The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, November 10, 1880, Image 2

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The Somerset Herald.
IIPWAI'.V) HClhU K.l:t-r net r.'-'i ' ''
It is a surb victory.
It was brain. against mud.
Fauiavkli. to a "solid South."
"Hr. will t. ;kc Lis sent" sure.
Ti:r:owix'. u-.u-I did'r.t ir.Ac many
Wr won't h:ive : "tariff fr r- ve-
line only."
Or.i mm
hi : too?.
h;us turned uj)
(he afii'lavil M:d;-r
v are
Ha- Samud J. Ti! h n made any
n .'oarks lately ?
I i wa-' ..fP.arnuiiiN me.l.-s that
kii ked
How .New Jersey must
kel nt in thecold.
Tni !.i: will he no lllettuial (:o
inii.n tlii tin)".
i NA Vf- hear the pihl'oe
- :;re ci 'm::.
Hi i;::!I f.r ive.i!.e::i ition.
the l!enihlie:in party n top I
To!,',;.i;V and momy. had.ed hy
a pen-ion Tin-. au. oiihln't win.
Siv 1'ivsidential terms i-n't a had
r -eoid mr the !:,. uliean prrty.
I'oi l: mor- year-: "," "!i - '! : "
damna.ilon" : -..cor,; in 'j. to Hay,
Tiik lHmoeratie party in New
York is not totally without snvh'2
'T11:. J.l'ineipies
and Jackson fo'ieht'
which Tee
,t a. s.-end
Tin: Democracy has dicnvcrod
that thi-i-- n t a Nation of hlaek
guards. Tin: "dumh Duteli' of Saim rset
County are filling pretty well :
thank you.
Si.vri: sovereignty and frc trade
have gone to the -.leinnition how- j
Tin: epizootic is prevailing hadly. (
at least 320 Denuterats caught it on 1
Tuesday last.
Amhiuv; Johnson said Forney
was a "dead duck." Does any one
douLt it now ?
r.vr. hye Wallace Senator no
more forever. Coffee pots have gone
out of fashion.
Tm: soldieri voted a th. y shot,
and took the chance'5 on ' I'nde
Jake" for pension.
That local issue of the tariff was
up again in llana-ks native State
on Tuesday last,
Axti:xtion! Colfroth llepuhlie
ans! Shoulder grip-weks! T.out
fiee! Forward inarch I
E.soi.isH don't "i -t the Yiee Pre-i
dmcv. hut he still lats hi- grand -
niether's n, n-ion left.
1 r was n "full vote, a free hallo?.
and a fair i-ount'' in the North.
Hope Hancock like-; it.
T::k UepuMieans of this Congr. s
sional district were in favor of a
rhr.nge. and they gt it.
F J a ur. was like Ah Sin's
street motor pudi' e
run lik" lidlee all the saui".
. . ,. ,
( ki.; u No. 4. Maoritv (.cneral,
A. II. Wroth is hen'hy nWign. d to
the -omnir.nd of the rear guard.
It was a good day's work. A Ke
nuhlicati President, a llepuhlican .
Semite and a llepuhlican House.
r was n had day for demagogues
in Pennsylvania. Hendrick P.
Wright and Co Troth hoth snowed
AVi: are very sorry not so much i
ior v oiiroii. t'ut j. i. me i..i. ..I-. .
Y-ts. who
have loi-t
, . , ;
IhCir oniV 1
Th F. lirst thing if a Democratic
National Convention to expel the :
f.Kils from the party. Pack your j
Tip-sack, I lav.
.Tin: Tammr.nv Democrats are
howling fraud! fraud!
- nils of the New York
I o. ked.
P 1
P"rC :
P.uiu-te.n. County gave Hancock .
"i majority, and Coifroth 1 "'.. Hr -
J'lnfiehFs branch j.ension ofliee was
"no goo.!.
Tuuiu: are d" reasons why the
Dem.H rats were defeated. Put one
ofthem is sufficient. They didn't
have vote cnoiitrh.
It incrcasi's a
Democrat's agony
when l.e thinks of the U tK Motliees
inthe Fnitel States, and knows that
he I11 n.t g. t one of (hem.
Tm: m in who i clvtd this tim.
i- ,.,'m.r (o take hi- seat. It mustn't :
be forgotten tliat the
solemidv swore tothis.
J r's iinittht-r case of misplaced
. ..nlidenec on pall of the Southern
Democrats. Their Northern breth-
ren will flunk when the pnidi of
the game comes.
"V.'i: have a Jealher mcla! for the
fdlow that gt up the Conner affida
vit. Want the Republicans of JN-f-rett
bring him tthe front '
I.kt nobody forget that the ' Cof-
froh Ib pui'li.-ans" Jiavc joined the .
Democratic paily f-r good.
Don't '
let them sneak L-t k.
if a-I; fif kIwT' In' O' I'.on:,
Mj!i'i:1 !-;-. -halt he,
I!- !;c? !"vn in Merit..',
Atvl iiif l:.ili!i- : OtiOml
l-;,:,-r 7.:,,.'v-
v. :-U to Uamua: :
'..!.! cw:y ti e c V.a.T,
Jet ;li; lii Tcr?. r lo ;
11. :- i.V. lie.!,'.: ta..;-V. Lliu 1-. .r.
H..w do th Rcrlin" Ku-llux like .
it ? There is still freedom of speech I
in the old county out. ide -of that
dc'colal-le villase. :
.... - , !
I i. hi rri i; will nave tune now to i
review his lessons in grammar and
composition. John Mier can furnish j
him the address of several good !
Sam Mn:n the .immaio-r of
Salisbury lias the j.rmd sutifne-dn
tion of knowing that ho ha received
the largest vote ever civen to a cm-
' diJ,!te in Somerset Count v.
I his ew Y"ik -j,.'er:h CIo:.' !
Ing. i-oll said: 'TnlMi'tthe Demo
cratic parly appealed to tuesworu
now it appeals to th p n. it was
tre.-iM.n then it is forg.-ry now.
. ir .........a. i
' majority, and Co.TiOtli "''''.
-l.-.-te,l a Ih puMiean rrotlionotary, j
and a Il' iai'oliean IJ iris r and lh- !
.o;,h r. Hv are the )i,ie!itvfa'.'.':n!
(h' iiit er.lZV ? rshe'l t!::
r.s he
f I.'
I',:--: Ji:-t e.I'out a..- ei ;;:y
was wiii n he took the ? -word
and stamped out fon wrtla
of reheilion. He's that
Kllai o
erav i tan. .. ) . (
Sah orator Hay The H. j.ul.lie-
a:.s gave u- four ye;:iv of war, wh;.'h
wi-re l'.-iv: yc;,rs f 1 , ). and six
eel - of ..nie ii . le -ix years ei
d r.!iiioj:..iIto:;i-;her they have giv-
n e-t' t: year- of h 11 and d
all. in. How will the. :.i'i;;e!,t Yah.
eiitine . his-ifv next fo'jr years. .
V.'i: congratulate the IN-uuhiican- ;
oftUd Mother Sonicrs. t on their .
"SUp. rh" Vietol-V. I '::::ip::r'se!i-
atii'.ng fiends :re odious, th. ivioiv .
we nia!;e :;en". Where all did s
v.iil ther" is 1,0 room ;dr iuvida-u.-distiix-tioiis.
