Term3 ot publication TVs Ssnersst Herald .ee.i"ry Wednesday if oald IB BdTanoe euierwiaa a? ev ,oe'- WlU " dUeBUl'"ed ntU ,U Las !" op- '"unMt11 "eglecUag M when aterbTi oo not take oat " m be held o! ror tn sutsK-nptloo. !"l,,iCr-vU.Iron. or.. FoetomceWan- .. ..-..the nam of U former as The Somerset lleraLd, OoMvrnet, jl lit) r i i hi j jiimiiwim 1M1 ii u,, i I, h i j, M fc imii .11111 in 1 i.n 1 1 i j Somelset Herald. sioaateiv. "Yea kaow ho'v I Jov ESTABLIHrlED, 18 2 7. AllOliy- AIL A a .uo-ri, X'a. ii B sd Lt HUkM-V AT LAH, (somerset. Peooa. Sou.era.-i, 1 vnb a K'jliu'L. R jt ULL, ATroK.NtV AT LAW, fioiucrae., X'a. baa "v.. i 'i e. Alexander R. tiittrvtb j lt , ,-raeU " fcomeraet aad , .l''""- ..... A .', lUl.t A I . U. . K 1 f.!. " ' w...- - " - i .i jiiiii " Pe""" Age.nl, bouersai. ' US' " i.'uu'ul11 A5luck- " u . vVTINfc UAV. ATTOKNtY AT LA VaJiVrmrU.t Soiuer. Fa., will "e .A lUPiu entrusted u bis care wiui - i ,1M MUX" ATTl liNEY AT LAM, ! vlffrrset. fa., "u attend lo si) uusiooM en . . D .somerset and adjotnui coun- !r" "!!". '-.r j.i-iao aaa adelitjr. O&c in Mam J'yll. - leb. IK 70-ly . iL.i 0LU.KX. AfTUKSLYS AT ( , l, i Ail ii-muc eiiirutctu iu tin:ir cure , , v.. :ilv an i .Uululii .Ucu iml ID. 11. 1 HI- ArTUKNcY AT LA W , .Si iM- ri. ' U nl tusiue!w vj. id-'U rr.KNi.v VOL. XXVIII. NO. 38. SOMERSET, PA., WEDNESDAY, FED. 25, 1SS0. WHOLE NO. 1404. BAXK ETC. NEW BANK. J FOEGliNl WOuLIH MILL, i Some: i J. CHARLES J. HARRISON. Cunliier vrtt frvffffer. INillwtlonp made id nil pnn ot tl r I uitnu Sito. Cli.ixo nitMvrst. Itulter and ut!t"T cm'fk leciol nud rr!:ed. Kanrrn ml W r siyrnni-nniKe lrv un b.inU. lirinliuinf w'e wub r.i:iit new Acci'au; li"t'.ud. irtlc ifiniiic to .or.haF V. S. 4 PfcU CKT. Fl'M'Lli LOAN, no I awnnnjo dutod at this Ur.k. The mix.nii are i reiwld tn dennmltialluni of iO. 1 0. WO aa ! 1 iK I. !-sr.vi5i.isni:L TI '.vtnx uro 1 iUit itfrvltva ff lr. Wm. Ji : I'urii uri a uv Ait- ni in S-tu.-n t pihhtt liTih. ru.'Hiiiii r M-r pn: t,iv-F!t. Htid Im kjhmi k l"r M r. U rniiiiri I lie liiien.l iiaLifnage cljjjoU hy my lnn::vr ttttvtilf. i liave a very larire stifle of j uf lnj on iu .t'Ui.ifiurc. OnBttfilnn of OA.SStAiKKi:s. !.riNETS. JEAN 8. ia.l-lLl.AMS, fL'.lNXtXS. t (.'OVUiLElS, CAKPtTS, VAhNS, fc.Cn w' i li I wlih io TRADE FOR WOOL. f. en KB LA Rr M Hl K km fir Fire and. Lift Insurance, JOHN HICKS & SON, SOMKHSKT. I'A- VMdSi OurOm..! rp MAI'K '( SKKVKJK. umtcr uiy i. fii,mt Ifl' ii m.'l we .rivf nitw. hk in ih ni'rl in tilt; l-tl.-!iiftli.U A:4l lull VhlUU tit ItU. A" e ur .ml, tsH..M our cu toiuirs iui'itt the Summer. I - NVM S. MORGAN'. Smut yii r .Mil in. I Air 9 m M i i:.". -5 f n l.KO. M liKJI AT LAW. V- 'roltlMllll ouoiaes. rnlrufftou '.f'.i' 'e'ltowitlipn-uipuimsaoil Uileiuy. j. a !l L. HAKh, A TTt ii X AT t,. W, s,,iijTt't. Pa., will jirainiw la Noai. ,.,. i ii 'tm outnl All vuiiiuew, oa i,ieo t:" u' '-'e rr"ml't'' atlendta Ui. U h.'.NiNTZ. AJTliKMiV At iiurriMa Pa., will ifive prouijit attna c-iiirusie-i to Ills cre iu .ouieriiet ii'Utix eouQlles. UCice la i'risliaK H"l.l-I 1 b UK , , ifKhuI Ha Kl PPEL. ATTUKXtYS AT ( , l. All I'Ubiihm Biiiruxied to ilielrcare will nT'.il) uui-luallj allelKled to. irr. 'ii m CrxM eiroeL, ou1te the . sa-U: 'i--k. jUilN K. iCOTT, " ATTUKXKY AT LAW. fr.l Pa oaice in the t'uurt H uo. All i , r. fM'.ruiile,i tu tu. car atteuaoU tu Willi i,r..ji. :at antf sdcUty. Ptrf:mr wiiu deflrem f -II. tiny or efbunir'' jir'p- eny, ur mr r nl M ntv! II to the;r a-tvaiiiHit'- " rf-ritcr the rto(fcTiitl"Ti ihcreot. i' no in:irt 1 ma-levfilec. d.t ir rrr.tM. "rnte liuni.- ifeneriilry ml.lbe protaotly attended to. ukih. FOUNDRY. BEDFORD & SNYDER, kill -s of rafiiiijr in I'itil tt naJe and kr me, c iriMPt. A'. T. LITTLES SOXS, io i)Ai.Ti.!tu:i: siHKi.T, cTMiii-;i;i..M,Mi. H'i--flKS. (4.N.S. SOLHi JIM AAirjUl', HIAMOMDS. AMLUH AS VLOfUS. J Kf.'.M H C.O' AV. siliir ri.Arr.v wark, JKlt LLlir, i-c. HOLIDAY PRESENTS I Vi'aH-bcp nd Jrwclry Ji I:i ir.-t hy Skilie I Wurkuien n 1 rctnrnnl by Ki. ri' Free of ( hnrte. .No .x!ra tharf, r l.iir.i it z. (i.poil i:ir rdiin.t h? r-irLs(.mcl oel li AMK.S L. 1TUII, ArroKNKY AT LAW, aj.W. P. ' Tee, .tlauiiuolh li!o'k,i!i n lairs. i.j!rai-e ltiin 1,'ruM Si. lillei-toitie titadu, e ienJltl. ei tinned, aodall leiial I'uft. .r.aeo toaltb pr 'nintLCii. anu r.iiell y. riiVLVING, VVriiing Deeds, &.C., t-j "ti cii'irt notii-e. M-LtVJlrt at Oateiwer A Co ' Store. c. f. v. alklk. ai; l);.o almv, S P Sir I;icrcl !aihl TalHii, Sinucnttt ot.uirj, I1. jQiit nl (he Fruw, arvt-jif aud tlnlui i i ilt;iw ( r'i:txl i 1 im. P-t9ucii iri Iudk Kfii. oru.atK'U wil hl'nw liim at the alx-ve ! - !:. . rWili' wsiKe f : .( p.'i'iy. AUCTIONEER. 1AKT1IS n.'wiiiit; my H-rvi(e on Uv i.r I'cr 'uunl 1-c i t-. r taitv . lniiK tu 1m e i t at -octlt u. wil tin ! I til . u- tiiitirc t-.ttialuc : u All KtUTi mail ir,uiiii at;ii!tv! ti. W. A. K "ONTZ, iK ri. Coiifii; nrc, I a. CHARLES ' HOFFMAN. Sl G.li: GJTATLS, ,s l i: i s o l i: s S TO V E LI SI X G S a x i a j: a t i: s . l o w A X It S II i: A lf.S , Se. Sc., Tho B0A2, STONiR und HZCLA A'o. ', 4 ami 5 M-iile sail for sale. A!l kin Is of C u'li.irs ra-i.Io to or.'or at sfcort i:.l i-u A M.icirrxi: siror ? a- Ut''icl ii, Fiindry in vhioh all klo-Jn of 3lH(hiiiry Till I n'jtrur-I jTnaiiIy. V i rr tio'tm: ft g'-nrnt,. FOUNDRY BUSINESS, Anil f -lici' all kiti'l! of orltn in "ur line. i;rrAii:i a sraiiLiy. rirrT YEtut Alio. No v U U"",r::K'"- Vu''' ("WD t;vT, an." ti'idiu- I r t.nwrr tl It g M i y 'ii i". ui . i ill t m4 i.U hi t- .T .. Ufr- Wlrill y U IMUi.ll Hi III- lU-"t MERCHANT TAILOR, IHY1C1aNS. DP. E M Kl V M ELL & POX ..!r tlifir prf?pi nil sn?it ti the cltl- v ,.f tnt Cnn jn ai allitmpt. onlff profFnn t , fi.it tift-ij hr Icobd at tbetr udli-, Main aSL taC ! tit i Amt'U'l. K K- MlLaLEK has (fmiiDetjtlv located t'mi-tfli i'harlee Krt9tncr'B tre. a. Tij-tf. i Nr H. HKrHAKKR ten1-r hid nrofenjWinal "Tt-e to the e?t!tena of koireTweT and vli-ln i itbce is reji.li ie. od door west of tho bar ( Atii.ve F. J. K-(KT0:B.',) "MAMMOTH BLOCK," LATENT STYLES ill mill IIICES. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ; iiMillr.i-. t i '-.i: lit i rue no.i'i mm .Ir.in 01 hard lllii ( Kl Jti oi 1 IV f-i i-i ; ,-n:)tnti. A''-'tri 11. HALi.tTI. t'orTliim', Value. Juin 11. 