HI ! d u S ! 1. i , 1 ;- ? .' : C I J ' I ', I 1 1 ' i i i - i i i I. i U i S i V The Somerset Herald! :DVAI;I St"!.!. F.'lii.T rr. '.- L Li I.IIMMHI alB iilflWi'l rfWM llwMa3 aBWtM MM I'M Tisf: Democrats j.ivf;.--8 to lc inj Tin; lart week was one of nlter ':ivnr oflniiK-.-t money, and vet thev I natc sunidiincand phadow for the nrc slr: kinir l lL-htedly over the ' politicians, tlie variableness of the ;-iip)'i--d vi torv ' t!i' (ina uh.ick ! pohti'-sd skies being caused by the idiots in I :t ; i . . No he: O r evidence !' their J ;yp ri.-y when 1 2;:iiiiii t- v;v lit holiest money in jut ded. UKUXISI'AY.. ...S' Ili-!''Vr cpudl:ca;: jVnojvVL T 'n n:!!!'i:NT : JAMES A. CAI'FIKI.D. 'KIT. I'lai-ti i., thegreei.bsick ( r.iididato fur ( Ii.vi rp.cr in Maine. i- an attti lihihie Ih-pr.blie.r.i who nT. r voted a i fr:il ti-ket m h;.- I : i-: tv.o third - "f tie M)'t- In- i- : i l was . . . -. 1 changm-i ii ;oris ol the result oi i lie d'.vti":! in the rotate of Maine, which occurred on Monday the Dhh inst. At iirst the Democrat elaimed llu Stale by a msijority of over thriT thousand, and loud and lieree Wilts a miner, manufacturer or j farmer is sisked to vote for iencral i C'offroth on the ground that he is as ' sound n the question of protection ; to American industry as his Repub lican oppoii'-ut. (h-mrsd Campbell. rrTiwuiriwMMi ti-iih imwi n n n oin wasuivotox i.trrrrn.. It'uoit Oca Src-nii CocRSroxmisT.) Vas.IIVT'.N, Sept. 'lll, l-'t. Iiowevi r, that tlie .tit" will give a j ,t itoynl l!;n!i. rcpubliesui maioritv in the coining ' i lection." " "' MAli'l. Septcissbt r the Hon. .1. M. ( ..nmbcll. the n inth- u-.en of Spain tias ! rn s.if'iv !- lican nornim furt'onuress, from the hvi ivd ot a Tlif 15;ilim. The Di:iH' rais lien- ure n -. i .1 it ill .1. let hini inquire how Uil- In-moenitie ; Ix.isK.us amitntauseii .-.nou. ia.. ' " .1., j Ui i i ji i . i '.ill I in; some wi'fics a-'o. .v (iu ( -i i -lilia i.i i- and veS -tl il.-.' lh-:iii-iMts li.i-..-.! th. n hu.ir-i- over v.hat t:.'-v y - tun I'm- their jiarty. jartv stood, ami now senilis, on u;ii i-iu, ..i.-i i.mii". r".- .i-w 1 oik and l iui:'. it.:; 'ii.: aiii.ut iin-vioi: ever passed a measure direct !y la- j ,m.o a week, then .n:nes kick, and ( .'ur hi ;iith .-.ml i.vii!l:ini ih.. vi-11 tliov voriiiLr nrotei-ti..i:. It was tire hm : issues a uulietin ou tlie lemoer.V.!e ........... ... i. , ".i ... i ..if : .i... ,A..M-,n., :..tw.r:il i ivr-wiw-'-ts. His Uowinj; to keep up put in hen ! 1 1 1 T . . 1L' III im- e.'aim m.m.lod a .overnor, , iiarnon. v.i i en.n o u ''.. ohserver. Sometime I'ei.n- u... imrM.dieid in three mcim-ei of t'on-jress, and a i teetive tanll m ; tlie nrst laim : sviv.,;a w., nre fur If uieo- k. e-t r. Tie- I'rinees-i litis district of I'.'iin-vlv.-inia. w.ts w...slorii:il-oi!tJ:tiie..e.-K Xifurday re:r:-t;T.-d at WiilardV' on Mmida ni'-'ht. Aee-.r Mie'l-.; .; !! d eti-uelte 'tie-; mii.i.-itr-, jii.;r ha!--, ur.inilees 'and i!l;'!in ..rs await; 1 tie- ( Vent in the ante ehaiub'-r. 'I l.e li;ke ot Si;xto, !r.i;:-i .-.ia-ter i.f (lie ; :: i nthciities iiave l':t n ' ai:i:';iiiCi-i i.ic!!. Slinvtiy aiit r o;iki::i' f.r a veilow fever ves-i ! to tlie Ki:,- oi;i t.ie ir.!.i;.t :i;vi i'Ai;iJ,Sei.t:mher 1". At 1 oYiek yi-stcrd.iy ato riioon there too': jdaec ill tiie ehapi 1 of the Jial.lee the .;iji-ti-:il of the Infanta, the In i'i --. I.i t!ie thro'.V-. its i. ison- in ' ioinafe' ei.p "ti.Tintuj,. ,i: :ia ;..-., -he i- dvie-!. Aiit' d. i.ie!ud:i!' Iiillii-t'T of ti:e f i v Wlil i. m,: v. 1' ; .t !av- e with tiii ir I ,1 . r si. me dav-. hut at siio-.M-l itt tiie :-:--t ii la .showis heavt-reudinir totheeasu- la.-t iieee.iiiits, the vessel .lid ::!. turn uenis r of ju-diee dn-w ome time n;zo lVim- up. iU'.r AP-dteal Inspectors in th" svlvania was sure fur lianeoek. U c-t ir.d'e net ii:.- X;,tio:.ai ives u,;noiitv in tlie l.eirislature wlneh wlue'i l.roteeied .meiieau i.o'oi , ,,w lie Iiar-llv Knows wnieii uiree- oardnt Jiealtti on tl.ea" U'.erd lv . . .... i .. . . -.i.i i.. l . l : ....... a... . .. i , : . i .. . .. i i i Vie- ,.(,., l I S S.OMtur I icl-e V!1 : I IV) I II e. HI! Met 11 l"ll W llll i lie I a l. hi i.i- in n i iimim i i: - "i; t.- tn.i ien;ji.i uim- ii.ai ;ne !.-ei ( c;!! . iwc .i's.dov ..rfanev noul-ihor of Kuroi.e. In IS 1 1 the Demo I . ; I. .1 ' ii an lmiii . i Vermont wsta p ini:a:noiiutliedoiih;- f..r Washin-ton, !. ('., with p. art lut .-dates tor a tune on tneir s:;de, the ec w (town with lever. at'o -:m tiie oiit .. ii.e:..: he ehrir-teii.-d Mi re.-!, s ar.d d"-. 11 it iii T names. i - ! announced U- tie' city tc The lirth of aa heir t: the hirone IS iiltef.il' (i W Itll .ill' a w. r:.l.. and lniiit.irs 1 1 1 1 : r -e.:,-:. an a hrii'ian-. of uei:ol"!!: lil the -a" ii (!;;.;; i Via -re ih ; (I'.lida-S I-a'e'la. a'ld Kid. lilia a:el oft:.' ::ril!. a- the .o : --i.Cl i lit .rit . 1 i : t t id . .1 '.die-, had t:d.. ii h.. pel pl't -I v. iiii i;s vaii.dv I-..-.: !..daii id !!., Kili. the Areh the'li.fautas I'.iz tiieir leu-el .!;.-. l'V il.'ed a sa',:!e -ttirte.! for tie- koh viei:n;iiii:xT : ( ;iiti:u a.-AiYrnn;. New v. ik. ICKET. Irany youn man lias n made mi lil- mind with which of tin polili'-al parties, of tin- day he will east hi- trA vote, let him rememl-er . that t!:e tiiinoeraU'' lariy vnen i-oit m'PRF.MK .iiT'.i:: la-t in j .e.vir made war fr the IKMtV!KEKN, Northanij.lon Co. preservation of lite I mon a ne. ,--si-' tv. and thai in its late Convention. , . . , . . . ,r r- ,, p. nu states ioraiuneon meir s:aie, me -n-v cmvn with lever. :uiroiieis aiter.oeu nun iui-.. ua.i-i try mall the Ihmocratie journals erauseleided James K. 1 o.k ou a po,-1 ,)ut M,nitthin. ,.,,, h;,,,,,,..,,,! The annual report of the In-pee-Vemnoni, oi'stat.'. No h- than V1 for adayortwo.; md tlie expenditure jitive pled-e that hewasasoodatai-jj,,, lh(!v Elaine was oiii- Demo- tor of huillin-s. in the district, two hundred hkrh oflieia!s ,.f ;h- of it at t!ie exi.ene of the Kciiuo- m man as Henry . lay.m.s competitor, . ratic witliout a tlouiit a iew wei ;;.e! i. -i Wei shows that the total iiimJua- of ih-w kingdom iie.ve hern exj tee u'allenes oi tne ji; t the l-rd in v.iiti'.c. : ra i I . Ha Ti-e I.:. i Pvef'U3Uca State J yuu avpitou (rxKKAi. : JOHN A. I.KMON. l'dair Cotu.iy. tErUELICAfi C'JNTY flCKET I'oi: eoN(.i:l : : .TACOHM.CAMrr.KI.U amhriaCe at Cincinnati, the vote of the Solid Ninth, that-took up arms a-ainst thep-venimeiit.wasi.h-d.'i d thr.niih its leaders, t'lthe measures, of that party, which they d'-clare e hat . thn' for the -a me j .i i iiei d( s which a:iim.;1"d Kee a;:d Sloiiewall Jaek- lie ins v as profile if not profound land that tlietarilfol 1S42 should lK-inee. new there is a Mijiht j.rooal.il- Imildiics irectid in Washim:'-.'.: mi -manly ior tiie la.-t v. v.