i if I 4 t -, l ? ': 1 ; J .. f -f : i 'it i si .1 j The Somei,et Herald, e.ivai:i m il. Kiit TT-MrtAV... T;u N; sihanhsof i::ei'oi;i.try u!d t:ixr t- the ;vtrniiiti.t . 7..7'1.77". last . rr.lfd -t H-.-ai ;,r w: re ? hli."'7.-l !. , t. ihi- i: : th 'j'- :i-U'-ry. 'tan-:-i th aiu'j'.int of ii r- e. 47.'J.l'.'. an ..:V. i- :!.! ii .Pir.ili'y il: d-e:;:!d iJ v ..v.-r 'd! N.-w V Jl.t '". 7.1 .til. n;. !;!; . . : i ' j,.,. .r- Oi 1 I'.iuhr it l: that J'jvid-rit hu!'nld will mike an en'io- ehar.u'e it: the ("ahim t. r taming none of th- pr -' -l mein-!-r- ! I "i n thaiikiving dinm-r of many nr Ib-e. .erati. t o-ked t'-o-' ." is cnnistetl ; 1 of pare which v. as J seVer.d Wl i, : I v'i .'u,;; i.w. Ai. 1 'i i- , T.-i'.'T? ii to ! seii.iiisly ill friend- !-: r i - will m-vt r 1 return t. 'ahin.;t n. nd Idsjocrat !a:-l !.m, able to ! Fsm-M.-!tr m-ti-iii.d bank wir-i,.;,, rguni.ed daring thi j.a.-t year: live hilled, and twii.ty -on- went into Vohu.t.iiy hijUi-latioll. Ji i.ioi.-is notoiov Hi -L.r ; - .ut irv. No ... r i n !e 1 It i- : -.marked as a curious i.ii.i.n- den- ...that th-.inly three ColOltii.- in I .ova rrh .i J-v II. in.- i-k are nani-- d Ja d I...- p-'i. pc, y. t'l- 'I'll i inei 'i '. I Iii-am v.or-- .1 - 'e-1 -! n'- : t!a hou n by the rej-ort of of th- i'nhed Stat. - 1 .'','.t.''"i. Ul'i'l en .: " a-.''.-.'.i.:ts uiiheate mat - r.aferf.ir.r.1--.' lost their the n cent tire at St. Petei's s'.um, Minnesota. This is t llrst supposed. : oi. - re.-.d-an:d d-legati-an from tts will not be solidlv Ma-.uhu Ueriuhiiean as had been tsjiecttd. One Deruoerat, Mr. Morse, slijis in bv a maioiitv of llo votes. lr is -'aid at Washington that ail the live Congressional seats from South Carolina will be eontet-d by the Ih-publiean candidal- s who w-re counted out. Tm: placing of the militia several States uoon the same f the foot- iti ifi i,r.nni - i-ifiti -i.it I'-eOili-.n' ns the regular aimy, is urged by the Seen tary of War in his report. lhu:siiji.xr-i:n;iT Gai:kii:lu . i i ii. . i-i i. . . . .. . ..i I T.'flll.ill Lilt 1 Il.'LIlKs.OV lll.l' Tl ices Til . .. ... . . I th I hrietiat. I lilir.-li on V erre.oi.t avenue, Washington, of which, vvht n in the citv, he is an attendant. Thlki: are over a -part-r of a million of recipients of pensions in the United States. Commissioner Bently intimates that $"AtK),(00 wul be required to pay them tor the current vear. Tul reduction of the charge for jHM-hd money-orders for five dollars or a less sum to five cent", and the issue of orders to th inner;? of ?!,'), is recommin.i.d by the Postmaster CJenerul in his report. Hv making a contest owr the election of General Garth -Id's sn-- ,-,-sor as Senator item Ohio, .1 i -e tl.i,in,.rm.l- ran r,l im w.. -nt -.''to! iemocrat inn iitam cou-roi o, tt c Senatc. It is reported at W ashing-, Von that it is the irogTamm'- to do so. That howl about fraud in New York, and the loud-mouthed threats of a contest in Congress petered out very suddenly. The official count was made and d-relared in favor of, Garfield, and nary a protest was: heard from the billicosc Democracy. Tuf. Treasurer's statement shows that there was an increase of nearly sixty million dollars iti the national revenue this year over la-t. This indicate? nt once the prosperity which the country is enjoying and the ability with which the public business i-- being conducted. TiiKi.-r. is entirely too much guh, to suit our tate, in the Southern journals. Remembering with what success thvy met in the early days j pelican working majority will be of the present administration, it large enough f-r all practiced j-ur-liKiks t us as if they were going to psi-s. "try it on with President v. arm 11 Wllht 'mi. The new Pr-id. r.t knows exactly what Southern prop ositions are worth. Jt,rletad-eei:t man rdrnt his . ves and think over the Democratic' tactic-of the late campaign. The : -utters were raked for filth to th-ow at Garth hi. and as a la-t r.soT n deliberate attempt was made t . ..!...., ....t.. ...c ..... o! II. .11 Via 11--I-H l.lll ."I l.l.tl l.'.l.- bv forgerv. What honest man likes . m. ..io.,i.t ;,- o..t, , Jr lhe Southern Democrats ri ally visa tof?tore t teera o. coon i.ti- . . . n ; - ji.. -.0: 1, .m-. 11 ! ITS T.l'l I'l'Hi V, "in lii'il l lltei repudiate the naud. violent and ronthst cluractenged the dec- tion iu many .Southern dislriet.s? If they fhut tl- ir ryes to tii-icj -rimcs, and supjioil the men who ' jx rjKtrated thun. liow can the-( iioj' for the resptrt and fil'ow-hip' f d.i-i-tit men'.' , J'-;; r which may led t' H.T-.O'vk clt-ctTT from o; in ili-'! j ti'ru. 1 iit ; print e 1 blink po'i-books Thi contained the namotlmv on the third (..ay nt Mare!' mnia W. Hemic tt. who was not a candidate as one of the Rrpub - Yxva elector;. In the .ha-n.: ?nJ caie-v-t-uicss of the count, votes east for It. (I. Parker, the lb-publican l Ii k .:- The re.-ult on the iaee ot tl;o re- tiie tioii of a I)rhjcr;it h n: (Iviirwi ri''i.t 1 "i in Va.-hi:;'-.'t'.ii on pnvato lai-ne-ss. (;'('. nre he was he.-ived hy :iiief c-kr-rr:. and r.-c-ived much ?xd a.!i,i- ;V":ii ::.t n:;odnl rr. He! pr-.v. d f. hv a -o,,d li i- r, and a i)..rtaIk'T. Not the ..liglitet in-! n.iti-n ;.s to his prhahle course . on the j--'-il le memWrs of Ids e: hi- nit e.-n:!d he corkrerewed out of ; (J:i pasdiig through Harris- :n" he ht'ii'iH'i a eounle hour- :;i;d dined with Senator Ion dme-every ron. v.hen ninn t!ie conelnion lias : ' . . r " Ml heen jumped at that 'Von win po into the t'ahiiat and distribute the in IVnnsvlvaTiia. rut: sixth Misri-;ippi S.ioi.-'.nng Uriet i l oii'uiir.S the heaviest Ile- m minor.tv in the eounin. al.'l ye it ha heen represented in rt fi-r the hA two t-ims by i !. -il.,,, -i the Fort I'illow murdenr At the late elect it m this uiotlel Delll- elf again counted in aii'l low comes the i.ew .i .. .1 ' ; Democratic. C oiuity Commissioners, the ("hahinan ot the District l-oin-- .,i ,i ,, rt itma-n of the mitt' "" Coiintv ( ommitt- c - we l-een ar ia sted bv order of Fidted State: Judge Hill f-T violation of the National election laws. It begins to , l-i. k as if : . lection h -f the infamous j Vals pf rr- tratcd by the Soutlurn D-.