jJomcrsct Herald. .., i;. s t 1.1- l'Mi'o- February . 1WI. loiitmu -s tn l'" nii)"t rxre'.- ; L-ia""'' ' HVilV. it in Alt'Wii !i ti r without litvtisv un.U-r n, l.v p'ttiiii' a airof ;l;ixs l'. N. Itoyil iIm-ih. ,1 wi re culil winter will Iikc a "-'iii-ir inskiii;; tvasun ml roiilt. . ;;im Kve fiUi-sps a sjxvially nt ! .-'! tirv.-clivwi sdVigliing ;i!it ; i.s.iiify t!ie most exacting i.i:T:i'''-rotf end slfiiih-lx-Hx. C!a asul oleics, lit Boyii'f., ,! ii.vj as frozen up on Tncs :'A not out ; it i tlitrvfuro , f, t!ir wa'lier fr tiie -A unit rla-w tJrist-Miil. ynoii tuiiti'il in .Vl.lis.1!) townsliiii. .: J', ii. Vat.ki:k, l ii:i:.. I'a. hi of the l.ipinipr Viillij" m.re -i-.Vfnifiit Imahiy in ' I.L-oiirt lias 1h'i :i urtcrtniti- The socond x fk of lortrt was but slimly nttfiKlct. rniiHiilvrulilo liuiinvM was din putclic;! lipf.irctlip aiijmininir-nt which took l-lm i- mi Tlmrsilay fiftornHn. liming tl.e .ast week wc iirre liml aevcr al ry heavy falls of . j many ilain ill the ciffli'y where, the snow is nut ilriiU-1 ii is over 1 iar fort in li-;tlt. - - - . His fw-t Mtni.k the icy .taee and he "tivt. hoJ liimnc'.r fuil lrngth on tl.r tave iiioiit. ,'''". diilii"! yiiuT" je-kej a by damVr. ' Wo; oli, tii ! just a way I have of wTntcliinif myh:iJ k." Tlip liifinWrs of thp Masonic FniU-niity of thin i.Iaet have nia.le ari-niip-rueiit for a grain! buihf.u-t. to In- $sn at the new Cen toil Hotel, on the eveiiinji of Washington's ISirthilay. IV'iniary .l. The weather lias, lx-eu hitter cold during the sroaUT j,urt of the jiasU.woclc. The nier eury luw lon found to be from ten to t wctity degree below zero almoet every morning. For st:u tinw .at tho aveiuentfi have lx-en in bud condition for boory individ uals to travel, and numerous are. the acro batic feats jierf irnied ,y thoso who ventur er out when about half eeax over. excellent chest -iiroiertor for a cold day is a folded nen-sittjier buttoned under the overcoat. Hut in caws a tiajier is used on which the mitevriiilion is unpaid, the party i liable to be fn.ien to death. The spring elci-tioiKiciuM nn Tuesday Uie The following i the full textoflioisss 15th inst. It UnJl important that the town-1 Hill Xo. 24 inlrodnced by Hon. A. J. t'ol ship and municipal ofhees be filleii by com- j born, member from this county, on the "lt petciit oftl'-cra. It is th fountain head of ; day of January : government. Kvery voter should feci inter- j An Ai r. To authorinc thcComtuissionCiS est enough to attend tho election and s'of the reveral omnties of this fouuuon that only honest, temperate, qualified men i w.'..!l!i excqitiiij; in cities ol tiic first class le elected. Let no tom-fuolerv induce the i.i diwhaw from r rison all tn-rsim confined. in:i). We jiity the farmers and others who come to town rlmnt noon in larjje eleds, as they are almost besieged tiy the m hool bovs who aro all ca'tcr to got a hort sled ride, and climb on without h ave or permission. Several young ladies and gentlemen from Somerset drove over to I'-erlin, Friday af ternoon and after partaking of on of those suppers which only the landlady 'of the "Nuiiuiud'can ervt, itujrcil home in the evening. The contest next Saturday for the nomi nation of Ilorough officers iromises tole intere-iing. there being a nunibar f candi dates in the field f r Justice of the Teace and several for constable and street com m;ssi'rier. rich host, and m-wt inml: !..!.i-i. a-k firtir. inirt take no -:i';c at the 'iroccj-v, J.ISIAH KlMl!":. ; iti: 1 1 or Itr.iiK -liial affec tic lung, take Ayer's i l r'ire it luTure it !'- t ... r a mi .nn-iay a.'terii Kin our coniiosing ro-Mn V ia grao-d wiUi five mcmlK-rs of the "!mniur!al Fourteen Club," although they . i i . - . Fli'in- and p-umire tuc an g.uury more than i .inr ''i.ti'ii i .n .....u ....... i i i i . v.j, c unr mine uiv less giaa sec them, '('ail asain. to .it. M M ritnssSTK!:i:r. I will j. 1 :it ail limes, Iteef. Fork. Mut- I Thef A t'. U'legruph operator lias taken pitsesi ii of the quarters repare.l forliim in the new depot building, on Fast IV riot sin e:. The ot!i(r oftices at tiiis place con-m-c d wi:h the road will shortly be nuivcd in! the same building. . nt rcusoiiabh priee-. i iticiit waj"n tiirei Says (he Franklin ."c;.(.i'r;; : "There are ''l'" iuitidn.sl and hundreds of b :is!ie!s of corn Ilt.sEr Ki:k.-i;. S iinerM'l. Fa. 'i ti".-:--ii.ti:y wvere winter for . aii 1 it is raid, that the cost : r'i( rn.!- upi-n ims b-vn d inn ; winter. in e fields throughout the ruiintrv ii n husked. Owing to the winter weather set tling in so sunn the farmers were anahlc to i'tiMi their work during the pleasant sea s' :i. i tl izcii !criil letli'lav '.!.r:i.ir 1M. April ii. N ivetnlx r 'Jl'li, ira'.ioti ;.iy cotm ;' July itu ?f'Hc.:iy lav. Tlwre will be an excursion West on Tucs- ulile . day, February J. 1 !. The 15. . 11. It., I will run a spis lal car cir the Somerset coun- ty pnssen rTs. l..sx-'-0 cheeked thniugh. ' " I I' lrtickctsund iitf irma'ioii -ill on l "i:h. nnd I p s I iss-enger ,i;i.l Ticket Age:; J. II. Fritz, t, Solnersi't, I'a. and rs make frmii S to mi's f..r !'..;. Hideout y sir, ,.t f ne and terms. Y.rl. y snow was thus givin l.v "My father's umc was in .tiier's ni'ius w:H W;Jer; i-r inarri :hter." d them, and I'm the : t.; : of the nioiint.iin." on the rd. and not far from the Cani ne, is tho rSarefwut settlement. th widow of the oiigiual !::i !n :i. 11 of whom are marl-children ; 1st grcat-grand-f c.ir great-great -grarid-chil-s iiecendants ore in full life :'-ic, a:i 1 the total foots up t est and bet lot of C'rtifec- cvn at Mrs. A. K. I'isci s. Also r , ri si Animutiitioii of nil kinds t ;!' cletr-iiit and itspful artiile too I i inciitioii. Fine Irafting I'a- 'Vii hums, for ;:!'. liii" ariic.-! y c . :i,c: l.d by all who have in r used it. X V. iv. I s "Ad." in another iul- : c sh.ml.l fnil to r.ad it. i iiilcrthat Henry Hclil -y i ! i n r. ; . :its" Furnishing iZs, Trunks, Valivs.(l-4'lo:hs, I'm- VI-. ( locks. Watches, Jewelry. i. i.iii.-s. Wall-l'ajier, il-IVin.!s. Iiine Nti'.lii-". oil. and diiicn-nt ients. Newiiooils arc ar- ::iv tore every day, and will cm r-ie from this on till everjihing i- i otniiletc. I will take Maple :i ie f .r .-.iinc. Henkv IlrtTI.EV. Annoi ni kmi:nt. Itev. I.. L. Hiilicrt will vjintiirfw a pro'r.i-'cl meeting in his rhnrch st livaiivil!e. on Thurs.Iay even ing. Fc'iiniary loth, to continue several weeks, and that comtnuion services will be held in the samp church nil Sunday, Feb riMM" J". A Itopuh'ican j.riniary election, for the pursieeof pim-ing in uouunatioti a ticket for borough tlin rs. will be rtehi in the en gine li.i'jf, on Saturday February 12. 1n1 Foil- opea fr un :; y. in. to 7 p. ni. I. J. IIokncr, ; ' Committ(man. The Seven I lay Iiaotists in all parts of the Stiite are circulating jietitions to the legislature praying for the passage of an net jicrmitting theni to work on UieSaUmth, ben they observe Ihe flay previous as IheirSabbath. A recent ditision oftheSu pni:ie Court wa against this privilege. - M.i. .I'A" i.ii 1.:ttkc. The follow ing ad :!"