The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, November 10, 1880, Image 4

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A ;
! I
orn ni:w yokk i.fttkr.
(Fit" (.K b Sr iaL CoKr.crii'iiiT.)
New Yokk, Oett.1 t liTUi, 1SM
f ' i i
a the the thick -
ht. It toot me
Hero I am apain. in
i-fi oi me iHjnucai num. n w.
just one week to go around and fe
the feeling tor both candi-lates in
tL:s metropolis'. lUtore this'
reach the reader ot the III rai.i
the IVn.-vratie party v.:lt i.e uonm-
eo -r' M i. i ii.ii--
rpnnl.benn without doubt.
i j- ti... w..4., ..r Wm- .il-
and I would not !k? Fiirj.nsed much
when the returns are rouiiK-u o:i
ire counun on
next iuesday t!;at you win una a
.... -;n Cn.i n
llei.ubliean Mayor in this rreat city,
fl.y-tedbya "enra! upnse of the
ii . .... . :.. i...i..,K ( ( hi'
im-ini man liominateu ny our pai -
tv for the Mavoraltv. fhe ie'lin.'
against John Kelly s tondidatc darlv, from its deptli of tone, is
imiin-n-e. oac" th- Taiomany jn as the State house 1h.11. This
nomiii'i- is a Cathoiie of th deejiest at one time among the largest
dve. lie as mayor would have eon- 0f tl,e rocks. It has lieen broken
ti-ol of tie.' public srhools. ail the ap- olr however, but still it has preserv
poiniments would bo made bv him c,iitss strong full tone. The geiier
:V .:u bi-own sect, the school fund 3j sound j,rcxl j' 'd by striking the
wmiM '. t-. tho (..nvi-nts iit'. id ofi smajj,.r st,nes resembles that of a
1.. jiiL' usrl as lieretofop- and the iat.csmith" anvil, some having a
J-'-uits would lireet how tlie child-: j;ujc cioaror ring than others, no two
i-cn of N w York should taught. 1 80Unding just "alike. In passing
Tli" bibl..-would be thn-wn out the ' from one to another of the large
back door and no wonder the people ! tlH. onc is reminded of the tapping
are frightened. . I of car wheels by the car inspectors,
I have attended nearly all the big j TiW)uands of people visit this natu-
political inn
tings during the pat j
an I am going n Keep u uj u
-nared until the I nion is saved
;ieXl i UCMliiV.
1 have heard (Irant. Ing'-r.-oli. Me
Yeigli. Sherman. Kvarts. Schurz.
t 'iiurb - Francis Adams Jr.. l'rof.
Svlee, C'onkling. Storrs. Jim Vool.
tlie Irish miner i, (b-orge A. Sheri
dan. Si'tU'diton. l-'red loui:lass. (Jen.
U n HarrisiMi, In. Kiljmtrick, A.
V. Tourv. ami Jlrnrv Wardinv
i lu-r, lViii time t Ui:;o during the
-lo.ii.H nr-f in Jt! JiiirtTsuii, rvison
1.,'.,, l,.ri.ein t-.-.rU Vint in" du.
... . - r-.
. - . . . t ......... w; . . . . 1 . ..1 .... 1. ...
7 1..U"! lilllUU.lLie .-nil l -. '-""rie ii.nii-
fuel- blow irant, aim the American
s!:nr 'I' ll. Kilpatriek.
The iniht notable meeting w.ii
i1k JI'publiean rally on Wall street,
on Thursday aflemoon. Sneli a
crowd of gentlemen assembled J
never beloiv Witnessed. ( njouel lxe
;rcrson auuren mem ami JatK-,
-obchultz presided. ( ver Jitlecii
hiii-oV-d by goods merchant ante
to liear .him headed by i JilmoreV
f.i V.'a
pniuuec exenange came
l.. .i .-....f
i-e excliange cam
uith etulit hundred
ht hundrct
.en;. 'I ho i ...Id stnvt brokers turn-
Id !-trft broker tum-
J in ma-- and such a mass ol
j pie. and so, 1, a ivspeetablei rod
o.uld not Ik- assembled again in s As I was "oirnr nn
was going up
Will street toward Trinity chun h
fruin the meeting some voung fellow
:ivc me a Democratic. amiaign
t.feunient to lead. I said tu him,
: .5- fri'T.d von are wa-tinir von?
; iv. w . .
lb;d l: -1 don't e-rc damn I
jet jiaid for this."
That is the truest definition of the
Democratic party here mw, that I
Jienrd, ' Don't care .i damri,"' "we get
iiaid fn- it." "Hurrah, for ILm-
,'ock." i
This ih- situation witiiih(j
Democrats. They are in the last I
-Ktch. dissolution is taking place and
i'or the corse and funeral dirge lis-
I'll to the t
ie:ra'n on i uiy
I met Tildeu yesterday oullroad
ay. lie Fpeaks in a whisper, his
ves look watery an intlametl his
bands tremble with palsy, lag frame j
-looped and in general appearance!
: tola wreck. I aclnal v
al wreck. 1 aetually stood
and nitied the imoi- fellow, but it
done him no irood.
The forgery of tJarfieldV; mime to en feet high, who alk"l out on lii
ihe Chinese letter is condemned bv I jab's arm.
all good men here, without resard i "Hey?" replied the prisotutf, ad
to party. The New York un a bit- j he leaned forward.
t. r Democratic rartian paper thi! "I your name David Shaster?''
m orn ins editorially say :
NOT h -All!.
'ldiereisf some degree of honesty
.i ue from ail men to all other men
; t all tiiueu und uuder all circum-
. . . . T .. , . . .1.1-.. . 1 . in inviruu-m nieieiier ine
uuthorshij) of which is attributed to
i.uut- .i. vi.iinii'i, uuk ueiiiei.1 uv i
Thus the j Jural of com jKiny is spell-;
a ( oupanys iiisttead ot companies, j
H s'ins to us taut gome other mis-1
sjt lling curresjioiidiiig with this, ini
Mr. (iarfit ld's handwriting, should i
i-e imnd before any jktsou can be j
Justified in continuing to circulaU '
l-!i t .ti. , ... l.lj
ien. t Jartield r. rit- s a great many j
letters, and if that method of spell- j
ing is peculiar to him. his other I
specimens can easily be obtained, j
I 'ntil thev are. the lutt'-r miy bt .
considered spurious. I
n't.,. ..,..,!.. .1. . . i
.in' 1 p iirn.iui it' lliUliA 1J ilil 1
four years the obtaining of ixiwer bv j
'.he L'-publicans through means of;
iraiitt. we hae no desire to se it !
?v rented frifift them by forgery.
Jf we must ehoos
1.1 :
lietWiril lion-
1 . 1 ii-. . , . r 1 .
--ty jTnl ofliee, we prefer honesty.
So von see the forgery will recoil
..iithi' democratic leader lile the 1
.' nu:ii,f. 4 tit: tiiTeui iicojiicoi (
r he country are tlissrusted with liar-;
mi 1 . . . TI ... 1.. ...... 1 . r
:ium. Wallai and that gan:
, '
rlie two managers I have more faith
Ju Wallace. I believe if lie could
Il.ltl- lli.iua'il Hi'.: il.lliriHK Inilll-
;.... i ..c
1 i. it ..,.. i
,,..i 1 1 iii.-l'-.4 vi 4.iiiiuiii iiic an- I
jierl. would statiuj a better show
:icxt Tuesday, but le was shoved
:iide against Hancock' will and
"bus you see what you see.
Wendell Phillips thinks; the an-
cunts attained i-erfi'ctiwn m some
arts, the knowledge of which has
ieen lost in our time. It ix certain
that those most familiar with the
steam tower and modem machinery
iii mizzl'il to explain how the
ran-i structures of thc ancient world
were ere ted. Iluilders say that no
modern uutractor could erect thc
mat pyramid iii Kgvpt, and lift the
icantie stom at fhe summit to the
heiirhtof 4-0fect.