1S00 T ;0 A Y E A R. r 5 to 9 n 'a hi v. . f . vt).fi. VA, oui4n Mi as well an men Munv make hut than ihvNiuount ffcl alxC Nu onf cm lull to uiak1 om'Iwt fart. An one ran lo the wrk. You rjin make irmn c uvd mur r" nrvoiirnf Ttoir event tit aud ppnre time U tli lii(tirfi. It co-t CKiTLitift M tnr tltebUfice". Nurhinie like ti tor miH'f Diakire erT cCere-l lc-re t; n1c ! .eai;int nm! w( rim 1 v hmmniMtt. heier. if vt wan t knitw all ahiut itte et paltl'r l;D-!nej leiire the imhHr, ml or yvr Toume and we will eendy lull im it I'm lam aivd private trrm Irre; atntdev winn aitm free ; y0o can then Biake ufi ni j'ur minu mt TorTiT Ad-lrei-f G fr (KG E STINS' ?C & ( y June 11 Pt hind. Maiie. IV B MASTERS .. ia?e1 In S.nret for the prwtice nf hl .'-. . ftti't ten 'lorn hip pnitewionHl atrrifn to iMi-irt fw and nomandinir ontrv : omec in Xlii.ui .tt liiieli; restdeDce with C'arUMlrive. WM. (HiLLlNS. IEXTIST, Somerset, 'Hl (ifiire in t:aelaer't Kluck. np etalra, ie ran it all timen he round ironaren: u ao i. iMoi wnr. nueu a num. reiraiauna. ex. '.T-.iri ac. AniDciul teethol all kirxln, and ot at- KiwruLiiiMrtal. Ojierarloti. warranted. 1) ; A. li MILLER 1'UYSiCIAX ft- 6 L KGEOX, rii r-m-'veO uS"Oih Hen1. Indiana, where be is tMFUiie hy letlrr urutberwlee. Pr. W.F. FUNDED BEIIG Late" IlcMlcnt Nnreeon, Ei M Eye aid Ear Infirmary la l::a-.ea p:raarrtly in th1 3isI2CLUSIVE treatment cf all f ths Zya ani Sir, h:lui- "."i::e3f its None and Throat. 20 loath Oatr Htrrrt, ;. iaJATSTS. JWX BILLS, o UiCimu k Nr new tmlHlng. Main Oroai Stroet. m SemeTHit, Pa. "WM. COLLINS, f- iiMr, fiiiet t rreaae'i nuire, Somerant, 'M a.' nlieao at I tare greatly re ? r ,"'" nlncul uteth In lliit place. i' iT01 1T"n demaDd forletb baa tn ,i( ' aUnct lay laolliUo that can r'.T " ,"tn l 1"wer prWw inaa yoo .,., ny "iher (.laoe In tail country. -'b "f11 et " tooth fur and If , ' ny pvrwin amonx any ihoanand. ui. 1 . lhe iJolnin avnnilei that 'U'il 1rtb,"r Ul ' iclvlriir (rood aat- 2 . ' M' "H me at any time and (ret - ireeoi ehanya. UftTELS. ;) AM JM) HOTEL. T.YKTOWX PA. '" V'r'l'0'."1'"' m'n kn""n boaw baa lateU ' v' . f '"' ren-ted. with all new ' J r n""re- wtlhb hM nale It a Ten "' .. ' "I't"" f w the trarellnc liHe r,ll 'w "ariia-oe.1 ail Iw- ' . i, " '"a lanre nMle ball attorn' ' 1"0 lTt and riiooiT Kahlknc " - . t tbe'kmeat im T "el .l.yw aieal. 1 ..CI NTKK.Iron. 6. E. Our. IHaaMad, Stoyauraa, Pa. DAVIS BROS., Si?n and Fresco AIXTERS. ;Mti!ru Kiuraateed. tl a day . u.:e i,y tte Inda-irtoiu. , ' reutrwl; a.ll .rt u. k "ineii, huv. and Klrts :li.. ''J""er at Wor lor u '., JTi ' "ra it Unlit and a""i.r, .L", "r'- oaa K rufht L . '- .ire-IL . , l,,u "" ' lixl T. ' 1 f ai 7r," Dd " tbemaelTea, Jjr. ! are lay la. p Urgt aauu Ayer's Gatnartic Pills, For all tho T":rpo8Cii of Faaniy Pnyaia. and for curing Goktivoikkh. aumi,cc. Induration, foul Stomtict.. ijreatn. Uauan. ysiypia. Ktu-un.it t.-ym. x.ruDioiii aii'i iifcm Dijo.,-fs. ti.: lOuKnoss. Jjr-opy. rumc.rs. Wor:ri. -Neuralgia, ax a fur iriiri:yia tic i.o, h i: ttTl- T t'J lt- Uiui i-.t: tlni ro;r." .-I'i'.i'i'lt .1. ;. ,. i. i.n: i-; in .: fIH-r:niiiii. it i4 - i- tin- liuwi-ir Milt'.. anl ti; ).: i .:.':!. A!;lmti'.li o ni i i in I lit i r 'n i miih; :1h-v r.rt- rtill (In ?B tincti tllO'.-Olli.ll ,1111, l'n- iiioicin that can Ik- cnijiSovotl : rit-nn-ntlie stomach nntl liowrl--. ind rvt-n ll.t hiX)h In small 1im-5 of one a i;iv. thi-r Mi:mi!ate tlir? !i'jfstive irj;ai) ami ir.iaiote vigorous health. Avn:V hac lt--n known ft.-r inoro than a quarter of a rt-ntm-v. nml havo oiilaiiii-tl a warlj-witlu n jnilalioii (or their vinne. Tiii-v corriv t dian'il aetion in tho several ai-jhnilativc ir'r:ms tf llic laitlv. an l are o eomjiootl ihat olln-e-tions within their rani- t ;;.i rarelv t; i;l (:antl or eva.ie them. X"t c;r.1v io ll:e enre tiic even'-iiav .-miiiiii m: s n tven- Ijoiy. lint aifo foriiiiilaltle :inti ilairt-ron dix-a-e llial have l aliieti lhe l.it of li'itn.m .-ai!l. AVhii'.' iln v jiioiiitci' i owi r liil rrt'i-i'ts. tiicy are. a' lint jan.e tiac, the -:ifet an l i-t itliii- ji.r ti!ii;en. lit liieir nnerieiit action il.cv- riie much Than tin.- eomtiitin t'i:aiiic. r.nl Hi'T n e It. un v.-iea tin' Uiv.care liul lnl.aiiiCii i'hvy r ,t:i the ilal ftuir.tain.- of lhe 1 '-ir.ii ' 1 1 Mn-'f.'ihoa tin: .y'tt in l.y i'r. i ii) i ti'f e eiacn's tf eaknc-f. A i.ii'Teit to nil a;Of ami eoiiiiiiii.a it ... (iaii!ct. ciiriiaiiiiiT'' ncith' i-a.on.i ior anv lieicterioii-' liriej, tliee 1'ills ;i::.t t;ue:s with fafi-ty y any'ntxiy i.'ar-contin? tireerve lliein a i .n.ikt tlii'-.a iieaan: to M.i e:n' ptireiv vejeialile. no liat-'ii !i tin ir uc in ar.y ;n:it)M:v. n:i.i-utii ur r.J.CAYES&Cn.Lr.w i', Pr-irtir -l nnn : ! l ' Thri TV( - il.li HV . -i i i i: wijua. tM- i.ivv h i a M h! o.'li J.rBtV'l Hi-?.!- hrt kef ftiri I!: iji. Acy "li wl Vituir -'lie at uti e. Woul !t i-l! --iiti b'.w ik:a rnpl ur In i . u- WiMi LIVES PiL" I Have bevii Ilie .rancor rtmri-.j f.it the rnre ol Mil 'mr, oictt H.Milaeli. iu.1 til .I. runaeiui iiL-ol lite mutuaioi huJ Itrur torovi-r fifty yearM Hi'sd this: -JW,7r' Meer FUU curtd tue iif mi atinck of Liver L-outiuAibi of elistit yeura sum. lit. tt ' rt m. I t.i n. Joilet, llif. PrK"e. mlrt. K. k. iwlloni A '-o protir'a., Pitts. bar Pa SM l.y all druik;iM A Search Yi arrant. allow an i'3iter to fi through yoar hone from ccilur o urirret, ami LindSev's Blood oesrener 1,4 wnminliHi to an un.uun your lu irotu i p lo t-enhd '-nre out all tttooil ititteaiti-d 1 Ik core, urv won I'-r'Ul an eriiiieif to hv doctor. preachers and eo,e itrurui- War-uri'il lia- a'-a. F.ryiiii,i?. Tetter. I'lot-r In liie l.aux or ontbfhiii Koil. Plmide. fce . m-e wnrntni it to etjre. It . a iiur1! VeKeuild- t'ontiMiuiid anil Pinterlul Tonte For hI hy all lirovvMio See haT iiurr. tme I. on th tnKto-a of the wratitier. K E. KI.LLh.K-i k !., fr.ip rv Ptiifiurh. Pa C N BOYD, it. Str.erset,'Pa. IB 1 V k-i "' i i ft KM W n it! ;:t J 13 - r "3 ?, S.J5 o-' tnintt for nnn Irn-rfinyi.or f r imnr'trrmfnta irtt ftn't tf'r't. C'-fn1, Ai-j tmmft Inter frrmrv Art'f!. Fr','9 f'r Infr'-'ttirmtnt, end rtlfT9rTTtJtinffUiLiirT(;ttiyt. itl i ,i prompt ly nftrmJrtt M.- - - Inrnt 'nrtn tin t Unc- IWr f re TAay tttll, in Tr."?j r' nr irr t err r'rto'r r 'm V. ilt.'tir IBIMMIS: I r.!st CUP. hf piursu u t,y vt. hi mg ii-;o..i( the r. S. Paler t r-lcli more jirovt ptly, n;d icUlt f rwttlrr clr iiaa, fti M n.e trl--, tr r'rtn'r f ',i.fUir ntou. n$ m mvf- ot ti'tch of arTirp; IT. Hi tike e-i.iwi i n urioti. n , ad 1 1 u tt nr.trtahllitM. fl 'mtlnl. r.-lnrt ' .in rn f A' i H.lL.liC l.V- Y.'crHrr fn. ITV-; fnt'nn, to Hon. Poslmnrtrr enteral l M Ay. f -r. f. . ynterr. 