! r in tiie I'ustolIiiT, at Somer to the I lead letter Oilice. i'.-'in, lv c., if tKit talh-3 for on or 4. Johnson, Wj:i. i : i .- I'l, .'!.aiin'ev I;. !:..!.. r. ! , - i" CM. A. II. ' !. l'lTittili. .!.. r-. l.i:. -'M.I.. .Io;:a.-. Thomas. I.orh, Albert. I'arh-ck. Frisl. Well, Saunders M. Uhoaiis, Miss Anna. Smith, I.. K. Spicher. Mr. Alis. Stavatiuus. Jonas J. a.c. n.wis, I'oStllltT. - :i ! 1cki s;!- shadow last Taes i liierefiire, by a rult old as the i i ri siof tin- winter Mill give the ' .' .er : ..ci i.iieles hajii; by the wait. ' i I' k. the shepherd, blows his nail. ' 1 ii. .,rs lns- into the ball "! t;i.!k i of'-.cs I'roeii bonie in pail : '' :' '! i l is nippe 1 and ways tie foul. '!l ''-'"tiy singstlip staring owl : To-w iio, t -who. a iiierry note. r '.ey J ri doth kxel the jwit." 'VisT m, Noktii. Ail travelers the anii.iim.fiiiciit that the in. iiii;:,ti A St. louis Failwav ; !v I'; n!i:.K.: Kou'e will hereafter r-t i :,.s I jss, 1;.f r coach from I'itts . l.i nis i.n the Fa-t llitpress :,'u i'i'tsbnrgh every day at a. !''' arswill continue to run on ;"- ;i f- un Piitshurgh to Cincinnati. !: i'.a!.:is,lis and St. Imis. but ' r ' ; h is.a.li in m. Louis will ben ' l to rs.m eti route Ul liMlian r' Ib'Utc. St. Ixmii. snd U jxiinrs -id S j-iivvt-.t, who U ctre to l'v:.i har.-e for sleiping carpriv- ' ! ' " l'i"g ears will centinuoto Lvpn-ss leaving fittslmrgh f'r Cincinnati and Louisville, t xprts-s leuving Fittsburgh at ii "iuiiuUiUL Luuifcvilie. In- 1- an.) j,xfa mi,hout diang-. ft -m the Wit and !oUth will "iiiiniud the imprtiTed tbra:gh "y the Fati-Hausiie route. "" the advantage of quick time, '"'.iio ti,,n j i ,,;,,,, 4)t.MtH, and er.r a'-i-onninHlaij,,,, ,Ver one ot ' 't -tniii,,! and nurd irf-tlT . ..,s. u ts iriV insss-Mr- toasfc vw you reM-ive tickets via ,. iii .mu.f, A St. Louis Tuiilwiv ""'Hel:,,,,!,.. '"tUm. tal.l.s, ....i :.. ... ' iiii'ii uiaiitiu iiiits." ' U:so, IW,,- AgrM ,.(,,. ' .1 i.r " t ..... . .i.n r.EiEjt. licncral 1'as- fan-llan.lle Koute. Columbus, i' i.i a la. t,;iite a large party of young ladiia and gi.itlen:eu from this place had a sleighing party to Jenncr X Roads. Thursday even ing. They left Somerset about four o'clock and returned at an early hour next morning Tle-y soipjied with ,ur genial friend Tom ia!lagher and were entertaineii in his usual clever war. How it was Iose. "How do you man age," said a lady to her friend "to appear so happy and good nature 1 all the time?" "I always have Farker's Ginger Tonic handy," was the reply, "and thus easily keep mysvlf anil family in good health. When I am Well I always feel good nntun.il." Read aliout it in another column. election of any incompetent otliccr, howev cr seemingly insignificant the office. The Reformed comrregation at Rockw ood, Rev. W. W. iHatxick, pastor, has lately pro cured an organ for use iu the services of the sanctuary. It is proposed to consecrate this organ to Uie worship of !od, on Tursday evening, Febrnary 10, 1S;1. The Reformed pastors of this county are areexiiccted to be present, and all friends are cordially invit ed to be in attendance. The organ ha been entirely paid for , no debt remains t lie covered on the day of dedication. Mr. Thomas Pugh, one of the proprietors of the I'inkerton Lumlier Company, met with an accident on the Colli of January, that resulted iu his death on the 1st of Fcl ruary. Mr. l'msh was in the wood with a number of hansds who were engaged in fulling trees. A large oak was cut down by several of the men, and in falling one of the limbs struck Mr. P. as to cause his death as above ltated. Drs, llixon, of Pittsburgh, and Mountain, of Confluence, were sent for but were only able to render temporary re lief to the injured man. An exchange remarks, and it is as true ns gospel, that "jicople who live in all kinds of glass houses have flings at the editor, who can do nothing to please them. For in stance, if he lets wrongs go unnicntinned he is a coward ; if he cxHca them he is spite ful ; if he omits anything he is lazy or care less; if he calls things by their ' proper names he U not nice, nor lit for his jmsi tion ; if lie speaks of tilings precisely as they are lie is mean ; if he covers ihein with var nish he has been bribed ; if he gets ilf jokes he is a clown; if he does in.it he is a uuuibkkull; if lie indulges iu iicrsonalitics he is a b'a. kguard ; if he does not he has no vim. And so on to the end of the chap ter. The Independent Order of Odd Fellows held their annual banquet at the Somerset House, Monday evening. Members from the ditfcrcit lodges in this, as well as from adjoining eenntries, were present, and a very pleasant, agreeable time was had. A meeting was held iu the fraternities lodge room iu the fore-part of the evening, and at about 11 p. in., the entire party, about sixty-five in number, repaired to the banquet ing room of the Somerset House, where a most sumptuous collation was spread. Here they were joined by Incmlicrs of the press and other invited gucr-ts. The number that sat down to the three handsomely set ta bles, running the full length of the room, was from seventy to eighty. The party was made up of genuine, good fellows. The supper, which was served in courses, was all that could be desired and was fully in keep ing with the well established reputation of the house. We have received Irom Sajllicld's Music Store, S33 ISrialway, New York, sum. -thing in the way of a "Ten-Cent Library of Mu sic," that fairly takes our breath aw ay. It is a publication that this enterprising house has decided to isstui ever- month. (Subscrip tion price, il.lVI a year, single numbers, lo cents each,) which is gotten ti j in tie? same style and ihajie as any ether music, no mat ter how high-priced, and yet c uitaining six- iujail without proceedings under the insol vent laws. Serthn 1, Re it enacted by tho Senate and House of Representatives of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania in General As- serubiy met and it is hereby enacted Ly the authority of the same. That from and a iter the passage of this act the commissioners of the several counties of this Commonwealth shall bo and they am hereby authorized upon the order of the court of quartar ses sions or on vacation of a law judge there fore in the exercise of its discretion and upon such terms as said court or judge as afore said may impose to discharge from prison without the delay and'expense of any pro ceedings under the insolvent laws of this Commonwealth every convict who shall have wrved out his or her term of impris onment w ho shall not have been cotumit ed for uon-paynietit of prosecution linear made restitution or paid the value of ih stolen gensls or property. IVwi'iH, Tha' iu the opinion of sai l 'commissioners such convict is unable to pay or restore the same and provided that such discharges shall not