A recent visitor to Jlaalfiee. and j
?he ruins of the great temple of IJaal,
doubt if any modern architect !
.-oidd reS:il.l the temple in itts an-1
r-w-nt jrrnduKT. Three huge stones, ;
riif v-l.nir fact 1mg. thirteen high j
;md and thirtei n Je, stand in a
vall l fhe height of twenty feet.'
Nine otJi-r stones, thirty feet Jong. ,
f.-n high and ten wide, ai-e ytihod '
log'-Uier witli sm h nicety that a &ii.;.f defeat and humiliation. She
irtned eve eanuot tlimrtiver the line is cer.aia to have one or more neigh
.4 juuclure. ;lorswho hav. plenty of help, and
A column still ands in tin- uar-1 who enjoy running 4. chat with
ry, a mile distant, which is eomph-t- Jier in the morning. If it vinot
'-'. It is fiixtV-Lline fe ! lonj. seven- lie ii (tided she e.inv iJi f). l.r.'-...L-.
un liigh and fourU'u broad, and ! fast dishtw and attend to the lamns i
ho .-annot understand how it can lie wliile cx.king ,iw dinner. It must 1 1 ! " "f4 v n,crV1,:,nts at tin-lttom lrom the uot be understood thai L- imshin-r 1 VJ: r ." : w;io'in. at
iunrry without b,. akiug. The ru- OI the work back into tf.e kiuhB 4,..T-U:n.,.,!HS:7? ,2-was tl
ins of l.hi vast teini.l.. im-nim , fln a..l M 'UP' "'ir orK in imsconditlon ' kwi; S
l-et for the genius of former ages. (
A South Hill d bating club is
wrestling Mith. 'Can a community ,
exist w ithout women?" We think
it might exist for a while. Lut then -
it wouldn't know what
t'll. li'ifliti'f-n) lttrhriK.
was rm-z !
. - - - - - I - - " - - v , lltl VVKM Ki I 1 u i n 141. ,-fivt- :i I I I I. , .11 i m
The Kinging Rock.
i These celebrated rocks arc found j
on the farm of Abraham Menrh, in
i lV.ti-rrove township, three miles ;
' northeji-t of I'ott-town, IVnnsylva-
; nia Thcv COVt,r a P(iuar0 space of
, three-quarter of an acre. In this
. turee-ouaner oi an acre, m
lfT:lct WldeM are piled upon bowl-
Avr9 of u fMy and forms, and go
1 j,rumi-cuU':lv arranged that eonsid-
(.rni,ie rUitv is require! walk
r ,i10m without falling. A one
- . i- - i.
,-tcT.s irom xo rocs w nn n h iiuni(;
, ' i.,,.i i,v iho ,nU in the
Mi i. js j.lamly heard. Onjnlr Sometimes, however, a great
; ra,,,)inr ttw stones w itn a Hammer,
r!Ull;n tl stones with a hammer,
f u;t0 remarkable acoustics projr-
n i .1.
,: . ire rcvoalcd. Home oi them;fv. ui,nj,. ,.nth of the net.
forth a nch-full tone, which
i, i ii.
with the best
; ,nolai xi the stones were wsuiuii-
i .i :nto iK.s
One of them particu-
n, j,h-noinenon every summer.
The rocks themselve Itear evidence
of this, the edges being battered on
( by hammer strokes, and the sides of
1 manv having naine carved ontluiu.
' some narties who were unwilling to i
t i
', ' i,....,, r
, their naimn un the r.nU uie.iy
I'lL'n i ih i line in iitiu iir iir & iiial
ioiietl tt) paint, and
I;uiLnr Las !m n done iu various 1
(NIois. I ho advcrtiins hend Lan
j. i . .... : .a... .
'and we are now made aware of the
InuTitsot i:iUi:t lm-iiiouuis, oi me f
i 1 . .. 4 . !.... i4. .-i nil t ti hli on
....... i i (-.. .,.. ... . l...,r.l
i'j ( 1IU11U. ic iiv"1 i
. . .. . . . i.
;11)V f,aj,1;U.torv fXplaliailOll OI Hie
:..:,,. 0f t;i4i r;n,rin" or bell-like
! sounds of these rucls, Some say
. ij is owing to there being a cavern
' undei' them. This, however can
have nothing ti do with it, as when
the rin ks are removed t!yv still have
j jjje fc;Jjn( sound
UneTarge ai.J -
mtTm Uw der was
:,r.r r.r.
(Vntennial, and drew a great deal
' ol-6,fntion ti,crr. Aivt).'cr was
!.,.llMA Knebn.l afterwards. Theri;
,rt,l y a
metnljic HubbUnec in
i.i, :.,.,.,, .vIh.., 1,1, ri tuhichthe
i r:n(T; lMn, n.nv Ut aUiibui-d.
i,.,,. ., i,,..,r.l Imuiii nr nf nnv
! Ill lii'i ihiiiii, ii""' in
tr0, .logical analysis U-ing made.
i lialf "u. mile east of the Kinging
I i t.. ...'. i :.. ..,..-.
I hills "there is another croup of bowl-
,1..r ti !ii ti fire timeh -i -i t i
Here a
loftv iile of rocks surmounts a caL -
tv of considerable depht, tlie whole
.Icing known as the "State House.''
Near by the stoiu? house is a large
bowlder, some fifteen or twenty feet
hish. which, from it PfpuUar con
tour, Ls called the "Hay Suck," re
sides their acoustic qualities there u
another singular circumstance about
the Ringing Kocka which visitors
raiejy fail to notice. Many of them
have very ctrnge marks, or indenta
tinn Vt Komii ituints these resem-
j ,Ie t,e track 4 of a lse's hoof,
otiier'9 are like thetraek of awagn.
i moine of the larger indentation are
nuli L), reenible an elephant foot,
and foe Rlrftuv.M ct the human loot,
arc claimed to U found among the
smaller one.
Von Can Skip.
"I vour name David Shaster?
askel "the court of a man nearly sev
" I s your na ie Pav'nl Shas
ter?1' repented the court v,ith aJI hl
"Yes, I suppose it is.:l
"You are charged with bein
i "
ire charged with being
Drunk:" veL4 Eiiah, with his
mouth close to tho man tar..
W ho s drunk? What have I got
a. . . M 1 l. t 1 if'
10 no wun anyuouv oemg uriins
"You were
drunk !"' shouted the
. . 1
"You wer
iluuk'"' veiled Bijah.
"Iet you S-," replifcd th.2 prisoner
as he went down for tlie m-HUiV
Tho oflieer in the cose xaid he
limid him lying under a shed,
drunk ft.nd asleep, and the court re
Ji,J .
'Well, 1 can't U mv head off to
, ! . 1 : 1 ti... 1 i. l
n t 11
I niv ouiiou uu uiutLtu it ws-
1 1.. r ..1...11 i.e..
in.imi 1 iiui'iiiii, iiiei 4. tiiiiii Act- uifu
"o. 1 risonei vou can iro.
"fv?-' "
,.v ' , . ..
?n ""'P'
ii' -
J'.iiah turned him around and run
him ut and shut the diwr on him,
but he put hw nose againts the glxs
: and shook the door and called out:
Hey? I'll see if 1 haven't any
' 1.
:rignt :
Ilonisiltc work Alone.
One s-niree of discouragement to
a young housekeeper i the tict that
tfter she 'has done the lest she
know how. her housekeeping re
liiinds her of the action of a scale
when the front steibj, parlor, and
!ittinc - ro"m arc up. the brwk steps, i
kitchen and pantxv are down. tJ'!ses is used in some countries, j
mav tie a comfort to her to know
that in the best regulaU'd families,
where one woman does all th work,
this Hoiuetimes ooews : but exiieri-
ence helps to remedy thc itttqr j ItjirinniniT ftt't.r hra'il-.1
fast, let the table lie cleared, tlu?
fooil all W put away, and the diehes
tilaeed in an orderly way on the
;itehen-table. The tank should b
j till with water, and the fire all
right to keep the water hot, while
she goes to the front part of the
house, and does the necessary work
theri, pot neglectinganything which
in the vei4l i'f a visiUir will cause
her annoyance. ,ill thc work,
as soon as possible. nartoiJ down
to the kitchen. This plan nhouid
be pursuetl ngularly ; thc dayoaj
which it is departed from will tie I
things, kot p the kitchen clean ; in a
threat measure the health of a family
depead upon this, a lca-ant
kitchen, convenient and inviting, is
a inspiration to thorough work.
