..Foiinuiry 4, !' r. - to c-et un booni f r General G.rfi.ld for Present fasi beea tqaclcbed by ihat gentleman publishing an open letter in favor cl Jebn Sherman tor President, The rightfully elected cfficiale in Maine are now io foil poesesEiea cf tbe Government, but it is not to be forgotten tt at tie conspiracy to de feat the will of tha people, was tbe worn cf tbe De mccratic party. The Maine larce taking petered cut, seven Fasion Senators txi'ntv-two Fusion members tcck h!r Kpma ia tbe legal Legisla- tnre on Thursday last. Sjiugs tbe Democratic conspiracy to fcteal the State. Senator RotcoE Coxklixo cf New York Las cprcly diclarid in favor of General Grant "for the Presidency. Slbat puis another Presidential candidate cut cf tbe field, and uo mmiakeably indic&t-e bow New V. rk will vote ia the Chicago Convention. The Philadelphia Vi-m (KeP ) nd Mr. M Clare's . imtt (Dew ) re iih &ch other ia tbeir j ICU championship cf Jutaes G. Llaine. Between tbem, they have done more to damage tbe cause of that distiu- .gun-hed gentleman in Pennsylvania , than could tbe entire Democratic J pre?s cf tbe State. J ; TmT wan a verv raa'l i - note ! tbrv-ugb hicb Ex-Governor Curlin crcptaway irm bi- futile attempt to obtain tttc-ui io CogfecH to wcieu i t L .... ... v be w as not elect' a. a. votes eov tbp Democrats on oe cjnimutee were illegal, because ;;uslv regit'-' red. tbev were uot previ Every tyro knowe, tbat a vo.i-r ui . ul though not registered, by provmfc i bis right, can obtain a vote Al' that was w anted bovever was an cure to procure a new elec.i u, auu ; this trcocpartnt dodge answered Mj mil as anv other. Xot content with a pair cf black yes received by two Kjuare knock downs from tbe Supreme Court, the Fueionisis cf Maine tackled thai body f ir a third time, and again we-e knocked" clear knocked clT their pins. This laet knock down appears to hu e eetller. Fusion Governor Smith discovered that be was making a fool of bimself, declared be tired of tbe farce be bas been keeping up, and ban retired from t bo buhiue.s, while lbj Fuion Legislature bas ndjourn ed until next August, and a lare number of its members have tuken their seats in the regular or Repub lican Legislature. So what at one time threatened to be a bloody trage dy ba ended in a broad farce. For tbe first time during the pres ent eesrion, tbe Senate, on Thursday last, divided strictly on party lines opontbe question of conferring the nomination of Mr. Kitchor es C-d-lector of Internal Revenue for tbe third district of Wisconsin. He was defeated by a strict party vote, be cause be is an onFpken stalwart ltonnblirBn. Time was wb'n tbe professed Democratic test for tfficp, was, "la he bonest ? Is be compe tent f Is be faithful to the constitu tion?" Sow it ip ' Does le vote the Democratic ticket ?" Under tbe present administration there are hundreds cf Democrat holding office, bat not a single Re publican can get in, where Democrat hold the power. The difference be tween the two parties is palpable. The noodles are just now excited over a rumor, which the bowlers against Grant bave putin circulation, that be will decline a nominatien at or before the meeting cf our State Convention, and that his letter cf declination is in tbe hands of li friends. Well, we will not bave long to wait, as tbe Convention will have met and adjourned before this journal will reach cne-fuortb its readers. General Grant is not canvassing for tbe Presidency and will hardly decline what he ia not set kit. When the people call be will answer. Meanwhile be is ia Cuba maintain ing that dignified reticence wtich is tbe truest index of his Birengtb. The petitions pouring into Con gress ia favor of Weaver's new infla tion scheme, of paying the soldiers of the late war the diffcrenc; between the present and tbe former value of greenbacks, are evidently manufac tured for the purp??, hundreds of tbe eignaturca being ia the eaTie hand writing. Ia presenting one tbe other day, Senator Cameron 6tatcd thai in Lie opinion the signatures were all for geries. A solution of lbe problem is probably to be found ia Weaver's remark ia tbe House that tbe cry fur tbe passage of his bill came from "every haTilet and church yard ia the land." Evidently thousands cf names have been obtained from the tomb stones. A favorite position of certain would-be rarty leaders in this State for years past, has been to hold up the Camerons father and son as a species of political ogres wherew ith to affright verdant Republicans This bugbear has however met with but Indifferent success, but be that as it may, . we believe neither father or son bave been accused of being "natural born fools." Yet, to read and believe all the twaddle now beiog so plentifully published about the way Senator Cameron intends tt?, and asserts he will manage, control, trade off and use as his own, tbe State Convention and the delegates to Chicaeo. is to believe that he is a aere idiot . ,n Pennsylvania semis promising, if With a certain class of thei-e sews- tbe accompli.-hnieo'S cf tne past in .. . i . . ... paper men it mast be held that the this direction are to be taken as ev- 1 r , . mass of tbe people are fools, they toidence. In 18o0, when tbe largest persistently publish this silly trash. pcraon of the crop was raised in Ox Saturday Inf., tbe Republicans of Allegheny and Dauphin Counties e'ecied tbeir dtlejrates let the State : ... niM.xi,. ihrmm iin Ivf.-r Grant. It lok now as if ' c h-.t not f-xt-eed- a ing oue-third of the delegates in tbe Convention It is rcniatkable with what una niaiity, the Democratic and assistant Democratic press cf tbe country declare that Grant is the weakest Republican candidate that can be nominated, and yet with wtat zeal they tre laborijg to prevent bis nomination. How ansi-as tbe dear iauocent fellows ere, that we tbould put up a MroCtfer man. Hon. E A. HaTT, Commisriouer of lutiibu affairs las been removed frctn tffice, it is wated for withJd icg inrportaot iuforfutiua from tto d.-parlDiett. Tee follow in? is the curt U ucr of Secretary Scuiz niak IDS 'b" reiiu val. linn. A. IHyt. Caatxittionrr of Jr.dicn Jf Jens. Sir It Yinr tfi-mnc inr i'u;j t ) Inform you tliHt the j-uImii- lutrn-N .tru.u . cimi)i in Jh .jtir B-rTue lu i Imt tti.-e r (liicuO wlin. Vrry refiw -fully. O Siui'RZ. Sccietary. Fx -Minister Flihc B Wash EtT.N e t f llliuoi, who has mauy fiieudo anxious to make bim a Pie-i-deutiul candidate, wLen ia Xcff York last week was interviewed on that tuHott lie t-aid that be would be a CBndlUa.e for Governor cf Illinois 'I tbftt p., was tendered him, but tfcet utider no circumstances will be ,,.,.,-a r irfi(tint. a he is OC a LiU'jiuuu . J - , - - . t r .,, an ardetit f upp rter GrLt f,T tLa; po.