Somerset Herald. .AI- Fdraary 4. .R- X new tlerr-lnprrien's ab ut ibe S. & C. It. It , duting the ti.-t week. The prt-wni old simp, with no snow i g I lie grouo.l Kill be hard no tbe fa! I mh ht. I The Const b!e.a have po-tl their elec jtion I'Mclmtuiious lt tats February eke- liiiu. ' ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING II n. John Cesatsu, of BeJfWrd. np'tnt P'iniin of ThurftUy aui Friliy of last ww.k in town. . I1 1 waseaiiiloyel uf iun 8,i t.rthe p!;Dtifin h m.-terof vrtZ EEPU3LICAS PASTY OF S02EESET COUNTY. v W'illism -ni C il. Otrm to bui- teso if a more im;nriaut m'ure. h w is i 0 utiatile t stay lor the cnmp'eiioo of the Pursuant to a call the tUlwarta met in trinl. and was ciTiwlled to leave on tlie the Court House, Tuesday evening, for 10::t0 iruin. Friday mornintr. Mr Cessna tbepirpose of elect in delegates to the I stand in the front rank of the ablest State Convention, wbicb meeta in llarrU- For the first lime in wveral years, there atUnnes in the Stale, i Imrir. to-dav. Wedneslav. an J to attend to I U at prt-aeui out a vacant store room in! 1 such other business as might be brought !'n. For the last six vears the demand for betoretbem. Tlie me;-itQi was called to - ; tenement house has not been so great in order by Chairman Keller, and an orgaoi- Tlie retx-nt :.i!tl niap has Lid tlie effort : SomerfH as siuce the first of January. We zation effected by the election ot the fol "1 cat siuii owoeik ice huuses to wear a 1 have beard a num'ier ot heads of families lowing niHcers : l; niii uniie. complain that tby are unable to rent houses. Probably a d.izn or more tn d- ..iisTour. OHIO K. 1 rrri.-.liV)iGUlIVWiON. .rains on i r" it. tTS. !!. At uyv H KlloO rlira ,, ; hL- ' YrT. i fT. , MAIL. l.esve : - , m V "rk r- m p.",.. ni.i. -i.Uia :i as. io. I " " ' .. HlllllI'M' ' 1 '..rt 'v In l '"' l" t-l'-m. v '"" .. vt i -.illusion '" Mu a '",J - iU.ifi.-ii ?,-?,:.u'- . .. !-- j4; : It "S ,.,.,.. fr..rd :. , I " ' '" .. hi i l.l -I. .. "..r L'ui mw : U' ;' ' A'readv valentiut s ure beinir S'nt out. b;ii ' YaVn'i'ie Dy" d'n'l fall due unil Ibe llih il Filnt'an'. Spring i'l r:i'ns wiil nna : upon us. We punt tioknia tor iU nine ou short no li e anil ai ti-; b maMe mUs Vh ih to return tlunks to a friend in O ien. L'inh. lor m vcral copies of different pajieis s-.-nt ufc troiu Hi it j I ici-. I'rolntiily is as ccinui .u on the streets as coitiii.on place r ni t:k8 on the changes ot the weather. Whither ate we diiitiug? The heimanU u proHCUlions, wnh a reuitirkalilc Uiiauitnnv, rcco'.lrd up n the pioet cir.nx. Scnieuce for .cis deterred. orae sizd houses, rentim: irom lour torn jdoliari) per month, could readily find ten lams There is plenty of money in the j hiiida of tt'iine, and here and there vacaut ' 1 mk suiiuliio tor pulling up sjch bouses j Who'll b? tue ii:'sl to ttuild ? ... .. Timp li minutes I..- I 'u I . llll"' i lr1' . , than Pltif baricn Uuie. !,.. IMin-wnth at : 1. llie txt'reM SI.. tncUKvllle .W I'JI" .IIktiII' " .1.. ....nil M lAvei at Mnivnu M., i'llt- I . .;i-ant rxiute to Ue tt ;:V:;i;Vira,-v.1auy..r: IP t . ,...3 10 "'"ill: ""'" r,M. in r k Mall trtln- dally. T-'" ,r!l Mallv except Sunday. m , dally, r Hiilliuiir, 0 riiiiucl)lita; 1:45 Farmers siiy that dllOUld CnlUe null' it train, there being ho ground. ii' a fretzinn spell would destroy tbe much waur in the Wkatukk IIkport The Btltimj.-e and O.:io Kiilroad Compiny have placed bul'etin at tlie thirteeu piincipal stations on the Pttlaliurir Division, giving the neither indiclious for each dtv up to j . . i. . : i I ,. .1. . f : I I . it i o no" k, a. ui , aa iuruineu uy tue luiu-u i porieo oy ueunis jieycra Itev. WHler will hold a protracted meetiug iu tiio DikIjiIos' Church, at this place, couinieuciug one week from next iMlllduV. 1 - "irCTrTnicr Filth Areuue and Suii'h uS i-HwrnerUraul and Water Fill' 'Ureh' t L" iiiiJAS,Sapt CuwelU.vm. , v. a B. '01,,T- a CAHHE1A BA1LROAD. Xnv. IT, 1ST9, trains will', urf!- 1 ;'' . ....r Mur.liiy. 't'rc ' ! sith Mail t-auitun iU.H. R. (fX""l't Sumla) ). aaai va. 12 IS v m t id i. m Lv. .10 30 a. m. , 1 20 p. m. Jtlli "VI" ulnrTinieTat lc. totakr ef- auil euuliuuc m lorce .n,r.I ! hm ii.p f.uii'iinr- . 4,; ' .wi it-toe S"mnet very Satur.lny at 1 , ,! "i"1 M.aiiiUiB tapren , M fcn K i; , and u .nmiay at. 6:16 .,tiit. Mine nam wei:, w lil. li ar !,fTmnatA M. . fi. a a r.i. : H mi"- J - - i i k.-: Ast. , i'scoaf t"t... i. t5t ' .:" fj.teti t ti.Twi tf: u.'iTiiiU'iiiRut. lit-lsp m j 1 lU i. ui j 11 a in. . J li-7 a m 3 Jj A. M I F. J. Koiiter. J. Ii Ed e and W.I I Ivooiiiz. Erqs, Ueloiiutes f oiu this county to tlie Ili-puiilican blale C- uveniion, lett lor Ilaniaburg, Monday. The ice has been splendid for skating pur(HM-s lor the past few days and the joijuu tolks have been indulging exten sively in that healtblul Clcici'c. The k'niud jurors were disi hared on Wednesday tn-uiiiiii;. fewer cases linviuu been presented lor lis actiou than at any couit term in this county lor years. Ol the forty-two c.iuu ry newspajiers in the western pait ol tin- State, invited to join lite new Publishers' Union, thirty -one have already siuiticd lur acieptance. For tome reason best kir n to Judjie Hall, Jude bwini!, ot rtttsliurgh. is pre tidiiic ilui inir this wee s Court, lie is a genial euUcUian and an upright Judge. Communion services w ill In? held in the Presbyti i tau church n licit Sunday. Kev. A ii Lows, ot Lelleveiuon, or Kev. J. M. iiarnett, ol Counellsville. will be prest 1 1. F. .T. K-xjser. E-ij , is having brick do States Service, i his. as the be:id ixctrd tells u1?, is for the benefit ot the far mers, mechanics, and the traveling public. The uiananeini-nt of the road spare no pains to uive lln ir pttrons every cunveui thai it i posaitile to have. Candidates for (,'ooirress tn the It 'publi can ranks of this district are not wau'iai; Solarihere have lieen meuiioned Hon. Johu CVsMia. ot th s county, Hon. W. II. Koiutz. ol S mierset, lloa. J. -M CaiU- liell. Hon. I) J Morrell and IIoj. A. A Ilaker, of Cambria : M 'Alexander. e?u Hon. .Jnhu Dean and Hon U. L. Hewitt, ot Blair, with tbe snircstiou that Bluir would turni.ih another ctndidite in the person of S -nator John A. L.'iuon, should he tail in Ix-in i nomiaateJ lor Auditor General. Bedford Inquirer, President, John A. Walker, Confluence; Vice Presidents, A. C. Davis. Somerset ; W'm. Shaw, Esq., Ursina ; Wm. S. Mor ftan, Jenner ; lion. D. Stuffi, Jenner ; Dennis Cisik, Southampton ; Jacob Criteh tield, Millord ; John W. Ileachy, Salis bury ; J icol) S. Livengood, Eiklick ; Win. Z'uillieruiaii, Jeliuer. Satirelariirs, D.J. Bow man, S uihaiuplon ; C. A. Brant. Stonv creek : Salomon J. Baker, Jeff. sou : E D. Miiler. Millord : Gorire F. Di-nuer, Sjin.Tsei ; Lou A. S.uith, AI-y ersdale. Uu oi'.Hion ot j. (i. V&e. l.n , sup Geueral . II K'khiiz was uoininaled as Senatorial, and Col. John It. E lie and F. J. Kooser, Esti as lei;ilttive delei;stes. Oa motion ot Col. John Ii. 11 lit-. Josial Keller was unanimously reelected Chair man of the county committee for the eu- suini; year. Alter a short speech by General Kooaiz the meeting adjourned. The annuil election of nffi?er for tl lioroii'ih w ill take plar on TuesdaV, Feb. 17. The foltowinir ollicers will le voted lor : One Burners 'ine ve ir; three Conn cilm--n one year ; two School Directors three vears: Constable, Hitrli Constable, Assessors. Judjre, Inspector and two A.ud itors one year each. The retiring officers are : Burtf'ss, Alexander Stutzman ScntKil D. rectors .oiah Keller aud Curtis Colbor-i ; Counril, Elias Cunninirham. VV B. Frc.,s . and D J. Homer : Constable, W. P. H ''ma ; High Constable, Win. Gil bert. Eve Badly Injured. List week Mr. jG. E. Jenkins, who reMdes on Ilumhird's farm, three miles below the city, met with quite a 8 -nous accident. He was plough m' in a tit-lil. when a thorn struck him in the left eve. Ii came to the city and was sttended bv our oculist. Dr. W. F. Fun- dcuhcri;, w ho placed him under chloro lor in, and. with difficulty, removed the thorn. Thouuh iha eve was torn almw from ilit: S'cket and the thorn was in the ball, the doctor is ot the opinion that event- livered al his lot ou t!i Closs and Lmon strucls. leuds creeling? a suite ol iu the t-piing. corner ol .Main where he In law offices early Mr. Wilii.iiii Seviis. ol Brothersvalley. w ill pieae accept the thanks ot the senior aud local ot the HtKM.D lor Several choice specimeus of the truii ol tin; genu pyotu, lell ou their tables l.t-,1 week. AX'iriiHU AKItI VAL ol 7.i" K.) piece? ol ;.!': ..V T COUSTEll GOODS -at ( in k A- !:i:i i;;t' '. IV.; A'a.ivt have Sniietliilig New 11 this Counter ! iJraut ' AJirriiM'. Suii ytt. F'.Vrairv 4:1.. Sheriil Kile, on Friday al'.ernoon, left for Allegheny City wnii ii ur, Kiutman 111 charge. The Uller llitiard geullemau wiii. if his li.a'.;!i p.