-k a royal The Ih-puhlicims conceded the loss maintained. In lS-lothe Democrats of the Ih-puMieims .ainin- tja.t .and (ieor-town, Jdurin. th-; y.-ar summons tothepi.la.r. Min.-t.-rs. . , 1 , . . . . . , , , - ,., i ,i, i ,,-,v, r State. ii ! what Inttcr disappoint- was (' and o in the eouutrv, and oipioinat-. jud-e:-. e,,u ini.".. ofth-Matehya majority of less , vmlated thi pledi- and the t.n.h o, ni(.Iit -. , ,:nv j, on , that a eon.j.arison with thosj of the ' om and i very mu.ii.erot the r..y:.i than half that was claimed, admit- 1S12 was rej.ealed l.y t.ie casttn.i; -j.'" street the other evuiini: witii : r.n vioiw year shows an inereae of: family are r.-iiiin-d to pn-.'eut th.-in-tel the pi ohaole loss of one Con- vote of the Vice President, tleor' ;l,is arms folded lookin:; at the Trens-' half a miiiion dollar.-. ;.vlves when tne ehild is l-orn. :.c "ressman. hut insisted that the M. Pallas a Pennsylvania Perno-airy. How he would like to sot a . The losses in co!lcctiu,' ami ths-' of the lir : act- of the Kniii is t-, T '. . . I n-i ; l ... l i .i ! uliMil- ;:t !) sit ivdio'.l mnlt-r llaii- ' li!ir-il' nivi-n.iM..i:. frmU innli-r I.Lic ' heir o.l a i-'old-'!! Id:' t..- a:: I m Legislature was safe After the tir-t Avild exultation over South, which at that time owned the early reports, which the Demo crat This reiie-d w is foreed lv tor ; vlut-k. at that situation umh-r Han-; htir.-hv piveriinient funds under ph; ' .....l ii,,. i '.,.if...ler i.v !. l... ii...s;,i,... H.i... o.i..,;.,;.i -,t;... . v! ' OI l I II V ' v 1 I're.-i. erats invari-ihlv swell to their ad- llavts administration . cxhimt it h t.'tr tl:r..nr invited n il! 1... ilis-ii.Dointed. Hear it like a : have Im-i-i omIv i r! t luilU to tho '.-nests in the ante eiiamhi r ! 1 1 j its lahor, and all men of mid-ih- ae d,,,, pollii.T. After it is all over you thousand dollars. Uimcn'- apartments Ti.- l iri.'! ..; will rcmchiher how our industries can nut the Maine all on Sam Kan- The Vv'eern IV-nnsvlvania rxeur-'iin heir phiet-s the sueci-i-n.n t.. the vantage, tl.e telei'raph hejran to hring j languished, and the low n in in o: ii; id:: a i.Mia.v : A. J. (Ki;oi:N. Sonar-it SAM MUCK. Kiklick Twp i oi: l !-ti;I" T A ri iiivr.v : 1 )i-moer.it ic 1 o-e.v has 1 )eiiii.er:d ie in tins dis- tiiet'dlnir from sturdy Ih'j.uhlican precincts. Deinoeratie visages began to L'loiijral'-. Democratic diss words, resounded in tiieair. and Democratic, rat. of ; dali and Sam Tilden and Parnum's -ion train h wr.ires pa.d lalion r-, troni that oat'' down to theadministration of James P.uehanyn. when tin- treasury had not receipt sullieiud P, ilei'ray the ie-'pi.-ed i I'ittshunrh hv t I!. iV (. ih P., on la-t Tuesday. ; rived h.-re ai'ter a iih-as.-mt rule (iKOPCK P. K I LK. So l oi: i-.k-i: in.i si: i i i KK'. KoPNS. .h na- rset I'-- an: : Twp. i oi; i oi xtv si i.vm oi: : WILLIAM PAKKP. Milfor.; T l ei: ( oiroxoi: : FPANK V(LK, M'-yers-lale P... ELECTORS: PPWIX N. r.r.NsuN Iir.NKY W. d.!VId:. .Ii:.. .i!IN I.. I.AWSON. v.pwin ii. n t.i:!:. M. ItA I.I. STANToN. .1 AMICS p( li'.si IN. i.K'.lt'iK !::!'. KK!M. PAVIP 1". !:'! T"N. Mi da ; a N K. w n.l.s. hi:i:y s. i: Kidtr. JOHN" M. TldI.MAN. Isaacs. j:"Yi:i:. idi'iAIt PlNCH'iT. .'tdlN Mi ll III. I.I.. I 'lNKAP 1". SHlM'l.l.. i ii aim. rs p. (ii:ni:v. NATHAN '. PLSlddd:. ANPItKtV ST. U'T. ,Ki'i:;i: m. kkapk. .i:oik;k ii. - IKSTI.1M. Mil IIAl'd. SCI I A I.I. W'Al.TKU AM1.S. JHN 1'. TKAiiAKPeN. ni:i.son' r. i:ekp, ArcrsTi s p.. w. painti.i:. THOMAS MiKF.NNAN. jamkst. maffktt. .kop.ck w. pki.amati:;:. calvin" w.cili'ii.i.an. Altemiiiii. lU-ulilie.t!i Voters! The election will take jilace TnefJay, N'oveai The lwt uay fjr bolns a.eeed ur rtj;i.;erci! I ii:.T j.rononnceii -lie, t. tin: Phihldclphi; ihisloSj.y aholit the e;'l,did;.!e f-r Cul-jr. -s trie! : "Conji'i man Ci.;';V"ih i.; L.'oi;.ir; around his dkdrii t making a trreat , adu iih..ut his - rvies - to the sol-: lit!'-. Hi" oli! ;'.i.' OT, : hli.il oiiih pension j.rejio-itieiis ii! Congress he eia.eets to pui! i:im ''a'"iyli. el ;mv soldier v.' ho v. ill t:J-:e the troll-; hie to iii'juire of the ( 'onimissioiiiT of P. n-io!is will find that .of ;dl the ohftrtictivcs who have found their wav into Co::. 're. .-, no man ha done so mttcii as Collrotli to di-turh the ri'ti'taPle work ir.ir of thi er.-i n ! ;ws." hra--r-'arts I.eL'an whist!injr to keep ordinary expenses of ovt-rnni'-nt their eon r.n.'e up. As hour sped and had to v;o into the market as a after hour the inexor.ihle lope of ! hormwer at extravagant r.it'-s. ie crown en u satiskn.-tory La-is. es- r-!peeia!h' as the pre-a-nt oeeMp,.::', o! af the throne is in ihe hlooni of y.,Mh. in iier - icu eoiirs. .v;j:ooi:iy crov.i; aim i auo jj...i ii.nn.iio;. i . . .n- n in- expert a mai'oritv of them went oiariv vears sifter his -h:M is ..f ;:;.'-. i i . ' . . i .1. .. i i .. i . Iion.e Cisu'titel. as ll raillea nr 1 i.i -loie u:e on hi m .i.e in ii . i ia .- iie- nearly ti. whole week, and was iV-. c.-ssion, following the jsi-nera'i law of a-reeal.dy cold and chilly for tlne 1 primo-etiiturr. would have fill, u oi t!i. p. riv that came in linen : I ; -1 -1 tirst to th sisters of Aii'oii-o. I..;!M i. figures n turned from the outlying; The Pepuhliean Party ame ilis'.rid cut down hluulred after : power in lsV) and at on in lsid. taiili ci's m or. plae, hundred of the claimed Deinoeratie : enai-ted a judicious nroteitiv majority until at la-t came the j which has keen improved each year uratifvini' int. -llierence that the Pe-innd was assaulted ies Wl ici'0 !a i ly papers jiu.hli.-h tin i-aiidiihite for (loveriior j ie Pa ri v, as s oii V the Denioer.lt : it s,-( urei; ei..', re; hard strii v.a atlier usdiesit sons, dun t the VTo; ). ist ic.d li i . - h.'!"!.' ill .' .":,: like ! his. il prevent aii.-ed ouoliean was hi t-d hv not h ss than -If M j trol ot'( 'onuress.and it maioiitv. that the Penuhlicans had i ed, oulv ofter after ; carried tlie three Concrrossional dis-lhy the Pejaihlieans. tricts which they had last year, and j Now we ask, when that party that a decided majority was secured ! openly declares itself as a-.zaiii.-t ru in I loth branches of the Legislature, J tection, and in favor of "a tariff for thus eiiahlinjr the Pepuhlieans to I revenue only,"1 and when sill le-iila-elect a Senator to succeed the prcs-! tion sittempted hy it is first id i aped ent venerahle Ilanihal Hamlin. It ! hya jisirty caucus, how could C.u.r.-;! was a clos,. shave for Jtcpuhlie-: Colfroth. if elected, efi'.-et an vil;!:'-.: sins, hut th.- victory js clean and I in favor f pri.twtson ? eomi'lete. of course the Democrats j Any mechanic, any miner, any are howlimr fraud ! fraud! It is s manufacturer or farmer who de-ires hahit th'-y haveof chiiminj.' victories ; eontinued protection to his industry and then swearing they were cheat-; from eonijietitioii with the cheap hi ed out of thein, sis witness the asser- hr of Knrope. is knowiiiL'ly votm.' tion that Tilden was elected, the against his own interest if he c.a-is a suhscouent sittempt to huv h.is elec- hailot for (iencral Coffroth. lie i;er P.:::.r.'i:ot.vi:!;"s lctt.