The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, April 20, 1881, Image 2

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The Somerset Herald.
EDWARD SCTLI Edilor and Tnirnotor
.April M, US..
Tiie Stale Senate took .1 riw?
over J IVi l.iy, l.ui the House
worked an.iv wil'i iinrcmittinjr itssi
duity. Xkaki.v time hundred i.ismn:i
tions ure said to he liun up in the
V. S. Senate awaiting the or-rnniza-tion
of that lody.
l'limr-EXT (AKr:i:uhas promised
to drlivcr an r.ddres at tlic Lyin?
of the corner-stone of the Yorktovtn
monument during the centennial
celebration next October.
Tin: I L'i.-laturo is i it;;: 1'ooded
w ith petitions in favor of .in amend
ment to the Constitution of the
State, probib.'tiijr the manufacture
and fale of intoxicating liquors.
Private Dai.zixl lias been offered
aa lvr clerkship at Washiiifton
an I has eltvlino.! with thank. Now
who will dire say that Ohio men
are creed v ?
ni ret
mills in
the de
ll '.iLTiovn bv.i
such 'in iiiipt lus
this country can;
inan.l !". r rails, consequently large
ouai.lities of rails arc now being
koU and imported into the United
Sia'.ts fro n abroad.
A movement is lieing organized
ia Mississippi to unite the Republic
ans, Greenback or; and Independents
against the Rourl en Democracy.
Similar coalitions i-c attempted
in Noith Carolina, Otor-i.t, Alabama,
Louisiana, and Arkansas.
that the Secretary has no authority,
to make such an arrangement, but
it is contended on the other hand
that, while he certainly has no pow
er to incrc: .so the debt, or the rate of
interest, yet there is no reason why
he may not, and should not decrease
both, if the omorlunitv occurs, and
Aftek reiterating for months that 1 Anther that if Congress does not op
Mr. Scull has held the office of 'prove this arrangement it may,
Collector for twerty years, the Gen- j when it convenes in regular session
cral nincompoop of the Commercial in Decern Jwr next, enact a law giv
came down a cat or two, and fixed j ing to the bondholders the addi
the date of his holding since 1G2 ; j tional 2 per cent, that the Secrcta
then lie backed down further, and i ry now procures their consent to re
vowed that , ho held either the ofiiec ! lir.e.iish. Fr.t just why a debtor
of Collector or Assessor Inrc ab-vt j paying .six per cent, ii.terest on his
lSfi2, and now after dropping from j outstanding paper should cry out
one lie into another In' whines. lfjasaiii't an arrangement whereby
he did not go into ofli.v in 1S02, j his trcdicra iii, ec to accept 3 per
"pray how early in 1() did he go j cent is one of the things that Dein
into office?" All of which s'iows I oeratic politicians will have diffieul
that the gentle Reformer has been j ty in explaining to the people.
maliciously inventing his alle-ja-! ' "
i .
tions. sLTiujis I'oiii tit's.
partv of emigrants fr.m rhih-j Xk'.v Y,.,;K, April 12 The Her-
dclplna and . ilmmgton, Delaware Uje ritua-tion ,)V a iepulican Sena-
numbenng oA ierson, intend ; tor ,-rom ,vhieh the following extracts
starting soon for the purpose, of set
tling in Texas, at a point ninety
miles north of San Antonio. They
will take ship at ritiljdelnhia for
Indian Point, Texas, from whence
thev will travel in waD:- across the
an; matle:
The S cith is to be kept solid.
Why ? Well, when I saw the amaz
ing bitterness with which poor Ma
hone was attacked by Southern Sen
ators, it occurred to me that some
of those men were coming up for re-
plains a eiisu.nee ol six jjunurea " "" "V 1 . - '
i . i f ii ij f and unless thev could maintain the
and lortv macs. Mr. llohlen, of .. , .. ., .,- , , , - ,
' solid h-ouui they might nnd mde-
UKiiicr i'a., v. ih go M -og as guide, jI,..nJl.rits gtnt to iiu their places,
3t.ihnne and the Dcniocrala.
During the journey westward of;
the Senatorial committee which ts-l
corted i ho remains of Senator Car-
I enter from Washington to Mihvnu
cc, C'vikling was interviewed by n
our SIpji nnI
DevasI.illiiK Tornado.
S. PKTEKsniT.o, April 15. All
the nihilists exceot the woman Hes-
correpondent. Tho following is an . v Holfman, condemned to death
extract from the interview as put- j (uX connection with tho CV.-.r's iiRdas-
lished: ! sination.namelv: iivsikoh'. Miehael-
TheM .'.one matter was touched jotr Kibalteohitish," Jeliaboli; nnd
on. Said -..'oakling: "It wasamin-. Soplii Pieoflskv were han-td nt 10
ing, the .-'.rugglcs the Democrat i 0vjOck thU morning. .Michaelofl's
made to capture Mahone. Talk j ropc. hroko twice. Order was not
about bargaining for his vote in the : disturbed. There was an immense
organization of tho Senate ! There
will be sonic rich history published
some dav that will not reflect
great credit on them. They fawned
on him. they ran alter him, they
vied with each other in saying nice
things of him. They .actually ap
pointed special committees of their
distinguished fcenators to wait on
him and offer him his piek of all
concourse of spectators.
Sr. Pjjtk Rsr.t' ki, April 15. The
condemned nihilists were escorted
from the fortress to the place of ex
ecution by Cossacks and infantry,
with drums and fifes. Detachments
of all regiments of guard- stationed
tin fM. reteisburg surrounded the
ah. i
the nlaces about the Senate, as many p i,1!ol.u-. au tne prisoners rece yea
as he wanted, to rive him his choice numeration ot priests, and kiss-
he having acted in th:
II nr.:: is the nicest itly, bitty,
titty, piece of baby talk wo have
C'n:e across in a long time.
Speaking editorially of the late
rai l on the moonshiners the (m-
i.teitv !c- t he returns show, oddlv enough
' that the men w ho moit savagely at
I tr.cked Mahone are those who must
have this fear of independent suc
cessors most immediately before
Tiw: l.ii'.'.-t story is that a woman
... i .... t . v. ... v...i- ......:i...
,' , . ; ne lmk.rmed the Collector editor of
her laise K-i'ta twelve ye.--s ago. an i
latelv they hr'vc bn n coming out
t'.rou.r!i skin m various par:.-, oi i
her bodv. It takes a Jlowerv ima
iii:itioa to develop this ide?.
At the Uuckley book sale in
New York last week, the Guttenburg
P.iMe, the f:r.-t book e ver printed
with type?, was eold to a New York
lawyer for eight thousand dollars.
It was ' l.rinted between the vears
14")') and Mo", and is in an excel
lent state of preservation.
A r.u.i. re-arranging the Judicial
dirdiiets of the State has been re
ported by the Senate Committee.
It adds Pulton County to this dis
trict which would give it nearly
double the population required to
form a district, if in one county.
their eyes." Look at this list which
I have "made. You will see that
Senator Dili's term' expires in March,
lSSo, and Senator Drovvn's in ISSo.
s.ivs : "To.- ..vtcctive savs lneone must te elected. U at all,
ii v . ,c ha and ths oilier in li
tne toiiee.or euitor ol . , ' ,. , ,, , ....
t-icacs, that he reeuved f-r his j b,taa i,avc tlieir trial in the same
rejdy that the moonsldners Lad a way. ' Senator Saulsbury, who sees
very bad ie:nitat:o:i. aTid it would j little Delaware slipping over to the
be difficult ,fc.r him t. orgar.i.e a Republican side, comes up for re
. 4, o, ,,.. . , , - ! election in 1SS2. Senators ti.uland,
poe to capmie ! ol-Arka:iPas . ,ljar) of Missispirii !
this is tne hr?t time, to our knowl- j ianso:Ili Gf X. Carolina ; Hutler, ot
edge thai he has branded them (the j ,S. Carolina ; Johnston, of Virginia ;
people of Somerset county) as cow-j Coke, of Texas; and Harris, of Ten
ant Somerset county furnished ' cc; all have to be re electee! in
aiKcr, oi ArKan-
The Committee has r.s
tiiki n no action on this subject.
