Terms of IPublication Th: Somerset Herald t .i.iuaed every Woonottlay Morning at $1 M unaia. If I" ,n aavawo nuwmw i w u u-rUb!y be chanted. o ,uicrlptt will t" HtwraUiineJ untU all rrearaget ar PmW "P- Po,UB"tcr neglectln; notify vi wbea lubterlbeis do not tk out btlr pI'0' wU1 to,lJ bl for ,tttcrtPUon SllUicrttwti reutovln fron. on rN-Hotne to aa- sti.mU rtv ln " rt tamr as t cli M tfct'reser.iono adrttwt The Somerset Herald, Hamrrr-ct, l'a. A TTORSEYl A TLA IV. r. J. -roBKEV AT LAW, buiucrwL, Pa. SoBtrut; Penna. 11 Somerset, Petiu'a Vi:OiijE R SCULL. I T ATTUKMKY AT LAW, ""TiMiT ICt Alexander H. Ooflrotb bat I "uaietl 'he (iracuoe v. w In Sxmertcl uJ , juilbk coquet. . t'Ci'.SCHUJ-.ATTUKIiEi ATLA I I .nJ Bounty au i Pension Ageut, &0Dreret, it OlSoe in l.mt - u"u- , .1 IAT1NE HA Y. ATTOKNEY AT LAW A.jdV.lVr ! real estate Somerset, Pa., will Vu u T ail rtusli.es. eutru.ul u. bucaro witb ;:-.n"i auB.Uly. fU4S t. K.IMMEL, ATTXKNEY AT LAW, ,1 s.u-erjeU Pa-, auenu to all ou-lasa en. ,7u." cd w bu care la Si'mrei and a.l kueiii wan . .." a uromutneM and DdeUty. tidioe iu .Maui-B'bBla- t.b.l;-lT r(LlN k CtlLBOKN, ATTOKNtVS AT I i Lt. All urf&uieu cu(riuid Ui tUcir care .111 P 1 ' "(rr.i -! lr auwa. Ip&lairs. . ,,H M I'HU ATTUKN tY AT LA W , j I eri.L, r1., fiii pT'inpUj aeud to all t-uMnettk ; utnceln Maminoiii tiuildlon. J. ,J. UtlLE ATTOKNET AT LAW. s ,ui.-t. Fa. rToieial uusiineM entrusted cre aitendod iowilb proniptneaeaiia adotUy. Jll. L. BAKR, ATTUKNEVt. AT L A W . Somcraet, Fa.. rlll iractu-e lu Som-.'c- aill'iui'K euuntle. Ail bust aw. en "raj'f 1 us IMui ill ' pruiupUy attendeu u. ii'iLLlAATirrfcTtlONTZ, AITOKNEY AT W Lm" Sniervi Fa., will iclve rumj.l attu j ,l i.. ijusintM eutraeted to b! care lu Sv..nieriw tn l the a tj.'lumn eouutlea. ttOi In Fraitlu ti('UIe lil'W. 7iKKKUTHti RI FPEU ATTORNEYS AT (j Ijuw. All bu.iiiirm entrniiKHl u their uare will t ;if-.!i;y and pniK'tually attended to. urr a 'n Main Uruat etreet, owoslte the Hia;iji'Ih Hitx t. J UllN R. SCOTT, ATTOKNET AT LAW. k..,t Pa. naicn in in. man iiu-. ;i i.'i-i r-n entr j.""l I" ht care atlunued towuh prvotniocds and tldelity. J AMES L. 1'UUII, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, S tc-r-et. Pa- Orttce, Mammoth l!ix'k.np stalrf. tutra'i--e Main t:nf St. O'lie-ti-'no ma.le. it, fettled, tl'ir" eramine.1, and all leitai busl lofnt'euded U'wltb prmptiie anii tldediy. inljl glUVEYING, Writing Dr-eds, &c, d neon chirt totiee. -Enjulre at Caaebeer Co.'f Store. C. F.WALKER. Aue 1 )ESSI0X AGENCY. S P S l ier ol Sin l Patch. Stmi-r? el e. utny. P, lu-lce ol 'he Peace. unr-ur and cIi.it j..,'.niiil promptly adlect all B-nu'y n.i F.n cU.mJ Vn.ru.-d to Mm. P-re. wi bin. .,, lntrmath.n wil' addre- him at the... we gained place. eucluritiK dlar?e and nort;iKe fiaiup luf reply. PHYSICIANS. DR. E. M K1MVELL & POX -n r their pr .te-.!-.nl Kerrl.-ef to 'be rltl-i,n,.tS..Bien-et and vlrlnl'T. One of Ihe metr. in, ol me nnu cn at all time., unlm pr.f-in"n- ily e if-i fart ot .i.e fd I l.und al lueir ouicc, vu 'aiQ"Bd nK j K MILLER n permanentH located In Birlmforihe prartice ol hit pndaMion. t.rSr r..,,pn.ite Cuartot K.rlflcgr' etora. ip. in, -:o-u. rR H FRfRAKEF tender, hlf p-ofewnonal I I rerrlcef to tbe citiiene ol Ht. itnn;iience..nedoor aert of ti Bar- TVl G. 15 MASTERS H licate.1 In S-mcr-t Mr the practice of cU mm im. and lendem hie prolei'al x-rrlcef to Mmm.eh Kl . k : feat KOC with CurtH UroTe. Ill fM. t-iOLLlNS. KENT 1ST, fJotneraet. IPa Oific InCawKMr-f Block, op ataira rr he can at all time be fownl PTT" w ' all tledf of work cb a Blllnn wr avUnit. e "vxdu. Ac. Artlllclal teeth ol all kl.iodol U. Vrtrawnal.lnaerted. Operatiooa warranted D U A. O MILLER rHJT-lCIAXt SUKGEOX. H. remove-; te Sootk Bend. Indiana, wuvrv twi I coufulted by letter orotberwiee. Dr. W.r. FUXDESBEI10, Itte Uedent Kargeon, Jg? M Eis asi Ear IsSmarj, lis lxa:ei peniorertiy is He Z-Xj cf CUXSSSLASra, Ztefjai frieZZSirSIVS treatscst cf all f tio Sve asd 2ar, is:.ui ITcse asi Ta: ka- V4 kaiw Are, .. Koatk Bt.re ftret. Jut. DEST1STS. John hills, DENTIST. ' Ere in t jSroik a Nett a new ttnlMls. Main Croa Strwet. Samemt, Pa. Born WiI. COLLINS, i i:tist, Vist iN.rr Caeeheer a Frbaae'l uirr. Someraet, l'a In the last Olteeei eeara I kave creally t "tl in prima anlftclal teeth In this place. TtwennaM lfartair demand for teeth baa In eajcl me to in'.anre my faeilltk that can m-m acta ol teeth at lower prV than yow m t" them In any other place In tbia owintry. luai making a arond eet v4 teeth for and If Ut-retwid I any peraua tnK( wiy ihoaaanda ruicuicrt tnlhU or the adjolnlna- evonilea i that I har. mad teeth that U n artvlre: toti I aat "laetiua, they can cU on nw at any lima and (ret b iei tree of eharwa. atari! HOTELS. JJUMOND HOTEL. HTOYSTOWX PA. Ttit pipalarand well known b-me ha lately twihlr and oewlv ren-ted. with all new t hr o) luniiture. wni h haa ma-le It a very riM. r iiolea place tor lb travelina pottlic Klt tat. and roitms can wot turpaod. all be bt:'cl with a larar pul'iie hall attwbed th. an, AW) Urve and ro-mT etabltmt fr cta tjartitna- can be bad t tbe Krwert poe 'r prices by week, day or DieaJ. SAM I ELi CI STEIl. I'ror. S. E-Cor. Ilam-d, Ja;r 5L Kown, Pa. DAVIS BROS., House, Sten al Fresco PAINTERS, S03HUJSETt PA. A MONTH ituarante.!. ft a day bom ! by tbe tain trbufc am al nm regmreo : we wm fn . ... "- x.- hov and e iris 1 5. . ,1 w.fc I4U,H a flsien -'.tse. m a at at wr.trV t' FT ml V' er. treaaeT U and them elvea. 'TV '-.Btaad terw- (re. Kow l the time. aad aaworfe an layitig up large uni ,. ' ann . - VOL. XXVIII. NO. 43. il ASKS, ETC. ZSTKAV BANK J y,a a4Ul,.,fcl.w Cc'tintv Bank CHARLES J. HARRISON. Cashier etui l&ctiager. Collection made In ,11 '.snsottlieluitea Statea, Chances moderate. Uutter and otoer cneckt eol- iccted and cashed. Lantern ami K esters exchange alwtyi on hnnd. Kpnitttanres made witb jiromjit new Ato-iobu auhi-lted. Partlei ditlniiH t Iurchae tT. S. 4 PER CENT. FUN l Eli LOAN, can h, aeeomtm). dated at this Hank. The capons are prepaid In denomination of 60. lit), $00 and 1 CM. KU. HU ES LA tfl K BKX Apts lor Fire LiS Imm, JOHN HICKS & SON, SOMKKSFr. I 'A.. d.nd Real Estate Brokers. ESTABLISHED 1.0. - Pcrwair hn Jffirrv aril, hur or exebanze pfp-srtj.inl-fnt.i r:u-J it t Uftr a'.vutayc to iviiiFtcr the rip:t,i: ifcer--'. u? nch-rkel madennlrni i.: r rrr"cd. Ileal e.'Kta 1 ulutr generally wi.l'.e prjcptiy aticuued to. s. t. iJttl i: X- s dxs, JOS UALTlMOllK KTIIKET, CT.Mi;E!!I.A.D, M.l. if AT(iu:s. niAiss. tiOLib siLi't.kuwARt:. !