It is not whisky that makes a mail
drunk, it is hi inability to carry it.
Salmon Catching on thf Colnnilju.
The n.herniencxjdore thenvcr,
with a net, fathom or 1 N
j thr)XM irtvr inchw
j of the K.t -s gup,lo,.U:
j ,K)Uim wd htwf wi,
feet long witu a mcsn '
wide. The ton
d liv cork, the
; , , ,ri,, i with lead. lien
I olmtructinns are encountered the
! m,t 1rjftj ltmr evenly with the tide, I
j nRii tho rnoim-i.t the fi-h strike it !
. 0 themselves it w hanled :
r. j.11,r,....n ,..,n tell bv the
. . .. .
.1., ,.. .,,. l he eaiitives are siru-
: Wn',rC,. " l1. V. fi.o ,. .I,
j , - nlmon. mad
t i tlu headwaters, dasli against
'"""'' ,' .
jt,,.,n ,.nuu. the'tmr of war. Jn dull
when salmon are scarce,
fi . .
has his patience soreiy
tried by the se lls, who w ill watch
the net "as carefully as he does him
self, and rob it U i'ore his eyes. The
seal has a weakness for the jowl of
the salmon, and will otier ins epi-1
eurean palate onlv that portion
, . .i i': ,.r i, e.l. I,..
liaVlIlg UiKCM OUC OIC. "1 IOC urn
tosses it coiitemptuoiisiy as
side, ami
in this manner will destroy
salmon K fore the indignant fisher-;
man can intercept him. the jk.hi-
derous and stupid sturgeon
on is nn-
other jH'Ft f tlie patient lisher.
U-j.hen Ellis considered the lcfct
authority on such mailers, savs that
the late "s.dmon season on the Cob
umnia was a nun uua.irou, one to
all interested m it. I he iqn oi i.sli
eommene4'd jteic pd wicks later than
usual, and. in consequence, the ear.r
neries discharged the majority of
their hands. Late ill Juiv the fish
. . .
fame up Ironi the sea m ueli nuni-
, ' iiv,.ru.l.. .f
" v .
you coma waju. uer me ner on
em ; the watuer was tun 1.1 em.
4 -t. . ..-!.,. : i i,.. l
1 . MMfce Ol tile Xlneiiui ii ir
w,c ..i. ' ' ;
mplieated matters, so t.iat
Ties were totally -
ously eon
the canneries
el to dispose of the
srreat quantnieis i
t oi salmon uiken. ineie
were onlv
a few weeks of the season left, and
"J the hands could uot be collected in
time. The result w.'tsthat thousands
of fish were left to rot on the w h;:rvcs
until the over-worked eamery men
found time to throw them back into
the Ktrenm. Tl. fUhermen could
,only dispose of a limited supply, mi
. - .. -
ii.:: in the height oft he M-ason.:r:
uikcu wini.'e"'f , ,r , ------ v
., ... .... , --; -, .
harvest, they were i.ud to remain
idle. An bours wyrk KiMlNiUr
it ln .f. II...L' t-.nil iAIiHiI HI lirnl'n '1
j n. J-'nuites, suppiie-i incm w ui
au me ii.'ii u."' loum mu. em -
! C;
cast of the
net aetually ,.'ji,'gid up ;
i "-;.(
n. ranging from lo to ('' 1
' , , e" . ' 1
ponnds, ii,.d i.uij,cie5!t to toad sever-
a boat.-;. Jt was nothing uniuual
itothrow bat-k a mtmber offish into
! fie. J'treain
and let
jtneir headlong way to the 'jiaivi
'J!r' - 'un'1
l!irgr 'atat,undaneeofahnoninih'V,'U'!1- ', ::''" T L V
,!,,;,.'.' . f il.-ri-o u thus referred craeeiullv on all sides, and are ot
tlK r.l.- ul Al.Ska I- lli'ls UK m I .
to in a. letter put, tisti , n Jate;
San Jr rancisco paper: "As i,,r
. I
their wav tip the swift, brawling
si mnn n upon tin ti-irnniii- iiv li"
cuj teiii tns of thousands of them
i-;,-. ihoW l,o.-t-a nnt
of water at shallow pJaVc-s n.rin.R
thnt wornnlitwrlii. tn.w mvi-ibi v
give anything like fair conception
of the extravagance of their numbers.
There is more salmon apparently,
llk for bulk, than water. In ford
ittgiuu ieiu .lw writhing multi
ta!e, crowding ijiaint .acli o'.hcr,
could not gi t tint of one's way. One
of our men waded out in tho midst
of them and amused himself by
sci,irig them above the tail and
.swmgiiisj rutpm aiKive ins neau.
'et..r:."j .' c',Ur... , m .1,,,., i...
I lUMlKUtlUJ 11 UI.J1 llUl't f':1,
taken by hand v.hihj tlity were mak
ing their way over tho khallous
among the stones. Whatever may
ho said of other rcourees of that
Territory, it is hardly possiiile to
eiaggitrat ?lii jmjortance of her
fisherie. Not to meuiUn iiod, her
ring, halibut, Ac, there are pnvba
bly not bs than a thousand fcal
rnon streams in Southeastern Alas-
k . largt? or larger than this one
iWoomiOJiy U2mI il?) crowcien wun
o fine salmon every yea.
j Butter is mentioned several times
..vk, K,i';..,-..i j,V ti, f nn.l
?l . -:..i, i ,.i
LI lliril 1H LI L'lL II ILriM'ft'M II1ITC ill-
i ... ,v.oa n, i.,,.,, ; ,r
.,-,i,v,,i i.t
nLiinu u y nviti. v t 0111 y v i.i4iu i'i
sour miik. It ii highly probable
that butter was not kru,n in that
, ... , , .
eariy ae 01 uie worm. iue o.u'.4j
? 11 r
utter is by Herodi-
lis a story of two
' of whom smelled
mention of real butter
. . III..... l. . I , . ... ..4-.
- . . . . J
lus. 1 tuuircn icurj
UQblo ladies, ono
so ktrotgiv cf sweet ointment am
theothe, of ithat they could
,..,1 1. -
udure each otlu-,
U - i .1 . i .i r i
,s said ha: butter was earu-fy
known tMhe f.rwki and Konians
during the second ecnturv 1 he
(trwks learned its use from Thraee
iioi, i-iimir'; ii wiuT fts :ivt
.-chilli .tun funic vi uie leionn oi
Asia Minor. The Romans obtained
their knowledge of it from the (ier
man. I'liny and otlu rs say .hat
the (iermana uced a great deal jf
milk, and also made it into butter
and cheese. Dut butter wan used,
however, among the llomans more
as a medical ointment than as an
article of fxwl. They used olive
til more as we use butter, and this
U still htgely thc case in thc coun
tries of XoutliiVi; Jpurone.
T J .-'.S' .
In our own day tjus iiifuwCictore !
of butter has become a thriving' la-1
dustry in many countries, and busy
dairies nitn ttieir golden product
girdle the world.
s a general !
thing butter is made from cow's milk. !
though the milk of sheep, goabi and
Ihat obtained 'from cow's milk is
considered ttiL?;t, and that from
asses milk the poorest. The butter-
making capacity of milk varies, m-
asmuch a some cows give a richer j
article than otlietw. and even the i
,;il. . .. ? '
""in wi iuiv l;vv. isi ary in
exetllence from time to time .vcrd-
ing to tlw season and food. The tor
tal amount oi butter made in thc
I lilted States in INO wad itOfn what ;
in excess of 2o7,vfl0 tons. Of this i
amount New 1 ork Htate made more
than one-fifth a much larger quan-ji'atf, j' the fU'f,tJlican savs that
tity than any other State in the tne ,,l"J' o MkhatJ HendrkfeJ
I'tiion. The "six largest butter-jiro-'1'.' tt nephew of Governor Ilend.
dueing States in 1S70 were as fob j rK.'kH "f Indiana, wag fiiund three
lows: New lork. Pennsylvania. !
