The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, February 22, 1882, Image 4

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    . " ...
'T-jna, I've Fomtlhn.g to Ull you
a pecrct, you know !' declared Ed
na Wom worth, taking one of the
Squire's great brown hands between
her f oft, while ones, snd looking up
.to Lb face.
-A secret, Edna ! What can it le?"
Lo Cfcked in Lis gru.f tone.
"Something which happened
jthiie I was vi? king cou-m firu.-e in
New York."
"Ah I some city notion, I eu;po:-e.
I told your mher that three
months in .v'nr York would fpiie
vou lor a plain farmer" daughter.
Vell, tell me the pecrct ?''
J'hegm ..-S-tilc.h a lin.- i cl cm-i
i-;ar.ii--s:i:' tingling her r e!i!..
"You wont he ar.jiry, ....i?' r-i.e )
. Nat:-!-,
J. M ;.- hv.A
city i-'jt. "V-'i
you '"
Sin iiit'-Trup
u:.d then sum
::'!. e.f i;:ir.ii.ii
iiu Ji-vu gone auJ
:id hvart, over some
n i.ifii.titr I tuM
I aii
a .-I'jn',
her cour-
'1 hay,.
i:.y head,
have civt.'
i- a 'aol.ii'
thre is
h.-t i:
And it
it to I
true i
y heart, but hot
is no 2cvi t!i:tt I
sMire you. II?
ear'.td taan, arid
v, it v we shoul
Sin' tpnke But.
t'H sti in c-'i:
Went lib v..
cu'; r Icit lit. r
ar.d with
- i'in upon
of S juire
pause, the
She knew
e ex pre
id-' her
lier lather to be
she knew that
whims and m;c
a human King
' siio k'aew
a very lirrn inat::
Le was t'3 full of
i?0!abie r:itiuiirt as
could lioid; a:;d,
that he noises ed
:.n indomitable v.iil whith he exer-
d upon occasions to the extent
o. oiistir.aey
sttirm in hi
from it in A.
Ana now s!:e saw a
; lace, and she shrank
:r. It was nat long in
"Edna V.'iLtworth, lio.v dure you
-;ir.:e to n:c with this? How dare
you throw j nurse! f on a brainless
rtranger, wlirn vou know that 1
haw ehusen fr you.
wisely, too?"' What
:md chosen
us of
Jlayth-n s..v i!
The voice of the oSd in...: ue?
hoarse with rage, and he gland
upon his b-er.utilV.1 dau;:iiter as
though his herrt was fiiied with
!ia! instead of love towards her.
And yet il w;is Lis love which
prompted his indignation at what
lie r house to call her fr.liv.
' 1'a'.;, I told you long ?go that 1
COtlKl h'
!:ira as a
r marry .lotm. l uue
friend and no more.
end it is too late now. 1 have
pieJgcd Lims-lf to I'aul Gregory !"'
Edna returned, her voice very low
and tremuloa--, yet quite lirm.
And ti,.i bt't v0 will not re-
lorn n I of unreasonable
which cam
from Si'aire
e doubt if he
Wentworth'a lips. W
eov.Id Juive repeated
an hour lah-r.-
thua himself
Edna fled to her loom and there,
wirownnr licrstii
wept and pr.tyed
unon iu r couch.
in such hope!
. 1
as and !h-yt
e to J:er
a tort t.-t peace came
".p.o;. ht r
1 vii: . :ii 1.
nd she rote with a bright
r t v.ttt lace.
.libera. ly she seated her-
Verv del
?-;fat h.-ri
tit tit.l, and ro.iue
matterials pre-eec-.b-d
a g very kmg epistle.
irer wtiting
; .'ia.ilte a h:
It was tiu!
aiea and directed
New York. And
t was posted and
village postmaster
r bad been si nt
to I'aul Oregajy,
w,'!:i:i a:i hour '.
no O'ae except til.
i:ra w meii a h !
thro"-'.: the ! .:::'
n a lo'j
!i having ;
The speaker was
dio-.M.h-red 1'eiiow,
.vard t'.f f.v.j?it v-tive
a t.i".h broatl
t vi dently up-ve.-irs
t.f a'.-i;.
UN face t!;vot:g
had a rau.iy h'.ie.
eves ami ii.:!v!.?:
i i.ot v.-ry brown,
and his i;.rge, bine
:ie U'-i f
tircs" could
-s a tra!i-'
1.1.1 nave the.; to lomic
1 1 ; .i
v ;u.:e a cutworm
apj. fir a 'job''
eyt s.
The ri' utter was t
"'thd manner,
i n ke 1 i'i the top of
surveyed the
wit!: critical
: a plant.
Kits and
o-s orrvM p'-n
:;i-: face.
l'iie vain
were almost
'itt he saw la
led ,
' ' ,u
: 1
- iian'is
A thai
i'.ir as a
e v v. 1 li
v,::ian s
1 t '0 and
"You iuvcn'l w:
a out
" the
rs t::is s( ase:i
.ike it:
.'-. sir. iut I'm no gre n 1
v-ia'il find t'aat out.' it uia. d tin
s';-.tjct r.
k ry wed. we ;i Jot voa
I need In lu, tii ilV ei rt
ron's work never v.-.:riiv.i
vc it.
A -e.i-
::s this
ree has. I'd hi.e i;' vtai e-ou'.d
pi ieh r"a:ht i:i this ui'.: riao:
suppose you ii expect to b .i:d with
me it will be more ie.i.av nights
i nor,
... ... ,
h. V. c;t'.', irtli .-.nd
The U
lt-r s'ekiiow
.,:....-I. rt ....... I .
iroiiucti'va v illi a verv demur x-
pris-ioTi. .nl Tnriir.;!ior.t
) ... (i
meal she cirefiillv avoidi il
,. -
niej-tmj I
the r.t:-:e of the fir;
uii' , .(-' , I ..
-(tl, i . :
h r.ii t a:ii.irr.;ssment an. s:. .i net i-
. ... . i. .11 Hwuu.-v t1 iii"; rt j
. r'c'..,.,:. it. 'i
. . I
1 10 r.'.. i.r.7i.-ii vrnvfti
jTovec!. in tlie '
nrvs own wors, "a j.nfije hand
tn swir.j a f-cvlhc." His lonp-, pow
erful arms laid a wide swath: and
there was not nn other man in the
field who could keu up with him.
And r. the days went on his em
ployer's satisfaction with his work
increased. And one day a hoi,
breathless day something happen
ed which placed the new hand
high in favor with the S-iuire.
It was toward the close of the af-j
.. . i.i r-1 r . : inat i.e woc.Ki nx up a inaeinne liiat : " ""fv-tf .-..)... r-i u,.. .,, , ,.' .
O ,e, ,n, id -"feuto u ,. fjraa.tliecal,. I locomotives with fuel. He has ! county, "without delay- ' he Sen-;
r."- ..I . 111 1 .1 .'.ttlifl .-AMttwiJ lt'1'..l! II . . -,-..1 I. ., i irilll'i 1 Ul kl 1 '14 i 111 I 1 I '
. , V, ,..-' .. , ; , pa t d M Lu Lu. and a small wager ccn ueponucni on otner roaus ir i xu , ; Th
m.-rrnv, aee:e-ed tee straroer. .... ..: , .... T r:. l-.-,!mtl, ! t.. m..;,o ;!.;., eflort m favor of remova wascr.iwn-
i, ,;., i. , :is inii up it M ii'" uii! o;.C! in ' r- " i ... , , . rentiers tlie f.i
T. '-argai.i was .r,v, a t .:c;e. th(l r; kia,r his reach, which he burned in his ! with success, lioth branches I s U'c 1,1 Diir'.on wa-s t ng;:;c.l tori . , ,? T r. Wn 1 .. .... ..l:ti,. rl voted to remove to Lancaster then ! i ..' .
