somerset Herald. TO out TATUOXS. l BtoMkSl, -a S" y fr' ! llwwevn tliis and (lis 1st of January we j will cnl to thofe of our. subscriber ! v li are iridclite-4 t ith fir a iiOinbtr of 'voar!iiti-tition, ami reintt tliat imiut t . . dialc payment In- mailt'. All old account ! must be etllol without furthi notioc. -it- Deoemlier U ssl. .lir.lTMAS 01FTS. m sw tlif irtti-t ::iitl mast ''lrll,i!itlayitHi.K jurftfop in "j'abook store and take a ';4 !..'' .- r. I f ' V vitlC lns .' v' ' J. I. SnvI'EB A i'u's. i- rcvd and the ..., (;.K N. 1). Walter A . ..-.jrsHASWMKTO " A "" MR. A. K. Ull.S. vl,ould ue the Hi:bam. ..lT.Vners for ale at t". N. ,. ,.i ni( White liUnketi-, at ; .T. 1!. r-xvpr.u A iVs. n. Walter A Co, and ixaniitir !, k "f 1iritmns IkmmK ..n.l T.iiK rVtt " '. X. ..!!. tm;i ANH rT.K AXTA mus. a. k. vm.s. .TaniyiH-eiiswBrfin preat quast- .rii;ful deijrnf, at .1. It. A Co'-. ,.,; up Tablet. (..rfhri-tnia- '1'ree at '. X. . iviiitiYs ji'st Ai:nivi:i) at ,.'V IT.U'KS. MIST UK .M. WW WWSVOll 1HU.1.S. MH.. A. E. t ilL. . Ih.I.I-S: lxU,S! l-arse 1MK . Jliiiillc-Sizi'd 111, ''oils of hi a. X. P. Wai.t:r A (Vii. . ir.'"! liiild ordt-r their "ill and j:ut up in iMMiketit. Ve print ...n.'iMiiiiest at this otlirc. ;- CAlU'I-rrS ! CAlU'KTS ! Very J. IS. S.wiiF.n A Cn't. ' i i; in preat variety, at J. H. S.WDKR A Co'. Va'it-r.V t. i. have just received a ..j i-Iepant New fiixxb. Iteforc . ,-t'i.ristiiias prewnts elsewhere , -.awne them. ., i'i'.ey, rittslinrp. I'a., says. -.iMSiio rafarrli !adly. "IVruna r-':;r-ly. j;,:ki:t. M.tis Cross Sbj:et. I will : a, all times, ISeef, I'ork, Mut s'SVe, at reasonable prices. len : .". ru:i a meat wapon three times l. Hknev Krixar. Siimerset. I'a. ...-.'. at X. V. Walter A Co's. one !.; and must complete line of (.d.l ever brought to town. i!.T.iy. etc., in great variety. ;v.a'it firrt-elas Statiouerv at email liitHrtvM' lckel. Note. I'tter !,iT?i:! put up in" this way. They tt Ciisif fur bu-ini-ss men. i ?:.-H-2iiiur;crs f,,r t'I)TIiIXU t;i et.i'iiNliiil for this and adjoining i. E. Snyitr A (.Vs. i!iim.-rin, Millersvilie, I'a.. bad ! I'lir.mic catarrh. I'ern'ia etind -:!y. IVJf.-rA '-s No. Mj!iimoih !i brein buy your Christmas an-in ant of Stationery buy the tekit ; they are the noate.-t, band .! :ii'is: eonvenient out. ran; a Pen-knife, a tiiL-e set i:.ivii and Forks, a l!read-knife, a t:i:fct.i carve the Chritui:is tur- J. 11. Sm iikr A o. ul.'i Jiend Conn t.hoiild not fail to .Lit stock of ptods at '. X. 1 rtntimeen everj'thinp in the ltrug wj line, and also a full aeleetioii i 'llTAXT TO Ti:AVi:t.Kn.s. iiiirici'iuents are offered you by io llouir. It will puy you to i.lnrtiM-meiit to lie found eise L iwue. iitLtrr. Main Street. We have a lnrKT Refrigerator to our Meat - liich all nuats ean le kept coo' ' Mutton. l!e-f, I'ork, Ac:., kept ' rn'hand. peti daily. Tarties w 'an have it kept in the K.-frip-i! waated. I'.tlsii, Vio.fKKt new bri'k for sale, ' ill sell by the hundred or thotis- priee. T'ws Davis A Co. t'r read and remember that I am :"ll the ln"t Coffee fir the nion- liavinp pn rehased a patent row t '! l've all pradv of tresh roasted - at all times. Also, a full 'hurries, Crain and Provisions Jos:n Kflux. O;iio.-itc Stimerset llou-s'. "MAXTTOTIIFITBUC. A merry Christmas. Areyou vneeinnted? There w ere U.C persons t.Kk jis-sac on Agent Fatton's excursion train to Julius town, Friday. ; ; .. To our aubacrilters, one and all, we wish a very merry Christmas, and many happy returns of the dav. ! ' ' Mr. A. J. Lull, of the Somerset Dairy Co., returned from a three weeks visit to Ids for mer home in Xew York, Friday. Jury ConiniUioncrs Winters and Knable completed their task of tilling the jury wheel for 1882, Monday morning. ; 1 lie putilic scliools or ttie horouch were dbmisseil t-day for their holiday vaeation There will he no school until after New Year. ' A Massachusetts barler who kissed his sleeping wife and then deliberately killed her. admits tliat lie was "inspired." The disease is spreading. - Mr. Amos Knepj-er last week purchased fnm Mr. ICdmund Kiernan the old Sanner lot, tin the southeast comer of the Diamond, for which he paid $2,000. We call attention to thj prosjiectus in an other column, ofthe Philadelphia r,oni of the briuhtest journals in the State. It i a rial live newspaper, ami no mistake. In speaking of the sal? of Mr.Samin Fox's farm in last week's IIkrami we made a slight mistake. The price paid Mr. FVx was 7,ooo instead of $G,000, as stated last week. Tt is said the Star of Ilethlehcm, which ! was last seen in I "T", ean now be seen in the ea-tern heavens early in the morning. It will not lie seen again for three hundred years. A truthful exchange says that "silver dol lars with holes in them are painfully numer ous, but they are not half so painfully numer ous asholes without any silver dollars around them." We rail the attention of our readers to the valnali'.' farm ilarcd for sale by Mr. David iH'iVrt. This is one of the best farms about Johnstown. Mr. Ieihert last year livin sol.! $2,!fiil worth of produceoff of It. We understand that Hieritr-elect Sangler has selected Mr. Aaron Dickey, ex-liegister and Recorder, for bis depnty. The selection is a pood one, and one that will greatly please the friends of laith (tentlemen. The holiday advertisement of the enter prising, wide-awake business man will al ways be found in the town paper at this season tifthe year, lie knows that a few dollars invested in printer's ink will bring !ar;.'e returns. . The members of the country debating so cictiiw that decided last winter that capital punishment should be abolished, innst feel greatly discouraged when they reflect that nearly one hundred hangings have taken pla..