The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, August 25, 1880, Image 4

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ixkctioxs i Tin: scutii.
n..iv Hpniiii!ins Have Itct-n Bion. i
" !
Tiic frauds practised hy the jVm-
rats at the recent election in Ala
bama are descrilied in a letter froin
cx-tJovcrnor ViHiam II. Smith, of
that State, to (iov nmr Ji well. 'hair
iiirin of the National IlcpuUiean
Committee. Extracts fnmi it are
pi ven IkIiiw.
T!1K state w as hi
ih:mo i.-ATic
Enters rev ived at the lh-.ubliean
hea'louarters conl
ilirni llie statt lliellts
. ' .
.ilrea'tv made that
there wa niot
...i-v.i.-..n frm.l .r;icfised at the re-
....... i.. M ii.-on-i Kv-dov.
Viliiaiii H. Smith, of thai State, re- of the west room was littered ! ,,f the rebellion, reeeivinp a number : j, ,.,,!,.:. pioident and professors. ! t(I1( jUd devoted to our interests. I liven point side to the Hunters
eentlv appoihtnl Enitcd St.ites is- with tickets which were not there 1 ,,f wounds in tin -vrvice ; and. point- I'.v-aml-i'y he went into the patriot-1 ,,,,,1 T ;.ni-)ek is ele- ted. and we I'oint side, wii.-re the naphtha ex-trict-Attoincv
for Alabama. h:es when the lipht was exlinpuished.j my civil :.. id military record, i je'arniv was placed on the stall' of J.;1vv no doubt he will be. you ill j plodcd, and as the biirninp naphtha
v Tit ten the ' follow intr letter to Mar- YVLcn Uiver discovered this state of ; j eiiallen-e tiie n-spect of all South- WashiiiL'ton to iedit the battles of !. .t.,-u j-,,,. the i.rooeitv'vou have ; lloa'cd up. it set tire to the lumber
shall Sewi ll. Chairman f the ,a
tional Con;mitlv :
The Ic-publicans in tliis State put
forth no candidates for any of the
State, o'hees, apreeinp to vote for the
(Inenbaek candidates for State oth
eers. and ircenback and liidepcnd
ent for county, of iecrs. The reason
for this was that the leaders of that
nartv iiliiL'cd themselves tiiat if
thev : ueei-edi d. helicefoith
there j
should be iu Alabama a free ballot
and a fair count. l!y thus votinp '
the Republicans expected to sn Uie i
a fair count of their votes for (Jar
field and Arthur in November next.
The D'-r c-lis kn.-w of this inten- 1" -1-'1"" ,ll;uli" '- 1 ll" "
t;.,:i of'the'lhpubliennstovote the111'-'1 h"'n the room. ,
ireenhack and lnde,.cn.!ent tickets. ' , .A"'r consulting with his colored ;
and it aLirmed them very much,
knowinp. as they did. that tln-si
i lcm' iits constituted a lari'- majori
ty of the Voters of tlie State.
Hv the laws of Alabama, "th
I'roiiale .ludue. Shrrilf am
1 Ch-rk of'
the Circuit Court. orany twoof them,
must, at least thirty days before the
holdiii'i of anv election in their eoun-
i lee ms; lectors o:
f chc-
timi for cae'i Jaer of votinp. two of
whoin snail o- members nl ojipi
political i.iities, if jiiacticabie."
ilm.-t of the comities of the Stab
.Iu lire of l'r. .bate, S!
nenn ami a ;-K
.... i . i i .
are Democrats, or at
them are: conseoiientlv
east two oi
it was in
their power to carry out the law iu
pood faith or to make use of their
jiower for fraudulent partisan pur
poses. They did the latter in every coun
ty where they had the power, by se-l.-ciimr
sii'-h men for inspectors as
would do the dirty work necessary
to overcome the known majority of
ireenbaekei-. Independents, and
Rcpuhiieai'.s. Jn this (Montgomery)
county, win-re the Republican ma
jority, independent of the ircenback
and Independent vote, is at least
'''."'i i. the Sheriff and Clerk of the
Cir.-uit Court iieiup Deino rats and
theilcik -iiiLr a caia'.idate f,.r re-el'-etion
and the Sheriff a candidate
ior lax Coileet'.ir. selected the nt--.e.
(o:s. utterly di-repardim: any
stiu'pesti' ins of the Jii'lpe of l'roliate,
who is a Republican and also a ;in-
ihdatc- lor re-election.
1'or cacli votinp jilaee the Clerk
and Sheriff Selected the Di-illocratie
and Republican inspectors, tak'nip
are in every material case to select
a colored man as Republican inspce
tr. and lvfuslnp to acctit as Repub
iiean insjiectors well-known, hiph
min'lei!. honest white Republican
supj-esled by the I'mbate Judpe.
The Democrats selected for inspect
or were in almost every ease men of
notoriously doubtful character for
political hone.-ty, and the colored
men. with few exceptions, could
neither read imr write. Tims the
preparation was made beforehand
for the count of the ballots.
It is claimed by the Rrpublirans
that the colored men have never vo
ted so solidly since l s;s as at the re
cent election ; that more white men
t ,,t...l .,,r.itl..t ll.. n..,,u..C' tl,,,,l
vcr befbrc. and fir more ul.itc mc,
refused to vote than usu.i
v- .
withstandim.'. the 1 lemoerats claim i
... l i .i i. ;.. .,:..
It . Ji.l l e i ai i icti in.- eieciiou in ini
county by about t2.7'N majority, and i
the vote lias actually been counted :
that way. I will illustrate bv "ivin
you what 1 believe to be the facts in
relation to eotintinz the votes in Pre
cinct No. in this county, known as
Met ice's Switch:
At this voting place the Sheriff and
it... 'l,.il- l.v i.iict..!.-.. ( 1 ..... ........ I
. i i i" .1 i n. i
- . ..... ...... . - . ... .
and write, and who had the nerve to
onteud for -i fair count This s0
j ,1. ,.'.i.' f . ..'...:. ....i'.!
ii i.iir,.. , , I ,' i, , r ,' t t,,,i ' I
Iiox tiiat the Democrats had to re
sort to the means described in this
allidavit to collect the ballots. The
filial count of this vol inn place eives
to the Democrats ."i )( votes and to
ihc Republicans .".. as printed in
Tin i-i .Uh-t rt; r of the Nth
in-t. A colored man by the name
of II. A. Draper. as each colored man
passed him. was informed how he
11, .-ii i i.
r. '
intHHieti to vote, until tic had taken
Democratietit kct.
deny it. Suppose you jiublish an
ojm'h letter PH-itiiiir the frauds as
herein liunlionetl. statin;; that the
Dt mo -rats lenv this truth, and in
order to settle the question whether
the Democrats havecommitted these
frauds, or whether the Kejiublicans
Jiave lied, you jirojiosc to the ( hair
man of the Democratic National
omniittee to send an equal number
of trust worthy Kejiublicans and
Democrat.- In hive-titrate the mat
ti r.
The Kepuhlieans cull and will net
. .... .
' n, I',, mi M tui'i n in i .-un iiltll
thev v.,1.1 w,iiKt M....,.w .'-.,s .it
-lt MIK l.ioi. m-K. mt-i 1 1 ... ,. 4 1.., . 1
. 1 1 . . l . - . . .
1 ne laic election, il me j icinocrats
accept your jiroposition. we will
jn-ovc the frauds by exhibit iiic C,.K M
mt n who voted as we say they did.
