl iuniiti In Oregon. (iKTTYsiit'Ho, Jane?. The reunion i Sinc-e the Independent ticket tia. what they profess to deprecate, a Vii ilaced in the field, the spirit f .ersonal bossism, in de-ij,as tacked aliout, has done its viry daring their seats vacant, because i utmost to create dissatisfaction wiih they will not attend theVonvention. ! the Republifan ticket, and as before If the Republicans of thaw two j stated, is clamorouriy calling for a counties assent to being thus die r-w convention and a nrw ticket, franchised by their representatives, : Carrying out this suggestion of the we suppose it is their business alone, i rjJ4 a Mr. II. V. Harvey, of lack The assertion that because the ton- i Haven, has addressed letters of in vention adjourned -without day. ;juiry to a number of gentlemen ( reference to the method of eejefjtjng it ttieretore cannot be reconvened, throughout the Suite, extriicts from , delegates to the btate tonventions. One of our townsmen's name ap-;1ime.servcr)J aii( place-hunters don't mared 111 the proceedings of the In-1,,, ,1 , , - , , dependent State Convention as a dd th"' 1 ut ,,cn Jnr.ds delegate from this county. Who are refused strive ta rum that which sent him, how, when and where was I they cannot rule. Prooh lVc Pjvl he appointed, and w ho did he repre-! licnn. sent, is what thp Jfepublipans of Cameron county would like to nation, but when defeated gracefully j UKTTVsi.rH.i, June lereumon 1 Fl.,N.(.,, j c ., . . . ofofheersot the Union and confeder-i, , ,. acquiesce, resoh ng to try again un-ntc ,m llu baU,e fieM of Get. land, Oregon, dispa in their cause snail jirevan. in Mississippi. ilish a colony." The June ('. A Port- patch savs : "The tcwl.nnr c.rti.i, iinr,,,. of i,,t;,, : count tin to noon to-fiayot yester- morc definitely the positions of tbei'lay faction verities last night s es various commands, commenced here i llm:,U'' ?,hc c,emh of Melvm C. to-day. Special attention was cive., ! Georj:e, Republican, claim his re- today to the scene of the second !el,'ct!, to -"nSrMS hY raaJ,r if iv's fi.dit Vi.ti.nni fro... nil ....H " i ne rciurus are 100 meagre No. 3. A lot of aro- ji.1 sMaaM IB in,...i t.. near New feat;a,UU ad s'uin ul Henry Hay, M. H. Uarti; ao-1 uthera. t.'w ,IHU learf. Iuk to Vrkaoud on the west, eomulI,lBK n(een tP more or lesa. ti x . A hit of woodland situate n M f,,,, Tp near New Ontrevllie, adjolnina; lands ol Su-an fbillippi, t'hauncry N. Boyd and ttltn. contain ing three acres, more or less. TERMS : One-third to remain a lien for no widow, tVt, interest to t paM to nwinnu.i,. ,, at j. death the principal to the heirs rad l.i N(re m.iivi.B of iwmitrvm K nei.ner. de'd. oiri .k T The plan IS to estab- ; hand and the balance in two ec,.al aan, : ments. to be seen re. I by iwlvu.nt Imnd on premises. FMeMla ien inie.llatetyt i WiUUa.M . iNtfl-Lir, mavI Kiecutur ol lieu, inepper. nec a. ! structions from General Terry. m ' i f ' v " hundred of the est colored families t .j.. . . Heavy Hail Siorm. know? Of the representative from Clear field county the JInj1man,n Journal says : One of the most important reform the independent, demand is with The returns are too meagre to . . rt . i.i or the couutrv were upon the field, t1"05 J'er. 1 on' ''V1 . Vtr i ...i...f i... ... i.:.. there is no nevoentible ialfins o:Tin ...-, ui.!. .ui. iiaiiii-iuci, nir; iijr- , fc - . , . -- , A J.-TER Senator Stewart had oi.po.