The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, April 14, 1880, Image 2

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    Tae Soaiers8t Herald
..... April U.Uia.
BepuMcan MM Met
ro rRrsiDEST:
(Subject to the approval of the Re
publican National Convention.)
roa SUPREME judge:
Northampton County.
roa auditor oexe&al:
Blair County.
We are indebted to Senator Came
ron for a copy of his tpeech delivered
in the Senate on the 25th ult. on
Inier-State Commerce.
Just now ibe "reliable correspond
ent" is giving rein to hie fancy in re
gard to Presidential candidates as
tally as he did in wartimes.
O.N the first day of ibis month the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad vol
notarialy increased the wages of all
its employees, teo per cent
Horatio Seymore of New York imin annconced. about the
twentieth lime, that "under no cir
cumstaoce could I (he) accept" the
Democratic nomination li r President.
Tbis ought to settle it if the old gen
tleman is presumed to know his own
Two out of three Congressional
flimricts in Kansas elected Grant
delegates, but the Siate Convention
turned tbem down and selected Blaine
men in their etead. We do not ob
that the howlers over the
action of the Pennsylvania Conven
tion make much ado over the con
duct of the Kansas bre hren.
Is the Republican National Con
veation each S;ate has a delegation
twice the size of its electoral vote,
which makes lb total vote of States
733. The nine Territories have each
to votes, makine the total vote of
the Convention 75C, requiring 37
votes to nominate.
Uts. Coffroth voted last week in
favor cf the Weaver resolution, pro
Dosine to invest the Government
a w
with authority to issue indefinite
quantities of greenbacks By thin
vote the General proves bis adher
ence to the defunct Greenback issue,
end gratified bis soft money constiiu
ents in Blair county.
There has been a heavy fall in the
price of iron, caused by the lack of
eales at the high prices to which it
had been advanced. More reason
able prices it is thought will etiniu
late the trade and give producers
ample and continued employment
The manufacturers were a little too
greedy and anxious to make up pre
vious lofses, hence the back set.
At the election in Indiana last
week, a constitutional amendment
was adopted changing the time of the
State election from October to No
vember. This will prevent the osoa!
colonizing of Democratic votes from
Kemnckv. as tbeir elections will
now be on Ibe same day, and
leaves Ohio the only October State
whose vote mav tffjet a future
Presidential canvass.
Tbe Republicans of Illinois bold
their State Convention on May 19
As the selection of delegates from
that State will have a large bearing
on the nomination to be made at
Chicago, much interest is manifested
in the result. Pursuant of the policy
adopted by tbe Blaioe boomers, to
prevent if possible solid delegations
for Grant, strenuous tffjrts are being
made to secure part of the delegates
for their favorite. On tbe other band
the friends oi General Grant claim
that he will be given the fall vote.
The Republicans of Rhode Island
failed last week to elect their candi
date for Governor and Lieutenant
Governor bv tbe vote of the people,
owing to the division of tbe vote by
three sets of candidates beiug in tbe
field. Tbe vote stands. Republican,
10,093, Democrat, 6,230, Prohibition.
5,002. As tbe Senate will contain
2G Republicans to 7 Democrats, and
the House, 59 Republicans to 12 Dew
ocrats, tbe Republican candidates
will be surely elected by the Legis
lature. A republican U. S. Senator
is also secured by this majority.
What Senator Wallace of tbis
State does not know about managing
political campaigns is scarcely worth
learning. Just now be is engaged in
m petty little scheme to deprive the
Republicans of a large portion of
their campaign fond. He has re
ported a bill to prohibit the contri.
bntion of money or any valuable
thing for political purposes by any
person in tbe service of the United
States. The bill provides severe1
penalties for any violation of the
proposed law. Aa a lawyer, ilr.
Wallace onght to know that euch
law would be unconstitutional, and
would be promptly set aside by the
courts. Congress nor any other
power in the land can interfere with
any citizen in the disposition of his
means, by gift or otherwise, except
for an unlawful purpose, and it might
as well undertake to enact that no
-ccivassof a county shall be made for
political purposes. Public servants
re atffl dtizens, entitled to all the
Tights of each, and may write, speak,
ota and act as they please in all
lawful things.
If any one uses bis means to cor.
rupt th ballot be is amenable to
punishment, but be may give bia all if
n pleases to advance the interests of of
tbe pa-ty of his choice. Mr. Wal
lace naderrUnd that it is nsaal for
office holders to contribute towards
tae expenses of carrying on political
campaigns, and be ttioits it woold be
a stroke of policy to prevent tbe Re
publican officials from assisting in
tbis wav the success of their party.
lie might as well go a step farther
and say that office holders shall not
vote. The one woold be about at
reasonable and legal as tie other.
Sats the venerable Thurlow Weed
n a late letter to tte N. Y. Tribune.
".Six months ago General G. -ant's
"nomination was a foregone ouclu-
tion. There was then a general
"belief that tbe country needed him.
"But tbe circomstancos and condi
tions bearing legitimately upon tbe
question have entire! v changed it.
Should Rebel Brig
adiers with their Copperhead allies
"in Congress, again become aggres
sive, defiant and revolutionary in
"method a aud measures; General
"Graut'a nomination would ba de
manded by a sentiment which
would tecure his triumphant elec
tion." Let us abk, have circumstances
and (conditions so changed within
tbe last t-ix months that tbe country
no longer needs General Grant?
Are not Re Del Brigadiers and their
Copperhead allies as aggressive, de
fiant and revolutionary in their meth
ods and measures now as then 7
True, with tbe near approach of the
Presidential election they are not as
blatant, as exultant, as domineering
now as then, but bave tbey changed
in regard to a single measure then
advocated, and attempted to be forced
upon ibe country ! If tbey bave, we
bave failed to note it. Controlled by
the cunning policy cf their leaders,
they bave sat with padlocked lips
during the present session avoiding
all possible debate, meek in outward
appearance, and cantioos in all public
declarations, but nevertheless steadi
ly adhering to the revolutionary
measures so defiantly put forth at the
extra session. Woe to the country !
if the people ere deceived by tbe
velvety touches ot the tiger's paw
that conceals the fierce claws ready
to rend them.
We recesll to the minds of Repub
licatie ibe arraignment of this same
Democratic Congress during tbe lost
days of the extra session by Senator
Chandler, who though dead yet
sneakdh. Said that sterling old
We hare now been three month! and a half In
thlsCapitol nut without certain results, svehave
snoan to tbe people vt liiu JSallon uet what the
Democratic parly mean. The people bave been
Informed aa to jour party's com aud aim Uj
fraud and violence, by shul-icnua and tissue-ballots,
v.uitioidiiie unarm niaiority In bulb House ot
Doners, and yon bave ukeu an early opuor uni
ty to mow wnat jouiuteud looe with liiai majority obtained ion are wllbin clgbl ot the prom
ised land, but like Mwta ol ola, we propore to
read y.'U up into tbe mouutaln to die. i Great
lauirliter. Mr. President, we are approaching
the ana ol this extra session, and it record win
soon become u ory. The acts ot tbe Democratic
pany, as manifested in Una Uon;res jusitiy me
darraigning itbelcre the loyal poupUui the L'ul
uxi hi us oil the politl al issues wbicb it baa pre
sented as tae enemy ol tbe Nation and ai the au
thor and alienor ol tiebelllon.
