Taa Somerset fcleraid It is neither wise cor politic to say, ' cortiinate onr oa ."r we will defeat r.-are." And jet tbis is just wist a fw dnnJerheada wbo const tbem-SL-lves einirt, are C ing. The thieves in Maiae failed ia their attempt to steal lie State, bat they "stole the Slate seal" and consequently tbat Common wet hh will bare to buy a tew oce. Ti;e Dtmocrtls tf tLe Lccielatore j cf Locistaca Lave n-ininaled Gen. R. L Gibson Lr U. S. Senator to succeed Kcikgg whoso term Cues to: expire until March 4 b 1Ss3. Ti:e nominations for Supervisors of tte Census have caused great dis tttlskciioa a.022" Senators both RepuYticaa aad DiXjcrzc, and there is a lively chance of a comber cf them being rejected. Tee 1gc ttrugg'.e cf lie Demo crats t.f the Mississippi Legislature to nominate a scct-eior to Senator Bruce, ceded cn WtdLctday last wben cn tie 4S.h ballot General j George received the nomination. Head the abuse of the Supreme Court of Maiaa in lie Democratic J -,. -i!l K cctl.Fcll flf I 11 . .. tho truth of toe old saw : -.,.. with d op!nk f tte kw. The Albany correspondent c. the New York TriU-ve te? been inter - - viewing the republican memoirs tbe Legislature, and Lais Grant is the favorite by a overwhelming majority. Elaine come wcoad. Of course GinuX the m w!y c.l democratic V. S. Secaf.-r from LsuUianft, is a Coriftderaic. U:ifca-j dier. He catered the rebel ar::,v the conjiiienctmeDt c f the war a a private soldier and came oat a "Jng adier." His time will not until March 4;h begin The Furion Lejjieiature cf Muiue arc torn tip in their minds. imo of them want to appeal to Cougrcrs, fiomo to the ballot, feme to the Court and yet others to the bayonet. Tbe people think they had better go home before they work their way into prison. Since tLe Czzle in Maine, tho Detu ocrais ure burd at woik tryicg to fchoulder all the odium of tie attempt ed theft and cITort to overthrew the government cn the Grectbacbirs. To read one cf their papers no, you would'nt think there had evri been a Hemocrat in Maice. Ir is curious witn wiift iminimWy tha Democratic ' r.etufpijjtrs f the country tgree that Grunt has to strength as a I'residear.sl candidate, while at the same time they are o anxious that he eha'l not ba ncmio-att-d. One Wuuld naturally think tbat they would want the Republic ans to put up bo weak a man. The Grand Jury of Dauphia County have foend new bills cf in dictment against Chr!cs E. Salter and others, f -r bribery aua corrupt solicitation of mem hers of the Legis lature in connection with the riot bill losses. The trial of tbe cases will not take place until the teooud Mon day ol March. Would'nt it be cheaper to bring the balance of the Irish to this cenntry than to suppDrt them where they are ? If reports be true, it takes all they can make to pay the land lords end tb taxes, and then they racst starve or be fed from abroad. Here they cculd earn a living, or if they mutt be supported , it would be cheaper and wiser to feed them here tbaa to send money thread for their enpport while they labor for ethers. Mr. Ciiittende.v of Ne w York has introduced a bill ia Congress for the establishment of a Federal prison, and certain Democrats oppose it because it is "another step towards centralization," and of course egaiuM the doctrine cf Sta'.o rights. At present the United St&tes has no prison, and rogues convicted of vio lations of the Federal laws, are board ed ia the different State peniteuliarief. The idea tbat the erection cf a prison by the general government is a tend ing tow ards certralization, is the most exquisite absurdity of tbe States right doctrine wc have vet en. Is original tin having a "boom," or Las the "devil brcke loose" among the preachers ? Glancing over the papers oa our table to-day, wo Cad chronicled among other things, that llev. Mr. Ilayden, who has been on trial for several wecka at Xew Haven oa the charge of sedaciag and them murder ing a young girl, has escaped the gallows becausa the jury failed to agree. At White riains, New Yotk, Her. Mr. Lane, pastor of two Methodist cbnrchcs, has just beca tried by a church council fjr indiscriminately kissing the female members of bis two flocks: the cauncil holding that bis conduct was not immoral but xceedingly imprudent. At West lloboken, New Jersey, Ilev. Mr. Trnmbrowcr, was overheard by a gentleman planning an elopement with bis wife, the irato busbaad