-r h an inves'iiatieii imo the pension j hu-iiiess d.i.r.e l.y the hist ConL.r ss. ; if 1."..'! hills ii.ti'oo.u. ( .1 for the li.ivnieid of ' r.-ioiis ;o v. auuiaed . soldiers, and to ihe wi-iov,s M.ud or-, phsmsofihe dead, only ti.iny-four j I., . -.v.;.. l ;v- Il ..! ii...-- nl:.- VI TV i ,. '., . .'. tion. and the prolonged howl of loruhlv that i..-:i:'., mover was 1 ljrlit ... J . ; . when he wroie his coii-tilueiit it was no ur for a Viiion sohlii r to j aiM'lv to the Pcmocratie House of Pepre-cutatiu s f.r a pens Mr. Trui.ihuli. and .-tie : n ..,',;... i :.m,sJ 11 : 111 til!S majority ;,',. .. . ' reduced to I'dJ, stud now it is entire- M a in I lei--e,j -r.-t'c tiisriv to t he ; J- - soldn is. will n'dici t.-iat tnese Ii ir-1 U'.eS will r.ot ft their SJ.ecehes. 7,e'. mules. Colfet-hollers , hv old soldiers. Vermont has done nohly election lor state olih ess. crease of ten per eer.t in the Pepuh liean minority is all tlie Democrats can tcjure oat of it. and if that is anv com fort to their unholy cause, 'da them clui'l-hsnrs full of the suae ,-ort. '"We .ray thee, &r." Tiie Po--tou 7evii'. (liidepeii'Ii-nt i .-ays: ; "This is the first irun of the cam paign, sindas an Independent panel', we are lmund to admit, that it has f. red si very trllinjjr shot f.r Car:'., hi." Next we will hoar from Main.-, where ihe Pemocra's. Ireenhackers. Lahor Peforiliei'S and odds ;.ud en Is of everythiiiiT else have eomhined against the Pej.'Ul'liean party and win-re jirohahly ;i million ot 'dollars have heen sent l.y the I -moer.-il Nationaleommittee to eairv tie tor the Democrats. An unholy alli ance, hut it won't succeed. At )ir-f almost every one thought this fusion element would carry the day there, hut now they kind of e-j-.i ir up. The people sire s;rotis d and have trotteii tiieir eyes open; even the Phihuleliiiiia Tiiita is conviiie.-d tisat the woods sire full of Peiii!li'-s:us. ; !i'-'m the eastward. Py a lit:'. Tlie Democrats w ill discover in Nov- r aUoii. sis ihe niovi i.u nts o ! eh-Molw rlain ;i!;d ti; :n o-in! -a- ;; ie. ad in sirai: e. ,.-: i;i'- ' -1 t Ie- hist celitUi".'. Witii ei.id I -rai' ie. i :, ;: I 1. ice a.loria d coats, !:;. e I n ; in - alai .-ilk .-t-;i kue.-s. '!lild-t "! t:ie !;.aer!e.i'.'( :'s i. raid.- tliel'e waiki d seV-u n. '" ar'u.u' the i n-i-n of ::i i..;iu. !'. a s;i!'-ei liar, a t o,' r. a napkin, wo.,1 !.:v.-r. a sh.-r: ni:-i.t!e and a cake made of almond- and tiie Pnrhe.-., Medina pe !.:.-Toii-e-. J-earini: on ;i white s.ri;. c ii-id.-!-. richly tiimm'-d with lc c Ih! "'i.i. the' httle Inf.usta. w ho .-...re ;i heautifiil wliiie I'ohe, the of l Pl' i n I-aJ-' ila. The pi-.ii-cssio!i '.. I' W: Mi d hv I Nun '.!' II ! i.i. ill Is, ,i-o.-( al-ila and ill liie cnapi i tie- m .L..,.i on two tahlcs V()()! ; V n.-n tapestri.s. At ' r to ke: ! ciM.l in this !;.. .Niarie delhi Paz Kuh d many ar-hii.d pre -ts ml -ili 1 r.-ahv ii h sorrv. that pro- siinsi-ipn -ntly t" Ins stunt, tin .v::.ilv'th - who live in the : d.aiiir.'iter of Ki-nliuaa-l VII. si: i i a. old . II Pdt-hUi-ah he. ne, train lal"l. d. hi have sidvisi d tin clothing as the her ehiiiiri .i. This sim.t. the I etiiisiiit; l.oiu-'e. marr;. !. tlf nueiie dsiitint;: i.i'n.-ier, .-ixtli s n of Loui- Piiil-io ml le i-. !.!e-t child is the wi;.-.., i-CI'VI l' llsUlted hef.re ISO dollht Wi III'' film Hildl.if; t'olcpie d' of sUeet:- r tin- i.r.-e ehiM Ps.rls. -inll t d Kin- ! iii to take heavy ::ui.t and niece, would):: temperature wsis eonsiu, Don Cssrlo-. the toe u. -l-i ! iV" ! . ' Old; t'.mihliiar rsoiidlv in the West, w in re Western Pemisvlvanist people, must do i keep their eyes if they want to know, f.r, hut the j 'epre-eidsstiVc o ion. A prim e What v. e;ii l .-l- r iuey may i xpei clull'imess. Uisusual tempersi- .. having an i astcily mov.--d when (.vserved in the 'feimi-ssce valley, will in ;d; ily ..:ss over your section : v. Tin: storms don't come !!e ) Pit!., .ch ine UK ill iUic 11 lei it ( )hlo nroha 'al'coU la -si.- n'-rain- io 'the Poll .v.;S. i .i ei . i.e-- will rce: ! j rim ;e,r on to. ioer.il i: r- -. Ss'elll r-i! rn.'- '- SiU'l i i J.I male P. :U I' ll. ped in.- us- Pi - of I );i siiTiviii sis-'iiia were emared wit. tia- ali.ir s:-" .!:.',:-. !-. ih T.'Ii do s'i'.d the Patrisleli ..f !:m Indie-', with n'her pr. !.:;- s. w ),., ;:a-m.-di.i;. iy I--e-in th.- - rvi witii ; '.!. ponip s.nd si-'eialor of tin- ': :'.( h !' P 'to.-. I n tia of o.; p! ;-m ' Vf , I -s: iie !;( i. i-i.ii!i:i ' !V-r a : am h-u f- mi the ('.. id iii w! l.s.ldiKl ! the e. P u Il'Asd. .1,7 AND d i a - v lo.eai. do' I i-.m-na id ia;d I. id!-- s:lv-. :u tsta . lari.i l-aoeiia ws! tai- I : ie e.- sv-.t .,; ieh the in the '.'e'lioIiV n U. I 1 : s'.MI.iSl. .. Ki.i't.u.A-. : to la I- si ii.l- Tloee Mil; for. A iml'li: lll'k V I.VIl.ilill'. elilht-r that a i'iile coat d'vov with which to ;ii ph- to the yhaie-eorri ii'-; a .-aire ares.s esi.teriy t ;he ,..,. tsiarity, it is .- oipport of the iirsiv. Thr nearly -.- tm si,o;identss: .-: : "I ihoii-do ' noticed as iiii. iis'.ve :t certain r.-. oon leartied to tell eli'ei-t of any an a rosichin s wiii eo:n- tnere was .-uue change lor our parte oil. r.ml fraud ! t eu sun ' schemes. In lfTs it was raised when detect- i foiled in their rascallv I there wsis si majoritv M A I N E o si i meliee t-i In: P-li. until I hai'i.ened to com.- across : At si Dt moer.die niei-lm!. last : Jim Plaine in a little otic horse town j ni.-'ht. ris:ht here in the city of Wsish i hack vender. His hat was msished ! in.s-'ton, the iW . .h-moeratie orjsni! ,' , ivj-siinst the Pepuldicans in Maine of. f i-s who sire 1 J . . i , 11.4-i : m IS, .i tins maiontv was i 1 reduced to -I'.H, smd now it is entire ly wiped out. and the IlepuM ieans CLEAN SWEEP! '1 .. . . - . . .. 1. IlLIk 'it. i ne entire -te .overnment mtheir j hands. Alsune has h'-en redeemed,: D ... T i smd has sixain taken her place in j . tt fi rt... FisoM sill parts of tin-district comes , the trrsitilyin intelli.'. n.-e t'.iat the ( leiicrssl Camj'hi 11 is nomination lnnnWli.r.1... ll.nr.t U T..,I-.T o. ,t .1,,. I W.VIf.K T, '( -I V I M 1 f.ilO.le.l Willi tl 21. ' " ' i : ,ma i... .;ii it'... f.iii niajonty. and has sixain taken her j.laec tin- Pejiuhliean ranks, there to re- j main. 1 ler electoral vote is safe for i i-i a U. S. Senator I in. his duster was specked whh mud. j his collar was wilted dow n to :i 'strip"; ami the how of his r.eek-ti" ; had somehow or other worked around : under his car. I looked at h'm and i ; '.:ave it up. Tiie jM'f.ple of the North are ear- -I fully considering' whsitd.ee and Jssek ;son would d- ii they v.'ere alive smd the principles: for which they f.ua'ht I lor lour years, i w ;w a had ora lav,- v sis cheered. Pi. ki: iii exp v. :: ii"'il '-line Id.ssisic 1 si.. Si 1 i.is l;::;:ous for Noitherii speec.!: Peiiio- '!