I arraign the Democratic party a follows:
Ftrtt rornaving reaoned to revolutionary tneas
ures to carry out. their tartiaao project by at
tempting lococroe the Executive by wlihaoidiug
suppli, and Unit acotuplieu by starvation ine
destruction of tbe lRvtrr utueul which tbey h.d
tailed touvrrtbftW by arms.
Htcont - For bviug Injured tbe business lntcest
ol lb eounry by forcing the preaeni extra session,
alter liberal ooiaprounseB were leuuered tu theiu
prior to toe close ol tne lasi session.
Third ttt having allempieu to throw away
tuereeuiiol tbe r ccut war by again elevating
Statai-rer National aovercignty. Me sacriucrd
more than three huudred tbouaand Uvea, and ex
pended live itiuusauu million ot Ui.ars tu put
oown tbia heresj.aud to perpe.ule ibe national
lite. Tuey au rendered tbit at Appomattox, bat
no tbey attempt to renew tula preteaaloO.
Fourth k or bavtug attempted ( there ars hon
orable exrepuous anu 1 o may ibey be remember
eo) touaniage tbe uuiiueaa intereaia ul Ibe coun
try by lorclug silver coin Into circulation ol itss
value than it represents, thus swiudling the la
boring man and tbe pro Beer by compiling him
to toucpt ba oeuts lor a doiiar, aud tnua enricbiug
the buillou owuera at tbe expeue ot the laborer.
Twelve huudred million dollars II paid yeai ly to
labor alone In Ihb) country, anJ by torciug au a
oeht dollar on the woralugmeu, you awiuuie tbem
out ot one Huudred aad cUbiy millions yearly.
fifth for having removed wltbii cause ex
perienced otboers aud employees ot this body, some
ol waoui served and were wounded iu lb Lmou
Army, an-i appo.ntea men wuo hao in tne reuel
army attempted to destroy tbe Uuvercment.
Stxthitt having instituted a recrel and llle
giumate tribunal, tbe eutcts of which bave been
tee supreme goveribg power ot Congress, iu d-a-ance
ol lue lutidameuual principles ol the Constiia
tion. '1 be u -creas ol this juuia are known, al
tuouib its niotires axe blddeu.
Srvrntk For haviug held up fur public admlra
tlou tual arcn-rebei, jeOersoe Davis (grvat laugh
ter on the Demo.railc side J, Ueclariug that he
was inspired by motives as aajred aud as noble as
animated Washiugujft, and as having rendered
serl es t i attempting todesiroy tb tulon which
wounld equal in btawry U redan fame and s(e
auui glory. I tugbter Voa may langli ; lbs
people ol the North will matte you laugh ir m tbe
otbt r side ol your taee (Keuewed laughter J
fiyAa For baviug undertaken to blot iivin the
statu. oofkotilte XdUor),wise ntwsrenuered neces
sary by tbe war and Its results, and Insuring "tile,
liberty and the pursuit ol happiness" 10 tbe eman
cipated ireediocu, wno are avw so bull-dosed and
kukiuxed that they are seeking peace la txile, al
though urged to remain by shot guus.
AiJ For bavtug auemptetl tu repeal the
vlsr Irg elation whicu exclades those Who served
under me rebel flag irom holding commissions In
tbe Army aad Navy of the United Slate.
Tenth r'or having Introduced a targe amount
of teg station tor the exclusive benebt 01 tbe Stales
receuUv in rebc-lllid which, li enacisd, would
bankrupt tbe National Tjoaf ury.
Llfvthtk 'k"ur having ,-ons.ud to destroy all
that ibe party has aoR.tEnU-bed. ma
nv of ihem oreaking their oaths ol allegiance lu
tbe l ulled Mtaiet aud ledgiu their are, their
lor uuea and their sacred honors, Uiuvenbruw this
i bey tailed, and tlins lost aU they pledged.
Call a hall ! 1 he days ot vaporing are over. 1 he
loyal North is aroused, and their doom Is sealed.
i accept tbe issue oa these arraignments dla
Unctiy nd specibcAlly betore the citizen of this
areat Kepuunc A a Senator M tne l olled
auu- s. a u as a ci lien, 1 appeal to the people.
It is lor theae citiseus to say wuo Is right and who
i wrong. Ijto beloi mat tribunal conndeut that
the siepublit-An party is right and that the Demo
cratic prty Is wroug i ncy nave maue tuese is
sue, but we. ana by then luy must stand or lalL
1 hlr is lh plattoru wuii'b tbvy kave constructed,
not only for !:, bat lor Ibmi. if boy caaqot change
It, lor we win noid tbem to IU Xbey have maie
their bed, and we will see mat uujr ue luereon.
II ere in a compact shape is tbe
whole record, political, fiusocial aud
unpatriotic of the Democratic party
durine the extra seseion. It was tbis
record, tbis display of "aggressive.
defiant and revolutionary method
and measures" tnat led to the gencr
al belief that tbe country needed
(scoer&l Granc, that then made his
nomination almost a "foregone coo
elusion." You may scan with micro
scopic eve, the fM-outvadiocs of tbe
present session, and save la tbe en
forced, but politic silence of lbs nevo.
luiionHts, not a single feature of their
polici has been abandoned or chang
ed. Tbe Democratic tiirer is genii v
purring with half closed but watch
ful aud cruel eyes, ready for its fatal
spring, if eucceealul at tbe coming
election. Wny doe not the ouairy
now stand in need of General Qraut 7
niftory proves that the Democrats
of tbe Souib-aod ib?y now as hereto
fore control tbe party-aerer changed
their policy except when drivea to it
by the voice of the country. Inch by
by inch tbe ameuiiueou of tbe con-
eonstitution and tbe reconstruction
measures were forced upon tbem,
snd time and again they bave given
notice that tbey will be wiped out if
ever tbey regain absolute power.
Tbe sentiment wbich demanded the
nomination of General Grant a few
months since, has been lulled into
faW security by the cunning policy
the Democratic leaders, and the
advocates of other Republican can
didates bave taken advantage of it to
push the claims oi their friends. Tbe
issues of tbis campaign were made
op during tbe extra evasion. The
party ot frand and violeoce, of tissue
ball J' s and shot guns control both
Houses of Congress; its policy is
fixed and, if not eoccessful at tbe
polls, its will attempt to inaugurate its
candidates by rfaud, for which event
it ii s'.eauily preparing, and there
is as much need for General Grant at
tbe bead of affairs now, as existed
six months since, when his nomina
tion was deemed a foregone conclu
Thb municipal elections which
have just been held in Ohio, Iowa,
Wisconsin and Michigan all show
large Republican gains, and in the
majority of instances Republican can
didates have beeo successful. There
is no doubt what ibis means. Il
means that tbe satisfaction of tbe
country with tbe Republican ad
ministration grows more hearty as
proppenty increases.