-moir.tts will be at Iat CX! ied. . th- pr-a-i i i Xl.a'.eo. 'i;a3.i oi w i. th',- t 1 "- ' "' : ,. . . i ne s;a . i ai i vi o. k in i . ! :in. a !,. 1 1 1 : ae i rtmei.UH f.lbsnpp.irting.1,,,..,, , ..,,.., .,. .e,,!;i.! In the ante-bellum days tocie .;: yearly .1- fi.-ien-y of nearly fifty ;l , i r e. nt. t b" made go-l. when-: fur the l.i.-t li.-c.d year th" receipts only fell eight tier C'-l.t. In !-iW the eXtieli- -liture: and had it not b-i ii for tl a- I o lavi.-h v. whi-h Assistant Itrady iv i:i l.tmonev on the Star routes the accounts tro'.ild hr.ve balanced. In Great Britain the Poit-oflice is .in important source of public revenue, and though the great di.-tancis in jthis country i disadvantag.-, lace us at n pen-i-.s there are good grounds for xjiecting that in time mch will be our experience also. AiTiit: all, what a farcical show of j power the Northern Democracy; makes in the late election. Han-! ctx-kV il-et'-ral vote in the Northern ; Stat is composed of New Jersey j i vada !-. -.d ('Mliforn a o A total , of 17 vot bv the d these o:dv S'CUr.'d j smaoes; maj. .ti--. and . i.hic'Ii. .'. rri-if-li Tr -id Tlie v.ireir- ing of FallstaiTas a nvm of courage was not more ah-urdlv contempti- ; hie than is the gasconade of N-rth-;.:er:i Demucrats about their great ivi --k- 'ii. d ilj inv r in the North, 1"" . ' .'". ... r --- i- .:..! l utr-.j t.f il. liiiii.u . :o.-1 . i to. . 10- .-i o.- :r.'. . V.....1 ri.,.,.,..ij ?. x u-i It I.i' ..-.o.l Ji :J - - . i ..i- i-.r i...w in future if th. rc store for that p. is any '-Jl ' rty have to take --.its in its national coun-ils. Tiif. Nw York Demoen. v are on lno uar-pat'i and howl for Kelly's iip. A large number of promi- n-nt DenvK-rats sim an address to the Hon. U-ster ll. Faulkner, Chair-1 man of the State Central Committee, in wine i i,.. --. n t Uev s:tv . 1 We desire to notify oJ, and t!iioii-'h yon the Dcmocr.uy of the State that we finally withdraw from all political sympathy with John Kchv, of New York, and that we will never again by our money, our ")onil i'-ilw'W. or our vol. up- 1 : ... i, ..... I- . ii j ,1 S-.T :' .r I IJIV till. il.jlll.tl... 'l i"' . i :...,; i ;,, ...i.;,,!, i. ; i . - ,. ,K.riiattcd to exercise his former till tl. iliai l.o: l v l iilioti Ji ii uioi i" i- nit :i i:e is i i,tTn:cious UieUitorahip. I A. John Kelly is not the kind of a Democrat who creeps under a in a thunder ftorm, lively times are looked for in the future. Cox on i:s s i o n a i. c on t o ire loom- ;n un jn tjie,jjst; mce. The Repub lican Congressional Committee al ready have information of fourteen that will he in. :v I .t.1 : !. iitcseare ; from th. of .ilr.ha . .... ' 1 districts 1. the First and Se-ond of! . . . , ,, . , , ... , . : Louisiana, tne Third and Ninth ot , Mis-mmi, the First Second. Third 1 and Fifth of South C.roiina, the i Filth and Sixth of Virginia, and the icfucr V11!lnUl :lIul 1 , r, . t,, ; c. , 1 r i- .! where, during the evening, iney rc-. St-eoml and Sixtti of Mitfs-p.pi. ,vt.ivt.d a feWof Uieir,H-oi1nlfril.:..ls. ' in.-.-a..: uioi.-owo ..00.0 -uiu- half of the number that will be oeKre Lie Congress. As it islikdv a majority of these will be decide 1 in . , . ... , favor 01 tl:f itcrilitilicar.s. thr Ke-1 ; - 1 I r is e-pe te-l that France will be obliged to import v.arlv seventy million bushels of w heat for con sumption during th. impending KlnUr- N,t ,,,Rn-V years go the Frc11'1' ;H l"T ,TMCat tha!1 1,11 N r.e.-.Vd, and had a large -'wl -cro the TJritish '!iam:el, and lis there l,a been uo't miteri.-d in- lease in the population ! -f the courtrv during th- past i 1 . 'l . how s-..-!. .. e.,ni:i', te! - l..., - .l 4v-v i'uc.h comj-it t- change oi loiiiiiiuii h h has ij-.vn oei asioiiial i imt ei-ar. Hut there ! 1.0 dotibt ; wh 1 wiil r-sp Mte Hvruii;g be-eti!. 1 . . 1 oe 1 -lvnc.i caniiut tit what ii v 1 . ....,. i..!..:-. .1... 11 ,011 110:0 llit-tit, t:i ll.-e V Ull .11 11 j 4 govcrnmi nt has been compelled to place prohibitive restrictions upon the exportation of bread-tuff!-. They mu-it erefore come to us. i-nd ns n-a-rlv live hundred niilliou budu Is of yhe.at were gainered in the I'nitt d State, this year, we shall no do'i'.t bt - .It to -mpply their wants. prt Sel-t dri- 5 on .ler.'iav rtti ivontf a : one. It whir: r hm.tation o if the legitimate J inc.-.i of the 1 country is attended to there will be j little time left for anything i :'.. Moreover, the I-riir.:t--. r.f.cr their date ov(r.thclrahig defeat, will v. A The Mioa of the 2re which rvnir.ir r.c nest i v lik-iv to he the- Sixth, foil li'.e nttefot-tr.!': avy r r.t:;:!'' tt. 'party e r:-;.i'J.-n. k:!Ai!' 1 1 : v the a!!y IVvaidchtial Vtta (i iu l' J j it. 1 in re v.'.); i.r :a n.U'-h l.:!:i.i:a!.d;:rriT;-';.:;! the Ihp'ihh.-.;:! r.i( n,h. r- !' If.iti-o mvi r 'Ijc !.i .t : in 'I'iU the -hip, kshV d otii r WVA p: iv:t C ullici S W ill. haimrf itii t. -ut .part lr. 'i.i th . t!.0 -I : fprolchi'.v v. i!i ho a wry - Says the Ch leP-r Th - ne-n who felt th- .r-:i appoint n. tut when turtle V - w i- i;ie I hy ! nominated did tiie mo.-t t- his elee'ioi:. I'hat i eol.e fair man. and m:ik. th furmi.rs" wh r.-, r;. l w.Ii r stalwarts o-nie the s. rvi-es 01 i.ie seem very punnv and ehil . . .1 ' Meeina v !do CnytU r-ao--:' l.-er.MV 'totlii- sort e,f fair weather le cans and Its edit an h!o m i; Cavli-hh He a rear trami oi say : i 'in th-di flartield's se'.l.-.-lull '! t'ie J e.I.ey oi idministratiom and the make-up of his Cabinet, there is a 1 said about stalwart i-in : great ii'iid Crantisni :n-l we oo.-t-rvc that I s which v. a r ii.ose ii'1 iiii'iu an I -a - i- the most fearful oi a third term. :-no ave !4i,.ram(.rs (f .,,, ri.at ?oldi r. the most to say. and m saying it niani est tin" o!-l spirit ol Intu rne.-s . ... . i , i a-a.inst t ii-neran irani ami ni- s-aau- 1 1-.' . 