. i if a , to. . en In) h B I a i i The J GEO- H. BCTJLL, Mitor. n-i-pNtsnAY Al'ri' f Somerset Hcnild. T .-. ..I...l I . nt t I vmmi iHinm-ii oinnj; were: liinailfti M:i.Tay. ' Furepuitli's cimm will exiiiiiit in Jolins t tlie tatter part of tliis mouth. Or. A. J. Eu-Mey ami wifr.ot Johnstown, -!it aeverul !.. f lt week in Somerset. Starlet 'fever i prevailing in Somerset. The bmiiim i'a.t C. J. Harrison and J. j j . k 'e are afflicted . Register ani liindtler Stutztnan informs lis that lie m-eivetl twenty-five ilenls to lie plaeed iu reronl, on the 1st day of April. Tlie maple stiar seavm is about over. The yield vis not very large this year, rrime maple sn;sr in retailing at 11 cents j per pound. theilixi'DTai.tet V,tr (J.mxU at J. 15. Snyder A: Co's. K.iter K Ive Bt r- Ry'3- Plant yonr parJen truok. ,. io.nl" at J. U. Snyder A Vs. Alitor Io-:i Cameron i ill with pneunuv .kiJs at J. R. Snyder 4 Co's. Dniness men should use the Herald pais EaMer Eki? Pyes f.ir sale by O. X. iVvd. vae was !ld for ill, WW in Umdon the ;,-r day. Tlie lel selection of ("IotIsr. Watehea and Jewelry at Herrleys. Kegs lyed with Paas Tiyes may be eaten without harm. Try them. Only 5 cent. Is is a good thing to 1 deaf when the slsnderer begins to talk. A X AS Ali INJECTOR five with each bottle ol Sliiloh Cutarrli Remedy, rrice 50 cts. Eaktrb 0Sts.--BcanUful, Exquisite, As tlirtic, Easter Cards at C. H. Fib'ieb's Hook -Store. Iletlley sells the tiobliied Hats and S'erk sciir of the town. , Jeff 1avis lias iweit-eil iJl.OM from the ale of hi lxk. :, the lieaiitiful color for Easter Erp at C. X. lloyds. Only 5 cents. Tlie luiyet display of oarjiet ever in Som erset :U J. 11. Snyimcb t (Vs. I'D" PYSrErSIA -vl liver Complaint vnu have a printed guarantee on every bot tle of Sliilnti's Yitalizer. It never fails to .ure. A fop i worth Jr day to the I-on- .i.iu j:as companies. l ine Walnut Frame Kijrht Pay hx k at E, Mi-Powell's for 4. Yor SHOULD SEE THE HANDSOME II TS FOR MISSES AND CHILDREN AT MlS. A. E. I'HI.S. Washineton never saw betterdinners than are now served in the White House. itKv Scei Now in stock: Mammoth clover, Small Clover, and Timothy Seed, :inil will buy oriel!. Cook it IlEKRITS. siUijOirs CURE WILL immediately re lieve Croup, WlnxipinK coiifrii and l'.ronchi ti. lleiiieniUT Helllcy sell-" tlie Pearl Shirts, p.nin three-ply linen, full made. The on ly Shirt that si lls largely in Somerset. Johnstown capitalists an- talking about investing $75.0 in a street railway. 4,Kl bolts of Wall Taper to select from very cheap at II. IlelUey". Reinenibcr the p!ai-e. HANDSOME TRIMMED HATS OF ALL KINDS FR MISSES AND CHILDREN JUST RECEIVED. cnEAI. MR-S. A. E. UIIL. "HACKMETACK." a lasting and" fragrant ,rfiinie. Trice 2i and M cents. A law has been ased by the Maryland W.slature and approve.1 by the C.overnor iiitliitin)! corponil punishnient u;o:i wife-N-arers. A No. 1 Dine Suit at J. B. Snyder A Vs fr K5l, usually Bold for $10.00 I always keep your medicine in slock. Downs' Elixir is selling liefer than any 'ou-h MeilU'ine I have, and with rood re sults. C. M. Smith, DrupKist, t larkston, Mich. A Drupsist of Rellon Falls, Va.. has been Ment to prison for sixty days, "for selling li.juor as beverage." Wonder what thev would have done with him if he had sold it as a liver pad or as a wash for removing freckles. Mr. B. S. Fleck has disposed of his busi ness in Johnstown, and has moved to Mor gan Mills, where he will go into business with Mr. Wm. S. Morgan. Geo. It. Cofiroth, youngest son of Hon. A. II. CoflTroth, returned from Bethany, W. Va., where he bail been attending school, last week. tJeorge refuses to lie educated for a preacher. There will be an unusually large number ol classical and normal schools in this coun ty this summer ; so that all who desire to attend good schools will have abundant op portunities. We wish to impress ujkhi our correspond ents the fact that we cannot advertise any person or thing without charging regular rates. We are always thankful, however, for local news. Treadling in the Presbyterian Church tin Sabbath next. Rev. O. Chappell, of Lewis town, will conduct services ct 10:4. a. m., and at 7 p. m. All are invited. Seats free. Visitors welcome. The warm sunshine of Sunday afternoon brought the rorner statuary out in force, and the sunny spots along the streets were decorated with little knots of this warm weather atlliction. Arrangements have liecn made by the young ladies of the Oermaii Reformed Church to have Miss Jean Wallace, theiiopu lar cantntrii e of Pittsburgh, give a concert in Somerset during court week. Mr. Amos Kneper has taken possession of his new store-room on the south-cat cor ner of the diamond, and J. M. Holderbanm has moved his stuck of goods into the room vacatiil by Mr. Knepper, in Paer's Block. On the 1st of April Judge Bacr broke up housekeeping and took rooms at the Cen tral, where he and Lis family will board un til thtir new residence on Union street readv for occupancy, which will be some timeduring the summer. Dennis Meyers, Esq., last Sat unlay Urn possession of the room in the Mar.naoth Block, formerly occunied by Mr. Frank Sainpsell, and in connection with Col. Edi will occupy it as a law office. In another column w ill be found Mr. Meyers' profes sional card. H. C. White, of A. J. White Son, fine j School Repotr. Report of the Sipesyille merchant tailors, Chatnbersburg, Pa.,' will School for the month and term ending visit Somerset on or about April 10th, with J March 17, 1KS2. a complete line of samples of choice suitings Kirat month. Whole namberin atteml- both foreign and domestic, and all goods j anee, 90; Average altendani-e, 21 ; Percent suitable for men's wear, which he will make up in a superior style at low prices. He will be at the Somerset House for a few days, where he will be glad to see his for mer patrons and all others desiring first-class clothing made to order. The case of Dr. Lamsom, the American lately tried in London for the murder of his young brother-in-law, and found guilty, is attracting wide attention in this country. The poison used was aconite, and the evi dence was purely circumstantial, but strong lv against the prisoner; while back of was the fact that by the lad's death the doc tor, who was in needy circumstances, would come into possession of some $7,000. The re sult was conviction of murder in the first degree, and sentence of death. An exchange thus fitly describes the meaning of the term "local enterprise:" you tliink of anything that can be done to beautify or build uj your town, go and do it; keep your capital at home patronize home industries ; help your merchants to sell more so they can sell cheaper ; always get tout work done in your own town possible ; subscribe and pay for the home paper, don't steal or borrow the reading of it. If vou follow these suggestion and your town does not improve and bnild up. it will not be your fault. Sheriff Spanglcr has been on the lookout for aiuuumittigated scoundrel, who has been traveling through several townships in this county under the pretense of engaging ser vant girls. He would olf-r the girls high wages and get them to go with him in h buggy to his home, and when a secluded snot was reac bed would take improiier lib erties with them. He is charged with hav ing made victims of three girls in this way at dill'erent times recently. Saturday nigli Sheriff Spangler received a telegram frot the Bedford authorities, stating that a man answering his dscrintion had beeu arrested nn.l was i:i iail at that i dace. The Sheriff initiiixliatelr renaired to Bedford, but was una!i to identify his mnn. It is thought. however, that he is the right man, and par tips who know him will go to Bedford to identify him. We are informed that the miners of the Elklick coal region heald a meeting Satur day, at which it was decided to go out on strike, unless the ojierators would pay them an additional fifteen cents jierton. Th urica laid in that section ut nreseut is fifty rents per ton. Passion Week will lie observed in St. PaS)l' Reformed Church, Somerset. Pa., by daily evening prayer-meetings. Preparato ry services on Oood Fridav evening. The celebration of the Holy Communion on Easter morning. Sunday, and services on Sunday evening. The graduates and former students of Mt Union College, O., residing in Western Penn sylvania. Eastern Ohio and West Virginia, are asked to send their inline, residence and occupation to Rev. E. M. Wood, Penn ave nue and Tweuty-lifih street, Pittsburgh, as pre;arato-y Tn a reunion in the near future. Messrs. Colboru A Colborn have moved their 'aw office from Baer's Block into the rooms formerly occupied by Mr. Dennis Cook as a t. ibaoco store in the Mammoth Block. When the rooms are overhauled and fixed up they will have a pair of the handsomest and most convenient offices in the town. THE ;reat show. C. W. Troxal shows the best Spring and hummer Ooods that have come around yet. It is very well to be a-sthetic, but one may possibly overdo the matter. For instance, when the sweetly perfumed minister said to bis jieopla, that Jonah passed three days and three nights in the whale's society, he was too utterly delicious for anything. Talk about Middlesex Suits for men, why Hcffier sells themf all wool and warranted fast colors for S10, usually sold at $12. Business men should order their Bill and !