A solid Snerman delegation, and
that alone, can prevent a heavy Ohio
vote from beiug cast for Grant in the
convention. Blaine Has really no
positive strength in Ohio. Columbus
Ex-StriATOB Fkeby, of Michigan,
la 'djs up as a Republican Vice Pres-
ideotial candidate. He has estab
lished ability as a presiding tffieer.
There arrived at the port cf New
York during last month 23C16 pas
sengers, of whom 21,653 were immi
grants. During the corresponding
period last year the arrivals were 7736
of whom 5CC5 were immigrants.
General Grant is now so persistent
ly reminded of tbe mistakes and mis
doings of bis administration that it
is a relief to hear once again of bis
eminent services. In an appeal to
tho country lately Bent forth trom
Boston it is declared thaf'be brougb.
the war of the rebellion to a succe-
ful termination ; be tendered tbofe
wbo bad been engaged in it tbe leant
burdensome terms that were com
patible with the honor of tbe country ;
te was an early and consistent sop
porter of the constitutional amend
ments: as President be exerted bis
personal and official ioflaence in favor
of the bueenib nmenameni; uoaer
his administration tbe public credit
was enublUbed tbe public debt largly
reduced, inflation cf the currency
prevented bv tbe exercise of the veto
power, meneures for the resumption of
specie pavment8 established and
made permanent ; all foreign questions
questions wbicb bad disturbed tbe
country for generations were amicably
settled, our industries fostered aud
protected, and the rights of ptrsons
vindicated at borne and abroad wub.
out distincion of nativitv. race or
color." A man of whom so much un
deniable good mav be alleged may
bave many faults and jet be a strong
man before the people. Were r. not
for tbe ibird-term bother ibe name
t.f Grant would be a name for pul
ilical opponents to tremble at.
Hr.rosjkliiiK'a View f ibe rrlala.
From hie speech in tbe N. Y. Convention.
Tbe election before u, fellow-Re
publicaus, is destined to be memorable
wben you and 1 may be fortroiion
memorable for tbe de-peratioo of ibe
Contest Not only before ibe people
bave decided it, but I fear afterwards
also. 1 1 is tbe last election to occur
under a census wbicb gives uubal-
lowed aud unlawful power to tbe
South. I say undue aod unlawful
power because every colored person
is counted to swell representation and
yet tbe colored vote is trampled out
and ignored. (Applause ) ibis ar
rangment gives to tbe S a bern States
but forty-seven electoral votes less
than a mjority. A new count is
to take place A oew apportionment
is about to be made fairly made.
Tbe scepter will be taken from ibe
States lately in rebellion and it will
pass to tbe North and to tbe West
But with a Democratic President
next time and a Democratic Con
gress to make all ibese adjustments,
yon will bave aa apportionment un
der wbicb tbe Republican party may
uot carry tbis country agaiu for tea
or twenty rears. Moreover, a close
result, however clfT, may lead to a
disputed electoral count and open
toe door to a train oi evils wbicn mi
prophet can foretell. Tbelatlc
toral count, when one noose was Re
publican and one Democratic; tbe
extra session, with its revolutiouary
plot, tbe doings io Maine and other
things, are enough to warn tbe blind
and deaf. Preparations are already
09 foot to place tbe choice of the next
President in tbe bands of a Demo
cratic House. A flar found io a
-ingle electoral certificate of anv
State, with either of theao two Demo
cratic bouses to refuse to count it, and
tbe result is given into tbe hand-of
the House of Representatives, where
tbe election niuet be made byS'ates;
and wbat do you seer Although
tbe nnse is Democratic, couited
ed by States it is Republican. Aid
tbereref ire yes 1 venture to say there
fore rlfr. Washburn, of Minnesota
who was elected by more than two
tboosani mujoriiv. and Qrtb of ladi
enna, are marked for destruction to
be deprived of their seats. Wbyf
Because they bold tbe casting vote)
tn their delegations. Minnesota has
a mtjority of Democratic members,
and it tbe election for President U
thrown into the House, tbe vote be
ing taken by States, the election of
said Demccratie President is insured.
I say ibis much, Mr. President, that 1
may not be deemed to use ibe laogua-
eof exaggeration when 1 say that tbe
election betore qs, in its perils, is to
be memorable, perhaps after we may
be forgotten
Readiko, April 8 Three masked
robbers, members of tie Welsh
Mountain gang of thieves, called at
the county residence of Isaac seldom
rid are, a Dunkard farmer, near New
Holland aad gained entrance. The
farmer and his aged sister heard tbe
noise below and came down stairs.
The robbers At&v pistols and de
manded silence and obedience. The
elderly lady was bound and cab. of
Uu robbers held a pistol to her bead
TtM farmer was compelled to de-
iver up all Lit money, after which
tbe thieves departed, tt pot before
tbw tad stripped tbe bona of :ce
silverware snd other articles. As
tbey left tbey exclaimed, "pood by,
old fraud I The next lime we call
to see you bave more stuff about
vou." Tbey secured about one hun
dred dollars. Tne thieves are mem
bers of the baud now terroriztur
n ..t Pannatlranis Ihsv we.s
black masks.
(Frusa oaf Regular Correspondent.)
Washinotos, April ?i 1SQ.
Congress baa fooled away another
week and really dooe noibiog
Five dayaoot of ibe six were need by
the Brigadiers in bickering agaiost
tbe idea of giving tbe Post Office
Department sufficient meaaa to carry
the mails. Tbe sixth day was devot
ed to speech-making to an audience
of empty cbirs. Colonel Joe Black
born (be is reduced one rank since
Coffroth waved tbe bloody shirt) led
ibe attack on the Department for al
leged extravagaot use ot the Govern
ment's money, not caring a cuatineo
tal what was the cause of the defi
ciency, lie pitched into the Gov
ernment on general principle. Gen
eral Garffield aud Representative
Robeson met bia attack', and worst
ed bim at every point, and when it
came to a vote whether the people
should have tbe mails as heretofore,
or stop tbe Siar Route service,
enough Democrat cut loose from Col
onel Joe, skipped ibe gutter, joined
tbe minority, and carried through tbe
appropriation. Brigadier leadership
is at a discount, Joe is mad and be
is itoiug to stay mad
Don Piatt, editor of tbe Cspiiol ,
i u 'uroon unraui aeiiverea nisu
curtain lecture iu its issue to-day
ab mt talkiug so mncb in tbe Honse
aitbout knowing wba he is driving
au He says: "Ou advice to cur
JosepB, tberetore, is that be give bis
genius a furlough ; an indefiuiie for
lough ; and lake to bis books. Lei
bim make up bis mlud not to speak
on any subject until be has ascertain
ed, Bret, wbat tbe subject is; second,
j wbat are the facts in relation to it ;
tbird, what ought to be said about it,
aud tomb, aud most important of all,
wbat be ought to omit saying In
ioct we think, npoa more mature re
flection, tbat if our Joseph will uni
formly make himself master of every
subject is respect to our fourth point,
to wit; wbat he ought to omit say
ing, we can afford to let tbe other
three points lake care of them
selves." Colonel Joe should rectify his equi
librium, as tbey say in European
diplomacy, between bis brain power
aud bis being power, wbicb can only
be done by either enormously develop
ing tbe one, or violently curtailing
tbe ether.