Dv::i..; the first three months of
last year the extraordinary number
of :)i,in.Kt imigrants landed at Castle
Oardcu. New York, on their way
west During the first three months
of this year ending March ."1st, the
arrivals have been over lofO'J, and
the best of it is, the new comers are
nearly all practical farmers, and
bring enough money with them to
make a fair start.
Thki.k are signs, again, of an "Ex
odus"' of colored people from the
South iito the States of the North
West. According to the report of a
Memphis newspaper, a party of five
hundred left Huntington in Ten
nosseo, a few days rgo, for Kansas,
r.nd smaller companies are reported
to be on the march from other localities.
over a thousand brave men during
the last war to defend the country,
and it is a gratuitous insult to im
peach the courage of such a people.'
There s richness ! there's flapdoo
dle! there's trcnicii! n intellect
and virtuous indignati m, ail com
bined. S'death! Think of the cour
age of a thousand scarred veterans
Lking doubted, think of the people
of an entire county, in fact, being
dubbed cowards, in that one preg
nant sentence "it would be di"i
cult to organize a pose to capture
them." Won't somebody hold the
indignant nnd insulted warrior edi
tor by the coat tails ? Indeed, and
indeed we didn't say so to the
detective. We knew Utter we
knew that if we only raised our
banner with the single word
whisky inscribed thereon, we v. ould
have at least one speedy recruit
from the editorial corps of the Reform
ers' organ. Good Mr. Fee-fi-fo-fum,
do forgive us, just this once, and we
promise to go to school to you and
learn your art of construing sentences.
Ciitc.viio now boasts the finest rail
way depot in America, costing ?2,
OOOXU Thers are three main
buildings of Philadelphia pressed
brick, and the entire trackage is
roofed with iron and glass, under
which twenty trains can arrive and
depart at the same time. The
fijnger building is f.nbhed in mar
ble and black walnut and the ceil
ings are finely frescoed.
Thk legislature is contemplating
r.n adjournment early in May. The
hundred days for which they alone
can draw pay, according to the
inion of the Attorney General, ex
pired on Thursday last. Work is
now being rapidly pushed. An
extra session next winter is con
Jidently anticipated for the purpose
f dividing the State into Congres
sional districts, and revising the
.revenue laws.
lsv-2. Senators
sas ; Call, of Florida ; Vest, of Mis
souri; Vance, of N. Carolina; Jonas,
of Iiouisiaiia ; and Hampton, ofS.
Carolina, all come up for re-election
in iSSt. Fourteen Southern States
elect either one or both their Sena
tors iluridg tiie adminitration of
! Garfield, and whenever the inde
pendents muster courage cnougii
they can substitute their own leaders
for the present Democratic incum
bents, and I, for one, expect the ad
ministration to help them as much
as it properly can. I do not think
it means to believe that the consid
eration has something to do with
the sudden outburst of fervor in the
Senate against attempts to breik up
the Democratic solidity in the
Southern States, and redeem the
people there, white as well as black,
from degrading and injurious politi
cal sham.
t:k: ci;v or
'There is a cry of "coalition' as
though it were an unheard-of thing
for me n to come from different States
to labor together for a policy on
which they are agreed, borne oi
our own people seem to be foolishly
shy about t'.iat word ,:coa!itin," for
getting that the Republican party
j was only a coalition of free-soil Whigs
and free-soil Democrats. As to the
j DenKKTt'.ic outcry, it is the merest
l he last congress having ia:iea twaddle, fer w hat is their party at
to pass a satisfactory Ml! for the ! tins moment but a vast coalition of
refund;.-. of i1,p ni,iit;mdm six r.erlthe lowest kind, not founded on
, ii I principle, Witii no pretense ot agree-
, i ment among its iiicmlxiers on any
tl'C i n,l ii-li. it.vnr n rl'i;iri for
spoils of political success
cent. Government bonds that
due during the present year,
new Secretary of the Treasury on! the
assuming offie-c, found himself in
the embarrassing position of having
a large maturing debt to meet with
out the means to pay it. and this
debt is bearing six per cent interest,
while it is well known that the Gov
ernment has the ability to borrow
at a much lower rate. The new
Administration did
wan v
Whe n w e sec free-traders like David
A. Wells, and protectionists like
Rarnnm calling themselves Demo
crats in the same State pvhen we
see hard-money men like Isayard
and Iimar, and soft-money men
like Voorhees and Morgan sailing
under the same Democratic Hag;
when we know that on any real
question of policy the Southern men
themselves would o;.-n apart like
call an extra hestiion of Congress, I two barn doSrs, and that it is only
and the business interests of the1 on the maintcnanoe of the solid
I i i il., 1 I.
ronntrv were fearful that the re-as- i "n "M i""'." "gn-.,, now ean
t i - f y "" .1 1 t
Fciiioiing ol congress 10 legislate on i .:,',,
! we hear them denounce coalitions
without, a burst of laticrhter. The
the financial question, would unset- j Republicans have a policy, and in
tie the money market, and prove a j Dcyem' cr tluv will develop it in
death blow to" the prosperity now so j 1 giati-.n. Meantime the Southern
i, . ,,, t 4, , ,,- 4) ! whites know pcricctlv well what the
ceneridlv apparent throughout the i ,. . ,.K . ...
, 11 . -, . ipohcvis. It is not a secret, m e
land. Democratic pe'litiCians were ; nre frr rroU.ction for l0rilC. industry.
gleefully chuckling over tbe straits f,,r internal improvements, for a re
ef the Republican party and count-, vival or our foreign commerce by
ing on large advantage to their po-
Commend us to the gay Prigadier
for brilliant and artful wit. 'Them
ain't bosses, one's a marc," says the
jocular back driver. That's not a
Collecttir, he's part time Assessor,'
cries the witty Rrigadier, and thus
be thinks he has facetiously sliped
away from a lie be has repeated
until it ha In-come stale. Having
sworn that the horse was twenty
!.:'n l high, he might as well have
s'v.ek t it for the s ike of consist-
At the meeting of the Republican
State Convention at Ilairisburg on
Thursday last, it was decided thai
the State Convention for the nomi
nation of candidates, shall be held
llarrisourf, on the 8th dav of
September next It is to be hoped
that the gentlemen who were so
li.-tresre-d at the early date at which
the last Convention was held, will
be suite I by the diy.of tlic coming
At the late municipal election in
Cincinnati, a number of Republicans
uader lead of the Cazrttc, be-lled the
regular nomine, voted for. and
thereby elec ted the Democratic can
didate for Mayor, on the ground
that he wa? pledge d to enforce the
Sunday laws. lla ing fhus obtain
ed ibe ofliee, the Mayor now laughs
id the Reformers, and refuses to
interfere with the Sabbath breakers.
The noodles who trusted to Demo
cratic promises, csa r.ow pl-.iinivc'y
fra'nvo-lliU5fruiu ch-MUt!' l,Tir.