JlHn'o, Illinois
Iowa and Michigan,
Troy Jlpu.
Why MtoujiJ 'iUKf,
No man or woman can do satis- i
factory work when the brain is dull, '
tne nerves unsteady, the system re-i
and thev Tecl generally wretch- j
I arkers
Ginger Tonic fill always, at moder
ate cost, clear the braLi and dve
them the strength and the will t-
j fa their duties satisfiictily;
1 LV ' lirifii ...It ltd clr,.n I .... 1
We hav ich.
w cut litlllil ;il!(l
uracins tnecu and recouunend it
most hihlv. Ve other column
! Genera! Gnrficlit Tlk to ft Icloff-
lion of I did low. J
G (,HT
, . u f,f al;iUt la1;,,9
!-!,. n.t ;tm.lino r.l
i went to Mentor to-uav and called
j on (ieni ral (iaiTield, wlio in
i reHiHjnse ,
spoke as!
I to introductorv address si
follow? ;
Mr.J. Maitin Mid La.liea oft'lev.
land: Istanbul to receive eueh a
"r-etint ni tnis uv vonr T-reM-nee
nm nv tik' won is oi voor e nan ni;iu.
v i .,.
i It seems to me as I look upon this
is-emblaire that there could lc no
sul" f" ,,u ." .' "V,
.pnimtrv. and fortius reason : in all
i ' nioiiaivhieal nations the coverning
power does me governing nscii. out
lathers reversed that order. The
real governing power in this coun
try never does the actual work of
government, but causes it to be
done bv agents and servants. Tlic
governing jKiwer stays at home and
sends its servants
to do the work of
During our late war there were
f , f..l,
. . , f ,,
those who pan ana supiuiea vne
aiul tin jtf-ojile at home, fitill
; . . . . " , , ' .
;'"-i'";- v, 1 1 : . r rri:;
i execute the nations will. ihat
; , , n ,)atriotic Womenof
Ann riea labored and loved and gave
their bst inspiration to the nation
ju ;(s ,uil,r ()f ,ril
: ,.i,i;(, ..V.rL-
So in all other!
great public work, those who go for -
ward to etvute the nation's will are o- Tlie will of the
nanon resides in the liearts and
bonus and by the firesides of fifty
III: ' 1 1 tl ..-ii.- t ,r tl-.
11.1111 III lll'tlllll'. illlll LI1LI1, I'T III
heart.-teiie, nearest to the heart ot
.i i :
our sovcnc'rn tne iteoiue 1 hu-
man's great and benetieent power to
iimia-e-b iUII upon tlie national
j .ivl Vu ut h:l, Lr()U,,t
, iJm, . t)niulU0 tl l!jy H,.,e, lie-
iUiIj upon the national
Pint ot so many .vuieru'an nuim.-.
to clatr. Htrengtlirii and inspire
whaievtr of national life anil fior
there may le in this home, which is
onlv one of miiiions.
r.atlies. this uni'ue exhibition of
American enii'il. thi fi irit which
" 1 V . .,. " . Si
ii..M,iiv.J ..hi. ca.tir ii-hile ftn'nilte' t:i-iii ill v rb iii' iiiiii II -
' I
a.. I. ..I tli. Hi. iii i Iviii'f I s:iv t his e-
liiomon to (i".V l OiU HOUt Uiani-
. . i"
lestation oi wie growing oc:iii'
i(tmo n Anu.rican j.uMic life. !
; x f..r u an)l u that it means I ;
tl.,Jlk ViM, vA ,y heart. I
. i , ,.,.. n..i f,i niv
family. Mrs. Cariield wishes to
greet ''Ui V i:?e .f vott.
Window IlaJves.
Swet t j-.eas in iiao'r
sjiendi d in the iindow :
M;si.en,ied mthe m'iow aie mtj
i . ..;.:...( Ti,..; iriill.e.
i i . r 1. 11
i' ' -;-.-"' ,. "
i,u1'u,.,1 - Tr... -
! .. t- r J.llim in 1:11111-
bloom in suui
' -! '-. jvi.
; er and fall, th
seed thoum oe
sown now :n pOi?
I then be plae-
icd in a warm window or a irame
i correspondent of the Onrdciung it
i aj.Vi,(.', recommends sowing m
four-inch pL. about twenty pas in
each pot. When the yojjr.j: seed
lings are wt-ll up and require more
room, they must be iriuuft fTed to
the basket, three or more pots hi
each, according to th size of the
basket, which should be lined with
green mosj. f.ight iuh soil is neces
sary. While the' pcaS 'flip gcty ipg
liijuid manure should he freely used,
and the banket, tshould be hung near
the glass. This will stimulute early
bloom. The variety of color and
thp gy.eei vds-r pf the flowers make
theiM deiirable. ' XiottUg. J.Jj? most
desirable varieties are the rairited
Lady, Yiolet Queen, Captain Clark,
tricolor, light blue and purple, black
purple, striped and Invincible
4 Joiaiie Mmi4.
Wahi.V(.ton, October 2ti. Mr.
Herreshoff, President of the compa
ny thnj eiir his name, has been
lu re to see about Selling some steam
launches to the (Jovernnieiii. He
in biUilly blind, and vet ho invents
and eoiiNtruetfc Liti.-ulo boats and
cv.!l ctenm ves:el f.,r ... j
in all pan
all parts of the world. His steam
laimeho'rt glide through the water at
t ! i.- rule i?' tu'i, oiib r.n Ikiiif
iif.i .w o rnmiu.1. ,.i. u. 1. ;..!
wn., .,n tl,. t :,H,.iiut
m. , .1 . , , t I
1 ue nunu.s a launcn iu wmen steam
h-i pit im in six minutes, which
;C;U1 l(C j , shi , a9 an
j oniliarv ,hU)s ,)0at' whlWl -0, .
!, v .,.,.., . ' .. . ...... Sbiin
can lie 11' kiI 1.1. ii.-.nni 511111 :is nn
" T . - ...... ....
j ! tain fuel and water enough to run iitfr
,i miles. He has made a number of
'Z'Z '-'7iV'
: t -i.ii ii.-'iiiii' ut in jm iriiu, .ue. t lien
JuJ hfai.,,v, thc wmt , , ,
, w , hTe and feel of
j ft Uunchr, ioU th,y
wm4 , ui(, , thai e t, be
. i t- i . , . . , ..
j cjV(.M tlt.j
j '
A Mau-tif-War'H-Mttii Killeit.
Fu.':tkkss .Monhok, October 28.
W hili the rewu of the fleet were
engaged in competitive drill, shift
ing sail, yesterday an ordinary sea.
man named Daniel Clairy on the
Alliance missed hU footing and fell
to the dock, striking upon bin head
and fractured his skull, from the ef
fects of which he died thin morninrr
He will Ik? buried at tho 1lAmvul?i
National Cemeterv thi nftemnon
wiih apjroiiriate honors.
!' w ew.ciiitiin.
Nkw Orleans, October 27 .-'rh
hrilish steamship fismah, from
Oalveston for Liverpool with a car
goof .1,((X) bales of cotton, took fire
yesterday 2 X) miles south of Port
pids. The hatches were battened
down aud seam jets turned into
the hold and" .the azi) headed for
1V. rv,.!. ' ft. ' ' t ,
iriie arriveu ;iC4C to-
flight; with the fire' still' smdajder-;
; inS- hj y jJJ discharge her cargo. ' !
! -jwu,..1
Mnrderra in Colorado.