Suppose the Republicans would
have set idly by aud allowed tbe
Post Office Depmment to stop th
mails for want of the necessary money
to pay ibeir contracts lor carrying
tbe mails, you couutry people would
bave been tbe sufferers, because you
are supplied principally bv the Star
route Service. You can i
tbe Republicans ibis lime in caring
for your interests. Agricultural re
ports, set epeeche?, garden seeds and
other mail matter woold have been
cut iff bad it not been for tbe farmers
friends, tbe Republicans, wbo oppos
ea the "traitors to their couutry" iu
their evil designs.
A new post route will be establleb
ed before loug in Somerset county
ruoniog direct from Somerset t
Shanksville, giving tbe people of that
secdon a daily mail.
Tbe Democrats io Congress bave
now anutbor family quarrel on hand.
It seems tbat in I be early stages of
tbe Donoelly-Washburn coote-t,
Chairman Springer, of ibe IL-u
Committee n Elections intimated
that be would vote to seal tbe con
testant, but now, afier consulting
Tildeo, voted against Donnelly. Mr.
Manning, ibe Democratic member of
tbe committee wbo prepared the re
port in favor of Donnelly, now charges
tbat Springer was actoated by cor
rupt motif es, and aks for an inves
ligation Another investigating com
otitiee will probably be appointed
daring the comruiag week, and more
ot the peoples' money foolishly spent
in tbe interest of "reform " Con
gressman Manning will pin Springer
to tbe wall iu true Southern style
from present indications
For tbe benefit of tbe hundred of
applicants who all want to be made
enumerators of tne censns, I would
state, tbat General Walker, snoeria
tendent of tne census, says, tbat tbe
enumerators for taking tbe censns
will not be appointed until all tb
supervisors are confirmed He will
tben reqnire tbe supervisors to nnmi
nate men of intelligence for such
places, and send tbe list thus selected
to bis otnse for approval, acc rn
panied bv tbe rec immendaiioo of
several citizens of their district, t
tbe euvci mat tne nominees are men
of intelligence, honesty and gi
standing in tbe community in which
tbey live.
Tbe real spring weather sine
April set in has given an impetus to
tne t-ib trade and tbe receipts on
Saturday were tbe highest of the
season. In early vegetable and
strawberries the supplies are nearly
all from tbe S intb II una truckers
are bard at work with their early
crops, and seed men are doiog a full
business. Tbe city retail market
Sat ordav wore a fresh spring lik
look, imparted by tbe fl iwers and tbe
piles of sprouts, green peas, aspara
gns, spring onions, string beans and
other vegetables that are now corning
in pretty freely.
Q me an exciting time was ob
served oa Saturday among the but'
ter merchants, a countrv worn a u
who stands in mat ket and claims to
make tbe butter she sells, was arrest
ed on tbe charge of selling oleo-mttr
ganne. 1 bis is an event wbicb will
-hake confidence in bumaaity, aud
place all alleged butter under bos-
pipion. ine neaun inspectors De
Iteve that regular system has beeu
established in ibis city bv wbich bo
gus butter is sold by Little Butter
cups wun tat Dare arms, greasy
aprons and irecaeled faces, woo
claim to bave milked tbe cow tbat
was tbe prime cause of tbe bu .ter.
Tbis woman's butter has been ex
ataiined several times, and alwav
found to ba oleo margarine, with, ibe
use of ibe miscrope. Tbe laws are
said to detective in regard tbe bock
sters and market men, aud tbis be
ing so tbe probability is tbi woman
will get ff and continue her nefari
ous iramc. J I tne law is not strict
gaocgh to prevent the sale of tbis
grease, there is no remedy tor tbe
p or people Congress makes tb
laws for tbe District end there is no
hope for us. Wny not two weeks
ago a large oleo-oargarine manufap.
tory in Baltimore had tbe 0 mmittei
on Manufactures of tbe House to
visit their factory, see the suet and
grease boiled into a Consistency re
sect bling butter, inspect the buildings,
drink their ajae, aud bave a good
time generally at tip Zsnoert House
for wbat purpose. People aa jjpt
iv n m a.. mm m I naoA t J . n i
ful, at tc expense of tbe Oleo-Mar-
garine (Jompaoy gof, to ventilating
ibemelves oa Wbat tbey bad aeeu.
ue doUiAeruur went so Jar as to pub
liciy declare in favor of the vi.e aiuf, !
aud said the laat cborn bad been .
boagbt for hie farm. No mora bat-
ter making for him. Sa joo ee"
with such influence on oor legislators
to whom we bate to look for good
and wholesome Us, our chances are
slim for remding tbis evil. If
these c inipauiea are allowed to carry
ou the tuauufaciure of ibis stuff tbe
country people wbo are dependant on
iheir qjs for a living will be ruined.
No laws will be made to protect the
poor people o farmer b the Demo
cratic party Sou me. u Democratic
leaders of the House al way s denounce
the farmers and sturdy laboring men
of tbe North ss"mad.iills"aod greasy
mecbaoics.and assert that tbey are not
fit lu associate wiib tbe "chivalrous
S utberners'' in edmiuUteriuir the
National affiira of ibis glorious
1 met in Washington a few days
since, Mr. Ja-se II. Robins -a a vet
rn electrician jd boi operator,
lie told me be bui't or helped o ea
struct tbe Ulerrupb line through
Somerset from Pit sburgu to Bed
ford, and look froui tbe wire tbe first
message ever taken io Somerset,
from tbe top f a telegraph pule, in
ibat town. Ue is looking beany aud
hopes to spend a short time next
summer in Somerset county.
Hon. Eoiauoel Meyers, Irom Berlin,
took in tbe capital city during ibe
past week I a conversation on tbe
p ,,lliC(i, pr08pect ,De ex-member ssys,
Sfuereet couoir 'l' Kiva ai ibe
uext electioa 500 muj irity for tbe
Rr-ptiblicaa caudidato for CougrenS
it beiug Presidential year, wbeu ibe
republicans turn out to man, other
wise ibe majority would dr. p to 400
Tbe geotleuidu'a fences must certain
ly nerd lepatrin, as tbey say ott i
Irolaod'a Wm).