broke into th room from which the reverend jrcntls man Sed, and being hotly pressed, turned and drew a revolver upon his pursuer, for which o Hen s be was arrested and placed in jail. At Van Vert, Ohio, the Re? Mr. Henderson was tavagily cow hided by the female organist of bis church, for publicly censuring ber ia church for attending dances dur ing the week. And t; Uoboken, Rer. HeSTercncf the Lutheran church and a man cf family, has been re quested by the trustees to resign fvr hogging and kissing his y ouug and pretty dutch cook, as be protested, ia "fatherly aad pastorly way." at bis indis- 1 lib UliCUif'l V v. - ' . creet fiirads to manufacture a Blaine j Tbe peop,e of m( tbeir Wt boom ia this S;ai is likely to do i eitct,j0Q, cast 138 ,S0C Totea for gov that diutiuguifhed geailemaa vaet J ernr, distributed as follows : Daniel uekl more btria lhaa good, and is F Dan, C3.0C7 ; Josepo L Smith, i, i ' . a th 47.CT3; AIolzo Garceloo, 21.851, very illy ealcu.ated to preserve the Dfj unity ho very dedrable among all .how-8lbe RpUt,licaa candidate, c!ilsts of IVua-ylvauia R-.-pub- lacked 437 voua of an absolute ma licaas. TLe Pailadelphia Ti-nt.s j irity over all the others. No gov started the idea of obtaining tbejernor being selected by the requisite Presidential bearing cf tb5 editors of ibis State, by addressing a cote of inquiry to sach ; tbis caning to tbe Uoft ledge cf tie Press of tbat c'ty, determined to anticipate if possible tte "eaterpriso" of the limn, and addressed at a late day, by telegraph principally, similar questions to tbe editorial fraternity aad others throughout the State. The result ot tbe Prett' tffjrts was a jaaible of al leged information to notoriously in correct 83 to dgust ail moderately well informed politicians, and to call out in several instances protests against its rnisslatenieat cf facta. Tbe ol jee: cf tbe Vcm however was subserved, and iie allegation that Blaine is largely the favorite ia this State is now current iu all the jonr- aals cf.Le country. The sentiment obtained by tbe Press was largely tbat of the correspondents and not of tbe geuerel public, and really arnoanta !to uothing, but it was intended to create a Liaiae bjam aad mislead .public ci-ioioa abroad, and hence ! may result ia mischief and charges 'of unfairness, should tho oatcomo ; j,, u uot th(? prime i yf ft maj )diT uf tfce n,pub. j ;jcans of lb Sute. ' aa undeiij4ljle rdCl lLat GraQt j j,, have a j ja aQj l3 '"iSLi-rmaa would bd ...y acceptable j cuutlida'.e, aud we are well satisfied that either, if fairly nominated, and blood be not created by siliy at- tempts to "boct" one at the expense of the other, will receive the solid vote of its Republicans, bat it will devolve npjn the National Conven tion to Etlcct the most available D-miiic from this trio cf popular candidates, and beuee the impolicy a? well as the injustice and folly of promulgit'g unreal aud fie iiious pub lie rentin cnt. The X. Y. nbunc thiaks Dr. Girc-cloa will cot Karve fr v;aat cf patients, crats. Maine is full cf sick Demo- The Itntr Ocean says: Brother Talmage has taken some interest in Dr. Garcelon and tbe Mite sinners. He cught to take an early occasion to preach a short fuceral discourse from the text, "All men are as rrrass: in tbe morning itgrowethupand fl ..nri-beth, ia the evening it is cut down ar.d witter etb," and wicked Elaine inea gather eth it into oveasthat it may be burn ed. Sclak. Tut; Atlaata Constitution, ia ar.tcla on nezro suHVrage ia an the Sotith, says : In regard to the national campaign, we are fraok to Fay that General Grant is the only man lor whom the cdore-d people will vote witb any thicg like unanimity, and even with Grant as a candidate, there are hundreds cf negroes who would not take tbe trouble to go to the polls. Secretary Sherman woald poll the next largest negro vote, owing to the fact that he is the brother of General Sherman. If Mr. Blaine is a candi date the falling eff ia the negro vote will cause the organs to declare that it has been again 6oppte-ised. Sexatir Edmunds, when asked what he thought of Grant's nomina tion tbis year, replied: "The idta of General Grant's election cow ;s very different from what it was four years aero. Tien it would have been us-iog the vast power of the government to remain in e ffice. Now the General is a private citizen ; if the people wish, be bas as good a right to the office