ftBKt'' m,m..t um Somerset Herald. "!.!., IMi'.o;-. 1 .U ,v.--.r', Arlnitus is hhximiti,?. r',.iiiir latn'is aro uj,un.l Ihecr.ipus j.rom- The loiiishiiic of tin iuxiirv. few d.iyx was a At (he Easter Communion t Balcrrsvillc What, is it possible that false prophets there were twenty-one arxxssions to tlie i hate arisen among bs to deceive the peo chnnh. Ouc of Estey's CI, ami Orpnns was ! pleT The 1st of May, the lny upon which also placed in the church and paid for. The ' it wan prophesied hy (he wis men that the u. v. ruttiTni, v.- 'village" this !. There aro no less than fh"!fvn t-umli.lutes for She;flf in this --uitv. 1 nut I'lH-'i aw iv your flmiiei. ! he time enough the iai-t of Mav. It will .:.iy . is-:, i Mr. tico. l;. (.'o!1ro;h,of Baltimore, sjH'tit vve::i: e:,y in town lat week. , : i:y , r i er A tV til J'.ll !!ef- This was ahont the dullest court, chilly, we have ha 1 for a long time. finan- Thero wore i:o less limn fifty cimJulates for the i!i;r.rc!it county ofticcs in town last week. !', i ;:ia . !". r Mile at C '. ,.,.:: i:;i,i) n.s::: at C. 1 'WaI-TKb iVn. .',:vcrrtdy wants one. Cook & Pnimns. t. ,.r -;t.w Hat si' H. 1 h : h.iti 1 or;;an man ma le hit fintt up jHv.r.niev on Tnewlay ai the avant coarier of m;i inner. .. who rjxmiJ their evenings loafing around the street corners never attain to rk lie- iiiul fame. t - A p i: ". -.MMKil MATS, A. K. Yl'.V?. IVSiy- .1. I!. 1 !!-. AT 'in S i .V 1,1111! l.'r A 'o's Bl.d Mrs. William I'osth-thwaitv has had a neat iron fence p'.uceil in front of her residence, on l'i;ieii Mreet. One yard distant" bet ren the plants in tuukin? row plantation!! of rrarnir'! is now a lopted by ;:ar.lenirs. j he atteti 'unc 'nt Court last week was not very iare. i-I aily of i The crowd 1 nii"t;il:ites. hit mad? up prin- Oa and after May itth the U. S. mails be tween Johnstown and Somerset will be car ried per the S. & C. railroad, instead of by the present stay route. ' We presume this arrangement will chanjje thetiinc of deliv ery at ull stations between Johntown and Hockwood, and is an Indication that the trains will run recuhirl v on the S. &. C. It. U. from that date. orpin is a beauty ; the case is linUheil all 'angry thunder would roil over the C'ollec arnund and can lie placed in any position j tor's ofilee and the forked lightning would without nbstnictins the view. In sweetness ! leap from ths clouds and tlistroy it. tear it j., i" rnr-tirating in the auj volume of tone il beats anything we np root and branch, as it were, has come have heard for the size. Pastsb. I and tone and lo! it still sianOU, unscatehed and unharmed. Sunday morning, the 1st broke bright and clear and the sun came out in all his spleuder. Manv and anxious were the glances cast upwards to the skies, but, not the slightest indication of t'lecuiifident )y pnnlicted storm, that was to do such ter rible execution, could lie seen upon its pla cid and smiling expanse. Towards noon a small siH-ck was seen in the east which frraduallv grew larger and larger until it as sumed dimensions alwut the size of aman s hand. This portentous cloud was watched with considerable anxiety and fear as it drew nearer and nearer, but, when it was finally discovered that it was only the Gen eral of the half-breeds with his first Lieuten ant, Kooscr, returning from a pleasure drive, the anxiety and fear was at once dis pelled and the prognosticators were de nounced as fools, knaves and deceivers of the people. It seeins now that our wise men were slightly mistaken as to the time and place the thunder was to be heard. The present indications seem to be that the 2."th of June is the time and the region round about the court house the place where the gathering storm will concentrate and burst forth. Siiiloii's Catarrh Kf.medt, A marvel ous cure for Catarrh, l:phthcria. Canker month and Head Ache. With each bottle there is an ingenious nasal Injector for the more successful treatment of these com plaints without extra chanre. Fricc 60 cts. Sold by Geo, W. Henford, Druggist, Som craet, Pa. Mi:-. A. K. I I!L s. '..t'li.c. 1 tciiU renin a. Mr--. M. Ku-iH, I'll s- ( .;el 1 '. '. ' AViir 1 licui'.H CII.-C1.-, :it . ii. Wai tkk .c Vs. allow the u -c i ra- Tlie l ayelte .V.u7 ;r eaine to us last week in a inut h-nwd.-d new !". It is quite a neat I'Mikinj pjiK-r now. Win. Zimmerman, t JcnnerX Roads, in unds selling Irs two fine farms on the C0tU f Ju:i", at p'lViic sa'e :i the premls make jou lose in-. to try -r Tins AM' th: Mir- M IIS. A. Ii. I'llL'S. .. . ;:i il laic i'.r your ra'ron- .!. Ii. r-NVi't r. Co. af ;a:s run. an 1 J:ave caianh, 1 I a.'c irie 1 i:. C. IV Wiley. 1 'a. . 1 V: i.n:'.' X. 1. WAI Tr.il A Co s. 1'n.ii: Is Maple .irar, ill an 1 other ao - ' H'f- rriving daily at toe Hoot !. rid, "o. -1. Vamnioili il!-ist:uted by the . .sia-.id f.-r Verutta. N. :. Walter & V Itats - ; iiieha -inn t Uewhere. ,.,iiK o:-" Al.I. KIN PS. MA!, AT mi:s. a. v.. r.'iL's. 11 a! 1'. WaV. r A CoV. - l.-.'i'..r" inir. 'aa-in z eSe- er an i: il l..k lln.K Aiming the recent postal changes we no- lice that Titer J. Cover, of Stoy.;town, has l)'.-e:i :i;pointed postmaster at that place. It is rumored that the II. O. It. U. will put up a ho:cl near Hoctvcrsv'llc, along the line of the S. k ('., to be a summer resort. Many of the well known varieties of early spring llower adorn the gardens and win il.iw; of many li.iTidsom! and cosy homes. Oui'.e a numher of Oiir fo'jng men went to Jo'ins:owa Thursday to attend Kon--paugh's fir.-us, and see the t"n thousand dullar b autv. ,!" ig Fever 5 a dise i? tint t!i boys are strur ;I:ng with now. No fatal rases arc yet rep ited. ahh'Migh rprteja numlwr nre lying lo in the sha le. We should not sutler from a Cough, when a few doses or Aycr's Cherry Pectoral will cure. Medical meu'prefer them fr nervous or de'.icite constitutions. rs!t clouds of thick white smoke may be noticed issuing from (;arden and back yards ;it tl.is timeof (he year. The smoke is caus ed by t iles of hiiriiiiiff r'ibliih. i uor.e m i rt notice A ov. :,nive ,11.' ,-...L. I III. s. I., tal.e I'frv.na. I have i . Allegheny City, Pa. ,lre-. go .,1s ever ec i 'ii li. Miy.U-r & Co s. A .vet v.'ith ever dre. . at The u.