-i;i-a. Ol utuciai Sj ibero is b!i...sbtr vtry tirotig candida e, uot oh cut r.f tho road, h, Ijt Grant. Is pubiic e.vjma-ioa the Democrats ia C.'ugrei-r, ore "past praiug lor," bet with that remaikuble reliance on for b:ch ihe party leaders are ,rblhlf, ,L v Bpj,auo,ly b r to e!jf,,rce pjne grace tbrcugb the erg of tu.ir tbaplaln. Accord jlglV( w hca aajeLdiug the rules tbe bJr dllT lbe lloil6a decided that its cbnflaiu hbu'l take an oath to faitb fn''U i-eharce Li duties. TbiiA cf " 'j c ihe goud man having to swear that Le will faiiLfully jiray fr tie ealva tiuu cf the redeniplionleys tcalawags who ci,miiu;e the m-i i t) T cf that bc-dj ! ! U.NTEtt the lead of tuo Philftdel pbiu J'rrzs, aided by verai hM8taut De-uu.craiic j .uruals?, there Las beeu a Herculean effrt made w ithin tbe part few week, to get up a Dlaine h .,.iii in Puu kaiii.. Tliere has been m ruiH-illdLeous b'uziug away m. (i.-hnt. but tbe fa.Mllade has not been very ifltctive. his to unds nied fjet that tbe Senat-jr from Maine has many friende iu tbir Sia e, and n in'.-, or very few cn-imiee in the RcuuWirsn rai ks, but converts to bis .iiin ere uot to be made, bv niirrrD, reeeutiti.-ns or b.-.atint", nor is i hktly that tbe Sate Cuavention wi be it flueLcei, (nbii b ia rcully tie i. Meet et tbo b'jercers.) by tbeir hrantloeio. While the Republics! 8 of ibis State will uuiudly andcfceir fully hj n ri Mr R!hiLe, if mniin: -ted at Cbicapo, yet it in to cur luiid, jurt as certain, that Ge&tral Grunt B tho firet prime fvurite, and derail d the mtbt available candidate by tie lurte majority cf Republicans, and we think thai this w ill be made ap parent at tbe State Convention on the 4 b. Tbe quiet determination c f the Iriends of General Grant, to give no caute for eff- nse, to held tbe par ty together as a unit if ponb!e, to leave theuiBclves in a poeiiioo to zealou!y support Senator Blaine their tecoud choice ia the event cf bis nomination, bus been mistaken fur timidity by the f upererv;cable friends cf Mr. Blaine, ana hence tbe boomers in this State are reckoning without their bont. Fob the first lime ia its history, the Republican party cf Sjmerset County w as disgraced on Tuesday evening lat-t by a paikd coaveniiou. Tlie ot'jct of tbe meetinr beiag tbe selection uf delegates to tbe State Convention, and it beiufc well known that General Grant and Seuatur Biaiue b.ith bad friends dcniruus f O'jmiuati.'u in our jojsdment tbe Grant men being largely ia the uihj rity in tbi.s county it w as ar ranged lor the take of perfect fcar'uo ny, that tbice gentlemen, (two cf wb-jm were kuowu to prefer lbe Senator from Maine) phould be nomi nated for d'leat'6. Nutwiths.aud ing this it is now alleged through ignoraucc one or two irresponsible and supercrviceable would be poli ticians of this brouh, quietly noti fied all lbe Blaine men to be on btud, and having thus packed lbe tneeii 4, shamrles-ly vi dated tbe understand ing, and by quickly cpriuging a nomination of three Biaiue men as delegates, carried their pjiut. The friends of Geueral Grant were thus deprived of anv voice in the State Couveotino, and even were they in tbe minority iu lb county, tbeir rights were betrayed and trampled on in ibis meeting. Tbe voice of the county was not neard ia tbe meetirg it reflected only the i-eutirueni of a fc re or two ol uurefl ;ctiag citizens, principally of this burougb, who were used by a few tcurvy politi cians to gain their cads. Tbe harmo ny of the party has been largely im paired by ibis dirty trick, and we mus eip te and denounce it, ia tbe iotcrests of common honesty and deceecy. I s 10 lte graile men who connived j at, aod were p'ivy to this outrage on tbe rights of tbeir fellow Republicans. they wiil ia future reap a return for the lack of sagacity and fuir play ex hibited in their condoct. T nE future of totcc cu.'ivation Y.iik couuU, tbe yield was 1.400,01)0 J - I.I.:. - rAaA ma I pound, and this was regarded as something extraordinary in tobacco A mr ?v nee tea:. IIIDH II. U uo- onie a part cf the growing crops iu tiuuiber ot cjuoutfS, aua Xjiocaser: has fairly earned tbe title of "the to. baccobed"of Pennsf lvania. Care ful estimates just made plicetbe crop cf in Lanc8ter, York and Leb anon counties the priacipal counties of the State ia which tobacco is grown at 24,000,000 piunds, and this will realize about $3,000,000. A better yield even than this is expect ed in 1SS0 Br estimates lately made it ia claimed thai iLe amount of wheat now ia the graj of tbe f peculators is thirty million bushels With this enormous 6tcck on band, the specula tors bave power to rule the market as ibey plraee, tsellh.g one day at a price and the next so depressing the ruaiket as to re-buy what they told the day before at a much reduced figure. Tbe fatmets cannot market ineir w Ltai oecaute meie m uu j.jo.o to -tore it, and European freigbn feei the effects of ihe wheat blockade be cause exports are checked by our ex treme price. February will be an odd month in feeveral respects. It will have in the first place an odd number of daya, owing t$ its leap-year distinction. It will bave an odd number of Sundays five which is very odd for tbe 8bortes' month of tbe year and one of tb9 Sundays will ba Washington's birthday. It will begin on Sunday aud end oa Sunday, which is also odd. Tne five Sundays correspond in date with tbe five Sundays in lbe following August, which is odd again. U is said thai no one now living will ever see another February so odd ; nor will their children, nor tbeir children's children fcufficieat in itself to trake tbe mouth interest- Et la, Brate! Fr. ffi tbe Buffalo Expregr. It now appears that the second 1 pinion of the Maine Supreme Coe't was written by Judge Libby, tbe Demoerattc member. Gen. Pattercon, of Philadelphia, Gen. Grant's old commander iu tbe Mexican war, now nearly eighty j ears old, has been invited 10 accom pany the ei-Prestdent on his tour to Mt-xico, and bas accepted the iuviia lion. Grant ia well out of tbe way, and uow is a good lime to "let looee the doge." Go in, Cccsarl Gj for bim, Touserl Opn up with full mouth e whole puck that have been iu ging at the chains which bound you to jour kennels. Btrking will do vou go-d. Inter Oct an. .iuluafiun MraBH KlerloU la TUU Trnao the Charleston Courier. If Grant be nominated, Grant will b) elected; on this every Suiberu iiuIiiIjuu and orgao caa rely wi h perfect coufideuce in ihe certainty of jviunsuir all the mouey any responsi ble brigadier fbuuld ce so foolish as t j b -1 at;i.iust 11. "Drivel of NrriiDd Cblldlataapaa.' Fn)in the Boston Ercolng Traveller (Kep.) Gen Grant is lbe only man we bave thai answers all the Repub'icaa rauirements of the time. Tbe cant itb.ui a third term's daugere is ridic D ' US, and proper only for Bedlam No "unwritten law" could ba viola ted in bringing him forward, for no such law exists. Tbe Constitution contains all