. ... f . .. . . ..o., :e ik Ki!tiii, .ir. .(ones is " ...... . , It IK,. ( moiitos i. ii.n nata'.o-i.. .... , .! :.- ,n : .i. .I.i tmvn nl nri .n..-..rt.ivw.t. .... I. '
dl-intr" in fact. ':1;!u 1;U ,,;11.ov" ". ! . m l . ! i., ,V,;d..rVKu ;,7.i,..' : lone,or
', r ,j - . , a treis :t train, and a L':i'J trcttcr in ; f-'eai- t pei;t-.njii in woicii iie i . , " to be an or.en
And tlien t::e twam went into I ,. .:7. , -., r,.! lh,t :i tt.; u i or. Acconhn" v. in December. IT'.il) lo Ve .i?n.0I,tl1
ternoon, and to the westward were' the original, "whenlsav read, cut I
.'111 ! 1 , - , .(.. '.. ... -..
pi'.L-d dark, ominous looking clouds I
that thi'c.-.tencd a drench to a goodly j
portion of tue Squ;res hay.
j-.very worsen a
Ids life. H-.riec lV.irlou
v.'ii. It was hut, su'tt v
? tnotigj for ;
leading tiiej
.oppressive; '
rr rciieveti ;ne
;i.t. .-: v
lh ? !:t at. The Sii'iire
t wer raking in wind
d were fiimost .-.idtt by side.
:.'? Vv' t'!i r-ioprHtl
ru.vs, i
't n; King, rut one nan
4t.'t! S,M. to t!l. 1 'itt '
I'ill tfl.
'urtiisi hpr.M: 1 !.
v:y of !;irrnr, jh; j m
tn his !)i :id,
fit!i a hi''
!.: wuh v. j
itvaner mo-:
i no i..t:l r.iisea
.,:":l-'.i')Us ;:.!! to
.e head
:s ktirc.
t de o':j.t !i;!liis who were wo;
i 1 1 n- r r 1 1 t 111'.' sv t in ' i-r:i
j i:-os:r:N-i ' Hit the heat." i '
d.fl-.itd li-irton. i.i nr.w( r to the;
pn rii' of i!.i-...:. is. And then he!
a Med : S
One f vou rotst co for the doc
tor, whil another helps rue carry !
Wentworth into the Lou.e. lie will
die if we let him he here m the I
The air of command assumed by
Horace I'urton was resprcttd, as it
always in in men of his stamp.
.Sijuire Wentworth was borne to
the bouse and placed upon a bed.
Hi.- wif" was too nearly overcome
with the shock to know whet to do ;
! and onlv Edna and the farm hand
were efficient in the en.i rgencv
By the prompt treatment of Bur-
ton the untortunfite man was par- jcn suci4 cn immense gum into the
vally resuscitated. And then the j management of claim agents. Be
doctor came. j vond the palace of the funding bill,
';t is n case
of sunstroke, am
q:ito,:i severe one.
nu t another d.iv
etii season,
was ti: physicians ;
soo'i PS the Sijuav
was able, i
he was informed of the doctor's j evident that it will not be report
mandate. It was E lrav who told I ,j !o Senate, until it has
dm, antl she staid ly hw bedside.;
r soft ccol hand carcssiag hi. i
ti. robbing temples.
"fc.-f here, child." he txt
after a moment's relieelions. .
"Well, pajai?" she queried.
"I wi.-h vou would hunt up that
that what is his name? Burton,
Jia; s u : ana uii una u nui-.
t ... .ilti:... .
I want to sneak with h'.m. It 11
hini to come right oil" j
Edna obeyed; and the tall, bronz-
ed farm hand came in and stood be- j
side the girl.
"Thev say 1 vc got to keep tpuiet j
a spell, liunou, exciauncu jus vai-
plover, in his gruff, abrupt way.
."I am very sorry tor you. sir,
was the resiKmse.
Of course. Bet sympathy wont
keep the fami
guing to wreck
and ruin while I'm mending. You're
the best hand 1 ever had, and I
guess vou will keep things out of a
tangle'if I uive you charge of them
for a month or two. Will you try
"I will do ni7 best. Thanks for
And then the n:
joken labor
er returned to the hay-hc;d. leaving
Edna alone with her fattier. !
"Child, did you know that 1 had
hoped you would choose some such
man as" that for your husband ? He
is no fop, but iie is a man. and a
gentleman to the backbone !"
Squire Wentworth said that with
considerable warmth ; and to his
amazement Edna ran
lrom the
She rt turned in
a moment, how-1
ever, and Horace Burton cair.c with i
"1'apa," she said, Ler cheeks
crimson with blushes,' ! have taken
you ntyour word. We have agreed
to marry each other. We settled it
sobio time ago. He had a secret to
tell you though, for he doesn't like
to deceive you."
Squire Wentworth started, and
his farm hand said in a quiet tone :
"What Edna says is true. We
were betrothed several months ago.
I am Paul Burton Gregory, and 1
am from good old Vermont stock.
But fur three years I have lived in
New York, antl it was there I met
and loved your daughter. She wrote
to me stating t'.iat you objected to
me on the supposition that I was a
mere worthless fop, ami begged me
to come and con vi nee you of your
error. Have I succeeded in my
purpose. Squire Wentworth?'
The old man's feature worked
with suppressed feeling. lie was
temped to be angry at the rvxc of
winch lie had been the object.
Edna held her brcat'i in anxiety,
knowing the iron will of her father,
Perhaps the Squire's physical
weakness lavored lier, lor ween ne
spoke his utterance wi:s broken,
and there
were tear- on his palo
"You have euchcred me, I dt
i i..t : :.. ... .i
eiaie. ius, it uiu.iij too t"
stop matters now, and I have a!-1
I wa.Vfi saKt llir;l :i
farm would make
1 I . .ui"t deny
trood hand tin a .
a stood hus'.iane
t deny but vou re one.
vou rnav have Edna.'"
I'layin Cireim.
Whatevt.r the avt-r.n.
!!i';te i
iiviv l:i,.k in ori-inabtv be makes un!
kes up
tin Tv!j.fii"it V.i , .O. ti( Ii.
i seen another perform is too great or
' too an-.'erus for hi:n to undertake.
1 , ,, .. ... .. 1 ...
itrar lfii'.', i-u; .nines i so
called 1 was one anifr?g thtr crowd
j that attended the Coi
; t irons a
Hie !
! tew weeks agt m this city,
j feature that attracted Mr. Jone
itention more tmn anv: .in
eNe w:
.! the wonderful Mtai.uit the fl vin? !
! machine and the darim? Lu ' La. I
The e:.t:M.i!d is a Wi.n. et!.' him-
chine, uud. is po constructed that by
tiie agency ot
rubber cords it
lare' number if i
will throw a man a j
j great way in the air, giving hit
: several evolutions before a!i"htin lf :l trunk line, such n pos- j t-6 voted Jo to m favor of j while we yet grope among the shad-a-.