-ia .wo.vrs. AXlXltAS I LOLKS, MESCII CLOCKS SILVi:!t ILATl.D HiKL JEU'LLk Y, 4c. HOLIDAY FEESEKTSI Watches nd Ji wtiry KcpHind b -Skilled Workmen nn! T'r'.urncd by l.xinr Free of t'huriic. No cx ebanee U l.KgraHt sr. iw' war ranted ' njirtMjttd 001 15 AUCTIONEER. 1 ) ARTIES ncHiliPK p-y lortw on R.-al or P. r- X oLul l;at. ir .T'V h.Tii; to t!if oi al urtit.n. w it IiTxl 1 wid u rf ei lire p,ii..tac-U.n Ail Ictirrs i v mail pr.iiup; !y aiun.lrd to. W. A. K'D.MZ, v 1. C..i.Uu, iice. l a. CHAELlS eopphas. MERCHANT TAILOR. (Above F. J. Eo".er n.T.ir.) "MAMKOTH CLOCK," SOMERSET, IV LATENT STILES al LCWEET PRICES. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.JiZ TOfi'0A TEAR, rrtim f 0 a dnj-in yonr i wn ! jlity. N,rirk. U mcn oi no woll r. men Matty mrke m5re than theani.-unt fated ah.ite. Nuone can tail lo maU neyfart. Anr one ran do the work. n nn mke fr(m & ci t..u hour by derottni; your evcuiuusand fparc ipoe to t!i biifincfi". It rtotbiov Iti try ittr DUMhfF. NoiMok like It lor money makiie vt oflvrcl Itehtre HnnlnrMt pleat-am and eirli-tly hontnble. trader, if vun want tt kiotw atl aMtnt the tet pKiinv huMnew be..re the pnbllr-, . no vr y, nr r.atce and we will ariidvou luil can it-olar ai.d private terre free: m!i'i worth a .aleo Iree; you can then make up npyuur min t 'or vocrwit A blrest tittiktiESTINSri- k(to.. Jane 11 For land. Maine. Ayer's Catnartic Pills, Tor all the purpewa of s Family Phytic. taa for c-rmit Costiveness. Jaunaiee. indnrostion. Foul Stomncn. Breata. HeauasDe. Erysipoias. Kaeuniatiam. x.rut:t.uiia -ua o:a xi!se:fea. o lour,iWi i.Urcpsy, l upors. Worms. Zveuri x'.A. as a iijsner :or x'urityis ;r.e i:co-i. ,:v li:f :i:i!: i i :ivo Bii-i vrtu: Iil.il T'.ir.-iit.M-cvfi i:i-t .,vt n-.l. 'J'ii-.-nn- ii.il'l. i:;: vi '!T.n!':i. iiiimnt tin- i.t ir t;m. ::Tol 1 ilEfiiif T.'iin " Vs ! pent lo -&1?Z v! ! m tiifir ti-rati.n. are mii tin- SSi&ZSl niori tin lOrilllll Hllti ft.inliii) :i:kar- f r ir.i'tiifiao ti;.it tan In- miriiovi-ii : clt ans i'Z tlit stDinich ami lxwt'i. ami even tin bko!. hi f:i::i!l lie? cf one j'iil a ii.iv. liny fii:u'.il.tte the dirftivc orgjins r.n.i pro:noto timorous licilth. Avr.u's I'ii.i.s Lave 1 ccn knnirn for iii'tro ;li;in aqmrttTof a century, ami Iiavc o'):ai:ic 1 a world-wide r. jittalioii fr llnir vi:-i:u'i. Tliov carrcri diseased actinn in llio K-vt-ral :tsi::iiiative irrans of !i.e lo lv. an 1 are fo -o:nt'-',il tltat (ib.-lroc- liu:;s wi:I;:n turir mr.:: M il: 1 or evade slietn. ;:.l raivlv ni:h Xttt tn!v lt iln-i r:irr- tin bo i v. hu t;vtTv-ii;iy i ui! iiliiint-i if t-verj-ai0 fr:i.i diib e ar.d li.m'jeroi:' iia-os :i;a'. bnf 1 nlTTe-.l ti e l-?d of .T.uu.in s-k.il!. Whiif tliev jirufini-p fowcr- ful e:i cta. tiit-v r.rt". w ihn t:iv.:t time, llit fV-l ar. I ix-H jiuy-i.' l.r eLi-cren. Iv t'u ir r.rx i ient a ::n li.t-y v'.-rv n.ctli k-:- Sii tn ;m- -.i:ii:;i:)n t :;r.-..:i'. os. and never rite !:-,i:j ain-a :!.t. imviv.. art' not inl'.in.eii l'l.-y r -a-;i she vl:a! foui.::.::..- tt'iiie l.icixi. -r. 1 tren7,hoa tiic vrtciu by freeing ii !.-. x r.vuH-r.'.-i ol T.-unef. ;.i:i:" 1 to :i:i are" ::ni ecndiiinn in :.:.-.:. o:.::ii:ii::; rt-i;iier ruiou.ei tiur a:;y uco-tfiious urj, tliOM; I ills ni.n t tai:tn wv.ii snfetv bv r.rtvixxiv. Tlnir .'.-.r-f na:;-!; rresorve? ibi-.tt t-vt-r frvfb an l aiaia j :iif:n tueaant totaKe: wiii.a tt-iii; prirt '.y vor,,tabio. no lir.r.;i c:;:; :,n i- iro:n Jiiiir u-c irt anv ci'taniitv. prtEfARED cr Dr. J. C. AYER & CO , Lowei!, Mass., Pr)irtic-l and Anlvtical rh.itioti. SOLD ly ALL iiiLjiiSlS i.VUa'WttS& n a tf ii ..V--.?W. I i - The Onjy Kemedy I TniT ALTS iriitL'JUXE TL3LB OX TBS LIYZR, THE COVELS, and tho Kf DKEYS. dsrfA iwavr I) ecrt aii dca-M. !0lX. Are Ve Sick? iiaj-s Kt g'jm that pnest orgziu l4 kwn eZ-C5t& or torpid, mud r, . . - .... , .(l . .. I.. C tjw-rr . Jrt A. iim-ii'- .' .-1,....i.,...ia I ail 101 SNIX l'lLLS.iOSlTPATIOX.It kirM:t COWl llNTvlT!l..tt U 1)1--Kt-l.S). II.IAIt I Ai.. J and trorins I'tiir iflair to Vavw cfi fida-at. Fj M It: y Se!TsT clitnse s7m tnA Vt fj f-A tri'r t irmeatew with 1'ilea, ts mt -paliow t r 1 I ' f fri.-hteaederil.orred Kid.ier I M o bXjr? lare vrrrowa rrasea neaaacaaal 1. - . 1 .1 - :t. . - . n Ly bare alreplesa ttit-h w- . T LIDNirr V CZT erj trjoiet I &'t KJIiZl H t JJJl Tit , R l! a, .. . . 61, r-i Itlaei, ri llfl 2 tH-iayss! attoava, fl .500 w I li . 1 ; -f . FOR II S Hllll III, ESTABLISHED 112. Hnvtnir swure.1 the service of Mr. Win. H Harn'-an as nit A item In Somer I county lortb a.oii'iK wt.-l s-oti, 1 n tothank rnruumrrout customers tor iiit tavors. awl bespeak ft Nr. K ruhurt the liberal pauonage enjoyed by Biy former aircrttf. I hare a vert larjfe stock of of iry own manufacture, consisting of BLANKETS CASSIMEKES. SATINETS. : JEANS, HLFILLANTS, FLANNELS, COVEKLETS, YAKNS, 'hicD I wih to CARPETS, TBADE FOR WOOL. OorOxx's are M AlE FOR SERVICE, nnrfer my own Hjn:rvit"n. and we n'rlve now, a In Ihe lHrt to give mt!!'artl..n ai d full ralue to all. will. a. uiual, vtsl'.ail our curlomert during the Summer. VM S MOrUAN. Stttut tn h Mills. Air J. H. ElDiKMAX. GEO. SNYDER SOMERSET FOUNDRY. ZIMMERMAN & SNYDER, Ml fc.nlrastit. Ciaiie and ior tale, couilit- in j irt irt SIC AU GRATES, s it i: D s o l i: s ST I E LI XI X G S A X 1 G I: A TE S.I'E O It' A X I The BOAZ, S II E A I; S , ( r. .fr. fc, STOKER and HECLA Xt. 3, 4 and S SI E.VTI .V HTO VK M.ide and fcr tile. All km If of O is:ti!irs made to orJer at short mure A MACllIXE SHOP a tirhcd tu the F m Iry in which all kinds of Machinery will be repaired promptly. W j . re dolnif a pncral FOUNDRY BUSINESS, And folk-it all kinds of orders in "tir line. llEIMIhlMi ASPEMPLTT. N T. S6 JUST OUT! HOOFS GREAT BOOK OF THE WAR. ADVANCE AND RETREAT. l'trsimal Experience iu the I'ni- teil States and Vonft-ier-atc Statcn Annies : By C. EN ERA L, J. 13. HOOD, LntK Mfa'rasiH'tJrnrriil tfr4erat hlntea Army, pablmarfl far He EcoJ Ciilaa Msmorial FiiaJ, l!Y General G. T. Beauregard, New Orleans, 1880. The entire pr ivls arl1nr from the salo of mm wora nre o vtcj to I lie Hoort ornna i Me morial Kun.l, which 14 Invented in lTuiie1 States KteUiercd bono. the nnrtar. care, support aaj etlnt-atton ol tbe ten luiauta deprived ot ihetr lreuis last eutnmtr at New OrleHoa, (the mel- atirhoiy lnrhK-uis ot whkb aid Perear;meot are mill irt f h 1 the nut.uc mln-i.l The B k la u rloganl oclarn, mntalclDir 20 aKcs, with a bne puoturap likeneasanti a line ha-kI cnurailLic. made 4rirrcFlv f tbia work. four lare maps ol buttle held, hound In hand- toinetrray r:tKUn eioin, at 1 sawsmrai or in a Fine Mircp Kmoin. witb Mar le Elae. Ihrrr Ihillari.aa t lfl, ! In Half l-und Alortr o lurry stvie. rwair Dollar. or lu the beit Lrv.nt 1'nrkcy Morccu, lulliiilt ?