Taa Somerset Herald W ETlKKSDA Y ..... April 1.WO. Espcicaii National Tictsl roil teesidext: ULYSSES S. GRANT, (Sabject to the approval of the Re publican National Convention ) RSPtFBLICAN STATE TICKET. FOR eCI'REME JUDGE : HENRY GREEN, Northampton County. TOR ACDITOB GENERAL I JOHN A. LEMON, Dlair County. Postmaster General Key is spoken of as a possible candidate for Vice President before the Chicago convention. Tue tide of foreign emigration to this conatry is simply wonderful at present. During the stormy month of March when few ever venture U encounter an ocean voyage, nearly twenty -tiro thousand emigrants land ed at New York and Baltimore. William II. Yaxderbixt now owns over fifty -one millions ot U. S. 4 per cent, registered bonds, and it is understood that he will shortly make further purchases of these bonds. On those be now holds bis income is over fire thousand dollars a day. There has been a deal of boasting that the Connecticut delegation to Chicago was solidly fjr Blaine. To this the lLirtford Couraat replies; "It it becomes a question of Biaine or Grant, the Connecticut delegation will stand throe to one for the latter, audin so doing it will represent the Republican sentiment of the Slate." It is stated from Washington that Senator Edmunds is a firm friend of Geueral Grant, and desires his nomi nation, and that he will under no cir cumstances allow his name to go be fore tbe Chicago Convention as a candidate lor the Presidency, and wi.l in a short time write a letter paying ho. Some tender looted Republicans ere feeling much aggrieved because States that cannot give General Grant their electoral rotes are send ing delegates to Chicago to vote for bis nomination. By the same species of ratiocinatiot, townships in this connty that cannot give Republican majorities bave no right to vote for candidates at our primary elections. On Wednesday last Republican State Conventions were held in Ken tucky, Missouri and Iowa. In structions were given in Kentucky aod Missouri for Grant aud in Iowa for Blaine. Grant therefore gets 24 delegates from Kentucky and SO from Missouri, making 54, and Blaine got 22 in Iowa. Ust'EB the party lash the Demo crats bave pet through tbe House the army appropriation bill with tbe rider, prohibiting the President from protecting the purity of tbe ballot box and repressing intimidation at the polls. This is simply nullifying tbe national election laws intended to prevent force, fraud and intimidation at elections. The Republican Convention of Massachusetts has declared in favor of Senator Edmunds for President and sends an nainstrncted delegation to Chicago. Mr. Edmonds if availa ble would make an excellent Presi dent, but be has no chance of a nom ination, now tbe delegation will go after complimenting him is troubling the politicians One thing is certain, Massachusetts is not for Blaine. A mono tbe advertisements in this issue of tbe Herald will be found tbe "call" of tbe Blaine Club" of Meyersdale for a Republican County Meeting to be held in this place on the evening of the 27th inst., for tbe purpose of electing conferees to meet like conferees from tbe other counties in tbe district, to select delegates to the Chicago Convention, JLc , &s. That this "club" has tbe right to call as many meetings as seemeth good onto it, is undoubted, but when it attempts to usurp tbe rights and duties delegated bv tbe Republican party of the county to its County Committee, it is simply placing itself in a position of revolt against the party organisation, and taking feteps to foment disorganization in its ranks. At the last business meeting of the party, it marked its coo G fence in tbe integrity, ability and honesty of tbe Chairman of tbe Connty Committee by voting unanimously to continue bim in office for another year, and this attempt to usurp bis functions, and call a meeting of the party for business purposes, is an insult to Lim and a stab at all party organization. If the gentlemen comprising this elab control the party organization in the connty, we would like to know when, where and by whom tbe power was delegated to them ? It tbey in tend to depose the regularly elected chairman and tbe county committee, the voters will want to know why and wherefore. If they intend to seize the power, they are simply revolutionists. In any event tbey are disorganizes, and their course is calculated to bring untold mischief upon the Republican party of Somer set County. Better call a halt, gen tlemen I and re earvey tbe field be fore committing yourselves irrevo cably. We gather from the Commercial that this movement ia instigated by di-aiisf&c:ion with the action cf tbe Sute Convention, and it is patent the object is, to send rival delegates 1 to Chicago to antagonize those select-1 ed a; Uarrisbarg. The movement editorial leader, headed "Genera! H dabbed a "Reform within the ; (rnr," which reads tbos: party," and under this glittering! At bis firs, election "he swept the genera'itv, it id proposed to over-' country at large, by large mfg'orities, throw its organization and read It'wd.oo the electoral a ,r 1 k a .Jibe States except fceven. lie made asunder. We bave beard of no ; catDpaigQ when tbe Re- eocb geueral diMatict action through-!pUDi.C4a party WM lora by domestic oat the county with the result of the dissensions ; Lis same was still so State Convention as would justify potent a tpcil that the majority of the measures proposed; but even if 6acb dissatisfaction does exist, this is not the way to procure a panacea for jit. 0:ber counties in the State that (thought they bad cause for grievance have moved ia the matter through their regular county committee?, but a movement oz mis staa ras do semblance of authority, and dele gales elected by such action would have their claims laughed out of any convention, being without credential and without the rbadow of rightful puacr. Such a movement as ibis is simply preposterous, ana il coumenMcea, i and if countenanced, I would justify every patty club in tbe conntry in calling county conveu- j ward a inena, or to puumu an tac tions, appointing delegates! declariog j my. His very contempt for the pro- its Presidential preferences, manding seats in the National Con vention. For instance, one Repub lican ia