1 ! Tiii-t trick excited the imitatrveness j fcfsed by the other great rads in i removing to Carlisle, Cumberland ows. Hut by the by "We shall go
!of.Mr. Jones and he told Johnnie 1 the country. M. andcrbiit, cn.coun.t. ine .-enaieoi i not concur. litnne at evening, and find it mom
! Dae and Dick Hoe in confidence, I the other hand, has had no control j ln l'- s. the House again agreed tn ing there." Free Pre.
iof the further ha:, k of t!:e dark river,
i i .i - i -j l-i '
land the nurd .n.t of a brick on
i jinothtT i-.iiiju came near taking
. u i...t . . i.; j inui.i 'r -..f
on. ii.i.t "i iii.i ...... v. vj.., in, u.u.i;
,-i i i i u .-i
i.i!i.ti;.eii, ne uuiii a eaiaiuiii til ins
own devisins;. lho maciiir.e wa?
it-.t-i; ctuiMi ut ufiii;; iiiitut; u.
iin - J tiu-M.-.eti iiicktiiv .ii)iiiii:o
i 'eiit down and cut off about li 'n
t . ,- .. .
a plank was fastened, upon which
the would he I.n Lu was to lav hrn
c, (
At about tin; distance he i.n-
agined he would fall a- I.irg-? lot
of loo; liny was placed, so as to
make the descent easy. Every
thing being put in circus-like
order. Johnnie Doc and Dick Roe
ami the boys in tlie neighborhood
were notified to he on hand. The
catapult was sprung by means of a
windlass and a strong roje.
"Now," said Jones, putting him-
? lf in position in a way that would
have excited the envy of Lu Lu,
the cord and turn it loose." Every
thing w.-.s arranged and the com
mand given. Dick clipped the
cord and Jones went up as if he
had liecn shot from a 200 pound
gur. and Juimny Loo saj-s he went
v as ngii as tao weatlier cock on
the Court House stcenlc. Henass-I
ed forty fert be.vond the hay pile, !
; and fell in close proximity toaj
Ulum. The ir.iury received !
'iv Mr. Jtin.-s was five broken ribs.
li-i.-.;:.iled. knocked breathle
i .
i o.a aim a little out of socket
ll.s poysieian says ne wid recover.
. t uu.t oun.
When you are seated between
lawyer and a djetur you are in
a i
verv d.inperous iosition, for it is
- ither your rmony your iife.
IViun.i ty giving health
Lives Ixsiutv.
F" cuwmdart.
WAsnixcTOX.Feb. 17, 1SS1
... 4, i
The debates m the House and
Senate are, at present, somewhat te-
diou and unexciting. Ihe reap
portionment of Congress, made nec
essary by the new census, is not a
question that draws popular atten
tion. Nor does the t;5U)1(.W10U0
, . 1- . - 1
prodigality, now utscutwa cx poi
hicto. do more than excite a feeling
"0f rt fnore that we should have giv-
t i tt J -3 buMnrss of importance has
lie mu-tnot at-jot(. trnris ieid in the Senate dur
' work this prcs-j the week. This bill is now in
the hands ol she Ways antl cleans
Committee oi die House, wht re it is
...((.tjr-f, wjih inuch opposition. It
;,m, nincuded so t!.n! Mr.'i
u i!l is, it know it.
in u,e oumV.
duced a bib. v.iiich xas uromnuy
T. . IT P. :lr
p:ist-.!. providing that no person
ii i 1 1 v j1 having more than one wne
shall le t hgible to the ollice oi doie-
rato in the House of Representa-
- . . ni I'll
tive? lro:n a territory, mis mn
was leveled at Mr. CJeorje ()- Caii-
mm, a Marmon with considerably
ulore than one wife, who has long
vn the delegate from Utah in Con-
gress. Durimrthc week, Mr. Can -
non ras caj'lt.j beiore the Judiciary
Committee ot tlie J louse, ana asKca
I nianv questions relative to the so
cial and marital status of
liL'ionis.s in Utah. Some of his
plies were rot suitable for publica
tion, but, among other curious state
incuts, he said that spiritual mar
riage, in the belief of the "Later
I)ay Saints," meant that no woman
could attain Heaven unless married
to a Mormon on earth, lie express
ed his belief that the principles and
practices of the Mormon church
would finally snread over the w hole
earth, and that the present persecu-
t;011 c,f the
churcn by the L nitetl
have no other effect
states could
than to solidify he organization,
and increase the zeal of its communi
cants lor doctrines which they earn
estly believed to be revelations from
God. With reference to the bill be
fore the Judiciary Committee pre-
ventni2 polvcramisls Ironi votinjr or
holdiri" ofiice. Mr. Cannon said it
i n'nn!i! mirp fitiiit.thln if ninend-
e(i K0 as t() disfranchise, and disoual-
jrv? aj 0vt.nder3 njtainst the laws
i of chastity and single marriage.
the enormous number ot lour
thousand bills have been introduc
ed in the House, and there is little
prospect of an early termination of
tiiis Congress. Many Senators and
Members believe that the session
will last until the middle of July,
or until the heat and malaria shall
drive Congress to more healthful lo
calities. The tariff, fundirg, and appropri
ation biils will be debated nt con
sideral length, but only a few of the
thousand of bills introduced will
be heard from agai.t. A. very deter
mined effort will bo made by the
., . . ., , .......
ii uvc toe l oiuiiKit; ui.iisoer, mm u
view of suppressing the malaria
which eifects everything here, not
excepting legislation. The District
of Columbia is an oligarchy, govern
ed by Congress ami the President.
Her c:ti::ens have no votes, and no
influence. Congress is a chameleon
that seldom reflects the color of the
: Capitol. The personel of Con'jrrss
j ;s continually changing, and. ' like
j are more
ested in improving ine navi
the rivulets of their own
than in the sanitary condi-
tion of this
ntntain of laws. Tins
is a short sighted view of a very se
. r
: nouj iiinUiT, iU
it is the view of
C. A. S.
Vauderoilt's 1'nliey.
Yanderbiit's policy in reference to
j the Reading railroad, antl to get a
j controling hold on the bituminous
coal regions oi I ennsvlvania, in
making the product available for
nis JNetv lorS ro.ids, is now so tar
developed as to enable the public to
form some idea ot ::s vastntss. ft
' is jireeieel y what the Tt!cjrnrh in
i tlieati-d it would be six months airo. t
iwiicriit was snown
columns that the object of the Head-
ing railroad was to
l:;e esieiii ?ui
1 . I tr. c- .
tonage, a want wtnet
iLatroad Ml
since it took charge of
the anthra-
Clio uei I. ill reality Me
railroad has been iit'.ie more than a
local r id. with its tonage con-
huea . i tin- markets where its tracks
extend, but hickir.'' every advantage
oi the sources which sunnLed Ui :
end. Step by step. Jlr. Yandvil.ilt
has entrenched his movements to
wards the bituminous coal fields of
Pennsylvania and Virginia, and by
one mighty sweep of his resource?,
he has been enabled to jy his
strong erasp on tlie anthracite .coal
fields of the Schuylkill region, which
now pive him resources in freight
and fuel for all his roads, in vol-
which jio competing trunk !
line in ine counirv possesses. i;e-
possesses, lie
fre the year on which we have jut
entered closes, tlie Heading railroad
will have a direct connection with
ihe West from this point, giving it
a communication from New York,
through Harrisburg to Chicago, by
a continmtion of lines now com
plete, with only the link between
Connelsviile and Harrisburg to con
struct Unquestionably this is the
grandest and larrest railroad move-
ment erer pooled in this country bv i
which more trunk and lateral roads
- ... . 1
put in connection than ever
11.. . I
iiniieu uy a simuar comuinmon.
