The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, January 28, 1880, Image 4

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A dreary November twilight Detd
leaves redoing dawn at every frost of
tbe inconstant tviod stranire, "picy
ecenis rising, oat of tbe groundand
tbe new moon banging like a sickle
of blood over tbe purpled dark of tbe
eoutberlj ek.
Dreary and chilly ; a djin? vetr ; a
fast gloaming dock ; yet tLe windows
of Mrs. Oigate'a old brown frame
bonee bang out tbeir cheery signals
bebind tbe fringed cotton curtains,
and when tbe kitchen door opened
you could see tbe red shine of tbe
blaring logs, tbe figures coming
and going like a miniature magic
It was Dora Oigate who opened
It, and came flitting out to tbe well,
with a scarlet shawl festooned over
ber bead, and an empty cedar pail in
her band.
As her light feet pattered over the
carpet of automu leaves in the path
way, she sang a snatch of that good
old-fa6hioned hymn:
Buck of ages, cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in thta
"My goodness aliv! What's
For as the words trilled sweetly
from ber tongue, a tall dark figure
bad arisen from a low wooden bench
under an apple tree, whose boughs
overbuog tbe well.
"Don't be alarmed," said a deep,
sweet contralto, with a scornful in
tonation in its sound. "It's only me,
Dora. Joanna Elfield. What then?
Have I fallen so low that I am no
longer worthy to sit beneath tbe old
apple tree ? If so, tell me at once and
111 quit."
"Ton know that I did not mean
that, Joanna."
"It's bard to tell what people mean
or don't mean, now-a days," 6aid Jo
anna, picking at tbe mangy frioge of
the frayed rag of a shawl. "1 was
tired. 1 wanted a drink of water, so
I came to the old well. I'll go away
if you say so."
"Joanna," said Dora hesitatingly,
'are you hungry ?"
"Huogry! So. There's a sort of
craving, tbongb, on my stomach,
which is next to it, I suppose."
"Would you like sometbiug u
"I don't beg."
"Wait a mioute, Joanna."
Like an arrow Dora Ozgate sped
back into the house, where ter thrifty
mother was just setting tbe teapot on
tbe table. Fresh baked waffles steam
ed on one side ; hot biscuits were
piled in drifts of enow on tbe other ;
preserves gleamed redly through the
cut trlass of a small dish, and liquid
bonev oozed from a lamp of comb
For Mrs. Deacou Feabody and her
daughter Comfort wrere come to tea,
and Mrs. Oijate was a housewife to
be excelled hy none.
"Come, Dora, quick with that wa
ter," said Vrs Oxgate. "And shut
tbe door. What do you suppose is
the D9e of fires, if
"Mother," said Dora, speaking in a
slightly embarrassed toae. "Joanna
ElGeld is out by tbe well ! She is
old and hungry, and "
Mrs Oxgate's face hardened into
lines of stone.
Miss Comfort Peabody drew her
skirts close around ber, with an in
Toluntary movement, and Mrs. Fea
body louked bard into the bowl of ber
"Then let her stay cold and hun
gry for all of me ! Joanna ElGeld is
no associate for either you or me, Do
ra 1 She has run away from home,
and acted wilt common etrolliof play
etorn she has sung at low concerts
Instead of keeping that fine voice of
hers for tbe Lord sbe San, or ber
own free will, given up all that is de
cent and reputable, and people do sav
that she has taken to drinking ! And
you expect me to open my doors o
such as her ?
Mrs. Peabody uUered a sympithet
ic groan.
"Bat. mamma," faltered Dora, half
frightened at her own boldness, "don't
on remember that lie came to call,
not the riarbteous. but sinners to re
pentance ?"
"Silence, girl 1 How dare you quote
tbe scriptures to me r" cried Mrs. Vx
gate, ber stern brow clouding over
darkly. "Bring in that pail of water
at once, and let us have no further
Thus rebuffed, Theodore Oxgate
crept back into the chill, frosty twi
light dejected and empty handed.
"Ah," said Joanna ElGeld, shortly,
"I thought how it would be. Well,
it's nothing new. Every body'r doors
are earn against me."
"Is it true, Joanna?" whispered
Dora, coming close to her.
"Is what true ?"
"That you drink."
"Of course it's true. You would
drink it you were driven as 1 am
Driven and bunted! There are times
wben yoa would sell your whole
soul for a chance to be tound in
drink 1" .
"Ob. Joanna. I am so sorry for
"Sorry 1 say that again, las 1 peo
pie bave mostly left off being sorry
forme!" said Joanna, with a hard
"But. listen. Joanna. Do be ser
ious. Won't yoo do differently ?
"I am not so bad as some folk?
think me, Dora Oxgate, except tbe
horrid craving for drink. I bave been
nothing worte than wild and willful
Believe me, child, for it is God's
truth. Only, when a girl gets on the
down bill every Christian man or wo
man thinks it is their doty to give ber
yet another push."
"Then vou will try to retrieve your
own sell ?"
"How can I ? What is there left
xf me ?"
"Your superb Toice, Joanna."
"Yoa would bave me sing myself
into respectability, eh ? And in the
meantime I should starve."
"Yoa need not starve, Joanna
Here !"
Quick as lightning, ebe drew a
small gold chain, with a gold locket
shaped like a heart, dangling at its
nd, from ber neck.
"Dear Joanna, take this, it i
W'rth money, I koow ; and it is all I
have in the world to give. Sell it
and use tbe money for your own
Joanna ElGeld stared vaguely at
the gleaming trinket
"Are you in earnest, Dora 7"
"Of course I am. Ilush! Mother
is calling me. I must go."
"God bless you lor this," said Jo
mnna, huskily. "And, Dora one
word more ; I'm lonely Joanna El
field, but if yoa will, let me kiss yoa
jaBt once."
By the way of answer, Theodore
Oxgate threw her arms around the
tall girl's neck, and pressed her soft,
cold lips close to tbe other's cold
mouth. And as she did eo, something
plashed on ber cheek a hot, round
Tbe next minute Joanna Elfield
disappeared into tbe world of shad
owe that was bovering over all tbe
autumn landscape. And as she went
he murmured, unconscious that she
wm speaking aloud :
"S me one believes in me yet! In
me ! It's a strange sensation, aud yet
it gives ono something to live for,
after all I"
"Dora! Theodore! Why don't
you answer? But no one thinks it
worth while to listen to me now-a-
It was Mrs. Uxate s shrill, piping
voice; and Mrs. Oxgate, helpless from
paralysis, sat in ber cushioned cbair
in tbe sunny doorway.
"What is it mamma ? ' Dora asked,
coming to tbe door.
The Oxgate farm house bad drifted
sadly to decay. Fences had fallen ;
gates hung creaking on one binge ;
sunny pasture lands were neglected ;
grass meadows bad toppled over with
tbeir own weight of Harvest. Aud
Mrs. Oxgate herself looked, as she
eat in the doorway, like the very gen
ius of decay.
"Tbe carriage with tbem grand
people that has bought the Glenwood
Place. A gentleman dressed like tbe
Prince of Wales, and a lady wbote
diamonds flaxbed fit te blind one.
Ab me ! it's fine to be young and neb !
Look ! tbe carriage is stopping ! Per-1
baps they've dropped souieihinr ?
