The Somerset Herald. g-tDNESl'AY .April 7, IS. TlHK TABLES. rlTTSBVKaH DIVISION. ,f iiv. 1st, 1K79, trains on this find Si A i il "n" Un,,,t EAST. west. MAIL. MAIL. ltvf : ... lork 1-liiladelpbia haltiuiore Klcliuiotid V,siiuifrtoo (uu.tieriajid livnoiuan K." kwood jhi I'yie I iaot.n Broad lord mt. rieaeant loDUetlslHe V.r eton Mi keeetsin brauout-g I'lUabulg . :.V . 1U. IT " .-s " Vei " 41 " ' IVM ' 11. a p. ni. isM " i s.'. " :-m " 1 1 v a. ni. t-3 p. m. aju a lb. :4i " :fie- p. In. 11:M a. la. ..IB " IV 16 p. m. h . i a. lu. i .ki . Ul. 11 ' 4.47 " i to ;i " 36 " -, ; - :a " 7 l " Pl,i.urt jinul'1'" k keel"'". ,t Neltm" Hi. I'lru"1 I i, , J,.,i.-r.n Knlii'ui .jtllliotT ICS) p. m. All trains run by Baltimore Time 14 minutes fester t Jim Pittsburgh time. t.oress train Imtm Pittsburgh at 8:66 Y. TbV?ra7nU' 11 1 M.. Mineral "".. i i.nnlh Express leaves pulnl 12 " ";,.nd at 1:20 A. M, arriving 1.-1... At A. iO i ' ' F - Oonnellsville ft.10 A. M., lltia- I'll luirn b . v.... "Thrm..rtitrert and pleasant route W U.e Eatt ,ni.utui " dally, ar- T,"".U! a"Ki i a l"o a. . : BulUm.;r, t:-J , N..uthvl WaHUKUOty. i v atiiiiH" l 1-0 A. . . ,'. VhiiiU''Ui-W A.M.; N' . ....I ikrii. M. "V, nia txprrss. levlnic tMr.u ., dally, ar riTlK": Pbllauelpliia; 1:4 1 1' ': N Vurk, fc:W r. Kli'lllUtlUU "rhmnifh MhII train dally. I SpS , ir.1. daily o...t 8da: .l'...m.omition tra'M and aj y . . .nitnii"un jiiveiptu"3:' kotome. corner FIRh Avenue and Smith- fi,l,l sir-tf. ana nein cum E. k! H V illJl AN , SupU. CoDIiellsvllle ' e v.fcB. B. K. rAMiwaAiroi. toaituta cAnaaia bailaoad. . m nd aUr Jloalay, Nov. 17, 187, traln will fulluw. ewrtlM ltn Mail traini on "l,,! argU, Div., B. A O. K. R. (eicept Sunday). LBAva. aaaiva. SUUEart 10MB.B.. 12p.m. UllV,ert .30 p.m. 6 80 p.m. Mull East connect with Local Wert. ..urn-li-meni to Kular Time TaMe. to take et Laiunlav. June i, 1S7K, and ounlinue in furoe 'TZXiTS. ever, Sa.ur.lay at - .V? i tetnectlth the Mountain txpreKt . W li ( Pltll 1 1 vl " p.. r . iu HllilurKlial:AS A. . T H FK1TX, W. H. BANNER, j"- 'ur A Tfa-ket A 1,0. Suirintcneut. Wy Paiwenger tail... u.y 1'a Watt.. HH Eat MailW'et Eni'res! Et Exuit'" Weit U:15 p m 1.10 p. m 11:82 a. m. 4:47 p. m- 1?:37 a m 3.3) A. M Sale Register. Ai.-il lu.-Slo of Real Entate of Daniel Pile, dc waxeil, ol Somerset boruUKU. tjiriDg. Martins. Xuw jail. A-ril Tth. Fii-h lor trout. Aptil thowtrs. Fire company. Spring chickens. Ho, tor the West Clean the streets. Our schools close to-day. Fine Joint Rods at Boyd's. What has become of our bind ! Fis'.ing Tackle at C. N. Boyd's. Silk Fi-bing lines at C. Boyd's. Xice Fish Btskets at C. X Boyd a. Wearing of the green the meadows. It it. the duty of every on? to be thrifty. Farmers and gardeners will soon be busy. 'o more ice-houses will be filled this season. II oks. Rods, Lines and Reels atC. X. B) d s. Horns 1 ave supplanted the emblem ol tliL h.iise shoe. WhII Tapers at Henry Htffley'a. Call ui look at them. 1 he 'arcest stork of Wall Pajiere in Som er--t at Henry Heffley's. A new lot of Fishing Tackle has just be o received by C. N. B"yd. A tood prooerty for rent in Rckwood. ge-our advertising columns. Over 2300 bolts of Wall Paper in stock and for sale at Henry Htffley , Somerset. I you would le succefsful in catching t, buy your Fishing Tackle of C. N. trout. Boyd. Goto E. M'Dowell's and examine his taeive dollar Elfiin watches ; the best in the county. Charles II. FiMier & Co.. Stationer. XeWMlealers and Booksellers, neit door to the Posiuflice. Fur a pood new w atch, cotoE. M'Dow tU s, two diKirs west of Smieraet Huuse, S iiifiKt, Pa. Bins who ring door bells for fun should know' that they are liatile to be arrested iud punished lor such conduct. FotM). A tmall amount of motey at KnepiH-r's sale. Owner can call on Nich olas Bcrkcy, prove propeny and receive DiiiDcy. Fahmkhk, Ixiok Hekk. Tor your (irt s-dM. Clover and Timothy, call at the Flour Depot of Cook & Beerits. Notice. Mr. Henry II. Smith, agent HSil. liitlner's W.mlen Mills, wilj mate liis usual trip this spring with a select t"tk ol g.KKls, hich he -tlers lor wool. Fahmeks. Ixx)k Hkhk ! I am again to tie Iroui with a lull line of Mackerel Fish to sell at bottom prices lor cash or pro duce. All fish sold are guaranteed. Joiah Keller. An nbserving exchanee remarks that It it AitoiiiciiiBg how full lour women can fill church pew made to accommodate six, hen a woman they don't like comes along flnwn the aisle inquiringly looking for a plsce to sit down. ' A f jll line of Men's. Boy's. Youth's, La'ie', Misses', and ChiKlTen'a Slims. 1 be a'ortmeifl is 'complete' a'pd wjll be "U at hottohi prices, lor cashat Sol L'hl's. I! Fisn ! Fisu ! In exchange tor country pro. ncr, or lor Cash. We offer the largest Ruck ul Extra Shore, Ho. 2. Mackerel in town. " ' ' Cook $ Beerit. J'Ways on Land the relebrated poldcp ( tv-ve 1 rlour. Rjude at ep'ripB'Qeld, (Ihio. id market. A fpll l(ne ol Family (jmctrjes acd IJrain. cheap for cash. Jomah Keller. !et IUkket. Mais Cju8 St. I i! have on hacd at all times. Beef, Pork, iliittno and Sausage, at reasonable prices. upcD daily i w ill rua a meat wsuon th,re9 Hues cat h week. llENIiY KKKOAIL aBtr. M hb'is. Granulated Maple Sugar. - " Maple Sugar Cakes. " Good Apple I utter. " " Dried Apples. ' White Navy Beans. -2 " Ooou Flax Seed. Cook & Beerits. Jif fF .r ... ... . i vi - t - . -J r "T TPt' r ii - 1 Mil.t 0 rriuav. imumr muni JTaintTillg Ol IE i n i i on i i nK tiiqi a crftfui krnm ui ... . . fu . .1. .... i r, ' r , V JV i "v :PWijr of treat Rg diwe of thfi eye, Evening lollowiu I'm ( WJl called huebaiid. .ry . J,,,,., i,,, uere in i j ot Mr. t. v.Vr lU" i : ,h.e near lumre. We lound Dim, to I ; were present 8 hjue top niucV repose about the , . a w and p.lligheJ gentleman and ive," ' W-VUIU. Our spring birds htve all arrived, and the trees are leaficg. Garden makine has mmmend and lit. tie onions are being planted. The membe rs of Company "G" received tliiir pay lor ltd fall's insnt-r.ion. Kri.liv niht. There wan quite a luli turnout at the armory. It is time for farmer whi do not wish to Rive sportsmen tile liiierty of fishing and uuuiing on tueir crjuaUa, to pubiwU cu tionary notices. As Fprine jogs along, see to puttingdou- ble hinges ou your gales f r the benefit of tue lor tbey nave grown much heav ler since last year. e received a very weli-written and interesting communication from Mr. 8 Vt mnd, ol West Branch, Iowa, but want ot spies will not purniit its publication. There is a good bit ot tue flesh. Ih world and tue devil in that Pittutiurgn cuurcn, an account ol wlnwe latest pio- ceeamgs win ue touad in another column Those who contemplate marriage, can ooserve one ol it siern realities in the numerous ' flitlinus" about these Dirts juti aooui now, ana reconsider the propo sition. Mr. Charles Donnelly, President of the S. & V. 11. 11 . and Mr. II. 8. Burcesser. General Freight Agent of the 1'ittsuurgti Division of tbe B. & O. H H , were in town Saturday. Josiah Pisel Esq., has had a frame awn ing piHced across tbe pavement in frout ot hi jtrovry store and eating saloon, on North Main street, running the full lcuib of the building. You can fish for trout now. but remem ber tliat you dare onlv catch llie sneckled beauties Willi rod. book and line. The penally for doing it in any other way is twenty -five dollars. Mr. Rupert Kimmel, the popular young salesman lor Waller Audersuu, Merchant Tailor, Pittsburgh. Pa , was in town tiat urdav, busily engaged in soliciting orders for spring and summer clothes. Mr. Ned. Thompson, of Lsvansvillc. left this place for the West this (Tuesday) morning. He intends locating in South Bend, Ind. That he may meet with un bounded success is our sincere wish. There are about .'i.OOO justices of the peace in the State, to whom commUsions must be issued dating lrom the first Mon day in May. The bute w ill realize about flOftOO trom tbe officers in the shape of lees lor their commissions. We are. informed that 'Squire Ben Fleck, of Jenuer X Roads, has disposed ot his stock ol general merchaudisa to Mrs. S. J. Cover. Other business demands the 'Squire's entire time and attention. There win now only be oue general store in Jen ner X. An exchange ventures to proclaim that a piece ot zinc placed upou the coals of the slove will clean out I He stove pine. Tbe vapor trom the zinc wiil carry off tbe soot by chemical decomposition. Persons who claim to have tried it warrant it to work every time. The number of taxpayers who present