-tter Heads put up in jiackcts. We print the very handsomest at this office. Wasteii. Maple Sugar. Bacon, Wheat, ( tats, Potatoes and Beans for cash or in ex change for mercliandise of onr line of trade. Cook & Beekits. S-.uie of the Altoona merchants lat fall bought up at a very high price all the potatoes they conld obtain. The market now seem to lie overstocked, ixitatoes have fallen in price, and the merchants conse quently have afairclianceof loosing money m their speculation. Suits for children of 4 to 10 years, nt Hef ilcv's from $1.7."i, i.OO, $50 3.00 and up ward. They are tierfect beauties. SPRING STYLES. 1 HAVE TO-DAY RECEIVED MY FI lT INVOICE OFSPRINtJ HATS, BON NETS AND MILLINERY GOODS. ALL NEW STYLES AND NEW TRIMMINGS, MRS. A. E. UHL. Then- are some men lu our town ; And they are wondrous wi-. They promptly Jav their paper bills And also advertise. And while they reap a thousand fold The foolish ones stand by -And say, "We, too might win the gold But we're afraid to try." If you want Crt-tlai-s Stationery at small oust buy the Her i i d packet. Note, letter ki .1 all other si2cs put up in this way. They are just the tiling for business men. ALL PRY OOOPS AT COST to close out. Call ami he convinced. Towels, Table Lin m very cheap. Trunks and Satchels all styles and sixes, almost given away. H. Harrier. A oorrfKndr.nt writing from the south o,f the county saya : " 'IJough on Rlieijnia tism' kn.nks theetenial suffering ijf that terrible disease."' KlfcAT Uaksxt. Main Street We have jut addisl a large Refrigerator Ut our Meat Marked In which all meats ran be kepi ooo and clean. Mutton. Vvt, Pork, Ac, ejit constantly on liand. Open daily. Parties buying luaat can have it kept in the Refrig erator until wanted. We Lave, also, 100,000 new brick for sale, m Men we will sell bv the hundred or thous and at a low price. Rom Davis A. Co. THE REV. GEO. II. Thaver, of Bourbon, lud says : Bjth myself and wife owe our lives to SHUHPS CONSUMTIOX CURE." FrsriLlxEa. Iliosphate, Ind Plaster and Ka.lt. Attention, Farmers ! and remem ber this : We ran get for yon Phosphate, Land Planter, or Mineralized Salt for fertil ising purposes delivered at Somerset Sta tion, by the Bag, Barrel or Ton, at Pitls- "uryh. Baltimore orPhiuylelpkia list price, j knl Fr.Ml.1 ..l.l.wl .n.l ..I h.,.L..li. ... . . --...v.., ..... ... m.HHaj m tins pajier. take yuur orders for such nantities as you I ay need for Spring Seeding. Apply toor I lilr. Cook A P.r.rarrs, iaii. t-itwt, Soiuerst-t, Pa. Xothitu Faanaa. C. W. Traxal pay ry Uieh Price for Oonntrr Produi. 1 that ' We hail the pleasure of a call from ex County Superintendent Whipkey, Monday Prof. Whipkey is engaged in the coal busi ness in the Elklick region, but as the min ers of that section have concluded to go out on a strike, he lias at present a little spare time to visit his friends, and attend to his other business. As will le seen by reference to our adver tising columns. Col. Isaac Hughus has re turned to his first love and has again re sumed the practice of his profession in Som erset. The Counselor is one of the oldest memliers of the Somerset bar, but for the past few years has beer practicing in West moreland county. Mr. P. Vonnada w ill open the Classical and High School of Somerset, in the Acad emy, on the 17th inst. He is a young man well qualified to instruct, being a graduate of Franklin and Marshall College, and hav ing made practical account of his talents in teaching a number of terms. The citizens will find it to their interest to support this school and give it a ix-rmanent existence. A ecial or adjourned court was held on Friday last for the purpose of swearing in Constables, elected at the reiynt spring elec tion. Under instructions from the rourt the old Constables will continue to act up to the fourth Monday of April, and will make their return to the Anril conrt. The new Constables will commence their duties on Mot.day, April 24th. The following from the Johnstown Tr.l line fully explains itself: Horse or Representatives. Washis:tox, P. C. March 1882. j Johu Uncman, M. .. Pnf. T. R.Johnmn Jhu. l.utc. .. Prof. H. I. Simntr, Pnf' J,ih Jf. StrtJmii: Gestlemex: Your report of the proceed ings of vour Boanrconducting thecompeti tive examination of condidates for the West Point cadet apiwintnient, held on the 2d and 2.'1 inst., has been received. Charles Thomas Menohcr having been awarded the highest grade bv you, 1 have this day nomi nated him to the Secretary of War for ap pointment as cadet at West Point, from the XVIIth District of Pennsylvania. Please accept my thanks for yonr prompt action in this matter, and for the faithful and sat is factory jerformance of the duties of your appointment. Very Respectfully, J. M. Campbell. The farm house of Mr. Frederick Ott, situ ated in Paint township, about three miles beyond Stain Level, was entered by bur glars Tuesday night, and they succeeded in getting awav with a pretty good load with out wakiiiuanv of the family. Mr. ttts new silver watch, for which he recently paid was taken, as was -c. his best coat, vest, hat, and a roll of butter to the amount of thirtv-five pounds. It is be lieved the thieves gut in through a side door, which Mr. Ott thinks was not locked the previous night He is of the opinion that there were two robbers, as he yester day morning found tracks of different sizes in the soft earth ubout the house. The marks were made by bare feet. Mr. Ott is inclined to believe that a German-tramp whom he M lat Sunday was one of lis party, but some of his neighbors place the responsibility of the theft on a gang of rogues who ara said ti have a rendezvous in the Allegheny Mountains, several milts distant from Scalp Level. 'IS- Judge Rockefeller, ot tae Eighth Judicial district, when granting the tavern licenses at the last term of Court, at Sunbury, pretty clearly established the fact that he is none of your doubting Thomases. On that occa sion, he said : "I give notice to all jiarties that I will re voke any licenses that I may now grant, upon proof being furnished me at any time that the liquor laws have been violated by any one. and it will not take the same amount of evidence to convince me that the law has been violated that it seems the Grand Juries require. I will not require that the witness tasted the drink to know that it was beer or liquor. And in regard to Sundays, for instance, if a party keeps his house open and men are seen going in and out, and esjiecially if any are under the influence of drink, I shall not require that the witness saw them drink, or get the liquor in the house, bnt simply that they keep their house open and allow parties to come in and out will be sufficient canse for me to revoke their license at any time. Saturday, April 1st, was a busy day in Somerset. There was a lairer crowd of iieo- ple in tow n than for many years on a like occasion. Payments were im-t promptly and many judgments were wiped out, while hut few new ones were entered. Money waj very plty and went begging for want of investment at four and five per cent. Our merchants all reiort having done a big day's business. The Grecnsburg Vrw has this to-say in regard to a recent rattle sale by Somerset county boys ; "Miller & Berkcy, of Somer set couny, brought twenty-two head of blooded cattle to htahlstown, this county, where they disposed of all of them, at fig ures ranging from $350.00 to fc.ou a head l uis sjiows that the tanners in the vicimty of Stahlstown are live and wide-awake men.'1 E. MtDowel, our Main-Cros street jew eler, has a large comnlicatod clock in his mammoth jewelry store, which is the unext, best, and most costly clock in the county. It is adjusted to heat and cold, and is the only clock of the kind found outside of the large cities, its time is always correct, never Tun ing on account of