0 1 - Itwu Um nr-bt of tU SOtfi of Febnury, 1438. The King and Queen of Scotland ield tbeir court in the abbey of Elack Friars at ' Perth. The apartment wai filled with the noble and fair, among whom James I and his lovely consort were dis tingnsbed br their personal beauty and grace of manner, as well as by their rank. Io the recess of one of the lovely windows stood Robert Stuart, the grandson and heir of the Earl of Athol, a kinsman of the King, and his betrothed bride, the young and beautiful Lady Ida Randolph. The young man bad a fine figure and handsome features, but there was an expression . about the eyes and mouth that indicated at times . that his prepossing exterior con cealed a bad heart and cruel dispo sition. His eyes were fixed on the King with so fierce a gaze that the Lady Ida started as she beheld it . "Robert," said ehe, "of what are you dreaming? You look at the King as fiercely as though yon were Sir. Robert Graham himself." "It was of him I was thinking, Ida." replied Stuart. "My unhappy kinsman, condemned to wander an outlaw among the mountain fast nesses, through the injustice and ty rannical severity of James." - "Not so, Robert,", said Ida ; "the King was not unjuet." . "lie refused to bestow upon bim the Earldom of Strathern, to which he laid claim," answered he; "and he condemned him to prison for a crime that he might have commit ted with impugmty in the reign of his father, and ..during the regency of Albany. I marvel not, that on leing freed from such ignoble bon dage, a man of so haughty and fiery a spirit should , seek to be revenged on his oppressor." "He had no right to the Earldom of Strathern," said Ida, "and as tor his imprisonment, the crime for which he Buffered well deserved such puniHhment ' . "I know, that many of the nobles . blame the- King because he metes out the same justice to all classes ; - because he does not deem that no ble blood should entitle its possessor to commit every dark and evil deed with impugnity. "But surely, you cannot excuse him for seeking the life of the King, for Bending him a defiance, renounc ing his allegiance ' to him, and threatening to destroy him with his own hand ?" "He has many good qualities," answered Stuart, evasively. ' "Robert! Robert!" said Ida, her voice trembling with the earnest ness with which 6he spoke, "speak not thu6 1 Let me hear you say aught in praise of a traitor and a' murderer ! The King has ever been a kind friend and affectionate kins man to you ; why Ehould you speak harshly of him, and kindly of his enemy?" "Nay, nay, you mistake me, Ida" replied the young man. "I wish not to speak harshly of the King ; I know that he has ever treated me with great kindness, and that he has honored me with the greatest confidence on every occasion ; But Grahame was one of my dearest friends ; I pity his fate, my friend ship for him leads me to find ex cuses for his conduct, and I cannot help thinking that James has acted toward him with great severity. "Yet speak not thus," said Ida i "it is most imprudent should your words be repeated to the' King "I would propably have to share Grahame s disgrace and exile, inter rupted he. "Jiut fear not: lwill not do aueht to -expose myself to danger, and as for what I have said this night, no one has heard me but you, and I think not that my Ida will betray me." . . : , The Lady Ida looked up into his face with a smile, but before she could answer an attendant came to inform him that the King desired his presence. Ida remained standing for a lew moments by the window after he had left her, musing over his words. He had never spoken either of the King or Grahame in the same man ner before, and dark and undefined fears passed through her mind, bat she quickly dismissed tbem, deem ing herself unkind and unjust to ward her allianoed husband in har boring them for a moment It was late ere the company dis persed. ... , , I he King remained for some time after all had retired, convers ing cheerfully with the Queen and Suddenly, however, a shade pass ed over his face, and he remained for some time in deep thought ; at length turning to the Queen he said: "Do you remember that, when on my way here a few weeks Bince, I was met by an old Highland wo man, who told me if I came to Perth I would never leave it alive? She was here this evening, and soueht an interview.1 with me, but she was informed that she could not be admitted to my presence at so late an hour. 1 know not why, but within the last few hours I have felt a strange presentiment of im pending evil. There is an old prophecy that predicts that in this year a King will oe killed . in Scot land. "And what, of whom do yon fear, my lord?" asked the Queen. "Robert Grahame has sworn to destroy me, as you know," replied James. "And I have cause to believe that there are many others in league with him to take my life, and there could not be a more favorable op portunity for him to make the at tempt than the present" The Queen shuddered. She felt that there was every rea son to fear that Grahame would en deavor to fulfill his oath ere long, for, owing to the small size of the abbey, the guards of the King were Juartered among the citizens ol erth, and a few only of the person al attendants of the King and Queen . were able to lodge in the monastery, so that James was much more ex posed to danger while there than at -. . i . . ; any or ine oumt royu reaioences. Jler eyes filled with tJB. V I , "Jfav, nay, my fair Queen, calm thyself," said James soothingly. . "I was wrong to say , anything .that could alarm you. - - There cannot be acht to fear ! baJe my trusty kinsman, and gen tleman of the bed-chamber, Robert Stuart, ere he retired for the night, to go over the abbey ' and look to bolt and bar. . , ,,, ."Should danger approach,- the ' sentinels will give timely warning, and we will, dispatch messengers to the city to summon the guard. "So fear not, we can bid defiance to Eobert