this town prefers Secretary Sherman for President. Now, no Sherman delegates were chosen at tbe State Convention, and there fore his voice was smothered. Why thouldn't this gentleman assemble himself together, call a county meeting, appoint conferees, select himself a delegate to Chicago, write his own credentials, and de mand a seat and a vote in tbe name of tbe Republicans of this Congres sional district? If you throw party organization to the dogs; it dissaiirfi .1 members ol the party few or inunj call ineet inps and select delegates according to their own sweet will and pleasure, if those placed in authority by the party are ignored and overslaughed ; if there are no recognized roles cr power in the party controlling itB action, then the sooner tbs Repub lican party of tbe county is disband ed the better. If on the other taad, party organization is to be preserved, if tbe party rules aod regulations are to be observed, if party harmony and unity are to be conserved, then the movements and designs of this "club" are essentially wrong and dangerous, destructive of all organization, cf unity and barmony, and can result only in the overthrow cf Republican supremacy in this county. That this is intended we do not believe, but that puch will be the mult, we are perfectly satisfied. It is mnch easier to raise the storm than to cjntrol the wLirlwind. Carry this embryo revolt to its sure and natural fruition, and connt the cost in tbe re-election cf General Cof frotb in this Congressional district, and the possible defeat of our mem bers of the Legislature including the probable loss of a Uuited States Sen ator the coming session. Tbe lesson taught tbe Republicans of this county by the disorganization in 1 S7S should surely not be forgotten so soon. Since tbe above was written we have received tbe Bedford Inquirer containing tbe following article oa the same subject Tbe Inquirer advocates tbe nomi ation of Senator Blaine, and its re mark that "It is evident to every oue "wbo understanding! views the 'situation that diseatiaSsd factions "are seeking to erect themselves into "power by the manipulation of tbe "prevalent Blaine sentiment" is emi cently true and to the point. "Somerset Republicans bave issued a call for a public meeting on the 27th inst., for tbe purpose of electing three conferees to meet like c luferees from Bedford, Blair and Cambria counties to elect two delegates aud tbeir alternates to represent the Seventeenth Congressional district in tbe National Republican Convection to be held at Chicago oa the 2d day of June. So tar this movement has only developed itself in this cojgres sioual district in Somerset cuomy, aod it is profoundly to be hoped that it will extend no farther. Coming as it does from a county where a tac tion fight similar to that now raging lost us a congressman two years ago. any such movement must bo viewed with suspicion. While preferring Mr. Blaine as a presidential candi date before any now in tbe Be Id, we cannot but feel diatruetful ot tbe uses to which it is sought to put his person al popularity. It is evident to every one who understanding! views tbe situation that dissatisfied factions are seeking to erect themselves iuto po er by tbe manipulation ot the prevalent Blaiae sentiment. Well may Mr. Blaine cry "Save me from my friends!" However, leaving this view ot tbe case out of tbe question, our voice would be against aay such movement in this district inaugurated as is this one. In other district where tLe movement has acqus ed consistency aod headway, it has pro gressed under tbe auspices of regu larly constituted authority ; county committees bave been called together and in response to tbeir calls conven lions bave assembled which bave given voice to tbe protests of the peo ple, and in a regular manner have elected National delegates, gutb delegates will go to Chicago with substantial claims for recognition. Will any one deny that a delegation from this district; chosen in accord ance with the Somerset plan, will be Logbed out of the hall? what cre dentials conld such a delegation bear which would demand for tbem tbe respect cf a regularly constituted body ? Such a course of procedure, as ran easily be seen, being useless so far as securing true representation at Chicago, would be productive only of dissensions at home which would endanger our success in the district and in the county. If there is any protest to be made, then, ia the name of the Republican party, let it have upon it tbe stamp cf regularity. Otherwise nothing but barm would result and confusion would be worse confounded. The New York Tribune is one cf the mott bitter opponents of General Grant. It can see nothing good in bim bow, and remembers nothing good in bis administration. If its readers will tarn back only to the 3d of March, 1 37, they m ill find an j tour rears 820 was more tuau u-ouu- led. General Grant saved tne Lnion . in battle, aud gave hepe and strength to tne nation in the darkest boar of its bi.-tory. Even Lis errors were, after all. evil tendencies more fre qnently than positive wrongs. Now. oar memories rest rather op on the snbeiauiinl achievements of tbe fineoces, tbe reduction of the deb: aod taxes, the slow yet steady improvement iu the condition of tbe South, aod, eti fe.-t of all the mag niheent success of a foreign policy which will hereafter bs tbe admira tion of the world. His poliey in gov ernment has beeu as open aud direct as bis strategy in the wilderness. Ue has never baselv schemed to uh a poliiical aim. or to get jaa adversary out 0f tne way, or re- timed carriea bim safe through dan gerous undertakings. He assumed the govtrutnent when reconstruction was a crude experiment, aud tbe great danger to be dreaded was, not tho invasion of the white man's right., but tbe theft of the black man's liberty It was certainly a mercifal Providence for the freedmen that be found at this critical time a Piceidcnt disposed to take a liberal view of the power and tbe duty of the executive in extending over bim the protecting shield of tbe Union Time mey perhaps show that it was best for tbe whole nation, likewise, that the strong hand of central au thority should put down the murder ous spirit before it became unmanage able. His errors will quickly