n.w.Awin UrkWl1 1 hC OUillClk-Cli XirjlCUU. . ni"LlloKK A 01110 1 H rlTTSBt KOH DIVISION'. .fi-rlvec. lrt,lT, trains on this road rum sua amveaidcpu.,cei...rGraut Slier Birct-ti " l"Uo' WEST, MAIL. MAIL. t nrk Wtrhlniilon i uU'lrtHi)4 11 iHlntaa lijlo l' IP I uii!il.' n Ml. I"l-"i i'uuuuig :.Vi p. m 11. Ju m. m l:lo p. m. m. tu. 7 " b . 7:i; " p. Ml. Tla, ran by Baltimore Time 14 mlnuua ' . PlilKliurirh time. lan 1 -- Twlflf',n,llwilleliA)lK M.. Mineral Hrn! a m lare'urulhe KxpreM leave! pinil- ... .ju a. M, arriving at Mineral i.w",;T m , oounelUvilU .W A. Lt vA A- M- M., fitu- ar:tl 1 leHxaut route to tne tast II y. h ,lHei.vu.a at 1:41 A. dally, ar Vrke:. A. I'.: '''mi?'.,'ii.iVlnK l:llf., lally, ar- I U ulihlllkCtUll al u a. M.: HHllliDure. 'k'l,-l,Dl"UJ lu-l' M.; l'liilaaeltliia; 1;46 urli. 1U r. M. r rutii Mall train, rtally. Tl.r ut-i a a.,t Sunday. iraini aul t'ayetu Expren . ,r,,f niih Aentie and Smith. sirw". ' : ., K i. --M1TH, K. H V NDM A N , Supt.. Connellrille, - rw.aB. K.K. rass ikeaxhii. waacsrr a CABnaiA bailaoad. S a t-r V."n ly. dT-1T' ,r?-11"' win 'k'Vits, emneftlnit with Mail trains on .wn, l-iv- k u- K- R- SoDjD- LBAVB. AaOITB. jjMjyt 10 SO a.m. 12 1iu. m. Iia, sop.m. aep.m vi ur. rvnnU with Ltfcal an. i i,n;flil t" Heaular l ime i line. 10 i- ri- i., Kpjiular Time 1 t'le. I iiunlaV. June Ji, Hi, auu tvuuum f i "T;" .j! i.e 8met every ramr.ly at . , i,.r-uuert wi!h Ui Muunuin txpreM ' " Wi B a . K. K . and on M4iay al :14 ' lt.r..iii.Tiwiiliuje (rain wen;, Wcli ar i," u. HUst urali at A. M. Vhhutz. w.h.sannkr. 1- yv fiSfcniser tan ir 1 Weft.... Sail t" KiUtst jpM ta W crt .. li ltp n. . 1 to p. u- 11:23 a. m. 4 T i. m . l i a m . 3 3 A. hi io.ooo jiri:! recite.! and opened 'Ut 16,0'JO pieces more ot t.v? io ct:.T couxtei: goods.' lor the- Court Week trai'e, Cook & Def.hits' 1 Ar u;u-. li-iutiion. I' th wicJf. T o it fi-h'nr. ;thi fhwers. R teie's our band? BiK ball is racinf. i n.!. i. n.orDiD(.s. T iftss is growing. !' : U"-i a brushing up. Fi e Ju ut K tis at Boyd's. Fh snJ paske sb)rics next. 5,"les ni rakes to the Iront. Tackle at C. N. Boyd's. S.;t Fishing lines at C. N. Boyd's. Nice Fish Baskets at C. N. Boyd's. arulriplion list is on the boom. H j.ics jour r.ew home suit you? G.r.it D making is the order ot the day. ni us t!ie locil news of your vicinity. 'ks, n Js, Lines and Reels at C. N. B (.'. il irain of the ocioa "Put mc in mv W';; ra;rs a! it' i" km them. Hetry Htfflcy's. Call : fwsie f trade t'ol'ars of 1SS3, as all of S 1 J'e t'v spurious. Ibc lot of Fisbic2 Tackle has just It a revived by C. '. Boyd. Over 23:'t bolts of Wall Paper in stock 15 I t sale a! HtDry lKffley's, SimerseL If vnj would f successful in catching 5l l.uy your Fishing Tackle ot C. N. Guh'E. M'lV-well's end examine bis !te (nr.r Eltin watches; the best in tociiEly. CWus II. Filler & Co , Stationers. X'si!ers and lioiiksf llirs, next door to It IV.. fuxt. Fits prxnJ tew wstcb. CO to E. M'D.'W s. lo riiors wist ot Simeiset House. St:Ht, Pa. E-e as the first and only woman who 'i t'S isther up her dress "in both bands Kij'llat the ticlit of a snake. Fai.ei;s, Iook Hkhr. For your Nid-, ( li.vtr sad limoiby, call at 'F.. ur Depct id CiaK LtEliIT. Fauxi.i.s. I. ii k IlmE 'I am again to itrr.m nb a lull hue ot Mackerel Fish -i0!! at l.t!..m purrs lor cash or pr All fih Mid are tuarantei d. Josiab Keller. TB ! Fimi In txrl.ange tor cunlry PUie. .r tor Cash. We .ffer the largest i.; Extra Store, No. 2. Mackerel in .vb. Cook & Blekits. Eiret'icr, when speaking of a man ou -s.ire. il jou want to say he is a white just call blm an ' Istc Hutke" which ay ol i ipressirn: it in the Seminole pA iti on band lhe relelira'ed (to Jen et Flour, made at Sjiriuctield. Ohio. m nssrket A lull line of Family 'trjes snd Grain, cheap tor cash. Josiau Keller. fat Marxet, Maix Cunes St I Uve on Land at ail timea. Beef, Pork. " 8 usj:e, at reasoable pricrt daily ; w ill ruj a meat wagon ihtce ank. llE5kT KkKOAR- 4anle4. 50 bl-i U jrEuHilrd Maple Sugar. Maple Sugar Cakes. Ix-od Apple I'.uttcr. " Dried Apples. White Navy Ikans. Gcol Flax Seed. Cook & Beerits. t . a n 'V . Prt,Te -u i H.l f" ,tbtIlrr . ."""'r TAP.imi r,v..eV,,'-B ?ILA If .CA- 'AKHH Plrrv . - "I..UJ.U i, rath UMtte. A nasal lr, lector ls it if you de- 7 T ':. and sweet breath. Price 50; fJ kvGia W. Besfoed, Sointrsct, taocE Pu rLtDo you know knih7rt r trw,i:e Pople ia ourcou v', r t 1 Krane tarcatise they stem PrtttI I,, a, ?..r ..1 ... 1- j.. . er. mm )s tuetr csts mis ttJ T 'M'-psia, and l.ier j JT 511' ndigeaia. ('nsttpatoo. and !7V?'!-''.henSHILOH'SVITAL- a ruaianievd v, cure ihem. PdGeo. W. Besfoed, Somerset, 7 .,, a. U) p..:.... ,1; Hr'"' " ,rt s.ss " in'''" 1.1 M " '''j ii.s:p-ro -,, l.ul - ""..i : : I Hi""' 1) v .!..:.'" .;. m K"1 " .:;t.-. UI .! '-a " 1 Very ft few trout hve been caught a county since the opening of the season. 1 - . Lp II 14 'tso. ' "Senator Conkling" pii.J u a visit yes-----r rJv and 'Vf us a --tick " Call a'in. . nini!itr We had a pleasant business call from Key UiiUicgdrdacr. of Jenner. last week, tome agaiu. Ex Siioriff Jia A. Wilier ha- mvln a conditional lease ot ibe NaU2 House, and expecu to run a firs! class hoiel liiereia. Rev. Keener, ol Berlin, preached in the ltetornied Church aL tliis place. Sunday evening. Hu berwou was aa able and in tercsiuig cue. Mr. J. K G-ffrotb. formerly of the Dem ocrat, who baa been i(jeiiilinic the past winur ith bis partuu iu Wasbinguo, retarned liome baluiday. We are pleased u sd that our freud. CohJoi.l KJie, h- has been cooflurd to bis house f(r snuie tim-, by sickness, is uie vo ue aixaii ouce more. - tv ' . L ... ansa 1 ma vooratl will own 1 nnni .i ....1 .t . "vinj.il iu lae secona room ol the Luion tscDool house, coiumeaciii on M,.n l .u A in t ..P J i, wu i-uaiiauinjr ij weeks. The -VitfilaDtcs" is the name of the fire company orgauizvd in this place last week. isiac wones, t,n., is taplaiu of the n;il- u-. M-sy tuiy ever prove vigilant. Our friend and pstron, Mr. Isvte Kuf man, has purchased the Somerset Foundry It will still be run by Zimmerman & 8ay der, who have a time lease on the proper ty. ijuite a severe snow storm visited this section Saturday ninht and Sunday. Sun- day nigut was llioUiiUt by mtoy to have iH-en as cold as any experienced the past wwier. Tlify have a sensation at Kittannin On Kaslt-r Suuday a Ji'ierat chriBiiaa plactd lour twenty doilat gold piecrs in Ibe t olleclioa plate ut Su Paufa Elsc -pal Church. PostmastT Davis is the owner of one ot the baudsomt-st blihided hordes iu the county. It is only a lew weeks o!j. but is a beauty and K've promise ot making something extra nice. Prcf. J. J. Miller, of this place, whobas been teacbin:; wln:ol in luUiaua, duriu the pa&t wiuier, returned to bis uaiive bea'h, last week He is a welcome visitor at the Ili.UALD o!lice. On every banJ are seen the evidences of reluming pr.R-penty. Pocket bo ks were i) in aiound louse on the pivem-Q's on April 1L and very few oersonseven look the trouti i to pica them up. The School Directors are hivio ' a broad stone ualk placed alon the Acl-.-my lot. wbere-at the vouua people ot the vilUze ate treaily njoiceJ A pleasaul summer evening promenade, you kuo. The resident engineers al litis place have taken up quarters, lor Ibe preecnt, with Mr Lil Cupp, w ho lives s tm-t Ihrej uid -s northeast ol town. They have I he wora slaktd off. ready ior the cuntractois t be gin, to that poiul. "Do vou believe that there is anv tr.iih in UK: report that lhe IV-nns.v Ivatiia Ittil rotd Comjiany i.as b.inlit the S ii C. It. It., and that it won't be liuilt," was tb question most frequently asked in this ueck of wooda last week. Mr. C. F. Rboadsan J Mr. Jici'i Pick ine, two ot our enterprislu liveryiut-n. have cmnieuced to prepare lor the sum mer season, bv purchasing e tch a baud some two tx-uled cjrnaxe. The ctrria'es were built iu l'insimrgh. There seems to lie a constantly iucreas iue demand lor liudeu. spruce and other soli woods, to be us.il at the. different pulp and p.ijier mills along the lnu.'ti river A couple ot car loads can tie seen along the B. & O. It. K. almoai any day. The llollidajsljurg Standard savs : In 1T8U Fraukstowa township was considera ble ot an hlfuir. embracing within its lim its, as it did, the whole of the present Blair, Cambria. Clearfield and Centre counties, and portions ol Bedlord, Hualin jdoa and Indiana. The lovers of fruit are begiuning to feel solicitous for next summer's crop. The receut mild weather has started the peach and pear buds so that ihey are almost ready to burst. It they bloom within the next two or three weeks they can hardly e-cape killing lrosis. In another column will be found the al venisement ol W. W McKaig & Son, ol