The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, October 13, 1880, Image 4

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HE MIKES IX i:XTrEI) .ri:i:( H.
K EXPL'ISS VIIY hr. 1j . far---(
I KAVl I AM'. ej:t.
Urniit isiil General I.e.'. a. -aviVi 1
1,. tivm Ci:k.ii.o eadv 'lu
iiV on their way to ill. ,:.-j.uMu.'i:. s,
massinc'tin? ;:t Warren. ::i... j i.ey ;,.
were nu t ;it tin- lri"'v ly e-eaa-tur
Simon 'anieroia ulio ar.;ve -I
vol.r.lav froiu Mentor, where h.- ;;
,a.l ..eeii in msuhatiitn wit'i Gen. 1;
Gisrtiel'.. )!).-ri--a1;n Towi.M-n-i ji:
aii-1 eoanuittces Iroiu ( ;' ivt .aaa
and Warren, who .-c.rt-l th- .. -
tiiiL'ni-hfd parte 1o tlie hoo'l. woe'i
all afar wlae:. t!rv
ial train f-r V::rn-n. K.'-
took a sp
lorts are Ixliic maoo io i-o.
(Jrant n-l M':.:.tor ("onklhu t t!'
lil.-t-tiiv,' h'-Tf to-iuorr:v i:.l:t.
Vai;::kn. O.. S-pt. ):: a:r:-
in.'at Warren. J -u. irar.t ain! party
Were eseort-'.', !y a proi-e soil .o .:
wL'wam, wiiieii w:;- iilv ioletl.
and two vtrylarv' i:mliiiL-- w.-r-.
orL'anizel o'it.-i.le. tu-a. Irant war
nlro.!neel as lin-idelit ol't'.e in.nn
Meeting. Hesaid: Ladie-aad(i
tleliien I we may ; a'ue to
liavc iii.-t and order In -re. It is not
important r-o far as aoytLia that 1
will have to say toy oil i eoaivm'-d.
l.eeause I shall i:oi he ahie to niaki
manv of vou liear. hut the next
:-pe:u:er ;s oae v
W !iO 1 Know ou u :.i
v.ii: eaa do
all he -dad to 1. ear, an
a t and oM'Tlv.
Xot I'eii.'..' aeeu-'.oa.e.l to rj.aK;!.
puMieiv, 1 have os! a
words that I Wiil s..y io a.lvaaeco;
the ic;l!, ni .a wi,o to follow a..-:
In vi. vv of tae rliara-'. r
and ahhhv of the .-p'.-aker u ia. is ;..
a.ldre- vou to-d-.y. his Ion-
.u'-ia- eare. r
ial a."oc'..:noa ioa
.-iOi 1 1 ol t! ie eo.a .t ry
tae ii'ii'i.r,; ?
f..r tae t.a-t t weaty
a ars. ;l o;i..l
llof. he' ia on- to liei.a.a Vial
with in.'iav reia.irks of my own.
it lli.1V It." projier tor me to
to vuii, oa'tlie lir-t, .11 o: r:v
pn'-sidin at a political meetha:. :;
t.'i.- faith that is in ie' . I am a If-
liuhlieaii. a-the two j-oliti-al
lial'tieS are HOW di id'-d. Ieeall'- tae
Kejuihlieaa party ia aatioiad p.-r:y.
.-eekin the -'ri ate-: 'jo id! -!- la
create-', aiaaher of eiti. a-. The:--
i- a"t : ,r.-eiaet in this v. at !iati"ii
lifn- a ).-i!iocral eaaaot .-as, las
I -allot and have it eonio-d as e-:-'-.
No matter what the promaiein
the oj.po-ite party, he e;'.a jiroelaini
liis jiolitieal opinio!, even il he is
onlv one anions a thoVisaini. witli-,
it;t fear and without pro-enptaia on
aecount of his oiiinion-. 'Iheieare
ioiirteeii Stal.-s. and Joealai
. , . .. . . 1 .. 1 . ..1 1 :
soaie oiaer states, wnere iii' iinni- .
..ins not tins priviteire. 11, is i.,r:a it w.w l.-aiov.-: ov.t
; the reason why 1 am a I! -prl-ii-. to sie . .:!:- ; : the
.-an; ha I am'a K-pithliean faf, :.;:,v a a ' : a
aaiay other nasoia. The '.Icpnhk- 1 ,, - j .,--; it p-".: : hi
ean j.arty a-stin-s y.roteetioa t 1 la-- .i,,:l ,,f hrai-i h. - of t
and iiroperty, the jiiihlia redit, ami i.m. :. n h ; with p:
t!ie iavmeiit of th- dehts of tin- ,e.- ta-d. Ala-adv tie- h-.l.o;
erniiieiit. State, county or imiwa- ' s;i'i.r.-- s.-d i.i :.t h a- . :-ht -'a ..-. oi
)Kility, so far as it eaa ecntrol. The Vnioa.
J einoa-ratic tarty does not promise J',.. ,. -sio..l. ad.-. 1 m: .. la d
this. If it does, it hlH hroken its 'fv t'l' i;- -llee. aad iv tin-tame
promises to the extant of hundreds 1 aeii'i' -n, ,- ,if ;iie l-ovi riiiii-it
of millions, as many northern liem- ;;!M j,, p.-, ,,'... (,f ihe e,,,.m'iry ia tie-o'-rats
ean testify to their sorrow. : teiaihle fa. t. ii.v: pu-iiini: i' r
I am a llepuhliean as h( tween i x-. waad to e.-.i r- t ia- N.uioiial 5'tv
istin jiartii-s. hecanse it footers the , n,ii, at amhra laaj (,f tna-e ia the
production of the field aad farm and of ( h m-ral 1 iaia-i k. Let thi
ol' manufactories, and it eaeour,,..-, , j.,..,, No.-th he warneil of d an'' r in
jrencral education of tin- jmor a ti'm-. W' - di-pt nil n volcano in ls'd.
well a- the rich. The Jioni.vratif and another thn ateas now. Let 110
party discourages ail these when in ,,. he dehaled wi'di the idea that
ahsolute jiower. The Kepnl'liean p,. timi'l. suh -' ia i ai Northerut
jtarty is a party of .roi;ress ami of , In(.!;,,.v wil! afford a l-arr'n-r
iiherality towards its opj Hiaeat.'. It against t'a- oii-la'idit of those hold
4-neour:ures the jmor to strive to hot- -Southerners wish lift' -en States at.
it-v their condition ; the i-ne.rant to i),eir hack. The history of the past
'dueate their hillreii, to eiiahlc a.j,u- .., f, , -hi-' thi- h.irri'r wo'ild
ihein to comiH te .successfully with ) .
their more fortunate associates, and. 1 ,, ;; av aothia--: of the Laa-at
in liii'. it secures an ntire (.-.juality Calamitv of sla' kea' d ha-iaess.
1m fore the law of every citizen. 110 ' (-heekei'l iadustrv. l.wt red waes.
matter what hi race, nationality impaired pnhlie credit, which would
or previous condition. It tolerates j surelv follow Ilemoi-ratie r,ovs'
no privileged 4'lass. Every one has , jas ; , : j,, j a,j,e il to ihe irreat
ihe ipportunity to make himself all ; cuitu'-ed, freedom and ja-ti'-i-lovini
lie is capahloof. I -idies and Ceiitle- j North to see to it that ti e, the
inen lo you helicve this ;m he foundation 'f our lie. (iovcrament
truthfully said in llie ureat'-r of S sIk'H not he suhvertetl i a fifteen
the fourteen States of this I iiion to- Stat.-s i.f the Nation, aad that we
lay. whieli the Democratic party : white or hlack of the S oath, who
controls ahsolutt ly '? The Lepuhli- are loval to ia.' whol" country and
caw Jarty is a party ofprua iphs ! to tie- h'lLdi i vihatioa of tin- Ih
thesame j.rineij'les prevailing wher- j puh!i,-a.a Part v. are ii"t denied all
ever it has a iootlmld. 'Ihe Dciiio-1 j,:ij j.! jp(. .jr.ivernmeut "four State
cratie jtarty is unit.-d i-a hut one , an, eniiatrv hv t-e.-e whose fame
thine. ...liil tiiat is in Lr ,ii im: coatro! i rest on aa unsuccessful t:". rt of
of theeovcrnmeiit in ail its i raaches. arms to !e;rov tliat (oantry. 1
It is for internal improvement, at r.-ai at that th p can he no peace,
the expense of the government, ia nosei-aiitv. and no .ro-;..-ritv save
ttiiesection. and against tiiis ia an- jn the sums- ,,f the KepuMi'-an
other. It favors rejmdiatioii of.-il- p-rtv. v, it!i iarn"!.'. aad Arthur,
.mn obligations in one section, and , r.d irant. w -ilsav-. "Y- can
In.aest .aymcnt of its d. h-.s m an- ,,, .(,.;i.u ,;, .r un-
otaer iw:iere punae oi'inion w:u not
tolerate another view ). It favors liat
money m one p.aee. aial o,i inoia-y
in another. 1-inally. it iavors tla :
pool of all issues not lavon-l l.y tlic ,
Itepnhheans to tin- cad that it may
secure the one principle upon v.aa-i,
uie jtany i. ;t iiios! n.iriiinnioas una.
namt lv, training control of tin-ltov
rniueiit in all its liran.'h.-s. 1 have
Itecn in some part of cvry s;t it.
lately in reheliion witliin the la-t
year. 1 was most hospita.hly ;
eeivt'il at t-xory j.laec win-re I -inje
ped. My receptions wen -not hy the
i'nioii class alone, hut l y all ciass, s
without distinction. J had lice talks
with manv who wen- a''.iiiist us ia
the war. anil who have heeii against ,
till HI, 4II1( HUO l"T 11 4l".ill."l
.1 ieiia
t lie Ji'iuljlican partv ever since.
-ci . ii
I hcv W4T0 in till instance reasona-
ti. ! l l I.... .! .. i
me inen. uu;etj in vtnaiiiiev Mini. '
i l l- .. l i 111-
1 l.elieve.1 tlwia .tti.I lie heve now
-i 4 i .11
tliat thev sun-crelv want a hreak-ni)
ia i;i . . v.- i r
in this soJil south ltohtical condi-
.- .. ti . i . .1
lion. Uiov sir tliat it is to their
,.. . .. .
iKt-uniarv interest, as well as to tlair
i ..a ". .i ..i . l .iii i
happiness that there should ho liar-
.. .... ,.i, ., i . i . n
iuuiiv ami ctinfuleiicc iM-twet n a '
,-ti..,,c TIa'M-,nl Ial, !
.1T.IHI1I-. i mo tt.ini i . ii -,i u .1 1 ti
.i i " i- i i- i .