If the Delia M-rats declim: vour jiroi 1-
.. -n 1 . 1
o-moii, ii wiii ne a t.-ic;; aomisston
of the fraud.
v Tin: I IJAI n.
is the allidavit of A. Oliver, the col-
"iitl !iisin'tor of elections at Mc-
li.u. u il..l. 1 ......-.. 1. .1.... .1
. v . ..... ;,. iii ui.ti me
i.iu.,11 iwiMiiiiuuiun iniKin-,Ni as he was aware, until about noon.
win ii uie iwo l icinocratic mvj t,,rs
announced tiiat they wen-jroinsto
dinner, and requested him to j:o out-
side so that thev could lock thedoor
mid ro away. This lie refused to do.
and they finally concluded to allow
h.i.i to rcinain.leavinjr one .f ti. ir
........... .mpa.rj. ,
. ' . . inii 1IIJS111 Jit .1 Ut-IIH'K. .' T II,
nr .i:.v-.- 1 ... .1 .
,1 n r V i . 1 " M nm" '
edtoi.r,-,iil viththceonnt at that
imie, clTinnin? tliat t ie I.iu- ir.i.-l
,i . . :: '
them to wait until t ,,.,. The
t.oiiiui" inai ine law oirn-iii
m ..a as uiei ocjxun. At '.,..
m. 171
'I'll.- II.IH 1111-11 I-Olllllll Oill I
I . 1 .1.1
.. i:- ...1 : i i i i ,. ,
r.i lV' . u J"1,,,'I1 r11i,',h ami
y. ' i 1 1 were Kcpuniieaii and .
At the
i - i
r .1
jium i i;i Miii i
down a list .n::2 names'. After" that U, M "l" n :" a 'V" ,'' ,,fi wl'tI' Ilis ticket in full vi'ewand .lay i ?' !'' aI"1 1'f'1 tUi doctrines l-lmrty. In its riul.t 'hand is :, br.,- , '....'..Vs s;"vit.. J l-a c'. t
lie tallied each voter until his list steam,lit i the hands of the manatrer, : tor whit h you t.m-ht, 1 :icc.-.l tms : ken chain. In its left hand is a ban- ,-,.' () im,m, ."..iv... v ..
reiched -lim "'-f'ly y passenpr in it. : our votes "jianncil mt'! onlv 7'.l. ' h-monstration as a tribute Io my n,.r: nj,,.,, its shinim' forehead a ..,(,. "i,v i- p,,,.,V " ' '""'"'
The frauds in cvei v votin- pi ic- 1,1 an 'mUlhX tl" rt' w:,s ;l S(V,lt' f these tickets l!Xt were rejected, as ' rci.rcsentativccharat ter. Aj.laus. litterin- star, and as i looked unon ' ' ' ' -
iathiso.untvareiiwtasirilpable-is (' arful oxcitcment. The sound of , are informed, because they were ' 1 th strcnirth ot your hands, m , jt I S1id : "Such is the Republican A I'iery ortteai. !
in this ,,n- andean be e-wiiv proved his-in- steam and the hneks of : t fld(.d, avIk u the truth is that 1 fervor ot your hearts, in the j partv ut n,v c.nntrv." Tie- other
The Democrats (aim tliat lar-c "'"' tl''I,,,,1 I'senprs were blended ; folded every one with my own hands, firmness ot your laith. mall that bc-idav. bein-aloii- the "mad. I came to To the ordinary buy c:,tr.;nv into!
mmil rs of colored men vti-rtho ' an'1 ",rru"'1 tlirimirh the cars sink- ,.Xee,t l.T,'. These are samples, of , tokens irreatn.-ss ot manhood andja place where the road had been society is a fiery crileal. It is ai
Ul" i'oem:c ii!ecU,r.ition in domestic science. .
lirnnosed tliat thev eo out and get
something to drink, and tli two
n ;.,.. .i;. .;,; '
nJUfl lUlfl mill llie. Ull ..iijvmiiiti ;
W-r.K.m Thev returned inn short 1
tunc, ami l'r. .Mcucc, om; or tise :
Democratic inspectors, raid : !
: -iiui-klov and Jeff. Simmons arc
runniiur l'ik ; this thine niut
lie haived ' '
Tlu.M 1,.. l-r... I. J t! ii. I!.- i .vi r
ttingui-hinir it. At tin- same in..-
mi nt the hallot-liox was removed ;
amid much iioi.-e and confusion.!
Soon after the Inix was
ntumed to
.. uU'lc. strikiiid the liand oi Uiver !
as it was liroupht naek. . npni w;e .
thn procured, and Oliver discovered j
.1 . . . I... J...11 l...- . ... .. !
uiai in-- invn...
-oiiiIcrableaeces-ion to its contents. '
and that the Hour lVom the place
where tlie .ailot-liX li.Hl lm n to the
tliini's. lie arose and sanl :
' ieiitlenien. tl lis is an unfaird. al. l,y fraud and the white-line-raee i.
and I will not stand it." ' site, was seized by the iVmocrati
I r. .lc( u e said : e are m ihc ;
. in .... .
le. Ve have :
way all day.
nia'oritv. and will rule.
let vou have it vour
and now we are poinp to have it ;
Miemiemen. wnxei iesiioiioeu, ;
1 on"t stand it. You will iiave to ,
pive me credit fir beinp honest." I have the honor to be a member j u., nnpress upon New York. the) -W',. don't wa.nt -nv ,1 d Ya:i-
-Kon't you make any insinuations i ,.ftlie State Ih publiean Executive j foivmost State of the I'nion. Ap-to ,.ome la-re and talk to us.
that you are the only honest man in i Coiemittee. Chairman of the Hepub- j ,lausc And here on this island. - .tt,,r sirit hini up."
the house," Dr. M- ice replied. Tln-y 1 lieau Executive Committee, of tlie ti,r srrne of his early triumph, we ! Vs s,, on as these men had bu n
then bepan to curse him, and Dr. ; Sixth Conprcs.-ioiial District and jpi.ther to nipht soldiers of the new ,,lu-,rd. IJundall attempted t :-Mcth-c
advanced toward Oliver in a 'Chairman of our ('ounty Kcpublican ; War, rei-iesentinp the same ideas of ' i , '.. h-al t dked for about L'O
i i . - .. r ., ,t ,..ii
Iileiids outside. Oliver conciuui-o io ; trlet as a neiepate io u:e iaie ..iiio.i- ; y,,, ,,j n volution reared, lien- .,, (i.-,)W:ied his voice. The Dcm
po in apain. but was met by the ih-'u Kr publican Convention at Chi- thnien. ideas outlive men ; ideas M.r;,ttoll llandall tha't thev could
rlaratioii of the other insiM-etorslliat. ,;. outlive all thing's; am! vou who j.,tr !. b'.r.d -md the music-
havmp pone out he must stay out. :
He declares that ahout sixtv w lutes
v"b'd at .Mcdee Switch .n that nay,
and Iliai me oiners were coioieu
1 .1 . .1 .1 J...l'.
men. He know s all the colored men j
there well, and there were not more '
than ten of tin in who were Demo-;
crats. Urea use of tl'ie threat made ;
Oliver did not witness .:.- close ol ;
the count. About a hah an hour at-1
ter sundown a Deputy Sheriff witn
a liosse ol aliout tweiit -live eilieli. ,
.1 twenty-three militiamen, armed
w itu musKcis. appearen m me vicin
ity of tin-iiollinp place. Oliver says
there had been no trouble at the
polls between Democrats and Re
publicans or between colored men
and white men: nor had anv
threats oi
trotibh been made in his j
Another correspoii'lcut
from Mobile, Ala., says :
To my mind it would In- an abso
lute waste of money to attempt tla
election ot a sinple elector in
Atlantic and hill' States. I favi
course, plaeinp chctoral ticket
the field, by which
mav not onlv be madi
na frauds
clear, but the
National character of our party may
be maintained. In many districts
and in some States v. c have majori
ties, hut the election machinery is
entirely in the hands of our adver
saries. Any calculation which is
not ha-vd upon Ris votes South for
the Democratic uomim-i s, in my
judpmcnt. is unsafe. No combina
tion apainst the Democratic party
South will In- allowed to succeed
this year, no matti r what the voir
mav br. If we carrv the Sent em her
ml Mober States, the c licet ui!l be
siuij.Iy to ut Iovu ioiular majori
ties in the South, not to overthrow
I YiiiliM'ul ISaiiroiul Aeei.lcnl.