-rmt's, sp.-n.i soui tweut -seven m inlhi in lUil city. j Yeslerday was itnanJ ho diy, anl as I tin- iuu MiHiie britiltlly all day, his hotrdlip U-xperieiiced no uil!iMi:y iu sseia his shadow. S i ik'C ird.a l i llr; old aig-. we may auwcipaleMX weeks ot old stormy i,.;in r. Mr. Jacob M.Uer, ol S; iy-towa. for thirty iet-u y cars a sa isfriberof the lliirt Al.!. c.t led ou US last AOe'iv. piid Ut his sutiM'i ipliou and lor s inn tun-; iu advance. A uood mall and a li.ting example. Great wiil be his re.vard. M'nl:lit nithls. llic Druiztist. IV.lirLt is increaeinc. Wert at Boyd's. ;txs election Feb. 17. x' Oil at Boyd's. ffLai the harvest be " Lu'w lo.ik before you leap." Umriee for lljW at C. X. Boyd's. M'til week of February Court, la local items are scarce. N'lr Ini'a-t good at C. X. Boyd's. H mss the fruund bog boom. T.,t Smie Convention meets to-day. !V1 t!it tti'U'id hog see his shadow T viii! us the lia-al news of your vicinity Ttio a ill c w jose our next Tow n Coun cii; V' i Linjlnn's biithuav come; on a Sun 1 ii. Lair, scd tooth brushes, at C. X. '"'! a pu:e imivtrK-d at C. X. OOiiY Tt't Tinr it i; predicted w ill lie a great i: ':'. Mar. 'i:ir t:r, lor counts and colds, at C. ? b" is. li't vnur birthday c mie on the 20;h ol iML-B'l,? Tj- so ' fiii veler ir s.ill hopelui of ob i '"tiftiis the whole town to tncourtse 't tlealeis. ex. -t .arses cd Sptc'ack s a Mc ia himi's. ity al a very poor :';tD(i4iire at Court last wetk was Ttr usual. lr iliis w inter has been 7jc slriiih Im-IIs don't tinlinnabulate "i! ceu; lU.s witter. . '' 'Usrv enme in like a la nb il January c- : (: iut like a lamb. weather was quite childlike and c jriuj; ull of la,i week. :s ure s i had in some part of the Iu emirely step travel. t.ffe!.'v,' 1 '"rd ol lc-,l car party 1 iiat'e the matter, Kirin ? retfipis tid xih uditurt s ol "" ill he puhlirdird UeXl Wetk. i:i" if r. utt rs the C'Hiiiu n greeting '"il Eii iti:: ln ir. i iigtt Ik on lie is to 1 the stay w here y ou are ?" time to b-ru wht ;Ler uallv h will re -over his land Time. siht. Cumber From the Morgan City Hfcifie we lcara that Col. E. V IIolbrMk, loniicrly of this place, has Iteen appointed Collecloi of Internal Kcvcuue tor one ot the Louisiana districts. His many trii-uds in this county w ill lie p,easi d to learn of his good for tune. Business men can save money by having bill heads printed. Tue latest postal law is that a bill nude out w ith en and ink with a printed head can be sent through Uncle Sam's mails lor one cent, whilst il made out on uuprinted paper, full letter postage will lie charged. Ex-Judge Charles A Kitumell was, on Tuisday morning, appoiuted Court Crier, in place ot Jiuxh J Braider, ret-igned. The new appointee takes possession lieJ I Court. Geueral satis. action is txprt-sced with the appointment. There were .quite a uumtn r ol applicants for the position. Hon. J. P. Wickcrsham. Superintendent of I'utilic Instruction ol our Slate, sug gests to Seleiol Boards the propriety ot pa.-s ng les ilUiioiia requiring all teachers iu men employ to bold, near the close ol the sci.oo! term, ii public i xumiuaiiou or review ol the work gone over during the let in. At a tecent meeting of ibe banners' Un ion Accident aud Fire lusurauoe Company of Somerset Coumv, the loll .wiug cllit:ers were elected to serve the ensuing year : Pn-sidi-nt, Amos Walker ; Vice President, P. Sudor ; S-cretary, II VV. Bruhaker ; Directors, Philip Hay. W II Miller, W. Stahl, Ejh. Walker. Geo. Lory and S. J. Xlilkr. The annual spring elections wiil take piace on the third Tuesday of February, the 17th day ol the liioulti, aud II is now time that all interested in an economical aud intelligent adininiaimti n of muu.c pal affairs look alter 'he in at I. r aud See to il that W'Ue hut the Very la st meu are elect ed, thohc q ialili.-d aud w illin to serve the people. EuiToht.u. Association The Penu- stvauia E illorial Association at its meet ing in llatrisburgb ou Thursday, selected CUyton M .'Michael. nt; Jacob .tidier. L. D. VViHKlruirand J. II bhieli h y. Vice Presidents ; aud K S Meuamiu. Set rctarv and Treasurer II was resolved to boid its next summer excursion at Wat kills' Glen and Cayuga Lake. The list would be loo lorn; or wc would like to publish the names of those ol our suliscr Kiers who. during the past week, have paid their suliscriplion up to date We are very thauktul to these, and would sv to others that we have room ou our hooks lor all. We wish to purchase a new "dress" lor the Hkkald in the spring, and wil! only be enabled to do this hy those in dibted to us squaring up Iheir accounts. There may le some bad !oy s in our schools, iu ti:Cl from what wc have seen and heard we have no doubt ot it but they have Mime wmse outs down in Ver mont as will lie seen by the fallowing : 'A st h'Milmaster ai Sutti-n, Vt., was bound and out in a c fliu bv six ot his boys, who i: arjise "It MuUEti. G:l , . i . V. , uw are Int. Ure Ui XI year ' :,... ,1 i,lr, liim itimunhHiillv Ihr.i' j the village on a slid, but a lescuer iu tbe per-m oi a woou cuopjar arriveu jjsi in rt plied, 'So thai ' tune. ( n iias. '"Us lift it hi r lliay et pUI nan (:.!!s you tool, pass him bv,' l'elsi m Mulia-i ld.. r. 1 1,1 e'i;Ms, leave hnn lying on , ' Tl.i re are si me peculiar, sensitive pei ' pie iu this wurld. A joun rowdy will ! oil rii'inui:. raving, staving drunk, shout. howl, tight, bruise, yell, smash aud swei r ; t'.r bonis ; get grabbed ly a oiiceman and !, i :.. i... a... a . i. ..a rel'Ortcd 1 'sfinc ""re mwucu ,wV u. fi.- til , ou the way to jail, aud then whine tor 1 'eft ,i ., , Lours to have bis name kept Irom the eWi;iLuts. " ' " j newspapera, out of regard to the leeling of ' bis xir old aiotlier w no was very sick ana Tl, re i iK'tLiDg to binder the inter at death's door. On Mondiy morning at GreensWurg at. torucv A. A Slewart was luvini the will of Sebastian Brant, lately deceased, read which bequeathed an estate and bonds valjed at torty thousand tlollars. of which nearly all was t ) go to his grandchildren. Andrew George, soa-iu-law, asked to see the will, which, when in bisp ssession h q'licklv threw into the ofllct; liro, and there h.:'d ii until entirely c la-aniiid Oae lllousand dollars hid been beq' loathed to liim. hut with a codicil he was cut off with live dollars. There is a copy ol the will, but nous with the codicil attached. As il i-t a p uiu-ati try offence, Gi;ore is already n j ui awai.tng ill-: Criminal Court, which beins next week. Lean year makes no chanues in the ma turity ol a n te ot hiud. Paper dated on February 2s. ist. niya'de tme day trom date, 'K'cotii " tlu Mtrchl, tbe same as any o' tier year. In Indian the question has convj