I...k at the tahle of.
n turn- and rejoice over the glorious :
re.-uit. The old Cotm-v hunt'.'ed
!u r.s.-lf as in days of y, :-.. li.erc'
she stani's. (hid he. s- her, with il '
Ri-puhliean majority of ltl-V) in
seril.ed upoi: her hrov,-. Nofily ;:.
she vindicated her honor, h'mh'h
ed hy traitors in her camp twaj-ears j
.-inee. The Tight was a desperate ,
ene, hut our fere..-: wcte gallantly'
led ami just here we call for three
.cheers and a tiger for "Jo:-: Kr.i.i.r.::"
the- imlefutigahle. sagaeioU:-, untir
ing Chainnan of the County Com
mittee. Misreproscntatiou,icfaiiia- '
tion. for.-ed and false aff.davits. i
v.hoiefia.le Ivinc: and the unstinted
u-e o. mony ami oi ii.r. a;s, ...m
lavish j rom'.ses ofori'ee in case of.
Hancock's and Coihoth's cl"-ti;n '
Wer" the meai'.s res; rt'-d to hy Fie j
enemy. All hu", . v.-r w r i:i vain. '
The Repuldicans f Somerset County ;
can h--neither hnmhoovh-d. scar.-d or
Lonht. and thev 1: i -i hated with i
. , . . .. T . 1. . -
. i . , , ...
"corn lie voice 01 i.e..' sain-terer, inc
iiui kst.-r and tiie temp'.', r. True, n
fevrofthe Weak-kneed
'and the ve-.ia.l Kua.-utahed F the
temptations hel l out hy .c:vn::i
CotT'roth and Li:- s, and
d.-sertod to his s-tnndard. In the
utter rout" of his forces they hope to
escape detection, and are attempting
to strangle h.e k into our amp, with
the (iarth ld h inner in their hands.
: Close up the rinks ;-ohdiy, men!
There h no rvm now for ile--arlers
in our lira-. Let them where
t,,( V Wl"' ' !l
eamp-f.-lloweiv in the rear of our
victorious host. Sailli tlie Spanish
jiroverh. "If a man deceives you
om-e. shame on him : if h" .lec ives
. von twice, shame on von.
A-.Aiv for the sixtii time has the j
Nation entrusted the Ih puhlie.-in I
i.:rtv v.-ith newer. I'lc.-eil to the V
1 -- 1
principles cf nationality, honesty
and eejual and exact justice to all
. . t , , , ,
classics, 11 i;as us ia:iii nv
, , ,
works, and tii'1 peo; ile repose upon
it with confideuci'.
What need to say more? Toe
Great P.epuhlic understands herself
and she will continue in power the
party that saved her life and her
it-mor, so long as that parly is true j
. v. i .0 ...
to its iirincuHes. and until toe 1 '-t
-..t i.-r. rtf reliettioTl is i' :m I no ; ,.1
from the nartv that soucht to slay
. her.
-vith the election of Pre-'eh nt
;arficld the Nation enters upon a
in:irnif1C0nt fu;,irc. nc y a ,an cf
the largest culture, schooled by long
exicric:iee in the affairs of State,
fitted in every way for the great
ofi'.oe he has b-en called to till. No
fears for the public credit, no dread
of insane tampering with the cur
rency, lio apprehensions of a linan- :
cial revolution will disturb business (
circles Iuriier his administration.
( ur l.n.Li will all be, funded., at a ;
l'W-r ratrof interest, our puhlied. lit
'" wauuy anti rapioiy reiiie-, ?
...1 o..1 nr iiu1ntr,,ij L ,.rt,.-Iri,v tt.t
fear of .adverse legislation wjll seek.
all the niarkets .T the world f..r
iheir pr. title pr.din ts. All titha ns
fan confidently claim rights
uith the full assurance that they
'.!! re- ive them: tlie South will be
taught that the rights of free speech
and a fr. e b;dht n,.t l-? respected.
, v .... .
iiii'i iii .iai'u in it iii.iia. it
, , ",
rejoice tnst 10 eviry deed, hbirtv
prevails throughout the hind.
AVc kiv.w thiit the ftrugqle will be
tharji. perhaps )irolor.ged. but
ure certain of tiie result. Entrench
ed as the Siuihern States are " lie-:
hind the doctrine of State .sovcrdgn
tv (that t.ud:mg mother of nullifica
tion and rebellion A they will iirst
' ileseratoly and defiantly set at
naught the ; of wisdom, cud
. valiantly determine to i:ult it out
on that line ;"' hut with eooh-r blood
Will cme h"lih "..:!: 'i H i 1 vie tl'IV t
a f.nkacc.. otam-e of lb.- situation.
A c'ciih, a sh'.r.dbv mtiu-t
to the Futon, has again down
under the lire of a sdid North. The
battle of ballots has ended for it
quite as disastrously iw did the bnt-
tie of bullets. Wc liave t -ni from
it the lower House its, sole dervnd
enee, and we have neutralized, if not
rcdei i:"1 h lii' Senate -from J -r i . i ;. -erati"
Instead of a '-lid representation
the House, we have gained on it
' largdy in its hoa.-fed str.r.ho!d.
and !: i :-i!ud indeed t!iat cannot
sec that the South is iv longer solid. '.
and that thekr.cllof South raduini-:
naiiou "Archly Th-ro .
niUrt ami . h' ';,) of .-jie"ch
'a.ui fr..c.(3:i..,
. alio ihpuk !o,l!
-i, cvo;lt j
j,: v:...,r.
m toe
V.- .
every win-: . i
ti.d vietojy
assurance of
are too iut 1!
r .:u;at" ;;; nuiu nns
n this sixth I'resid.-n-f
our j ar'.y. It is tlie
the p. pie that they
iMit to tie dveC'Ved oV
lies, Ly forgery, or ly slemler, and
too honour to he hoii ;!:-. The mareh
'of the patty i- onward ami up war-.!.
ovi u iM. von: re.!: coMi!;u-:s.
i'4.Iuo;:ng is
("ere:ress in the
the lithe!;: Vote for
XYIIth District :
: .-.Iro:!
:n i!i', r.
!'.!' .-!.
1 :.,::.
( n (.:.: ".t.
I J 1
I am:
ov.r C
v.-r CofiVotii and llvnder, 1 . ' IT.
low a :
oiifcon :
ILI.lN'oi-s :
( ().(:tAD!
I X 1) 1 ANA :
il M ( NT !
N i: AV Y O It i: !
N E K il A S K A I
M 1 X X ESD T A !
CON X 11 (.'TIC FT!
1111 ODI1 IS LAX D I
i: N N S Y L V A N I A
. m TmA-
i'HE QELAi VlCl'ORi.
Conlimntion of the Glorious
T':o lU-ii iMIeau Majorities Steadliy
crt-iislr. The .Next Congress
Surety Ia-pnttHeaii.
Hc t'r.c fvembcrs of the Union Cr t Their
Eicctoral Vote.
Tie" f' lowing tahle e-ihihits tie.
vote hy States for President and
A'iee President, as c-t on Tur-.I.:y
The summoay will therefore b.-. ns
follows :
...via I
larffcUIi majority
l!...lhlic.n nciiorif- .... tl,,t yoto ' i
:j.o 1
jvrw jtwy!..,
jSrih can.ifiia.'.'