-ual batch o sent to this I'tliei l. nty as heretofore, . ,i : ti- r '.il l smneil. r spring jex'try, which r.:i:u:ally, is not so We suppose the cool to do with it. We advise our citizens to give able-bodied tramps the cold shoulder. There is no ne cessity for strong healthy men, wandering over the country, begging their food from door to door, and caving they can get no work. Work is plenty, wages reasonable and those who have no work are profession al tranis. They thould be refused cold victuals and made go to work, or do their sleeping in lock-ups and eat prison fare. The Doctors IIisacrek At to Ihe be4 mcthoils and remedies, for the euro of c.ui- stiiiatiou and tlisored liver and kidneys, Hut those that have used Kidney-Wort airee that it is bv far the Itest medicine known. Its action i prompt, thorough and lasting. Don't take pills, and other mercu rials that poison the system, but by useing Kidnev-Wort restore the natural action of all the organs. Xnt Cbimimi. S. M. Pe:tengill & Co., of N'ew York, ad yertising agents, have disposed of their Philadelphia branch to Messrs. X. W. Ayer it .Son. who will consolidate it with their business. Ayer A Son are among the most reliable newsapcr advertising agents in the country, and by fairdculing with publish ers have built up an immense business. They are ei.tirely reliable and trustworthy, and do just what they say they will do eve ry time. We have delt with them for sev eral years, and have always found them to be gentlemen. On last Monday evening a party of prom inent It. i O. railroad officials arrived in town on a special train. The larty inspect ed the new road between here and Johns town Tuesday. The distinguished party was composed of Mr. John King, Jr., of Cincin nati, President of the P. fc C. Road and act ing President of the B. AO. R. R. ; Robert Garrett, Mendes Cohen, Charles Webb, Hugh Sisson, all of Baltimore ; Win. Baldwin, of Conncllsville ; W. II. Markle, of Greens burg ; C. C. Markle, of West Newton ; Wint Bissell, and John D. Scully, of Pittsburgh In soother column w ill be ."mmd thean nev.p.i ements of o'lite a nunils-r of candi U'e for the various cun y otliees. The lot will iike'y be augmented by next week. V.'o uioicrstaud that the 1$. A O. Company intend erecting a new depot at this place. It ill be a pood move r,s the one erected last fall is an nn-i;,'ily structure and unfit for iis. 1 H:i anva-se: lliie: go v s:r-et i:: a ;. :y. at 1. AVa :.Ti;n A s. s ;ia'.:e front .? to ids f.irK. U. Ridemi! i.v s r.,t '. Inr;. e:vl l i'ie mill terms. :i;:v wi:k am nai;:: -w. mi:s. a. r.. I'll I.. ; t . leu- a fliM-k iiiiit will keep , ..to the "Mid Reliable." .! is. Tlrui: l -" . A T- "v ( I.A- .irn: nkt-. At MRS. A. V- l iilS. ::'il see ihe luautiful lot of N-ive'tles just opened at i' ii.i.ai: shirt in Tin: a. n. rm.'.s. T'-nr.-l to do business in We have th" b,-st st -k of i t e.vp., a:i 1 unr prices are :in c nil! ;!ain. Come and J. Ii. S.NvmiR A Co. Hats aiel Trimmings N. I. V Ai.Ti.ti A Co s. ,. r.-.ss Si i T'S. Now is the Have it! Mock large 1H ".sh. t'-.-i ih' r with T vill. min'li cent. e iiieiva-e in business on the Connelli-ilhi.-ioii of the R. AO. railroad for the f M arch am iuntel to twenty per n compared wit.ii thnt !. in jxsn. of the same i-.i ing to the rain ul .Monday ourstreams Acre litcraiiy crowded with ducks. It is s;!cd thai there were a hundred seen at one time on Kantn .- i.U'i of town. r's dmn, a short distance I I Mr. Geo. W.J'ile, Chairman of the Ropub ' !!.-.. i C iir.i'y imruit'ee, has sudeete-l John ;1. Sts.;t, f.r ."s'sntary of ths Committee. We t'.luk the "Senator" vill make an able and c'lieiciit sceretare. The publishers of RulM-ji JiWAy otrer the following ea-y way for someone to make $li.OO : T j the person telling us how many times the word "Hero.!'' is found in the New Testament Scriptures, by May 10, we will give. 10.00 in gold as a prize. The money w ill be forwarded to the winner May 14. lil. Those who try for the prize must send 10 cents with their answer, for which they will receive the June number of the Mmil.i, a handsome Magazine of 32 pages, in which will be published the name and address of the winner of the prize, with the correct answer thereto. Address, RtTl.Kix; Pcbmshikc Compaxt, Kaston, Ta. Coi'bt Proc:kkiis5s. Commonwealth vs. Ix'vi Rose; Rescuing a prisoner, on infor mation of B. F. Boyd ; Verdict not guilty, defendant to pay costs. This case grew out of the arret of a young man in Ursina without due process of law. S.mc vs. Henry Brant ; Assault and ba!- tery, 011 information of John Surlier. De fendant plead guility and sentenced to pay a fine of $1 and costs. Same vs. Ed. M. Lamlicrt, ct ul. ; Riot, assault and batterry, on information of Mi chael Snyder. Verdict not guilty as to charge of riot, but E. M. Lambert, C. D. Spangler, F. Finecy and Joseph Deitz, of the defendants, guilty of assault and battery and sentenced to pay a fine of $t each and costs Same vs. Michael Snyder; Asssault and bittery, on information of C. V. Spangler. Verdict guilty, and sentenced to pay a fine of $1 and costs. These two cases grew out of a quarrel on the night of the late spring election in Shauksville. All the other cases on the Commonwealth list were either settled, discontinued or con-tiuued. CIVIL LIST. The following cases put down for trial were disjiosed of as follows : Lewis Glepber vs. Jno. C. Scott ; Appeal by defendant. Jury return a verdict in fa vor of plaintiff in the sumofJIO. Defend ant's at torn cvs file motion for new trial. Henry Honningcamp vs. Detiick Triin- pey; Covenant. Defendant confesses judg ment for $71 with interest from 9th of Sep tember, 187S and costs. Peter Brown vs. Emnior Williams; Alias Sci Fa. Judgment confessed bv defendant '""'"'i ." , . 'lion, ne uv.tt'i nave tiaa ins im..tia I... irt.,,,,1.1 Ti....... 1. i. -1 . ... . .. ... . i.v. M.r.,. ,.v . , iUV riiremc urain, 11 ne nas any, title I witli some of the northerncorncroftlielii.il Revenue Di.s- " tangle-foot which had ioi ;:ot runout," trict we arc not so far removed from flic (a nice subordinate clause; f.-r h;i i-.-i.;;:i',-sceneof thecouHict now mging over the : tion ran wild when he sh it for I1' - mk.'.'t Coilct'torsdiip oa 1 1 tic altogether ignorant of of tine " R-rist Il-i'.I -r" co ii'iiuoi -.--.it some of the phases of (lie o mtrovcriy. It ! it was fs;r from behij u re:-, re sli.it. t FOR SHERIFF, tf.