as any man." Tue Mormons of Salt Lake City arc defiant. "President" Taylor, in a sermon recently, sneered at President Hayes, end openly defied the gov crcmert. He charged the President of t he United State with being a blasphemer of the true faith. He said "it wis a contest between God and mammon," and he asked all members of the church "who would uphold God to raise their hands " Ererv Lacd wet up. There is grave work to be done in the near future ia Utah. It wonld seem as if it coulJ uot ccme too soon. New that the Republicans cf Maine have com to their own, a succession of criminal irregularities committed by the Fusiouists are being brought to light. Tbe election returns have been destroyed, tbe great seal of tbe State is missing, and, worst of all, the discovery bas been made tbat during the last few day of bis in cumbency Governor Garceloa coa trived to extract money from the treasury without observing the forms of law. It is astonishing what a large amount of varied rascality tbe FusionLts managed to compress within tLe fhort period of tbeir ascendeney. IVrSfid ia a little brief authority, they played such fantastic tricks before an astoaisLei country as tbeir fellow-citizens will le slow to forget. Desperate Fight. Cixcisxati, Jan. 21. Tbis iuorn ing two persons, Patrick Guilford, alias Meaning, and Edward Connelly, became involved in a quarrel in the hall cf the Newport, Kentucky jail. Ia the beat cf aDger Connelly drew a razor, made at Guilford aad seized him by the throat. Tbe latter suc ceeded it wresting tbe razor from Connelly's hand, aad, with one des perate slab across tbe throat, almost severed Connelly's head from bis body. The jocular vein was com pletely Fevered, and death followed instan ly. Tbe two prisoners were ia jail awaiting trial for mining offences. Matae Brdwntd. majoniy, ice uuiy ui ct-uupiu a gu ernor was, by the constitution of tbe state, devolved upon the legislature choree at the same election, the Uouce of Representatives eelectiog to persons out of the fuur candi dates having the highest number of votes, and ine Senate electing one of these persons as governor. Ttie election lor members of the legislature, he! 1 at tbe same time, retailed in giviog the Republicans a uibj jnty of seven in the Senate and m e-uty -nine io tbe House of Repre sentatives. Governor Grcelon and his Council, all of them being Dem ocrat, in canvassing the votes and istuiog certificates of election, man aged oa various pretexts to count oat ttiis Republican majority ia both touots, and substitute therefor a fu sion majority, consisting of Demo crats and Greenbackers, tbe purpose beiug to steal the state government in all its branches, by one of the grossest frauds ever attempted ia our pulitical history. Tbe Supreme Court of the 6tate, beiag requested by Governor Garceloa to give a judi cial opinion on variousj questions of law involved in tnia strange proced ure, unanimously condemned it as il legal and fraudulent; and yet tbe Governor did Dot relent in bis pur pose or change bis coarse of action. Eotb bouses cf the legislature went through the form of orgauization, and iu each there was a Fusion ma jority, as was intended ia this plot of "rascality. Tbe Senate chose a pres ideut, who, it lawfully elected, would be tbe acting governor until a gov ernor was cnosea. uenerui cnam berlaiu, who by Governor Garcelon had beeu placed ia command of tbe state militia and directed to preserve the peace aad property of the state until a governor ebould be chosen, very properly declined to recognize tbe authority of Mr. Lamson. the president of the Senate, as act'Dg governor, until the legality of bis election was settled. Mr Joseph L. Smith, tbe Greenback candidate, hav ing by tbe Fusion legislature been cboseu as governor, General Cham berlain, wbo for tbe moment held tbe key of the whole poeitiou, treated bin claims in precieely tbe same w ay. Ia the mean lime, the Republicans those who held certificates of elec tion, and those who did not, but wbo were chosen by tbe people met and organized both boui-es of tbe legis lature, having a quorum ia each. Tney addressed a series of questions to tbe Supreme Court of tbe state, involviog tbe legality of tbis proceed ing, and then adjourned to await its deeieiun. without tbe transaction of uuy other business General Cbam beilain "held tbe fort" by preserv ing tbe tlalus in quo ; ai.d