.... ;,..:)
Rcj.a'HIpin mjjiTiiy...
The National Jloti,
Tlie latest returns from Congres
sional districts slight lv change the
i .... .. . .
V 1 ' , r 1 ,om' 'il:,
.Democrats loose four instead of
. ... . : l
i-ai-.i.mri aim two m flr -
kansas. The House, therefore. -;il
stand Itepublicans LIS Democrats
!, ..ii:.k;i.wi.i h. ncpuuncan ,
majorty over the Democrats H, cur :
all :k'Thrceof the Gntcob: ekers :
may be classed as Republicans and
one as a Democrat.
: . .: r ::: :i:i.;i ami .'.r.r.ii ,:
V, ti'ts. A", of ;.,'..;e.
' :uLr.ilo
I'l.nii.-O-ai "
; Illinois -I
i la.iiaaa 1 ; !
iin'hitfHii ?..'....".' ))
Ntliwfej U
' New H.inii.n.ire : . ,
New Yuri. S . ixlT
oi.i" -.: i
' Wlwn!ir'."dI'.'.!I!'d!.".!Iil!iii.. .".'.'.'.. l ;
T;tn! ia
i": i.-.w.-o-'t; KNei.r-.i. :
'. AInl.MT.-l )"
. ArksitM..!. -
i li,-l.,rt; U
, Marvlan .'.'.'.!"..'.'.".".'.'.".'.'.'.'. '. n
, Now JerwT ' '
Nt.rth Cur..lln He
S-.wthCarulii.a J
arKiVi,'fh.'.'.h'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.".V.".'.".'." il
y..!r in Eis?tom:tollue....
Nwwnry lo a Cuoice
Ha now k
! innerUeutili"!!"!!!."!".!
: 1). laware
: Kiori.!
i Ur..rcU
1.IWI....'.".V.V.".".'.'.".".'.'.'.".'.."..".".'.'. Jii.'ll ..0
lne'.'.llV.'."l"V.l".V.".".".l 'i'itfj
Mtrhlean ... ..'.'.'.'."'.'.'.".".'..'.'.'.'. .)'
Minncwtm; I'.lm
. NflirA'ka 1 ..i-oj
i Neru'lH
..." lUO-U
Ohio U.I.KI
r"Tr.".'.".'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'."''." t'f
m. r .
LilO LateSt iXetUrilS1
do not Dim the Lus
tre of the Crown
ing Victory.
Garileld & Arthur B avc
a Large Margin in the
Electoral College e nd
a Clear Majority of
the Popular Vote.
Tlie House of Rep
resentatives Re
publican. The Senate a Tie
Arthur's Casting
Vote Will Blake
It Republican.
; Pepuhliean National Committee re
'Tii Oltl )OIl L.aJSllst''iv0(!t!, fih)wing despatch this
to Hear It Told.
Sitting on a Rail Ho Views
with Serenity the "Defeat
ed and Distracted Co
horts" of Democ
racy. '
-::t 40.000 fr Gar2ld-I3
Republicans Elected to Can
rrtzz Logislattre Ec
rttblicaa in Esth
The Congressional District
ING l,48n.
I-aki: City, November S. Florida
: votes for Hancock and elects the
i Democratic, candidato for Governor
and both Democratic Comrressmen.
1 he Legislature is also Democratic.
Di-.nvi:;!, November 3. Forty-
1 nine towns and precincts, covering
I about one-half of the State, give Gar"
; field 2.SF) majority. The balance of
Mho State will increase probably
J these figures.
P.osTo.v, November .1 Witt. o
e.i-. ii. t., I, ..,!. f. 41...
, 1 , 1 . M.iin, mi' returns no
mm. y
t' three o'clock this morning give i I,u"-iran loss of three. The Assem-i'-.'i'i
'hirtidd a plurality of PUTTf Tlie j !''-v l,!,tnvs i Republican majority of
Republicans carry every' Congress-
lonamusiriet m the tate executing
l.e- 1 O'llLlI, UiHl Ulill is in (lO!l!t.
: Namivii.i.i.:. November L Ther
; is no. doubt of Hawkins' election as
Knoxviuk. November L Tit.-r
returns from the First district elect
..L.oone, ncpuuncan, over Tavlor
rescnt eongresstnan. " '
ti ,,. . ,
Ji Villi olio, November 4 Tl.n
led,!:.,,,,.., ,,: ,
i- " " i.uvi: i i-.ti
!0;oo;.iv of -a., on ,0 m. ,.. I . -j
.-, .- . . . - i
Ilawleywill probably be chosen to
succeed Senator Eaton.
hartford, .1 AA'ith town- t;,w A.....;
mvcs C ar'idd a plurilitr
: ' ' i 1
. -- ----- nil.-- l.ll- , I
plurality - for Congress- l?,
uek. Km i
m the J irst district ha
distnc , oaa L9!)S plU- j
valitv Phelns D. in , ? ' 2 l, i
.' it dd VoI rnI ''Sn,I !
Thir.l .:'; J,;..; K ZI-TLl V.ailP'
'.i.i mhia. .S C, November
Conunitieehavead vices from twenty -
tfiree counties shownvr nia-ontirs
apegatni? al.utVHW k!.te returns Suow a
Dc-tnocraneSiateanduatwaaT ( ,eb tai ! imhh. aU ga:n ov.r lii of
rhe result m the nt- will pve eour eo;mt:es ,hcw x , Detii.wwtic
Hancock the t-K-etcal v-.N-s and ri':ti:t c i i.U. .-:t ieul'Sie:i:i-. iratrf
-!t-t tin Anuv?.-i;... -Id .' HifiV"
; Pks Mi.iE.?, Iowa, Novetiiher 0.
Garfli'lds niaiority in the Stare is
.S3.0iX), a gain of 26,(1 over last
iyear. All Kepahlican Tongressmcn
tare elected." -
n v """-l
; uka Moixks. Iowa, ovenlhero.
The latest reiarns indicate a He-
ipuhliean niajoriiy in this State of
.T' ''""' 'u,iii.!:n i ,:u i
the Congre-sional Districts.
i i.maiia, ei)., .xovenioer i.e- (..tint y are in eoept one, wnicii
turns from the Statoconic in slowly, ' hov.r tiiat,lhedeinoerats have car
i hut it is only a (jtustion of the si.-.e ;rm,j .inity hv -! U. wiierews the
. of tlie majorities, (iarfichi will have icoimtv isi u-'naiiy Demoerjtie hy
, not far from i).'), and the State rM to 2.ti.
ticket ahout the same. The Ih'puh-; NOitTH I'AJlOfdNW.
lieans deeted three-fourth:? of ihe ' ' , ., ,P. '
r .: i ti 'w., i . . . t :r.iM.oTT!;. .ovenilr .. toe
i l.'gilature. liio OrechKicK oto l4 . . . ... ,n
l.s Jess than that oi Jast war. , . . , . ,
j . . loir; v. ill net exceed n
I.IIODL IsLAMi. : I,- of "to "on1 tu": vote of !T'.. 1;
I'uovinEXer, L. I., N er
i The complete returns from l:ho!e : .v i.),, of the li.-latnru in j ia-:aes had h.rn iveeived sinee
! I.-land give (Jarfield 1S.1SS; Han-1 eoln'eountv. lie' esoti county elects i t ;to c'losing of the poll the niuhi
eoek, 10.7S1; scattering til : m.ijori- i ti:. , nti;-..- b-.T.ioenttk ticket "with a!i,.-.r.,ro. A "few nei-ni.ors dropped
i, (,".. l.vpuou. ,oi :-,.o. .o
over uie inaioritv o: llave-J. i ae
...:v.-,.i i. I....
majority of Nelson Vf. Aldrieh f.r
t'oiiress iii the Ti:t 1 'istriet i 4, !