-e in this country since their decision. J. 15. Snyder wants itdistinctly understood that the Pocket and Butcher Knivei he ad vert ised last week arc not intended to carve your Christmas turkey with, but that if yon want to carve the fowl he will sell you the ln'st Carving-Knife in the market to do it with. - ' " . i The borough authorities have issued a cir cular calling upon ail of our citizens who have children to have them vaccinated at oikv, nnd otlering to pay Ar those who are too poor to pay for themselves.' This is an important matter and should be attended to promptly by every one. MMiuiteau is determined that hU Uial sliall lie signalized by the eminence of some of the itiusises. Pitident Arthur baa been subienae.l. and Mr. Pavis, President of the Senate, and Mr. Kandall, late Speaker of the House, have already been on the stand, to gether with other distinguished people. To our knowledge, outside of the Mason family there is not annthercase of small-pox in this vicinity. Great care has been taken in these cases to prevent tlie loathsome dis ease from spreading, and it is thought that there is bnt little danger of its doing so. Still every precaution sbonld lie taken against it. ' - . The manner of Jerry McKibbin s death at St. Joseph was as follows': lie was walking in the corridor of his hotel with Colonel A. C. Dawes, to whom Jie remarked that he had not slept the night before and that he would have to sit down.' He sat down heavi ly, his bad falling on his chest. ' lie was carried to his Mora, nnd without nttering a word died in a few minutes. The tambertsville Cress Band propose to give a grand mtudoal Concert $n tho Lutlier an church, at Lambertsvillc, on Friday and Saturday evenings, December 30th and 31st. The program is a varied one, and the Com mittee say it will be highly enjoyable and entertaining. Admission 15 cents. Child t,.'10 cents. Reserved scata, 1' cents. Doors oicn at 7 o'clock. Through the misunderstanding of a circu lar, a report hui been put in circulation that on and after the first of January the: Penn sylvania railroad would charge four instead of three cents per mile on all first-class tickets.-? The meaning of the circular is tliat no Grst-class tickets will be sold for less than four cents. All tickets, therefore, that cost three cents heretofore, where stations were less than one mile apart, will, after the date mentioned, be sold for four cents, lJAigj!-lU.JU'---!!:gi,1 I'g'-'giPJ'.'JWlf Thc Xw Y'ork Taiicsi. The enormous Circulation attained by the New York Tri tmc attest its remarkable popularity. It stands to-day in the very front rank of American newspapers. This position has been won, in the teeth of the sharpest news paper rivalry by tta enterprise in its news department, by the able and brilliant char acter of its editorials, and by its unwavering devotion to Republican principles. Its pros pectus for 1SS2, and its great premium ofTers, will be found in another column. L A rather singular accident occurred Sun day evening to a lady whose home is in Pittsburgh, but who was visiting a family named Fox, residing about one-half mile west ot IjUrobe. She was sitting in the par lor when'a boy accidentally threw a ball through a window, knocking a piece of glass into her left eye, entirely destroying the sight of that optic. A rather singular fact concerning the above is that although the jarticle of glass wxs buried deep into the eyeball, the lady suffered no pain what ever. . , . . , Dr. J. If. Shumaker, principal of lhehu makcr Academy, tJiambersburg, TaM will be present during the entire, week of the Teachers' Institute, and will give instruc tions pertaining to practical school work. We attended school for several years at the above named institution and know Dr. Shu maker to be one of the most thorough and compctc'it instructors in the State. That our teachers will lie greatly pleased w ith him and licncfited by his instruction we have no doubt. " In our last issue we spoke of the entire Mason family being alHictcd with small pox. Since then two of the children have died. Mrs. Mason is said to have almost entirely recovered, and the other two child ren are slowly convalescing. At the time of Mr. Mason's death, Mr. Henry Lape. lives close by, took thc mother and children into his house. I Monday Mr. Iji was taken with the disease in its most malignant form and died Friday night. His remains were interred Saturday by hi wife ami her daughter and the attending physician, Dr Bi u baker. As a littie sou of Mr. August Troup's was coming up Main street, on his way to school Monday morning, a large dog that was ly ing under a farmer's wagon flew at him and bit him severely in the arm, tearing the sleeve and lacerating the arm terribly, the little fellow gave no outer sign of the in tense jiain he must have been suffering h'.it proceeded to school. When the teacher saw how severely he had been hurt he sent him to Doctor Brnbaker, in charge or one the larger boys, who dressed the wound, when the lirtfa spartan again returned to school. A lar?e ban at Keystone Mines, on thc farm of (Jeo. F. Baer, Ksq., was entirely con sumed bv fire about 1 o'clock on Sunday night. Our informant, Mr. Tayman, says that there is no clue as to how the fire origi nated. At the time ofthe fire there were in the barn twelve head of horses and mules, ten head of which were the property of the Keystone Company and two the property of Mr. fleo. F. Baer. A large lot of new ami improved farm machinery, ino tons of hay. 1S00 bushels of oats and over oOO bushels of wheat, together with a lare lot of other (arm produce, were entirely destroyed. The loss is between $10,000 and 12,000, on which Judge Baer thinks that neither thc company or his brother had any insurance. Santa Claus has bee n captured end M now en exhibition at the store of J. B. Snyder A Co. Clad In one, of Snyder's cheap suits and covered with one of Snyder's cheap over coats, with his hands full o! the choicest and best Christmas gifts, he cuts a pretty caper, and tells all customers if yon want tjueenftware, C bus ware, or Majolica-ware for j a Christmas present for roar wife, mother or sweetheart, this is the place to get it. If you want a present for your husband, broth er or lover. Butterman or Subeo will show you elegant clothing, fine underwear, sub stantial overcoats, thecboicestof pocket cut lery, and many oilier things which will make a most suitable present. Don't fail to call when doing your Christmas shopping. The leading article in