the weather. The works are the very fiirast, and the frame is an elegaut design in oiled walnut with glass front and sides. Everybody is invited to eal! and see it and compare time, that they may know when they are correct. Its finish and beauty it something to behold in a lock ; it is a marvel in this country. About a week ago Jeremiah Gongaware was married to Miss Kate Bacr, daughter of Benjamin Baer, near Stony Springs, a few miles north of town. Thursday night it was thought ti.e newly-married couple had returned home, and tlie boys and young men of the neighborhood concluded to give them a regular old-fashioned serenade. Among the party was Edward Nipple, a young man in his twenty-second year. He had undertaken to load a sort of home made cannon. While he was in the act of driving in the ws1 with a ramrod on which he was pounding with a hammer, hestruck a little too hard, which resulted in a prema ture discharge. The- ramrod passed diag onally through his left hand and wrist, necessitating an amputation between the wrist and elliow, which was performed by Drs. Lomison and Middleton. The newly uiarried couple were not at home, and hence the serenaders had to depart with their cups filled with sorrow instead of the good tilings' which ihc inner man craves, thus ends another sad chapter in the histo ry of midnight serenaders. Young Johnston also had his face burned with powder. Oncnf Nipple's fingers and the ramrod have not yet been found. Tlie cannon was ulx.ut nine inches long and three and a hslf in diameter homemade out of a bar of iron. GrtmAxtrg Prrrt. of attendance, !U. Secoud month. Whole number in at' tendance, 33 ; Average attendance, 27 ; Per cent, of attendance, 00. Third month. Whole number in attend auce, 25; Average attendance, 24; IVr-ivnt. ol atu-uchtuce, 73. , Fourth month. Whole uumht-r in at teudauce, SI ; A veragr al leu'Ui nee, Si ; Per cent, of attendance, 73; - Fifth month. Whole number in attend ance, 25; Average attendance, 17; Percent, of attendance, V2. Visits. By County Superintendent, 1; Directors, 2; Patrons, 20. Those present every day during the month are as follows ; Maggie Shaffer, Maggie Kel ler, Maggie Fritz, Annie Pile, Lizzie Fritz, Alice Fritx, Clara Keller, Robert Speicher, Parker Speicher, Morris Speicher, and Har ry Fritz. Those present every day during the term : Annie Pile, Maggie Fritx, Alice Fritz, Har ry Fritz, Robert Speicher, and Morris Speicher. In progress, to Clara Keller, An nie L. Shaffer, Ida a Pile, Lizzie M. Fritz. The following received prizes for best spelling Annie Pile, Maggie Shaffer, R bec ca Shaffer, Maggie Keller, Maggie Fritz and Robert Speicher, Morris Speicher aud, Har ry Fritz, Delia Friedline, and Alice Fritz. The term which has just closed has been to me the most pleasant of any in which I have been engaged, during the four years that I have spent in the school room as teacher. Though we as teachers, towards the close of school, wish more or less for the last day to arrive, when we will be free for a time from the cares and responsibilities of the profession, yet when it does come, ow ing to the peculiar and tender relations ex isting between a teacher and his pupils, we feel a reluctance to pronounce the word dis missal, aud almost wish that time had lent less fleetness to his wings which have borne us onward to the parting hour. But, alas! such is life, in which joy and sorrow are ever commingled. This then should teach us that all things here below are very vain and transient, and to remember the Divine injunction : "Work while it is day, for the night cometh in which no man can work." The citizens we believe with but few ex ceptidns, were interested in the attendance and progress of their children, and to them I tender mv sincere thanks for favor and co-otieration outside the school room Success to you and your lively little town is the wish of M. R. Bowman. Teacher. March 21, 1SS2. ARK YOU MADE miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness. Loss ot Appetite Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's Vitalize la a port tire core. Mb. Edit o .A grand temperance rerir al is sweeping over the state of Indiana at present. The last legislature passed an amendment to tlie constitution, prohibiting the sale of alcoholic liquors as a beverage in this commonwealth. The law most paas both houses again before it can be submitted to the people, and every nerve is being strain- j ed to nominate and elect next fall only such men as are in favor of the amendment. Party politics are not to enter inta this fight. Sixty three Republicans, sixteen Democrats and two Nationals stood by the temperance peo ple iu the last legislature and Toted for the submission of the prohibitory amendment. The temoerance people propose to stand by the eandidntes who will stand by them. No true Republican. Democrat or Green backer! IWJ tj A CTTO'CO '0 C? A T f f will go on record as arrayed against it, nor Iw U fWXiaVW W WAjuXl i will any man worthy of citizenship in this HKADUrABTEB roK MaikkbeiFisii . We hara in stock, direct from the Atlantic coast, a car load XXX Shore N. 1 Macker el, all full weight packages, consisting of Barrels, 200 lbs. : Halves, 100 lbs.; Quarters, 90 lbs. ; and Kits 15 lbs., exclusive of pack ages, salt and brine. Now ' is the time to buy them at fair prices for tah, or in ex change for country produce. Resjiectfullv, Cook 4 liF.iens. tn aa 3 llM M tin XI 4M till couctry of the people, for tlie people and by the people. Large and enthusiastic meetings are being held in every ward and precinct in the state. The combined whiskey element of the United States is being concentrated to defeat this amendment ; yet, notwithstand ing the herculean efforts of, this terrible monster, Indiana will shake off its influence and assert her freedom. I hope the grand old Keystone State will soon follow the example of the Hoosier State in banishing the accursed traffic from its boarders. The Kansas experiment is an undoubted success ; cyen drinking men ad mit its benefits; and prohibition in Kansas is more and more appreciated by ita people. Let all good citizens keep the ball rolling until the monster is banished from our free land. Warsaw, Isd., March 28. ScBurrsa. Persons wanting the genuine Middlesex Suits, better made aud trimmed than at any other place in Somerset. Heftiey has them and they are for sale as cheap as they can be bought in Philadelphia. Use Paas Dyes for Easter Eggs. Beautiful colors, and eggs may be eaten without harm. Only 5 cent. C N. Boyd sells them. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY A pos itive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Cank er Mouth. A Clkab Complexios Can be had by eve ry lady who will use Parker's Ginger Tonic. Regulating the internal organs and purify ing the blood it quickly removes pimples and gives a healthy bloom to the cheek. Read about it In another column. The reason why we buy our Clothing at J. B. Snyder and Co's. is, because they treat us u-hite ; their prices are very low, they are honest in what they tell ns, and take pleas ure in showing anything they have to sell : are a coot! jolly lot of fellows, who mean business from six o'clock in the morning until ten o'clock at night. Call and see them, reader, and you will be happier for it. Teacuebs' Ixstittti. The Teachers' Dis trict Institute of Jenner township held its hist meeting for the present year at Jenner X Roads, on March 25th. First in the order of exercises was an ad dress by Prof. X. B. Critchfield, on "The Teacher's Uuncotiscious Teaching." The address was full of practical thought so clearly brought out that no teacher present could fail to be benefited by it Following this address was select reading by about one half of the members present. This part of t'.t programme was arranged at the request t.f the Board of Directors ; the object being to bring such of the teachers as were not in the habit of taking part in the discussions before the Institute, and thus aid in breaking up any natural timidity from which their want of participation might re sult Next in order was a discussion upon the subject : "Should the grade of the teacher's certificate determine hs sal2ry ?" The dis cussion was opened by F. J. O'Conner, who took the negativeside of the question, and presented his views with such clearness and logical force as to deter any from taking the other side. He was followed on the same side by L. S. Peterson, and Wm. Zimmer man, President of the Board. The members of the Institute who had not yet been heard were called upon, and responded by select