-. FREDERICK NAUGLE, seems that in the interest of the half-breeds, the ni -Ii tant Republican paper at Meycrs dale, has taken the somowhnt heavy cott-trj-tof efleeting a change in iho oiiico; Htid, jildiring fmni its n-ceiit weekly raving', it looks very much as though it is beginning to realize that it his on h.vnl an elephant of more thin ordinary size. At fir. t the a-stuic-manager of the i 'mnnt-r!ril evidently felt that the job was a very stniill one, cspiviV: as the present Collector liad favored tne noiuinutinn of tiencrnl Grant for the Presi dency. This was thought to be a card that cauld easily and successfully ba played through Mr. Blaine. Hence, the repeated assurances that a surcharged political cloud was hioniing up in the east, and would hov er over I he Collector's office before the close of April, when thunder would be heard am' lightning strike to the terror and ruin of the present incumbent. But, alas, for the fond hopes and confident predictions of the man that casts the poiiti cal horoscope of the Ciunhtercud, all things in the political skies "remain as tliev were from the beginning,' with no visible indi cations of a change, it does seem that elec- trial currents are amiui as oneertain in po litical regions as in atmospheric ones. And now, as the month is rapidly passing away, indeed, almost gone, and the portentous cloud, not cveti so large as a hand, is not t be.seeti coming from the east, the (iiwanv ci':ii man, judging from his last week's ist-uc, is becoming desperate. He dearly perceives something more definite must be done, am atthe sacrifice o'f evervthing he has done it in tne shape of a series of grave charges j n u;i jet iiji.iu Mia. 10 us jonnstowners 1:11s last ana uesper ate act at defamation of character, looks and sounds like the wail of utlcr despair, resem bling those coming from the solid south in the struggle 111 the L. S. Senate over the sticking qualities of brave little M.rhone But, Mr. Editor, il. is not you correspond cut's purpose to champion the cause of our present elTicicnt Collector, knowing that he is abundantly able to cope with all the he roic titwrah arrayed against hi:n. Reference is only made to the case to show how th matter is viewed bv the p"o:i!e oulside of Somerset county. As far as. Cambria county is conccrnc-1 we fail to see cither the political necessity or the moral justice of removing one 3omcrset county man mere'y to make a place for another. Politically we condemn the mai adventure liecauseof the antecedents of both the 01 and the out one ; knowing the former to be a trustworthy, consistent Republican in "weal and in woe," and the latter to 1 billy smirched with that political good-fo: nothingness, known as sorehcadism. Mor- ally, we lack sympathy with the loir tun ning evinced by the manipulators of the j movement. Among otiier places to which petitions were sent, and for which big things were a-scd for 111 the form of numerous signers, our city can he named. But if no bette sncet-s attended the effort of 1 ed per in onen Court for t2S. with interest from th -nth nfAnril KW1 nml costs ! l,lm'r Pla( i signatures to Amrnstus Licman vs. Domcv A Bender: 'leuiaiiu nr 101. teuu s removal, tac rc- Coveuant. Defendant in onen conrt cm- Mur lemons snow a crggany array fessed judgment to plaintiff for f125. No names in.lesl. The one returned from here i-ke :. A. 1 sa-.k. .0i il! reysoi,; C.ovt-r I v 1 v: t'oOK r.Kr.itiTs. M.:;TS' Sl'MMER I'N- Mi'.s. A. 11. U1IL S. ! liuf rin the general public r and better st-xl: of !i'ts :!,! than ever before. ;n t.iev ran Ve ',( b t, ".rid tt;(si durable i. f. r Star, nii-1 take no i' Croft ry, I'loitr ami .I -s: a if Ki:i 1.1 H. 'r .t;iini'-r slio"s call . v hi' li Is the !.i "ye- J iv ioulii sent his checx the other dav to I o: :. ! Tom Scott for 22K).0U 111 o letter. if this s-.ini had been jsiid in lawful silver coin it would have required six full-loaded freight cars to transport it. The country drives arc now in excellent eondi'.ion. Those w ho are so fortunate as to Ue the owners i.f a turnout can be seen al most even," evening driving out ill the dif-f-r-n! sections of the county. The warm weather of the past few days has made outside painting pro"t3" brisk, and now a goo-1 msny of our young men carry tl.e far simile of the upper half of a front irate, done in oil on their coat front. c-evrra! of o'ir citizens were noticed scra ping the dirt in piles in front of their places of b'!s!!ics: others- should d j likewise. Farmers are always giad to get the street M-niping', as it makes nn excellent manure. An ingnniu.is inatheinateiian has figured out the size of heaven, assuming that there is room for M per cent, of the world's inhabitant- there. His time would be more profitably employed in cal ulating the easi est r v.t . Hon. C. C. M.issclman. W. II. Komtz, A. II. Cffroth and M l Scull, left for Pittsburgh S-.ir.day evening. Th--! two first nameil gen tleinen toartend the meeting of the S. A C. Railroad Company, and the later two to at tend the 1'. -'. Court. The sixtieth anniversary of flie marriage of Maj. Solomon Baer and wife of Somerset Pa., occurred April 17th, and the Herald of last week says that "both old people are still apparently yeung and in excellent health.' The Major is still remembered by numbers ol people or tins county, as an unswerving Democrat of the Jefferson and Jacksouian stripe, without o solitary blemish upon his political escutcheon, and whom the writer of this has known for nearly half o centu ry: If all our professed Democrats of to-day were of the same solid material, andas loyal t) rlnciplc, modern Republicanism w ould soon be swept from place and power, an Democracy reign triumphant. l(Vj(iir and Dnntirrat. A Carp. Ed. Herald : I wish throu, your iapcr to say to the Republicans of Somerset county that, owing to the fact that my health has recently become such as to render it impossible for me to enter the field in time to make a full canvass of the countv before the coming primary election I will not be o candidate this spring. With sincere thanks to the many friends who have given me assurances of their sup port, and with the Uojie that the "sovereign will of the majority" as expressed on the 25th of June next may meet with the hearty endorsement of the whole party at the com ing fall election, I must at present leave the field to those who are able to make the can vass. X. B. Crittjifield. Beri.is, Ta, May 2, AND 1 lis. .' Sot.. Cm.. A. 11 There is a rumor, for the truth of which we do not vouch however, that the Pennsyl vania railroai will clear a space of ground in the neighborhood of Cresson, to be devot ed to encampments of the National Guard, all denen h nt upon the passage