Sure's 1 live tbe lady's coming back,
trailing ber purple silk dress in tbe
dust tike it was domestic gingham.
Ob, dear me, I wish 1 bad my best
hat on."
She gave her apron a twitch and
tried to settle ber scant skirts over
ber poor, useless feet as tbe tall,
stalely figure swept up to the door.
"Tnis is Oxgate Place, is it not ?"
tbe lady asked in a drep, sweet voice
that betrayed ber at once.
Dora answered promptly :
"This is Oxgate Place; aod you are
Joanna ElGeld "
"Not Joanna ElGeld now ; but Jo
anna Avenel," sue rrjoined, suiiliuK
aud flushing. "Here is my husbaud.
George, this is tbe friend I told you
of, wbose band ten years ago lifted
me out of tbe darkness and set me in
tbe right path. On, G- rge, you know
now much I owe Ln . '
Mrs Avenel was weeping softly
now yet tbe t-miles shone brigoilt
through her tears
"Dora," she added, "that was tbe
turning point in my life See ! I havt
your gold chain wiib tbe heart yet.
I knew then that one human beio
bad faith in me still, and it renewed
tbe fountain of life witbin me! Dora,
Dora, you are my guardian angel.
God bless you tor it."
People wondered uoch that those
rich Avenels of the Place bad an in.
significant chit like Dora Oxgate so
much with tbem, to say nothing of
that tiresome, prosing old b re, ber
mother. But Mrs. Avenel was a
great lady, and of course could be ex
cused for having her whims one ot
which was always to wear a thread
like chain of gold about ber oeck,
with a heart shape 1 locket hanging
trom iu
"Wben the could bave diamonds
instead!" said Miss Comfort Peabody,
who had ot late observed that she bad
always thought Joanna Elfield to be a
And Dora Oxgate, altbougb ebe
bad settled into a eolnary, nard-work-
ng old maid, kuew that ber apparent
ly purposeless life bad uot been iu
"For there isjv among tbe angel
of heaven over oue einner that repent-
A Performlssa; Saniaoat.
If report speaks truthfully, all tbe
astounding feats performed by tbe
strong men of antiquity, including
Hercules, bamsou, aud SL'Ao ot Cro-
lona, nave ueen cappea oy toe recent
performance of a French athlete, Jo-
iguery by name, who is at present
fulfilling to crowded bouses ua en
gagement at tbe Berlin Vaudeville
evn 1.1 111
Tossing aoout nuge cannon bans
wita sportive grace, tnis person ap
pears nightly on a raised plaitorm in
tbe body vl tbe theatre abjve which
platform is suspended an ordiimry
trapeze. His ankles are tbeu fasten
ed to tbe trapeze, so that be Bwiuge
bead downward a few feet above tbe
urface of tbe ceutral stage, aud iu
full view ot every one in tbe bouse
A horse covered wiib gay trappiugs,
aod begirt wiib a broad leather sur
cingle, to wbicb two strong loops are
attached, is then cunveyed to tbe
stage, and there mounted by a full
grown mao.
Wben all these preliminaries bave
bten efleced, Joiguery seizes the
loops in both bands, aud, by sheer
muscular Birengtu. lifts the borse aud
bis rider some inches off tbe stage
eustaining tbeir combined weight iu
the air tor several seconds, and letting
tbem down again as blow It aud
eveuly as be bad rained ibem.
Upon the occasion of bis first per
formance, tbe borse selected for tbe
experiment was eo panic stricken by
being lit.ed off his teet that, wbeu it
was lowered to the level of tbe plat
form, its knees gave way under it,
and tbe attendants bad a great deal
of trouble to make it stand up again
All Berlia is floekingto M. Joigaery's
entertainment, which would appear
to be tbe chief attraction of the Ger
man Capital just now ; for, while tbe
managers of the leadiug theatres are
complaining of empty houses, the
Vaudeville is compelled, night ater
uight, to turo buudreds of curious
Berliuers away from its doors.
Pbjibk viapllmrala.
To pay a compliment is to tell the
truth, aud to tell it as though vou
meant it. And tbe only way to do
that is to mean it If a gill is pr tty
or accomplished, if she plays well, or
sings well, or dai.ces well, or talks
well, it, in a word, she pleases, why
iu tbe name of common seuce sboblo
she not be told of it ? Dju'i blurt it
out before everybody. That will
erre to make ter feel m c mfortable
ud make you appear rediculous. Say
it quietly when opportunity offers,
but aay it strongly. Couvev the idea
distinctly and fully, so I bat there may
be no mistake about it. But don't
do it "officially."
Formality is about tbe coldest thing
known. Moretbaoooe maiden has
been made happy say or bait au
hour by a man's taking tha trouble
to say a pleasant thing about a toilet
that be liked, aod mauy of fashiouV
follies bave been given up by girls
wben they noticed a discreet ilenc
concerning tbem on tbe part of tbeir
genUesaeo friends. In general term-,
it may be said that it is always bet
ter to Bay an agreeable thing than a
disagreeable one, better r all par
Tbe gallant who, when a young,
lady stepped on his foot while dauc-1
ing and asked pardon, said, "Don't
mention it; a dainty little foot like
that wouldn't hurt a daisv," notODly
told the troth, but doubtless felt more
comfortable than the boor who, wben
ii toot was stepped on, roared out,
To at 's right; climb all over me
with your great clumsy hoofs."
Boston 'J ranscriA.
(From oar Regular OorresTi indent. )
Washington, Jao. 9. 18i!0.
Congrtes bas reaseutOieil alter a
two week's holiday recers, aud,
though a few, here and there, have
talked of an early adj urjtuejt, ibe
pievalliug uptuloii is iui, tbe eeealjo
will last uuul some time ia uue.
Tne lliuse has stwwu a dipubiUou
to hurry alougtheappropriaiiou Dill?,
aod, even if tbe Seuaie ebould be
moved by tbe same tpiri., it Will o n
signify a abort eesaiou. la the first
place, this is what ia termed a "uew
Congress." That is, it largely
made up of men who have not set ve;i
before. All ibe new uieuiOers, as
well as the o. J oues, droire le elec
tion, aud evei oueol' ILieui, pel hays,
has some pet itaauie, or uy Do m
duZeD, Ibe pottage of wbtca wlil alJ
to bis etreugin aud pjpuUrii lu ui
district. Before auotber bobsIuu ctiaii
convene the ougresriuual eieCiioua
Will bave been beld, aud luerelore
these bills uiunt be acted upou at turn
session iu order to assist toe titling
members to another term, liisnuo
tbe new members bad the advaatae
ot au exira seseiju, bat tbe poiiilcai
queeliuus, tbeu before Couresa, m i
uopolized Us aiieutKu, to tbo exclu
sion ol general aud special lt-girU
Uon. fe'uce tue orguuizaiiou ut ibe
present Cougress tuaoy huudreds of
bills have beeu iutroduceU, aud uot
ienty of tbem lu all bave yet beeu
acted upon.