reading or recitation. Farewell addresses were then deliver. Mr. Zimmerman spake in behalf of the Board, and his remarks were most gratifying to the members of the Institute. He congratulat ed the teachers upon the successful and faithful work done during the term, and gave them some advice that cannot fail to be bear fruit in the future. Messrs. E. E- Critchfield, Wm. Zimmer man and F. J. O'Conner, committee on reso lutions, offered the following which were unanimously adopted : Jletuh-rd, That it is a pleasure and a bene fit to the teachers of Jenner township to meet in convention at the end of every month. fietolird. That the Teachers' Institute of Jenner township has lieen a success and that it be perpetuated. licroltfl, That in order to raise the veil that shields us from our intelligent sur rounding and give an incentive to oar suc cessors, a copy of these resolutions be pub lished in our county jiapers. Heffiey's is still the cheapest place in Som erset to buy Brussel Carpets. Brink, March 22, 1882. En. Uezalb: Last evening the Lamberts ville Union Brass Band started for Sbanks- ville to have a good time, and to give the good people a serenade. After alighting at the hotel, and thawing our fingers, we play ed several pieces. We played at C. W. Balt zer's store, and were on the way to C. A. Brant's store when brought to halt by Mr. Samuel Dunham, who invited ns to the school house, where an exhibition was in progress. We accepted the Invitation and were amply paid for our music by thesmil and applause of the overcrowded house. Wi will not comment on the exercises, only the performance was first-class, and showed that Prof. Speicher understands how "teach young ideas." . After the exhibition the boys enjoyed Samuel Dunham's "Hav na's," for music played at his store. C. . Brant received us kindly and of course "set out the box." We accepted an invitation to the house of Mr. Herman Shank, where we partook of supper with a relish. Did we enjoy it ? Why we smile yet. That esti mable lady knows just what the boys rel Ish and how to serve it. We must with one accord say, that were never more kindly received and wel corned, or more hospitably entertained than by these people. It was an enjobablc even ing and will not soon vanish from our mem' ones. Before closing I weulu say that we raise our little cap and say. Thanks. J. B. L. UNSEATED LANDS SOMERSET COUNTY, PA. o AGREEABLE to the provisions ot an Act of Assembly, directing the mode of wlllag UaseaUd Lands fur taxes, passed the Ulh day of March, A. D. 181a, and the my era! snpplMtsata thereto, th Treaaorar of Nonertet ivanij asreny gives notice, that utile th Uoan ty. School, Building sod Jtoad take, das a the billowing ensealed lands, ara paid before Ibe day of sale, the whole or sack parts of each tract or panel of land as will it th taxes and costs will be Seld at the Conrt hoose, la Somerset boruaaa. a SIOXDa i , Jane 18(h, 1882, for the arrears ret ot taxes due and the emu ac crued thereon. Our new carpet room, next door to our main room, is the wonder of the day. Such a display of carpets is entirely new for Som. erset. Over thirty-five pieces, and only one piece of a pattern, making the largest line of carpets to select from ever in town. Prices as cheap as they can be retailed at in the cirv. A Xo. 1 carpet at 25 cents per yard. J. B. S.NVDKB & Co. By George! Heffley does sell his Brussel Carjiet at 75 cents. The finest assortment of Watches Clocks, Jewelry, Silver-plated Ware, Spectacles, Eye Glasses, ever brought to Somerset conn ty at E. McDowell's. WHY WILL YOU cough when Shiloh Cure will give immediate relief. Price 1 cts., 50 cts., and $1. Sr.xsiai e AitVJi c. Do not allow skepti cism to overrule your better judgmeut when an article of true merit is placed before you. If you are dy;iclic or your kidneys and liv er are alfecteil, delay no longer : procure a bottle fSwedUh Bitters, tlie infallible rem edy It will do more for you than me can sav about it. See advertisement and tcsti- E. McDowell tub Jkweleb. A Tair Thbocoh His GasxD Jewelry Stork. Un going down Main X Street wedropped into the Jewelry Store of E. McDowell. Amid the brilliant and dazzling jewely one can profitably spend a few hours, in looking over tlie large, varieu ana wen selected stock of Jewelry, Watches, Silverware, Sjiectacles, etc In Watches, the works of all tlie celebrated manufacturers are kept on hand, with cases to match them of every grade, from the finest gold down to the nickle case. In Silverware, a full and com plete stock is kept on band, selected with care, and of the most modern designs. Op tical Goods are kept in profusion, and the eyes of every person can be suited in glass es and trimmings. In Clocks, all tlie lat est designs are to be seen on the shelves and when we priced them we could scarcely believe that first-class clocks with walnut frames could be sold at those figures. We hope that our readers will give him a call and see for themselves that we have not overdrawn this article. Mi ! did you hKr the news ?' " What's that ?" Why, '. W. Tinxal has the Cheapest ; April 1 Goods in all this country." i Claps Acapemy. New Centrevilh, Som erset County, Pa., (Glade, r. o.) w. w. iKatrick. A. M., Principal ; I. S. Seyder and E. P.. I Vat rick, A. B., assistants. In struction thorough. Term" moderate. The next session wid begin Monday, ls2. Oflice Clocks, Xickel Clocks, Weight Clocks, I .ever Clocks, Calendars, Mantle Clocks, Bronr Clocks, Black Walnat Clocks, Brrnze Kiures in great variety, at E. McDowell s. Black Casox, Uti lias., I'm., March 0. Ed. Hebalo. Through some irregularity I don't get to see the pric. 1 face of y our pa per as often as I would like. Last copy re ceived about a month since. Recently we had a land-slide in the Canon by which one man was killed, aud six mules were carried into the Gunnison river. The grading of the D. & K. G. R. It, iu some parts of the Canon is very dangerous. It is said that on one contract a regular regi ment of crippled laborers is being taken care of. The recent strike of a vein of silver ore in tlie Forest Queen Mine, some twenty miles above here, has revived the drooping spirits of the miners. Masked balls have been all the rage in the principal towns of Colorado this winter. Old miners predict trouble with the Utes tliis summer, who were removed from this reseravation into Utah and are said to be dissatisfied. Tis said that their removal was a regular robbery, brought about by an Indian Commissioner, who is a large cattle dealer. Senator Hill, in order to prevent a collision between the Utes and ""So, natters," has introduced a bill in the Senate to set aside the Uintah valley, in Utah, for this tribe. The people of Colorado are deter mined to get rid of them. Mac. Lavassvillc axd Vicmity : On Wednesday morning, March 20th, Mr. J. B. Countryman, residing near I -a vansville, was in the act of throwing corn- fodder from the mow above his threshing- floor, the board upon which he was standing tilted and he fell to the floor below, striking his shoulder against a post and bruising it severely. Mr. C. says he always has good luck, as there was some hay laying on the floor where he fell. Last week a corps of civil engineers, in the employ of the South Penn. R. R-. sur veyed from Somerset to La vansville, but early Saturday morning they were called east- Farmers are preparing for spring woik A new implement, called the "Acme Pul verizing Harrow. Clod Cmshet and Iveler," is going to be extensively used by our best farmers this spring. With this implement a finely pulverized ami even side bed can be made in a remarkably short time. Cor. The diagonal blue suits, warranted fast colors, at Heffley's are the nobiest in the way of clothing, for only $10 a suit, we have seen for some time. Say, John ! Heftiey sells his Brussel Car pet at 73 cents. Dr. Baxter's Mandrake Bitters give the best satisfaction of any medicine I seiL They have advertised themselves, and I wrvant every bottle. . X. DcKaiEF, Druggist. Zeelaml, Mich Henry t Johnson's Arnica and Oil Lini- nicnt. for external use is equally good. 5 k li C'kst Coi'STERs. Recollect when vou come to Court that the 5 and 10 cent counters in Cook St Beer its' Block are still in full blast. A very large stock of these useful goods have been laid in for Court Week, and the variety is greater, and the quality of goods much better than hereto fore. Everybody coming to town should call in and look over the 6 and 10 cent coun ters, as you will be sure to see something you want at the popular prices of 5 and 10 cents mom Call and see us now. Our stock of Dress Goods, etc., is full and running over. 1. B. Sat her & Co. DIED. MILLER. Robert B. Miller, on March 12, 18&2, aged 5 years and 6 months ; and on March 28, 1S8 Ernest G. Miller, aged 1 year, and 5 months. Sons of Daniel Miller. Both died of scarlet fever. MARRIED. "OIi. pshaw ! thafs old. everybody know j A new line of Clothing at J. B. Snyder Jt Co's., cheaper than ever. A Call to the Scsdat School Workers or Somerset Cocjtrr. A meeting of the Sunday School Workers of the county will be held in the Lutheran Church, in Somerset, on the afternoon and evening of April 18th, with a view of organizing an Interdenotnina- torial County Association. - : Prominent workers of the State Associa tion will be present Sessions Tuesday April Jth at 2 p m. and 7 p. in. ....... " The finest lamps in the county. Parlor, Hall, and "turn down" lamps at J. B. Sny der Jt Cos. SCHIUXGER-COLEMAX.