'i : .v ..... i! .. f; Mipporters. i 111". t' ; least, is Wh n j.1inrv storrs. in the t !ai con f.lco.l: ventioii. exclaimed that th of the silent sohl'n r would 1 ... j - louiiO : in th ttileKCst OI tiiC ll ht. whih r ; i.i: l.L ! ranks would rei-line ;;i and vote polities a bore. their ease he prophe- icd. We 1-ist Maine i n Sent', nil i r 1 1 . lli. k.IetL in'r ot'tl.. 1V-'11iIs oil' - - . .-' Maim : an i ii it had not been for . . i I. . .. ... .... l . 'i - -4 ,J ' v - ' a - i !iae lot the l'lesideotial eh- in November. -!. (larii-l-l his i. leeiio-l to t: sph-ndid work the men v. Lo .-tood by h n. ( Irai.t 'from llr-t to I-i-t in t!:e aw: entioii ' eaii:?i:ii'.rn : and nmv that the fight i r and th- vi t.-rv won. it i eu- tirely keep i-epmg W illi lilt' spo -e tne lenov.s -v.iio va.u.d Hot vote .or (.rant it lie was nonnnai- ii. to e i.ne to the front and do the blowing. GAEFIELJJS TRIP. THE ARRIVAL AT HAF.RlSSb'RG AMD WASHINGTON. Two H..ursCt at the Slate Cupital Su nt hern ltqiublicatis Sih-LIii? Itrprrscntaiion in the Cabinet. H.u::t'-ia:ivo, November If). i.h-u- er.d (tarfield, aeoompani. .1 by Mrs. '"ariieni ami 1 ion. Ainos l ownscn i, , Congressman from the C!ev d District, arrival here :-t o'clock ! this afternoon in a special on their wav t Washin-t-n The coming ot iti- i resilient-, ie.-i was known to but very f.-.v, an-1 th- in- j crease in the throng at the d.-p..t was scarcely noticeable. A ,-hort u-lii!i tieforo tin- tr.iin iv:-s evoee! --! i to ariive Senator J. D. C.-iin. r.-n drove t i the il. not and was ia w.-: it- 1 --" i . . ... in it slomiea. liic .--an. .'.or immediately enter, d the car. and. aaer exchanging greetings with the !,;c.j.lin,JMrs.(.;arlieldand Mr.Town- isend, reappeared with Mrs. (i: ; his arm, w hom he escort-! to t!i carnag" in waiting. clo--oly iuiiowed by the (it iH-ral and Mr. Townseud Thcf ear. nt red the carriage and wen. raij.v whirled awav to Th j tor's r -idence. After partaking of luru-h the distinguish-tl party v.era (informally called upon by tho-e of our e;uieiiM iwki nesaeu io oav . i their respects. The two hours al lotted for their stay at Senator Cam eron's, passed quickly, when they were driven ba"k to their car and j left for Washington on the regular: day i i-iprc-s train. During his l.-nei virit, th- General was in the happi est mo "1 and entered heartily into I conversation with all who called ' i - .1 i , i i . . lUpoIlllim, OIC OtltV l.UUK'e'l TOplc: It1; i-I- , 1 i T?,t- i.mv ' v-t.'x. - 1 t WAsm.NmN, Nov. -:J.-(i, n- i..I ! jfJarfield ami wife arrive-l lu re at S ; ! o'clock this evening. In eon-i;- ' queiice of the announcement bv th e . local papers that in accordance with the Cicncr;d'.s request the proposed public demonstration would not take place, but few persons were present at the railroad .station, lie was received and warmly wileon.. .1 e - i . .. v-1 I !.!. 1 ' uo.vcer, oy vouuiei .iioneri mger-1 :i;olh D puty (Quartermaster t.en.u;-.! , cr. . titire iiarti.ri.ii.' ..! I...i. . I?' 0 "ni; 1 a. . 'n''110" C "1' 1 lP "'h! ofJ'c mlXXh re !f!l at 101 i.ii ittii-ji.tiiii.i.1 :i pi -jut! 1 :e:il political organization of this ,-iiy. ; The (u neral ami Mrs. C.arlield thJn ! drove quickly to their residence, tiue inencral tiarlieM is here ho : working dav. P.ails are to shinned will get a great deal of advice. Helaround 'the Horn, to he laid on' the "ays lie intends to he an i-iperi j listener for the next three fmc i and here in Washington, during his : i..i,'i iniv 111 iiaiitiimuu, ijiiir; 1 . c . .. 1 . -o 1 ,. ., unci suiy, ne w in nave all tne sug- gestions and advice ramed upon him that he can conveniently carry. Several leading Southern Kepu !:-: cans now in W-'.shingtoa intend to make a dead set at him upon tic subject of a Southern man in tic Cabinet. The report has he, n cir culated that he would ignore that section in making his Cabinet, as he did not get an electoral vote in all the States. It will be shown him that his jjopuhir vote in the South was much larger than that cast for him in New England. The South- ;ein Republicans do not intend suggest any particular name to him !'ul 10 Pro" 1:1 nga-nst a t;cvtion;d - i'"lnel. in C'l'.iVersaliOll tti"V ad 1 mit 1 ue iitr:v 01 manriai. imt t ilili ivllilt Inluf IMII it' folOe! 1 !..-. t.0 The cent!. man most lucUioiicd iu this couuetlion II .1. no. ace .'u tiara, out the nr. th pression gams ground that Gariie .1 . . - , j ;"'dl ntam none of the pret-c-nf Cabim-t Pcath .f KiX-flovcruup Han rati it's, Noiiiii.s.owx, Pa., Xovem'iH-r 21. ( Samuel K. Iiartranft. father of Kx-1 r,, .. ii.,ri.., -.a .1: 1 e ' vuititiui j i.o.i.ooi, tiit.ti n pneu- a moiiia 11st nigt. t, Rgiu tcvu-n-live vem.-. J!tin5C!-"ir;l l.e.f.i A I. i.vs: Qu;ic i;uiiil'T :" the nation's iiiustrioii; :.:,.j V. i.i t; lies of tlii re of Wood !.e remaim ci. v. A.'m-.st 111 liie I'M. ward Hi;! Cemetery lie ' of Ja-:,.- V.iw iv It dlan i;i of a : . !.:,-. hvr-i i: Ilia h.Oi,;!,. h- L'l.ir- d rft tt. s laiKin. A nain. ar: t ' 1.. t ;.':!. oo!iip..-vd ;-.Ol .'.. til I'nshh-ut "ft ' C.:-A thed.it- of t-il A fuh-'. nti d iron the ;: of -n.und. H.i'V i and t .ador. ':)::. oi -rouno t sv.ar.I is n. v.' ! v v. '. ; i hi or tlire.- . i.-. i i. j om the j ;t little ;vha r s i .-tenta- te I; ; ei n.etere. ll' T- t.HS Iti..!!-- burial place 11, -s t ' tl;e " !ret a Mult ntain ! idcti? Stcvi';?. T.'ie elan hili'V O! I h ad oi inej r!---hts of m n, the 1 ' -:..viry jiartv'. the i-man--iii.iti.-u pr.c. ad- r of the ant i- j agitator of t hi amation. n--e this. , l:: re.-th:g place. S ' . the chart' r cxclnd-d ' from urial bv re:i.-ou -f c ; i with all the : .1. ',,..! 1l one Hi- : " 1 I' of hi- n: tire, he tl.-t-rmineil tocarry in i i ---ntioii his idc as of the rights of na n by ;!:( d-poitii-n of hi-re-i. a.:).- in this eein. it-ry : '.here to lie side by side with the d'.lst of the m-!-ro l:tVc until the gle-.;!. judgment day. A ina.s.-ive granite tomb mark the rai. a tit en:!,;-,,) .if the mas 'sie, pant int-litct of him vw..:-e -nhe U -tilhd : bu? urar.d--r and mnr- t mhirin t!:an all the granite in the world i th- t .hh-t whi-h ' ih.d. a. l -la-e in the heart of ea.