Dublin, Aprif 8 Tbe committee
ofibeNesv York Herald relief loud
baviug issued a circular with view
of ascertaining tbe names, & j , of ibe
schools in wbicb any uuusual diuri
nution bad occurred, traceable io tbe
existence of distress, has received re
turns wbich bave been of material
aid in tbe allocation of the money
contributed. A correspondent thus
writes of the work dooe by ibe com
mittee and of its urgent need :
"One thousand little ones wbo
were fed at tbe beginning of last
week, bad grown into 8,000 by Sat
urday, and will be increased to 14,
000 io tbe course of ibree or four
days. Very many schools bad be
come almost empty, because tbe
children were so constantly hungry
aud bo nearlv naked that attendance
was an impossibility. One entreat
ing lettet says, thai many of the
children attending tbe Miltown
schools, in Gal a ay, are iu a pitiable
state, beiug almost without clo.hiug
to cover ibeir nak d ess, while their
i-biveriug bodies ten a story ot Soflcr
iug from cold aud exposure. Tne
stoutest, heart would be moved to
pity at ibe eight of boys aud g'rls bit
tiuir ou ibe roadside, half wav to
school, in some ca?e loo nearly
woru out to gel tbere. Tbey crawl
back to ibeir homes ouly to learu
vbeu tbey ak tor souieiblug to eat
thai there is uolbiog lu the bouse,
and thai tbey must still gohuugry
Ou one occuslou, witbiu a week, 1
eutered a poor collier's bui.aud fouud
it empty. The ouly bedeteud cou
eisied of some boards laid ou sutie
OuXes Tbe bed was a pile ol straw.
1'ne bed covering a siugie torn, woru
out blanket, wbich bud io do serve?
for a family of four. 1 looked iulo
itie diuuer pot and saw uotniug, into
the meal sack and fouud it empty. 1
laid a piece of ller ou ttle table aud
left. Wbeu tbo mother returned
aod found the money sue broke iulo
a Uoud of tears, and in ibe midst ol
ner sobs she bugged ber cbildieu
wildly and cried out: God ba bsem
it lu safe usl God batb sent It tu
caveue!' li is a Comfort to me tu
feel that God really seut it through
the medium of some sympathetic
A'cericau bean. Tbe other day a
priest wrote to me tbat be eutered a
uiUeein bis parish and touud the
children sitting side by side iu front
vf ibe smouldering tutf in the fire
place, wbo bad uot tasted food for
buy bours. He r;ave one ot ibe bojs
a shilling to buy some meal, but the
poor tellow reiused lo go, beuau.-e be
was nearly naked Cufonuoaiely
these are not retuaikably exceptional
cuses Mo matter bow prudent we
epi-iid our fuuds, the fatuiue will at
t mes strike a tamiiy aud drive tbem
to the very verge ot tbe g'ave before
we can find them out aud relieve
their wants.
'A poor man, wbo lives witbiu
a pistol-shot of the school, was, wiib
b S wife aod tight children, obliged to
go to bed sopperlesa last Saturday
night. He had no breakfast ou tbe
following morning uutil be was re
lieved by tbe parish priest. When I
take my lunch at tbe school bouse,"
be continues, "little one ibrona,
around me like famished dogs, watch
ing for a mo.'sel Many a time bave
1 been so moved by their wao, bun-cry-looking
faces that I bave given
tbem what I bad provided for myselt
aud goue hungry in their stead."
Llitle Uop For Bhersaaa.
Cinicx.vati. April 7 Tne Ath
ens Couuty Republican Couventiou
tu day elected delegates to tbe State
Convention, wbo are pronouoced for
Blaiue. Tbe Jefferson county Con
vention, held last week, also electee"
B aine delegates. Those are tbo on
ly county conventions yet held. It
beg! us to look as if Sherman's candi
dacy wojld be ended, accordiug to
ibe terms ot bis Maut field speech, be
fore tbe Col u ai bus Convention meets
Grass las Sw Orleans.
New Orleans. April 7 General
Graut bau a reeep.iou this forenoon
at the residence ol Cjlonel James I
Lewis, a-jd alierer, yisiied Straight
U ui versa?, woere be was reueived
oy the school cnildreu. Later iu ib
day tbe Geueral visited Mayor Pa
iou. at ibe City Hall. This after
noon be beid a reception al the resi
dence of Gov. Piucbfack, mainly for
the members of the Colored Jleu s
Protective Union. Tbe Governor's
reeideuce was handsomely decorated
Salraaet Aceiaeat.
Bellaibe, O..April 8 Oue coach,
cotitaiuiug twenty ptssengers, ot a
passenger train on tbe DolUire ana
South wes ern Rtilroad, weut over a
trestle, eigheeu miles from ibis city,
to night. Persous just arrived from
the taeue ot ibe accident report tbe
death uf William Puford, sou ot ex
Congressman Loieuzo fjaulord, of
Ibis district; also, ibe death of sever
al other persons wLose names could
not be learned. This ia ibe secoud
serious accident that has occurred
since the starting of this road, a few
Kesnbla Will aat Apt easr.
., . t -l ?p r
Harrisbubo April 8 Kemble'from iBi-co.iuiy ;
pjtijvely lelunea to aup. tf, eiiberl
u eujer pap boil or receive .entence '
Tbia, ha iuforma bia Couuatl, ia hi
method of "taking the bull bv the ,
horns." - !
sSij Attasiipl far Liberty.
pRTTSBCRGn, April 9 A bold
break for lioeriy was made by three
convicts iu tne Western Penitentiary
at noon oa Tuesday. Intelligence uf
tbo attempted escape was made pub
lic yesterday. While covering bis
be ui during tbe dinner hour oa Tues
day, guardsman Robert Hays bad
occasion io pans ibe lauudry, wbicb
is in tbe north end of ibe building.
Five convicts are usually employed
there, and at time ibree of tbeui were
at work Hays entered the room to
assure bimself that everything was
as it should be, and passed oue of the
c uvicl near ibe door. An instant
afterward be received a stuuniug
blow on tbe bead from behiud, aud
at the Bitue inomeut a soapy sponge
was thrust iuto bis moutn. Tbeu
oue of ibe prisoners struck bim on
the temple wub a baudy-oilly aud be
fell uuvonncious. Thru ne was boiiud
auo gagged, aud tossed iuto a corner
aud buried beueaih a lot ot oirty
cloibiug. Tbe prisouers bad provid
ed themselves wiib an iugeuious
apparatus ir throwing a rope over
the wall, wbicb consisted of a number
of si il l made iulo a pair of "shears,"
the joiuts formed by ties of string.
Tbey burndly attached a rope to this
apparatus and ran to tbe wall aud
tossed Ibe rpe to ibe top Tbe
shears seemed to take bold u tbe lop
of the wall, and one of ibe three be-
gau tbe ascent. When half way np
the ri'pu broke, prectpiiaiing tbe ou
tlet to ibe yard, and while the three
were hurriedly tying the defect
wbich caused tbe first failure, an
other guardsman, Henry Gregg, dis
covered tbem aud, witb presented re
V'lver, compelled tbeir eurreuder.
Tee convicts fl. d to the lauudry,
wbere guardemau Gretrg held tbem
under the threatening mozzle of his
pistol, while tbey released Hays,
wbo summoned other ffieers, and the
men were returned to tbeir cells.
Wben captured, one of tbem bad
Hays' revolver, wbicb be at once
surrendered. He bad drawn tbe
cartridges. The prisoners bad pro
vided themselves with clotbing to
conceal ibeir prison uniform. Tbe
Prison Board met yesterday morn
lug, aud listeced to tbe story of the
attempted escape, but did not then
determine what action they would
lake in the premises. Ibe convicts
are "three year men," and were not
convicted in tbis county. 1 hough
badlv bruised, Have was on dutv
yesterday moruiug -Pittsburgh Com
Fan In tbe Haaaa.