-On March 23, 1882, by Elder Silas Hoover, at his resi dence, Andrew Schillinger to Miss J. J. Coleman, both of Somerset county. HAUGER PUTMAX. In Milford town ship, on Thursday evening, March 30, 1882, by Rev. W. W. Deattick, Mr. Joseph H. llauger to Miss May Belle Potman, both of Somerset county. WALKER HAY. On March 23, 1882, at Berlin, Pa., by Rev. 1L F. Keener, Mr. Wilson E. Walker, of Summit township, to Miss Clara A. Hay, of Brotbersvalley town ship, Somerset county. ' ADDISOS TOWSSHir. Jcrcs. A'ssm 0 tract. 417 Cbery.Msry K 1U Moore. Hiram 4W Anthony, Joseph 410 Chery. Louisa Tom. Jniamln 410 Cher. Jane (!) allxuuit Towasair. Amos, Philip lew, William - Oaliher k Uoltwra. Sun Ung, Peter Herman, Maihan Black. John Llllnger. Frederick Uibeun, George Meyers. Jacob....... Miles, John IS Flours. Susan User, Widow Stuns, Adam.... Topiier, John M Olbsou, John Bacr, Ishmal J Meyers a. Heed Saute Oflroth t Schell Brown, Thomas Co (troth v Wllmota () BBOTHUtSVAUJCV TOWXBHir. Potter, Sarah Stein, Almham Berljy, Joel... COXrLVKHCB BOROUGH, Meyers, Peter's heirs........ Viper, William's heirs Wen tie, L.udlck WeDtle,Jharles Wlrslng, H. J Wesson, Ssmael Johnson, Mary's heirs....... Burns, Patrick: Durgan, James Fallerton . Brothers... Johnson, Catharine lagan, W. t Sullivan's heirs..... Olotfelty. Semuel levens, Nsihaa Hoffman, George Hotlman a Brother.. ' Auzusllne, John. Pstton, R. C ; Troatman, William... TsnoehlU, J. N Shoab, Joseph..... Mckennoo, John.... Shall, llsvld Burns, Patrick. 4U0 -JS5 140 IB 41 et.0 440 4 3V7 49 SM a so too 4U0 2U0 234 aw 100 2U7 1 IS Taxri. IBM 8 osl s SO B 02 S SO its 23 SO 11 SO 00 1 07 IS 04 It) l 17 4 1H DO IS 30 IS l Is M 12 1 U 1 14 1 40 4 MS 1 11 10 1 IS Ol a 62 3 W 4tM 41X1 ;oi j 4U0 4ud U4 4t 4M 4.U IS Ut. 1 Edwards, Orlnth 14 0t' . r-spey, Andrew.... .... 10 TJ : Fnlk, Caleb 11 79 Fa Ik. CaletK Jt 1 Same 3 : !, C-leb. sr 14 4.1 1 talk. Owen 14 44 Joues, Wuliam 10 4s j Junaeua, Peer) 14 W 1 " Lielham, Joseph 1 SO Lym, James 14 40 Same... - 7 88 Moore, Abraham 14 44 Moore. Joseph 14 06 Poor, John U 74 John, Price 14 23 Same 14 A4 Lkiney, Pe rlrk 24 Shaw, Briij.miu. 13 4U Mow, Juha 1 1 to Sptugie. Too mas u w rtuiCBioa, Kkliard u Thornton, w Uitam WM i r.et, fctizabcth U - 'ikr, am. Ii00' , Johu 1,1 i I Warner, Heronamas 13 2 Cook, John 2o JoMcJonathna....... ....... s- Mlles, Samuel, Jr 2B Williams, LtraeL li 2u orasiABoarso Towasair. Fem!, Nelson... 4' Sams...... 40 PAirxiEit-s IIAXn B AIS Al& This p ur-wie is prefei;cd by t.ieu whohasrurdit,:. T wnil-tf sriiCi. o i, It contains afnt:i only tlut rsi-ncSt:-J so Vte sta ad r andaiwsyt festart tht YsaskM Color to Cff) or Fanes' Batr Psrkeys HswBohm is Wr perfumed and u rnnwd to prevent turns; of the ban- sad to . . uandrun and iicfttflf,. nrscva a. . Se. aa 1 mmt, st 4hIm eWe. nABKirr nEaCiiT SHADS TOWB8HIP. -l 2-10 3 ! 3 1 3 IS 1 w 214 2-IS 314 Lot: 2 i 3 1 3 1 4 2 10 3 1 ft ilrrcs. 100 Lolt. t Acret. 344 4tM 44 41 410 4W 100 ' 410 Lot: 4 Acrtt. . 410 400 38S 47i sss 4UU 4oO 4U0 tats. 2 Acre$. 17 124 Lot: f Acrtt. too 200 130 4j0 4H? 41 . 342 . WW . 400 ' 22S 3W 400 4V0 2V2 4U0 200 400 40J 320 4U0 44M 400 WO to 3il Ki AO 10.1 12S ISO Lot: l 1 Am: Ml U BUS 401 4) 100 112 !7 1 10U 1 2J0 let. i 3 S 403 20 1S4 400 102 14 S3 300 10S I S14 3B 447 160 3 Acrtt. 8at Time, 8ati Mobit, Sav Tboi ble, and go East, South and West via the old re liable B. A O. K. R. No change of cars to St Lonis and Chicago. Only one change of cars to Kansas City and Atchison, for maps, time-table, tickets and ajl informa tion in regard, to sogers call on or address .. lATToa, Paas. A pent, Somerset, Pa. All information free. Office at Itrpnt. 30 41 43 100 2 74 74 Lot. Arrri. tw 411 Conrsln, Benjamin Wel Hey, Decster COXKXAIQH TOW5SHIP. Jones.Itrael Muore, Thomas Moure, Joseph Stotler, Jacob Mirk, John W llliauis, Israel Kensinger, Mary A.. KLELICK TOW5SB1F. Beachej, A. P AJrenguud. David Corey, James (4) I'M, William F Carey, James (H) Moore, Beuy (S Ursndman, Cliaiies.... Oorev, 1 hoiras Miller. Jacob I Corey, Jueiah Moore, Enos Charley, John LV-wry, Ssmael.. Kretcbmsn.Benben Christner, Joseph Abcrnathy, Thomas Camp, Henry.... Clark, Maurice.... Fox,Thomas.. Jones, W.H K'node, James..... Howell, Paul Ka venter It, Stephen Bender. William Kret-bman, William Fike, John J ...... CbareyJanies (). OKIUUVILLB TOWSSBIP. Johnson, Thomas Thomson, Jacob Belley, John jnriuoi TowSHir. Halt John Flick, Lndwick lbon,James Knnpp, Emanuel.... Adaai4, Barbara.. JKSSER TOWBSHIF. Mubley, Frederick Mishler, Thomas............. Oliver, William Pbilson, Kobert Pickin, Henry s Scott, John SL Clair, William W htUDore, Jacob Williams, George Moore, James Shearer, Ludwlck..... Anderson Msulln, George..... King. George S..... LARIVBB TOWSSBir. Bowman, Samuel Zufall, Wm. H. Hcfmaa, George Meyers, Peter heirs M Uler, Jacob's heirs liemt, J. H Hoffman. George... Witt, Jot lab Shannon, Michael Buyer, Levi Bowman A Ebersole Cunningham A Ways........ LOWBB TtJBKETVOOT TOWBSBir. MeValght, D. J. A Co. Forward A Hugus Hollo welt John Powers, Aleaandtr Lohrs, Peter rattWk, Alexander Bnrgess, William Haiti. M Same Same Lnddington's heirs mcAaee, James......... Buddy. John 1 Same..... BugKS Fsuiley Levy, Peter Harned, John HauL Lewis W Stewart, Andrew.... EVBBSDALB BOBOCBH. Adsms, Thomas.... Broiller A Buyer Deal, dward Kngle, John Frost, Thomas A Kelly. Mrs. Sarah omu.F. Co....; KavcDKrattJolin Stevenson, James...... Baker, Peter. Galther, Jsmes B..... Langloth,W Sheeis, Joseph Stevenson, Frank Bentord, John H Croase, Margaret... Collins, Mrs Miller. Mrs. Sarah. Medalry. Augustas... Miller, John A. Mulligan, Asnle.... Smncner. William. Kateo, Koah......... ........ alDDLBCaEBX TOWBSRir. Bedford, Gannlna; Gairy, Adam's heirs........ King, William HlljrOBD TOWBSBir. Beam.Jacob.... Brooks, Jacob Ben sun, Peter Oebhart A Walter Johnson. William Shoemaker, William........ Toss, Dinah Wilson, T nomas Shaft, John Leslie, Thomas... Hart, William Tom, Sacbel Same Larboroaga, NaUua DelpfcCarnst Short, John Koddy, John D Seehier, J. P. Walter, FrsneU Albright, treorge -. Price, Isaac (J).... xOKTBAarrox, Towxsnir. Aadersoa, William Flnnamore, Sarah.... ....... . Engleks A Smith Resell, Henry F...... Bowman, Haiaias. Goraeh,saae. ....... ....... Hoffman, Pant Malbas, Joha...... Mayers, Wklow CrissiBgvr, Charles..... r AtB-r Towsaair. (Hark, James Clark. Daniel Davis, John Kspey, Aadrew. ....... ....... Kspey, Joslak 1 S 20 3 00 2 70 so 6 08 i 00 1 70 2 ti 1 70 42 1 i 20 1 70 4 li 3 60 3 40 1 SO SO 60 : 4' 2 40 00 4 80 1 to Ml 2 10 11 S8 1 M 5 ca 4 SO 22 4 00 82 4 40 3 at so so 3 20 3 06 3 02 2 04 . a 20 11 10 3 26 SO 6 Ml 3 to 00 a 77 1 01 6 4 44 2 Ml 1 36 1 U 1 3b 1 3; i 71 3 10 S i.7 1 20 21 08 4414 12 ott 23 2 3 4 SO 2 40 2 34 72 7 74 30 3 SO 72 t 72 t 74 72 3 00 3 80 3 80 i 28 10 IS 38 74 12 24 7 14 4 M 14 8 31 4 SO 5 74 84 10 10 03 84 30 60 t SO 20 40 20 40 11 40 1) 40 20 40 i M a 86 li 40 1 0B 40 3 28 13 20 1 SO ft 20 13 20 au 1 so 2 14 2 f4 B il 3 S4 i 13 1 0 1 12 14 4 3 07 2 70 I 02 2 44 3 21 42 1 40 1 SO SS 3i 1 hi 44 1 S. 1 1 ftO BO is 3 00 2 ) s sa 40 so 3 41 1 04 4 BS i 02 S40 4 80 1 73 1 OS 20 t 74 7 14 4 40 80 4M 5 73 73 se 3 04 Acre: 30 Anderson, Samuel (3-5) ... 1 K 384 Campbell, Mary os 388 Clark, Daniel s 2 400 Jones. William s JO 304 -Tlllon, William 10 i7 100 Mehell, Henry F 30 447 Kimmel A Hugus la 47 304 Campbell, Mugaret- s 72 100 Smith, Anthony... ill 400 Bunn, A 40 2U0 Dalley, William. 3 00 42 Henford, Geo. W 3 47 388 Oliver, William (J-t) 141 33 Perry, Simon (i-6) 141 4M Wilberall, Samuel (2-6) 1 44 304 Campbell, Margaret 4 74 101 Heiuhew, Juha 3 26 SOBBRSBT TOWSSUir, 44 Felton, John S3 10 Daniels, Lewis W 47 100 KlmuetJohnO 104 IS MUler.NoahS 70 310 Showman, Benjamin. - 80 27 Ankeny, A. T . 