prevent the Commonwealth or an person interested in such payment or restitution from proceeding by action to recover the same from the property of such cotivh'tbut no such convict shall be so discharged until he or she shall have nude under oath or af firmation duplicate schedules of all hU or her property real personal or mixed so far as he or hcv can ascertain tho same one of which shall bo tile-l among the papers of the said prison and the other with the clerk of the court of quarter sessions. Pi ocil-'J fm-V.icr. That nothing in .said proceedings shall either add or take from the liability of said county for costs under existing lawsof this Comnionwealii. Vrtrlded. That this act shall not. apply to cities of the first cla-?. fii.:rji 2. All laws or parU of laws incon sistent herew ith are hereby repealed. lint) AMD Bitm-iS Views. Petition of cit izens of Stonyereck and Somerset townships for a public road from a point on the pub lic road lealing jns Noah Rayuian's to the Somerset and Shanksville road toa point on the public road leading from the Somer set and Shanksville road to the" Friedens road near iler.j. Voders. The Court appoint ed Jonathan L'. Homer, surveyor ; diaries Rayinan and Wm. (i. Schrvk, viewers. Petition of cUixeiis of F.lklick township for a review of a road from a point in the public road, leading from Salisbury to the National road near the residence of Sol. Meesc, to a point in the pulie road leading from Salisbury to (irantsvilje 8', or near the residence of Manases Beat by. The Court appointed M. I'. Miller, surveyor; Lawis lilessner and William 11. Walker, viewers. Petition of citizens of Coneniiuigh tow n ship for a bridge oyer Ren's Creek, at a place where the public road crorscs taid creek, on the land of Jacob Thomas. The Court ap pointed Henry Rauch, surveyor; John Sacks aul.losiah Cover, viewers. i Petition f citizen.) of Rlklick and a-lja-! cent townships for a public road, beginning . at or near tiie bridge of the F.ik'.kk A- Cum- bcrland Co., in ElLlicU township, to a point : in the" public Mad leading fiotu Mechanics- ! i . . i i. . i ... i i .ii... .. teen pages of the most popular muie for 10 "ur- lo near jeremwi. xo.ks, . cents. It is certainly astonishing. The first I M township, to vaeai and supply a part number which has just come to hand ,.a!1. j of road leading from I. M. Hays to the tains Waldenfel's immensely -v-pular "Tres ! fi'"'1 buildings f the m,h1 com-uny. 1 he li;v-s.,. iiol-.a,.f,fl!ii.l1...l'mJ -Tn ! Court appointed Henry I. Altfaiher, sur- the Cloaming," and two other pieces. uh- j '''"r er numbers contain the popular Riciiuet Walt. Miss Tl.ursbav's Twickenham Fcrrv. lv'--'"' i-Mi" Addison township BiK-caceio March, ir.ly D.ih. whilst the last number issue ! is s:iid to courain a com plete Potpon ri of "Ths Pirates of Pen innpp." which ordinarily retails for l.i) ..i j . ..... I i il . ie. I .1 alone Whilst in this case it contains twooth- 1 "c ' !'1'"''' -M.tc..e..surey-er pi.-es Ursides. ! or ' 3:l"h J"iin - Walker, viewers. CLnWrniillivlnii :r.,t of .1 tl.ree euiiou to vacate a roau leau.UR iron. cent stamp by the publishers. f-TOXYCBEEK, February o, 1 31 . KiitTOB HtKALD : According to the Mey- ersdule (bmiweroa. ex-secretarv J. ti. O-Ie, Esq., who "sprang to his feet" in opposition to the resolution endorsing the action of our I Coi-kt Pkiskiihixos. The following cases representatives at Harrisburg, in supporting j wcro disposed of during the second w eek of Win. Frit a:id Ananias Mi'ler, vieivtr". for a road to had from a point oil the public road near the residence of Ja.'ob L. Angus tine to the Nntiou.il road, where the same crosses the state line in Somerset county. ; w idow CmlK rger's to a public road leading ! from Wm. Reel's to Cook's Saw Mill, in Shade township. The Court appointed W. H. Ramhart, surveyor ; John Speicher and I Martin Shank, viewers. the regular nominee for I. S Senator, was followed bv F. J. Kooser, F-sej., with a ringing sjieecli" hi the same effect. Xow then, let us glance at Mr. Kooser's political career. Directly after he was ad mitted to the bar he presented himself as a candidate at the primary election for the of fice of District Attorney ; was nominated not unanimously, but bv a myorHii. only Thrtccrmaa Reformed congregation at this place have secured the services of Rev. Hiram King, formerly of Allegheny coun ty, fir tbp ensuing year. Rev. King will preach his first sermon, for them in their church, in Somerset, on Sunday morning, Feb. l.'tth, and at Lavausville on the after noon of the same day. Lent cHiinieiM'cs this vcar on Wclnesdav -, 2nd if M.treh, and continues until F-aster Sunday, which is on the 17th of April; S ieri sl itf ftirty-six d ivs. We always t.iought L"rit h.-!e l only forty days, but this year it has stretched out six additional days. Possibly that is the result of such cold weather ai w: have haJ. Some people are a little uhirined just now a'out their roofs, the weight of the snow on 1 lie same b sing s gr-at that it may crush the Tafters at any moment if they are un sound. Relieving that an ounce of preven tion ii wor.h a po i:i I of can', some of our citizins haw removed a much of the snow as pusiblc from their ho:je tojis. The Cieartield Jj'irm' gives the following simple remedy fr the cure of distemper among horses : When yoa disjjver that a horse has the disio:np:T, put half a tja3pjnfa! of spirits if turpentine oa tlu top of his head be tween th" cars a 1 1 rept-at this every otlier lay. In a wr- ba case apply every day. - m m .. . Ciinsiderable dilli.-tiliy was experienced luring the past week by the freight trains on the S. A C. R. R., oti account of the track being s ) Itcavily cirprct with snow. Two freiiiht trains per ilny are nw lie ing ru:i h.-twesij Sasu-rsct a l. Johnstown. Thev leave here about 9 o'elork in the morning and return at about 7 in the even ing. e ars inloni! l tliat tiir.v a.l luion al triiks will be pla.v I o. tn1 durinj lie presciit week. The teachers arid scholars of our public school are mxkin cxtonsire preparations fora Mho.il exhibition, to le given in the Conrt House, or. Thurl:iy and inday evenings, loth an t llth insts. The proceeds are to l-e devoted to the lienefit of the schools. The price of admission will he, adults il cents, children l' cents. - It js needless for us to urge, the public to attend as everyone w ill I aiixiooM to sec their ow n 4iar little ones jHsrfornv. I, Wm V. Ilush.n, Constable of Somerset borough, lias jvled p the following no tice in srr-eral idacrs ajiout to , directed to the qualified voters of the borough of Som erset, and to tlune living within the limits of the Somerset school district: "An ele1ion will be held in the Court House, on Tuesday, the loth day of Febru ary, lsxl, at which time and place will 1 chosen, tiy liallot, two persons for Justice of the Peace ; one person for Constable ; one icrson for Rurgesu ; three persons for Tqwn Cotincilnicn; one