-io a ami a-t-a 111. saniiairw. On tbe r.wipt from any peison remitted by mail or express, ot tb. amount in a registered let ter or by a portal onter. btirk draft or check, a copy will l-e lmmetllately sent Iree of poetage, r g- i.tcrvo ai .eouuo-cia.e matter. Ibe voluioeo1 published in the lte.t ftyle ofty- pttvrraphy, on eiexant pupvr, with illustration. ext'emeo as nianevt Mieriuiens ol art. Tbe author, the ruitjvct. th purpose, all alike rentier it wo thy to a place in every librarv, on evrry dt-tk w upon the botk shell of every lions it. tue country. Atittti -wanted i cocrv foien and reuafy fa Ac tnucd Slatrt. end a preference will be oivem t aeaorao', aucaarra vrierant jrom int amy. To the ladles, who !eel a lr re io, xi res their rymimihy with The Hood O yhen Memo, ml fund titc aaie 4.1 ibis oooa amonir 'iictrctrt-tct.i irienttn. till atltirtl an excellent way ol con Hint ting sub stantial am 10 to aettervins a cause. FOR TERMS, RATES T AG t NTS, ETC., ADDRESS WITH FELL PARTICULARS, Ct n'H". T.;B'ai regard, roblishfT, ON Bi ll LF O THE HOOD MEMORIAL FUND, N3W Cr!fa3s, La. A W EER In voa own town, and no cap ital risked. Vi can a-ivetbe bnsiueiv a trlMl .ithout expense. The liest oppor luoity ever offered t those wllllnir M w.L, Yon should Irr nothlt a cUcnntl lor voarself what vou cando at the busi ness we offer No mum to explain here. You can lev. all yonr time or tmlv y -ar aoare time tothe businese. and makeareat pay for every btur that ycta work V'imen make as much a men SenJ for special private ternisn-l artirnlant. which wc mail free. i Imi hi iroe. iKxi't complain of hard lmes while yon have such a chance. A.Mret 11. H ALI.ETT, Portland, MataM. June 11. C. F WaLKEI 01 this place hat a lot of bit celebrated Hone Kaket ftsr kale better tnee evej and cheap. Any owewbi wants ttne at vn-w, woulf tlu well to aeo-l bim postal card or In soon Wa . Mi. tuu in order to make sure of zettins one. as be In his rounds of selling might not fine 4U wno want rases. Maya A'.Search Warrant. allows an ofl'.eer to pro thr-nch your tjuse from cellar ar.rret. and LindSev'S BI?Od Searcher i warm at eJ to Ko mr-u h your fvt 111 iruiu u.p totaandorlve out all ldd disease. Its cures are won P r ul im certined to by doctors, preachers and pjile. Scrofula Merrarlxl Dia raaea. Kry .iiiaa. Tetter. I'm tn tbe Lungs or uathekin lfl! l-ioitdea, Ac. we wsrrani a to cure. It la a purely Vcetabl ttpouad and Poweriul Tonic For tale ty ail liruairisu. S that ourn-ni Is on the bottow of the w. .pper It. E. SKLLLtS k tX., Prop'ra, Pitu ura-h. Pa C 1 eCYj, As, nt. Somerret, P 1 ty'toteyrfjr wet tfe.eraftme. or far imw tec taswO oaoi'fonVf f"r tc.I or oirr corrynn-ti. trate- start ond'.i'-'n. Cnw', Jtujtumsnt, nfer frrnert, A rt fe-.ts. Fk.le fir iKriryemrntt. and mUev$ariting umler the 1U tit .w. prompt ly 1tm4f! Tt. neeltftorn IMai sc- orsi I by the Pntmt nf. fee man HM, soft cne. IV pnunl'U Jftmif -1'mmi( '. f . . rater I jepfTrrtnrms. ana enrtrtfra tn j-mm io'.'m c(nit-W. ant era wtott cofr vTrrer. ond er Puteafs aaore prompt!, and tctf frrwider claimt. ti-m rkmwe tt-hn ore rmtr rmvt aaainrro. tma wf a mod tl or aiwctk of wowr lireiot; if KuA a-tt4UHXi 't J oWr us lo fKltrntvbiiitn, frmef riMw AJi cor-rjrmtirr snyy ca--fenMf. nVef ..f.. fi .V f I'-AMitL VM Ii r.4Tl..T SCt CUE It. K4 r'frr fa. HsM.rfa. f. Hon. Vuwuater Ornerml l M l'"t. . 'n. F. t. Purrr, TSe Oermnr-Amerir-n Kitlonfl Fix. f c-o la the li. SL i-Qtent OJten. mn4 Its Krmit'mnd ftrprtM ntutinew in fVjtM. wl trpeal'y l r c'iea't fa mrj Siute in Lie r-i... . f .jun.'a. A-"rett wiLTi!nwnrrin 66 10a see im Somerset WARY 1SD UtB LITTLE BEAC. Mary bad a Utile bean A) tweet at be otrald be ; Bat ercry night be wouldn't go, And that made misery. For Mary's ma, she never slept, But listened fall of lean ; And when, to late, poor Mary crept To bed, she'd box ber ears. And pa said gas bills all were high And that the coal was low. And swore he'd mnrder by and by That chap who wouldn't go. And Mary she grew thin and pal; Her lover be grew tiout; II or pe rents threats had do avail, He would not be put oat. And spite of Mary's woful gate He'd shovel on tbe coal, And poke the fire to a blase And on tbe tola lolL At length the pa and ma, both grave. Said thin, t had reached a past W hen something mast ! done to save Their winter's coal ana gat. Tbe youth's ceatrnfiont they mutt know And Alary 's ma said the Would quest ion M arj's little bean. And pa said so wonld be. Ill; Mary wept, but all In vain ; That very night ber pa Walked in tbe parlor with bit cane Bebiad him came ber ma. And then poor Mary's little beau Stopped poking at tbe grate. And turning pale laid be must go Belore It was too late. But ma backed against the door, And pa upheld the cane. And at he trightened youth be swore That now he must remain Until be settled for the gat And oml that be had scored : But if a marriage came to pas He'd take It out for the board, Ala ! poor Mary's Utile beau Had not wherewith to pay. And begged If they would let him go He'd tettie up next day. No trust P tbe angry parent cried. And then he took the lad Across bit knee and swiftly plied Tbe cane, for be was mad. Then tossed him out upon tbe snow, And double-locked tbe door ; Which aeltlid Mary s little beau, W bo never came there more. A alAl'STED eIIIP. Three jenrs tgo I shipped oo btiurd tbe IS inert), Otvaiu t'billips Our Tovnge was to U1I0, SttDdwicb Irlotidn, nod back to ragei b unn beoce we sailed.. The captaio, jffi eera aiid crew were, wbeo 1 j dued Americitus add Went lodiatneo ; bur, as aoolber haod was wanted beeidee tnjjwlf, I pernunded Jck Cbebter, ao Euglitihniaa wim wDom i naa Dt come frieadlj, to 61 op tbe Tacaorj Jack wis Sue looking fellow, a jj vial companioo. aud bad lots uf in formation wbicn be kuew bow to use; but, ahboogh he dressed and talked like a Bailor, be bad not been loan on board ebip before it became plain that be bad not been brought uu a Bait Oar captain was a Tartar, and oo aiisiuke, and be had tbe eje of f Dawk, do fsult e luicmted ttj in a a or ti.tr encsped bim. I bis was en-pecta! Ir obfortuoate witb my Eoir,lib ship mate, lie shipped on able eeamaaV aire. but bis deficiencies were bo aiaoT and glariog thai our captain bo teemed to wa'cb his mTemenis more carefully than those of the rest of tbe crew, often ioflicied upon bim uuDinbmeDts paioful to wnoess. I bad a strong atiarhment to Chester, aud Hood bis fiieod wbeuever could, by