Tvomvu anyf.iTvW Impe iUvny."
proper aiel to American ocean steam-
. . . ' 4... .J . I.
hticai mterests, for ; as they viewed j Jf
it, ii an extra session of Congress i vo x'h 1K,licy ie nod not wa5t
was called, btudacss would come to for Congress to assemble, he can do
a (standstill until it was settled, per- j dare for it at once. Let him join
haps after mouths of wrangling, th independents, by whatevername
, 1 , , 4 . r called in his State, and labor for the
how, and upon wnat terms the ac-1 overt!irow ofgucI; Democrats who
crumgde bt was to be met, and of j are opposed to all these things. No
coure the Republicans would have doubt he will be denounced as a
to bear the blame while on the other ! scoundrel, and no better than a eom-
Jiandifthc Government bonds were " .thicf- Jfe ,W1J11 haTC ? Lear
., , , , . , , that tor a while, but he may heccr-
not provided for, and interest was tain ofone thn that the Ilepubi.
continued to be paid at six per cent ; jarty will stand by him as it is
when a much lovr rate could be now standing by Mahone in Virgin
obtained, il would place the Re-,' an 1 Kt ,,iin "reinemler that the
1 : . i :ti a i
i.ublieati iurtvat.1 lis ulv mtji ; "PP.n!" 11,011 win viu-oumer nas ai
Secretary Winuom, however, has
of tho committees on which to serve,
and chairmanships, too. In short,
they took him up to a high eleva
tion anei offered him all the real
estate in the neighborhood if he
would elo their bidding. lie de
clineel tei servo them, anel how they
pitch into him now! lie voted
with us to organize the Senate com
mittees. He had a political friend
he desired made Sergeant-at-Arms
ef the Senate. The Democrats would
have been "glael to give him the
place but now they denounce him
as a reptidintor, a rebel and every
thing else, to conceal the real
grounds of their opposition. This
defection of Mahone's is of the ut
most importance tons. He has a! Lv.viiexch. Mass.. April ll.-Early
strong following in the State of j yesterday morning Abiel Wilson,
Virginia of ")0,(x K) determined men
men w ho carry slmt-guns and who
know how to use them in a battle
like thii in the South, for the purity burst open by two persons when Wil
of the ballot, such men will be of sen discharged a rifle, shooting one
service. If the Rourbon Democrats
attempt to bulldoze and drive away
from the polls this full the co!ered
men and the white Republicans,
they will get into trouble. It is the
entering wedge for breaking un the
solid South. Anybody who knows , his twin brother, Luther, also a stu
anything about politics in the South dent The latter, after the shooting,
knows that South Carolina is really j appeared and made a full confession,
a Republican State; that Alabama I They were re i"el n s of north Ando
and Mississippi and Florida are all ver. Mass., and of most respectable
Republican States, if we could only connections. Three week9 previous
prevent the wholesale, intimidation' lv thev had attempted to enter the
down there and ge-t a fair count .of I same place. Further investigation
the votes. 1 tell vou, gentlemen, shows that Arthur roster was a the
Mpvrrfi Anrill.T Th.. f,n,vi'j
Ouo Woman Suffer i irr,,i m: .
in-atli' Penalty for One K!f. -""'"MT1. ppu
wiu lunun mg particulars oi n torna
do which devastated that leicality
yestertlay. The cyclone elid serious
damage. Commencing about a mile
neirth of Hernando it struck Mr.
Riley's steam gm, completely de
molishing it and carrying away a
wagon team, driver included, land
ing them in a ditch half a mile dis
tant. His blacksmith shop was car
ried some distance. Frank How
ard's house was carried, nearly fifty
yunis, but not injured. L. Robert
son's house was blown down. Jim
Hunter's cabin was next struck,
killing Liza Evans and stunning
two children, who have not spoken
since. The houses were torn to
pieces and covered by fallen tree.-.
Dan. Glover's cabin, on Rank's
place was blown to pieces, severely
injuring him and his wife and kill
ing one child. Glover is not ex
pected to live. Mrs. Humphrey's
house was swept away. Two per
sons were woundeel by falling tim
bers. Rob Leickland's bouse was
also demolished. The tornado next
blew down Johnston & Co.'s and A.
D. Lauderdale's stores, totally de
molishing them, and strewing the
gooeis for miles. Dr. Landenlale's
residence was a'so blown to the
ground, dangerously wounding the
doctor and his wife. Three hun
dred yards further on a negro cabin
was swept away, The Lundci'dalc
gin heiuse was blown down and
yond that another cabin, John
Chamberlain's stable and outhouses
were demolished. L. Glenn's dwel
ling was leve-lled and all the cabins
on Will Johnston's place were
swept away. Crossing Camp cre ek
bottom the cyclone blew down Ren
Harwell's house, instantly killing
him. His wife and child escaped
unhurt. The track of the tornado
was about four bundled yards wide.
Deputy Sheriff Sykcs Johnston was
caughtand blown oil' his horse, which
was carried into the air. and hael
both legs broken. Mr. Glenn says
he saw a man in the air and one or
two are missing. Men were blown
all over the fit Ids like barrels and
nearly beaten "to deatli against the;
ground. Manv farms were totally
cd the cross and each other. . They
were very firm, except Rysakolf,
who hinted at the last moment
Mjny thousands of people passed
the night at the place of execution
in order to obtain a good view; The
executioner was a reprieved conviet.
The prisoners were convcyeel from
the fortress in two carts with their
backs toward the horses ami their
hands tieel to beards on their breasts
bearing the word "regicide" in large
letters. After hanging twenty min
utes the bodies were cut down and
taken to a cemetery outside of the
lulled in I lie Ai t.
residing on the Salem turnpike, was
awakenetl by footsteps in his house.
Soon alter his chamber eloor was
of the intruders. Roth fled, but the
dead body of the one shot by Wil
son was found a short distance from
the house, and proved to be that of
Arthur Foster, a student at the Phil
ips Academy. His accomplice was
there is no disguising the facts
Take Charleston count', S. C, as an
example. The last time there was
a fair election the Republican ma
jority was upward of 10,(KJ0, and
yet last fall, out of twenty-nine
Assemblymen elected in that counts.
the Republicans did not get a soli
tary one. So there is a parish in
Louisiana where the Republicans
had a fair election and had a majori
ty of over 4!K), and yet, you w ill
scarcely believe it, gentleme n, but
one Republican vote was counletl
there at the last ele ction. That is
the way all over the South, and that
is why we feel that this departure of
Mahone's is of vital import to the
South. The Rourbons feel it, and
want to break him elowa if possible,
and get bis following away from
him. Rut they w ill not succeed."
Tlic Yanli'im Flooels.
! the bottom only a sclfedi motive.
hit upon a very simple plan whi -!i j
promises to obviate nil anticipated ;
difficulties. He has announced that ;
the six per cent bondfalling due
on July 1st, will be paid off at that
date, unles? the holders notify him
be-fore lbs J 2th of May that they
are willing to continue the loan at
3" percent, during the picture of
l. !,.
the Government, and already hc'tlie city. The water commenced
Roi-k Island, April 11. This
city and the lower lands adjacent
are" again under water, with the
river still rising. The river hnfibeen
fillod with running ice during the
day, and this afternoon the ice forc
ed an outlet through a narrow
slough, which filling up inundated
has such assurances from the hold
ers of these bonds as make it reas
onably certain that, he will not be
called upon to redeem more of them
than the surplus fund in t'ic Treas"
ury will meet. Thus be is e nabled
to save the country several millions
ofdolhirs in interest w idiout increas
ing the liability a single dollar,
without Lining a new IkukI, and
without the necessity of Congress
being assembled in tltra session.
The bor.el holders knew, of toui-e, !
that if Congress did meet it would j
provide for the refunding of the!
bonds at & rate not exceeding that
offered by tlic Secretary, and so his
offer is accepted as tho easiest and
best way of arranging the matter.