the Xurth American Review for January, contains the judgements of five of tho moat distinguished American authorities upon "The Moral Responsibility of the Insane." Just at present this subject occupies a very prominent place in the minds of the American people ; but quite apart from its momentary interest, as con nected with tho extraordinary trial now in progress in Washington, the problem of de termining the fact of insanity, and fixing the limits of responsibility of the insane, is one that in itself possesses an irresistible at traction, for every - generous mind. The wreck and ruin of intellect appeals at once to our highest sympathies, nnd to whatever is noblest in human curiosity. The authors selected for the discussion of this subject are Drs. Beard and 8eguin, of Xcw York, Dr. El well, of Cleveland, Dr. Jewell, of Chicago, and Dr. Folsom of Boston. The other arti cies iu the January number of the Jterinr are as follows: "The Xew Political Ma chine," ay Win. Martin Dickson: "Shall Women Practice Medicine?" by Dr. Mary Putnam Jacob! ; "The Geneva Award and the Insurance Companies," by G.B.Cole; and "A Chapter of Confi-derate History," by F. G. Ruffln. The announcement is made that the Feb ruary number of thc Jlciicu, to be issued January 15th, will contain Part III of the "Christian Religion" series of articles, and that it is to be a verr able defence of the Christian faith. "! t"ky Suits at $Xj0, worth iSi 4..V. " fi.50 " Coo, " S.00 8.W, " 10.00 -i :- at rt c;s.. 75 , t ., and 1; worth il. . Lcavy, all wool niats at iJJjO, - V " if.;.:!, worth i&M. '.' . at $2..V, worth $t.0 " " 3.. " ."OKI 4.M), " 0..-i0 ""-! id turjiet at STketis worth v aI M rtx., worth 75 cts. at Kitfs, worth fl.2. ! wiae Oil Cloth at 35 cts. suits at -U, worth W.50 from j, , $2.00 Neii V Caps from 25 cts. up. "ryu have the largest and liest iu the county to select from, II. Iirm-rv's. TtiYS! TOYS! -T.,y. Vo,,v A lk!eri!( ,tave -'"I'etiM out in their 5 and lo ,VT large stock if Toys for '"r the little folks. Particular "all.,1 10 tl,. 1,, slot k of dolls. ''''lit to M.-Vl. Dolls of every -! !;'v. Chjn, Dolls, Wax Dolls,, i.iie jif. Ilonil "k Ct,ti,c in and see our " ?'b. tV I,.-. i ... ,., . t . v'11E I-IXK OF FIXK FAXCY' 'Tloxs, LAI)1K- XECK .'KElltHiKFS.AXDWt ' !-llIVl:il AT Villi, A. II Vila's. Vrill 1 ).aid 6.-S the Tm ctiirrm "rtu tinker red and white, snmiUii ... i , .. . . t - e iieiler white, I?,5e. car tuarks. i " tt, Sniltervt ctntv, I'a, "There were," says the rittsbnrgh Host of Mndav, "one hundred and fifteen cases of small-pox in this city on Saturday noon, and fifty-three more patients in the munici pal hospital. There were ninety-fourdcatlis from the disease duriiiR Xovember. Twenty-three new case of the disease weredevel oped in Allegheny during the twenty-four hours preceding dr.x, Sa'urday. A negro named Smith, hailing from Som erset mutity, wandered about the streets on Wednesday, complaining of being sick. His general appearance was that of a man taking small pox. Ir. Hinger,. who happened to run across him, made an examination and pronounced it a veritable case of smalt-pox. The negro, fearful of being taken to a pest house, left fur parts unknown. CunnrltrtiU i'uuiirr. It is ai: old say ingthut a "green Christmas makes a fat graveyard," which is interpret ed to mean that thc absence of seasonable winter weather about that time will be a bad arrangement in so far as the health of the community u concerned. Aside from this view of the case the average citizen would prefer to see lots of snow and good sleighing during tlte holidays, so that some life might lie infwed into the outside panorama. 1 R. P. Cummins l"ust. No. 210, O. A. R., I elected the following officers to serve for the ensuing year: Post Commander, 11. R. San ner; S. V. C, John Bills; J.'V. C, C. F. Rhoads; O. D., C. I. Harrison; t. M A. C. Davis; O. 8., A. Faith. Council of Ad ministration, CoL J. tt. Rlie, C, J. Harri son and W. II. Sanner. Delegates to Ie partntent Kneampment, A. CItavisand R. K. Sanner. ,11 We lenrn that the boj-s of Xew Centrcvrlle have organized a brass band, to be known as the Xew Centrevillc Garret Band. The instruments have already arrived, and the memliers ftri grateful to the eitixens who helptsl to nise the uecessary funds. Trof. W. C. Steward is their teacher. Mr. Peter Pile dtfserves much honor and credit for getting the fundi for the band. Ixmg may he livl. . i 1an up, clean tip, everybody. Diphthe ria, scarlet fever and smalt-pox are prevail ing in many places, and only cleanliness, careful diet and temjieruta living can, pre vent them becoming epidemic here. .. The streets, the cellars, the gutters and bolea, and al' places where there isrjarhape or filth ofsny kind, should be thoroufbly denned out. All ilecaying vegemhie uUet altould b promptly "tuoved ,n dslnfevtaytts. lilierally usej. .et ut be wrje in iiiAO. F mi i oa Rest. J have four houses d lots ia LjivaitavUlH, which I will mil or rent on reasxmabie tenni. Ii( mKmi given oo the 1st of April next. Come and see. -PwidLatax' Ijivar.svllle, Dce.liWI. " St j The petiple of the connty need have no fears of a contest between Cessna and Bucr. The time was , up for fding a petition for contest on Thursday, the 8th inst. Mr. Baer will take the oath of office on the 2nd day of January iext and preside over our courts in S fair and lionest manner.' He will not have friends t reward and enemies to punish. .No man in this county need stop to ask himself thc nestioni "whom shall I employ as my attorney ?" Kvery member ofthe bar will stand on his own abilities. Favoritism will vanish. ' Honor, truth and justice will assert their rights forever. Red- ford Gazette. , . , t For the many naughty insinnations con tained in the above Editor Kerr will not re ceive an invitation to "friend" Hall's ban- Hiei. Patrick Dolan, one ofthe six tir seven in dicted parties charged with the murder of Maurice Healey, at Dunbar Furnace, Fayette county, last June, was put tijio;i his trial last week, which lasted several days, and, remarkably strange to relate, the jury in his case returned a verdict