-i-1 torian. Among tho nv.ro prominent j n Republican vote and as the i r it iii i UifU.rMUi,i,i i,ivn n,n; i i,- last Legislature was Republican it is ed Volfe last fall, and had signed 0111 -r present were lien. I'aniel . ., ,. ... . , ' . . r ' i..bi,.a ... ,i vr Prvf,.,i very probable this one will be also, the "Continental" manifesto in De- ''13 i,,,U Ym- S', .V i- The Democrats claim that the Lea , ... , ., . , , ; At the reception tendered the Liuon I . J mocraw 'ajm lA S cember last in which it was declared i n.i i '.. :islature is in doubt, but concede ....... --siva.a V. WV Laredo, Tex. June V, severe hail storn thaAevc-T was known passed over I,a:edo to day. It last ed irtnCrCiwingly from G to 7 o'clock, iiail seines as large as a hen's egg U'll. The wals of Rabcock's new that all the Independents desired ! ing speeclies of a humorous and con- fwe's election and tha t of most or could be accomplished without rev-' ciliatory nature were made by all l,'e 'epuiilican ticket. olution in the party; after he had j prominent visitors. The meeting pestered president Arthur and Sena-1 "n .one '..e pieawni A Wrrfl; ou tun B. o. it. Tt. eyer held hcrt. General Reaver arri- j W'hkm.ixc, June 11. Passenger nn thp Kiltimnri. nrwl - - j - . -r ! . . i. - ' IT1.P l.i.l .ri .. . ., r. , ... .... .'.No mori' tsiiiirip.-inr. mni mi.nt mn!i..c r .u . a '"'- SLria.is us u nr iwiiium, . a-iiiia rr.iie.s i.iri ihoti i.iit.iiiii i - - . r- -" ' 101 iaiiiviuu ror (tit: iii'iHiiiiiinciiL .1 1 . . ' .. rr. , ,. - . -i t j m-iiin nrinn t)ii .i'r,t . . " " 1 11,1 i'"' evening aim was present 111 : 4. , v.-, Onn (i.o Ti.ai.iB.tiiiirvsi nnrn.':.ii,. .... r ...l : .1. ... . i- -. 1 . 1 1 ossioiy ito m.eie upon mis lxiint I rri:,,:4 4-. f-:rv r.i Vim) irin.., ... .. 0 ' tram xo. Jon tne ar -: j ui VUI wllu:.. ,h i;.ke uic. than reer t0 the Uct that Jt)nn s. j .-"""" pe reception. ; 0hio p:liIron,, ran over a cow a few vasniratc, anu tcuui-pamui me following: : Haynes of Clinton county appears' 1 ,or ine nomination ior supreme variety hall fel in, instantly killim: j thaiaw. Charlie Munst.r and wounding two! rnlT3; others, one daigerously. 1 he roofs of several homes fell, causing dar. age to goods, tie extent of whioh is not yet known (;rea damage, it is feared, ha. he ai done to sheep in th'n (iantry b tho storni. ihctiN'111 All persons arc hereby nltift! not to boild ren-1 oes or put other obstruct Ms upon any of the pub lie hltihways of Somerset township, and rsons I y. who have placed lences nm io..no r .1,1 ii.wr.h... will removf them without furtaer n.Kice. The an.unds apropriatel fn pUI roads must be kept clear if otwtnyt-,oiii. a ut reaanl ol this notice will ..use ai aanj-ceoiriit ol JONA'wlAN NEPROW. Saperrisor. CO OS w O c? 3 CO w O i ri 0 B CO rri totick. 'Rosa Mct'llnt.wE. ('.mnilttee of John M. C. Hollklar. of Addlwia townahlp. Somerset county, . l"., havlnx presented petition to thetio-j u Coiam. eieaa of auld csunty ot .itnerse., iuvi b.r an order to mortaaae the real tii ( anl John . J. Holilday, a.tic la heselw nl'ea thai sabl petition will he arfeu cuoa ay tae wouri on , i"e; at ao w.s v " LI'S M LIN b Yie Children Xillcd on I lie Kail road. s,urday, JuaeS, l'4at 8 I x- -v- T ar;l.;i I mayi4 U .T.W iUliH, UIIC o. l ire i im- ; d. 9. V. TRKNT Hrotboootary. WEEK. ! a nay at noma aally tuade. (Wly oatllttree. Address Tata inula. Man. M w 1 lyr Governor to re-convene it at anvi oncral w. it. Koonu. tie v.Mcran jn.ic- j in the printed proceedings as the time is undisputed. Th genUljt fr Clear- men av. M yo. ..iuiuvu.i.Mi.MlU,TWilUC j j . ymr r ' ' , - insist that a new convention ' barmodit botb winp rf the party, oi.