iiclore the Supreme Court in re l:t to serving ol process of 1S7G. the last previous leap year. The law requires ten tins' previous service fr tbe eutry ol judgment. In the case before the Court the judgment was premature if lae t-'SJi and -'.)th ot February were computed as one day. The Court said : "I, must lie remirded s settled in this State th" 2Sth and 2'Jth of February In every bisex tile year must he computed and considered in law as one day." It is amusing to hear sometimes the re marks of those who "do not believe in ad vertising " Xot they I But let a hint be thrown out in the newspaper that, even in the most indirect manner, is calculated to bring their business before the public in a way that thev do not prefer, and they will soon be beard from thiough the verv same newspa)er. We have often seen this fact illustrated in numerous ways all going tn prove the estimate placed upon newspaper publications, even by those people who af teot to distielieve that any value attaches to advertising. They know that unfavorable newspaper notices injure their business, snd ve (s'rane inconsistency) hold that judicial advertising ol that same business is worth nothing to them. An elopement ocrnrred last week in Clearfield county, whien wasn't so singu lar in itselt as in its extraordinary termin a' ion. A French woman, of Houtzdale, left tier husband and two children, and el.ined with a neighboring Frenchman. The liusbind sent an officer alter them, who captured the run a-wayg in Philips burg and tiroiwal them back to Osceola, where they were met by a h.Ht ot their country men. Alter a general parley, dur ing which they "cot away" with a good deal of beer, it was decided to settle the matter on a cush basis. The interloper paid the husband $lo0 for his claim, and started with his prizj to the bstpy land of Texas; while the 'nfHinted" and de serted husband returned to his home a happier man than ever he had been in his life. ColtKT PKOCEEfilSOl. FlRiT VkKK. Commonwealth vs. J. II VV eciiienUeis- er; S.. f . Ci B, on in'onna'iou ot Jenuv Cougtitnoiir ; true hill as to sucoud count guilty. Sijis vs. Charles L usu-e: f . tS a., on inform ilnm ol Alice Will ; comiuued. Same vs Honry Ktulman, burglary, on lutonuiuou ol Ellas Sunne ; guilty ; sentenced to pav a hue of $1 to the couuly aud all costs, undergo au imprisonment al separate and solitary coulinemeut, al hard labor, in the 1'euilenuary ot the Western District ol Peunsylvauia, tor a p. riod of t'o years and three calcudar m mihs. Stole vs. Elward Mty; A. Si B., on iu formation ot Savilla Mclutyre : uot guilty; deleudaut to pay half aud prosecutrix hull the costs. Same vs. Manassas and Cyrus Pifer; m il mischiet, on information ot Savilla Mclatyre ; not a true bill ; prosecutrix to pay costs. Same vs. J B. Dively; A. & B.. on in forriialiou of Andrew Siylor ; guilty ; sau leuced to pay a flue ol $ and c wis, aud to undergo an imprisonment ol thirty days in tbe county tail. Same vs. Andrew Siylor, surety of the peace, on information of J. B. Dively ; proceedings dismissed by the court ; pros ecutor to pay costs. A. P. Beachy vs. Salisbury & Baltimore Kill road & Coal Compauy, lerre teuanut ol Michael II iy and Iluaai Ftudlay (Sci. Fa. Sur. Moil); verdict lor plaiuuff for 3.187 J2. Laura Countryuiaj. by her next friend. M.D. Humbert vs. Frauds J. Country man; sutijiojutt for divorce ; verdict lor de leudaut. Sarah E. Wert., widow and John W. Wertz. uud Joseph E Wertz. clnl Iren of Etpy Weriz, dee'd . vs. Cramp William ; verdict tor deleudaut. Same vs Joseph Crablie; sime ; verdict for plaintiffs for $000. Wm. Ziuimermaa, a im r. of Michael Zimmerman, dee d., vs David L. Will and Jacoh Friedliue; 6unis. assumpsit ; verdict lor deteudants. Freeman McCIeilan vs. Henry It-am ; verdict lor plaintiff for (XI 21. Views and Viewkks. On a petition of citizens of Somerset aud Millord lowuslnps lor a public road to lead trom the old Bt-r 1 1 ii road at a point near Frederick Branl's house to tbe pike at or near the school house, the Court app ointed L U. toiisirn, surveyor ; Joliu ll. Ivantuer aud George Denner, viewers. On a p. titiou ol citiz -nsol Lppjr Tur kethsit township for the app nunnjul ol viewers to view a puhlic road Irom or near ilium Either s, in Lpm-r turkey loot towuship, to a p iiul ou the putiiic road near Snuuel Hiueliauuh's. iu Ahlisou township, the Court appointed C. F. Walk er, surveyor; VViiliaui Meyers aud Dauiel ruillippt, viewers. On a petition lor vacating a pirt of the Wellersburg aud West Xewiou plank road, beginning at the junction of the said road and he clay pike, west of toll gate, at Berlin, to where the Miller's mill road cr-tssts the said plank r.iad, the Court ap pointed Jonathan Horner, surveyor ; Philip Hay aud Peter Suder, viewers. Fair Haven, III., Jan. 27. 1880. Editor Herald: Find euclosed 12 tor subscription to your most valuable pa per, tbe Somerset IIkkald I thank you (or y our kindness in waitiuir so patienMy for the amount aud hope I may he more punctual in the lulure. Thinkings few items Irom this partot the "Sucker Slate" would not be amiss, I will give you a lew in brief : We have had a very open winter iu this section of the Slate, aud mud without limit. Bad roads have prevented our farmers froai moving their corn crops, and we are having rather dull times at present. Stock breeders have a very tlisagretable lime ot wading through the mud to take care of tht-ir slock ; but, they say, the cat tle are taking "bed" well this watm weather. Yours Truly, L. 1m el. As thp census is lobe taken this year, an 1 will be a topic of conversation, more or less, il wiil present a flue opportunity lor "frauds" to impise tbemnelves on the uninitiated and the unsusectini!. It will be a very natural thing in the coming months for farmers to be approached by strangers and asked to give a statement ol the amount of Iheir property, real ant) per sonal. or the number and names ot the membeisof their te?-ctive families, and then have them to subscribe their names at the Ixntom leaving blank space enough above the name to write in s promise to pay. It wiil be a ell to bear in mind, how ever, that the enumerators ol the census authorized by law, will not lie around lid in 'he month of June, and then in no case is the property bolder by law required to subscrilie his name to any statement that it is bis duty to make Last summer w hen the question was in every one's mind whether the Crescent City WHsai'sin to be afTicied with yellow fever, the whole country was startled by the announcement that among its ball doz -n or more victims were first the lovely young w ile of the brave Confederate Gen eral J B. Hood, billowed by the death ol tbe General hum If, leaving ten little halttg toth cold m -rcies ofth: world. The women ol the Souih aud X rth alike arose to this ap;eal to their charity and a sutiscripti.m list was ojiened, but with no treat result comparatively. The late war rior was 03 tbe point of publishing his Narrative ol Personal ExM rieuccs in the United States and the Conlederate States Armies The Ismk has just Iteeo pub Ilshed by his c :nrade Getmral G. T. Biau regard. the entire proceeds R -inz to the sole u-e and ben' fit ot the Hood Orphan Memorial Fuud. as is set lorlh in another Column. -F to tar. aud doubtless more sward 1 Woken limn usual this w inter ks a Judge Pearson, ot Dauphin county, in "aiitEve. c( ,,)njt.tij0(j that part id the grand jury A!i,i.i i rt jxut u'liiplatuing o' Ibe great injury aud j other man on-ii celebrated Golden xpt use ttuslniue'l by Ibe community by ! eloped trom Osceola, Cleat field county, to tl c ale oi nunor, saiu me couu was now- riilliiis'iurxt. Centre County, last EhuhIhV. Sold His Wife The following story may or may not be true, but