Cumla-rland, offering for sale a number ot second band engines. Parlies deMi'in lo purchase anvtluug ol the kind will find tliia firm one of tue best ia the country. Prompt, tat rand miking Sales al reasonable prices. Transplanting trees is now in order. Have )ou room for a choice iruit tree? Doc vour lawn or sidewalk need a shade tree? II so. now is the time Ut attend lo it. Remetn'ier. too, that w hatever s worth doing at all is worth doiug well. Get the Verv test tree ; plant it in thu best manner, and vou will gel lhe best re- SJ.tS. Typhoid fever is siid lo lie raging in the uth Side, Pittsburgh. uere are now over three hundred cases under treatment. Defective sewers and impure dnuktug wa ter are assigned as lhe Cause ot the wonder ful spread of the disuse Singular to re late tbt re is no apparent increase in the re ported cumber ol deaths from lul portion ot the city. Shan't I Take a Bute Pill? No. don'l lake it and iuo the risk ot mercurial Doisons. but w ben bilious and constipated get a box ot the celebrated Kidney Wort, and il will sieedily cure you. Il is nature's ereat reined v lor constipation, and tor all kidney and liver diseases. Il acis prompt lv a .bes great organs and so res'ores strength and vigor. Mr. Josi&u Zinim -mian last week traded bis residence ou Miiti street to Mr. Jacob F. Walker, for bis mill proerty, oear the railroad depot. We understand the mill was valued t f 7 000, and lhe residence at $-j OttV As UbcleJ.ie" is one ot the partners carrying on ibe Somerset Foun dry, it is easy lo he seen thtl he his mde an advantageous trade. Mr. John Deiiz. a young son of Henry DeliZ. living a short distance belo towu, met wiiu a very painful accidebl, one day o; last week, in the following manuer : He was in the woods near bis home cul liug wood, when he made a mis-s'roae, striking his lelt f.M.t at the iustep, maKiug a learliil gash Dr. 11 S Kimiucl was called in aui dret-f-d tue woaud. On Wedceeday last. Mr J.ihnS. 8 i- fer. w ho 1ms been an employe ot this riice lor more than three years, departed tb- pirss room iu starch ot p slures new We can btarily rwommeud bim to any ooe to whom be mav pp y t r a poeiiioo, as a i Lr,wn n,t r W-r i.U-asant gentleman. That the "tahiua 1 ,, . . . lor ma) str ke a "lallaae. is me earnest wish of ibe Herald. Saff.tt Switches. The Baltimore A Ohio Rai!nd Company a'e placing all slong tbe line ol tbe Pittsburgh Division an improved switch, which, tor satety can not f excelled. The improvement con sists in tbe movement of the side rails, instead ot tbe two rails of tbe main track as was formerly done. Thus, in no case, can a train lie i brown from tbe main track by the tw itch being misplaced. ( again be able to resume his work as p A new cereal, called Egyptian corn, has ur. jbeen found to flocrbh on tbe arid plains , They also, in seonJ resolution, ex ! of the West, w ithout irrigation. The ' pressed themselves as "entirely satisfied I hotter and drier the climate, tbe better aojd pleased, and recognised hi tbe Kev. tnl w corn 6ro"8- urassooppen nev-: attack it, and the yield is eqaal in weight to the best wheat crops in this Scale. If this novel kind of grain can be mnvertrd ia whisk v. the peniMe of the far wju be ebecrtul and happy. An imporsot decisioa hts bcea rradif rd by Ja Ige Rosa, ol Moo'ifowery ootialy, to the tffft H al wbea jaJtiaseeta are nk tained b fore Justices fur wanes on laVi and as appeal lakea from tbe dicisiou, an oath by toe rtefecdaat mot be recorded and sea: up with it, affirmiuir that "it ia ol ft dela. but becwuse be thinks iujus- tire baa hs Vie bim ;" ami further l bat ue aecjritv ineaeaierea snail not ot mere- It lor the coaia, bat lor the debt and coats, Tbia tsia compliance with the Act of April jSOib, i7d. I this We have not yet received any Informal Goiso ! akd Gome ! !-In this beir , lion in retrard to tbe letlinff of the con I. f .. . . c i tracts on me eniersn caui"n ' mad, and therefore cooclude no contracia have vet l cn awarded. We hav assur ! ance that as s xo as the awards are made we wili be given the particulars. Now is the time to destroy the Terrain that lurk In the loose hark of your truit trees. Gie the trunks of the trees and the larger limbs a irood scrublnnir wtm strong lye, usinit a stiff hickory broom It win remove Ibe Ixwe. snauuy oara auu uc stroy the larvae and ecu f the variout enemies of the tmit, and act as a fertiliser and stimulant to the trees. Yon will find abundant reward later in the season in thritty trees and perfect fruit. Was It Mckukr? A very mysterious affair occurred last Saturday night, near Falls City, ' n the Billiraore & Ohio line On Sundiy morninir. a man named An drew llile was found King d-ad in the watch box at the above namd station. His whole body was bruised and cut. niost ot bis injures, however, beiui? about his head. 1'ue ceneral opinion is that be bad been foully dealt with, as no the ry could be advanced which would satisfactorily account lor his death. The Coroner being (eut for held an inquest on bis body. Sun day, but bo evidence was produced other lhan that aiove iven. It will probably uewr be known in what minner the ua. fortunate man's life was taken, but the indications are that some one's hands are stained wiih his blixxl. He was burled, Monday. ConnelltciiU Courier. Rkcord Yocr Dkeds. The attention of persons boluing unrecorded Deeds is di rected to the provisions ot the Act ol As sembly which require that- All dee 4s ana conveyances lor real es tate in this cmiuou wealth, shall be re corded in the olUce for Recording D-eds in the county where the lauds lie, vithin lixvmnti af.er the extcu ion of such deeds and conveyances ; and every sucu deed ami conveyance not recorded as atoresiid. Shall beatlju ged FBACDCLBNT AND void against any subseuueut purchas er tor a valuable consideration, unless such deeds be recorded betore the recording of the deed or conveyance under which such subsequent purchaser or mortgagee shall claim." This is a very important notice and thoae boldiug unrecorded deeds will See l tie iuiportauue of having them recorded without further delay. Ibe lees tor re cording Lave oeen reduced 29 pet cent. Our Faimington correspondent writes us that a cowaidly attempt at assassination was made at the residence of Rev Falher Herman, a Catholic priest, one mile south of Farmiualoa. ou Monday r It'll U It. -v. llei man lives alone, aud had just retired to bed, between b aud U o'clock, when two guu-sUols were fired outside lhe bouse, near the front d ior. Ia hts excttemeul Mr. Herman called out. 'Who's there? ' aud started for the door, when a third shot was bred through the door. The charge couaisted ot uiue heavy buck shot, all ol which passed entirely through the door, fabiug uoou the fl.jor near lhe cebtre ol the room. The thetiry is that thj first snots were fired to bring llir. ileruiiu to tue door, and the last was intended to kill him, which it came very near accomplish ing. Mr Heiiniu was nearly in the act ol ojieuing tue d.ior when the bullets pass ed turougu it, within three inches ol the lock. Tney went thniugb obliquely, aud nn dou'H were iuu ued lo lake ell'ect when the djor was parity open. But they were nrcu a moiucul toosoain. The assailauts cmsieted of two uukuown men. L'nioii toitu litpub.kaa. It can ! ill' st lie asserted that Sl Jacobs O l works wonders. Shortly before the New Year, when I visited mv family in Milt bell, I ton nd my son Edward, a lad little more than ten years old, very sick. He suli. red with K'leunitiism. and so ter ribly that be was perleclly stiff in his limits, could not possibly walk, aud bad lo tie carried from place to place Al once I sent fir sur.e St. Jacobs Oil. used it ac CordtUi! to direclious, and in a tew dais could s-e evidence of considerable im pmvement. On the tenth nf this month I ai;ain visited my family and was astonish ed to find lilai well and beany. He once more has tresb color in bis lace and can gu to school again. W believer the old Inu tile threatens to return, relief is immediate ly secured by the use of the celebrated St Jaoo' Oil. From sheer joy over this re suit I cannot withhold recommending Sl Jacobs Oil to suffering humanity as a true Deuetaclor. Charles Mrtzdorf. Office ol the Yolkfreund German p iper el Siralfoid, Oat FkOM Uiisin a Ed Herald: We fear "Ike Marvel,'' of the D morrmt. will compel our "Imm :m orial M" to quit ileui zing. and lake an agency for an organ company (a something) as there won t lie Lrsiua Items enough lo Co around. Doubtless Ike is tbe hero ol "The It iv l Indian Summer," as be com pares the Ursina tMiys to a company of Ute Indians. Wed advise ike to correspond with Miss Meeker on tbe Indian question il might impiove bis style. But