ed themselves bclore tbe County Commis sioners in tills place last week to complain of their valuaiious and assessment was comparatively few. The work ot the as sessors was tnuud to be about all right, ex cepl in a lew instances. A convention of school superintendents will I Mi held at llurrisliurg, beginning April 27 aud continuing ttiree days. Ex cursion tickets will be furnished over near ly all the railroads reaching the State Cap ital, and every effort wiil be made to se cure a large attendance. Two enterprising citizens ot Councils ville are engaged in the erection of a build ing which wiil am tain a commodious room adapted for operatic and theatrical per furmauces. It's a pity Somerset hasn't a few enterprising citizens who would fur nish us with a public hall. The ruinor current throughout the northern faction ot the county that the Pennsylvania Company hid purchase fri'in tbe B & O. the rights, franchises etc.. ot the S & C. R. R. and that the road would not be built, was a canard, gotten up, no doubt, as an April Fool gag. The Supreme Court ot this State has de cided that a laudlord and tenaut can agree to dissolve their relationship, no matter tor what length of time the premises were leased, and this is binding on boiU puties without any memorandum ot writing, il the tenant gives up possession and the land lord accepts It, We know the inany readers of the Her ald will rejoice with us at ibe appearance ol ibe letters of our Washington correspon dent, "Picket." They are always inter esting aud tbe avidity with which they are read, proves conclusively tbat he knows just what will please the average Somerset county reader. Jerset Bitter. Jersey butter is all the lashion, and it baa become so, mainly because the makers have kept up a uni form color through the year, using artifi cial color whenever necesstry. Dairymen who wish to be in the lashion must use the Perfected Butter Color made by Wells, Richardson & Co., Burlington, Yt, The Somerset public schools will close to-day (Wednesday), after a very success lull term of six months. We believe we are sate in saying tbat the record of the lerm about to close will compare very f vorably w ith that ot any ol the past. It has been a year of harmonious action and great progress iu all the departments. Msj. Gen. Hartraft announces to the of ficers and men of the first, second, and third brigades, N. O., that a week in the early part ol August will be assigned for their encampment. The lourth and filth brigades will hold their encampment in the latter part of the same month. Time and place will be made known hereatter. The game of from 25 to 40 will puzzle the census taker more tban the little game ol 13 14 13. He will tie awfully puzzled when a maiden lady with cork-screw curls and false teeth tells him that she w as "born in 1800. and be can count it up himself." He will be ready to swear that she has Jumped the "13" from the lower left hand corner. Every Republican should take a good imper of his ixilitical faith. We are about to enter on a presidential struggle of great activitv ana bitterness, anu our irienos should" see that every voter gets a Rvpub lican per. e are glad to rewrt quite a large addition to our list during the month of March and hope for a still larger increase. There was quite a brisk trade driven in the fish market Saturday afternoon. A barrel of Iresb fish had lieen shipped per B. & O. Express, to one of our dealers, w ho for some reason refused to take them frm the office. The Esptess Agent re tailed ((ieLiat ris cents per pound". Quite a number bl our poo' pedplen joyed tresh fish for breakfast Sunday morning. If your IocaI pper happens to tread on vnnr toes a little in perlormtng it mission. don't get buHy and say harsh ihings about ! it t.nt stoo and lake a lona; oreaia ana think back ftr a season acd see if you can't remember aonie ol, le Wo,i ana mu pef! it has shown you and yours in the past. Then reflect that it may not be long before you will want favors again. We had a pleasant business cH from Dr. W. F. FuudeulK-nr, ol Cumbetlani, take pleasure in recommending hj'U to tbe Citizens of our town and county. Hunting don 3vuitor. : As will be 8cab br reference to our ad vertising columns, the Bowman, Miller and Lavansville cheese factories will he aaia put in operation next Monday the j 12 inst. Owing to tbe high price ot cheese which is more than double tbat ot one year ago. these factories are being oiened ' earlier than formerly in order to give the J patrons the advantages ol the present high I prices. Tbe outlook U for much belter t prices during the entire season than was j paid at any one time last year. I The contracts for the building of the 8. j&C. K K. hve been awarded, but it has i nut vet been announced, whom. Mr. Kendall, resident eneineer at this place, informs us thut he has some thr miles of tbe road, at this ecu, statca im j and ready for the pii k and shovel men to jro to work. I tie iron lor me roan win no made at the B. & O.'a mills, at Cumber land, MJ., and the track will be laid from this end. Mr. Kendall thinks the road will be in running order within the present year. Township and borough auditors will meet thia year on the second Monday ot April, but alter thia year, under the pro vision of the act of June 4. 1879, they w ill meet on the second Monday ol March. The accounts of school director and school treasurers Will be audited on the first Monday of June. Tbe terms ol all officers elected at the recent election, except school directors and justices ot the peace, will commence on the first Monday of April and end on tbe first Monday of March, 1S81, given them only eleven month in of fice. Kt. At a recent sale ol rare and old books, in New York City, a copy ot "A tan for Fanning anu a 1 ouch stone tor lryon. Contaiuing an Impartial Account of tbe Rise aud Progress ot the so much talked ol Regulatois in North Carolina, by Regu lus," being a vindication of the Regula tors and their leader, Herman Husband, ot Orange County, was knocked down for The Mr. Husband spoken ol in the book was the grand lather ot Mr. David Hus band, one ot the best known citizens ot Somerset Township Rare Avis. On Monday afternoon a box was placed ou our taole and iutoruia Hon given us that it contained a present from au esteemed lady inena. unin the neat receptacle was found a veritable curiifcity a day-old chicken with three well developed legs 1 he lowi is cneuriui and its internal organs appear to be sound and iu good running order. What to do with it puzzles us. If the hen is consign ed toour care, we will do tbe lair thing toward the minister, but if the triped re mains without the tostering care ol a mother, we fi-ar its lease ot lile wil be short. The County Commissioners are having large rUg stones hauled for the purpose of la tug w alks lrom tbe tront and rear ol the Court House to the "department ol puulic comfort. Ibis is a greatly needed im provemetit and oue that will add much to the appcarauce of the grounds. The pres ent Board ot Commissioners arc entitled to great deal ot credit for the miny im provements they have made in and about the public buildings ; but there is sua room for considerable more ot the good work. Ibe pavement alone the north side of the Court House and Jail lota should come next, then new brick outbuildings tor tbe Jail, tbe present ones being in a terribly dilapidated condi'ion. The Philadelphia Prem of a recent date say8 tbat o.micrscl county is the great horse producing county ot Western Penn sylvania. That it lurmshes more horses aud they demand belter prices than those ot auy other county in the state, liy exer cising a little more judgmeul in breeding, our tarmers would make horse raising pv much better than it does. Don t breed to scrub horses because they are cheap, their progeuy will have to be sold cheap, lou will make double the insurance by breed ing none but good horses aud will have much finer class of horses for farm use as well as for the E ts'.cru market By con suiting our advertising colums you can discover where the good horses are kept It is an ill wind that blows no one good As will Im: seen by the following, taken trom the liuintiore American, the strike among tbe mim-rs in the Cumberland Oil regions is water on the mill ot the Ixmier- scl Co. operators : Clmbehlano, March 31. The supply ot Luiu norland coul in Ibis city is exhaust ed, aud ttie coal now generally in use is from the Meyersdale region, aud is