tbe law that we are bonnd to observe in electing a Presi dent: aud the Constitution rays notb ing about one term, or a second term, or a third term of tbe Presidential 1 ffice. As to "dictatorial power" comiug from making a third-term President, it is nothing but bad fun, aud will bave no effect on lbe mind of any man wbo would not expect to see ghosts on State-st at bign noon. It is, if eeriouf., the drivel of second cbildibncs, and will pass into mere oblivion. The Democatic press bas shown very clearly that it would be a crime to elect General Grant President for a third lime, and that be would he a wicked man it be accepts the office. Tne criminality of these acts would consist in lbe tact that tbet would be contrary to tbe precedent established by Washington. There can be no doubt that Gener al Graot is an nt.erly unscrupulous man, for be has already flagrantly set tbe example of Washington at deli ance by makiog a voyage around the world. Wafbniutoo never weui around tbe world. When hi sec jud Presidential term expired, be went to M.iuul Vernon aud staid there. He said thai ihe reason be did not waut to be Preideut any longer was that he was tired cf public hfo and waul ed to raise a few cabbages and sua ke ia peace on his front piazza. When General Grant retired from office be neglected to t.ay a word about cab bagen, and never intimated to any one thai be wag tired. Oa tbe con trary, not baviog the fear of Wash ington before bii eyes, he deliberate ly undertook a journey tj Europe, Aia, and Africa. A man who bas uo more respect for the Faibe: of bis Country than General Grant display ed in this matter, dei-erves to rm re girded as a bold, bad man. A Y. Times. Tbe tMt rnaloalKt. AiGieTA. Me, February 1 P A. Sayer, Fusion Secretary of S ate, has yielded, aud under protest niveo op all the state property to bis possession. Yesterday afternoon Saw) er delivered to the Republican Secretary of Si ate the State seal, re turns of votes tor Governor, connty offices. Senators and Representatives, Conncil records, and all reports of tbe Executive Council of 1879 rela ting to the election returns Sawyer was unable to find tbe key of the ia'e. He rays he received legal advice to bold cut in bis position, bat as he was satisfied the sheriff had a war rant for his arrest, be did not choose to make a martyr of himself, and baa therefore given ap bis claim to of- nce. Illlrll Bill l eatraxe Revenue fficers seized twelve iU not a tiiierics. detrojea eight cop Per ln tn,d 15,000 gallons of beer, a d heZ"fl five barrels of whisky and A .i.: a: .;n i. arresti a six illicit distillers in Laurel, p. y and Jackson counties Ken I tacky. TALK WITH THE IIOr THOMAS VTLATT j ARqcmcnts is favor of grant's Komination his strength in country MR. rLVTT expect a SOLID (1RAXT DELEGATION from THIS STATE SECRETARY KIIER MAN'S CANDIDACY TUB STATE CONVENTION TO BE 11 ELD EARLY IN MARCH For the purpose of obuioi a fair statement of tbe vie- aud expecta tion of the eiroug Grant element in the Republican p irty in thH S ate, a representative f The Irtbune called upon ibe llo'i. Thoii C Piatt recently. Mr Plan's iburoiigr) kuowledt) cf S.ute puliiicn, hi cou spicaous position as cbairmau of ihe Republican Executive Committee, bis clo-e relations with Senator ConklmiT, G . .erour Cornell aud otb er party lead rs niika fcim ati excel lent aulburiiy on this subject In reply 10 a query as 10 what pro portion of Rep jtiiicaus ia Xev York be huppped denired the iiimii o j iou ot General Grunt, be f aid : "From uiy luierc'iuri-e with men wbo bave a controlling iufLieuce in local polities in tbe different couuies, I am led to believe ibat a very lare majority of tbe Republicans iu the rural districts are euiburfias-.ically ia favor cf Gram's candidacy. Thh old soldier element, iucludiug lbe Graud Army organization, is almost unani mous iu bis support. Toeu there is a considerable class of business men wbo believe property would be safer and but-ioess more prosperous umter bis administration than uader that of any other man " "What are the arguments you bear urged ia favor of his uouiioii tion?" "Tbe certainty of public tranquili ty aud tbe euforcemeui of Uw a hicb tbe country would ei.j v under him is a strong one. Anoihep wbtcn has great weight with the stalwart elas ot Republicans who till take a live ly interest in what goesou in toe Hoo'h is the belief that the while and black Republicans ia that secti u would have a bi t er chance ut their rights beintf respected wiib bim iu the White iloue than with any body else. U-s name is a terror to the shot-guu Democracy. He is feared aud rei-pecud by tbe violent classes ia lbe South. Still auother uru meat is that on the score of availibil ity. The supporters of General Grant believe that he would b'. the mot popular candidate tlo pny could nominate, and would carry J'ew Yolk overwfc. ltnioulf ." "Is this your own vie V "Yes, decidedly. I recognize the tact that a few Republicans, influ enced by old pn jadice, would refuse to vote tor hiui, bull am cmbdeui thai the loss of ibis small element wouid be much more tbnn compensa ted tor by tne gaij of thousands of votes from conservative Dcsm icrnts, bo are sick of lbe disturbt'i C or-e pursued by tbeir party aid debie a strong, taj jfovernmeut al Warning, tun. A good many D?av emtio sol die-ra would also bd aunctjed to G out by his worldwide tame and li.eir rec ollections of his great deed j iu sup pressing tbe Rebellion. 0;ie ofm slrouenl jiroots of Generul Grant's strength is ttio fuel ibat all mo Dem ocratic and at-Utaut Demociatio uewsprtpt-rs iu lbe laud are niakiiig such desperate effirl- to weukeu aad d-tet his nomiuHiiou." 'tVn' otates do yoa think Gener al G aui would bo sure to carry at tbe tlrctio i, 1 uieau, uot iu tne cju vemiou 1 ' ' Every X irthern Stat, wii,h th possible excepiiou of ludioua He would have besides a fair cbuu-' ot carrying three Soudieru States Vir ginia, Florida aud Louisiana I was down iu Virgiuia duriug lbe re-cent Senatorial contest at Richmond While there 1 learned musn of the popularity of Geueral G.aui with the people, including m.iny Confederate soldiers. Tney said they believed tbe best President would be a Re publican m any ca-e, aud they hoped to see Grant cbooeu because be bad always trea'ed them fairly, and ibey felt sure that their interest would be beet subserved by bis election. Large numbers of them will vote f .r bim if be is nominated Sew York Tribune. Uemeral WMblngluu Stun. Washington, Jau. 2C Tne ma jority repurt of tne euO committee iu tne co nits ted election case of Mr Yucum, from tho Twentieth district of Peuuoy lvania, recomiueuds a dec laration mat the eleCiLn of lbe sii- tiug member was null aud void, aud mat a new eieciiou be ordered It is couieuded as tne ground for ibis re port