-' Ii, i epi. IP. An of sulphur occurred sit ; tli" Ko!imo.r Colliery this morning. ! i'Urnim; Piehs:rd Tresie, inside hoss ; ;.l"h;i H.i rcjr:tve.-:, lire lioss : John : Lamhcrt. William Manuell and Pcii- nis Howaith, Th (lariield and Arthur hv an old time The last Uay fur tlie payment c.f taxes 1? Sut- j Pepuhliean vote, which iiiesins his; unlay, f icluocr 2n.l A i.C VJ. X.j.UUl.. .Ill 13 ..III..U jiui- : ((- jlll tlpularly to theee dat.-. No rote thuul.l 1 lv.-t - , lir Beirltrt urorerslL'Iit oi hinr dulv oun!irii.il. 'Wilell I . Vote in the district fed Why I lie South is Solid lor llaiieoek. . ... V. T u Tnn1.-...n m.....l.l ,r. rrr.r I :ry !ive. Thrte ere Ihe tame principles for ' Were I'ilsl ior sipt. ck theyforght for four ycart, iSememlx-r tlie ' ( ii't-Clihsick CSllldi date mD who NiBred forth their life lilo.il on Vlruiula'a : ,. . Il, and do n abandon them now. Kememt.i-r I '-'rhv l!:Jes . . Ihmtupon vourvote dejwnjj the success i.fthc will he o'.lt ill f Il.-mocratic ticket. Waile Hi.mi.lna. at the i . . , v., .- ai'Semees si. i.i mi-eiins in ine inLereai 01 ueiu.jcraii.- ni.riuni; iu Virion;, at Stannton, July 2Sih. h.-s tion. it was ;;n "off year" .lil W.ss elecieil. Sslid the .it two ol, lltl Ad.ani.-This 1 he . the year Vote I.i no tes to That close shave in Maine lias aroused the Pejiuhlieans everyw here, and thev sire hard at work now. H"W the old '"rehel Veil" railir out over the land when Haneork's fol lowers thmiLfht they had captured Maine. Irawn. tin htliereis over aoseluees siii.l I 1'eci I o: L.aC V.a irsiw from, and Coi5Voth"s little ma jority of .".: w ill he easily overcome. We have no douht of (h neral Camp hell's election hya handsome nisi jority if the Pepuhlieans of the dis tri"t make a determined eli'ort. Previous to the election the Pem- erats -oticeded that Maine would e:o Pepuhliean, and insisted that ui. less sin-jrave l(i.O"l majority sit least it would not he si Pepuhliean . ., . triumpii, wmie en tne other hand the Pejiuhlieans elaimed the State hy a majority of 5.(K. Just whv the Peji.ihlicans fsiiled in their ex .ectati'::s i-- explained in the fol lowing disnsiteh from Senator Plaine LATEST HETXJK.T3 ti:i.v:;i;am or si:xto;: iti.aixk to ( ll AIIIMAX .1KW id.i. hi :res.t distance, until live hour plosion. 'J'!,..- force was hurl- iolUK and was imt after tiseex o.' concussion jcra.tsto swallow. A thousand diff erent exj'ianaiioiis :;ra irivcii "i tins sm-icli hv the Norfhi i-i doivdi f .e.-s hut none are ssitisla'-t-'.rv exeeid the ; !,!'"'v ':i'r''.v true one. Not lontr sine.- I met on ! ".:,!'--wa'- l': and j;vcsit ip'.an- tiie t:-:!-i a.i'v to Sn.n rs. t -i ,r.,ud-! titles ot coal ieli irolil the top oi the nent !!e,llo-d eoiiiirv luJitici-in i.ml I J-':m.y;way, and the entire , for the fun of ihe thin- I veiittind ! !h(' w sh'pe ci.i.imenee. timhers tl;roui:h the : lift in ' " j ior tne mn oi ine iiiin; l venturtii i 1 v ' ............ r..i'sT Sept. 17, lSSii. do ask him to explstin this r. h. 1 aj)-i ln.;l '" dan-erous manner. The i.i . .i i-ii iin"lof Jl-imiiton I i xnecVd to all throuu.i the eollicrv were teWramto'hv-'" 1 '1 Urn hi ... k,S ror-stricken and rmhed for the telctd mt'lax ii,K ,han, as he luul ?ot wind .that ! '-ttoto. of the shaft The lire hoss To lyn , , shall .hu.:J, U,n,,,u., ; ,;)(l s.uth-rners had madei!,!U u state they ex- .Vmoiidf i. Uiit:iiit'ir, l or We have complete retun i m: tie- lauLhahh- thiu-.;s for Tuk Peinocraev made a terrihle only tiie rumnnnsx ol wind on an; iund- the last f'-w dsiv of our D.-moer.'.tie "ercat Democrat ie vie was tlu i':t- shouting over the to iencral ( lariield. A em vta, Si j.toinl.i-r 1 1. smi. 7o.a,i". .1. liitriirlil, il'iilvr, (Ht'ri. Tli1 in-? r-ult ..f vestenliiy's i-lo. tion us m arly s:- cm Im- -tsitt-.I at tliis hour (:i r. m. 'I'lii-Mlav) i- silioiit u f.iliows : The lti'pii!. liiniis lisivo i sirried tlie First, Si'i'itml mid 'I'll in! i.ii-.'n iimul Pistri.-Is, wliiie thr l'ii-i..ni-is liiivo inrrii-d tin' Fuiirtli uinl l ilili. Tli.- I: )iil.lir:ms lisivo isirrii-.l I.tli . l'V ., ; affidavit to the truthfulness of the; W liu ; n. ..l,,nt 1 laiHtitoo so P.. i.d.r.i.l ! tiieexecjitionofa few distsmt jdan- ! ()l:t tj,(. dih-mma hv -evin-that : tations and 1 tsive y.-u a summary ; j .iI1!ll()U Vi..,.. ..i;;.,, a''. out' the of the result. In the election ot 1 s. ' ; st.de deht. T.hat cxi.lansition took ' me ne nuuii sins i;icn.eu i.'.i i "ii s ( . i, i - : ot a msooritv. Jhisvearwe hsive I nisei am ni-d tie- mines carlv in tin- mom- iiiu' ::nd found la. su!ihur. yet an hour aft.-rwsird the exjdosioti took j.laee. What tiled the sulj.hur no one could ti II. suid. in fact nothing could he learned from the oiiieisds ah,.!!', tiie accident. Thev sill pre- loc. 1 d.op-.K il tiie !stlhiict ri'dit ilior,. and laid l;ar-L- in e "suns m twelve counties, heid !, ol.,t .,,! , Id .t..,l .v. r ti... ; 11,1 proiound ignorance. It il..w- wn! our own m twocountics and m two i ........ri- ti,f i,.,.. p.i.w.i-,0.i., ; arth other counties we have made sh-ht . lo ,,. tlat tju, .lle-h( nv mountains ' si::,w losses. Our net ram m the whole j produced hiu In -a. led peojde. 1 put: Stsite is reckoned at l.ot as a mini- i this state deht explanation down and ! mum. witii a pos-mic maximum oi ; :w s,... !W i P.,tr.Mi f 1,11, niaKiut; tiovcrnor navis re- j s,uw(.,i u i,, las, however, sin mouest ;n the entire matter. A Mull Kaes t Ipiit. i.rrt..i-.ii.i.i r.n. I i.,i. ..i.im .... .. ... .id.ii..n '. ,.,.ri.,ii.i I i- i, I ..... -. .. .t . . --r- . " -'iis ; ' 1 ' - - ' i ir - i ; .l . 1 1 1 1 1 . . IM-' .,11. majonty. r a.-l,.!,- ,,..rlia tiv.Hliinls ,.!' ; denied l.V his olU.nentS. His nisi- : i. ',. .1..,. .1..,; ' . '; . .. i tin ii j -1. iiii tin. popular vol.! for ii. v- - - i.i -.. -o i . i . oi- ui.o.s i. is n.,11 iii.it i.i. in is, .i .rrier, Iv.is :m.l P.aisli-. lmvo i-sicli ovit . isumcii w ill jirooaoi not (j j-(M Jfamntoii silid CVtTV h v" in Maine. . "- """"'' -. iiii ih.-pn.l.al.iliti.-s in favor ; he very mueli troin l';. .-have ,iVor,j h d he is char red whh and noise last work over their supposed Il;ul ithen a vicorv. thev had uo ; KX'ZS Tu I c tl.rii-fi.nrt! oi t!,e county ; Ilou. if it wuMVlt be for the Xorth- Vieton in Maine. It was. however, j .,... .Idiot,, it jWi 1 1 thrin-ot... ' '"'"'''y snriiriM- to us ami iuallr w. to !m,''r,: I,lon' Ui:)n VVH"irU.' U"'. ern doutthisice; ! ... 1 Hit-iiue-s ol llu-. niiH-ratu-i.anv in Maim-, i Mate f-ciiate, and a isir'C msijoritv ol , J;,.,.,, ,,, ;.. dtvoe the father ,f l'e-- v.'h.-'.i on tin -invn-s was ni-virinori-li.-.-n'r ,i.-K- ii ..n .1... 1 1 i-1 ....,.,.....: :': . 