of Senate bill No. iel. Wm. C. Milicr, of Quomahoning town ship, was found laat Tuesday morning sus pended by a rope from o agar tree in one of the fields of his farm. When found life was entirely extinct. An inquest was held on the body the same day, and reported "that not having the fear of God before his eyes, but being seduced and moved by the instigation of the devil, at Quemahoning township, aforesaid, at a certain field at the township aforesaid, standing and being the said Win. C. Miller, being then and there alone, with a certain hempen cord, Wing of the value of twenty cents, which he then and there had anil held in his bands, and one end thereof put alout his neck and the other end thereof tied aliout the bough of a siuar trie, himself thca and there with the cord aforesaid voluntarily and feloniously with his malice aforethought hanged and saiTocatcd." etc. No cause has as yet been assigned by his friends for this strange suicide. , l a. Mi: " it Ti A. II. iii-f. ) S..::i- rM-t 1TV orsT'K K TMr.CoCNiY ; A. E. Clll.'S. ,f l,.n for." -r lo 1 A ' '. h'litikcr, can still I. West Main St. for :;!-. at the !w- rwis for ai l IMINt.S. IM'LVD ANlt PASSAVEX- i;.-..ties. Collar", If you have l;ept a fiie of almanacs .and refer to the year lv."o. it i- not ius-es?ary for yon to buy a new one. You can uliliethat one n'i-1 the weather progn.isticati'ins of that rear will nnswer just a w ell for lsl. The e of ;ha; -. ear cirresnind with de.vs and d 1' tho-e of ihi-. NoTtf-E. Til- 1!. iVvi iR A Co: . ( r:i. J.-iir. I td's Supper will Ic ad ministered in the l.titluriii church, in I41 vansville, Sunday iiiorning. May K,at 10:30; Preparatory service--, Saturday afternoon; jireaehing Setc.roay and Sunday evenings, at 7:"o. L. L. Sii:ri:r, Pator. Jv'ms'. jwn is in lulping in a loan exhibi tion, ( oils'.., Inj; if ;iniiis of rare or cu rious workmanship, war and I Lilian relics, old books end manuscript", minerals, fo ssil. pictures ond otiier special or historical iiiemento of John-town or Cambria county, Township i.nd l oion-rh auditors too often neght-t the puMication of their accounts. Tlieir publication is required by law, and t je!ialtics are atfixcil for not complying. Cas- have come before the courts in several As we were K?rcinkulating about the . 1'.-, ye. , otato."S, A I .1 -...., r . 1 , , : counties oi me nta'c, ana in wiik ii ineouui- ' t ..at:.e, nn.l gn home 1 ,. , , , , . , ,. ,.. 1 .i. , .tors were Jined for neglect. The clerks -hi rl'otiM c:tis-Mi 1 , , , r , . . . . , ,,f.i 1 should therefore bear tins in mmd. I't A lil.lTMts. ! I '"tctand liest rcmedv J , town the other day we drojipe 1 ititothe mar well, .'arms Eitcri-id, i M' !!, on the south crd of Tmkeyfoot ; strtv.-t and were shown a runiber of vcry- I . t 1 - 1 1 - IH at Jilel iiuiiu.-un:v; in aiisienes iinii jnonu ments bv the rcntlemanly jiroprietor, Mr. William F. Shaffer. Among others shown rrpet and W all Paper h), ns a nionoment built to mark the last I ' er A (-,,",. Cotne ncd ; resting place of George Dull and wife at ''are.1 v.c w ill " i t A-nii ! Mill Itim Favettt'countr. It is B f-t lii-h ' flllall 1 .!v.,i.,i (I,.i ' i .1 1 . .n,l t c,..;l.,i in . ........ v-i 1 1.'- , tot; . -v .... a...?... m ceijr ssifTi-tr-. : handsome siyie. j ne price is .My J tLS AND NAPKINS AT Shaffer is o most caj.ital workman and his MLS. A. K. 1'IIL'S. 1 prices are beyond competition. l...;'rierv and fancy walteu A (Vs. j'l'l The origin of the word Yankee is now difiicult to trace. The old sxlling was Yanke. Some have said that it was coined in Europe and u?ed to designate all persons in the American colonies. Others hare ar gued that it eould be traced to the Indians in their attempts to pronounce EnglUh, and called them Yangbees. The learned Dr. Thatcher declare it was first nsed by one Johnathan Hastings, a fannerof Cambriilge, Mass., as a cant word to express excellence ; as o Yankee good lionse. or Yankee good ci der ; just as the people of Louisiana, when recommending any article for sale at New Orleans, declare it is real Creole butter, or Creole eggs. At any Tate, the word Yankee has become a famous word, and while our Southern brethren point indiscriminately to all Northerners as Yankees, nevertheless the genuine Yankee will continue to be found "down East," where lie was first discovered. When be is found in any other quarter of the countrT lie may be recognized, but lie is awav from home. The School Directora of Somerset county met in convention, Tuesday afternoon, for the purpose of electing County Superin tendent for the ensuing three years.TUe bouse was called to order st two o'clock, p. m., and an organization waa effected by electing Col. E. D. Yutzy, of 1'rsina, President, and Dr. W. S. Mountain, of Confluence. Secre tary. The roll of Directors wai then called by the Secretary, and UO resjiondcd to their names. On motion the Chair appointed W. H. Miller, ofCuemahoning,ond E.P.Miller, of Milford, as tellers. Proff . John C. Wellcr ond J. C. Berkey were nominated for the office of Snperin ten dent. A tm rat vote i then taken with the following reiult J.C. Weller95; J. M. Herkey 45. Prof. J. C. Weller was then declared e'ected Superintendent of the tad $1.00. If your Langs ore sere, Chest or pnblic schools of Somerset county, for the I Bock Lome, we Shlloh's Porous Plaster, ensueing three years. On motion the elec-1 Sold by Ceo. W. Benford, Druggist, Son j tion of ITof. Wellcr wos made unanimous. . erset. To. trial grants to be taxed. Franc worth Rood, endorsee of E. B. Caw vs. Abrain Beam ; Assumpsit. Jury return verdict for the defendant. V. R. Smith, endorsee of E. B. Caw vs. Abram Beam ; Assumpsit. Jury return o verdict for defendant. All other cases on the list were either set tled or continued. The Grand Jury before their ilischarge, Wednesday morning, submitted the follow ing report : On our visit to the County Alms House, we found the house and premises cleanly and in orderly condition and in good repair, except that one lightning rod on the barn needs repairs ; that the jail is not in very good repair and recommends that the proper authorities see to the necessary repairs ami improvements at once ; that we found the Court House in good condition. E0AD AKD I! HI IX IE VIEWS. A etitioii of citizens of Greenville town shia, fora road to lea1 from a point on a ....1.1:.. 