Washington. April 7 A soene
of very great ext i eroent took place
this morning io committee of tbe
whole in tne House, in connection
with an amendmeut relatiug to army
rargeons Mr Sparks (His), who
had offered the amendment was de
feated in committee, to have a vote
upon it in tbe House, aod desired Mr
C'ymr (Pa), wbo bas charge of the
army appropriation bill, to promise
that tbe amendment might bs offered
in tbe HuUeo. Mr Cly ruer decliued
to oiaBe ibe promise iu advance, aud
rleuied ibat tbere bad been any rucb
application tuada to bitn ou tbe part
f tbe Military Committee Mr
Spirts hecHUiH very slurry, and
p ke of Clymer keiuir butldoz-d and
c j 'led, aud tben, leaiiiug over tbe
ile-k toward Clymer aud shaking his
8 st violently, he declared if Clymer
insinuated that tbe amendmeut did
nut cme tr-tn the Committee on
Military Affairs be lied Tbis be re
peated mure than oooe. wr Jly
tuer's only retort ws tbat Sptrks
e u!n not insult bim. In tbe mean
i roe tbe cbairmon endeavored to
nave ordered. Filially the offensive
w.'rds ppoken by Sparks were red
from tbe reporter's mann-cript, and
he q-iestion is now beiug discussed
wbeai ber the committee must arise
and report tbe matter to tbe House.
Treasurer Baller'a apaolatnieata.
West Chester. April 8 Hon
Samuel Butle', ale Treasurer elect,
bos completed tbe selection, o( U
subordinates in the Treasury Depart
0eoi and has made tbem public.
I bey are as fallows : Chief Clerk aud
C-u-bier, Will'a n Livesey, of Pitts
burgh; Cleiks, H U Greeuwalt, ot
Franklin couuty ; G U Beidleman,
f Wyomiog, aud Captain Tbomav
A Reiley, ot Cumberland connty ;
Messenger, John A. Sioit, of Coais
viil, Chester county; Watc'imm,
Oliver Reynolds, ot West Chester.
Tbe la-t named is a colored man,
who was strongly supported by
Messrs. Forten aud Wears, of Phila
delphia, Mr. Nesbit, of Piitr-bunrb,
aud other leading colored Republi
cans. Mr. Livesey is now of the
Delinquent Tax Office, in Pittsburgh ;
Mr Greeuwalt is a member of the
Legislature from Franklin county,
and was one of Mr. Butler's personal
frienrjs in ibe Uotue
Coansetleafa Caplmliced Delegatlea
la t hirst o.
New Haven April 7. Tbe Re
publican State Convention was held
in this city to day. Amos S. Neai
was permanent chairman. Charles
Dodly Warner, of Hartford, intro
duced a resolution favoring the nomi
nation of some man like Edmunds or
Wa8bburue, but sub-equemly with
drew it, tbe temper of tbe c .invention
appearing to be opposed io anything
like instructions to delegates. Dele
gates were cnsea to ibe general
convention. Tbe only platform
ad p'ed was tbe following:
Eetoleed, Tbe convection pledges
itself aud tbe consiituency wbich it
represents to tbe hearty, vigorous
and loyal support of the nomiuees
f the R-publican National Conven-
tion at Cmcago
A Philadelphia Baa nelaBatt End.
New Voek, April 9 John Wol
bert Smib. ager. thirty -seven, stove
manofacturer of Philadelphia, who,
under ibe name of S. W. J.:nes, bad
taken passage on the Canada, wbich
sailed for London on Wedoesday,
and was found wiib hi leg broken
in two places and bia pockets empty,
on tbe ftreet, at 3 o'cl ck Wednesday
morning, and told tbe p lice tbat be
was Geo M Jones, a t$ sioo dry
goods me'enant, shot aud killed bim
relf at the hospital yesterday. Io
aouears that be was drinking Tues
day nitrbt, and visited the Windsor,
a B ery variety theater. Ue fell
into bad company, and was assaulted
and robbed of a considerable sum of
monev at d a if old watch aud cbiia
worth 1175. The m juve of '.h-sui
cide and 'taking an assnajed name a
Serea Ohio Sfaa rar Blalaa.
Athens, O., April 8. Tne follow-1 poblicao city ticket wan elected to-ini-peVsio
m wro elected Oelegate to ' flay bv about 3,50,0 maj Hty. the
ihe li ublicaa Statu Cf"01'0'-1 r1 Republican irorenraem Mil wau
(i W. Uakrf. 11 yadyornen.
Wilier So ut. A J. S'irad-r, C b
Jmumga, A Ueory and O A
Ruaaell. All the above are for Blaine i
ai President.
A Trqsrmlr ), laraaaabarc
Ltst night another atrocity, to
Ieugibeo tbe already lng list of
Weeimorelaud'si bloody deeds, was
perpetrated oa Mrs. Racbel Sruiib,
widow of 70 years, wbo, alone with
ber daughter Ellen, lives in a frame
bouse on the Pittsburgh aod Greeos
burgb pike, about fire miles west
from Greeos&urgo, and one mild from
Adamsburgb. About 11 o'clock last
night a sbori, heavy-set man drove
up to and stopped in front of tbe
bouse in wbich tbe woraea live, got
out of tbe buggy, cam iuto tbe yard
aud rapped at tbe door. A window
was rai-ed, upon which the man, iu
broken German, demanded a laoteru
to fix bia buggy. Not getting one
be then demauded a lamp, wbicb
Eilea said also tbey had nut. He,
gruuibhugly , walked out aud drove
vff lu a short tiui4 he came back
aud demanded emrauca. Tne two
wumeu were in ibeir sleeping room
secoud story, huddled iu a corner,
trembling witb fear and dread as
blow alter blow descended on tbe
door from some heavy instrument;
in a couple of momenta tbe door was
broken rloaro aud tbe fellow, rushing
up stai.s, said, "I'm goiug to kilt
vou " Ellen, screamiag, rati to the
nearest window and jumped through
ou to tbe porch roof, irom wbicb she
rolled and fell to tbe ground, twelve
teet below. She mauaged to creep
aud crawl to tbe bouse of Mr Wy
laud's, the nearest neighbor, 150
yards away, and tell againta tbe
door uucon-cious. Wylauda hurried
dowu 6tairs, aud as soon as Etieu
came to aud could tell what was the
matter, Mr Wylaud hurried over to
the bouse there io find tbe sg-'d lady
weltering lo ber blood, lyiug partly
on ibe stairs, uucon-cious with ber
bead on ibe Sour.iu wbich was a ceep,
crusbiug gb, as if d ne with great
force, aud all quit as death btu
ibe bouse, toe would-be burglar aud
murderer having been scared uff by
the approach of Wvlaud.