All the effects of this movement will
be conducive of prosperity to Penn
sylyania ; and wliat is of immediate
hnportance to our local readers, will
beef large be.efit to Harrisburg.-
ILir, i bnrg Tdegrapn.
.losh llillinifia Heartl From.
ry liver, I was induced to mix Hoit
;ittcrs whh the
sea gale, and have j
found the tincture a nlorious result !
1 F.-vo Kot... i,oi.. i i... I
the r.iUcrs. and am" not nftrirl t,. .1-
v ....... in .
s.i. "
Yours without a struglo.
Josh liiu.i.Mis
Loving hearts arc like
oegir ;
they live on whut is given them.
Dear BlUcrs: I am here trying i tlie house, lamenting the hs of its! ii-,,,. ", v ,t
trt hrrftjhft in -.11 f Vw cH nir V ,K?. I mother. Th nKV.M Km i.. . ... ( . ILklusKAUBt, 1 a., tcbrturv 0.
. 1" irr u.-. i u? ...i. 'u,'i A passenger tra n from New York.
, ttrau,iin iiatiu'' utfn ft n erer ura '''" t wim no e. an! sviii-' .t - - i i r -
ss. r. - i r..... ,ni,a.;.,.!K. 0..,m ... u, .. ., ' I on the U?ritral railroad of New J r-
Strang" Iiiiiarmir.
'A case of mysterious disappear- j Gt nerid Marcy tell? the following
ante it recorded in the New York story in Lid Army Uje -n 'Jit- IJord
paiiers w hich is worthy of note, be-!r: ,
cause it gives a glimpse of the large
l:lv,fcrinteneVer brought to
g -R hoeman was
a manuf tctnrer of hemp and flax, j
l .. : X" .. ... ..1- nn.l '
duinff business in New 1 ork end
living at Washington Heights, one
of the S'iburbs of the city. He bad
been m nied six years, had one
child, fond of domestic life, was
a model of punctuality in all his
habits, and had no vices. On Oclo-
1 ber 10th he storied from Lome to go
to Boston. He was to be gone three
days. He was last seen at noon on
that day, after lunching with an old
friend, as he was hurrying to catch
the elevated train. On his failure
to return aUhe appointed time his
wife became anxious and inquiries
were made. It was found mat he
had never readied Boston, .iud that
no one alone the lino could give a
: clue as tt his whereabouts. The
members of his firm and family have
t fm t j t getsomenews
, .. , . .. " r y ... .
of his fate, but thus far without suc
cess. Mr Schoneman was worth
about ! 10,000 ami had a good busi
ness, yet he left his home with only
S2" in his pocket, antl a small trav
eling satchel was his only baggage.
He dressed plainly, and wore no
costly iewelrv, so that he was riot
calculated to excite the cupidity of j ous old woman lie cast a wink back
robbers. He seldom drank and was i at his comrades, antl, suddenly rais
alwavs in excellent health arobustiing his Lead and snorting likea
and muscular man in the prime of
Telegrams were sent to the police
and officials of a large number of
towns, and a heavy reward was of
fered. One curious result of this
inquiry was that not less than thir
ty corouei-3 sent in word that each
had an unknown corpse wich he
was sure would prove to be that of
fhf mijiiii" rnnn. A these disnateh-
es were sent out over a comparitive- j
1)' small area, the number of un
known dead whose identity and late
remain a mystery mav be conceiv
ed. "
It is possible that the missing
man may h?ve voluntarily stepped
out of hi.s old life and determined to
begin anew elsewhere. Hawthorne
has developed a similar idea in one
of his stories. He makes a man
quit his home to see the effect his
abscence would have on his wife.
She becomes dangerously sick, and
his return is delayed from day to
day, until it is too "late. He reads
his name on a costly monument
which she rears to commemorate his
virtues, and after several years he is
present at her second marriage. The
little tale shows how completely a
man may lose his identity in a great
city, and has been paralleled by
several eases in real life.
Another and more common case
is that of the man who is laboring
under the excitement of overwork or
dissipation, and who voluntarily be
comes a fugitive. The most strik
ing example of this was afforded by
ex-Mayor Oakey Hall, of New York,
who abandoned a good law practice
and took a trip to England, disguis
ing himself so that he should no be
recognized by any oi his friends.
lie did not give las family any hint
r, . , ... , - i
13 PurI. and ontil h armal
at Uucenstown Ir.s late was a com
plete rnvstcry. He never explained
the causes wnicn ica mm io mis i
singular escapade, and it still re
mains an unsolved problem.
Yanc i- ) Ch roa !de.
; The
j this h:
TJe Cil- of IlarriHhur;.
Uariisburg Telegraph gives
torv ot the location ot the
! seat of Government of this State :
I Philadelphia was the commercial
W1I as the political centre of this
: State from 1CSG to 17W, not, howt-v-
er, without frequent manifestations
ot discontent on the part ot the rap
idly increasing population west of
! this important part ot the Province
and State. Of a portion of the his
tory of that long period, it is propos-
! 1 to present a brief review
Soon after the close of the Kevo-
lution the infant portion of the
State west of Philadelphia, having
during those eventful days furnish-;
cd pretty nearly all the men of the
war, felt, and was disposed to exer
cise its parliamentary power. Thus..
. j in March, 1787, the Assembly, then
, a single branch, in obedience to this
' sentiment, resoiveti
that "rhilatlei-
Vh'ia wa.s an unfortunate h-eation,
secure an outlet j expressing by votes its determina-it-.s
for its coal j tion to build a State bouse "at Har-
! risburg, on
a tuot ot j; round, the
i propi rty cf the Commonwealth,"
etc., being four and a half actes,
conveyed by John Harris in 178").
Harrisburg was then a town of near
ly 000 inhabitants.
In subsequent sessions, as in 17l!;",
'erne. w unguis lown, l orK !
tne lislature met in '.ancaster,
continuing to do mi until the ppring
of 1S11, when, in December, the
seat of Government was removed to
llarri-:burg, at which point it was
voted it should he, so eariy as ITS").
The provisions of the Constitution
now require that no removal can
hereafter lie made without the eon
sent of the people, at a rlec-
Short ol" ?
A Methodist minister traveling in
Michigan was entertained by a fam
ily, whose hospitality was greater
than their means, and wiio were
short :" meat. In order to spread a
good dinner for the parson, it was
decided to slay the pet hen which
belonged to the little bov of the
; lam il v.
?"!' iJi3 .a rocnuce, but
'I'I, ' ' n m
t i! oiW. "lM-
ity seemed to demand it, and to the
11 v rri"iiit"(i ifi 1
ijira 8 neck was wrung." After din
ner the minister was asked to lend
in family devotions, which with
true clerical courtesy he consented
to do. The family Winer ealh il t,i.
n "g l
g f"'U k" ;,t (!, the floor,
Zt T aonds, hbci(i(,rn'
eti witu knot no es. h .. il,..
prayer was going on, a ionelv little
chicken, one of the children' of th.-
i deseased lien, came rui.nininm,lri
Peenv. i-eenv. I didn't l-;'t
mother. They killed her for that
- - ,
hjg old j.reacher's dinner."