it is lurnished to an Altoona paper as a fact. The state ment is that a man whose name was not learned, in company with the wife ot an- wbi? tiaine is also unkno n, Clrvelaxd. November 1, 1879. ' Snow Tins to Your Doctor. Edi tors " H'tif kter am Erie" : Allow me, as an old reader of your valuable journal herew ith to send ou a lew lines, which please insert in your next issue. I will vouch tor their truth, and know that by their publication a great deal of good will be accoaiplislie. Having been a reader of your paper for many years, I hope you will kindly grant vav request. For twelve years I bad suffered, from time to time, terribly with Rheumatism, to such an extent that I was unable to move about, and lost the use ot my limbs. I tried everything recommended to effect a cure, consulted some of the most promi nent physicians, and expended large sums of money, hoping to find relief, but with out any ruccess. Glancing over the col umns ot the W.tehler." I read about the St. Jacobs Oil aud the many cures this remedy bad effected. Hiving been disap pointed so many limes, I lost all faith in auy remedy, the St. Jacobs Oil included, until I saw one day that it had cured a well knowt. citizen with whom I am ac quainted. Oiher parties fully endorsed the value and wonderful power ot tbe Oil, telliug me that it bad cured them ot differ ent ailments in a very short time. This brought me to a conclusion. I said to my selt, "Schweizsr, fifty cents won't break you ;" so I went to my druggist, Mr. itock, bought a botlle ol tue Oil, aud must now confess that the result was truly won j derlul. 1 used it every two hours, and louud rt lief immediately upon the first ap plication, and ihe pain ceased entirely af ter a lew more applications Fearing a new attack. 1 remained iu bed and con tinued to use the remedy every three ho irs. All p tin having left me. I arose from my bed aud walked downstairs with out auy trouble. Since that time I have been able to fol low my occupation, aud teel no puins or inconvenience, however disagreeable the changes ot the weather may lie. Having thoroughly tested ihe St. Jacibs Oil. I can conscientiously recommend it to all a filiat ed with Kueumutisui Fifty cents is a small expense when the services for so triuiug au outlay are considered. II 1 was one thousand miles away from all human habitation. I should, nevertheless, procure this remedy and keep it al ways in my bouse. Lous SCHWEIZEII. DIED. Tt'RKKTFOOT ITEMS. Itev. Shaffer is holding a protracted meeting in Confluence. Itevs. Fortncy and Brown closed a t cries f meeting at the Jersey, a Turkey foot church, on last Sunday evening. Itev. It C. Morgan, of Connellsville. was present and delivered two eloquent sermons to the congregation. Abraham Lincoln Hanna, died at the residence of his father, Alexander Hanna, of Haruedsville, January 3 1st, 1330. in the tiOih year ot his aire. Funeral sermon delivered by the Itv. Taylor. .Mr Utnuawasa youn man ot more than ordinary mind power, aud bid fair to be a uselul in riniier ot s ictety. llo was chosen principal of Ursina's public schools Itsl tail which p.mtUon he nlled with cred it to himself aud the school, uutil health failing him was compelled to give up the position. I he deceased was interred at the "Cross roads" cemetery, near the grave ot his grea' grandfather, Alexander Hanna, who emigrated from Irelaud to America over 100 years ago. JUAC DRCItY. Ia Miami City. Miami Co., unio. uec. wm, 1S7U, Mrs. Ann Drury aged 83 y ears. Mrs. Drury was a native of Somerset county, Pa. ; was bora in Tuaeyfooi lownstiup, was a daughter of William Piukertoc, and wile ol the late John Dru ry, who died at tbe same place in ISoj, one emigraieu i uuio in 1943; was an exemplary Christian, and leaves a large circle ot friends and acquaintances to mourn her loss. II. D. WEIMER On Saturday morning, Jan, 31, 1SS0, Frederick Weiuier, Sr., in tbe Jill year of his age. Air. vv cmier was one ol our most re spected citizens. He was born in Millord township, mis county, but tn early lite re- moved to ibis town, where he baa siuce resided. Iu 131j he was elected County Commissioner, aud has since acted in lui- poruul public capacities He Was a man ol strict probity aud died a about enemies. Oa Sunday, although the day was bitterly cold, his luueral was attended by a Urge body ol people. STEIXBAUGII Xear Stovstown, IV January SKh, liSd, John Sleiubaugh, Sr., aged 73 years, 2 months aud It days. Mr. Steinbaugb was born in the Grand Ducby of Badeu. Germany, Oct. 29, A. D. ltjJli. At ihe age ol fourteen years be be came a full member of the ltelormed church at his native place, by the solemn rite ot continuation. Iu tbe year 1S:52 be emigrated from Germany to tbe Lulled Slates. His sub sequent life was spent tn the vicinity ot Stoysuiwn. He connected himself with llie lteformed church at that place, and conliuued a devoted member thereof until his dealh. Ia the year 1810 he was joined in holy wedlock to Miss Sarah Baker, who, wilh two sons and two daughters, survives him ; two sons having preceded him to the other world. During the last eleven years ol his life be was greatly afflicted wilh rheumatism. For more than three years be was aluvisi entirely helpless. The last few weeks ot his lite were passe 1 under peculiary trying circumstances ; but he eudured his trials wilh becoming patience, until the Master admitted him to that rest which he has prepared tor his people. lb I'erwvlaa ttevlwtln. XOVV WSGOT 'EM I Just Rteeirtil and Opened Out 3,000 pieces of TEXCEST COUSTEll G00DS- at Cook & Beeuits' ! AXOHIEK ARRIVAL of 7,000 pieces of FIVE CEXT COUSTEll GOODS at Cook & Beeiuts' ! Will Always Lave Something Xew on Ibis Counter I Tmiucte ok Ue-i'Ecr Tue lolloping pream.ile and resolutions were adop'ed by he Haer scnool, ot Somerset Tp, Somer set Co., Pa. : Vdbkeas. The Angel of Death has en tered our midst, and removed, by diphthe ria, Miuervie Catharine, daughter ot Josi- ab and Maggie Good, ttieretore. ltftolted. That we recognize God a wis dom id removing ber from earth to be transplanted in heaven ; that we tender our symptlbics to the bereaved family. lUtt'lctd, 1 Lai the school has lost a lov ing and gentle playmate and a kind and dutiful pupil. Jletolced. That these resolutions lie pub shed iu our county papers, and a copy en l lo the family ol wtiicb deceased was a member. Committee. ( Herman Baer. . VVm Bkcisakkr, ( ltosS W. LlCUTV. An Astonishing Fact. A large pro portion of the American itcople are today dying Irom the eflects of Dyspepsia or dis- rdered liver. Ihe result ot these dis eases upon the masses ot intelligent and valuable people is unl alarming, making life actually a burden instead of a pleasant existence of enjoy uient aud usetuluess as it outht to be. I here is no good reason fur this, if you will only thiow aside pre- tldice and skepticism, lake Ibe advice ot Druggists aud your triends, and try one botile of Green's August Flower. Your speedy rebel is certain. Millions ot bot tles ol this medicine have lieen given away to try its virtues, with satisluctory results in every case, iou can buy a samp e bottle lor 10 cents to try. Three dose will relieve the worst case. Posi tively sold by all Druggists on the West ern Continent. The colossal bronze statue ot victory which sta .ds in the Park, al Lowell, be fore the tomb 1 thu tlrst soldiers that tell iu the revoiuiion. is a lasting and beautiful tribute of art. It is one ot ibe first ob j.cts sought ty strangers visiting our sister city, w hich indeed many visit purposely Ui see this elegant o' ject of high art. Il was obtained from the King ol II tvaria by Dr. J C. Ayer, o whom His Majesty was eSecially gracious in acknow ledgment ot what bis remedies are reputed lo have done lor the suffering sick, ll was donat ed by the Doctor to the City ol Lowell as a peruianeut aud speaking emblem of the victories both ol Science and Arms. JIu gemtovn (Md.) Pre.