An. antic City. X..1.. AutM 11.
: At half liast i o'clock this cveiiimr
:the second section of the excursion
j tram w hich L it Atlanta- ( it y at
o'clock ran into tin- liit section,
j telcseoiin the rear car,.and killiii":
two persons and injurini.' about
! twenty-five others. 1'assen-ji-rs on
the il!-fat d train who arrived
on the
I ir"" ' :mi,1, n
nurht L'ive the (oIIowiul' account of
nit- uisasicr : l m- ccuiioh nam
i . 'ri . .. . .:
isted of tcntv-six ears -ix-
teen in the lirst and t -n in the!
second sect ion. The train was fill-
ed with the St. Ann's Catholic ex-;
cursionist t;,u KctiMn;'ton, Phila
delphia. The first section left this:
city at b o'cl.ick, and the second fol-'
lowed siMin after. All went well
until the first section reached May's j
iiiidim.r, when the cmrinci r slowed '
, . .
uu ana suinca to run on un- siun
i' "'low tne passage o, ,c ex-
i'l's from ( amdeii. All the cars
had Passed the switch, except two,
.1.,,,, 4 1... ....... .... 1 ....,.;,.,, ,.o ri ,1. 11. mi.
when the second section came tuun-
dcrin on behind. The engineer of
the latter whistled down l.rakes as
he apliroached the switch, but when
the brakes were applied they failed
to work, owinir to tiie wet, and the
rear l'R-omot ive crashed into the now counted Democratic bv ' dii-rs. as patriots, ami over our emm
last car of the first section, h lescoji- majority. At another box. w'herc ''' :l common heritage of us all.
iii"r it and causing a frightful wreck. fiv,'-i-on'iiM-teiit i.Ki.t.J , fAplilanscl I thank vou fcllow-
As the locomotive forced its way into
the car the cylinder heads were
r 1 .1. 1. I..1 i
r to the hearts of ail.
crowded cars were speedily emptied,
and every effort made to aid the
wounded. The express arrived jllst
as the accident occurred, and the
jiasscmjers trom it also hurried to
render assi-tanee. The work of re
moving the injured was immediate
ly bcL'tin. and metlit al aid summon
ed. The wounded were taken to
lleieh! Miring houses. The best ears
of the exjre-s Wt re swiiehed oil an I
titted tip as hospitals and attached
to the cxcurMon train. In these
were j.Iaeed those h ast injured, and
Illii Tl-'llll l.l.w.iul.l t.. HK.I . I. 1. I . .
I 'hlV...,,!!,. 4 ... ... i ' 1 1 . ... .
lis from Camden, w ho came
the wnvkiiij: train, w hich
rx.M.1 1 ." ..1 : 1 il ,
down on
W.'IS 1 1 -leirr-l 1 . i... I t. ,r ., .i-l .1. 1 II,..
,n,,.v:l ,,f tiie injured who still re- j
"i.un at May s I jmdinjr.
The ladv who fills the chair f
l.i- . ... .1
1 "-or ot iHimestie ciencc m ine
lencc in me
n rsity has
'Advice to
Illinois industrial I Diversity
1.1- ... ..... . . 1
lic'n irivin" scnsibl
-...- ,ii j, i ti. ..j n... .ii.
called Women the world's home ma-
kcrs. insisted that reform in women's
l.irl ii... 1. ...,.,. .,t wt l wi,..
education was the urjrcnt m'd of
.1 . .1 . 1 - 1.1 .
un-nines, ami cnij.nasizeo me tact
mat inicniiii-nt o..ks. educated
lioiisekfiers and cnliirhteiicil moth-
cis were licpmiun tobeapjireeiated.
Women were not instinctively pHl
hous keepers any more thaii men
' wi re :ood mchanics or -rood farm-
crs. It was an error to sujijMise that :
in matters jx -rtaininjr to the home
instruction was not needed. It w.-.s
sa i. una! cm nion sense alone was
111 I'ts.-iri- I. Ill
.......... .,,iu ,
111 eessiirv out f..ii..i...... ,.l
l,riK imen-.i. j lesjuti- their
L'cn. ral nm.rci.aredness shesnid t!e,t
ol ..i. im ..11 .o
1"" vi .1 I'.-'jiu nniini Mm oer-
sist in jrettin? This last
assertion, which would, he true if
T Ii. .V.. ......
..........1, . Tl 1
sujijiluts a kev to a reined v.
oniuii, oossiiuv
I,e cnactet
1 that nopirlshanpet mar-a
i ..i ,
- .v.. uoui iv i 't. .in i'x :i in i ii l - .
ram niiTii t , . i
The Sol 11 South.
.. .
Jl 1 HiT. lt'I.Ml.u .ll. .
, , , . 1
, Among the letters received on
aturuay at the headquarters of the
",lCf,licn National (Aminutteo was
ihc foll'iw in from a II know n rr-
rit AMi.mia :
Ei taw. .i;n:M: (or.vrv. Ai.
Augxist 7.
Sir: I claim descent from one, ;
and connection with anotlu r. of tlie
nio-t iionorahle l n;on- lap lanii-.
n. ,,f this State, all of whom were
. . i . :.. . , '
(iiimmii io ,uri oieu upaui.-i :
j, ,n. i it at the bn-akmp outol tin-
War 1 Momiitlv the army of
(.elieral 1-ee. aiel servtil till tilt-close
iernmen. Jn l,-i, alter Alaoama
partv, my sense ot honor and jus-
ji.ii i , in reuse oiiiinnu j...-
tire revoitcd. and I openly -sjioiised ;
the cause of the Kcpubli-
ran partv. Eor this crime (?) 1 am '
Jto - dav a stranperand an alien ainoup !
m,. melius oi mv voutu ami hm
romnanions in arms. j
i . . . i i i n,.. .j.m-tft.ti
' ommiuee. i uau m-- jh-.". j
rei.resent my couutyni the late Mate .
K,.publiean (onvcntion and my .lis-;
On the KUii day ot .July J went to ;
the town ol I leasant Mdpe, in this ;
(dunty.tomakea hcpuiiiican speech, i
.-soon alter l oepan a i nrau ot " one
1 I i .!...!
1 (cnnM-rat
...vrr'il u ii i iiiii'iwi
knives and larpe slicks in tln ir
hands, came up and immediately ;
brpan to interrupt me, so 1
rould srarcely utter two sentences1
ronseeutivelv. I remonstrated, as-'
surinpthem that they were
lnjunnp ;
their own cause hv such a course.
and distinctly announcinp to ihein
that 1 did not desire to array one
race against the other, but simply to
break down tne whitc-lmc-race issue
raised by the Democratic party; and
yet, while readinp a letter published
(in Auuust 11. I.s7'.. in the Eutaw
JJ7i (Democratic paper,) I was
stoiiiii-d. forbidden bv them to read
writinp i the Jetn-r. and cursed and abused lv
! Heatedly in the vilest terms: and
i one ot tneir number declaim mui
they were all Democrats, and that 1
Isho'uld not abuse the Democratic
... . i . ..1.
"I i party. The accuracy of this state
i"! incut is admitted bv the Eutaw
i .I;, ,-,,-, another Democratic paper
ipuhlished herc.on.Julv ', ISsm.
Rut this is not all. Tiny cursed
mv little seven-year-old boy, who
stood dumb with fripht before them.
Moreover. I wa obliped to desist iu
mv ell'ori to speak, and was assured
by Mr. Wm. J iorton. an aped pen-tiem-an.
that 1 was iu irreat personal
daiiircr: and. but for his protection.