Gf course the Democratic politicians
cry out against the plan, and insist
rising at C o'clock, and soon sub
merg" the railroad tracks and th;
lower part of the city. It continued
to rise, anel soon ist avenue and
cross streets were completely cover
ed to the depth of 12 inched. Peo
ple residing in tho low lands im
mediately south have moved out
of their bouses, expecting a break
in the embankment which protects
the land. A train on the Rock Is
land and Peoria railroad was aban
doned at Milan, the passengers be
ing conveyed to this city by carri-octs.
Yankton, Dak., April 12. The
overflowed water of the Mississippi
is gradually subsiding, though the
ice is piled" to a height of from ten
to thirty feet along the hank, and
on the -bars and bottom. Yankton
is filling up with refugees from the
low-lands, anel the people are doing
their best to care for them. Outside
help is needed, however, as the re
sources of the citizens arc not ade
quate to the demands of the thous
ands of people rendered homeless.
All these people possesse el was swept
awav. Nearly all the stock on the
low lands, hundreds of thousands of
head, was eirowneel. the larm
houses and villages are submerged
or iloating about in the water. On
the pite of Green Island, of the
twenty houses, but one remains,
and here the ice is from ten to
twenty feet deep. The bottom-land
from here to the Rig Siemx, sixty
miles long and from five to twenty
miles wide, is still under water.
Yankton parties arc atill cut in
yawls, bringing in tho people. Tho
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul
Railroad runs over this bottom -land,
though the track is under water, it
being the only means of communi
cation with the outside.
Yankton is almost destitute of
fuel and coal oil, and eheirt of pro
visions. This fact, with the contin
ued winter weather, adds to the su f
fering among the homeless famiiicH
who have been drowned out. The
city can lurnisn snclte-r tor about
1J WJ. and is making great elibrts to
supply clothing, fuel anel provisions
Irom its limited store, as soon a3
the gorge breaks boats can be sent
below for supplies. All the railroads
west of Yankton are snowed In.
The damage to steamboat property
will amount to (0,0)0, imluding
two boats sunk.
One hundred anel thirty persons
were rescued from Moyville Jast
night, where they have been sur
rounded by water and ice for two
weeks. They are being brought to
this city. There are twenty families
in a river bend some 15 rr4ilci below
here, who cannot be rescued on
account of the field of heavy ice sur
rounding them. They have not
been heard from since the flood
covered the bottom-land, on 1 great
anxiety is felt for their safe ty. A
party of men who have been work
ing lor eight days in a fruitless ef
fort to reach the bend, returned this
morning, refitted themselves, and
have gone back to their heroic
labor. Two parties are also endeav
oring to work their way through the
ice to Meckling, where about 50
persons are still imprisoned.
A Cowardly Murder.
eVgieal student, studying for the
ministry, and that on completing
his studies at tho Philips Academy
he intended to enter the Andover
Theological Seminary. Ry the con
fession of the surviving brother it
appears that the pair entered and
robbed Wilson's place six months
ago, securing Sl,(Jin money and
gold watches. Mr. Wilson had in
his room some 875KK) worth ef
slocks, bonds anel "ther securities,
the property being under no other
proleetion than the owners ritle.
The object of the men was to secure,
if possible1, all this booty, intending
to resort to violence, if necessary, to
accomplish their end. Roth had
been previously in Wilson's employ,
and hal no difficulty in ra s'ng the
watchdog on the premises. The
dead burglar was only twenty-one
years' o?d. It is thought now that
other robberies hereabouts were
comuiiteil by the Fosters.
Kepubliean State Convention.
About fifty members of the Rev
publican State Convention met, pur
suant to the call of Chairman Cess
na, in the office of the Secretary of
Internal Affairs, at two o'clock this
alteration. Chairman Cessna pre
sided, and Lucius Rogers anel John
MCullough officiated as secreta
ries. On meition of Mr. Rergncr,
seconded by Mr. Huhn, Harrisburg
was chosen as the place. Mr. Ma
gee moved that Thursday, May 2Gth
be selected as the day. This was
amended by Mr. Myers, of Venango,
to read Thursday, September 8th.
Tae amendment was accepted by
Mr. Magee. Mr. Diddleman, of Wy
oming, offered to emend by insert
ing July 20th, but this propositon
only received one vote, September
fetli was selected as the date unani
mously. Colonel Ilooten, of Ches
ter, then moved that the thanks of
the committee be tendered Chairman
Cessna and the secretaries for their
laborious and successful efforts in
tho campaign of 1880. Tho motion
was unanimously passed. Mr.
("essna responded at some length, I
i . .1 c : t. .. !
aim at me conclusion oi ms rraiuri.!
was vigorously applauded. The
committee then adjourned.
Mis Ieiicll' Donth.
Sa't a quarUT lXe To gnDeFlIS Of NCTtlHipIO Tfjj a-io,.,,,,-;:'- "
Stenlay, having completed, roR TUB pA!'m' .-'.V-
Iowa Cm-, la.. Ami! 12.--.Mi-s
Deuel died
o'clock vesterd
r.n it t ...i .L.,.i'il.v
li lt 'XI UilV III llll.'-lUlllr; lV.l.i J , , .. k.4.
starvation." Sh began her long fast Year i:t!lS j:r-h.I 111., ISM
oa the 2;ld of February last. Miss
Deuel was nt the time of her death
Wl years old, and had long been a CCiifZ
member of tho family of her irotlier-1 - L i. iin. a
in-law, Dr. R. II.' Ayhvorth. She! " a-
has been an invalid lor many years, tm
SuH'ering ceaseless p-iin from neu-1 .
ralgia and nervous diseases, w hie h i!yi0riti1m l
made life a consUnt torture, driving: :
!. nt lontrlh in tlm Ktern resolve to , - .!rr! Wot
i i v: l. .,,,1 i Com;nlwl- uperlot...
end an existance which promi.-ei - Tt.a, f
no alleviation for her torments.; ii.uudu.t..wjhip "
TIioiktIi tier conduct has long been ! Levi Iiovim, tm.
I si-. ini.rj r--i,nrk ..
Takm In n ,
ar.. ...... . "
7' Mt.T H -i- n.
X i. t. A mil i ,
lll,t.w, 1 mj,.. .,,.,,.;. ''
KO rri. i.,r. .., M ''
IHlt HTTKt In i.i, :, ,
, h,ti. loa i.-,,. M1-
: . I.
. l,.r:.t,.,.!i(f. J..A''f
I V. -t A rtnln ir.-i.,; J
uri fl- ar. a:, I t,,a. 3
: wiw m m null , ...
; Oirr.:i r.-i,.. , , 1 " I
'... ..., UrlK
peculiar, her acquaintances never ; TianiDt.frdoi.ii-ot
deemed her insane. Her will was j 4'' '""
. .. . ii.. .i.r.... ii,..t r"1.
i 11 exooriilon
t 11 40
, M Ui
..MM -9
41 M
t eaten she replied, by)
otiiVVda;nd2 tat Tamslip,
Wiiliam 31. Raon, Da.
.tpv: t-i
J'lOt'llHJ I'POtll ft I'ot-MO.
CiucAoo, April 11. A dispatch
from Muscatine, Iowa, gives partic
ulars of the trouble experienced by
a fugitive from a Constable's posse
in Cioshen .lownshin a wcck ao
Saturday night. About midnight
on that nijht Constable Stafford and
five others went to the house of Dan
iel Ft!SS. a newly-arrived German,
to search for stolen goods which
Foss was charged with having re
ceived. Fo?s, who does not under
stand a word of English, became ter
rified at the approach of the posse
armed with guns and ran out in the
snow barefooted and clad only in
pants and drawers, lie started on
the snow aero-? the prairie and the
peisse followed, tiring three shots at
the fugitive. He was chased a mile or
more before he reached Cedar Iiiver.