Grahame and bis troop of i sins." ' 2a he ipoke," a strt- tbt, ap- ! FAT pareslly ftra the ec t I, edacr: iCKiz- ) tl - b rocd. TL.3 Hir j rprirj to the ceramet t TLa court yzxd was filed wUh men, and by the lt cf t-e torches they carried be ooiSi so they were arm ed, and saor j tic-i be beheld bis deadly foe. "It is GrxLa, I i be .come to perform fc Uh" - said Jamee calmly, turuine from the window. "Oh fly theu, fly while there is yet time! - exclaimed the . Queen, almost wild wim terror." - "And whither shall 1 ny 7" said the King. "It would be madness to attempt it they : must even now be in the abbey. ' Had I any place of concealment but I know of none." and I must even defend my self until aid arrives, or until my streneth fails roe." .' ? ' . "Not so, my lord." exclaimed the Lady Catharine Douglas, one of the ladies of honor of the Queen. ", "I have heard there is a vault be neath this apartment that commu nicates with the court-yard, and haye been shown the plank in the floor which it is necesary to raise in order to descends into it Once there, my lord, too can easily es cane." . v "You are right, fair lady, said the Kine. I bad forgotten the vault I will descend into it : it may con ceal me from my : enemies, but un happily I cannot escape from it, as the entrance into the court-yam was walled up a few days ago at my order, because when I played at ball, the ball frequently rolled down through the openfnyv: The plank was hastily raised, and the King descended.:" But before the plank was lowered the voices and footsteps of the assassins were heard in the corridor, approaching the appartment " ; The Lady Catharine Douglas flew to fasten the door,, but the par naa been removed. Without a mo ment's hesitation . she" . thrust her arm through the staples. ; But so frail an obstacle could to long keep out the intruders. The door was soon burst open, but not until the arm of the heroic lady was broken.: V ." : The assassins roehed" into the room. The puna naa neen lowerea ana .... and the terrified Queen , and her la dies were standing 'together in the corner of. the room.' Grahame saw at a dance that his victim was not there, and was about orderimr his followers to go with him to seek the King in the other appartments of the abbey, when one. of the ruffians seized the Queen, and was about to plunge his dagger to her heart when a son of Grahame interposed and saved her life. Atthis moment the Ladv Ida Randolph beheld aaiong the con spirators her affianced husband, and with a wild shriek, : she pro nounced his name. "What, fair lady," said Grahame, with a fierce smile. ' . i "Knew ve not that your betroth ed was in league with us ? Had it not been for his care in removing bolt bar, and sentinel, ' we had not gained entrance here to-night" Ida covered. , her face with her hands and turned away. "Let us be gone, Grahame, and seek the King," exclaimed Stuart crimsoned with anger and shame. ; "Know you ' not that' notwith standing our precautions, some of the attendants have escaped ? They will alarm the city, and the royal guards will be upon us ere long? ' "You are right" said Grahame, "and I should be loth to leave the abbey without accomplishing that ior wnicn i came. "Yet hear me, Lady Ida, you wiU think less harshly of . the deeds of this night when you see the: crown of Scotland on the brow of the heir of Athol, for it is my intention, and that of the nobles leagued with me, to place Robert Stuart on the thone of the tyrant whose reign will end to-nicht ' : r : . .;; : ' f So saying he left the apartment, followed by the rest of the conspiri tors. --- - - Ida uncovered her face, gazed af ter them wildly, and "Then uttering a low cry, fell insensible on the floor. : After having sought their victim in vain through every part-of the building, Robert ' Stuart recollected the vault, and suggested that he might be concealed there. ' r -They immediately returned to the apartment where the - Queen and her ladies had passed the time Of their absence, in the most agonizing anxiety and suspense, and, tearing up the plank, beheld , the unfortun ate monarch standing below. - A demoniac yell - burst from the conspirators at the sight, and two of the rumians ' sprang down and threw themselves upon bun. James was unarmed, but wrench ing a dagger from one of his assail ants, be dealt him a' blow that laid him dead at his feet, and then turning to the other assassin, he defended himself gallantly against him, when Grahame descended and stabbed him. , Weakened by loss of blood,una- ble to make any further resistance, the King sank on the floor of the vault, calling on his enemy to have mercy on him. Ihou . never hadst mercy on those of Ihine own " blood, or any one else, therefore thou shalt find no mercy here." , replied Grahame. plunging his sword into the body of bis sovereign. The vault was now filled with conspirators, and the unhappy Queen, throning herself on ti.e senseless form of her husbands. sought to shield bim from the blows with which his brutal enemies grat ified their hatred by n ntcung. It was not until she ' had been twice ounded, and now become insensi ble from terror,' . pain and distress, that she could be removed from the body. The approach of the guard alarm ed the conspirators, who sought safety in flight; - but Grahame had fulfilled his oath ; ' the L King was dead.. . , ; ... ... v . The horrible deed excited the ut most indignation against its perpe trators among aH . classes in Scot land. - ' The King had been blamed by many, although ' without" cause, for being pnneceasarily; strict ; and se vere iu vue . KumiDJBVuuon oi jus tice, but his dread death caused all faults to be forgotten. ' t- -r - So universal was the popular fee) ing against the conrpira tors, and so unceasing and energetic-were the efforts made to capture them, that in ran ' than ' a , month . every man connected with the- conspiracy was a'prisoner. ; ,, '" ; They -were all put to .' death after undergoing the most horrible tor tures. . Grahame protested, with bis last breath, that be ..had only done his dutj in Awing- the country front the yoke of tyrant - liGEcrt Liuart cied deeply pen- itent fc Lis crime. When his dream of t-V'nf-!.' :V-.