1 am u v satisiied tiiai i s 10
I thai 1 should
have sustained serious, if not fatal.
injury. The newsjiajicr. the Mirrm
in c.iiotiieiitiit.r ..n llie titiir s:ivs
That which seem- to have irivcll
t otfence was a t-tatenu lit which
Mr. liird is said to have made to t!ie
..iv..,.! tl,.,til. Ii...,.r.,ul,v oiii.eitiiat tin- hearts oi these i.i ii iii.ii! i, i :
.1....1.. .,n !,. v,.nr ..n.i tl,..., ,.l f...l
out of all
thev made,
hereunon the editor indites a lonn
leader, c
alculated to inilamc flu
if men. 'J'iie charge against
me is a miserabh- untruth. I simjily
j read from the Kutaw b'Vc tin
. lowim: sent-iice : " I he i
j to have been, with everv
tlort seems
recent le x-1
' ilaturc, to perfect the laws touchinir
agriculture that the monied man
could shut his eves and sleep the
; year out. and then irolible up all Hu
laborers made." This explanation
iiiM.1.. to til.-editor who eier..,.r,.d
. . . - , i .
j to uo pie ltisiice in ms columns, oill
has so la r tailed to do so.
On the 'Jd inst., we had here what i '' '' fti"" hy lh.e blai k citizens.
Republicans f.H.lishlv expected j ''rcat applaii-e. We will stand
would be an i hction". but which '' them until the sun ol liberty fix-provedtolM-a
hfiliow count. '1 his ! 'd in the firmanient of our eonstitu
countv. in which the Ih-publicans : tio:; shall shine with rays ri j -
ire Letter or.r.-iniyc.l fleoi tliev I.mvc'i
been for years, and which eave
llav.-s and 'Wheeler majority, !
was turned ov.-r to the Democrats. :
. . .
t Ono ox. w h-iv wo hml t m o n
three re-
,-pectame :entlemen (Uu of wlio..i;sianu .-wr. L.i T.aur -. . ,
. Were Democrats to inspect the tick-. f-'r"d poet has said in individual,
,.ts mid see them delivered into tin-: life we rise on ".-teppiu'' stones ot
............... ..
hands of the manairers. our ds He-
......... ..... ............... ..
1 1. 1-1...
( publican ballots on the final count
; turned out to be only ' fi. the bal
, ance coini: to swell the Democratic
vote : su that this box. that jrave
1 hives and Wheeler ylt majority
,.Vt rv ticket carefully and where cv-'
' ,.rv vtcr marched sin-dv to the box ;
. . !
this miserable travesty uj.on lair ij'-m-s. oi i-naraeu-r, .ne ri'imi.iie j
elections. This is the terrible miMleifiii'l-s its seeur.iy and jrlory. A-!
in which the South has been made J'huise. I do not enter upon con-1
solid. ;tmvcrtcd quest The time, the i
Sir. v.e are to-day exi-tinj: under j phue, the situation iorbids it. Irc -
a despotism more dreadful than the ;sjiect the traditions that require me j
h'tissian autocracy. Here, in our ; to sj'cak only of those themes w hich 1
native land, the man who i? devoted ! eh-vatc us all. Atrain I thank you '
to the Whij,' jirinciiilesof his fathers,
d.iresm.1 "i viMittcrances to Ins views,
Jbr fear of studied jK-rsecution and I
ridiculous jiroscrijition. Xo jrood
Samaritan iriM-s to him to "bind uji ;
his wounds, jionrinjr in oil and wine.v :
He is pilloried m tne liuMic press.
- 1 1 . 1 1 j , I
t. oligarchy, writes, in burning -har-
aeters over his door, that terrible in-!
:. : ...111 t 1 1 1
seupuon. mi i'iiit'i.i iiitc, leaves
lojic behind" His lintels and door
posts are sjiattcrcd with the IiIixmI
,,f j,;s sacrificed rcj.utation. and
friendly feet turn away from the fa-
...1.1 . : : .. : .!.'i 1 r.i
icu pan e oi iiisuiiciive urcau ot tne
?H-ially-destntctiv ims that flame i
"i mi his hosjutahlethreshohl. The ;
icu i-aice in nisiuiciive urcaii o tne
- II 1 . .
t,.rz.-.. l f..ii iti i,,t I',...,.. ,, ... l I . . .
......... ........I. i.iiisiiisjjini
and his imioecnt family : and. be
the hapless man never Jo virtu. .n.:
drunken liberti,,-?. ignorant upstarts i
1 - I . . .' i . 1 . . i
ana sim i.ii omcasis, hv aousinjr uU, ,
s'-ck. and j:am a scmi-resju-ctabilitv i
und a sure pas-port to )eriHH-ratie !
' Wivuki.p S, Ihnn,
Dr. Tanner is now called the "fast
He who nejrlects to use. 1AV-?
KmxKY 1 ai. for anv disease of the
I. ...... IO.. 1 1 i -
jx,., manner or 1 riliarv i lr-
pins courts Miilerinj: and invit-s
The Ileiiuhlieans of I'ennsvlvania
can, it tliev are true to themselves
are true to themselves
1 .1 ... . .
ano Ilieir l.llllio.les, !
- I I'"- . "I'l iiiiil : i
rnitc;i S'amr:
to s.rure it. :
w Hrrr o t m .i.i , ri
. , j
viikx sE'iKx.uinn ijy the
r.lXK OF NEW Yoitk, Airi'ST h.
f J'd-
; Ciiinnuh'i i'f Ihc Boi; id lib'? 'tin
low-ritizru of Xew Y?k:
I cannot look uj-a this pn-at as - an.ItW.- ol-l v-tanhat
have h.d i.a-t and listened
t.Ml... ,.,.1.1...,,,. fr..i.. ,,i,r i-..mra.Ie
:-lwl.o ;cw.-.l..nivitJ...nt -mem-'Ti;il
K-rinp laiw preat a
..... j. . . , - . ;
thinp it is to live ,
j t,Q rnion and to be a part of it.
T,w V. u- York nn.l von.h r to ;
h-i".! the liatterv. more than a nun-'
ureiivear atro
vounp .-tudeiit of
. . , . - ..
(. tiumiia cfniepc was arpump -;
;,.... ,. the American revolution:
.,n,l American union against the mi-
rie:m lovulitv to monarchv ol
his country cheers, and while in
camii. betore in
was twenty-one
vears old. unon a ilium head ne
. "... i
. , ..I
wrote a ICllCr anil CO
rv ecnil uf the eonstiti
i"nitel Stati s. Appk
wrote a letter which contained ee-
stitution ot the
rAi'iilause.l lhat
tulcn. soldier, statesman and preat
i,..,,,),.,. ,,f thought. Alexander Hamil-
ton. o! Aciv 1 one. mane ims reimi
lade this repuh-
l.v his tliinkinp, and left his last-
i i i t .
union ami pa.ry. aim a-nunp io uie
,illmn ,,f tM- monunar.t that Ham-
ilt(in w;ls!,inpton and the he-
f..dd in th
Avar for the I'nion,
,,,a t f,,r
immortal ideas. :md hv
tluir miulit vo;i have crowned
. .
,v t , victoi v
!reat applause.
Rut victory was worth nothinp ex
cept for the fruits that were under
it. in it and above it. We meet to
u'tphl as veter;;n and to
stand sacred puard around the
truths for which we have fought.'
ami prolonged eiicn inp.
And while v.e have lite to meet and
pra.-p the hand of a comrade we M ill 1
stand by the preat truths of the war.