of "murder in the second degree." Dolan was citherguilty,or he was innocent. If he aided in any way in bringing about the violent death of Healey he was guilty of murder in the first degree; if he was innocent of any such participation he was entitled to an acquittal for be it re membered, the unfortunate man was cooly and deliberately shot to death on the public highway, in the night time, by parties lying in wait for his blood. The evidence, which was mainly circumstantial, was largely and strongly against the prisoner. , , . m m - - - We do not propose to have any contro versy with the Meyersdale Cumnefrinl, and ho our readers will overlook our paying attention for this one time to such trifling insignificance. It's editor, not satisfied with having worked against Mr. Cessna and hav ing printed spurious tickets that if circu lated yould have lost him hundreds of votes, he now, in speaking of the Hebald's saying that neither Mr. Cessna nor his friends intended to contest Mr. Baer's election, gives 1 jbiication to the following : "Nothing is further from the truth. Mr. Cessna came to Somerset at the urgent solicitation of three ottorneys, members of Mr. Scull's factional, political family, to en ter the preliminaries for the eontest. Mr. Cessna asked a prominent attorney at Som erset to take charge of the case, saying that he intended to contest. A gentleman of Brothersvallev was to engineer the disfran chisement of Meyersdale and Summit. In fact all the preliminaries were arranged, but at the last moment Mr. Oasna refused." That the above is entirely false, a lie man ufactured out of the whole cloth, many of our readers know. Now we do not wish to bandy words with thc editor of the Commer cial, but in justice to Mr. Cessna and his Somerset friends we make the following proposition and ask tliat it be accepted or that the Commercial man write himself down the falsifier that he is: That the editor of the Commercial and our selves each place $400 in the bands of a re sponsible man and if be can establish the truthfulness ofthe above four assertions we to forfeit $100 on each, and be to forfeit a like amount upon failure to do.aaj the money forfeited to be given to. some charitable in stitution. We know whereof we aflirm when we say tbaj not one Somerset attorney solicited Mr. Cessna to come to Somerset for the purjiosc of arranging about a etuitest, and when he was here that not on attorney advised hint to contest, and that he said most decidedly that ke was opposed to makvo; cosiest. We know that the editor ( this paier at all times advised against a contest, that there were no preliminaries ar ranged, and that the matter was never for a moment seriously considered either by Mr. Cessna or his Somerset friends. ' For three years my son was sore all over. I'eruna cered him. , J. Neuenscti wader, S. S. Pittsburgh, Pa. The Members of the Somerset Bar vote "Xo Banqvet" fob Ji-rxiK Hall. t or several days prior to thc 19th inst., a notice was posted up at the Prothonotary's office, requesting thc members ofthe Bar to meet on thc evening of that date at W. H Koontz's office, to take proper action in re gard to the retiring judges of the several courts of our county. Monday afternoon a committee of three members of the Bar waited upon the Prothonotary's clerk and re quested that the place of meeting be changed to some oflke where all the members of the Bar could attend. This request was acceded to and the place of meeting changed to the Arbitration Room. At the time specified almost every member of the Bar in active practice was present. An organization was effected by selecting Hon. A. J. Colborn as president, and S. U Trent and If. S. F.nds- ley as secretaries of thc meeting. The ob ject of the meeting was briefly stated when W. H. Koontz Ksq., offered a set of resolu tions highly complimentary to Judge Hall and that as a mark of respect for his "integ rity, impartiality and ability" a banductbe tendered him by the members of the Bar. Af- some few remarks by different members of the Bar. diirinis which one of them said that Judge Hall had requested him to get up a banquet or demonstration of some kind in his honor at the expiration of his term of of fiee, thc resolutions were voted upon. ;The ayes and nays being called resulted as follows: Ayes. Nats. F. J. Kooser, A. II. Coffroth, H. F. Schell, .Ins. U. Pugh, J. R. Edie, W. H. Kupple, D. Met ers, I.. C. Colborn. W. H. Koontz, Ed. B. Scull, H. U Baer, R. F Patterson, J. O. Ogle, A. J. Colborn, J. O. Kimniel, V. Hay, H. 8. Endslev, Jno. R. Scott, Total, 9. " M. J. Pritts, S. I. Trent, ieo. R. Scull, . Total, 12. Upon the vote being announced one of the gentlemen who voted aye "sprang to his feet" and moved tliat those in favor of a banquet should adjourn to Koontz's office forthwith. It was quietly suggested that if the gentlemen would wait a moment nntil the meeting was adjourned they could have the use of the Arbitration Room. On nio iton, the meeting then adjourned. It is but just to the members of the Bar who voted against the resolution to say that their reason for so doing was that they could not endorse Judge Hall as a Judge; and that his course as a politician did not enter into the matter, as has been alleged. School Report. Rejiort of Pines School for the month ending November Mb, 1SS1. Whole number in attendance during month, .'W ; average attendance during month, 30; per cent, of attendance during month, 92. Also, a Report for thc month ending Decemlier 8th 1881 : Whole number in attendance during month, 40; average attendance during term till date.'; per cent, of attendance during month, 91 ; per cent, of ottendance during term till date, 91. Wc heartily thank patrons for favor and co-operation outside thc school room. Would urge them however, to attend more i to the studies of their children at home. and visit us more frequently with advice and encouragement. Thus far we were once clieered by thc presence of our worthy Superintendent, but never saw the face of a citizen or director inside the School room during school hours ; Come along friends and see what we an; doing. - t C F. Barer. v V,' Teacher. List of Ji-rors The following list of Grand and T ravers Jurors was drawn on Monday, December l!Rli. to serve at the Jan uary term of Court, which will begin on thc fourth Monday in January, 1S82 the 23d day: :raso jcborx. Brothersvalley Samuel Stahl, Wm. Dive ley, Wm. M. Knepper. Conemaugh Samuel E. Berkey. Confluence Thomas Little. Jefferson Peter Grouse. Jen ncr Francis Friedline. Middlecrcek S, 8. Snyder, 8. B. King. P. G. Whipkey. Larimer Matthias Bowman. Milford-Francis Hoover, P. J. Baker. New Centreville Joseph Sipe. Quemahoning John Ilamer. ; Somerset Bor. Peter Fink. Somerset Twp. Frederick Weller, O. G, Bittner," Henry King. Southampton Jesse Shultz. - Fnmmit Aaron Cover, Jonathan Lajie. 