-7,r ' . focaJ tl-i i y til - ductJ tin fc a t:rr r's r " , 1 stead of plicij Lira cn a I 'j throne, hi coraesce awoke, r kt bitterly regrCtai the fcarfU L.z that had brocLt epon bim sa ti blea punish V ' - He wrote to III, tsEkig her tl L!j penitence and rcaicrse, and beach ing her to forgive bim. Poor Lady Ida! the shock of End ing that he she loved was capable of so fearful a crime added to her anxi ety lest he should be captured; and her aeony at bis dreadful death was more than she could bear. She did not long survive him, but sank into an early crave a victim of his wild ambition and demoniac treachery. Wby Urn Did No Tafc Two MtIted Cotna. " Yesterday an old man entered a Little Rock store, and taking from his pocket an old buckskin pouch. emptied two coins on the counter, and after reeardine the silver for ff W momenta. Raid : " "Mister, I want to buy aomegooos to make a dress." ' . "That money . is mutilated, odd gentleman. That twenty-hve ceqt niece has notches filled in it, and this fiftv nt cent piece has been nnbched. You see they have been abused." " "Abused !" said the old man ? and you won't take it on account of the holes, lieaven grant mat i aia not have to offer it to you. Years ago, when my first child was a little rl. I punched a hole in this -coin and strunir it around ber neek. It was her -constant plaything.; At night when ahe went to bed ; we'd take it off, but early at morning she would call- for her watch. When our John you didnt know John, did you? No? Well, he used to come to town a good deal" : 'Where is be now?" asked the merchant not knowing what to say. but desiring, to show appreciation of the old man's story. - "He was killed in the war. l say that when John was a little boy I strung this quarter around his neck. One day his watch got out of fix, he said, and be hied tnose noscnes in it He and his. sister Mary that was the girl's name used to play in the yard and compare their watches to see if . they were right sometimes John wouldn't like it be cause Mary's watch was large? than .- . . 1 .1 A. I his, Put sne wouia explain ina sue was bigger than bim, and ought to have a bigger watch. The children grew up, but as they had always lved in the woods they were not ashamed to wear their watches. When a young' man came to see Mary once she forgetfully looked at her fifty cents." 'What are you do ing ?' asked the 'young man, and when she told him she was looking at her watch, he took it as a hint and went home. - After this she did not wear her watch in company. Well, Mary and the young man got married. John went off to the ar my and got killed. Mary's husband died, and about two years ago Mary was taken sick. When her mother and I reached her bouse she was dy ing. Calling - me' to her bed, she said : 'Papa, lean . over.' I leaned Over,' and, taking something from under her pillow, she put it around my . neck, and said : rapa, taice care of my watch.' " The old man looked at the mer chant The eyes of both men were moist " : ' 'Do you see that boy out there in the wagon ?" he said. Well that is Mary's child. 1 wouldn't part with this money, but' my old wifej ; who always lovea me?aie wis morning, and I have come to buy 4 her shroud."- ':'!n "' ?". :: When the eld inari went out he carried a bundle' in. one hand and the " watches", in -ihe other. tittle hock ua&ue. Amf Blo4Uke Him. One of the . lumber dealers in Michiiranhas forthe past three years been supplying a dealer in Albany. or the hrst year - everything went welL but at length the Albany man besran to complain. : He found shortage of "culls" in every car load sent him and demanded discounts therefor, and last Spring it was im possible to please him. No matter how carefully lumber and shingles were "culled" and billed there, he was sure to ' write .back that they were not up to the standard. rA few weeks ago a car load of "star shin gles were sent him. .The "star" beat anything made in the country, and they kne v it at 'Albany as well as Michigan, but as soon as the ear ar rived tbe.shihgles werehardly'clear butts." and he eouM not unload the car until -assured of a discount of twenty-five cents a thousands The Michigandef had EUQered long and the end was nigh. ' He had inspect ed every bunch of shingles on that car, and he made up his mind to go to Albany and inspect them over arain. "The dealer had never seen him, and the Wolverine walked into his office as a would-be purchaser of some extra fine shingles. .'; ; 1 1,. I ve got exactly what you want," prompuy . repiieu ,. we Aiuaiiiau. . . i i - i . i .ii - 1 ve got a car . load oi Michigan stars ' out here, which lay over any shingles you ever saw." "Are they perfect ?" "Every one of them."' " No culls in the centre of the bunches?" " J .-t 111 eat every cull you find. ' got them from a Michigandef who is as straight as the ten command- menie, and be has never .- sent me a stick of second class BtuH Come and see em." '', The Wolverine auietlv nulled out bis business card and laid it . down on the desk. The dealer took it up, read the name and sat down with a queer feeling in his .knees. There was an awful silence as they klared at each other, and it was a full mln? ute before the victim slowly extend ed his hand and hoarsely whisper- Did you ever eee a man -make such an infernal fool of himself t Shake."-: nkeJcAnc ;fi BaiiacOralankai4a.r The Pennsylvania - Railroad com pany baa issued orders to all j ticket agents to refuse to tell tickets to per sons intoxicated, and . all gatemen are instructed to pass no one who is under the influence of liquor The company proposes by; this means to protect itself against suits for dam ages from persons injured on the road while they are under the in fluence of drink iv r .