. r
,. VVS?M, Uctofter 26. A giH-eial
mu from tliat place. Ue wai mur
I m r, aim h is supposed that the
! deed was eonunitted by two McCVth
j lum brothers, young Hendricks hav
j ing teen implicated in the murder
of their brother and acquitted.
fiiwi.i,v,. n, ..... .t . ..
Rudolph Orcllm' of DnnJ
attemptingtoboard the L'nion-
comodation this evening
-rown under the wheels nn.l
iO hndtv .fti.-l.x,.l ii....
r, " wuoiitu null
.imputation Waii n.i --.-c.,. n-
family lives at Dunbarf'' "Dr.'sun
. . - y . iiis
i( (Viini. nii.'. ,1 - - . r
" '.' J'"l "2"' JJ?
j miaL '
1. 1 dying more p tfsye the nuf-k-nnpa
of women than liny other
remyevor Iid do can do
Pa s JtiftN-gY Pad. Y
.....v..- v.-.,,.,,lVuiH13nri Hit Jll.. I.,,wt'.l kl.Ll. I)
Colonel Insorwtll on Free Trails.
I )rojosn to stand by the nation,
A ; I want the furnace kti-t hut. I want
the fkv Tilled with tls smoke ofi
American industry, and upon that
cloud of finoke will rept forever the
bow of tTjcti:al promise. '
good;"' great diccr. That i
la w hat
1 am lor. A vesir
all." Ye", sir.
did thii doetriiif ol'a Ij
eDin onlv come ;VoiuV
" are we
. ;.J Where
ill' for rev-
I'lOIll tfK-
oiuis. oh.i."jliui i;L-. I..!
. . .
, shib tno nrosiK-nty
of the North.
i They would rather trade with old
::,oMV ; , "' -.T "
1 liev nai rainer iraie wun u
! jnnble who were
them m war than liio-e who con
quered the Iteljeilion. tireat cheers.
They knew whatgave us our sticngtli
in war. Thev knew tliat all the
brooks and creeks and rivers ini
New Kngland were putting down j
the UeW-llion. Thev knew that j
everv wheel that tian"!. every
spindle that revolved, was a soldier j
in the army of human progress. It j
won't do. 'Creat applause. They
were so lured bv the greed of ofliec j
that they were willing to trade upon
the misfortunes of a nation. It. won't
do. I don't wish to belong to a
party that succcods only whm my
country fails. I don't wish to be
long to a party whose banner went
up with the banner of rebellion. I
don't wih to bfIo!i2 to a party who
were in liartnership with defeat and
; disaster, i don t. .Ap.plause.J And
' there is not a Democrat here but
i what knows that a failure of the
j crops this year would have lielpedj
i his party. Applause. You know;
! in t-i !. tr.wt U'ull lei'e I.'n,
I 11 k Ml. in'. I ......... ...... . .....
, a godsend to them, l.1'-'"1''1'!
i - .. l ii ... . 1 .... ,....,.!
i i ou iviion mat (n-nii.uirnu;iiiinii
. have (tone
looie goon tiiair
all tiieirsj.
The raw winds of the lut
and winter often produc
.uitumu j
in the;
hands of those who are muchrx-'
; pose
ed to tlir m that roughness and ;
i cracking ot the skin known as ehap-j
iping. If nothing is done to prevent i
i ,., ii- 1.1. .1
ami tne person is omigeii io navi.-j
' i i ... .e.
m naoon irequumi
wet uneil, the
cracks will often get deep and In
i . . i' .... 1 .. I.: :. r
.r.u.uu. ...... ....,
i .,,,..,,,, ,n.i. ed
hy sore hands n-oin
i- -
this rai.i.e. AslKitna liivcaution
;and cure tor chapped hands we have
jused tlie following wit'i beneilt:
i Wash the b.ands, and the i'aee a!-o
j if it is inclined to chap, with borax
water, and afterward iv.b with an
ointment made ly melting iihiUuii
tallow (or suet ,a:.d then gradual
;ly adding an cijuai t,ua;;tity ui
baskets ' gly-nne, stirriiig the two togeth'-r
.. i eiilil t-'nr t'ie )i r! 1 1 f ! s tM-i i:uv-
tute i.:i;i I.e In:' t aioiic-i at n.jin.
llslll" it ))'. e .- !lllll UMrillHVT H. i.l
bv lb-lbv -fu r which an old nair
" 'l".-ltl i.kii.i.i om p. n
,ot l0Vt.s ,.iUl 10 ,,u. ou c keep the
l,edc!othes from being,.,! led.' a,
, , ,
'"SO II1.1KC IIIL fulll
of the hands
softer. An excellent glyeirine oint
niLiit iij madti by ctfti,it'lsi y:l;.
gentle heat, two ounces of tweet oil
of almond 9, half an ounce ofsner
macetti, and one draehine of whit-
wax. When melted, remove from
the stove, T.nd add gradually one
ounc? of glycerine, and stir until
the mi.UuV U cqUj. Tho ctotmcnt
Cin be aoented with any perfume
to suit tba fbjvy, Keep in wide
lMvketl bottles. Amrrlm Attricul'
The Ioor C'zar.
I'aris, Oct 2H . Strang eporU
are current in St. Petersburg in re
gard to the indisposition of tho Km
peror. It is; whispered that, des-
)itc all precautions taken by his
loudclipld Jhe N ihilists have succeed
ed in poisoning ' him. Vjq cf the
imperial cooks have, it is stilted,
leen arrested on nuspicion.
A Rerlin dispatch says that the
health of the Czar is so precarious
;is to hi u. muicc cfp've anxiety
to thoie around hJm. 'i ho buoke
of jiaralysis ihich ho recently ex
perienced b) said to have atfected
his brain. Hopes of his recovery,
however, have not been abandoned.
Hc apuuii birther gtas that an
escort Ot Kussian oiuccrj tia3 liasd-
cd through Ikrlin, having charge of
; "K"1 Wuimr3 rubles, said to belong
to tne t zar n piivato foituna ari( de
signed for investment abroad. What
mis may possimv mean is onvious
faisie- ,rm fusfM
Washington. Oct. 'Jti. (ieneral
Thomas J. P.rady, Second Assisumt
Po .tmastcr (ieneral, has completed
Lis :ihoLiai iinrr4 for fhe fiscal vear
' " jinnuai
jpn.ili jnr,,
ended Jurui l, Hthat
was in
oiieration on 1,1 IS railroiul routes.
aggregating 85,9) miles in lengtli
at an annual cost for transportation
alone of $10,408,;v. The cost of
ranspotaiiu:i on ",S('.'VStar-serviec"
pontes (aggregafiiia liAi-S iuiles")
tor tlie year was '$7.2l4.4,'.' "rlliis
w.03 5f 1,1,619 jn excess of the expen
diture for tho sajne branch of the
service in the reeetling ytia?, and
was also 814,214,40 greater than the
estimate submitted by the Depart
ment to Congress in December. 178.
Aeeifietl of Parricide.
Sy. Loeis, Oetiilier 27 About
month ago Dr. P. II. 'falbott, i
prominent citizen of Marvville, Mo.
and the editor of tt (ireenback pancr
published at that place, wa r:hot
through a window of his residence
and killed while he was retiring for
iho night. Yesterday his son Al
bert arrested on the charge of
committing liw mprer, and Mrs.
Talbott, the 1 Victor's widow. aU E.
Talbott, another son, and a hired
man natntnl W eth, were also arrest
ed as accomplice. The preliminary
examination is going on to-day at
A I'njner Injured.
Cantox. 0.. OtC T:G. On Satur-
J;y niuht! Zetdi Miller, a farmer.
rvSiJiii'tyca- pulton, this county,
went lionie drunji', aii.ii ig gbns
ing his hired boy. Harry Deaters,
bHftl ejghtet-n; who turned upon and
struck him club, inflicting
injuries, whjeh. i. js fciire;) puiy
prove fatal,
Ifttb bjr His Qww Hand.