1 u. ie....i.e ... H ...a... 1 . . . T. ...... ! liable thirst for Congressional on toe I urkey loot road near l reuenck w cr ner's. The court appointed John R. Scott, surveyor, Joseph M. Hay and Abraham Beach y viewers. A petition of sundry citizens of Jenner township, for a bridge across the Roaring Run on the public road leading from. Jen ner X Roads to Davidsville at Friedline's Mill. The court appointed Elwood Swank surveyor, Benjamin Blough and Peter Spel clier viewers. A petition of citizens of Elk Lick town ship, fora road beginning at a pnblic road leading from Salisbury west to Compton's Mills on land of Wilhelm's heirs to the public road leading from Salisbury to Grantsville to vacate parts of the road. The court appointed M. D. Miller surveyor, Sam uel Bogcr ond William Fritz viewers. A petition of Sundry citizens of Elk Lick township, for a road to lead from a point on the public rood leading from Salisbury to Mechanicsburg at a point in West Salisbury near to a point on the public road leading from Livcngood's Mill to Mechanicsburg at or near the bouse of Samuel Thomas. The court appointed Alfred Mitcbel surveyor, Solomon Hershberger and Jeremiah Linton viewers. A petition of oitizeni of Somerset town ship, to vacate and supply part of o road in said township. The court appointed C. F. Walker surveyor, Jeremiah Woy and Oliver Knepjier viewers. A petition of sundry citizens of Stony- creek township, for 0 public road leading from a point on the SlianksvITle rjad at or near Joseph Lamberts, near the hand board, to a point at or near the barn of Zachariuh F. Lamlicrt on the Stoystown road. The court appointed Joseph Table' surveyor, Aaron Crissy ond Charles Williamson viewers. was signeil liy not more than sixteen per sons, fully half of whom sign anything they are x-kea 10, no; caring a uauoec v. iio or what it is for. One or two passing thoughts may be nam ed in reference to the redoubtable Utneml, who seems to command the small squad of malcontents in Somerset county. To us it is passing strange that be should single one ofiicc-aolder out as being objectionable on account of length or time of public service. You certainly made a good point on him in a reference lo the fact that eneof his broth er s-in-iaw nas oeen lattening on i;ie nour ishing qualities of onice-food for tbout twenty-two consecutive years. L-n't con sistciicy a jewel ? Further, there is a most derided convic tion in the niimls of all persons who have watched the scarred and heroic General of many such conflicts, in County, District and state Conventions, that no man has a more vaulting ambition to get and hold an office than he. His aspirations for a scat i;i the iate Senate are still remembered ; his insa- lionors was not slaked by two terms, hence his strenu ous efforts to secure the nomination when Oenr.il Campbell was selected over his head; and it is now generally believed he is groan ing after judicial honors. The truth is, he is a veritable jKiIitical Micawbcr always waiting for some political preferment to turn up, but in the meant inic hoping to make something "turn up" by an artful tuse of li s sch'n.ing q-iujities. A JolIXJTOWtSER lim.vE, Pa., April 50, ISM. Ed. IIf.bvid : With your forbearance I hasten to answer a communication purport ing to have leen written at Berlin. Int by the way was written at Somerset. The writer under the tutmdtjJvme of Truth enarges me with having written the "Beast-Butler ' communication which appeared in your columns April 9. I will say right hero and now that he lies and the truth is not in 1iim. The truth of my state ment could be huljstantialedif Mr. Scull and "Beast-Butler" would agree to show the manuscript. I have no knowledge of the editor's rules, but I do not think that he makes a public cxhition of all matters sent fir publication. Besides I do not think that time is of so little .value to him that he could spend it in showing inannscripts to every num-skull who might want to see, them in order to get np a newspaper con troveisr.md detract from the character of the author. However, this is a matter in which I have no ri-lit to dictate. (I allude to showing the at tide or not showing it.) Now, if "r.uih'' wanted to comment on 'Beiwt-ButlorV' article, he should have had some knowledge who the "Biast," us he is pleased to term him, was, and not make a per.-ouul attack on an innocent man. I call it personal, from the fact that I was the on ly man who was prosecuted for selling li- GRAND CTENING- OF SPRING AND j 1,llr without license at the January Court. SUMMER GOODS AT HEFFLEY'S OLD 1 Jlut M I-'r)h",al -,f 1 Si7 il waa the Com- 1 m:s-ioners c.erk who wrote the article ua 1 ier the assumed name of "Truth."' Let me 1 for a nio.neut notice the motives by which ! tlie party who ma le thciuforiuation against lie was not working for OP MKtSKSDAI.O "ot 'ill. '.T; t"!,)'-ct to tbo itwl'lon ef fi-;; ui.llcan Frl 1 nury i.lee'li n, Jnn Us, tl. U'. F01l SHElil Contain, wera von nim-lied bv th P.rast ! Butler" article.!? If not, w i,. .Ill you j W.!I. VR'i. i'Z squeal? I would advl'e you to ap iloie fort or naoTfiKaavALi.itr Tovvitdiir. the terrible mistake you ma le, and ia thnt Snt-ji-, t, ttie .J-!s!"i f.f jlie Kp-it.-Iicaa Prl- futuro let 111noce.1t a-ni inofi'eti-ive men i m" -'c"a, jmsai, nlono, or when you ;;rt in this sr-:-o:i of the e.mnty solieitin the inllueueo i I suppirtj of 1113 ni'-n whom vo l now Ul'i tie wlti.out ! the slightest eau.-e, you nay not find ;iiis a ; favorable climate. "Truth," if you want to write a:i!n, Uo not be so cowardly, but !o as I do, sign your name. Yours, J. B. Lawucbt. Stosvcreijc, April 1S.S1. Ed. IIehald : The p.iliticil discussion.! which have Ix-en going 011 in the county for the past few months have established one thing beyond the possibility of a doubt. Every OiJ'inlh-Ilfjr.iblieini in the county has turned up 011 the side of the bolters and kickers. Every so called Republican, who a few years ago aided in defeating General Campbell for Congress, and Colonel Yutzv for Senator, is a blatant bolter, kicker and In'irpf ,,:, )t follower of Boss Koontz. It matters litile in what form the opprd troiili!iiiifestcd itself, whether 1-ccoming out ami out itreennacKers like J. ir. Ugle, or by skulking in the heat of the campaign like the Bos ; the whole crew now stand united in opposition to the fundamental ar ticle of all political t reed..