-h ont- a: il. s r !!; I . i lie bait!. I'eif iMis. V. .- ii A r.-nt!v has ; ..0-N. N.-V. , ( 'onini ;-..i n .1. l of I ea-ii n-. in a. t. d his annual iv ; are extl'iicie-1 th. r-s: in June last port. 10 it a fi-.oir-s: 2'y !: '- Duriiiv oi owing there Wep !- l.-i'i'.:.-. p( rsoiis 1'iceivii.:: the vear I'.t.-'I'i liowed, andl.o77 new pi n-aeis were:-: a p-nsiouers pivviou-ly re-tor.-. ! ; 1 2i w-re oroppeu were ir.-pjied. Tin- ra-'e ?lo:;.:;i. aii in ii i - ; . 7-. . : . . ,ii... 1 . .. ,, .. ... jail au-i ojale mr all a !7.toii.ii! . Tli- ivm-nts ihr th-year amou-it- i-ii to ,i'i...i.i ill Kuii-ii 4'ir.'l -' W.l M-ertK d pe:,-..i: in new - a-a s. Including arrear. t e- 1 paid out t'-r the year was r , . .''.'I 1'.'. Till' Coinlsh-ioner c- t'liiat. that ",. ioui.u:o will 1 current vear. v.-ra! classes of -'ate- that I.ai 1 ..'.it in tin- e rc- V iter ... '!'i-n . .m- in- r I, t: t:. 1- t' 1. tw. ! a,.- I. : i e ; i. . 1 ' ' t -1 ti:e I.eW 1'.'.'. il ! . i a'a il lliat w h- n coin umri-e 17ii .-:'in!---' -.c!i, ei in ' full oar a c.i-.-. r. e.ai : !i ' de for th-- protee'.io! !h a in. , i ''L ; : '.;' in: o: 1 n- t! ru Ktiiv.m. -m.l in r..-;'e taii its eto.-.t loll w I,. in i a,-ui i ei 1 of inv. -ti vea.i 1 1 : s Keel direct saving ::g SiTUl is (i.ha; l'. t-'-r tiie lid the nm.-nt to III- goVi is'lol" j fom mei i t- :lai l. Li con-hisi. 'ii 1 :-:v:sod com pens. r-- ni lVuKililv 'Iiirilcr. Fto .-: vy, Nov. ill. Wdii.im Id- Ids. a stabl- ho-s. was found at '.KlO o'clock last nigh!, fatally injur ed, lving i..i dy enncealed nr.di r a pile oi nv m ii.s .-taoieat 1 Klllt-'-tv.ile-i from lure. Across ... Ion i'.ea.'. 1 a. d is a . ut. and t-ac!i M- 1 II is fr-cturcd. Id- !ha i tak a eoli- of Sw.-l-. s ;md a a e.-rt fr-eu the th - toi rba i o' !y in th-' - v. -niug, to their -.--hou-e. soni. ih-t.-.nee awav. .1 a i-i ami? v of whSkv v. h h A ear-.u- ;1' f-llovad lit the Mrs. Fi.-'.-ls got anxious - t-roloiva d n.-.-of h.-r .l.'i.-nd going om t.. hunt him i b- ird ' h y -''""i. iln-'s-' !"V; r t; U-o a n toUll reeov him as imii-ated. 'i l:e phy ? sav 1 1 it r- is no !.:;,'- of his i'l. He has belli UU onse-oUS ' Ver s-.a e iour.-l. lb Tl. '.v ii- was hurt His relatives iieur-d in tin lU'.s vet icia m ui-t-iui to-it ia ear- '.!-:-! at t a- ' taken to the stai he fi il out of th , i, ha -mow widl. - it'irowmg hay d- lay -iov u to the hor.-. --. toxieafed. and his ho.iv H" v.- s r, , uirc-tlv u : !.-r the His j,; a-r-a was ipeti was t-ood ing in the hay-niow. fotiud iti the cart. '1 on it. a: Nelson. John a commit having Ki-l-!s. 1 oil the e-irt .1 akson New d August John - -1 to jail on it'llict-d the ,o. peter . Challe.-- i.-ive been -ns; a-'ion injuries o! on A Lei. l hie -V...:ic::,;- ( - ...ha:,!., r - ist-i hi-ni-l a ::: of the ::. ra ami has i-n toriii- ii. ?','W l-ll.! i';!lf-.rthe No:t!:.rn Paciih- coin U alii,,- ! .-a! t: I ne svn '..Le IS id ! inoanv -: ak, .... inu- o! tne s-.-de rauuiiig from '.,") ll If) i i , r cei . whi-h is am to i.e as for th- cimiianv as t;i;lj im-ler which th- Kahinioiv mid Ohio dipo.-d of their first bond-:. The n-ad is to he eomnh ted within thr-aye.rs. Tin- rails have been laid a--r.,s:: the Montana boundary 1 t atin n-i'v xien.is to - w iti :i thirty mil. s .f the Yelhi.v-t. . . . . t . 1 1 ilia-, s; lea m. 1 in--raoi ing up th- Yellowstone, the winter the road wid is an.- worn m.d during be COi.lfih t- . d to l'.,it Ki- or .-! Citv Of ti u-S' -1 u.i.es yet to he 1 wdl he iiiii.shcd in the eon, at th" rah- of ceo n "0 , o'l.'l year, eveiw v-. -t-in 1 n.l of the louli at tiie same - work is being pushed in a. The company has just Moi.t.u !-:: 1 .-:-. 1 r it vear. :i to An Itoiiiietion. JolIX- e.v.v. .ov. g I. Judge Per.n- J Dean, on aj. plication of tl, syivania hai'ronl Coinpauy, has , su--d a t.-mporary injunction restrain ;ing the Cji.mhria R.dlroad from using tnat portion ot their trick which has been laid on the old feeder. Wh.-o the Pumsvlvj th-oM c.mal iiia Railroad bought from the state, this W: s included in the t.e-c:. v.. ti-e was served on r.-si h i.t en-in-1 r Hunter by Sheriff Gridit!, list' night at six o'ehtck. Tin; iuitiiic'ion expu- e,-vt Tues-iav. Tliis action ot l. ii- p. i.usvtiaui.i ti.,iir..a.i u i! .a.aider.dih-:1. lav an. j lUi.-i-vt r.tal ( .'n;:.ri ir v. -s:m-..:..1 ii,,; ; P...0.1. ta r w I e nms.a-d . :n ",u 1 Ul:il'i u-it ua ,-s. - . -,, ,TT7 1 ttiili-ilWiihttBitia tirw,m,i. -;.v t;,i a -: ihe tru: k .'-. ' i"..'i-i. N iv, r.','; r ii . ; I.'. a i;-,a P.ti kt r, d labor ':.!:: r 1 mo.. . I i.dtonr. ov, r tl.e ....., ,v ,t;i- 4 - . to a Ll.ua m lytKidy.-Btei-dav ! tteni. mm Ii-ni t.K- ( fiects of which th. - ell .la d 1 ;t ei t.t Diggs was. arr.-tiil. ' ( .tie Ifc-moeralii- .K-tor in Indiana.: l.M..iAN.vrou, Xovemher 71. Ik: P.rt-.-r tin. i:..i.n1.i;-.ii l.--tr.r i .Mn'nil:l in t.t.ir. r.f f i.iir-it TlmTll- ;w ". IJennett. who was withdruvn jjary fi.r foiyrry. Iiave 1-een arrccteil btvaaseof hi.i nlle-rrc-1 connc-etion j ami Cornelius Melioldrick, an asso- with a f-deral c.fliee, has prohahly j ciate, will also lw arrests! tvday. IxH-n defeated th.rouh the hIander;The forgeries with which they are if o'li'ttinL' Ids iiV'o fr-m the lie-; eharjed are of a Ptartlincr c haracter, nuihcan tickets i.i lrrv, t iovu. Ihirtho'leUH-v.". I'utn; in and Wells eounti-s, in which 1'arker did r.ot s t a sinido vote. This will proha - i i it i" ! . l 1... Ii oiv eieei n. t . i. niiniot r-., isie iem- .x ratic elector, bv a!out ",HJ ma - loritv. The error was caused by the f., r-ll'... KlllLtf .t tlll .lllt.-Lfr ;i'.'.-.- " - ......... election othcers. and it is doubted whether it can be legally corrected, ''lit the matti r will be thoroughly investiga.tr-l bv the IlepuldicanState mittee. (i.ivemor flrav wh wlien li.ti-rviev.eo on the subject to-day, mere was no n sire 10 iaKe an- vantage of elector from i cloacalitv, as one Indiana wul !. of no nossiole advantage to the Demo- i l i i...,i ...... i. ...(.. I ' 1 1 1 JJl hllV 11 oi ;lo il .