"Oood!" '-pood!" and load cheers. '
I And, comrades, amoiiu' theconvic-i
tions of that war which have sunk I
deep in our hearts, there arc some
: we can never forpet. Think of the!
preat e'evatinp sj.irit of the war
self. "We pathered the boys from all :
our firms and shops and stores and ;
homes from all over the republic.!
and tliev went forth unknown to
fame, hut returned enrolled on II. c
roster of immortal heroes. Cn-at
ap)lausc. They w cut in the spirit
of those soldiers of Henry at Apin
cof.rt, of w l.em he said :
iVli..tlit u. y !,..,;- hi- !! ! Mi i--
To-'l.iv ti:i!! lie mv l.i,,:!r t:
Were lie Ci-'i r 1 ilc
.i:i s.::iu it.-m.i-
And it dud ccn'de the condition and
cicvate the hmrt of cvei v workinp '
soldier who fought in it ai'i-hi'.i-'-. !
and he shall he our brother forever- 1
more; anI tiictiiinp we wi 11 n'mem-i
is our
upht With Us. i
Soon alter tin- preat strupule bean
we looked behind tin- armv of white
I rebels ;Unl saw J.IU'HMHK) ol blacK
; "-o.le condemned to toil as the
; ' cs ior our enemies, and we found
iico'.lc wi re ioi 1-iu-si i i'ci I witu the
; Jicii
spirit of
icrtv. ami that tliev were;
j our menus.
i:ve seen white
l ,. 1 . . . !.
men In trav the 11:
i' ami iiL'iit to Kin
the I'nion. but in all that lom:.
dreary war we never saw a traitor in
the black skin. Our prisoners cs-
cajmi in nu i:u-starvation oi pii-on.
llceinu to our lilies by the li-lit of
the north, never feared to enter tin-
1-lack man s i
"( iood, "ood
linn anu as.k lor oreail.
" "That's so." and loud
ehcers.l In ail tiiaf period of suf
fering and daiiL'er no I i,i.,n soldier ever lu iravnl I .y a I, lack man
. ...... ....l. ,,.,,i i,, .1.- t ,-,t i...
i ' i ...n.i.i,.. ....o ...... ...
j made them iree .-i Ion;: as we live
on cvei v mall. Mack or White,
liroii-hotit the I nion. Cheers.
N'. fellow-citizens, fellow-soldiers,
' t'ds then- is all the bencficem-e ot
eternal justice, and ov this we will
our dead h-ivc;
to higher things, ,
on the "loriotis
and the rcpnbl
achievements of its dead and living
heroes to a hi.irher and nobler
tional life. Aiilaus(
stand frmird over our
. We must
past, as sol-
citizens, for this ma
niticent demon-
strat ion. In so far as I represent in
. 1 . ... 11! i- . 1 . .. .. . I . .
!i"r tlie kindness an.i enthusiasm of ;
vour "reetm
rremendon.s cheer-
IHockctl I he Ti-aiie.
citizen of Cass avenue bavin"
. i .. .i i
residence worth about irt',.(KK) has
a sijm of 'Tor Sale'' on the house
1 ,i i '
aim uie outer tiav an 01a Airman,
! lrivin a stone-lilind horse and a
; wajron w hich wobbled all over the
' road, drew uj in front of the place
'just as the owner came out :
141 1 . .1 1 1 . ,.
Jos?, ani dat jil ice fur .,,.'" i
inquired the darkey as he ' dropped i
his reins. " j
-Loss m.i .l-i iJ. fur . ...
'! i" 1'...' il'..
sir." !
t's vcr wcrrv lowest ii""crs.'
"v:xt. .,n tl.,.,w ,,,.i .i.,n..r
"Dat includes de back
vard an
1 sliose."
"Yes. sir."'
llje old man pot down, looked
ked :
over the fence am jiecred aroi'.nd
mid th n said ;
''How much would yott
on dat hoss an' wairin if wt
trade ?"
'Ii, .Jwiut !.-,
low me !
made a '
. The otteri-1 settled his hat w ith a
when the eitien asked:
"Well, what do you think ?"
-W mt. i!,,w I .,..!. in...
j.i , I C,,l- .1 .. 1 ii . i
...irk, sail, II ill, '
- .in. i iiiii ill i t in I, ,u,L'.l
" ' . i"t ;
'Vs 'l"1"1-
i : .. j t- i
alonocust rnojco in Alabama.
'.s!iixt:Tox. Ail,'. I-"' N.;
I ll Ol O 1C n r.i ........
' . . . . 1. 1 ... .....
: the (ire
nhaekers seni io .n.nniiii.i. : ;v
i is written an account of his advent-
M" ,.i...t State, which will he ;
nre- ill .i- ' . , ... . ;
Srirt'tl to-inorrow m the .nt,lll d ,
' the (iPcuhnck onran ,,ub-:
h ,l'!.y t!w Sei n-i.-i-v -! !,-. Na-.
tillll:ll (ireenha.-k A
.,,,n,arhcciie was ia at li;-.. r .
UU-ia-' understood that the ,
li , , ,. . , . , . ,. , .
tjniL-w uld be divided between 1 ei:i-)
!(M.ratic and l.n-cnliaek speakers. :
,.( he siieakers. witli whom tin--tne
.onlien-e seenn il to m- in s miiainx.
jn, Iudt 1 in his siieeeli the- lollou--!
xt :
"Tl( Coiiieitei k-v .-tin
mv ,
'friends, and Jeff I'avis. tl
bc.t '
fr'u -in live over hal. is yet our
i,, tlirouph lhnlieal rule and vou :
jUst uiiid by the preat 1 ( mo ratie
iartv, ior a
lid Soutli will now
ive Us entire control of llie ( ielieral i
mveriunent and we can reurcss ail ;
lurwroics." i
In this strain lie eontinue-l fr ' '
L;nUtrs When Uandall attempt
,, t,,,..,i- ,..,. .,,en in the audience
L.:.,i ., .
mm lt(.s v 1(.u a ,r.,ss );,nd trom
Mi,s -ioni. whicii had been hired
,,v ,,. ,,,lu,H.n:ts. bepan to play.
ront'iucd. At last Randall pot
anotb r chance to talk, but the band
liveda"ain. and Hare was
i". -
aieh- i-olililSlon
tnat lie was com-
pcllol io Sioj
( in- tre:itniei:t the lioiirbous. ;
s-i-.-s landail "made more converts .
too'licause tlian anv Crei
speicl that any advocate
cau.-e cotlM deliver. The
of our
I cm-
era iip-1 leakers Were Hot iuh
The b ml came from Shubuda. a
nei:h;.rina: villap-' in Mississippi'
"Wieii Ihindall had Idled his en
e.'.pen: nts he went to Shu'buda to
talTeli rain for the South, lb- walk
ed inf the business per! of tin- vil
lage b p t a drink of water, and
there Je was si! riot; l -ucd by
who 3' ore that heotiph! to
cd. (!a !iis way b:ick to the
he wa.- apliroached by a well-d:
md so'
r i:
' i H
an. w
ir irave
1 i : :
(',,!,, j;
A, ... - r
We V.'iilpive
i.v-live miiiUT'
md kit out
your ;
t Wl:.
sn: :
d thir
you ami
s to pick
er duds
of t
h death.
Ill Rl ).
; lliel'.t
incut ;.t tiie intimation t!,;:t a peart
lul and law-abiding man could not
stay iu the place until the n xt train
le!'; it. i ut was iiifornn d th d l e
must p, to tin- le xt station. "Yo-i
had befcrpet o;;t," said t!a- 1 ;:b-
do.el's, "w hue you havea eoauee.
i our ti ne is passmp. l on d iteiter
-.M rilr. alomr or you'll catch !:!!. "
.'Sr. Ihiiidal! aji).e:d
for jirot'i-tioii, and
! seemed to be some
Ml t'l otjuT lin n
at tir-t tiiere
lu-obabilitv that !