1 44 81 Picking Bernard 3 34 I SOCTHAMTTOS TOWSBHir. fc Adsms, Alexander ()..... 3 63 40 Bailey, James B 3i 82 Complon, Ssmael I 41 4W Coruba, William 8 13 24 Kohler, Daniel 64 4"0 Linch, Edward . B b 477 McBrWe, Mary is 04 112 Along A WiU 3 43 437 Koney, Jsmes 13 38 400 Stokeley, Thomas 12 25 220 Tempest, Kaehael 4 74 40-1 Wells, James B 24 ; Weils, John 1 S3 4u Wayman, Catharine (Jj 4 10 144 Thompson, William.. 2 83 2uo Brant, John 4 43 8TOXTCRRXK Towxsnir. 70 Dnbvia, Abraham 3 70 4o0 Kercber, Daniel 3 70 siBMiTTowxsmr 10'. K rider Andrew t 40 too Same 9 00 PAIXKER'S GINGER T0U9C A SapsrlatrM Hearth aid Stir sots stoaorar. If yon er a mechanic or taiwr. wore cea wall ohi woiicor a moiher ma down l.y fmntyct hou hold duiassxry Paskek Ciw. TtM". If you are a lawyer, minuter or butmc- ma rx Hsusted hyaxenul snoranzioincam, do not take utoxlcaonctnnuLsnts,butinc Parkcr'sGaigv-rl ic It yoa heve Coommptxm. Dyipepsii. Rhemne setn, kidneyComplsinta, orairydiMraVrof thr hmga. Mootach. bewils blood or nere.l'ic- '-inc Tonic will cure-you. litheCree Hx: l'unncr M tkt test as4 Surest Cssak Cart i-T Ctea. Uyoa are waatiae; away faa Jjt. f any diseaw or weakness and rfpiiie ai-u-.-i la :.i Cikccb Toanc at anee; it will iviswjae axi bawl nun from the firttkiae but will aevar Krtonrare. as saed hundreds of kves; it nuy save youn. CACTIOTI mtmm all eUI. HWi 6.er T.ir W mmmt at la. m talielil.i'ly ewlliarr'''l"ll'l'l,t',i'lla:'' AliMaa A Ca, 21. V. ate. A 41 aan, at Acabn k aratk GSCAT SAV1S0 BCTrSO DOLLAR SIZX. Lot: 1 1 2 2 2 2 Am: 44 4u0 400 Lot: 1 15 Acrtt. to Lot. 1 Acre: 60 Lot: rrrr-RTiBBEvroirrToa-ssiii p. Hoffman, Cole 21 Pbiilippl. Dell rick is Snyder, ZacharlaA... 42 Welmer, David 42 Hannah W 4 Weliner, Jeriueah.. 4.1 King, John 1 04 Lenox, David. 4 20 Luhr, Peter 20 W II kens. John 20 Mason, T bonus 1 34 Stlrtx, James 1 14 Sullivan, Wlijon a Iviog, G. 11. ........ .......... 3 Dean. Edward 1 S8 ,tW..M.I.IM . icn SMu HlATw - i" asatar nm 111 1 us rii dhsM pertame eaceedisly populir. I here , tfetatg like It. Insist wpaw htrnttf Flus om 'oSMdUt and look fas -naturc ot I t WSHb Any 4rar4 r 4aW bl yin'iawar a'ansla- B4tli.llw iLai wasAvi-to BCTisa nr. rrr. Aprils. CBSISA BOROCOH. - Beerits, Henry C. 1 v 3 Collins. William . 1 42 1 Davis, A. C 50 'A Dixon, Mrs. A. C 23 18 2 Kreairer, V. A F 7 7 2 Kubns, Frank 8 do 1 Saylor, George M , 3 41 1 Thompson, John.. (oft 1 Wilson, Sanner. 4 07 2 Hramer. Jacob J 82 1 Weber, Henry... 4 v i 2 Dickey, D. A 31 2 Miller, Aaron t! 4 Miller, Josiah 2 to 2 McMlllen, Kuben. 42 1 Cob A Frymler... 2 70 1 Kreairer, Henry 2 70 a Pawner, V. J 7 03 1 RuskI A Hoffman 2 61 1 Sutherland, J S 2 W 2 Thompson, John... i 74 2 turquer, Leroy... Z-'i 4 Harrah, W. S 60 1 Khoad, Annie...... 3 00 Commence at 10 o'clock a. m. JOHN H. WEIMEK. Apri Treasurer. AVERN AND RESTAURANT LICENSES. Ac. I he lollowlnz named persona have Uerf their petitions lor Tavern. Kestaoraet and Retail Lhi- our llceuse, with their nitldavlts, certlneates and bonds, aud notice Is hereby given that the same will be presented tor allowance to the Court of Quarter Sessions, Thursday, April 27, 1842 : TAVERX. ( alhartoe Tlwus, Berlin borcojrh. AuKust Koehler, C-onnemanxb township, K. T. Fraiee, Cenlloence borough. C. W. Downer, Confluence borough. Joseph Senroek, Confluence borough. Maggie Sweiuer, Sand Patch, Larimer Twp. Waller J. Jones, Meyersdale borough. Robert Gaihrle, Meyersdale boroux Mrs. tHisa Baer, Meyersdale borough. Mrs. Mary Ellen Hill, Meyersdale borough, John P. Spicer, New Baltimore borough. Samael A. Haines, Kockwood, Millard Twp. Ssmael Buckman, Kockwood. Milford Twp. John A. Clark. HuoversvUle.Quemaboning Tp. Joalah Brant. Somerset bomnirh. Joseph Stall, Shanksvtlle, Sionycreek Twp. Samuel Custer, Suystown borough. John H. Ben ford, Unina borough. Abraham A. Miller, I'rsina borough. Frederick Durr, Pocahontas, Greentllle Twp. RBSTACBABT. W. C. Paid, Confluence Borough. Henry J. Picking, Somerset borough. RETAIL LIV.COR DBALEBS. Bernard Wlnslow, Meyersdale borough. Fnncls May, I'pper Turkiyliwt Twp. S. V. TRENT. Prothonoiary. apri pOURT PR SCLAMAli'J.V V-... .h. n Viixiast J. Bakb, President Judg.of th m?r"l MTT,? d, . .1 1 waUoe eesniiusing the Six- teenth Judicial District J "lK-" i'llT of tryer and Terminer V. '.i.lZ fc for the trial of all capita Jl'f?,'" !..mm. 4l.aa .n.l Ina V ' Ot t SrU Of Oyer and Terminer, and C "iJTL ....u..., .11 i.i . v1 other onlere in the eountv ot Somerset, havt V wue.1 tbrtr and to me directed, for holdh A ; mon Plea, and General Qua T ts?",Tl?!. Peace, and General Jail Dellv Jul CwU Oyer and Terminer, at Somerset t Os MaaSar. Aairil a '4. '- Notice U hereby given to all tA Jt Ti1" w eace, the kroner and Constables , . -, records. Countv of Somerset, that thev be t hen in their proper persons, with their rolL lnnnl,ttf.M. ..l..t(i.i ...1 . rfhV bram-es.to do those things which U ' thet and In that behalf appertain to be d met a J rT they who will prosecute against the f rtiei . V. r are orshall be la the jail 01 Mimerset woaty, ? then and there to pne-ute atralnst tb em as . be lust JOHNJ. SPANG LKK. March 29 a serf V i cvwrsmed wnskty ay . Berftty, Vsb A Co.. ' W tail oca I Prod ace Cwnmissiaa Mercaaats, Pltia-lrghsPs-, CwSJBtvw SrBSlBW. Apwle Ru'teT, per gnt sf7s, Itae 5onii. 'try crals. -l: Kl-x. ?V ! 7A nwau, New OBto1 Factory, UaUo. Drtui ! t ruiS Apj,!-. so'el.a.ri: 4-J, q-aarvoc. iad : I pearCeS aivi. Sarfe : pelad, 'to .'- pi4 1 t ttrr ' asiie ; Best lrrle. Swia: i5nv-aor.r-I mi lS14r; p-rbKit e..the U'e 0w. pr lh.o.r: -tui 440. fc-P tun. . . . i . ....... . I 1 ... 1 11 nar . . jsaurtv w 1 -' r- - - - vat : ttaitrf. 1V1 per 1c ; bigarOrsn., inalis. iH.Mrf r'errM.S i3 lm Dan-er. 3 2 ;i; cuhinseiis, per wsi JM' o t:tHce K0.1, laaJoc. fouiinr. ue iun, MaaCMi; pef pair, according K sise ; Drisssd, par UK Uaiae: rurkeya, leatlTe; Goaee. Saao; trneas. Baloe. Poiaiosa, 1 aunl 2 per busbei: Sweets. o Utot 00. Sall-No. 1. pet btt 1 20 : fcxtra. P"r bid. 1 2ft . Dairy, per bol, I . naga o-.. White. uerlb,2'c: Cotton, Mixed, AA,e : ;l- en,WaV- Seeua, Timothy, per buenea, 3 ,js 2 Bu: Ciover. 4 7aa4 00 tur small : ft Uv4 Inrge. Tallow. Cmntry, 7asn ; Beeswax. -per lb. Vinegar. ovuntry, I'-aLlc per gal. Urvewrtew. Onn tv flee, Fancy Kin. per IK 13;e ; Choice, do. Ijc ; Ptime Bio. lJe;Uood too, lOl-jC, Or dinary, lie; Java, S2a23e, Kosatel Code, la paper, per lb, 2021e : low er grades. 13a 1 (ntt tn bulk, Italic; Java, paper, ita-SSe; Java, bulk. SOaii. Sugars, Staalarl A, per lb, S' : Wmdsor A. P.e: Prarle B, 8;e: kenned Yeitow, I'as'ic; Mollasses Yellow, S-aT'-iC : OrannUated. r'.c; Powdered, 10" e; Cruaheu Ww. Cut Lual, lo'.c , errors, Choice Maple Flavored, 44c 1 Prime Maple Flavored. 43c ; vihoire Sugar Syrun, esc; Prime Suar Syrup, toe ; thwd sugar Syrup, 44c Black Strap, & toe, KangooB.pcrlb, 4!sfr74c; Carolina, I k Orleans Molasses, Choice, 73c: Strictly Prime, 68c ; Prime, t-t). Teas. Young Hyaow. per lb, lie al 00 : Gun powder, 24c.nl so ; Imperial. saaMic: Japan, 33 a70C ; Woloog. S2a7ie : Souchong. .'. Caadioa, Star, tnlt weir hi. ua. 1 ia..rlne, per set, 12'c ; Muukl, per s' .-o. la-atlsi, rinmr. Fweel, etc. Wheat-Prime Bed Winter, 1 SBsl 42: Xedl am, 1 3oal ii. . Corn High mixed Shelled. 74a7V ; Tslk Shelled, 7.e7e ; Ear Cora, 77Sc. tmts. Prime Whlta, i-taoe; Mixed, tsatee. Bye 3a4e tor Westera; SaVM tor Pennsyl vania and Ohio. - barley 1 ool IB ft Prim North-western Spring; Doc al 00 lor Medium. Flur Fancy Patents, (spring and winter) J 2ia6 id ; Fancy St. Louis, (Winter) 7 74eAOO: Fancy Family Whit Amber and Winter, t son 7 Choice, Famly, (choice rad winter) 7t' 7 iO: XX. Family, (medium winter) ;'7 W: XXX Bakers'! HtoaeaoU) 7 00a7 4li: XX Bakers' (Wisconsin) 7 0)e7 2A: Cornmeat suaeoc, m pa per. Oatmeal medium brand oun li per bol ; r srs-r I 7Sa8 00 : Bye Flour. 4 75e6 00. Mill Feed Wblie Middlings 28 O0s3 10 roarse, du, ti 00a . 00-: Seoxskie. 21 0tMJ2 00 : Bran. 23 uu24 00; Choppeit Feed, 2& taiaS vs. Hay Prime Timothy, baled, at 14 40a 11 00 per ton ; Prime lew Luese. U &oal4 vo. Pret nnel 4.1 v Slarh Provisions Ex. S. V. Hams, per li lJ'V : Fs. S. C. SbouKiars, Or ; Ex. S. C. Break fa Bacon. IX tc; Ex. S. C. Dried Beef, la sets, 14c: Beef Tungues. per doaea. 4 00 ; Ba-a StMrtilders. 8'--; Short Klb Sides, 11',: do, Clear Sides, 11 V: Mess Pork, per 11, 418 1: du. Short Cut Fami ly, ao 10 40 pro , in bid, 18 74: Lard. Kenned, summer use, la tierces. U'y : do. In half btt lc : do. In bw-kets. 12'x : du, 3 lb palls. u llx In rase, i;:',c: do,lb pa'Us, 13e; do, 4 U pails, U ,c ; do, 14 lb pails. 