After running along the bank of the
river a short eiistancc he plunged in
anel swam across. His pursuer's,
thinking he had been swept under
the ice, abandoned the chase and
went home. Chi Monday morning
Foss was found clinging to a wire
fence, up to his knees in ice and
water. He waa rescued by a Mr.
Ilalleck, who summoned medical
aid, when it was found that both
the sufferer's feet and hands were
frozen, and he was terribly mangled
and bruised by the briers and iee
through which lie had ran and
swam. Ftiss states that when he
swam the Cedar Iiiver he reached a
small tree Ptirroundeel by water
which concealed him. and to this he
clung all through that night, Sun
elay and Sunday night A warrant
has been sworn out against the of
ficers for assault with intent to kill.
The citizens of the vicinity are great
ly incensed, anel determineil to
punish theottieer; for theirinhuman
treatment of Foss.
Snow DiifiH.
A ruM-blondpd Jlarelor.
AxursTA, G.i., April J.4. Michael
Quinlan, keepe r of a grocery store,
was ehot and instantly killed here
( o-day by Jacob Faim There bnl
been no difficulty between theroaud !
l'e.ur Jebvis, N. Y., April
Martin Shannon, of Laeka waxen, i'a.,
has received a letter fronj Spring,
stead, in which Springste'ad confes
ses that he drowed a bov Samue l !
Asber at 4Lackawaxen on June li
1S77. T)i drowning was su ppose'd
at tbc time to hate been accidental,
but Springstcad states that b,e up?et
the boat and kept the boy's hcaul
under the water until he was drown
cd, and that he did it because he
hated the lad's father. The Pt-lf-con-fessod
murderer is at present confin
ed in the I'aesaio county, N. J.,jail
to await the action of the grand jury
on a charge of planning to murder
and rob a citizen of Passaic, lit?
had been in the employ of the Pas
saic postmaster.'
Death of a Xotnl Divine.
The Morth western Hail way Com
pany has spent over $300,000 in the
light against snow since October
hist. Thirty-four immense snow
plows have had plenty of work, anel
these have been backed up by from
2 to G locomotives each. The might
of these plows and the great power
of a snowdrift may be estimated
from the fact that one plotish weighs
48,090 pounds, ballasted by 80,000
pounds of railway iron and driven
by six locomotives, attacked a snow
choked cutting, but was defeated.
The drift was fifty -two feet high.
When the workmen, after the tre
mendous charge, caught a glimpse
of the immense plough, they found
that it, with all its 11S,H00 pounds,
had been repelled as if it was a
feather, anel that it had rolled dis
consolately over the drift and had
lodged against some forest trees,
where it propose to remain until
summer. From one cut Sil.CXK)
cubic yards of ni.ow were taken, but
in eight hours the wind had piled it
up lull ajiatn. -Nine thousand men
have lK-en employed from time to
tune during the winter as shovelers
A Woimili Who Shoot .
A special dispatch to the Xew
York Herald from Greenville, S. C,
l.'.th inst, says Lewis Redmond
the notorious moonshiner, was dan
gerously wounded and captured by
revenue oflleers in Swayne county,
S ('., a few days ago. For some
time past Kedmemd has been living
a quiet ami law-abiding h!e. He
was engaged in farming ami circu-
lateel freely among the people, mak
ing no concealment whatever of his
identity, It is reported that the
officers visited bis house by night
about a month ago, but by a clever
ruse of pretending to have a ferce
nt bend well armed, he succeeded
in frightening them away. He re
sisted the last attempt, his express
ed determination being to die with
his boots on. The general opinion
seems to tie that if he does not die
from his present wounds he will es
cape and give the country and reve
nue ofliccrs much more nnd very
serious annoyance. There is a gen
eral sympathy with him among the
people of the mountain sections of
North Carolina. South Carolina and
Georgia. A volume might lie writ
ten on bis encour.Uvs with and
hairbreadth escapes from revenue
stromr. as proved lv the tact tnai
from November, lST'J, till w ithin a
few days ajro she has newr uttered i t ooin.iyi a iujrvi..r
. , , . , , 1 iirnf
a word, luough no impairment ol . uuc(iait.evi Byr
her vocal organs exi.-ted. During- rilron,i.?n,
l.r iu.riii.1 nf Kill ore she only eopi-i fpi tbl they hnv hjbiIwI Oi 1.vs
lier ptrio'i oi bianci. sue oi jv uoi.i ;,y)northe8aiwI.viMjrt tb Ulh dliy of
muilicated With htr IritlHiS ly WTlt- I Msrrh, IMl, nl (oun.i tt inm to eorrc-i.
ing, and no reasoning or entreating j ,KI
eo-.ilil induct her to PM-alv a, simile! p. J. ptxiRmrrm
wprd. i ,rii
Miss Deuel ate no breakfast on
on the 2"xl of February, and when a
member of the familv asked her why
she had not
writing on a
of recovery or
mined to die." All her
friends and her pastor, Ilev. .Mr.
-.. j.ftl.rt Prolivf r-r.'in i-hlirei
used all their powers of ersu.i-. i,T e,h tin
sioii to induce tho lady to change
her resolve. She was inflexible, j
A proposition to use force in intra- j w.rk oa
ibit-ing foexi into her stomach was, .ury
alter full consideration, abandoned,) T J.;;
from the belie-t that it toat e-ours.. , Dae uu formrr ..unt..
should be Liken it would only drive
her into sonic other metho'i of self
destruction. After the first w ee k
slit? asked her brother-in-law if
drinking water would prolong her j
life. Hj replied that is the did not j
drink probamy lever and delirium
would set in, ami that .drinking
water would not sustain her life.
After that she drank from time to
time a little each el.iy, but notion?
else passed her lips after tiie 2-"ld of
February. Her gradual wasting
awav has been from tl.iv todsv
eluring the last ten days duly chron- i
Not a droji of blood was found in
the benly, which weighed forty-five
pounds. The stomach was void of
nti i( c nvr . i'.- i
W 40 j frlanu. Jutm I, V, , -4 ,
I vi : " 'tr, 7
! All thrlv")r,,r ... ' A
!i st-'uoiain.H.m -i . . ' ''
..JKH 11 ; "h,n" " fully. t--'..
M 11 K'Ti"n.l ir.l(. , ,..' t .;
t vri. wlili a .wrii. k.' -k '
fril a lj..lntf, Va- ;, , . ; .;
' . ririufl
; lurt-ii trwe. " -ii
1 "' H. A. !,Jtv, x ,.;-- fie.
Ail the r!i,ht. M-I- b'rl ,
lux JewriM roal .ti' ,'', ' '''' :
Xk I. A ertmn b.i ,
bts. C,tT,WM t: C '
tsl.u:,K 14 T. - ,
tw..Mi,rj . tr,M i,mu,4 fr? ,
f.M.1, ..o ih. ,uth i,y ,nr
of A. J. unr. wnb u.- , -.
1 A wrtim u ;i -A'J, ,"
HM. e..of ln:r.x I . fB, i-iu , Imiv-I Vij-.' , . ' ' -h ,
cu iu A-I Ifi-fo a.
dcu'a ast.
IV.,. '
th rlht. ir.., -.
-. ... .,,,..p ,.t
. . . u a:
in 'ieiw.TitH: 1 rtfal
A eT'aia irwt
"-at. v.i:
'.' 11 10
1 V"
. ii
. u s
.f ... f ... . .
S.ewet.niy. K -o'-iiir' -
le.. ail -l .r k ' , " " "s !.
I IL uW,iru4''','"-'
j Tike.i In n-cu!l-,n t lit
C:;-jE H. SAYto.-t, Da.
Tu nmouutot r3! tax.
Ity w irk n T-nl
cX' Iijo
a oitifr eit u.luwrca....
' ciU
....ol') TJ
1 i)
,. i M
.. loTT
. . an tr
T aranna".
f r I tux....,
- tjii'u laa
Railroml AcciiteiU.