,e w
et it, but as soon
as tia,
I i 1 1 1- li.izci's cxniauiei
I-OIIC, il,-,i
in- ua
Idle man
a (.nenliack sneaker
with a black heart come down here
to divide the- Democratic party"
the conversation took another turn.
The hull-dozers withdrew for ten
minutes, and then returned and told
Kandall that his time was up. lie
attain protested, and found omehv-
anders who took his part. a
sm :
the !iuli-io.ers to I t him a
Tin- hull-dozers airain w ithdrew
oon atttrwaru namiaii went to tne
depot and bought his ticket. While
in the depot, the htili-dozeis a;rain
surrmnidcd him. saying that i'' la
ever .-ame to the jihice :.L!ai:i they
would lix him. They demanded
the note uf waruinjr, and Ihuidall
L'ave it un to avoid trouble. Mr.
lhnidall says : "Kvery man. except
olle, eoli-titUtill the bull-doziiiL'
crowd, wa.s sober, well drc.-scd. and
as firm in their demands upon us as
any crowd of it disposition and in
tentions eotiM be. Jlelice. there is
no excu.-c for them or tin- town, up-
11 w,
on tne basis of intoxication.
Tiie Nsties ui" ISSO.
file follnwiuLr para'jraph from Col.
In.nersoll'.s speech, delivered before
na-jthe Indiana soldiers, is as "ood to-
day as when fisrt uttered, ;ind as
graphically describes the 1 cmocratic
party :
"1 stood a little while aito in the
city of Paris, when-stood the Mastile.
where now .-tamls the column ol
Julv, surmounted hv the femre of
.. .... ..'
change!, but tl trui.Ie board wa.-- as '
they j,ut it years before. It pointetl :
dili;:entlv in the direction of a deso- j
kite fiehl. Now, that -ru'nle board '
,ad been there for twenty vears. 1
Thousand of jieoj.le had jiassed but 1
nobody had heeded the ham! on the
euidf fiost, and it stuck therethrough
storm and shine, and it pointed as
hard as ever, as if the road wa
throtij.'h the desolate field. I said to
myself: "Such is the Democratic
Jiarty of the Tinted States' Tin
other day 1 came to a river where
there hail been a mill ; j .art of it w as
there ye.t. An old sijin said : "Cash
for Wheat." The old water-wheel 4
was broken. It had been warped
with the stm, er.iekeil and split bv
many w inds and storms. There ;
hadn't been a j;rain of wheat jrround
therefor twenty years. There was
nothing in jrood onler but the dam ;
it was as k.m.kI a dam as I ever saw :
iml 1 said tt mvself : "Such is the
. . "... r . .
I iM ium iitur panv. 1 was "Oill"
alonjr a road the other day, when 1 j
eame to where there had been a ho-1
tel. P.ut the hotel and barn had
burned down: nothing remained
there but the two chimneys, monu
ments of the disaster. In the mad
there was an old sijrn, upon which
were the words: 'Entertainment for
man and heast." The word 'man'
was nearly lniriicd out. There had,
not luiij a hotel there for thirty ;
years. Tiiat sipn had hu.njr and !
creaked in the wind; tlie snow had
fallen upon it in the winter, the .
l.I.l. 1....I , : :.. i
l at tlit
for man and heast ; and I ,;id to :
iiiiy.'.i'lf: '-Such tlie I i i
imriv .a' il,,. i'r.;,..i t.o.
I "",' ... ...v . . I V. 1 4 . l.l.
inn HM-t.L Uf lllll lllf IMIIILIS 111 IIHI.MC-
lvatt-r alout three Avwks :iftr
i shearinp, to kill the ticks.
A TcrriMo Disaster.
New Yoiiic. August 10. A Jew
umimv. - tuii i .n H UU? WH'IUMIj;
C 1 .. 1. . 1 1 . '
on- oiokc otu among me !iiiiiii
at Hunter's I'oint, East Ilivcr. which
spread to luniher vards
, , . . . .
oil tue nv r front in the north ol
e;vtown C:;,k, and it-fore 1!
o .-I k h,:., (i,,tr.,y.-d r..M-r:;-
Worth ::t i.e- pfi
mate. i n rt oi tia-nver ;-onl
when: the tire -enn-.-d i- : uiu-
strolls tinder-box. A sj.ark alone i
necessary to s(t
on hie, anu ail
r exph.'Sions and
larp' - c"!ii!apration
; are at
ed bv
the hii-i
The tire v.-
bark Nictaux. which was loaded
v.iih nai.htlia, atel had been on tire
since yiicrday niorninp. I'.oatiup
across Newtown t'nek frmii the
sloo;. Nortliern Home
and tiicnce to
the piles o
lumber near the dock
Hat alonp the J I Ulster
I'oint bank
of the rei k. 1'tie It's spread
with pleat rapidity thnmph narles
'i'atrotiss' lumber yard, niea-uriiip
' 1 leet hv -Jim Jeei on
the north
corner bounded by the river and
the creek. From the yard tin-lire
spread to the vessels, and nothwiih
siandiiip tin- elibrts made by several
tu's wliicii ha-teiied to their assist
ance, six barges one schooner and
one ship el'e Si m ll on life.
The scene from the river wa-one
of in.lesciihahlcpr.'.ndcur. t!n I'ames
in solo,- insta.nees i'.asln-d two or
three hundred feet and devoured
evcrvUunp in iheir iheiajH'
son-ad o:
t. lisilii d
tin- name- Si
every one. and
bv t.'.r numhei
, but at l i-t
eliied to lie-
this wa in
of vessel-- in
one by one
the creek
they were p.,, ,.,.!. with t ia-cxeeptiou
ot tie- .Northern i nunc. ; ,,ive nar-s
i i i . i i . ..,.1
amiaiipm. .. men uere o.u ii-o. i ne
; tide was pom ii 1 1 aild the Il.'liUUp
naphtha toreateneil desti iicta.ii t,, a
larpe an -a of lumber sln-ds and
blllldiiip in V.hic!i fhe;-e were i,l':i.U!-
mable and ex plosive ma'erirds.
Next fo Watroiiss' lumber va"pd. wa--a
bonded in. n yard, nnd this is be
1'ieved aiohe f.i have . "evented the
furihe1- spri ad of t!;.- t i : : i i s. aided
by the wind, whi.-.'i shifted about 11
"(lock. , v ide sweep was cleared
icr and ilrcuc'ied W illi wa.'er
and at 1
were unuer
eoiiirol. I 'ratt
b.u k of tl.,- s-
one tune they
A .-.roup wvst
s (Mi
md at
.' ol 'he
W ere in pr:
x i i i I wa?
and t in- 'lain! s were
towards the woiks. ai
la- li
1 the
;e w ind
si. ill. '
not ci mt
;! th
tne s
d t!
up tie- liortia
ixp.i-'t Eumber l
n v s v
as did
w .
I he luno-cr en-.
iv- Co. Th-
if j-:. w. v..-
st..( k of Wat
lolit S-'l)i.(KI(l.
U' eoVi".-ed by
a. If ihc liimber
c r t 'ompanv s val'lc be-
was w:nt!i a
Wnolfe di-t!oved. i
insur.iiiic. About !
in tin- Export lane
yard wa- btirned. th.
jn- sJ",!M.i.';i,j.
III t'.e
. eleran I a ',,
iloiti.i e:i-
or ol' I !ic ! 'i-k'
Pro: S:
; :,n,i i.;
aic ilnrii;;!
.- -.,y Ii.
; :i.l.ij,:r I ;
: ! O 1 1 1C1 1 I i
1 ill.-
a :i, : i':l
v. i,;, !i v,,a
n: rrn;:',ly
:-n: to ti:c
i',;t'.'ii-i,: l.v
a In,; ;i. lac
i.- i !i. niit-.
111, I', !! !',!