that the number of uuregioter-d votes received, vouuied aud returned ia the eutire district, wiibouiauy ev idence io snow tor whom they were cast, was nut less ibau 9U0, or leu times lbe iuj rity of ihe eiuiog insu rer. Tne coul'-suui, claims mat 210 illegal votes were cast for the siuiug meuiber and 29 for bim-cif, whic-o would give bim a maj irity cf 'J'J I'ne u ijori y repori, Iroui Messrs. Calkiun aud V'eaver, dissents from the rcasoniugot tbe ui .j rity, aud iu- sists mat ihe n in-rentst- red voles were uot necessarily illegal votes, aud that the well-kuowu rule of law thai publ.c officers are prusumed to Dave done their duty uu il the cou trary is proved, applied iu this ca-e I'ne report also lusists that the bur den of proving bis ca-.e rests writb tbe Contestant, atjd 11 cauuot bo shitted from him ij the contettee oa tbe mere enowlug that a sudicieut num ber of uou registered votis were Cast to more ibau counterbalance the ro-iu-ued id j ,riiy It denies that there were 900 uuregid ered votes wbic'i were lu fact illegal ; but the facts i-hjW that the illegal Voles Cist were not far from the same uumber cast for each cundida.e. Tne minority re port States as au important fuc , tn-t ex Governor Curliu resisted the ef fort made by the cmtestee to have the ballots preserved, and aided in haviug tbem destroyed, though at lbe lime be was eugaged in taking evi dence in chief for contesting tbe elec tion ; and be cannot uow compiaiu of the returns from these precincts, as he stands iu the lignt i f a so li ator of record evidence. Tbe mioority report concludes with a reaoluiiou declaring ibat Mr. Yocum is entitled to bis seat. A Yoanal lrrkatiot Syracuse, X. Y., Janury 23. At no. to da v Elias G.-bhardt, six teen yirs of aire, a clerk in'a hard ware More, was aecideutally tho and instantly killed by a cu-coujnr to whom be tn silliug a pistol, io the excitement tbe tust. m r, w bo cave bis name as C aU-llo frm Wayne county, disappeared. Tbe levolver, which was tbongbt to be unloaded, contained three charges. tirant ai t'aadsdalo. GXTU 8 ANA"sis cf tue mtcati ASI) or ant's character. I mi tatiefiei that G antda-l .a tf be aud exoceia U) M I'rt. 1 ai - uot every stroug feeling would IVe III -ill H t.lin 11:. I 'have niado bim ' ' " w. His sjleucocaa oaiy hac i ut mterpreia- jiuu uoveruor lt yi tola ratJ lhllt iGitcer.l Graut would oot uiiow his rv . i ... I r . I Vn.. liieuo to oe comuiUtiug lucmseiTes ior turn, and therefore against other candidates, if he ex pected to desert them. He said Binine bad friends ia tho State, but thev bad grown ruo.-e eautiou than iu 1876, wben they attempted io gal lop aay with ths noiama iou. GRANT'S APPEARANCE. G aui l)i ks bent tuau eer iu his lile ; Ms bktu i of a cleur, grayin brou, nis beard well crojiji-d ail aiound, but uirn. us if rooted iu clear veins ol bio.-d ; his mas-ive, tqure head, where tne rear aud bide pi ts come eo uobiy to it o tupirt ot nis features, thoWopoAVrtuliy uuiidsl other heads ; ho biauda pigeou k iced, with p-iutin,j toes, like One iraiued to li la horses, and his eXpres-i-iou is that, ef ttuii&bilhy, ttud ptt lieijce w uh the public ; out uow aud iLt J, ut tt me sirauger pretslug t.JU uear hw confidence, tne blue-gray ees unclose, and he takes the iuiru der iu with every feuse of cauiioo. tlis dress aud bearing are decidedly tnose of a maa of sireugib, of thought, cultivation and love of c'eaulinesa. While never risiug to be au acta.' like Van Buren aud Jack sou, or wrapping himself in cold iu d'.ffjreuce like the Adamses, or still ed aud aweful like Washington, be is still a resolute, wary, diy. powerful portrait ia which there is the tighter troui the loes to tbe templed. WHY he wilubvn. He loven a race, a game of chance, a trial of possi bull lies. Not a literary uidj u-r au idealist, be tbiuks he baa a right lt such occupation as buiu hiui best, and that is uow tbo great areua ot public lite. He kuows that lu occupation, us iu physiology, tbe moment a man ceases to kcrow he comii.eiicoi lu decay. At the age ot oulj 57, with ftiir proi-pecis of living to be !s0 bis father lived to be 7! aud bis mother lives Still Grant has uo uotiou cf being shelved some where, bully ragged by stockholders or commanded by an ofiijial marti net. There is one place, independ ent, supreme, m.-tpec able aud uot retrogressive, lor which he seems to be d-istwied tbe Presidency agaiu. Four years he has bdeu u, private ciitz;u, more popular than ever, no less uoicrious, aud with new elemeuis ot tuiud and quality comiug forwarJ. The few pooute wbo coutinue to call bint names aud sauce bim be cau uuswer best by passing beyond the honors ot YY ashiugton. The f.-ar cf a dettat is tbe chief in doceaieut to Grut. He alwavseu- j y s a gallop o'ir if tne odds are aguiust bim. With bis uu ideal West ern nature be cauuot uuderbtmd the argument that he mast stop w here Washington, did. Better btop where W u.-t)lUjit,.U dtdu 1 1 Aad an io cbaug iu tn torm of tho goverumeut, thai vou Id lake lue amusement out of tbe i;nu); be warns it. jus; as it h, p!av d acc iroiug to II jy le, i.h all tne present Conditions acd bealtbi ia tbe competition. THE ARGUMENT IMU GRANT. In b lh the anaucul aui the seu tiouil quuiiou nis uoiui of Vdiitaire H superior. His executive policy, as (jk'heral trese!l suifgesteu to me, was so tirm aud steady that it never lulled to produce the wUoIe results tie l-t tbe Vetjer ot ItitUuou, aud bere-fore the maker of resumption B ih Congress aud the Supreme Court weakeued upou it, but Grant carried it out. His administration. derptte the peace which came iu the course of it to the 'vhole world itself probublv due to the displacing cau-i es of great wars -lecured the credit and peace of tbe Lulled Scales and left us without a foreign enemy and tbe depository of great foreign, in vestments. Tne Southern States, sliguily as they have progressed, owe ibeir deliverance troai chaos t Gram's firm control ad General aud 1 resident. Uur mauutacturing per- t c ion, as shown to tbe world ia tho exhibition of 1370, lost nothiug by ihe arm coiiuieoauctt cf Geo. Grant. He predicted iu 1363, ia bis first mes sage, ihe "strong box'' ia the Ilcky Mountains where we should dig out the public debt ; political economists sneered, but it bas cotr e true. II did a wrk ot art iu completing tbo city of ahmgt in, for which ihe first President would bave e ime out of bis gruvd to thank tim, if pos-itli Taiougbout bis course as General ud IVesideut, aud siuce his reiire inect, Geueral Graut bas beeu ia fa vor of going forward wilh something, vhereas all criticism aaiust hiui bas beeu frcCi the otjecMug side. He tbiuks well of human endeavor, that ll is belter tbau the nou interference dogma of tbe dyspeptics. A wealm of learning was p .ured out trom orig lual luvestigatiou while he u.J cia-i.