1' 1 - i - - , . , . . :. : . v. ....... ...n, , UR- juiuM- oi in- iii-.-i iu.uiH . isi v in" , ,,, .... ... 1 1. ..... 1 . siii.l 11 -lll.V.I',1 Ol. 1 ,.! ,. I...... ' ..... wmpii MOiiiaesi. iiiaoe as i cm hiiih- a eertiUll 0"c;ts;on ii" oiier. d SIS U sisinntrion genuine Southerner, Nasmvii i.i:. T;-:.... Septeni'- r I !;:(' ol the la-LToes i.upiic::;. d in iiiv- murder f Laprtde wa- a.:;, -a d and taktti t- Sitdhniiie. Ky.. on Si'.mlay last. muli d. '.-ivine tie-n.im.-s .,f (,ti.cis who wi r.- i tviatjrd wiiii him in the crini.- At !l' o clock on Tuesday nijii a laol. ol pity arm. d men went to Sie.-mv-lield. Ky.. and h.-dt; r-'d if ,v-, u : dour oi' tise jail, v, her'.- two more of' the ni-2 roes were cnuliiied, aia! where then, was ;d-o a nee.ro named hi.: Pam.-ey, rh.ir;e-i with the ii,:;r der ofa Miss il,.it. Tin- thiv- men Were ...ti::d smd rsiui. il si.'.a'.' Pv the esiiia". siie! v,' :'e sdh. rv, ,. n '- iaiu-j- e.i si in ur nine mile- :r:.;n pr..i-:-!i'-!d. Tiieir iimii'.s were t'-nind and cut down tins niorni;'. ,r. '11..' live otiit is accused of ci-mplii itv in Ka pr.ide s mi;"di-r sir.-uu-u-r a'.'.:;'.i a Sa.l:, rvi!!e. 1 hie of them nam. d 1 1 iirvriii.-i made a confession, ine.li- -- i ! !:i'- -'. ;,. .a, ; . t ohse, i- t t- wi: '-..tl 1 m -rroi:L Hi.ii.-. jets. Wh ri. : J -'.-I: II W OOL; "I ix ior;: ov. 1 1 , : t:. 1..; .11.1- 1 . .;:e i:,t. ai' i' i o v sins 1'" ltd who ee oil!.; ht'.- ii.P. n.-t in tin- parade I.v a lih -r.il disj.lssv of li.i'.idicend'ii !'-' ;:s thr V-t- -:;! in r".;. .'. .'eldy iiliailo s i.iVer . oVl.iei; ii-Lis i imj.ai iei.t tinouj :e w i wi ;' crs-i.isiii.'- : iaar ::. i : 1 .-tr. . t fr fthe i'.l'.he liaht ; A Sorc:-. -..ir .. l , rr Searcher - -m;iiLs . At e sr. a- '--north the -j'r: 1 ll i.i; a ol .!.... aii.U as.'ii' e ,t Monte,.;,,. r .I imme,;i.t;. i .Ie.;:.- ;4. i. 0 V .; catisc-r the etners. ;:nd jxivnw sa-e;:-i :itr detsiils of tin- torture of l.a.pi-ai ie to make iiioi r.-vesd where his mon ey V.s:s kept. The eNcttelii. ;,t .:t Ssidlerviile is very jrreaf . and Ivnei; in, of the prisoners to-niuht is sip jirehended. Thr names of th-- men lynched are Ar.-hihsdd A .lami soii smd -he-k P'.-'l. A. thiiil in-:; resisted the lyneh.-r-:. when tli, V ; hrokr open tlie jail, and w..s f eual afterwards on the ;!,, ,r ds-sid. his ' ::.:.:s ;ih:- i in- im n jia-si d resideiiecs al"ic' :;'i"'i wit.i th" . rv ;.r..s, : "Her P..:',::- : coh mm.-tte-t tm ,-ky as iiion -r. wiii:e loa'siv tl... I:.,.. ..- I .... iiii. ..;,- ii, i's.tl'-o ,s.,i :i.s- atid i .ri i lists.! Iy lighted iii houi-ro tlie oce.is;.,::. Artilh-rv w..s staiiosi eii'.i Spri;;- :..rd. n 'siivi ; aud a the Fourteenth Ward Pepuhlic;;: llead'uara I---, on Pro; id stre--t. h. low Fa -mi am; avenue, v. hi.'ii minute e ui'.s s..s vi P-rans 11 - ..:.;,. , , , . I lDpl.llu, Ol.ll,,,,',,, . Pi. .. i I.i - V. r -. I i:. K. s- Sivo YoarCiiilrlren. a hody heir.e; riddled with luilh-N. His i.stme was p.ini-cy. None of the llloh Wel l- recognized Py the cit il'.elis. who wcr? told wiuu thev asked where lie- uei'o. s would he .uud That the buzst rd woe. Id iind timm." Laj-raaie wsss sin old num. an 1 wa.s tortured to dc.it h hy ilm in em' liends. win) tried to make him t-al w here his moli'-v v.'.'.s coUei ai'ed. I si!- 'Pi ;.': s i !oi,-ii;.-of: of the Iiii ii. : . t : 'elle-S !: l. W ; T i I t:i t! i f ,- i.'lar;x T.-Vr-)i I r, 1.1 " lVrmii-ltf i; i n.,. ) : u i;i i.nidii.aus. V.'SIS tUdV t:l, -- ii.. and the edi ct of ti; re. si-.-, tie- -;eady tramp n l tie: iniisie of nui:: wsis one rareiv wat- d. Sllid W..- l:e:srtilv t-nji.vei ::o;:-aiids w In. witn. -s,.,; a- l. .-V. ;, ;..',;. A' .;.,:!. V 1 ; , .!.. ..', . r.i. A;,,- S .... e;j Ih.iirv? r..,i,-;.:i; r- ;:;i'. Hi i.i.-.:,:-. - n in. : uraa. l'.t. La..:. a,i.. t r ... io:i i. ,tr.i. , r- . --, : .i,..- -!vi;iliT i:; l.!r. !t!. tine's irv.- of tin- Silitaticn a drum after a fast of tw en ' : bribe, sdi the kiie'doms of ihe earth. ol I'lai-ti-1 . ijipeanmr to him to nr.-nvass Mi-v!.riii..r..a.Wratoly tak-n j the 1 louse of Pej.reseiitati ves. jrivinir . I. V,,!-!.! .,'-,r.V ,, ,;. and it -l.,.v.i-,l on Wt-diK-siiay last u total .... ... ' f t f ,1 v:,. , . . 1:1 voso i..r I'.oas oi a tnlle over 7,Mi. with n:i ' " ""'1 . '." ' ' l" ' sill.jeet. Hot Slhollt the state dent, nut Mii.w.ri;n:, Sej.t. 17-On Wedn s dsiy si mob of several hundred on u and hoys madesui attack on the rink, one of the larm -t. and finest hui'd iies of its class in tiie country, smd raz-. d it t the rrour.d. The jeopie did imt interfere, and it v.sss carri'al on niesih The citv hs) trouble in eettimr thr h to ossil sur- lie iruin IlUM In tho four day s lmitilinif tln cli iion 'a tlC l.ist oy. r '...ii voti-s hv nuans well knou n r,. . , i -i i i nariv in ,-Iaii!ei--extiia t I n l-STP that ' "" 1,,:'"'"-' '"- "'''" Nutiimsi! Hi-m-K-mtio Iuk veteran soldiers ol Phihnhl- i'-'"- . a.ia. i. in i oiiiai;t.IllIi.lii.iiilwliii.hd((niit(.alIJ.irl.urtli(r orjsimaiiou liolien. .n'.ioi Voles lor -. iiir:iU.m lr.iai jn: Ihe total cost is -I majority of i'.,ii at the uiiiiiiiniii,. j ( hiVerillill lit ill itil its hrslliche.- hout the jirineijilcs for w hich Lee rend.-r his h ase, in order th in an , exhibition buildim' miirht he built Our only r.-ret is our failure Pe ,i r.,,.1," ' ,,',' pi ..,,,1 f.,r -PP.P ! .n u,( ml f .1 1 t 1 J t ' 11 i, im 1 " 4 I ..... retrain tiiCji-ourui ami r ntn v eiitrres- ,.V).rv sional districts. We succeeded in ,.,v" reoiicmtr me maiontv m eac.'i to itiiul. v.hieh is iiv.ta d true Southerner is proud to- " 1 i..i... i ....i .i ridlleitlir 1 no neiiiiritv m i.-u-li t,. Si- i .. ... inm i;-ii-i,r,iiiiiii. ,..1... ...... s,.ri....i ...... ... van..ii.-lv i-tiinat.'d from 7.VN.to.'sIiiiHiK . o i i-.P .. : " ;t'ie J lam pion ii.l not lipj.esi!-; t3.url.sid a i.rocession on Wcdm s- fl,,1"n- In iths.dshruok to-V atltlV ,,,. ,allK. j.,,,;,, ,M.V; 1 about one-third oi the 1-usmn ina-:at the red-shirt Democrat.- meetinrri r, r.. s., , rT, day ni,ht last. There were eieht M Atrtherd windIM , T .r. jg f Columbia the oih-r day. It is to : elel'tiia'n ' wsi.-: eelebnited heri la'-t thousand ofthem in the line which , " l A 1!1 " acelsstp .,'-' Zf - I ' nt(;L "l-' to i nbht hy the Democrats and (hven- was thmMiiiles lontr. Th- display i f t!I' ,'"'' --,,,"t 1 Tin: ex-Confederates are doin-r jrunients in hoth districts during ! 'jp, Z "e '"X'lT.'t 1 ; lM-k.-r- 1 te- ,o-ikf -r ftl.o voe-c t- was a maenitieeiit one ' ly st,,,.!anted by thMlreenbsu-k or-, their hest to put a sugar coating on the last week which we could mt l,.,,' .h, . (firn M i. i i J f,i ii..'.tnot,.il 'bus o.l L i -.1 . -n i ivwm't ... ... . . . . i ! I '1 . 1 lit1 rt U.v ,l Hill !l 1 II r 7zrz. s ! :: ; .: : ; ... ; ; : : : ,! lT an.u aro.reafon.,n?.aws:-v rsn . , v, hvr brv and -at eXeite,..ef. ti,, ....I-, leisit. . "1. :is:i..ii.. in. ssii. II, t l.,,. . lil i', 11. ...... ti. Ill IV 1 III 1, ,l,t11 ...... tlif, n..A , rt. r. w. ...... s j .. .. ......... Illr- I fiill'. . M.i,.n, ii.i l.l- 1 ,,i S..I1I , . ... . .