taking eome of bis duties aluoz with my own ; but l was not always at band to help him, ao he fell otiener than otners Deneain toe cnDiain'8 dirDleaaure, Ooe Diubt wben i was at toe wheel tbe wind rose into a gale Tbe captain came on deck and set all bands to reef tbe topsails, l be meo ere manning tbe halyards to boist awar when poor Chester, instead of lettiug go tbe reel tucgie, iei go tne aeatber fore mpeail brace, aoti awa weDt the yard fore and aft. By luff IDS DpsmaniT. oowever, wei uiausg- ed to get it checked without carrying anytbiDg away, liut captain i on toe. froibiog at the moutb, swore be ould tBn tbe looiisn mooe s utae who bad done so clomsy a tbioir. Saying which, he rushed at Chester iib a pieco ol rauine. wnicn ne brought down upon bis neck and boulders, gmnir them a tearful cut lie was ia tbe act of raising it gaio, wben a voice from aloft roared ont, H ld your band 1" The voice was wonderfully lood and clear, seemiogly coming from tbe maintop. Tbe captain fell buck, and luiikiog op, cried ia a great rsge. "Alofubere !" "Halloa 1" was tbe answer back. "Come down cn deck," was the an'am's imperious order. Come op here, and see b w you ill like it," was tbe conterupto jui response. Come down, I Bay, on oecu framed tbe captain. Come op and fetch me," returned be voice trum aloft. Who is op there, Mr. Rassom J cried the captain appealing to the el t.fficer. "No out", air," was the reply, '- far as I can see. All teem present on deck." Tbe captain's rsge was now tern ble to witness. "AH seem present, Mr. Rassom! What do too mean by tbat, sir 7 I ask ton asain, who is up there?" "o one known to me," reiurcea the man. "All are present. All are on deck, in sight." Such was the case. But the sec ond mate, without awaiting orders, sprang op tbe riitniog and looking over tbe toprim, then made tbe cir cuit of it, looking all aroond tbe masihead.then reported himself alone. "Then tbe ship must be baonted 1" cried tbe cbiet mate. Tbe captain thereupon dropped tbe rope's end wbicb be held in bis band, and went below. It was evident that be wag strangely affected by what bad occurred. And so my fel low countryman e-caped father pao ishmfDt that night. Bot in a few days oar skipper bad t . v. . c... .nrf ..ii it tint lot uoiicu am ntr, ej - ' .... , tot SDOlttTohi-ct on which to vent ere raging wild : ii was imp ossible bis BpleeD, I bad tbe ill fortune to M a small boat to live in bo rough a tee his wraib. He ordered me to eea, so, making a virtue cl necessity, make a knot io tbe end of an old fag- the eearcb for tbe poor maddened fel ged rope to be used for a-lashing. Uw waa abandoned, amid vows of lo a little while I returned, saying1 vengeance against tbe eaptam and tbat I had made tbe best j b 1 could tears for our lost oe,u.aie of a rope which was quite fagged out.' "Well," said be, if tbt's yt or best, y oo are as much a labber as yoortrieod Chester But I'll d'-ck . . 'Too Doth to ormuary teimaae I ESTABLISHED, 18 SOMERSET, PA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1SS0. I tried to show bim tbat tbe rope as tor much worn to make a neat j D ot it, Indeed," I said, "it U sadly fagg ed." ' Fagged, is it !" cried he, scorn fully ; "then I'll finish it over your lnbnrly back." So, you won't I" roared cot a voice from behind tbe long-boat. Tbe captain rushed io tbe direction of the sound, but be failed to discov er the speaker. "Who was that?" be cried if a iorm ot wrath, adding, "Let me know who it is, and 111 thra.b bim within an inch of life " "Will your Ha! ha! ha I ' was the mocking reply, droppiog seeming ly lrotu tbe maintop. ; It was broad daylight wben this took place, so every : one could see tbat mere was no oue op t,here. 1 wus as much startled and mysti fied by the occuireuce as was tbe cap tain ; but neither he nor I, nor any of tbe crew to whom be appealed, could urow light thereon. But who ever or whatever uttered the words my purpose was sreved, us was Ches ter's uu a previous occasion. Tbe irate captain went Delow, filled more with fear than rage, throwing bebiud him, as be aiepped upon tbe cabin Udder, the rope's end : which bad bo vexed him. bailors in general are sopersthiouo beluga. Whatever canuol be easily ujaOe out or accounted for oo natural priuoploa, is laid tt tbe accouut of the supernatural. Our capiat u was no better in ibis respect, tnan bis crew, lor be was as illiterate as tbey, except iu the mtiter ot uavigutiou, aud as rough aud untutored. He ev ideutly believed that bis ship was bouuied, aud that a spirit from tbe v8y deep bad a mind to toiuieut bim by Lis interferences. Uu fears a ere increased not many days after On reureiog to rest, at tbe end of bis eveuiug's watcb, bis si u tubers were disturbed by a loud and fearful cry which seemed to enter the cabin bv the tidtligbt, wbicb was left open for ventilation. Tbe cry was beard by tie fctcond oEcer, who was on the quarter deck, and by Chester who was at the wheel, neither of whom Could throw lia! bt upon tbe incident to tbe captaiu, wbo bad rushed on to ibe deck iu a state of terror, aud de mauded in vain tr tbe production of the offender. From that day it was clear to all thai Capiaiu Puillips was tormeuied by apprehensions of coming disaster Au idea was fixed iu bis miud tbat Lis stiip was vieiied by a spirit from ibe invisible world, wbicb preferred to make itself beard rather tnan Been And tbis idea was strengthened by ibe fact tbat w hen be was on deck and became angry at tbe conduct of aoy of the men, especially when bis auKr-wa)-roa(Ju , manifest-iu oaths aud blows, tbe ooseen but tvex viari laut visitor from afar, wonld - perch ed apparently on tbe top of tbe mam mast utter tbe iisnleni laugb or tbe dulorous warning. Ou there occasions ibe pour man would ru-h of to bis caoiu wnn blaucbed cheek and to'ter lug limb, ana there abide until tbe gale iu bis moral sensibilities should buir-tde. Tbat it was angry with no ooe else but tbe captain was clear, from tbe fact tbat u uever took nonce of tbe conduct of auv other person. Toe mate or bjatswain might act as tbey liked, or the men might jib and call eacn other bard names; uo matter tbe voice was not heard neither lauub Dor moan fell upon our ears. But moBt of those wbo lived in tbe lorcanile were far trom being happy ; mauv ot tbem shared tbe fears ot ibe kipoer; aud I saw that ibey would much rather bave braved bis wrath than io be tormented as tbej were by tbe "voices of the night" or the "day ' Myeeltand Chester were exceptions Wbat bis opiuion was, be ould not ay ; he met all my questioos by