- - . . - t 1 111! II .11
Tb-if " r.,M..'i
tied out of all sense of t,r :.v..rfln.- i
'c ' " .'.ixi ml Iil3 .it T" . 1.
and suddenly lironghths devotion-' !
! al exercises to a close,
Xo man need talk nbout his
honesty except the mm who
j no lioncsty to talk about
A Frightened Six-Man Tram,
.ULtjor .etgii.Hii nw suh,uui
the celebrated Mier expedition, and
was taken prisoner, marched to the
City of Mexico, and thenee to Pue-
1 . ! .-, ai-Knva 1, .. . 1 nimnnniAiis
blt where he and hi companions
received very ha ran '-treatment at
the hands of the Mexicans.' He in
formed me that himself and five
comrades were every morning har
nessed to a cart, and conducted by
a guard to the city market, where
supplies for the day were produced,
and hauled by this novel Eix man
team back to tht prison.
Notwithstanding the rigor of their
treatment here, the major said they
were in good spirits, and many prac
tical jokes were perpetrated upon
the timple minded soldiers who
had them in charge. The "offlead"
man in the team was conspicuous
in t'jis regard ; he teemed unable to
resist improving an opportunity for
a good joke.
As an instance, one morning
while, they were being driven into
the market, they were passing the
stall of a very old Mexican woman,
whose fantastic costume, and shriv
led, haggard countenance gave her
more the appearance of a liend than
a human being. As soon as the off
leader caught a glimpse of this hide
horse, started offin a trot, sheering
around her, and gradually turning
hU head in imitation of a lmrse who
shuns a suspicious looking object.
All the other men entered into
the joke, and followed him around
pretending to be prodigiously iright
ened, and they all, with one accord,
set out at full speed down the Jala
pa Road with the cart rattling along
over the pavement behind them, and
pursued by the astonished guard.
caning out in Spanish at the top ot
theft voices for them to halt. 1 hey
paid no attention to the order, but
continued on for nearly a mile be
fore the guard was able togetaround
them and arrest their headway.
The officer then came up very n.uch
blown, and in a most exciting and
angry tone demanded to know
what they meant by such subordi
nate conduct.
The "off leader," asked him if he
did not observed that horrible old
stag sitting in the market place !
"Was that what frightened you so?"
said the officer. "Why, certainly,"
he replied ; "she did it, and we
could not help running away. Did
she not scare you, too ?" "No," he
answered, slapping his breast. ''I
am a soldier, and am not intimida
ted by such trifles." They were then
taken back to the market, and as
they approached the old woman,
the ollicer, observing, as he thought
some indications of another stam
pede, ordered two of his men to take
the leaders by thehcad, antl conduct
them by a wide circuit around the
object of their supposed terror.
They overheard the oflicer report
the affair to the officer of the fort on
their return, and the latter affirmed,
as his candid opinion, that "los
Gringos" ( Yankees) were great cow
anl i after all.
Meet Mc in the Murninir.
He had been absent a year, the
youngest pupil at a boys' school,
and now his mother wi s expecting
him every day, antl she vent about
proud and happy, telling her friends
of the improvement in bis studies,
and alwaj-s ending with his being
such a good boy. Then comes a
telegraph from Willie himself, the
first real message he had ever sent
how funny it seemed, from that ba
byand there was just this simple
form, "Meet me in the morning."
His mother went about all day with
it in her hand, reading it over as if
it had been her child's own hand
writing. Then she smiled to her
self as she pasted it carefully in a
scrap hook, wmie somebody sug-
i ces ted framing it to nanii over the
j mantel. But all the friends loved
j Willie ; he was the only son of his
mother, and she was a widow and
j he did not come in the morning !
j There came instead the dread news
; of hasty illness, and his mother bas-
; tened to her darlinsr bov, but it was
j too late ! The despoiler had done
his work he was breathini? out bis
little life in the sleep from which he
never would fully awaken here.
Only mice toward the last, he un
closed his eyes swiftly and saw the
dear face of his mother bending
over him and munnercd, with dry,
husky lips, "Meet me in the morn
ing, mamma." Dear boy it is morn
ing with him always the morning
light of fairer than Italian skies-
asonalile Hint.
'fstern Agricuhurixi gives its
ilowin titnelv warn-
winter continues io be an
is long as it couUuiies
one. farmers, gardntis
iiuit "rowers, and, indeed.
housekeepers in general who have
shrubbery, trees, vim s and plants
on their premises would do well to
give them frequent overhaul ings
during the winter in search of beet
les, bugs, worms, larva ami pupie,
in order to be 'fore-handed' next
spring. No man can tell the prolfic
results acruing from the neglected
follicles, eases of sacks, bracelets of
eggs and egg-masses in general left
dangling from or hanging to the
branches of the trees ;.nd shrubbery
during asingle winter they amount
to many millions. Some of these
are very conspicuous, othere require
to ne looked lor, even closely search
ed for, but conspicuous as they are
they are neglected. Birds, if we
had enough of them, might do as
much of this work as is consistent
with the ordinary balances of na
ture' but our birds are too few, and
too progressive, fastidious in their
tastes to be depended on. No doubt
there are many who deem it too
small a business to lie hunting these
minute objects in detail ; but, by
attending to these labors thoroughly
during line days in winter you will
save a great amount of labor next
summer, arid be otherwise reward
ed. Two lliiiiarlaim Killotl.
, sri unknown llm.ri-
.. ... .i
.J.o lVflCU.U
near I; r, - . wo ,
i . - .1
!? ,ere ,"'s..'in i
iup omer was iaiaiiy niiur.-.!. i Jiey i i
naf recellllJ .arrived in this country
n , .1 . , . - , - l
3 'l!L.thc,r to lhe
coal regions on foot.
j Tiicre nre mmio who fail to get
own j rich and bo die poor ; there are oth
has , ers who fail in order to g t rich and
I mcceed.
Facing; a Vlgilonco Committee and
v Downing' Them.
In the early history of Cummins
City, Wyoming, the town was get
ting a bad reputation outside, uud
something had to be done. It was
generally decided that the vigilant
ers would have to liegin to reform
thintts on Dr. Farrar, and two mem
bers of the committee, Trustworthy i
Kersikes and "The Annihilator,"
were delegated to arm themselves;
and drive the doctor out of town or ;
f l; . il.i .1 ... 11 . V. ..
miorm aim inai iney woum nn-ii
him on sight.
About opposite the palatial dug
out occupied by Calamity Tape
worm the avengers met Dr. Farrar.
He had just been down to Sam
Wood's and hoisted in about six fin
gers of what wa3 known nt that
time as Vinegar Hill Sheep Dip. It
was billed over the Union Pacific as
"Liquid Crime."
The avengers steiod back a mo
ment to give the fugitive a chance
to escape if Le wanted to, but he
ditln't avail himself of it.
lie seemed to court death.
He tsimrJv walked up to Trust- i
., . - ' ! 1 . 1 11 . '
wormy Ktrsitps ana me
double-barrel shot gun out of his
hands like a Hash. Then he pulled
it on The Annihilator and told him
to throw up his hands. Calmly as
though lie was making an essay on
Gilt Edge blossom rock. Dr. Farrar
went through the garments of the
avengers. The six-shooters he stor
ed away in his pantaloons, tind the
double-barrel shot-guns he broke
over a pine log and threw int i the
wood -shed.