1'pper Turkeyfoot Albert Eicher. travers Jirtr. - Addison John H. May, James Heilman. Allegheny C. F. Smith, Elklick Abraham Maust, John W. nalin.l , . Jefferson H. II. Gardner, John E. Tile, Benjamin Ream. Jen iter W. J. Picking, J. M. Cover, Lower Turkey foot J. J. Rush, Jr., Sam al Hinder.- Meyersdale L. Morrell. Middlecreek Albert Barnes, Milford W H Walter, A G Will, J C Weller, S i Bowser, H II Weinw Northampton Chauncey Boyer, Samuel Poorbaugh, Henry Mart. Point Edward Holsapble. Qoemahoning J J Zimmerman, P C Maurer, Isaac Blancet, J II Schmndt. Shade William Bodgers, , . Somerset horF K Colborn. Samuel Hun seckcr, Edward Rhoads. Somerset Twp Peter Heffley, John Thompson, Jacob Fleck. Stonycreek E C Walker, Albert Kimmel, Summit M It Adams. V pir Turkeyfoot Benjamin Clevenger. i i Wasted. A good Blacksmith at New Lexington. Property for sale or rent. For particulars address or apply to C. B. Mooar, tf. ' New Lexington, I'a. Tickets for Tlmodore Tiltun' lecture, sub ject, "Tim World's To-morrow," to he deliv ered during the Teachers' Institute, in tho Court House, Thursday evening, December 29th, lrtl, Bre now offered for sale at Boyd's Drug Store, Somerset, and by F..IL Werner, Meyersdale. Persons from other sections of the county can secure tickets by addressing me at Ocbhart's, Pa. Admission, 40 cents. Reserved seats, 00 cents. J. C. AVtLLea, County Suierintendelir. COATS AXD DOLMANS CHEAP, AT MRS. A. E. UII.'S. Oysters! in the shell, tub, can and plate, in quantity, quality and price to suit all. Basement of Cook & Beerits Block. 2t W.H.Platt. A Merrt Christmas os the B. O, 1 The B. A 0., management has, with char acteristic good feeling toward its patrons along thc line, determined that they shall have a merry time on the road during the holidays. To this end the low rate of two cents per mile is announced from any sta tion to any station on the main line, branch es or div boons. In other words, these low rate tL-acta will bo placed on sale on Dec. 2tth and will continue on sale until and in cluding Jan. 2d. They will cover all points reached direct by the B. A O., and will be good on all trains that make thc stops. I HAVE THE FINEST STOCK OF HOL IDAY GOODS EVER SHOWN IN SOMER SET COUNTY, IXCLUDIXG SOMETHING TO SUIT EVERYBODY AXD EVERY BODIES PURSE AT MRS. A. E. riilP. Tho Lock Harcn Ikmormt imparts tbaful owing interesting piece of information for the farmers: "It is a matter of more than common interest to the farmer readers of t he Veiitocrat to learn that there i in exist ence and in full force a statu to of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania by a knowledge of which many a dollar may be saved by them. It is to the effect that any person who shall transplant to the side of the pub lic highway on bis own premises any fruit, shade or forest tree of suitable size, shall be allowed by the supervisor, when the Toads j run through or adjoin cultivated fields, an abatement on his road tax of one dollar for j every four trees set out. The trees must I however, be set out the year previous before the allowance will bo granted, and they must be alive and well protected. This law was enacted May 2d, 1879, and deserves the widest publicity. I.v.vk.e Mistiios. Tho following program will be discussed at an Inner Mission to be held in the Reformed church, Somerset, on Wednesday and Thursday evenings of thc present week. A number of clergymen are expected to lie present to participate : W'ctliunttiti Keininri. Tue Xew Cbeatios, 1. The Incarnation its significance for man. 2. The Incarnation the source of the Christian life and personal regeneration. 3. Christians the sons of Got I. Thurtday Evening. Christian Activity. 1. Congregational Interests. 2. Orphan Homes, 'A. Domestic Missions. 4. Foreign Missions. DIED. A fine stock ofconfectionarics just receiv ed, and will he sold cheap, at low prices. A. E. Pisel. Wc have a speedy and positive Cure, for Cartarrh, Diphtheria, Canker mouth and Head Ache, in SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY. A nasal Injector free with each bottle. Use it if you desire health and sweet breath. Trice 50 cts. Sold by Geo W. Ben ford. Druggist, Somerset, Pa. YOU SHOULD SEE THE CREEPIXG BABY AT MRS. A. E.I'HL'S. On, What A Couch : Will you heert tnc warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of thnt more terrible disease Con sumption. Ask yourself if you can for the sake of saving 50 cts., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will curcyour Cough. It never fails. This explains w hy more than half a million bottles were sold the past year. It relieves Croup, and Whooping Cough, at once. Mothers do not be without it. For Lame Back, Side or Chest, use Shi loh's Torous Plaster. Sold by" Geo. W. Ben ford, Druggist, Somerset Ta. YARX FOR COMFORTS AXD HOODS IX ALL COLORS AT MRS A E UUI'S. A splendid Christmas Gift for some one Call and see J. H. Pisel's Dolmans. Finely trimmed. For sale cheap. TAKE TIME BY THE F0REICK AXD READ THIS. "Old Father Time" beats his record in order to reach my store early and avoid the rush. His timely arrival will be an enjoya ble event. He will be the particular guest of our time-keejier here. He is safe, and why, because our Holiday attractions are so great tliat no one has occasion to kill time at our store. He will give free exhibitions during the Holidays. Everyliody is invited to call. Time flics for all, both great and small, at our place of business during these merry thy, and those who desire memen toes of his visit can secure Time-pieces of every description, both elegant ami reliable. In fact, my stock of Watches and clocks cannot lie equaled in quality or lowness of price. If a present you would purchase. Worth the giving and the price, Come and see my Cliristniai treasurers And secure a gift that's nice. From the one whom you make happy. These fond words will gret your ear: "May you have a Merry Christmas And a Happy, bright Xew Year." En. McDowell. Persons attending the Teachers' Institute should call at C. N. Boyd's and see the nice goods. 