- . . " - .. .- J i i wi. ''... ll' 'iio ll i.il .11 l.SU 111 llll. OOUlll- I "'.uu .uiMn inn 11,1, M I'.'i l.l, .'Hill. . - ..... .-. ..- i .1 I ,, ), on Haneoek to make a declaration ;et in ins nk-, li.r -"vcrnor, and t ni mind to sujijiorting a Union ! rorK ,!I'N1)KKI' AXI mxktv-kvkx atrainst the psivnur.t of rebel claims.! March and Ladd. the t wo Congress- ! soldier for oilier Thev .m- -cn I Towxs c ivk havis a ii.i iiai.i rv ok hut he stubbornly refuses to cm mit himself sirrainst them. We in- " ;- -''" vite attention to an article from the : 'iiw t-1 lowing the amount of money j It v.. the (aovcrnment will Pe made to.wpoar j.ay if the DemiKrats til'tain power. ineli tin-'." have elec cm, Th'-rr ?;vi.-)i"i 41'i SIX TOWNS VKT TO HEAIt F!SO MAY ISKl.'I'Ci: IT TO 2!P. aldier, :!! ii.- well ( ln.iiipii for those so ( nthusiastie ovi r icnersd f ', .(tv, . .1 .t .i ti-.tnr i r. ... i .. i- i i , . .., ,..-,,-. on- i-cuerai so; I -iii-,-pp If it cost the Democratic National CommitUc one hundred thousand .1.11 4.. 1... S.. 4. ,1.4 41. I uoiiain ij iiiiui' us iiiil iiii in.. , ..rev. fim-nbackers in Maine and pet lick- j ()n Jauu.,rv 7;j,- jssn, . .mi nioi .iTYiii.i l i i. ten i it , i . - i . t , ... leoiivnuisetommitt.-e on luvai.d ; Jl,. did his duty. General Garfield ' inous.i.i.m iu u .ma niiij. uii.riir- ivnsions. et wiuth In- is l Iisttrm in- even elaiminjr that Ilanem-k got on the wrong side during the war from ne- ; eessity, and not from choice. Listen 1 Pohti-axd Me.. Sept IS. Four to this, from nn APilmtni i.n.w.r- hundred and ninetv-sevci. towns Oh. ves. General TPincock J n "ive D.lviH 71'-. Ousted. TlklKKI; isn't much of a .(.litician or lie scattering. l.'ll-tl.'C ivi-m lii--:...! iwoeisisscsot literature .-r- neees- , .;,., ,-heered stlts-rnatel v. The Demo sarv for the Dcmocrsitie party, hut icTsitsat last retired and tho Grcen it, hke the old (usn:er doctei s 'barkers remained in possesion of the meo.ieme, it must not get mixed or ,.,. it will exjilude the j.atlent. Liars won't ih) these days. When Voll A r.md.o I'l:.jrr Il.-ai.-n l, Dealli. sav a thing stick to it. Peltzhoover : v ki.ixa. u.. r?eiit. i(. uiii.ini A l '.( STA. Me.. Sent. 17. Senator Plsiiue si lit the following telrgr list vesierdsiv afternoon to (h i., ral GariieH'; An.: -sta Me. S. pt. p:. C. ... ,-,. V, .llu. A. ;.ly,l;!. M, ;.!,. .... The j.;-, imliesitior.s n-.w point uumi.-taksd.lv . u-. to the clecttoii id Gi.. r;!,;r Da.vis. If W" could he ;;-sii;-:d ofaah.u- i st vote iiii'lsiu honed fet'.-ru i.i Freneli j.l.intati"iis i.i Aro.,-t.,.,k county every possibility i,f douh; would he removed. Tiies,- l.lanta- it I'.in si.-.eI If ii-!i;iii;1. r a "'!: :::. (';., Sep.ei,i!,t r i ". James P. Mervitr. .i resident of the I'sirms district, being refused an in terview with his wife, who had re turned to live with her father, Mr. Frank Tipper. s--me six month" si-.'o. on sie;.-oiii:t of ill treatment from her .iltit. d si visitor Sli tise : A i.i: riv irai -; .in i.r.,; i:-- i.- ; 0:-.ian-' O-urt s, i.-.-r. ' r, i;,. , r unair-iL'Slt,! m.-i-usor.- :.rt l I ru-e- .-.I..-nl :;i r'-.it t'si.ire u. ! .-5--r.il i. v. nl S ,u:i:.n::a',.n t,,wr.-hli,. Si.ii.i-:-.-; , .'.,.',t, v. ;tl .s ii ,c j.ai ...ir -r. " i a fa mil- .-!. si 'Mr. -i V. , ('. Foil'. tail!, of wl.o. Silt!on-.! sa'! -.:.;' -. d Mgaiu-T ;:: despcrat. ii'll-ioi! liisale i-v excited h-u.d. While M.-riip and F..m w ;; s.-uiiiinL'. :, l-i'.- i: r of ih" j si.'V. t- rntre.dint.' M-!; it t,. d- was for a-l to ;;-: the pi-tel. nm at him tw i. e, the s md '.ew : : i- -!s lions have !:..: i- o' D. or Goveiimr , 1 1 led 'lilie tune in tne ersiiie i'rsitid for thirty vear We have not yet r: envs-d th. turns. pe total vote Davis will reach m-ar. T-h'.KV). Only at mn history of our party in Mama ha-' the vote exceeded 7.t'K The siv erage anu.d vote far the j,--! t, n yesns lias been a little more than d'Mieii. h-r ,eop!e are in spl. ii.iid !:.-:irt son! courage, and will : ii:t,r t.:k:::g , Ii rit: iia-n s t . j,....ur mid'tii-ht mand l'e fu s.. ii- ,i a i:i I ilTel 'l. '-e.;. si: :'. e'au. witii a : -A : M id d-par: . t urn -gun, he - ei tne Novembi tslge i, ( 'iute-t ri it With P ', van- 1'oiiUiar Monday aj.-ritv in th ed ti dour s-i. as m tarn : Put his targ' t i-er. m-iilii r oi Men .'ses.p-d, smd iuui.ed tiivd from the !.,.i woiiiiding tiie ura . th'- iti'igs. Mi n it: FoUlita!!: li:''..l:j!i t! io IT witliot'.t ei;', ,-;. s'.l" l.'l itain. sua o'.'.gll ill in.; i. sed was Mrs. Th,- 'it's wife. S:;e hsitelv F-.iiiit.lhl mid '..r:.i!t .ni.l C'.eikl'c. rrest. raid Tipper g o th." authoriti. s. ot t!;e st.m-s, ed hu-hatsd in again sind at e orokeli d ".-, Merritt is now ve him- A t-rt v.iiu.if.If t;i -in - a ii..'.- ... T '.mty an I ;.i: .ih.res ipi. ..r' i -t-rTi: '-!jh. MjiipI I. ;.);. Cl..ii:vyHP"S. J Ir u. ...;; r ii i:'.:iiv .-i.T'", ::i r- r - ci ; ! an-I in a lii-rti -i it.' . writ 'li .i t jpt :r.? :i ni'M l-.v.- A i: .i!::;i"l I. rrr"' -T an.t .1 I. f.f.e.t'i l -iiii liiMji.er .ri - ii i jir-'i '. :-i ..I r-.tiii i! ri "ii liiu t.ir:a : -. " ' Qrt.-.i;. y in .i-'iin-t'iiK, n tf. ' -u-i-:i'jr '-I t r .!"!..:-:-. ;-...: ( herrie r1. : a -i wlM-. Ii " h a rn i t ifr n . lu;l-Iniif "i -t;. . -(isiTtii'i sli'i(. wua zl w tier ,1. . f :.-r:ri. I ' i.1 pp jierfy is :' - V- i-. K. U. .:n. tii?.- Ir -n . ? fii.-v u a'-'S t't rth s-imr-!1! 3'i i s-.: ;e-;..:i lz A.rd. 1U. 1 t ti I :i"-ti:!r i n r.-r-jr". i-iif : it-n vr e..nt. d Im.- ..hi h '...v -d Ii.:!.:.:;.'-: i;i three e-ri-il :ii,:iu..i ; -i i;:t:f : i?. i rir ti-.iij. i pur- !. i n; : 5,.,.Lr,. i ..rt xli pt!,if .' ;t! iir-ifTt r i:t- any i jr'Ii'.T ::i "ru;;tiin m t:.'1 '.rt.- re-i-! nrtr tt. prvit-t?, .r ;i ' .:i-C'-'iiA'J1. I'. ' . !.t.irl .. K... ' t-- r:n'v It. f.l, S..fjr-" -r , l',;. ." . ! HAN ! Ir. . i.j m; tMi i;: i-t I ' .".-u:--r .ii 1 : r- vi ,. t;i . i.i i :1a l;t- or: I'.-i'o' iirt -S ;,!: tiiv u:i .'.i-s:i;.'i.i iPl-v,'.-.. : J-.- j..i I'll.-, !.;'( 1 1 .M ill... ! ' It. man Herd, and tignally fail, how much money is it going to tsike to -lect lianeoek? This is the ques tion that is lacing a-ked hy the K-rspiring DcmiK-rstts A Dkmockatw'si msikinga siii-i-eh tit Klmirs. the other evening, and in the heat of the debsite asked the question, "What will lianeoek do if elected?" Pelore he had time to answer himself, a gentleman in the siudieiK-o quoted Hob Toomb's opin ion on this subject 'T-t the South run the machine!" whereupon the speaker became angry, smd deinsmd ! that soiuc-ImhIv le put out. D-ivi j l.liiv.ilit.- MVoll III h-ivn liliul- to tlie nvimtT.l ( 'v... t.,. . .. .,.,,! I'., ........ 4,.-.. , . . - - - - . . .... ....... iuui.il i . ....... ...... ... ... .