- ' ' Bui Dog Repairs. Tbe repairing of the following bridges will tie sold to the low est bidder, al the lime and places specified, to wit : The King bridge, in Lower Tur key foot township, on Monday, the ltiih day ot February, at 11 o'clock, a. ru. The bridjje crossing Cox's creek, on the 'Mud' pike, in Millord township, on Friday, tbe 2ih day ot February, at 11 o'clock a. m. The bridge across Wills creek, at Glencoe, in Xorihampton township, on Saturday , the 21sl day of February, at 1 o'clock p. in. By order ol Commissioners, Wm. M.Sciikock, Clelk. ANOTHER ARRIVAL of 7,000 pieces ol FIVE CEXT COUXTER GOODS Cook & Beekits. Will Always have Something Xew on this Counter ! Again Victorious At the Interna tional Dairy Fair, held in Xew York, De ceiulier lJSi'J, a committee of tbe most ex pert butler makeis made Ibe most careful t-sts of all ihe different I utter Colors. Tlie result was the nuanimous award of iheonlv prize to Wells, Richardson & Co's Peifectetl Butler Color. Again this orig iual and perfect color scores a victory as it always does when there is honest and fair competition with any ol its conqielitors. Soltl by Druggists and Merchants. Ta'ie no other. A Strange People. Do you know that there are strange people in our com munity, we sa strange because they seem to prefer to suffer and pass their days mis erably, uiutle so by Dvspcpsia, and Liver Complaint, Indigestion. Constipation, and pem-ral debility. w hen SlIILOU S VITAL 1ZER is guaranteed lo cure them. Sold by Geo. W. Benkord, Somerset, Pa. We have a speedy and positive Cure for Catarrh, Dipththeria, Canker mouth, and Head Ache, in SHILOH'S CA TARRH REMEDY. A nasal Injector free wil b each bol lie. Use it if you de sire health, and sweet breath. Price 50 Cents. Bold by Geo. W. Ben ford, Somerset, Pa. XOW WE GOT 'EM 1 Just received and opened out 3, COO pieces ot TEX CEXT COUXTER GOODS- at Cook & Beekitb' ! B-tti . , ei'i'i'tficld. Onto. ... 'l A 1n i, i.. . ... .... i . . -'iuit d i i 'amiiy tilts to rum ct me evil, mai legislator in "a Gram, ell-Hp lor cnb. attt mining to Mint nd the laws regulating Johah Keller. ' o'ti f.i.:... j ... 'r-"l tie ,.,. .. "TP" W .L. . . ' 1 '"O-ce tu I'ost 'I.L(,- reuis. or I it ts, or ten iiikke a (jot! Hist csn la- mcd in my 'm i:id. V-'W W E GOT "" i uii ti e r nta e,. l i ... ' XLs.l... " " 'VI IT- 0t 1..M ! i vt.d Oi tnd Out .U0 J ittts id '1 CEXT VOCMLi: -allocs 4 Ultima-: C00VS- Fiv Hundred Thousand Strong In the past few months there has been more than 500,000 Itoliles of Shiloh't Cure Hold. Out of the vast numlier ot people who have used it, more than 2,000 cases of Contumption have been cured. All Couuhs. Croup, Asthma and Bronchitis, yield at once, hence it is that evenltody Tbe husband of the Inl-e tail oue bad a speaks in its praise. To those who have warrant issued, and a puisuit was organ-, not used It. let us sav, if you have a Cough, the I qoor mftic only made them worse. ized, which resulted in the capture ol the or your child the Croup, and you value There is a great amount ot truth in this . guilty pair after they bad retired tn a life don't lail to try It- For Lame Back, ran.ark, d uu iistraiing tbe necessity lor j Philipsburg hotel. They were taken to Side or Ckest, use Sbiloh's Porous Plas lelter legislation on the sul jcct. j (.--eola. aud a justice placed them under ter. j fJOO liail each to appear a. Court. About' Sold by G. W. Benlord, Druggist, Som- Antxunq le whs nisde of four young this time a numlier of Frenchmen from erset. Pa. ii t u two Luis. l Sharpsville, Mercer Houtzdale tbe man who ran away with t cnty. Pa , widcli ;t would I well tor ibe wuman being a frenchman apeared ib s- who ate in the babii yt aileuding en the scene, and tbe reull ol their eu- (U ii.e woiship for the puip'.ist-eI having deavors was that tbe injured bus'-and lun. to K uk tid t r. Tl.tte young peoj tie. closed a bargain with bis wife's tiiend by rekindles ot the place and ibe occasion, which he sold ber to the latter for if 150, went to the I Litt d Brethren church and ilnruc service (tot a little out ot order and were arrested and lined the young men Tbe corn crop ot the United Slates and Territories was larger last year than any previous year by over 150.0 0.000 bushels. I he country west ol tbe Mississippi re turned over 100.000,000 bushels mure than in 173. Xotick We are atiout to open a new set of books, and persons having accounts on our old ones, will please settle at once, and oblige Mrs. J. R. Walter & Son. In a dog case before the Allegheny court Judge Ewing in his charge to the jury said : "That as to the actual value ol dogs, he thought ihey might be worth ten cents per duzeu for Icriiiiziug material The largest assortment of Pipes and smokers' articles in Somerset cojuty ai Oi ton 's. .UAtiKIED. DUXXER IIOPPE In Berlin, Jan. S'h. 1SS0, by Itev. J. W. Pofttnberger, William Dunuer to Augusta Hoppe, both ot Berliu, Pa. Regulate the Skcretiosj?. In our endeavors to preserve health il uol the ut most imparlance that we keep the accielo ly system in perfect couditiou. The well known remedy. Kidney-Wort, has specific and tbe money was paid over. Tbe pair action upon tbe kindeys liver and bowels then departed, and it was a eiueslion Use it instead of dosing with vile bitters or Hone, George Atkins, of Dixon. III., tc which were the Lhpphst, tbe lovers or the drastic pills. It is purely vegetable and is Lydia J. Young, of Friedens, Sorutiset DAVIS-GILBERT At ilw Lutheran parsonage, Jau. 31, by It;V. A M. W bet stone, T. Davis, ol Oiklaud, Md., to Binuie Gilbert, ol Somerset, Pa. Al KIXS YOCXG. Al the Lutheran parsonage, Jan 1, by Re v. A. M. Wbel A correspondent of the Cleveland Herald, writing irom Callao undnr date ot the 2G ult., supplies many detailo of tbe eveuts ia IV ru that fol lowed tbe desertion ot President Pi ado. That event acted like a irumpet call tor a revolution, and Li Cotera, Minister of War, by force ot amis assumed tbe bead ot the gov erumeut. Being an igaoraut aud uup ipulur man, the people soon sbuweil their preference for Pierola, whose name bad figured in every revolution tor fire yean, and be, with a vuluuteer corps, rat-ed osten sibly ugaiuat the Chilians, calmly awaited events. Ou tbe night ot tbe 21-t of December a colonel of one ot ibe goverumeut battalions refused to obey aa order given by La Cotera, and, with a barricade iu front, be declared UieroU President. Tbe population warued by the cry of "Cioee all doors," uDekered thera selves, and the streetx were viveu up to the coujba'stits. Tbe government troops drew near, auJ at lusi, with a charge, they runbed up a the insur gents aud the I'lazi was the scene of a bloody carnage, brother againrt brother. Soldiers who but a few hours before were friends, now sto d aa targets for each other. Toe slaugh ter was immense. ; nearly two I uu dred were killed nLd many more were wounded. Li Cotera, afer having bis horse billed under biui, aud a bullet shot tbruugb bis cap, saw that bis forces were insuuGcieut, aud retreated to bria reinfjree-meota. Soon after, Pierola with his batal- loo, while on bis way to ine i isza, encountered a body cf cavalry, aod another dreadful fight ensued, result ing iu the defeat of the cavalry Pierola V force then j ined tbe battle in ice llaza, ana together tuey marched over Lima, making fearful bavoc with their bullet, till mid night, when hearing that La Cotera was gathering a large fjree to attack then), tbey decided to go to Callao aud take possession of tbe fortx Under cover of the night they march ed to tbe port, aud before daybreak all ibe