-.i nil ill- i-l of correcting the returns if it should aiiie ;r tleit the mistake was , , 1 .v r . .. , .. i maiji; i v t.'ie clerks i-i tiei-uoi; i-iar-ls in crediting the votes for 1'arker to Ilennett on the tally sheets, but if the error was on the na.rt of the county clerks he thought 0 might bo corrected, because those ollieials were still in existence, while the election hoard, havh passed out of existence, could not be . , . io !... r 'I tl .l Ii 1 l 1 1 It I H I 1 I t H 1 111"! llhtl uev had maile. As in seven eoun ties the total Republican vote is re- turned for I'.ei.n-tt it is probable ...'tl, -i. .wl.,..tHl I.i- theCovernor mav furnisha sohi - iion of the ditlieultv. Tl... , iT..;.,l i in ii ii j ii . . . V 1 I III.1L I'l hlll ll l.."ih' in Wells eountv. loo!) in p,.r - rv. J.ll-'l in Flovd. I'lbo in I'nion, l.'i'T, in I'.arthoh-mew, 1-1-0 in Ow n I and 2,1oi' in I'ntinan. Cremation at Wasl) inStoit Wa-ijim.tov, I'a.. November 2". A slight rip upon th" q-liet of; Thanksgiving was caused here to- .lav bv the cremation of Lucia Hur- ton M,,re Noves. the v.em- wife of (' II Novo--. I-sfi.. ot arren I'a. The deceased was a lady of line ac-ennipli-hmciits and high social ---- . - tanning. 1'r. lu nr:'.: I'. Mayes, at the r. .juest of Lev. Ilankin, pastor of the deceased, oflieiated at the rematorv, at :'.'') p.m., in the reg ular burial service of the l'resbyte- Lonmox. November 2. A dis-ri-i.i church. Dr. Hayes said to ,,.tl,.it tl, jjovds from Leghorn con voar correspondent that the services ' ,rilis t. n.,;rt f the loss of ,VJ w- re as iinpr-s-ive as he had ever j jvt.s 1V tR. collision near Si.ei i. t ik-ai part in and entirely free troni i Tlio Oncle Joseph was an iron screw any revolting or repugnant features. st.:l.m.r f saj:; lollS proS! un,l the hid. . .I. more so than is ,o-.si!.I,. , jrtii Wa.s .f l.V).; tons, hurtlu-n. with inhumation. ll.e i-. ea,e,i v:-. bride ot t-n monttis. and t-.i veil - t v-ci-.-ht vears of age. .Ii...l i.i . ... ...... ... hiid bed on t'ne-22d. Her liushami i 1 aid Henry f. Mer-e, hi, eased, will remain her. er nt til- until Sat- urdav morning to r.reive the ashes, lhe young husbami and wite ; collision. The Oncle .b.seph was were pledged to each oth'-r in tliis ; wanting in means to sive the lives disposition of the body of each alter 1 of the- large number on board. Eve death. Cremation has lost U nov- j witnesses of the collision sav th'ev city in this community, it is regard-1 cannot satisfactorily explain the ed as a chasteand reasonable disposi-1 i,):1,m(.r ai)(j (.au. of the K-currence. tionofhtiman bodies. ThirtwastheSth j The passenger list of the Oncle cremation in the I Moyne furnaee. i Joseph shows a total of 2'A persona live men and three women. The i Qn hoard, and U:e sailors numbered trustees have lately received a mini- j ;;:. I r,.r C.AT,,U consisted of S) tons of '.erofapidicatioi-.s. showingthat them(.rcvianfiis,. At tiie roil-c..,ll of interest in this mode of disposing ofj survivors ho passengers and Id sail the dead is increasing. One was orH 0v .-mswi red to their names, from N.-W York and the others from ! Tl... eai t-iin also nerished. Washington Citv. Tliail. Siievenii Orjiiinii .him. The report of the Auditors in the e-.;at-of the late Thadd-'iis Stevens has been submitted to the Lancaster court, and it is rcccom mended that they now distribute the balance in the hands of the surviving executor the Hon. Amhonv K. Roberts an-1 Hon. Edward MePiierson. It j sai.l nmtua! jealousies have embit is b, h. ved that th-i residnarv estate 'AV lA caco other, will be cufiieient ta oav thebenu-st 1 V'.e chamber oi death, when t!:e ,f SoiiiJKi for the foiinditi" 0f :in isvlimi f.r orphan children, regard - less of color or nationality, children losmg elthi tnrent to be consider- Th" will was made Ji.lv :'. li;7. Mid provides that 'the ,..im nam.,! for an orphan aM lum '. ,0 i, , ,. . ,. :., ,i. 1 two aensof ground f'.r the building being donated. If this is not done the assvlum is to be built in Colum bia. There is little doubt that the people of L mea-ter w id avail them selves of this bequest. The will was admitted to probate Agust IS, lii. and a eodi-il 1 rovi.les that if. eight years after the death of the testator, the property has sutli eiently accumulated to do it with out embarrassment, the sum of -1 U n) shall b- t'iven to Pennsylva nia Co'l -". .at Ce;tysburg. f..vtl etise of Stevens Hall. I t is bdieved that this bc.-itiest will also be available to the A I'lfsent From yiieeu icIoi ih IVcltleni Hityes. WASittNoj,,;;. Nov. 2o. A large i o:-; was received and unpackeil at the White House to-day, which was found to contain a massive ih-sk or writing tahh:, a present from Queen Victoria to the President of the h'nite.l States. It is made of live oak, weighs , ?') pounds, is elali oeat.ly carved, and altogetheJ pre sents a magnificent specimen of workmanship. I'pon a smooth paniK I is the following inscription : 11. M. S. Resolute, forming part of ,-, i-,- . - 1 , j-- t!:e expedition sent in search ol Mr; 1 1 r 1 i- . 1 j Joitii i -rankhn liilou: wasaban- t,, ,1 ; 1 1 -111 1 1 doned m latitude illl, longitnde ' a-ie (in, loii-iiiioe : Hd.g-2 west. on the loth of.Mav, l-SAl. .. , , r . 1 i ;: 1 i 1: 11. to 1 1 .MIM I I l -.1 .-.lltl t . 1 1 i.aitci I iii September, IS00, in latitude 07 north, by Caj.tain Hudilington, of the I'n'ited States whaler George Henry. Tiie ship was pureha.'cd. fitted out and sent to England as a gift to Her Majesty Queen Victo ria bv tiie President and people of . 1 1 . .T. ...1 Ol. 4 ...1 . i .,1 I on- ciiiL'.-H .:t:iit-, if? ji itiMiiui trt-uu I ..11 ...i i t fi.:.,..i.i.yL "i.i aiiti iiieii.i-uio. iniiutoie was 1 made from her timbers when shei ...i.t 1 . 1 1 was broken up, and is presented bv .1 .,, ,. ;.' . h ... , r - ! me tueeu 01 1.1 real i.ruain arm ire- 1 i,i , ,1 r, , r,i t- 1 land to the President of the tinted 4 - 1 4-4 1 . 