fade from recollection, and the essential integrity aad trothfuluess of General Grani'schararter will be fully recog nized. When we remember that this was written three years and one month ao, w hen all the facts of General Gram's admitistration were fully knon to the editor of th Tribune, it is difficult to see any honosty in its preseut vicious cjurse. The Tu&unc says "it was best for tbe whole na tion that the strong hand should put down tbe murderous spirit." Wnat new light has come to it now ? llf mrncilve t rent Fire,. Point Pleasant, N. J. April 14 It ia estimated that 2,700 acres ot valuable limber laud were destroyed by the Gre that swept across tbe cedar and pine forests of Ocean and Monmouth couuiies yesterday. At ciiduigbt tbe wind veered from tbe southwest to the west, when tbe Ere pushed toward the ocean, where its force was expended. The loes will be very heavy. Many choice bits of meadow and snipe bunting ground lay in tbe path of the fire. IU ports are coming in of losses in cattle and borr-es, killed by suffocation. New Egypt, N. J., April 14 Oue ot tbe most destructive forest Gres that bas ever visited this region is now sweeping across tbo forests of Cumberland, Ocean and Atlantic couuties. From Bricksburg to Man chester the piuo proves are a black eued mass. Bjtore reachiug Man Chester the fire element swayed to tbe southeast, and is now consuming the piue aud cedar land down as tar as Cedar Creek. The D.e originated f.um a spark frcra a locomotive on the New Jersey Southern Railroad yesterday morning. Since that time an area of probably fifty miles in length and tea miles in width has been destroyed. Millions of game and other birds bare been Buff icated by tbe smoke, which is stifling around the burned district. Telegrapn wires are deetroyed in Borne parts. For tunately, tie doomed district was but tbiuly inhabited. Some loss of live stock is reported. Tbe fire is still ragiug, but there are indications of ruin, wL:ca may pat a stop to it. The sun has been obscured miles from tho scene of tbe fire for two days The woods aud sramps near Forked river, on the New Jersey Suutbe:n Railroad, are reported ou fire Forked River, N. J , April 14. Tbe eut're couuiry about here is a muss of blaze. Ojo buudred tq tare miles of ccd ir aud piue forest bave been consumed The greatest alarm is lelt by the villagers, wbo are out fighiiug tbe flames. Two bouses iu the ouukirts one belonging to a farmer named Goldius, and tbe other to a charcjal burner have beea de srojed. A report, which seemed uutuentic, from the hamlet of Seven Stars, says five buildings ibere, a hieb lay in the path of tbe fir.-, were destroyed. Tbe losses on cat tie, horses and otter live stock is said to be heavy, and is mostly caus ed by suflfocatioa. The fire is work ing ioard Shark river. Manchester, N. J, April 14 The the ha spent its force here, but is spreading toward Barnegat. The traius of tho Ne Jersey Southern Railroad to-day ran ihe fiery gaunt let with closed windows which were blanketed. Two passengers under took the dangerous ride. The forests ou both sides of the track are burn ing. Tbe beat was iutense, and tbe cars were baaly scorched. Tom's River, N. J. April 14 The great forest fire bs crossed the river, and is spreading toward Good! Luck P.int au'l Island Beach, and' tbe upmost fears are felt ibat it will reach the the town. Tbe people are fighting the fire by felling trees a 'pace trom tbe plains, and in a direc tion leading from the town to the bay, and Selling fire to them. This has been ptrtially cucceMul. Or uiiu'o mill, in a euberb town, is re ported to bave been destroyed There bas beeu a drought for days. Milfocd, Pa, April 14 Owing to tbe high winds, ttie forest fires in Pike county are assuming alarming proportions. Ia remote townships it is feared that all of tbe valuable limber will be destroved. At night tbo horizon is a sheet of flames. Large fires also prevail in Monroe county. A Fonr lr Cent. Itviaa4. .. Baltimore, April 15 The board of Directors of the Baltimore; and Ohio Railroad yesterday declared a dividend cf 4 per cent, for the past half year, on their "main stem," and 5 percent, for tho eame time on the Washington branch. Fnlst. WAsnisoTos. April 1C. Of ar rears ot pensions there remains less than three thousand cases unajodica-1 ted The total amount already die-; bursed ou tbis account is $24,500,000 and tbe claims lor arrears now cn file amount to $250,000. THE GREAT TRAVELER! GENERAL GRANT AT MEMPHIS. HE IS WELCOMED BY A DELEGATION OF PROMINENT CITIZENS; A HE1RTI ADDEESS OF WELCOXE. THE GENERAL'S HEI?LY. Memphis, Tens., April 1:J Gen. Graui aud party arrived this mora iug at 9 o'clock via tb M si-sippi aud Tennessee Railroad. Tney were ni"t at tbe depot by a dieeation of prominent citizens beaded by Dr. D. T. Porter, President of the Taxing Disirict, wb ia welcoming General Grant, said: "I have tbe honor to welcome you to Memphis. I wel come yon ia the name of all ber cit izens, without distinction or race, nationality or party affiliatioi.; I wel come yon as uae ot the greatest mil itary chieftain of ttis or any age -r country, as twice chosen Cnief Exe cutive ot this treat Republic, and as oue of the ruusi ditiui;oished private eitizeus ia the world. A sucn, all of us feel it aa bouor to open tne irates ot our city, and tender you tbe hos pitalities ot our people, and may e not be permitted to add one more commisnion to the niauy you bave bad with so great a distinction ; may we not thruunb you. sir. tbauk the people of these Uuited .States fur tbeir princely charity that flowed in upou us from every quarter, threUtfh three epidemics, iu such uuabattd me&saie as to miiigatc as much as might be terrors of ihaifrinbitul pestilence tnat devasled our fair city aod filled our hea'ts with woe. Sir, we at-syouto accept our sincere greeting aud wel come.and remaia ni.b us as loug as you can make it convenient to do so " Gen. Graut iu replying, said he was glad to visit Memphis again He thanked the committee for their hos pitable welcome. Referirng to the charity showed opon Memphis, be said it was tbe peculuarity of our country to always take care of those in distress, aud if the Gverment failed ia that nspect, the charitably disposed throughout ihe land