1'RorosALs. Sealed proposals will lie re ceived at thc Commissioners' office until 10 o'clock, a. m., January 2, 1882, for furnish ing the Court House and Jail with Coal, half lump ami half rough, from the 7th of January, 1ks-., to 7th of January, 1. By order of ( 'ommissiorcrs. . W. M. Sthrocii, Clerk. For Sale ok Rent. The Somerset Steam Grist Mill for sale or rent ; also Patent Port able Flour Mill. For information call on or address - J. H. Zimmerman, Somerset, Pa. Books for the Holidays at C. X. Boyd's. The nicest Albums in town are at C. Bovd's. X. A Cheap Farm for Sale. A small farm of 69 acres, good house and small bam, one mile from Railroad, on Mud Pike. Very cheap. Terms easy. Possession given im mediately. Inqnire at Somerset Coitt Baxr. GIFT BOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. At the rooms of Wm. Ill Wei Hey may be found a magnificent assortment of Books in all departments of literature, which will be sold at very low prices. The stock of Chil drens' Books is very large and offers a wide range of choice. Also a large lot of Pictures in handsome frames, Panel Ilctnres, Frames, etc. Call and see these goods before mak ing your Christmas purchases. Teachers' IxsTiTiTt-Attcntion Teachers. Teachers and others attending the Institute must not forget that the place to buy Books of all kinds. Reward Cards, Albums and all kinds of goods kept in a first-class Book Store is at Chas. II. Fisher's Book Store, in Cook A Beerits' Block. Dyspepsia ash Liver Comvlaixt. Is it not worth the small price of 75 els. to free yourself of every ympton of these distress ing complaints, if you think so call at onr store and get a bottle cf Shiloh's Vitalizer, every bottle has a printed guarantee on it, nee accordingly and if it does yon no good it will cost yon nothing. Sold by Go. W. Benford. Drnggist, Somerset, Pa, ' It is worth more to see the display of Holiday Goods at Mrs. A. E. Uhl's than to see the fair, yet it costs nothing. . Go and see for yourself. For Sale. David J. Kaufman offers a valuable house and lot for salo in Somerset borough. The house contains seven rooms and celler, and is very -pleasantly located. For further im formation call on or address his agent, J. H. Fritz, at Somerset, Vt Terms reasonable. A jnot variety of Silk Handkerchiefs at all prices, will he sold very cheap. Mrs. A. E. Uhl. Ilad very sore eyes, almost blind. Pera na cured me. A Bender, 8. 6., Pittsburgh, Pa. W El M ER. October 2Sth, 1881, Alice Es tclla Weimer, aged 10 years, 5 months and 6 days. ' , She was a member of the Sabbath School at St. John's Church, and belonged to Sister Sumpstinc's class, and is said to have been a very interesting little girl, very kind, affa ble and courteous, and was much engaged in prayer in her sickness, leaving good evi dence with her parents that she went to Heaven. Her disease was diptheria. "Rest dear Alice till wc meet you in the bright clime above." Dearest sister thou host left us, And thy loss we deeply feci ; But 'tis God that hath bereft us, He can all our sorrows heal. Yet again we hope to meet thee When thc day of life is fled; Then in Heaven with joy to greet thee, Where no farewell tear is shed. B. F. Noos. MARRIED. H ECHLER WEIMER. Dec. 4, 1881, at the residence of Mr. H. Weimer, Milford township, by A. Evans, Esq.. Mr. Elias Hecbler to Miss. Henrietta Weimer both of Somerset county. STUCKEY MORRISON. Nov, 4. 1SS1, by the same, Mr. Frank Stuckey, of Falls City, Fayette County, Ta., to Miss Sadie Morrison, of Somerset County, Ta. HOOVER CRITC1I FIELD On Satur day evening last, at the close of service, in the Sanner chnn h, by Rev. J. B. Shoup, Ed. Hoover, to M. E. Critch field, both tif this county. CHRISTMAS GREETING: To One and All: Another Holiday Season is almost here and I hare the pleas ure of announcing lo my friends and patrons that my carefully selected stock of llOLIUA 1 GOODS has never been equaled in any previous year, and if you. will step in this week and take a look at my Show Cases and Counters, you will realize it better than I can tell you. If you wish to make a present to your Wife, Sweetheart or Lover, you can get just what is wanted, and at the lowest price, at ?. N, ISO Ifli'M. I have SOaiWETMiRNIT Conactti tT Coos a r.ytnir. tutin is CHOICE GROCERIES, FLOUR 4 FEED ODER CASEG, TOILET GETS, BTJD TOILET CASES, FLOWER VASES, VASES, appit'in!. a AjMylvitter, 1 al Hntn. f) 10U a Batter, W ltr). Batter. X 'nti) B-:wi!' t,K fOT.M meal. Ml -..- 13 s H:v tj,houiri;r, V " !.!. " ei.autrr tn;i., Ki Tora, (Mf)l hnhM i mtu. '. ntmi'fi ) muaal O'fti ifl li. ........... Cull :.. ft Ktoc. f O'.s Hour. I f'lmwwl y bu., IA fcl Hds. (cgai-curl) fc.... IjanL V ft Lfsaiutr, ri :,! ........ " IMitf " Sill, MMr.lra, si-.d cfccp lu9 S. Oi:, f bo.. l.u.oei, yt !a (nw) fBtone, .Ir'.cJ, y h Ky Vha H:lK. V btt, N'. I, 7 Hil.tnn " On. .mi) Alum, pr " ABbt'iri, pi-r 0scjc. ...... Sur. yiilnw ) s " whlta TsUow. ) ft Wbat, W tins Wool, S) B V M)J. SI Uil 'ii ..Wo t 2V , r ..'.'." lm ? i lAi 1 W 2' tc. 1 ... '.1 iCufW T6fl 1;J'a X'l4S un. ;o j wi '' 1 oui ft tl, I'M ;sj lrt .. ,j jt'H'Sl 'W ..." tl lii. " 0 9;i ni4 v : ti a 30 4. f 4- t i HPUFF. GLOVE. FM. AND HANDKERCHIEF BOXES,: JCUT-GLRSS, AND t COVERED EOTTLES.t .. I I I I I t I ! ) I 1 t X0W FOR THE HOLIDAYS ! Candies by the tick, by thc pound, by the hundred, or by the ton, together with a large selection of toys and toy candies, nuts, and tropical fruits. AVe are prepared to job as -well as retail id reasonable prices, llespectfully. Cook & Beebits. BULK-PERFUMES, SACHET POWDER, WHITING DESKS,. ' WORK BOXES, GOLD PENS and HOLDERS, FANC7 BOX PAPER, ALBUMS, for Cabinet and Small Pictures. A UT0GRAP1I ALB UMS, T EL VET FRAMES, MUSIC FOLIOS and MUSIC ROLLS. No Lady nel hfKitata in gottia; SOMETHING SUITABLE FOR A GENTLEMAN ! when .