77ie Amtrtron Siti'nt J'.trih.to nf-rin't in fur V. 8. Jatrnt ttHrr., an .' w'rr'f rrcrrfat irr a in mnrt: tni rrr"-frrftr to mtrdimf in every f;;- ut 'ct9 U ai.' y;af i. f I'M I N I ST R ATOU S XOTl CK. A tMate ! joi.tt F. j.niut. hv.e of I;r-tiierTdlicT .!.. S !i!r?(M mauty. V , rtee M. Lett'-rrci mtiiwrati noii iheatKVt effintehav- .iiif le u trrahied ti the uiuleriiaied. ntre U hr hy -rivt-o tolhrcelodeMexl ti uto make irrme- luLc ri-avmert. anM tjM-e nxTins eiHimn or de- itihuU mU irrsr.t theu. .'ulv aa'hfiitk'ated lor fe tlf met'i. SiituniHv, ehruary 21, 1A0, ut late rsla-ine id u(anel. William nnvT, Jan. 14 Atimlois-rator. ; X EC U TO RS X O T I L E K Twp., PERV.AKENTLY CURES inNEY DISEASES. LIVER COMPLAINTS, j Constipation and Piles. ' 1R. E. IL CL1EE, (Ml HimTL. n j-'IaraaeaaTKIDSEV TCOCBIXS It baa i tndramrPILEllaa4b9acvaTtaDedta I rSclrntl." Tj i 5EIsrAIBCnnAfl.Ar!Ka,Tt?C 'M ;wt cm aaffertac fra Ptiaa and Cm- Fk Ui fmHmt aJaUtjr aa4 I I C . HOCAJta, rBtkaliti, aara, a LI naakaccbaadoa !" tmr aaa la aoav I vlctcl, eanas aora urw aaa aooacv if CoavlataC" fj m a.ananva.A ' J IT MAS ltlHVd WONDERFUL rUW a f aa HrTAFKE IT ACTS ON THEM 1 LITEK.TflE BOWELS AND KID. NETS AT THE SASH! TL'IE. Beeaue It esane the sytom of yl tha polaonou humors tttat Oevelopa R j HI KMinayana vnnan; enctun, n louaneM, Jaundto. Constipation. Plrac. or In Rheumatism! Netri-algia and Fema'e diaordcra. Si aaaacaad aaa be teat Ity aaall prepaid. tl Oae Mrkafe makealx tt' 'f raedlrlae. f TJ.l li" isj c? w x Ilur H at lb DracstaTa. Prler, !.. TIUA XEAISJa t CO rrcrristea, 3 Barllnataa. Tt. TT 1 IJ t-iatct-f Jthn Grore, Into of ShaOe Li tter ot ten tmi Msry th- atH,ve eninte havii'C liren r rati ted tt the Qn!erivne4, police It h -rehy nieu lo thoH tnlehi-d tu It t n ke unntfitUtr- iiaMTifnt. and thifsw luivitjr clnl'nM or drmitD'tMriil dae Kernt thein duly authentic nttei hr eeuitftitfiit, mi SuiunUr Keirnary 1!, IhMi, al the rtrlUcbce ol the zecuur la MUU coiiiiiy. JUSEI'II C. L VMBFKT. OTICE TO COXTRACIORS I be fMBorl l'lrcftor, f S'tmret tnwnrl.ln x h-ml iliMr c ill fell m the Ulmir Hi UK, in me eet. on Salnniay. the 14 h ol Kehrn.iry at t oVIuck r. x. to i he lot 91 rvt-ooi ii.i bldiler. the ei nliai-i It r I uiloiMc a rii. I boa mi I m Lib n.al mar .'no. iSmuvatr'e. tp cinemtoDS cn day vl "ale. Fc. Pnaltlent. UDITOUS NOTICE..... bctainO:i'!er) In the rvnrt of trmon to Pleaa of rji merfet t'tanly, Siniu:l Fox. ) Pa., Nt). 81. Aori. TM 1S7&. (Voluntary Alignment ) "Die nndrr!:Knd Anilitor itpi-oinled by Mid (Tonrt to mm oa I be ejeeotknn, r ate an aecaact, and ate a tilriiutton to .no orootiir ibie I, ((al ly eetuled thereto, in tbe matter of ibe hoT a ruiliuieiit. hi rel y pive not He, that for raid pnr- ee he ail) rlt at l lr Dice, m toe boei erh of ifotri rr A i n Krioay tbe ko h day of Fub.uary, I eO. alien auj bvn:all ri. .Inti rvntd can attend. H. .". EXDtsLrY, Feb. 4. Andlor. ACIlitinS Rif DSKAII. 1 ill within ot) lule-no k, Sool I anJ gray, I LnoW ; 1 1 I kc my eya and backward look : 'TU filly j.ir ago Krj jouth ha, fl.-d. or hotels Uca.l, AnJ life's nanus running low. The t'iirisimae b.llf arc cMuilug s-.tcit ( Tin any yo.iri! uho), There culm, the Uil ol lairy feet Aer.iu tue irackii ti etuw : AnJ beam beat Ulgli, tu plvaaurc sigh, Juki Boy years j i. Fr jin un: the tried manor-booite It'll goluta is low ; And merry voice, welc-jate us ' ii ui y yur. ao) A Uunl.i oauu e.aad hnJ iu liiiuj A ciomu pins lo aud tro. la bull and buuicatuac', gnat ati.l iiaall, biu bliilily aa llicy g.j ; TUu muiU ol vui 10 iUdinilo of all ( lu Ol y )oJiaK.,J, Auii bear. 8 are iigui and eyes rj bright '1 L.ai l.Lr.i)lliii. loag ago, A lace looks out from wealth ol hair, Tnai wat'vs v'vr orow ui umk ; And b.unn eyu. droop Willi .tijif. uir ( huyjearsug-o;, Auj coeekarv- liilh.:J and vtlnii hu.-hfd To KliUioeia teol anJ low. A kcrciiidi crot:Sod a awchiu breast, X lie hcuri, tual lUrootiiia bvlow tiicttr r. tLlcsit niiu i,sutu unrest; For, lib, bow ouulu you know TLiU 1 loved you, so well, so true. Juki 111 y ycir. gj-; We trod a mearu e through tbe bull With stalely Siena and alow Onoe uioro I Ucmr your lootaieiw fall ; Your brut lit cuctkn inb.or (iiow, Aud yoa -re uilo, by rigiit divme, Ui love lung yeary ao 1 Your dainty cup, your golden hair, Your uius.iu kirUm-la mow ; Your liny Iccl llut croas the stair Lena swiit tbitu mine, 1 know ; All lucae 1 b ur aud, see uiy dear. As buy years ao. How fair yoa looked ! How f E l I lovsi ! Twos well it should be so; I g.zo UOjU yuur iij;ure uow liil wr. oegiu to tiow ; And all Ibo paai i. be.u as last As hiiy yeara aro. It is not tiity yeais auJ lime ll.n suyed lor us, 1 know ; e bea; Ibe u.er.y e liil lul..i eliiuio, vs e ace the fa lliuyr tu w ; And bai.d iu i an . ao coeo we fund, .dy ioVe ol Ivtig ugo. The voL-ta sweet ol Irieuile who urtiet Aio cIom: lo lile, X irow ; The h.e-fcletiui - aiice iu radlaut neat, Xae a. ny-oeirits glow. 1 i.uve hu. oteaui, oi days X've !jent Muce uiy yeais cigj. Alas, wiio stands demurely here, V mi eyes f leajer glow, So like vLceycs ol you, uiy ue.r, luilaye ol loug aao ? Sliesuii ea, I weeu, at ran.lttire's dreaai Of u,,y ye..rs nao! London bocitly. ieuu) of iiiietre-o, -wirich nbrt jtivh to Sit keif jOUOo; !-D, Drl tbet ht 0 r-be pititbfd bj , flp tekf(l Mrs Wilrot-r : diKapuearuijee cf eftfrjr irato of DnfOHBH. AI8. lliuer D1.-4 ; efUll-H. nauio aad bi irfiaucovbip to Mrs "VVl j ebould I 7" Miai Loa ask Gieuo, and !ur.br arut)li6eij Ler io- ett, iio nrilei enmestoeHtj. fotniaiioD that h was vtrr murk op , "Why uoi?'' said Mr. Aastio, cd a fortuue tuetn". Mis-" Loft pnDf ai. Mhkid un rx i- tiue-tijna He was! Mi-a Lvon finnpftrnil ta rrfltct a ruarrj mo ?" PHid Mr. Atnuo, with oo its & tgfr. Mr Am'i'i bad ruerv tbe tu'tht cuudtd euroHMtoed aud a ed ibis h lia'T ri'tif, a id hid uka the rvr . i f Otttty i-le Jelifeted lu duf pr- ces (f itnitt Mri Glou Called Up u Mlbtf lou, td t.le viit remrued. '1 e mrbiuir 'bt UiOiiit-tii, aud ibeu '- 1'biit utiiae me as a verj forcible oberva imi ut Tuurtt," qd tttsid, though. fully. ''Oj tne whole). I'lU Mr. Wiloier aad iJiio Ljou wmii t. iucliued tu attren ; but whi to fur VI. li i. 1 J i: L. I ... . . ' . ... .mr.. u ruii a was a bi m aou uno'.