pet in fur Street Cumnija siotier; one jierson for High CXmstable ; one Judge of F.lection; two Inspectors of Elec tion ; one .wr i one Auditor. and was elected in ths fail. After se ving his first term hetLsked for a second, and w as again elected District Attorney. Scarcely had his ofiicial career as I). A. terminated until he aprieared in the field as a candidate at the primary election, for the Prothonotary. The fattest in the county. Was again nominated by a m ijuill i and elected in ihe fall. Xow, Mr. Kooser, will you pretend to say that your nominations at these primary elections invested you with more right to be placed on the reyxhr Republican ticket, and to be voted for by the Republicans at the fall election, than the regular nomination of Mr. Oliver, for the office of I. S. Senator, by the Republican representatives of both Court. houses of the legislature, entitles him to the united support of his political friemU ? You were nominated by a mtjority only, so was Mr. Oliver. " Don't dodge the question by saying that Mr. Oliver is the nominee of a machine. For that matter, and in the same sense, you were nominated by a machine, too. The cry of "machine," "down with the ma chine," is a mere subterfuge, a trick of the defeated politicians whereby they mislead th credulous. iive us an answer F. J., however unsatifactory it may be; only don't hide yourself behind tbp "machine" bug bear and thus subject yourself to be classed among the political fanatics of the day. But let us eo a little farther back in the ; political history of the Kooser family. It will lie remembered that Curtis Kooser, !-;. father of V. J lias twice filled the oftice of County Treasurer. The last time bis wionVy at the primary election scarcely ex ceeding a baker's dozen. Did anybody ob ject to having his name placed on the coun ty ticket for that reason Siippo's (.apt. (irimra had taken it into his heud to act the part of a "machine-smasher." tJalnsha-like, and objected to Mr." Kooser's name being placed on the ticket ; suppose Orimm had artrue t : "Mr. Kowr has onlv a dozen and ! a half wore votes than I have, therefore, he don't represent the Republican party. I must rise in niy might, in the interest of rr- , andsmah the "machine" by which he secured that baker s dozen of a majority. But Capt.sirimm dlnt do anything of the kind ; his sense of justice and his devotion to the fundamental prim, ijdes of our gov- ennent the right of the majority to rule court : I'corge W. Read fc Co., vs. Ial & Sailor ; Assunisit. Jury return a verdict in favor of the plaintiff Tor the sum of $r;0.2l. Albert Lohr vs. R ibert P. Lohr; Tress pass v. et a. d. b. a. Jury return a verdict for plaint:!!' iu the sum of f iiO. Asa Iiriner vs. Ildward Alcott; Apjicai by defendant. Jury return a veryict in favor of the plaintiirfor the sum of $o7. Clark Benford vs. Fred. Smith ; Apjieal by the defendant. Jury return a verdict for defendant. Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., u.-c of fticc of 1 Rudolphus Kent vs. Charles J. Harrison ; Covenant. Jury return a verdict for plain- ti'J forJo-ViO. Isaac Hugus vs. Piioeha Marshal and Caroline Pile; Ejectment. . Jury return verdict for dcfemlants. Ji-iah I.. Long vs. Frederick Smith; Tresspass i. c. f. Jury return a verdict in favorof plaintiff for the sum of $10. All other cases on the list were settled, continued or discontinued bv leave nf Clakkix, Claeios Co. Pa. Feb. 4, lfvsl. Our town, the county seat, and terminus of the Foxburg, St. Petersburg fc Clarion railroad, is handsomely laid out and has been pronounced by many Mrungcr to lie the mast pleasantly situated and prettiett little town they ever visited. Resides hav ing all the advantages and improvements enjoyed by sister towns, we can lioast of a fire company, military company, jsilice. water works and a skating rink. The death Mrs. Alio, at Tylersburg, aged li, take away the oldest inhabitant of our county. I!. I!. Newton, stqierintendar.t of the Lit tle Roads has resigned. ! Our reirulartwo wc-.-ks term of Court be gan last Monday. Emanuel Cover, of Somerset county, has purchased the grist-mill of I. AS. i. Mar tin, at Rockdale City, where we understand he removed his family who have been visit ing friends in this place for some time. He has secured the services of nn experienced miller from Johnstown, and placed him in charge of the mill. The Clarion Jfirlnuimi has again changed hands. A. A. Carlisle having bought out the firm of West &, Ray. A party of Clarionites took in the sleigh ing and the hospitality of Ditz's new hoteb iu Fryburg, on Fryday night, having ns a matter of course, a good time. Peter Fidle, formerly of this pla-e has re turned from Denver, Col. o. s. ;. led him to submit to the expressed will of j mention in yotw iiier of the success of re- the majority, though that majority had been hut a single vote. llow different his course from that of F. j ment in the same line. Eihtoi CoxtaAVoii, February 4, lfcSl. , Hkkm.ii: As I have seen frequent liious meeting at different places in the county, I do not hesitate to give you a state- J who has arrayed t.iuisclt oniy against the time honored usages of all parties. Don't deceive yourself Frank. You have taken a stand on the side of bolters. This is not a qnestion of Oliver or anti-Oliver, Grow or anti-Grow, but stilted in its simple At the t enteunial Lvangelical t IiUtcIi a very interesting meeting lias just closed. The meeting was in progress a little more tluin two weeks. Among the score of icr sons who expressed a willingness to turn from, sin, were several who are well nigh form it is this : Shall the tniijurity rule ? j sixty years of age. They came to Christ This is the princitl against which yon i and were consc iously accepted in thebelov tand arrayed, and though you may succeed t ed. Everything was dor . "decently and in in giving your "ringing" speeches the pecti- j onhr." The holy ordinance of hajitisiii liar twang, characterise of your illustrious i was administered to four, and fifteen were Kinsman, by vmrrui'K, you have succeeded j added to the Evangelical Association.' The in dicing your political grave, and it only j praise belongs to iod whose, spirit we dare remains to be seen how sojn you will be not quench. Hallelujah! laid into it; perhaps when yoa have te.-udi.pd , Retseylve, for the Judgeship. j If we have said one word not strictly in ; harmonv W'lh he ,nlh his,T. T arc . - . , W'.Uiu tq take St back in a "nging sina-ch." . N El.VN.IJ-llEiIMLNalL-n the (kh Farts and nothing hut f?ct t Vhat we j of February, 1W1, at the residenoe of C.J. riU.' . i'efarfraia top.- Miller by Elder J. D. Miller, Mr. Josiah it eek we will have a word to say i Ilemmingcr, of Somerset Twp., Somerset about the lewder of the bolters in Somerset Co., I'a., and Miss Susan Xemand, if Rlack county. 