Irom Uic slavcrv which hinds them
to a partv name. Thev want a pre-. " 7'.'" " ' '
text tliat onoimli of them can unite i It wen tliat the isatu-has l.een
upon to make it respecta'de. ( .,cc !"!l!:-rt hv Jomed. J..t it Ik- fully
started, the soli.i south will l'" as ' "ndcr-to...!. and 1-1 us have the ver
Kukluxism di-1 U forc. and as is so I ''"'t- I am irlad that one of the ld
admirahlv told 1-v Judje Tour-c "ar.l o! Ke.ul.licaiis is in chief
:..:. ft.-'. 1 . is '.I-' ui .i f.iiiiiiiaiid in this last ..r,.. 1 nl 1 1,.
in j i is joois i.naiiti. n lien tae
hrcak vanies. th-.s., who star;,,l it ami taat l,e ,s P spU mli.Uy luted " " ' f "' ' '' n.i
will he astonished to find how manv l" niaki s a p-eat statesman "ur,'ul.v ',1,1- ''
..f their fii.-mls have Uni in favor of f'r A !"Nt;n" ;l h-dcr, and for
itt.ra lor.- time, an-1 have old v ; s,nm,,;i:1 administration as l'resi-
itivn waitimrto sec some one take wise and eloijuent I I,,m " wus 1
the lea.l. Tlds desimhlc solution : nttcraiie. lath die -1111 uml nee-j
tan,i.5v l'cattaincl l.y the def. at. ! ' :,r.v "ll""'' ,; neral llaiiem-k.; "How do you manaee," said a la
and oritinu'tl i. feat, of the Demo- 1 ,T-;it the Ihturhttas now and they ; day to l r friend, -toajiiK-ar s. hap
cratic partv a; now t-oiistituted." :,r'' '"':!! 11 :'"' v"'. S a, r d!y roiui'l : py and piod natured all the time".'"
('en. (.rant w:us f..!,, wed hy Sena- t,u' lM,-v?i- "'-i''' "-.dn. Taki-';'l always have Parker's (da-ir
tors Conk Iii ijrai i.i liii. afu'rwhich U.V to f'Usic of the fnioii, aad ! Tonic handy.'' was the rej-ly, '"and
sn. (Jrant. S-naVTs I'miklin" and ; Wlt'1 t'""'1 "' a'ws. mar.'h to thclthu. easily kecj) myself and funilv
.e?.)u. and Messrs. Sim.m ( ','iim roti 'MM' ,"'XI S '!ieiv vot. s an- hom-st- in Pod health. When I am will'l
MorV.n. of New York, and! ':V ,'"V1'"1 ,,,ii;,Vl' the ere.-.t re-u!ts : always feel irood natured." Head
Pteavcr. t.H'k a snecial train for Men- '"r w"i.'h oar comrad.-s .lied. TIm-v ; ahoiit :t in aaathi r colamn.
tor, to pav a hii. f v;sit to (h n.-ral
(Jartlcld. andthen procect t.. -,...vo.
Jand to-ni"bt.
ode ol
T1...J ".. ... t i
"i no luuii in vour inoiic oi
i....!;,..!;....,.. ..t'.i .. ra
.eiuui; uir,,ir,--.ll UIC l.llll'lf lI- III ,11 liil I ai llll IlO.XC.S m .XdVlhllllT.
til I tried it, and cured myself of a j Yours is the heft and yours will he
ompiaint that the Doctors pro-: the "lory of victory with a ii.,hie
lvnn.ced mcuiahlc These urc the j leader in a just ausc. I do hot
words of thousands who have usvd,doultt your y -rdict.
the Day Kidnlv 1'jh. i Win ami Wai:m:i:.
iaa , j;:t 1 iaai w iu
1 Governor. I'Oth l.-ti.0i-;t-.i ami
ImvIv v.'. rf!:ii-' letter of. tlur .iuostioti to J.c -l-.-iuvt at t!i
Ii..'.u WiiiarT V.:r:;iT. ; Tc'-;:i!i-!-!).jo!f-'ti'n next U'oduestiav i whit-h
.!:;.t..: - .:a is i.-.ji.ii-lio-l i:i tV NYwjwy tin- !w.ttT r !.!. '1 !emo-j
York 7'-."..-!.-c-l Mr. Witr.uT wa. n ; emtio Cm .volition, una!-!- to m:ikej
North m naia. with a yj-!.-nu;.t
.1rr.1v f'-.-.r-l. :i:k1 .1i'in? in Ala-;
I.::: 1.1. r iif :v i.- was :
!;t:y iv i : t r
iii i w.iri-:s. !'... 1 !
; t.-r:o in t!.- I 1 v ! t 1 Mat s
!,!- 1. 1-: i
; t :
i 1.
Sti; :
a. A:. a.. S-pt. 7. Iv.
y,,!! know lav i-'-.-uni Ao -
;i -la very ;
i; -pa'd'a aa 1
,.:;!"( ' frol.i t!
in advo-v.te :
; h- ( x i-it-nee of lite
t a !a ie! ,cv of that j
ii'-L-iaaa-j. a s-.i'iier. ;
in .'v,'". aia't e r siaee, i
:n..:,.-;v. ::' a s;i' 'it-;
i aaiv
; ,.f II,.r.:-e (ir,-. 1-y :a 1 "72. With f
l.'.iaaat- ana ;.lt--r L.teeii ,
vt i;-' r-'. .'.-:. in A!:.'..;i::m. a'.d 1k-
rar a a. ae' :
and to ' ;
a Vord to s :
North' ni M:
v-h at oi toe aaairs ;
of !:." So.i'h. 1 have ;
;,, ':r- i.e.. pi,' of ihe :
. aiid V.., i..hv to I
;iiv in tii" v,-ar.
la 1V7J 1 I la tin- :'-
tioa oI'Mr. (ire..-:, y v- iaid:t r--a. h
a ja-t and a "laaia at -r'.a an at oi
'u- ::. iMe il: war. I
1 1 that lie. a-' 1 re-ai.-at v.oia.ltis
,. -,x t- L:
hf -ioa- Keiaa.a-i
tii it t'a j-, ;;!t of :
i-aa arai'-o.,. :
his ei.-etioa wo-ihl
avisioa 01 1
i ii.- w hia- p.-opIe
of t..e ..atil. tlastroke. li
i rvaiivi so.-t.iia-; N..nvoit
Inu Mr. (i
wan tia- Il
a in i'e:a:v
aed t
t !ie-e. '
'.V. al 1 111 ike ' .
.ot i a a. 1 tae
- -Aillh-j an.! :a!- to;
: ; a ! a '.. n 1 1
oahliean ha-a
a t!.e : '. - t a: ,1 a - a i ! -a- a
i!:-v. , 1 1 . . i 1 i .'a-, a ipe phi liii- wiav.' iiiae. he leaves it
far co',;a. I thiak a 1.,- inl'.-rr.-d that In- -hoaid eertaia
w' not 1 ;.e!,-d. aa 1 wi-.iy have h. a aa a.e'.ive rei.e!. and a.s
. s ih. a -are. r.-adv to .-hoot dnva h-iaral 1 laa-
s;s : n ;ti"i.;
.:,!;-.: ;::.d a
iaa :.-
aaat f... . a
Now I a.:.i
,a-. iae.'.l tliat :. r.-!e
:a.d no s-."-,i!-:ty ar t
,' ' ! s.---; a '11 eee: ' t
1 . in-.
1 aP"1 1 -
1 '
1 ti.
raaai' 1
it ,
a ; , 1 -a. pa
) ;o ,,lV (i.
;-iev or e; :
: prexai! t r. i 1
e.,i;a!i - y. i.-h -I
j; v'it..! ; ".
Tiia ha- - ; : .I.M'M
l.,.;:a- i
,,f v,i, li.-:a
!.:,! --.iv at ;
;; Vi 4
'i'i".a. , - ri'ht.
'J'i- !
j eft
f,,r r- ca--. :
will t'a-.a
ti,,-!.,..! v : i
1 I w .
tin- .-ar l.-.a-i.i-
ii-p 1, !- upon l"--is-j
or . a'!, :a-i '.a.
'av.rv . .r.t of c.i"!-,.,f
a. .'
v ..r le.d-Iat.-I
and it e-aaoi 1"- 1
t.a-ed ia
; i- hard
f-iih- of
el 1 '-!
I :.'.. ia-
1'. ,
.t.-r t an vote in ( ly. aia
vim- eoiia;..1. as ca-d.'
T1,(.. ,,,n ;iie ihrmi'di
,,H, ,r;tl,i1;1t , h-.-iioa of (haa ral
;,,-;ield. L-t the North speak this
th: jn ,,., t;1(.
(,i(.r, j j,.liIlt ,.,x .futr.-rs mav
. j ... v ..;rn; ,y, ; cor.litiif wratil
..f aa iadi'jaaat p. o;,!e. They w:!l
re-pi-t-t power, and l!a V Will respect
in.' hin-' ( -Is.-. We may fornix th'-m
ever so fretlv f..r their i.l-io lv t tfort
to divide the iaa
0"t for ji"e II- foi-
ry. hat t!a-y wiil
t : -jt lia ai in
th-a c,ieV.
It yo 'i v-.!, i now l.y l. eii!"d major
ities, this will he the final I tattle.
I'he r.e.iirhons.'j-. 1 .allot-
, . ! t. J -7
l-o stnihai; I'lirtv i tae Ninth wi I
r i .
he n:r cil irom power in a 1 or near-
, ,, .. . ,
lv all id' the Southern States, and a
"... .. .. :o .... l .. t : l. .i .. . i
i aa oi
paii will Slieecc.l -.iiici , 1 1 noi ..
' . :. . ....
. .1 i: :.. . . -n 1 .. .- .
ii-aoa' ai in nai t- oi oe i u o., ai
1 , , , .
and patriotic in spirit and devot -d
. .. ' , h ,
to tair ileetittiis. A minoiitv ra a-s
. c ,, , . , , . ,
lnthoNnith I v eiiuuaa; v dcvis. d
... , - , ,, ,
.election mat lanerv, skilllu v and
, .... , , , ,- -, , .
i puriiosi Jv to their tratidcdeiit
' 1 , . t i .1
iI"opos. ,. i o,,.: ,UM1 ,
, i : i ,i . i ,
i w ate lutti'le are 4e:l ili-i.i,setl and
' - , 1 ' , - .. 1
l"'lk to l: v-ir f-'l;IVl' to I-!