Then iie told the avengers that he
would spare their unprofitable lives
this trip, but if they ever tried to
kill him again there would be a
good deal of hilarity on the main
street. He said he was not of are
vengeful or antagonistic disposition,
but that if this thing was repeated
ever- evening, with a matinee for
ladies antl children every Saturday
afternoon, he would get a repeating
hoe handle and clean out the entire
Vigilance Committee.
Dr. Farrar said he was just a
plain, every day style of citizen,
without any ambition to fill the
wcrhl with funerals and hang a sa
ble pall of mourning over the land,
but if the Vigilance Committee
wanted to make an example ofhim,
antl would give him notice enough
so that he could arm himself with
an old salt bag full of convalescent
eggs and an old pick handle, he
would be willing to abide the' result
The committee turned in silent
scorn and left him, and the disa
greeable subject was never broached
aga i n . Loom era n;.
A Xovcl I'laii.
A correspondent from Connecti
cut to the Manchester Mirror says:
When I moved from New York to
my small farm, everything was new
to the children. It wns away from
noise and bustle, nr.d I thought thev
wouul soon get tiretl of farm life. I
purchased a flock of hens, and as
most of my time was occupied away
from home, I wanted the children to
take care of them. They did well
for a short time but soon grew wea
ry. The thought came to ine that
1 could get then' interested by giv
ing them a part t f the profits. We
made a stock company of it. I be
came the President, my wife the
Vice-President, mv m the Treasur
er and my ds tighter the Secretary.
The book w as kept in a regular bus
iness form. The mecl:iis of the
company were called to urdtr by
the President and reports submitted,
and important questions discussed,
such as "how to break up setting
hens," and "would the company be
able to pay quarterly dividends."
We all became very much interest
ed in our company, ar.d as it was
very successful the children pur
chased all the stock of myself and
wife, ami ran the company them
selves, they taking the whole man
agement of the hens, ami dispensing
of the eggs. It occupied their leis
ure hours when not at school, it
gave them a start for a business ed-;
ucation, and now that the children
are grown up and away from home,
I look back and feel a satisfaction
in the little trouble we went to, antl
the amount of pleasure it conferred
on our household. And this leads
me to say that it is our first duty as
parents to make our homes so pleas
ant that our children will not want
to go away until they start for them
selves in the battle of life.
A Kfjected Lover Stiic;:!e.
Mipdi.etow.v, N. Y., Febiuary 8.
At Phillipspoit, Sullivan county,
on Monday afternoon Frederick
Mt-sncr, of Elk nvillc, shot himself
in the presence of a young lady
named Orvilia Daved because she
refused to marry him, and died
shortly afterward. The lady had
atked Liin to discontinue his atten
tions tm account of his intemper
ance. Uotli panic-! were respeeta
hlv coiiiiicted.
As an exhibition f the intrinsic
worth of Si. Jacobs Oil, we think j
the case referred to, that of Mrs. O. j
W. Hubbard, of this town, cured of
Sciatic llheumatism of long stunl-1
ill'- bv trie Oil. is ei rt iiiilv scrikii". I
and, beyond all doubt, conclusive
a3 to its ei'licicv. The remedy bus
our indorsement Soari-in (Wis.
Deadly KartliquuLc in China.
Sax Fiuxeisco, Feb. 7. Fro
..nmese exchanges trie news is re
ceived that on the 10th of July an
earthquake occurred in the district !
of Kancho-.v. antl a large number
of men, women and children
were killed. The earthquake was
followed by a rain storm, which in
undated a portion of the country
antl drowned several persons.
Lydia E. PinkhamVi Vegetable
Compound revives the drooping
spirits; invigorates and harmonizes
the organic functions ; gives elastic
ity and firmness to the step, restores
the natural lustre to the eye, and
plants oil the p ! cheek of beauty
the free! i roses of life's s-iring and
earl f summer time.
This is an ,xld comparison, but a
very Migut-.-tive one : It is i;s un-
reisoii,-iiiM to expect goiHi to come
otil of evil ;is it would lt: to take a
ho', to a cooper an 1 as!; bint t
make a btn-ket round it."
a man ii.ts imt a ruwl
one son fur tloiog a tiiinr, he has
reason for letting it alune.
lie lm reiiis
within himsclt
desires and fears,
- t loon- than a ki. ir
IVriort cures every time get
I'm' mni bt well keen it on hand
fin iio omrr.
!! iiitis b tiK.piiT li 'e miglit be
il mintls t i.ii!.. Lu to fi.rj-el
pusl troiibhs.
; - ff Jf Tv. tt
1 m
fJeuralcia. tcialicc, Luir.bco,
Backache, Soreness of iha Chest,
Gout,Qi:;,Soro Threat, Swch- j
ir.r' und Sprains, Burr.s ar.d j
Scalds 1 ' General Bodily j
Pans, j
Tooth, Ear end IleaJzclic, Frcc!;d j
Foct and Ears, end ail other
Pains cr.d Aches.
S Pm-Mslii in earth ""1 St. J.t - O
ti a tmfr, tiirr, rimJr ll rhfnf MHi
Ur-nni; A trial ertnil li't tin'-i j
thmi.fl'oulblT faO 0!. " tr-rrurc .ill. ris- j
wilh 1111 Kill h:f clii-j;. Mi4 iil:'o f vl U .
Ulrwtiom hi Hwiii Ixnenajfi.
15 MEDICI.' E.
lialtttnorr, JIU., I . jr. A
c. x. no YD,
Nn,rM'f. Pa.
& Noktii-Westekn'
EQUIPPED : anil hence !h
Leading Railway
It U tbe rtortert anil l-ert mate bctwwn Cl:lcss;
nod all p-iuls in
Nurthern Illinois. Intra, iluknta, Wymnlna-,
NeNraska. Ciililnniia, Orfr-on, Arizona. Vt:ih,
t.Vioradi), I ljhu, Sioiitanj, Nfva.'.H anil lr
i'ousii-i! ISiiifl C!n:i!a
Ce.JaV lis .M. lrt Mnlner. Uf Iambus, nrd all
Poms In tin Territories, ami ih west. Alto, fur
Milwaukee, C-reen liay. tnhkoiih, ShcUiyeaa.
Mariu..':i. Fund du Iae. Wurertoira, Hona hum,
Neeiwli, Meua.ilia. St. Paul, linncapoli. Huron.
Volica, Kararo, Hisinarrk, Wluima. Ln.tie.
Cwatoona. ami all points la Mlnaesota, Dakota,
Wiwoiwin ami tlie 'orthwe't.
Attmr.cil Mutrn the Trains of the Chlravo k
Vn-th-Wr!ern awl tbe U. P. K'vs ilprt. lrom,
arrlre at ami ue the same joint t'nIonli?Kit.
At ChiL-aico. dose ronnecltons are mmle with
the Ijiker-hnre. Mirliion t'cutrni, HiltlmorK
Oli. Fi. Wnynean ! een:..ylv;iiiii. an I tlliioiifo
soil tral Trunk K'ys, unit the Kankkt i ami
Pan H iodic Kouter.
rin reanrfllnna mot mi Jnurllon
II la IbeOXLT 1.1 r nn nine
Pullman Hotel Dining Cars
Fallnm SIsDrs an i!i NisS! Trains.