then Roy. al Indian Summer is good enough lor us t.mptu headed, Meretnary. and Irrepo libit, correspondents ol the Herald. ill Ike please advise -U to write I memorial tor the Ursina Lies, wbilo Ike soothes their savage natures by singing to C. M. ot the Roral Iudian Summer. Let bim remem'ter the words ot the pet : 'At .flc hath power to soot'i the savage, Renu a rocs an 1 butt a cabbage." We notice in the Commercial a slightly animated correspondence liotn Ursina, es pecially "A Teacher's Defense. Now, we d ia l see any necessity for bis makinii a delense. True, we read in history ot one S;egel!ius (a teacher of ancient notoriety ) who was burked al tne stake t r prom H gatiug tbe doctrine lo bis pupils ol the ro tuodiiy or spheiical form ot the earth We congra'ulate the late sub principal tewher of the Ursina school that he'll never suffer mam rdom or art ot any uselul inl rma tion be tntv have imparted to his Ursina pupils The mink a story paper and the Arabian Nihs a sulUcieut delense. auJ we are iolonued I hat be availed himself ot the same, during the weary days, at the rate of $27 per month. P. S. No that Mountaineer and Lost Cover have su'jsided, let us have some thing new. Yours, by tbe week. Mac. A Woktbt Pastor Ed. Herald : Tne services held in the Lutheran Church ot two weeks duration. cl-ed ou Sunday, Ibe 4 h msL, with the admlulstrallou ol the Holy Communion. Twenty -lour mem bers were added. The alieudauce at the meeting was un usually large and a great interest l mauileslwd. Tne sermons were appro ju ate aud were delivered with great force and power, and were listened lo with ap parent interest that must have been verv encouraging to lhe minister. It is reliev ed Ibat IUUCU O Kl was accomplished by tbe meeting. A tew weeks ago, the pastor, Rev. A. M. Whetstone, accepted tbe position ot Fi nancial Secretary ot the I beological a.mi nary, al Geltysbug, and also unOertaia lhe work of increasing tbe endowment ol said Seminar), wh.ch will iaierrupt his pastoral wurs u a certain ti'tuu Ue iheretore asked the Council of the churca t., utihriviit hia rr.juna:ion at uubir. , . "r P WW ni 1 ue cuuuc:i wiiu cuuie uuauiuiity, au vised agaiual tbe resignation, aud la su j stance passed the lo'Ioaiog resolu ion. That inasmuch as lie v. A. Whetstone, pastor ut the S iniersel cb-erge, believes it bis duty to accept the pobiiioa of Financial .Secretary ot lhe Gettysburg Theological Seminary, which lor the time being, will require biin to relinquish the pastoral wor of tbe charge. They iheretore re quest bim lo assist them in procuring a ! suitable supply uoiil such time as be will a. m. W he 1st our, laimiol and devoted pastor aud able preacher." Suseqoenily. at a very fuH meeting or u,0 meuiOers of Trinity Lutheran Church. h- .s.. ,.i,..,n. .... nnun;m...i. I adopted. lb is surely oucbl to be very enconrag ing to Iter. Whets! one, after tuurs than cittbi year of lata ia ibia charge, during hick lime the church was buraed aud re bum ; and now alter all Ibe above sad otuer triais ihMUgtt which he aud tbey bsve passed, tin attachment and love u: lhe Snuc-rsel coogtegalion to and tr KeV. lieuMuoe ks atruoger li aa ever beKare, and tbe praters uf the congregation will iojiow nim lor s access add a speedy re turn. Mimbeb. Somerset, Pa., AprU 8, 1880. - the Great West many of our best ciiiiena h. Inh m and art? Mill lr-avimr. Hilton "-"" 1 c . last Tuesday the people of Somerset and vicinity were put to the painiui test oi wit- nessing the departure ot some of their most worthy citizens; especially such as ex-Sher iff Knepper, and Charlea v ill and Ihtir famines. . These people were reared with ua in the same social family, and by their excellent I dunnftinKhl llM.l fnilMfPI t hftlMI VfH lO llfl .4. I"'. ..... ... aana ' " I heir loss is leu y an wnu uan me ueas nre ol knowine them; but our loss will be giin to the people with whom they happen to cast their Iota. Success to them, is the wish of a sincere friend and Neighbor. Cos em alt. ii Items. Our farmers seem to be lull of life these fine days. Quite a number ot our citizens changed homes on the 1st ol April. Sugar boiling is a ihing of the psrt. The Jield was unusually small this J ear. A very heavy storm passed over tbi section. Sunday. Considerable damige was dime to lim'.er and tences. Quite a number ot public sales have tak en place throughout ibis township, this spring, all of which were well attended. Our schools have all closed. The last two closed Friday. April 9iu, viz: The Davidsville aud Miller schools ; the former taught by Mr. William Boyis ; the latter by Mr. E. S Voder. Bays, we wish you success in the future. 8. S. BeS'CRKKK iTblM. Eggs are getting plenty since Eafter. Quite a oumlier of young men from ibis end of the county have gone West this spring. Benscreck is a peaceable little village, h-tving from forty to filly inhabitants, who are industrious people. Mr. John SliuiTer bus already mnde tbiee th usaud pounds of maple sugar, and ibe prospects are good for a thousand more. Prof. Elrick, who was attending the Slate Normal School, at Indiana, during the winter, is visiting friends in Somerset county. He will return to Indiana in a short time. The Miltenberger trapping firm have caught during the past season, seventeen skunks, five loxes, one otter, three lac coons. two weasels, one wild cat, one por cupine, and one mink, without receiving any serious inj jry. F. Jkkner X Roads Items. Moving is about ended. We have three blacksmiths in town. Mr. Wadsnn Frank intends building a bouse this summer. Mr. J. Cover Is erect:ng a large brick h tuse this spring. Mr. W. B. Megahan tas lakeu the couiract. Mis S. J. Coyer i S u. from B. S Fleck, Ej . have nurcb ised . . . bis entire stock ot merchandise. We s,ipe Squire in-! . . ... ..1 A ...!... .., 1 . . i i: r. i i;bio ICIIIIU IU Ilia' i lllliflliai oil:, auu iiivlij tanning pursuits. Mr. Jonas Ankeny contemplates build ing himself a coiutortable dwelling bouse, mis coining summer. Tne lumber, male rial &c., is on the lot ready w hen the aealher becomes more favorable to work. Mr. Fraotz Freidline's planing mill wiih all its couleuls, was desiroed by tire on Tuesday last. The lo-is wiil be considerable. We understaud that there was uo insurance. We are sorry for Mr. F s loss i s he is a g' od mechanic. Our schools have all been closed for tour weeks, wiih ibe exception of Mis Euos's which closed on Wednesday the 7. I list. Miss Enos lost 4 weeks of her teach ing by an attack ot that dreadful maludv. dipiher'u from which she has fully iccov ot. Her taleuis are promising for a suc cctstul teacher. Yeomen, did you ever bear of the like ! Mr. Jerome Stuff and Mr Sitnuel Gindles perger, were ploughing their oats grounds on last Tuesday, when lo and liehold. they ploughed out a i r juud. bog. A ter t' e had massacred bim, luey casl buu bark ia lhe forrow and ploughed him shut. Uumerci ful boys I to i hem it may have seemed fun, but lo tbe ground hog it was death. Practical. 16,000 MOKKX Just Received and Opened Out 16.000 pieces more ot FIVES TEN CT. COUNTER GOODS for Uu Court Week trade, at Cook & Beerits' I S S. Convention. House cou veued at the hour appointed, (9 u'clork a. m.) and was called loonier by the retiring Presi dent, Jon. Yoder after which the meeting was opened by singing a hymn, lollowed by readiug troin lhe 20th chapter of Exo dus, from the 21 to the iui verse. Script ure dialogue, 1st Cor , 13th chapter, to! lowed wilb prayer by Itev. J. U. Pershiug. ot lhe L. li. Church. Music Sbraiu Chimes, bd by Miss Ida M. Shoup. Min utes ot previous session read and approv ed. ORGANIZATION. On motion, Wi liatu Trent was elecied President ; Perry J. Biougb, ViCsj Presi- dent ; E M. Lambert, Secretary, aud John Graeff, Treasurer. Address of Welcome, delivered by 11. J. Meters. If we have a Hannah, shall we have a Samuel ; Lbs cussed by A. Lour, Itev. Sboup, John Yo der, S McGregor, Re. Pershin,; and L Koowz Il we have a Timothy, was there an Eiuil and Ltis? Discussed by Shoup and Pershing. Discussion of queries by the meuibcis of the couvenliou. Music lieulao Lind." On motion, the conven tion adj. turueil lo meet al 2 o'clock p m Benediction by lwv. 1 crabiug. AFTERNOON SESSION. The convention met, with the President in lbs chair, und was opened by sinking a hymn anthem, "Work, tor tbe night is comiug, alter which James Lambert led the convention in prayer, the rresidenl appointed Ibe tollowiug commiitee on res oiulious : R;v. Shoup, James Lambert, and A. Lobr. Miss iJa M. Shoup read a highly interesting letter ou temperance work irom It. M Offord, ot New York Next was an object lesson on lhe black board, the words ocing "Strong Drink. Is tbe present mode ol leaching otitic truths in Ibe Sunday School ibe best ? Discussed by Ltmuert, Suoup, Lobr, Kooutz, Mc Oregor, Treul, ludcr, Blougu aud the Secretary. The queries were drawn and discussed, several ot which provoked cou a d.