adroit evasions As for myietf, 1 bad no explanation to give. rbu matters went on ontii we were within two days' sail ot tbe islands All tbe while our poor captain bad been kept from tryauny by bis fears of tbe voice; but now, exasperated by some fault in seamanship on tbe part ot Chester, and being the worse for liquor, be hurled a belaying pio at bim. which struck him on tbe bead. Clapping both bands thereon, witb a yell be rubed ioto tbe fore castle. It was evident the skipper eapected to bear the voice, for be . a a a 1 lovkea nervouely aioii; out wneo an w as silent iu tbat directioo, bis cour age returned, and be desired tbe sec oud effieer to call Chester back to tbe deck. Getting no answer to bis call, ibe mate went below, wben be found ibe poor fellow delirious. Returning to tbe deck, he reported bim to be iu a oaugeroas condition. Th s filled the captain witb fear He ordered tbat t very atteutionehoold be paid Dim, wbicb was done ' Toai bigbt it became necessary lo bave all bauds ou fleck to reef, aud while we were oa the yards au awful cry, like that of a maniac, arose frm tbe boas of tbe veesel, and the next moment several ut us ba a bumau to ca on a rail near the fore swifter, and then a loud splash was beard iu tbe water under our lee. Tbe captain and chief office 8, who were ou ueck, rushed to tbe side A bat was seen for a moment bobbing on the crest of a wave ; tbe mauiacal scream was repeated, when Captaiu Pnillips, binirlf ulieriug a cry, fell sen- lees oo tbe deck. Tne mate tbeu bailed us wbo were on tbe topsail yard : "Come down from aloft! Clear away tbe small boats !" We thought be was as near beside himself as was tbe captain ; and so be was for the moment, for wben we bad gamed the deck, be was ready to countermand tbe order. Every tbing was awful! beyond ex Dreeslou : tne wiua ana toe water Forty eight bcurs after tbi we eo-; tered tbe poriff Hilo A vast change bad come over the crew. Tbe cap-' tai' .kooaiag their peculiarities, bad ... - . a . an, p mhj mem wro m-mev auu ropi- .... .; L " J OUa bDatUOM 01 WBUAJ , ao, uuicau 9 7. of reporting bim to tbe consul, aa tbey declared tbey would, tbey were ready to shoot bis praises all day long. In ibis, however, 1 did not agree; but no able to bring tbe tyrant to justice single-handed, I resolved to quit tbe Mger. 1 did so. After biding in tbe woods several days. I was caught and brought back to tbe ship. As my ad ventures as a fugitive are not essen tial to tbe unfolding of my story, I pass tbem bv, and take op the thread of my narrative. We set sail on our return voyage. Captain Phillips was an altered man. tie abstained from spirits ; be con trolled bis temper, and this, witb tbe addition of a fine steady breeze, made our lives on board happy. But, alas ! we were doomed to a sad ending up of the voyage. Keeping too near tbe laod, and a sqnall laying hold oo tbe ship, we were driven on a lee shore, it was just after midnight when we struck, aud tbe darkness was terrible; and, leaping out of my hammock, 1 ran on deck. I could see nothing save the wild waters racing over tbe deck. 1 cried out to mv ebio-mates. but got bo answer. It was not pos sible to reach tbe afier-part of tbe vessel where tbe lite belts were kept. So, acting oo tbe impulse of tbe mo ment, I leaped into the sea. Catch iog bold uf a friendlv rock, 1 was saved. Dayliifht came after a wearv aiting. Tbe first thing I Baw was the dead body of poor Captain Phil lips, and not very far from n tbat of our Chinese cook. The rest were saved. We made our way to Portland, where we were paid off. Tneoce 1 proceeded to Sao Francisco. I had often asked myself whence came thoe strauge voices and fearful words wbicb had so alarmed our captain and put most of tbe crew in terror, aud bad so opportunely on one occa sion saved me from the vengeance of tbe captain. But it was beyond my power to answer the inquiry ; neither could the mate nor any of the sur vivors throw light thereupon. Had we known wbat ventriloquism wax, we might bave bad therein a solution of tbe mystery; bat I bad never beard an adept in tbe art, neither bad any of my shipmates ; otherwise 1 judge sucb tact would bave been mentioned, aud the voices accounted for on that ground. Poor Chester, wben with us, our most intelligent shipmate, seemed to be aa much in the dark as the rest of us, altboorjb be was not in tbe least pnt out ot the way by tbe occur rences. Strolling along the streets of ban t rancieco ooe night, about a year after toe wreck, ready for any tbiog in tbe way of amusement tbat might turn op. my eye caagbtalarge poster which announced the wonderful do lugs ot Professor -Meredith, "the un rivaled and world-renowned ventrilo quist." This, tbonght I, shall be the source of my evening's enjoyment. Turning my face in tbe direction f tbe "Hall ot Science and Emporium of Amuse ments," 1 wao soon seated in a snog corner of tbe body of tbe building. and was not long in being carried away by the wonderful sayings and doiugs of tbe Professor At last he told as be would hold an imaginary conversation with a person op tho chimney. He did bo. When, in the midst ot a dialogue, tbe person op the flue gave a derisive "Uab, bah, bah !" 1 was startled. I sprang from my seat. "Surely." said I. half aloud. those are tbe voice and tone and words wbicb more than ooce came from the maintop of tbe Niger." And wbile I was staring at the Professor witb eyes ready to leap ont of their sockets, he came to tbe front of tbe tags to perform bis part. Then, in pite of bis flowing beard and other decorations. I saw in Professor Meredith, the identical Jack Ches ter, who, over twelve months before, was believed to bave leaped, io a fit of madness, into the sea aud drowned "Chester !'' I criel, in my excite ment. ' Sit down !" cried one ; "Pot him out!'' said some others. Iu tbe meantime I had come to myself and resumed my seat, but not betore I bad got from tbe Professor a sign of recognition. When tbe performance was over, my old s hi pm are (lor it was he) beck oued me to bim, aud takiog me to bis private room, be granped my band in all the fervency of ardent friend ship. "bit down, Henry, my boy," said be, "and you shall bave a solution of the mystery wbicb bangs over me and tbe p.st " How came you to be saved from a watery grave on tbat awful nigi t wben ytu plunged into the raging sea?" I impatienilv asked. "I did not jump overboard," replied Chester, laughing; ''neither was 1 any lenn saue tbari I am at. ibis uiooieui Tben entire affair was a trick of my own iuvention to frighten the