-he can set UMTOITS NOTICE. j aut of Jolia Porbaugh, deo'J. j Thc nndrrstirned hsrlon ben appointed adkor I to dUinl'Ute tii runus in ins nanutui Mima.-! o-! MathUs Pourbsaf a. Administrator of nM dae'd, to and among- Uium legally entitled thereto. wlU attend tu the dutire of aald aKpuintment. at hit office fn Sorocrnet, Thursday, January etu,19xt, when all purttea Interested may attend. OLO. H.SCt LL, decCI Auditor. HOLIDAY GOODS ! Presents suitable to all can be had at the Store of Mrs. A. E. Uhl. FOR GIRLS. China and wax dolls, tiunks, bureaus, work baskets, doll beds and cribs, castors, vases, sheep, rabbits, sets of dishes, great variety of 5 cent toys, mittens, comforts, hoods, gloves, wool sacks, stockings, lace and lin- j en collars, sailor collars, leg- f gins, satchels, round combs, 5 j cent handkerchiefs, silk andi i- i .it t.:r, i i t linen iiantiricrctnt-is, uuuy pins, breastpins, car rings and drops, necklaces for babies and girls, cuff pins, cuff buttons, pocket books, lace and silk ties, perfu mery, bracelets, finger rings, ribbons and many other things that I have no space to men tion. FOR LADIES. GENT'S TOILET CASES, CIGAR CASES, SMOKING SETS. GUT GLASS POCKET BOOKS, j GOLD PE2TS and E0LLE2S, j PAl'EH WEIGHTS. ! IPAPER CUTTZRS.j INKSTANDS, DIARIES for 1882. Breast pins, ear rings and drops, cuff buttons, necklaces, tie pins, bracelets, silver thim bles, finger rings solid gold; with and without sets, lace fish ues, lace collars, lace ties, Span- f ish ties, mull ties, silk ties, sat-! in tics, silk handkerchiefs, white and fancy border linen !. handkerchiefs, fine laces, scts of mats, scarfs, hoods, com Df)RIQ forts, nubias, wool mittens, Buhl No, cloth, cashmere and silk gloves, foster hook kid gloves, seam less .kid gloves, Alexander kid gloves, linen cuffs, embroidered towels, table cloths, napkins, ruches, ruching, plain and fan cy ribbons, wool stockings,work stands, work baskets, coats, dolmans, fine toilet sets, lunch baskets, satchels, pocket books, corsets, wool hoods, jewelry' baskets, whisk-holders, per- j fumery, brushes, vases, skirts, I etc., etc. NAIL and TOOTH BRUSHES, HAIR BRUSHES, CLOTH BRUSHES, WALLETS, WHISK BROOMS AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, If you have nut alroady iiiade yunr whttion of OHBISTMAS C -A- XD S, Call at once and see the Handsome Ones I am now offering at prices so low that you will be astonished. Do not wait until the Desirable Ones are gone, but come at your earliest convenience and see them. DM IN ISTi: ATOirS NOTICE Letter of Im in 1? ration bavin irrart! to m iff th proper authority on th r-ttnt .f lomerwt county, Ni'.I'eu r.erftv nlrt?n to aivl tu kill parti hd lu x ciatx. a D?t snl de cedent t pr:aat t't tama duly uUir.nti -te I fur allow aucfl. L.O- COLRORV. Dec. 14. A'tminiicrator. BEAUTIFUL MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, TENNYSON, LUCILE, ROBISON CRUSOE, UNCLE TOM'S CABIN, FARM BALUDS, BY WILL CARLETON, IVANHOE, LALLA ROOKH, Etc., pc, and for the little folk? FOR BOYS. Horns, rattles, balls, horses , sheep, animals, tool chest? 5, mouth organs, banks, rabbit s, bells, gloves, mittens, ties, ct A lars, purses, rings, jewel ry, comforts, cuff-buttons, wafceh chainsj charms, rings, etc., etc. FOR GENTLEJIE'tf. Watch-chains, watch-cha rms, cuff buttons, gold rings, cloth gloves, kid gloves, buck gloves, fur-trimmed gloves, ' neck ties, scarfs, linen collars, cuffs and shirts, comforts, white, sil k and linen hem-stitch handkerchiefs, fancy border linen handker chiefs, silk handkerchiefs-at all prices, very cheap, slipper pat terns, wool mittens, scan pins, etc., etc. All at Special low prices for tho Holi day Trade. CHATTEEBOX, SLICED ANIMALS, SLICED NATUBAL HISTORY, and ABC BLOCKS, BIBLES and TESTAIJENTS pi BMC MALC OF VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE! I The nf'Jer!5m'i Teuror jf the rt wl!! f.n ! testament ot Jb Sbuttrf lteuf JenneT (own ibip, (in?ri,t cuonty. Pa , ltc J, In irtuauar.'-e of an order of aale, fmm tfe Orptian1 'ourt uf tvrnert county, Fa., will iiyv iu puUIe wit ua tbe preueUci, oa FRIDAY, December 1G, 1SS1, at 1 o'clock p. ro.., the ful!oirtrir defcribs'l rf! eitate, inte the ppp- rtj ofthe liec'd. Til : A r-l of lami lo lnarr township. a!;ntrg lun'H f liL-njiiotn SmlTr, Levi l'r oiliiw, Ciiui Hunier. Geoiye houi:h. Henry baher anj Geo. KioK, omuilDing 41 j acres, mure ur len. atxut Vih acrri ut wbtcti ure clear. anl 2.' acres In di1 ow, having tiiereon erected twotlwrllls buUKi, trunk burn, wattr puirer law mill, toudk cr-.-Lar.l ol etiutee truit. TERMS ; Une-third of pan:kaM mowy, after Taymcr.t of debts aod ex;eiisci. tu reniain a Lien ou I tin prem. lea. the Interest thereof to be paid annually U; the eliluw duilna; her nataral ltieiioae, and alter her death ihe principal to the heirs of iuid Jacob Shalirr, dee d ; ten per cent of purchase niRncj tu be paid as soon as proienj is knockeit d':wn : one third Iret the ten per cent, on April 1, H'A when poeslf.D will be Kirro, and tbe balance In three eaal annnnl payments, with Interest, furcbuse money lo be secured by jn-lzraent U(UY KOI CH. nor2S-:t t-xecutur. J5RIDGE SALE. The nnderJiirned (Tommi'loncrs oi Somerset connty will oil' r at pubiic sale, to tfce lowest an t bet bidder, on Friday, December 30, lvSl, at !0 o'clock a. m on the premt'C. the T.niMInx of the abntmenta tor a bridi(eo'er t-aomaboninic creek, where tbe Somerset and Johnstown pika crofscs said r'n a:n In S-imerset township. Flin and speciij'.tM n can be seen at the Commission ers" Ollicc. DEX?fISCnniC. j. ;.cRiTt:Hnr.i.p. W. 31. S nn-f K. JONAS Mi LLIN'IM'K, Clerk. Cotniiilf Aoucn. Hot. 3j. A DM IXId TIJ ATOR'S NOTIC K. h t-jwa- Ljuh: of Jacu'j Saylcr. late of