( laitldul now. as they weiv in life!
and death. We in the South arc
powerless to hdp you. Tliotitrh in
the ma'ority, we shall not he h. ard
... ... ' f ,, . ,
inc maairiiv, we snail ii"t lie i aril
1 . n . i -. -.- ,
'llUMmMJMMIUm)IM-lm'""t'M tuuan
Ham-nek a AVillinK T ol.
it, lias I'c.-ii a oncer caiapra-r.i in j
.... I 1 . A . I
j ( u'ori:!::. J acre are 1 wo -s ,
a iioiin:iv. -l;t into lyvo i.te.ions.
);-, i- -r'.ii'vr Co!.;!!, too pros- j
('"Vriir. alal i lli'-r lta-: I
r.";iiiii.::ii Xo.t."oo!. --' i x-'-nat' r. '
1 !u-.-o !!! 1: l.n
t!::' fi'rilii Wli!'-.'. i
1 lU-.-O UK i: MHMV
- ri - A - .i;! - - in t'i..t Stati-. !h t!..' joint;
del'alt s w!:!eil tliev have he. a hold-1
! i aeli apoeais aal.e.-il.itai-:y
:(la - n h. 1 s.-aiiim nt.knowia taat. ifj
he eaa wi.s Jnat, n- m-.-.-i haven.
f ar of it.-:, at a; (i'.r:a. Aecoro
niirly, ai ia'--a !iaa- at 1
ao ioiia.. . ! Joveraor ( 'ol-pint as
sailed Mr. V -isvood .'-!( .' a ' '
.! ( 1 hi- ,-. ' ' nr, iff. ! Ie - lid
Tiiere a laae '..'l.ea fataili"-.-
were m-J laf.ittd. alal liJoth. r had to j
r:vi-110 t 'e ir .-o-..s. - v.lo-a i
'"v otail v
lr.ih! in:;
other eoin.ty tia".e w..a! out hravej
"ai'. a to d 1 their duty, appose
e ry ya'hi;' man in Ie. .r'ia had I
"followed ii Norwood's example.!
'now aia, le.'-ari.-nt- w.aaM '.ej
dia ehad ' a t lie lield '.' ( ia eis an-
'laUilitel. i lie ri pori l:ere iplotd
irom lea staiaiea 1 leinoeratie
j.aper, t la -Atlanta ( .,..' 'm.i. u hieh
sliao.iits t " 1 ' 1 i i : .
iiiat ta;S w.!- a iea!h
eoidd no: meet it. Mr.
eti-i-d hiaiself lor hi.-
fa; la re to as ke 11 a anas as a traitor.
'a lie- ej- and that lie v as a liieai-
i. i- .;'
I.' .
if -(,.
!f oil. r aaa ataa' serv:i-es to tin-
; n :. r
01 : a a ra e e. 1 aot t!a-a .-ia-
; or any 0; h, r Viaoa lier. si
ait; Ia :-eil'. So it eoiaes t"
. that a laan eaaaot ,. I . -i t -i s
t ' o.hre i.: (ieoiyi.!. I.niv. v.-r :avat
!a-ahiaii if he failed to uohold
to t!
ata.o-t '.i;e ,-, i-, 1 e;:lle. If lie
I '.'..lever in : lid not liu'nt. for tliat eai;-e. he ma-t
of the !s..oV that he was serviii.' it ia tlther
f.-ee ?virlh ! way-, or s.ulnuit to defeat. Thl is
;t atire ; tin- very spirit to which Wade
! I, iv.- -v.-.iy ; il.atiptoa appeal.-. J i: Virginia : it
:hs(,a;a-a. -is lie- pirit shown iavo!.-- aai
a-, 1 tin- two; spi ceo- s ai! o- r ; .- ia;a. Tn.
'! 1 the ila-.-s (laan who faili d to d- hi- i:m"s f'.-r
1 the t "ut a ; the rei , . : i-c is pros.-rihed. If. in
,e! t'a' a -a;-; t he t an.- a i a a "orave an a w.-at at
S a and to do the!: duty." !.-. tlid not p.. !:.
. i ,'.,-and -lac!;-! nai-t -how way. and ; ive a p.
f the P.oif.-h.ta i iva-on. " t! o-v- are no ' -r
a .-aa ! a'.aa.j At '.he -a:,e lii:;--l:, etia;-. ex
it ! '.!: ' they j( hivi 1-1 ... , -snath -poke at Coiaad'as
a oeoaa "i M". ..rwot . lac
liriiieijiai stroa-e-i pari t. lu.-
speech was an attack upo:i(hverntr
1 ( of jail! 1 '.-,-. a;se f the appoiainn at
lovcr.ior .loseph to a va-
cant se.a ia the Senate, ia rt
aira'aa t!-.e iju-.-tion was ::.,t whether
llr.iwn was a eoaijn a at or wortliy
aaaa It was whether ih-o-aa aa 1
at all t!a ' s h, .-i f li'hfn! o the reix-i
cau-e aiei -i ,!.i!::i'i.,. .iai..i ;i-n.-.
with pas-ioaat 't-ai a -!iii Ss : " in the
" dark day.-. ia ii I h-!: tn. ir of this
"State wa- trampled in the hist, 'lid
"this 'enilelitaa show to hi- peoj.le,
"wiio had honored him so freijuent
""!;. and la-rh'y. that livin.'or dy
"in.' aa-l to the ea I thch" fate and
'"tht ir foitai a- should he his? W hen
"ihe Uayr of the Confederacy w ent
".low n. .loseph K. llrown left the
"'ranks of the 1 ( niocratie jiariy, aad
"'ia so doiua' d'-s'.-rted Southern men
"and Southern interests. . . . Way
"did lie fe l it necessary to desert
"the li". e ; diiLT ll ao" which marked
"ahe hr'-k' a fort lines oftliose who
"had so highly hniicred him ?" la
fieiiria. iu- see. it troes wiihout say
ins that .'.r-sertion of the lieiaocratic
party and desertion of the drooping
llaj of the ('ontederacy mean the
same thin.'.
The spilit to whicii thc-e s I'.'eche.s
appeal is not unnatural. It mi'ht
have h-. e;i expected to exist : sad
wart and faithful Northern men are
not surprised to find that it docs ex
ist and rale. The surprisiiii: thine
is that Democrat have the audacity
to pretend that there is no such i'eel
in : that Southern Democracy does
not hoiio;"and reward men for par
ticipation and proscriho men for
lukewarnaii ss in the rehel cause :
and that the spirit of I Icinoeracy to
day is let a devotion to the cause
"for whi'-i Lceand Jackson fought."
l iv.-ry piirasc of every political con
test at tae South proves that this
pretence is as false as it is impudent.
All the political acts aad utterances!
oi tae Soothem Democrats are in
spired hy an intense di termination
to achieve tin-on di partv action tie
triumph -il ilie very ideas for which
the r.-hflioa was fought; to jut
tie ..rev ahoVc the hl'.le throughout
t'ae eoa...:y as wi il as at the South :
to ostrai isc and punish men who
wen- true to the I'nion, or even luke
warm inrehellion; an. ! to reward
ami honor men whose devotion to
the disloyal cause has never falter
ed ill war or peace. The marvel is
that with such a spirit prevailaa:
throughout lia- South, and displayed
in every speech and act. there eaa
he found til'-so wiio once were loval
and gallant soldiers, hke fiem-ral
Hancock himself, to strive for the
triumph of the very ideas aad t!a
same disloyal spirit au'aiast
lie fou -'ht so well. The man wiio
shot 1 iaiieoi-k has not chanired his
spirit or purpose, and claims and
p'ts his reward at the hands of South
ern Democrats because he has not
changed, lint (Icncral Hancock lias
changed, and is now the willing tool
of the men ho once helped to defeat.
A. '. Trifmnc.
a.xl Adviif.
llyoukeejt your stoaia'-h. liver
and kidneys in p; rf t working or-ih-r,
you will prevent aiel cure hv
far the proater part of the ills that
aflliet mankind in this or an v sec
tion. There is no medicine known
that n il do this as quickly or sun -ly
ais Parkers 1 inurcr Tonic, which
will secure a perfectly natural ae-
tion ot these important orpins with-
, ;,...-,-.,:.. ,t a . .,
j The simplicity and purity of;
; child's heart are often revealed ii'
very uncouth wavs. A little "ir
. " .oiii,,i
very uneout i w.ivs lot,. ;,.i
... . . i-"i.
rcll'l a COIll J -t 'S it lOll IntofC IHT 111 IlllS- '
tor. The suhject was "A Cow,"' and
ala r pointing 4.ut the many . ''... 1 1
ami Useful ipialities of the cowl.,. 1
added, "The cow is the mo.-t useful;
animal in tltc AorId cxcejit rcli"ion " '
iu--,uvEii::i; .p
T;;i Fat;v rnr
Tor all Female Complaints.
TSa i.
V.Titil.' IT ; -.
i'-At. IriV.-iLJ. V
ati.l 1..- r :
!c n Hi ti c
I'n-d, a i' 'rr.i:in :
l:'r. a. - iu
"TT1-I. I ('. '1 .lli'I
I! Y.:i em
r. H nsriin'-. 4PnW tit
l. 1 ,4. it aiv s ttlu 1:1 at d( I-
n (1 is . rit of il.i,- Vvm
',:m!.t !, aurt-lh-f ia immrillaU ; anj
n'.!-.ii, In Iiin.tJ''"l'aJilt in bun.
l ( it :xv:-n m'-rlt. It ii tMlaj r.
tiny t:. ..!.-t f.-nn of faltlnff
. ..rrli.i 1, i miliar ami juLUifuJ
"Ti-n.-lraa-l. n rl!
r:rrnaon. t :.-:
M-:lUP-.t 5; l::l
Ihe Cliftntv i f !..;
l; i'lac inftim Mil ti
L. n-r-t. ni. (I is 4-:-;ncwJJy iliJtd i
Jt 111 iL.ivt; r.d rzjM'i tumnr
f:yi tlic at
t. :ij. n.-y a
r;,v.U; S-v
.i.Lji:.c'rjthi-rc ij t licet oi rry
.1 ' t -t. 1 t U (V fWt'
.: 1!;;. L..A r Ura dlrtWh,
I 1 I. -. 11
c-t iai.1 Is ; 1 .
. !. It MT:i)i"tte
r.iv lirua-1 vi;.
!j..: - i r. '.'. v. s ite
..f lit ht r.,.i U
It nirr I'.l WU111;- il
l.riwr.J l.. aila.v. : l- - j
va.'it. 'a.ui re a-
r:,rtit .-..,! Wl a- iif.
io u.-. It n ;a .-: -!1 :
ins., at i.i l.a.Li.- v
l.-tn:.!.-.'- 1 1.
Vr Xi - .- ,-i..-.
I unyur;.... , '..
LyJla E. :.-:-.-..
If I'rppart !:. ": ' ".! "
i'r: rf! f j.
f,.nnof ;.u: ..r.J.i.