G '.T : of Jonathan I'hacc, in the See-1
ond Di.-tiiet. is: -'i-K i
I.o!-isvh.u:, Ky., N'ovemh. r -.---Oiheie.l
reports from .-even counties j
show lh'puhiiean aiiis in six of
them, lh-pul li'-an gains have h;:i ;
very r'gemr;:!. Ti'ie Di rnoeratie ma-!
ioritv in the ciiv, with a full vote , :
h 1'euucea lrem in i.i to
? 1 c
o.'i'1". There is no douhtofth;' r.:
Cieetion of Kentucky's entire del.-.M-
tio'i ni Congress,
NEW IIAMl'Silliir:.
The vote of II? towns is': For Gar- t, the r-u!t. The Legisla
field, 27,(Mfs; Ilane-k, 1.FS. Thetnr" :s '" :' v' !" 00 ''"'-"'-
same towns m ,s,! gave lieyes
- '..H i, Tihien, 4 ..- net Itepuh-
heangain of lJo:'. Th.e gnl-ornato-!
11.1I vote 05 loMtowns g:as Leo., ,.-ii;
.Tone. Demo
crat, L'L'.oio: cafti-rmg. i;'1.. the
same town? in lX'S fave Head,
puhli-.m. M.-Keai: L'emo-
crat. 2-1.4 ! a in-t Io jiuhiiean "-dn
Ti:i:nt,.'. N. J., November The
Legislature is likely to he very close
on joint ballot, with the j.robabi'i- lire the Caucasian against the Mo 1
ties that the Pepuhlieans will have golians.
three majority. Peport now says that the riot had
Tkkxto.v, N. J.. November ". . its start in a saloon between a white
Loth parties agn-e thatLulow, Dem-'
oerat. is elected (iovernorbv from
six to twelve hundred majority.
The Kepuhlieans have nine majori
ty in the Senate and ciht majority
in the House. The Congressional
delegation is the same as last vear.
Nkw Yoiik. NovemtxT 3. The
moming :
j Poi:ti.anii, ( )regon, Nov. "AK
10s. vi. uousky: We have un-
; U'-stionahly carried Oregon by from
.w.xj to JJ.) against tlie t-est orsan-
ization and most determined light
ever made by the Democratic party
of this State. Jonx 11. Mrrc'TEi u .
J. SlMO.X.
(Ikoiice A. Srr.r.i.i-'
AVn.MiNoroN-. November 3. P.e
turns from ail election districts in
the Stale except two in Kent county,
the majorities of which are estima
ted upon the vote at the election last
September, show a Democratic ma
jority of 1.(1!"). Two-thirds of tlie
Legislature is Democratic, insuring
the return of llnyard to tlie Senate.
The Kepuhlieans dect their whole
ticket in New Castle county by a
'majority of ahout K):!.
Poim.AM., Me., November 0.
Yery few returns have been received
to-dav. Two hundred and nineteen
towns give Garfield, o"),."h7 ; JFusion,
do.T'.!; AVeaver and others, 2.(12-' i.
The same towns in Se item her L'ave
jean maioritv m the above towns is
7 .ooO amiinst 4.'l:J2 in Seoteinber,
Hepublican gain of .'?.2ix, indicating
LO W majority.
MINNESOTA., November h'. Ile
turns as far as received indicate that
Minnesota has given Garfield a ma
jority of at least 25,' RX). General
AVashburn. v.-hosi; seat in the present
Congress was contested by Donnelly,
is overwhelmingly deeted, leading
his competitor, 'General Sibley by
from S,fK'), to V.(W. Geiar.d
Washburn carries this city and
county by something over 4.'X1!.
Dunnellinthc First'and Strait in
the S cond District arc both elected,
each hy about 4,.K ) majority.
Nkw Yoiik, November llan
;ocks vt.te in New York City is
12:5,102; Garliel.FsSl.72d; Hancock's
majority, 4L.'17o. This is a total
vote of 22o.(XJO. Tilden had oihtKX)
in lo7G on a total vote ofl71,Jd0.
Grace's vote is 101.811; Dowd's
'.S,4M; Grace's majority 3,21)7. The
whole Democratic county ticket is
elected by a small majority. The
increase in Hancock's majority in
the city to 41,KJ)from the ;55.0liO
estimated last night, will red uce the
Hepublican majority in the State
somewhat. It looks now to be some
where between 20,'Xfcand :10,(K.K) and
is likely to reach tlie latter figure.
The CongreKsional delegation stands
21 Republicans, 12 Democrats, a Re-
AVhkki.inu. November 8 The
, vote in West Virginia will not be
; materially changed from that in
October. The Republicans make
slight gains in most of the counties
heard from. The plurality for Han
cock over Garfield will not exceed
1-MKO.or 12,'X, while bis actual
majority in the Shite will not he
iover 5,fXK or OXm, if indeed, it will
reach that figure. There is no
. )i .,1 . t 1 ...... -I'll
t ' '""'ui, uie cieciiou hi iiiroi',
V,.,1.r..t -.- u- o
'V.""4"' '-oiigu-ss , uie .-ee-
onu h.-'n,.t
and Kcniia, Democrat,
in the Third District, butthe 'rota in
the First District is 'ho close that it
will take the official count to decide
. l,,rnln. 01 ,np iCPl"-
State OornTnirten eininis tlie
election of Hutchinson (Rep.) by
l"" maioritv soul
u - .ll ;..... ! 1. ..... '
ceding Hutchinson's election. It is
that there
cannot' no over
way, ar.d the
1M Writy cither
Nov; tiih'T
( I.'v I.WATI,
;',. l iie
! the following susnmary of the dee-
, f.on : 1 ue. Si'iitres ot t.orty-seAen
to i outers j.i ir.iii'y, wui n;.iKe Oar-
ftddrf tdurahtv in the Stnte U,o tU.
Thee.a:nties heard tV.)i,i in.-lu.i.e the
largest in Ohio, hut the piins i!i t!i"
remaining forty-seven counties will
, . x- ,
s'r " -Nm tT I
r;:e. thw city yU-i-
".....: ..- i-., !.v. u-V.
aa:n ot 4-..i . over f ester s. voie
ii'or (hiveinor in tS7i. Ketunis fn-m
tov.-Dsliins. in. thisj (brautdin.
! i-: re!)ore-i ih-A V.: Keitu'dieaus h
! i ),.moeraiie io-- o: ;o yoics. t u:o,i
t ' , ...... i. ,..:.. . .
t ins.ii county gives i umioerata: ; (.'i. vl.-nel visitors arrive-1 in toe per
majority. f) Io-, -J:1. fn !son:i f the Hon. Amos Towii-eiai.