13c. Cattle Fair to Prime Shipping. 4 X.'a6 7". com mon to good butchering, ft Mi 10; Hulls and Fat Cows, 4 OOaft .'.0 ; aula, oaTc. Sheep Common to Fair, at 6 OUaS to, and Good to Prime, at 2&a4 00 : Iimbs, i fruaS 60. Hogs Philadelphia H-.g, 7 2S7 40: Good Corn Fed Yorkers, 4 4 7j: Graasera.4 W0a6 2ft -A star () Indicates that the quotatkons in line opposite have rhsnged slqce laat Issue. Barote general changes In Flour qu-Katlone LIST OF CAUS ES. For Trial at April Term of Conrt, 1 W-t com mencing J4th April, ls2. firsteek. TrcaiiAY. 1. Joslnh Brant vs. John II fit 2. M. A. sanner A Uo. vs. Fram-la Hrever. . 3. Ed. W. Khoada vs. Dadol Kbaeda' ad; BUTOS trator. Wedsesbat. 4. Charles F. Rhoads vs. Same. ft. Mary S. Coleman's use vs. Same. 4. Caroline Khoada' heirs vs. Same. 7. Michael G. Dlvely va Charles Divetv. A First National Bank ot Meyersdale vs. Sca ry Bull re, et nl. v. Aiccasdless. Jamison A Co. va Slim L al A MinlnzCo. 10. John S. Cramer vs. Drvld Phllllppi, st U. 11. W. H. Bates vs. Epbr-nn Sieicher. 12. Samuel Zimmerman -. John and Sev 411a Howard. Thce-sdav. IX Jacob 'Cover. Sr.. vs. Sufann .h Eoot six's Executor. 1A A- J-Mlchaet endorse. Ac ts. John ft Har. lft L Hurras and ft G.I-Int l A.V il month mmd W. H. Zufci.it s HERIFFS SALE. Br virtue of certain writs of Vend. Ex.. and FL Fa.. Issued out ot the Court of Common Pleas of Somerset Coantv, Pa., and to me directed, there win be exposed to public sale, at the Conrt House, In somerset, ra., va WEDXESDA V, April 20, 1S82. at 1 o'clock, n. m.. all the right title, interest ami claim 01 the defendant, Ishmael Baer of. In and to the following real estate, situate la Allegheny twp..Spmersetconntv,Pa .adjoining lands of Wm. DUelr. William Keilv. Henry Baer ami ethers. containing 100 seres more or less, above Ave acres cleared and having thereon erected a log dwelling nouse Taken in execution at the suit of Hannah Hut- xel use ot Hannah Baer. ALSO All the right title, ioierest ami claim of the de fendant, Joseph Tressler. of. In and to the fallow ing real estate, situate in srotnersvsiiey Two , somerset tjo., fa., containing 1 acres more or leas. with a two-story dwelling house tLereon erected. atljoinlns lands of Geo. W. Snober. Peter Burk- hoider, Harriet J udy snd others, with the appur tenances. Taken in execution ss the nroDertv of Ji oh Tressler. at the suit of Shank aol W alker. notice. All persons puienasicg at the above saie win piease taae notice mat a part 01 me pur chase money to be made known at the time of sale will be required as soon as the property is knocked down, otherwise it will be again exposed to sale at the risk of the first purchaser. The residue of the purchase money mum be paid on or belore Thursday of the first week of April Court. the time fixed l.y the Court for seeurinr the ac- snowiedgment 01 deeds, snd no deed will be ac knowledged until the nnrehaM raonev is paid tn tu L JOHN J. Sr ANGLER, SBEBirr's Office, t Sheriff. April 3d, 1W2 44 AS 17 10 21 40 04 Stl 337 7 B3 133 tn 7 a 7 24 13 SB 13 24 4 SS A DM INISTR ATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Silas C. Keltn, la-.e of Salisbury Bur., Somerset Uo dec d. Letters of sdmlnlstation n the above estate having bees granted to the undersigned by the proper authority, notice is hereby given to those Indebted tn the saio estate to make Immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against It to present litem duly authenticated for settlement, on Monday, the lith day ot May, 1892, at the late residence of the deceased. HOWARD H.KE1IM. N.GEORGE KEIM, aprft Admlnistrauirs. TSAAC HUGUS. J. ATTOBXET-A'J-I.AW, apri 1882 Somerset, Penn' a. D1 EXNIS MEYERS. ATTORN E Y-AT-LAW, Somerset Penn'a. All legal bariness entrusted tu his care will be attended to with promptness and fidelity. Office tn Mammoth Block next door to Boyd's drug store. apri SEC0XD WEEK'. MoXDAV 1. Philsnn. Black A Co.. vs. Henry MuU. 2. Daniel Wry ana' 1 heirs vs. Hlteshew A. Thom as. 3 3. F. Bender vs. Bedford and Sioystov rr. trurn plke Koa.1 tympany. 4. Jacob J. (iiessner vs. William Suder. ft. W. H. Dill et al vs. Salisbury and J ltl vorw Railroad and Coal Company. 6. Dill A Watson va. same. 7. Rebecca U. Meyers vs. John Tela; et al. 8. Nelson Beall vs. Hobliuell uw Hoclc ngs' gnraishees. B. Salisburv Rallroail Company va. Cnnsber. lanl k Elklick l Oxapany. 10. Meyers' Administrators vs. S. L. Meyen et al. Weostesday. It Samnel Hunsccker vs. Iiantl Weyai d's administrator and heirs. 12. Same va Same. 13. Contlaence Proprietors va Dr. W. S. Mot in tsin. 14. Same vs. Adam R. Humbert, la. SaMie vs. W. E. Pulien. Thcbsdat. SHERIFF'S SALE. v virtus of certain writs of AL Levari Facias, ami" Ft Fa., loaned out t the Court of Common Pleas of Somerset county. Pa, and to me directed, there wlil be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in Somerset, Pa., OA Thursday, April 1S7A, 1SS2, t l o'clock r. ., aU the right, title. Interest and clat of RJthard M. J. Zahnlser, Joha S. WU--n ami Hunter F. Pardon, defendants, and .if i tkerton Lumber Company, (llmiteil). terra ..7. . of, in and to the following described real tenants vwj( . "!' 1 VeertalB tract of land situate in Addie. no. 1. a BrMteountT. pa., surveyeil oa a war- 1 wti . Mia ' ...... -lame of Adam W hits, containing 424 sasnre. adjoining lands warranted John While, Christopher Whits acres, strict . in the name a and others. of land flluste ss aforesaid, sar- . . -T. at In the name of John White Jf"1, "? trlct measure. adj.4ninir uSdVrrinteTlk " AU" W Tz. Atractsfk t ICTN UB wmi ,4 ...I S.-hrock. eontainisg acres and 1M perches n r the Old lorgo tract, wiet saeasore. aanJa White Jajnes Caden cislin. lass. Jaaoes Cadcn cUim, Us XA'tract of t-d s -M - isHiiKra.r- ed In the a a ma ut 14. Daniel Weyand's heirs, Ae. va Jefaa Brrkei bil. 17. Henry S. Picking ve. O. Vsnnler et il. 18. Ed M. Kimmel vs. George W. Pile. 1. G. A. Flicklnger vs. Wekl A Sheridan. 20. W. L. Hobliltell va J. 1. Barnes. il. Jonathan Miner vs. Joha A. Miller's Ex euior. 22. Jonathan A. Miller vs. T. Pries sad T. Beeee. 23. U. H. Lee A Brother vs. Jacob A. Shaffer. 24. George K. Drippe' Administrators va Josf ah Brant. 25. Henry Taym-vn vs. Weld A Sheridan. Isaac Hugus vs. Nicholas Berkey. 27. Same va Ed Alcott. 28. Same vs. Abraham Fsitb. Mary Kownts vs. Henry Beal and Daniel Beat Somerset Pa.. S. V. Trent marcn 47 in, issa. , ESS'vnSZ Jos- Wh .f rrlnt" No. ft. A tract of land slfmas ss a-veeal.t, sar vered ee a warrant In tb isn t'Ornclius Keiley. containing 424 acres s.s-a-t mesr. sd oinlnVrlsrii.l of surveys In the name Adam Cramer, Jbn White and others. No. o. A tract of land situate as afrea!!. u r reyed en a -warrant in the mbsW oTIstopber White, cos tain id k four hundrl acre, more or less, Bdiolnin- lands of Samuel HeinbMgh, Pin kerton Tunnel tract, larnls warranted la the name ef Adam White, Jonn w nite au-i So. 10. A eertein tract ot land known ss Pinker Wa Point in upper Turkeyfoet township, roniatsv sna-Sft acres, strict measure, being part of a sur vey in the name of Thomas While, nil joining land In sws of Christoxaier While, lanus of David Herabawgh and others. ... , No. IL A tract of land situate In I. pper Turkey Coot township, containing 111 acres and 137 perch es ad mining Casselmaa s-rer, lands la the asm of Christ rouer While, laed of Aaron sechler, William Snyder and ot here, being pan of a tract et L-ind knoerw a the Peter Waimer tract. Also, all the coal, iron ore, limestone, fire clay snd oth er minerals and mineral substances, lying snd be ing on. under anal euetained within the surface of Ibe land hereinafter described, and the necessary right of way to remove said minerals by sued ways awl means as may be) Ion ml necessary, but tn such wsy and ssaavner as to do as U"le tatary to the eurttce soil as possible, vis : No. 13. The minerals as aloresnkl qf a certain tract of land situate ui l'prr Turkeyfoot Twp., cvntalnlna; 140 seres. Law surface ul w loohjs own- Prothonotsry. R EGISTER'S NOTICE.