-rable d scu sion. Tbe query : Where Shall our next convention oe held ? was discussed at length. The President seeiug thai the convention could not agree, ap pointed Ibe following committee to Select the place ot next meeting : Limbert s E M Lambert, Jam; Laui jeri aud Stm uel Z.-.'gler. Uooversville Jon. Yoder, A. L hr aud II. J. Meveta. auade J. B. Warner, C. W. Williamson and William Siaiier. Gra.-ffs J. H. Itei z. A. W-cu leaheiscr and Samuel McUreBor. Ou mo tion, tue boose aJj lUrued to meet al 7 o'clock p. in. Beueoicliou by lhe pastor. EVENING SESSION. Tbe bouse wss called to or Jer bv tb I, Yi President. P. J. Blough in the ah. . -ur ot the President, and was opened l.y f tinging "JeSUS Keep, followed Wl h j prater by Jon. Yoder. Minute reid and lr,lio.,,.l r'i.,.l i poro.cu. iKtuitju. vcticiiuai at:i9 by tbe toe rresioenu v'ienes orawn , and discussed. Resolutions received and adopted. RESOLUTIOSS Retolttd. 1st, That 11 is. in the estimi tion of tbe convention, required of the Sunday Sen xil to roike the su' j-ct of tem perance one 01 the cniet sut'j-cis ot study, fiir the reaaiio ibat ihe beti ay to pro mole tenipiisB is to s.v the onog from becoming addicted to drink; ng habits. 2d, That one 01 tne greateat seeds ot tbia age if pious mothers, who, copying tbe spirit ot Hannah and other holy wo men of ok), dedicate their offspring to the Lord and bring tbem up ia his fear. 3d, Thai this convention h li!s that Ihe work of the Sunday School is 1 tScient just ia proportion as ibe parents interest ihrm-selvt-a ia tbe work. On motion tit the Scretary. the ci nven tion adjourned to -ueet July il. at Slch place as lhe dunuiittee is pl--d l S-leCL SkXRtTAhT. Tbe largest stock ol Wall Paper in Som erset at Henry Iltffley'a. io How to Reach Kasbas -Person mor log to the West should consult their own mm Inn liw al;n . ... i.:..u .i ' s "1D '"'""j'u tbere are sure connections In Union De pot, last t.-ains end comiorUible cars. There is no line that can compare with the Pan Handle Hi hi la in time Darticolars. e Darticalars. 1 wo daily trains leave Union Depot, Pi 'ills- ourgh, via Pan Handle Route, which run through ia many hours quicker time than by anv other line rs follow . T V l-li . ..t V. . . i , I '"WlllflU, 1C1L UHW 842 A.M. 11:41 P.M. Arrive, M. Imi, r an a. . a.oo p. . " Kanas Ulty l:t p. jt 8:00 a. m. " L;avenwort!i U:M p. t. 1 r.14 a X Atchison lso a. . Ur.OA. At. " Si. Joseph Jfcoj a. x. liojp. m- Proaipt connections are made iu Union Depots at points named, tor ad land points. For further inlorma'.ion. time tables, etc, address VV. L. O linen. General Passen ger Aueat, Pan Handle Route, Columbus, Ohio. An AsToKisHraa Fact. A large pro portion of the American people are to day 4. ...... 4. . I i." . .. i. . J Hl-Iii., Ii-..i. V... r ri T, c ' " " s" or ordered liver. The result ot theftp. dis eases um.it the masses of iottlliuent and u,T..iLta,'8J aUr' .,uatij m umucu luaicau ol a pit.'astuit exinience of enjo mint and uaeluloesff as it ought to be. I be e is do good reason for tuis, if you will oulv thiow judice and skepticism, take the advice of Liruggists una your Irunds, and try one bottle of Ureen's August Flo-ver. Your speedy relief is ceriain. Millions ot hot ties ot this medicine have let-n given away to try its virtues, with satistactory results in every case. You can buy a Bauip.e bott'e tor 10 cents to try. Three doses will relieve the worst case Posi tively sold by all Druggist on the West ern ComineoL Five hcxdhkd iholsasd strono. In the past few months there has been more than 5iX),000 bottles of ShiUh'$ Curt Sold. Out of lhe vast number of people who have used it, more than 2, 000 cases of Co nu motion have been cured. All Coughs, Croup, Asthma and Bronchitis, yield at once, hence it is that everybody speaks in its praise. To those who have not used it. let us say, if you have a Couth. or your ihild the Croup, and you value lite don't tail to try it For Lame Back, Side or Chest, use Sbiloh'a Poious Plas ter. Sold by G. W. Bentoid, Druggist, Som ersei, l a. 10,000 HUBE! Just received and opened out 10,000 pieces more of FIVES TES CT. C0USTER GOODS tor the Court Week trade, at Cook & Bzerits' 1 High Priced Bcttek. Dairymen of ten wonuer now their more tavored com petitors net such high price- for their but. I let lhe tear round It is y alwavs hav ! IUj5 " u.ullor,D eai5eJ article. To put itliti " VHL-eflL'H on when lhi r !the "gilt-edge" on. when I lie pastures d not do it, thev use Wells. Riciiardson & Co.8 p,., BuUt.r Every hut tcr maker Can doihestme. Sold ver where and warrauled as haiinless as Salt, and perfect in operation. Somerset, Pa , April 12. 1SS0. Notick I have this day soij to Mis M. M. Pile, my entire stock ot goods iu store, consisting ol Orocenes. Coleclioner- les. Jewelry, Totiaceo and Cigars, and all nxtures oeioogins lo said store. 1 ergons indebted lo me will please call at tbe store aud settle their accouuts with s. It. Pile. G. W. Pile .l!AltHIEl. BLACKBURN EMERICK. On the 1st iiist., in Schtllsburir, ly A Vi Smith, Mr. Enoch Blackburn to Miss Margaret h. iierick. DIED. TRENT. April 7th. 1830, William Trent, ated 70 j ears. 11 mouths and li an) 3. FRIEDLINE At the residence of Mr Oliver P. Shaver, near Friedens, Apiil 3 1880. Mrs. Nancv Friedline, aged 81 jeais, 11 months and days. BERKEY April 4th. 1383. Georue E Imund, son of Josiab L and Ellen M Berkey, aged 6 years and 27 days. BERKEY March 3C.h. 1880, William Franklin, son ot Josiah L and E.len M Berkey, aged 9 yea: s, 10 mouths aud 21 davs. Tbe deceased was an unusually briitht and promising child. In infann he was conseciatfd to the Lcrd in Ibe til- and s-tc rament of holy baptism. Ti e divine grace thus imparted by careful religious training through the blessing ot OoO s holy spirit. enabled him, though joung, to show signs of earnest piety, constantly manifesting a deep interest in religious matters. In bis illness be not only exhibited great patience but also faith and love .o tbe Savior whom he was taught to trust and obey. He s-tid to thosK by bis bedside : "I am not afraid todie; I know Jusus will take care el me.' Tbe lite and failh of this Christian heauti lullv illustrates the truth of the Stvior's words, "I lhank thee, 0, Father, Lord ot Heaven and earth, because thou bast hid these things from the wise and prudent and bast revealed tbem unto babes. Even so, Fath-r. torso, it seemed good In thy sight Wherefore comfort one another with these words." A M.W. SUIEKHET SIARKET Corrected by Oook A Bias its. dsalxes u CH0I3E G333rtlI3, FLOUil & FEED Apj.le. dried, 1 tt Aupietiuuer, ) iral Ursa, fi 1'ju at Butter, & (ken). rlouer, j) a (rvli) Bucaatmat, 4 nasbel meak lu 8eiwa. 9 Se lo 9 3-iU4r Sl OU lac -JO 60c Vi Ou w "." V.V.V. s luc (to;oc Tic , ac 10 AC SO Tftr is- Sc or 3i3e SivT0u (tt-Or Al f 34t-4&e Viii S lo loc lie le ....SSISB 60 ... 1 litis'. 76 44 U6 8i louiuii 7e . sl - 8i'-0 tlaoin, s&uultlen, )& rl.ie. " ' country Hint, V Xm. lean t.uucl. Uurn, (anelleo)fl bushel lura meal pi a-. -. i.'alt akina, f ta, ! t'tuur, fi bbl Fiiiseed fl 6tt., (H ai Hams, (iuxar-carsi) iC Lr-i. f a Lteathn.. red -!e, fl upper " k-iA " tlMHinars, and ebop louts..., .MIS T t'U Hiitatuea, bu Peachea, dried, yi Rye yi.ii tuues. V Salt. No. 1. t bbl. extra , inuund Alum, per sacs.. Asntun, per ck Soitir. re 11. ut jl white Taiiuw. y a w neat, t ous.... Wmii. r a XE W A D VER TISEME TXS FOK SALE GOOD SKCO.VD HtXD EN G I i E S BOIL. LBS AND M ACHIXEH Y. oe a Horse UritS.h A W edae Portable En- .JjZrTo " I K.neacdC'i.eai.rw .ill .400 00 One bu fc w uiiam ljui' ?arfaoo Plan ina aoJ .HaicfciiK MachlM . . S00 W , Tllue.SlLli, 5KM Hj. and .tauhii g .a nice 4 0 00 One Kuger'e Foot .Horuemg Machine(new) . a .elr frame Swing Oa ull saw (new) 40001111110 confois.aiiun n., , jot January hts- Uue Oiwtuu' Double ueired Saw Oumm.r 14 Ou 1 J fcieeth ldnrlcvs I i,iQ I Uue o Horae Sea tutusry imagine wnn 1 ttvvernur. i M iu 00 MO ? CK a Horse Stationary Engine with i.ernor One a horse Stationary Engintj, BuUer and Flxtuns Uue As Hunt Lpngbi Tubular Holier and rix.ur One Uurs- 1 mptet Flue Wtr anu Fix.urea One 2j Hone Lremlcl Flue Boiler and Fixtures One pair ti Horse Cy.hfier Boilers, Front and eocnecU.ins UBSeSTarniM Watci WheeL with 400 00 SAO 00 Hearing and Shafting 400 00 Also a lot u Lngiaes, B-u'ers, Wju.1 working 1 acbiuery. Paliey a, sualUng, iielilng. Circular awa, w w JlrK AMI It SOX Ufiusuin. Mb. Can Get Law FreigiiUL April 14 41 jkjoru CE Notice Is berebv gives, that I will pres-nt to the Guartwt Cvmaiun Pieasul SuaermCu.. Pa., ua Tuaratay. April it. my deed a assign- of John C uarrua. rea-uuvcy irg the srsigbec's estate lur acko w ,ed got eut. All persona laierettcd will pleaae taae autiee. i AprU 1434 PUILIP H. WALKEK. - j SEW ADVERT ISEMENTS. NEW GOODSIiS ' tweheor It Uo. have jiut received nm th Eat- sra eiues a yerjr lara . mw m t. jTN S I UUIV 01 UUUUd Whlfh they arc nor tfR-rinK at titremely LOAV PRICES. Their sleek of DEESS GOODS Is very large, and is they had sld off their old tuck at REDUCED PRICES, Thev not hive on hand an entirely NEW and well SELECTED ST'X-'K of DRESS GOODS, of th ,-ery IITLCT r.J DfCT PTVI CO LA I Co I aOQ Dtol o 1 1 L to Foood In th Eastern market which ttiey will en aipriceit to suit al. Th-irs' is a sremrul t tock, eon'l-Ung of DItY GOODS. XOTIOX9. JIAItlinARF, IIA I .SrikI CAPS . PAI.XTH and OILS, g noetic i i:.s, (IIi:e.sware, FISH, CAId'aSTS, TABLE & FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. WALL& WINDOW PAPER. Sic , etc., icc. From the long established rer-a'alli n fur lair dealing this fl ui h- guineii, the luilentconndesce can be placed In all representations aiade by any person copoecied villi the stare. 