-ol, wbicn duiigbted m-vakud. Tne pubiic docdiueuis were replete wita surveys of our resource , ubaervaiijus of iniugs terrestrial mid astroa imiual, aud the iiupiesi ia of enlightenment aud ctieeifjl development ex euded aroiiud ihe world. Yet authority was ui am tauied uot ia ire steruly by iL.a ry of Xavarre or William of Orange, where mere wa oucsioa Tne ser vaut ot the Cz ir of Russia withered in bis P. lues's presencd under the Republican frown. Tne literary pp uiarity of Mr. Motier, nor tae long ludulged meddliug of Sinu'ier, did u t avail to sp ire enner wuen tbe it iverutue.it fell us prerogative tri Uird with. lu tbo midst ef public ex citement such as bas beeu i-eld uu ituef-ed, the coo), clear order of the Attorney General went tj St. L uis, ' Rruiove John B Heoderoa for iui- pei leiieDC'i l tb President t.f the United S ales!" Aud fuallv l evi dent Graut laid dou bis office with ibe upproval ot the very rebellion be nad suppri s-ed, aud oiily such eue u.i-s as he had Sought to load wiih t.ivors Piis, viists aid slanderers found lbe sdeucs dreadful heuihey mocked his retirement. Narrow Kscaps. Ottawa, Jo 30 The s nall-pox patient who had such a narrow es cape from being buried alive on Wednesday is doirg well aud will recover. It appears that when the grave diggers threw on tbe lid of the c Qjj, after it bad been lowered iato the grave, three shovelfuls of sand, that tbe noise aroused the slumbers of the supposed dead man and caused bim to ku k lotily against his narrow tin's n. Tbe c ffi was fcai-tily drawn O i" of the grave aud lb lid was u-i screwed The suiipo.-ed c rps sav up at d ei claimed; "My G -n 1 Hive 1 ha t U h a uarrow esc- p ? ' II was al ouce lifted oat of the coffia and an overcoat thrown over his shoulders. Ue was then removed to tbe hospital. WAfcHINttTO LBrrER. By Our Special OorranponJeot. Washington, Jan. 39. 1S80 The Dast week has been ehreter. izd by au unusual ruih and hurry, l ... . . . . and leaders ot the social world de clare themselves driven to death. Society baa entered on a mad caroi val of gaiety, and the storm of ex citemeut will not be epeot natil the day marking ifce incoming of tbe sea Bon, devoted to spiritual affairs, wbea church going, self communion, Dor cas societie and "gossip teas" will take tbe place of germans, ket'le druiuus and receptions Tbe weath er has ceriairdv been beautiful bere this winter. We hive not had one really cold day so f ir, no ice ha formed yet half Gt for skateiug and tbe lad as dresses look m ire like spring clothes than the wrap for the uio iih ot January. Congress is progres-iag slowly. Durin the Grat few week of .he sessioa some were led to believe but ikili; tegiilatioa would ba attempted I h ruling mij irity in b nh b iu-"e was so qjiet, and e uad dispoa ed to take lua-.iers esv. Uo tj the pr isent time.it mu.-t be i aes d to tbe credit of ihe De u-crats, tiat they have beea oa tbeir good behavior It is perhaps ion mu. h to expect tb it will last; when ihe rep irtaof the (exa minees ou tbe most disturbing -juen lions sbull bo IiirlT before C m ?rtw there will be is-as wh eb will pro r 1 e warm discussion, and may poesiblv lead to a renewal of the turbulent scenes of the extra sesdon, although such a result at present does not ap pea,r probable. 1 he c imuiittees having in i;hare the annual appropriations, and neces sary legislation for keeping the ma cniuery of government ia motion have boen busy in gelling tbe work c un united to them in readines.. It is reported ibat the Democrats will out iuaisi at this session aitacbiog offen sive lugisiatioa to tbe appropriation bills, such as the repal of lbe federal election laws, which caused ao much trouble at the last session; not wiil the mythical uouseuse about federal troupes at the pulls be harped upou again . These reported 'Jeceocies ol the bourbons may ba prjoiatur , but should they prove true, it will be a krreat relief to the Country. Although the Democrats, have a mj irity io Congress, and however anxious they may bo to do away vitb the electou laws, tbe attempt would be of o a vail. Tbe President, will not recede from tbe stand be took last year, and would be sure to veto all such legis lation, as bo did before. 1 bere have beea amendments and changes proposed to tbe laws regu lat;ng tbe currency, oooe ot which bave enlisted expensive favor If tbe vote of the people of the whole c iuo - try could bo taken oa tbe qa js i n of a change la oar present fi iaacial p icy, undoubtedly a large majrity would be fouad opposed to aay di turbanca of tbe present law. Un less there should bo a change of seo i uieut iu congress beyond what no r appears, "the let alone policy." as has beeu expr.5-t.-tod by Senator Mitt Carpenter will prevail. Since lb? holiday recess there bis bea ai av alaoche of bills introduced oa alu st every conceivable subjeci of ltsriU tiou. The country is not suffering for the vvant of more legislation, but is in danger of beia legiilatd too mucb. If members of congress w.iuld stop making new laws and ap-. ply themselves to tbe enforcement; of laws already eaactwl. it would be fir ibe credit of tbe Republic abroad, and for the general welfare of tb people at ho tut-. Tbe civil and polit ical rights ot the people in nearly iK.z i states are trampled ap in wi'h iiupuoiiy, aitd there is no redres Tne Xiitiooal Government is as weak a an infaar, to protect citizens of tbt United States Thse state are, io 'one respect, not unlike the "cities of refuge," spoken of in Bible tinxta. to which if the culprit fled, be was snfe. The olden lime places of refage we limited to a few cities ; in tbe S lutbt ibe area of refuge is mucb broader it covers entire States. It is autboritively stated that witfj in tbe past three years, twenty-two United State. reveoa9 agents have beea killed, while io' tbe performance of tbeir datie req iired by law. .4 one of those gnilty of taking the live of tbeso official have been brought to justice, Dor baye tbe authorities in the sta'e were these crimes were commuted taken any step to punish the offender?. Nor is it the revenue officers, whose lives bave been takni. ' and tbe assassins not punished. Dur ing the past few years, a long list of peaceable citizens have beeo butcher-' ed for no other cause than venturing to let their sentiment be kaown a Republicans The hereby of Slate sovereignity interpose to shield tbe, violators of law, and tbe general Gov erumeut is important io avenge tbe murder of oflk-ial officer, of its own i commissioning. Ut what nation, to Europe can it be sard, its govern meut is p verle to rtj iib th xur derers of it subirdio&te sabjec.s ? Tuese matters are" tio impirtait t ba passed over sligri'.ly, and will be CHum-iJiet upu at another time. Tnere is scarcely aay mart s per fect a to have no