would not let a-sy one suffer. The pary were then driven to the Peabody Uoetl, wherj rtfreshments were ser ved. At 9:30 o'clock the procession was formed, which cont-.isted of three white and two colored miliiary com panies, tbe police. Fire Department, with apparatus, several cilored soci eties, nod three bande. Tfce com mittee of Reception met Gen. Grunt at tbe hotel dour, atd escorted bim to tbe back, aud upon giviug the sig nal ihe procession moved t.ff with tbe carriage of Gen. Grant iu tbe center Several streets were traversed, and r.n arriving ot tbe cobrt tquare, Col. J; Paterson delivered the address of welcome, to which General Grant responded as fallows: "Mr Cbuirnian and citizens of Memphis; The reception which I re ceive here at your bands cauuot bat be grat'wyiug. It is pleasant to bear such words of welcome as 1 have heard throughout my tour of the South, aud I cau say t3 my friends in the b.iutht, there has never oeen a day wten I was not as anxious for their prosperity as they themselves. I see eviduce cf a better fteling ex isting between citizens of the dilfereut sections of tae c juotry, whieb, I hope will continue to grow. I thauk you, Mr. Coairmeo, and the ckizaus of Memphis for toil reception." A nublie levee was theu held, a'ld tbe vast throng, estimated at lo.OOO surged about the stand, anxious to shake the General by the hand. Tbe military companies at o'clock es corted Gen. Grant baeic to tLe hotel. A Druprrate Criminal. Bradford, Pa., April IS A spe cial fron emporium say ititem-e ex citement prevails at Caledonia, E'k county. Pa, over a murder committed there yesterday by tbe noted forger aod outlaw, Harry English A pooe went from St. Mary's to apprehend bim and arrived at bU boure, near Caledonia, at 6ve o'clock C .instable Wrentb and Voluerand Justice Burk met English coming down stairs. Wrentb ordered bim to surrender when be returned tip stairs and lock ed bimself in a room Tbe fficrr drew tbeir pistols and declared their intention of takinir bim dead or alive As Constable Wreath came up to tbe room English thrust a rifle ibroogh tbe dior andsb'it, kliliog bim instant ly. Constable Yolaer then carried ihe body down stairs, aud as be en tered toe yard E'udUh shot Yoloer. The latter it is tbouirbt will not re cover English gaiand tbe woods during the excitement. While be was running District Attorney Nor z ilf shot bim ia tbe leg. Company U. state vo u i etr bave Ixe i ordered out to capture bim, if possible. fire In VlrKlmla mod rw Jrnrf. Petersuuro. Ya .April 18. The forest fires wb c'i bave bee-j ragiu in this vicinity the past week have become oucontrollable, and tbe fUines can be plainly teen from here. Barns and stables ia large numbers bave been destroyed, and ia many instan ces the farmers lost all their crop, horses and farming implements. A number of cabins were burned, tbe occupants barely escaping with tbeir lives Tbe destruction of cotton wor d and timber is immense. In Prince Grorge county the fire bas been very destructive, invading orchards and destroying hundreds cf fruit trees. It is feared tbat Uuless an early rain occurs tbo fire will destroy tbe rail road briJes and telegraph poles. Cape Mat, April 13 A large forest fite prevaiU ia northern and southern Cape May county, there is great loss of property n(J tho citizens are much excited. Exra forces bave been summoned to subdue it if pos sible. Lynch Law Petersburg, Ya, April 13 J-s. Black, a nero wh a temr'ed uu o-1-rage on the person of Mrs. II'ti F. r ris in Dio iddie county on the 31 of tbe present mouth, m as taken from the Jul at Diuwiddie court Hju?e last night by ao armed body of 75 masked mea and banged to a gail ws near thejail. After cj nolu.itig their work the murderers left for their homes without being recognized by the jailor who was knocked down by thera before surrendering tbe keys. fnrtner Sopeninlon Nail Making-. Pittsburgh. Pa, April 14 Tbe Western Nal Association held a meeting this marui: g nd agreed unanimously tj a furtoer su-ipe-jsi iu tf two weeks Alter discusiuir the advisability of reducing prices it was decided to maintain tbe preseat prices. Hr. petBM Vlli iaptar fat Scalene. Harrisbcro,- Apiil 13 At nine o'clock this morc'.Dg Mr. William H Keen tile, in tbe custody of a Deputy Sheriff and eetorbpanied by bis c a Kit, went to ice Uaapnin coanty ju, : here, after about half an bout's! w'ait, Judge Pearson cau.e, cloeely followed bv tne Di-m-i Attorney. Mr. Kemble's counsel p.o-iuced tele grams from bim to prove that be was voluntarily on bis wav to Harrtsbari? when a detective detained bim. Mr. Kemble said be sent a telegram to .M. b. jaay on Friday, telling bim rriaay, telling bim Ilarriburg on Mod- new bail. He also be would be in day to enter ne wrote to bis lawyer to the same eaect.jnumbir ot stores and dwclliugs iu He said tbe iiwspaper repor a as j that plaee. Oa Wednesday the to nts latenuea usgnt were an laise, , ... ared without color of authority. He warded by capturing a wealthy could prove by telegram sent that be 'farmer by tbe oam of J. Lswis was on hij way voluntaiily. Ui Robinson. It appears that this knew Doibiog of the visit or surreu-j wealthy D.ck Turpin, feeling safe in der of Petroff, Salter, Rumberger audj his rerpectability, bad the temerity Crawford. His business aud the j to actually put iu use openly some precarious condition ol bis wile s health, prevented his getting here sooner. lie never acted secretly nor with a desire to conceal his iden tity. He would be bore on the 2tn instant, if alive, to accept eeatence. Witnesses were called to prove Mr. ivemble'a loiention to appear voluo tarily iu Harrisburg, aud after some ' otjiiCtioa by tbe District Attorney, Judge Pearson admitted bim to bail iu ibe sum ot $5000. J. C Bomber ger, of this city became bis bail. Tbe Judge said if be bad any doubt as to Kemblu's Voluntary ap pearance be would not accept baii. He bad none, however, and wauted them all in court at twelve o'clock on the 2Cthinst. Train Snowbound. . p . 'cpe, coufesM?d that bo was guilty of b.vs 1-RANCisco, April 1G.