1 Hey now have un hand Ins LARGEST ASSORTMENT IX TOWJf. Wb;n yon come to town, call snd see for your- 011. CASEBEEll & CO. Somerset Pa., Apllr ll'amo The English Draft Horse T Oa! of Cll Bauls Kek. IirtEl Irca Enslasl Wi'l rorve mares for ttto nion of 19 , rli : Tbe tr tlire days of th wwli at te 'ahl of Aleiaoi'Pr fJ uiitrynaan. Id LavanM itle, Souit-r el ntv, !.. ami lhe next three .lavs rle lu WeirDem shop in Smeret b-iroUU, eliiiDgiug alternately toruugnoai iue eoascn. EAT2S: S3.C0 to Insiara a Fcsl. Payments lo be made when th mare is known ttlieweb i.ial. Any pers-.n par'invr nolat'eDd ln with an Injured m.ire, will be h?ld nitunalble I. r he u.?urs'ice. Due ears will be taken, but nu accountability kratxi.ienta. D KSCRIPTION: KOMt: FKI.4':isahcauii!uIdark roan, ix eur olii, 8:aiiii iiKliten hands hiidi. and welgne i i) 0 Mmuiiii lie has p.wcr-ul bune and aiuue. me:t.-uriua l'i iuelms sjlid hone around tbe smallest place ua lore Irir. and 16 In'-hes anmnd tlieflinaliuai pigeon hind lea1; is vi.ll priairti'n. e l, wlin f iip.:rlr ai iiuii. Was eire l by Bon nie Frln., .-r., who tod in Wrsnn ireland ouunly li.r several years, and weiiihs '1 - 0 pounds. He was imported Ir.im Kngl tnd hy Wanuina'ton Heaks. n..unle Trin's dam Is a la re Wrll t.iruied bUck mare, hull t-loud. she was e.red by -Wax Wnrk. Sr..'- tm'ried Iroro Knalan-I at a heavy t x petite by the t'eouKylvjnla Sbatk lmiiert lug Company. (K-u. Jidiusn. Hie'n!) was owned hy the t eatawrelaud ami Fave 'e ll.rse Com pany, and used to sian.! at M u lieanant. oiirde Krince it uear y lull l.l.-j and I" nr. douiite.ily the larg h.rie jou ever raw. He will hii.'i wb-n In a"d cooditi m 'i V po"n ls. Uun uic friuee ha jiruvtn him.-eli a sure tual getter. Farm-rs and a oek-ra sera uf j. itutrott county put or let to Bonni Fiin- e. .lybay Inwae "WAX WORK. Jr.." will stand at w iu. buders, Lerliu and i ricl- ut. th 9 Kasor. VI M. stDLK Keep r. Fr farther prticil irs a idre.-s April 14 ALhXANiiEUCUVMRY.MAX. DMlMaTUATOIlS NOTICE Aauateof Wm. Freidline. late of Somenct Twp., Simertei e unit, Fa , deceased, lastiere ul wiuiiuistraliun on ttte auuve estate having been grauted tu the umlersigned, notice is hereby given lo those Indebted to it lu make imme 4iate payment, and those having claims against iu to present them duly authenticated fur settle ment un satumay, Ibe vut nay or May, IsSO. at the residence of Jacob abaulis In Som.rsil tuwntb p. A. . 1)1 A tKLlULl.M, April 14 AOLuiniairairlx. MORGAN'S WOOLEN MILLS. laSSTAlil alSll KL 1812. Having for the past year or two. been entirely unable to tubbly ibe increasing demanu lur my gooJS 1 have bu.lt an addl:lon to my will and pui ui a large anvjuut ot NEW AND UIPRCVED MACHINERY and thereby alnwat dunhled my capacliy for man aiactunng. 1 nave uu on bin 1 a large siock eonsur-lng or BLAMkLTS CASSI.ULKU. SATINETS, JEANS, KKHtlalaANTS, FlaA.NXELS, COVEKL.ETS, CAKPLTS, YAhuVS, 4tC, which I wish to TA23 FC2 WCCL. Favrmers, I hare the kin-i of goo-U you need. I want juur WOOL! to wurk op ltlbllT L YOCR OttX COUSTT, and io rder to reach ail my eOHoiner in good time, 1 have empboed the same agenta 1 hau last year, aud in aiMiuuu Mr. Ju.-po L. Liauguerty, abu n.at tutxuuuced my g-aaas miu many part ol tbitoiuuty. Iwuittrive, as in the pin. to give first class goods aud tud talus to all. JU'New t utuwers and those we tailed to find last y:ar, wl.l please adorers card to VM. . MoltUAN, Stanton's Mills.- Apr 7 HERIFF'S SALE. ty virtue of a certain writ of Iaevari Facias iseued uit uf the turt of C-jminun Pleas ol Somerset Co., Pa., and lo me directeu. 1 will expose lu swe by pauiic outcry, al the Ceurt House, ui Somerset, ia., uu Thurtday, April 25, 1830, at 1 o'clock r. m.. all the right. tltK Interest and claimot lite John M. h-iwiby, uehndan', and Jona than rumert. terre tenant, ul. lu ana to the lidluw ing deiwrnbeil real estate, vii: A certain tract ot laud si a ite in l pper Torkey- tom I wp., xmer-ei county Pa., adjoiidiix iao'isof John laamilna. Oorge siuugn, .nieb.tet ll.t-h- stetler Jacob Hebry and otu rs, euuialuing 2ii acres, more or less, wit h a buuie and ian iner-n erected, being tbe the same premises wnii-h Sam uel J. Cramer as admiolsttaturof William Koigt t ueceaMxi, conveyed iusni.1 Jubu .d. huwi .y. by dee. I bearing date 4th April, IsDi, with the appur lenacei. laken In execatidi as the D'Oucrtv of John M. B wiby, uelen.ianL. and J.jbatnan lmert, terre euant. at lhe tail ol .-.amu-l J. 1 ram-r. Nl ICfc. All persuue purcbasina at the above sale will please take nouce thai a iuri ol the pur cb.MOj.Qiy tubemaiie known at the lino of ale win im required as sun as Ibe p-uperty u kuuraed down. oiUerwire ti will be as: tin ejuosl tu sale at the rlrk ul tue first purchaser. The res idue ul tbe purcnase money miiit b oaM un ur be tore Tbursiay of tbe hntweekol April Court, tbe tim fixed hy the e'ourt bjr securing the ac- Knwieugmect ol deeds, and no d-o will be ac knowledged until the parehase money is paid In tulL SSUeriffsOme, April 7tt, ll-u. EDOAK KYLE. aheritf. JOT ICE. lu the matter of the") pti tun ui citiara, uf ; In the Court of Quartr eathfus ol Soint-r.-et Oi, burners t rownsnip. No 1 and 2 ia Said tuWuSbltl. Au.l lov, tn .warrn. l-w. ins limn appoint. Wm Bak-r, John Uu-naniaun aud Vim Mturer, ' Cummis.! ners to view i-r mur-1 and report. j HtR. F SCHKLU Pro. I Notice U berebv aitt-n thai tbeuwiersiabed 311 BOKNIE PRINCE 500 00 OHllusn.etn appuHJieu p; ibb an mm aiore sai i will meet ou Aluo-iay. April 1. ISsu, at i Hi 00 "''' " ""tpfavl'le 'n said lownhip. fur be tarji Sn uf tlewlLg lhet)reinisainoli..qulrli ln- w proprivty of ructminciuilng ibe eottsuii.iaUou uf WILLIAM BAKER. JO N KiCHAKL'SOS, WILLIAM HAl'KLB. Aprli 1 ;t Commusiuoera. ;XECUT0Ua NOIRE I ' Estate el (feonce Sicht, 1st of Shade Twp tsueaeraet us r a., aeceaaeu. Lr-tters tea am ntary ia th above estats bsvmg been grauted lu Urn undersigned, nutica la herey given tat th.re Indebted to tt tu an ke Imnsoll-ie payment, and !le having claim or demands will pleAee preani them duly aa b-nU-ca'e.1 fur ettleeaeui. ua Friday 21SU d.y uf May, ISSO, at bis late reeitieoce HENRY PF.SMiD, SAMltLCJ AprU t Exeeolon, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS OflEIUFF'S SALE. iiy Tirtu of'crtaln writs of Vend fix. 11. Fa. 1 , ,UKrl-')amt Pa . an.l tu me -llwfJ ttie-e I beei-J to f.uolic ale, at me tun iiousc. I a Somerset, l'a., ua I Friday. April 2,18 Q. ! at loV. fk r . all the rlht, title. inirrMt and I ,li.,.!ani i Ntafi.i'r a.'mibia- trau.rof il Nw..nier, dee'd , (, In sud to the lolloaing realeauteln .ieye-Malo twugh, SMaereetetrtiDiy, fa. . Two certain luis of f roirai tnxn'rat on tnwn plot, in Beoi-liley s lurvty at l"t o., 8 and 367 Iwioir e-ch M !eet by 1 u leet deep, with a li ury Irvine dwelling fcooae. atore h-aae and stable i bewua erootl. bnamied oa lhe eaai by a . ! alicy, on the .th by a 33 foK rreet. on on the wl hy Muebley atrwtand un Ui Dorth by 1 J". aa. un appurirmm. Taken in exocuilun at the suit of W m A. Miller etak ALSO All the right, title, interer n I claim -l Wn May, Jr.. oi. In and lo the loliowing described roa estate, vis : . . , . a n-nin tract of 'and rltnstotn Lirimer Two., Somerset euntr, l'a , son'aiulni loo arre, nwro I . ... .hi.... . ....h am Mla.uL Ail acrta clear, i ur it.tj, w ti iv .t . - T, .. wttnaonest ryoweilin buuaeand f:able there - uu erecuxi. a.lj aidug i-ils ol V. m. h. Ultiwr. I .v-iuub! Me-aL I'eler bIei-p and etuerJ, wuu tte taken in eiocnt Ion at the suit or H. John..in A Co. use of H. B. Bcsl. ALSO All the right title, inierett an I c1.i1t ofjoni than Pwortaugh, del'lfd, in am to tao luliuwiug i:a.