--the rili; ,,f (ho majority to rule. In one township some of these same fel lows declare publicly that they will not 7 M'FOK SHERIFF, RUSH S. 3IcMII,LEN Cif MiimEcisuEic TowarniJ". Su'-iri-t t lbn!;-cl!.n of the C"p-.!I!i".ia Uarv Ele:tt-'B, Jane i. IrU supoit certaiti candidii at the. cumins primary election, liecatise such candidates were opposed toCoiTroth last fail. This U the army which Gen. Koontz is commanuing, and in which J. i. Ogle, ap plicant for the Collector.sliip, ii corporal. Let the Gen. make use of his legal learning and tell us whv this is so. Sui'iiose you ex plain why every Cnrniii-Jl, ,iu!,i;:ri, in the county is now in favor of bokinj and kick ing and why they all claim to be Independ ent Republicans? Were you farr.Uhing tliein spiration which led them to support Cof froth and oppose Campbell, the unanimous nominee of tlie party ? We are aware that you were opposed to Gen. Campbell's nomi nation last summer, but we must admit thct we are loath to believe that you were tiien commanding the CnJ.-ofli-IlrpnlHrnnr. But these are plain questions, and a p!:.in an swer wiil remove much doubt from the minds of many true and stalwart Republi cans who believe in majority rule ; and who arc opposed to bolters, ki.kc.-s, independents in 1 ( 'ojfmth -iVrt.W.V.1 fir-t, last and all the time. Then while vo:i are answering the above 'FOR SHERIFF, MAIILON MII.LEU, or soMir.szT mniflir. Suh;-tto tha .tecliiua of tlie &ci.u'.:icia I'll, marr ii.te7tin, Junu vt, lo-st. r rFOR SHFAIIFF, JOHN WINTERS, or 80UKS3LT Towjisntr. Satinet to theiletlJlfin of ths Eputl!cn Prt marj Election, Juae lfeil. 3rF0R sheriff, JOHN J. SPANG LEU, Of &OMEHSLT -rownsair. SuteTt to the .'el-l -n rr tlie Rnptilillean Prl ciarjr ElcctiuD, J uae '-i, ls-il. vFOR SHERIFF, A. J. SCIIELL, or sojiEtisrr noitormi. 8ulii"-tln the t-':-.l .n of tlie P. ;at:i--an Pr omry Eievtion, Jna? "i. tFOR SHERIFF, MARTIX SHAXK, or SToxETcnrxr; township, Snlt,t to ths drrlfton of ttio Itepabli.-nn Prl-nuti-y Election, Jane ii, 1SS1. tzrFOR SHERIFF, B. F. SNYDER, 07 CU31XA. tsabiit tn tho decision of the Kcru'illian Prl- niaiy Electlun, June b. 1S1. TEt f3SES ! TItt"s)SFS ! TUCS3KS! TRUSSES! TUl'SSES! TRUSSES! THUSSES ! Tsusssr.: : TRUSSES! thus;f.j: T.U'SSES! Taussr.-j tkussejj: TRUSSES! TurssEs: TKUiiSES! TKUSSES! TRUSSES! THUSSES i TRUSS LSI TRUSSES! TRUSSES! TRUSSES! TRUSSES ! TRUSSES! TRUSSES ! TRUSSES! it Tl.Ue Tits TRUSSES ! TKUSSES ! ! tE3 ! Tiio-e an jii't re's iv. I hi ..ih! tu ne I . C. 1ST. BOYD. HA33 RU3Bt3 TRUSSES, CZZTAVl lU'JZ: LEATHER nnd COH1A13H TR-J"3SS i 1 :i- i fill t i Yiw tr.'.v ci: ciLttx.o:d trxj.z Ai ,v i t s c'.e:.'! au-I 1 ;iil' in.'-ble. vvi'i . It!" V --r ill'. aii-l is by far ths iiiu-st trn-s v -t o.it. ).,! !,. ti.-o wiil ma:.e a sjei iality of lining you. A nic. I of E3, LADIES' aai UESVS M'.IOUl.Drr are ani-io tire iif--v -m-N ri-''- ive..l. Aiiv L.oo'is :c,t in s- i. ii wiil lie or-lere MlliC Sc-lToUTERS, tlfl.TS, IJ Xi '.r.l ji. .I'J A.'S, A.HKl KlS f ,r V,l:ie.e Veil!-, cerufi d limlrJ. Jir-Th'ise having tro il.le to t Tr.i pri-in Km.i: I-.i.v-r: to call and have nn-a tin: taken, a liiHi -rio!. rtii'l prici-- reasi!iaiiie. I lit l ill le) well naratif - s I. C. T. BOYD, KAHHOTH LLCCK :t. pa. ul -i j t.-.' a 1:3: j-fU-T-s:5E:r 1 ruffs' r-; t r,:":.:i: Tfc.u.-.s .: TRU.-SE3! trusses: TEUS.S&i! Titrssia : TKl -SSES ; trusses: TSUSS Z-i ' j TKU.SSES : : trusses: ti;t'ses : jruitStis : TllfSillS : T2l'SSE3 ! I Somerset Mechanical Works, ICONSOLIDATiON OFTHEABDISGH AHDMST FGDMEE 'juitious, you ni ylit tti! us wuy every Jieiuoerat in the county is approving; your cour.-e c,im e you Ik-cuiuc b'iss. ISt-fora you attained to the hi 'h honor these same I'.oiir- bons were damning; you for your devotion to ihe parly, and ridicule 1 evcrvlhimr you said iti :'.u or f its principles. Have yoti changed or 'us IVmocracy cbaiv'el ? X'o you iiiuiLi::'. fr a moment that yon can mislead the party by buisteroit-'.y h.nvliiir. 'Dj'.vn with tiie maihioe, 11 j bos j rule for he Ilcpu'i'i'.aii j arty," while yoa approve every defec'ion in the party and iMsjome the boss of tite iliseor luii el 'merit--. AVe admit you have a v tools whom you can manip ulate, but the preat bulk of the pariv, lite reading portion, will not fall down and or- bhip you as an infallible boss. Now General, draw your pen, which know is raijjhticTthan the sword, and give us plain explanations of yonr cutrse. Plain, simple answers is what we want. RF.ol'I.AK. IS" FOll REGISTER and RECORDER, JOHN C. IIOSTETLER, or ssyoCsdals Roancaii. Sntijeft to the lorisloo of tlte RspuMlenn Pri mary Elect iuu, Juuettt, lssl. VST FOR REGISTER ami RECORDER, Win. PARK KOOSER, ex soytusET BOCOIUH. Saliiiwt to the ilwisi-m of the KepaiiMin Pri mary Election, J auo - , ZzTFOR REGISTER and RECORDER. A. A. STUTZMAN, or sroxvi r.iiK TowsAtnr. Sutyeet to the itct-!i :n i f the Ilef ualkan pri ciiirv election, June "5. TO Farmers, Hcrcliants, 3IH1 Owners and Gtlters, We present herewith a cut una Which will than r.nv r ho soM fur hs mr.i.f v olht-r Iiritortcil I'luw", .'fiuil wiil nl.-o i 1. nrol v.'li w'll fl!.- Vi'e also make the WOIiVE V.'ell known and l.ih! who have Usui ir. We also make N-is. 2 ai.d i .f br ai 1" ' VrX .'.I'-" i''-. WOODCOCK ROWS, CENTRE LEVLr Af HARTZELL FLOW. H AFITZELL'S Aril) IMPROVED BKOV.'.i rLGVb KAR TZLLL'S i0S. 1 AMI 3 HILL SIDE FLOWS, A'-D lltGN PEAM HILL SIDE FLliWS, 4:,' ;e;- ' .-.. ZZ-mR TREASURER. Gvxnvn: j. iilacjc, o? vr3;ALE coitoi'oi:. Sul'ie'-t to the lcei!-in if the It-.,;,a'ilian Fri raary 'Elactton, Jun-5 ij, ISSt. t-F0R TREASURER, JOHN II. WE I MICK. or aintCKSET boeocqii. Snhjpet t the dec!.ioi of the Kci uli'lesn Pri mary Electioa, Jui.o -i isl. 1 All of v. i.i '1 vi ill ! s In piireof your Meri ' cTiuiiine our Plows i i ! as we can and wiil ma!: do so. e are aiso pn t I of repairli: to S.:w i Id nt Pl.t'-.' ians, ore.i'i re pnri ! a-i: it to v'.:r i: re-l t .1 i m.Hlri.t Mill II US l". l : other-. 3IACKi:ER Y 1 Tiire-:.i:i;r Ma- iiiin -. j ad'iiiioti to 1 1 - i"U ;" i and Manufacture tice In a a.o-.-k K. If. "Werner, of F.d kwood, has been ai)- pointed ae;ent for the Mile, in Somerset county, of the Uevie.I New Testament and listory of its revision. This hanih ome vol ume will be an exact reprint of the Author ized IhiL'li-li IMition of the Kevised Xew Testament, with a History of iis Origin and Transniission .f the Xew Testament Pcr"- ures. and of its many vr-ions and revis ions thnt have been made, lso a complete hih-tory of the last combined movement of the best scholarship of the world ; with rea sons for the elfort : advantrc-e.i rained: ketches of the eminent men cmr'ned upon it, etc., etc. The work '.will contain a'.mnt M paires in CTeelhiit new tyie, will be printed 011 tine white paper, and will lie bound in very neat und sulistantial styles : Kxtra Knriis:h cloth, rink!eil eile, il oO ; Arabesrpie leather, gilt ei'ge, K (; French morocco, gilt cde, ? 