..frrica. Jf .-'h " !
frt.tru: ,v.. -.. -
i't- ' '
j ft:- . : :'.-: :- -
l.:v:::; I t: y
4J-.J Tor: it'y 1 1 ;. l
...! li.,t
i;..lill I-
y iilr.l ii
:i '-.iiu-Ijir.
-tint tl
.: i.i.d.Ti ::
't; Co-iipounJ
:m.-. 1 ynn, M,ii.
ni 1 y i.uul in tltn
::- s. ,m ISHS-ll't
M.-r. I-INKII.ea
is nil f-,r
1 r.. i-aiauia
:. I r
- . f :
i :: ::
X. i,iVD.
I i: ft a; ist
l-sel, 1 a.
y i:-.v-rv-'t-
- ' VN E
v7.g p
d'ti"." -i nifii ciniiii-iit .it-iiny
Iln 1 ,i i-i'i li . Itr li"-iseH ttl Hi. Mill, j
l;im:.ter. I'rltittrv llrtitn mill
.Nrrv.ui sj an I r..'n Ihe lu.ieil Hi
lliaei, UK
ili.-'.. .e, v h . ri.i'i'liy iii'T'-.iH.-l in I
v t. itatiiinx
I.-..1 men un.l
Ihos- e !,.
'1 all I li.ien,'. o! 1,1''
telle I'-e I I' : it h i- I -.'-.
nea livoritc l
Willi r-il el."
I'vr.-i o- I ill ,
a.l-i w li.-r..-. r
r t r-.-.a iLa-.'t-..
; an I -iiikti t
-.1 h.ll .-U
. eIl Ik
aa; it l t:-.w
Llie olliy r.-r 'KnUe 1 rvll
.irv Thi- :ti itr',v,l',n. ); stirr 't: t-!) 1 i a T : 1 a
!t'.-i,! rii.t .i'.!lt : ir.uiiim i. ari'i v.intvt an-1 m-..I.U'-
i;i lii-ir .-ii;i r.ii-t'-r. Tint por- 'n (ten n!
t'T Ir u Im t i f jt- fi-irt? kii twins' w h it iiA tlicw.
1 he rn -t rn;iiM-:ri-'i i.t y:n;):"iii- arc irnn.iual
wjtiTif j:iv tn tin wli '1' tiily : i!i:ut:it ii-el-inir
: I ! ;i ; it t au l 'invi.t ev-r.'ise : i:it
ur.-i i in! til .ii - 'h;iri'- 'f ;trl"ii-ly 4-u re! urine .
i:ni ':..iy i' r-!:ii i.r t'Xp'l tlie urin ; l.iiimte
?fir',i.- r f.i-;." in t!:1 urine : an-l. wht'ii tic 1 1
c.i.- i f 1-Miic iitr;iii'H. thn tnti -ti i i . t i:i-ia
nn i .' nn'oih- jirfsir.iti- u.
Wc ffiv ji ..-iti'.-l v. an ! without fe tr C'Ltni-
Drt iMl-iTily in:;illil-urfft rev.ry t.inu Ki'lncy
liirMM. ( i- the DcL rvim-'ly yot 4l.:i.Iveril 1 -r
tti!.-i i'-:rI.ti!it. :n-l unre iK-t-tu-il in its fjH'r.itii'n
iliiin ity (itlii-r tn'.'H(U:tM. Hy uiui? liiithtully
un.l ii r.ji!tt'riiy nM",i will li'Jimnl f inetr
a'.v :w it l' ; r id In iti? f)"W0i lul rcmvtliul virtues.
Wo Jiave thr mft un'nilv-ml tp?tirn-)ny t lt9.
e,jr:tri' T'Wr irm mnay (nT!-in"it Li ah clmrHJ
ter. mt"'!li'T: -e nl re-jriD-iliili-y. our lok,
"H -r a Lite vt.i? ;ivei,' u'ivin the history uf
tin.-' ri-w iii en vt ry, an.i a larire rciir! ti uint re
UiiTk il'tc i!n--. i-t-riT trt-e. V r:te tori!.
lUYIillKY P M an- gol-l hr rtruir
Kist". orwili t ent ty m,itl !trw)t (.v-t'.tfp) m
r. ..,.;,, M t ti; -ir prii-e : IteuUr $2 (W : Si'ei:il fur
4it tii.iio e.i4-s . 'T Innir f :nl!nif. : t 'liililfn,
ii .o-i. A ir - lU hltKV PAD (O,
ll,M. OHIO.
4ri tWiiW to trio tn.inv Wi.rth-
v- U X l.-M Kniuey Pi.U u -w
in -n -ar r'jiu:Hti"n. we .lem it (Iti" ttie
r,t:it.-:,-.i ttra Tiietn. Ask f.r Kll
.N k. V PI. l.tlic U'tt,;her. an) y-u will nwt be
UTll"i!. If
115 I iilton Mrect, Xew York.'
S w.:: la V. N. Hi '!, SH!:B(":r r.
l-ei: . iim:i;i- :
l-.WIKL .MOsToI.I.Llf,
r:at Two. Worklnirineirfi Cm il-I.e.c
WIU'IIKaS. in an-1 hv nn a:t .a General
"t the c'..inin .iiwcalih of rVnn-ylvania,
erl i a. a "An a ! to rrini.-ae l lie if-neral ele..Iiouit
.-.iiin Iha a.i:ii:ii," it is eni'.ined u,',n
llle lo L'ive lall U," II .1 i'-e ot?ai'l .-l.-el i .nit HI1.1 til
n.-iHii.-ra"; ei -.i-l ii-li'-e whit ol ji.-erit a re to he
fin-',..!, i. i.llii IK KYI.E. Hikh Slleritl nl the
e ain'y -I S .in- rsei. ii.) h.-rehy make kn-iwu nn-l
,'iv- this -n-.a. ir, t in; to t lie eie--'.ori. ol the e.i'.ui
iy .f Soin'T-i'i. Ili a a Ueneral tlit-eii n . ill lj.
hi-hl in .-i. I-1 uniy on rui-.-aay the
d-Kj of Xuvemlit r, 1 ss it
a,n line h lnir the Til. !
Ur-l Alon-liiv 1. 1 .Vovellil-er.
iy nest li tl-.winir the
Ihe . l.-eior- oi the bor 'Uit i ! ''hi lin.-nee to
m-'-i at I !e- I un- ii "hainlier. Ill sai.i t,r.uic)i.
Tl Ir-", , r- i-i the ttoroilich airl eU-L'tion tar.-
triel N.,. 1 ! S-'ineret ton.-hij to niet at Ihe
1'oiirt II"Use. in ttiii.i iw.rouh.
1 he eier'.-rs . I . l-.'l'l I 'll .li-iri. t No. -J. of Solil.-r-jf-I
1, -w li.-I.i j i I" I'll". I lit the holt.-.' ai.J ?lloJ. t.
it.-r'y I nil'-.-LC-.r in Sij.esviae.
Tiie rh--tor-ot Ihe l..wn-hl. of AT i!., rd to meet
at the hou.-e lately uceuj.i. .1 hy l lio-nus Kiuir, Io
sai l tow-n-ioji.
T he el.--... rs of New I 'emreviile to meet al the
g.-h.. hou-e in .ii.l h-.r.'ULr'i.
Th eleeior.-o the t.,wii.,hi;i of l'jiier Turkey
(it. i nn-. i ut the le.-u.-c ol J-jIiq A Shult.. in
Mi-I t-
1 he
of the t.iwi.fhii, of I.wer Turkey-
f..,.; t
o i.ieet ..! the si-h't.,1 houe in Vrriiui ijoV-
The(le tor ..r the N.riniah of 1'rnliu ti) n;ecf
at ihe s. h.,1 lion. ill aiil Uironzh.
The eh-i-toritol the township ol A.hii?on to meet
at the it hool hou-e in Cet.-r'.ur.
The eleeh.r ol the townshtti ol .Aliihlleereek t.t
meei hi ihe house tiei-ui,ieil hy Je.-ne t:. Sweiizer
in New 1'Xinirion. '
The ul ihe township of'.iek to meet
at tno Iioumi ol II. W. Uoy.r in the horjuijliol
The t-lts'tor uf the N.rounh of Salishury to
mett at ihe li, n.e ol U. W. Uoyer, ui -aid tnir-
The elector of the horouitli of MeyernUlB to
n,e.-t in the e. un. il rhainier in fhI.I lunuuh.
Ti c eleciort- of the towni-hipof Summit u meet
at the council himiter la MeyemHIe ltt.rt.nirh.
Theeleetorn .it the liorouKh ot Wellernhunr to
meet -t the oehool hoiife In f.ii.l tKtrr.Dirh.
The decor:, of the t.iwn-hip ,.f lireenvllle o
meet m tho irnh.ol hou-e. ia furikliunlat, lu nald
The electors of the townhl; of Sontliamptm
to meet at the house ol J. E. kennel, iu aij
The ei. ci..- ,.r the townithiii of N.irthimipton
to meet at th.-;ii..ui.e ol John l'oorltauirh, in said
The elector" of the town'hlji of Larimer to meet
at the houi-e lonnerly occupied hy Win. May ia
aid U.wii.hip. 1
The el torn of the tmroaKh of Berlin lit meet
at the house uf Archihald Couu.ton, iu ahi Imr
U'ih. The elect ors of the townithlp of Rmtheritvaller
to Uieet at the house ui Kuinnel Helllcy, in Berlin
The t-ieetont nf the townt-hip of 8tnnyerels to
meet at Ihe folioo! houie at Mianksvilie. In laid
T he eleetorit ol the
NiMD.-h Of StITtown I..
.. .... .. ...,- .ormeriy la-eupieu i,j Henry J.
Miller. Ill Fuel horoUKh.
TheekvtoM ol the township of (uera-honlnir
UMiieet ul the house ot Jacob Cu-ier, in Sioy.
The elector, of the towoFhlp f Alleifhenr to
meet it- the house of Alt-en llillcKa. iu a,,
lown-iii).. " ' "
The eleetor of the! lirouirh of kv. ni,i
... ...u... UOU9C- Ol
iu said hot-1
IheeleetorF f the township of Cofiemauh l
meet .t tne h u.-e oi 1-eter Levy, u, toWn.
1 lie el --to-, ,.f th- t .wn.hlp of m.a.le t- m-et
at iheho,i...,f ji, Heltnau, In ,w u.wi,Z
j'"'"" t'"! l".n1l".f -"t Uttneet it
at1 o ."'ri;" "', '-,1'.8 nf ''IP or J -nncr tn tne-t
at the I10U.0 o lhoi.,- at JemiorX
K't-ili, In ai,l towiiiiiip. " Jt':"rA
. "i'l'".' uf J't". l"wl'l or Jeflemon U
nieet at the htiuiie of Solomon linker, lo aaid iLtriT
The clectorF of the Ntromrh ,.r r ...
lOH-t 111 II1I....I....I l 7. . """ ""Illtlll
a . i,I " "" in miu norouif n.