known as the Ke stone coal. While the strike las.s it costs the county over f 10,000 per day, and drives the customers ol Cumber land coal to other regions lor coal that, though it be inlener in quality, is prefera ble to Cumberland coal at the increased prices that would be asked, were the dc- tnauds ot the railroad men and miners ac ceded to. Lent being over this paper should not be lent any longer by our subscribers This practice ot borrowing newspapers is shamelully prevalent in our community It certainly betrays a mean, stingy spirit lhe liatmual newspaper borrower is a pauper, obtaining his news from others a ho in mauy cases are less able to pay lor the paper than the borrower. We know men who read this paper week alter week aud have never paid a cent towards its sup port. They either hang about stores where it is taken and read or borrow it lrom a regular subscriber and take it home. To such we say. subscribe. If you real ly naven'l the money to pay lor it and want to read the paier, say so, and we will wail till you get it. At all events don't be a sponge. Our streets were crowded with country people last Thursday, being the first of April America 8 great settlement day Thousands of dollars and considerable property changed hands. Payments were made more promptly and a better feeling prevailed among business men than for years back. Money was treer and pleo tier tban it has been since '72. There was no demand at over six per cenLk and it went begging on our streets at that. It is said that there is more ready numey in the county to day than there nas b;-en at any one time siucc or during the panic. The symptoms ot the almost general iienira were visible on our streets lor several das prior to the 1st, and at an early hour in the morning it could be seen that "Hil lings" were to be numerous. It is said that "three removes as good as a fire," which means that the wear and tear upon crockery and carpets, furniture and fancy goods, and all other articles of household use and comfort, has a tendency toward destruction from rouh handling and rougher hauling. There was and is a greater demand lor tenement houses in Somerset at present than was ever betore known, and a great many persons are una ble to suit themselves as they wish. For the present they must put up with sucn quarters as can be secured. If several ol our citizens would have as much enter prise as they have money, tbey would pur chase a number ot the many available building lots in and about the borough aud would erect t hereon a parcel of neat and comfortable tenement houses, tbey would have no difficulty iu reulin. them to good tenants, at paying prices. U would be a good lavesiment ot their money and would be vastly beneficial to the town. Who will be the first to try it ? FitoM UitsiNA : Mr. .limits Albright Jr., is preparing to leave us and go to Berlin, where he in tends going to school tbe coming suiumer. Quite a number ot changes took place in our low n, on the first of April, by some ot the citizens removing into different properties. ' ' ' ' Mrs. J. J. Davis who left here twq weeks ago for New Mexico, we die in formed, made the trip' tA iianla Fe in four da 8 w hich was beyond her expecta tions as" she expected to be seven days on the way. Mr. Abe Levy of this place, who has been ill lor some time past, is improving Very rapidly, and it Is hoped tbat be will soon be in the enjoyment of his usual good health and able to resume his duties in lb? saddler shop again. Ejev, bailer, the presiding Methodist uiiliisler ol thia place aud Confluence, who lias not been well tor some time, has left And gone home to bis friends, to try to re cruit bis health, while Mr. Younkin of Padytown, fills the pulpit is his absence. Among the great pleasures w? eajjyed here, during Kit'.er, was.' tna,t of a'social c young peopie, on tue g Easter Monday, at the' Jerry Wirsing. All that undoubtedly enjoyed Ibeui- The Lutherans qf tu,is Itlaoe, bae 8 wide awn s&t'Uatb, srhool, 'which ia well ftUcaded, and in a flourishing condition. The members and superintendent are cer tainly deserving of much praise fur tbe interest tuanilcsted in tbe grand and noblo work. Mr. Jonaa Meyers, one of our enterpris ing tarmers, and stock raisers, from tbe vi-1 unity of Paddjtown, was in town on Sat-, urday last, wuu a very fine horse, under , two years old which weig'ieil 13W pounds. can any of oar Somerset county farmers beat that if to we will gladly bear from them. M. I Somerset, Pa., April 3, 1880 Mk. Editoh : I have been watching with amdseiueul the cuuraeot the LIkkald in regard to the personal assaults made up. 'on lis editor by the Meyersdale Vommer ri' its vain attempts to provoke a re ply by its continued barking. 1 think jou are right in not taking any notice of it, as the people do not care very much about iiersonal quarrels. I came across this story told by Bur dette in tbe Haiekty, about a little dog lound barkinif up a tree in the wood. As it illustrates the position the Comnur eiaL we want its editor to read it. Bob aavs : The tree was about two hundred feet high. The dog would probably stand about thirteen iuches from the door. He tried to climo that tree. He barked as though his throat was all tbe ram's horns ot Jericho. He was alter that squirrel, which was just as far out of reach as the clouds. And the squirrel wasn't paying any attention to the doir, and. indeed, didn't know what he was barking at, I am not positive that it had not gone off in to another tree an hour ago, and was away off in another part ot the woods, down near the county liuo bo I patted the doit's head as I came away, aud said to him : "Carlo, keep it up. It seems to do you a heap of good, audit doesn't bother the squirrel a particle. So keep it up ; you cau never climb the tree ; jou will never catch the squirrel ; when he wanta to come down, he will come down another way, aud you will not see him. He will live just aa long, and be just as happy with your noise aa without it. It occupies your mind, and it doesn't distract his ; aud it shows a very human trait in you, Carlo. I have known men just like you ; men who spend their lives doing just what you are doing uarkicg at people who were out ot their reacu. Keep it up. Carlo, good dog." Stalwart. Fhom Uoovehsville. "All Fool's Day" never drew more lone faces in one little village, than here on last Thursday. And ii is not known even now, whether we are looted or sold per haps both. If railroad corporations have taken to April fooling, il is a "new thing" to us ; but if (hat is all this unwelcome re port means, we will cheerfully acknowl edge lhe catch" and grin with Ibe rest ot the "sold-oul" world. The plain fact is mis : We heard that the Somerset and Cambria railroad had been sold out to Tom Scott lor oue and a-halt millions, and that the road would continue to be run jut at it it ! Now, Mr. Editor, do you wouder al our long laces? Indeed, it all this proves true, it will uot be strange it ihdt "tricky Tom," hears ol long laces all along tie line. At any rale, we want to say to all concerned, such April fooling is carrying things a little too tar. It may make small odds to the B. & O., or PC, as to what we Stony Creekers think of. tueir doings ; but we will go on thinking all tbe same. It may be excellent amuse ment lor the B. tic O. people t make f 1, 300,000. just now, at the expense of our long faces. We can't see it in that light. VVe iielieve in "live aud let live," Oui no hau illustiationof theldea, as this wouid be. Ol course we can get along wi;hi.u. s railroad ; as who could not in ourcircumsbtuceat But then ! Well, we don't like to be sold at such a figure, and take all our pay in disapjioinluient. and long faces. But, if the railroad is gone, there is one consolation lett it is no larlh er to Johnstown than it Used to be, be fore we had Ibis pleasant little dream of "riding on the rail." And we will man age somehow to get even with these peo ple, it we have to build a railroad of our jwn, or do without one I Lsclk Jay Bee. Confluence Items. It is said that "Little End" has loaded his big gun and will fire it off this week burst or no burst. Quite a number of our citizens exchang ed residences on the 1st inst. A tew fam ilies lett and others have come in their places. The celebrated lecturer. Rev. R. Smith son, wiil lecture here in the M. E. Church, on Baptism, on the evening of the 14 and 13th inst. The Burgess imposed a fine ot $G on a farmer for selling tour