Insist on T'.f ket 4attit "insr j-ou Tiokpts Tin
this Mail. Kxaruii.K roar Ti-kets . 'ami rl;i l.
lu il thi-Tdo not reu.l over the Chicago & North- I
wetern Ksllw.
If yon wih the Hfrt Trarplltur Awmrola-1
tious joa wil! huy yutir Ti- k-ts ly this route, j
411 Ticket Anents soli T!.-koN hr this Line. j
Mara-is Uuohitt.W V. P. & Gm'l MaLan'r, j
A i: ia rr all Cizaizcs of the KIDNEYS,
LIVER a?:d cgwzls.
I. o.eiGivj ta cxrtn!,of th a.Tld prison
Cit cvje: tao ct-ii Brffrix.j 'Wiiici:
oaiy tLa vieiijcj ct Hh.Uxuztiara. caa r:ax?
cf fi went frtn er this tm-iblo diss32
havo bee i quick:? raUrvoi, in a short tiae
baa und wvaJerfiil .nreeM, and an immaiiae
Klo inOTcry nt-i ttj Csnnlr;. Ii hun
ilrciicf cniit '::enrev-t wh-rc&'l e'zo had
fs:id. b:it eOcicnt. CMJTAIS
ii 1 1 & .C but li'ruiici in&a easca.
f-ItI.-aniic, Ktrir-lHt4nnl irle.New
l.lfj tho organs of thabodr.
! Tbe rji!x.r-a atlou - t:..' KiU-icy-. a restored.
The laver ia cWTiaf d cf all uiaeuu..,ar.d the
BowelamoTOreclyaad hcaltbii.-lly. In thU
waytbe woi-jt cLUenacj era eradicated frcm
. ... ic azs K7i oy uiourand thxt
! 31?
1 -fT-r
uai n
ia tlia nioat clao:-j-l relied Jbr dcanaiu tao
syr:7 OI ail r.cri.l i-r-Mioua. I: should be
vlxX ia every aouficii.! aa a
A'T-.r cttct jjilioj.s;;e33. . oNsnrA
710:, rrr.F.a and an rcjAU Deax.
j 14 one fAi-ir.
ij Aoial
J 1 tin. cavc:
J pa:eit. J.-
Ijprrt hi lsnry TrtcetaMf Fsra. i-;iin nm,
-o Of lllfll tuiaes C'lU: lj lllrl..:!ip.
Liquid Ftfnn. ery C:iatrat(- fur
ilifucem t eY.lin.tmt tivOii. wr.
ari irlAij tit e?icit-ji:icrl t.
i;;t iTorroru rirt:t;:sT. tzirz. ti.oo
V.'KLI.S, CU'l!.li:tlV. I'ron-n.
IX Medicine, aot n Drink.)
CO-, .f.l
v.zr?; rrcrrr, jr.-.::3n.i:ir
Tib Ai. Olllfc. 1.: t
:f . .!... t
i.aa. THEY CU11IZ
ATI rlrnmttl thnStomsrh.
l.iv-. t. K;iJ ;-!. ntnl I niit.r
NtTj;ii!M-nut !:. Duly
t .mui, .i.w.
- sioco i:i COLD.
A.-fll h pi'd for raw: Ihcy x-lH i. r :- or
w .u. aii.i:i,iii Hiif-l.-ri; or H.-J .wt,
..W.UIU Ull'UI.
K-.'k To::r ilrni:Kii.t for Iir Ttltters i:'
ui.ui beiore you tlrvji. 'i'aku ua eik.i
H an ahsnliitca-id Im-nlstM-crr- fnr
iirtuiiiouuiMa, aw of opium, loUiu.o ii,d H
S. HI I Till StD FOB C:aXUl KSTrrf-J'M
AM as ftl hy ir.-tfc ra
l-T nnirfS W . t .... IbW. 1 .. A Tn., O.I.
"K t.r B
C. N. n-Yi.
$5 TO $20
XIMt 41 i'Ai , Por.luuit,
per dav !t noma Samole I
worth ii free. AililressSris
Mulrio. Mar.lCljrr. '
1 la n
M mm
1 1
cl. Plnnd. fS !
I.. . r. V I
H !
The Somerset Herald !
(ha cf t&ri loadicg Papers cf Wastaa !
it Will Contain the General News
of the Day.
he Editorial and Local
St.eak for TZiemsclve.
93.00 !
82.00 A YEAH!
$2.00 A YEAR !
$2.00 A YEAR!
$2.00 A YEAR!
$2.00 A YEAR!
$2.00 .1 YEAR?
.-'io a YE.vr.r
is 00 A. YEAR
52 tit) A YEA It
92 OO !
-in ot;rt
i ;
TAIN. tfirW'E are preparetl to furnish
on Ehort notice, and at a great re
duction on former prices, all kinds
such as :
tlT'lrrs troii) a di-tit!nf ill rtTfiTotir'.n:
out lanful u! ten 'inn.
ilio Somcrsctllernld,
SonirrHc,1 V.
" f- tu
...130 p.m. eaiu
Mttll .
U p.'
I Sap.
Th M.ll ...1. .... .
-- - at.
ou tu -iti.Hbricti Ulri.i .
! llmHivh I-nXrr mint, ,T . H
Ktickwmnl ml 1.41 . j .1
rretiTely t Wm1,Idki. .1 ! rn'
1-l.oa , Urough trn , liOT.,.'2
. 10.. ami
hoinwixAl si 6.114 j,.
! J.,kl.toWa tl J.. . 5 46 l .d. " .'"..
i fuei lie fc. ' . ni. ,,- ' ,
SL JUiils liny till 10: . m. ."
. t-i.
l'' l U li D. m. Mom ',; 1'
liuatiniidua Ace... 3 :j u. m. i..,.. '"' '
t iixlouli Kjl!.... T:ia p. m. ituj.""
JnhiKtuwn Acc.j... 6:Sj i. ru. ruiit "
lanel t.-xA .. . v " '
TKAtiiA ooiso wist.
1. -mri. -. ii mi J
ei!niun.u u.ii... ii.u.
Jiilniniuaa co... m. j-, , '.
M.Htx-H :.. j..4. S:!:t ':!.
AllviDH. Aee.t lu:l"a i. i;" "i.
I L H . t ,. . r8
( . .-'- 7.... ... i.-.o .
w J rCDiKri.. :t p.
n. llniu .
a. moj,. ...
Vb, KM 6 -I P ml ! rv
u. m '-"it.
II ( Bull. ..o., IU
I rent Murulav.
X h9 Juiiiutowa tprM, Mail, Huntley
Aimimin.. !.... t. . ."l,.nta .
j SSwV, tS
i ne stLlue.e. ttaa west, will il n
i .ua t ta,. Ct.n.iu.u'U
j Xhe ClMinnntl Exprew w,t will ,laf M , (
rt.ipat Hlir.rili ,J0uirc.h ' "? l
i burjj. ana Kasi ljtrtj. "(in.J
lua-illo .ml J, tsum.
vmmu.iau.n an. I Caciac K..Z. '1
aaJ mail WMi la tl eTaEia,c. '
tin ami iftMar3. !S1. .rir. ..
Hi U-purt from ana anil. at Oep, e.r
.5t'a. w.
ie "
ll:-i .,
lo-4 "
. m.
i .lA -1:4
p. Oi.