To say that Congress will adop.
the puu auribuieU Ij peuker Ku
dail, of paeSiug appropriation Oil. 8
aud fortbwitn aoj jurulug, is to sup
pose that the members luleud to sac
rifice the iutere?ls w hich their dis
tricts, respectively, have eutruoted to
tbein, to an idea mat ibe puriv
ujigbt be ced by a "abort ecs
eiou." If auy oue caa supp jso eucu
a thing be Cdu learu better by cou
veraing with a tew uf ibe uieuibers as
to wnt tbey luteua to uo wnb ilhu
special bills. EiCQ lueuibei will au
ewer that while be is wiiliu to dier
to tbo iuterests cf party, bia first du, v
is to bis Constituents, aud lUat he
means to serve tbeiu first. Tueu, be
sides the uuuualiy Idtgj uuoiber ot
mils pendiug, tbere la itia fijuuciil
question, which will lead to a dii-cu-aiou
ot some leugiii iu the Sduuie, it
uot in tbe Uou.e, too. Sjujo ot tbo
Senators have devoted their LAiday
receos to the prepiraliou ot hpeechwe
upon tbe subject ol fiuauce. aud tbey
expect to deliver theui bilore u.a.j
day 8
There are other blllr, too, that will
bare to be deb ited. For lusiaucv,
Representative Towusbeud, tf Illi
nois, says that bu iuteuds to p'eas bl
bill regulatij; tb transfer ol cuies
from state to federal courts, over
wbicb tbere ai auuQ a cju et iu ih -House
during the extra sersion I'b a
became a party measure, to Oeiu
erats urriuir it aod the Ilroublicaux
(j .i .
oppoeiug it, aud there ba.s beeu ii"
cbauge iu f-euticiie.'ii up ju ibe prcpii
ety ot the bill Coresa ill acaiceiv
adjourn before Juae.
The sentiuieut iu C.njiress which
has beeu cropping out f r a 1 ug tiuir
in favor of aboiish!ur f .rtyu ui.v
aious, or f, at let, ui.dimug tf.e
system aud reducing the exo-ioae. bis
been given vcicm iu the htMpa of a
resulotion subiiiined by Itepret-eoia
tive Towosbeud. This resolution di
rects tbe coaiUilUeu ou turcica uCali
to euquire iuio the expedieuey ul
boliahlug euvnvs t-x'ra .ru;.inr and
ministers rrsidsut f'nui the linked
States to f )reigi coU'jtrie, ud ( re
port to the IljUoe the c uclu.-ioup
The opinion that ibe rapid mea!
of co-ntnuuicuiou now ixisiiu be
tween thio c -uuiry and ibe c.ipiu!.
of the Werid, can be utilized to irau-
act iuteruaiiwual bu-iuees more
promptly and moreecouoiuicaliy ibiu
ny miuuters, is uot ait Jielber c u
fiued to Democratic Cjugres-men,
but just to what extent, it prevails
cannot be a.-cer.aiued Uutil .Mr
Townsbeod's reslutiou shall cjiue
up for action.
C A. S
Urn. iriii' i.ut My.
itb the name ot the go d woman
nd failbful wile who ttco'Uiimuied
Gen. Grant to our citv there is tiiuir
romauce conut-cted. Wbile Gram
was a cadet at ty eft loiut be had a
friend or "biisky,' as the "plebei
say, tor whom he l iinird a sirens:
attachment. hen leaving tr.e acaj
emy in 1843 bis yi uug lrierd iuviitd
him to pay a to his bom ail
the ioviiution whs aecew'ed. Oa be
ing gBZeited to Lis regiment, the
Fourth Infantry, Grnt toi.k the usutl
three months cadet leave and went
to Pee bis friend aud clat-suim?, Fred
erick Dent, who lived wiib bw fther,
Judge Dent, at M. L um It was
here Grant saw for tbe first lime Julu
Dent, his friend's fis-er, she beiug
then a girl of 18. The little lieuten
ant laid siege 1 1 ber girlish heart utd
soon won ber cn-eut to become bis
wife The Dents lived abxit tour
miles from Ji fiVrsoa barracks aod
Grant, to Lis iuexpressib!e dtligtn,
was ordered staiioued at tbe barracks
War clouds wiib Mexico were aris
iug and Graot was cucn ordered U
wiib bis regiment. Ah! then tbere
was hurrying to aud fro with the li
tie lieutenant, and his luariite bud
to be postponed.
Tbe leaviog ct a &AClbeait be
hind isab iut tbe bardet ibiog iu al
nature, but it of eo happen to efficers
of the army. II w utny liaies wt
have seen a pale Hiojlet htalki'ig
through tbe camp late at oigiit wiib
an urder in his pwtket t r the front
ier 1 Talk of sicklies-, detb iu the
family, loss ot a ifaiber, brother nrr's
ter wbat are all these wben cnu
pared with tbe blow tbul tears a find
young fellow away from a pur of l-v-lag
bjais ! If ibe little lieuteiiaut ev
er wept ji was w beu be Was tbus
parted Irtui 4is devoted Jul a to tk
tbe chauces t.f geiunglwh Oead kaock
ed off iu Mriic . Griiut pot upned
iu 16 baules 10 M-Xic, aid a. the
close of the war reiuroed i" 8 . L uis
with bis regiment, aud iu !US was
married to Miss D-'ut
Grlk vrihetlncrr .yil.
Tbe grotb of uails is m Te ropid
in children thai in adult-, ar d slow
est in the aged ; goes on iu summer
,f'er than in wirt-r. so thatihe
acae osil wbicb is renewed iu vme
huudr4 and ibirty-'w,i dsyiu wiu
t", rqiira iiJv J1S iu suunu.-r
I"-.. : . I I m . i. .....
, . . . beim 1 some wagons In tbe street,
hand is more rapid tbaU u,v. ,f u,, , Tbe escaped." Tbis
left. Moreover, it d;ff,-.. tor the if iwki hMrca
Icrent fingers, and 10 order crres- " -ponds
wiib tbe lengih of ihefiiger;) -cnnmi-fti.
i. t i . 1 1 1 is said that iiuc your arm
die auger, nearly qial in be two
on either side of this, slower iu the
liule finger, and slowest in tbe thumb
Tne growth of au the nails on tbe j -Ift
hand requires -igh;y-jtwo days' I've got a bawl ticket, said neigh
more than those if the ria-ht. i bor J bu ruefully It turned out, that
'ife-tre was a new bby in the family.
A family b ble was lised icr Grreu .
Bay to knock a burglar down It is A Ud . . f d on
the only one the family had ever put a half of n,ogUdf bnt ehe will
i always give a peddler his price.
Tne Chie:oCTiilr i960.
Tbo convention met on the 16th
day of May, ISfiO Governor E. L.
Morgan, of New York, called tbe
boye to r rder as Cbairmaa of the
National Executive Committee, nd
nominated Dvid Wilmot, of "Wil
mot Proviso" fime, as temporary
chairm'. There were delegates
present from all the free Slates, and
froci Ddla v, Maryland, Virginia,
Kentucky aad Missouri, as well as
fi-ora the Territories of Kaaaa aid
Nebrat-kajftaod from the district of
Cjlumbia Tbere was a delegation
present also from Texas, but it was
afterward said that it originated over
in Michigan, aod did not, in fact, rep
rmut atiyb)dy ia tbe Lae Star
iS:ate. Horace Greely was tbere car
rying iu bis pocket good aud suffi
cient crede.j-uls as tbe representa
tive of Oregon. He was oomiaaliy
in favor of Klwrd Bttes, of Mis
souri, f t Pi evident, bat bis particu
lar biis oess was understood to he
to prevent the noraiuatioo 'f Seward.