-1 uii-n me lOreo auudred dollitri, lul, but on tbfir ariuroaca Mr Au-tiu or I ?" an HitiiiK op ibe birch At wfcicb ' 4 1 am" faid Mr Aui Mr-. ikuer bald li aer fcie ud : ' e-cd it-hit deeloued D .do a-Diraii ias fro in u'iw, ibfr-i'iolibu rural dia.i ic.taittiu. jou "I hve 1 yi'U eft ! "Had vou rs beCuil G. Mce? Mr. Auxiiu ban uever callt-d nu Vou, an 1 WO Cad put this VIrl, off. .I,jt at ihU noirit Mr Wilmprr.iBA if vu hk." ' jf laud Mia L- n iorJ up too, aud Miss lijua t petel I or rjcB vtry ! luruio i Mr Glenu said, lu a for- urowu eea Mie Ulul. cuiieutinus tttufi: .1113 l-YOV. UDITOR S .NOTICE. i icrW.ftailrr In tlie Cf Brt ot Commen to I let r id tSi n.erwt I n., Pa., Geo. O. Walker. )i.f. B(tuat T., Jti7. (Votoo'irt At. itonont. Aad ow. t.'ad., K I ruury. ImiU mo lun of J. O. hlmntet. im , Att'y ut J hn lieet. r. s eredit. , tiff an ) in j. a mhi. tq. au'Uor lotiiatiit'Uie Ibe luiH'f in tbe bands ol the a.s1ko. ee. to aim an..ii)r tin ae b stal'y en tiled thereto. si'Mti.ea'i ui iv. aa: Kstruot fn.m irie rtcur j, cenlbed Febrn n 3.1. II. . im ;1I t LL, Pro. police la hrrt I y given that I will atun i to the duties I the abo e aiipolittn i ot at my ulllf. La tha lomtosfli il SotJirnKi, on I t uiKlny, Fa ruary XV, teati, wben aad all perron lEtere..ed ean attend. j.ii.tctrT, Feb. 4 Aatiitor. T . . r LtUClau AUSllu 8 Ul'uloe-iUJ Aao civil ctitlLieef lutr, aud .Ner Yolk abb lila ben CCJ Jar let a iiil be es very foua if ruuuiug over Iti Stukelv, Ibe lul.e village Iiete tin oislcr, Ml a (ileuu, ilVcd. tils Cuuiluga anil uluata al 6.,kelv uiatle an llllie luipieeeluu Opuu wliai Uu IV ad Wuui lo Call "tbet ab.'l IgiUeo" us aUV eVelil well Could VVueu Mr (jitcuu, toreuiortt of the )t'UUg Uer vl tlie place, bad uiar neiloteily Alits Auaiiu aud broutii Ler lu Si ktl i. Laa oeeu au lui- uieuee reuralluu lu Ibai qulei ton U, aud t be luieteol vl i Lie eveui bad Oeeu strubK,lj itbdoCed by tLe appetsrauce t f Mr. Luclau Aumlu, l tic Orlde'o baudxouie broihtr, wtjo ret ibe hearts ot Ibe rural dacuaels cf iStukelv iu au oawociteaflut.er. lu piuceen ot iiixie the dtsagrt cable Uci a- fotced upou .b -so uuuieels .bat Mr. Aumiu teemed lu be U'lerlv uttSWire ot l tit ir exirieuce It be met uuv uue of Iheui at bis risierV Imuee Le an unaffected ptlneueep iteelt ; uot iu ibe least 8 iff; u it iu tbe leapt illKlufil ; pt rite lv Couvefeatloj. al aud pieataui iudecd, but uoibiug mure. As to pajing a virit, or. a!kiug or aioiiii out, it simplj si c lied 0 )1 to occur to biai, aud ot, hv ibe bv, tbe tuk.ly tnaiaeba becatue U-ed tt tbe idea ttat t Mr. Luciau Au-tiu they Atre tbe euij- cis of utter iud tfer- ebce. Oue nitiroiDg a b ddv Juiie dav Mrs. Au-i.!b Came out ou tbe frout pofcb to l-i k ai ber verbenas attd kerauiunis, aud lu tbe uiidnt of ibis c u en t'laii u htiv iuierrup td bereell lo call : "Luciau, bere comes Miss Lyon, ibuiV biaitig wiit Wilujtrs Tbej baV ete ei tirellV." Mr Aufiiu recp ibded pruoipllj to tte eumtuoLP, aud cntue from his real iu tbe ball, wllb bis tieweunuer iu bis baud and bis cigar beivteru bis Bu nt rs I bere was uoi ib ttj-idi ot luditTvreoce or bredoni ou bis face ibst was tbe woret ot tbe mau. tbe Kul iu Su kelv enii ; be aUajs did look luterel. d. "By Jove, bbe is preaj !"' raid Mr. Au-tiiu, bnviug raieed bis bat tiicely io Miss Lyou's coruprtui id. Mrs Wil- mer. "Wbtre does tne Coine fr m. aud wbo are tbe Lyous w beu tbev are at borne?" Sbe c rues from Xe York," Mrs lileuti replied "1 dou'i kuow wbeib- er rhe btl ihatc there r lui." ''But bte lives ibere no ?" "Ye, "litj," Mr Aus iu ausaered iu a ioue 1 1 Ct.ol, oiedi aiive lufl:H-reuCe, pausing to ebake i fl' tbe aoes tr nu b!- cgtr. V i.at. du jou uieau 'Ms Glei.D said. "Wbv d V' u asj it's a pi v ?" 1 dou'i Suo," Mr Au-nu re epoudtd, carelessly ; "1 raid it uuc u BllOUelV, I tbibk." Tbal Qiigbt be qiiitw true, but nil tbe eaoie, ll b t a poiuilesn lajl-r ou Air. Auo.l'j s part, tie Dad nrou hly beeu s'ruck i.b Miss Ly- Oo s fc pealaiice, hat rbe A eiul oeuily preeeotable, aud if ht r fortune poniiiwD, aud all Ct rreep.iitdi d wub her Loks, be would bave aukuowl tdid'btr to be a wcuiaD tbat migbt do. Of coarse, tboaxrb, tbe fart tbaib was living io New Yoi k, aud be ktie ooibiuxr about oer, at obt-e stamped wide very protf ba I and saio: ; - "I cunrmi in tbo'IeJ-C fee u hy we bbotild Mr Auiiii's jtresouco uted no m-tre birct us toau ouj ot the pil lrs to tbe p rrcb." . ' So Mrs. Wilujer laj tbe waj io, a id Au-lin, after e.j(iiiiif to uoiify (is eit. er, diti the areiaole with the iinst c Uipistd t-bic.'-tuliiers UJlil Mrs G eUu Bj.ipt.ared. ' Mis- Lyoo, oj ibotsaeMi him iie ri-r, ttii'Ubt his ft.ee bin oily h-'udfouic, but tx cetdiiiuly tiic, nicer vouderud thai, bn b-.d b eu cailcd stuck up, aud la tueiuted lb ii bo , should ba? beeu cli-i.Mfjetl iu m obs xi ius a p -cies as the foi ta e buutert. It borne aj tbu coaversaiiou turned upon fcui tie uo,-. luini'iif, aud Aus.iusaid: "VVbai a Iol of oioaey jou ladies 8peud ou vour wardrobes ! Not tbat i oudetnu it. Heave i (oibid tbat 1 Ab"uld so lui-in-prereut uijselt. 1 bive c respect lor ones wbo is ou ent wub t-K8 tbau tbe pr.iper tbiog iu dret-siug bers-lf," aud I'm told b' . - . . i ; . ... ;.. T . et i.ii'pei luiiiar is my e.Apniinive ltj. beluga well drts-ed ivviuau, akbouifU obe i f the most admirable aud rare of nature's experimeots,' is a eoaditi jo wtiicb h its dHitdrautna-e " "I d ou'i kuo.v tbal 1 tbiik tbit, ' Mi-is Lyou raid Let m bear avbat you cjusidt-r ibe-o ai-atlvatitacM tu be " "My n:eanio wis ratber in vi-Ivert I tt.it. k, ba'. it whs prompted hj mmub- lLiiijc file t'lin : luii initio a mti, f.u i;iu lu lik" dere.s p i a.-id evil z d a huriiljin k iiiibiiia.ya, by tbe way, if you'll think of it 5 iuidi. -i.ur lue, 1 biv. itia, sucU a ruin dires t iii.rry No, beiuaj civiiiznd, he dt Mres alavs to see) bis wile aveil d.-eaied, tud b-io p ' f be is obli;:i t put ler on a tllimcallow obcr )ui be puruoe. No( tifl I r tbe eX'Bl. 0 iCe ot l.e we t drefS t class f wn .w ., urn nuotj pi"f.-SVj illil tlli 1U tiiin-)u! luotabce of ibe fact that c;- 1 u di'eeert atui S lill?r Ouun 3 aio uoi couiBic ilw't Tue diaauvautae avbicb JoUfMaleof beinjr puseesres ibeu in la llla-tratiua possitiiliues :i ibe way of temiuiue adoromeui tbal makes le-s tLTtcuvo c Htuaies iatoler allle Mj meuutug lis luvolved, JoU ni-e I warued I iu sj, Jou rerne u ber." ' ; Mit-a Lyon observed tbat be bad passed from tbe tbird to the second peirsoa ia describiug tbe iuteresiiu "peciea under discuseioo, aud ciusid ?red it a very drXterouly nituaated complimeu ; bill sne t ok a visible Dotice of i-. A iboUa;bt t-uddei ly her, wbicO made her occurred to saj : "Isn't it a good wav oat of the dilli-uity. Mr. Ausita, to marry a sell-t-upp r;ing meiaber of tbe spe cies ?" Ex cly,' Aastiu resp. n ld "L's quite the "est Ibing lo do 1 J h i civ H Z i u p .Verlj bti-.niess ; bdt When 1 eptike 1 bad lu vie the case ct a mau t f au lber son : be old t .sbiou ed, out of dUie bori, who married tar love aud regard and ail that, sort of tbiug. Br-iug old fa.