in due the Court gave its opinion, declaring tbe organization to have been according to the intent ot toe law. TLe Republicans then con vened again under tbis authority, aud at once precs.eded to the election of a governor, choosing Air. Daniel F. Davis, the Republican candidate, who, being sworn into office, an nounced b i cut-elf as governor cf tbe state to General Cbamberluin, aud was by him promptly recognized iu this character. An thus tbe state government was last Saturday organ ized, according to tbe will of tbe peo ple, as expressed tbrougb tbo' bailot oox. Tbe only irregularity ia the procedure consists in the fact tbat ibose Republicans wbo bad been counted out by Governor Garceloa and bis Council, aud bad not receiv ed certificates of election, though they were actually elected, partici pated ia the organization of tbe legis lature. Tb's, however, is out, in ibe jud ment of the Supreme Court, suf ficient to vitiate tbe orgauization. Tbis summary briefly sketches tbe history of the Maine fraud nod the effort of Republicans to defeat it. bringing events down to tbe close of last week, with two separate legis latures organized and two governors chosen aud swora into cilice. Tbe people of Maine waut but one gov ernor and but one legislature ; and altboUKO at this wridug tbe matter is uot entirely settled, tbere can be no doubt tbat tbe Republicans have gained coutrol of tbe state govern meat, and tbat, if necessary, tbey will assert it by force uf arms. Tbe Supreme Court sustains tbem ia tbeir position. Governor Davis is ia actu al possession of tbe executive office ana General Cbamberiaia recognizes bis authority and submits to it. If the bogus Greenback governor should attempt to maintaia bis authority by force, he would be speedily disposed ot ; aud if be seeks to oust Governor Dvis by a quo xcarralo proceeding, ibe Supreme Court cf the state would very promptly remand him to the condition of a private citizen. The right bas triumphed and tbe political thieves are dispossessed uf their power. II tbe Democrats and Greenbackers wbo tbe people did Dot elect to tbe legislature wub to par ticipate in tbe legislation of tbe state, they will have to do so by abandon ing tbeir bogus concern, tbat was never legsllv organized, nod becom ing oieitibers of tbe legislature as organized by the Republicans. Tbeir cou.-pnacy to rob the people and sub vert tbe very first principles cf popular government bas collapsed. aud upon tbem wi.l rest the lnlamy of the base attempt We congratulate the people of Maine that they bad a Supreme Court to expound tud assert tbeir rights, as against thieving sospira tors; aud tbat it bad a General Chamberlain, wbo during the critical days cf lat week was tbe right man ia tbe right place. We congratulate tbem upon tbe fact tbat tbis attempt of perfidim officers to defeat tbeir legally expressed will bas proved ao ignoble failure, and tbat tbey bave able to restrain themselves, notwith standing the intense excitement tbat bas filled the state, as to avoid all acts of illegal violence. We recom mend tbe legislature to make tbe election Laws of Maine tbe subject of very carefcl stady, and where tbey are defective so to ferise and amend tbem as to provide against tbe possi bility of a similar attempt to&efj tbe popular will. Aodas for the con spirators, including Governor Gar celoa and bis Council, and all tbe Democrats and Greenbackers wbo were aiders and abettors in tbis plot, we commend tbem to tbe well-earned contempt not only of tbe people of Maine, hat the whole people of tbe Uiiited States. Tbeir purpose was to keep cot of office those whom it wtis the purpose cf the people u put there; aad, bad tbey succeeded iu this n farous design, popular govern ment in this country would bare re- ceived a terrible blow. We are heartily g!'