George Ar'.. iun, of Massachusetts,
who, a-t a presiding officer, bad
few supervisors, was chosen Presi
dent i f tbe convention, and after
compleuog tbe orgnn'Za i on by tbe
usual complimeot uf Vice President
and Secretaries from the different
States, an s ;j urnment was bad to
the uext day. wben was brought in
tbat well known platform, embody
iug tbe pith and substance of the is
sues made and so ab'y discussed iu
he six great joint debates betweeu
Lincoln aud Douglas in tbe tall o'f
loi. and tbe K?publicao party stood
sq iarely on tbe doctrine that "the
normal c iadii.ioa ot ail the territory
of the United Sates is tbat of free
d on." and there was n "authority
of Congress or Territorial Legisla
tion, or of any individuals, to give
legal exis eniw to slavery in any ter
ritory iu the Uuited States
When the convention came to
gether oa tbe IS h, n omina'ious be
iug iu ord-T, William M Evarts, on
behalf of ti" New York delegation,
nominated Win II Seward; Nor
ui n J odd, of this Stve, nominated
Abraham Lincoln ; Mr. D idley, of
Xw Jeisev, u iuiiitd Willi. u L
Peyton; Gov-rn r Reader, of Penn--vlvsoia,
wbose fiiciebt fervice in
K.ns wa9 well rnnemb-red. nomi-ua-ed
8imou Cauieroo ; Mr Carter
ot Ohio, nominated Salmon P Chase;
Fraucis P Blair. f Maryland, uotu
iuated E'vard Bites, and Mr. Cor
of Oii i, uomiua'ed Judge Mc
Lean There were 405 votes cast,
ud 233 were necessary to a choice.
Seward bad 103 aud Liu cob 102
Cameron's name was then with
draw, and on be second ballot, Sew
ward bad aad Lincoln 131. O i
(lie third a id last ballot Liucolu had,
t the c oneliisioa ;f the roll ell 231 i
vote and Seward 180 OMo iui-
reediately changed four voles to
L'ne iln, which gtve him the uomiua-
tton, and tVn folio ed a stamped ot
the six eeu votes of Maiue, eighteen
(mm Mf-acbusetts. and the vo es
f Iowa, Missouri Couueciirui. Ken
tucKv auu Miuoesota, so trmt me re-
u I', as declared sbo'-4 351 votes
r L:')Co!'i Mr Efarts ibmi aroe,
and on b-half of the Nw York del
gallon, wh'ch bad c nie b r , he said,
'a the icpresenthtive- f tbat great
Ma'e, aud wnb a candidate whom
(hey believed to brt a great stam
ina;!," moved to mnke tbe uomina
in utiaiiimoua. This was seco'ide i
by Governor Andrews ef Massacbi-
iti, and Ca t b ihti'Z of iscousiu.
etch uf whom delivered a telling
It is uoub'lul whether greater en
busiasiu ever posessed any audiei c
han that which tbn huge concourse
in tbe wigwam was carried awav
with at tbe supreme moment when
Mr. Carter announced tbe cbauge ot
the four Ohio votes tbat made Li'i
e.d.i s norumatioa a certainty, air
Judd's bald bead seemed to glow
with delight as be fair'y danced on
ibe platform, and bis demonstrations
of j y were no more extravagait
thanlbose of other staid and sedate
men. Somebody fired a caunoa on
the roof, and tbe tumult without
seemed for a while almost sufficient
m drown tbe noise witbiu
A telegram announcing ibe result,
was carried to Mr. Liucolu's office
ry a tripod at Spriugfield, aud tbe
first remark be was aaid lo have
made was too characteristic of the
ia to admit a d tuhi as to the
tru'h of tbe report. Mu-ing for h
moment, as if recalling his cam
p-tignof 1858, when be failed to ob
twin the Seuatorsbip, he quietly said:
''Douglass took tbe trick, but I have
won the game" And so he bad ;
4nd his wiuuing, marks an era iu tbe
history of tbe ouutry. Guicayo In
ter Ocean
It lot l n; In Pralb.
Vienna, January 15. Special dis
pilchea Irom Pestb, slate tbat seri
ous disturbances occurred ia that city
on luesday and Wednesday in con
seauence of the duel between Baron
Miiiibenyi aud Herr Verbovay, mem
ber ot Pailimeut, iu wbicb tbe latter
was fatally wounded, and lb it fur
her trouble is feared Herr Verbo
vay was tbe editor of a Hungarian
lldic-.l newspaper, in which he at-
ticked Count Feneiies a fellow
member wiib Baron Maiibenyi, of
'.he Aris:ocraic National Casino Club
and Baron Matbeuyi interveued in
the matter. Tbe partisans, of Ilerr
Vonhovoy pay that Baron Mathenyi
is a professional duelist, the best pis
t V .
ol sbui in uugary, and was put
forward lu tb quarrel for ih pur
poe of sUiag IJerr Verbavay, who
h very di-tasteful to the aristocrats
but popular with the masses Last
n'gbi a cr.i vd of studeuts and work
uieo Giled ibe streets ia the neigh
borhood of the Casino Club, uttering
hostile eney, and they Dually stoned
the windows of the club bouse. Tbe
police were repeaiedlv repulsed by
b- rio.ers, and fiallv'iwo oaitalions
of iufaniry charged tbem with fixed
bf one.t-. Muy persons were slight-
iv hurt by sioaes, .sucks and bayonets
A bout thiny of tbe rioters were arres
Lcspom, January 15 A despatch
from I'es'b to Reuter'a Telegram
Company syr: "The rioting was re
newed last night at a late hour and
i wo persous were shot, hut whether
by the military or tbe rioters could
not be a'-ertained. At midnight
bots were fired at tbe soldiers trom
1 "
around a pretty Lirl is
carrying oat
waist places
tbe i'juuetion to make
HoHtora Lvtler Wrlllaa;.
Letter-writing baa become ono of
tbe characteristic occupations of oar
time We keep up multiplied corre
spondences wiib people whom we
kaow aud like io very various de
grees, just as we also possess photo
grapnsuf people whose lives have cut
accidentally our own. bj' whom we
may ueVtr meet ai . How differ
ent from the more cuceuirated life
of three or four generations ago, wben
a letter aud a portrait were solemn
things, both counected only wiib per
sons really interested in oue auotber!