captain and then get away from bis clutches My maduess was a sham, and tbe man overboard was simply a handle ot old togs, topped by my old hat, which I bad just pat together. The m -meat I pitched them over tbe rail I slipped down ioto the fore-peak, where 1 lay bid uotil tbe night after he ship entered tbe port, when I stole out aud went on Bhre. I bad taken care to lay op junk, aod 1 managed to av tid detection until tbe Niger sailed Tbe cries wbicb you beard from tbe maintop, from behind the long boat, aud in the cabin, I need not now explain " No," said I ; "all is made clear by the doings of this nigbt." Exactly so," said be And tben be continued : "I bad performed as a ventriloqaiet in most of tbe large cities and towns iu Euoope before yon knew me; bnt, becoming somewhat restless io my habits and bavin squandered all my earnings, iu a fit of restlessness I took to the sea, and. u tbe capacity of a sailor, found my way to Puget Soond. But 1 had not in me the stuff of which sailors are made ; so, afur my adventures on board tbe Niger, I went back to my old profession, in wbicb I bave done well My wild oats are all sown, I bop?, aud having learned wisdom by bitter experience, I tha'.l stick to that hue of life for wbicu I bave capacity a better thing than splicing old r pes or taking in topsail reefs on a i.i : : - l. . if uiuwiuk dkui -if .L.,.la .k!,.l a ft I But A tuusiu unua mv, a awu. you nearly killed tbe captain wit fright, whilst voq caused us many bear ace at yoor sopposed loss." For tbe latier I am very sorry. returned Chester. "But 1 canoot sav that I pitied the captain. Hi cruelty to me was terrible, and be would possibly have ended by killing oe, bu', for my fortunate gift ot vea im q u ism. 'A U s well that end well ' " "True," I returned. "And I re j ice tbat yau are alive to sav s lou kept your secret famously, lor neither Capiaia Phillips nor any of bis crew ever suspected that incapa ble Jack Chester was the ghost too haunted the Niger." Cirttatl's Cwdtlary. Our readers know our peskion to ward tbe candidacy ot Mr. Grant The Freie Presse was founed in 1 ST 1 as a iaioerai -uepuoncau paper. aAs sucb it fougbt grant wkh a great deal of energy. Although many ct tbe suppositions of that time bave u?eanwbile proved erroneous, still it is no pleasing task to recommend a candidate now to whom we were formally opposed. From these and other reasons cur first choice was John Sbermau ; our second K. B Wasbburne. But after the violent attacks of ibe tidiisia iu the Republican party have seriou-Iy iu jored the prospect of tbe former, and aud after Mr. Washburn has most positively pronounced tor Grant, aud given it as his opiuion tbat be was ouly brought forward as a candidate to weaken Grant, whom be regards as the "best man' since toat time tbe ouly question is whether Grant or Blaiue shall be the candidate of the republican party. Our political life is rich iu disppoint nieut. Whoever wants to exerciee some inliueuce in shaping puoii afidirs must join a party aud by so doing mui-t sacrifice a great part of bis independence. For it is sell evident that of five million members of a party every oue cannot have bis own individual way; every sen sible man sees, likewise tbat a party can oDly tben be able to succeed wneu us members aqu-esce in the reaolu tious wbicb party or caucus con vea tions promulgate. Tbe individual citizen wbo intends to take part in public affairs muel join that party wbicb comes Leuresi his views, and within thu party be has to be guided by tbe resolutions of tbe majority. It is true that not always tba; wbicb i mo-it to be wished raa be attained ; very often that which 18 pos.-ible remains fat far behind our wishes: this is cer taioly not pleasant, but it cannot be helped. For, bm we said b-f .re, it is simply iru possible tbat 5,000 000 of men Should in alt tbiDgs be of the sajie t pinion. As we most at present presume tbat neither Sherman nor Washburn will be our standard bearer, we shall workaib all our miht fir G;aut, and we hpt tbat tho "indepenaeut" German U-poblicaos will otitreenaci ase-coud edition of tbe Tildeo s'.upid ity by placing their like or ditlik-j ot certain pesons above the great question if principle, whether tbe (wverment shall or shall u ot be turned over to the ex rebels. Thore Germans f. r whom Mr Washburn ii i b-ir ideal of a staiesman or wbo at least believes him lobeaniau bo on account of bis ability aud aud sound judgment, would be most fit for tbe Presidency, those Germans will consequently cheerfully vote for Grant For as Mr. Wasbburue believe Mr Grant to be tbe best caudidate, nothing remains to the admirers of Waehburn than to subscribe to this cpinioa aod vote that wav. If tbey dont dotbis.if they declare that Graut is not good enough fjr tbem, they declare to Mr Wa.-bburne tbat be has recommended Ij them a corrupt, and unfit person and thai, consequent ly, Wasbourne biuiself nas u j j id ment.ur that be knowingly recummeu- ds a bad man. la brief those Ger mans who are oot satisfied wiih the ideal of their ideal bring tbemrelvea into a ridiculous positiou. As we bave already said, we take tbiag8 as they are And now as the question lies only between Grant aud tSiaine we snail occupy ourselves first with tbe proapyc; of the f jruisr, because he appeals to as to be by tar the more desirable of toe two can d. dates. Tbe deleifatea whom Pennsylvania aud New York send to the Cnica go Couveutioa are instructed t vote tor Grant. Add to Oiese 12 votes the 42 of Illinois, which are sure for Gian:, and probably the 44 of Ohio. For it is very unlikely thai Shermau, af.er Blaiue was indecent euounb to fight bim in bis own State, sbould uuite his strength with tbat of his udecent opponent in order to fibt GrauL To ihit powerful vote tioui tbe four principle S'.ates a great many other S. ales will rally, aud we bbaii not be astonished ii, finally, ibe oupo uenia of Grant, wbea ibey see ibe inutility of a longer fight, will agree to make the Domination by acclama tion. In looking calmly over the fi.ld' the tUrcllou of Grant appears lo be assured beyond a doubt. Iu 1S72 be wa antagouized by the uiuoi iiiflaeutial Republican papers con-j ducied by men like Greeiy, Bow les, j and Uurice Y bile, aud also by the most influential German Amerii-aus ! I be upiuiou tbat the Sou id, it let alone and freed ot tbe carpetbaggers wouia accept tbe resul-.s of the war aud prosper agaiu, wa almost uni versal ; still, tbabks to hla treat per sonal popularity. Grant was eiectrU by an immense majoriiy. To-day most oi the influential pa pera aud politicians wbo tough Grant in 1812 will suppott him The be liet iu areconciliiatioa with tbe south baa been destroyed by the outrageous buildt-zing committed against the Southern Republicans, aud by the impadent demeanor of tbe ex-rebels in Congrts; it has given place to a deep rooted conviction tbat a Dem ocratic victory most by ail means be prevented And Grant's popularity is to-day , af:er the flattering recep tion w bleb as a soldier and s atesman, he baa received from all civilized i uiiuuF.'