commanders of the batteries bad surrendered, not because Piero la'a force was sufficient t ) compel them to do so, but because of tbeit disl y?lty to the government. Tele graph and naiu comuiu jicatioa was cui eCT between tbe capital and Cat lao. All the 200 p mad rid gun of tLe castle were trained ou the Lima road Pierola's followers were dran up iu battle arr y iuaide the fort?, aud workmen were giveu rifles and were told to keep order arouud tbe town. Ureal excitement prevatiea during tbe day and night, tor rumor was ba-y, reporting the approach of La Coriera'a foices Several famliee went afljat, and many mure were ready lo do bo at a moment V notice Oj the morning of the 231 ne came that La Cotera' meu bad ueaily all deserted Liiu, and later a tnes-euger arrived saying thai the (Jeueral would surreuder on the con diiiuu that bis life way spared. Tbi- acted like magic stores were opeu ed, trains c mmeuced to run, and tbe Htreets were BUtd with all tbe tumult ot life. Pierola went to Li ma ai 5 o'clock with 2 000 at ldier a id took poserBion. lie declare b mt-elf supreme dictatot, and so tug gained tbe bight if bis ambition Tiiusi enda the great revolution of 1879, and u needs uo prophetical in spiration to picture the downfall of a Country tbus divided against itself while bgbtiug a united and vigorous people like the Chilian XE W AD VER TISEME TNS. JUST OUT! HOOD'S GREAT BOOK OF THE WAR. ADVANCE AM) RETREAT- rersonol Experience in the Uni ted States and Con feder ate State Armies : By GENERAL J. II. HOOD, I alto Llralcaaauliranal om-4-rat Mlaics Army, publiabea lor ft Hooi Orphan Memorial Feii3, XiV General G. T. Beauregard, New Orleans, 1880. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW ADVERT ISE3TESTS, The entire pnx-trtj arlJlnir frna the ule vt ini worn are uvuiel to Tlie Uuwl Ortilia .ue- inurial Kun I. whii tt m luveslcl la I uU.l Stale KegUieml Howie lur the onrture. cure, suppori ana elura-.iia of the tea intatii tleprlvinl it tuelr parente laet fuinmer at New llrleaud, (the me 1- au.'iuiij incidents ui which aid txreavemtuit are IOU .reah I . the uulilic mlti'l.) Tbe ifc.k la au eloicaul uctar. atlnlnir 390 IMtfee, I'll tine l .utuaniu likenenauo I a line ul raKravlnif. made rxprwl; (ur tun w..r. f.tur larait iuftie of battle AkIiIh. boaoil lo lian.t ouie tint; luiiliib t'lotb. at Term Ovllara, ur la a Fine Nueep Hlnainir. with .Mar le ti.iir. I krre llnllan vd lfl C'ealit la Half B..uoil .Moruu t LllTirr mule, lair UIU, ur ia ine heal lrant I'nraejr Mor.H)cu, lull Uill em the r nmt (rum anv Hereon remltte.1 hr mall or express, ot ia amount la re mitred !e terorhy a iHiial onler bank ilrali urehnk. a nn7 will be linmeallaUily aent Iree ut yostaice, rfg- 1 he volU'ue u uubltahed tn the tiest atrle oftr- poKrapbjp, on em ant paper, with IllusuaUan, emuieJ as iiUhct specimens ol ait The soUi t, tbe turtjnrt, the purpose, all alike renter 1. wo thy W a biaee in ever Ubrarr. n ev-ry tlk r upon the bouk shell of every uoiue u toeouuijiry. Adttltt vanttd in lrn town anil county lafAs Lrttlril Mulct, and m vrtfmntt will be a tie to nonoraoi aifcnargea vrierant jram the army. To tbe UuIIot. who leel a desire tn ezuress their sympathy with The Hood Orphan Memorial Fund the sale ofth I book anions; their circle of lrien.a, will alturl an excellent way of eonlribailns; suli- atuu.iai aia to so uescmns; a cause. FOR TERMS, RATES TO AGENTS, ETC AUDKESS WITH FULL, PARTICULARS, (Jcn'l V. T. Beanrogard, Publisher, ON l LF OF THE HOOD MEMORIAL FUND, JOHN F. BLYMYIIR, DEALEU IN Hardware, Iron, Nails, Glass, Paints, OILS, 5cC, 5cO. Tbe folio wioir irt a partial list of Good' in Stock: C roeon TooIj, rianea, Saw, Hatchet. Hammers, Ciiicel. Tlanes, AdZ i Black, smith' Good. Bellows, AaviU, Vie 3. Fiie", liiaimers, tic, Saddlery Hardware, Tab Trees, Gi Saddle, Hauie, Backlea, Riogi, Biw and TooU. Table Knives and Forks I'jcke; Kntve8. Soidors, Spoons aad Kaz?ra. the large stock in Soroereet County rainter'ti Gt-od, a full U ck White Lead, Colored I'aiuttt f r inide and ouiitle paiotiug, Faiuiie in oil, all color, Vnruirth, Turpeiuinf, Flax-ed 01, Drusn-, Japn l). er, Wa.'out S'aiu, &e. Window Glncf all !. and atl cut to a'ir "bp Tte bt. C ! O.l alway on baud. () jr bt- ck of C l O.I L 't in vry lare nad chid erv elesot liite onV Cireuler, iluley and Croe Cui iawa. Mill Saw File; ot U.K beet quality. Forcelaia-lintfd Kjt'.lau. Handles of ail kinds. NIIOVJBIt, FOlSICsS. 1ADGS, BAKEM, Mattocks, Grob Hoes, Pit-k?, Sey tbe. Sneatbs, Sledges, Maon Hammerst, Cft Sieel, S'.ep Lad.lrfri, Carriage aod Tire Bolt ot all ;Z. L m kioir Glance. Wash Boardi-, Clothes Writierf, Mral Sive, Djor Mata, Baokem, Tubs, Wooden Buckets, Tine, K.-pe all rizes, Hy Pullyt, Bu'ter Print. M p Sticks, Trao.s, Siet lyard, Meat Cutters and Stuffr, Trace. C- w ChaioH, Halter Cotioti, Stio, Duet and Scrub B.uiben, Horse B.ubes, Cur ry Comb and Cards, i)or L ck, Hine. Screws, Latches aud .ervtbing iu the Builders' line. Cap, Lead, Sbot, Poder and Saiw.y Fue, ite. The fact is, I keep everjt .inir that belongs to the Hard ware trade I d-al exclusively in this kioa of good aud give my whole attention to it Per sons who are buiidtu or any one to need if aiythi 1 in my line, will fi .d it to their advantatfa to iive me a call. I will always ifive a reasonable credit to responhible persons I tbaok my old cus'oraera f,r their patronage, and hope thin aeason to make many Lew ones. Don t forget tbe place. -iN O. J, January 21, 'SO. BLOCK." JOHN F BLYMYER. New Orleans, La. 0R By vii PHAXS COURT SALE. virtue of anl alias orler of sale. tou1 out of the Orphans' Court of Somerset cunnty, Pa., tu me directed, I will expose to public sale, on the premises, on Friday. February 27. 13S0. at 1 o'clock r. w.. the fullowlnit drsc-lbed real est 'ite, situate in Somerset Twp., late the estate ol Fuilip Vlaurer, Sec'd, vis . A certain trai t of Ian I situate as aforesaid, enn Uinin 8 acres and 46 p-rches, ad joinm.- Insyls ol Samuel, Jnfilah Ankeny. John Kline ami Jaoih S,jcicher. h iving tbervon erect da isu story riwclllna bouse, larire bank barn ami ot her oa rjuitainits; aaou 40 a. rcs in s:io. tlmo r land and arxiut 31 acre In meadow. This farm has several never failiritr 'prlng, a large apple or h- anl and other kinds of (rail ; Is situated about one and one-half miles from SiesvUle, and il conven ient toi-hunhes and scbonls. Tbe (arm wiil be ofler d as a whole, or In two or thrre par-els. to suit mirvhasers. TKK.V1S. ton-tnlrd of the puchas rnnner to be secnnul up- n the land. In lieu of' dower t. wiiiow ; one-tutni oi iiamnce on e.imrniaMi'n deed and haiitnee in twoe)ual annu.l payments witoout interest, to o. secure.! ny jutr-tment iionas. Tn percent of hsnd money to b- pld on day ol sate, i-osses-ion given on April 1. itqn S. L. KORXS, Feb. 4 Atlm'r. and Trostee. o 4? .V uditous .Norici: Fd. Kclm and wife 1 In the Pour- of Onmroon to Pleas of Sonwrset t.'o, ., Wm.C. Liven!. ) No. 7, Au. T . 18T7. (V'ulautry Minment ) Tne untiersitcticd Auditor, upp-iinted by the raid Oiniri to tllstiiliute the lands In Ihe ban is of the Assiiroctt In tle ab-ive mentlone.1 assignment. hre'iy irlvcs notice, tuat lor said iurpe h will sit at his tittle-, in the bornairn of Som. r?et. on Satnrdat. Kehru try "21. lsiO. when and wh'-re all persons Interested can attend. 