Dr. Eisaman, of Adamsburgb, was
called, aud entertains but slight bpes
ot ibe recovery of Mrs. Suiith E.leu
still lies at Wy land's, conscious but
helpless, having been hurt he vert Ij
in the tall. She is entirely ucable
to move a limb, yet desires to be
"cariied to aee mother before sbe
dies "
Two years ago Mr Smith died and
the execntors sold tbe tarm for $3,000,
$2 000 of wbich Mrs. Smith received
aud put out, io ber own name, on in
terest, tbe balenee, $6 000 was di
vided among fonr children, Ellen's
share was also 1. vested at same lime.
A few days ago tbe interest was paid
to Mrs aad Miss Smiib, wbicb am
ouot $2C0, was still iu the bouse,
Elleu's being under ber pillow, aud
Mrs. Smith's in the bureau drawer,
ueitber of which were touched
Offisrs were tent this morning to the
ceue. but no arrests bave yet been
Pcaasilrsala Railway Caae.
Habrisbueq, April 8 An opin
ion wun filed by Judge Uenderstn
this moruiug, in the case if tbe Coui
nnmwealtb vs tbe Pennsylvania
Railroad An apoeal by tbe latter
from tbe tax settlement of the Audi
tor General aud S aie Treai-un r lr
1877 The Auditor Geueral charged
tax for part of ibe year on dividends,
uuder tbe act of 1874, and on tbe ap
praised value for ibe remainder of tbe
year, under ibe act ot 1877 Tbe
Coogpaoy outended that the tax
should have been charged on tbe ap
praised value of lie stuck f-r the en
tire year, without reference to divi
dends, as ibey did not reach six per
cent. Tbe amount in dispute was
$06 825 62 Judgment for the entire
aujvaot is given ia favor of ths Com
monwealth, with lot-rest aud costs,
amounting to f si.ozi 81 I be case
will no doubt be taken to the So
preine" Court.
araVaseea forUraal.
Charleston. S C, April 1 Tbe
M'-e.uTil!e vouui j Kpubicn aelected
delegates to tbe State Convention
VeHierdav. Retolutiouti were adop
led eulorfizintr General Grant and in
doraing bim for Prnaideol. Treasarv
Aent 11. B Etliutt was ruundlv dr.
nouueed for bia impertinent interier
ence in count v coureniionn.
Fitchbubo, Mass, April 7 Tte
KepUOIlcaua tu d iy elected delegaier
to tne Slate Couvention, 8 for Grant
5 for EJmuuda, aad 1 for Blaine.
A ratal Flsjhl.
Chicago, April 8. List night an
altercation occurred between John
Murpbv and Anibooj Warnamunl
at an election bonfire, in which Mur
pbj drew a large butcher knife and
plunged it into Waroamont's left
side, producing a '.errible wound,
from wbicb he died at noon lo dav
le had been drinking exceasivelt
jesterdav, and wax in quarreling
mood I at night. Murpbv is a lad of
19 tie made no attempt to eecapr,
aod i.n beiijg arrested expressed no
regret at bia Utl act
St Louis, April i A despatch
to ibe limes Irom Jefferson Cit
fays: "A bioodj tragedy occurred
in a penitentiary here thin afternoon
resulting in the duatb of two crimi
nala Martin Broderick aod Jobo
Smith. While workioif the priiu
vard tbev became involved in a qar
rtl, and Smith xtruck Broderick
twice oa tbe bead witb a epade
fractoremir fcis skull Smith tbeu
maried for the tool hou-e witb tbe
design of escaping, bnt was met b
tbe jjuard, who demanded bis ur
render He refused aod continued
t-J advance, when he was shot and
iut-tantly killed "
4a Oppoa;at far Carru.le).
Washisotcn. April 8 A private
letter received here from an iufl jential
Dem-icrat residioir at A'toona Pa,
savs tbat James Riley, uf this city,
wbo has lonjr had congressional a
piratioos, is layiog tbe wires for tbe
nomination to the Forty-seventh
Congress from tbat district. Mr
Coffroth, the present representative
in Congress from tbia district, also
desires to succeed himself, and b
beeo making sirenua sff irts in tbit
direction, snd has rather offended tbe
aense of propriety ot many members
on acctiuot of the ooqsnal vigur
shown by him in pressing the pen
sioQ interests ot his crosiiments.
larpely to the exc'nsioo of tbe claim-
of the other portions of the Unite 1
peynlleaa aajarlts; la Vls(aBs.
Milwaukee, April 6 The Re
ban ever baa Alanoti eli cia a
n - um:B ivajor, ami ton comci-
is dtvirj-d gib .n eie-'8 the lm
cratic ticket by a email maj .riy.
Eao Claire elecu tbe Repabliccn
tic y large majomj.
We desire to call the
Tor cream raisins;, anl to Invite an
The eaa Is or the lollowlns; illmenslrns anl exnstrartion. Thevars l' Inches tilth. 12 'vhes In
mirier ai me tou, 10;
orthepnollnajorthemlik. The can Is or tin h
a me, making the cans when eoveml air ti,aL
insert' d In Itssiile for measaiins; depth of cream :an. is sn ennntrai-tH as to prrserve tt'e mi'.k in
perfort cimttiilon In warm weal hr ami wl. hut the use ol Ice. gr' more cntam in li honrs than can he
errurwi In the oH manner of setiine; II left to stand uutil sour The cover prevent- anv impurities In
the air Irom turning in conuct with the.mlla as when placed the can Is hermetically sealed.
The can may be set In open air, temperature beinit
The Fairlamb Creamery Plan or Method
Consists nf the gathering or Criam rn.m the farmers, the advantage of which ij gn-at la sections
where the dairies are small and distance Irom lactory will not warrant tee delivering of mils.
1st. The cost and economy in manufacturing the butter.
2nd. Having the skim milk sweet lor feeding.
3rd. It encourages the keeping of stock having better pro
ducing qualities as the dairy will receive pay according to the
amount of cream furnished.
4th. By this manner of setting milk we can guarantee more
butter by nne-half to one pountCper hundred weight of milk
il .t il v
man oy tne oiu process.
5th. That you can secure the
at your door without the hand
butter afterward.
la conclusion we would iay that we Invite
ofthese eans. as we desire to start roales for the rathrrinir ofereara In sections not already n-arhed bv
os. We Intend pay to tbe 1
hlrme.-I1!ll,,r,,,rni'h'n rrmT wil the nn fre" while M 1lsnoin;o his ream. therehv Kivln
SI- i. . tn,,,"t lmprv,lJ apparaiuj whereby be en increase bis yield Iroin y. to 1 .. It
ean la oa exnibltioa &t our iiHt.i in ' ' l
where we will be pleased to have yoa call and we will give you roll lofornmion emeerninir the sitae.
A am Potal Oalracr.
PotOHKEEPSiE, April 6 At 6 o'
clock this mruiug .1 msou C. Wnit-
aker, a colored cadet of the West
Poiut clas oi 1S76. was f.,uud bound
band and foetiu ni ro no at tbt btr
racks, with a piece of one ear cut If
and tbe other ear flu and bin bead
nruied. Wbiitaker made a state
ment to a reporter, ia which be said
three masked meii eutered bin room
-om time atrer miJnigbt and jumped
on bim as he lay in bed U stiurf
led, but was ctoked aud pouutled,
aud told if b made a uoue he
would be a dead m-n. Tbey theu
lied bis bands anil feet, aud oUced
bim on the 8jor and tied bis feet t
he bf di-tead One said : "Let 'a mark
him like tbey do bos dou South."