Concaiat'i f ulp. deeeaseii. Letters of ac'tnlnlstratlcn on the aboT estate haviiiK bctn itraatod to tbe underdlvned, by tho proper authority, notice Is hereby KiTca to those Indebted to it to make immediate pay ment, andthose havlrir claims will please present them dnly authenticated for set Uement at the bite home of the doceased on Si'it aniay. Jaru-iry 7, JACOB S.SATI.fK, SA-UIEL SPIOLL. nor 30. Adainistrator. SPECTACLES wd EYE GLASSES A SPECIALTY ! Thanking all for the liberal patronage given mo, asking that it may be continued through another year, and wishing al! a Right Meiry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year, I remain Yours respectfully, C.N.BOYD, DRUGGIST and STATIONER, DM INISTRAT01I5 NOTICE. LiUite of Mn'ibla Zimmerman, late cf Je:fer.;!t Twp., Somerset Co.. P.. Letter of adminis'raiioo cn the above estate bavins been rntcd to the mderiiirned ly t-" proner auth rliy, notice is hereby iiiven to i-.l pensms indebted to said estate lo mafti trac:td -aiepeymrnt ar.d those having claims a jn ii.-t the same to present theai duly authenticated u.r tietnent. ou S::turday, lecemler 17, lvd. at t;ic oifl-e uf John K. Scltt. In Somer-e: forousrh. A AKON 1.M31 K KM A N . ov. 9 Adunni-trator. "i- J " i 'R'vroirs Muir tiiatc of Catharine Geier, Ute of Staerset Tp . itfiit Letters of adTitntstati'-n on the aborv es nte having i-eec arrantcd to tbe nndersiitneii by tne priperautboritT, notice is nereoy itu u u- Ljet.ted to the iaia estate to mans immediate payment, and those b-rnie claims or deiun.!s airainstit to present tbetn duly anthenticjt-t !? setilement, on Friday, the lsta o Janiury at the late residence ol the deceased. t Ifl BUW .11 A . norSO Administrator. s HERIFF'S SALES. kt Tlrtue of certain writs of Vend Ex., KI. Fa. an?t LeT. issued oat of the Court of t'omma fleas of Somerset ra., ami yo m uimra, there will be exposed to puiiuc saiJ at i:i Court llonse, la Somcret, Fa., on Friday, December SO, 1S.S1, at 1 o"cliwk. t. altthe rieht. title, mters't an I elam of the defendant, John Hover, of. in and to the (ollowinir described real esaie. s. ante in Vrsina'Bor., Somerset eonnty, i'-, eontainin M acTBS, more or less, with a two-.mry Iracie dwelling house, barn and other outhuildlne there on erected, adjoining Neison A. TLsue, William and PhiUippi, E. 1. I'uuy and other'", wi:h the apporttnances. Taken In cieentlon at the rait of Herman L. Baer, um of vV. J. llacr. use of C. Linif. ALSO All therijht, title. Interest and claim cr the de. femlant Frank Wolf, of. In and to the toiiowinsi real eetate siiuato m Meyersdale bormh, S-mcr-srt countT. Pa.: No. 1. Two certain loU of touD.1 (os. 11 and 13) 'rontinir on Mevers arenus on tiK- snnth. alley on the west and north, and on the ea.t by lot of William Sbaw, beicie eiirhty Itet fnct and .me hnndre.1 nnd twenty feet deep, with a two-story brick dwelling house, stable, and other outbuil t ini thereon erected, with the appurtenances. .N.I. J. Two lots of (tronnd Xtt. TSand JT) fn nt irit on Broadway on the north, adioininr tmlitii strei t on the esst,and ailey on thc .outn and nert, with the appurtenances. Taken In execution at the :t of iia-a u. aiarteenT, use ol William F. Meyers. etaL NoTirs. All persons purehasins at the abore sale will please bike notice that a part the purchase money to I made Known at the time of sale will be required as soon as the property l knocked down, otherwise tt will be airiinei posed to sale at the risk of the first purchaser. The residue of the purchase money must bo no id on or beiore Thursilay of the first week of January Conrt. the time tlxcd by theConrt rortheacknowi-e-lirment of deeils, and nodeed will be e.1 unul the purchase money is paid in full. EIX1AK KiLE. Ssnirr's Ornn. ) Slicrltf. Sotcerrct, Dec 7, lShL I SSIC.NEE'S PALE OF YALIABLS RKAL ESTATE. In pursuance of an order of sale, rranted by tTi Couitof Cominen Fleas of Somerset eiiunty. Pa., the undersigned Assignee- ot John Kinir and wi.'c. will sell at pubUc sale, on SA TURD A Y, December -'A. ISM. at 1 oV-hiek r. on the premLos in Mi'.iord Twp. Somerset eounty. Pa. A certain tract id land with the appurtenance, situate in said township, ad ednroir lands f M Baker,John A. Fhillippl. John Weller s heirs and other, eontalniiis 61 ' acres, more or less, lo acres oi timber, and U acres in meadow, balance in a irood stale of cultivation, havin thereon erected a irood two-story dwelling hoase. bam and other outbuildings : conTenient to eburche and schools : beinc 1 1 mile from Uebharts and nule Irom New Centreville. TESMS: One-thlrd of the pun hase money b 1 jaid on eonnrmationof sale and dellrery.of deed.oue-thini in six months, and one-thirl in one year from the Wth of November, 1SS1, with interest on deferred payments from day of sale, to be secured by judit lueut bonds. Ten per eent.of the purchafe money to be paid on day of sale, which will be Ueuiu-trd from the hand money. D. V. WILI.. Pee.4 Aselaace. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. uie oi John Weihle. late of Paint Tows-hip Somerset Co., Fa-, Uee'd. Letters of administration on the sbors esta te ha.lDKbecnuranted to the underslitned, by the prope?authority, notice Is hereby itiven 'o .those indebted to it to make imme.ila. V'Shem thf barinit claims or demands will present thein duly authenticated lur settlement, i.n rinay lecemlr S3, issl. t the turn, of Jonathan " "'" ,H JON ATH w eible. . -o.t AdmlnL-tratorof John Weible. dee . ADMINISTRATORS SALE OF VALUABLE KE.VL ESTATE be Tirtue of sa order of sale Israel t 4 the fiTphans- Conrt ef Somerset eonnty, Fa I wij expe to public sale, the promises, on 5.-1 TURD A x , V'V, it 1.1, isoi. .i i Ioek o m.. the real eate ef the Tats f .ee. Stoushl"i.eslstilw X sTIoable fan. shu f, i rf Turkeyfoot tnwoshin, t.emeret 12- T.FaTsdKdnlaS of Hrr Wer, Herman Kreptr. and Oreea M RS. A. E. U H L. g iAMMOTn BLOCK, - - SOMERSET, PA ftame house v " i ina TVrmls deslmblrsitaatedand oti school, burcl and siill. rriMJ: .i.third after parment of debts to remais a i n?( deed andThe remainder in three eqoul ery id deed. ot0SCtE STOfOH. w Ajmjiistratr. ncry3