New York. Oetuber 2o. A man
supposed to be Frederick J. Yogel
deliberately shot himself this morn
ing at the entrance of thc Morgue, on
Twenty-sixth street. He left a let
ter, ta.Ui?g fhaf. th.-; .mii. pf the
deed wai ulcoliob -and that, farther-1
more, it wiw iiilioil(vJ'i biisiness why
he hud taken U'u liSe. The decaseil
was a fine looking man, evidently a
"rim . .i 4..
f ,H,lH?t lll'JItro iltltl illLt-t-M3
of ihe' tftt-e robi cr. ho nuritv.
health, and strongtli'of vtohuiihooil..
We take phariure; iri referring our
readers to the -remark aMoeRkacy of
I'VIX E. IYnkham's Vegetable Com
iwiindin all tliat cjaps of disease
lrdm which women puffer so much.
K.', ..
- .' .
;- . .
ItJc ;VEKl:rt o?
VS35TAZL cc:-iroin:x. .
For all Female Complaints.
Crtiio lYoprUf (l t re turts.fc. t tbe utrmt u.l
ioatiarAhd. l'p..n oco trial t;:. ntrir of this Cora
itn its urn-ttc"Ctinol. in n;Ti;ly-iiiart ca--eiu tea.
dr-J, p mtanectrurt-is e2Tte .; thoui-aa?lj will t;
.f7. On anient of i pniv.n titf-rit , it is tMiy rt-
I ue count nr. -
It niil cure CMlri-l ij.- r.-.r. t f..rr.i of f-Jlin
f the uUiii". , M-ur. h-j-j.. irr, juVir urnl j.inin
MfDnt:ui.H-in aih-rarirtnTn.'iMt. IjiV.nim.-ti.-n niul
Clceratiun, Floilinei, ail 1'i i!ae nit titi ertl t:. con
ei:ieutii''iiuU w-pktJ,A',R.nil is r.?i;ee;tuly ci-i-u-a t
tlMluiir0of Lif. le iU Hiinlvo urn?, exjv Innw.r
from the aU-rusinaa c-arlr ta of uVrrl. prr-f:t. i!;5
tendency bp.vifrouiim'n''ri;-:-'j ! clicliv i v--ry
JHdilT y it a-.
la f-"t l: l.-r : t '""t f i HK p.--t-
fst ml Ut rcrnt::'.j l . L .rt t-- n rj7. r
(i. It fnnfateiev rf mo? tt.e ivtt m. e.lrf:.-.
m-w U'ear.iTror. It r f.ii; v-.r .-:.- ,-r. rt.
roysaii itt.ih; '? i ' -i.-f ,i r! -vt v.- r,;-
Itcun-jTi v.i.'r' i T. ml.! I.- . Tr-r-'j; ; T. V: r.
; a:.. ii ..
'i-.-,:; .
:y r-JTii r.
a. n;i tlia
i- r:'
.! -.pD.:', J
I.T-n. Vr ..
I. rfti 1 t
o.i r- r- :
ii : r pvii
ct-3, a-t iii h-i- :. ! i-. tl- !. . t'
I-'urKJrr- ' " ' tc ". r .-.r
In uniiif.' :.
Lydia E, F'i-il;!-
Is pTT)-JT J -" ? '
l-r;jl.M. f i
f..rmi-l .nl'.i.V'i :
r.f inT-e, f-"
trrr'.y D:- s ..i i
!).: t. .U.:.-.-. : ; - -.
UVtl! I'lLLS.
:iJT -ry.
Thry .
Ti. I . ;
'. I'.MVD.
t. j-
HilioCL' 's
till'. Is .1 ;.. -i.t-
:! i-r i.-' . i:: n, .- v
y iitii'.-, r rli'.ier -Ti :
eeini'iry onjrfis. ( .1N,
KruiX'ittliK. Iiltlileiiu.
Sure 1 lir'Kit. A-ll.m.i.
nMrrfi, t! li'.-.H , A
!;( Tlno..'.,
t !pr2vi!i:.n'
Ooiip, Kll.l
vrii's i'.'.i:!:Y
-;v., iii:i.;. ;:. ;ii!il
ly j,ii----r-. ,1 ; i . :!
.1. .
ii te ..i.l, i
l'i' -.1 l.v
si., ,!.!.( t
ll-lll III-
ll. il ill!, I,
: i;;i:i:iv iimi I i
iihM I,-
K, t l .iii.l i.i i-v. ry li..
is I ; .:i'i ft, i:i
In M iU!.i;ia.t'ul!i;!l
( oiiiiiiiii.tiuii ti..
' !s nn in it.-r ri-rti.-u
iii. Hiiil li.'ii,!.;!.
-en'.fii'.s ti U
ini.riiv. s i r s rue-
iin-M. 1 1 ; i' iir.n-'.l
", !,ii:'ii. -t- tlii y i i. i
null' ii"i, iiei t;!ii,:
rllit ili ii lis. sw-rli
I,.-v i.rl.-.s iv.-,.
s-t. ic 'i the nmiiv
iii:Li it ei rlii-:i;i :!;.
fill., I...- ,:!Ii ii,- nsniHv"
mily li!):!ni';iiv ri-'cet. nr.- ;t" to
iij, ij-iii:'.ii tin ii,r,rit:, ! 'i-'iin i nf l1.:'
tiiru.-.i iiml liihvr 'ti-:ii.ei't ii-ir-i!
fi-i live IrniTM.'ie ; HH'I it I;i!i;r, ii iis
-X '-ri I it. -It! I l !Ul UIIKIii'V. n ill:-! r-ii ;it
in'iii iii'-s, in in li,!.1 ui.-..t ;iir' t:.,;ii
?: . ,ii-.M.-i 4 iii;.-. v. i.il1 l.-,;i'".l v
Vf-.-i-ii-.i-i!, i j i . ..t-;. .! :.!:. -., r.i',!.- !'..:
A'. ik s I e.KiiliV 1'f i run vi.; y. .j
i,,,i'- i-"!:!'i'-i!"v !i-i ' :!.'. :-:!,:-!.
II i'i i f iv'siiil'-Vli'iti'lMi !'::r;l;vi Ji,-; r,
and i-i iii in'iii is itit l iiri'liil n- jim u,h
jiiul line ii:Lrri-iliiiiIs will aliuv.-. Hmj
neiit ihyii iittis. liii'iw iiii; its i tir.i:, -.:-t::i.
Il'S.-riiv e. Tllil'-st df 1 ,-!f it
fftittiry li;ei iiiH'.i i.s i-fiiu.nT t" i-it,i
ail -iil:i-.-'.il:".ry r.iil-t,iliiiis li, i iliii..!!;.
hi'yna-l n't" ' J; i i !-i.i'i:.'.;i ui.,
I'ractiral ami Anlytii-nl C lii.'itiiv.1-.
l.cwe!', Msf:S.
e.ii L ': ..!iV..,.!--T-; r.vLiiv,-. ;.: .
A 'U'.-'wrT wln-.h curew b tf.e rar.:i-t pr vesa
itll iI'.'PitK of tlie MMneyn, ISIatlit.'r, I'rla
lirjr Urgn4 unit Nrrtnna Kjmtriu. inm
mit hint; vise can. It 14 ouit'Mtttoie tit the patient.
jMw.-tiie In ititetiect?. ami tlie Unit i-ure l,,r tit.isi;
pitlnml and uturhdraileil niieftiim-,
pi::becs an 1 BrigJifs Disease,
while it: cures of i.ra el, Unpiy
of lb B I ml tier, llrlmhui
, ri:irrti
falnml Irlaailnc. llltttt-4't.lorrU
I rinr. frdt Mrabana itntl Fain la
tse llnrk interns more like tuir4.:lei thutu. csui
or tii-timn f w.tte,l irpritr.ite l enerui-??. i.AuseJ
liy irreita itr hanitv the abuse ot nature ami men
Ul or uLyBiciil oer-ei(etiim, timl their tcreutr-l
reiiel in lho use or iiAV KIT1NEY PAIi. w!,i. h
streng'.h-ns and im ipiratea tie inVJli'l un.l re-
itorcatrje viioroi
?ai:i ::t tiis sacs.