-ji.iiii.. i , ,v, in.,:,,, ,iii'L inn. i.iin, ll nil. ini,r and ioucl.t in the! in; ssir i,.i..no i., ft.... ..r.,. 'i;,. e,., .,,... c. i. ., ; i. ,j .. i...4. :.. -t... ... . . . ' :.... , ,. .., no iv, ,1 . 11. .Ill l, l-i" ".,.-111,11 . l llll. r, I i i.-, 1,1 1, Ml 111. ill" IS. V". I ' 1 ' I 11 .1 1 1 111 ...I lllllVS S ill ,.o.le. to n ilieml'l r tUilt lie i "l,i..n nrm- tin 1u1a..,.1 4l. ' In..l ..,.., T.,..: . -1 -.1 ..- r , 1. 1. ...1.4 I.. 4.1 I mi .. 4 ... .1 ! .. ! ..I1.. ti ' i 1 -, .. . 'v .iii(,ui ii. iiii'i.i.'i )i-,u lAinn oi, rmiusi Zi, and ! ooiiu. ne loin ine iiiiui ;n,i'tu uieissiioon. eowell was plsivmir earns, displayed the same aceomm.Hlatnig ' military service of the country, and j Gsireelon '3d a Fusion plurality of j delay in the pension eases in the 'stud Crcstman standing two feet disposition toward- tin- hoy.- in ; it wt- hi jirofcssional duty to follow i I)r','lI('t.il'1S that, Davis will i Senate. Kveryhody knows the Sen- j from the door, when some one u li the st,rs -md stripes in obedience i'e a , y whu: ls W i :,t0 was dilatory sihout pushing the I known grahbed htm, drew him out r,., , ... :. .,' ' " ' . 1 .,: . short ol a mrjoritv, supposing there ''ills through. Hundreds; of soldier? of the door, and struck him over tlie "I'1" 1 ! to tin- command ot his sum-nors. nn. t... fnr.l...r ,r.,;,. ... m ; ; t. w,.'o. 1 , t., k,,;,. i.i,, ,-. i ...... i. .....i. .- n:.. . 1 :. . . . i ... v. ii tain.- .i i.jsses. ... i in. -..u lit tviioi ii in ii; tin 1 1 ii t lic ioi esii;ss 1 1 ii no ii ci no ici iiii linn to nius, lie in tiie arcmvesoi tne M'nate, : tne grour.it. smd lut mm again in land a goml many will stay there i the hack of the head, killing him in j until tiie Senate changes hands, i staidly. C'restmaiFs. friends were an The best wav to get a bill through t legranhed for. No arrests vet. a hill i :u':iiuit the vocations of teacher and' i'ili of a Itt-Igiaii Xohle. ruling to be placed on the! prcstcher, volunmcred his serviced x- .. , pension rolls, the usini- s of all the ! .e.i r:..-..i w, - 4. ....'. ' . i'KK,-H'j.t. J.. U.eJMg. surviving oihccrs smd men who! 1 i 1, r - , r V , -T r i 4 'V'mg in as- for a Union soldier is for the cripple; . unn n, oi.iur mui w 10,1, idol.!, to fight in the K-dcral Isistance of detectives for several ils.v.s j to come to Washington with a crutch ! seneii in t.,e .Mexican war, m tiie!anin- a,l aid in conoucrinrr t!,r. 1 lt m endeavoring to establish the ! and n n. i;..-i,.,i .....ntttw.i war with tm- I reck Inmans. with ; South and cstal.lishimr the iK'ntui-1 uIent,lv ,fthe nviet who died every dav and devil them until thev Dknvk;: l '..., Sept. lo. The Santa theSeminoh s in Florida, and the : tv .f the Union o f-r the e-indi 1 y of winsnmption m the ,en- give von' your pension 10 get rid of r- f N. M.) Ibvuld puhlishes an s.e P.lack Hawk ws.r. on satisn.rt. .rv ' i .4 , ' ."eiitiiiry hos,itsil on Plsickwells I vou. Wear some of the old blue fount of a duel between a l.'te Indian ... .... . ;mu-., iiii-insiuiin 1 .neon 11 uai 1S1S1IK1. ii- I'lmvu-t k ; In.liasi Lovers I'ilit a Duel. 1 1 . 1 !,r,..i.;,w ..tr v,;,... r . . :. 1, i-'.ii 11 1 is. ssnii 10 nsivc 1 "'-"' lootu ig, except tliat llanctx-k was 'en liaron Herman Dcreifi't-uber-' also the names ot tm- surviving , w;t!:out .j1(,i(.e) while Gariield and ; '"'b' reside in Prussels, suid widows of su. h oiheers smd men. ; We.nv.-r voluutcenil their serves . whw. :Te kmnvn throughout Kuroi.e And that the r. oi ls who hsid pre-i ,;, ' i 'r'rUl( lr w, altli and high connections. r servmrs. ( Ihe case was brought to the sittcn- i en ,.r 1 , . 1 1 might under this hill W !accd on: 4, ..'... 1 b"" , V , .. .' ii5iuc iuum i.ui.i iari.uui. . .is -uis. .viiiur 1; aiinn vioiislv seiTed in anv of these wars. uniform; it is a good car.'. The . and a Navajo, w hich took place last rebel Prigadiers hate tlie sight of it. ionrsday. A lew inends otthe and will make hsiste to get rid of j Indians were present. The Fte was Vou. 'Old Tom Worthingtoii, the killed and the Navajo seriously in here nfShiloh, had to resort to thisjuivd. Knives were the wesijions means before Congress would r( cog-1 used, and the duel was caused by nize his claims, although the depart-! hoth Indians wanting to marry the. ments '.ail miuirtid tavor.a 1 v m I. is Same gill. So Waii;;:.n, )., September l."i Ar rsmgemeiits have b. e.i reiiipivtrd ior the greatest mass meeting of the 'ampatgn t- .1: li: - il'i-rv. :it e , in .'-l.:: -r a r-.w u-.i:. t-ans eK. Ii- .1. ::t 1 ' -i ..'li .-. .-. :. I .1 .1 ; ..tender Tin e iieid in tins city on l'lemi'cr g.i!i. ( Grant will j. reside and l oiiKling win I.e t'ie prmcipsd speak er. ( ienel .d ( lanieM will be present and Genera.1 Chester A. Arthur and si number of the Lest speakers in tin country. Tiie PcTuh!icans are erect ing a wigwam w hich will aeeoi.i'ui. date ten thousand people. ( '.inkling will speak in thr wigwam, while ironi stands in tiie open stir other spesikers will address tic vast multi tudes out-id, . It is pri di, -teil that not less than. o:i'.- Iiundred thousand people, will s.r.tt nd. hverv jiroper means will he. used to inika it tiie reatest mass meeting ever !. Id in (Ihio. Tlie: ill'. 1 .en. senator Tiik Demo-rats of V. "ashingtoii j tli,.un;,,.ir'! it .v. . . .-. r t.- ''..! 1 . . ""-- i...lllie, ) ilirills Jlil'l repOlll.ll ISIVOISUUV 111 Ills .-.'iiii r t.ie 1.U1-oa .,,.1. ,t u.,s cxpressh the Chairms.noftheir National Com- -1'0 claims to be the widow of the' case over and over again. You i provided, ti.su e-ertion -1,10 of toe , mit(eo tJu PenuK-ratic press of the low- is si line look- must have cheek as hmzen sis the ' A Mys.rri.u.s i.ca.h. Pevis-.-d Statutes of ;hr rnit4-.l' t t ent-itioush c '.mi.mni l"fr "T"' "' "avs t!-' i Very old devil and talk loud so that States is hereby npesih d. The 4, , k ; t ,' r , 1 w f . t i IfT i- w,th hl "I.v . vou attract attention. Wu.MiM.ros, S.-pt. lo.-A tramp section thus pr,.;,sl be reiie-d- r 1 oti of List week j ' to tins country liftmi ; Sccrcteirv Sherman and Attorney I was found -lead in ,u. empty car , , 1 111 n' ' ' Mann with its majority of lG.K)for caisa.. well Eui.lifU with funds. ! General Devens who have just re- here hist Monday evening and a ci Is SIS Iol.oWS ; 11 i.-i, t-i 1 :JIr tr.av.-led t),r..n,.l, 4. '. , ' . . . J , .1 4 .... .! . -pecial from G litre f t T I il .-:ivs thai siM-irty tlit-i' i rrutly ai-tat-.l v. r tin' liiai'riairi. ui o:n' i.f iiiltvinir's lun-t rrliu.'tl ani ii'li y t'thuwtvd youuz h:;Iii-s to a mior f 'liiian v;in w-t; t rn in tin- iain ily. She is hinlilv conntrU-.l, hT latin r Iiavln InS! :n -.i.:ih viiic at tin' tin c of his tl. ati:. nii-l v.i -Il-kiiowii i:i K'ii'ial i-vA s tiiru.5--!icrt:t t!u- Nrtiivrt. Ti.c s'-:.u;.ic ran av;av la.