-Thetu; tff , e ed 7uM storm which prevailed throughout c jj Uobiasoi,. b.ing well the state tor several days bus been .... ... ? ., . days tbe severest ever kuowu oa the liue of the Central Pacific and through tbe mouutaios. The snow-sheds are broken down between Emigrant Gap aud Cisco Yesterday's eastern bouud express has rot only as tar as Alia Yirginia. Tbe lightning ex press is stopping at tbe same place Tbe suow plow trains, with eight en gines, which left the Summit this morning to effect a connection with the plow from Emigrant Gap, when a bait mile west from ibe Summit jumped tbe track, and dashed through tbe snow-sheds for a buudred feet. Tbe west bound emigrant aud freight train, due at Saoramento list night, kss stopped by slides two miles from any station, wbere it still remains. Every effort is being made to clear the tracks. A Modern Hero. Cincinnati, April 15 Wbpn tbe alarm of tire was struck iu Covington Tuesday right, Alex Wilson, wbo resides in the second story of the building No. 9 East Pike street, was aroused trom. bis tit t-p aud started for the scene ot tbe conflagration. Going as far as the corner of Madi sou and Pike streets he returned and called to bia wife to ome and look. She didn't care to, aod be started asain, saying, "i believe it's Joe Piefer's bouse and be has so niauy small children 1'il go and help." That was tbe last his wife saw cf bim. When uoon.camo and he did not return, it began to be feared he bed bepa buried ia the failing walls. At 1:30 yesterday afternoon ibis sus picion proved correct by tbe Gliding of the body of poor Wilson under tbe rains. Wilson, wbo was familiarly koown as Scotty, from bis birthplace, Scotland, was well known as a sober, hatd-workiug, poor man, with a great u?te for literature, aod be operated tbe only public library ia Covington, flis marital relations were of the most pleasant character he was about thirty five years of age, and leaves a wife and two children Burned In a Barn. Elizabeth, . J , April 15. Wm R ilf, a well-to-d farmer liviug in the village ot Union a subetb ot this city, wij burad to death in bis barn, together with four valuable horses and two or three milch cows, late last eveniog According to informa tion derived from hU neighbors, Rolf visited bis barn tor the purpose of earing for bis animals and fasieciug the doors for tbe night, lie carried, according to r.is usual custom, ao old fashioned lantern, tbe bottom of wbicb bad become partially insecure, owing to long U:-e He bad been iu ihe bara but a few niioutes when bis wife beard bis cries, and running out in ber night clothes, discerned ibe building to be in flames. etghb.rs, attracted by tbe great light, came froia all directions, Bnd desperate ef forts were made to extinguish tbs fire and save the life of R lf and bis stock Messeugeis were dispatcbed to Eligtbeib also, and Eugiue Com pany No. 2 responded, but before tbe steamer reacted tbe farm, tbe barn was all in ruins aud all witbiu the building bad perished Tbe body of Rolf, burned amost beyond recog- nnion, was subsequently recovered. It is now supposed that tbe bottom of bis lantern became detached from its fasteuing w bile be was in one ot ibe stalls, and that the dime at once ignited loose bay. A (Horrible Accident. Harrisburg. Pa. April 15, Tbo Pennsvlvauia Steel Work at Steel toD, three miles below ibis ciiy, was ibe scene of a feaiful accident at 5 o'eluck tbis morning. While tbe meo were at work in the mill wbere the s'etl ia made, tbe ratchet that con trols tbe movement of tbe large ves sel that contains tbe molten metal broke, and turned the reton upside dowu Tbe couieats were poured into ibe pit underneath, ia and around wbicb ab iut tight men were working. George Yost and A. WealUroifc'.j were so badly b.urned ibat ibere lives were despaired of. Monroe Mill, Simon Martin, George H-ruiug, and one or to others were also badly, but not fatally burned 31111 Burned. Philadelphia. April 15 A spe cial from Pittsburgh says: "This morning-, about three o'clock, the large flouring mill and distillery at Port Royal, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, thirty seven miles east of ibis city, was totally destroy ed by fire, wbieh is supposed to bave originated from a spark from a pass iug locomotive. Iu auditiou to tbe building, a large number of begs and other stock wrre burned to death. Tbe owner lost a considerable quan tity of cash, and all tbe books belong ing to tbe proprietor aod government storekeeper were consumed. The loss will aggregate $25,000, with no insurance." Klot Briber. IIareisblbg April 1G. Subpenas are be-iug served on tbe witnesses id ' tbe untried legislative bribery ca;e?. j They will be tried on the 29:h inst. anatala Bandits. Westchester, Pa April 17-ln i the noitoeei portion of this connty, adjoining Lancaster and Burks, there is a very rugged atrip of land known as ice weisn iiouutaius f or fears heavily wooded fs:uesoea bave been the safe retreat of a set of laud pi ; rates known by tbe name i fibe Welsh Mouutaiu gang. A few wcetsBso tbey procured a Bible, nailed it to a tre und it,r. ouea to burn the barn of evt-rv mem- j ber of the Harmony Detec.ive A- j soeiatton, a local protective eoeitt v. I - L. . J ... i ooe uameu association was re i me sioiea guoua. A thorough examination ct tbe house and premises revealed tbe fact that Rbinsou's ab 'de must bave beeu a kiud of headquarters at which to deposit tbeir booty, or else that be was the captaia of ibe gang, and what was found was bis share cf the plunder horse Collars, doubletrees. shovels, spades, stovepipes, clocks, crockery and glassware, silk aud oiber d.ess goods already made up, shawls, scarfs, bedding and sheets, lap robes, afgbaus, blankets; in fact every imagiuable thing tor the use of man, woman or beast. Wbuu this evidence was unearthed before the wealthy prisoner, ie made au attempt to escape to his retreat in the uiwuntaius, but was Captured, aud tiadiug be bad no chance to e connected, was released on bail in tbe sum of $1,000. Davis was ar rested aod luOgrd in tLe Chester coumy j -a.il at Westchester, yesterday moruiutr. It is saia that Robinsou made a practice of shipping large uuioaute of poultry to New York, wbicu he disposed of with much less likelihood ot being delected than be could have doue ia a Philadelphia market. It is believed bv some here that be will run away aud forfeit bis bail, which to him would be a mere soug. Other reports bave it