While a freight train was sweep
ing around a curve near Newark,
N. J., on Tuesday night, the coup
lings of two cars broke, and they
were thrown from tho trick. The
engineer drove ahead t Jersey City,
not knowing that an accident
occurred. A few minutes later a
passenger train from Newark dash
ed into the wreck', and the engine
and meist of the cars were derailed.
A numbe r of persons were hurt, but
none seriously.
A Diamond Tlnpf.
l)jr w,.rU on
e'iD.ra-..ri ........
exiD.iiiurei ........
Aia.'Un; due tuwi;sMp..
r.4 J
: is
7l 10
47 i
All .lie riirS;, ti l.-, int. !
U14 ilcwriiwl rvi cntir. t.j '-'
Aerrtaiiitivrtt.1 Uivi i,
Tp . H-nur.Tr c only I".,
loi.m.r lu-. with a or., .'rr ,
fat'l" thr.m it cimi i.;r J" "
Killer, tumiui 'i-Jt J.
wini me p ur.pnn. t.
TkcQ iu Ki.cQ:t,n fi( .
IK. "
Jf'iTirR. All p,r. p-rrr,..;.,
! pair iriii r.'iu:r?l -: '
1 aa-K-kcl rtt-wn. .,ti..-ri, .t
p--.! u J l the r. n ,, ,t,.'i f
Tbe n-si.;ui-..f tti purr?. ic- r.--..- "'
or bt. I lnr-ia .... n-,' .
e'fart, tut liiue nil Ir , lr.
vlxir. m ol .e.i. n.; 'BlJ,s,. ".'
ed until the jiun:tia m..!.-. U : 7, '.,"
t-i.i.lli'k" ! . T
SnEKir- orncz. i " -
S.Blcr:!, War io,
Hi st 84!i N'eDRuvr, Pit
. a:n..iint oiral tix..
" " cu'htai...
By work on roa.l
M esrH-nditurun
!..iiaroo Ir.'rn las: sutllrmnt
. 171 6
. 1 1'
.... 11 2.
.... 1 W
W . .'.
.... t e
ESTAliMSilr :bl-:4
i-SS 93
IClmiua, N. V., Afiril (. A your g
man aged IS, giving his name as
Edward Simpson and his home as
in New York City, entered Drake's
jewelry store at r.oon to-day, grab
bed S i,7 worth of diamonds and
ran out. He was captured and idl
the diamonds were recovered except
-me, vaiuea at .uu. which t.'io. thief
V. vin f'As:K?rt, TniAt RKU, Da.
By fj-h ;oi vo
By orl..r . ii, aeo. C. Lli-hty.
Cxih It of Treanrcr :
We the onifcrJlane.! An.lif.renl Str.ent town
hlp ceriilr the ire e(tlerueul ta fce eorrecu
A (J A M S. M1I.I.KK. I lrli.
elLOKOKf. r.rciITY,
t:. H. M 1 1.1. K rt.
S A At L IX. J-l V fc-N CKX) D.
31 jr.-!l Axliiori.
threw away. Two
pi ices disappeared.
iiH accom-
A flonaiiiaii itun.
Sax Fkaxcisco, April .s. Ah
Luck, Chinaman, was hanged at
Nevada City to-day for tiie murder
of a fellow countryman ir. May, l-CO.
He was baptized List night by a
Catholic clergyman, and seemed "re
signed to his fate.' bat affirmed to
the List that be did not commit the
murder. On the gallows he spoke
a few moments calmly, but broke
down completely when the straps
were hcisg adjusted to his limbs.
i-anraMeoslTi trtrf o.ontT In
thUStist- to take 'ordera " f..r
Nursery St.-k. Strady and t-.
tirmbie Emplaymmt ai tut a n
1 Mr tvrM.Fi.nH in . -
hut..egj nut reqoire.1. Nurseries wldclraDd lavwr
ably known. Irvr lurma a.l.lre-a
an ruen N arteries ) OKXKVA, N.V
tiHhll.ned lxss. j Ao St.ick-at W hta.ile.
Fe b. 13, lat
H.-ii!d f.,r t'.e nit -ir ,gf ,
Dnahl f 'Ui'y u j
iw I lue tni:U ill i . e
lo a lanes amuan: ui "'' J
anl Therehy al:n uu ,,, ;e .; . .... , .,
1 fc.w ob bin ! a l:rr ., t 1t
t t-ASSI-ir.Krs. Sm;;.
j YAk.:vs srt
; wMrh 1 l(h to
, A .1 m nrmm Vi .
l'rmr: J tzrt the k!n.' ..f Sr.-. ...
to ir rii s;
kisiit ix ion: fcH (oirr
aal Id rnler t T-zrn all t rs?t.8-
lime, 1 hae etrpl'.icl a.e -u'rec -r:...
year, a.T.1 in aul-.i; b.n llr. J.tu. U I,;
h ttr?t lntr'iouii.-ii ity il:. i.
tb:s er.niity.
I ill strive. In the p.,- t r.
lfis an.l full valae t.i alL
Xew cu' iner ari 1 tr...e
list year, will ; Ie.ue a.l.iris ari u
s. Mora;.
.... Q'temaSonir.-
Tsnnt a Vibnttor nor nn A proa .llarhliw.
Is w..u Jerfuby irtiui'lo ai:l a.iTu.robijr r rtmra
ttiRMhinx au.t i'i'-irtii.' q n --itve all
the arali, and rl-n-n It rt.rt v far ararker.
liuu ea.'Uy, la ouLruoUd U 'ri ;, b ftiiltita
lKauUIiiliy, U tin) nwi eoiwrnMJ, U-ist eirl
nv,aait aiMt Knlif irlTT marbine la the
narlcet. WiU lum-i . kt-jiu n v.. ii ti drr.
Hm nii.intjiu thrv.1.11. Ilaar.tlt'jii',f!ir. threeh.
liiir and cleaou? lii as ai In.'arljr Knj;.';
a woeat, anil ruiuimi uacttmrmtxrt uptm--. mtr uarey jira W e(aiti m-r.
ore lAoa any other moHlijie eewe. an.i ran met
o"rhl. T h..ti over- a-vl nn.lT Wm. (Jtr
l.t tl lll l.l.lvti ATTAt 11.11 l-.XT it
mr and r-r.r i-'i r.z'. iK vark rujtftlq and xrlt.
SLl'AKATOHS oi ti nri'a mLsa ur
an navJe by us. r'jv, uut or..iA.a ly fe j-iii-
iu ttio iiiar'u-t. r-A
iil(lon by iiow.
Ixisnox, ipril 14 The Rev. W.
Morley Punshon, IJ. 1)., thti tlistjn
cuisheel Wcslevan niinistcr. efied at
&n (:ir1v hour tliin mAminit ol
the murder was without pro vocation.1 ton of a complication of disorder?.
Fain lied. , 'He was conscious to the last
CixeixxATf, April 12. Dispatches
from Liberty, lnd., t?ay that Oscar
Drook, a young' man of that place,
was shot late Lift night tv Mrs.
Vt'ejlffi a jrrass widow. She says
that u wjth another young man,
came to her bouse the night before
last, and tried to get in, arie fht
warned thcin to leave or phc would
shoot them. Iist night they came
ana tried to get in through a win
dow, when fcbe fired on them w ith a
shot-gun, putting a load of shot into
Drooj;, She fired acain at the other
but Elided hjnj. The statement of
the voung man is similar to that of
Mrs. Wolfe, save that be does not
admit trying to get in the window.
Mrs. Wolfe ia reported as an entire
ly respectable and hard-working wo
man, and has the pympathy of the
Ijjlng in Poverty.