blonisb of charac ter, much le. is there a city in this c luntry or elsewhere, so well g ivero ed and orderly, a not to be rarred by sone d rk sp its ; s me localities, where thj-ie who subsist by atealing, robbery and plunder, c marre" ; New York ha such, and even B 'S I in, with all its culture and refine meat ha these excreseacea Wash ington like all other cities, ha many dark localities, where peaceable citi zens dire hardly venture alone ia the uitfbt tinis. Tn-se place have siif nitic-ii'. a tu 4 suoh a".Lirtl-)r By' Hell's Bjttom"&j Moy of the most Q iraut crimen which hive been commi.u'd iu tne pst years are traced io these vicious spirts. There is a historical remmisence illustrating tbe eutailmeut of slavery, on tbos? spots of earth where it was once tolerated It was ia tbe immudiato vicinity of that most iuiq iitl u place ia tb city now known as 'Murder Bay," where the old fiiave market bouse ia Washington once stood, lbs curse of ibe slave pea seems to rest on tbo square bordering on the spc where humau beiugs were sold like cattle in tbe market. Those wbo seek to pu rify this infected district may say, with Lady Mackbath "oqt damned sp t ," but tbe stain will not away Perbap some people may aay, this is a mere illusion; if it be such, tbeu there are many like iu. Stand on the steps of the capitol, and look across tbe Potomac, where tbe bills of old Virgiuia rise in full view. The coun try along the river and for miles far away, was for many years one of the m-at pr ilifi'J slave breediug lerritor'e iu tb-j a u b; tbe negroes raise in Vir ginia, it i said, C ur4)ud-d the nigb est price, iu lbs mre aouiberu c otiou and rice grow lug slate What tjieao the dilapidated bouses, ihe broken j J r J .L I of nnthrift and poverty which now I i characeriza that regioa of country?! lfitfceni that, what i it? The I same ludubitable testimony fastens ! tb plague i it on Mirder By, ia l . l . t w - .1.:- ...... QO CIIJ Ol tl 1!UIUKVJ. "Weavers lufltliou bill" to pay soldiers the difftfieuo between gold and greenbacks is condemne i by all classes of respectable men. Senator Logan bas denounced tbe bill ou the floor of the Senate as the most stu pendous piecd of deuiagjguery ever introduced ia Congress. Geueral 11 a ley ha. also done the tame tbiog ia the House. A new committee under Mr. Har mer'd resolution ia the House has beea appointed by Speaker Rand til, to investigate the Peusi n office This committee wiil be allowed a clerk which no doubt will be delected from tbe 17ib district. Our member bas also been allowed thtee addition al clerks O'l tbe regular Peusiou com miitee. Xj idt rofal friends, if you don't get your pensious don'i blame it on tbe government, but blame it oa the committee who have been given full power to find out what is tbe matter witn the laws aud correct t heai at once. o m 're put ting to blame on Comuiiss.iojer Beutley. Prompt work is demauded by the soldiers No diliy daily iug uuttl after me next dec i a. If lbe applications of soldiera t-.r pensions aie to be allowed by the Democratic Congress they bave a chauce now to say sj, aud that quickly. Congres has given our represent ative aud this cotumi.tee power to d id ou where the trouble is aud if the laws are at fault to rectify ihem. If tbe old soldiers dou't ge. their puusious uow, you kuow where the blame rests A Republican member, Mr. Harmer, fr.in Peunsylvao.a, was the instiga or of tois investigation aud ia oj ibe commiaee. A m j rity .f the committee are ecten lbe poli ticians aud, of course, will conduct ti e investigation iu tbeir own way, ai d will make all tbe political capital out of the organization they ciu with tne old soldiers Y ojr cises are iu tbe bauds of the Democrats aud tbey will be held responsible by every iu lell ig'tut voter. Commissioner Bent ley will grant ait your claim if he is given the power, eud President II yet will gladly approve any bill to secure every dim who wore ol ue bis just dues. Picket Aolld fr Oram. ..'HE REPUBLICANS OF NORTH CAROLINA TO bEND A UNANIMOUS DELEGATION TO CHICAGO. Raleigh, N. C, Jan. '23 The Repuo.icau State CouimiUee wiil meet hefe to-morrow. Every meni ber will be preseut. It is now indi cated ibat me committee will appoint four delegates at large to tbe Coicao Couveutiou, aud that tbe R.-publtcau committee of ibe Cougressi mat dt trict will appoint the other Di Tne four ai large will uudoub'.odly b for Gen. G aatfor Piesideut. The re ports from the Coagresioual districts rt-pre.seut that the feeling is d strong aiu itig the Republican massed that a solid delegatiou for Grant will bd st nt from each dis rict But for the It em ot eXpeuse to the delegates, a State Couveutioa Wouli be ca'led to e lec tbe delegated fr the wh ile i -late, and tor the purpose of orgau i:Zingfortbe camptigj. Eerymem- t er of tbe ommiiiee u lives ou. t ,di of this city rep irs that thi' sen timent iu bi part ot the State pre se its a marked chaigo from that f 187C, iu favor of the Republicans. Tne opinioa id freely expre.-sed that tbe Republicans are sure to carry tbe State ia November next. Oi account of this cbange there is no defection among ibe Republicans, either white or black, bus there id conclusive evideuce that tnere is aa alarming defection among the ina-ses of the Democratic party. Nothing is feared except tissue ballots and systematic frauds by the Dtia .cratic lejtiou officers. If Geoeral Graut id not a candidate, Etibu B Wasbburne will receive several vote from this State. There seems to be strong op position to either Biaine or Sherman. Tbo two Qi ;e holders oa ihe om miitee W P Caunady, Collector of the Port of Wiltniiigtoa, aud J. J. M tt. Collector of Internal RcVeuue are for Saermau, bat they bave no following on the committee or among ibe masses. Jlrgri EasMlns. Cincinnati. Jan 27 A special dispa co from St Louts says that the tide of negro emigration from lbe south basset ia agaia. Ab idt one hundred arrived 'n the sreamer Send der on Suuday, aud left for Kansas, while as many more came by tbe steamer JoLo B. Maude, last night. All of these people bave some mon ey, and cme chiefly from East Baton Riug?, Washington county, and Grenada, Miss Those who have arrived sav tnere are hordes to come, numbers waiting on the bank of tbe river for transportation as tbick as rice birdd in a field A colored maa, acting a agsnt, bas senn to the relief coniuitte a list of 900 families whom ne says wish to c line north Within a fe w dvs m.H4 700 emigrait b.ve reac aed St. L iu id. Ab mt 300 are ao w ij ibis city awaiting aid ia giug on. Oa atala Sim ta ilor. Wasuington, January 20. An origiual bill ba bee, filed ia tbe Uaited States Sapremn Court by the State of New Hampshire against the State of Louisiana et al , Melting forth that tbe authorities of tbe lat ter, under the provisions