Caiiarnis eou!,tv a D.'rnoer.itic le-s . ( '-,,. .lame- Ikirrett, ami on or two
of ." J defeats ."deans-, the regular : ,,; .., r.
n-m;:ia '. r tta !.egisi-itt:re. Itowan
cr.voi!;. give-- !'") i); mo'-rati" i)i:;or-
if, no :.m. i'.-.g- troni
eo;:;Ky e'eeis an Independent mem-h:-oi
i':' he-ishitur.-: Denio-.-ratie
Ha! ::: ::, Nov,
i r '). i'lom the
indiea.tjon-? aro
reuirns n-rer.
! :.': M :!." u u"ii
1 emoera.tio
i- a reluc".i maioviiv.
I ):.-tr;c-
ets-a. Iteoid iK.";m ( omrr- ss-
I i)nn:
su:!i' :
Third, Fidh, Sixth.' Sev-
ai:d Eighth Dlsiriets elect
"rat-. The r; turns are not
t'ut from the Fi:M raid Fe,urth
'I he I.VTivt-r T.Ux.
.licxvr.i:. Novcmhtr l. ln som
resp-cf.s tiie rejw.r:-;
of the
ra.u 1
nave men 1'i rate !. thougU toe
result -hows tnat it was had enough.
The report that ore Mongolian had
his ears cut o;' is a mistake. The
(iariieid Chinese letter had natural
ly excited a great many D mocrats
and in their procession on Saturday
"d-dit their transparencies tore many
n-vices and moit.H's calculated t-
man a.nd a Celestial over ; frame of
I ikm1. The wiiite man named Tim
Lewis, beat the Chinaman over the
head with n billiard cue. The po
lice were railed in and then began
the riot. The oiiee were powerless
to check it, and the tire department
was called out to ehiil th ardor of
the mob with water. The Mayor
appealed to tho populace in vain.
Tlie mob rushed for the Chinese set
tlement and gutted it. The police
meanwhile had secured many of tlie
cheap-labor element and placed
them in the mil lor safety. Sing
Iee was the onlv one knled, though
a number had their queues cut otf
and wero otherwise maltreated.
At daylight ail was ouict and the
citizens were on guard. Ataspecial
meeting of the Council General
David J. Cook was given command,
of tlie police, and two hundred ad
ditional men were sworn in. Ihe
citizens have offered thi ir services.
The imjuest over the dead Chinaman
will he ! 1,1 00 A'edneday. All
the Celestials have been placed in
jail fur safety.
Early this niorninir a squad of tiie
miscreants raised a disturbance neur
tiie post oi'iee. hut within ten min
utes it was estimated that
citizens, nearly all armed, were on
the ground and all the rioters at
that ltoint were arrested and sent to
.'JiUl - Several hunured warrants have
been sworn out by the ofiieers, and
between two and three hundred ar
rests nave necn made, Joe citv is
now considered absolutely seeun
against any revival of mob rule, and
toe indignation anion'.- ail classes ii
intense and earnert. Should law
lessness siiow itself in any form or
at anv noint it will undoubtedly 1
checked by the sternest and most
convincing means employed in such
Honoring ari!i:ili!i.
All i.a x. -Novemner Wags are
displayed in all parts of the city in
commemoration of the hattle of
Mentana. General (hirahaldi was
enthusiastically received. Two hun
dred thousand people were assem-hh-d.
There was no display of po
lice, and perfect order prevailed.
denera! (.arioatUi swmeJ overcome
with emotion. Among those who
received him were many survivors
of the revolutionary battles and
French campaign. All the railway
stations from San Domiano d'Asti to
Milan were decorated with flowers,
and General Garibaldi's journey
seemed like a triumphal progress.
1 ho enthusiasm at Milan was such
as has not been witnessed since the
davs of the liberation in 1S5:. Such
a large crowd accompanied General
Garibaldi's carriage from the rail-
v:ay station to the hotel that one of
the horses was sutlocatea. Ihe
populace then drew the carriage
along, and showers of flowers were
thrown at tlie General. Major Can-
zio thanked the people on behalf of
General Garibaldi, Ins father-in-law.
Mods. Roehfort, lhtnui and Pain
reached Milan yesterday. General
Garibaldi has received the ex-Khedive
of Kirvpt, who is staving at
Milan. '
HicBiuci fniik.
Mf Minus. Tkx.., November L
The Memphis KUuuner Kooert Alit
ehell, en route from Cairo for New
Orleans, which left here yesterday
morning, struck a hidden obstruc
tion while making a crossing at Fox
Island, below Memphis, and sunk.
Her cargo consisted of 750 tons of
grain and breadstuff and C25 bales
of cotton, all consigned to New
Orleans merchants. She lies straight
in nine feet of water, and all the
freight in the hold will be lost, The
freight on th ijeck was only slight
ly damaged. The boat was'lnured
tor S 15.i(A) hi Cincinnati oilices.
Hoth pilots were at the wheel when
the vessel sank.
A Irtrnte Vir.tln.-il H II
AVjl.MtM TO.X, Del., NOV. l.Vil-
liani Guthrie, accuet of criminally
assaulting atvdght year old girl, List
night, ifrrestnnd tin-d sever
al snots .it t'.vojo.'fieersi and escaped.
3. It
iJiear i ociik'k ihw imoiuio
l- ! : . . . :
'the T.-artv in the ofliee at Mentor
i. ,.. i :..,.,.,.,! :-.rri.-T.l nn.l
L; jj, that the hour
(m.ondirw!v post-
, 'HIilU a,. f!j, ;,.uoon.
: , ' ' ' ,
j and the disnatdie-. now ino-jtly ot
' eongratulati-.n, continued t-j lour
: V . r.t . i. i ..iv.
eo. U'. me c ieveiano ni.ier. wnv ..!!.
by th. morning, as they
n au ou it ...p -
We to reH-att!iem over the Uneral s
private wire lhe were all ot one
tenor hear flit congratulation, Ud
vaneo wiueiyiu wie lornun t - .pti - . - s
.. o ii ..
1011. rome uere iro.'ii mo i'eison.11
friends, who included the l.imily in
ineir 'roou wisues. vwier wcio
from thtieal associates on hoth
i .Cu:vs:r.Ai. ).. Xov.
! sides of the ocean: still others tVom : -'.; '
,- . t ahith'over a ve;:r oe . ami :-!.-do
pul) lean!ions. nun at d .. , . ., - , . ,- , .
the like, and mt a lew troin stram.'-: : - , . .
l... f. !, .!.., .1 ' ;,.
. is. .,11. it n 111.11 iii'- iiiu-L pul ..1
1 'vu .-.V .,1 ;,. , .
.1 ..'il l. ' Ml ill n
!:v;ener:Kiar!ield.and to a .u m
1 . -. -
o.-r reo oiiie; u ir.i,ira Here- seni.
Tim aiiernoun mail hroaht
hatch from tlie t'le. land oili-. and
o. to that time :t was estimate-!
(that het we. n I'M and "nR nersom:!
in , iuaic tlie aiternoon. aiel some
:ElX'lATiOX f0 OiniKLI.N.