bushels ot corn within the borough limits without first weighing it on the Borough scales. Of course the Burgess understands the law, but the people are so dull of comprehen sion. The Borough scales are now fully com pleted and it has been ordained by tbe Town Council that, "all hay, straw, coal, potatoes, grain, chestnuts or anything else sold by weitrbt witbin the borounb limits ot Confluence, by the wagon, cart or slid load shall be weigned on the Borough scales. The majority of the Republicans here are for Blaine and prefer him as the stand ard bearer in the coming Presidential con test ; but tbey take no stock in tbe twaddle that it would be wrong to honor Grant aliove Washington. Those who profess to tielieve iha tbe unprecedented ovations tbat greet him wherever he goes have no greater significance than that he is tbe hero of Vicksburg and Appomattox, are greatly mistaken in the public feeling. Bscs. From Turketfoot. The remains of George Bells known as "Dick Turpin' during the late war, were brought to his borne in Lrsina last Sunday muht. Betts died in lhe hospital at Philadelphia, where he bad gone tor treatment of disease con tracted during the war, as a memtier ot tbe famous Jessie Scouts, who operated in Virginii curing the war. After Jim Jack son, the leader ot tbe scouts was killed. Betts was chief of this daring band ol men. He was the man who captured tbe famous Rebel Guern.l., Col. Ba 1 y. After Betts became too well known to the southern army to operate in Virginia, he was sent to Arkansas by the Government, where be rendered efficient service to the Gov ernment on various occasions. During the winter, Betts had been in Washington, wbere be was recognized by Generals Snerman, Benbridge, and other prominent officers, who promised him to look after bis interest in getting a pension, as he had been very unfortunate iu business affairs while in the far west, and his health being poor. Gen. Benbridge persuaded him to go to to tbe hospital, where he died. His wile arriving In answer to a telegram. just in time to be there before he died. llu leaves a wife and several small chil dren. Mrs. Jane L. IXivis, (formerly Lewis! who lell Ursiua, Monday, Sid. aroived at her destination, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Saturday, 27th. Little Fred Lewis, her youngest son, accompanied her. Mrs. D. writes that her son, Henry Lewis, who left Ursina a few years ago, when but a boy, has grown to be a G looter. Mac. An Editor in Luck. St Jacobs Oil cures Rheumatism ; of this I am convinc ed. For two years I suffered with Rheu matism in my left shoulder and fight arm, and last fall I was incapable of attending to my duties, and lay many a night UQaUe to sleep on account of turriltie pains. A few waeks tg ft ;ieure attack of this trou tVaiihck me, and Ibis time I concluded to try tbe St, Jacobs Oil. I must acknowl edge, with but little confidence in its mer its. I freely confess tbat the result has completely astonished me. Tbe first ap plication relieved tbe pain very materially, and ibe continued use of only two bottles ba completely cured me of this chronic evil, and that, after the atmfi eieaV pby sician and their prescriptions had been ol no avyi. I therefore consider it a duty lo iublisb tbe above for the benefit ot all suf lerers'witb Rheumatism and kindred com plaints. O. A. IIkilvan, Editor Republican. " Pittsburgh,' .w AFFLICIJE SAvtS Widow JE. Lohr has a very sick, little girl. One of Mr. Joseph Lohr's sons hs bcQ very ill Mr, Parfttk Is u(vtba3 greatl; frscjured, rib. Jesse Slick has been confined fa bis room for lour weeks. Just now the people about Otterblne Chapel are sorely visited. Mrs. M. C. Wagner had to send for the doctor on the 8tst, the ery day on which I watrons came to move ber and family to , Dard. Alpha. Takr Notice. I have purchased a first class Alderney bull. Will be kept at my stable, in somerset, during tbe summer. k . t k " Wm. Gilbert. Butter and Chebsk Factory. Glen Rose Creamery and Pioneer Cheese-factory, located at the head of I)xlge street, just east of town limits, was built in 1878, J. B. It we, proprietor. It is a roomy and well-arranged building, two stories high 04 by 63 lett, and engine room built on west side, costing in all about $3,000, and is supplied wiih latest and best machinery. A newly invented butter worker, with a capacity of 1.00C pounds a day, is about te be added This establishment has exhibit ed its products in all the leading lairs in Iowa always taking first premium on both cbeese and butter ; took first and second premiums on cheese at St. Louis fairs in 1878 and 1879 ; took first premium on cheese at international fair at New York in 1878, and at same fair in 1879 took second premium on butter miking no exhibit of cneese ; ana numerous premiums at small er fairs in various places. Previous to July last cheese only had been made, but then the creamery business was given the lead, adopting tho "Fairlainb cans" for raising the cream. These cans are fur nished patrons at cost, and have become so popular that nearly all who have hereto fore made buttei are adopting them, in a radius of about twelve miles around De Witt, gathered by wagons lor the creamery. Besides this scope of com t v, Dem t s made shipping point by rail, on our north, extending to Maquoketo (and it is Mr. Rose's intention soon to make M.iquo keta a shipping point also or else locate a factory there) ; Calamus and Whe&tland on the west, extending to county limits and south into Scntt county ; on the south shipments are made from Eidridge. Elev en teams are now employed in collecting cream the driver doing the skimming andt keeping a duplicate a-count with each pa- tron. Other routes, with additional teams. will be made tributary to tbe creamery as last as tbe business can oe extended. J. B. Rose, tbe proprietor, has bis headquar ters under Cbardavvyne, Drew & co.'i store on Jeffeison street. One hundred and fifty three patrons of this creamery now use the r airiamo cans, and the num ber is increasing almost daily. Mr. Rose employs the following persons in the fac tory : C. A. Turacr, Superintendent; Rob ert SIcBertb, Assistant ; U. C. Kellouic, ot Evanston, 111., has just taken the place of book keeper. Mr. Rose has labored hard. and early and late, in planniag and estab lishing this business, which is now upon a hrm basis, and be tntorms us that the out look augers well for a large and increasing business the coming season. What is to his interest is also to the interest of his pa trons, and he keeps an eye to so disposing ot bis products as to secure the greatest re ward. Ills establishment is not only t good thing for DeWiti, but is also a huge thing tor his patrons. He pays them more for the cream on their milk than tbey could get for the butter were they to make and sell it, so superior are his manufacturing facilities. 1 his advance is trom three to tour cents a pound, and the farmer has bis milk tbe Same (only in far better condition) as if butter was made by his wife and what a saving to the overworked woman ! lhe more this svstera is tested and under stood the more popular it becomes. It is simply revolutionary in its effects, to tbe delight of the farmers. DeWitt (Ioiea) Ubnerter. The farmers of this county will be glad to know that the rairlamb Milk Can which tbe Somerset Dairy Company are intro ducing has proven such a success else where. Mr. Sage, during the past wint spent several weeks in Iowa and other butter and cheese producing sections, and after, not a hasty, but complete and thor ough, examination of tbe different cans and methods ot setting milk, was so well satisfied that the Fairlamb was tbe best calculated to suit this region that tbe com pany have gone to great expense to get it into general use. several new routes have already been established and more are to follow. So great is their taith in these cans that they furnish them frts of charge to all those who use them By only gain erinir cream, it is possible to cover a much larger scope of country and many of the tarmers who last year made their own butter, will this year send cream to the factories. Feeling confident that by the use of tbe Fairlamb can, the production of cream will be so increased that it will pay them very much better. We have recent ly printed at this office a circular, setting forth the merits of the new ptocesswbicb should be in the hands ot every farmer, and which can be bad onTapplication at the ot fice of the Dairy Company, or any of their lactones. Some Addison Items. Our farmers are very busy preparing the grouud tor their spring and summer crops. Several of our young men have taken Horace Greeley's advice and "have gone West." Many of the wheat fields in this section look well, although in some fields the wheal is "winter killed" Among the buildings going up tbe pres ent season are : ew barn, Joseph W. Pullin ; new bouse, William Peck ; new tenant house, George Wass ; new house. Christopher Tressler ; new house, George Beitzell. Our schools are now closed. There were thirteen schools open in this township dur ing the past winter, each tbe full term of five months. 