31AUKHU. ltLYMYMi:. Evelyn, .bnightcr of John F. aiid Martha JJlymyrr, died on Fib. (i, aged two inoii'hs. SNYDER. On the day of Dc-cmbcr, Mr. John A. iiuvdtr, ona of thy most ' cs teemeil and esiimuble. chimin of -Miifonl t w nship, died at his home. The community will Jong mourn the !o-s of tLis friiunlly neighlwr and upright nmn. Mr. Snyder was born October 11, IMS, and at the age of nineteen leanusl the blut k smithing, which trade be followed for many years, ufier which he hsaiiit! one of M ii ford's most successful fanners. Ju isi) l0 unitel liimv-lf with the Lull, nan chnnh DJTOIVS NOTICE. At an Onilisa'J l!onrt hcM s.: Somf rsit. em tlie2s-.li of Januar.T, IsSi, Die nclarstciiPd Aml It rr w, !n motion on .folia i. Klrai.n II. Vj.., i;. lv imisiiictiil t niako a tlimrlLuden o h.-iutIh 1-ittio lisn isof AnJ;?w H.mrcr, A Imlnl -rior ol ImyI I Hmivpr, 4ec'd., to sad on iti tht-li.gil!j e:iti:liJ thereto. tiy vtr.nn i.f tti aboyo flo-iintu -at. il. n et jr sad"l hireliy Kim noti -e litnt lm will .t t hifi'tt"cln lliu Uii-r.ui(h of S..-tier.-'. I, on'n.. o VVeilnes-toy, ttie ihI iiy of Mjiih. lsl. ail o'el'ick p. m.. tn attend to tbo liuti i.f 10s nfi riofntnint, wb.-n tn 1 w!iom all perod luUrct'.tAl cio nt'. in.l ii thej tutu rnior. J'oU.N Si SCI TT. fob Aa.titor. I ) M I N I TI I A TO I . ";- XCsTICK. EMatoofRIt Saftor. late of MMllerMk Tvrp., stiimerei Co., i'a., ileccuu;.!. IylleroflDiltil3'rate..Q cn th abort emnte C. I - UHiitii) urrnKr4iiicii i.i in unucTriKnru iit Mil .It II I Hi 3 11.1 ; nl!ii ,riri imtisa Is l,i.h mivmn in all Rgovlak. Hawk Co., Iowa. i L m ISI.ATIVK NOTICE. at Pine Hill, and remained a devoted member cf thc same u:itil "(Jiel's (wrsmis Indctiip.l to . esmto UiiuHkelmmniinta finger touched him, and tie slept.- wiii ..resent tu.ui. .luly un.nticuu-.l fer settle- In common with his many fi icnls and ! ment We.lnes-!y, tlis eid duy of March, .... ,. iroi,ab .lit- I.....J iuiiiusi; ul ..TCia-tiu. he nad not an enemy in the world, wc cannot v- y MOf)--r ueip pay our tribute or respect to tin; mem- . AsluiUiiatrator. ory ol this blameless christian man, and to express our sentiments of condolence to hij tn-reaved family and sorrowing friends. IIAl'iJER. In Miifonl township, on Jaunarj-."d, lrsl, tii!or;e Hanger, cged !! years, It months, Si days, BARJtO.V )n Jatinary 1, 1--I, t.izieC, daughter of J. C. and Catherine Rurron, ag ed 14 years, a month, 2S days. Heath at all times occasions sadness, but under the circumstances, Lizzie being such a bright and promising little gL-1, adds much to tiie severity of the al'.liction. RARR0X. On January 3, If 61, John . ICiuimel Barron, son of J. C. and Catharine Barron, aged 8 years, 1 month and 20 days. Another dearly beloved one hits beeri cull ed by the divine hand from our midst. A little over a week before this boy ditd he told the entire family that he could not live any longer in this world, but that iod would take him to a better and brighter world than this. The beloved one that Hod ins taken away from our midst was greatly beloved liy n!l who knew him. Roth children were remarkable not only as intelligent, but as polite, affable, and in dustrious. Seldom any so young are held in such high esteem. The bereaved family have the sympathies' of the entire otninunity in their very sad affliction. I . Cod, our dei.r littlj j Lizzie and Johnny has laketi, j . To that heavenly home above. j To dwell with him above, ; In tiiut celestial home I V.'here neither death nor pain (an enter. BALDWIN. Ou January 1, 1SI, l-iz-Je M. Baldwin, daughter of David E. and Laura Baldwin, aged 4 years, and 'S days. This dear little one that ha been called away from the family by tiie divine tulcr, caused great cadm-ss to the uuiicted parents. She was a bright little one in the family, but in God's family she shines brighter yet, for he says, "suiter little children to c.c.e.;i mo,, r . r ... l : , ii i i A 0 Cuter. I I'lin s. r'. h.i)ic,-avins. fur !0 ceut ""'' "" " " oc--i..i.i oi , in t -re..vrs; jl..t la ceiraat ciotU. Ocrmaa er i.ie.'ii.-h. ' lek tllnsiratcU 51 ontl.I j .tlacaaln finft.-. A .'.il'irtr-.t t-::il lit every nuiaeer snit rnsny tin" f -arraviiiis. i'rii--sl.ii ccnis: Five CliiIVs lor ;.i,j. S.' citron Numburs ett to.- H cc;iiii : 3 trii. I : i'!ce fur '!') ceci -. A.Wrfi?, JS"F.S VrCK, jja. 1- ie uinur. N. Y, Th" nn Ii-rylsatl t1U maicd B;;i!I."at!on to tbe I-E islul ore lor a mt.-l:.l net ler lilinselt' and otluT. (or the paviiiriit ol provlcluns, etc., lurnisti eil to companies iif voliinliiers, on srrvlce atulcr the roiuinnnil ntCaptaiu Ituwls. ol Ontro county, and Crptnla Sc'iroek, of yoiuerset county. In lboa. C; KRISS1XOER J?rni.t.t, Ps,'a , 'dtiruarjr 4, l'-M j nt r r ii i r . i n i i ItLH ULlllIUiL 1IUILLI Main Street, Somerset, Pa., Will tiiisn f jT 'icet on January 10th, 1S81, Tbi.-t bo-jse 13 f j-nishoi! ia Grot c!at, moderQ mlV, v,-hb tbo modern CJUveaictiL-cd of Ileittr-i, Hot acd Cijld Vv'aler llz'.'z?, Laro Ilcadictr-Ilocit:?, l'atlora ncd Cbaci;).;r?, ttttl Lqt jjoo-i etabica at acLtc,. Tij Tttblo and Iir will be ria good as Too liesi. From tx;.'e!'ier.ca tLo ll'.-tel busi. tjf5 I flat!-r laypc'f I csn render si'isfic'.ion to all who cail. F. S. Kleiiidienst. VICK'S ILLU3TF1ATED FLORAL GUIDE For lis i in an E!"UHnt Hook f VSt raven. One t'nl.irii'l I ii.wer Piute. Ctw lUu-stnitjeiit, itu lie-ri(j:ic.n ef the tn-l Iower8 and Veueuiblnii, mill 1 un-ctleiis fur (rrowiuif. Only 10 centn. In fcr'!di;i!'rlKrni:in. lt ji.u arttrnt order seeiij tienuef t ie.. o rpTitr. lek'n fcriH ur tiie Left in tlio world. The Tr.oKAL UriuK will t ill you iinw to get and grow lhi-ra. V lei- s 1 1 wer an'l V r-'Otntito ' irden.i75Paure, neaven. lo toe iiereaved tannly wo may ay it wum Cod's will, therefore we ho? thur tiie parent. may say, '"Tiiy will be- done.'' The parent.i have the sympathy of the community in thet sad bercavem: n'. rVnooi, :i:rfiKT. I.'efmit fif the New ten trcvilie school fur the third month eiicin January 17. j Whole nutubtrof pupils er.i.iilc l Averape i"9. . j l'ercentau !!. ' ; i'reselit every day. Itu.-se! M' M ilh-ti. J. V. ' Miller, ;nii:t I'ile, Knd Krei-e, IMwurd i rJie, Kverett Sco.t, Frank lljyd, M-.l'ie ! Scott, M.iy Tr.-ase, ltertie Kerr..'., Myrl! : ' l'errel. ; l'.:-st 1'i're.s.;, K. S. l'ita-e, .. A. r.r;i- ' ford, K. S. Dull, Mollie Scott, May I-'rea-e. j Eva Dull. Myrtle I-m.-U Lizzie kcMil!-:. ! Cora !i!'er, Nannie Scott, Annie l;..yd, .1. : W. Miiler, Albert Hartzcll. .' I Kest Conduct. Hubert I'eriel, Jtu.-si-l j Kreae, Knnna Kriedlhie, Vy',f. M.Millen. j Cora Miller, Annie Coyd. i The scholars have all done well under the ! circunistunces. One great oli-.tacle in the' way of improvement is that ."nine scholars j have not the neeenry boot, nor i thi." ul- ! together the fault of the parents, us our! merchants do not keep them on hand, ij Kinetrely liopethst tiie ch;io! b.iard will take this matter in hand and try to remedy j tbe evil tit fore tbe ue.vt term i.f .'(Ihm.!. j C. M. I'AKrn, j Tw.eher. I Battlo Creek, Michigan, THi?SSKERS, Traction and Piain Engines and Horee-Powers. lIuitCjmptclsTSresttcrioctorj j Establ'stied In tiie World. 