-b'out d tieedj'i preveut eucb a mau from bein fas tidious about bis wife Now, being p or, aud biiu civilized, aud btiug old la-bioued, aud being vtry much iu love witb a wuuiaa wbops Stbses qui e ibe sam-J aitrlbu ta, the poverty included, coiiMder lot meo'.al agobj ot tbal mau a' b tvtng to 8tj to bis inamoraia : 'Spby , my dear, il vie get mat Tied, you w 11 bave io drees oa three bundled dollars a year Uau iyou nuisQ out tne eceue I Tears, embraces, proublatlous, aud neparaiiou. .pllj would neusibij remark tbal ibe ibiug; was out if ibe question, aud so the story would "Y uare geiiiog tbiugs terrib'j mix d," said Alias Lyou. "You ac Ci'ediied S 'pcy upu ber iairod jctiou ' U the q ittitiy of belug old fasbiuu. td aa lo ber m olives m tuarry ig, aod you etid bj makiug ber tuurtly aoruid. Tbat has lo be accounted for " Mr Austio laughed "My theory of women woa't bold water, wiliu? Well, I'm u t bur prised ; but bo have jou aud 1 wan dered out of tbe bealtu paths uud gol IO dlrCtlnalilg love DlalCDes You must remember you are iu toe rural disiricis, Mirs Lyon, aud a.lriou e il to tbat . Toeeu'tjec is raiber au u i pruti.ablu oue." "1 douri itiuk to," Miss . Lyon bald "D u'ijtu?' bald Mr. Ausiin, laugblug " TiiaL gives me au Idea aOouijou Now, 1 dare aay jou ruiajbt be Couvic ed of a proueueas for iuVeslluailUt: ibe tiatllie of .Dodos C tiue, uow, Mis Lyou. own up; baveu'l Jou beeu reat lug Up ou Do dos la.tly t 1 dou'i believe you Could ulberaMxe be - broUgbl lo - eay lOat you COb.-ldef - Ibe - eXUuCl race ol meu we've been uteuuseijg p'vfi.ab.e talk '' - s . t ... . .. k,.-:: Misr Lyou laughed, Uo, as abe au satro : "1 dob't any more coueiiier . tbat race of meu exuuci tbau the race of wotueu vbo would dreed ou ibree buudred a year. Drehs nice'y, i rrean." "Wby, Miss Lyon, tbia is positive ly rtjuvtbaiing I" Mr. Aueiiu said. "It II me aiiaiti, do jou really ibiuk Jou C.'Uld Ult-eS io a Uia!litr to WlU up fj tnreei i . "I b p-i you will come aud see me Hifaiii, Mrs (lleua I'erbap Mm '.Vilmer has tld y u tbat 1 bave i b tui d my plaua acd coticluded to btuy. Mrs U'lloier is good ea.ub t undertake me for a few lonater." Tteii, with pushup a little increase :t f .rm ility, Miss Ly o just turned fr a iiio neui to Mr. Austin "Good ruorni jg," nbe said, cooily u1 swep out of ibe room As ibev vere walkio borne Mrs Wlliner nisid : "Grace, bo could you be so ab surd? 1 beard you tell Mr. Austin ibat vou ould dress oo tbreo hundred a year. Now tbat comes exceedingly will f:on a irirl wbo Diva about tbat tor oue cosiuiue." "1 said I could do it; not that d'd," said Mis Lyon; "aud so I could i a oi qjite sure before toy sretit-aunt oietuioued me ia ber will, I did drees ou less iburi tha'. aad uivun;ed ink preseucabie eu u.ti i m ke ber 8iy 1 bad a taleui for c stuunor, and b ui I have ibe lunans to lodulge it. Well, hbe very xraci iu-ly furui-bed i he maas. aid of curse I've verv d nilul'y carried cut ber wiMtes in re grd to their disp mittou ; b it I iliuk 1 look in jcb as before Mychtht are lunch richer, but half tbw time d..T. 'ike tbeir set nu we!l as when ude tbetii myseif." ' H w di-i you like Mr. Austin J ' O , very atll He eateituued 01." "You might t-e him quite as of eu myt.u tieh, if you'd lei nj divulge ihe little sei-rm 1 k'jo about you If he k'jew y..i vere a grett heiress you could be eo'enaiued by hitu and not know htm afierward U due, lei iiih ich Mrs G'ua d rem ve tbi- ruiil lihi'i'tl-j it's a'-uid." Miss Ly n !ti. ".vj nnud jod d iu i itienk f.ub wiib me l'l this You d i'i'i kuoiv b t .v burl and anry I shall tie My niouev will brills oleuty of toadies a id meu if IDa class around nr wneu I come out iu New Yo: k next wibtr, and 1 do wam a little itumuuitv from them uow. liV disgusiiog to tbiak of bow much more iuiporiauce will be attached lo me tben, when iu really I am uotcbaug ej a wait 1 am quite tbe name an wbeu I was p or, and u tbskes me aogrv to think 1 ull be treated dit- fcreuily." Two evetiiiigs after tbis Lucia-i Aus iu c-illed toree .Miss Lyou. Hi reason f ir d lu ibid was ideblical wi b Mine Lyou'a Lr iikiii bitn she eulerlaioed him. Tbey talked al first iu tne funnel aud Couveulioual way tbat Miss Lyon initiated wbeu she entered ibe room, but almost lu seo-lblv tbey glided into ibe easy tooe tbat bad characterized their first interview, aud presently Mr Austio saitl : "By tbe way. Mise Lyon, when you were good eooub to say vou would take tbe tTcr wbeu 1 tendered my heart aud baud tbe oiber day, yi.u didn't know some of tbe liabili ties of tbe situation, and I dud ii my duiv now to iulorin you of these." "Wait a moment, Mr. Austin. I accepted you oa tbe old fashioned principle f.ryourself alone. Exte ri r coidtt ons are woai 1 bave notb iog io do w i b " "Very well ; but you'll allo v me to try aad ecitrtain vou witb nmu psss lug remarks uo u; m yet it l ou doi'i kaow, perhaps, ibat my pr ores siou is eui(iueeriug, abd it. may not Couceru jou to be told tbat it nome liuiea takes me to tbe moni b irreu wastes cobCelVable Ltntjesrl wan tor Ibree uioOlbP IU a Oeep wilder uess iii Teuuesree. 1 wan buildiug a railroad there, and siepi iu a c.btu iu the woods, and ha-i absoluiely no one to talk to. True, tbe weather was divine, and tbe bloom of tbe wild fljwera and besobg ot tbe birds were eoaielbiiig bewildering. 1 u-td ofLeu io long lor some bjmpaibeiicc oipau iousbip, but 1 ferveutly tbaiiked beav eu tbat 1 bad uever married auy wo man tbal I would tave bad to aek to share that (solitude with me I could iindK'D- well ibat instead of a nj id pa ibeiic C'aipui.Urbip our time w uld be filled wub de.st.late repr.tacbea and vou ia my will, witb Jdck at tb re. eessnrj l iC t.ubrauL'e 1 VrbH 'f I rou io "And yoa wiil cot cjn::oat 1 1 accept a li;'.!o wretched mousy as a r tiouj, when a Eoaient a?f Ton wit? fL-rioij r2 tto wort aDd labor ol a lii'elime. Y"ou were willing tbat I should ecce-pl that from you, but not ibat yea pbould sbare anytbiawrof mine I cill that a very narrow k.ud of love." "If yoa coa'ni oD'y see yoa wosIJ onderstand tbat my love for jca ia deep, prcfoar:'?, aad tbidioir; bet yea nan bearwiih ne, Grsce. Locg ego I used ta think I would marry a rich woman, bat the prorpjci of mar ry ia? a poor oaa ha givea u? such it Gatte fcappinnn tha' you ciaoot prct, me to lift U.