-: i : ' i Zt J Mr! WjXam E. Snyder, of VVm( Lebanon, Ohio, ' says .': Fcf soiae time past I had been sevfiruy af- Sicted with leama&rjr . &3emz an advertsement of EC Jae&U Oil, I procured boUla. and I cU feel the efToct of the Oil on Cb Erst ap plication. I am now entirdy well having need but one bottle. ncyne lt:r7 f mcrt rt"jrlible rr-jfl, j LrrriUaiih aiea f.T-i the Lrrrtl Era f "3Xiery ! cf tie iXliw&re and UoSrra Cznal Ccr-u7, r-f' UlU-ttrra.. when tn ckt-ion cf a fire iir; "trtred Lis Litarbv aernoon . the slope ext 'j half mile underxresnd, and thrftt men,- William- Achfbrd, James W : ! iams and William fcco--ville, wei at work - when the terri ble shock startled everybody in the neighborhood, fire followed the explosion, cutting off all means of escape of the miners, and it was thought they -could not survive. The fire spread among the timber in the slope about the lower cham ber and had to be fought with buck ets of water passed from ; band to hand. ' After six hours of unabated labor on the part of the comrades of the entombed miners, . who by rea son of the fierce heat and blinding smoke that filled the gangway lead ing to the burning timbers ' were forced to relieve each other at rapid intervals, the fire was put out, and shortly before midnight a search for the supposed victims was bezun. At the mouth of the slope five hundred . or six hundred people were gathered,'- the wives of two of the men standing nearest and gaz ing with anxious hearts ' down into the dark gangway. Soon the lead era in the search were sending up shouts of joy over the miraculous discovery of the three men, all alive. Williams ' and ' Ashford ... were met coming up the gangway. iney had heard their deliverers and were aonroachinz to meet them. Sco- ville, who was badly., ournea, was too weak to - walk and was lying down where he fell. ' All three men were quickly assisted to the mouth of the pit . . -- ' All three men are quite sick, but Scoville is the worst Williams says ' the : explosion occurred just when the opening to the old work- ings was maae. 'ine lauer were filled with hre damp, which was ig nited by the open lights of the miners. Kight alter the explosion the fire - broke out and the terror stricken men threw themselves on their faces along the gangway rails, with their mouths close to a narrow ittle stream. 1 In that position they remained for nearly six hours, or up to within a few moments of their rescue.-. The. eaneway .-was filled with gas and the stream was all that saved them. . ;.V .. ,. ... Ezplosioa in a Powder Manufactory Sas FrasciSco. March 28. Anex- nlosion bv which eleven men were killed and four, others seriously in- jnred, occurred - yesterday in the Vulcan poviler company s works, across the bay, where the manufac- tury of block blasting dowder was in progress. ' Fire broke out in a room injthe granulating house and communicated - almost instantly to the powder, only a small quantity of which was in the. building. A blast of Haines, however, rushed a- cross a passage separating the granu atine from the dying house. In the latter was stored about three tons of powder which at once exploded. The concussion was not verv great windows of buildings 200 yards dis tant not being broken. r'Fhe dry house was blown to. pieces, killing or wounding all the men at work there. 1 he following is a list of the killed: George Stansfield, engineer, H. C. Lamb; L. W. Starr and Thos. Mills, carpett.rs: Mr, Stewart, gener al assistant about the works, and six Chinamen. ' The wounded are: W B. Dales, foreman of the works, and Gottleib-Koch, .Peter Schafer and r- Pefris,vcarpenters. ... Their infu- ries- are serious, and may result fatal Iy. The loss oi property will be with ip. $2.5,000.. , . 7 , Tested and firand Worthy. ' In order to bring more fully, be fore the notice of the people the yalue of a true and tried remedy, we hereby give the - following relia ble testimonial-from one of the many: who . have . been . t-ured and whose reputation for veracity can not be questioned. ; - Woopbvry, N. J,, March 20. Stredish Bitters Co. : - - ' J x Gentlemen : I " havo .; suffered with dyspepsia- and its horrible ef fects for- many ; years. Have spent hundreds of dollars, with physicians and in patent medicines, with no avail. I have been unable to eat meat ef any kindr and could not retain water on my stomach, and could not Bleep at nights. . I was induced to procure and try a bottle of your Swedish Bitters, and con scientiously tAy Us use was followed by beneficial results. I can now sit down and enjoy a hearty meal of meats and vegetables of any kind, and have gaiued; sixteen pounds in three weeks; and can cordially recom mend it to others. " ' ' - . Toiiri respectfully, I , .. "' "'' Acgcstus Puent: ' Proprietor of Woodbury City Coach . Line, f rehl s Livery, and Accom odation Stables.' ; A Rejected IxvrV Brutal Murder. Nat-panne, Out, March 28. A girl named Maggie Howie, while milking a cow in the stables of the Tichbone house here, this morning had her head split open with an axe and was instantly killed. The mur derer is supposed to be Michael Lee, whose addresses the girl had reject ed. Lee, the murderer of Maggie Howie, was arrested while endeav oring to escape along the railway to Kingston. - He made no resistance, but tried to commit suicide by dash ing his head against large stones on the roadside. .1' We are strongly disposed to re gard that person as the best physi cian who does most to alleviate hu man suffering, .t. Judging from this standard, M :s,..;)Lydia E. Pinkhain, 233 Western ! Avenue, Lynn, Mass., is entitled to the front rank, for htr Vegetable Compound js daily work ing wonderful cures in " female diseases. Send for circular to the above" address. ' . ; '- -rr- --- 'V, Sadden. Denth at Funeral. Lancaster, Mar 28. A mourn ful incident occurred at the funeral of D. S. Bare, a, well-known citizen of this place,' yesterday afternoon. Robert Bartell. a son-in-law of in.. deceased, "expired suddenly daring the preaching f the funeral dis course at the boose, He had .been in ill he&Uh for some , time past but was on. the atreet . attending to btwi. nessjesterdayfle ' attended the funeral with family, and during me services was suddenly seized with an attack of asthma, and AA while sitting ia bis- chair. He was about forty years old. . ; ; I tier k htrilj a disease consid ered iocmtlji IbAt could not be cored with PttiiEi. Moxbok, La- Iirc!i. 3. A vio lent hurricane swept ovcrt-a j .ace on Snndav evenLir. 