-t cvriii:i: au-i i. a w; ru niarrii il. Tu-tiay tht-v wm toun-l H-veral niil. fnm tiiis'citv at a (.uiv -tc staii- that at 1 .ir.n S':ih.Mii'. i 'uiiiv a : "rt ' 1: 1. .t ;, . J 'li't A. SnV'tcr. peti-r lr'i:T::::tn. : 1 SM.--i.kT, W:ai.i:n Hi-"..:. .; t.tt:-.x-''J n-.rv-1. tti'Tn r l--, ... n-.i. wittiii twn-rorv ir..;ii'- . I'iim itri.i "'titer u:f'n;i iins "it iv i -(...rn if i:i onlm-iry '.:ir vi U!r::t'i"h .'ry iKie me-it !'itf n iri'i nit:"; 111 ji:ti';i:y : two ui.ir4 ;r-'! t 'nfr:. lulled i r'::i tit- 'tn,itT-?'cl : :).;''' l clup X wiii' fi n:..t----.: V-tv tl l t .-!tf -1T..I .J 'r-r ! - , .4.1 ' : t t'i- "''a tiMt.-ii.'Q. t'H ili.' :!..-. t ,-' cr-;: -;u t d.:i-i nuw Ie-n tm i z i. ; I' i- sV.iTf t. N.. 4. Vi.-i--i trr ::! :r.n (.''Uf.ry : Sr.iti 4i''-r"--i l. - - "inti rr-'cry ."tor; r-m : -t' - -iiti wed. . t;n n.'f t on il 111 -r : li. i-' Hi- -.i-r. :( K-.'.r-il !'- "ii ::i-fru-jrvj; jh r-'lit an-i !'t '..' .) :, :r:r 4. 'Tti '( f-Li i t-'W:i fc.KMS.- hi.- nip! in m -i m -iilf, ari-1 cn 'v.in-. in n r fi ' uwii -i wi;;-. irii-r--t. J -'.i r ' 1-ur Itj"li 7 l. .f J1 li I Tl:" ) '' t.,iVl "J iHil,' iUI'1 W... 'I J.er:'J.' I tro.til -.-in i-ivtut; "i f.r r . l:ir Itn::!-.'; t't J.; ?-r;arr.. n ,i':di:.i--.' licath on CiirHaiK I y i:!.ic sai.k. had a iollifieation ovt rtheir iiresuin d Aictory in Maine Next day the KZTZ fully omit the fact thai while tho Sit-retarv of the (irecnhsiek National , eiei.ir.-n ... in ir-. ..f any .!,t:i..i ts..h. K'l.tililican vote ha; Committee addressed iisivcsiii ls.li. Ihev however cure-, 1 '-'' 1 tnroiigli tiie country turned fr..:.. re,.,,.,!,;-.. I.ih.,rs th. ano ri.Tiiniii.i 1. n ..... .... ir 1 . ... . - . . ............ 1 1. IK. 11 Kasto.v, l'.., Septfi.ih.-r l-'.Ves-terd.iv niorniii-' 1. .1. C,ia,.:i . one-leg''ed trami). was found on the l'i'"m'!pal townat Ii nr., l..r f i... I ..!,;. sS., . tli ipiehsuma railroad hrid.'e,. with his neck and arms hmken mid sever al severe gashes in his head. His post-mortem examination shows I ''''itch wsis found on the hr . - ... . I 1 ....... 1 I 1 . 1 furnu-r in Ohio, atul tin- latter note to i.mi.ii..r'i.i-'i.,iii... i...... r, i..:!:,M :,.,:-,., eil 111 volume since thei tiiat he came to his death from con gestion of the bruin, produced by a heavy blow upon the left temple. 1 wo tramps ( .corgo liiisscll and il- 11.11. 1111C Wit ...... I I . . ,,.ll i.i UIII'J, .III. I l.l' 1.1111.1 ill l ir-elv increis ' T S t'vdve ycs.rs ago, when , Indiana smd Minnesota, brintr news Z i v I r i l ,1",","t", m, ti,e ,,ou "iiiehisealeulated totirr,a upthe ien, the Dein- where he stoniici. At t ... .....r-t 1 1.1 ...... ... .. S .... Scns-tor Wallace thanking the P. 111-1 ''' '""l-n-y c tl- l niwo s,;,.,.- K-raiic vote, then nearly oO,Wm, has rthc IJaron dropj.ed his title and his i of their'j.artv. "'wherever they have ham Smith, who" said they found KKTats for their unsolicited and mag-j H-'-d not this hill 1 en defeated by diminished to less than onc-thinl ! j enthusiasni over r him dead in the car when they 3'animous action in eelebrsitiiig the;'1"' '''termi.'ied ojijnition of the th:t amount, and that to cover its ! nnl . !f i,ii-,rie'. ,Ie tliii,;ih'd ihe prospect' of a go.a.1 republican ; crawled inside to lodge for the night, -use, and the party , "sive neen oetaine.i oy ine coroner, working in harmony, i an-l suspicion points to them. Kus- t i r'-enback victory, and saying "that it si ia II ever remsiin engraveil uiMn nir lueiuui'ics sis one of the most gracious acts of tho gsillant but re tiring Democratic party."' Ilci-nhhcans in Cui.nrcss. Jeff Davis : insiimificanee it has trh-d to to,. Ii. . V . """" J" ,sne ! 'i tory is mt. ,,!.! nohvii, ,M ,.r..4,l.n:. l., " : ' . . 1 ' i ii '1 1 . 5upjMrt him and ; every where . , lAi.-iuiii: vh.j.iiiK uuuer i ;'."- win. ne wa.s arrested J mie lit ..........P.JII..JIVII muli im Miiiiui-,uiii:u,ll una ill ii ll mccnojlCKCrS, l1-'.' i.ueillV, 51I1U "UVO the I'll I WIS ir.iinif flu. . . ,,,,.,4 IiC,i,U.t,..i .1 m. . f i . , .... 'name of Henri- 'ir,,-,...,r.l ..,..1 !-n vn , vne.ti ...... i .iui.iiiiii,.ii iie.iinii-ioin uni, Mr mm p unoies 1 . , j "-"""'I mi'i as : i resisurv said o senlencntl i. . ...i . . J m OM-nmow. , swim. aoove, and he evidently stumbL-d in. .1 fell during the nigh; from tin bridge in a drunken condition. I :-.NVi-.ij.( Vi.. ; vi. ts from S.mt i I ,S l:tcit:!si a new lillimig camp forty-miles ffiini SatUst l-, wliere r.- cently rich ro- k wsis discovered in ' i'lUudatiuns of houses. Jesse Martin, ihe prospector who discovered tie- ore sin. i loi.ucd i lie mines m t'ie ireits, wsis driven from tovvu hv Mexican inhabitants. who dislike tlie id' si of si hir.';' ilitillX ot miners that insiv In- caused tle-ri - l'V. il.ltts Wile slink nil. a: H t:se l-ii.u.ii Mr infl i'- -. 1 -i houses and c liars, . th,.. iphahit- 'X ' ii l itc .i r.. r..rv I..Sr..r 1,,.. M..,.'.. ..'.,-,,1:,. . ..j ... . v : l-.UilL'. ,,l.ll ll., v.. ..... . . t!v Tirtllr el :.ll ur-li-r i-l I..., j.. t ir,li mlti-urr .'ts hi--- t .iy. : Kxr, ut ,r ni tru-l.-i- . ift'4'' i:" "I '- ! Su:ir.r.i r. :.:;, I'.'ui.l .ii.Hi.rr ci-:ie.l. lll.-lia'. (.i, iic . .ll'.', d. t.. . nr... j.. ... ;i L-iriii i.i.ii..ip.- - ; mm; 14T.J.CS "nil ii ! T"!ii:i-' .J..I ..ill. r ...-T ., -:'ii-li'4 l.'i.r- tie jiiki.Hii' w l.' f ll l :"' Hi" A . v.no was tie .. a v..-.. U it V J ious e iii'i.t. Iii reply ton question as to how lie sell is a negro htd. In Ins evidence retarv oi the - ociore me coroner s jury ne conivat Sun inc. Uxadin'; l'a.. Sej.t. I i- -.biiuiiicm Holt, proprietor of lha l'-:idisi:i nickel works, who has Wen missing since Saturday, was iiemd til is nmr- l-f. i;i:.i k. X. V.. September l h t harks Delaney. a respecta'ile color el msin of Moorestown, while wsllk ing on the railroad track, late last, night, had his foot caught in s switch and was unable to etjiosito it. A! uitig lis.otrmg to the rafters m tiie tram coming a'...ng psisscd over the riY'usr isr.i'ti nr..- so--.. i. :.- sis-- -'" JjlA?diNI '.'lf.t.. S T(S l UV.'N. I t--sN la,:--w-a kn..& Ia h"..r-.wl.l.v ' '.?-:: : nl br ol lun.nure. w !u. " 1 11 ... ."irnt.iei!.-!'an 'la-. fcr thr tr.i-.;-. e Hit tahle aifl rj" sa.wt f: ; , i ins hrst i-l.i.-i". vy-i I'-' .... ' AO.I urn-- ii'-' til tlie fui.if, Knini' . 1 1 . .4-. .. 1 l,,,,-v.li ,,.-i c..v..ri'il . 1 : . 1 .. .' 1 . 11 I .. . . .. .... ..... w..!.- ,'.av ef U1.--I.- sentencel t - . nM. .uusurv iaiu: e -. - tr:rrck m ias resiie-nce. r liuinei.ti 1 iooi, awi iiiikic, asat tlie liini. wsis ,1,,lci' ' ' ?', .:.-s., . r iy ii'ent tlX Umitlt 5llll""'son-; "The contest in Imliana i-i a very j He hn voil,t-.t until a week ago diliiculties are the supposed canso amputate.1 at the ankle hy Dr SAV s.&oa- 'Ho. t' one. 'It is my impression,, f"T a Jr. Wharton of rhiladelphia. I suicide. ;(iaunt. He cannot recover. " ' t,,vt" I". fl. r - nr "C!