Women especially treat their corre
spoodeuce as an affair of state, mag.
oity iu idleness into pressing busi
uess, make it a pretext almost as uni
versally available us tbe old-faabloued
"headache," aud end by believiug
themselves as luipjrtaut as caDiuet
A man ia any public position is
generally assailed wiib letters, mauj
utterly tnvoluus; edi.ors have pro
tected themselves ouly by toe avow
ed use of tbe waste-basket ; bat tveu
in tbe quietest walks of private life,
the letter-writing wbicb affectionate
Irieuds expect frum oue ia trequently
a severe aud uuavoidable ordeal
liualuess leLte's Cau ba dlrpa Cbed iu
live minutes ; reat iuterests aud im
portaut iransactious cau be compress
ed iuto balf a di.Zdu liues aud a few
momeuta of lime ; out whau it comes
to the friendly letter which polueuese
requires you to wiite, you look hope
lessiy ruuud, witb tbe cjuvictiou tba
you will bo dubbed heartless uuleaa
you devote at l asl three quarters if
au hour to detaiiiug tbe slate uf your
health, ymr ttivial occupatioue, tbe
last b jok you read, the last local uews
you heard, toe state of the weather,
We bave forged an additional so
cial chain iu thus gradually makiug
correspondence a necessary part ot
our life. "Tbe mail" has come to be
tbe turning point ot the l ay 13 mauy
households As Usual, ibe ease ami
CDeapuess of communication have
beeu abused, like tbe tuveutiou of
priutiug aud every other beueticial
lusiituiioo luLmd.u, where ciiy
mails are delivered every two hours
with uritaiilug accuracy, the evil has
grown eveu worse tbau we kuow ot
here. During the "season,1 the uuui
ber of notes, on cardboard paper, wun
elaborate mouoraajs, ireatiugot such
weighty frubjecie as a toilet, a drive,
au luviiatlou, a beggiug for some so
cial protege who wauls to go to So
aud Sj's ball, au appoiutmeut or au
excuse for some party ot pleasure, is
bewilderiug, aud a still greater tax on
ibe time ot tbe rtcipieuts than even
their customary daily correspond
ence 11 wever, such people bave so
much time to "kill" tbat tbey need
not quarrel with tbe tacili Jes which
the p istvfhce gives tbem of aceom-
plisbiug their otij-ict aud vet seeming
immensely busy : but for ordinary
bumau beiugs, u is a great pity ibat
fashion should eucourage aimless cor
resp mueuce to tbo degree usual at
Let us bope that our cities will not
do more in ibe wy of repeated mail
aelivt-ries than nisi at preseut, and
-bat w hen letters open wltn excuses
for previous sileucd our f ieuds will
take tbe bint. February Atlantic
BtsTr, N. Y.. July 31, 1ST3.
Dr. M. M. Fesser, Fredonia, X. Y.
Dkau Sik : I have always been
opposed to patent medicine-, but I bad
been an lu Valid, being alli-cteu with dizzi
ness and faioling fits cuusi-d by biliousness,
tit-ranged stomach and bowels and impair
ed nerves lor several years. I doctered a
great deal hut 81 ill tbey grew worse.
have taken seven bottles ol your Blood and
Liver Itemed and Nerve Tonic, aad have
not had one since I began its use. I am
bapnv to say that I leel fully restored by
your excellent medicine, which 1 reccom-
mend on every occasion. II a system is
out i order it appears lo have the power
to restore it to bealib, and that is wbat 18
w nted. Very truly.
Dr Fenner's Blood and Liver Rem
edy aud Nerve Tunis may well be
called "Tbe conq ierioir hero" of tbe
times It is the medical triumph of
ibe age boever has "the blues'
should take it, for it regulates aud r
Mures tbe disordered system thai
gives rise to them. It always cures
Biliousuess and Liver Complaint,
JaUudice, Dvspepsla, Constipation
ll-adacbes. Fbveraxd Aoce.Splees
Enlargements, eicrofula. Erysip
'a, Pi. u pics, Blotcnes aud all Skin
Eruptions and Blood disorders;
Swelled Limbs and Lbopsy ; Sleep
lewdness, Impaired Nerves and Ner
vous Debility ; Restores flesh aud
strength wben the system is running
down or going into decline ; cures
Female Weakness and Corouic
Rheumatism, aud relieves Chronic
Bronchitis, aud all Luug aud Tbroai
difficulties. It does these things by
striking at the root of disease aod re
moving its causes.
Dr. leunwr's Improved Cough
Honey will relieve auy cough in one
hour. Trv a sample botile at 10
Dr. Fenner's Golden Relief cures
any pain, as Tooth ache, Neuralgia,
Colic or Headache iu 5 to oil miuutes,
aud readily relieves Roeurua.ism,
Kidney Complaiut, Diarrbaji, etc
Try a sample bottle at 10 cents.
Dr Feuner's St Vitus Dnce Spe
cine Oue bottle always cures, iox
sale by C. N. Bjyd.
Mmllarllj t Xames ol faenerala.
I be similarity between tbe late
General Jeff C Davis and that of tbe
Confederate ex President recalls tbe
fact that there was ia the two armie
another similarity of names not quite
so well kuopn, but fully as striking'
tbat of General Ueorgt l AlcLlellau
of tbe Uuiou armv, aod Genera'
George B McLllaa, ot the Coufel
erates. The last named gentleman
bails from Oktibbeha couuty, Missis
sippi, and was a member ot tbe Yale
College class of 1853 A little obtu
sion was also produced in ibe Uuiou
army during tbe war by tbe similari
ty of tbe two Shermans W T. and
T. W. especially during tbe siege ol
Corioib, tfbeu both commanded div
ieions. ' By the way, speaking of
Sherman reminds me of a j ke that is
going be rounds of tbe press A
gentleman, in company with a Uuited
States Seuator, called on tbe General
f the Army, and, upon being intro
duced, remaiked: "Ab, Geueisl
Si; you served n tbe army, 1
p esame "Culunibu Diipateh.
Srw Bla4liaa KaMlce Deaoaneed.
Washington, Jauuary 15 The
varioux firms wbo aJvenised to for
ward up ju receipt of 50 aud CO cent
a bound volume uf Webster's (Jua
1 ridded dictionary, are pronounced
by the Kpeciil aggnta of the Posti fflce
Depart meoi to be impot ra I; is
raid that tbe parties engaxed in 'thiV
orineas ad verii-e ui.d. r t.uiiier u
t liahes aud verv seldom in- k any
1 turn for m mey a received, and wbeu
a return ia made it ia a email book,
h cb can be parcbased at retail Lt
from 10 to 15 cents.
rrfelta rr Tmm.
In the evening games of winter
gathenogs of young people, and old
er ones, too, it often becomes neces
sary to puuish soon, oue, or more, of
ibe company by imposing a "forfeit."
The peuauce should' be something
ibat either ia not easy to follow out
lo tbe letter that is, baa some catcb
iu it, or puts tbe person in a conspic
uous and amusing light. In all cases
a forfeit should be designed to amuse
tbe company as a whole, and never
to oueud the person called on to pay
it. In order to illustrate our idea ot
a good forfeit, and also to furnish
suggestions to those who enjoy and
take part in such pleasant amuse
meuts, we give a few if the forfeits
that may be imposed. y) Put a
ue -paper upon tne fl -or iu such a
way tba. two persons can stand on
it aud not be able to touch each other
ith tbeir bauds. This forfeit has
tne honor of being old, but it was not
our good fortune to meet it uutil a
abort time ago, and .was forced to
give it up. By putting the paper in
a doorway, one-half inside aud tbe
other outside of tbe room, and clos
ing tbe door over it, the two persons
can easily stand upon it and null be
Iwoud each others reach (2) logo
out of tbe room with two legs, and
come iu wiib six. Not difficult il one
ibiuks to briaj a chair along on tie
return. (3) To act ibe dumb serv
aut. Tbe person who has the forfeit
to pay must act out tbe answers to
tbe questions put by tbe master of
ibe ceremonies; as, now do you make
bread? how do you eat soup: etc.
ibis forfeit will cause much merri
ment it proper questions are put. (4)
Put oue baud wnere the iber cau
uot touch it Oue can get out of this
difficulty by putting one band
m ibe elbow of the other arm.