of tbe new constitution, are about to use the pro ceeds of i be taxes levied for 1870 un der the act of 1874 to defray exoen peuses of tbe State government in stead ot devoting them to tbe pay meat of tbe priacipal and interest of tbe consolidated bind issued by the State unde- tbe law kiowri as ae-. No 3 of tbe Statues of 1374 The bill further sets forth tba'. tbe State of New Hampshire is tbe owner cf six cf the said consolidated bond-1, and prays tbe court tbat the provi sions of the new Constitution, of Louisiana, ia so far ns tbey c itifl ct with tbe ctntract expressed in said bond and tho act of 1474. under which tbey were Unupcl may be adjudged yoid and anooostituttoqa) aa impairing the obligation of a can tract. Tbe bil) also prays for a writ of injunction to restrain the State officers of Loisiuna from using the proceeds of tbo said taxes lor any other purposes than lb se specified in the said act. Tbu lavlaa Boy tnrai ap Aliva. New Hamptos. Ia, Jaiusry 23 --Tbe b y who was believed to have been murdered by Lis father, Elder Boob, tbe Adrantist, is alive in aa adjoining county, whither he fled af-f ... Ih koatitll. Kia f.t'h nun a him I to avoid a repetition of the outrage. Talr aa Lat sa reply of the scprime court totu-e QUESTIONS FROM THE RUMP LEC.I5 LATH RE Banoor, Me, Jauuary 27 The Suprraie Cuur bas gisen a unaui- tuoud reply to ihe question ami nstr- Due r.e -s K iinburg Ihe tr meut submitted to tt by tbe Fu-.loi.- B4f,rns csi he crr'in t- rx lsts. declariug tDe 11 'Ue and S-oa e ;ori.:.. frim ib f-.ct ln- i e i.rp:i. now h Idio,' pesious ia lbe St ,te j ,,,r(( f (; luui'd ami L her t Housm the legal legislature of Maiue ' f,ir! a;--s !re rub-.itmit.g c. 1 1 e 1 t.'r The court f?oes not admit that it was j w hit , Iahr io xx works l 'or-e b-.-und to give anv reply to the Fu ; woik bave heretofore bi e i n'm , sionists; bat feeld that it would have enljr!.jv rnn by wtite opert omi' ted an important service to tb liv i-i A-;d o Va Their bou-siiUe people of the state had it failed to j retgovir boot! of tbe furcaces, B.,i gratify tbe derire of honert ci'tzns, wj.,u fcdve q0 ,,-ter means of su,i, to be instructed as to tbeir dudes. ' itiiu lheir daily Ubor, wbile tbe .,-.. The court says the qnei-tious iu re- gr, A jj( ar replacing them are i:n gard to ihe acioo ef Governor G-tr u .rj. fi f,0, other counties whre ceLu and eouue l were fuiiy atisa,er- , ,, element prevail to a nrpr ...-ti.. .1. if.su.i.i. r. f .l.ii.i.irY 'A i !....;.. w... .o.-..w ru iti luii v 1 - j and bv ibe acswers it atli ni. d that the acts aud doings of tbe G-ivermr and couucil in lssuiug ciniaca'es to cenaia mta as memoirs of the IIou- of Represeniatives w ho aid o t ap- jiear to bo elected and declintutf o isi-ue certncaie! uo 'u'""' certain men appeared to be elected, vere ia viila.i m of their legal -.t,,i cobstiiutknal ol:ngati-is atid dj-ie I lvter We cauuot accept a s at.meui bich j a.-rts a- facs matters Ibat are in j RICHMOND, Va , Jamiarv A Ltl ct with tbo record and ci.-t-.ric- p'iv..te ut.-pA cb da'ed , d.-fo.-k, lf.ici that we are uot at liberty to j 4 P M. says: Every: bine isq iv. disregard. VVe ci ju u shut, cur eyes ; A u atiock wa" uioe It niyht on to tee lac. ibat tbe governor and i me negroes m.d two mm couucil tneu iu ellios disregarded the j wounded The rio-ers tbeu di.er,. optuiou or this court, giveu iu answer d with threats ot reiurnii.s' to Ugit. t th; (Jjveruor's qiewtiius: that j A dispatch frru the co!Ufaueal-h they omitted to revoke lie summ os attorney says: All is quiet uow but illegally is.-ued to uieu tvi i did uot ' trouble is aporebeded M re n.e i appear to be elected, or to irsue an needed st ones The sheriff js bummoase. to uieu wno did appear i a considerable number of rioters wtrc to be elected. We know that ib!-everely hurt. offifers who provided iu tte conveu-j The irovercor ha crdeted the Win lions of tho members elect to ihe Chester Li;bt lufsntry to priced Seuate and II ou-e, on the li -ns I ituuiediuie!y to the scene of di-iur1-Wedueday io January, rec- guiz-d ance, a id place f'cm.-elves at tbe dis os members of botn those bodies men . po-al of the cbt: iu wbo were unlawfully introduced iut- tbem by the unc msiuutioual atid it legal meinod pursued by tbe G v ercor uud couucil, atid relu-ed to recognize mea who appeared to be legally elected, aud refused io permit auy aupeal from ibeir illegal deci.-ions to tbe bodies over which they were temp-jrarly presiding. Il cannot be succesofully claimed mat tbete was eveu a qiorum ij tbt ll .us of Rep redeutaLives w bicti u niert jek to or gauize ou lbe first Wednesday il Jauuary, without countiog men h Could only appear to be elected. We cannot recoguiZJ a II -use of Repre sentatives to Uiuke a o i -rum iu whti-n tt. rirexeuce of three men was neoessarv, as a lawfully constituted j swindlers, who s.-ll tbem wu-cb bjdv. Nor can we rec -guizs them alchuias for $25 to $ot). purporting t- Senate which pursues a similar j he gold, and wbica wi-btiod ui! CjUrpo noil tests-, bat which prove t b..- Oj the other hand history cannot , mauufac ur- d ef a i.e.v and d.ager fall u dirclosf lbe vi l fac. ihat :beous c mip i-itiou, md to lu wortn not Rt-puolicau rauiz ; i m of Jaiu ry 12 n were farmed i:h full quorums f members eltC.. Tne nieeij.- w. re public, and Under the cir. U'listaticts, ibe failure to notify Fu-ioui-t meif b;rs could uot invalidate tbeir or gimz i.lous. There may h ive been trifling irregularities, bui no es-e:i- ! Hal defeCis eXidied Thus, a legal ly orgailZ 'd legislature being uo In exisleuceauil eXerci-i its c oi-'itu t'.oual fuuf-t us, il follows that li C inveuii til f memiiers elect of eittier ! h .use can exist wnicQ cau be trea ed a a nucleus f t another orgiuiz 'i m. Bji. oue goveriuueu'. cm be rec : i'Z eland obeted Tnu reSO )Ur-ibill ' V auJ s ileui i du.y iaip .sjJ up j us t liHtermiuo wmcn ise i ltle l to reeoi; niioa We, Uie.-ifre, after die d.