5 C-J. Mr. Werner has made arranseineiits to canvass part of this larjre field, but those who wish a copy of the earliest edition had better send in their irdei-s as soon as' practicable, as there is likely to be a great ru. h for this eminently prpular work. AbVKRTn-En I.rrtEus. The following ad- lresscd letters in the PostoiTiee, at Somer set, will be sent to the Dead better (.mice, Washington, !).'., if not called for on or before May 2o, 1-v.l : llrady, Scott. Li-pley, Allies. Uaitlebaugh, tiisj. Leatliam, llcnr.'. Bittner, Ilachacl. (2) Miurdy, Jesse. Shaffer, Annie II. . Sherbme, MUs Alice. Smith, Mrs. May A. Thorpe, S. M. Piddle, Mr. 1. J. Cat-lain, Henry. Corroll, Wm. I". Gesner, Mrs. Anpy. Cuthnc, Pl. W. A. C. Pa vis, rosfinaster. tJTFO R C OMX'ISXIOXEi:, ADAM C. LEPLEY, or ELKLII.K KWJillll'. Bu'ijrt to the dcciiiiira nr the I'.epulilican Prl mary Eieetiun, Jql It5, IStL ViTlOR COMMISSIONER. JOSEPH HORNER, of ev: :eset towsshi.t. Snh'rt t. the itffiFtnn nt the Itcr'i'j!!"tin Trl rutry Eiecii'm, June 'li, UM. 1ST FOR COMMISSIONER, SAMUEL LUCKMAN, or Mifoe.1) T0.VSSHIP. Sol j -t to the deel-I-in or the Republican Pti mary J.lecilon, June 2i, Ivsi. WFOR COMMISSIONER. PETER ZUFALL, ov i rrnRTrr.Ein rooT Towxamr. Sai-inrt to the lCT-li n if the ISeiiaMlraa Pri mary Eleetiun, Jane I'S, ZWFOR COMMISSIONER. F. J. COUNTRYMAN, Of BBOTIIERSVAM EV TOWSSHIP. Vahjrettothe derWoi if the Republican J-i-mary Eieclien, Jane 1, lsSL. Z5F0R COMMISSIONER, ADAM S. SHAFFER, OP JEN Mi R TOWS SI! I r. Suhjert to the lecisin of the K :prblieao I'rl nury Election, Jane Zi, 1S-I. I CAR WKtLS AND A (ili.S. sLfl I SOL.?, KESLUKS CiATt And a full a -'irt of n Cook in is St-i'.'i-s. Very' rs f , mis of Somerset, i'c l u U u ' n'l. "s ::- -1 A - i. JOHN E. BLYMYEE, DEALER IN Hardware, Iron, Nails, Glass, OILS, &C, 60C. Paints The followlii.T is : partial ll.-t of ( hi. ids in St-s-k: a.-;.u:. (Hatchets, Hammers, Chisels, Adfs, A'c. Iihi'-ksmiili's x . L Kiles, Hammers, Ac.. Saddlery Hard'.vare. Tab Trees. I .i",w.i !ii!i Dits. an l Tools. Table Knives and Porks, Pocket Knives Sei- P, , . ;;ivs. IX...ns. Anx ils. V ;. . Haines. Um klt-s. I.Iiil-s, rrs r-T-.,MT, a"-., I !;-.--:,r- Asswuti This Ul'kstion. xxhv io so many people we see around us, seem to pre- rto siithrand be niado miserable by In digestion, ConstijiAtion, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Coming up of tho Food, Yellow kin, when for 70 cts. wc will sell thtni Shi- lob's Vitalize-, guaranteed to ture thera. Sold by Ceo. W. erset, Pa. lienford, Prupgist, Som IJOVMAXSPAXGI.KR.-Att:ie Luther an paronnse, in I'ridens, April 2'., l.v-l, by RELIABLE CLOTTIIXG TI0r?E! " Having just returned from the East with a full stock of Ready-made Clothing, I am now prepared to offer the public greater bar gains and better goods than ever. My coun ter bear the fullest and best lines of Mens', Youths and Boys' Clothuig ever before seen in Somerset, which I intend to dispose of at liurl Bottom Frirft ! Look at these figures and come and be convinced that I mean business: Mens' Xo. 1 Woolen Suits worth $MQ,$7 50 " good " " " $ioru$oo M heavy working " $8(i$5 00 " serviceable " " 00 Single Vests from 50c. upward. Youths' good Wl n. Suita worth f 103$ 50 -fwrf-i 00 heavy ' $3 50 Boy' Suits from $3 50 np to f 10 00. Mens' All-Wool Pacta worth Kfi $250 " Worsted " " $0 00i$2 12 " Heavy " ' ' $1 00 $2 00 " Serviceable ''-.- - " $2 5ufti.fl 00 Don't purchase your spring and summer clothing before inspecting my stock and prices. II. IlKrrr.rr. Somerset, April 27, 1SS1" . S hiloh's CoMrm i Cre. This is be yond question the most successful Couyh Medicine we Lave ever sold, a few doses in variably cure the worst cases of Cough, Croup, and Bronchitis, while Its wonderful success in the cure of Consumption is with out parallel in the history of medicine. Since its first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, lot which" no other medicine can ttand. If yon have a cough wc earn estly ask on to try it. Price 10 cts., 50 cts., Die was actuate! Hit iuterc.-t of the governiuc.it, neither wan it to have the laws of our land cnfoiced, be cause he is not a law-abiding citizen ; but it was for self-iuterest. It was a plan, plot or scheme to get me to viuIaU: the law, and then tarn around and return me, thinking thereby to be released from paying a pretty heavy judgment. The whisky was not got ten for them at all. It was gotten for a par ty of screnaders. - When he found he could not rset me to release him on this ruse, he run it through Court, and thus it amount ed to what it did. But it will be seen that I had the honesty to get up and acknowl edge my guilt like a rdan, and am honest enough to reiterate it njain, more than 'Truth" might do if he were in the same predicament. . "Truth," were those proceedings not published in our county papers? Why must you herald end difluse it through the coun try once more? Is it because you try to make people believe that yon are so law abiding or because yoa want to let people know that you can write newspaper articles and slander a young man? I think your malice got the better of your judgment. It appears it is a predominant and nncontroll ablc passion of yours. You are aiming at the destruction of an innocent man's char acter, and making him the object of defama tion, calumny and reproach, just to appease your savage malignity. We might say something that would not fall so pleasantly on your ear", but will not unless further provoked. As to being fu Jilled, we are a sober, indus trious people, and mean to earn our bread by the sweat of our brow, ond not by living on the spoils of the county. In my cstima-1 Rev. J. J. Welch, Mr. Isaac Mi.-s Emma C. Fpanglcr, 1.-. coui-tr Pa. Bowman ami !i of Somerset MILLEU-EIIODI--Cn f-'al;l u?h ever inc. April 21, at the residence t f the oxi dating milliliter, Rev. E. Y. Iockcy, 1 Eutkkwyod, Mr. Joseph loi'.lcr and Ml. Sarah Rhodes, all of this county. DIED. ZIMMERMAN. 