5 1843 f Wr.pilii fonltVwovff and wrewiij iwf- ?8J I CKllO TlfM, W.li'.ljt Ctmi'.Tl nt IISllUS, if M Ha:ioifiuent, or ! sation, to - btuk mp " 1A4 Iwoad x-irruu-u yii-.t vn aUourgwd:. ( iwnptctp SCi;u:i Ouflitrttv wthi.'ewwWii Truiion r;nt-'ii'f.n i l'lainlaisiuic A multitvtf nf rp-rioX f tn'ureM aril fayrWrvtifl ti on j rairTTli not dK-ariMsi of l-voUjr tnak th. re iotnx year air:rtij c-rf!Ptmtly on hir'L fnm wtuch ih unlt U19 iu couipar.iL Jo wutx-wuri ox our luat Jaiujy. POLITICAL fflOUNCEMENTS.) i 7,500,CC0 conrt-intly on hir'L fnm t couii&rLIe wuoU-wurk ol our trftnai.wv dtTnli.a-l rp'e'T I .1-: .,-''wT?fc -J 1..VUI EJI. HICKS I Ii hereby aoaenneed as a caai'.i.lnte Tur JriTtcEor 1 at: TtAcr, Snl ject to the deeWna of the EepaoUci. .ny . J We are aotborizcj to sanonace the name cf j CHAKLESC. OHTON i as a enmli'tate for .TrsTtcr nr the Pkai b. u'iM t j to tin deelrton of the KeputillfHii valern at llicir cuiire primary etottioii. ! We are intuited ts aunnnnee the cUme of GILLIAN I.I NT an a cnmllituto (iir .Ti rticb o tits Pkacr, tuhjoet to the (Icclniou el the rociiaK Kej uijiican .r:m..r7 election. Uorreeled by Cook t Bukit. DULE. in CHOICE GROCERIES, FLCUS & FEED Farmer and Threnhermen are invited to lnvi.ltvsit tills rvit'kUs 'l'tirenlmi Mneh1Tu-Q'- iartauars aent fn. Ail.irens NICHOLS, SHEPARO A CO. Eattla Creek, Michigan HOSEXSTEEL it SON WILL TAY TIIK KIGirilSTCASII PI'ICK FOit dak -d mamm Apple, dried. f ft Appletiutter, V fl bran, y lou lis Rutier, (kec) Batter. V ft (roll) Uarkwaeat,f bunoel " meal, I11O t Bewi, fi ft ...1 Bacon, siiou liters, " lde. " " eouotry fcrn-i, V & Horn, (r) liii9tiel Ooru. (belle.!)'1 biunei........ Corn mral V & Cult ckina. ft Kicit, V Flour, bM Flaxseed bo.. (44 tr.) lianu, (tUKar-cared) fl h Lnl, V ft Leather, red aolo, flft 44 upper " " kip, " Middling!, and chop 1001.!.... IMU, f) Ml Poutoea, V bo (now) Peaehet, ttriaO, V .. Rye rlbn Ka ft Salt, No. 1, y hbl.extra " Oround Alum, per Pack.. ' AahMn. per im. Sunr. yellow f ft white Tallow, f) ft Wheat, V boa Weot, ft ffiiss, Shs:p Pelts, Calf Skins; Etc., Tei-. 10:a Johnstown. S3 to 60 40'ij'Je 1 10 1K; -oe 60e tw ... ...... 100 .13e i-jc ! !io to Coc se 6c Iir ..ii COiifco M :s mm tea too ! C SefjK! ' W .'T0Q JMimie 1 to ., -i'.fai'io ."ifl S to KM JTXECUTOUS' NOTICE. fojUteof Jonjthali T. Lohr, late of Qaemanhniric Township, deceased. Letters tertament.iry on the boT estate har. ina been granted to the undcmirnv.l bj proper anihorlty, aotlce is hereby (rivtn to all persons indebted to said estate to make Immediate pay ment, and those luTina; claims against It lo pre sent them duly anthenucated tor settlement, on Saturday, the l.h day ot Febrnary. 111, at the late residence vl Olee'd. in nld township. . . . KLIXAISKTH L(JiIR, N'EFKA. HiHK, Jan. VI , , . txeculors. S.OOO CiialIo..H PURE FERMENTED WINE, FOR SALE I.'y A. J.Ca'rbPuriit A. J. Cajcbeor k Co.'s Store, Somtrs't, V., or ut Mi U5AR GROVE FARM Five rillcc north of Somcrt, the i-lace or manu facture. The b.llownlg is a lliil oi the kinds in stock. GRAPE, ELACKBERRY, CHERRY CURRANT, ELDERBERRY, WILD-CHERRY AND CIDER WINE, - Which will be sold in nunntity to suit purchaser. This wine is raurh used for medical and sncra- meiitttl parnnse ; also as a bereraifo by those wuo want a pure wine. -"10 lo M 75-o52 00 W lib.c ti) T P llll 11 14 1 This wine is much ! for medical and sncra .....70 1 00 ...... ......SIS to K. C, L-AJSTD-IS. Haa constantly on Land at liis ilistillcrv PURE RYE WHISKY! For sale by -the -barrel or gallon, suited for MEDICAL Al MECHANICAL i . ..- I PURPOSES. j Orders addressed to Berlin, Ta., j will receive prompt attentin. Marck2, 180. : HOP EITTEHS; (A Sledlcior, not a Drink.) cr.?;-r.".:;:3 narr., it: r ur, ?i..xnKAKr, r.r.i.io?:, AMlTfll- ri rrsT AN-ri V.rr Irme LsJrALl- tiui ir o:ux5 r.iimkd. i.hvr. Kl.lr.t'Vr!, arnl rri(:rvMrir:iR. Ncr- l filiate tvutiJi-iiuu. S1QC0 IN COLD. 1 or foranrthiii'j Impure or injur. vu A-lr rnnr rtmrjrfpt ffr HT T?:nrrift?-.T try tiicm bt-toro )ou ftlet p. Tak no ihrrm p T- ?. f nn fiMolnte nni )rm9 fMc rnr for !Jruufc6iuitiw. u i.r of-nmi, ivomau turn norcoiies. FOB ClEcTULB. Ml unm fM lranrisli. !M rt-w si C-,., --hUT. N. i A Trmtm. VlVtmvaumi r-.bitl.iaritt. SnJ to,ilKrwtli..l rMni. II -!. tie --.' er!I? .WitHv I"" l--it' : rMI JJ. E. TEEI17 a CO., Dc-xoitltlch. Jan. W UAL ' .1 TABLIs j:irTi.noi:i: a oiiio ii. r PITTSilUKOH division. I Un nl ar.r July 19, 1580, irtlat on IIilJ rad will di-part Irem and arrive at depot, e-irnrlirnt , and W (.r Sircn-.a, as. lultows . ThrouKh Mall tralni dally. Kxpsess trains dally cicept Sonay. A mt.inmniLutfun truiuS and Favelttt XJItirCSS daily except Saaday. Ticket offios, eorner Fifth Areone bo1 Wood streets, and rieDot eorner liraat and Water (if.. fitubarKh, Pa. . , , - AT, e. n-m. ..Mil ij! SI. CuLfcGiineral i'icket AKtnt. A I )M I N LSTU AT0I1S' NOTICE. K-nateof Irf.t Watson, late of Addison Twp.. tMimersei eturiy, r-a.. net . . . r ..1 .i..!...! l..rt ... ih Imm AtnlS wucra 1.1 iiiaiiii.B.B"".. -. - l.avitiji been gruuteil to the underiduned by the urolier authority, notice Is hereby irtven bi thowi I . . 1 . . 1 . . : . .. . . 1. m.Lb lmmitli.le inoenteu 10 inn n sn." , bavment, and Ihirfe havirir claims or demands settlement, on Saiurlay. March . iwil. at the lute residence 01 ue tii:--,i 111 ku.i viumumj w.r. jtiiii .ii.', W.M.tVAI'SD.V, Jan. Vti AdniliiistniUira. Pitut.trr Jim im A Oil 1,1 Fle l'oliiiii'in 'ounvjuvlll Wt. Urmolll Kniiul t'uril Wrat Newton MeKrwport braililO''k Jvndtnari :uuilifliind w uahillHlOH ilii'limolid ji.iAniin.ire Fnil.Klli.hia Vl Vuik v .rr, JIAiL. H l.m. Ni.mV-i: '; :U p. n. " I'll-l:.r-,. Ilia I t. Ol. 1:.'J ' ViUltllli in ' I .J ill. biiina l 1'Hp.m. li:4.'i " VHl.il:n. flia.ai Vi.zt lljo.lmaii 4S " lUMp.Bt. Km awnul " 11:1 llhlofyle 7rl " H 0 " t'uinllUiwil 8 :w " ' llruuit Kurd 7:." " 4 4 Ml. I'IPMiuit S:U " Vr.r, l;.ioiii'llsville T:M " li:.a. m. Wm Ni-wtiiu b-.m lw::&p. HI. Sli kliorl H:li ' S:lli a lu. limit'tir-k 1 ' M " i-.m'iurg : B p. m. The Kmress train leares PIltsbarKhat :9 H. M. arrimiir at tionncllstllle 10 Oi P. M., U" k- wood 11-411 P. M. lo retura the Express leaves Unmberland at 2: A. M., arriyiux at JiiK lt wood 4:33 A. C'onuellsviiie o.W A. M.t Pitu bnri(h 7 40 A. SI. The most direct and pleasant route to tiie Cast and South ia W asliinnum l.'lty. Through Wall lemiiiif at 10UII a. H., daily, ar rives at WasbinitUin al v:J a. m.; Iinltlmore, iu.oS r. M. ; r huupeipuia a: iu a. jk. , 11 .; lUchmond I1:--.4a. m. Throuxh Kinross, leavlpir :0i r. w , daily, ar rives at Vr asbinKton at 9.M A. . : Ua liimore, 411 a. K.; Philadelphia; 1:15 r. u. ; n. i, nr. a. s HEKIFF'S SALE. .MH. Ar rll ntTlIlt V.n.l K.T.. I)ineil OUt ofihe Court of Cominon Pleas of Ib-dlord Co.. Pa., and to mo directed, tilers will be exposed to public ale at lb Court Uoure, ia bomorwl, Pa., on