!, t ween - and " o'clock a td.--.Ta :
was received from President James
Fairchihh of (merlin College, sayie.g
that tile iVultv of that nisutation
an. . live iiitudii a stuo-nis am. 1 in -
i'-ns would tender tia ir congratula -
tioi.s 1j him ahout 4 o'clock. hde
tiiis visit was i-xpeeted. Cnerai ( I.:r -
... , 1 . . . 1 :
iidi'i ivplie.l that lie would lie glad
to welcome them. There was no
preparation made, for Lawnfidd
' ....,,... ;,, ; !...,... ..,..,;.-..
:.ts 4 to...'.s 1.1 ,i,i,. i, h'.l.h.
visitors, liit- tram reie. lie.I ilic now
remarkable h.n at the expected
time, and its nine coaches were
soon em;, tied. AVitii the neatly uni -
formed (liieriin baud at its hea l, i,.
party that- camt through the lan
into the (iencral's d(:rvardi was a
.,... ,..,1.1.,,... i. ,. ;,!..:,-
n' iii'iu u.i'.. j m .. ... Hi'iti, '11.
1v.1t from anv that has made th
trip .luring tne campaign, i tie v.-n-
erahle President Fanvlnld, with pro -
lessors .luoson .-m:tn. u. . muh
1:0. .1. ..1. j.ios. ... .. . lain, ,::;o
members of the faculty were in front,
roul 'limter their escort were Mrs A
.Ii.i'iwtnn I'rineii.Ml nr' the holies'
department, with several others of
toe lady instructors and the wives
of several of tiie faculty. Then came
representatives of the theological di--partinent
and members of the col
lege classes and preparatory depart
ment, wilh ladies of the correspond
ing years and from the Conservatory
of Music. There was also a large
number of leading citizens of Ohcr
lin, outside of her college collections,
accompanied by ladies. It was
from the thriving, progressive, edu
cational center, and as it formed in
the now well-trodden grass-plat m
front of the house, its appearance
v.-as certainly one which must have
given great pleasure to the man
whom it was intended to compli
ment. AYithout any ceremony,
Pnsiilent Fairehild stepped up to
General Garfield, and taking his
hand said substantially :
Gi:.NKRAh GARFiKi.r: I have the
honor and pleasure to intrcxluce to j
von the faculty a n.Lstud.ents of ()!.er-i
iin Cohere, 'reinmned bv a large"
number of our citizens. "We owe :
youanopology for intruding upon i
the ouict which must S"om so grate- :
fill to von alter tlie weeks of excite- :
ment fust past. The visit u entire-
lv um-xpected and unoremediUited.
Ye I.eL'an our work in the usual
way this morning, but as the good !
news came in we gave up every-.
thing to rejoice. After we had ex
hausted all means in our power, and
still could not hold in. we engaged
a special train, and here we are. Wc
come with congratulations and greet
ing, not so much to yourself for
having been so highly honored while
omig, oui 10 ourselves and to the : W,.hiesd.-iv. The two men v.vre at
country lor having chosen you as j work in a so. .11 buihFn" where This auspicious day but th-v wer- arindii.g and mixiu
proix rly expresses the idea that powder. Suddenly the oowd, r in
your administration may be a bright iht. ,ixhi- box ' x:i'od-d v.uh a
and prosperous tine. J terrible report. The budding was
As I resident rairchihl uttered i l.lnwn i.n.. . t..n. o,.l i
u: . J. ... l .
uioc nuieiiiiig worus 1; was plain lo
be seen that his whole heart was in
them. He again grasped General
Garfield by the hand, and his voice
taltcrcd with dirp feeling as he re-
ncved his congratulations on behalf:
of those present.
GnXEUAL OA'.Il'lKI.p's Si'KKt'lI.
Mk. Pkksidi'nt, Laiuf.s AM) (rKX
TI.KVEX : This spontaneous visit is
much more agreeable than a prepar
ed one. It comes more directly
from the heart of the people who
participate in it, and I receive it as
the greatest compliment for that
reason. I do not wish to he unduly
impressible or superstitious, but,
loougii u nine ouuived me tiays
of the augurs. I think of some events
as omens, ".nil I greet this as a hap
py and auspicious omen liat the
tir-t general greeting since the event
of yesterday is tendered to me bv
............ 1. 1. :., .:....: ... . r 1
a venerable institution of learning.
Ihe thought lias been abroad in the
world a good deal, and with reason,
that there is a divorce between
scholarship and polities. OlK-rlin,
I believe, has never advocated that
divorce. Rut there has been a sort
of cloistered scholarship in the Uni
ted States that has stood aloof from
active participation in public affairs.
I am glad to be greeted here to-dav
bv the active, live sehol.irshm of
Ohio, and I know of no place where
u.rt..i..rwftin iii T.v.i..-.t. ti...
...... ...... ...r I-..., i.t .i t.jy.i. nit ;
nerve center ot public lite so etfect-!
ually as Obeilin. For this reas m I '
am specially grateful for this greet
ing lroni the lacuftv and students of
the Obeilin College and its venera-', .
hie and venerated Preddmt. l! Ci miikkkaxi , Mi., Nov. 2 u
ihank you, ladies and gentlemen J gnstns Shathr, a young sonofMit
for this visit. Whatever tiie signifi- i thias Shaffer, of this eiTv v.f-.r.! ... .
p'ini'i. if vetitrr.l 1 i-'j rtt...r,tj -.. l.. !
.V ..... ..I till l... .......J SILlll.l.. .11. ...f
being immediately indorsed by the
scholarship and culture of my State.
1 thank vou, ladies and gentle
men, and thank your President for
coming with you. You are cv.tJid
lv welcome.
At the s.uggction of Professor
h'iiurtlelT. three heart v cheers were
given for General Garfield, and after j
the singing of a patriotic air by a j
line male chorus, and the rendering ,
of "America" by the entire party,'
the liostsaid: -
; 'J shall be pleased to luive you
pass through nry house, ami IU inv j
,, - - . - . . - ,
roo! covet vou tor ;i it v.- moments.
1 Lii very neat expression v:.u re
ceived with applaus.o, and ho Uaual
handslmin goz.e through with.
The orchard was visited, the various
objects about the yard duly inspect
ed, and the train resumed for home.
Mai-ii:ie of C. S. ;r-oif. Jr.. i J-
Nk'.v Vok:c. Noveniher
was ?.n unusual iiutter an
1. Tii'T"
.u- -..i;-ie-
ty iK-oj.-le tni-
llv th' marria
e ..f rivs-'-s SiuJioon
youni'i'.-t S in ot ( M-iicr. .
i (.Jmnt, t -Miss i-'armie J. t'iiair.-o.
1 only d.iu'ht' r of i-x-enator C. .a :f
'of "Colonid". The mani'ge ha-
Ix-en the suhi-ctof oiseu.-:,-: na:.e-:. '
j . Nr.,v y,.,,. ,;.r Si,,1. t;,:lC
. ' , , r.-aiur ! ;s ,i
social event.
ej !'i"e li'o.r.i 1-f
i ..(. I hi,.. I . ,,:-
; "
, . j rnj;il,ets are oft::
. ,,r;i,,.1N . nnW o..