7 It took an easterly course thresh t'.e Dc'ard settlement doir? muci i.sre. At McGuire's place six catlss and a portion of a srin beww wre blown down. On the VJ . i-tanUtion all thehonws, including the dwell ine. wt destroyed. J. W. Scar borough lost a gin bouse and two cabins. On the Ludeling place two cabins were blown to atoms. Un the Oliver plantation all the houses were destroyed. The Carpenter plantation lost a gin bouse and two rahino. Tha total loss in buildihSB ia estimated at $25.000. . An old col ored woman on . the Ludeling place was blown away, and her body has not yet been found. Several negroes are reported killed. - Montgomery. Ala.. March 28. News was received to-night of storm in Southeast Alabama. R. J. Richardson, in Barbour county, was killed by his house falling du bim. P. Kidding, near Uuthbert, ua., and Mrs. Pond and Mr. Martin, near Brown's Station were killed. Quite a number of people were badly hurt, and many houses blown down. Columbus, Ga., March 28. Yes terday morning a cyclone passed near Loachapoka, Ala, by which a number of houses were completely demolished,' others unroofed and great destruction resulted . to fences and lumber. A man named Tatum was instantly killed, another nam ed Alvis was fatally injured, and a man named Thomas hod his shoul der dislocated. Natchez, March 28. During Sunday and Monday about three inches of rain fell here." "About 10 o'clock Monday morning a slight tornado passed from the northwest a mile north of the town, uprooting trees and tearing down fences. Not much damage was done as its path was narrow. ' " Official Kxami nation of Flooded Dia- : . ,-. tricta . Memphis, March 80, Lieutenant btatterlee and Richards have arrived at Memphis. The bitter has been on an investigating tour through Mississippi and Crittenden counties, Ark. lie reports that three-fourths of Mississippi county is still under water, which however, is falling steadily, and a : decline of 12 inches more will relieve all tillable land from the flood. There are about 500 people in the northern and centra portions of the county that will need id for fifteen days longer. In Crit tenden county the destitute number about 2,000, and will require assist ance for hfteen days. All the coun ty is under water except in the vi cinity of Marion and Crawfordsyille. The detailed estimate of destitute people in the State of Arkansas pla ces the number at Zl.O'JU, who wil have to be provided with supplies tor about hueen days. Aasaaslnation of General Strelnikoff. Opessa, March 31. General Strel nikoff, the public prosecutor of the Kien military tribunal, was shot with a revolver while sitting on the boul evard here. "The ball penetrated the head and came out through the fore head. General Strelnikoff died im mediately. The two assassins who were stopped while fleeing from the scene in a carriage, offered violent re sistance with their revolvers and pon iards, and wounded three persons. They were finaly overpowerd and conveyed to a police station. Gen eral. Strelnikoff came to Odessa to conduct , the preliminary examina tions in important political trials. A third assassin escaped. The person who escaped was the actual assassin of General Strel nikoff. J...- The most sensible remedy, and the only safe, sure and permanent cure for all - diseases of the liver, blood and stomach, including bil ious fevers, fever and ague, dumb ague, Jaundice, dyspepsia,- drc, is frof. uuilmettea' French Liver Pads. which 'cures by absorption. Ask your druggist for this noted cure, and take no other, and if he has not got it or will not get it for you, send $1.50 to French Pad Co.. Toledo. O.. and thev will send you one post- paid oy return man. : . . - , - The Greenback State Convention. IlAKRiSBUKG.March 29.-The Green back State Committee met here to day and decided to bold a State con vention in this city oh May 18, and nominate a full ticket There was some attempt made to form a coalition with Wolfe men. but it was squelched. Chairman Watson was ousted from bis position, because of alleged crookedness, and F. R. Heath ot.Urr3',. takes his place. .It was agreed that every effort should be made to elect Congressmen tnd Leg islators, as it is to the law making power that the advocates of Green backism must look for relief. The committee . adjourned finally : to night : -.: ..iA . , : ; A Drnnkard'a Fatal Shot. Ix)ui9ville, Ky., Mar. 29. Alex C Wingate of Iexington. Ky., war shot and killed on an Ohio and Mississippi railroad train early this morning. lira assassin was an un known man crazed by drink and had no provocation for the shooting. After the tragedy the maniac jump ed off the train, which, was going at the rate of forty miles an hour, land ed safely and walked a-half mile to the creek ank drowned bimself. Wanted Hit Asbea Hans in a Tree Wilmington. Del." March 25 6. P. Thayer, aged TO.who was known l li W a a . aav as me -inaian nero doctor, wa found hanging to a door frame in back room of -.hU house in Hedge- viiic, this afternoon. He had been dead for nearly - a week. - He said in a note that he was tired of living 1 lie- note also -' requested that his body be burned to ashes, that the ashed be collected, placed in a bag and hung up id a tree, and that bt wanted no preacher - to attend and no sermon over his remains. . An VnfiraBned Report. . Viwmo . Lf..k m. report telegraplied last night of the oestmction of Kalston s gin boose. with the loss of 120 lives, proves U be entirelv onfooTided.J but aa th letter containing the inklligsncecamf irom a reliable source it was taken for crranted that the catastroDhe had reaii r occurred. The tnanairer 01 - r the Ralstone ulaee is here and aavt that there is notbinp whatever in the aenart. as he left the nlaca vehr Uajr ... s - The purest, best and cheapest remedy ia that simple compound Peruna, .. .. - - : ; r n ' 7 voxa Csurigia, Sciatica, Lembago, Backache, Soranatc cf the Chest, Goat, Quint j, Sore Threat, Swell ing and Sprains, Burns 'and Scalds, General Bodily v Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and alt other Pains and Aches. . V Pmanttoa a wtk asl tit. Jvm On. m mA, nrrr, mttmpU and rkmj, Kztmwt mmti A trial antarkt bat th eMBBafsKnlT trIOIng oatlsr vf M Crm, ud i7 ring villi pala caa km alwap ami BoriUm prouf uf ia lhraotkaa la Baraa Laanafta. BOLD ST ALL P1P0OIBT8 AID DEALESf IX XKDIOITE. A. VOOELER s CO., UMam, M 4., V. M. M roa UU BT a N.BOYD,. DEVGGIST ' - aaraet. Fn. wuVlTaS' CUXlaL.' rJ. H. DOWNS' t ElffilEl Tbla TalamUa mvilciaa ia pomlr TttabaK tha iluajmrj at which aa Uia malt f aiaay yaaia ekaaatudy, ia older to diwuii Ua ran, tka -jr-- . and Uia cora-r-vixi Somraaptlan, Cwghi, Colai, Cattrrh. Croup, Aitlnn,lenrIa7,Eoarea6, Inflnwiti, Spittfaj Blood, BrqneMtln, tJaad ifry aparlw of Hnpnadaa, of thCnat ZZ and jVauan. Ia all caaat wbara thia Elixir haa UbMdalradtdiiWarad Its aflkcaey baa baaaSS iawtabiy aaa.'iMUl, oaarlociaf lha moat ia- S gemtaloaatbat CONSUMPTION g a ti not I neural; fa, if aroperly attended lo. C a Cinai)tion.ai ita eoaunancamaat, la bat S Z alight irritatioaaf tha nKTnbranwbKhcoTa J2 tha Langa tbca aa InDaaaaUon, arhea tba otxiKh ia mora obaembla, bat rathar dry; tbea X O bacoaiea local itnt and the Dulse more fre- "- S S qnaat, tbechmka flmbeidaadchUlataoraooaa-Sv lwa, xuaaiiur in curing ue auove p'a-pi I plaima, eparataa ao as to it-move all morbH anajHacHasaiM lnuiUBMUian iram u luDastatheanrtaca, an l Anally exprl them from the aratam. Itfadlitaieaazpectoratioa. It heals tie ttleoratod surfaces and rallaTea the eoofh and makes the breath ing easy. It supaoata the strength end at the aasae tiaas reduces the ferer. It Is free from attew estate and astrinaent arttclea. which are ofaearyiag aaatore as to be In arm! dancer of daatroyinc the patient: whereas this medicine aear irias ar atoas the oeorh. lnt, by runue-J laf theCAtsa, (aaaTmlly deetroya the heeti4 Demre w eonra m ennrery snne. vonss eoeotly, ahea theccngh iscwrod the patient iswelL Send addreas for pamphlet t4Ting fall directions for aura of im Imooary dleeases. Me 16 eta, (0 eta, aadfl .00 per bottle. SOLO BVCBTWHX&K. mr.MUIH Mt. rrept, arSagUs.ft, jaatt-ly lOiVEST FSICES Bf 1QraiwjamLaeiiya TOV.MXJIX For la6a (520 Ibajof POWELL'S PREPARED CHEMICALS This, when muted athonw, makes OnoTon of SUPERIOR PHOSPHATE, equal ia plaat-liia and as certain of successful crop production as many high priced Phosphates, at r EXTRA f No trouble to mia IMIEXPENSE.1 FuU directions. . Powsxx's Chkxxcals hart been ihoroughly tried, gire universal satisfaction, and wc offer leading farmers hi every State as reference. Scad for Pamphlet. , Beware of imitations. Brown Chemical Co " SOLE PROPRIETORS, ' saaau&cturenrof BAiTutoaa, Ua. Powell's Tip Ten Bona Fertl!- - tzer. Price only $ 35 a Ton, net cash. Bona Meal. Dissolved Bone. 1 Potash. Ammonia. Aad all hijh-rade Fertilizing Miurlals. . COTTOII GRAINS TQ'CCID VEGETABLES fet23-2m O ATAI7R H ELTS'CREiM BALK Effectually cleanses tbe nasal passages of Catarrhal virus, caus ing healtby secre tions, allays Inflam mation, protect tbe membrane from tddi. tkmal eo Uncomplete. Iy heals the sores and restores the sense of taste and smell. Ben eficial result are re alised by a few ap plications. A thor ough treatment will rare Catarrh, Hay Fever, Jlc. Unequal Mi Oa. mlrfl fa. . K. 1 1 AY- FCVER 2Artb. utue najrer otte ine nottrus. un receipt of jOc wiu mail a package. Sold by Somerset druggist, marl KLYS' UitEAX BALM OO., Owego, Ji. V. 5000 MID cians Havo Signed or Endorsed the : Following Remarkable ".' Z-' s-i Document : ."' '; Hsss t a-Seabeiry ok Johnson, MwriTiftiTtr-lnCTemia,aiPlaUSt.,NewTc-k: , OenUemcn : For Mia paat few yesura we nave aold vsxioua brand of rorooa FUa tore. Phyaicijasa aad th Puhlio prefer wthaaw. WooaaaidwUiaBionoortsMwawy farartwUablabcmaebota rsmodlea wrorthy of WaafMleao. 'they sura nperior to all othoT Forooa plaatora or TJninumta Sot Minwwtitlcsa prodoct, of the hltrheat ssrder of merit, aad ao reoosfrilol by PhyMn and dmggiatav " .-: Wbsm other remediea taJX get a Ben oat's Capcina Faaater. . , Tow vrill bo dlaaivpolated if yoa asm cheap Flaatara, Llnimsmta, Pada or leo tarfeal M agnat lo toy. . ' 1 Cl'MB RCUEUT AT UtT H I IVEaO'S sksKSted CORN iai SU.HiON PUSTQL For Sale by oi r ; goods V Over Druggists Physi CN.'BOTP, 8oaaroet,P. afarob 1. ... :J Gi::Hvonic ' 1 1 rt2 KoTI mt Strnfl tatenr. ' ltToeaptamachaaac or farser, worn out with wearweeh. araaaei'iiw twa eWa Lrfcaailyor home herd ats try Pastua' OiKtMoKK. ' If yow art a brwyer, aunn ee bnameja aian ea- . bj aid h sssaml sa tt i '' . -i ... l.. I,, MuLasn,aaaMilaati.lwitaar Parkxr'a Lmbvt TooaB U yea hare Coraaaaptioa, Drtpcpaa. Kh'inaia wiT WowwKBMBd or aenaa.Paaimi-1 Cimob TotajC wall esse lea. It is JeCtwaaal Blood PntwW ttl ta tot a J tmtCMik ten Cw BtH. If yna ate wwarinc away torn afr dfaaipannn or aw aSeataa ar weakness aad rniaire a nasmlaet take BBaTcwcateaca; K wiH inmjrwate aaalbodd i op trmm rhr nWl dose bat wiil mm iatancaM. I awes Suaareoa as aeeai " any aara ram k rwaw'tOeaarTaak b aakM. tasfcrsl sCe-jT.T. aat.a(JeWatMlw.iaeaja. azT iatdm strrfM bollab sniv " C tfi tosich sad ksBaS fngnm baa made this daechawl warfwaw axesedaerr aepwlar. Tbera IsaethiM Ufceit. laaat apea harsn fuaus. torn awwasaadlsek bt msfaan of am mmtf yarn, m m4 staM. MAWOI9 WTIH9 1 April a $500 REWARD ! 