At which tune and lil.tco, iha ......
tune aini t.l.eM ,u " . . I
will , h et hv ballot- ".itiiiie,noieis
T i X1YMXF Pl'V-iiiYi! r , . ;
President a.,.1 i.Fre-udei.i ui ,d''i J,SZr .'' T.
UN K Ft-a-so-T f.o. i.TH, " . nlUKts.lato.s'.
.'ourt of the l,mmi.wli, i r -C . -"r-'
uri oi tne i,tiimouwealtl, f Pt-m.Fylvaiila.
fW T ft
(N"ErKH.Si).N'r.rUie(ra'-c of Aa ill- r Oen- i th tVmpi.mwrnih t Fenn-yiviinlii.
ON'K FKUSON li.roie.illlfe ol Meinlwr "f tif
H .UJeol Kei.rrenl'.inves hi me i nia-i r.iHU'1" it
I Oik Svriinra.riilh l'lstrlrtol IVlinsvlviirii. rump
j r,i ul the !nuutle ol bcUlorl, Ll.iir, IJ.tuilrU ami
I i'A U I'EKSOXS f'.r Mcu.l"-?' i.f 1 Im ll'.u"
! of i;-(,re.-tmi.'ieavt-f. ..i I ii1 (Yimuiaiwciltii ul P.-i n-!!!,
1 f.s .in"ri..'t C'-uii'y.
: 'o. t. I't.Ksi iM l..r lite .an -e of Pipirl.-t Atl'i."-
n.'T l S .'n.-o1.'! I'uuiitr.
! i'i.N K l'h.KSiOM ..r tl
Hi n of I'll, r II lUio
Itii-"t .r..l .-ini'rrf't t 'Uu
tt.N K 1'HH.SO.V ..t On 1
.if '..m!i' v S(irv.'vur
. s.,.:ti.'ri..!t I '..U'H v.
i OX K I'l.liMlS i-.r lb. , . . .'.a -roi in
! T-"-I t "j.lTltV.
I Sf KCl Ah A I rF.N'Tiov S li.-rr' v ttl.-r-.-tL-! t'.
I hp msIi Ar I- !c t iti New C..u".ii".tn.
Smt:.' 1. Kier .-I'ia.-ii ihtim - im
ven l am. wHei..-mj; ill ,.li"Wlni "i.ieii..' 1
ii.un, iiiiall 1-9 eniltl.-l i t v ie at nil el-a an
lln mull li.oe lei-:i H cllliil "I tl.n
I t'.iif'l Sum ai li'i'-i "nc m.-uOi.
Stroud. ile aimll lime ri I la Hie S:.i!i".::
! yor, ('r II, hviii irevi,.u-ly l,..;.n a .ji urn . 1
i ,'lei-i..r t.r niiiive Nirn rint-u ..I ilie S-tttn, i..; ?
! h,ive iviii ve,t therelnim n t ri-tiirin-l, iliiunix
m.i'illi.-) Ini'iie.lliii.'lv itrKW-itlnv litf i-lwiiin.
! ltiirJ. Ha nli.iH'liuie n-fl.u-.l ill .lie el.o!,Ti
' ili.nrii'l wher lia !oll ..fl'-r t-vets U li-.i-t tun
ID'.lllliS ItuUIPi'.Ulely .r..'vllllH tile Clot'! lull.
I hourlh. It tw.'n.v aw.. y. iirr,l iti;.',.r u t .r
he rhll liavs pul l V.ltnln l'i y.-i.rn it Mme.'r
jcillllt lllX. TOil,- Sill.ll hlivo li'-.-ll a.-sessvil it',
j lentil iwi in eit lis un I jiaid fti Ie -tfl wb ui'.-iilli 1)B
I lure the eleeli- n.
t-i;e i. Ail liia eW'tl uilt be tii.) cltiz 'ns fl.nll
1 1 l.y l.iill it. l-.verv Uiii'.t "l'-l 11 1. w
! t.cre.l in the onier iii wlil.-h ii i-!. illf" rv.---lv.'.(.
: -n. tliiiuiniwr r"e..rli'l l.y Ui eieetini .il:-ers
! on Ihe lift .l v.iterit, t...i:.r tlif niiuiet.l Hi" flo-- itlft pre'eiit a.o lifll'i. Any el., "t imty
t wrilf ill" li iiue ttt.tu lli lli-ketttr eliM'o til" sli.i'
; t.i lie wriittrti ih.T"ii ini'i 1 1 sto l ,y :t . c i --, '
! tli.oli-lrlit. The il.MI'.n "Ili'-iT" -" 'I. ,M!
j or aiimiicl n..t t ill .my el-.-ei-r tli..a
I lime voiel unle..9 reiarc-i I-. lu --ji.. i. iho -
in a lU'ik'iii! iirie.s',iitiu.
S . o. hi.vt'.ratlntll 1" all r io a vx- I
Mn. I. l.uiy mi l t.rein-iia -"r.-'y "I tu.-l"- .
' i.riiileiif.l In in arrrxt ilurina lli. ir aiti-n
ie el' au t iu .iln to ainl oiniii.
Ho. re-
.ull he nriv.leirM irna iirr...'". lien il.iy-i "I .
II.mi. mi l wuile eiiuit'ie.l In m tktii ui .t 1 1 ir.ui.'
liiltlluK return". e.i- il Um w.trr.tnt ..( a i-.iiirt el
rmr ur IU Ui lliereol. I te ull f iwilim ir.i'i i, i r
leLuir. or ..'r w.tni,.ii hrt-ii. h ol ih ii,
ci'i'-t they may i-Ultii eseiii'U'jii irui jury .;u
during their lerins ol iu;ii
kt. 0. Whenever nny ol ihe , . a , r.,
el ihiii Oimm iiwealihitiiiill he in iiii.iui
ner.-iee. uinier a reumil ion Ir-mi I he Tre-i-ie'it
the rnlt.'M Siai.-s ..r l.y the iniai- ruy ol a '
HliU Wealth. Hrll l lei-l'TK ex.-r.'l-f I li
rile nt vtillruiEK ill all elei-tioiis hy On-' tn
,-i,..i. ic. 1- r
,-s.-r!'..l l.y
1 1,, a- u.-u.a
! ii"h reituhnioin a are or ?n,i'il I"-' I
I law. ar ana as u they were ar. ?.-ia a
' elei-tloli.
Si.-. 7. All htwit -i:nl:iliii7 thf ln.i-il'.x ! ' ..---ii,,:mt
v the i-iiueiiii or l"r I he r.- o-i r i ; i 'i; . . v.t
t.-rt shall Ik' uiilt.i.-ttt I hr .li.' On- S:.i!e. 1 nt "
e:- ;.t itimii he .h-i.rive.i oi i he .ri a, u" "i v.uiu
i.v ri'.i'ti ol hi-- name no! l-.-m f-La-a -,-t.
'm:,-. S. Anv l-erm wii" .-!:aii i.'le. or ,r,,in:-e
or i.:I t to irive. t.t nn eli et ir. :ii. money, r wai l
..r oilier Valu ilile r.n-i ler.ili 'll lor hi.i v..te at tai
; e.e, tion. or lor wi'h.t.ii:iK me Mist', or who u el
; or pr-mil.' to :iVH u,h eo,-i.l,Tita,.li !o ni.v
i.i her -i.-"n or i.triy l.r Mfit ele.ior'.' v.le or I -
the wilhtililllUC Illl'l ry rl,-'-:-Tl," shall
; r.s-.'ive or aarre to reeeive. .-r lieu-1- iot h-ri",
! liioii-v, or o!h.r urn -.Me con-
M.l.-rallon lor lii'a vole lit an el.-,-! I- r.-ri-Ii.
i la l-linn the fame Khali t!.i r-l-y lorl.-a I lie I i.-lil a.
i !;,. at ru.-n el.-etl-in. aiel ni.y t;le-i..r ,.,.m hl".i
itei-hjll l ehalleln;'.'! ..r -a n inu fi-i-re
,.- i-leel oil! -pr,. Khali !e
I I.,
ni'lrill thai th-i lliatlerol On
i. in. a ii .-
In hi;, vole tliall lx' reei-ivol-
SK'-.U. Aiiv er.-oll Im fll-i'l-.l-ia-lor
otlh-ehe i;uil!y! I,ri)-rv
tul violation ol any el.'.'a 'ii law.
.a.-.iualili.'.l Irom li'iMiiisiiiii'illt.v
vliih- a .-.iii.M
Ir in.!.. ,r wil -
hall a-.' h.rev.T
.I a us!
....i vioL.uono! ine ele.-tloll law.- .-ii.ui. in
! I-
.. iiii or,. vi, Ie. I hv I ov. he .!!.
I i.l li.e riht ol !.i:nr .'-- nh.-oluiely h.r a i.
j 1- nr vear.s.
I .s.k. . I .. For the!t el v-tanz n !
hail lie ileep.e.l l" l-tve ira me. I n r . ! :, his iir.-.-.i.-. -r I-,.-; I! ' r-1- n
ahreiK-tt. l.i! en.j.i, v,.,l in the -' -rvi.-e. i
.-ail .-r ii.iuiarv. .i thin M. n.iie i
Siate. I'..-r Willie ,-litf i'-1 in a o ..'.'.'. i ., .
water- 'I the Suile orlli' ' ia,. s. .-r
hmn M.iL.uor i-iiile a suio.-ni .-1 any i.eiii
o. leuniinx. l.'.r win!" k.-i: in un l-'-- r ' '
... t,.-r :..-.-ai;tl 1.1 ..Uliili eM.L-.i--,'. n I !'ii -
: a.e
11 t !."
II. I 11
:- ' . -r
i u i.ti'.ae i,ri.-.,.ii. ...
a: . 14. l'..-.ri-l eleetnm r!'-l-"' ' -ni-t
i in I iff, ,:li i Ov,. in-lit'-l ,r'. win. ..1 I'.-. I,
j ariol il.y I'V Hie --UU, :i.'. t..t, ii ele.-.-.r .-.. el '. m
In- lov-iie l -r ni'.- j it i- ...i..... i '
,i I i-a-li lu-l--'!"r sh .11 aii'.-aa . Tl'- et'TK. 1'!
r-t eli-.-n.-a li'..r-l I t :) i..- :,:U-
. ',.,-l,"l. an-l v.le in-;.." in i l.-cli'-n r ",;ir :-i ;i'-
.h.ll I he .r.ili h.i hy law. t.l-eii..ii n-h ,
M.-. l.'t. N't -r.o fh-til h-'n t,. - r.
an eltv:iitii o:ii:-i-r wli" fhnil '.-t-l. ' fh.u! ia
In two iii-!i!h3 have In-.. I ui
ni-m or eiiuiloyin-iit in or nn
uhl. e. or :ii!, iln
' I hi' 11 . IV - I 'llli, ;
ol Hie line. MiCeS of Ol llil S...I,.- or ei ie
ol Hie t nil".! Sail
p - i - v. onsun;y. or .,1 any iiiuu,a;i.,l ;. ',.:
inL-.-i..,i or tru.-t in icy i-'iy -e.-e onlv- ji:-" i - .-,
the n-aee mi l I'la.-rin-n. if.i-tiu s I-li
H..H- iu l ie litlllt .rv s.-r-. il'i- "1 u
: i;. -r
:1 . !1.'.