(5) Place a peucil on tbe fljor so tbat
oue caunot jump over it. May be
done by puttiug it close to tbe wall
ot tbe room. (f) Put a quesiion that
uo oue cau answer with a NO ! This
is not bard if oue tbiuks to ask, what
does Y-E S spell? (7) Push a chair
through a fiuger-riug. Tnis forfeit is
made by pulling the ring oa tbe fin
ger and pusbiug tbe chair any ouer
onj'ct will do as well with the fin
ger. Tnis last much resembles tbe
uext. (S) Put yourself through a
keyhole. This was a great puzzle to
us tor a while, but wbeu apiece ot
paper was takeu with tbe wurd
yourself" writmu upou it, aud push
ed through ibe hole, it was all clear.
riiere are mauy other ot these amus-
iug little tricks, but those giveu will
suggest others, and help to make the
social winter gatherings the enjoyable
liuies tbat tber should be.
(analbatmin in t'hlaa.
Iluihian merchants recently re
turned from the iuterior of Cnina to
So I'e erobur have furnished terri
ole details respecting the famine
which ban fjr eome time prevailed
ibroubuut ceriaia p inions of tbe
Cele-ial Empire. Tbey depose 10
baviug aeeu pejule die iu ibe streets
of mauy towns and villages from
Mtieer aiarvatioo, aud state not oolv
ibat autorop iphay ia practiced up
on tbe bodies of tbt dead, but tbe
famished meu attack the living and
prey up n tbem wuh all the ferocitv
and gittdiaesa of ibe fiercest caruiv
ora O ie of ibem alleges that he was
present at the elimination uf a men
dicant, who bad ben arrested lor
a iun petty ibeft, aud in wbone pro-
ferionul wallet ibe mangled rem ilb
of au mtaut were dircovered Tbii
man (O ifex.-ed 10 tbe magistrate iba
for eo me lime previous 10 bis teizuie
be bad lived exclusively upon the
fresh fl-sb of human beings as be
C -uld not sural uut bU aaiipitby to
inat of dead b idles
Auotber appalling case, which
cicue under tbe notice ot a Russian
merchant, was tbat of a voun man
who persuaded his lather to assist
bioi ia murdering and aubseqnentlt
eating a girl to wbcm he was be
trothed Men bave been executed killiuir and eatioir tbeir own chil
dreu, aod some have slaio their fath
ers iu order to appease tbe pangs of
hunger. In some of the njrtberu
districts whole villages stand empty,
tbeir inhabitants having one and all
perished f ir want uf food. Some of
ibe incidents recounted by these com
mercial travellers are too horrible for
reproduction ; but tbe above details
will convey some idea ot tbe awful
uQerins by which the population
b s lately been, aud, iadeed, still is.
ffl cied.
Tbe New Hindoo Mraalah).
Tbere will be wailin? throughout
Cbrisiendom over ibe latest move iT
Kesbub Cbuuder Sen, the Brahman
who ten or more vears agu organized
ibe ibeisiic society kuown as the
Urahru B .maj Tnis society, com
posed exclusively of educated men,
asreed cl-eely in behalf wub tbe Ln
iiariaus of the western world aod re
garded Jesus as apropbet; indeed,
oue uf tbe noblest tributes to tbe
character and influence ut tbe FouTid
er ot Gbristianity, as well as the most
subtle analysis uf tbe mental organi
zation of Jesus, is from tbe pen ot
Kesbub Cbuuder ben himself. Fro
(.ounciog Llim a tree Oriental, tbe
writer insisted ibat none but Orient
als could fully understand His teacb
ins, and ibai uo other spiritual code
could so pertecily satisfy tbe necessi
ties ot tne Asiatic niiud. Tbe Brab-
mo Somoi gaiued immeoselv in num
bers and influence, and now cornea
tbe intelligeuce that its leader claims
to be a prophet, or a reincarnation of
the Divine Spine Whether this
claim is buntstly made, tLe claimant
having been subjected to oue of those
delusions tba. are quite common to
Oriental minds iu a state of exaltation
or ecstasy,' or whether it in a cunning
bit ut pnesa-raft, does not yet appear,
but tbe kuown character uf tbe man
would t-eeiu to ind pate the former,
and tbai bis inteue patriotism has led
biui, ufter much wavering, to try to
leaveu ibe old reiiiuo of ludia with
tbe spirit of Const instead of attempt
ing to forte a new faith upon the peo
pie. As be had just sent out an im
uiense army uf missionaries the next
advices about this great religions
moremput will pe anxiously awaited
by loose wto have for rears been
amdymjc carefully tbe fct ibat has
suggested tbe only possible meeting
p. iut uf O.iental religions and Christ
ianity. A ttmau't Plaefc.
Sterling iLL.Jaout-ry 14 W
Suiub, liviug in thetowuanipot II op
sin, came to the city yesterday, leav
ing bis wife alone, iioon alter a tramp
came and asked if tbe man of tbe
bouse was at home, aud being an
swered in the negative declared, be
would have tbe best tbe bouse afford
ed. Sbe baaged tbe door io his face.
Then he undertook to break in at the
window.' Mrs Smith g't a revolver
and a ter warning ibe fellow sbot,
severely wounding him. Sbe tbeu
fainted and wben ebe came to tbe
tramp bad gone, leaving a trail uf
2S Fifth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Fa.
Tie Cera Garlsn Grown Ta!
Guaranteed absolutely pure.
Bert In tbe WurlJ. Took First Medal at I'arlt
Tie CslsUrdtea Scow BirtKcur!
For extreme White Bread anil Pastry use.
In 3 and b. packages, ready lor baking.
This Delicious Coffee Is Unrivaled for its Deli..!
ful Aroma.
TL'Fiicf Frejca Colse!
A bak mixture or bare Coffee.
Wcl ul Aaalca Ci'os:!
Every Variety Fancy Cheese.
TI13 Oasiaa CoaMiifFrats!
TuClareyrat Mauls Srratf
TS5 Larggst Vffletj of Iijoriel Talis Gcols !
Grtfl Grimm T1
CUN POWDER. I Per pound 40. 50 o. 80.
IMPERIAL., f cents, 1 Ou, iVJu, 1 u.
APAN rVr pound 40, (0 80 cents, and . 00
bNCLISH BREAKFAST, ret pound, 40,
l0, du, BU VKUU, 1.. 0, liud f M.
- reiluctlon of FIV E CENTS pr ponn.1 will
o aiiowea on an oniers ol t iv rut is
or Tka.
jT in sending; a written onier for Tea. don't fail
to mention tbe fuatitf you deidre. and price.
avail the Teas quoted abore at fl.00 per pound
and nnwaMs are iluDiinm (lunura T
If to dttirtd. wtll pack any of lite abort in t er
10 lb. ooxei without extra char tie.
Havs JceTUacKivaDASlavoicBorriBT Fajict
Tblsdeliclous Otfee Is nn-tvaled for Its rtelUht
lul Aroma. If all otb-r Coffees have lulled to
plea yoo, sj've this a trial.
Genuine Mocha Coffee, Planta
tion Veiilon Coffee. Maracaibo Cof
fee, Otil Dutch Java Coffee, La
guatjra Coffee, African Coffee,
Costa Rica Coffee, l'ea lierru Cof
fee, lioiaen liio Coffee.