0VEI A MILLION op M GmiEEtte'. rasaca EteiPaJs ar.M adraadr been sold in tilt eoaatr aadia France ererr one of which has given perfect sans. laetlon I And baa perform ed eons every time when need aeeordlna to di rections. We now say to the afflicted and doabtlne; ones uat ve wui pay the abore reward for a single ease of LAME BACK That the Fad rail to rare. This Oreat Bemedy 111 rusiTlVELY aad - PER3UNHTLY core MaBstafxe), Laumei Bast, Kciatlras, Mwei. Istakeioe. . DretSM-. Brisittt'a Dlaeataw or ia ftttslavoy e. laraatlwwea aasl BeXemtl er k (Trim. Iaflaae. BMless af tltst HMmjs, dstatrris el ! HISMlalwr. Mick CelsrMi Vrtm; mtm tm the stock, Itlslear llaa, Kervaaa Waaaat , and (a metall disorders or the Bladder and Urinary Urgent whether contracted bj private disease or otherwise. L A DIES, It yon are anfferins; from Female Weakness, Lsucorrboea, or any olber disease ol tba Bladder, or Urinary Organs, YOU CAN BE CURED ! Without swallowing naoseoat medicines, by aim ply wearing PBOy. GTJILMETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, WHICH CUBES BY ABSORPTION. Ask yonr druggist for Paor. Onumi'i Fnaaca Kidrct Fad. and take no Oiber. If be has not got it, wad and you will receive the Pad by return mail. TESTIMONIALS FROM THE PEOPLE. Jcnon BrcHAw, Lswyer. Toledo, O., says: "Jne of Prof Oullmetle's French Kidney Pads eared me of Ijambago in three weeks' time. My ease had beea (iron up br the best doctors as in curable, linring all this time 1 suffered untold agony and paid out large rams of money. UBOBOa VeTTBR, J "I suffered for thr J. 1.. Toledo. Ohio, serf s rears with Sciatica and Kidney INseate. and eftea had to ro about on cratches. 1 was entirely and permanently cared after wearing Prof. OailmeUe'l French Kidney Pad four weeks." 'Sonne. N. C. Scott. Syrranla. Ohio, writes: "1 bare been a great safferor for 1 years with Biisbt'l Disease of the Kblnejs. For weeks at a time was unable to get oat or bed took barrels or medicine, bat they gave me only temporary relief I wore two of Prof. OuHmette's Kidney Pads six weeks, and I now know 1 am entirely cured.'' Mua. Hsxui JsaosB. Toledo. Onio. sera : "For year 1 bare been confined, a great part of the time to my bed, with Lacon-boes and female week uses. I were one of Quilraetle's Kidney Pads aad was cured In one month." H. B. Oitss, Wholesale Oroeer. Flndley. Ohio. writes: "I suffered for ti rears with lame back and m three weeks was permanently eared by wearing one of Prof. Onlliaette's KJdnoy Pads.' B. F. Kaaauito, M. D, Druggist. Loaranfflort, Ind when sending In aa order lor Kidney Pads, writes: - "1 wore one of the first ones ws had and I re ceived more benefit from It than anything I ever need. In fact the Pads giro better general eatla. lactlon than any Kidney remedy we ever sold." Rat A Snot AKa, Draggista, Hannibal, Ma, writes : "We are working up a lively trade in yonr Pads, and are bearing of goud results from them every day." - . PROF. GDILMETIi HENCH U7ER FAD, Win poeitiverr rare Fever and Ague. Damb Agae, A gae Uake, Bilious Fever. Jaundice aad Dvspepua, and all disease ef tbe Liver, Stomach and Bluod. Price tlM by mall. Send for Prof. Oallmette'f Treatise en the Kidneys and Liver, free by mall. Address, riESCH PiD to , Toledo, Ohio. For Sale, Wholesale and Retail, by C. X. BOYD, Druggist, maris Somerset Penna State Normal School INDIANA, PA., Pkisuts UascBrasazD Faciutixs fob Paa- rxtita Tkachbss ob Estesiso TBBl FlKXD OF LaBOK. Thera it no more aoble pursuit t an that of BMuuiuaj noaiau cnaraciar, aoo a greater Dene. Uctor than th trulv anmessrul teacher. If yoa mtend to teach, prepare yourself thor- vwajmy, ana uusaaaae your worn pleasant and profitable for voorself and or real value to others. Every teacher shonbt take a fall eonrse at a proleMlonal school, and Pennsylvania oilers yoa mvww BUivrivr w uuh 01 low Mm IM ScM of Mi L LOCATlttW, BeaaUroI, Convenient and Healthful. . BU1LDIXO and APPtTBTEXAlTCES. wnearviieti. 8. 1NSTKUCTOBS, experieDoed and fuL 4. OR ADT'ATES stand high wherever known, A UOU KSK OF STUDY and alaa of tnatrwo. tlon are What VOU need if vow hava detmnntnAfl to oeeome an earnest aad saecessrnj tesci.er. SPE1N8 TEEM WILL OPEN APRIL 10. 1882. FALL TEHU WILL OPEN HPTS1BB 4tfc, 1883. For farther paittcnlars address, L n. DUULING, Principal. ar32 . ROUGH ON RHEUMATISM. The Greatest Discorery of the Age for this Most Torturing Dissaso. It is Advertised to do Only What it His baen Known to do in Hundreds of . Give it Trial aad b Convinced. General Agtmt, Ha. 2. CORK SHAVINGS, ; MATTEESSE8. " r Tbla artirl has bo eoaal lir aeearss ad dwr aMIUy. Parties dwstrlaar ts chaeee their bed die; woe Id do welt arive tt a truL Prtos. a eest mt poaad. Baaks, eeat eaea. lbs will All a lane mattrea. For sale by AKa-i ativ. . m CO.. Cmr. Mbi susel sVs arwaasl Ms., riaiaksis'a;. ' rt iii t J it r OOTtOJt I iaiB leawaaa " if&S. 'rs' r GDRERnEDIIATISn apr5-Ui Tbo Soincrcct Herald ! (XSTIBLISKED 1827.) 0z of the Iczdlrj Piprs of Vtctera - Peaasjhaaia. is mm mem HAS DOUBLE THE CTCCUUTI0N OF ANY 0HER NEWS PAPER IN HE C0UNYI It WiH Contain tha General Newt of tbe Day. The Editorial and Local DEPARTMENTS SpeaJc for TbemselTM. 93.00! (XSSATCAS! 