-Pi)l Ka.1 CSiatU. Ul! No. l. All t!ie rhtin. tit e. Interest an I cl.ilra of l,..ihin p,rbauah.delenuaul, an.1 Simon Kny oar Lrrra trnaut iu ui.SrS!i n O m OTtaiU trat't of l.oi.Hi.u.deiu l"i,ar Turkey foot Iwp., Shhwi-w Co , Pa., cuntainma e acrea more ur h , ol w hii h there are aoout io acres dear and id irr In meadow, with a two-tory frame house Jiog barn and other uif.buildiris ihereuu erec eu, adjoin luglaudaof H'nry w uipaey and others, with the appurtenances. ... ... Nu. a. All ihe right, tliia. Interest and claim of ..nati.an r.a,rriauah ne t aud henry Whiokey lerre lenaDt, of, in, w the foliuwlng nescribeu iel es.ate, si.uate aa aioresatu, nniuiLiiiH 01 :r. b, nua o, iraa. ol wLlen ibera are auuut Vt acres clear, adioiuiug lau -sol Scott King, tract o. 1 and o berwiiu me appuncuauvea. Taku in xe uiuiu at lue suit ur junn c r nu- Until use of ilium and Jlariha Itauua, ass ol Herman i. ix ai. ALSO All th-rlhL title, inter-st and cliiin of John Marts, of, lii and to the following tieacriinxl n-al estate, si.uate Ui Si-ntnampuiu twp ,aumertcieu.. Pa., oouui lul g so acres, more or ivi-i., 01 amvn thereabout aiiout sdacres eleareu. wim uwen nig buuse thereon erected, aij -iulng land ul Henry Marl x. cnaries etuiuer. j. iv. vuuubui and others, with the appurtenances. Taken in ex cution at the suit ul A. H. CulTrotb, acd use ul Henry Siuner. AISO All the rlirht, title, interest ard claim ol Jona than J. Vvelicrdeft. and Adam llucln-tetler, leire tenant.'.! in and to the to lowing escriued realer lala In Summit Iwp., Somr-t Co.. Pa con uuuiuk ai acres more, or less, of w hn-n mere are about zb acres clear, wi,h a iwu-stmy huow. sialile and utner u tbuiidiuirs tneieun erected, aj.'inh g lands of Keu.en Kreti.'hman. Saiuu-I Fuileu, tphraimMUer and others with tbe appurte nances. Taknn In execution at the salt of Wm. B. HaiB bert, use ol Samuel J. Llchty aduiimstralur ui Oaniel iSe-ach , uce'd. ALSO All tbe right, title, interest md claim of A. lam Ki llnuer. uf, in aud 10 the foliuwiog dtsiribed real estate, viz: A certain tract or land sltunte In Somerset Twp . Somerset county. Pa., containing i acres, more ur less, with a two-suiry irame ur plank dwelling house IS leet t.j M leet, wun a ba-k buibllug ur kitchen theretu attached lot et by lo feet, lureou erected, a-'jtiiuina IbihIs of Jtiah Wuy on tbe east and Bojiti H .rritou Trent u-i the west, and sumersei it liedlcrJ Pike ou lhe north, with the appuneuauces. l a sen in execution at the suit of Shank snd Walker. ALSO All the Hht, title, interest and claim of Alex ander Jt ieoiav. ut, lu an.l tu me to the filuwiijg dtserir 1 real estate, vix : A cenaiu tract ul l.ino si ante in Lower Turkey. foiK Twp , swjuiersei Co., l'a , com a lulu g i") acres, more ur less, atajut 4 acres in meaOow. aiiuut S aces cleare-J, wub a two story dwelling buuse.lul-linit-mitl and uther..uituil.11na:s thereon ereetwi atiioiuiug lands ol Thomas Keam, Aarou w euner, Soul ush and others with the appurtenances. Ttken in execution as ihe property uf Alexan der - icoU, at the suit of Daniel augustinc. ALsO A 1 the riiM. ti'.Ia. interest anil claim of liiron Firidlav an.l Michael Hay. ieteniaiiia. of. in and lo the lollowmg derlt-e-l real e-late, vix : All that certain tract ul lan.i .uuate mc laii-a Two. S-.merset Co.. Paconuilniiig 64a' at-res and allowance, m-re ur less, ut bk-h tuere are about w-io ae-res ieare-1. 70 acres In meadow, the balance well luntiered. nb a large two-story briek dwell ing boU. ba..k i-arn wood houe. Urge Spring house, aiso teuant bouse, ana tiai.ie, a larire ur.'ii- am ul cnoice iruil. large eugtr orebard and giai sugar house, a ten foot veiu ot coal aud liuieitone iu Abuniiauci, U&l well limed and in a biati state I cultivation, within oue unle ul 2alist.ur Aail- road oeat. a-lj.Hi.iiie; lands of A. P. neact.y, r-.li.a Herslita:rger. J. S. la.venood and uthers Kith the appurtenances. 1 agen in ex--cution as tne property or Hiram Fnidlay and .vtienael Hay. delrniiatiis. and Peter . Hay a-id tne Salisbury & i,.tiil:u(.Te ttabrua. and Cod Cmpnny, terrs tenants et the suit ui John W. Bcaci-y. -ALMI All the right, title. Interest ami claim of James Runey, oi, iu and to the toiiuauig descrioed real e.-nte. vu: Nu. 1. A mock of ground situate In Ursina B t , Somerset 1 'o. Pa . cunt dnlna: 5 lots, chiq 3-1 .ee-i wide on P.trk street, and 100 ii-ep t- Cedar alley. numlMsred S, 4, 9 and 6, counting from Hunter's Id i.n the west to a IS loot alley un the east, an I known on tbe general plan of said town as block L, wub the appurtenances. No. X A certain ioloI ground situate as afore said, and known on the g neral plan uf said town as lot Nu. 1 .1 bl ck M, Irontlng ou north side ul Pars s reel feet, aud miming bacx 150 feet 10 I 'e- ar alley, Dtuii led by an alley n the w..-s , lot No. i of biuck ja no the east, with the appune oanoes. Taken in execuiicn st the sni'.ot Lander Rancy. ALSO. A!) tbe rivh', title, interesi snd claim or John Faidiey, of, iu und to lhe following described leal estate, viz: No 1 A certain tract of lind situate In Lower Turk-) (out 1 wp.. Somerset Co., Pa, euniaining Aiu aeres, more ur less, ot wblco there are alaut 130 acres ilear, and jo ac.ts in meadow, with twu log lK-usesanl oth-r un-buildinaati.eroonerectei ;al soa large orcharil 01 fruit trees, aiijoining lanos ul t. banes Kose. Peter Lrumbauld, lauii lormerly i.wued by J K. Me.tliileu's b.irs, W L. Uoblux ell and u'.bers. wuu tueappurtanances. No. 2. A certain tract 01 land situate as afore, said, containing 1j0 acres, m-.re or less, of wiiich ihere are atmni 10 . acres clear snd 2u acres in meaaiuw. being tbe late bomeSLeao of John Fai-i-ley, wub a oue and a halt story dwelling buuse, log haru ana uther ua'.buil .ink's lberun erecte-i, aojviiiiug tract Nu. I. land ul Wm L Hoi. Il sell, iartu now In tenure of J ne Brouaa, land ul Pitts burg b and Baltimore CVal, Coke an-1 lniB Com pany and utners. with the appurtenances. Taken In cxecnuon at the suit ul Elizabeth SCdi. ALSO All the right, life, bite rest and claim of Inaac Hugus, of, in and to the tulluwiijg uiscriiivd real estate, vi s : N. 1. c-nsisringof s'.i acres of ground 9'tuate in .merel Iwu., near somerset tiuronah. a-lj .tre ing lands of Jouati an Berkley, A. J. 'Caseoer, and ,wrs. Jilanraret Henluni, and iing oa north side ol the Jonustuwn turnpike, with the appur tenances. Nu. 4 A tract n land warranted In the n ime of Maurice Kennedy, rltwate In Summit Twp.. euo- tainiug 142 acres, abut 40 acres clear, with 1 house and Siauie thereon ..reel d, with the appar term urea. Takeu in ex-cmioa as tie property if Isaac Huausat the suit olj. u. Kiuimel ai-e if Juhn bkU. ALSO All the risbt. title?. Interest and claim of Andrew Shaffer, ut, iu aud to tbe hdluwing described rel estate, vii : A ctrt-ia tract of land situate In Paint Twp. .-jiuereei v.o.. ri , euniainuig isu acres, mure ur less, ul which there are ara.ut mi acres clear and about lu acres la meadow, wiih a gowt su-ircamp, 01 1 bank. Iwivstory tranie buuse aud bwnk baru 1 hereon erected, ai'j.dning lanos ol Peter Kippie. lavhl Berkey. Asntula lauds, with tbe appurie nanees. Tsken in exscntion as the property of Andrew Shatter, at the suit ol lieurge Cuarad. ALSO All the right, tittle lnu-n?r. an I claim of Jacob P etcher, ol, in and lu tue lulluwing described real estate, viz : No. 1, Sitoateia Mldillecreek Twp., S .merset county. Pa., containing liaj acres, more ur lees, ul wbirb there are ata.ut 4U acres clear and 4 acres In meadow, with a twu-stoty lug dwelling bouse, uistillery, s.able. water power saw-mill aa.d otner ouibuil'iing -kereou ereeteil, aiijuining laous Kir. merly owned by W m. Scutt, aud land uf Moses Peck. Eii S yh.r. Lazarus Hocb-ieiier and others, with theappur enan- ea No 2. Siiu tie in -nidillecreek and J-tTerm n. Twps.. Somerset connty Pa., coniaing I07 acres, more ur less 01 hn-n ihera are al-.ua as acres rlear. a!j -ining hinis uf lohn Cumniins. Samnel Pletcher, rrea.an Sanner, Lazarus Hochaeeler ami uthers with tne appurtenances. Taken Lu execni ion a. the uu uf John S. Trlmpc. ALSO All the right, title-, interest and rlaira of the de. fen.iauts, niram Findiay and John . Ko-idy. uf in and to the fi iiuwing dera-nbtd real estate, viz: A ceriaib tract ul land eiiuale In SiiUihampton Two. Somerset Co . Pa., containing VI acres and 18- perch, s, 01 will, b tbere are about 7i acres clear, and : actvs in meadow, w.tn a two. story frame dwelling boos-, bank barn ami other uut buihiirigs thereon erected, adiuing Lund ol Juhn Stunt. Adam Mmi Henry Mars, Kk-bard Manz. Uaael Korns Kne. peDsbenrer arei -tliers, wbii-h la mure luily and particularly descriheal by metes and bono s. course, and Istancrt la a deed rrm Michael Hay nd wife tot ij Hiram Find lay and John I. B tidy, dated 1st ul Julr, Isoa, wi'b the appurtenances. Ti-rn in txtcutiuo at the 'u t of Michael Hay. NOTICE. All pe- ns purrbaaina at the abuse sale will please take aotice. tnat part of the uur cbase money to be made known al the time uf sale wii, l reijnired asaM-n as the innry Is knocked down, otherwise It wit agaiu be expused tnsule at lhe risk or the first pun-baser. Tbe resi due ot itv purcnase muney must be pahi eel or be (ore Tbnrwlay. ot the firtl week of April t 'oort, the lime fixed by IheCoort (-r secu-ii x the arku-.w edgment 01 dee-Is, and aodeed wii be acgno-le ged until parehase mutiey 1 paid ia fall SneritT Office. 