1 he Hoard ot Directors were very fortunate in selecting teachers tor our schools, as all rendered satisfaction to par ents and pupils generally. We believe our people are fully abreast with the foremost in our county in enter prise and improvements. During the past year there were a num ber of substantial buildings put up in our township, among which is a Methodist church, at Silbaugh's, making the fourth regular Methodist church in this township. The writer is not a tery old man yet, but remembers the time quite well when there was not one regular Methodist church edi fice iu this township. In addition lo the regular chapels they have regular services at several school houses and also at some private houses, which argues well tor the zeal and energy ot that denomination. The Lutherans have two churches, the Evangelical Association one, tbe Disciples one. Tbe Dunkard Brethren will erect a church during the coming summer, at the Peck corner. So it will be seen that ours is a township ol schools and churches. We also have within our boundaries ten Sun day schools, most of which are supplied with first-class Sunday school libraries and with many ot tbe best Sunday school per iodicals ot the day. Tbe morals ol our people genera'ly are good. There is not a place in our town ship wbore intoxicating liquois are sold ; aud a "flaming sword" in the skies would not, perhaps, attract so much attention as a drunken man on our streets. Knox. April 2. 1880. Uow toReacii Kansas. Persons mov ing to tbe West should consult their own comfort by selecting the route by which there are sure connections in Union De pot, fast Wains and comfortable cars. There is no line that can compare wit,U the Pan Handle Route in these particujars. Two daily trains leave IJnlon Depot, Pitts burgh,' via Pan Ilqinjh Route, which run through in many hours quicker time tban by aav other line as follows : Leave Flttsburab, (city time). S:A.. 11:47 p.m. Arrive, St. Luuis, " Kansas City.. 14 Leavenworth. " Atchison. " St. Joseph.... ...7:30 a. X. 9:00 P. M, .10:00 P. M. 8:00 A. . ..11.40 r. x. 10:15a. x ...120 a. m. 1120 a. m. ...2:05 A. X. 12:06 P. m- Prompt connections are made la Union Depots at points named Ur s,i land points. tor lurtuer i"U,.Jiiau"n nine laoies, etc.. ad'rps W. li. O' Brien, General Passen ger Agent, Pan llandle Route, Columbus, Ohio. A Remarkable Kewtlt. It makes do difference bow many Physicians, or hoq; much medicine you have tried, u is mow an established fact tht Cuiaaa Syrup is the only recy which has given com plete' i&tjtaWtion in severe cases of Lung ttisease. It is true there are yet tbous- sands of persons who are predisposed to Throat and Lung Affectkms, Consumption Hemorrhages, Aaintna, taeyere i;aiua set tkd on l,be Beast, P wutupnia. Whoop ing Co'jgh. c., who have no personal knowledge of feoschee's German Syrup. To such we would say that 50,000 bottles were sold last year without om complaint Consumptives try just one bottle. Regu lar s;?e ?5 cents. Sold by all druggists in America, Thb Dkst I Ever Khbw Of J. G Starkey, a prominent and influential Citi zen of Iowa City, says : "1 bave bad the Ilvsiiensia and Liver ComDlaintfor several years, and have used every remedy I could Wr of. without anv relief whatever, until I aaw vour Shiloh's Vitalizer advertised in mlr naiier. and was persuaded to try ic I an. happy to state thai il has entirely cured me. it w certainly the best Itemed; I ever knew of." Price 73 cents. I ; Bold y George W. Benford, Somerset, IPa.. A Mother s Grief. The pride of mother, the life and joy of a borne, are ber children, hence ber grief wben sickness enters and takes tbem away. Take warn ing then, that yon are running a terrible risk, if tbey have a Cough, Croup, or Whooping Cough, which lead to Consump tion, il you do not attend to it at ooce. SIHLOH S CONSUMPTION CURE is guaranteed to cure tbem. Price 10 cents, 50 cents and f 1 00. For Lame Back. Side or Chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 23 cents. Sold by G. W. Ben lord, Druggist, Som erset. Pa. Suiloh's Catarku Remedy. A mar velous Cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Can ker mouth, and Head Acbe. With each bottle there is an inuemous nasal injector for the more successful treatment of tbe complaint, without extra charge. Price 50 cents. For sale by G. W. Ben ford, Somerset, Pa. A Dbmocbat Cured. A leading Dem ocrat ot Burlington, Mr. E. M. Sutton, speaks in the highest terms ot tbe curative power ot the celebrated llidney-Wort. Il first cure J bim of a distressini; Kidney dis ease, and be now uses it whenever he has any symptoms of biliousness or needs ton ing up. It acts efficiently on tbe bowels. and cures the worst cases of piles. Nobby Hats for boys. Stylish Hats for young men. i ashionable and serviceable llats for all. My stock is clean and fresh and prices are as low as formerly. You can rely on getting good Hats cheap for caiih, at Sol. Uhl's. Palataele Medicines Ayer's Cher ry Pectoral is a honeyed drop of relief his Cathartic Pills glide sugar shod over the palate; and his Sarsaparilla is a nectar that imparts visor to lite, restores the health and expels disease. Waterford, (I -) Adcertuer. MARRIED. GOOD MANGES. March 28th, 1880, near Sloystown, Pa., by Rev. J. S. Wag ner, Mr. Franklin Good, of Johnstown, Pa., to Mits Katie Manges, of Chestnut UilL ROBERTS WALTER. Oct 30, 1879, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. Robert Roberts to Miss Mattie Walter, both ol Somerset, Pa. By Rev. A. M. Whetstone. DIED. CRISSEY. morning of At one o'clock, oa the March Glh, 1880, Hannah, wife of Thomas Crissey, near Hoovers- ville, joyfully welcomed the messenger of death, and went borne to her everlasting rest. Sister Crissey had reached the age of 57 yeais. 7 months and 11 days. Her life was one of quiet usefulness, and lb ere were three things she was not a stranger to toil, suffering and lulpinj grace. Her sphere was home : quietly and taithfullt she performed ber duties there ; and those who were the objects ot her care and affec tion, rise up and call her blessed. Mother Crissey was "patient in tribulations. Rarely has it been the privilege of the writer to witness more uncomplaining res ignation during protracted suffering. On the 27th ot last November, while we were engaged in "Thanksgiving," aiHielion laid a heavy band upon ber teebie frame, from which she lound release only in death she is mourned because ber presence was dear, but not as one hist. She could and did say : "I am naw ready lo be offered. and tbe "time ot her departure was wel corned. Kind friends were always around ber sick-bed, and "a great company" came to see her laid in the grave. 1 he husband, an only daughter and four sons remain to wear tbe garb ol mourning. (Two little hoys had gone before to welcome mother borne.) While we miss one again in the church militant, we know thai oue is add ed to tbe church triumphant in heaven ! J. B. S. SOMSE'iT 3IAKKET Corrected by (Joos & Bekbits. DEaizaa is CHOICE GROCERIES, FLOUR & FEED Applet, dried, fi e toft3 Appleiimter, V pal 3Utt40e Hrau. W 100 ft 1 00 Butter, f) B (keg) 16c Butler, ft (roll! Sue Buckwheat, y bushel 60c " meal, luO lfci 83 OU Heeawax. f 8 26c Bacon, aboulden, k 7c " sides, " 8c " country hams, V ft 10c (Jots, (ear) 1 husliel (S to 70c Uorn, (shelled) bushel 75c Uurn meal ? ft 2c Call akin. V 6c &KKS, iia iuc Flour, V bbl e so flaxseed ft ba., (56 ft) 7&c Hams, (suicar-careil) V ft Vie Lard. ft 8e 0 lOc Leather, red sole, V ft 3o33c upper " KXff7tw kip. " lixaxot MtddllDKS, and chop 100 fts 1 W IJats, l ba.... 3M,6; Potatoes, ft ba 26 j readies, urlou, ft m to loc Kye Vbu "be Kans, ft ft le Salt, Nu. L ft bbl.eztra 2 352 SO ti round Alum, per sack u osa. i ' Asbton, per sauk f 06 Sugar, yellow ft ft SvfiO " white 10Q12!40 Tallow, ft ft Te wnoat, bos i Wool. ) ft 36340 NE W ADVER TISEME TNS. MORGAN'S WOOLEN MILLS. ESTAIlLISlIEl) 113 0 Having for the past year or two. been entirely unable to supply tbe increasing demand for my koo.18 1 have built an addhion to my null and put in a larico amount of NEW AND IMPROVED MACHINERY and thereby almost doubled my capacity for mar ulacturitur. I have now on nana a large sto:k consisting ol BLANKETS, CASSIMLRES, SATINETS, JEANS, REPELLANTS, FLANNELS, COVERLETS, CARPETS, YARNS. AC, which I wleh to T2AI53 F02 WOOL. :o: Farmer), I have the kind of goodt you ncciV want jour WOQL! to work np Riwx w ioR ows coi.vrr, and In order to leqA all my customers In (rood IUjv,' 1 have employed I be same agent I had !at I ear, anil In adaitioa Mr. Joseph L Oauicnerty, ao bVst Introduced my goods into many partt'of thiseounty. 