Ir. Fi uni-r's iliu nl a: id Liver I!em-
!v and Nerve Tonic may Wei!
dleti 'i'he ( iin i ;i -,'inL' hero" of
i! b
It IS Ion
'.e.d triumph oi
I, as "the blues"
,-t itil'iti ..- am I V -
d system that
It always cures
should take it. lor it
.--',.( the disorder.
drives rise to them.
' l.iiiousiiess ami l.r.vr lompl.ui
, .hlUllthee. Dysjiep-ia. Constipation,
' Headaches. Fi.vr.i: anp A;ri:S' i.i i n.
IIm.aui.kmi.n r. Scroiiila. Krvsipeias,
Pimpli s. Pdotehes and i.r. Ski
. Ihii t TioNs and l'.i.ooD Disoi,-p::i;
Swilled Limbs and Dropsy; s,.,.p-l'-ssiii
ss. Impaired Nerves and Ner-
volts . Debility ; Restores U..,;i and
strength when tin-system is iinniinu
: down or piinn into decline: cure
I'cmale We ak ncss and ( '1 ironic Phcu
liiatistii, and relieves Chronic Uroii
ehitis, and all X.wv.'i and Throat dif
lietilties. it docs these things by
strikiiiL' at the root of disease and re
moving its causes.
Dr. Fenner's Improved Couh
Honey will relieve any eonirh in one
hour. Trvasamplehotth at H'ceuts.
' Dr. Femur's (loldtti Itciiefcutes
jany ;iin. ;ts Tooth-ache, Neuralgia.
'Colic or ! badache in o to .'Ii I minutes,
and readily relieves Phi umatism.
; Kidnev Complaint, Diarrhoa. etc.
Trv a samiile bottle at 10 cents.
rrt-at trial, i-itner lor a. tcmh-r i : a
rijier a-e. for an boy to
ro t- a d." ;-, knowing' that tln re
are a dozen juris insi.h'. and knock
r rin with an absolnte certainty
that in a f.-w moments all eves will
be upon him : it is :i seven- lest oi'
coura je to m,, .f,v these "iris, and
make the torn- of
I... . ,f tl,.. .,,i.i,, 1. itl.,,:,t
stepping on tiieir toes, and to sit
down and dispose of hisjiai ids with
out iuttinjr them in his jun ket is an
achievement of which few boys can
boast. Hut even if he acquits him
self tolerably well during the even
inj.', his trials are not yet over. The
frirls d"ii
their sha
their hoods and jiiit on
Is, and look so saiicv and
mischievous, ?, uiiinijressible and
independent, as if they did not w-ish
anybody to ro home with them,
Thin conus the pinch ; and the hoy
who has the most pluck jrocs up io
the prettiest trirl in tne mom, with
his tontrue clin-'in" to the roof of
i : ...i i ... i- ... t : . .1
ins inouui, ,.i,u ciooMii oill ins ci-
hows stamnn rs out these words,
"Shall I see you home?"' She
touches her tir.jrer- on his arm, and
, tliev walk home as awkward as two
irosii.i-. Well. life has its trials.
hist i-.'Vcn-re.
s and a smile
"Never leave what you undertake
until you can reach yourannsaround
it and i lem !i your' hands upon the
other side," says :i recently puhlished
hook for vounp men. " erv pood
i - i . ' i i -.. i ..
' ' '" "
the cum of all female eonip'aints. is
the irreatest stren'-lhener of the hack.
stoniacii, itcrws, kidneys, urinary
and penita! orpanson man ar.d v;o
nia'i ever known.
Send to Mrs. Lydia K. l'inkham,
J2' Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass.,
for pamphlets.
(4 -AS
vs- ,,
i ; r" J
I- '.
Tcr all Female Complaints.
Thii prppirntii.Ti. - I" "t.i !snl:l-. (imslrtii of
V.v.-Ut.:., Ir,rtittl!.'.lr.-1 :m.;. . I.. I!"- vt
inwvinvaliil. I n orv U-LU ll-1.-, riti of t.-.U. Ciw
p.nin.1 wlUtorrcvmli-.Vaireli f H i.T.:.i"i:.;tc ; mn-i
t7h. fi itn iwrbroalitis.. .J. In mm-t.T-iune W'l" h'lix.
dnHl.liwmiMrtci:-rO-.r.-'.-.:.-.nth.,nsamii. it'll le
fty lun-'' '- "f f- rr"- n-C.t. It l !ny r
ronmrnrt-l -1 ' ' - ' -'! ' 7 i--y to
the ctMHtt
It U1 r:n. r:Ur-lv t': t t-,v:n .f IMnx
f tlw utf-n. I. uonhu-.-.. i: r:il .r ami )nuLfl
?I rwtrw.f.ou ai!'. 'VLirwnTrnTi!,:,-, J-ijriinuitU-n nnl
rircrfltion, nvK:.n-:,itU iA ; li rn ami thi- r a-fjiw?nti'"-l
'--"' laily ailapti.l t
tho rtuLRCQ ff !..:. It ..H I-.i rr .I tr. i Iuukt.
frim thr ut rui:i:i v-'r sr r-f ! reJonuT.r. T.ia
Wnnirncy t - ::.vt ,k !.;: -i - t.: r :. (- cij;i:' '.l very
: - 1 t I IV (rrrt
,.t (..: r- r I. -i li-rovi r-
rt owl U-t ivm-
td. It iTnu"i;' ti
nt -w lifcari'I v I r -v-rt.i'ysui;.
r:ivr.;: f' r .-: i; r;:..
of th' Ft una- 'i
It - : - --
G-:ktuI Ifc-hiJii;-. '.!,.
(Ti"rt'ii. TKaf t ;.r;r f ;
weight anJ U .-if : I.r. it- Iv .
in u It n'.l!.'-: i!Mi '.
rr-t, si t i:i ( u .i' ; i . t
fi-f:uLi- -y.-'ti
FMrK;.!n-v ' ..;:--.: : . f .
is uimur,'.!:.-'
:. n I 1.:..
,-.. :r.i.- j .-i.
.-.-ii.:.-1.: -i
r::.i ll.a
Is j.rrrr,-I ''. "' "
1VCI.""- - - I -.-!.-i r -: :
f.rr.i cf '- 'n '
f rrf. in- -. r -
frfly answt r- I r. .( ,.i
,.hvt. .!!..'.
frni.'y - .jt;'- v. !.... i :
Livyui i":-.y - -r - :
iiiiTorfHw - !"' -' r "
t S , r. liv C X. I' 1
I.vm. Vt-
Tr ;;ipii-YP.
F.imliler r.i:A l'rir (irsnim I v !
anrpln.' :,ll imircrs. pvitv t r.i. l mm.. l ii.'P O'f -i s;!: ll.n.u- U tl j.rt-s ..t tl,
skin, limir'niin" mi l ir....-ti:.. ii.s: vi -.." .!,:.
I. ini.'S (.-r.iu!: Him!rrliil jj.nit r t i firo a
.,nr t
rf-. IJrV. rnvl. Mtttrrlt f it ft
"ri i;Ir, InMlllfly h Krfatn r ' jt-l
fl 1 rtt9. S !- in t tof KirtI-r. littcli
4 trf. Naa1ir or I'ntMlitl I rinliuir,
lfr4kii. 1 v. r VltrnlN I J rinr,
and la :'.ny i-t .'-' i ti.'"p urtMf ''7:i::n'
h ti--' !icr .: s. t icf hvovi'T'-'.-Tk. -' r i.n. t x t- ive
;nnii. tin- Hitii-y . n-ifirc 1 r ; n-r
I f i;;h.',-i!'. nt ip.'Iy tM- In- ii;wn;i-'"' un l
It is wwm i-xn'tly wti'-r ntci.!. m-:;t Ut tlit
y :u:l i:iiT:i-'l i.t ! --vcr t!f ki luy.