,.ili s--i
-.1 t.r !
: v ,
ime election witi.-i-r he t-anii I.- a. :my
lietillcl ut any tleen-.n atwni.'h ' "
M-.eonlv io stich (caUr''ina(c iimi.i ij
olti.s s. heloW iiiexra t "I city or - III,:
US shall i dc-'llill.ilc.l hy u-. iirr il 1 1 .
An 1 iilft t" ti," loll, .ninn ii' ts, I A.-.-,-in
1,-rce in this s.i.iie. it:
Act ot June oiith. 1-T4. Siu .a A' i-.H
lu realler hehl under the laws ol this
wealth, the i'!is shall he opened at : o ,
s-k a. in.
and closed at ' n ei.Ma i. in.
Si-a-.I. Whenever llicre flu!! is1 i vi,:in-y
n'i eleciion Niard on the nioniinir of an -t;- n,
aid vacancy .shall he tilled in coia. riiaiy with i
!.-: iiilt laws.
T he said act of Assembly entitle 1 'an a I re
I a 11. ut, the eleetioiis of this I -..iiiiiionweallii,"
passed July - lw!6. jipiwiiesas follows, via:
That the lnswi-tors an.! ju.ii s shall i.ieet at
the respective place l..r ho'ciiuir the
election in the dl-lrict at which th'-y resB-.'tively
iteloiut. In'lore 7 o'clock in the tuoruiiiK ol Tu.-s-day.
NovemUT SI, itl. i each snid in-"-c!,.r shall
appoini t,ne clerk, who Fhal he a ..ualiool Voter
ol such tlistriet.
"In ease ihe person who shall have re-'eive 1 the
second numher of votes tor insitceior m, i!l
not attend on the day ot any flection, then i In
K'P.on who shall have reeele.-l Ihe snsm 1 ,iah st
iiumhcri't votes for ju.tire at the nest precee iiiiit
elecliou Fhall act aa inscct"r in his .l.iee. And
incase Ihe lterson who shall hale received tho
liiirheFt iiUuiWrol vote for inspcctiirshali n..i at-t.-ud.
tho person elected lude shall appoint in
msK"ctor In hisi.hice; and In case the person elec.
te.l judiie Fhall not attend, then the inspector who
reelve.l the liitfhest iiumisr ol Votes shall up. a ju life iu hi place: and II any va.ii.ncy
hall routinue in the l.ard lor the space ot one
hour alter the time Cxc.i l.y law l.,r the ojienhn
of the election, the uualin.'il voters ol the town
ship, ward or district h r wh. h sii. li . thcer shall
have lieen elected, present at ihe place .. elenion,
shall elect one ol their nuuioer to nllsu.-h va
cancv. The e . ' Clti of .Tulv, l:i, further :Toi !,
rKT . At the t,H-nini of the . Us at a 1! elec
tions it shall be the duty ol the judues ol el ciinn
lor their respective Uistriels to desinnaie oneol
the inspectors, whose tluty It Fhall he to have in
custody the registry of voters, an 1 ut make tho
euries therein require I t,.v law: mi l it shall l o
the dutv of the other oi f lid inspectors to rectlie
ami nuinlier the ballot presented t sai 1 elec
tion. Sec. 9. All elections by the citizens shall he l.y
hallo': every ballot voted snail he nuinhcre.l tn
the order In which it shall he received, aad the
numoer recorded by the clerks on the list of vo
ters oniislte the name of theelector;irom whon re
eelved And any voter voiini? twoor more ti, kcts,
the several tickets so voted shall each be number
ed with the numtter corresio!idiiiit w ith the num
ber to the name of the voter. Any elector may
write his name umn his ticket, or cause ihe same
to l,e written thereon, and attested by cilien !
the district. In addition to the oalh now pres. rio
e l hv law to taken and sul.scrilH-.l by elect-, it
idtlc'ers, they shall severally Im sworn or a.'hrmcd
uot to itisi' how any t-teciorFii ill have voi.-.i.
unless reouircd to do so ns witnesses in a ju.ll. i ;1
pris-etfilni;. All judees. InspeetorF. clerk:
overseer of any election hold uiid-r ihisaet
l!ore enteritnr ui.n their iltities, he duly ?-.vru
oriilbnne.1 In the presence "I e.i"h other. 1 t.e
pidires shall he -worn hv the minority" a
there shall l! filch minority inspector. n;f in
iso there he no minority inspector, then hy a jus
tice ol the peace or ahlerini.ti. i"l the in-pc iors.
overseers and clerks shall he sworn bv the judir.
t.'ertincateii ot FU.-h stvearinK "r aitirii.inj shall
he .lulv iijiide out and sinned by the olh. -rs .-o
swonifaii'l at'.vted by the olhcer who aditiiiiister.
ediheoath. It any )u.nre or minority itisp, ca r
reius.-F or mils to swear the olii, -crs tit tle'-aon in
the manner re.piired hv this net. or it liny o!h, i r
ol election shall act without heai lir-t duly
sw..rn, or if any olrtcer of eleciion oi!i Finn tho
lorm of icith without beliiif duly fw.tii, or n any
lu-'ifii or mlr.oriiy ii,-p. ct..r shu'.i eer.iiy th.a i.,.y
oilier was sworn when he was not. it shall
d. -cined a miFdemean r. and u;.n roiivi.-u n. a.
i.lncerorolneers to oiien ana sh tll be lie.-1 no' v
wedlim one thousand dollars, or iaipi ! ,i..- l n-.t
e. one y.-ar, or Isitii, in the iii--rci l.-t, - ,! the
Sbc. lu. On the day of election, aryt-. -. n
whose natre shall r t "appear on tne r-ai.--rv , i
voters, and who elaiuisme rialit to vote at -I-.l
flection, shall produce at lea-: "t.e ijU.hite-i . t. r
ol the district as a witness, io th.. resl .viir e ..! 1 lo
cl.iiu'.iint In the district in which he claims :
a voter, lor Ik. period of ai least tw tu ii'l - im
mediaiely prere.llna: said election, which wnn.-a
shall he sworn or aihraied and ulmertbc a vtrititn
or luirtly written and parity printed affidavit to
tne liien st.ite.1 by him. which atlhiavit. slnll .le
Dne clearly where the residence is ol the person so
claiminK to he a voter, and the person s i cljii-an
the riKht to vine shall also take and subscribe u
written or itartlv written and partly printed a ,'h
davlt, statinit, in the tn-st ol his knowledge and
liellel, when and where he was born : that he has
been a eitnen ol the I'nite.I States f-ironc uinth,
and or the Commonwealth of rennsyivanla. that
lie hat resided in the Comuionwealih one year, or,
II lormerly a iiualined elei-tor or a native hornci:
iien theris.f, and has removed therelrom and re.
turned, that he ha reslde.1 therein six m uths
next preeedini' said election : ih tt he has r- sided
In the district Tn which he claim- to Pa a voter lr
the period ol al least two month, imiua liately pre
eeilinir the elertioD : that Ue has not moved lu:
the district l,.r the purpttie ot votmif therein: tnat .
be has, II twttitv-tne veara ot au or upwards. '
Ii.l a State orcountyUx within two year?, whldi
was assessed at least two inoulns and paid at h -t
one month ttetore the election. The said ail'. lavit
shall also state when ami where the tax claimed
to ne paid hv the was asesse,l, and when .
ami where a'n.l to whom pa l-l : and the lax receipt i
thereto!-snail lie pruduce.1 lor e.amlnati.-n, unit ss
the alhant shall stale in Ids alh lavii thai it has ,
been hist or, or that he never received -any,
and II a naturaliie.1 citiien. shall al state .
when, where and bv what t'urt he was natural
lied and shall also produce his eertitieaie ot natu
ralitatlon tor examination. Hut II Hie person m ,
fclainiUiK the rlitht to vote shall take and suhsoniie
an arhdaiTt that he In a native h-Tn cititen ol the
I ultsd Itiiute. or If Itoru eUemh. re, hall tuii'
the laet in his albdavlt and uhall prislui-c evidence
that, he has lieen naturitlixed or that he ia enOileii
Ui cltixeushlp hv rea-oii l his talher naturaliza
tion, and shall iurther Flute in his athilavlt that
tie is, at ine time of inakinu ine aiii.nnn, m me i
aire of twetit)M,ne and under twei.iy.two years;
that he haa Iteen a ciii-en of the I niletl Stales
one inonih. ami has resided In the Stale one year :
or. If a native horn cititen of the Sane ant.' reru.v
etl therelrom and rerurne.1, that he ha. resided
therein six men! ha next preceding said election,
and Id the election district Immediately two
months procedinK such election, he Flnll ' emi
thtl to voicahhouitli he shall not have paid taxes.
The said affidavits of alt persons niakin--such
claims, anil the alhduvlu ,,f the witnesses loth.-ir
residence shall be preFeivcl by the election l-.ard.
.l ... . t .... 1.. ..n
,i, i.tecioFe oi me ric-iiou o. .ii-ii .-c .
closed with Ihe list of voters, tally lll and oilier
iers reipjlred ,v law to be Hied by the return
lu.iice with the Protbonotary. aud shall remain on
Die therewith In the' oihce, su'-jct
to exauiinallon as other election pas-rs are. II
the elect luii oitlcera ahall find thai Ihe appli-an:
jNMtsesses all the legal qunlincattons of a voter he
shall Ite permitted to vote, ami his uume shall he
added to the list of taviihles by the election ottl
etrs. the word "lax," t-elnn added where the
clalmnntF claim tn vote on tax, audi he word "ae"
where lie chilmj tu vote on atje, the same words
being JJ..,i hy the oierku in l'ai-!i nase, ros-icci-Ivelv.
va the ilsu ofiieMoi. niiiu at ciil-Ii .;!.'
tiou. . il- Jt Fnail lie lawtui lor any ijuaiiiieii cu.
uen ol the tllstnet, uotwillistaniiinu loo uame ol
the protel voter i eoiiulne.1 oil the, ht id resb
.nt -"'' toeliallcni-elhe vole ol such -Hr.-, ;
whereupon the same proof ol the riant ol aullraue ,
" tow re.ulre. hy law Fhall be publicly i
an - 1 acted on hy the el tion btt.rU, ami t he v-Ke
,iinltrl ,r r '
K.orv ) rsn , i
l) rr i'ii:
x'.ii 'C I'. '. f... ''
',e a
lo .n
i-a.-! .,
n ;.-r I;
h ii ii-ir-t,
certi.i.MH it i.
il'K .
wh- ro h" 1
Vi'erln 0:e
,. (,,.. v"
eh-'-a -l i
"i.,a", ' n
y ir nr. I ii
eeive a '!
the ft- (in-
. rh
!il- lia
o-h .11
- i.iiio--,ao ia
in-i' a.
ui1 'J r."