that he will "rqueat" oa bie fellow thieves and iu this way may be the means of break ing up tne -bole gang. l'lm With a Bull. New York, April 1G A colored mau, ia tne employ of Mr. Geerge Hubscbmidt, in Bergen couuty N. J., went out into a field to drive a bull in tbe birn yard. Tbe bull was rather viciou.?, but it bad never at tacked tbe man. Tbis, time, how ever, ibe animal made a pluuge f ir the colored man, knocked bim to ibe ground, held bim ibere with his fore feet, aod attempted to gore bim with bis sharp horns. Tbe negro strug gled and f ugbt as best be could, and succeeded in dodgiug tbe blows several times. Rut finally the born peuetra'ed ibe cheek atom an iucb from the mouth. The bru e tbep gave a savage lunge and tore tbe flesh around the negro's chin, from a poiut about two iucbes from ibe left end of his mouth clear ar- uud to the right ear. This made a terrible wouud, and the great arteries in tbe neck were narrowly missed. In spite of the wouud the man continued to fight for bis life. He succeeded ia reica ing a stone, with which be hammered tbe bull iu the eye until tbe animal, which was all this time holding its victim pinioned to the ground, was forced to let go. Tbe bull then ran to the opposite side of the fiefd, tossing his bead and roaring witb pain, tbe eye being al most entirely destroyed. The man got up, staggered to tbe fence, without further molestation from tbe bull Two men. who came to bis assistance, lifted hitu over tti. fence, and tbea he sank sensless Dr Yan Geison dressed the wound, aud heihiuk the negro will recover, al though be says it was one of tbe narrowest escapes be ever siw, as tbe man's wiudpipe was grazed by tbe bull' sharp horns. A Haaaaebaaetla Horror. Boston, April 13 Mrs. John Driscoll, of Maiden, was arrested on the charge of murdering the four year old diobter of Jobu Cred in, a ueighb ir. The .body of the child was foUi.d yesterday moruiog near tbe railroad, and it is kvlieved it was placed there by ibe Driseolls after ibe child bad been killed at tbeir bou-e Tbe hood of tbe girl was found in tbe cellar of a bouse occupied by Mrs Driscoll, together witb ao ax, the olade aud handle of wbicb were stained with blood. A barrel smear ed on the side witb blood and con tained several bloody bags, similar to the oue found near the body of tbe child were alsi discovered in the cel lar. Tbe theory of the police is that, tne child was kiiled in the cellar, ium body put iuto a barrel to c ucal it then put ncder tbe staira wbere the hood was found, aud afterward, car ried a ay in a, Lai aad, deposited where discovered, in a position to give tbe impression that death bau been caused by tbe traiu. Mrs Dn-coll asserts ber ignorauce as to bow tbe blood came on tbe articles in tbe cellar. Twe.Uen llanicln Mlaaanrl. St. Louis, April 1G Xatbun Faw cett aud Jc b Maldrosv, two mulat toee, were banged at Mexico, Mo., to-day, fur tbe wurtior of Octave Ju low, a yeung man well kuown in ;bU Gi'iumaniiy, Sep ember 30m, 1873. Tbey rested well lai niht and ate a hearty meal ibis morniug At one o'eL-ck tbe procession left tbe jail for ibe execution, followed by several tbuueand ppl Tbe i-caf-fold was reached at 1:45 r m , aud was ascended by tbe d oru-d men a ith marked calmness. Tbe catholic service was performed by tbe at'.end iair pries' s, tbe black cap adjusted at l:ft(L and at 2:05 precisely tbe trap was sprung and tbe wretched meo umbered into eternity. Tbe crime for wbicb tbeee men were bauired was committed about a mile trom Mexico, and was one of the mont cool aud un provoked at orders ever perpetrated Tbe trouble originated about a wbite woruuu, wbo i now awaiting trial as an accessory, and with whom Julow and tbe negroes cohabited. Deain af a lawyer. Milford, Pa., April 13. Colonel Jcbu ice, well known throughout ibe etatt as a Uwyer and piliueUu, dird at ibis place this moruiuir, at tbe age ot fifiy years He served us colonel of tbe 174 d reximcntof Peun sylvauia volunteers durioir tbe civil war, and was wounded five times lie was mayor cf Milford. at tbe time of Iti death. soeiatton, a local protective eoeitty. jrkull ol a I They encoded their depredations I jjtte que Down'ngtun, and have entered a six bouses A T( rlfcle Essfittloa. Sam Frascisco, April 18 Tbe giauipiwder works in tbe district of Berkley, exploded yesterday, killiog twelve wbite tneu aod twelve or fif teen Cbiuamen. Tbis U the third explosion this compauy bas sustain ed, sll attended with ksa of life. Tbe eipljrk.u occurred ia tb pickiuH room and ail the uia at work there were killed Theie was about six tbousaud pounds ct powder in the room. All tbe victims were blown to atoms A large portion of tbe rkull ol a Cninama't wa-t found witb ht. acted lbeie were iuside ot the woiks aud ttiey were all bkwn to pieces, but ire workmen iu tbem e i-caped, witb exception of one man ia tbe uiagszinr, ot wnom no trace has beeu found Outside of tbe work are nix houses, including ibe bom ding boue of tbe bands, all ot which were more or less damaged, but were still standing. Tbe explosion is suppused to be tbe result of carelessness. Tbe work men are hired by tbe piece and direct ed to use wooden mallets in picking cartridges; but tbey found they could work, faster aud make more money by using iron hammers a dangerous practice. It is supposed that some man struck bis cartridge once loo often and it went off, ignit ing the powder before him, which communicated with tbe adjacent packages, with the above terrible re sult. Tne names of tbe wbite mea kite j by the explosion as far as ascertained are Jacob Yandoreo, Aogustin Fish er, Peter Sbaughnessy, Joseph Rea- gan, I'hilip Lambert, Alex Spooner, Liticoiu Meek, Fred R ger, Julius Hultz, and a man named Dieddric son. Cea. Oram tm Kaasan. Little Rock, April 15 General Graut was received to day by Mayor Fletcher, and subsequently by the Governor. Tbe General in tbe course ot bis response, said he bad no i -ed i bi travels thai sectionalism 8 pass ing away and the countries of tb world re'oruiog to that broad field -t liberty, which is progress. Iu con clusion be said : "You bave a soil ibat will make you a great state, and he latiitude that will enable ju i to produce a vast amount of one of ibe staples ot tbe world, namely, cot ton. You bave not enough people, but I bave no doubt that the resour ces f jour state will attract inhab itants That all newcomers will be received as I bave been to-day, that tbey vill make good citiens of Ar kansas, and aid in tbe development "f ibe country, is my wUn." From 15,000 to 20 000 people were massed on tbe reception grounds, and tbe en tbusiam was general aod cordial A procession was formed aud occupied two hours in passiug a giveu p.iint A grand banquet wa given at tbe Capitol Hotel io ibe evening Enraped Convicts. Cheyenne, Wy., April It! Five ctiuvicts escsptd 'roru tbe Wyoming penitentiary lat week. Tbey are all oa ine road betweed Frt Fet'.erman and R'.