11. . t.MJSi.tY, Fib. 4 Auditor. CUTOIVS NOTICE. Lsuneof Jonathnn Bitincr.late of Norths-iEpton Twp., Somerset i Jo., f., dee'd Letters testa wentary on the aliove estate bavlnu: beu s;ritu-cd to tbe underslitned by tlte proper auibortiy ; uoiice is btrehy aiven to all i ersus lndebee.1 to said estate to make immediate pay ment, and those bat ins; claims ax Inst the same lo present tbem duly aa. benticate.1 Ibr settlement on Saturday, -March 13th., ll tl, at the boose of the deceased. JAOOB POORBAUOH. Feb. 4 Executor. To HORSEMEN Persons Intcrcstcdin STOCK. Your attention is called to the celebrated HECKERMAN'S Horse & Cattle Powder, Prepared only by M. P. HECKERMAN, BEDFORD, PA. FOR S-A-T-iE B5T G. f . Eenfjii & C. N. Boil Somerset Ma. GAL NOTICE. j lu me District Oonrt of the T'nlted S'ates for the Eas ern llistrict o' Pennsylvania. No. 2325. In the matter of Samuel D. lelp. lle a mem ber ol the Una ol tamest a Delp. of NorrlstowD. , in the O. only ol Montgomery, In the said District a b-nkruiiu Tbe said bankrupt bavin, ander the provision ot the several Ads of I 'otinrrSN relallnic to tlabft rnptcy, nil his petition lor a dlivbartte from all bis dei ts provable ander the sakl acts, and tar s certifi me thereof. N Ttt Is hen-by riven trat a meetln. sfrml W tor. will be held on the SI h day ol February. 19 J, at 11 o'clock, A w.. the Rekrtster. E iwl I'. Chase. lq., at his office. No 4 i Walnut strr et. Pbilatlciplila. lor the nool examlnatl ol tne I aid bankrupt: ibat ahearirs; will be bad npoa the said petition for discharge and eeninoaa., on Wednesday the 3nl .layol March. lfPiO, befor j the sai l 'ourt. l Philad'lphia. at 19 oilnekjt. M. when and where all creditor ami other pern s in In'erest mav appear and show ea.e. II any tney bave. wny tne prayer ol in. sakl petition s uoual not he annteii. - i Witness the Hob. William I u'ler, 9. AL Jn.ltce of th Said District I'ev.t. and .S ibe seal thereof at Philadelphia, tbe 27 day ol January, A. T.. lSts ritA.-t. i:t,HLiitr-, ja, Pn. -lerk. Attkut: EDWIN T. CHASE, Kegsler. Feb 4 3t Xo.'. HoaEKsn nikuiT Corrected by Ouua a KitsRiTS. niALEKS i CHOICE GROCERIES, FLOUR & FEED Apples, dried, V a Appieoniter, fi s:ai.. Hrur. 1U0 ls Buiter, f (keg) riu ter. "i a (roll) Buckwheat, V bushel " meal, too as Beeswax, v5 . Bacon, shoulders, V a " si tes. ' " country bams, a Corn, (ear) v3 busuel Corn, (shelled) )1 bushel Corn meal ft m. ...... Call skins, y a , La-irs. V dot Flour, lbbl Flaxseed f bu., (M fcl llama, (sunar-cured) 1 a..... Lani, y a. Leather, red sole, ft a , upper kit. " , Middling, and chop loo as... Oau, l bu Potatoes, fi oa Peaches, dried, V Ry lt.u Kates. a Salt, No. 1, ft Wd.ext.ra u-rouna Alum, per saca. ' Ash ion, per sack , Sairar. yellow ft a wait Tallow. a Wheat, ft bu WooL a , 4c to IV 4o4oe ai ou lac -JO 60e So 24c Tc 19 to 11c co to ;u 7o . 2e .. t. 7 lr So re v3r &7ue 760 r 1 te 4HH 3 fi 3c lo 7c , 7&e le ... ?2 -GlVi 3c ...Tl st: 7 4 Oa 10 lCfcW-t U .... 41 1CT1 as aw o AUDITOR'S NOTICE I'vTer W. Sader ) Ia th Vourt of Common to Pies of Somerset Co., Pa., Oeo. O. Walker. No. HI. Angust T., 1B77. (koiunurv Assiaument. And now. 2nd.. February, loet). on motion of 1. O. aiinmel. Esq.. All y of Joba Deeter, a ealll- or, thecuri app .Inn J. H. Seutt, L-n. Auilttor ,o dlsirihut the funds in the nandtof ihe Assign ee, to ami among those krs;ali ea lived tnereiu. Si'VsatKitT cot si Y, as. : itrct Itom the reoori renined Febra ry 3.1, 1SMI. H. F. St! HELL, Pro. NotUc ia hereby given that 1 wit) aUen i to the dntle d tbe alio e appointment at my ottice in tbe H-Tiiaxb of Somerset, ub Thumlay, Fe nury lis, 1880, (nil and all persons. lou-Mued ran attend. (. HBCl'LL. Teb. Aodltor. I PUBLIC SALE. Bv virtue of an order of sale r ran ted by the Or phans' t.'ourt ot Somerset Coui.ty, Pa., we willex pus to public sale on isaturd-iy, Frbruary 2SA. 1S80, at one o'efc ek. p. .. all th. followlns; described real estate, la e the estate f. Kenbea Hottman of Jenner township, dee'd. vis: A certain tract ot lund sltnate In Jenner town ship. Somerset county, Pa., attiotn'ns; Ixiut. ot Samuel Klmmel, Jacob Lohr. H- sekUh Knecb lev, Henry H. Hi flman. David e.'oleman and Jon. atban Koads. eoutainlna 147 acres an.1 99 perches; ah.Mil lo acre of whlcb aieeleaml. bavlnsr there tin erected a twih-story log bonse, tC'O'l tiank barn and older oat building- This la rm has a youns; and an old apple orchard, both bearing, and never lallli w sprliix". TtltiS. S1.IC0 In hsnd, and balance in thrre equal annual pavments without Interest; to be secured by judgment bond. HENKY H. HOFFMAN. FKEEM AN 111 FM A N. Feb. 4. Administrators. MILL PROPERTY AND Farm JFor Sale. Located in t'nloo District. Prestoo nnty. West Vlrvinla. 7 miles south of (Trantmry Summit B. a O. Railroad. Tbe farm contains about 10 acres ol kooi land ; on which there is a srood orch ard, a foinl dwelling bo. se. a roil barn ami other farm bulldioir A to ran water pwrr B uring mill, and taw mill witn a larg custom to the mills. For lurther Information call en, or ad dress, 1. S PAINTER. Painter's Mills, I'reston County, W. a. Feb. 4, Into. UDITOK S NOTICE Sebasiian Gebler ) In tbe enrt of Common to Pleas of Somerset Ccnnty, Samuel Fox. ) Pa., No. 81. Aprt. T., 11TS. (Voluntary Assignment ) The andersigned Auditor apimHle.l by saH to pas on I he exception, s ate an account, and make dlsirtoutloa to ami among those legal ly entitled" thereto, in tbe matter ol the alve as signment, hereby gives notice, that for said pur pose be will sit at his . tfice. in the borough of Som on Friday, the 20th day nf Feb. uary, 1 so. when ana where all ptrson inurested can attend. H. S ENDSLET, Feb. 4. Auditor. gXECUTOR'S NOTICE Esiatcef John Grove, lata ef Shad Twp., Somerset Co., Pa., aeecased. Letter of teioBUry lb. abav. estate having been granted lo the un.lertgBed, am tee 1 beretiy given to tbo. IndebtMl to it to make immediate payuMBt. and tho. having claim or demaa's will pleas present them duly authenti cated f iff seuleoient.,oo Saturday February 1st, V'l. at ibe reridtuce of th executor la sakl county. JOSEPH C LAMEFHT. Ftb 4 Exerubr, JOTICE TO CONTUACIOnS In Si hoc: 1 Director of Somerset township Schoui diatr-ct. tU sell t lb Oiade Hoase, in S meset, oa Saturday, the 14th ol February, al 1 o'clock V. H. to tbe lowest responsible Iddder, the et n;tact lor b4llng a scapol nous, on Buelah roa.1 near Jno. SattKker's. SneiDcatloar oa day ui Saa). 11. HUSBAND. Fh. t Prtsident. 4 PPEALS. Notice is hereby given to the taxable InhuM tan ol Somerset county, that Appeal will oe held by th uudrsigned Laimmisstooers. on th days and at tbe places, herei.y sp-rih, to wit: or Addiio township, on Tueai.y, February Mlh, at the t.ous ol Dean Bro s., trotn .0 e'vlutra a. at. to 4 r. at For ei.!tuene borough, en Wednesday. Fei.ra ary 2&th, at tne buse ot Souct Sterner. Irom 1 tu 8 o clock r. at For l'r-in bor.oah. on Thursday, February -th, at the Henlord HoUe, trom 1 to u'clotk r. w. For lower Tnrk yrnot townsSlp, on Friday, Feoruary 27th, at the Heulord Hnu. in Ursina oorough, Irom 10 6'elnck A. . to 4 r. at. For Salisbury borougn. on iotiay, March at the Bouse ol airs. Lj'lU Logiocf, trom J to u clock r. n. For Eiklicg township, en Tuesilay. March :ad, at tne bouse of Mrs. l.j lla Lons-iorf, from t o'clock a. a.lnlr at. Fr Mejersdale b rongb, on Weitnesday, March 3d, at the Dale House, lruua I. A. at. lo 4 o'clock r. m. For Snmmlt township, on Thnrstlay. March 4th. at Ihe Dal House, ia Meyetsdale borough, Irom A. to 4 o'clock r. a. For Larimer lownhlp, oa Friday, March &th. al th Election I nn-e, in said township, from 10 a. at. to 2o'lorl Tm For Green vi t ushlp, on Saturdny. March lb at th nouis. A. J owner, iu Pocahontas, trom 8 A. it lu 12 o cioek M. For Jennertowu bon.aun and Jenner township, on Mouda., , March th, at lb. bouse ef Thomas Oallager, at Jenner X Koaus, trom o'clock A. to 4 T U. lor bbiystown borough and Ctocmahnnlng town ship, oa Tuesday, March vtb. at the rj.,ife oi Samuel Custer, iu said borough, irutu 8 o'clock a. h. to a r. m. Fur eau,emaij:h township, oa Wednesday. March lOtu, at tke br ase of Augustus keohler, lu baviosville, tn ra 10 o cock a. M. to 4 P. si For Paint u WLShlp. on 