.rn iuaueer otiore wuo ..AS..w.f. Kt. V-. L. '.I toe mosses oi ine American wbo, in bim, feel themselves b Uu victory eeems to 03 the fully assured. WIIOIJS NO. 1409. We wculd like to sav a few wcrds io regard to tbe objection against a third term and in regard to the re proaches which bave betn made Ij Graut on account of tbe corrup.i jj of mauy of his officials. We did never get excited by tbe fear of a third term; it has always lef. us quite cool. We cannot see why the people should not elect a roan to office three lime.-, if ibey see fit to do so. Tbe fear that such a man might asp' re to tbe dictatorship is, iu view of our small ar civ, indeed, not free from a comical effect Tbe Amer icans are too gallant soldiers to be afraid of such a bugbear. For the same reason, a buiuess mau should be afraid to employ a mau longer than eight years, tor fear he might be come too poweriul. We would Dot like to wear theclothes of a man wbo wonld dare toa.-pire to a dictatorship over the American people. As tar as tbe charge of the corrup tion of many oCicials under Gram is concerned, it id certainly a just oue. and we are cot iucliued lo take up, in ibis case, tbe defence ot tbe tX-Prea- ideot. But Ij be jutt and equitable, it must be ad milted tbat corruption did uot only exist under tbe Grant regime. Wehtvcbad, for msiauc?, corrupt editors, bookkeepers, and ad vertising agents ia our own news paper business wbo combined to rub us, carriers who sold the lists cf their subscribers t' rival papers, aod if all tbi3 could be done by 'bouen G-.-r-marjs,' in a business which only counts 110 employes, the manatr of wbicb is the deeply interested cfiief prop i elor, aud said to te a smart news paper man, w hy should the President of tbe United States, who Las to app iiot fJO.000 i ffiiik cf all gradus, not be duped and misied often. Aud, urtherlDid to. Mr. Schnrz, whose whole energy during tbe lurt years was employed tofiht corrup tion and purify official l:f.-, to discov er tbat in his own department the most shameful corrup'.ion cjmo io light ? Does not tbis prove tbat anions' a large a p? rs tncel.some crooked fel lows will aUnys clip in, and teat tbe best wiii iu tba world cannot make it p'ishible to prevent ia t!ie public service thit which i-i of dfi'y occurrence in private bu"!iie7 Lei ns be jadt and foir.to aticiit thi.-i.rssd at the same time to ackrjowledpr.tr-.at not a shadow of proof was adduced mat Grant iertonally was gui'-V of c:r ruption, or of knowingly f -:crinif i: l bis is according to r-nr opinion, tbe state of tbiogs. Aud as v.e bo neve that the country win, f ir tne next four vesrs, be better off anriVr Republican than Pern t-rtti': rele, we shall support Mr G.-r t i.h all ur might, in case be is uomiuate.d We b"pe as vre said before, that our readers will faithfully standby mm this fight, ('hica'io Fcir Presxe. A .! ' Prayer. Not long since an o!d gentleman of Harrison county, K.y., was gathered to bis fa' hers, afier having attained tne aire oi seveniy-uve years A Dt- lce of the old gentleman s deato was mailed to some old friends in bis city ajd tbey, of course. Lad a ureal deal to say about tbe life and character of their deceased frieuo fbe circumstauces of the old gentle- mau's death recalled to their minds a very remarkable incident ia his ca reer, atid we bave been fortunate enough t obtain tbe particulars col- uected therewith. Tbe truth of the story we can heartily vouch for, be cause it comes from a source perfect ly reliable. We ijive it to show bo t sometimes happens tbat tbe cur rent of man's lite is changed in ihe winkling of an eye, as it were, aad io illustrate the efficacy of prayer. Ihe circumstance oi-curred a Let) he gentleman referred to was com paratively a young man and com pletely worldly in tbe truest sense t ibe word Neither himself n- r is wife were members of aoy cburcb, nd op to tbe time meutiDed bad never given the sorj-et of rt-IigioD ay serious thought He was a loperoas farmer, and, as civii war ad no, desolated ibe land and rhao d tbe condition ot the "peculiar iu stitniioD," wf course owned a number f sluves. Atnonir ibe nurhbvr was Ctilored man earned Jacob, who was knswa to be a very pions man, and whoee raicd daeit a gntm tieul on the great iruibs revealed ia the Biblv, but be bad to conform to tbe dircipiio wbicb all slaves were sub jected to ia Ibore- day?, when Lis master was a man of violent temper and unreasonable prejudices. One eveoiojf Jacob came ii Irom work, and his master beic ia a very ugly frame mind, oljxeted to som'j'uiog he bad done, and cbas-ticed biro severe ly fjr it. Jacob received ibe chi tisemeut meekly, and went away without a word ol complaiot ar.d at tended to his u-nal duties. Tne next aiuruiug he got op looking very solemn and troubled in mind, and re fused to eat bis breakfus. It wa sucb aa unusual tbio; for bim to reluse to eat tbat hi- master cou eluded that be was "eulkioir," and expressed tbe opioion to fcis wife that he bad not been severe enough, with bim tbe tiibt before He there fore c included to wa'cb Jacob, and if be saw n,ore s'gL of "suUioesn," as he called r, he wool 1 chi-nise him again. He ate bis breakfast nod walked out to see what Jacib wss roiug, but at first could cot find bim. Finally be weut rej.r tne corncrib, in tending to throw a few ears of c im to some calves in tbe lot, aod yii a be started to open tbe door be beard a voice, and paused to listen. Tben be discovered tbat it was Jacob's voice, and, being curious to know wbat tbe former bad to say, retnaia ed motionless). After listeniair to ot it waa tbat the good Lord would pardon the high tempered master for tbe wrong be had done his elave and tbat He would fill bis Lean with love tor tbe true, ib beautiful and ibetrood "D,. r,,lt m sinful master tr hu .t..,. : L. t - , vwavijam 1W BAJ v . said bslovinif slave, "bui ttca b:ui tbe Voice for Si fetar momanra k. su! se.x.d w.tb amazeuTenr for Jacob 7"! Bi1 wM praying, aud lor tte master who m most case's he e ,1 omD,wo,old bad. short time before