. as every rixhi-tbioking man mast l . that the political com pound of Maine Democracy and Greenbacks. m kuown as tbe Fusion party bas uui been able lo carry into anal effect its own purpose. It will be some time, we imagioe, before political rarc-Jiif will venture to re peat fucb an experiment iu Maine A. J. Indciendfnt. Tbe Klet Bill Bribery ud Perjury Cases. llAREisnt'Er., January 21 Ia the case cf Charles 1. Salter, charged witb attempted bribery of members ot tbe legislature, tbe defence atked for a postponement of tbe trial main ly oa the ground v tbe abseuce of several important witnesses and the brief time aiioed for tbe examina tion ot tbe indictment. Alter a pro tracted diecuaeioa tbe court indicated a determination to postpone tbe trial until to-morrow uiorntoir. when if the witnesses are Dot tortneomiog, the bribery c.se will be continued until March. The court aUo notified the counsel for defeuse that they would fcaveko plead to the indictment at unco. After borne ditcuseion the attorney for the accused agreed to plead as directed in all the cares, provided tney were continued to March. Mr. Gowen then drew up an order wbicb all the counsel agreed to, and tbe ourt adopted it. It pro vides tbat all tbe cases go over to an adjourned court beginning on the second Monday ia March, and con tinuing two weeks, and tbat there be do furtber continuance for any cause. Tbe effect of tbe pleas of coansel tor defense to-day is to preclude tbe inter- Dosition of dilatory tactics to ob struct a trial. True bills were fouad today against W. H. Kemble, Cbarles B Salter aad Jesse R Craw ford for perjury before the House Investigating Committee. A true bill has been fouad against Representative Smitb, ot l'niladel pbia, for corrupt solicitation. All of tbe accused btvj now been indicted, eight for Cuirujt solicitation, aud three tor ctrrupt solicitation and per jury. Jrant aad Fred. Dong lam. Washington, Jaeaary 22 It will be remembered tbat last week, at Jacksonville, Florida, when General Grant was entering a hotel, he was followed by a crowd of colored pej- ple. Tbe botel keeper attempted to drive tbem away, but Grant taid : "Let tbem alone W be'ever I am i hey can come" Tbis remark bas called out a characteristic letter irora Fred. Douglass to a local paper. He writes: "No words more Hgtnesnt acd impressive have dropped from toe lips ot General Grant sioce be utter ed thosH famous words, 'Let us bave peace.' Tbey are worthy of the great head nod heart of the man wbo utter ed tbem, and remind one of tbe say ing cf Jesus, wben little children Were bidden to come onto him. In ibe case at JacktOaville, the poor liberated bondmen pressed upon the General, and the botel keeper, little knowing tbe grei heart of his thought to do bim a kindness by keeping tbe unfortunate class from him. But he refused to be pro ecieJ. and said : 'Wherever I am they can come ' Millions will lift their dejected heads at these words. "Frederick Douglass " A Murderer's Ccasrleoco. Milwaukee, Wis., January 22 Tbis afternoon a man who bas been employed ia Ascherman &Cj's cigar fact-iry under the name cf Parker, whose real name is W. W. Notting' ham, appered at th central police station asking to be taken into custody for the murder of a man six years ago in Norfolk. Va He stated that be shot and killed John Gaylor ia a street fight, though intended f r an other man. Daring six years' wan dering ia all parts ot the country tbe face of bis victim bas been constantly before bim, and be now wanted to be taken back to Norfolk and punished for the deed. He worked under many different names through the south and west and savs he was well known tbroagh Kansas and Texas. Ilia statement was telegraphed to Norfolk and an answer was received from tbe authorities of tbit city to hold bim until a requisition can be secured for his removal. Peter Kuez, ao old resident of this city, suicided to day by ehootiog hims-elf tbrougb tbe bead with a revolver. Claiming Royalty. New York, January 22. Mrs. Emma L rillard, a relative of tbe Lorillurd-i of ibis city, bas begun suit in tbe United State Circuit Court, to recover royalties and prufi'.s which sbe claim io consequence of tbe use by tbe Standard Oil Company of an invention for rectifying and distilling petroleum oil. In ber CiAipUiut Mrs. Lorillard seta forth tbat tbe inven tion was made by Knot Fleur, who conveyed one half i merest to Blate Lorillard, and together tbey subse quently transferred tbe pattent to the Standard Oil Refiuing Company, wbicb in turn conveyed it to Beij Yausteenburg. Tbe latter conveyed it to Mrs. Lonliard in 1SG7. Mrs Lorillard charges that the Standard Oil Company bas been u-ing tbe in vention siuce 13C7, with great ad vantage, but bas failed to pay ber for its use. The royalties and profits which Mrs. Lorillard claims emouut to $1,500,000 Oklo s Sew aeaatsr Washington, Jan. 22 Secator elect Gai tit Id, f Otiio, was serenaded ibis evening by the Ouio Slate Asso ciation. Tbe