-lioerati ju ajd coj-idera l ;u of all the matter iuvolved, aHi ui aid declare uur j'.i'igiueut to be ibat the Seuate wn .re presiding i ff-ris ll ic. J pa A. L icie, aud the H use of Regies u.a Ives wnoe prenldiug of ficer is II n. G; orge L Week, coi siitute tb legal, c institutional legis lature of ibe sta'e "JOE" SMITH SUBSIDES Augusta, Me, January 27 The Fu.'iouiiis are very much depressed at tbe reception cf the news trom tbe court. Maj ir Smith say be believen ibe eootroversy bas ended He states that while tbe previous opinion of ibe judges was bided on tbe Re publican statement, there was room for a reasonable doubt ; hut in view of the fict that the court bad decided against tbem ou a Fu-ioa statement, they could but craceluily submit. He said he had g men through play ing governor, and should go borne. Mj-r Smith's views will be d. p ed by ibe better ptrt of the Fusiouists, who will take ibeir sea's in tbe legislature Mr Sawyer says be rtill considers himse.f Secretary of State Il-inrr lugalls, tbe leading member of tbe Fusion House, says be is not prepared to give aa opinion to-night, but. be has always been in favor of yielding to th-s court. Jlaidrredaad Knbbr. Elizabeth, N. J., January 2S Joseph W If, aed uineteen, was shot down aud roboed last mgbl in going along tte stret t at Evons. Tbe murderer escaped, but several sus pected persons bave been ai rested. Philadelphia. Jan. 23 Tbe $1, fiOO 001) wblcQ tbe Penuevlvdiia ll .iiroad Company agree to accept in fail fir its claims against Alle gheny ciuity on a couiit. f iheri.i losses b is b -en pud over to the company, a id ibe county is n eu gaged in settling tbe other claims which, it is expected, will be com promised for a total of ab .u t $210, 000 Robblna- I hit all. Pittsburoh. Janna'T 2f To day James R. Burabaugh, of Lancas er c uuty, was Cimmttted to ja'i here, to await trial for having tam pered with ths mails, wh'le route agent hteen H'irrisburg and this ciy, a position r.e hud occupied f-r ei'lit years. Valuable letters have been missed, and when arrested de coy letters were fund c mcealed a'uiiil him Rsadina- Rallraait Ralllaa Ktorha Hri rd ky L". M. Anlhnrlllra. Philadelphia, .anuarv 2u Twenty two locomotives b-lngirig to tbe Reading railroad were seized to-day and plsoed in ebarge of watch men by the Uuited States govern ment, npon a claim for taxes on the scrip recently issued bv tbsteompa nv. Tbe claim amonnta to $168 000 bat will eventoallr be increased Xo tfionnnn Vw V,W V w. Sit4Mab:it im I'lamfi. New Orleans, January 2S. Tbe tli h. flnarmar .tlk'l 1011 klaa ..f e .ti n has been totally destroyed by 6re fifteen miles bebw tbe mouth of the Red River. Eight lives were lost-two chambermaids, two oooks. two cabin boys, one firemai and one deck band. The boat and cargo were Talaed at $130 000. No farther particularts are at hand. iaaar Ireitlra im Yir.i la. PiCMMfi.ND, J.o. 2j T'en-s :eCIVtU ten- S -He tl t I. er.fe X ci eii.eM p'ef .'.'- in S ena d..!, C unit III cO-tq .e: ee . t aj heLdrd fga -tienthe wbi'- n black l-.b-Mrr at u,e Co um-ii . f,ir j ri a eu'. Li.mj iu oiiruuuoail, wQli'll c.iuti y has but a very small col jr.-, I . puiati-m. i xb.. fQt.r;r t.IegrapDid Gov.-rro: H ntUei j for irot ps to aid iu k.-epi , pe t. e Tte governor iaimrd'a:e.v o:te t j Q iia Ma ru.'er. ot V.'o. ,i" y,.tt milt ary conipt.cy, top cuiiinaud at the ttr vices 8r,rtlj ii-e In s of t!.e .Honikli tuer. Washington, Jan 2i'. The C ia-luissi- ners of Interna! Revenue re ceived lbe fillowijg telegram to d ir trom 'he C-dlecttT at AtUnta, (Je r ttia: A raiding force ia KibuuCo, just reports the beiz jre of six distil leries since the 21si i rj ?t. Tbrie thousand gallons ot b.'er and in t.-j were destroyed. Tbe revenue oitiivrs bave tae coutitry under c mtrcl ( Dlrazu Jeweler Mttadlsil. Chicago, January 30. P.v.-lr) 1 kers aud jeweler. vf ibis city have b-jea played 00 a by .one clever over 50. I be p 'i.e.' are lousing a! rr lbe swindlers, bu' tleV hiVepr.l'i. bly Irfi ibe ciiy. Nc-arly every pi-rh- p has been vicnui'Z-d l ire at Sir w Yum New York. Jan 2G At a (;- ter oast S morning, a tir" is lii-i: .vereil io the shoe b" oirj..; -ed wib til-.- Kings c .uti y pni ca u ry, at Fiatmisn Tnere were Al't pris ners atid .ml-lde ha.i-Jr ij the buiidiug t lbe tiuie, btit 'j means of cool and prompt, uc i- a er ery one g it Ut sately. Tbe B;y S.rtta sb e c inpiiiy ba i jt2;")0 0UO woitb of nia'vrtiti at.ti ii'u t'liurri ia Hie butidiug, a l.-ng'- p ti.n of w "i.cti was d-stroyeil. T roof and upper fl or were ul-o Je stroved. Knnralax fnlalls. AuguoTA. Me , January 23 Tte intere-ii e-euters now in ibe doing i.i' the Republican Leg-slature aulib c ur.-e of ihe Fusion meuibtrs i a reference to takiug 'heir sev.s Tb; six Fusion Sena. rs, Messrs. Btrker, Aiwell, Rogers, Strtciliud, llmliifl aud Pat en, have taken their sen.s with the Reoablicaus, aud wiil act Under protest.. Tne fo!io-tig Fusion Representatives wrere in their sea a lu lbe II use this root nin-' : Ing-i:s. of Wescasset ; D.ckey, ot F r K M-Laugbltj and Hill, ofC'o.ina; Wil.so.i. "t Arouo; Fnrrel, f an Du ten ; Kioles, ot Craw tori; L tig, ot Fmi F.ii field; Coe.-ley, of Oi tord ; Miisej, of Burnbam. aid Has kell, of Turner To oiheis bavj goue borne, but i. is thouTt some of ihem will return. Tue tro-'ps tba: are lefu in change of Ih-j S ite lloue are kept out of sight, ail tbey sill be sent borne to bigbr, if Governor Dav is decides that 1'. is b. st. Terrible Dumeslle Frag-eily Ottawa, Out., Feb. 1 A fearful iragedy was brought to light here "a Fr.day night. It appear that ma untied Subiuriu went to his bnuie in the suburbs of lbe city, on Wed ies day night, ia a drunken coi.d . oa He quarreled win his w f , to savs be was also under the iu tto -i.ee of liquor. According to tkc w.iin tn story, after her bu-bitid struck ber -he seiz-d an axe, aud returned .be blow, forgeitillg iu tbe heat of pis- sion ihe terrible wreapou he wa- u iug. Heedless of ibe .ippe.ils o: ler terrified c'uildreo, w bo clung an nr. ber, tbe infuriated woman ties!' a second blow under which tbe ui.f r tuuate bilsbaud fell at her bet wi.h two frightful gasue iu the hack -'' his bead. Fearing the c Ti-eq lent -e of ber dreadful crime, she oil u..l call a doctor nor m e the (J. ea known, aid the uul irfnate niai Uy ia ag my until yes erdiy m Then he became rapidly wor-e, a;l it was not until last nignt (-be havi ig doubtless becme thoroughly aUna ed) ihat medical assistance wa shijI tor. It came t o late, for tfie j'bv sician pr .nouaced it a fatal cs . man bei j- in aa e.xna js.il s' i'e woman w -is immediately arrested ' (1 lodged in j il. Sibounu and his wife bu- 1 l.red huooi v t.-ge her t r s in" ""' psl, both b.-i(ig of very i ite t'O' h .l.i. a lt-a SK , 11 ri I is H il .' I i e lug wjtiiau about fnv li.e y t age. She appeared to tak-- tb--t-r very c ioily, evidently coos. -ten tbt her intoxicated comtitiou at t: - lime ot the tragedy removes a V' part cf her re-poulb:loy. Sa -o-is still alive, but rapi ilv si'.ki i-r Death is momentarily exo-e'e i A Blsr' Rwaaf Deadwood, January 30 -1" e a! w es . m. .h!i.n a 1 1 n -' "r 'bave be-ugre.-ly hirr.s-e I by a fa robbers, robbing bouses a, .1 i , t a a log are neras ei cattio. ic' - tna IjP.iA '"5 . . ', I . I men became ex isp-ra ei, itiu a party of fifty well armed m- mounted, and started ii pn'-utt. Tbev struck a trial near tbe Lit'- Missouri, fijallv reaching the rj. ! of ihe robbers ia a deep rav w I Wolf Mountain, where the "''"-j I eighteen members, " a'Pn I and k'dL-d before aa oppjrtnatt jgi'ea theoo to return a 001. large herd ot oaitld. sto.ea from jou ranches and several nne I were found in the vicinity.