-ck creek, st ppiog aud robbing coaches I heir first attack occurred on tbe lltbiutt, wbeu tbe south bound coach from Fetterman was halted, the passengers were robbed of their lucoey uud arms aod the four Coach horses exchanged for a worn oat team. The kaighta ot tbe road were very courteous, aud respected tbe mail bags. Two of tbe horses taken were harnessed to alight wagos aud tbe other two saddled. Tbe road agents moved in a westerly direction Tbe mail driver, who arrived at Rock Creek, on tbe Uuion Pacific railroad last night, reports having been stop ped in ibe morning by a man ou one of the stolen horses, The road agents are well armed ana mounted. Mtorni a Sewport . Newpqp.x. Pa , April 11 Daring the prevalence ot the tbaoder storm, wbicb passed over Perry county on Friday rv-oing. three barns were t uck by ILjbtuiosr. as fallows: D. Hair's, iu Carroll township; P. R th's, in Ceutrn township, and G. Rr-.iuebari's, in W beat field township. The building's were all consumed witb tbeir contents, ad far as known, rave Hair's whose live stock was rescuet. Apnea! to tbe Aaprenso Court. Lancaster. April 13 Meer. Steiumau & Hetisel. ihn morning proceeded to lak an appeal t the supreme c mrt from lbs judi?ne-at of tbe court of quarter sessi?us of tbis c nnty, in dinbaring tbem as attor neys. Mr. Steinmaa mido the affi davit, before the deputy clerk of quarter sessions, aud will now pro ceed to Harrisburg to obtaia a cer tiorari of tbe proceedings below, thus completing the ree ro in tbe appeal. To Men Per lab,. Lancaster, April 14 Early this uioroioit two meu, named Daniel Mil ler and Charles Fraznr, were suffoca ted in a well near Bird in Hand It appears that a bla3t had been set off audi one man went down before tbe gas bad escaped and was. voaediate ly. overcome Ilia comrade went to bis rescue aad lost bis Liie in tbe at tempt Uoth men ware unmarried. Perraned. Torontc On. April 13 Oj Sat oruay evening last, an old woman named Aon Cu-bior. left tbe village of Fort Cool'ioe, tjaebrc, dnrinir a very sevore snow storm, aod miss ing tbe road sbe followed a fence that le i ioto tbe busb 'where she was found Jead tbis rooming- A dosr be longing to ber was found faithfully keeping watch over br remains. Illicit lllterles Kelaeal. Atlxta, Oa, April 15 Deputy Sbepsard bas feiz-d and destroyed f ur illicit distilleries in Rnbuo- and TatiK coon ties, ioeladinr; tbe dfctil. 'ery of the famous Berrooge. Tbe rai ling pary was attacked by armed mMi wbo were guarding tbe approach t.: Berrong's diHtillery, but the at tack was repelled by revenue of ficers. Boaa Faetary D rayed. Allentown, April 14 The soap works of tbe Lehigh Taller Manu facturing Company, at Freemans burg, were destroyed by fire !aet nigbt. Loes abeut $15 000: insured in the Loudon aod Globe. .Eisa, 'Hartford, and British Americas, Tor mo. ratal Kbaatlaa AKCray. Mostb be. Pa, April 15 Frede rick Warreu, ihot. aod IDHtanth kid ed Maaoa Willson, bere today. lt.trh er rnimv murrlpn m-n anrl t null kimen'in ilia eioinita- anrl tne 1 well EUOWO IU IBIS VIClUlly, aUU tne deed has created great excitement. An inquest is proceeding bat tbe cause of the snooting U aa yet unknown NEW ADVER TIS e. 31 EX TS ATTENTION WedCilrt to call the FAIRLAIYIB PATENT MILK CAN For freain raldlriK, anil to biTitr an COTSTTJCTIOnST. Thtcia Uofthe following diraenlim anJ xwiracilon. Theyare loi-br Ugh, 12 'ocht' In liameter at tiie top, Iu1.. at tliv cot. 'in provi.H-J wltn an JVTJR TUBE or I'm enolinsof tiie milk. TUe cn L of tin h making Ihe dm when covered nir l!jit- A GLASS GAUGE AtwrtrH Id lt nMe for metuarlD? depth ofcrenm : ami U f constnit1 as t. prervc tbe milk in pTft coDliilon In warm went her ao! without itir ne of mora rnmin la 1 b-nr than co h ipcared in Ihe U manner of etiintc it left to mni uottl mmr The cover prevent - any I ru purines .-a the ir trom coming in contact with thcmtU as when place! the can I herinticily Beilcl. AJD V A. JSTTGrES ! Th : can may be set in open air, temperature belnz The Fairlamb Creamery Plan or Method O.nslst of the citherinar of rrenm rrmn the fanoBr. the ailvantaire ( whichli treat In sc"ti..n wbere tbe dairies are ainall anJ distance tr-'in U.-t.rjr will not warrant te rieiireriric of milt. 1st. The cost and economy in manufacturing the butter. 2nd. Havinsr the skim milk sweet lor feeding. 3rd. It encourages the keeping of stock having better pro ducing qualities as the dairy will receive pay according to tlte amount of cream furnished. 4th. By this manner of setting milk we can guarantee more butter by one-half to one pound, per hundred weight of milk, than by the old process. 5th. That you can secure the price of first quality of butter at your door without the hand labor churning and care of butter afterward. Id coi clujloo we would say that wo bivlie msmcTiQ I TEST f the e cans, wedeMre to start routes tVr th? vv e intena pay 10 wie HIGHEST MARKET PRICES er cream, al farnihlnir tbe farmer with the c-io free while ?odHpoirif hiTeam. thereby nirln-r him tne bene lit of tbe mHt Improved apparatus wlx-reby he can increase hi yield from t- 'j. Toe can is oo exhibition at oar office in SOMERSET, ZPZEnsnSTA.., where we will be please 1 to have you call intl we will Rivj you fall Information coneernin-r tie Jim.'