opening proceeding wai Lterroptel by tbe breaking down of a plaiform wbicb bad beeu erected in frout of General Garfield's resi dence. About 30 persons, including tbe eueral aud several ladies, were upou the platform at tbe time, and all were precipitated to tbe ground Tbe casualties, however, w.cre con fined to one sprained ankle, 7beo order was restored General Garfield was introduced, and spoke for about twenty minutes. He was followed by Represent ati res Batrerworib acd Jteifer, of Ohio; Sapp, of Iowa; Dunnell, of Miunesota, and Senator Hamlin, of Maine. A pouring rain interrupted further speaking. A risbt mum Iiomi. San Feancisco, January 20. A dispatch from Tucson, Arizona, says Mjor Morrill bad a tight with Chief Victoria's band yesterday, and tbat among tbe killed jsJ. Hausell Frencb, Second Lieutenast ol tjj.e Ninth cavalry. Tbe Urant Kecepuwa Im Havana. Ha vans, Jaa. 23. Today being king's taint day a grand official re ception was held at the palace. Gen erals Grant, Sheridan aud CoL Fred Grant assisted in tbe reception. Tbis evening a grand official banquet will be givea in honor of General Graat, A CRISIS IN MAINE. INCENDIARY PLOTS OP THE FUSIONISTS DISCO VEBED. Sudden Change in the Aspect of Af- latrs Lrovemor Dans Preparing to Defend and il-otcct the Stata House Tho Military Called Out Fusioaista Arming. Boston, January 23 A dispatch from Augusta, Me., to the Herald t J night says: Tbe whole situation bas, siuce fifteen minutes past eleven o'clock to-nighr, entirely changed By to-morrow morning three compa nies of ieitantry, the Capitol Guards, ofAugasta; tbe Auburn Ligbt In fantry, tbe Gardiner companies and the Androscoggin Light lufantry will garrison the Siato House. At ten minutes past eleven o'clock Govern or Davis and Iopector Geueral Til den a-rived at tbe Adjutant Gener al's office. In three minutes Govern or Davis authorized this startling military movement. The military authorities were out of pmieuce witb the politicians, wbo bave for several days bad the domiuant influence at the State llou-e. Tbis has been tbe most sensational cf any rjiibt since the complications ; but the rumors of stirring events were not baseless. The Fu-ionista' military are aud bave been drilling down town in tbis city, aud it bas been ascertained to the satisfaction ot the military au thorities that a concentrated attack apoa tbe State Hoase was likely to oceu any moment. A plot to burn tbe residences of leading Augusta Republican wa3 discovered to-night. Triangular bits of paper marked the doomed resideures. The were tack ed on after dark, and soon perceived by tbe vigilant police. Had tbe Gov ernor not given his orders for calling out tbe troops to-uight the military men at the State House were ready to abandon their watch. Tbe orders for the military were givea ou; by General Cbamherlaia's assistant ad jutant general, for the reason tbat a part of tbe military would not or it is leared would not obey Govern or Davis' order. The Capitol Guards garrisja the State House tonight, and parJy relieve the worn-out pc lice, wbo bave been without sleep for many hours. A special train is ordeied to-uight from Lewiston. Probably the most aggressive move ment of the state goverumeut will be io dit-perse the Fiisinnist legisla ture aud arrest every Fusionist offi cial wbo persist in playing at gov ernment. the situatiov extremely critical AvousTA. Me , January 23 It is the getierat impression tbat matters are iu a more critical conditiou tbaa they have been for some time. Crowds ere collecting at various poiuts, secret clans of armed men are drilling, and other circumstances tend to create alarm. Tne Green back Labor Chronicle of Auburn, states tbat tbe State House must be taken though it coeis thousands cf lives. 1 be governmeut is not alarm ed, but grasps the situation, and will make the State House perfectly im pregnable. 