2.W A TEAR $2.00 A TEAS t $2.00 A YEAR ! $2.001 TEAR! $.00 A YEAR! -32.00 A YEAR! $.00 A YEAR! $2.00 A YEAR! 2.00 A YEAR I $2.00 A TEAR! naa a teak at.M A TEA 93-OOt -IN OUR- JOB DEPARTMENT ! WE HAVE THE BEST FA CILITIES WEST OF : THE MOUN TAIN. . sttiirWB nre prepared to furnish on Bhort notice, and at a great re duction on former prices, all kinds a . - - of JOD WORK, such aa ; LETTER HF..if BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES, BfSIXESS CARDS, '"" visrnjfo cards, WEDDIXO CARDS. PROG RA M M TO, y" HOR9RBIMJJ, SUP BILLS, . ' I ' POSTERS, IJLBKIH, ' - TAGS, - ! . RECEIPTS NOTEH OF ALL KJXDS, DODGERS, - - - - CIRCULARS, AC, AC Order from a distance will miv prompt and careful attention. i Add. ..... The Somerset Herald, ! i PTTTW ytvT nntlf " 11 K:llwt ; IlATT.T'n AT- De. ww -wXlX)Tjr "SOMERSET 4 CAMRDis D... J r.AiLKU otrrawAaa). tWp.ni auBrra-WasjD. Malt.. Kaa, :.. ..T?iun' .aewth and au, daily wwawr nrauw, ran hnuai. wil ' 141 p. sa aad li s iTi. 1 , w't'j.tji? mural nr . ,? . " a. a . a w.wuuij M uy, and .J ssornln. a. am., aad 1 p. wT iiwiT "l"'u tl PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILR-; VBaias ootao lasr. ArJ Johnstowa Ei.j.. racinc r.x. 4. , --'lrva . hl, 1.., Hxl.AaZm. flai " " " I? St. Lmla Ik.. I. .j in... " -. 81. LonlaUav :z.i u i, . Cincinnati EM.... T:13 at itSJ " ..-wjfcaa. TKAIB SKMSO VIST. Lav. ts rittstmrcb ix .. ;4, Cinainnatl k.. u ..... - " "Mt l-iiiJ johnstowa Ace j ". t Jia. j" ii.' Mail Ex.) :.. T See bl l".f M:tt a. nt arrive;"" :u w.y pasj::T ; IZZ . 1 45 I:st -, 1 . 12.111 - I ll !Un, aiwl tkM Ir.l.u . 1" a! train. . aw use, east aa west, win day, aad aaZat u KMmtVSr"?1 .""P si only. -auo btar. Tba Cincinnati Ennu .. day. r " op on J( bora;, and East Uberty l-HruL., u a u ramne sh Johnstown 'vi... Altoona Aom.ao.l.(l01,n1'rr' J eoaneet with the , J Iv' "P'm i "ornln, and by the C.7onaU ad maU wwst la the evanln U Vr-m 1 BATIMORE 4 OHIO RAILROAD. PITTSBTJBQH DITISIOS. Ob and tllatV..m -Ul dep-frei SrvTi a w aiSireou. as folio-, ' """"-t KAST. Lv: Pltlahwr Braddoci McKwunart KAIU 3a.a. fcie - -.a " lSrtiO " 141 - 11:SS ll:Si i . a. :(4 -t:: :. " : r. SI. WIST, Iftu: Ballitaors Waatiinaiua .1i aibrrl.ua Hvadmin RnrkwoMd Ohio fyl Cvnnl)..villa I alon!Dwa Crutiil Kord Mt. IMnuaut V rm SrwUim Pr.rf.lu, rlttaburf ri lid. Wa Mewtoa Broad Ford Mt. Plnuant ConnrllaviU Union lowa Ohio pyle RKkwood Hvndoiaa Cafubtfrland naahiuaoa aalUaaote m Tb El press train leave Pittahan, k ... "Ty1" Connellsvllle It) f ? V wood 110 P.M. In v The most direct and ni..... . : r ) and Soath vU WrailttoSSiSS."" MU,H Tttrongb Mat lesvlns; at ltMl . d. . Tbrosurh Express, leavlne; S:0S r. a dal'v .1 Tnraogh Kan trains dally. Expees traius dally except Sunday. dally exaapt Sunday. J AOOOOlBaOaatkaBl tmn. .n.1 . Ticket efflee, eerner Fifth Avenne and wJ ajrwj Mpotwrne, Urant and WaJ u. a- LUKD, Oen. Puwn,,, A. T. naff afVisT kV mm a-w wma, utaNm i icsei Agent, BESTI baslness now baton tbe pi lie Yoa eaa mxk. m.m. outer at work for as thai il aavthlnv nil. 1 ' ..... 1 k2 deeded. We srlU start vow. l ) . .1.. . .. 1 "a, ooy aca viris, wanted svarvwlwr 1 " uvww vj uiv imiimriuaa. men so or lor as. Now Is th tlm. Ton r.n .,rk i4 a Pra tlaw only, or elve yonr whole tlmi to th j wu.iu.-tMi. iow can live at nome ami do ta work gne eaa fall to auk enormous pay by ans-axliis; 1 nvoueroaaines will dv non near vaaw.11 K vavw viauy nun anu lenns ires. .non.y mm fiwt, elly. aad boaorably. Address. Tars vm. , Aajuu, jtaine. recls-iy PATENTS obtained, aad all baldness In th V. 9. Ptlmi innee, or la ine Uoeru attended to for MOO 1 DAT rcca. W ar OOOOalt th T7 8. Patmt r ani eaa Malvi aaueot In less uais Uus laws remut aawa in rsiajT wi s hfis fyti ur v u trooi WASHINGTON. 'Wnna modal or drawtos Is sent w sdvise as J pvuewiaoiiiTy rre or errnrve: awl we make R CHARGE UNLESS WE OBTAIN PATENT. We refer, bare, tn the Ptwtmiitw tha Snnt (J tbe Money Order Division, and to oHMals at til U. S. Patent UnV. For eirrnlar. mlvlee. trns-4 aad referene to aetnal clients in yonr own SUt4 w warn, Ri 11 aa O. A. SNOW & co.; Opposite Patent Ofire, WaahiDgt, D. 0. r L r CXOOO wTH n paid If any Impurities ar ailasral oaaa It win not ear or help. ' Ps.au a A ts Barrerr a veoetable rfimDouod. remand In 1 aat' or for an? It I wot snasiiaai by any or allotlMr nwdi- cine enmrnned. This I 1 srmrra; binjrnagty OBI i: ertbedby hontaepbralclana than any other laaif-dozcoi remml laaaoowa to Ui0pn.Ir4.UjCL. PsmvrwawaalrrvwMrifrM wwitflnn ami aV TB aafnr-TTnT ! Ot 1 lawTlltl TI'l'aT firtV allntarwlnri..nrl - For Btarmlttent fsver, chill and iVtt, uavaaaauwuouiiwivaaairuruiliap Mo matter what toot dl m m u. mrV ism. yoa vowna or L male or female. I fo at aae tor Paac-a. ' Tn yonr nelgbbor sad yonr frtm! that PaapivA Is the onhr raaaA. ..h will aim yen end tben. Bead tor a wutitiliJct. 8. B. HASTMAS CO., Osborn.Ptilo. la? wlJlt'0" owcla aad Pe,Tl0 nrKBUnsa-U mm rO SALE BY (C. JT. BOYD, Druggist, Way 4 POTJTZ'S HORSE AK3 CATTLE POWDERS a Horns wtTl M ef Col?-. Itnraer lce f .- iu II Fonts' Powder are oard la (in. . oou-a twdara wl I Irwrr and nravea t Ho Cum " ivutx Powder will prrvvnt G.raa i-c rt. i-juuPowdrrswfIl lot ream the enantltvof n-1: Hi' 1 -:r.ani twenty per cenL. and ajaks to butwr firu jj d ..eft. '.nn-s Powder win ear or prevent shmxt vssv Ia... to wkh-k Horae aad rattle ar anl-t. 1 ri-rs-s Pnwossa vux air SanaracTios. hold Krywher. DATID K. TOOTZ. Proprietor. IlLTI01J,MO. Fb L ly. CCCLEY CREAMERS. tlREATLY IMPRTr I. ladaily oae la IS. taw factur ts aatd daines. Por inconui; cutairuitaBa, rrarrr aoa r casuj. 1 Pade iB TiA 8IZK1 nwaisi a am- - B.v SO rS- matiraBy wrbowt Huar to caaa. Mnrt m taa osnsaai awraaanro plan. Pewr I-OI U I - Bsl Mi KILrtat Jfedals U !41- I u-JT . kmo. Swinar Chnmm bvtter . Woraw, Pila a. a. Bastdfnatalfnr eurala, . tWwaT fUm,Zl CL,BeUowaFuii3, vt, . 1 P. S. JJAY. AKBte Elkllck, Peain'ia. hblt-Ut . ai .aaBk i. , ... I nim auto JJXECUTOR'S KOT1CE. Kscauet Mary traiMie, nara. Latter ' satamaa'aa rw tba anwve estate ha via: be mated is th nderslarasd by lb prtmraataovtty, antira I beraby aires to psisaas hsdsd tesehl aaaat is sseae Immedi ate payment and tao having claims asralost the aasae aa pissmt tnem aaiy is nwncstw w tlemsat. ea Wednesdoy. April Sib. W. at the rssldswee of Jacob B. CoaaUTSBaa, la atoatermi Usaalilll .- . JAOOBB.COCSTKYMA". sasrl Exeeator. THE- -will oraw APXXIX. lOtk, 1883. ka. f il 1 illna IhianaaTllT ytiaal. Terms madsraia. Patrosaur aueitu n B aaRNER. ill i. I W.H. WOOIXBT, Taseber.