1 hursilay. March 11th. at Bark.y's School liuuee. irom 10 o'clock a. m. to 3 r. M. Forshatle township, on Friday. March 12tb, at thEiectl..B Mouse, in sail lo.nenlis truta 8 o'clock a. . to 2 r M. ror Stonycreek Pwnship on S ttunlay. March IS' b, st the house of Joseph Stall, in bnanksville. trom 8 'c ock a. is to 3 r. si. For Jetfcrson township. on.Monday, March 1st b. ai the house o Junatnan Barclay, lu bakersvtlle. Irom o'clock a. m. t t r x. For New ejemarville lorti'iirh and Milford town hip. on Tuesday, Ma. eh 18, t th bouse of David Caldwell, in eiebhartsburg, from la e's.ock a h to 8 F. m. For same township on WeOn'Sday March 17th, at th house ol Joseph aehrock, in Kockwood. For Middlecreek township, on Thunlay, March 18th, at theoBlceof A. Schrock, t.. trom 10 o'clock a. it. to :t f. it. For Upper Tnrkeyloot township, on Friday, March lutb, at the E.ection H..use,;ln said town ship, Irom lo o'clock a. m. to 2 r. a. F'or Berlin borough, on Monday, Man h 2d, at the bonse or Samuel Shatter, la said borioga, from 1 to 4 o'eloek r. u. For Urvtbersvalley township, on Tuesday, March 23d, at th bouse ot Samuel Shatter, in Berlin borough, from 8 o clock A. w. to. r. m. For Allegheny township and fe'ew Ballimor borongh, on Wednesday, March 24' rt, at the Elec tlen Hoasa la said townenip, Irom 10 o'clock a. m. to 2 F. M. For NorthaiEpton township. Thursday, March 2"th. at th. house ot Samuel Pooruauga, frcm 8 o'clock a. h. to 1 f. . For Southampton township and Welierslmrg borriugh. at the hoase of Oeorge llehaven. la Wellersburr borough, on Friday. March 28th. from 1 to clock F. a , ao.1 from 8 toll o'clock cn Saturday the 27. For Somerset township, en Monday, April 1st and Tuesday th 2nd. at the Commissioners' OrJlce. For Somerset borough, on Wednesday, Atirtl 3d : hours from o clock a. it. to 4 r. a. When and where all persons and evrportl leeling themselves agrfc ved at the ennuieralion , and valuation of their taxable property and el lects mad pursuant tu th. sverl Act of As sembly tn such case made and provided, a-e re quested to attend and state their, grievence for redress, according is law Attbst : W. ULSCHHOCK, DENNIS COOK, Clerk. J. C. e'KITCHFlELD, JONAS Mee'LINT CK. Feaa, 4, CI Commissioner. February 2I, 1373. elng described property pUBLIC SALE YAIXABLE riflL ESTATE. Py virtu of tne power eontalncl tn the lt will ami usisment of Henry Sirrtr, lata of Alle gheny townehip, Somerset county. Pa., deceased, tne undersigned Execut rs of said deceased will otlei lor saie by public outcry oa tbe premise ob. Saturday. at 1 o'clock F. M., tbe folio of said deceased, lo wit : A ccrv in tract ol land In Allegheny Twp., Som erset Co , Pa , .!.. ining lands of Simon Erlrslng er, Edmnnd Hersrilser, Eli s Suhrl ami vtners, containiug 229 acres and allowance, of which 100 acres are clearer and i h. balance well timtiered. 1 here is a hrst-rate orchard on this (arm. sn-l also a boo sugar camp : and ha thereon erected a large two story log a good barn. sp. ins; bouse, ami other out building, and also t tene ment bouses with stables ami other necessary buildings connected wbh them. TERMS. 4rtic-ttilnl In band, anl th. bal ance In Iou-equal annunl payment without la test. N. B One-tenth ot th purchase money to b. paid down on day of sale. JOHN SAHVER, WM. M. SCHH(a;K, Jan. 28 Executors. A SS1GNEES SALE. OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Ry virtu nf aa onler tissued oat of the Court of Common Pleas of Somerset County, Pa., tb. ub lersiirne.l Assignee of Hslvtn Maurer, will sell at public sal. oa th. premises, on Saturday. February 21, 1830, at 1 F. at., the following described real estate, via A tract of 1 nd situate 1b SotD' net Twp.. Som set county. Pa., containing 81 acres, more or le. ol wbl a about 4 acre are clear, aboati acres In meadow, wi n a two story plana house, log bam ami other ootbaildinas thereon ; g'md waier, ami a young erhcarl ol clioli-e fruit : a 'joining lamU of Jwuli Klio.,Davhl Buraut, Edmund alleraao, E Keller Tr K.MS ne lhlrl in ban.!, one-third In six m.iotbs,and one-tblnl from 2oih of January. 1879, with interest on delemd pajmcnts Irom date . ale. WM. F. FREIDLINF, Jan 28 Aselgneo. SSIGNEE S NOTICE. .Notice Is hereby riven. That Joel Siaughhaugh, of Addison Twp.. Somerset county. Pa , and Catn ar Ine his wile by deed ol voluntary assignment, have asidnned ai' tb. estate real and personal, of said Joe! MaUtfhhaugh. lo W llliam C. Llvengaal, of Eiklick township, in said county. In trust for the henehc of the creditors of tne said JoelSiaugh baugh. Ail persoBa, tb-rvfore. Indebted to th. said Joel Slauahbaugh will make paaunt to tb. said Assignee, and thoe. having claim or de-man-Is will make known tbe tame without delay. W 1LLI AM C. Li V EN OOO D. .an. 14 Assignee. A DMINISTRATOR'S IN'OTICE Estate of Polly Nieodemu lata o rlomerset Bor., Somerset Co., Pa., deeeasetL Letters of administration oa tb. above estate having been granted to the andersigned, Botlre is nereby given 'o thus indebtod tu it lu make Im mediate pavmest, and thuee having claim, or demand will present th. duly authenticated lor settlement at the othoa of W. H. Kouaia, In Sb erset Borough, oa Satunlav, February. 7. Itetl. JOHN H. HUSTON, Dec, 31 Administrator. D .SOLUTION NOTICE. .Notice is herebv siren, that '.he partnership heretofore existing between P. A. Byors and Thus. Harnett, of Somerset, Pa., amler the arm asas of Byers a Barnett, was dissolved on th 7lh day of January. Ism, by mutual consent. All debts owing lo said partnership are to b re reived by said Toast. Barnett, ami all demands oa aH partntrship are to be presented tuhlafur !,aynient. slawed. Y. A. BTERH. tan 14 TUOS. BAKNETT. MB i v 1 onww ww i TXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Will ks anikd s to all ..Jailu it- ll MMtelas fenir iVI ftm, Hal fuit wUom, srirel m tortlm, ttven lo I bo iml.btad to It to bih irw layment, and ;hoe having lala satos lent i hem da y autbenucaid Nr settle la Kh day ot Febrsary. lts,Bit. l IkIIM lMiivrwta IHIIOS M ' rmw mgg 11, D. M. F EKRX & CO., Detmit, X icb. 1 Jan. IS X' T1CE OF Ulsi&OLUTlON. ! Versssllac Save Your Cliildreij. noe.Ual in Ibis or sny other For exTwIlIng ssorsss from the system, l frr u nas iliaiir II, lirm. Him mi, urn, i w i - - - -- -. ... Ivsubrl ling between John Hameran Nathaniel e-untry. "tm. iea-miui aivea w . Hamer iu the mercantile bu-inesa. euder the tins I Bradbury's, expelled worm ia fcor'tt""'r nam. of Hamer Bros., ex ireil Jan. Tth. 1-8 1. by taking "'JTJ" iJ' al?Zui mutual consent. .thanlel Hsmer Is auchorlsod ship. Pa. Air. "expelled 4ou isorsss from my eWld , .. . . . , . M wmm f.l.t ' tt r . SarveT. pit. IViall, IWO. to mie ail oev iu, awn or an ewasuii. . . . ... .. uri i vu. HojveravUlev Jan. L IHstX S.0.1 by dni.g sts. Pric 24 eta. R. E. S KLLEK3 Hojver.vujaaL( iMaHAijER .co. Prop rs, Pittsburgh. Pa. Sea d (oroircolari. NATHAK ILL ii AMF.B. Jlj a Estate of Margaret Walter, deeeaaod, Ut. of New Centreville bon.ugh.Jvanerset cuoty. Pa. Letters testaioeBlary oa tb. abov. astsae ha Inie vranteet to th. anderslawed. BotiC I herei.v wtven lo thus, indebted to It to avako In mediate tajn ll to present i merit on th JACOB NFFrSr. liecia lassrosor. Th. Trwlk Ut ami WIU prevalL Thowsaad "d "J beea cure.1 are living 1 1 o-s t b. irar. ot cor statement. that S ELLER S 1,1 V ER PILLS lu. Cera tbe wrst case ol Liver exmpia"'1 BilaHumeM. Headach. arising therefroea. eaanivo Besa. CAMlpation. Disiinese and all disorders re sulting irom a diseased liver. For oi. h Druggist. Price 2 cents. K E. ELLEBS a evs., Prop'r. Plttsboegh Pfc. C H B0V0, i 5wywi rt- n 2 it i fji-izT'" 1 : j t i ' i t i J i ii j 5 each and tbe girls 2 50 each. ; deceived husband. t prompt but mild in action. county, P.