We i'y potilirely, iunl wtthou lir of euntooio
tlon. that DAY'S KlUXKY PAH ft tlia only
eertaln anil ptrroancnt rare for every !nu uf tiin
;;ircvaient and ilitlretring onujiUint.
nilffrin? from nervoun anil physical debility, loe
ol memory, or vitality impaired by the errors of
youth or toocloe application to htiiue?8 or work,
tuny lie restored and manhood reraine.1.
Avoid all kinds of kidney medicines whii'li are
lait?; ln'o te system by wity of the stoniitch ; It
td abil ofd irLient Fell tried ami proven in
ertl -lent. tbi.UKh wiiietlttie eiievtinj '-piireDt
rare ol one complaint they sow the fc.Sil: f uor
troublesome and permanent disonicrs. The pnoe
ol our PAD brinns it within the reach of all, and
it will annually save manv times iu rout In
d'tor' bills, BUHlleinei ami plasters, which at
best sine but temporary mlief. Jt can be used I
uutnent cure. For aale by all druireists reneraliv.
... it., ,,.,ui .i , vi irruiim, in rr-
or sent by mail (free of postage; on receipt of the
nrice. Kenuiar 1'ap. children's 415 :
ipec.4l,ttra Biei. 3.!w. liur book, "How a Uie
WSi ha;ed," jrivlrg ti;d h'.to-j of this new dis
everyaoda Utk ret or 4- i:f iwOtt rotri b'e
cures sent iree. writ . It, Addtv. U
nil'.tv.l rmmww., , om
t'tllTlllV UwInK to the man
t A 1 1 X We Kidney ni
fna; "afe on cur refutation, we deem ft
HIDKT Pll'U , Ttleaa, Okie. ' '
many worth-
now seek-
due the
auiieied to vara them. Aa i.1 MT'H K1H
Jt KY FA1, take ho other; and vol iii not bp
deceived.' ' ' " ' ' J
US Falton street, Xew York."
MjrTuH Si n By C. K. BUYI), Sotntmsx P4
Katate of Daniel Hershbe nrer, lata of ;,;ne-
maugn, Towp., boaterset county. Pa., dee d.
Latter! cf administration on the above estata
ha't!n'bcen K'.antcd 1.) t..e cide-?"?ried. notice is
Lcreby iciven twiboeefDdebtiid toft touaae iiis
tiiatr payment, and thme bavinR claiuui aaainut
It, to pi-rficat them duiy authenticate,! fur settle
ment op Saturday, the 'Jmh day of KoTeinin-r,
Is), atliie late liot.iesiead ul dee d , in said fwo.
Clct. 13 Aiiniia:4ttator.
A'ir.NT WASTED for oar p -puhr NKW .
IHtUKtiia v I
Infetrial History tf
Ita AirrVBKiira, Manufactnars, M Icinir. itank in '. '
- -. y, :i
ll aBJA BW H
:i WAW
lufarance. etc Airenu make 2J toMIOOurr
waek. Mend for Special Term) to . I
MTABLWUKolMTJ Norwich, Coon. I
Nti.3 4t
hVOOLEX MILLS Ai.r.isuid i-J.'.
i:ti'-.n in
rn,' 'll.ll di.l 'it
1 irjt: a;
mi AHD i"F7ED
. ! e.-- ' '-' 1 ! !.
r : i
I '.'.AN nilv
t - : m i:r ls. s.vtinkis,
KE"l.i.L.1.N I S. i l.A.VNI
VAK.VS. M -.,
i I v'.ih to
l':vrin'.'r-i. I have t:ie k:rA
w.i in r.:r
liir) !i Ji'U !UV.I. I
t. K- rk L'i
j:ikht s von: uwx colmv,
an-! in t' r r'. tor rat'im'r In so1
I Mil, I liuvo pr?i;ilot trei;tin sifrrts I h.l liti
jf .ir, dr.-l in a-i j! i- o ;v(p. J 'pi t. I:!Ui;rertT,
t fi-uriiy.
a-: .iii ! iuii v.iius v.i an.
H'Wwer sn.l the f i.ulcil c-i flr.'l
I liii5j aiiiire-in rur! to
Q'tPiriahonin. ln.
It! M-iir, .
I Clnr.r. fpriia. j d rt m k. Mi!l:ri;; and
Jai."i'y lir ! ' --si !.!-i;i-'.n know
f Ji.',U 'u', ; vv:n.!i:i-il in ) Mlir.r'.i f dl.v ii 'li.Mi
f it ' . i i' :!: i'ltMli-.-t Eloo-i Turifier and
t 'i in l.iit liijl:'i aa.l MriiLj.-th Ut-i'orfr
f Lrcr l i'il. I
f Fa vf-t.-rt it I'.i-j fvriTXiMtinn 't r.tsstr.V.
K.t.. -. i .. t.. :i. ta .Ii-jIk." inn !!.: ni-'
f wt.cro !t ii ii ' !. 11 v,'i 0-tp9p.i." Hed-t
fachn. Kn-tinwtijm. iariiio:j, Loiw-l. KidnyJ
Ear Live' Dtortlsr. or it a luiiil bum-
inl.lnf itr.milUT. OlO 1'1'MI' is il) ihrt Illi
Si-inn f r v'.-'u. a.4 it U In, !'; ciu-auw but tr. J
5v:i-i.m;i3.' i.ut wfr tnintti-ut
If yi'i nrj fl..!- w.w:'tf Wi'tl Cen-J
ut m-.'-r H!ii.-::i-i.t:i':. 1
O. Hiii'.il,..! Cr.ivl. ii'l-iCH's 4. :ai.i. 1'j
umttton i-r c.nw F-Mf-st. n yoi n.-T- a nmi.ij
:V:i:v!y U ptvis new l.f: an-lj
r io i'".ir l'.' c1 .' 7-'l- .i'l i'i a rt-riiii J
"ur fin f'.m mi'l Cln!c-ra lfift.-1-jni.
li. r?n Si.-il cf L;-.;-,iS It Msj?
If ?-n prw f'. nifet ilor"; v.-.;t trit't
Fv-..iari) ilm'.a n.:.., l-u!. v. ! 'l-.M." t---.
f ..i M.;'- :w!ia:v.itrri: "i'lT ' vy-LCis:;'
IV-!, ar.'J Sirt ! '" iir.iral llir L'r- I n if
V. ii!
A'.aj'; lt rr fi.
or f'.Tlr.l H.i ,r
i V. K . s y
! V :! . rt A
i .. .rt A : A I .
1 4
It V 4-
i 1
; r, n
bt'l-Tl '.I'ni.H'! L Jjle
it tin:
! X .ilM.T
1 L ki:.ti
'"7 5-1-1 r-;fr-:-j TT-'5r,::s
T!t ifU-'inlfl
are IlfmIi,
lino ut
i'.re-l 4i. ii k"i''. fii Ii n l. Aij) s full
rim ;
1ri1 K!
liih.' i.' i,
,A!t:i,v; ni'.l i :
:i.r,ii'''! ti.4t a'l l.iiui-
r.iplly -1- ti'..
ol r.irk f fn-
wmi ssop!
r.-? a: s-:.-iar ymi
Yvhnne lIfoiinpiepivt!!HT?,lw-so. 1
Within a y'ar ot V.n ji-st ji(a:an.T. H un-e..