wrosgfoily lv wtl to lajf 'a' .d f' Punished bim. It w a, a pathetic portion JZ 'Jn ' apoea. full of bumble simony and proper cUTZ"' Hi auu uuseiusuuess. IDC DUTGeU I I he people, the error of bis ways aorl b in ; ,T cf t-e er,.r, I , .4UM" onored.!b.m,., Thy fc. and ate tU f.om ' 2. .xt M T T."nff retorebimself. If Than will tnt ....h ..i' , to. .aaition- bim." bo continued, "to feel a I da ! aa seen EmT?L rgaa-aasrrrr-iwssag ii al ts lwfcinever I hear the story of the su i feriag cf Thy S ja oa Caivary's cro", I wiii to: cotnplaia cf bis :reatmc3; of mc.T' Then he prayed for Lis uiisiriiJ, and arttd Gut to forgive ber ai.d sho-v ber the jjys ol an humble Cnriatiau life. Not one word did he uiur fr himiclf, but tbe eud of tis prayer was: ''Forgive tSeni." bubsequent eveata proved that Ja cobs lowly prayer ascended straight to the Throne cf Almighty God, for both bis master and bis mistres be came changed being3 from tbat time until their death. As soon ad the prayer was finished tbe master slip ped away and wandered over bis farm for hour-", bis heart being dis to: bed by emotions ii never felt be fore. Ij the afcernoon be repaired to tbe bouse, and bis wife wa thun derstruck at tbe wonderful cbaoge io bis appearance and tis action-, ttat bauib-y, overbearing look, peculiar to himself wa. gone and was replaced by one of buiiille resignation. His wife could only ask: "Wil liaai what on earth has come over your" His reply was: "Mary, I bave in humanly cbsu-td an aDeel, for Ja cob is surely one of tbem." Then be told her all, on-i tLj Ucime al most j much hff.t.ud s Ler btis bnad Tte result was tbey connected with tod B'ptist cbnrcb. and became uoted for tbtir Christian virtues. Wherever they were known, their upright walk iu life and their noble cnariLits were suMc-cts of general re mark, aud they were always pointed id as living evidences o' the wonder ful power cf God's redeemiuif grace. It is hardly neceerury for us U ay tbat Jacob was never chastised a.'ttiu. His master often rtai;ked aiterward tbat to wou!d als.oet as soa think of striking the Almighty Himself as Jacob. Toere was never another reiMsa deretandini? between Jacob and Lis master and mintress. Ho would not receive his freedom, for be sid te wished to live t,d ti;e ou tbe old bornesteau. We ea assure our readrs tbit this is no fancy fkttch. We bave glvt-u toe r:-,ry j:!; as i; was told to us by one who fcuows it to be true, and whose word Las never been ques-lit-Ucd. it JuHffih (J,, ,) Ga:et: Mingy .new. I despise a stiuiry man. I don't see how ir, i- possible for a rraa to die worth $5,000,000 or $10,000,000 in a city full of wut, when be meets almost every day the withered hands of bejririry and the white lip of fam ine. lh a man cn withstand al that, and hold io the clutch (,f hi. baud $20,000 000 or $30,000,000 is past my cjnjprebeo.uD. I d ) not ste bow he can do it. I should not think Le coul i do it aDy more than be could keep a pile of lumber when hundreds and tbt.uaaLds were drown ing ia tho sea. Do yea know, I bave Snow u men who would trust tbeir wives with tLeir hearts and b.;c:es, but not with tfceir pocket-books not with a d .liar. Wben 1 see a man o that kind 1 always think he knows which is moat valuable. Think o makiotf yr,nr wife a bejrgar ! Thick f her asking yoa every day for a doliar cr two dollars, or to humbly beg for fifty cents ? "What did yon do w ith that to dollars I gave you ?" Think of caving a w ife a-raid of Vou ! Wbat kind of children d j yoa ei rect io have with a beggar and a coward for a ci other ? Oo, 1 till you, it y..u !ave but a dollar ia the; "world act! jtiu bavug jt t.) spend it, spu.l k like a kii.tr; spead it as though it ere a cry leaf and you the owner ot u'jb. uraded forcta. That's tbe way to spend it. I ia rather bo - eggar and spend my last dollar like king, thaa to be a kiujr and spend my money like a begger. If k' to g-n let ir u.-i. G-v thw jn j caa for joar family and look aa well y..u yourself. Wnei yuu ued t. en carting how nice you l.oked! alb ! your eye was bright, your step was light, aod yoa just put a tbe best y.,a could Dj y0j ka.jw that it is insufferable egotism io vou to suppose tbat a wotuaa is going to love yon al ways, I ..kiag as bad as yoa can : itimkof ii! Any woman on earth will be true to yoa forever wnea yoa do your level best. A Drg.kard's Wife. We caa barely ima"-!.-ii, ammar, placed iu a more tryiotr or haniilin. io cjciiti n tba tee wif of ho. bltual drunkard. Sen h.. .a Vw v vv cao nuu eeps in s ditude over the errir.t? on bo vowed at tne altar to be true to her, to cDe-isb aud protect her. anil to whom she, in innocent fjiitb, looked uH..u oeioga.i tnt was noble k-eneroa-t and good. Little did she think, perbap n she sat at tie side of ber lover ia tbe bright days of her s-trlbood. listening to tbe sweet wordu of love tbat fell from bis lip-., that ia tte four sfce would be a drunkards wn. lautie uia stie dream of the fj.-e tfrs, (iisoi'il ta'ure mas 1 Ut ter as i c a nzct bear: sse beard '. I.aaa - . - i a .... uri u-ar o:a nagtor nro- oouuee th marriage be.iedic.ijn which mad ber tbe happy bride o tbe tnaa sre 1 ,ved, or that th-.hir.rt. f -f hymen were to bo t her tb3 gall ing cbaias of abjwt slavery .,B but those who bave exoerieor-ed k caa bave auy adtfiaa:e cuuc.ii .n r the misery, wreicaedae-n and won of the d. unird'a wife. Her life, rob bed bv tte demo-, , f tr.,nir dnnk of all that is calculated to render if -weel aLd ple.sa,,,, WDtti fcM U) look forward to bat an untimely death and an early grave. Ye h8po wim and mothers wnose Lu.bauds love -od car. fc,r with loving tenderness, and I shield from the adverse stornn of Ii.e nor permit tbem to blow roughly upon you, ie l,k, delicate Biwen j.:u droop atad die, imagite if you can bow yoa WouJli u, yor buaUads drunkards. Yoa shudder a. lUe thought; and well you may ; but let it cause yoa tj en tleavor to d , something to render the 'i:e ot one m re endtjr.bie and plea, an: wo .,.,, mi-f ,rtrJDe h fc dru:,kard wif. Howcfea b,.c we BU1?e!iUd t0 loose fcaviug suffi,int rood f,r ff. r ;'eo, acd e-pecidiy hrmer- tDar increased a:teation to this impor.nt appetidairti of family comfort. Farm ers, as a rule arenurely too care less about tte.r gardens, their whole men would prepare th ,t..a , beirhacds. Indeed, it U a fact that thctj-e wbo pur-ue the cultivation of the -cil as their busines., rarely eojoy garden pr-doeu in perfection, jost be- ... ' V T 1 ,aiM Pun . L, 1 PaT- Now is tbe 1 III rl t 1 I r,:, ir a.o j-iiuru caa ue runrit'U aiifl h. n.i j -.-...it nm imiuiia