T!turhai, Fibf.v.iur-1 17, 1S1. at 1 o'clock, r. w., all the rlfht, title, interest an 1 cUinvW the delcndant, John Cole, of. haired to the followlna described real ennte, v'i : A certain fol of ground sitmte la Stnjitown Her., Somerset eouuty, Ptt.. emiUiinins lt ''re. ninrn'or less, with a iwo-siory leu house ami other outbuildings thereon erxxito-l, buandint on the Don I. by Main street, on me nisi ny aney, on um south by Wtchael Brutiaker. on tho west by lien ry iiowinjn. Willi the appurtenances. Taken in execution at the smt of Thomas II. Lyons, survtln:r asii;nee of icliolas Lyons, drc il, now n.e cl B. W. J:irrctsi.n. Notic e All parsons purchasing at the aboro sale will please bike notice that a par: ot the . i... i h. mn.lA annwn at the tune ol sale will be required as S's.n as the property Is knocaeu uown, oinerwiiio n wo u. "i"i c poeed to sale at tbe risk of tbe tirst purchaser. The residiinof Oipun. ha.e money um.n be paid on or beli. re Thursdn of tbe nrst week nt April . . k.. ,in. n-i.il l.v (linf ti.nrf fur theacknowi- eiiitm.-nt of deeds, and nodeed will tieackimwieog- ed until the purchase money m pam KUiiAU KVL.E,fc.'.erilf. SitKittrr'a Orrtcc Somerset, Jan. '-o, .eil. ( STATE m COUJiTY TAKES Duo and owing by Collectors of tho several Districts, asfolSows: i Yc:.r.. SUte. County Summit Townfliin tVrtiuenc-n lienmitb fiwcr Turkeriooi fw;i.. Somerset lli'rotiah Aduison Townsii.p AllescIicny Towtnhin Coni?raauh Towcsliip.. Coulmrm-o mirouirii (ireenville Township Jcnner Twp Meyersdale Jtorounh Jliddlnrreek Township.... Mdiord i'..wu?iiip New Hiiltimore B-.r Salisbury liorocgh Somerset l(er Somorit Town.M;! Sionycroek Township Stoves-own ltornnirh I'pper I nrkeyloot"'rp.. I'riua itorough tte'!er?bur(f Hormvli... 1S7J ISTtt it IH M 2 i lit V. 34 tv l.-.lltl 58 40 2. SI fi 2jT K4 4j P2 " I'l 604 '! 7-5 7U S47 '-V 4j 171 43 41 e---4 a IM 4'. 1.1 ii SI7 71 ;.7 o H it' 1 W: 3 Si 3d !! loj 2 8?. i 6.1 17 OS! 3d toi 17 &! 3 ' 11 91 j 67 11 ""I 2 .1..! 11 27, 7 V-, o H 3 2r) .'r it Tiie Iiistrirts marked with sn lnvi paid in full since settlement. The i..lowlu; are partial payiuent! since settlement, Tlx.: Addison .'...305 t'entinence Id W Coneiaanxi. Si 1 Mtllord ::ii77 .lliil'lierrcck.... tio.T New Baltimore.. 20 00 Salisbury 4 m Somerset Twp... 5-9 80 Stonyereck linw I rtiua - .'ilo AVe the undcrslirned tommlsloners of Somer set Connly, Inconlormity with the law, have or dered the aciinopanyiDg accounts ot the receipts and exjienilliores of said county, for the year IsjO, to Le published, and we hcieby certify that the foregoing statement ot outstanding tae due said county Is correct. according to the books in the Treasurer's and Commissioners' oKiees. i?'.XN"IS CfrOK. Attest J. C. CHU HUKLH, W. SI. SellRiM X, J. Met 1.1NTUCK, fcb.2. Clerk. 1 Commissioners. RECEIPTS & EXPENDITURES Somerset County POOE HOUSE, FOE 1S8Q. II. F. KXEPPER, Treasurer of (he Somerset County Poor Ilou.ie ui Acount uilh the County, for the year ending January 3d, A. IK, 1331. DR. To :nount drawn from the County Treasury on order No. 15, issued by the County Cnmnilsiiiners....4M75 61 To am't ree'd tmu M. Long. !., mon ey reluuded Josiah Krlti for sheep " " " " y, J. Kooser, brick... " m " " ' Joseph Miller, uiain talnance " " ' Joseph Sillier, ualn- taiitance .t n Xfrinsn Shaler, cash ' " Jero Wot. brick " x J. St. Stelf, hne for protane swearing... lu 00 '.o 00 rjs ou :i oo u oo 2 00 i li 1 14 10 CK. 3. 4. i. . 7. R. . 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. lb. 1. 17. 1. 111. i). 21. Vi 23. 24. 2S. i. 27. W. 2W. 10. 31. 34. 3o. n. as. to. 4U. U. it. By amount paid on ordels for Out iKior Paopers 2S By im'tp'tl on orders for Slerchan- uise aou groceries ii.v NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ANNUAL STATEMENT -OF TIIK- RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF SOMERSET COUNTY, 1 rom the Fifth day of .January, -A. D. 1880, TOTIIK- Third day of eranuary, JSJ. D. 1881. -:o: HENRY F. KSE1TEK, Esq., Treasurer ci Somerset County in Jicconnt with Somerset County. DR. To Ul received fr.,m Collectors..! State and C-nnty ratet and ler'.es f.-r the years 17, Wi. 117i and lssi. . Beef and real O it Provisions 221 Justices and constables fees 5 Shoes and leather.... liw Wheat 8i 82 Conseyinn paupers.... 34 4a Kye, corn, oats, sc.... 77 73 Hirectors pay ISO 00 I k.rtiDs and burials t V3 Phvstciaiia pay 212 SO Lime 214 14 Fuel loi 00 Steward's pay ..... 3100 Lumber Ill s M Iseelbuteoua 14 60 Labor 123 H5 Prelxht it 41 Kepairs 3W l AttorneT's pay to oo Blackstriih 6 V6 Postage and stitlonery 11 S Folllnn and ranting... 9 24 Tinware, spoulio and stoves. S7 2i Print inir 110 oo Harness and sadlery... a 70 Bantware 37 a3 1 rail trees 23 00 Pi I and laying same. . 10 44 Surreyinx 14 00 Grass seed... M iiO Clerk's pay 24 00 Farm implements 275 HO f Hficial seal a 60 Irrus.. S 7 Keoords 1 Su School teacher 44 00 School books T 80 Treasurer's salary, he.. 75 00 Board of Public Charl- tim :a oo Assessment lor Slate Convention M 65 PiiStore 2 60 Preacher 21 4o CoLtKToas. Diitkicts. I STTS i CWST t .Vear.i , I Tit. ! Tai. Auirnstos Madary A. J.SiianKler James H. Crltcbnehl... Samuel Weaver , Iianiel Loirue John H Huston. Imvld Phiiliptd Frederick liull. Kliih Holitday Michael Jordan William H. Frits. William A. Kconts.... John N. llavls 'rancisBaer Frederick Shaulis Samuel M. Miller William F. Bittner iioonre Kreexer John Pu'.man Itulus li. Dull , Martin H. Miller Jacob Sipe Francis A. Warner.... Samuel Lowry Jeptha Potts W illiam H. Welilcy..., Samuel Berkey C. A. Brunt. JacobCuster Jaoob B-iwaer. Duuii 1 Khoud John E. Shatler tieorife W. Turncy Samuel Cusier Frederick Swipe William II. FriW Isase Vinlcr. .......... A. K. Humbert C. P. Hay A. J. Stoner Joliu SctiUif.... Mcnry Kauch John P. Ankeny Henry Knepp John Oehrtuir.. Frank Wolf. Kllas Hemmlner. Hufus II liull JonnStabl F. A. Warner. Gideon Mail Satrucl Yijdcr Jacob Zimmerman.... Sumuel liwry Jeptha Potu I llllian Lint Smuei Kelkey Israel FniericK K. Baldwin Jacob i.'uster.... S. M. Sayl'ir .bmathan liumtiauld.. B. F. Snyder. Peter Kneaream. ...... 'Summit ' Hmtliersvaliey M.i lord Paint - iSnade Somerset borough.......... 'Cpper TurkyUsd I rsina buiduu I A'iill'D... ................. . ' Alleiflieoy ' Hpil liersvalley 'Conltuence borough jElklirk oireeiivllie 1 Jetleria. : Jenner. Larimer Iviwer Turkeyfoot ..ili.lill reek IMllford jMeyers.iale boroui;i. , jTSew Cenirevdle boroui(h., 'New Baltimore buroUKb... Salisbury borouich. Sli.vie Somerset borough Somerset...... Stenycrcek ISioyiitowu borouih Summit ll'pjr Turkeyioiit iWetlerrfburg borooti i A-l lion ' Alleirhenv , Berlin tor null Hrotliersv alley (Joneraausrb ConUuerjce borouicb Klaii.-k ,(sreenville .le-birsna JennerUjwn borjunh. ...... : Junner Larimer Lwer Tiirkeyfont Meycrsiiaie borough v.i. idle-reek -Miilorl ,' New Centreville tun ma U... . New Baltimore boroun.... ; Ni.rthampton. Paint iiaemuhoniii.. salialiury tmnUuli Shade Somerset boroaih... ....... Somerset saichainpron Stonyereck Sroystowa boreuh Summit I pptr Turkeytoot t'r.