Tbey tbft, cut the lmer prt of bis
left ear tff and !ii the loha uf ite
other ear two or ibree limes, and,
again cautioning him not to -halloo,"
they left the room.
An Indian c'ub was found near
him s-cieared wi.b blood. Two of tbo
men wore daik clothes and a third
light gray, and all wore black nk.-.
W nituker bad received a arain.roi.iaU C oC Of (id fi flH f M s
buoday to keep awake Tbere i
feinocluHioinepertrators.ib .uhiSC-lOXioi to tbe JlilC.
uw toiouvauaaot nas beeo luvesi
vjatltig a;l day
Vrhir,. fti-
V. nitiaKer was fja id
IU a half UliCOIlsrioUM r,.rw!i i..., I,,
ne IS able to-tilhl to itaik armiinl
" " " ' '
oa converse.
Eih mon.K, . t
uauoi, c rus Das rjeen nuv.n nri
r i .
k .... .1... .,
'ui iuo occurrence
tseiirral irn,.
Qeld aod Conjimsnilsiit I ..,-. .11.. .
investigation tbe affair It ia tseliereJ
nai tne oavratre was committed
Reliable Vr,TBLl Ssins. -hL r,n.
ajtaiw. Fral- or Ornamental Ttkj, or IwaatHul
Flowerlris; Plahts, write for their New Combin
ed Cauiojri". in.
r v .- . 113 Salthnld Street, Plttsbaiwh
reb. 3j it euw "
The nndeMliied Auditor appolntH by the
J odires of the irphans of So-nereet etini y,
10 J"ctrt lBe advancements and io make a dls-
, . lalH, , ,3e nan.i, or John Uelter.
those lews, y eniit'e.1 thereto hereby rivet notice 1
hat he will a.-eml u tbe dnti-s of Els7n,lnu
raent at bis office. In tbe Hon.oirh of Simiaraet.
Penaa . on Tbamlav. ih.l .l ,i..
L.'.'lfl' ?.''' .dy.tan aa.1 where
amn.,. WJD " t.iey
March 3.
J. r. swrr.
Wth Bowmn.ltUler and Lavansvllte Eae-
tM 1210 " -ill receive I
J ;,?'Z2in.ilm tr dav
n.Liron.lli P0"'. "'
is 7. vavliH?. , "i'-r nVH
o ehwse. a-Hl are p.nlcul ir'v .lesliorts tnl
should have tae a.iv Mate ..f tlw. .11'..
lltieirHbleMpos.llie rheprneof chase la
r-th,n.looSle tl of on V-I. .n?
ttma VI'L'ltli..,.. . - . . .
tne.nitkatk for the eon ins;
alt Ten nrunTbv
tug ur eununiSQO: fooj
a aine . , I
April T It
attention cf stl Dairymen to the
ia?petioa of tu advantage for Dairy are.
at tne uotota provioea witn an
ivlnn a ra er Mini pi imcI In the periphery or the
Tne can Is provUed with
M9 to eo-. and in water daring the w;irm weather.
price of first qualitv of butter
labor churning and care of
Esuste or Oe,.rire Moll, late of Jefferson
Twp.. h.,oirsetJo.. !.. deceased,
letters ol a.ltniulstrati.m on tbe above estate
bavins; been irranted lo the nnden.iirne.1, notke is
heret.y Kiven -o those lndebte.1 to it to make la
me.lhs.e p.yment, and lb., Bavins; claims or
deinanHs will present the duly athe.itkate. i.,r
sea ementat the rrsklewe ofihe Admlnirat.r,
In Jelfursoa lowusbiB, on T hurt. lay April , imw.
At a SheTifrsnlenr ih i . . Meyers, held la ueraahonrn f ma . .som
erset Co., Pa ooTu -s.Uy&ibi;!). ne Ba.ter.i
eil par hai-d the followinir Hst of artirles wh. h
he has lelt In p esskas ol . ae sold Jc Meyer
durioa his pie.isure: all pers ms are warnei m,t
to tnu-rtere In any way with tbe same:
1 pair mares. w.Kon and wears, I bay enlt.
onws, llifrr 3 yearllnsr calves. I sow, I plow. 1
harrow, I cnl, rrator, i (, ar nay, lu ba-liel of
ohh. ui.ushel rye, w awe ,., wneat In ihe
crooixl.aaiTe'ot ryeiotheaniarHl, 1 eok ..v
euprd. lBourrhesi, 1 douhirav. 1 sink. 2
tables, I clo k. i kwreaa. 1 lonnne. 1 stand, s bed
steads and neddine;, chair. 1 iou; ehain
! Cnmnpnnl PL'. H J
" . wn""-'a- Ho-: or Cbestnot Oah,
sn.l asiuail pr.l, Plnimk
i "!- 'e barked sal ts s.,osir.
I I ir.l ..I... i . L.-r . . .
hn nnes nios swi 1 u-km. hw. i..n.i
e,::?VwwKta" to" than) irich face.
j . .. -v ... u3.i M-e io oe 9 teei kfir. not less
. i 'neo nsce ami 7 s-hea tntrk
sweiiMtotsi etathai
i in
l4 to he not ee than S inrh lane.
Seufhl tIass
I he dellven-d In plies of ssrk apy feet
"D the liomnanv's lim.u. an rit.i mm tn l
wow. enifrjii j inirpene.1.
I .,;b,r "er, qa illty and deposition, snhj'et'to
' """"I'l"""' oriirerjiMjooi tne Kesblent Knirlneer.
j Fi which the following prices will be paid .
- - 20cU. enrb.
j Ties will be Irspeeted and retained on the last
I d!iy ol earh m-i-ih and paymrots made. Four
! fluhaeash, and ine-QUh when ties are pot in the
: track.
C DHXXr.LT President
Somerset a Cambria Kailn,al.
March, 2t lao. I'ltuburnh. Pa.
I hereby w-lve t at I will stand my Una
bUrk Stallion H t:lssK, fall three uaartet
blood, Si the stable of Josian Brant, io
Souiei-Het Horougla
dorinit the 'lay throughout the season. MitninsJ
and evening ol each uay his senire ca be luxlos
my tarm oue and a hail miles northeast of Suusef
set Im.ud Kunah ina Hura
.WEITtsBlaahiackhorw strwl by H-r
tanoroin:, s,la.lkn.s areoKth
-JisHiiii" a
w. and ii I w. U n Ira. . J p,.a".la Tae-a
are a number of I to in tbia ne.nt.bdrh.wd for
M iutfr illack i or a
-Wiivr -. t of
' " "
Mawi 'Wanna 'h.dre. Bwiforl eoontv, sal
m inal vmciu y. A taste aaasoer nsse- e-
b seea at Hedford an.1 KvereiL Uoo'l fall ta see