Vtn v Prori e ha.- ftNnreii ;i line pi rr
t h irii-tlioiiU '.e,-iiHt i.r u v iiiiie reailors Tli
ubifit i'i tinc who ii.ivo i tie j'Mii'-r in; i. o
j'iiviR lor Uv? nl zir'. tii : it cir t.i
ixien sl w.kly treat in th wv ol enivrt.-iinii.u
-tori'. iHier!-'. tiist.r!r:il hc! h-r
tul iUu-'ruti'ni!i a;-) t Lie sum: Hiav to inahe its
"jtT'taail ln'!-'tT''e !.:irnn-nt e t lie tai rnl al
ripre wiii i T-re utlfj eTcrv c !ltivatel t.n-t-io
'Uwlii'.-I. 1 iii i.tijH., t;i.:; fr s j ,n Uey en
'IciiV'tr to Tirrv out .....roM:;- ttieT-o t iit-rarr
anrl ari:i; l ilenT. mi that itct.oQ "bnU appear in
)''!:: -oil "ui t ' r. .m'(t la.t.-; ns ii:ie
7i - i 4 n i. i ir -rf-s a to $ no net rirr t.r dutl.
L'.'.iul.i.'rj, in tlie I.i. :.n ol pu?-ii
hr.'L-!vui .ti-i -il'v'.-'i- i!'Xv, i. :.;e a r.--li -lit.
llilii'IlK-.S V01X(J PEOI'I.F.)
jL'i r V-ar, lVtae 1'ri jtaij. )
SiKCLC Xr-jPEiM F. or IVnt4 caob.
Tho IJnunit Volame l-.r lvj. ismtalniD !hi ftrt
litty-twn Xumher. will be rvauy early in Xovetn-
Vlllil 1'lUiC!
rtir. rrm -ijui: ii-mtiiiie ,rfii.n.l. Ui.rcr t'T
: iur l-t
Kuruittanre should be bv Po-it-OHi
Money Itrileror Drair to avoid rlian.o ol l,.ss.
.SfwtpaptiM art not to co:itf Iftit adptrhtrirwrt
irtthot.t tilt fr ct rt ts ortUroj llARl'Kltti bllo'H.
Address H AFiPKR St KKU'S.. Nc York.
t--:ateof J. M. Baker, late of Somerset Twp., :
Somerset d.. Pa., dee d. j
Letter oi adimni?rbtion .a Vb- nh- ys ei'nle
havlinc been itr-amud lo tlic unlehitf:wl Ly ll.e j
proper autnority : notice Is hereby icwen to all
persous indebted to srtid estate to make Immediate
pavment, and those havinieelatmiias unst the same
BfM!0heB, duly au henticatel ..r settle- I
; mem nil r..iuray, bilo Itlu "ity Ol t' CtlDWr,
! lS'0,on tbciireuiises of dei,!.
Nov. 3 A'lmioltratril.
tJtate of iacii Mullrr, l ite of itueinihi nlng Tp., ,
Somerset Co . Pa., dee d.
Letters of administration on the above estnta
: halni been teranted to the umierslaneil. hv the -
i proper aoth jity, not'ee is hereby iriven 'o those i
, ln.icble.1 10 it to make immediate piyaicnt. and
; those havinucluims'ordemiin-isv.-iH present them I
dulyautheiiti.-ate.l mr seitlement. nn a'anbiV
i tne i.iiuuiijoi tiecemiier, at 11111 tale resl- '
i device in inemuhoniDr towr;liip. :
I 'JL .VHI RF.R. 1
I ov. Adiiuistrior.
itate of t'atherlne Whlpker, late of l'pier '
Turkeyloot Twp.. Somermtt Vm Pa., dee d.
Letters testamentary on the above est:ire havlna;
been ifranted to the undersitcneil by the profieraii
thoriiy. notice U hereb ticn to ail perm ns in-'
debted 10 said et:ite to make imriieiiiate pay.
men t, and those liavinic claims airainst It to pre- '
6' nl the 1 d -ly a :tti, uiii-ittiid fi r seitleiurot n '
NatnbiT. No. ember IK., ai toe u. or
Kcutor,in Itintt rw"!. Pa. '
.:.- I All 1. LKli VKD.
Set. :t
11 It wt.l Civ.i I "J
', i;. ni' i:wrl 1 . I !':--r T-.vr-h r-t; ,
?, mm tl.-iufc bet, ti:-J fiiA fr-e-t Famt:, .
LjrsKi. ami ev '.v ' :v;i. : i-'T.'l l.i.I -i-M. s
U.i.;-ri-P"iiR:.ii"l ! r7-n.'.- T:-jJ
; j i. r--. I:i:(Ti . Y;.-i riiri::---i-iivn!-:.i': :y yo'J. J
'i'lie ' ident and bes t aro-ii.ted lB'it otKn i .r a fliurtne. s liut.nii 0.
I' circulars a Jdies-s,
i'iltsbunth, Pa ,
E A S , )
e-TIT1 A T Tf
K2AT3 dTT-Allr
PATvinV on1 STA V-T V.
XXiAlWA LwlLVl Wlili iJU DjLV bill1
(; u o c i; u 1 1; s ,
.1 .Vl
rr t
. N K
ti!l:i;;irif-r .u
..ri 1
...... d C
'li e
1 ! i. j,:
7i f
: is r
7 IF:!
A .
Kvi-y V.
a (
FULL !.;N;
n n 1 ri r n
Pit n.t.n.1. 1.1. r.o
tcat.i, ii.vj. il.,t, s
i Kf j v. i n v ,
JAPAN I i-r t. Mr.. , M. n-1 4en,,.;
rfA re lu-U -n i FT V F- (T.N'TS jr i .
ua.i vr.
i tiy I" 4' .
f In ?fn:!in)r a ri" fn onier Tir Te:i. .it.n'L i.;
i t mn!l"n the aiiiiy T-;a 'iolre. an-! r-,
4A1I lite Tm i.i itel Ain at i.ti j.r-r p ,u .
J ntnl u;w.M ar ( f RjiK ( i u .vi n TVa:.
I If 90 4 tired k fW pnrii any af Ike a?otc i'iS t
; 10 lit toxvt VilhvM e.rX iiiT';e.
Ha vis u't lirfi ct vu!) a in vi. ic7T;nv Fa:-
iCfCD 1370. FuRilGSA QjLONj TEA' Sl.OJ 3Cf
-(.liOU Ti'.VS AT .KSS I'JMCL !-
-Yorx'i 1
! K. KFA-ST,
Tiiimieiii Knis I if-1-ml
Ani'iu. ti nil ,
nia i-u, vi; ij;
'in-IVHi,-.! f ,r It 9 ifl:i
:nr i '--u-'t h!iw i;.,!t-.i
ij a
I'KH'E I in i'OlAD - - (UK,
ih tin hie Morttti ('()'?, 1'lnntit
tion i'4-fttm L'i;)'tv, !,irncaib t'
fie, (thl lintrh Java Voftre, l.ti.
tjiiiuffti (;. Afrit-it tojre,
Vustu Hu n i infer, I'm Kerry Cof
fer, (Jutilen J.'io (Suffer,
'I Constantly Arriving.
F. S. hum:ii-iier's hit, Oat U uis.l'rji kci
Wheat and irmham I- , ar.
JUckerel. txir.i No. 1 slx re Met. No. I Shor
No. 1 Kiiy, No. i S i. Itrc. No. S Mc tiuio in
i lb kill.
t'lninnan itau... Ilrr:mr.i-il riiiN-n u.l i." . i
HeBned Larl In P il. SO lb. 10 lb S lb. and Z It:
Fresli Lrfd'stei . salmon. shr,i,,t, u.i 1-...-
CiMked Corned Iieef and Presied Torque
vU5&r '.ti Ixst (ruilitycrtacli rraOc
' ' '
-a-r-r-iTTT Trnnrr
' V V w"f
AX if
THK LAKiU'JsT A-t.Kr.M!:N r Or
f, 11 a 1. . a- s.-i r.,,1, Ui.r.
Xo. 28 Fifth Ave,
A'-JO LEA S 'i ',VM:r
buy chea;
e 1 e c
The Hen!!
N i
.ME V.r
The Somerset II-
r.:N as mi'i'h m
It Yt
H .RlL!) !3 TijE K:i i:
IIV A.i,
, i.-.'r itcrt: -. -. '
-.if "iVi h-t ' '
ill i;t-;i i I.
'.-t ilte i'.i .
; timiaii 1 jhj,
Sibiif ' ' " 1 ' mv