SH-. IV. i( .
,..a.,.. ;r...r..
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-h i.ih i-i a -
II l.V iit'.t..
! 4.11 I-
ly : :n:
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Ja'l Llff
r,t tin' f-i;
Si-. V.
l i e
mi r-n-
J t ii
Ofi V flu' v
I t ( .V it
, r 1--..
: -.1 ' e
..r -l.
..n at.
1. t II'-
' II J
-II' tl.
l,.-..l- -.'..'l-
e.l hi III.. :o
:r nal . i !:
I- a or iei-- i
1 a.- .. '
tn '-a iMi.'i. (. -
i.rl. :
I '
I Ir- in a,
. l.y the .
in i;.v '
i l r-
11.-' , r:-,-Hl
-I l
" l-r--'
,m I.
n.' t
e', i"
tin!' I
til" li .
tl'.e Ii .
( r,J, ,,i
a.,- ,a-
1 1 :i nv :
:.n r'h'-t
lair e-.i-!i
'lii. i,ii.-i
-.1 a
;.,-t r--l
i :.ilt
' w I- .
i :ie- l ar I
in a..- aa
Hid .--1 :
II,- p,w.
a l.'.aioi, 1-. i
oi .- n I ii, I.
M,i:ll !:! .,' p
e i l.y -.I- ! :i.
or tow ::-iii,
I hi , ,!!.
tiniiali- ti to
It.) .1 i ,1
j. n ,i .!
s:..-. I.T an !
-I lo,- 1
'. -'. I the
r a.,- ..(: ,
'.' l.W '
n- :.:i
enl ii led I
ii.'h e i t
law. n.r
,'h .
,-.-,.e unv vole Ir-oti any p, r
to be ei,' .:h"l to ol at ;,h
in all ih.', truly, imp ira :
,,r;n me -nay t,., r, in. i !,.
mid a'oill'i.'s. ai l -.' .it 1 it
r. c'lv ai'. n -a-1 in ar.y t-e:
I h" l-.a-.tM-.L.' soli! I - the , .1"! or
ea. h in fee. ii. --1. ( a. it ) !' t
ju'irc'luly ic'.-iii lo.-cii.-iei. i
ts.n:iii'.itii.-e tin-re.:, it :: i 1 tiaaitiiy
spr.-tors in c.irrv.'io: .-n lira .-an
ltivc my c-. .lis .-tit 0:.' : aii.v i'.i,' ,r
ceived ; r, i:n any i-r-.-.t olhi r a. a
believe t.. be n.'s-. rdina to '!,., pr.,i
simi'i ,-n ai-d 1 s .. l.j. .i:i'.i.
toole a! sil- il c;,c;:on. wiaii 'Ut '
: th
i.i : ,
Iden.-e ol th ii--eit to i"H- us i-.u:, , a. . ;
and that 1 wi!! ii n y i"'-t 1: Vav -rs i i t
auv Ir.i "l-i. dec-1' or n :,u-e in c:i m in:.' '-li : "
l.v'eiM-etH 1 1 "lit i i i: - io v or a i;
ill make a tru i-'ii'lte-rtee- r. -iirn .tl t - tel
tion. mi I wiil in ad thllia. truly, i;a.
l.iiil.luilv i-crloria inv .in1;. r,--i,-" io-- toe -i
the l..-st ,-f inv lltdment nil I a' -'. nil'! t
am il .i .lii-.-a.v or n, iir,-tiy lulerc.-:-! :.i ...
or w.e.'i-r "11 ihe r.-i-ll "I I ', is elccl '
T tie t-Uotvitur shail l c tl-.- It.nn "' ihe " a.'i
lir'.nal'oll to ! e liik'-n by ' o-,, , i,-r. "1:
th, tiiat 1 w:!l im: ir' i-.!'.-- an-! o.'.!er. -
the name , i ra. h el.-ct.-r ivln, sii.-il -. ,- n'
su.iiir e:.-a',!,. w hi. il .-1, el l-c : r. ir - .li--!.
mid : !-" ti,.- i eii" "I t lie'',"!.-!'!:', v. .. rd . r ci
n. r.".n sti, h ei.-,-i,-r rt-i-ie. ie: i r.-.iiiy
triu v w ria- .'oiMi in.- i.i: io r - , .- ; .. , - -, .
tr.C'"il !'. -.-Ii .'nit ! ! i I - r. I the i-i-. '.-.--n a-.-;
his liame
-h.el l-c r-ad to li.c i ,..-p
tiior.'-l .:, ' Hi Hi", Il
t -r::: ii-.y ui-v r---;s-ii-lxiii'-nl
u-.-iir.-e:1- iia- r. -I--,:
sill' .. :1, is eic-i ,i.
Til,' -pi:' ili.c-1 elci'i
1 OVioe , i , --
Ai .1 r -a. lvt'l. ai. 1. 1
'-a;v III: it;,: -I'll..-.
1 11.-.
1 11-
1 :il:i u- l -:
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ik" :
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s :-:i
II. ci-.
l'l mo
. 1. I!"
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Ihe .lUulal
III! 1 in
i'-i aii-1 i
v.-rii-''ii. '1
rr.llo- '!.,-
hr..'-'- lie-1
1,11-1 lo ',,' i
?-ia!l . :,i'-r
i r .'-c'i'h"
al to"
bv. I-.-v
id p.r;
s l-l c
i-.-l i
in t", ;. '..-
of aU I'l-I-
a'"r, 11,
-. n
O'd I"
i .,a
1 --I..WI1-!,,
i T' -a !t -'1 a., th- ''"Cy
1 s. -v-.-r. il .-ooioi'-s o. n.l-l'.'lii
!:i '.!.- ir i i - a n i .-, .-!:, ni.a. 'i.
In lie s,
in r !:i
surd the
.l Aiul-.S !;. KFI.I.t.Y.
..-ak. roi a - r-: -nu
leWIO H.K.IllMr.
So. k-- ol lac S.'i, :.:,'.
'.! t!:.' V'.lll '',v ,'! Ai:,r.-h. Ann t I'oini'i!
ii. d a; at imn.l.-e ! .ni'-1 aay-si-i.
A. 1 1. 1'1'KTIN.
otic I iioll
v i k T i : : :.n tii a ;.: i . m i .mi. n t.
A N il
Tin. ",
.iio;r;-ss of I he 1 ji it e.l
i.uvh. IsT.i. i-.i.-.-'-d :im
to. n-1 r f-1 : o : s of r-a-
f.t l-o.'.' irt Ce" aci-.-it
Stales on
a.-t entia
Zrix of t
he i-'i-t day id
A .1 nit in i n
I tili-t .V-.'-V
Slain of III'' t.t.oa ii.:.:.;.o- 0-, ur ,,. l, -,.-, ; toe
ti r-t and srcnd -ciiotis ol which an' -i s t .ii.-ws:
-SLC-II..V 1. h 1 foicti'.-l vy ire' -V ,l':-Y and
tlntl'f a l'(ef. ..aii-.i'-t ufl'-r t ! C. -i ."'-''; of
A'Htrit'1 i.i t oii.'1-.-vJ fl.'.-tinf.-t. Thai u.leitaciiS
ol the l ulled Slates who arc or sh.ili !.c oih -i ire
.iua',!ii.-.i to vote i't a:,y -!.-.-ii. :i bv the p .1- m
ant- Slate. Territory, .'i-tri' '. e ntity, coy. pari-h,
township, s-his'l i!i-irii-!.!iiii:.i' ipaii.c, or other t,-r-rll-irtcl
-ul'-iit ish n sii.iii he . nt i; !'-d ,u: 1 :i!i..w '.'. lo
Vote at all nu ll elccliolis v. i i..;i. .:i-iiil--tl"li -I
r.i.-e. ci...-, cr pn-Moiis ,-,.i.,iiii,,ii o: s:-r. i- i-any
coii-"itni.'H. law. eu-tom. i:,-...:e.r r-'.'-n! e-on -,:
any state or Territory or by or under its m; 1. r::y
lo I he collliarv lioOMi I'SlauaihiT.
S,:e. .4.1. it" it f.-rinrr ftir. trj. Th;' !! b.'-T
utidrr liieiiu"! ri:y oi the ct n.-iitii' n.n r!.m.l
anv Stale, ol lie- hots ,1 aey T.-ITUor;.-. .".iiv a. t i-ori-hill
be re. are I to e i'.ti ' jm-r.tiiitte or
.pi iliiii-atiou :-i- v-'ti::-;, an-1 by -tic'i is.i.s.iiii:loii t
bi ieioi, or o, hoc rs ais- or si ia i i !-e. li.iro.-1 i: h
the perlorni'ioce of duties ill luriii.-lil'u t" ciliens
an o s,riiin:: v b. 0"i nt i-u -h pr -r, -.;u;si or to
iH'coiue ii!.iiaid I, i Vole, it shall h. the only ol
ev.-rv such poisons un.l lli.s-i s to clve-tll ciiijci.s ..I
ii... ( ' ... . ... I ,1,.. o, l.n.l ,-oiril M.r:o:ov
,.r,,rtI, ..(, prcre,ii,i..;i s and to a. -e-.u."p::iiii..
,', T. wlthm dsiii,ei.-ii, ..I riov. i-.h.r or pre
vlous condition ol ser. itud--: and ll anv ni.-n per
son or tver -hall r.-tiise o,- knov.'iii!y .-'i;-.: t- Lice
lull ellcct to sn-ti"n he snail, tor..v.-ry sin i.of
Icnce toi-ielt arid pay tliv su"l "I live Ii 1.1.1: re-! th I
lars to the jwrs .11 lei-ricved 1 li- re'.y, to 1 r.-. ovrr
el by ati acii'-n ill the e.i-c. oh lull .s-s's .n.-i h
allio-.ance i.-r . S as 11"' e.:,i ;. -.!! .o-rm
i:st. and shaH ills... lorev.-ry si! -h ell.-n iv dc.-iii-e-1
uuilty ol ll liitslcntealior. and si.ail. ..11 e.-nwe.
tion I hereof. Is- laic'l 1."' I"-' lln'i Me !.nn ire 1
dollars or he i npi isott.-.l l.ot irss tl. 1, one iiionoi
au.i not more thaii one y.-ar, ur. l.oii, at Hie c:-.-re-lloti
ol the court.