-e county. e have no fcnowl- J ndge on the regular Republicantick-. et; and after he had introduced Gen- i Sin ron tiilccl and Caplnrrd. j miles east of Martinsburg last night j about midnight, causing the wreck had adjourned, and before the dele gates had left the house, does any had 1 1 iwlieve tiMtUietMmMmlly triu-totk t . .t . r .. : politically, and had Let n defeated mrtv: but lli fmif that most of tli ti k. r.,. f.wt... 4l,l, .!. r i ;. I ior ueieuttie 10 i L4 bten indimiMi turuome time in ulv.ru e : . . . ' f f ran Stuff, rnnvpnlinn ho n.r.f to !.. i of their friends are. eoncrerf.vtpd uml prise that there vere SO tew casuali- ------- . ... ". . . . . ' . - ....... . ..... . -l.i, i . . - - , . - . - .1., ..IH... ,i, ,11V (.VliUUIIVUllHlll . ii i a i-iii . i certain dctcju, wy follow. It as true that edze of anv nieetinir havm leen '. ... must be called, to which delegates ; tiie ma.-. ofibtrt,-.Jei re nucce. j.0r it ! tefj 3 ",Kt:i" ,a,'n "PPPjown county, saying fhat to 'e must I newly elected by the pp0-m',.u"'i; Krowing' ti' f n- , , , I anti Beaver man there was to J .... J. .. . lOi.iMaiitiontoUjeabsolubervileofalcirmcn.i fhe few Henubheana who bntvelv r ' x p y ,Ta Ciinruwa Ale AlarvhoTl Iwii I i.liAUifUiiU.-iHui.M.ll. in,.oA. ...i .. I. . 1 '1. . U.II HI i ..... --J""- "-- -i ...VI. v... w . I- 1 1 V te,wMT , I I 1 .1 f i " tintoofdecliiutioQwith. .m r..-A ... ! i,i,l a nAiv (lia .oni-AntiAn , liHil hwin iniliiwliiil fiuiimp tinio in oiluatu . ' - ail VIIIC lillUULC A1V. & U.C VOU..1IUOU -- r - - .-. - w ... . ,. w . , , T . I . 1 , . oi me iueetiiiK oi convpriiion at llarnt-1 "J.u vwimy, iuyui; biirs.haBCTeauxlwuleiyivlajaaiUiffajniiMi, j rlw.. ' DicniBr .nil !andttnle..rartbiiigi.aoneto Wmoniw "e'e W JSfS- rViemer and I li.o Ivn a-inn nf rho ruirrc tlw.r...o I AlOnrOC. Ot Lolumllia OUntv. Oft ine doubt their rwwer to immri-; oilier result than defrat. '" j their appointment? Where wsj a ely re-conveoe and make another! It is a very asy matter for " vete-j call issued? When were the Indd filiation ? Tlw object of the con- i,u Indej)endents " like Koontz to! pendent primarieg held in Columbia a was to Boainate-a full sit ou 3. lofty pinnacle and growl, coun,ty? 110 w, many of the "dear" i . 1 . . Lrt 1 i- . 1 r . people assembled to choose these and under uch rcumstan- j and critic Wd predict defeat, and j ? Yet they claim to have 'iavetood on a pucrtdio , assist to accompli by asserting i represented the reopIe. What a inevisted that a new eon that the bos&es made the, Ucj. and 1 hollow sham! What false pretenses ! iuet be called and new ! jjrotais ,to .want harmony, .but it isj And from thj far northwest, ad n Jected, would have been j oliser.vable xhat this "veteran Inde- joining the eounty which the lone, V ridiculous, but would have pendent" nor any of his followers self appointed Silverthorn represent- Kansas City, Mo., June 9. The! of the train and damage to the com- eral Reaver to the Republicans of his Rrookfield bank robbers, four in num-! Piin7 amounting to about SJ.-i.UiO. e nn ! "r, were surrounded in the woqdi : c'er'iU i',,---,nsc' " uewsooy ' j. 