CisaxxATi, April 13. Sergeant
Dates w ho achieved notoriety by
marching through the southern
t ites and a portion of Europe, bear
ing the American Flap-, is reported
to be 'dying' in povZ-r'ty in Baybrook,
iu. Jlenas a
OesjiENf nriM, April Vi The body
of Aretus II. Herriman, w ho disap
peared from this city in the early
part of November, was found yester
elay em the farm of D. Herriman,
4 miles from this city. It is sup
poseel tha'. in attempting to climb
the fence he fell, and striking em his
head, became insensible and lay in
that condition till he perished. The
snow which fell soon after hid his
body from sight The remains were
well preserved. Within a few feet
of where the body lay the fence had
been taken down anel teams passed
. ij . a i ji r
A Fatal Mistake.
Watekdowx, Out., Aprii 14. To
day a farmer named Alexander
Jones took an old gun to a black
smith for repairs. He assured the
blacksmith that the gun was not
loaded. The barrel was iilaccd in
the futgtj whereupem the gun ex-j
ploded, the charge lodging in the i
bow els of Jones and killing him in-1
stantly. j
$1.50 A ma
Weekly American,
- For trial at Janmry T-rn.
'.h M HWay of April, '.5 h cay.
1. I'ase liums vs. E!. A!' "t
i Ivats ii.s-tier is. J'tiinO '
3. He:,ry Hennen-'antp htr.- :
4. J s Hnnt vs. L i w. kt--'t.
4. J.-th M. Hy ti J .,'; . j a.- a.
li.T W;l ums.
I. J'.hn H. Sinner's r. J..;-; ;
mn's a.rri:-iK'cs
T. I'm s.p. i!i irk ii Cj . ' K-r.-r?-,.
a. lr. It L. Kevius. s. J i;. il.r-au
H. Is:i. K-juiman. vs. ji.-... tu; I'JL
!') 1'tier Hrvwn. ts. tsn rW,; .f
II. Augustus Tieraan. i. I'-m-'jit a tw-r
Karrsw'irth ..-r: .ji
IX W'. K Smiih. k. Ai.ri.'nx b-n
14. A. H. JiUt"k;sttn's a m'r, vj. .1.1
IV (Hirer A. Parker, t Ira f" CirivL.
IU. K. A. Tiivmnn, vs. . s. li t.
II. John Miirhcil vs. V. m. K.-it rt i
Is. ImvM Hi i. lf vj. X aa K -r
l'ivch'ir.ii:ary Orfice. 1 H F. srilLIl
Mnreb-Jii. Ian . ( Mar. 'it fr-t-.
IN Cl.riW OK FIVK OR !.nr. $1 . I'ER
f wui'riiun;Misnriir:n.Mr ii..-.rj; ite
it very economical ia f i- L Its rtKrxfer Is J
WaabiaiuaieUie M.llwno-r'N. r-d tlm
Minnesota (.lanl lirm Kmiinrr, rn. h b; v
lr.JTt.tum fl u. au. I fi ror bu: i. n.-,- r few. ., 1
or coal AU tisa Eniraiesi are. na.! ar.l lii. .1
ili.'',,? T"l " Trnctian At.rr':
menta ran be, fumisbol with any. t tiiciu il :--
Manufacturers, Stillwater, tAir.f.4
Allt Itt, 46
A vnrie 1 lot of v:i!u;i!i!o S'rfmiiinis frivi n
of Clubs eif t'rosn 5 to copies, a list of
w-liu-h i piiblisliftl in Tua V '-ki.v Amkh:-
CAX. JilT:tlll! pl:l( fnv.
('HAS. ('. FfLTdN.
April 0. Ot Hu'tinii.rf. M.
Aa it I fr.r fill tl-MMfi of th-
leap- Via cf thi a.r.J poioa
tiiAt ca;'. r ruuf u v ft r:r.j wo-et
oa'.y th T:ctim- ci Ra ttnat sia cau j-a'.ixi
cf ti . varat fori cl t4a tsrrifclo i!;us
have beea q.cijr Kli:,i, a earn tune
aahni wamif-rful ni:eee, aad an lmcexiae
amlo In every pari ol t'is Countrr. In hnn
dreJaof o.iojii hjitearol w:ier a. I f oe hart
find. It is Tn-U, but eft-ien. I PRT VIX
INI ACTKt, bui Larvuej ia au eaitea.
mt elenasc. atrcv-i Meail elves Mew
I.U'e to all tl! imrorla acra; f the body.
Tne cataral aotia el tiie Kuineya iMr-sit'.rcil
Tha Liver la eleacacd of alt discsap. ami the
Bcsrolajnove freely and noaltbfiilLT. In thi, V
1 waj-Uia yoral ttoj;ea era c.-L .iit-d from I
Am it haa beca prove.! br thonaanda Uut
ItoVbing a Town Treasui-j-. j
CixeixxATf, April 11. A special!
to the Times-Star from Little Rock
says : "A party of maskeel men yes- j
terelay rode into Toledo, a county sixty miles fouth of l.ere. One
l.a'f surrcuneled the Court-house,
while the other entered tiie Treas-
I . T . .... ..nn 1 1 . .. . . r . . . . I . . 1 . '
"""'"nh'Ji uiov viii 1 1 u r.uc. iiiiii feLoii;.
wiie anu 6-:x eniia- trom ?o,uw te KVX)). They all
I cpeaped.
i 1 1 Vary Lamtwrt. of Shade li-WDshlp, nf -hom
m. Hiv la eummiitee.
TheeW..lronol bLamlirrt. clecM, as Ml, ws
I.lir.a;h Mi.maker. wife ,.f J,ei,h .Sn.TU.jk
. r. ..I JoliiLtuKn Ha t.lwanl Latnlrt. ol ha,le
Twp , Mamaret Wi.lters. wile ..I W alters, ol
Johnsu.wn. Sarah Sm.i... -ii. .r . . ,
!.Snder,l.M...7Stwo,l: ' a
! fc .4l''-lrea of Uisirso Linirt, dcceast-J, as
' 1-Clh':!- sta'' Tp.,"Mary J .ne iro-
j hert. W araw . Hanris-k f.. ill.. s,mB. s. L,m.
rt- ,W hauo.k(V. HesierCaleruatn
also .lec u, leavina wi.,..w natne.1 Manlua. an l
isstie. m ther and
I tliil.l resi,im in the Stale of
ILeehiliinnof Jhn Ltoibert, tiee J, late of
ShatleTwp., aal.ilh ws:
eieorice H 1 am-rt-Sharte tp., Eliial-etb Be'kev.
t.le, lierkejMle, shi.le Twp.,T-atba-
"r '! ' w- ;,e'" M,lirT 1,1 Twp
S..rrerT';'p?.n.0f!l11.:SIClJrrK,'r- ta of
Marv ht Ker.wiief Jme, R.n!irers, Sh.i.Ie
.'""rine VVa.ner.wiie f
beh.M.l,reir..r. wile ,.t .;.ln Kmlfiers.
Urorice U O .lin, ,s.uierst Twp.. J.mUh ei .hn
.Tenner IV,.., Rebecca R.helT,Jer wi o J Jee
IZZil L. Vi?' S ,:"Tet !. Sarab Jane all other perwijie..t.i'r?,?. "i'T'.'7 D,!ilne" a,,,,ratan Irrphana'
.V.v of A nnM'i! S?m Ibe il h
Marcl, it, " Karch M sheriff.