Constantly Arriving.
F. Schumacher's Out Meal, Oat Q roata, Cracked
w neat and uranam r lour.
Mackerel, txint No. 1 Mi i ire Mes. ?ia. 1 Shore
No. 1 Kay, So. i, Nj. 3 Lire, No. 3 .Medium ln
Cincinnati Hams, Breakfast B.icon and Dried
Kenned Lard In Pails. 20 IK 10 lb. ( lb. and 3 lh.
Fresh testers, Salmon, Shrimps and Clove
Cooked Corned Beefin Presied Tongue
Sugars the best quality cf each grade.
Sum roet Catalobcb axd Pbicb List.
Xo. 2S Fifth Are.,
i i .
rr TT b RSI Ir. I T?AT
Pcfsoiis Interested in STOCK
Your attention is called to the cclebrat, ,
Horse & Cattle Pow(er
Prepared only by
G. W. MA & C. I E03J, tael m
5 v
and lwclliiirs. The Clieapcst
l-'irst-clas Furnace Ulauul'ac
turrd. Note the prices, and
seud for Circular.
No. 3, with Casing, $70.00
" 3, without ' 60.00
" S, with " II5.0O
O, without " GO.OO
CCOni'3 ST37ZS zzl SilTG-S,
Hoatisg Stove3 sai Fursac83,
& CO.
1,-aco.i riTTSBUESE. PA.
v virtne of an order ol sale i.iaipu oa: the
Orphans-t:onrt of Somerwt eoamy. 1'a.. to me
direct u, l win expe tosaie in neruu cmt., wo
Friday, Janumy 30, 10.
at 1 o'clock p on the premises, the following
real estate, late lh- pr pi-rty of John Brulmker,
A'eeru ' lot of srronnd known on the eeneral
idnofsal,ihor..uiihaslot.. eT. h uiidclonthe
north lv South street, eat oy Hi am ml. on the
south hy street an I west hy lot hel.inijina;
to es ate of John hrllier. wim a two story Iraine
house and Wackmith srn.p thereon erected : al"
a lot ol icround lyinir ea.t ol .Main Cross s:reet in
said Borough.
Execulorof J.din Brn'akjr.
Jan. 7
i he foil .wlna; named pcrfns have flld in my
olhcc their petitutua tor tavern l-r Kestauram )
Liirense.and the same will lie pit-sen ed to the
Court lor allowance, oa muruy, January -v.
William Slicer. Meyer l.ile bor-'Ual-.
Kiiu A. 'iick, Smersei oonuii.
John Staccr, Meyersdule boroui?h.
Abraham Shu'.ti, Meyer! !' !ron-h.
H. r". SCHfcLL.
Dec. 3L t;icrk.
Notice Is herebv aiven. that Joel Slanalihnui(h
of Addison Tap . S jtnersci county, fa , and Catn-
arlne his wile ly deeil ol voluntary assignment,
have s-"ianel al' the estate p-al and perinai. o(
sal-l Joe! Slannlil.aoi;ti. to William C. Livengoial.
of tlklick township, in snid rounty. In Irait for
the benenV of the creditors ot tne said JoelSI auirh
bauirh. All persons, lh- r-fore. ln.lelite-1 to the
snid Joel slanachlwuich will make payment to the
sahl A sdnnee. and ihose having claims or de
man Is will m ike known 'be .nne without delay.
an. 14 Assignee.
Somerset Herald,
S2.00 YEAR.
HASP BfLf S. fcc, He.
All kinds of Job Prln'lng dine with neainew
and ili.'patrh.
Save Your Children,
For eipelling worms from theTstem,fllra
friiilieira hasnoeounl in this or any other
country. "One teas oihil'ul ni','rn to child of 11 r.
Bradbury's, eiellel 'in worms in four hoursalter
taking the meoicine. Bcn. Lvtle, Union Town
ship, Pa. A Is . eipellesl -fa) worrit, from my child
wo years old." U m. Sarver. St. Loois. Mo.
Sold by druirg sts. Price 35 eta. R. E SELLERS
AvCO , Prop'ra, Pittsburgh, Pa. Send torcirculars.
July 8
Notic U herebv lve. that the mrtnershln
heretofore etisting lietween P A. Hyersaed Thvs.
Harnett, of sjomersa-t. Pa., under the linn name of
Byer at Harnett, was dlasotvad on Iba T'h day of i
January, 1sm. bv mutual eonsent. I
. All debts owing ton Id partnership are to ha re-1
celved hy said Tuo. Harneti. ansl alldrnuiwlsoa
said partnership are to be presented to blra lor
pay meu l.
slimed, P. A BYERS.
Catharine Tressler wife of Wm. Tressler. here
by gives notice, thai she wiil at the Coon ol vtn-
m t fleas ol Somerset tttnty. beginning wltn
'Jtihof Januarv. 1HDV. till her petition claiming
tha beneflta of the Act of AnrtI 14. IttTi securlna lu
manied woaaea their seiwrnte eaminirs. I
l l "wl-.r-...'.. V.'-'-' .wT-
Jan. 7
isy virtu-of iTrtain wcit..ur r v, -
an-l Lev. Fa.. is.uoio n ui ihet ..ur Vi "
Flean ol Swmrw L'o.. an. t.. oie j
Will eXJIxlM! U) NM hy (Hl Uk- outirt jl , "
Huiisr, in rxjtueraet, 1'.. oa
Friday, January 20, Js-n
at 1 ocl.ick, p. m., all the riit, ,,ii,. '
i-lanu ol the Helen laot ti,r H tu-i,'"
an.1 iotl.e hillowmn .icrilieii rt-il
iu Somerset l'ou.-liip, .s,uicrwt i'Ut ""
ontaiuinn a) acre, ..r ir., , ' h
an alMUt -t ew clear l ao '..'!'" "
o. wuli tarortory .. n .ui -, i,Jrik ,
o. her ouiKundinxi Ui.ti--.:i c..,i
1.1 ..!.. I Lxvt talker. Jai,h' .,''. ' . '
Will audoiiicrn. Willi the :n.u:te'iu!,. , "
'kn i" execution t the suit y. ;.
Uo. J- ;
All the iiW, title. Ingres, aa.t ,:,.
deleniants. ir.lirey i:ir. ii:, '
K'.rol Mara.iret H iimu: .l- L .D, T
l', wlleol Alirelf in. tiui ,-.n . -Siui..n
(onn....tuih.1n iJcru:. li,i. it
Lj.lia Wiltroni. M-fliru oil-n u.
inmiS.iP.ili V Uir..m 4n, rhrlM.i'..
drenmid heirs ol .Hanraret u-.roat a ' ."
t the tvllowiuii lescml real ejut , V :
Ad.iiM.-a iwp, Jiiier4ei r ., i,, "PIJ'r(',. .l ' '
acres, more or li-.-s. a.iji.iuinu Ian is ' "
land sold to S.uuucl .lu-.V ii - ,,n. i',a,,' ' "
Simon and Allr-I I'unn ..n l,ti, . , "
Plttshuri?h nl, heiiut the .atne Ian,) .-' '
tlM lOlU ol lcC;UJlfr. i;rit i.y n j 1
Marijaret W ilirout, an.l ti,lic ,,drt'
conveyeil ly heirs ..l Js ph Camj.iicii i 1. Jt
J. Ur, i tic part ihrreou onve)r,i i ' .
iMirtol the said fauipt-ell fuuiu..."
imirovemcni. with tue appurtrnjuvM
l .li-n 111 rxecuihiQ at tue sul; , rt , ,,
use of David Lichty. J
Ail the rUht. tit e. imert'i ani . iin,
ieodant. Mi. Iiael K mt, i , du lor,r ; '
mi il j. rlU-.i realt-j!ale.i;u ac inL,.w rl
IO..I Iwu . .X.m,Tt t o., t.. CM.U.UUM I 'Ji
aiore or less, ou a huh Is e e.,l a w ...
dory .iweilinii u u.i . Miack.'uiim -ii .. tL . "
ihereon erecie.1, .!j.,iulM (,.,, , (lr,,
-nun. r&ouus Kem, Z r. lauuviiio.u
wiib the appurtenaaers.
laken iu cution i the sal: o .
niiiKS us .i ii unit Kirei..ue.