-'e-l to gili;,r it a'l up at. oLCvf." ' L.u what cid-ed thn bappiaes' ? Was it ILo j''"i' p .verty or ibe thouitbt that she lived you? Soe it as a c- o'i fnati.:n of bis theory that d'd not se vu for tea years I c u!d Miis tiyoti was;p'r. "I Iieh en- lea'-b iaeeif to I mr for you less boa-' '""'x at tbat sne lived you trigem :nt riatTs to have nome bijroiQ unly tbaa n-jv, and to serve ycu br i ;'oves you tie same ytt." caDce ia them," Grace went on, "aud ! proniotiag your bapoiaess witb the Ha cme and stood btforo ter aad this one ia beautifully eymb licd of : mao yoa love." . dre.v L;r op to biro, tbe siimoess of the chance of cur ever getting married. I'oor Jack! you. who bare your bachei irbood with such blanduess, would wonder to see bow be CQates under bis ; b it he has a mother and two sinters ou his II ceased epeakia?, and as M139! Lyon did n it aus ver ne beld c ut bis i baud and shH : j "Omdbye" j -tvaii a in tmeat," sne 9iio, not tiiviug him ber h.iud. "I bave a c 10- "Graie," be said, lookiQ? straiuht ) vou sure I l-jve ti iu'o ber t'et, r 11 ' J 8ure ! nur-j !'' sbe id, wib g"D- hatids, and scarcely any thing beyfcid j f ssion to make coucert.ing Jack, aud his army pay to support tnem on ; s 1 dou 1 koow hotv to ttll you It was boy are we ever to be mrned ? i so eiily of me I did it oa the sour of I - a Now if vou were truly kiud and truly considerate, and truly my friend, and ; pened it since wisbed lo serve me in tbe most tLU j "Well, what is it ?'' cleat way, you would marry oue f sbepaued he moment and have very oilea re be asked, as tbe i; iris, and theu rhe would be otfi Jack's bauds, bud our wedding d y migbi be looked to as a decade or. two bearer, tiere s a chance tor ai rare dirplay of pbiian'bropy abdsel'. i in inula. ioo. No-, Louisa is n t a I bil girl at ul!. Slie's ibe best daiit'C i iu the regiment, aud I'll Tentare to nay nbe can beat you at billiards bv Oi, dear. h auu I t tell vou?" cried Midi Lyou, h -pelessly. sh.ill hie to q 1 c.e K -t-y Fri to M.'S Gamp ou ibe su'jec; of 'Mm Il.rris,' aud say 'there eia't uo fcicb person." "What 'u the wirld d jou taeaa ?" "I lueuu tbal Jack is au la'.'ujted ti- C Jotl J.'tiCn His prottd bead ed each other. and tfceu he htirti a lii'.le aud tbev kt.s- Tae Tfyliisnt i.'i.u.ry. MEMLElt OS T11S Oar.ER WHO BH.E.IKS ITS KMELE'IATIC TOOLS. person whom I have never seen or weeks : long odds Mr Austin, n.-e to the Derd f. There novv, I buve re- occa.siou : vour fute cries out." ilieved is miad aad 1 will ear oid- f ' hti. Sbf held out bar ha jtl then ; tlti-. regrets " "low can jou tell that?" Mirs Lyon saiit, a eoft meditative look c .m:ng,ver ber face. "Y'ou might, it juu bad married a Wotuaa who I tved y-u, bave beeu very happy iu thai solitary place." "Hippy I I bould tbiuk ao. Why, I c .uld have beeu as baopy as the dy was I u but I am thi ikiug of her Ot c ur.-e abe Would have pined f -r trie places and p"pie ot ber old life, and ! c mid uol bave blamed ber if nbe did I culd ouiy have tilnm. d myself wretebeOiy, aud tlh of oa A'ouid h ive beeu oust horribly ua bappv." -1 hat's boi my idea ?f the old-fa- bi toed nierriatfe marriage aa it ouaiht in htf," said Miss Lyon. "Wbeu I lake ycU to spend Jour bole j moon iu some dismal swamp, you're going to be as sunshiar and contented as possible, are you V Hit. Austin asked with s smile. "Of coarse I am," said Grace; "bat I wonder what my sweetheart wrvajd 6aj to alt tneee plans of our if ke eUld bear tbeut " M' Ae-ti I ked surptned. "Uu, i say, be said, "I uever "I am aabamed to say tbat tbe fact does uut roose nie to any particular decree of enthusiasm," be id, "but tell me, where does this iuieresriu family residd ? Aud about Jack. too; is be very woudertul i.i aoy way ? "They reside at present ia S:ik ; tbe regimeut is stationed there njw, attd poor Jack is dismally blue be cause there he's likely to remain for two or three years to come. As to bis being wonderful at all, I d n't kuow about tbat. Jack's nut 80 very Handsome, but " "Sne ceueei speaking, aad Mr. Ausiia pur, iu hurriedly. "Dou'i fill up that pust Mis Lyou. i know what it niuihes, and somehow I don't want to bear jou eav it " He, i-t iyei some time longer, aad wbeu he look leave said be would c me agaia the neXi eveuiug II be niiif br. Tnis privil- beinar accord ed, be r. tamed the next day a-.d mao v iu ore next days, la fact, danug tae weeks of Mins Lyou'n further ntay h as eX'.reme'y devoted to ber -o do ted, ijdeed, tbat M.s Wilmrrwfc . bud utt beta pos ed tsto Miss LyoaV eoifsgemeut to Jiea, c.tiim.uied up u It volubly, aud t IJ ber friend ttiat she was tukiu a m st rttiicuiou.- Totirse. It ea circd njthiuif tor ihi. .Mr. Austiu, she ought u -t to stiffs ticb c m-iatit atte.i'iotis from hi:D, for people would i'ifa!lit;!y tbihk th she bil heeu lu love wi n h'ttl, aud ibat i.e had fl ried with ter If, on uuu, - nt t'Mn him,'' ant ' ould be wiee lo inform biu as to the state of ber fi iances, or she would i j evi ably let her depart wi b ut a de cUrati u. Miss Lvon was too wise to ai eiiipi the bt pele?s lat-k of mak ma; berst.it comprebuoded by airs Wilraer, so she immediately liu au uber it j'juc'.ioQ of secrecy upon ber. sua ciutiuueu to receive toe aeVoted ailei. tioa of Mr Ausiin. At last ber visit tame to a cl se. aud tbe day b. fore ber departure bud trrived, nbe bad beeu driviug witb Vr. Aumiu, aud wbeu be bad parted front her, pro'oieiur to return aud tend that l-t evebiog with ber. Grace went to ber room aid made a vely toiiet. Itwasot eof ber sim iilest d;es.