- tanrer. Administrator, d by William Snyder. ad)oinlng lanU ef Arop Sechler. Hiram Cramer snd others, beinjc past ul a tract of land known as the Peter Vernier farm. Mo, 13. The like minerals as sauresaid of a traat of land situate sf"vell. knowo as the Jacob Gerbart farm. oaMavlnlng 240 acres ecd 12 perenee miioinlng lands s James neinoaai.ru. mi ram , Jramer and otheaa, tte surface ot which is owned I y Jonathan Moyer. No. 1 i. The three-fi rt part of the like mineral a certain tract of bind situate as aforesaid, e ntaining 206U acres, adjoining Ns. 1 mat alora m, -t larxl of John Brouebar. Cunningham's helsa am 1 others, the surtnee of whiV-h is owned by John Bra aeber, snd is known as liw L'pper Hulbrook fS, 14. The undivided three-MUis of the like mm rals in a certain tract of land siueateaalore sn'id. containing 2 acres and 44 perchea, adudnlog hv os hereinbefore descrin! a No. 13, Ave., uv ls f Phineas Sechler and ethers, tee arfa-w nf w ira is ewnea oy niram trsntr, eataou torn Lt wet ' noioroos larm. fngt "ther with the following buildings aaJ isa- r ta.3. Having thereoaj erected lour dwelling bo, (frame or plank), two stable snd other out BesMiirgB. f oxd. Having thereon erected one store house, nin 4oetJmgh-euM(trameerpUnhi, ooebbMk smi At sAob, three stables, sad a good stationary stes Bsrnlll. N- ki. iHAring thereon ereeteil dwelling bom tn-awe, or plans , ban k bnrn and other oat bulk. anus. No. -Am. Haih-K thereon ereeteil two dwelling ho art srnuMr plank), two. stables ami otner A lac ts trm.ra& running through tracts No. 3,3. A land XL Tnki eaecu: Vm at the salt of Niult tx-Ai, se of taxsnnuel Lirhtyvosd Ksitn at Livengood. -AtaJ AJlUwTtght, title. 4eiendi est.sJrias Im imw das enbeal real tv. rltrste bn Aliezhenr iswnshi,t. siusnermt eounry. Pi containing 34 j wrreA ceore mt leiefc adjoining tnds ut John 3 BTriarhL AnA-arer PourtsuBb had others, with a l.lst boas ?. sta'M, anw mill ami other .tbulldiaics -" litis. jntMt and cltlm of tud I LAnO'.pfisi anil lo follow--al ert-Vt. rfuste bn Aliezhenv Notice Is hcrebv aiven to all nerona concernMt ss legatees, creditors, or otherwise, that the fol lowing accounts have passed reirister. and tbat tha same will be presented for eonhrmstlon and al lowance nt an in-tinaa court to be held at Som. erset. April 27. lfrM. 1. account 01 jenersnnKQunds, ronrdisn of 3. Final m-coant of Duvtd T. Zimmerman. Guar. diaa 01 Emma Garman. now Emma Samuel. 8. 1 he account ot Jacob J. Zimmerman. Exera. 4- Account 01 Adam n. M Ac., ol Sarah Lohr. dee d ft. First and Onal account of R. P. f,hr Admla. lstralor snd Trustee of lis rid Lohr, deed. s. Account ol W. w. Demjieey. Executor of William Dempsey. dee'd. 7. First snd final account of Levi Sn der. Ad. mlnlsirator and Trustee for the sale of the real estate of Susan Snyder, dt-e'd. A Account ot Henry Scblsg, Executor of David Lohr. eee'd. . First and final account of Isaac Blant- Ad ministrator of William C. Miller, dee'd. 10. Second account of Dr. 1 . M Buechlv. Exe 1 . .,i t. CO tor of lhtniel Buecbley .deed. ,; -rj,-, .wMmmiMn at Ute suit of W. A.-ilrant. 11. sourm account of John SpelcBer and wtn 1 ... .. . M Senroek. Administrators and Trustees of To-" ? V"!7f-.AU f0 mrc6"'D ' lhu" bias SlieH-her, dee d. 1-saJe will pteaee wAe BOticw that a part ol ths 12. First and final account ef L. n. ,lboro Irfsnrehase 1 soriey 4a he ma.! gnnwn at the time Administrator of Joha Maeun, dee'd. - ! ul ss wfJI be ftasssrea ae soow as tne fmswrty - . . . J. 1 A L-aAdlffawt 4L. .wsssaa i I m laasani isaws BB BAT 111 leBi SB aval swa aw 1. Slratand Daal anM or lit,. lil. a., kowmw - - - - - Ml.l nr A K k. LMI. .1 J ' u. ... u ' I . . 1 . . Ul . . U CT 1.1 . 14. Second snd Bnal neemtnt of 111,1 Slnuui I k nm. l.lm in.im lou-i... -I 'josirt. tne time nxeu uttbs. li. First an-1 final scrount of Daniel Kimmel ""-". . ;.-s- Ouanlian of Ellin Sanismaa. I mmxi purersnse -pai '' 1A Second and Anal account of J. R. Davis ail...' . ministratovot Joha Davis, dee'd. t ATln"s Ottl?, 17 Account ef Emanuel Kanfasan. T.rntnr M-i oomeraev. wrai a. Solomon Kaalman. dee'd. -J . rurrvrL'TD rT( ir j vnTtnn 18. Seouad and final aoeooot of John M. Zim . I T LJii.'wiii.viun .wiiLr.. mermB, Administrator of John L. Smith, doo'd.. ;j 1a. la. first snd final aecoaae of John O. KtmnieL. . Jutts) of A. J. uaseneer, lata . eg .Somerset bar Executor of Sarah Flick, dee'd. '1 iMgh, dee d. 2L Second and final account of Aaron Will and. 1 r ... . -. - . . . , miuuu, unn, vi oar; n. an;mr j been granted lo the undersigned, by meed to snviw at tnee-lsk of the first nurchaser. H. B.n,!, The resldooor the ptixcase money must be 1x1 id -m jEJu.i.k 'I oeforw Tharwliry ot Ih first week of April rreiiericB. 4Jnart tM Um nxad byvBss Court fijrthe acknowU and nosed will beaekjiowi t nbscv-a Da lit lw full. JOHN i-PANULER. cberitf. CORK SHAVINGS, MATTBESSES, This article has bo equal for cheapness ad das- ability. Parties desiring to chassis their Bed. disg woakl do well to give It a trial. Price. cents per pound. Sacks, SO teats seek. 44 lbs will all a large mattress, for sale by AStSiMTBONw. BB4A. at .. Or. Mlaitsersl atallsenia atav, piiiabwrs;. rassm av aprj-lst dee'd. 21. Account of I, M. nieeana am Adam tn. grunt. Ad miniOra tors rasa trtttmtnlo onnrrott ' Frans pubr. See d. Bboisteb tsrrirB. ) A. A. STVTZMAN, Somerset, M sr. 17, '82. Keg later. JEGAL NOTICE. TO ALL WHOM IT MAT COSCEBS: Tags Notu-s Tsat st the Adjourned Cawrt. held the lath day of March. 1843, apnltratkta was made by the Christina Church, at Addison. Pa., for a charter of meorporation.sBd sxUess saBVIent ressoa ts shown to the contrary, the same will be granted at the next lerat of the Conrt, to be held ua Ike 4th Xoaday of April, U82. Per Curium. S. O.TBENT, BsarZBslt ProijMjfwcary. V FOl LAND. 0T1CE FOR APPLICATION FOB W ABB AST FOB INIMPBuYED SSIGXEES' ACCOUNTS. The follow taei aecvents have been filed will be prssentsd for confirmtiua, est Ttiurulay, April iTA, 1882, II1.& King, Assignee of Godfrey Hurl ler. X (i. B. King, Assignee of Michael HoclauaU. ler. A D. W. WUt Assigns of Joba King and wib . 4. George Barclay. Assignee of Solosaoa I ABsrr. I ft. First and Final Beeouu of J. K. Seott. tfean- I mtttee ef H. J. Book. Somerset, Pa . S. 17. TRENT. March 37lh, iK3. S ProthosxiissT. To AU Wkom if Jfsy t'SBcrra : PUBLIC SALE! OF VALUABLE LOTS AT LA VANSVILLE, PA.!'! The Badersigned Executor snd Trustee far tb sal of the real sjuu of Mary Owndla, lata of" Somerset township, deceaeed. will a Bar lor rale, at public eatery at the Ceurt House, at Soxnerset, Saturday, Jpiil 15, 1S-S2, at 1 e'rlork p. bv. the following reaJ estate, vis : Na. I. The bouse and two lota at ground, sitna-a ted oa the north side of the pet lie road, running ' east and west tbrouxh the tcwa. of Lnvaaeville, adjoining Levi Knepper ea the east, alley oa the north, lssvae Flick's heirs oa Us west, sad public -road oa tha smth. No. 2. Two lots ot around ae the south side n4T: I said road la said towa. aduvssaisr Jobs Thompsoa . j' on the east, alley ob me aoata, Alex, jounirymaa. us noTTa. the proper authority, notice is hereby glvesi t those indebted to it to maaw rmiaediaXB aai ment, ami those having claims or demands will please present them duly authenticated fir set tlement at the ethee in Casebeer's Store, oa Frt dsy,Atiril7, 18i WM. B. FREASK ' J. W.CASKBEEK, marl Administraior. 73 CENTS WELL INVESTED. Hmi bnttsa rt kaoftji lHitli-ra will wiaan u wtMaNHtin y, 4e lyaui-w. a ner and Li rli-wt.iaiai that aae aver bee r tared; home the Amertraa Uc. It 'sad Kalaeya. regniaSasi he nowela, pnriAi tbe4 Moon, im earrfcnoBT all 'Imparities that ring as h ssnwieeh, fberett ma- syatem tromp aft I I B-B 4W ted turn I. a I If I! ;kiag the I fcoraeaie I . , I . 1 1. . pno- 1 1 1 It acta enMi the Lreai 14 system sraaj malarial ami yw Mil Are you lancnfcl arfcMng In the saorn- iTar f Are maaKIrS rains I a a-- fwtth arwte crdiflf paitu '' bar ' 1 so, VyATPrzn at re f r Sweibali bah Bllt. ra It will care ye If sow are f It or tnaabtsd with tadi, , want ef aneetits., kif nsrrry, takeBwe- H WiU Bswr- uW-wTEu 1 f i ras-lf eBnswaaa FxeSBwawxr1"' 'fv, ( I V I k . f rmrrrv, take Bwe-1 raaa . I 4BBBBSB1 liMak BttSara, H wlH Bewr-I L .1 f 1 aatah. atiawaihesi and tm-U mm? Jt a 1 t . ; I bbt HTheTert !s tProof, j laa- Vmr snaslaurtw. sbsCDb' i SBBBBsaa! ;l -T I auadBaias aihAja- I nBSSSBaa-1 K BV S J m ws vwacrr ems nr . 1 i P -" sllsls BWtasewCaa.1 I II j waaset nv. Bu A J I Tita aatlra thai, at the exniratlon ol thirty I . . ... ;....:' ,. l. ,1 . 'im tne wot. as 1 pumie mswi ew unys 1 wm s sfi'maiM iiw. mmw , ,s 1. 1 aj-a . K. Dunks L Secretary el Internal Alalrs, lor a - . .li.. . hi.mm Im.1 iit,.u I f haa. half cash em da v ef sale. K in six months.. I eikllek taws shin. Som arret county. Paac join-1 snd la twelve months, w aheut Interest, ray- . lag lands of Daniel Besrhy 00 the east, Henry M. menu W be secwrBd by ' JsriraeM 1 Bojd; Baker aw the west and Philip Gn.a entheaortk, ; J. it tt N rBYMAN. and will ask that il be Issued to me (or the same. , Exe,-ulor assl Trustee of Jtary CramlU, dee d. atarS PHILIP GKOFF. ssar3 i n ; I ' w t ; j X ; 1 : ? ! i r ! 1 I. 1 :