Nuril.'E. Ail per,usl, 11:r1. ..
Male will please bmic, mat pan i
eliaaem.ue to lie uia al tbe ; '
sale wil. o rv4uireu-,u as tlir pr .,-n,
aaucked d'lwn. otherwise it wit sk.iu
to saleal the risa ol the Orel pun-baT W .
dueolth purchase money must i p.iW
oelore 1 nuriaj. ol the around rri ,t j,j
J.i'y t;urt. the time ttie.1 I.y the ,.,r
.ug the a-ku.,w:edKinent ol ,o.i n,i ,
he acanole.:He.l uniil purcliaw ui..u a
slicrlB's ffflcc, i
Jan. a. l?-o.
! A (riVHl IVew.l.atw.r .1 l'liur. D n ...
brrl li.H.1 K k into tlit Kiraain i'i ,
Worcrstei's Lareqj,rt.. Dictionary kh e
in.lui-euieiiis to e ub-itetlers.
Is a journal deviled to Llierupn.. in-in.
ruiuK-a. icnce awl .ews. ll aires all ill-
ol the week in condensed l..rin.,
news is a special feature. Each nuraner ' n-jn
completed story, selected poetry. w;i m
hum r. articles lor the larnier, nwhan! iw
hoase-wile, reports of markets. e.lli..rul .
rent topics and u-enerui iniscellanr. fn- : I
Every new suhsi-rllier to the Wkkklv Ph
who will send us Two Dollars caJl: In a-ttm-r c.
every suiMk-rilier wi.o wni is air-ar..
sni us Tao Dollars in aioiiioii. will
c .py of tne W KkKLV Pathkt loroiicrnr u i
cip, ol each of the slanoani novels, Uv l
oy Charlofe Bronie. and -Daniel ltr ii-1 '
ieorge Eliidt, postage prepa:-! ca ijr' -
Ten copies of Weekly Patriot one yenrt -one
P. 1 1., anil an eletraut ln id npv l
lV-mprien's CtasMca! Dl ti--nar)" t"
clun-letter :.l 1
Pitteen copies of Wuiu P.VTRloTi'O jeaf
to one p t, and an lllustnuiM c p
'Macnuiay's history ol hnglani!" i 'k
mnis. lo vols., cloth tnrluo art er ... - '
Twenty copies ol Wisklt PATKtoTonei'sr
io one r. .. ami aeopy ol nnesi tiiu-irate.i
edition of Worcester's Uuarto Ii.-t lonan
Ipuldishers price 10 U ) to cliitj-getter ..T
These rates are s.ric Iv cash in intv.iiiee. iw-
mitau-e ohouM he h P. O money urirr.
Da ly Patriot, ,7 ) ir annum.
Address, PATRIOT PCbLISIli.Vj I 0.
t AWiiBrR'..r'i
Notice Is hereby aiven to all persons
as legatees, cmiitors or otherwise, tfcat
lowing accounts have passed rt'!-:':
same wlil he presented for couhrinatli-o v '-
iowance at -.n I irphans' I 'our to ne h-M at
erot. on Thursday, Jaiunrvh. lJ
A-c.unt ol At zander vv. v alter, Ota"'-"
of Alexander
Acrunnt of Samuel Bri teitaai. Ad3:in:-',,r
of Hei ry I'ridegum d-cease..
first and Bnal account of John S Bi w
iianof Mien Heal. Levi Br a I and "ar' r-
Ai-countof Sok.moa Pile, Uuar.sian ol J
Ring. -
Account of Simon Cnorpenina;. tinjril-is
W. Cliorpcnimr. .i
Pirst and nnnl account nf Isi-c 1 J w"1'
ministrator ol Samuel Vletilerile'-ea"l- .,
Account of p F. liar ner and ( '. A. L"
mlntstrators of Henr deceaseit.
Account of J J. Kash. Adminl-tralor ' '
tee oi tli-orge Thtmas deceased. . ,
first ami a an I account ol Jscob .aaii-
m.nisuir of Nancy Simpson deeeasci.
r irst account oi josepn u. Dans.
or of John Davis liecraeit.
First ami pa-tial aoeoont of 11 trim 5J'
minist ra tors cum testatnento annes j ol
Swank,dec'd. , ,(l
Tbe account of J. R. Mi-Mlllrn. trustee
saleol the roil es an d Ana K . K
The account of Henry Mad. a-airtian
minorchlldren of Araham F ot-B . j
Accifttnt H. F. ant if. t.,
Oeorge Harnett, dee't'. -
Dea 31. Hi-' rr
ttttrtwrfer new inrentinn. orf-r lit"
on olii ones fnr mettlml or ofcr rmi-
mnrko end Inhel: V'tvent,. ,l
frrenr;. A)renl: finite fnr l"rr'"'"L.,:t
altemarieinjvnJrrtne fnt ut '"'T-'Z
I., af'-n.irf tn Inr-nt ion that f
". V a fV-
Jlif.irtir.iM. na-i KJU' I ta """
lUuiiti'l. Ki tiot wdd cloarr Viri-- f- M
r.Ocntt more promptly, a'.-l with -rf'"-
thrrr, thnte trh nr rrm-'r r-"-l II itta'T- j.
,,'itrnu-i Uti as. if'ni'J niiift'l . . j
t ad net a lojed"-'-
free oftkmntf. AH oorreronndr,'"': ,. , y.
a.Ili.rr. Svi-a foes art'i .S O
J.f S.1 rATKXT f l A't I HI IK
Wf er a. .isia-su, at "-w
ffcwrsul B. Jfcv. . P- r r ,
a-rfeo r.iiofinj Knnk. to e'!"' ta
U . m,e. i. H .iaaiaafua. at irua i -
Pilrai ic. sail to Ae,iorsaed sJ-r'J
in Viayre.- oa.l ttpe--inll tn onrcm' J
n.l li t:v.irl"..
tppZ.:e i iit ".. WAi-K-".
TtrTrsth la n'ttmtj
..i -hi t.n.r.11 Thousands who hav-
be ncuril an living ,B'ViWiTPiLLS
: a-lLLtTRitthea rst cases ol LJ ver r
Bileaisness. arising , r-
, ne. U.stlpatlon. Diin D, a
i suiting irom a di.eased Uver. For sas
Druggists. Price ao cents.
R. E. SELLERS i W, rnjp . .