All indices livbi-r within twelve suites of a.e
rr"lh..iioi.irv's oilicc. or w ,.hi-i l w.-n'v-lour niiirs,
if their p-si-ien-L- le ut n t'-wn. vlila-ic. or ,-iiy
lijs.u the line ". a Taim-ad leadiici- 10 the e.-'lirv
seat, sli.-ilt. I eloi-e 1, o i i.s-k post i.icri-.i 1.1 ..1 ; tie
dav alicr tic eleciion. and nil other iiHiri-s shail.
N-1'..rn twelve o'i i.s.1, im-ridiati ol I lie . 1. 1 , lav
alter the eleciion, deliver the re: inns. t..o,.tii,.r
wli h return sheet, to the 1'rotiioiio'ary ,.d t!;c is.ari.
t,l i'otninon I'leasof thccoiiiny, whi.'li said 'urn
nht'id shall be ,iii!, l,:..i thn.l..y and hourol luiuif
liia.Ue.l I ;.c,-i.-o;i. lead uhall be ji -ion e.l by ao-l :.s
thonotury lor iiii,liiM!is;--ai'..i..
Oii'i-tl tltlJer mv hand, nt n.y oli'ice in S .n:.'r-- t.
tills Oi l iliiy of (k toher. iti'i'ne year of our 1. -rd, '
0110 tboils t'i.t cillt hll'lvlre.t aa-l t'iu .tv uml
tn the one hundred and l-.urth e-rei Lao in-ie-Ik
n.lelli-0 ol tl.o l'u(.."d Stale-
VaKlAll KYLE, SlariU.
Shcrlirs O.ncc. Sotueriict. (
I tel.'.' s
v r-rr I
i, .-' t
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U ------ -
''ft J ' A
y jL ri. o ,
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-.1 : 'a: i Yi !.. r- l-i.
r ' t
Tl i i : X IV CROP.
YO 'J.'; -a e' Y?.OH,
c .; P O VV O s. ti , 1 - r ,. .-'
ltJPRJAC, '-- a , -
JACAfl ! iv! - o - - - ' ").:.-
ooCLItH SsJSArCFA T, ' -r
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li-aii: ' T- .- -ol ..- i."o-. .'.;. r ; I
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' -.- i- ; , ; 'J ". .- ' .1- "I- i -, or
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la: ai :'. a..,iil aj: i II..:. :-i J a
-;:;;: t::as at'v r;:i; r-: -
i it'.N:'.- .a ! 'i.K --r.. a iaa a i Yao. a, uy.
.- ..- a .WAN ' " il.i ;N''e- K -a if. is II
ia.a i a'a - r,
.1; UMa!:ilj.t al i, ..'.-.a, , ii I .
: n i;t,i. I ' a!1 :. r V
; :. y v., n tr. 41.
r r j r I
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t.'i .'J.-..-'f .'tlf.'l I i'.:, j'l'C, i'i:4ilt(-
tiim f'r:i.':i;t i 'o;i ' . M'i rn t i0 i -
I've, ra - If'i'rn .l.t.-n Ct;)r-, I.h-
tj'ttitti-t: '";'', J fririt it ' ''
i '.' -.-. -i ';;. 1'i f lU-rrip t ''-:-i
, !'ir:i .'to I'l'jfi i .
Constantly Arriving.
V. S, -ii:-: i ii, r c I 'it Meal, -at ( Ir. :i:.-,C--.'.kel .
. V. ;. : -.11, I i. .ir.
.M.i- s. - :, :-. .'!i '.-. 1 ;.!'., -.' Me,., N... !si.,.re
No. 1 ':- -j. , .. :: hirje. No. .1 .dediuiu la
i ih kii.-.
, ., IJ... o-w.k uVJu.
1 ' r.i ii.:,.ai li.iias. Lr.'.ik! J;.i-vi and liriod
K-tiP'-! T.-rl !n r.ii!.- -x '. 5 lb. and ." IS.
rrfi, 1, i.s'.e: .-. s. li:u :1. sjn.t.ips ant 4 ove
4 ! ft .roe.! !!ccl !:;! i'rsi"! T-rsrie
S.l.'-irs the I... .t ,;r,:i!l'y . c-i.'li am-if.
1 ;ia i.v:. ; Asaa.r. ;.t ln r ok
i-'riii-: sVici:s.
r,.r. 1: ..t xavaa: .'.:. Pie, it 1,1 -r.
Xo. 2S Fifth Ave,
: i .', i'V . .. . -,
I- a . .a.;
!-. I i. -.
:;. v. "
'". hi.' i-,': i'ot'l'ea-ai'! : '- a'
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1 ,';'.'.. A. ' !-. i . - i-aal i i'
i-i'i'ii' .- - th.ea.c . l.rya v! ;s.
i.os. e.- '. a a. .t.t ' 1 1 " - 1 1
th. S ail I e --'--'I -, 1'" -t..l.-i.!:-. I;.:!-, I'ui:fi-i, !-tt.:-.
ilaaae -. S .!' aiii i ia. s.-..! I-i. eta,
i.a. aid.t.-itti -, a .c-ah. e. A' -'- :'.
a i; - I 'v.-r. I... en ;- ., ia...
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Th V.: :i ar.ij a.i, ! r. -''-.I lUir i'r-
V. ::l Alwajt il i : r
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.'L.. .i.ij .....u.rtj .:..-......' L-.ii.
1 :
ia. wii ;.i s.
l'A--s'. -, Ill's S 1' : N I i - ,
,ifa;s ,a.ia.i.iaM--. i :. v : . aa
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V ' . N - i-a -..
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W OOZa !
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LjuLa.ul a... i. xL iJ.V.k
ill Vila'-Jl tOa'iCI
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Nt V x. j . i . tS i iLt
Tr - --I-.
and I
f : D.-t'-sr
, a., i fc-trra
-i irst-s s.ii-t
'i liim tu
. Vho!e.iie
. ' nl-.a;. a-i' 41,
.: it to HP.KI
' :t.c aad bed L.a
1 ',-. . i
b-,--r. --
I. ..-'-- -ii.-.
tii. at r.-,.
G-. 7. IiSSD Cz CO.
"T2 V.'cf .I rt-.c:.!. TiltklBreh.ra.
a. a co.;
A iicsrcfi warrant.
all ov in iaii --r '.. t',-'-,iori vonr ' -11 ,
.-liar to icirr,:. a-:-l LindSev'S 3
searener ' w.i-ni::-e.i i-.m o - ,i. e . .r -. -
in trovi i..p t . . 1, I ;, ut n a ,'.. I 0, ......
i's cures ar-' vt,,:, !r ,a 1:1 i cert;..... t..t t :, . r..r-.
I-.i-.-ii-rs 1,1:. I (--,:.c ..-. i: 4 'a r-ur:.l l'i-m-cs,
1 -ysii-i:.-. T.";-r. I i-er i.i the !.rwt or
oil the sin. I..I', la 1.: li s. 4. . we wan .:, it to
cure. It it ik iMin-lv -k-'ii l -c: i-.-e. 1 a- 1
f owrriul l"r sal- by s.l I'ruira.s's s e
'hat our 11.1 ine O ,-n tii- Is t:.':::i . f f n r 1 10--.
li. K. s. fc. LLl.llS xcit. I r-a.-s. Piitsoar.'
C N BOYD, A.'e-t!. Zrn-i:
S"p'. s4. 1'7 . 1 y
,. I'.
"j 7 x 1: t r toi.'.s . o t i c i :
tsaite. t It. f . M. v.-rt. : y. - ;:
' .ic-.-i .-.!.
Letters 1, s Herniary ,01 :i,- re - .;,i:e !,
it: If been iirar;:r.l to It-.' 10; :- --i j . : !'.- i-r
aii'horl'y. n.,1 ( ... js h'-ii i-y i-a.-nt.. a, I
Ui.t.-l'tol to s.... c-.ile 10 n.iihe it:,".',' : i:c :
tl.etit, an 1 ih, sc I. - .1' 1 ;., a 1: .,'!- 11 . :
en: d'llv -,i. lo-iii- e-.i 1 r s.-, a.'ai.'n:.
Salurda' . t a.- s. it ' . 1 . 1 v -in -,-r. v.
i i.a-i '.! ai .'. ia. v.i:
si p:, .i i.v-
j;x::cr rou s notjct:.
U-t": ol !'..' -i,t. e V.iiii.l,.- ;,:0 '. -lair---:-;
I S .ni ,-.-: t J'.i , u.
Il..--s ics- ::..,:.; ,r I h" :-.' ...r t ,'1-j ,t.l-;
been 's. ra lit r -1 : . I . em :r .u-st-d by the ( ;i r,-r an
ll-.r l,:io': .s .;. :i in ,V .. ; ,uiv
.ll-l.t.-o -o -.1'.' :,':,v I, r,-,e i lime. , tie p.l.v
in.-l". it i ! Hi . .. a . : i el.. 1.1,1 a jaiu-l 1' t" pre
sen: t i.- iu ' ..! V 1.11, .0 I. i. .e ! l.,r s. . ,i, r:,,,,;-:i
seur biv, N 1 ,"iu -er 'i. 1 '.,'. a: the 0 "! e .0 t'-e
I Mil-:::., i. lo 1. o.w : 1. 1. I'... .
.1 's : tn 1 Mi; it , ; ".
S. .J 1 .(..- ,i'.-r.
L?; .'.': -.. '. ' ' is Mii',. r, ! ie oT s.;..i,,
a p.,
S -oicra-t I'-... 1' i.., ,'e-va !.
r.C7C v.'c-rc .
I I ..I 1 1.1 .1.
S. h". K;l-m !i, .-. .-.-I
f Liv:-r Le-'- '-r. i r - t
'.."-..a. ' r " " '
jU MS.
Letfrs te: I';. ia n-- a-ve esta'e
hiivit. te-ea ii -s '.ted to the uii'It -.Lr.-a, tloll.-e
is hereby aivci to thie in-leb- 'i t.. a to make
inline.!: ire pat itteot, and tn. se h ". :. ciain-s ,-r
tles.iat.-t- will p eaie pre-eut t,':e;1. aiaieti.i
ated t's-r seta, ui. it and all.. )-...
ft. I l.d jlli.T.EK
S 'p 1 Lxeiut'.-.
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