;r . eX.St,ultor (.5,,, , Y t'.d.-r.t-
. I.iond- of the fiire-t
- , , ,
1 tvi. a 'eit ai-e n.
and ha I"
New York
, . ,
: ea-tv finee iur lutro-iuciioo
. . .... . ,. , . 1 -., .
; !' . VV-V . . V
' won a.- u .i:.u. " I'-.oe
: . . .,
1 !: eriL';:''-:n"i;t i.a-e.!-., ( lie:
. . . , , ,
- ! ' :""!Ul l"
: earlv eor.snmn: iteilon.'e at toe earn
early eor.siimn: itedonle at the e
est y.;lie:tati-n !' t!ie i-iha-r !:.
To V.-i:s :p the :!.:' ofllio ee:
r:io:i v- . .is :ied thi- r,:"ou.
and in ar-ri!:iie-e with i.rr.n:-- -
':"!i!-i t::e eel'.-moiiv was of a .Ura-t-.
: privat.' n-'ture. Ih-y. Dr. New
man wa-: enr iL" ii hy Mr. i-an: 1.1
person to T.":-; :-m t'e- e.-renceiv.
v.'iii.-h w is i;i ae:
1 form o!
witii tie
tic Epis-
M- t::'di-i modi:!--.';
copal ( ii in h.
At ! o'clock e.o
si h -,V..rc I iet we. n
avenues atnl the.!
Who Were to v, i'::
were ,o.),.' i
the Cir.df -e !"!.:.-:
! tie
and :
:-: g-.i.
1 er.'U:,
t , i.i,-:
No. 2-. We--'
.is" c. .: o ri - :
Mr-. I hart.
h i::!;-e:-;.t .-?" : t.
: (;..,,,.,-., ,;..;;
i (.i.-ut.-na::! Coin:
, v J...,. ( ;r:;:it
: f;,;:; ... Mrs.
I !- d. ( tr.-.nt a-a'
arc- wife. Sc.-.afor
Mr. Elkiri-s, Mrs.
iand Mr. Hamilton
' iinni' diate iciati v;
friends of the hr: :
I a !'
a.; d
w 0: l.e
J'ers :!!'
:-U '
. .:t: r t,,e i"'r-. u
Alter the cc:
:t rc-::;:-.a-,
.Kl, v .,s .,.rv, , ,; ti,
,,.,1 j)V Ddnioniee.
i for ti.,. ;;x, xn ,nu
1 ;5, Yiie ,
V.'oO -ei-e ;;
resents, wiiiei:
-tiv. w re if
wi re profuse arid .
(li- jday d.
'iii. haoov !:.'.'
aid pr..
' . 1 ' - ,l
. nviL-,.1, i.vTcr,, i i'o .
Ir.P to tin-
and South. T. a:: -:.d t
j (,., r.i (;r-1... 3l.t. v:
. ;:l ;.,,.,,.;. jii.. ...... 1
hied hi
not v:-'
- he,.,, ,w p(. ..,...-:..
A . -il ' '.itn!ii!,'!i."f,
i Ni:V "i oi:k, Nov
I -""'' ''
ive.s the foil., wing :.eeoU
ot thi' l!i..t'ill!g t:i:- m..-:U. i ':
Gonerals H:.neo.-k and M . v i--d. ti . :
For a man win. ice- !!:: ti. one
cru-Iiing .i'-:. :it of hi-lie-. Gete r .1
HanciK-k rust.iin-'d Itiinsi 'f noi.'y.
At o'eio'-k tiiis mor;iI;i' he went
to his oihci.d J.ea!.ju.trt-rs. and was
soon immersed in toe daily military
correspond, ne,-. He 'had a 1 the
morning papers a.t hreakhist. and
knew the result. No' a word id!
from his lip- nol a '.oovene ,: of
his impassive face gave token of
emotion within. Two or three visit
ors called, and '.vera received bv
Gen. Mitchell in the ofhe-. At 10
o'clock the ferry-yacht brought
over to Governor's Island a gentle
man who had once himsdf tnsU-.l
the bitter experience of the soldier j ..
dandidate for tiie presidential hon- j .;!,.,
ors Gen. George P. MeCldlan. Ic
was a kimlre.l feeling, douhth'.-d : '.''''
1 1,1 ;l ,ir, 'v":t: ' iU"
.1 ... !....! .
gentieniCil t -
, T". . ... . . .
" dl, .ene;-af. was t.:.. vi-iter
o:V-Yr Meeting.
'',,'u'i .V1'1" K'.I to . --,-, yn:.- :-
,u'd H;in.-K'k.
t sorry.
1 U, s,.,rr' t"" :- 5"' i,,r t:i'
r-";:i' -'-r d' !rt'-. , ,
. Iff "ihvT Withdrew, ieav-
ln- lho two gen, nils mono.
rii.v.iiT i:pI.Hiion.
Nkw Yoaic, Nov. 5. John dark
son and Albert Dunn died yestcrdev
in Paterson, N. J.. from injuries re
ceive.', by the explosion at the pow
der works of tii" Lailin cc Rand
Powder Company nt Mountain A'icw.
tour miles
fr.vtr. i'-O.-.e. l-i.-t
I - - " v.. nit ii
hurled near.y two honored fet t in
opposite directions. When picked
up thev presented a horrible specta
cle. Their clothing had been bimi
C.I oft' !,! th.. il-;., ..;,.... .i -.
their lwlt. ti ,'.'.' i 1....1.' '1
from head to foot, and were covered
with knots of burned flesh. Tie v
were conscious and able to speak,
but could not account for the , v.
plosion, the force of which was h it
in ail directions for a distance of
three miles. Supposed
it was cau.--
.1 !
y a piece of grit in the powder.
A tftiixiifil t'atsle Killeii.
A terrible railroad accident k eur-
1 reu on mo iv.nhan.lic route nuotit
six miles wist of Su-ubenviih: ().,
Sunday night. Section ') of No. S-i
L'cight was ouiing around a curve
over a high embankment, nt :i i-.t;,1
rate of speed, when a rail broke on
. ..."
cipitatmg the whole train composed
01 car loaded with cattle over tht
c-uihankmcnt. Ihe cars tui.ihh.-d
over on top of the engine and each
other. Engineer Devine was thrown
under tlie engine, from which peril
ous .osition he was removed after
considerable digging. He was bad ly
scalded and cut up. but may recover.
Fireman Rdlevue was had'lv cut 110
and bruised, but not fatally. One
Oilier man was inmnd sli-rhth-
Almost Kit) head of cattle was killed.
n,-,.. ..... .. . ... .
,i,i in.-sei ne at in" wt'-ck was a
horn' le one. The train men iv it
is the wi.M wreck thev ever u ... "
r,,, v..
.is.,, 1.1. ...... 1 1 r i . - . '
nvm." .....j i,.,.,'ti,ioii,iuv kii irom a o.'.'!i at
..... ......... .-, ,..,, r..(Ki;. :,eai-
toremost on: te!.'.,r to...)..,, -c:...
1 1 m 1 liiK.v j .i..., . . 1
height of
. , . . r-.-- - .....;,v.. in..
ol las a',1 was tiiilv twcutr
teet, andconei'-sionof the brain w:is
..I., I n'l i . . - ,
Ihe Illd reeeiv.Hl t.rotot.t '
siirgieidaid, but he lingered until
! evening,
a greater part of the time
in an unconscious
state, when he
f"ill)r K;tw Tt-a,,,.