1 S'.at- s as a memorial of the courtesy and loving kindness which dictated the offer lute. the gift of the Reso- Itesult of a Itour. MtCoNi:i.l.sjtfi::;, Pa., Nov. 21. On election night in Mercersburg, a quarrel arose between ArthurCarson, Chalmers S toner, Robert Stoner and W'1.1. Morgan, ajl colored, aboutpoli- :a s. Cai-si. x-itU'd llie ieii:ociatic tl: kei mid the Others the Replll'li- t-'U. During the .dteie ation Carson v.a.-. shot and Chalmers .Stoner cut Wttii a r e. 'or Ir is i-l ihoc.l that W in. .Morgan struck Carson on the' head with a stone, and that Robert 'Stoner shot him. Carson exposed him.s. If during the recent incjer.jent ' is c..it:er uiv.i ljieuncd the l(iek jaw, of which he died a few days ago. lh,i.pi .,.-..1 w... if.-...,.,,. - w 1 ini.- it 01. i-iw... Wert, arrested n!-..l Io-I.t..,! in Ch:iin- !., - rJ,iiri, ;,.tl 1 i........ m.t yet K-en taken into custody, 'owing to his injuries!. Forjn-lj. Cinc.inxati, 0., Nov. i?-'!. A. J. i Tnlia i l urv. r nr..l .I :-.K K'Imio i) tv-jr i n 1 1 irt. ;v tlw. rrr'iril ; ti-ni ile-ils to l.ir'e quantities of j land owned by the eccentric mil- ; lionaire, Jeremiah Tullw, who died , two years ago. ' l.':. - l a. i .. .. .i i ii is saio iiiai some leli inou-alitl i acres of land in the vicinitv of Fort Dodje, in Iowa, have thus been fraud- llti.litll' f'rl'.li.. I -il.I illiu.rt..r.l , ui. lull ivii n(. m, .itni III ll-n ML ties are now occupying the ro)crty. I Other lands in Illinois, Missouri and Tennessee have been likewise ! dii.pose'1 of. The method was to . maKe a uee.l trim iullisto .Metro!- , driek dated a year or two before Tul- i;s 'i ai:i. i .a n .uet loiorick woui.l ; deed the la to another of th- : party by wlioni it would be sriln to i tne innocent victim Ijttrsl Iiirt lia.sc. I Nkw York, Nov. 'Jo. One of the latest ttirf jiurelaise.- by I'ierre Lr iilard is that of the stallion Morti mer, famous in England and France as a race horse and sire of race horses. This stallion .-irrived this nioniin-T in tlie s'eainshi'. It.ilv of the National Line, in charge of (i. W. Ihshop and a groom. He was nut in a her f?il! Mortimer is . ! 1 1 vears of age. "fi'cn hands and I I ....... ...... . i 'fee inches in h -g- t an-1 wc'g's about l.-J-'nt pounds. In color he is a bridit -'olden chestnut, with a t!:S ! faint white mark on his f..c His form is a. Ti.ir . , .. in, l h-a i ...... , ...... i i i.i I . I i . . . r---"7 - :iieck, Miia.l handsoine head, l.nght eve, a ind a look of much intelligence. The horse came through without sustaining the least iniurv. He is : an English bred horse, though he ' has been used in France for some I , time for breeding purpose?. Among j i .... . . . ii ... " 1 "is progeny are sonic exeei em ra- I , 1 ..a.u..,. u v .,..i ...n v - ir"V:u' J,,,rl,nu'r w:,s ,"n,ht (,t M; , "'- 1 - ll" r-.l 1 .. i I . ' 1 . 1 I . - . i . I I. 'i i . dj i iioii't iii.-w ii.i ri'i i ' i i' the Italv the bv Adventuar, "il Thf Mai ine llui r.ir. , jsi'-zziA.Novoiuhcro". -Thestoani ' ,.r Oncle Josepli .sank almost lm- I i- . 1 .1 o- rr- . uieuuuei v alter tne collision. i wo lUii.ir.'d ii..r-..o 'ir.i L-ii.m-ti to lu. i.lnncni-il anil .'.il sivol Tl,. t':it. of thc others is at present uncertain. i Heartrending scenes followed the' I lliii-Hbli! Deulh, Nlwakk, Nov. ''(. The police of Jersey City i ntertam susjiieioii tliat Mrs. Martha Emma Lehbach, burn ed at her home early yesterday morning, did not meet with acci dental death. She is th- wife of I'elcr Lehbach, a barber, and it is ! enu i oi jiouce visiico il ims morn- ; -;ryner.- oore marks oi iw n 'rnoie agony, rnejiress- l " j Vi - '. I l. . 1. . . l. .. : . .i ... n. I Uu l". uri ;ul 1 V" V"i"1'1 ' rur i ? ,'"r!K l1 'to :irfAi,:T i K"."1 lho ,f"rin it. ,fl, r .') . ls ; 'd into ihe wall. Suspicion was ! housed that the buniing was imt j vdemalby tne fact that the seat f the chair in which the woman had been sitting was burned entirely out. Ikr I'rn.ii. ariiiiili 4 arollnit. Washington-, Nov. '2-5. Another investigation is to le made into the alleged census frauds in South Car olina. Dt spite the result of the in quiries w hich w ere made a few week ago, a good many people Cud it diilicult to accept the correctness of the count, and as the only way ot settling the question beyond dispute. Commissioner Walker, at the sug gestion of the President, has dispatch ed a force of special agents to the Slate, who are to in ike a thorough investigation, going from house to house in localities where the gains reported were most extraordinary and finding out whether the people whom the enumerators rcxirted arc there. These inquiries will be pros ecuted as rapidly as possible, and their result must be decisive one wav or the other. A Man Who Ha livo M iij. Chkaoo, Nov. '22. The Superior iotu 1. linn ueioie ik 10-uay a case 01 , .. . . J . curiousctimpln'ations. Some months . ',, . , ago H m. A. Sloan married a woman " ,, 1 . 1 1 Court had before it to-day a case of . in 11 1 . 1 1 " V . iC '"VU " there obtained a divorce through a Chicago divorce lawyer, and unoii the same dav married another . wo man in Iowa. The courts of the latter State declared the divorce proceedings illegal and the second marriage adulterous. To-day the Chicago court held that the divorce was valid according to the laws cif tm- Illinois It- is illegal therefore for Sloan to live with either wife,' ai- 111vuv.11 iti. 11111:11 iu iijiii. jiouetei. c,i , r 1 1 1 -i 1 t notwithstantlmg ne has; children bv . ... , v -.t..!' both, he might legally live with the ' ..... r f- - , ,. , Ohio wile in Iowa and hw Iowa -,. - 11 1 ie 111 1 iiiiioi.-. Mi.h lJert.1. Union Citv, Ind., Nov. 2o. Sam uel Eagle, a harness maker, while entering the house of his divorced wife last night to visit his children, was shot arid fell on the doarstepiJ. His wife refused to let hi body lie brought in. He- did not die imme diately, but ln-gan to sink rapidly in a few hours. He suyn the shot was fired by Henry Pierce, who j rieii. lie says I'leree tias iieen in I the habit of visiting his wife. .Married. Ricumonl, !v,y, y.,--.t Salem, Va,. ye-.tetday .MarciW Ilawhy, who ip t he executed to-niorrotv for the cold-liioodcd murd-r of Zachariah llayr-s, was married in jail to Nan nie Hawkins, who lias barn him ttvo children. He wasj suLfieqoentlv 1 . . . . t t- t . 