1 will drive, as In the past, to give Brst class gouuRanu iuii value to an. AarNew customers and those we failed to Had last year, will pleaae address card to WM. S. MORGAN. Stanton's Mills. Apr S" EKIF'SSAtE. ds virtue of a certain writ of Levari Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Somerset Co., Pa., and to me directed, 1 will expose to sale by public outcry, at the Court House, ia Somerset, Pa., on Thurtday, April 23, 18.3Q, at 1 o'clock p. w.. all the rlut. tnK interest and clalmol the John M. tVlly, deltadaat, aud Jonae tban Emen, terie tenant, ot, in and to the follow ing aucnoed real estate, via: A certain tract of land situate in Cliner TarkeT. toot fwp., Somerset county Pa., adjoiutng lanosof John Lannlng, Ueorge aiougn, Michael Hoca. stetler. Jacob Henry and olhtra, coaialmaa Vd acres, more or leas. With a bouse and Darn thereon erected, being the the same premises woleh Sam uel J.Cramer as administrator of William Knigl deceased, conveyed to said Jobn M. Uowloy, by j?l baarlnK date 4th April, laAA, with the appai. Taken in executioi as the property of Juha M. Bowlby, uefendanl, and JuLaluau Eautrt, terra tenant, al the suit of Samuel J. Cramer. NOTICE. AU perrons parenaslng at th above sale will please lake notice that a part of the pur chase mosey to be made known at the time of sale will be required as soon as tbe property Is knocked down, otherwise it wiil be again exposed to sale at the risk of tbe first pure baser. Tbe res idue of the purchase money must be paid on orb lore Thursday of the first week ol April Court, tbe time fixed by the IJourt lor securing the ac knowledgment of deeds, aud do deed will be ac knowledged until the purchase money la paid io lull. SherliTs Office, April 7th, 1880. EDOAR KYLS, Secriff. OR RENT. A mod two-otory frame house and shoe shop. In the town of rlockeeod, ean .be osl by single tamlly or will aeoummodate two small families oomfortabl). are two lota of ground eon nectau wlta thia propeaj, everythlns; ia gned order, and will be rented at a very reasonable hjrure. For farther lnjurmat Inn call on or address PHILIP KRAFT, April 7 Rockwood, Pa. NE 17 AD VER TlJEJIEXTS TO THE FINE LOVERS OF HORSES I wish to 'ay In tbe breeder of fine Uoner, that I will Hand my Aeniucsy oreu n.rre CHIEF, at my farm this manon. rwnlimln April 1st, at the low price of &' to Injure a mare with loaL Also my Draft Stallicn KING, He Isaiecnd .IIUUtK in build, with bone and general makeup second to rone In this oouoly; will be at my farm during the season, lrm April eta to Jul tb, at the low raiaolts to insure a mare with loal. To old patrons I would (ay don't fail to see this Horse, as be is a s;ood one or I Wtuld nut have bim. liis rolls are all first class, t or pedigree of above Horses, see posters. April T P. HEFFLET. N OTICK. in the matterof tbel petition ol citizens of ( Io lne dn of Quarter Somerset township, 1 ot snierel !o, for the consc.l.laiion P., N , m, January Sea of Election Diitrlrts lion ' No. 1 and 1 in said township. And now, S 'th March, 1SS0. Ibe Court appoint Win. Haker. Jobn Ktcbardfon and Win Maurer, Cumini&.d ners to view prrmist and report. HENKi F SC IibLL. Pro. Notice is hereby given that tbeuooersiaued Couiaiiwk'ners appointed by lhe Court aa alore said, will mwi on Monday, April 1 lsso, at 12 o'clock ., in Sipesvttle, in said township, for the purpose to view the premises and of Inquiring; in to propriety of recommending the consoUdalton of said Election Districts. WILLIAM BAKER. JO N RICHARDSON, WILLIAM MAl'KER. April T It Commissioners. OTICE TO FATKOXS Ol tbe Bowman, Miller and Lavansvllle Fac tories, that Monday the 12tn Inst., we will receive ycur milk and coutinue to receive It once per day until further notice. If brought pure, sweet and unskimmed. Any person tailing to deliver milk in god condition luut deliver twice each day. We desire to e '11 your attention to the bitch price of cheese, and are arilcularly desiious that yuu snou.o nave ine aovntage oi tne same witn as liitle trouble as poepihie. Tbe price of cheese is raiTthjn double tbat of one year atco at this time. With the niaiket of Europe bare of stock, tbe outlook lor tbe eomiui; season is very promis ing lor continued good prices E. A SAGE, Aiient. Somerset Dairv Conipa ny, April 7 It (Limited.) E XECU TUB'S NOTICE Estate ef Oeorire Spec tit, late of Shade A Somerset Co., Pa., deceased. Letters tesiamentary in the above bavin been vraated to the nndersiKued. Twp., state notice is berehy nlven to those indebted to It to mike Immediate payment, and tboee bavins; claims or demands will please present them duly authenti cated lor settlement, on Friday, ilst, day of May, lssu, at dis late reeiuenre HENRY PENKOD, SA.ML EL CABLE. April T Executors. T AVERS LICENSES. i he following named persons have tiled In my office their peiuious tor ravern Licence with the certificates and In. nils rei(U red by l.iw. and notice is nereoy irivcn that they wiil he presvn eti lo tne Court tor allowance, ou Thursday, April a, 18). TAVERNS. Samuel S. Shaffer. Berlin llor. W illtain Baum, Pocahontas, Orei'DvllIe Twp. Waller J. Jones. Meyersdaie borough. Eliia Uaer. Meyerdxle borough. Juriah Sp rht. ttuemahoning Twp. John A. Ciark, liooversvilie. Uueui.ihon'nit Tp. Joseph Slull. Mianksville, btonyi-reek Twp. Sainutd A. Haines. Kockwood, Aliltord Twp. John H. Benlord, t'rsina horouicn. IVIahala Nweincr, Sand Patcb, Larimer Twp. Josiah Brant, Somerset borough. August Kaler. Conemaugh Twp. Samuel Custer, Stoj stown borough. Saninel H. Krnnrt, Weliersburg borough. Dennis Wagner, Salisbury borough. R. T. Fraieo, Confluence borough. John H. 11 Ue, Stoystown borough. Thomas Hill. Cr. ina borough. Robert Outrie. Meyersdale borough. Mary Ellen Wilt, Glencoe, Northampton Twp. Samuel Buckiuan. Rockwood, Mil ord Twp. IScoll Sterner. Confluence borough. Eleanor F. Shannon, Summit twp. H. F. SCHELL. March 31 Clerk. LIST OF CAUSES. For trial at Acril term 1380. mmiaencing 4th Monday In April, (ioth day). 1. William McClellan's executrix vs. John Ansoacb Jr's. a iriahees. 2. Levi Coughenour, vs. Isaac S. Coughenour. 3. Ann C. Yanert's use, vs. 1. J. B ier. 4. J. O. Kimm'l A Sons' assignees, vs. Llcht liler. Coder ACe. 5. Imvld Ross and Ed. Schrock, va. John, Ada line and t'ornelius Reei. . Is-.iae Hugus vs. Ed. Alcott. 7. Menrv Tilp, vs. Adam Krentzbnrg. 8. Samuel Weiscl, vs. Jacob E. Deal. A Samuel Meyers' administrator, VI. Henry A A 1, Lindis. 0. David Koss A Sons, vs Josiah Brant. 1. Catharine Lohr'a administrators, vs. David Lohr. i J. O. Kimmel U Sons assignees, vs. E. M. Schrock. Francis Baer. vs. Daniel Shnlta. John Shaler. vs Ludwtck Brack. Aloses Young, va Daniel Avers. Karnet Picking, vs. Frederick Nangfe. Eliiabeth Auman, vs. Abram and Priscllla B.Tkey. James Leltch's Ufe, vs. Ursina Borough School District. HENRY F. SCHELL, March 31 Protbonotary. JULETO ACCEPT OU REFUSE. 