-es tbat -le ebose a I n. iwiug, white muslin, trimmed with many write Dows. iy aud oj. when Mrs Wilmtr bad abaudobert ibe front porch lo them, Mr Ausiiu said : Mi-s Lyou, c me out of the shad and bit bere lu toe moobiljrbl I waut t'i m e your face After to mor row I may never see yo agaiu." "D yon tbiok that's likely when New York is your headquarters aud may be my b rain fur tbe future ?" Mr. Austin did net tell her ibat he fancied Ler world iu New York might uot be quite bis world, simply becaase hnd never, ia spue of numerous Torts, succeeded ia making ber ac knowledge a mutual friend or ac quaintance lu th" city. Kit ber she cbauged the sjfjecf, or seemed qui:e ignorant of the existence ot the per sou iu questiou; aud Mr. Ausiin did il tell ber ibat be had determined airaiunt ever HTekiog ber out there wrien o:ne they bad both re urn' d Grace came to tbe seat re indicated bis side, aud sat there sweet aad qoiet, nut talking mucn, but listening ny aipaibeiicisily. When it was jei '.l'l early Mr. Austin lose. Are y '-a goiog already 7 she ask ed "It seems t oie there were a me biiigs 1 wauted t say to yoa, but 1 ad ibat I cauuot recall ibetu " I'd rather you didn't try," said be. "1 Ibiuk 1 Could receive them better lo-morrow. I don't kuow what has cjtne over me to-night. I feel utterly powerless to manage myself, although I've bad some piactice dur ing these last wetks Do you mind my ssjiug I shall mtes jou borrmly, Miss Lion, aud ibaLkiug you for ibe hi igbtLe-s of the-e past days we bave sue 01 towei Deri O me0ow 1 cave ftnlf deiei iniued tu leil y OU tomelbiog Luder tbe circumstances it can do you u barm, aud it will raiity an luteuse lotigiug tbat posneerea me now. 1 ilitik vou aie tbe best aud sweetest muuiaii iu tbe world, aud 1 uever will forkel you. It has come lo this. Miss Lyou : 1 euvy Jack bis posiiioa." I'bere was a moment of iuvense stillness. G ace had drawo back into tbe shadow and bad turned ber face away Iroiu biui. due Old not speak and be went on : "I have t ibank Jick for one thing, tU was 1 (10 iiiuruered A' H ir.vt, the iliug t," tifDT! ii met his a-jd was f !d.-d Hi it a tVnrui and teuilttr clasp. "I cau't make it all out." he said "I don. t divine your pj itive at all, aud I tear you are jes-iug witb me again; but I lore Jou ; and if jou consent to be a poor man's wife, and will marry nif, my woolo lite shall p-ove my co.npleie devotion to you." Sbe was trembling slightly acd ber Cold baud shook iu bis as she di-eu- irsged it ; but wbeu she spukd it was witb great firmness "I will not an-s vcr you no," she staid. "Y'ou tcld rue ouca ia jst what I now repeat to you ia earnest before vou conclude to unilertk -1 ro v.,11 ii.tur h i.tf.,r..t. rl .,f K,...to .. 1 oil. reUt days Lr trie liabilities of tha situation. Toere aie ttiitigs that y u do cot know of ii my life, aud of these yon must be infor'tied." "Why sat u'.d 1 ?" te cried, eager ly. 'Lit that c.luo a or ward. II we love ench otistr nvihijif tlc.i aeed .-ini'y. 1 d m't care who or what yoar surrou'idiiifrs are. 1; is your very self LO it I 1 Ve. A d tl't iVeep tins uu. of my bapTuers 1 ua bo;ii and ptesumiug to say no, but t fmpe you are afoiug t) say juii l. ve me aud will be my wtf." It w m ureat s;i ur! , but Grac-r s epped back fi tax hi-- ou'.y.retche 1 arms aud shook be! tebd. "N-i J V'.-U IbUSt Wat'," hL'H said. 'It wi:i not In- loi g. I shai. go tt o:.ce to N - York, and '.'ti i tav fol io tne tiirie. 1 sfintl 0". 14 i you ity udJiers, but io a d . ) or two 1 a ill send for you uad you. etall be uiadd at qaaiaied witb lay eircum- sttttice.s 1 bave ailadta to, &L.CI l.ave y our answer iheu." lie pleaded Ms cae very e'n qucat ly, i.ai r-bts was uot to bo raoved, oo he bad tojield and ia to mote days tbey were both in New York, he anxiously awaitin? tissammoo? It csme, worded in biief, formal terms, abd invited hiru to a given nuuxbdr aud street at a triveu bour Oo reaching the place indicated be fuUfid it tanitliar It was a superb re?ideuce. in a very good quarter, which bad beu buiit by aa ticeo'.ric old maid ot tigb p tsitiou aud greai wealth, who bad nosoouer completed aud turui.-bed ii magbiGceuliy than she died, leaving it and the rest of her property lo a relative in tbe far Souib. Supposing that it had since been sold or rented to some acquaint auce of Miss Lyon's witb whom she was perhaps staying he knew ber parents were Dot fviug Mr. Austin raug and was ushered it to a princely drawibg-room, aud in a fe w moments Grace came into bim. bbe was dressed ia tbe sitsp'est of costumes aud gave bim a very quiet and fr-.eud-ly greeting. "1 bave cjjie for my answer," he said at Ooce. "Tell me quickly what it is to be. Uf me mbtr 1 ark you to share a life of hardship aad priva tion; dou'i forget tbat 1 ara poor. I will only be able to support you very simply, but J will give jou a lavisn qaauiiij of love and tenderness. 1 believe yoa si" goibg to say jes." "My answer depeods simply oa one thing," she said. "Are you sure you love me entirely for myself, in dependent ot my sarrouudings or C tuuec ious? Would you lovo me as well if I told jou I was working for my daily bread that 1 lived this bouse as a leacaer who earned ber own living ?"' "0b, is mat all ?" he said with a sinb ot relief. "Ju-t as well j is aa well. It is yourself tbat 1 love. When will you be married, Grace? Now ? Today? I will take yoa with me. darling, aad you shall never work any more." Colonel Thomas I'ictoa was ap p .lined ia lsUo, Secretary Geae.-1 of ttid Celestial E-iipire of ibe Masoa icO.i'fr tf Meutpbis fr Auteii'ja. lie raid tba. the o'ay tor secrecy ia Masoory ia America is pa.it. lu a land la wL.ca itiere. was aia e-'.abliaii-ttl relti.m, set;ft'-'7 Was Ue.ces-.irr, but in America it is a detrnu-.-Rt tx the order. "lijiietd, 1 fancy that Mdroary does uot exist in A nit ric that is to say, as il should ex-i. for t-ere it is a bti.evoieut society, cot a Ltiiosolibic iustiiUtloU. lub'tad of s.iuiulateiLg tuijiiry. Americajs who "Ijlt; theuiseiivs Ma.-ons thrw a veil over tne trath. Tt.ey bet;'.a with uiy via and leirt'Lt s acd add to lo.'ia with every cucccs&ive decree, and be higher tbey go the more lies they wii." Tha Coluael tbrevia tbe pa-reuthr.-is that probably there are toi lo lue United Slates six Aiasous who are really educated in ihe history of their onier. then he added: "The crista of moderu Masonry can be at tributed to Lord Bacon. Ia tbe new 'Aii'iritia' tnete is a description of LToluujoa aad his bouee, too it is Ibere said tbat thd Ivlag Set apart prusecuitug tte arts auu tut'UCL'S. Ibe new 'Atlaa tia' wus frxcet-sivfiy popala; amoog the leurocd meu f Bacua's day, aud tney tri.'d to establish a society, tak i'j' Solouitia as aa exponent f wis liuio It was eacoursged by the Court of James 1. and bis rucertr-or, t'hiri-s 1 , until ihe revoiutiou broke out. T te royylieis, af er t:e oea-.h of Cuari' s , reorgaa z;d their s .cio ty tor rtluiou aad polii Cil fuo ivvis ne rei'alou for the rees'nblso uieot of ibe church; tbe pdiiic for the restoration cf t?)e ui oaarcny. Nrx; they inveured what i.scull.d t'etegend ofj he .Lird decree. Utrara o: lyre, SoI'JtUO'J uxooai vz. was the was tr.3 her as iuelia-tble. However. Mr 1 Austin was uot iu tbe least in a bur.! JoUr owu rerft.rtl i, iiieau ry aUut marryibg He was olI j bundled a year ?' jnet thirty, and bad plenty tf time 10, "1 cau make my own dresses Qtid thougal of Uit tiel ire I, ok ab bt Lim. jinm mj owu bonbets rl nm a very Sgea. are jou?" It was perhaps tot rtuiutkible' ncct UiiilieUed uitir uui n. 1 be,! 