1 Somerset. Pa. March 27.1su, March A. sheriff. UMIMSTKATOR'S NOTICE Este of Gerrada Mishler late of Jesner Twp., Somerset rvauty. Pa . dee d. Iae tersui a minis, ration un he above estate hav. trig been granted In tbe andersigneit. nutlre it har. b anven to tbufte radebted tu ittai maaa inorta. dlate payment, ami thoM havinc claims or de ) maods will present them duly authenticated fur eitlemetil, Saturdav, April 24th, IsSd. at late residence uf decantee1 In Jenner township. J.. MISHLEK. JAMES M Ml-tHLER. March 17 Anminl.-trtr. WANTED: LOCUST PINS AUfenjlht, in Imrgt quantitit. Perxsn-ti c races w-al-l be saade with relia- ble 1 ar s.9 wboran fanittb -egatarswi-tllefl. L (iress W. A. LtVtKINO Wholesale Lamber 1 Merchant Poplar Street w hart, Philadel1.kia. I Feb. IS. j JVfi IF A I) I'ER TISEMENTS. TREASURER'S SALE UNSEATED LANDS. A grc?ahle to tbe provision" f sn Act of Amcid bl., utreitng theoHj ui a!llL nsealei Lta-.a iui taxes. pusK I Jtll iij.y ul .darra, A l lilo. an i the not rat Scppicmeuts iten-tu : Tax Trea j urerol &onurat ouUuly, nrtriy givts n. ice. inai unless lhe vuaty. S Mi, K..i, ana buildiDi uxrs. due oa lb loikiwtng X. atested Lanoa, are pid be lure the day ol Mia. the wuoieor luch part ul each tract ss aid pay tne taxv acd will tit it .id al tne Court t. ute. in fenMret korougb. on llm ut ol June, IVtrt s.r the arrearagca of ljl- uue, and Ibe coaia accrued Ihereuo. AD. ISOX. Aaiiftc 9 Tract. Wm- J. lUer Acrtt. 1'JO TlTtt. S 52 ... 1 ... 14 id ... It 4J ... 14 ... . 15 ... 7 4ii 414 4 U 411 harry. Mary a llouVc-r. Jaue Allure, .uary ure, U.rui () I gle, t'narie ( Stuliuian Joe. j','sheh., ' a-ju 1 " j 7 tu 3 .u 3 ao It u Il ) IrO ix) 4 0 4"W 0 410 41.! -M 400 IM 2.4 40 -UO it lo7 7 vo 7 0- 1 7s S So 14 UU 14 UU lu SO t 91 16 OS 17 v ih Ou 2 10 a 1 ix) 6S au 7 0 S Sat 2 17 Ti m. Philip Toru.Jacub ... White, Auam -. Charry, Jane (!) ALLLOUEN Y. Andurton, Witdam Ames ihomas Aiueriue trbinp liiier. isfimieljr Bowen. Tu-amas Cheek. Jol.U Cudrothasi hell (sweiuer) lttuu, J..uu Allies. Jam-S Mey. rs a hoode. Balance... Mecail, Joseph - iscneli m -o. (Miller) !,... w ad- at u uerts.jn V. eyaud lUl.lel Turn, Samuel BKOrHEKi VALLEY. Barclay. Joel Stein .brhatn CUNEM.tL'lJil Jones lred jVilahler, Jonas Ken.-n.gr, .tiary A Pal-I-J. Kieuard hots, Ueurgs CuN 1 LU E.V C x. BOB. Iiudgeon, James Iftriu SetiaStiaiu 1'avia, J U II Tin Naluan. Irerulu, diinun. Edwa.us, 1 bouaas Fulert-. b bra tri-alieky, s.mnel Hud ui on x liro Hury, joiiu. H.-nuian, tluorae...... ... Jobusou, Mary J Meters, Ptter's heirs ...... Roberts. N. al TM-neii, Uailear-l Tannenlll.J. N '1 ruu.uian, William M ainrecht Charles W ir.'ing, H. C We.rley, livcater ELKLICK. Charry, J a lues (') I ure , J a ines . ......... ...... Crcy, jus.ab e or- i, lu .ni .t () Caiup, Henry Car a. Jaau.l-c Chris:nc-. Jo-eph torey, ta-s F-x. Tno:.iu- Howell, P ul Joues, Y llilam li Kutclimao, Kcu'ea Knode. James ia t-Juu, E.laS Mar.-h. I.-, bard M-s,re, Jo:,u JlJore, Betiy Ka.1. liJ". Jv-b kVaguer, Jil'U F.kc, Julia 4t S. J Itaun.scrall, Steuatn OliEEN Y1LLK. 4 0 4U1 110 auu 1. 10 S 4.) IS s 10 34 Id S4 a so 4 ad 2 DO 3t 3 us 3 43 34 J loo 4-.-.U Lo:t. 1 7 1 3 2 2 1 1 3 I 2 1 4 3'i 2 2 1 70 2 i. 1 70 4 2. a 4 2 Sa 2 la 1 SO 00 So 8- 1 40 1 2 4o 1 so 1 2. 2 to i sa 1 . 7i 4 0 iVl OVV, U Lots. 4 3 Arret. l-o 4u0 Lois. 1 Acres. 107 U.tt. 1 1 arret. 2 90 9 aa 7 uu 1 VJ 4 VO 2 00 7 13 7 01 2 00 1 02 1 u. 60 401 aui'j 4UU 7 ii 2 a J.1.S. 4 1 2-s Lolt. 1 :i3 Arret. 41; ; Thomf-S'O, Jac-b 1140 JEFFERSON, M2 Hall J .hn 24 loo Fuck. l.d.Siat 2 su JEN NEK. 4-1 Black, Jam-J 42 4o C..I... Jane 4 6 .'i Iieiuveii, Keter 'A tub Hut. ley Ficiieriik S I .uu King, eleorge 6 04 .V..J MeCartoey, iaa-; 2 Sa 4.nj Mii-hlr. 1 nomas 1" .VI tdier, W illiaui 6 sl 4td Pml.-4.n.hoi-rt -u U0 Pltener. W ililatu S lo 4ou Scat, Juhn lo 3 0 w Itiner. Ja.-ob 4 US 4o0 Williams, lieoige S 10 uJ Kaniin. Jaaies 1 7o L.IIUMLK. ... i Aherna-hy, Tlinmas 119 4 Aberuatby, Charlotte 2 M Acres. AM Jkiwman, Samuel 35 7;J 2ed Uusa-s St ti-ers-de , 4b 0 leai, JoLn K.'t heirs 44 1 S llefluer, Oecrge 7 20i H See. ananiaS 14 23 .4 Lin., Ol ilia 2 u; to Meyers, fe.er'a h irs .0 15d Alllier, Oat riel 4 SO toft. 1 Meyer-, Peter sbclrs 44 Acres. 6 W llmoth, A!ph 42 4 Kimurrll, JuunO 2 SS il Sue gie, A is 1 re ws heirs.... as 144 Atay, i Ham 1 84 4 2 WeUei.John 2 1. LOWEK TUK KEY FOOT. SS Aodersoa. Thomas W 2 e2 Acres. 40.J Bnrgets, W illlams 13 (0 tot. 1 Ileal, Fram-ls 1 2 Arret. se) Forward k. Hugus S 10 4u4 Halluwell. Juliu 13 SS 2 Har.og. siltester I 74 400 laowry, Peter Id So sue McVuUjjh, B J. a Co 30 SO to. 1 McAffrey, James M Acres. sou Powers, Alex 14 70 .12 Youa. L, Simon. 6 3 6a Mc allien, J. It 1 30 MlDLiLECKEEK. t i Bedl'MM, Ouuninsr 10 00 1JO ilvrt. Adam's beirs 0 .u King," w liuauu 1 M MILFORB. lil'4 Beam. Jacob 6 bl U , Bru.k, Bavid 14 40 4 0 Benson, Peter 14 4 jys I aid. ell, David C 1, 27 4 CaldWtU, Sau.nel to 9. 4UI liuulap. John 14 49 hrt i Dtiart It Waller 3 Sa ljsS Ooh-r, Mainiaa 4U'j JoliuSO , W ill lam 144 217 Meter. Pe er's beirs 7 23 id V, ullensueneer, ........ IS 374 T IU. hacbael 13 44 t-S Tom LI nan .2 -a w daon. Tnomas 12 7r a-Hi Wilson. James 13 10 Miller, IbuULaa 1 ua tort. 2 Short, David ti 1 Snort, John li jlcrrt. .to Berkley. Phils.in K Rnoa-is.. 14 20 20 Bilner. Heury 4; 41a Margudent, Charles 14 SS MEYERSDALEBOU. toft. 2 A di-ms. Thomas k. Kettle i 2 1 Baer. Henry 3 us 1 H-ase, John R. 3 is 3 Heniort. Jobn H 2 14 1 Croat,. Marariret. 2 Ileal. Kimuud 4 .11 2 r.nkie. Jonn 4 44 1 Frieitbntt, Joseph 3 14 3 Hull man. John IS) 1 LindamiD. Sik.noo 4 22 2 .Morion A Miller. 2 14 1 Mednry Aaatuatu 1 9S 1 Minkeymire. C M t Merril. NathanieL 72 2 Paul. Thomas. Ko 2 SUV -neon. James 3 Co i Sieves sun. Franklin 1 us 1 Sheets Joseph 30 2 Srhmuker William 112 1 lipiun, John i XOKHTHAMPTON. Acres. 2o4 P.aety, Sarah 62 K2 Bruwn, sussn.... 7 34 Bowman, Henry I14 Bowman, Manilas 7 02 C. tiroth a. pH-alng 14 us tji.lesa tt Smith 3120 Eruileka, Lewis S7 Fin. more. Sarah 2S IS (iiil-len. Llizabeth. 41 to McBride, Sarah to 70 Win st Wniiensberger (').. 10 7i W aalman, Mary .. 07 CO Welgle, Jsmes W Wllmoth. Aiph 3 M Knssinger.Charles. ......... S 0 Vt lit tt A ohenaberger. 20 Si PAINT. Barton. Thomas 11 la Barkley. Hugh ('a.) i :j CUra, Daniel s f-4 Clark, lame. S US D rwy"Piri--k t-2 Espey. Awlrew II U Espey. Jottab S S7 Inskei-p. Jonn II 4 Jubnson Perry 10 H7 Lltbman. Jj-epb 2 7 Moure. Abraham 12 14 Moore, Joea-on "s) 2 '7 Mar 10. llliam 3 71 Piur. Jobs 10 12 Primrose. , Sdet 1 71 Shaw. Hiiamln. 11 23 Stow. John 11 it Son-zle Tb ma II 10 7 2U KO 214 2U0 vni .on 2 2 1'jtt Lai. I Acrtt. 1S4 aw io 40 44d 2! 3D 4ir7l 212 4.1M ltjo 4.ts 14 3?.. loo 3s S2 4I4 4MI Sl 4on ttt xa rt 4l4 StuektiiD. Barnard 11 10 1 Soeae, John 1 4 Tbeirnt ra. WU.lam It Id Trlst, Elizabeth Z li Walter. Lew at 40 West. Jobs 11 15 Warner. UinwiemB. ....... 11 IS William, Israel 47 SHADE. AekeraaB. Oecrge T Auie s-s-i. Sassoel (l-) 2 90 Campbell. Margaret IS 04 Campbell. Mary 13 tss lrodln. Tlv-raa li 2 Cltjk. iMnkel 13 43 Iht ley, John 3 ; lmnn, Jamea('at 4 Fogle. Joha S 2 H lb-hew. John S 3 Hltchew, Qeorga 14 M 21 avs 3M'4 4 I t?4 - Z27 too I NE WAD VEH TISEMENTS. ' 3 - Oliver, WI"l mft-4) Perry, Sim. (1-4) Til. .ia. W 1 nam ( .,) Vl'l:he-al.9ama-i tl-).. SiLTHAMPTON. Adams, alrx I',) B'own, Thomas -,)..... Cary, Tnotuas. ... ... ... Coiui'S. Wini m ........ 1 otii-i. Samavl's heirs .... L-a:.n, Lv ati-rtrh;e, tary Ph. il 1 I, John Bouj-y. J.mn(l , s.,iw. Junes Saddier. John. Tempest, Kai-hael We man. e atartriai Weyaun. S-mueL , SoMEKSET BOB. Pile. Jacob F. , SOMERSET. Honsell. E-l. Jr Baldwin. W. C I-anieis LewU W Kevser. Jai-nh. ....... ... Lape, Wlilitm. .......... Y. una. Ann Jr Ankeny. P ileiaier. Samuel I'arr. bar lei Kti-ads. Fr nklln , Picking. Barnet... STONYCKEEK. Kircber, DauieL SUMMIT. H-tns. W. I , W itt At Wuirer.sherger.... VPPER TURKEY FOOT. Kaer. W. J (welmer) piddle. James. C.evengcr, freul. HaEaa, Wll'.utu. King, J 'ha.. IM I s 7 S2 3 01 7S 4 : 1 .ti 12 1 4 M li "H y sr 13 12 5 82 i as 4 37 :aej : 4.W ! : j 4a s- lot l7 111 4o7 v-;. s 230 4U2 lo.l tor. -S Arret. 