'about lilO miles north went of Kirks-! were Injured, none seriously. The Ult; yille. at't a. m., and finding resist-i injured received attention from he alci' ance useless surrendered. They were i company's nil vsician and Jiroceeded for delegate to the regular Uepubli-j taken to Kirksville where a number west on the No. 8. It occasions sur- 1 ou'M free. Portland. MalTie Independent convention and was i ea-v U,e prisoners shall not be taken ties, as some of the cars were broken Lm;.iJf ,cn,. it lto Rrookfield. A fight is looked into smail fragments. nominated for fjovernor. He is now f 0 iiifly started out on his grand mis- " . .. -- ..- i lnrl r.et wui, UToT,!-.. A liusb.niit'n .twtut I'rjij.c ' ' ' ! Vkw, Qkleans, June 7. A duel p'rTShi.Rf,i, June il Una lifterTiwas fought this morning at the sion of reforming an(j pUrjfying the j Republican party by dffcatinj jtapd j 1 r . 1 . . a s 1 Handing u.t- state over to the Democ- r,uor James McStene, a lalwrer, ljv- j shui-hter hone between SJajor . graph line. t. racy. He seems to be a fit standard , ing near Jlrown'. ptation. jn a fit of; ,. Rurke. of tho ,Viir:.-Ji:iiraiVfir. i .till down, bu dren, three girs and two boys, sons S2 mid ilaiio-htero. of John Lockwood. . . . . . r . .',,1 . Ot LOS-LOD, tOll are r,eiviT,etf a IiU Vt ; ff) JJ a week In y.ar own tisn been killed last e'viUaJ while W'alk ing on, td'p ra;k of the New York arid Nfew Haven railpiad, hear that village.' They neard a train ap proaching and crossed over to the adjoining track, when they were run over and crushed to death by a train which fame ujion them from theo- posite directiii . ii ineurcgun 1 J iV.RTLASn, 1 legislature is by a majority Terms and Address U. Haf.LrrT ktV Mar.l-lire ?..r.. 1 ''' " NnrrT St.., k i'i t:r al im.1'-'. '.'"ntirs, l-revuu.. ,," 'ai.ILX IIUOTIIIin.S. mv3 Nur.-erjLwn, R w-ltj. r ' N"Ti'f ' Th MlliPrt-nr wk i:m mv . rami S;l-V that I will 1 res-nrl"" u,,t, " la mtTVr and wni " " " bin . k - tHRISTtA.V Sr.V:r.V. ' firtu.ih.-m.i r- crease it to i bearer for the faction he leads. The most effective fctep he ever took to wards purifying the Republican par ty was when he took himself out of it Mercer Dixpatch. bkull and ii U- Parker, editor of tho j dicate that th t 1 1 : :r jmiounv iaiMifi4 jiia w ilt-' a with an ax and then tied. The cajwn'. Pistol, were u-el and five woman lived until 7 o'clock this 'shots exchanged. At the fifth shot CVen ill''. . McStene was followed to Rnrkn was nli.it. tl.ron.rh hoth thiuhs. this city, where he wits arrested and though no bone was broken, and the Republican t lodged in jail.i j wouud is not considered dangerous. low. than usual, figures on thl iitiu.wm lleptiblieaii. KEfioN, June S. The I vidently Republican ! f two, and the re-! turns from relioto counties way j count. j 1 J - x7 -frfj! 1 1 r f 1 1 or seven. Jho tele- tern Oregon are the mail advices in- Democratic majori 11 dr ties in that sdLtion will be smaller nd that vesterdav'n majority for the state ket are probably too PERRY BAtf 13 PURELY VEGElf S 1 ci&l Sic Headache, Neura.. Cut, PruMM, Sprains, Rheumatism, etc , to mir4 rrncf. tumnz Perfectly Bate V) use Internally or extpraaltr ' battle, can afford to be without it. SoW by aU ul''' i- i. PERRY niVM A SO rol,r'""' " " ' V 'X' WEI' Ne .'"' 1H a Jt.'" W for , K. l'-.n. N J ii er'- Tl Stat. 11 clu-a If ctf chit It thai . ei ii K V. ? I c. .ui r film A ,;.ri l.y I rein A lav Snv , nii 11 - . .1 I'M -, ii' : fu: I r.i li:. 1- lill i.i Kl! wi st; (1 h. J. K tv o ti A