V. f: l Mew eon
Hrmi l KiM'l
Mi. 1'lv.MMnt
fiiii.. Pyle
K.K'iWMMi '
I my:
H f ti inau-i.
I un.-n mul
.'no Pyl
I lll.M.'i.WU
Ho.l lw
Ml. raw
-M, kpitrt
.... v... lr.,H leaves rutsl a-ah ., ,
M. arrlvnm i '....h...i i. , . .." 11
UuiatwrlaiiU at 2 ji A. M , arr",?1..
,j"i a no pleasant rr.ui ...
ami South t1 w.hi....i . "le" U
Tl. .11 . . .
Tbrouiih Wail leaving at W:3l' a 4,,.,
1 hn.UKti Exuress. lilnn t.OS r n HaM,
"ph.r"."P,r M -: BaitS
A. M. ; Phiuuielj, bin; Ms r. a. ; N. V., j
Throoai Mail train Oillj.
Eipneiis traii.s iiailjes.(.t Suaa,.
rwmai.i.iaii. trains aou are!te Ein-laliyex.-eutSu3.iaT
jti up..
w m 4
TUket officea. cirner fr.h ATennesnd w
PKu"u"n!pa.POte0rn" nat auJ Ww'
V'' m r .m
Ju. M. tiLt,UtnralTk-liet &ta
By t.rtue tr trtain n!i of F.'. Kj.. Iiwir.1
wfllic t'uurt ul t;.)aiiunn leaii! iiaarainiaii
ami tit me ilim-te.1. there :JI he
f a-..iii.- sale, at tut cvor: Hi ute, ia tie lnysti.
Thursday, March 'M,
at 1 iclock n. m . all ih rtuhi tnu iihm. .
I otalm il the defendant. CharlM 'Inni..w.ii'. In ii
t me Ii;ii.wihr iie-rl!eil real mum. nvxit
Muminit tnwr.htj, .Si.niernet cuamr, fx , ail'
idk lands of Qarret Fnresj rlcir. JrtU Miller, r
run Kuvhstetterand t'brimUu P. Llveti-i,
tuiDiiiit eliu an i one. half wrw. mure nr 1.
havinic thereon cret-ted a ie and -hl( r.
hi use and Iii- atulile, wirh ilieapi-ortenaiirei
T iken ia exccutu n a: Die uit t..' Smuei
All the riitht, iitle. inti-rest eDdoUiio of the
feiHiani, Jonathan S-hn.-k. ol. in and to the
lowior dereribed ival estaie. lieiaie in Broik.
ra.Iey t.wnhip. Siine!et rnunir. Fa., adwln
I.iihIkoI Philip Hay. Ailam Marker, Willuin h
an.i ja-.nooer. eouimain : acre, mure or n
naiir inereon creete.1 a one and a-nll X .
plaok Ifinm ami MaMe, with the 3D irrtenwi-i I
Taken ln execution at the init ot Samuel W..
r. rl I. Walker and Jemme Cuau:r)n.I
executors or r. r. Walker, dec d.
Notice. All persons pnrrhaiilnir at the al
sale will please take noti -e that a uartol the)
chase moneT to be made known at the time
sale will be required as mm til ln(irt'.
knocked down, otherwise it will bes:iu ef
to sale nt the risk of l he lirst purchaser. Tm
sHue of the purchase money inns: he pM .
ielnre Thnrsilar of the tiri-t week ol A
I'ourt. the time fueil l.y the Court (or tecur
tbe ai knowleitirnient ol lieed. awl no iked wil
j acknowledged ant 1 1 the i nrchase nrnner u H
ID lull. JIJU3I J. erA51iU..
SittRim-. Otfii s, t Shri'
Feb. . isri t
t n;itnri' crraicst rviat-Uy. ir. liuriuxkn
rp3r-".K it to4nou patient)!, all of
r vrr iorwjreiiiuri,UirinvNi.
I'm:-': can ha ty eru.-y iic-u.
inc. tlt9 miilur-n:j'i. inm oi-i. Tn m
. ft war: a-rrivj wiui th d.::. u.
jh. the svstrin of ail irs lmTHiriU',
; mt-s t st iria"tv, r-jrtUt the hftxru a::-
uiD ti?ri4ana l;iviyrnitneoraiii.
1 t o.i i A to l.t-y wcry ami tiretl fron ih1 ui jjts rmniTH vwiv
.-to c.i: h me". I, v !icn Wli, to pirrpnt ' ,
tjvery tAruy
wr rri It will mitrurocr holix
?I 'Til-! c irb fiiirt ik ritt nmtv tn V'f-
!.. ...... , tt...,ria.ili.f r.;iv.iM ...JTC
s: ;.ci"a to aitjc-.t any aril loot fond. BKsS
lb ia r't..a.4Jtw ia iuu m itx
T:..i--lf, DfMnaiSl. It. HAKTMAN
.-r 'KjOrt: n iiK ii win cuaow ym w
C. -V. VOID, Iruff'jM,
jmtwmmrft. Pvt.
o nor... w'lt (tie ef rr!.rr. Tot. or tr"
TR. I: roo- l.w.ct- r.r.-iliI in tinie.
I uvS K ler. wi!l nr.-.nrl?rv'enl Hones"
foJ! I'.. . .ii-r. :!1 prrv. nt t.nrs. I' 1 ",
ouu'sPo.. iiit-ren. the oa:intr.Toi
n4 i. . iy . r . i.t. aU luxkc Vt liau'
:nl .wet.
r.niul Poir."--. w'Tl -e r frcent ar1
!i.K.i.a lo .1; i er.. an I 1 .in,- an-wii
I Ol 17' PWI- WIU.otViaATI.yACTI'-'-
a:i) r. rcrrr. rroprie"'
BaLT:ronr,Jt3. Feb L ly.
nMaliu.1 aat all tmalnea In the V. S Fil
f itnce, or la the Couru attended to lor MODES
F"S. ....
I two vrtlain iMfttenis lu leaa lime loau II--. tr:
i vie are orr"t' tne i . . rmrm -
from WASHINGTON. , , . .
When iik.Ici orawlnn is sent we sll
pai.nrni.ill:. tree of elirire: ami w''
m e reter, i.ce. l. ilie stlie..ialr. ioe
the M'm- .in'er nivwh.D, ao.1 to ..rtl.ia J
V. S. r'li.i'-nt tMlice. Ktr circular. a.lK.e. I
anl reiereuce tuaetual clients tn jtnr "
or county, a.Mrei
C. A. SNOW Jt CO..
t?oslt Karent oatcc
WasliinKUtn. 1.
Great chance emale j
t. Th.e whi x.4
take a.lvantairer toe I
.rhances to cie
I that ra unVn.i. uenerally beeoaie weaiinr. m
I th.e who !o not In-omre sucD ebances reass
.- u.' - . r n . m.nm wofaeR. IN.T-1
ilria. to work for s rlnht In their "
. .... .... r.r...M.rl ffVlB 1 4C
rJlnary waes. I i!nsTe oMtBt 'n'D'; I
Noone who enoes tails te make "'y "if
Yo can de-rote yoar whole time t the m rl
onlT or snare Full. "'.'.'""I
.. . .... 1..,!.. .ill nn.1 this I'I E
all that Is sent tree.
Co . rortlaiHl, Maine.
AiiJress HtiuM
a la l ii
9 9TI c' ii:i :