21th, Louis Zii'.imc his ac. -In frniiierset, Pa., April rmaii, in the 7-:!i year of ANNOUNCEMENTS. TOT tti llli PflEETla We arc authorized to announce the fol lowing n.ime3 as candidates for the various offices designated at tho Republican Prima ry Election, to Ikj held on Saturday, June i", 1SS1: Z3-F0R PR 0 THO NO TA R Y, DENNIS MEYERS, or soxxeaiT sor.ovaiu Sa'.jeet to the iWlrlim l the Republican prima ry election, J ute iiiih, 1361. F0n FR0TII0N0TARY, S. U. TRENT, OP SOVE&SET Bonocon. Snlijet to tho decision of the Beputillciui Tri inti Llcctii d, June 21, 1H8L tSF0RrR0TK0NGTARY, J. ROBERT WALTER, OF WmtRSET BOBOrOH. Subtwt to th decision r the Repnblleai prl Brj tleellbB, Jso S&th, 18.-L tarFOR SHERIFF, JAMES S. CLARK, or wiLroRD Towxsmr. Su'.'ieet to tbe decision nt the Rcrublloan I'll- Ery tlls;UaD, Jane li, 1Mb 3 J VJi t t.ijie,.siy..i.. A. P. MILLER, Ol" BIMTHEnSX-ALLnV TOIVSSHIP. Sut jset to the i!-i?lin of t.'i E.patl:caa Frf taary tUeyiou, June 'l IsSL Z3F0R COMMISSIONER, I). M. FIKE, ojelkuck Towxsmr. Su' trst to the de!f!in of tho Ki-pnhliean .ri mary Klcctioo. Juue ii, ls-i. ZWF0R COMMISSION'!, PETER WEIMER, 0- MILPORD TOXV-RHir. fsnl.ieiHtothe ds?!lon if the KepuMIcaa l"ii tnary Jilectioa, Jor-.e Zt, 1S31. Z3F0R COMMISSIONER, j SOLOMON J. BAER, OP VEVET.8D.XLE tOnoTfll. Sntjset to the decision of the K -publican Ftl mary Illcetloo, Juue 'ii, 131. the largest s'r-k 111 Somerset County. Painter s (JoivLs. a fail stock. White I Colored Paints for inside ami outside pr.intiic;. Paints in oil. all col. r?. Vanrisli, Turpentine, Flaxseeil oil, I'.rus lies. Jaj-e.n lin er, Wainiit Slains, &c. Window (ilass of ail siz;-s and p!a-.s cnt to any shape. The best Coal Oil always 0:1 her. i. t'nr stock of Coal nil i.anii s is v ry laree ai.il comprises rrvelcra::'. s'xies. llit-tons ( iie-.i- lar. Meiey a:, ! I'ross-cut Saws. ?!lil Saw Piles of h. -t ipiality. Por c l.ii'i-litied Kei'b-s. Jlamili-s tt" ail tin Is. Shovels, Forks, Spades. Rakes, Ma;tock. fi.uli Hihs, Picks, Scvthcs. Snail. s, Sie-L's, 'j.-t Steel. Mason Hammers, Step 1,-idoer". Carriage and Tire Bolts slzesi. I.ookimj (ilassrs. Wa.-hlioa.il. CI !. r Ma's, lsket". 'Fuiw, Woo len Feii keN. T leys. Butter Prints. Mop Micks. Tnij-s. StLt-lvan!-. . Chains, Halter Chains, Siiof, li.it, a.id Scrub l:ru-i. .e:el V'r::;eers, Meal l. I1ohj of all sizes i.'v.r.i rj nmi S'ni. : r.-c l-r'i-hi-5,('vrr, ol lir.vPi s. Tra (.-lul.s.t s. l ow DGORX.OCX5. IIIXCE.S. rStnCWIK, I.ATtlirS, BCOK-IiAOHS and everything in tlie buiider's line. Caj s. Lead, .-l ot, The fact is, I keep evcrx-thing that b 'oi,-s lo the Ward I in this kind of goods and pive my whole attention to ir. any one in need of anything in my line, will find it to ti:. I will always give a reasonable credit to responsible js rsoi lor tocr patronage, ana liooe tins si-.ts-'ii to make n-any r.ew ones. POX'T I'Or.nFT THE FL.UT. , I'oivilt-r, SoiViy Fu.-c, etc., etc .-. are trade. I .ha! . x. le-iv, Ty Pcrsor-' who are le:;loi;;. or rir a'lvant"e to give ire a celi. is. I tbauk, ii-v old cum titers ti Jacaary 2 , 1S30, IS o. 3, ISYKTTS BLOCK." JOHN F. BLYMYER tS'FOR ASSOC l A TE J UDGE, JOHN II. SNYDER, or STOVSTO"VS Dor.ovoH. 5u! "! to the dri-Man or ths Rrpoblkaa Pri tnary .lee:!nn, Juas 2a, U L ZSTFOlt ASSOCIATE JUDGE, JOHN M. GLESSNER, or stosky: ane.K ToxvxaiiiP. Kn-.;t to the riert ;i a of the Kpubhean Prl miry lceiioc, June i. If si. Vn"F0Il ASSOCIATE JUDGE, SAMUEL WALKER, OP lUsnKLMC TIW5.nil" fsiit-ji-t to the deci.-i iB'-f tt.a EefcblL-aa Pel msry i.'kx-tlen, Jnce ai. Usl. tSTFOR ASSOCIATE JUDGE, SAMUEL SNYDER, or svcrrr Tov?;s"tir. Ju i-"t lo the derision -f the Itrpat-lican Pr" mry jLiotUoa, Juae lb, ISjL E0R ASS0CIA TE JUDGE, AVILLIAM COLLINS, OP SolItUSiT POEOl t ll. Sul iert to the 'leeisioa of tiie Kem'ilieaa ITt- Inary tJcntioo, Juoe tla, l&sl. M CEHTRAL HQTLE Main Street, Somerset, pr... Will open f-r gucits c 1 January 10th, 18S1. mm ABDERSOH. ' ffV. iH AVu-lL. Tfcia hoaee ii furcisbad ia 5;t-j clasp, modern atyls, with tbo raoil rn; conTeaiences of Iletiera, Hot ted Cold Water Kith?, i Largo KeadiDj-Koorr.fi, -Parlors -1 j Chambers, cctl Itacted. The Tab! S3 good as tba te3r. j From evfcrieaee ia tha llotc! htist. jccsal Salter mjaeif I caa rtr.dtr satUfactroa to ail who call. rO.iCGLlEEmSlhEET pit1: Ms h, .j oiiLY i 50 A' WAR able and Kir wi!I !e, V.J.'XaVV' THS BALTIMORE tprrnri pan n n first: in vector, i JOHN J. BAKER, l. C SOUEIISIT Towssnn". Sai if -rt t the ilccUloo of the Republican Pri- raar; i.!etiiun, June i, lsttl. X'FOR J'O OR 110 USE DIRECTOR, JESSE HOOVER, or xaroaD township. Snt;jmtothe !!sloii of the Rtti''lKSO Prf- nary tlec-'cn, June 2i, Usl. ZsTFOR POOR no USE DIRECTOR. ALEX-COUNTRYMAN, j or LAVAxsvjLLrsfOJERSjrr TOjiasmr. j PuliMict to the deelrion of tha Scpublican lrl- ! mary ticetkm. Jane II , lsSt. ESF0r. ro OR HOUSE DIRECTOR, ! . JACOB ZE1GLER, I i or toxiBSrr Towitsmr. SnhiH to the 'd;Mon of the EcpnMlcnn Pr!- Burj tlectlon, Juo ji, 1S11 ; Weekly P. S. KXeindienst.'rpn TIAM0XD HOTEL, j STOYSTOV.'N, I'ENN'A. Tils prpntiir ami c!l known hoope h lt: ri tkir.osrhtT and rewly r-nttd Kb ll mw ed tcft ol lornlturr, vhieb li mie it vrv ' dcinlle stoi.picK plare fi.r tlie tramline j n'ote. ; IH isbie na rooo tnit be rerjisfstsl, nil I"-j tag first eUfS, with a lame pnblie hall ttich?d ; lo tbe lame. Also lame and r.rn'f fin'.ltnit. Kirst clsss l-osrdinsrain be hiul at the lut !-.- sibleprites, t-J the week, day urmel. S.51l"tXCi;STER. Proo. b. C Cor. IHamor.il Stojrstow i, Pa Amencriii, wm mm in ITT 111 in- -i.rr.s o? ni: uiv, corv. rrt: i m.F0R AUDITOR. JOHN T. RnOADS, or eoMEBsrr Tfiwsmr. Sub:?et to the dn-t'ion of the ErruMicaa t rl- mary electloo, June iiUi, lsl. BOARDINGS LOUSING. 1 Iicto cjifEcJ a'Snt-cUui HOARDING HOLSK at HooverTll!e, Srmerfet ronnfr, P.. wfcrrel csn arcomcdate ail who may call. lraU end lotialuK lnnitihd at lew ram. Wureh il. L UAKLES A. LtW IS. $Si)i WEEK. 12 dv t homo rarity n).i.'8 i m lut'.vcuttlt tree. AadrtM Tars k lo., Angvsta, Jialne. Jlr.lo-ljr. rC Tl O f)0 per dsv st fccn-e. Jairr- (D(J I (J OZU worth Sfrco. A'llrMsinS j AX EXTKA COPY .IX MONTHS' Fii EE, FOR A CLE B OF FI YE, AND 0XE YEAR, FOR A CLUB OF TEX. A Mu'i t h.t ofvaluahle Frrnstita plvftl of l.h.l s of fMtn 5 tr U'A c Jiiisi, a list nf which is rtihlishtil in Tni Vkkit Arrr cax. r-pe iroen copiw suit free. A-h!ress fHAS.C.Fl'LTOX, Am; i;h t'llii i'. April o, Ct Faltiint'ir, os It Co , I-riinal, Aitiiii". $66 a elt in jtnrfn tti. Ti-tr sitit JUar.lS-lvr. l.rui.i.i, Jtuine. Um i itT&lv Aiar.iS lr.