4 . rnt forcii on h"ij k.nr,ki.)i'.ttirt-r i v-4 " ouui,tk(-vM.i baptized, an Episcopal inini-iter of- nciiitingrd iiotM e"remoniest. MmtufiiCiurp of oleoitjdrifiiv.iii. f -Fully five million j-)iind of ol ' iii-ir.ririri. nrn uriuli'ir.i Cc r aMUlm nt t tirt rrrrlui, t i if t!: t f I'iilla dclphia " Alatt-ir. Nearly t:iirt thousand pounds of I'.eef faf. ihteen fpiarts of milk and t'o thoe-md pounds of dairy hutt-r are daily l oiiiniied in ti:- n!:i!,ufai t'ire ot this artiiii'ial hutt-- T'.v. of the oleomarjarine ma le a establishment are -it t 11 The llollan.h rs : r- Iar'- -' i .i t . i i th-:.-. ;U!H- ! be- h , ii.e t! :-:-!' ers ; on. i.'.ev miiv l.iK- I..- o tore it is churned, and do finishim.' ;.roae-.s t?-ems he-, c.i-.,.y . .. ....o . .. . ill ll.l 'i'.'lil lil ll.-. and other ingredient-. i):dy a sn percentage is put upon the i ! h Iphia market. The ahat'oir i- estaMishmeii of the IVmi-vlv:- 1; .ilroad. w u re all the i Tie fir tt e f..r -V;- I'lii! idelphi i m irk a ii ment to turotic m !e st-amers ar- sh U'jhter.. i -ml d. This secures n su best mat-rials; t! i'-ittir. Piiniin:: K?aMi-.timi-m lltnoi il. rir.r.rr.;;xr, N.-um'.r -J:;. Tl. - riliting depart::. t nt tttacla d to the llostetler and .Smith's .-t-HM''!i ters manufactory was di.-..vi r--.l o be in tlaiocs this iiioia ing .,!-. ii 1:'!'-' o'clock, and heto;- the ; i in mi n w re able to g-1 tiiem und- r control the entire structure wa h sti'-.yed. involving a loss ot al-utt ' which is fully covered by insur The main building was hut a. i inem.unouii oamage.l. In stroyed a i.irgt part mi n .i.' - were employed. it., s will r;! liirown Olll oi oi K I The fire was first discovered on tin . . seaonn m .or ami i.- Mip-o-.-.. io n i - originate! Horn ti;e stov.- Ill toe ngand . h I composing room. Inelnna contents were insured tor 1 ( reneil ion. riTTslit re.II. w is a quiet cr a., .nov. ' in itio:i at -Tia I),-. L MoVllt.V fur,ince to-dav. the Mib'eet ! bug-.-d a l-. in-; Mrs. Lu-ia Noys w it,- oH H.jfor in i. - Noves. a la wv-r of Warn n. I'a. Tiie'the ! lad v he. on t he oi ovcm! er. -------- ---- i t ... I i . II. WHO W.til his wife iiad ple-lge 1 themselves to cremate the on- who died !..:. There were religious services, after which the body was t.la 1 in th-' retort. As soon as the door was closet! ail toon ti.eir Oepai ture. ; Dense smoke was then s en to issue! from the chimney, be removed t i-m-iT' Th Will' ;n ijj.ll ion Sl.i.'il At.r.AX y. N. Y.. N-.v tion on the river, for lhe pr least, is h-re Ci-nsid- r-d The I'lJiouing i- an cstiiaat-. number of boats on tn d. ei toe canals, six hu::- Erie nine bund:. -I boats, dr-d (if which contain g ra i t-lain l'' '-oats, mo-t! a;- p. .tat ( lull-; Sour la-I-n. a t-w w -tit t-arlev : ltlack IIi'er, t avu ea au not exceeding '!' boats in .1;. Ti.o-e on P.hick River and Oswego art loaded with lumber and potatoes, those on Seneca with coal. All work on the Delaware and ILid-on canal has be-n stopped on account of the ice, which is now six inches thick and still forming. Coiiiiie of nltl. Wash; Nor-in, Nov. ':!!. Tii-Te is now about ei-hty-!ive millions o; dollars in gold bullion standing to the credit of the e ruled St.tt-s TrenHiirer, out of which i; has h t-o decided to coin monthly ten million dollars of the denominations of iiv and ten dollars. No gold coin of h'--denomination than live dollars will be coined at preset:!. The work re ferred to will be performed at tia Philadelphia mint It is thought this will ho continued until ihe elghty-tive millions of bullion ai hand is worked iv. Viva in Weslei'H IViiitenciary. Pirrsiii ia;:i, November 2. A a broke out under the roof of the 1 ;:; l.toeb- nt' ti.n :.. :, . ...... 1 .,1 .iirni.i n-ii.iciitaaM Ii. -llegtieriV City, tins morning at 11 o'clock, and for a time fears w en entertained of a serious conflagra tion, but by th" prompt action of the authorities this was happily avoided, with a small loss. In order to guard against the escape of pris oners a large force of " policemen was dispatched to the scene. These were not needed, however, as .no attempts were made to escape. Snow Sli.te CHh'. !;.NF, Nov. 2''.. Ad .lies from Nor: h I 'ark st.i te a part v of fi ve m i ne: s going from ( 11 oretow n, (.'oil. to North Park were pr.. ipitat. tl in un im mense snow slide 011 th continent. .1 divide on Saturday lash C. II. lvi ton and Thomas Gray wa r.- killed, dames Frazer had his thigh bone broken in two places. The remain ing two, Nelson and Hamper, escap ed with several bruises. The hodv of Eaton was found and buried in the snow. Gray's body could not be found. The party h id been out in the storm five days, and were hta.lv famished when the acei'h i.t incur red. I.ee;al Haniiu I'li.Exix, Arizona, Nh.-v. UU. l.!o mctro Domingties was hanged to day for the murder of Mr. Thomas a year ago. He was escorted to the gallows by a strong guard, a rescue having been threatened, but no at tempt was made. Ho was but sev enteen years old. He left a written confession, acknowledging his guilt. This is the first legal execution in the territory, though it is known four men have been lynched, and eleven other rough eharaetcrs, who have suddenly disappeared at vari ous times, are suppes-d to have been hung. Kl.-i-tioii Oilicersi ArrrMifd. VlcKsr.rHu, Miss., November '2i. The Warren county election com missioners, the chairman of the Democratic. Executive Committee of the Sixth Congressional District. ind the chairman of the Warren cotmtv Democratic Executive Com mittee were nrre-ted to-d.iv bv or der of Judge- Hill, of the United States Supreme Court, Un charges j made against them relative to the late election in this county. They go to Jackson, Miss., to-night, and will probably have a beavt'ig to morrow. Aileuiin it l-sf.ij,,.. S.v.v FiiANt i.-i-.t), Nov. Oi! Monday four convicts alU-mpt-d to break out of the state prison at Tul som hy climbing through the sky light of the main building. One of the. number, J. Gibson, was shot j uoj iiuutiAij v x i.'tZ-4 7ir4 jdead by the guards, .'