-lna b..ruih j eiier'bnrit bonuKh 1 -To l7s it: i ii-w i i ro tit ?:. 141 3 ; U 67 t7 4 32' :;i 4i : S 44 11 )' V 07 L i 7:; i t isr.i ;t iT ' 5 vr 2 i-i 4 i 7S; iW 77 1 4 'tl 71 OS i ii :n : : i is i2 . 0 7! ! 'J ;' 1 77 i I 1W 7! I 2 21 VI -.4 I H i OS i 4 H. !' "I ' 0 7:; ITS i i l'J in' 7lo 16 i 27 ; ': f : -.'i; 2i 44 4-; 61 I 6 tl; hi iii 1 : .1 s.; .il :-).,'l 72 Id 04 nil 4 I i IJ' 4-.-.-1 i 7 j 3IUI .W : is r..v, 27 I i l" 2. . 2 i 6.; vs 2-") V 4'. l.'i to. ;n ; 4'J 7- sis : r t.' in.-j I 1.V0 li IMi 01 I 20 )! '4 3 I i.i.4 X'. lW !5 ! J u, 4. JJ 1 li 47: VXt V) I 1 -' nt 21 1"0 (X li H 30 3 vt :nv h 14 4o - f- 60 on 2-S1 27 Ut Q'l' fsi l.'l 1J oo! ls 15 0 lo 17 2S ' ao in! 1-t 7: S4e a : 21 ot ! 711 to SI 2ii 1170 11 30 ID- K'J I.n 41 17 1 1 .'.i ')2 ' 2") 00 i .i i 'si , VM 40; 2j.7 12 ; IS ir: iii 4S ' 7a 's Hv2 oi Si. '"i '.si ' 2731; 12 H7 j 1 j o": i 10 Ho' 2o4 j 10 OH: id IS) i-jr 12 s:. Deilnct amount assessed by CommcowiMith. - Treasurer's couimissl-.ri Balance covered imoeounty .427.70 rr, . 2i Srt .. Oo .-42 3 fXil To Balance State fund" into Ci only Tr.i.'ary " in mat of unseated land toics i;t ine ys .r 1?7 ami ls7 . i- i schi.il un (nnn uuieaicd Un 1-l-ir lw7s and l7a. rua.1 tax Irom nr.-- red 1 " Miance due county at last t ttlera -.i' monev borrowe.1 " cash rord-e-1 (Staler's estate', Irom reilemption of onsenled U- " " for ittUouery M money reiun-feil " Irom A. J. Caseber f.r .-.-... s fer 1K7 and 17'J t M i : s o : l.'.-J J Z-t 1 ( 22 ( .9 ' s, : 3 : : CR. By order No. f.l paid for S imcr.-et county Poor Uo,3 orders ' " Assessors p-iy " Commonwealth eosfs ' Brtdice building and repulrs " " -1 i Koad and bridge views and repairs... Appeals i livnois t'ook. in rt " " J. C. CrltchtielJ. in iart , Jonas McClintock, In lull - " " t-oramissi'iuers pay " ' - Tip slaves " " kepairs ol Court House and J.iil " ' " Mercbamllse lor Jail. , -1 itecorls ami stationery " t'ommissioners' clerk , " " ' " Poitaire and express " " " " Printinvandavlverilsliiir e Jury Commissioners' pay .... " " Flection expenses , .. Fox and Woit scalis. " Traverse jumra' pay " " " Ormnd jurors' pay - " Constables' returns i i- Misceilsneon Money borruwed " w Balance due nte Tre.-arer " Attorney's lee-" " e t.'utoilian " " Penitentiary - .i- Money refunded , i " i- " Commissioiii'rs' attorney , Ci.unty Auiht.irs , ' " Me ileal services i pris.m) - - Fuel o - InifUosls o Sale h.r County Treasurer e - ... . Furniture lor Conn ii..nu Interest on borrowed mi-ncy " ' " Pnthonotary s lees - " " Auditor's cieik " " " " Shrnd s costs i- - J. ii. Viiln audiunir, Slate aixnunts.. i Boarding; jurors ' Indcximr public reoonis " " " No. 2 election district Hiwd damage Stone pavement e o eeurt House expenses " " Meridian line -i i Treasurer's deeds - o Copying records u .in stemnrrapher. , " u louuty Institute " Treasurer's Commission on t.;7.41j Ss a: 2' percent ' Amount paid out lor road tax on unseated land tor W7 - school ' le7 and ii a "school"' " " "l7tand - -- " road " " " " 1S71 and " Ealarcedae County. SITS el 102 70 bit os 7 :4 Ho 6 2J M .22 ,M1 C0 ..v oo ...I ...I '"'! l77 , 1S79. . 1-I7-J.. 9ort e :w oie S2 ' IMt " 7:ll 24 1 025 On ) l.i 1-0 . 2H7 Sli' 1477 42 4W im 70 : MJ i 7."il 1 45 t."i . 1S61 OH 42 o ? Oo' loo 00 17 041 us si : l'O 00j 44 aO! S4 IS 7 8s :'a oo; 4 Oo; :i7 tW; 4 JI llii eo oo! 19a t. li HO. 72 40 20 00, s? 04 U IT i 113 00 Ml 00 49 37 2S4 2s! 100 oe! lo lol i"l Utii i'l 0.1: 54 it S.S St .'sj . 54 -S 40. JS'1.1 K. The following nameil items charveil In the above settlement are properly ehareal.le t' t! i cXins'S ol l.7i, the oplers having been issued for l i'ls of that year but n. t paid until l"i. ni t sarily appear in the last set lletueut, to wit : On Printing and advertising " I locket. ve lor public vltices - Bridges For Clothleg ami bedding fir prisoners - Jury Commissioners. On Commonwealth's costs " Physician's pay ' Assessment " lioad vli-ws.. " Furniture tor court room .1 423 50 ::t no' 2!4 V). 4-t o! 91 0"' si 17; JJ , 4'J 00 ! 88 H0 4s 00. l Total - Borrowed money paid by Treasurer aa aln.it Amount paid as unseated land taxes collected by treasurer. Amount of cash on hand Deduct unpaid bills doe January 1st Issj (estlmatru). Total amount H.ld out by Treasurer lsW. U.-duct. Actual expenses or County for Hs). Actual expenses of Couniy.tor ls7 J , , 1413 UT' ,; :a )' I -oe) 24 ,, 342S 4oi ' 1 8342 IT, 4l 00 4 7701 27, . 1426113 .1 77ol 27j . UiKK2 ON iit-s-i (rs .! aB3 ! 3.'i4-3 so H. F. St 'HELL, Fj).. Prothonotary and Clerk of the Couat f yasrler Se-.is"aml flyer anl Terminer of Somerset liountv, in account with the eouuty, lor the year ending January 3rd A. I', lest. Cr. To Jury fees , Stationery, fce " Order No. 1. lsl... " Fees for regerinllng . 24 00 By ieesas Pritbosotary 37 o Clerk of Quarter Sea-tor "J 2S1 V, " " - Is Koswla... 1 Iyer It lermir.crj J 117 to 1.- 2 2i si I.. 44 Zi 443 ; :o:- E1MAR KYLE, Esq., H'gh Sberilt uf Somerset County, In aci-,unt with th for the year e ailing January isrd, 11 44;; 7 a County jut Somerset To 1 Jury foe. Stationery. Order No. raiSMt.. I Ck. 4 111 By boarding (risuners, kr 14 7a' " Miscellaneons bill audited., lie 4 ? -I 144 V. .! 11ST lu 4J7 li lr4 as X.-3 10 Wf, the ndenigne4 Auditors of Somerset Coouly, do hereby eertily, that we have settled and adjusted the account of Henry F. Knepper. F.si., Traasauwr t th Soloerset County Poor House, for the year ltleO, and that this statement is correct. Witness our h.n.ls and seal this twelfth day of January, A.I.,1S1. H. P. MctJOY. (Sel) HENKY LVCAS. (Seal) Attest ISRAEL t.MEKICK. (Seal Joan J. SraaxL, i Aadlton. febS Clerk, i W E, the undersigned A ml iters of Somerset County, do hereby certify tnat ia pursuance of the 47th Sec) loo or the Act of Assembly, entitled an act relating to Counties. Townships. e.. pasted the laih day of April. A. I. 134, we met in the Commissioners elttca. la the Borough ol Somerset, on the :ird dayof Jaoaarr, A. D. 1M1, and did audit. ad;ust. ami let. let he account ot Henry F. Knepper, I'm., Treasurer of Somerset Countv, wiia the eouuty, hir tbe year A. IK liu, and tha aeeeuat of Eilgar Kvle, Esq.. High Mberiff of Swerset l.'ouiity. with the owntv. Hf tbe year to, aad tha acconat of Henry T. Schell, Esq. Prathoootary and Clerk ol tbe Court A liuarteT Scssloas, and af flyer aai Terminer, wit tbeeoonly for tha year lae". and said aerauDU a above stated and record. I In tha CommLrvrocers' nrBeeot Somerset coentv. Ptnusvlianla, are correct, ami that we tlnd a balance ou tbe enemy by the said Treasurer ot It.irtydoar hurwlred and twentylghl dollars and tnrt eent (3428 40 1 lu teMlmoey whereof, w have hereunto let our haad aw! seals, this 1.1th day ef January. A. 1) Ixml t-igne.!) ) (True espy.) Attest JOHXJ.!CHELI Clerk. February x, 1H1. H. J. McCOY. 11 EX K Y Lt CAS, (stat. J ISRAEL EMCiiiCK. sE-I-i