4-."a 2id 10 luo 10 3si 27 J3 la 31 I 04 on 3 74 tt a eo 1 so 14 no 1 -T : 94 70 2 aj t so Lofs. 2 '!. loo Acrts. V4 140 20 tort. 2 Acres. 44 Lolt. Acret. I 40 4 to I 20 l' II 1 '4 1 se) 17 4S 4 .0 4UU Lolt. 1 1 Arret, to Loll. 2 2 SO Lohra, Peter IM'.e. John Snyder, Putor Skulu, James. I'KSIXA Bus. Ander n Sperccr k Co.. Burr, W . J. (aaW OIll.) .. .. 1 1 a s . x 1 a 1. a 7. 3 1 7 SO 1 7S Bier. Kedna 4 Conrad, Margarai 1 Cuoulngham. Wesley....... 2 HUcux H-aikiau... 2 aorg iu. t uuug AltemurSttJv J .Meyers, Davkl 2 Si. a -, Heury 1 luumps-.n. John. 2 Suyuer Oeurg JT. B. Sale too nmencei at 10 A. M. H. F. KNEPPER l a as: aa II EGISTEK S .NOTICE. .sutice Is hereby given to all persons concerned as legatees, creoitors or otherwise, that the h-U kiwing accuunt have passed register, and that lha same will be pr-sented lor euuurmatlon and al lowance at :a 1 rrphans' C'-airt tu n helJ at Som erset, on Thursday, April iviih, lsso. Aeeou tol Harrison Youokiu, guardian of I. H. ZulalL First and final account of John (. H ay, admin istrator aud 1 1 utlee ol I 'y ru Bowman dee'd. Accuunt ot Suiuu--1 w earnr. gtt trdtan of the mus-rclii dren of sitDon starter dee'd. First and nual ace-.unt ol M'es 1 minr. admln isirnturand trusieeot rlenry Yuung. dee'd. First and hnal account ol H- rry It Lohr, al miriis.rab.r an.l trustee uf ltvtl Lobr. dee d. r test acsiunt ui r.otirtiin J. .ht-Kenzie, acting exeeuti r ul J.seph McKeuzie, dec 1 Ao-uut of H- nry F. s.-bell, guardian of Eliza beth H .r-ier. lu ni ;rly Helsel. First and final account ut Samuel Snyder, ad ministrator an-i trustee ul Stepntn Trent, dee'd. A.---otuil ol Samu-'l Thomas and Josepn Oindle sueraer. eae- uiors of Peter ItliHlleritierHer dee d " Acceuat o Josiah J. Waiker guar. un f the mm rchil.lren uf Jo' n R Walker, dec'-i. Firt account ! Jesse an W ru H Walter, ex ecutor of John V titer, dee !. t in.! ard nual aecu nt 01 John S nrer an-l Wm. M. Sclir-ek, executors ol Heury S infer, dee'd. Account uf Mannas P.-.r auh ailministra- t .rol Herman Puurbaut,h. dee d First an-l n ial o-i-uul ut H. B. Barnes, admln ! r. tor. d Mary I).ll dee'd. Final accou-it uf H. B. Barnes, -rarvlrtng 1 ministraior cu. fcflil-Aeno aM.aeao ul Chr.tld Is I . dee d. Firt ami fin tl ace-aim i,r Sl uon L. Korn. frus-t"-r lor the Sale ot the real estate ul Philip Maur. r. d ceased. Firs and final account of uf Valentine Hay, KQarlianuf ho-ierttt. vialker. Account ul t pur aim V. alker. surviving admin istrator ot Perry Berkley wnu wa admintsiratur uf Catharine beiklcy. iiee'il. First an-l final ao-..unt Frederick Blngner, gaar di -n of Bruno Von Hounen. A.e. unt 01 Cnuiad Huaer Jr., adminlstratur of Conrad lueer. Sr.. dear'd. F'lrst and final accouiif nf Charles L. Haltxer an I Abrara Vt l..-on. execulurs ol George Lai tier, de -eased. First and final aco nnt nf Joseph Sheets, ad min siraturol Jac-ib six-eta. dee'd-. A?Hunt ot Juhn C. Barrune, guarillan of Mary Sl.ultz. .tc'-uit of Jobn C. Baa-rone, gnsrdlan of AIert E. Banone i I st an-l final account of I-aac Yoiler and Levi Misbier, administrators nf l'obtas Mithhr. de'd. w.u. b. ratash. March 31. hetlster. T aVEHN LICENSES. i he f.llowing named porw'ns have filed In my office their petitions lor favern License wilb the 'cruticate and b-nds rntu re-1 by law. ate) ssMi'-a is hereby given that they wi,l la presen e-l tu tiiw Court lurailuwaraCe. uu Thurtlay, April 2V, Ivto. TAVERNS. Samuel S. Shatter, Benin I Kir. w llliam Baam, Puealv nraut, Oreentille Twp. Waller J J. ne. Metersd-vie boruuga. Fliza Haer. Meyerd le bruugb Jd-mb Sicebt Uuemab.lng Twp. Jubn A. Clark. ttoversviile, Ctuetnahon rg Tp. Joseph Stall, -shsnksvtlle. su.nyeree Twu. Samuel A Haines, stock wood, Mlilurd Tap. Juhn H. li-nt-rt, Crsloa ta.ruugn. Mabala swel ser. Sand Patch, Larimer Twp. Josiab Brant. Somerset buroagh. August Kaler Cooemauah Twp. Samuel aste-.. -b -itiiva boriuffh. Samuel H. Kennel, Wellersburg b.. rough. Lteuoi syagn-r. -SatLnary bur uan, k. I. F' asee. CunllurDre buroavu. Juhn H Hlte, Sbys,owa i-ofo go. TUoma Hill, l r ina b roukb. Koliert (4af rie. Metersdal-- boroogh. Mary Ellen W lit, Glenrs, No-hampV-n Twp. Samuel B kmao Koekwuod. Mil ord Iwp. Scutt Sterner, confluence bur-iugb r.lea. ur Snaunun, sa-emit twp. Jubn A Waller, Somerset horuugn. H. F. SCHELL. March 11 clerk. J CLE TO AtC EFT Oil REFU:?l 1 u Oenr-re Steyer, the iietitloeier, Marnret steyr. uf F'rueir.nrg. Aliegauy Ct.unty, Marylaa-f, .luhn Stejer a h-ar-, viz: susannaa ttisttDeij. or Oakland P-wtOrili-e. Maryla , -"! Steyer. of liaklao-l P.l lorbee. Mary an-t. Ellsabetb Ham moiMl In lues addrea anknuwa,catBerliaSi' beirs I name ut basban-l an children anka wn. no a-t-dres-i. bsal-.m Steyer. d-eaaajasrf, luui m billow ing heirs, (ntse)vii: Joha Steyer. Jaeuo Steyer, Mary Jane lui-uel. Sarah Steyer. Daniel R stey er. Elijah P. Steyer. Manln L. Steyer. Oeorga S'eyer. allot El in Pose Omce, Fayettat euuniy, Pennsylvania. Shadrtck Steyer. whrreaboar -known, nut heard rroru fur atmwt thirty years, Elizatietb Spikrr, a sister at Oaklao-I, .Maryland: Catnanne Ham -a-.re 1 a tstr also of decedent, I deail, leaving ..tne issue, viz : Oconee Hamnvio-I, and Sarah KuthngbTn, Mi.lw.aat. Knox c.untv. hio. Lizzie Mills an I Lydia c'aner. Ml. I'nton. Knoxco-tnt, Ohio, Mary Aon Lts.rger. Shiloh Pus itfice, F tehlaiHi eanty. O-iki, Satan Little, Opilika. LeeeiNinty, A la'-ama 1 -jo are beret-y n -lined to apts-wr at an ' Or phan' Court 10 i-e beld al Suaserset, on Monday, the ai b tay of April next, to accept or rein-as the real estate uf ol iasb steyer. -teceaaed, at ins ap praised valuation, or chow caasei why alh sums stioold not he sold. shertrl utile-., EDOARKYLE. March 17, IsSd. t Sberi!!. Q O C UT 1'KOCLA M ATI ON. naukAS. the H.saorable Williaw M. Hsu, Prr-tinent ol the several Cunrt of Cueaasua Pieaa of theCuunties eoapHrig the alxteenta Judicial District, an-l J attire ol lhe Onrt ol Oyer and Ter miner an-l General Jail Delivery, lor tb trial ef aU capital ami ottier olten-lers in lhe said Ihsirlct, an-t Da.iikL STrrv-T and C. C. MrsaeLWait Ea. Juires, Judges ul the Courts of Commoa Pleaa.aarl ustices ol tbeCunrtsut Oyer and Terminer. aiM) eneral Jail Delivery, fur the trial nf alleuplud and utheroCend-rs m tbeCounty of Somerset, ftave l-ue-i their pree-ept anl to me dlrectel, fe-r boW lrur a Court of Commoa Plea, awl Grneral Ouar. ter Sessk-n of the Peace, ami Oeneral Jail Deliv ery and Cowrts ol Oyer an-l Terminer, at Sofaerst O Mww-lay. April . IW?. Nonns tt hereby f isnt t all tb Justice of tna Peace, the Coroner awl Constable wtlhia th Bald County ol Somerset, that they be then and therein their proper person, wun tneirnii.r-f"-i.ini-ia-sitions. examiBatiins. an-l other remembrance, to do those tiling" which to tbeir offices and la that bebali appertain to he dune; and also, they who will proseeute airalnst the prisoners that are or shall be In the Mil ul Suroertt Co- dy. to be then and there, torosemte against th-ra aa shall be just, EDOAK KYLF. net 15 Sheriff. sSIONEES' ACCOUNTS. Notic I hereby given, that the following ae nion' have been nied In my ofhew and that tbey will bw presented to Ibe Court lor ooofarssatlow go Thurtday, Apxl 2D.A, 1810 rtrst and Ssal account of Joha R. Scutt, assign ol Singleton Kimmel aa-1 wife. F'lrst an-l final account of George O. Walker, a-signea of Vate mine Hsn. First awl final account w B. S Fleck sad 9. L Korns, assignee ol Philip P. "d surer and wife. First and Daai accaot of J. . Hay and A- T. Bitiner, assignee of J. K. B-a.se and wl e. First ad final account of Cumeilas Buachiey, committee of kosina Miller (a lunar ic) Fir-t an-l final secoanl of Franklin Welter as signee ol Jan-b Kha and wile. First and final aes-ownt ut Alex. C. Moor al tgnec of Drctrirb Kreager. First an-t anal account of TV. H. Knppl, a igaee of John J. Uodnraa r-l wire. U. r. SCHElala, Mairh 31 Ci'. IJCBLIC SALE OF VALCABLF. REALESTATK Pnrraaal to aa onler of the Orphan- Coart of Socneet eo-ujt,. Pa., th-r will r tut-i at pabue sale oa tne --blauwoxsa,'' Soesa net boroogn, la aid cuuuty. on Saturday, April 10, 1330. at 2 s'clock p. tbe (oiUrwing derrtbe-l real estate, late nf Daniel Pile. decV. to vrtt . A certain lot of grow ad iltaata la Sousei set bos ough, Somerset euuniy. Pa., a wbleb there 1st erected a twsory Ist bowM and oatbwiMlaaa sadd lot ol rroaad la b &n-a,i an iat k4i b; Maim street ua U east by Spring alley .oa tb atb by Patriot street, aad un KM west by lot ot Wasfi lag ton Mega nan. TERMS-CASH. JACOh r PILE. AIST1N S. HE IE. Mareb 17 Admunrts.