II ii C"!iit-rt;(Dit t. the p;i 1 i-nt. mi:.-. I'l' tvii:i''k-iu ics ell..--1, pitncrlut In IIm
Il c:m -fy worn :it ai! 1 1 ni .J , In anv lirn.iTe, :inA
b: frilly u'".h1 r.r
lo n-'t Ih j.rrj'j'lKC. (Ivi tl n frinl ica-l
lc c.:ivi!ii.ii i litit ir is hnii-r. r-l:-i t-tl-iM ive
HV' Ui wli:it your l.'Me i-i fli.iulcd iy r
'uiirt'. Tiif.u.- inl ure tltily it-Min their t-'-'Ei-
un iii ronn'siy, -nlvt trv beinz rJ, rtvl t-t pcrlfct
tiCiUtt itltr all ':!ur tivattiftir unl r'Mutlift
h.ive t: i! ft. Askyt-ur Ira.'-i.-t D-r i:. ;ti! ac-.-jK
no irit1on or piiiIniHiiip., If hw has
h'-t ijoi i;, (e-I i u uu 1 rcc-jiv-j it iy r-.-lura
l;.rr9pf fv lrlr l.lmf . I'j.l
't' i'a'l, I r i " Uri it-.; i . -r
Fu:ii!i.r :iui(-i:i!ni.. Wivik ki-iivy an 1 !'.! fTe
t'.f.z, I. -j. .iri'iKk. ! :i Iio w.m S:'1!!.'
'!itii:iln 3 liisf-rv oi ilii ztv:U tl:cvery, in tii-
Wim e" ii:c T'roLt ciiil Liiiip.
Ay En's , .i!!,::: v:
.-'' V -i '!- ."! i.'.lnl.!.-
?; ' .- V; .. lanii is iuvii!-
V.' i - ' V v i: i: s
C.naa, !-..:.
' -, k Mt. !. r.-i:i.-ily.
; i.. :i i 1 !!,
I...! ,11. i-
- ! i;ii.-.-r
'vJ.ii-tlii S
u ' l' u
.'1 SO. Il
t .:(.;.-.. . ..., i I., :.
v' . Vm- ;ri-.'.'t!.-t
T ' i'!, etlii irll: -. . nilil
i lA, a iji-:.L. M,as. ii s ;,t
lii !' .11 a. I,. :',..,! .)' , : -o t : : i. o.o i - s.-,
:i'l...'.er,v -w -i:, f .e,;! i ;ti.'t , i,r, ,
ait-t chi'i.:-.! ' i-,t:.-.: . f ;i..v ;, r
i.'tt. r C-it;-: i.-ry ;-. .a.:
y..!ii.:'.--.i i !i:!.:--:i e e ,:,i iv . I.
iiri'iii..rv iiti jii -. ; Is. , J ',
liriiiicui i-, inlitieii:., ( '..-!: iii:ii:'s
Sure ' lire. it, t !!ni:i. ( ViNi. atitt
'iitari-:;. th . t- . : . . ; ;.' ( li i.i:-.
i'l.' i,;:M. ;:i'.- n..r;!. j:iiiit;:;,.!, .i
i-.tinti;:!:;. j,i i :r...:i i-ri...-.s JU
t i s ! -v : f . I '. : i : , . . : ; 1 1 : i , ', i e . . i
l,.,ii!.t I- k.-i.t .,; i...i,ii in , ..,-v ...
!:!! !' : -t..:. '' :r:.-: iu
0 u in;.'. ' . I ; In.-iie.ti-i'icej '.i ;e..i
1 11 1. sr. in ;. ... :i , t , i - i . Ti,,. t 1 , , -i -
' . :i ' ' :t I :: J !'.! .
I.,,'.v el ! ' :!'- 1: , m- t:' . t : -r-'iii-.
i - : ' i: iii i .: ,' . - .' -' i .1,- .
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en.;.- 1 , i -. , . -: . . l -!.,-!. :il,,i ;;e- sl'r- l
.li-.lfei'liii lii.- e.ilii lit. I -i- ,r.,s i.f Tl.i--i
;..!:... :,ir !lli,'. ... in !,.! : - : i r
i ii,.. ti i' t!-:i:iti. -it : ;:i .', ,: i- e-iis
,-j,.-riiii, liter.; ', ,T i: .:n',.ti, l 1, .t'l'l ,-e..:ei
ft l, ill. Tin s. :;-.n:i t',.- -at !),.it
tin si-li.-'-: . i.i.iv. w n'.iti-i . al:,
i,,-. -.!,,.. i-e! . si.aT' .l nl' iii ::?;',;! '. . I n"
Avi'li's t !!i i'i:v 1 ';'. . Hi M., aa.t .mil
niiiv i..,i,:'.i, "iT ! .-r ;; . . t tlj,- I t i.. 'urs.
Ir i . ,' : .- I-., ! . iir..i,ti, mi v, r.
an. I i :i i I. i: . . ";: j..:.
an, I iliiv ,!!-.'i'", !,. :.: ; wi.i' t-.. I'.iie-tii-nt
f.'i. i-i.,'.'. t.ii'.v. ,iit: i ..:ij,,.'i
tinii. I'f i'-ii'.M. it. T!n- Tr-t i'l Ii.ul :k
ct'iiliirv iii-.s pi,,'.',':i it-: r.-iT.-init. t i rMi-.t
all piilm. ,ii;irv i inn;, hunts net :ilri..:iy
ticynnil the n -: '. 1 1 ul l.'.iiii m :i,.l.
I'r.tctaal niul Ai;:il.v:c"il i !it iiii-.f
Lcvei!, Wars.
oli nv d:;vc.;i-th i:v:.i
sl i til mo,
j V1 liiam,
V , N n i irnir
TV nn rinfc it t i-i.-n-rt of -v. ry Da-r
finJ tuyer hi v.v-i-mi ivcn'n an l tjtorn
' UhM, ticj.l.rt.1 -. ti I . it i I- rmr ntfwl. r.d
l -t nru-t". am t:.- i t i v t v;r Into !n
l'lti-Lnryit, n-i , x. ; ((.,( u Wholesale
ii'iHiii.-4, aa I we ti iu!t aiwavit jrwiTatt-
iiKftw t. i i ,x! 1 1 rtuihi n Head-
G. W. HEED & CO.
12 TVott! Eircet, riitsbarsli, Pa.
X. 4 CO.
vi. J
1 ci
. era
1 8 8 O I
THAT Occurs Tni3 YEAR, BY
in ri mi: :
iiiuo ui' inrj Lou mi :
(JET Till: COUNTY A'Ett'S.
ami ::i: ti uxn
IF Y0U "wa:;t folitics,
'Vv. Herald
The Somerset Herald
nxrA5 as air.-H k.vs as an y
If l.n WAN 1 lui:
He her m iI i.;t .ur..U ,-f.i-h
df.titrtiiirnt ri,'l unl orhi he. J-.'O I'A I.,
but MICH RETT HU t-n.
j.-i tic i'AT.'
:xo oriKOiros:
St)EE-iET. PA.
The '
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FANCY and STr'r
(i i;()'!-I!i;s . .
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tioii I:t ;jr: M,i r"' " ' " r. s i
fee. ittil Untrh .J'l' ir :. ',..':,. .
ttmitn-'i I'ljifr. A l'r if' n '',7"-".'.,. -hh;-. -
( usiti Kim i o;; r. I'rtl I:-fi l ( " '
fl !-. (.''lira .'! ;. . i'.i'.yt r
A FA" HAL L.13T Or G0333
Constantly Arriving..,
f s. .; :s-. t-t. :.r r.lra!, I ii ' ' ' 1
X ii.-.T :tll.i I ' r. ll:....l 1 l-'lli.
,M m k' T.-l. K.v:r.i 1 Mt'f l'.-'1. s '
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