-nd the others i Mm tmi i t . . i rr wj-j ut.ot i were captured. Mothers s:. uld r- n. i.n'.; r t!;a' ! UMt lin!rr'a::t. ."V:-k - I 1- t" '' l C l-i" i'1 ' I.i nil l iiii'l ( i-ae imnurities i V- - is m thing that vi. ,-r ami tona: and purifv tl i, r. I'. ,l..t. l'.irktr" iii-:- rT-.; a ,mr columns. T; e ;. if h irv .-'and. i: .' a - ?'::. !a-'ir . .. V ... '.. i - rr-c H :-. h. f.K;." - 1 ; i ' i a. ,1 U a o i;. a ! . ; ' ; i Ii; it 1 1 ,a i ..i a! K' I tl'- an -nipioy r- i.ai -:a - Walk. r. ' down twa v i l. - hot Walk 1 be M'-oi-e was v. j 'a ariia.' t-)-i lii- f oi.-:u n'i II'!iiitiin;a-i! i:t:n. I .-aw Hi- ri'.s of wh. W : s -!' Well, t- n rg- e I to 1 1. en- I She l:a- r- n 'i .t. I : ..... I. T.. St iii-i: -.1 -. ! -.. Pa n, th i'.-t.-r i.. N h;:i. ana -ha'. ; .: of th. t.-d . ,. :.::- m.i-l. lb , :vs ti-led to I -even---. I.i' i i i- b a' ; 1 .. !' w. i.e i.ai i:.:..-- .; hay. Mr. Us iu and n-ci ::t!v ! u as ',. ! i-d : which j rey - tl ! e::v:'.v i-n This w as th- third or fo-. ne m i . kill him-. An lltl To'.vi fi on iu oii:, i ire broke cut in ir g hi : ut Co! le. an i. I. --il. I, n asi .; !,:: hr- it lo .1 t: s. , !- onhuddh 11 -nr. s r.t i.i : -A ti morn! in- a- -t lie llollel wheel il-l;' ie-a.il i v,;;s ir i th. a r-1 .1'. : ot t:. i ,,f . j;.. v,--,. In. I.AN .', Tiie wart 1 1. Ik Gr. tire this i pant-- of man ..v. ( '1 -;::::. Pa.. au.i i: Ci C.... v OOl'iiill '. the i-Uildi; 'T Lr. Vat'-r ..: ll oec.i- .1.. ..oaeeo i.olll llllCe the;r (Jr..:!' .V Co.. :. :-1 u !. ic h s. II. K. (ir lOS-s J.. ;.J.,.;jJ il S 1 1 1 I 1 .Hil i 11. 1- ;ir. i I. v. rro In Ai -h - f . !' lor lu S 11:1. meet in .joint s( -s r-.-solt, to-iiiorro',v. V Sr. .buiv. Ne!,.. bar;. ,,f .f. C. p..f . w s burnt:.', this eI.-!e.:Vori:,g to ; voting man n.mu d Whi oil,' G sou was hum. d ;.t contained thirty !,. 1 nc ' catt ei iarg" ouai.tov f o m pi'o-lu. lmt-.'enients r; heavy ; 1.0 in-: tia'!-. A I'l i.-t I V, WiNNii'i:,., Xo-.a-mi r ; -1 : hgtii'-e c hoes from P.-if,.- j'urd the death of Rev. I'ath-r H. rt' 'V: evposiii'e and f.;l:ie v;.,. hunting exp 'd'tion after t. tost on ti;- n. oils. Iiis ! .... 1 .-. pel i l S. found 1 P.attie F ne mount. I.. Ieall of ;. ;.i-..-rti!;,.-.;i fi.; '!::, P .. N-iVemb. al ll. L. Rrown. cp. ttUns of this p- ut. died of cor.sunipi ion. , through the lungs in t'. wan this wound that death. -i. n",ii r t tr .-ft us her,, to-dav was shht " war :md it e.nis'-d ,1- lleavj I':inis?iiiii'i!i. Four Ww r. I o.. N . jury in tl,,. c- of .John tri.d for the mm.-, r of.! .; tO-d IV II tu-'neil a. ver.l'n 1 ami lixeu th- a..:... ,' at h, i . ... :;,.is.-n ment fur h'-. 'l it- tri.tl ot brother, imp:i-..U -l io the i lloj- r.!i.-:i..il to !!:! '-. I itii! - j.i.VL-i-oai:, f-.v, N ,v. !. .-. O , V of -h 0. s ni-i-Tiiii-g tn- i.tius. i.UKer, at Sun. a.'. (' dad and E!divd ILi.hrh -.d h i-.,cd t4 rou;ni. Air. l Vi f ,. 1,. ,. , - , . . , , , UrcG Ct-Capc;. :,i ti:C:r .light Clolil-S. Their i rior n .. --i t "il ii'-i- i-.-. i-j ... , . , . .-' ".i. l- ir-.. was n s- i r. i , ."it, ;'l iTJ WIS it 1 cued, but no sevcrelv burv; -1 thu- he dief thi nfti-rnonn. Che - in- " .;:'" '-.....int-"' ,.,,-,-;vi ti.SI 1 -' ! lRhM .lli' ':' ' aa.I e ! ,-i , i: t-' I-'' ... I c ' -V OilHi -A en r -u.c . : - v. v. : i'tia. c t-.r 'i:t. i; '. i- U.'X: . i. IMS Ii-.- ' n. -a. j IU 1 !. O IlITP'fhl hT'"l,":'7 f.f ii3 ' M!;: 1 1:--j--, . .t-j- '.::-;ir u:-'r. 0 --:i4 !:. .. t A , r fv -cl : i.KMi. 1. 11. 1. I I 1' '-II Ms i !;.Ti it. I.--. I' f1 . itu J m tr in ti tti" ii"! 't (' : -t-r in;.- re v ; i-.- j,, - i-i-r- f:f -'( t - - ti l i--r mi. . ... ir. li. .m ! t r ,:- h, 1 virm rn - . V'.'i .-f--tt '.'.en July ,r?,.i: til.'. 1 -ii S.i'urit-iT th ll"t htv li r n tt.- -,r ut - s t.. j l 111 r. S n v. : Nut 1. .. i,. I.- : - ' v.-, i ' I f : ! 11 ' -,ti. !-!-- '. I .- -f -.; 1. . I'l . . f 1. i ' r . Ii. ii-- ' iitiniv.a . "r I- 1-tl : 1. " j v. a A ii !"(): N'T. ' r-Ur.... lj - I..,, nr. i.t .-. .,. r,,.t . .-1 :iiu-'- i-i . ii" : .1,1 14 ..: :, .- ! -1. a.- - ,,. 1 w. 1 1, ! I- : "ti - "it -r.'. 1 I - - 1. : 1 -j i r a : : i:. 1 ; r:-; iis.-i 'LI'TI'ix Mi n il -; i I-.- lor.ner.i.:;! lifrr,.:. r '.;-'.: V- -ii 1 S.t If fi Ut, . -'.. . u ,1 i,.-v:it .1. H h.iii-:-.- r- :-.r. ; i 1 si.: . i : :.i. I! K. l.'Itl !(.'M S Ml it. i;-i.i.- 1 ,-;.i.!-., I i: I !",.-.. . t .. i l- r. 1 . : ; .V.V. I Ver.O. t I ) m:: t ( ,W. B.! A -I A 1 A . i K wl.i n .- I, .iu.; r..-. K -'f'-i 1-.- l.;i jtr-r:i v. f:... j . -l.j .-.'i V r .-ir-.-.u. k ,1 , .-. - - t:. Iti Mini 1 t.i...:i ,' sa. r.J h . .- ,.,1. 1 u. ..j .. ..i,y rn: i::--1 r ur - : tl.l... 11 - lj.., ..ey. 1 . l,.- I ' I" t.-.ue.s n 13 i-jti iin.t in Aje-.,r i.: . - ' Oir O'tiri.-.l.- llllre.-l. in Ol- ' i t:...-:, a.-l .mil tut-, in ti;.ia,-r v : - a a, ;-. -1 -: . S.l' ,!-. ia;.: tia.. -..iv .neitlisi-a I liL.V rV : 1 .x. ta -. it 'til i.-ie r..is.T,J, ra." . J -- 1-11. tl- . II Y S. 1- rii-. nr..' ripne-l A-j.'-a.. r u- i. r.'. - .i,vi.r. .-.iti.-f.il ill :,t I. . . -i-::. '" i 1.. i-n:.... Ii-..-i''.ir .. i-vi. ;. ;, . . den n..: w uirrif it:... i:.r.-r. .'-I 1 U. 1'. I'A 1 l i , l l it A t r iTc ".' .tt-ei-i y. s :-.':i r '-t.- -' . .KU..-t l'. ii'i:.. i': t:'.l "I 4t'l:u!iil .trj; a '' -tii--" in it-u-.s e- jt cr:n.e,l ti ill-' ar:.:r.-iit.. i- ti.r .-t -. ;itec a tn ;e In-i-L.t-. :- ''- - ', lin;n.t,'l .lr .yrunl. nt tli.w li.ivi - '".' .I'-ni.tn-:? wal el--? e.-... m ;tJta ' ,vitt.l Lr t-ecUoturnt JfiH It k Stst--N-r 21. t :.i.- ' rnrnnrs sow, k- r t .ti :he Mot A it, r ii,ji'i' t rrt . 0 it 'he U -v a ! taall :i n! r-!-'. u' ini.-wn:5a "f Suas-1 1 -.-. ; t.Ki( Klmtt-rl. .t'J .. ' ' tia i. i a::tl--.l lUrr' i. n. rr. . - . ' U.o. b,il wwiu-ir-.-l ' pl:e.:n.-:.:. -o rtn-1T .t'.--.Ti'T . i win.!' i' in..':.u.t pi iiT-.j ", - . nil wrs'-rs cult a'.o r-.' ll if. ton ir vr jell. K. s'-.-y. . N.T. 1 ,- J -:1;-:i v.,.. -I -e A.l! N-i V J I tl N. i Si mi M Van Ml:l s M Vi'll ho v'.t li-.r ,S lt re'.: it a 1 it cut: tar ia th fe n r 2