1 lOQeorge Stever. lhe petitioner. Mara-aret Steyer. of Frostburg. Allegany County. Marvland. John S'eyer s heir. vis : Sui-annah liishnell. of Oakland Post I 'race, Marylard, Uenrge Steyer. of .aaiann rusi umee. itiaryiano, r.nzaetn Ham mond in Iowa, address unknown. Catherine's heirs (name ol husband an children nnkn wn, no ail dres). -.bsaloni Steyer. deceasel, has tbe lollop ing heirs, (nine)vii: John Steyer, Jaib Steyer, Mary Jane Iminel, Sarah Stever. Daniel R Stev er, Elijah P. Steyer. Martin L. Steyer, Oeorge Sieyer. all of Elm Post OlBca, Fayette county. Pennsylvania, ahadrick Steyer. whereabouts on known, not beard from for about thirty years. Eiizatieih Spiker. a sister at Oakland. Marvlan.1: Catharine Hammond a sister also of decedent, la dead, leaving nine issue, vli : Ueorge Hammond, and Sarah Ruttington, Mi.Iwood, Knox countv. Ohio. Lissie Jlills and Lvdla Carter. Mt. Cn on. Knoxcoiinir Ohio, Mary Ann Lybirger. Shlli.h rosi i mce, Hienianu county, urno. usan Little. upiuaa. LAt couniv, Alabama lou are nereny n itineu tu appear at an:or- phans' Court io held at Somerset, on Mondav. the -Jit h day of April next, to accept or refuse tbe real estate of ol Jacob Steyer, deceased, at tbe ap praised valuation, or show cause wby 'the same suouiii nob oe SOIU. Sheria Office, 1 EDQAR KYLE, March 17, 1",S0. ( SliertH. MENTOR. I herebv give ootlretbat t will stand mr fine black Staiibnt Sk.iTOK. full three quarter DioiKi, at, tue itaiiie o: Josiah ttnint, m Somerriet Borougti dwring theday thmuKbnnt tbe season. Morning and evening oi each day his services can be bad on my farm one and a ball miles northeast of Somer set ME) TOR is a black horse sired by Hefflcv's Imported Euglish Draft Hors- "NKIUER." lie is a borse of hoe style, with Immenr-e strength of bone, and will weigh law to 1' 00 pounds There are a number of bis col is in this nelghlnirhood fur which T5 were ottered while tbey were still eiaM ed as sucking colts. My other black bor e will stiuil bt Manns' Chidce, Beiif..rd countv, and in that vicinity. A large numtter of his colt ean be seen at Bedford ami Everett. Don't fail to see these col',s before patronising any other burse. March 24 HENRY KE1STEK. IJUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REALIST ATE. Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court of Someset county, fa., inase will he avail at public sale on the "Uiawojid.,'' Somerset bortfugh, ia said county, oa Saturday, April lt, 1SS0, at2eVlnckr. the following described real estate, fate of Daniel Pile, decV, tuwlt . A certain lot of ground situate in Somerset bor ough, Somerset county, Pa., on which there Is erected a two-stivy bouee and outballdings said lot ol ground Is bounded on the noth by Mjtin street, oa tbe east by Spring alley. o lb south by Patriot street, and on the west by lot of Washing ton Megahaa. TERMS-CASH. JAfOb r. P1LF AUSTIN S. KEEL, March 1 7 Administrator'. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Eautte of Gertrude Mishler late of Jenner Twp., Somerset eonnty, pa., dee d. Lettersol administration on theabove estate hav ing been granted to tbe anderslgned, notice Is hereby given to those Indebted to itte make lraaw diate payment, and tboee having elaixos or de mands will present tbem duly a Jtkemicated for seitlement, Saturday. April. 2t0. 180, at lau residence of deceased in tenner township. J. (.'MISHLER. JAMES M MISHLER. Mrch 17 Admiiilstratora. The, Somerset Herald. SUBSCRIPTION $2 IS ADVANCE. BILLHEADS. " ENVELOPES, STATEMENTS. LETTERHEADS, BUSINESS ami VISITING CARDS, HAND BILLS, Ac, Ac All kinds of Job Priu'lng done with neatness and dispatch. - - : - -J - 7- jr NJiWADV Jfr v y y AareeaMetothei blv. directing tbe mh Ut taxes, passed UJtl and tbe several Supi.k urer ol Somerset counn unless tfie uoanly, tc Uses, due on tbe foiloA ? paid be lore the day ol sk ul each tract as will pay V be sold at tbe Court tt. usk on ISth day of Jane, lHO, tajs due, and the ousts accrui. ADDISON. Stmt e Trad. IV m. J. Baer Acrt: 0 1"0 417 414 40 411 400 -AO lou loo 4W iM MM te iH) 4 400 II U 41U 412 Charry. Marv K Hoover. Jaoe. ...... ...... Jdoore, Mary Moore, Hiram P-j) Ogle, Charles ( S) Siutiman, Jost J,'s heirs. u 14 fc 7 1 T On T 90 a so 3 Al 14 O 7 00 T S) 1 78 8 83 14 00 14 00 10 80 4 . Tom, Philip Tom. Jaco..... V hue, Ailam C harry. Jane(S) AIXEUHENY. Anderson, William Amu ibomas A merino Philip baer, Ishmael Jr Bitwen. Tfiomaj. ...... Check, Juno CoiirotbAscbell (Sweitser).. Habn, Jobn Miiua. James Meyers a Recde.Balanee.... Mcl'all. Joseph Scnell A Co. (Miller) Wells A Cu.bertsua Wcyand. Daniel Tom, Samuel...... BROTHERS VALLEY, Barclay. Joel Stem ora ham CONEMAUGH Jones Isreal . Mlsliler. Jonas Kensinger, Mary A ... Paisley, Richard Ross, George.. ....... ....... CONFLUENCE BOB. Dudgeon, James.... Iielp Sebastian Davis, J B Natnan. Deruin, Simon Edwards, Ibomas Fulerton Bros Olixueliy, Samuel Hoiitnan A Kro Henry, John .......... Hotlman, George Jobuson, 31ary J M e era, Peter's heirs Roberta, N. M Scbeil, Malleard lannehill, J. N Tnmtman, William W'altrecbt Charles. ......... W ir-ing, H. C Wellley, Decater ELKLICK. Cbarry, James Corey, Jamee Corey, JtNdah .orcy, Tbouias () Camp, Henry Ciark. Jdaurice Cbrlstner, Joseph Corey, Enoe Fox. Tbomas Howell. P-ul Jones, William H Kutchmaa, Reuben Knoile, James. ..... ........ Lugs Ion, Ellas Mr.ri h, Leonard Mixire, John ....... .Mmire, lietsy Miller, Jacob D. et al., (ext) Riddia". Jacob Wagner, Alpb Fike, John A S. J Raunscralt, Stephen GREENVILLE. ID M 4ja 4UW 17 1 to X 100 10 m 1 M 40 M 60 2UO 7 Sl lu7 4iS 3 1 400 I S so 46 110 400 1 SO 10 3 Id 4 10 3 SO 4 Vi 2 90 34 3 08 43 2 34 4U 100 4US Lot: i4 1 70 2 i-i 1 70 4 2, x 40 2 M 2 ii 1 60 eo 86 nt 1 40 1 TO 2 40 1 so 1 2. 2 40 a 30 1 0 74 4 0 410U 2 90 6 DA 7 00 4 4 00 1 00 T 13 T 01 5 03 1 02 1 U2 7 00 87 30 7 00 7 w) 7 00 13 J 2 M 3U Gi 1 33 400', 41o Lot: 4 3 Acrt: l'is 4UO Lot: 4 1 I Atrtt. 1B7 Lot: 1 1 Aire: 40J 4O0'j 4O0 Loll. 1 Acre: i Lot: 1 Acres. UNSR i 4U;l4 Thompson, Jacob 14 40 JEFFERSON, 362 Hall. Jobn 2& lod Flick, Ludwig 2 80 JENNER. 401 Biack, James.... 42 400 I '.ile, Jane 4 60 i5 liehaven, Peter 34 4uo lluoley. Frederick 4 1. 'Juo Ring. GeorgeS 5 04 3i3 luct.'artney, Isaac 2 88 4uO Minbicr, Ibomas lo :w OUer. William 6 81 400 Philon,kobrt -0 100 Pitcher, William 10 200 Picklug, Henry S 3 06 400 Scott, John S 10 3.0 V timer, Jacob 4 88 400 W Illinois, George 10 90 Haulm. James 1 "8 LARIMER. Lot: s Acre: :m M v l.i MO J4 to 150 luO Lot: 1 Acre: 40 31 144 M Lot. 1 Acre: 400 Lot. 1 Acre: M 4C4 'Al 4110 Abernathy, Thomas AOeroalhy, Charlotte..... Bowman, Samuel , Bowman A Ebersule Deal. Jobn K. '8 heirs Hebner, George........... Heilev Ananias... Liut, Gillian Meyers, Peter's heirs Miller, Gabriel , Miller, Jacob D.'sbelrt... Meyers Peter heirs W'llmotb, Alph Klmmell, Jonn O.... Speigle, Andrew's heirs... May, William LOWER TURKEY FOOT. Anderson. Thomas W Boucher, S. W Burgess, Williams , Deal, Francis Forward A Hugus Hallowell. JoUu Hiring, Silt ester Lowry, Peter McVoUgh, D.J. A Co McAflrey, James Powers, Alex. Vougnt, Simon Welter, John MckllUen, J. R MIDDLECREEK. Bedford, Gunning Gaery, Adam's heirs King, Williams MILFORD. Beam, Jacob Brook, David Benson, Peter Calowell, David C Caldwell, SamueL. ........ Dunlai. John - G.bhart A Walter Ginbar'.,Mathias Johnsou, William Meyers, Peter's heirs.. Wollenstiergcr, ....... Tom, Raebael Tom. Wilson, Tnomas.. ......... Wilson. James Miller, Tbomas short, David , Short, John Berkley. Phils. A Rboads. Bitner, Henry Margudent, Charles , 1 19 2 38 3i 70 20 40 44 T 70 14 20 2 07 ft 10 4 80 13 60 VS 42 3 M 40 1 34 3C2 60 13 0 1 K 10 13 te 1 74 13 00 30 N VOO Lot. 1 Amrs. 41 0 212 4t 6n ai uo 34 14 70 ft 39 2 I 1 30 10 00 ft IM 2 50 ft 62 14 40 14 4UI 40 3H 304 4U lift liW1 ; w to 37 Ul Sirs 10 Lot: i. l Acres. xeo JO Hi 14 27 IS 92 14 40 3 6 ft 2 1 44 7 23 1 13 44 12 26 12 77 13 1 oe 45 3 So 18 20 4.! 14 98 MEYERSDALEBOR. A' Thomas A Kettle.. .. Baer, Henry Huose, John R.. ...... ....... Benbird, Jobn H Croose. Maryaret. Deal, Edmuud Engie, Jobn. Friedbo if, Joseph Hoffman, John Lindamin, Solomon ,Mri..n a .niller. Mwiary Aagaeiaa Minkeymire. C. Merrll. Nathaniel. Paul. Tbomas. St v won. James St. vei son. Franklin Sheets Joseph Scbniuker William Tipton, Jobn NORUTHAMPTON. Lot: l I ft 28 3 08 3 e 2 14 2 SO 4 30 4 44 3 14 90 4 22 t IS 1 64 72 8 no 3 3 1 08 30 1 62 M Arret. 4 MV 20 leu 214 M 131 . 200 ioa Lot. Acre: 184 'JO 1(U Baety, Sarah Bruwn, usan. Bowman, Henry Bowman, Mat bias Colirutb A Pica ing Kntf!re A Smith Kngleka, Lewis Finemore, Sarab IKil.len, klisalieth. Me Bride. Sarab Witt A Wullentoerger (',).. Wad man, Mary Weighs, James Wllmolh, Alph Krisslnger.Cbarles Witt A Wottensbcrger. FAINT. 62 82 78 34 1 '-4 1 02 64 OH 31 20 87 28 18 41 SO 50 70 10 71 67 0 60 390J e u 20 sp 440 440 219 2, 30 4071,1 4.1a Mi 10O Barton, Thomas Barklev, Hugh (S Clark. Daniel.......'..... Clark, lamel iK.rsey'PairV'k Espey, Andrew Ejjey. Josiah loskeep, John..... Johnson, Perry Li in man, Joseph Moore. Abraham Monre, Joseph '',).... Martin, illlam... Poor. John Primrose, Violet Shaw, Benjamin. Stov, John............... Sirogte, Thiimas.. ....... Stockton. Richard Seese, John Tbornt-n, William , Trial. Elltabetn Walker. Lewis West, John , Warner. Hironemot..... Williams, Israel , SHADE. A cK enna n. George Auleison,Saaael (I-). Campbell, Margaret..... Campbell. Mary CaroduM, Thomas........ Clark, Daniel Da ley, Juha , .. II 10 .. ft ft .. 4 IK 8 08 .. 82 ..11 1ft .. ft 87 .. 11 94 .. 10 1 .. 2.7 .. 12 14 .. 2 17 .. 2 7 .. 10 12 .. 1 71 .." 11 23 .. 11 10 11 10 .. 11 1 .. 1 84 .. 11 10 .. 5 66 .. 8 40 .. 11 13 .. 11 10 .. 8 47 101 3X0 4oe 4i0 400 4IIO 1 200 303 40 400U 44 21 3U ' 3M 4UI 4t'l 20 l& 04 13 1ft 13 eard'more distinctly and al distance during the rattle A V .,1m nt hattlsi -J SUU fcUW U1' ugle ; tbat its beat wm oe $ feeble and discordant K,Dder the same cirenm- ')AA-h9 ounded by the VV W . NCI ait 'a - - A. V ill affect much more 5?p3of the bugler; 4. or utilizing tbe vjr ordinary eTent jrous acu uccurioj. O -J .A ' diecolor- rye luO 10 3o 27 6 23 16 31 pi. ' STV KircheV 8UJU, Hatns. W.J.... Witt A Woirenstw. UPPER TUBKEYFOO Baer. W. J. (welaier) Blddle, Jamas. Clevenger, Paul. 4C0 Lot: 2 30014 100 Acre. 94 14l 20 Lot: ft 2 Acre: 44 toft. Acres. 4UU Lot: 1 1 Arret. 60 IVan. Eilwanl . Hanna, William.... King, John 1 V 17 Lohra, Peter Pile. John Snyder, Peter..... Shultx, James. URSINA BOB. Andenoa Spencer A Co... Baer, W. J. (saw mill)... 4 60 ft 30 1 93 Lot: JO 2 7ft 1 9? 2 60 1 ! IV I 02 73 ST 1 : 39 1 78 Baer, Retina. Conrad, .Margaret Cuuninghacn, Wesley.. Hiieox.H.mekiah Morgan, 1 oung AltemasACo ' Meyers DavUl. Sloan. Henry. ...... ......... Thompson. Juha..... Snyder .George N. B. Sale to commence at 10 A. M. H.F. KNEPPER. Taaascaaa SOMERSET NORMAL ACADEMY. Tbe 'Spring Term of tbe Somerset Normal Academy, will open on Monday, April 19, lsw), and continue in session 10 weeks COURSE OF STUDY. There will be two courses : A Normal and an Elective course. Special aueatlon will be given to those pursuing tbe Aorinai Course, having tor lis object ibw bet ter preparation ot Teachers. To this end tbe common branches ami the most approved methods ul teaching uurn will rseive particular ear. ELECTIVE COUKSE. For tbe beneflt nf those desiring to lake special Btuuies, classes will be forme.1 aud tnonmgu in tructioos given In Latin. German, Pbys okwy, fbiiosepbt. Botany, tligher Alebra, Geoutetry, trigonometry, ttooa-Keeping aud Drawing, btuiienis -oouid biiug tueir Tex nooks, aad ar rangements wilt be made fur the chtau uarebaae ol books. EXPENSES. NORMAL f8 09 1-J.tUl 1VE 7 00 MODEL 4 00 One-half payable Ul advance, balance at middle of term. Boarding in private families from 82 60 to S3 00 per Wt.ek, single meals lrom 12 to Iftots. MISCELLANEOUS. The teachers are 01 many years expert, nee, tbey will be wide-awake to tne Interest of tbelr stu dents, and they will spare no labor to make the scnooi a success in evei y particular, rney are coo ttdentnt placing within the reach of all who will lavor tn. mwun tneir patronage, wlta mocn ieee cost, advantages equal to thoae enjoyed at higher institutions. A Literary Society will be organised, in which all will be exjiecied 10 lake pan. Tbe grounus are ample : the building is pleas antly snuauid, and the whole surroundings well adapted to tbe pleasure and profit ol ail connected with the scbnoL For further particular address. J.JAY MILLER, R. K. SAN NEK. Principals. Fall Term opens August 2nd. Ae-Speelal terms 10 studeuts attending both sessional. JEGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given to aft persons eonceiued as legatees, creditors or otherwise, that tbe bil lowing accounts bave passed register, and that tbe same will be presented for confirmation and al lowance at I Irp bans' Court to ba held at Som erset, on Thursday. April 2ih, 1880. Account of Hamsun Yoonalo, guardian of Win. H. ZulalL First and final account of John ft. Hay, admin istrator and trustee of Cyrus Bowman dee'd. Account of Samuel Weaver, guardian of the minor children of Simon Shatter dee'd. First and nnal account of Meees Younr. admin istrator and trustee of Henry Young, dec J. First and final account of Harry D. Lohr, ad ministrator and trustee of David Lohr, dee'd. First account of fcubraim J. McKaaxie. acting executor of Joseph McKeniie, dee d. Aoroni 01 nenry r. scneu, jtuanuan 01 Eliza beth Homer, formerly Heleeil First and final account of Samuel Snyder, ad ministrator and trustee of Stephen Trent, dee'd. Account oi Samuel Tbomas ami Joeepa Gindlev snerger, executors of Peter Gindlesperger dec d "Account of Josiah J. Walker, guardian ef th minor children of Jobn B. Walker, dee'd. First account of Jesse ant Wn H. Walter, x eeuton of Jobn Walter, dee'd. First ard final account of John Server and wa. M. Schrock, executors of Henry Server, il 'd. Account of Matbbu Pourbaagli administra tor ot Herman Poorbangh, dee'd. First ami final account of H. B. Barnes, adabv Istratorof Mary Deit dee'd. rinal aceount 01 H. 0. name, surviving M mlnistrator case Icifianlstsww of Christian Dell, dee'd. First and final account of Simon L. Korns. trus tee fur the sale of the real estate of Philip Maurer, deceased. First and final account of of Valentine Hay, guardian of Rotten G. Walker. Account of fcpbraim Walker, surviving admin istrator of Perry Berkley who was administrator of I alharlne Berkley, dee'd. First and final account Frederick Blngner, guar dian of Bruno Von H onsen. WJl. B. FREASE. March 81. Register. pOURT PROCLAMATION. Va naas, lb Honorable William M. HatL. President of tbe several Couns of Common Pleas of theCountiee composing th sixteenth Judicial District, and Justice of the Courts ol Oyer and Ter miner and General Jail Delivery, for tb trial of all capital and other otlenders in the said District, and D is 1 si. STttrrr and CO. MreecLnan Es- 3 aires. Judges of the Courts of Common Plean,anel uetiee of tbe Courts of Oyer aad Terminer, asal General Jail Delivery, for lb trial of all capital anil other otlenders In the County of Somerset, Bav issued their precepts and to me directed, lor beetl ing a Court of Common Plena, and General Quar ter Sessions of the Peace, and General Jail Dell, ery aad Courts of Oyer and Terminer, at Somerset s MBdnj. April 23. I7. None 1 ts hereof pioen to all tb Justices of tb Peace, tbe Coroner and Constables witbin the said County of Somerset, tbat they be then and there in their proper persons, with tbelr rolls, records, inqut. sition s, examinations, and other remembrances, 10 do those tbings which to tbelr odlees and in that behalf appertain to be done; and also, they who will proeeente agalnstthe prisoners that are or shall, be in the Jail of Somerset Cortty, to be than and. there, tprosecuta against tbem as shall be luC EDGAR KYLE, oct IS Sheriff. SSIGXEES ACCOUNTS.' Notice ts hereby given, that th fbUowlnsy sssw enun'S bave been hied la .my office and thM they will be presented to tbe Court hireonhnnntioa on Thurndaij, April 29A, First and final account of Jobn R. ScviL aajigne of Singleton Kimmel and wife. First and nnal account of Ueorge-1., walker, assignee or Valentine Hoon. . . First and final account o B. ft. Fleck at S. L. Korns, assignees of Philip P. Ma a res and wit. First and final account or X H. Hay and A. F. Blltner, assignee of J. R. Boos aad wi e. First and final account of Cornelius Baeehler. committee of Kuelna Mirier fa lunatic.) First awl nnal aeconnt or rranklln waller as signee of Jaceb Kline aad wife. First and final aeeenot ol Alex. C. Xoerw as--Ignee of Dietrich Kreager. First and final account of W. H. Kapple, as tlgnea of John J. Hodman ami wile. Account of Conrad Uueer Jr. administrator oft Conrad linear. Sr., dee'd. r lrst and nnal account or Cbarte L. Kaltsar and Abram W Uson, execators l Geera Baltaer. deeeaaed. First and final account ot Joseph Sheets, ad ministrator of Jacob Sbasts.'deo'd. H. F. SCHELL. March 31 CisvA. UDITOR'S NOTICE. Judgeaef the Orphans Court of Somerset oenly, to ascertain th advancements and nak a d tntmi ion of be fund in tb hands of John Delter , Ea'tr. of Samuel Deltew, dee'd- and aianasj those legally entitled thereto hereby give nuuee tbat he will attend to tb dt of bis apportrt ment at bis om. In th Boroagb f Somereet. Penna.. on Thursday, the 2-d day of April. I" at l e'cloeb p. m.. of saM day. when and wher tboee uurestad can attend and be hernial if taty see proper. J. B. SCOTT. Mareh 3L Auditor, WANTED : LOCUST PINS Aa ttnftkt, in torft gaaniwa Permanent contracts would be mad with relia ble par le w ho ean furnish regular suppllea. A, dree W. A. LEVERING Wholesale Leeib I Uerehaat. Poplar gtrMt Wharf, Philadelphia. Feb. la. mmiti Mlrlir.