Frwiiit-w Ju'.ireot the ev-r-1 " '
Plea f th wr-r! c-an!!.' ftrrfn :t "
teenrh JudK-i;! lirrivt. j-I J u:i--- ' '
o! 4Trn'l TrrmiriT n ' ir--nrai j-i.
hT tne m il ot' ml! cap-!;! n. .vr
Mttt li-.r;r'. anj Uii;tL t; rrr
JNttnui o Pii-a. aivl Jo: r-i ft it i
Oytr.m J Terminer. ... n--a! j
l.-r the tri.-.l.-f mtlrari!:.! anl .nh -r '
n 1 io ia ilirrtf'K ft-r h- I a ' -zr.
mon Plena. atvI iJin'Mi;iiir:rS''."
Pear. ant iK'neral J: l'.;veT7. .ic-
4t nnfli.j. April 2". It
Notm'K U bTly a.'.eo t- n!! ra J ";
Pcat-e, tne L'rt liv'r lh '. .ia1. -'
L" unijf ot, :hT ! ti.n
in tneir (jn(tr ier: D witu 'tiitir r "
iruiUjMti-.Qii, ciaaiiniiiiDi, ai;l ol tr
hnni.'e?.t hi" tlu tfair; nhicfi U ''
ami In tLat behiiir at .terrain ti- . ! u
j they who wiU prorr?u;fi atrair tt:e f"i"
rv (Tfti.i.i ce in tiipjj.i '(..'w--'
then t tiiTC to prL'i"yu:e 'N't'V
bo lust. tL'iJ.ll. ai-:
ruIt",7 sy'". fSallie, Intcraarrli-il with
Jonas .Miller l.. w.i..." w!'
ZT'IJ-"- intermarrlej ', ""5
(W.'rL'beH.f"iiW ".ppt,,tl B orphans''C is hrei-v rv- -t i,. n'.'. f:-r.
t li'Ka'ees, rrv.iiiorj. r mii-r'-f.
sarue wi.l Im pisnt:.l f. r . "i ?.t'.; -1
luwuni-at an eirvii its' 1 . urt t- : iK-
ersct. T:.ur-.lnv. Ajirir.s. -il- T
Se.-..n.! an i h'n.l jt" i! ol liavi! J. -txtvntorot
J bn P. Miller. .Iwok-t
I'irsi acsutut f l'.i- j i.--s.
fi'tlastralo .aro.l U ilns'n .I.-r.r.- -"
t irt an i nnal a.sior.1 ! ii." l " " .
net Th.-mss a.'m'rs. can rij-i-s-'
I.AJiTmuail I
Kirst an l Hi al if rni of W. h.
erni..rl tl'ii ih.-tn ' ).n i iv iiv-il
K rst anl o .al ai-.uiii ! I ' ' i;'
M l.l..r Ttil.ii i.t 1 -rt-n 'e lt":'
Sec ml ati-t n.i.ii ntr lln- ' I ."
cxecutorol'J.!.n U't r.
Ax unti.f VViiluiin Luil. r '
Mull,!. t .-
First ami Bn i! ivisin! i f l'i. 1 "J
a.lm r. o: H.'i.rv 1 nr. i vs-i.
A(!. K T:-.'!-. is. iar-l
Tli' I.tricerly l,..!i.i r r!.
.ii..ini .if Joarclt C. !.iu!r!. '
Jolin eir.A -. .Ii rease.l.
A.-ruimt -i Ncan Ca-.rN-. en:f--'
J. I.'asciierr n..w e"l..r i .1. ntri-r. ,
First Hii'l f til a.ti.uni :t ,
an.l VV. h. l.i-je:s, re.-u;.T -l IS '
dts-ea-e,!. 1
first an ! Silt ! eo m.t f s!--a
a.lai'r. r A .ai i hnr,.l.rl s
Kit an ! ii'.. I an. nr.: ! '3t!.ira
mliiiinis: nitri x aa.l ( J'-i
A.V..U1II ef Wrrt'.f J. K '-e. i'r-
sluririn. iereise.i. .
Ursi a.-e. mil ..I l'r as M. Huo-t-J. tB
Iinii I i:iel:!v. .I..-, a-..!.
I 'rt au.1 ntr"; is I sc.a;t r'tr.
j H. I!y .M. Sujl-r..:'!-
Niee.l. .
I'r-t an-l finsl s.-r. -it f J
t.T . Susanna k.x.nil. .lee- ;-!.
V irwt mr..i ri.i!il ;ir.n unl ! 1. S. r -
Join jvr I'ler, .1. eeaM-.l. a'..'
Hist au.l nr-il awunl .f Al;
Jen-mliiii VVtimer.. a..m r. .1
decease.!. , i oi
V.rst an.! fln'il ce- nr.t f l!T J
Pile. a. In. rs ol J.-fh Ki!'. .1 "". f..5
Fl.-al aceottnt "f itj. 3 :
j seph S .tiitler, !. law.raior
th!"Ta- , , r wi:
L ami cm a.viu... ... rf-
April nevt. t.. i Vir,
lite real estate or . I. .hi. l ..i . .. .. 1 ....... i ,.,.h '...
braii i...i..; ur? . p- ; - . ', r , ... ic bu-
- ..-", vi ihvv (ami t the mini. r .uiww"'u
ahMiltinotbesi.i l. ' tM 8aIne ( .1.. nn Iilau.-ot .Iv.n-js- .1.
MiUHip-4()K.K.K) i:r,iAKKVir i rlrt Ul,t w- A ,5""""3-
elarch 18, lu. ( March 1 sJiria- Ewi .inln lcce-;l. f
ril ...ivai,i . r. . - - " l..el-
V ' tha zux: effectual r:aaiy tor cicanaius tna
cs.steniora.1 niovoin n.xr.-n:;a3. IX, aUouiube
Uaed In every tioiMhclci a
Alsrav e-rr.-a VXtOiAKfl?. ONSTTWA
HOli, Sllli and ail 1 iJlALIt Ciacsaea.
Is pat n? la iey Tiwt'.ilc I arm. In tin nrns,
one rartna of t. M.-;. UMti0Quurt.s nvdi- Ice.
Akin IJqnia Ferm,ierr 1'esterateatedror
tbe' cf lia.ise whocancl mi d 1 1 . re
pare it. 1; O.V ttfliA cimI ttrirnry in rxthrrorvK
Oct iTc-vcx-it Di:rar.;sT. rucE,ieo
(Will send the rv poat-oakl.l m Rl.isirrov YT.
j administrator m Perrr Herklcy aefi
i -eci.n.l and ttn il ac-. nut ..I 1
! a.lnitnisiraior aad trus:ce )n
; dece.ise.1.
. L..r."
TeaTSom,:rt".e:, !
tl.ere l,??- n' ' dirte., Wti;
ii.ere will dq ta t.:i.. ..... ,v! ..
r,?i!!2t.r?!? T Vol Ex.. Ft Fa. ecut'" Vi SanSiV, TTli.r;-A s
I r . .. . ..1 U jmw ' ....
rtTWIV M. IIUK ' - rtrS .
.rs ..i j '. " -,. . -
linn Herarh. eiet u
a...i . n.1 lln. I MCS.ntlt
x'nlstrati Ssmu. I I'rauk i''- flj.
First are! tinal arnidr.t oi it-
Jacb J. Smith, .!mirisi?s -
Sn.iih, ilef'.l . . ,
claim orth. .i.V - T no. le. inlcivet aril First a..J anal oi:ii
a.. . - - lMtX t.
IConrt )!,... i. Zir V"" at til
. , . .3..iuvrci, t s.t on
ai i o oi,?it, p. 3,..a!ith .
IVUUl. .1IIUI at law a . IT 1
K lser(twl real eiiate. v i' :
i nr . 17 7 "UK. 1 1 : j Final acrwinl. of j.-wa ;
Soe,0Vyfi0"''uire ! Sh.nkrlll,R.ymau,auaitais:ratur. -1
ml rth n, Liu,:."" ". mM( KwisTCT Si-rrM-s i