$ savn.i.E, Tkxs., Nov. 2. J. P.
Prown editor f th.. 'i:n;i;n' r '....'
iaer, and a friend were attaeke.l hv
. - - "H.I' IVT I K
eiglit tramps in n tunnel ncrr Gal-
l'fown deli ii.I.mI
with a pj.tuL killing
wouriHr.g another so that he lias
since died. The rest of the i r:irc.t.s
fdl upon Brown, lieat hUn h.-,. n '.
ueath ro).h...n,;,.-t .
I,, .i.ooev alio
valuables worth over? '
t ral j-r.n;i:e-r.; ,-,
CoIK-lr-t v,,:;-- : -,
: very ent',
rend, r; d
; Arkans i- in i'-,-.
- si j!:i:y a d. ?,
r '.:'i. :. T;,.
ti: !I ,: ,
: nd f ! as-'e- .:
L: ar.tlei;.;.?-,,;; of....,'
t art of t a- fri.-.,,:,
Scf r( f,:ry of (;.,. (
initt . a e ii, v.!--; i f .
ni i iiei" i::oa 0 ,.
''.:' .i a ::.:. rl'v .1 .
r-.-.- un.tion. a:.-, jt ;.
Oi:t a re-Jf-!.'.!.'(.
.-O'ir'-C he e,.:,:,,f
.-Ci.: .tiv.-: I'rr- :'. j!;;
ha'.'" ;:.:'i , v, r,
A fin'
r. ' 1
S coni
;!: 1 -
1;,,'. !!'
::::! 1
. !'! i
;V - .
V. ..:
1 r-.,. .,,
Ser.m 'n. .1 :
Si:;.ii. !!: - - 1
r:-- o-r -r i
eh "! :;.-
and it i- i 1 'I
!-.:.':.:. -1. ;..
t ::
s'r- i.
o. .
this .
of t'n
t,.r F
f-'.t '
too "A-
t!.e N'1
a:.--! '"'
J0- T
on liat
i:t re
.tS- TiH
an. I !)
Ac, -1
A Ok.
e ho
: v - , v -i
" east
w.:.- .
ca :'
; o
!' '. C:
Li- - r
to:: Yo,::i.; ;
My :, --;
' i.c v.-jl'i
-:. i.i :
;. an.
'. .- .:
11. .0
th ' -.
Vo l,; .
i'r,;: I in Sir I! ,c. : ; ,
Wa-o:-. ...... X-
: lit .i-ialiy says : -(
i- en inr.'i;, -;n..i m
e-o-e;,:., n:d culi !:-.
inenr and ! rihiant :
H.'i-.d-o.i -ei,;;,
.. .-i i d. a:-. Sa. a
i:: ;.
i-i and varied ex . ...
had in pu' affair-,
aide to ! -pay tii" gre:
Jerred on ;i:ni he "ivi:
fc-ieut. la-::
ad:.i::i:sir:.tit n.'
Terrii.Ie A.-.-i.i.-r.r.
V. J.. ..' .;
Wanio, k. a. , d 15 v
1 a, the i.f ii..
S:.'o-dng ('.:::.:..:
- , '. ..'
.ia! --:::-;.- 1 in'oi!:'.
iiiornitig. w;-s . -augur
and I
wmg oair a:i'i e:
duerv iinti! ti,
the- ma
!: :y 'r:i from !.
...IS h-e'l t-.r.i
v. f,.-. th- v id: ;:
f the sk'f 1. h:u..' d
I - to :.. r -f.cde.
' 1 to tiie .-' J
l!"r r--- iv. rv -
-.;!: c
ic r
. i
either s
was con
Hospir..! pec;, d.
lit to V:-.'e!i :t M.i-k.-: Tr
IlitAI-'IN-.. i'a.. Nov. 4.
essful attempt was ma
a market tr:d:i on tin- !;
iivc :ad s .-..nth of .: -
The tr..i:i w:, s s. .' : captured a i.. ;,.
Levan. wie gave ; a
e.'.'i o..!, ces V, ho i -' ,
v; re ;.h..:u f rty .
- - i i i : . z
.. ! f."
;sii!iV hv ii Sn.i.
Mr.KCHIS. TlI'.'X.. XoV, ::. ' '.- t-
The M.-mphl't and Arkai.s.i-::
packet OuaeiiiU Pi lie stra'
at 1 o'clock, live miles aeoV.-A '-'
Miss.. sank wiiiiin t :i in;:. :t
aft. r. After strikii:g tiie -nag ut
tempt was made tt ru;i r -sand
bar. hut she sank ' ::
c-'Uid i'c,. '."!:
WHS Value.! ::t S.'H.IKill. No :
Were lost.
A eii'i-aii'i Ileal Ii.
Pim.Ai'Ki rniA, Nov. 4.! ;
.John . lbster. ag. d t-i-).:y
president of th- Veteran' a
tion ..f the war of 112, f. il ':
stairs at his resid-aice y
and died soon afterwards, lb'
in apparent good health up t-
time of til'' aeeideUt.
Stove V. in ks )t-sit-i.i-il.
'.'r.iKKiJTiwx, P... Noveml" r
, l The stove works of Thomas Rob
Steverison : Co.. wi re d- -trov. -!
lii-'-i.etwceti 12 and 1 o'clock t
rooming. The loss is stii.-i:.:.-... .
1 4". ) : insurance, s 10,000.
. 11. is.' Slmvc ill Ih'-.itorfl r.iii'.O
Rkit no. Novembi r 1'--: :
County, ofiiciul Hancock. v"
jonty; . -niitor General. I hot.
majority: Supreme Judge. J- :..
o2 iiiajorit ,
Distrii' t. C.
: Congress. jt.ent. :
froth. 1 "'' m-iioritv : ':
r.-sentatives. Statler. Defii'" '.' 'r
majority: Don:; lay. Ihioo.r:'.
Vov. !. Tv.o
id.-d on the K:
trams col,
,t,-r:: f'-'
1.V..I) 1-
',:.'. :
. -
v.av i..:s aueria-on, near
v "u-;. . ... . .- 1
...i.o i-, i i. no.
T..-.. ...-.. ....J ti .'
i :,- masf.-r . r.. s'.'.d.tlv iu'uroi.
. - -
Ttvo .Men U.ll.-.l.'KiisoN, N. J., Novcid'cr !
portion of tiie Luiin .V Rind p''
work- at Mountain View, a !l T
miles West of t!:is city, was hi':'-
Up yesterday afternoon. ar.-lt'
men were fataliy iiijurcl. F.'
wire engaged in the gr.u. -'.
, . . . i ..a : .-
in a o tactici i-'i:'".'-
which was totally demolished
. tv.o men wen- nani' d John Cl-;' ;
and Albert Dunn, both marri-
The llesh was burned tVota :-T
l. I,. . ul...L :?..r vi '.: L.'T
...... ...... t ? i,..-.,h's lb-'
tnm.t... .-,t.y. ..... ....
.-. , . -.1 . v 1 o
Piiai, wiicre Uiev iii'M on.-
11. r
it atr
in n.
I. nvt :
" (!
" Jir.
t ICm
. hr,
; all