. SOMERSET IA1UY COMPANY (Limited.) A, Distillery Burnett. West Newton, Pa., Apt il 15 At three o'clock ibis muruiu tbe dis tiller ot J T. Maes, at Tort Rojal, Westmoreland coamy, caugbt Gre, it ia auppceed from tbe sparks of a locomotive, and tbe building was almost consumed Tbe bjokn of the goverment storekeeper and a large sum of mouej belonging to Mr. Moo were als destroyed Tbe lus will aggregate about $G 000 or $7,000 A Ureeaaaarger Fatally Injured. GbEE.NSBCRO, April 15 James li. Francis, Fq., w daj received a tei - erea ibat bis CvUsio, Joseph B and rixtur Francis, ..f Denver. Colorado, ba.jentuP'e,luo ;';er ueea laiaitv luiurea la au ueiririvfii near tbat place Mr Fraocis bal for a long time beea cooduc.or oa ibe S., . . . . ... OUtbWeSt railroad and IS welt kno I here. Ills nar.ntli ump P.rF.. n . . . j y lis, in Fayette county, lie was con ductor ot a railroad at Denver. Washington, Mass, April 13- Parle R H ... Ki ,.... ... .-4 -J weauny oacneior, wno uvea alone in an isolated locality near Huntingdon, was murdered tbis morning. His throat was cut and several contusions weiefouudoa his bead. Tbe bod? was loond concealed under a pile of bagging and the houe set oo fire, but tne Qames were subdued and the body restored clue to tbe mur derer. t'aal vearka Accident. Mt Pleasant, Fa, April If,. Another serious accident occurred at A. A Uutcbinsou's mines yesterday afteruoou, whereby a baoW named Hearr Shouue was caught bv a coal car and bal a leir brokea in four or five places from the ankle to tbe bip, and knee cap split and tbree toes cut from tbe foot. Dr. J. Wakefield dors not know whether the limb cau be saved or not. A raltlarnla Landslide. Sas Fhancuco. April 18. A Vasalir dispatch says a land slide occured at Miueral Kmg yesterday aud crumbed ibe boarding bouee of tbe E iiptre i -w me. use report save at.eeu men are missing nnd four known to be killed. Other advices say all tbe men are alive, but a number bsdlv burt J DMIXISTUATOR'S NOTICE batata rfWm. Freldllne. lateoT Somenct Two., Somerset r. u n t v p. .t.. letters ol adminbitrtli. .h. I In been uranteO to the ondenltrned, notice la Hereby sriven to thoaelndebuiti t it t..mi.ir lrent, and those havlna: claims amlnst lv to present tbem duly authenticated for settle- r?u lne '-ht day of May. lseu, at the residence or Jacob Shaalu in Somerset Uiwnslup. . LYDIA FBEIDI4XE, April 14 Administratrix. NEW AD VEH TIS E 31 E X TS. DAIB 3 MEN ! sitrntl. n of all I till j men to tb iu;eti. n of It Umat ies f..r Hairy umt. IN" CENTRE itIh a ruNr Mn I i1 .-.! ia the perlpherr of the Tin- can Is protijc J with IV to f0r-. an.! in water .Inrinit the w.irm waititr. zath?rioz of rreirn in sccUjoj nt a.nft-Jy rejhcl fry FOR SALE GOOI SFXOXI) IIAM ENGINES, BOILLK3 & yj) MACHINERY. Ine 2S Hone Griffith a Wedire Portable Ea- Eine ami t 'm-jiar !w Mill -1.500 00 One Ju Hone Ontflih a. Weilate Portable Kn- Kine ami t'ircuUr Saw 'aill I.-UX) uu One 14 1 1 h liliami l)uwh!e surface Pianino- an.l Malebltuc Marhtne Ma Ot) One Power a TainierriiDicleSiirtacePIaninK and .watclih.g ti& nns 4' 0 0 fine Kwiier'a Ko-.t uortK-iDK Marhlne(new).. ti l.,o ln.o f'rame Swinx Cut tit Saw (new) .40 ik Oua Dl-tKiou't Lktu'ila lereil Saw Summer 1j in Oue & Horne sia lonary tnlne witn iioTernor .5 ,.aw o' .500 .40) 00 I hie .a Home Stationary Engine with ' One5lli!rtelt'iona"i'En'i'Jc,ii;Uer 1 "''"..VT-f.::.,;::' One 2& Hone beuifel Fine Biiler and onepair-ju H.,ti"cinier"'.uVrV, 1 ,w 0lf,1,, ",n"cll:iir . j0 w 4 One 4l Tarhloe Water Wheel, with J Oejrinan.l Snaflinic 00 1 Aloo a lot o r mrine. H.,ler.. W.l working 1 Machinery, Pulleya, shaltlng, tlelunsr. Circular AUtlRM, W. W. MrK AIU a S). Cl'tiBilCLjiil). .Ml. Can Oct Iviw Freights. April 14 4t J ! -,T,tMf tre e . c I CHEIUFF S SALE ar Tlrtue or a eertaln writ nt Ij?rnri Faciits i-aed oat of the Conn of C mnvn fleas of Somerset Co., Pa., ami to me dlrei-ted. 1 will expose to aale by jiuhlte outcry, al the U rt House, in Somerset, Pa., on Thursday. April 21, 1330. nl 1 o'clock r. all the riant, title. Intn t and eiaimol the John 31. Bowlby, defendant. andJ-ua-taau fejnert, terre tenant, ol. In and to the toilow ia described real etttate. Ti : A eertaio tract of luad al aate in T'pperTurkey K Twp., Momer-et county Pa., adiomitiK lanl ( John Lunoina;, (reonro tlout, jaichael H'irh. metier JaeoO Heury and ixh n, containing ai-rea, more or 1cm, with a noose and nam thereon erected, beinir the the same premise! wnlch .1am ael J.Cran erasalmiulstraturol William Knnclit, deecHned, c nTeved to aakl John M. Bow! , hy deeil bearin date 4lh April, lsOS, with the appor tenaee. Taken in e. Tcnllot as the property of John M. Bowlhy, uelei taut, and Jonathan fcmert, terre coant. at the nit ol Samuel J. Cramer. NOTICE .ill persons parenasina at the ai"e sale will pleaae take notice that a part ol the (or che money to be made known al the time "f ale will he required aa soon as the property H knocaeil down, otherwise it will he aa-aia rxpowl to sale at tbe risk of the brat purchaser. The res idue of the pun-base money must b- paid on r he lore Tbursilay of tlie Drst week ol April t'oun, tne tlm - Hxed hy the Court for serurloa: tbe a. knowlnlxment if deeds, and no ded will he a knuwleded until tbe purchase money ia paid In lull. Sheriffs Ottlee. ) EDUAB KYI.fl April UU, I1). bntri'f. pOCKT PllOCLAMATIO.V tVitfcun, the Honorable Wiumx M. Hall, President of the several Courts ol Common Pleas of theCountlea eompoeina; the sixteenth Jadieial District, and J usta-e ot the Courts ol Over ami Trr miner ami General Jail I)eliverT. fur the trial ol all capital and otnerodenden in the said Hmn-t, and llisiiL Srcrrr and C. C. MrsasxnaX tf- 3nires. Judges of the Curtsof Comnvm Pleas, anil uatires ol the Courts of Oyer ami Terminer, ami General Jail Delivery, for tbe trial of ail capital and utherohenden in the County of Somerset, nave Issued tbeir precepts ami to me duw-ted. for hold ing; a Court of Common Pleas, and General Quar ter Sessions of tbe Peace, ami General Jail Deliv. ry ami Courts of Oyer ami Terminer, at Somerset Ott MasHlay. April 2. 14?. Kotu b ts arrrfty pivrn to all tbe Justices ef the Peace, the t rooer ami Constables within the sakl ... . - . . ,h.i .i.. k. th. ..ul rhnii their proper jieriona, with t!wirn.ll.nwor'.lno,u- .. . ..... ... . . .i i... MmMnhmniv. u do those thinars which to their oBVes ami in thai behall appertain to be done; and also, they who will pmeeaute airalnst the prisonen that areor snail be in the jail ol Somerset Cortty. to be then and ihm, o tproeeeute airainst them as shall he jusu . tOGAK i. YLt. ott 15 Sheriff.