1 rb.tuld say I was. that, when Miss lijoii saw Austiu ; leave lo Sue, en jiasxaul ) aud so Very much 1 deed, tDat.t you fitbdit'g oo Mrs Glenn's in rcb, she 1 am quite sure ihai 1 cvulo aress ou is my eitaeiurut, tine: isn't at any rate," be said ; "but f .r bim 1 should never bave d-.red l tell you thai 1 love you aud tbal if 1 could ope to marry 7u it would be tbe greatest j-iy tbe world could give me. Omi'o yoii are emtsg.d 11 caa dVi do barm tor me to tell yoa ibis, and it relieves aud cjoj forts me a great deal to think yoa know it. i a ax too poor to ask yoa to marry me, though I shooJd inevitably da it if yoa were not engaged to a maa who is, I know, immeasarably oj superior. 1 should ask you and you would probably de cline, which would perhaps be ibe b.-i ibing tor both cf us iu tbe end, f r ibe bard-bip- you would have to YjU are eu-jbear, ii case jt.u married ih, .ul1 ! so u wear out your love, aud wbeu said GF"ce,! tbal time came 1 Should want to die Tiis! Do v-u kouw wbat I'm iucliaed to absolutely because I loved you r: Had.? Spend ibe o.x.ieu years of my I "Loved; aot love," she replied sadlr. tive ot more than the customary- mod-' "Seriously, ilLsa Ljcd, will yoa lovtly baad, with a slim gold circle 'I can, and thea die aud leave It all to' ; "Becaase I love you," be aotd pas- bestowed opju Lim a glance iniiii'i.- thbt " "Wait a moment," Grace said, gently. "Give me your hand, dear, and understand tbat I love yoa dear, ly, and will marry yoa just whenever you like. You have convinced me that it is simply for myself that yoo love me and so you won't mind it and will not change your feeling to ward me one whit when I tell you tbat the relative to whom old Miss Iiurlbut left ber fortune was do more worthy or imposing aa individual than your own little sweetheart, Grace." Bat Mr. Aastii dropped ber hand and sprang to bis feet, a look of baf flement and disappointment risiog to his face. He walked to the other end of the room. Grace followed him and ran ber hand through his arm confidingly, but be stepped away and it fell to ber side. "Stop, iaies Lyon," Le said. "I most bave a momeat to think. This is too sadden. Oh, my dear, wby did yoa tell me ? Tea minutes ago I was utterly bappy, and now I feet so disconcerted and difiereixt, because everything is changed." Grace went slowly back to her seat. "Then, after all, it was not for my self that yoa loved me, but becaase of my paverty and dependence," she said coldly. "I am glad I discovered iu lime that it was from pi y jou were goinir to marry me." "ruy I Oa, Grace, yoo don t tbiiik IV : U J C l I' l-.ltlijrl. i:oir,. h Mti.no s I tin l r. Stele; tSfl tfjrtW alUgUvMilS. E .U'-.J, g.-ollaud aad Irs-laud. 'tin .Ma-o-:- of that day. wbo were tho cooi-pirit-01 s. the J acobi es were tiece-tsai i y a tecret society. Tbey cailed ineuiselves, ai tne M tsousu! tbe Ea ropeau C iniiuent do to te present day, tne Sous ot tte Widow, inas uiucu ea tie Kiug Lad beeu behead ed aad bis sua had not b.?ea rec. -ai-..ed. After th Uestoratiou tbe lead ing men of the movement formed the Royal Society, which -xists to the present day, tbey openly coutinucJ tLe work of the bouse cf Solomon. TbeJaCubnes io France continued their benevolent organization, la England, iaxmedia'cly af.er the Res tora'iou, a number of those wco bad preVlo'Xely leeD afflicted, cif jiiued wub a guild of bo called opera.ive Masuas, a body of freemen ot Lon don, meeting in M-ssou's lane Tbey tb;u became Fiee and Accepted Ma-ous la lilt there appeared to be four lodges ia L ibdu. Toey met at tte Apoletree Tavero, placed tbe oldest Masoix in the chair and proieturd to orgauize a graiid lodge. electing Sir Cbrmiupbrr Wren, Graad Master, i-iouiibai bs dy originated ail the Maaouic Lodges ia this coun- iry. "Of lute years ou the contiont of Europe, aud iu Frauce pariicaisrly. eaiuesk eudeavors have bee a made lo divest Ma.-onry of all its fabulous le gends aud historical erro-s." la cobc'iU-ion Colonel I'icton saiti that squat e aud c mpa-s were rtjec ed by ait intelligent Masons loag ago, tbe All-Seeing Eye witbiu the triaj gle beiag tbe recoguiz;d embl.-'tn, and iha:, vhatevtr tha sjrabol may prove lu be thai ara on the stones that upheld tbe obelisk ia Alexan dria, tbey will not prove tbat MasoQ ry vs we kuow it esi-trd amoug tbe aitfiout Ivyotiaas Xew York Her ald Hiasitlil'a WiuvOT arrls en Bnalnea. Sutbera It&lj bas not as yet suc ceeded 'u radically curiug tae cbroa ic direase of B. igu.udage under which it bas sailered from lime immemorial. It seems that li e district oi Saraoz .1 ro has recently baea tormented by aa unconjuoa attucK of the bindit epi demic, spread ever its vine-clad bills abd smiling- viiileys by aa armed horde of sauguiuary rufliaus uuder the leadership cf a lovely aad ro mas tic damsel, Maria Croci by cam-. Tbis amiable adventures, whose at attractioDs are reported to be little short of soul subduing, by those who have beea fortunate enough to eeCipe from her clutcbts, was formerly the bride of a gallant uxouataiaeer who held a distiuguissed pjsiiioa iu the band at present conimabded hy her. This brave fellow uuforiouately met with his dea.u by the rifle of a cara biuere whil.-.t ciiigeoily practicing his profe-aiobal avocaiio-is, wh-re- npoo his bOiicted be ro bid picked op his gun, raised il toward heaven and vowed to aveuge bis cruel fate, bbe has fulfiilied her pledge wub touch ing conscientiousness. Elected cap taia of tbe association by her dear departed's comrades, she bas becjm tbe terror of the whole district above mentioned, where she has earned a dread reputation for uiibiquitousaecs by the rapidity ot her movements. Here, there and everywhere by tarns, she barns down a farmhouse one dav, plunders a char eh the same eight "lifts" a herd or two cfcatttle next morning and carries a nunnery by asrauli before she retires to her well named reoose. TrooDS are out after ber ia half a doiea diraetiou, bet she has hitherto managed to evade their impenineut interference that? " Caa yea not feel that it was; wiib her "wild career." It is to be - 1 a tL .at aw 9 m .nt.rhiirled fcnwever. that a term will shortly be put by tbe royal au thorities to the sportive Tagarie3 cf this lattsr day ITeica McGregor.