'i'ne first military compaay that ever eu'ered the State HoUre march ed in at midnight. Me6ra. Pillsburr Blood, Chanuing and others are known to be enrolling mea in every county ia the 8'ate. Men are collec ted iu country towns ready for J. L Smith's call. Captaia Black, ot Au trusts, is drilling men nigbtly. Mayor Nash addressed the following cote to Goveruor Davis to-nigbt: "la vie of ihe threatening atti tude cf persons hostile to tbe present government cf the state, I feel con strained to say to your Excellency that 1 fear my civil police force will be unable to sufficiently protect public prooerty at the capital, or even bold possession cf the building itself against such fores as the public en emies seem to be willing and able to br.ng agaiust it " the military force being collect ed. From consultation witb tbe milita ry authorities, Governor Davis be came fully convinced of tbe serious ness of the sitaatioD, aad that tbe position of Maj jr Nash is Derfectly sound. He bas therefore ordered to tbe Siate House tbe Capital Guards aud Richmond Light Infantry, wbo at one o'clook this morning were there. 1 he Auburn Light Iufamry will leive that place for tbe capital at 2 o'clock tbis morning, and other military forces will be brought here it necessary. Information of the op erations of tbe Fusiooists comes from reliable mea in each county. Tbe de sign is to take tbe House, Pillabury's last bupe. The honest country mem bers of tbe Fusion legislature bave been deceived by the couuted in mem bers. It is hoped tbe prompt action of Gov. Davis will avert trouble. Tbe conspirators are to be bunted down if it takes all the force at the Governor's command. Men are kuown to be ready at the call of .Smith in Lincon aad Somerset counties, wbo are to tko sleighs across tb country. Tbe prompt action of Col Peaks prevented movements in Pis cataquis county. All tbe armories ia tbe state are under guards. Toe Republicans mean to have possession aud if the state's troops are inade quate, tbe President will be called on tor a:d. 20LEIZ2S 01T GTJAED AT TEE STATS HOTCE SLEEFHTJ ON THEIR ABiS. The Miduicht Muster of tbe Maine Militia The Maneuvering of tbe Fu sion JIauiacs Closely H atched. Augusta, Jaa. 24 Three com panies ol troops and a Gatliog gun (garrison the State House. Pillsbury says in bis daily Stand ard this morning : "Men of Maiue, the next article on '.be programme is to disperse by force tbe legislature convened in Union Hall. Are you. as free men, willing to submit to tbis outrage ; see to it teat your repre sentatives are protected. This is ibe culmination of the outrage inflicted upon the Democrats and Greenback ers ty ice stalwart pimps of tne Ke- publican party. Wbo is the man wbo win now n-p cut ol our raaks and side witb tbe cowardly men intrench ed in the State House, wbo tremble at tbe sounds of their own voices, aud do Dot feel safe unless backed up by tne bayonets cf the same militia? Let tbe eud be wbat it may, history will read tbat Corporal Davis was ths first man in tbe State of Maine to authoring an array of bayonets at the State House tb'keep rom its por ta's cnizjus of the comaiouwaaltb.V Adjulaut General Beat, Major Nve. Cuptaiu Small and other mili tary men are in the State House. Every military company in Maine is under arms. A Gatling gun at tbe State House faces the front door, and could sweep the stone-flagged terrace with a death bail. Tbe Fusbnin Governor Smitn, bints tbat the Re-j publicans may get all the fighting itey want, captain isacx, ui tne. t uston staff, says mat all be asks for is to be arrested. It is reported tbat a case cf carbines is secre'ed at his down-town office. A. F. Gould, le gal adviser cf tbe Fusion Govern ment, characterizes the tnoviujr of troops here a a deplorable act and Bare to redoond to tbe political ad vantage of the Fusionists. It is, be says, ibe biggest blunder yet made by tbe Republicaas. All tbe milita ry in toe State will be here by night if the Fusionists carry out tbe plans tbey ate alleged to bave matured. "No fooling any longer," is the Republican talk to-day. The State House is converted into a sort of barracks, and stoves are in tbe cel lar to cock army rations of beef, ifcc , for troops. At tbe Adjutant Gener al's office they bave information wbicb is said fully to justify tbe call ing out of tbe militia. Gov. Davis is strongly urged to at once disperse tbe Laion Hall Legislature ana la sioa governmeut. Sunday night tbe troops will all be in under arms The Republican authorities assert that if tbere is a civil war tbe responsibility rests upon ibe Fusionists. GOVERNOR DAVIS INTERVIEWED. Goveruor Davis said to-nigbt that be bad not felt a single regret since be bad taken tbe decisive s'epef call ing troops to tbe State House. Tbe step bad been urged upou bim for several days by his military advisers, but not until the evidence of a con spiracy to eeize the State House bad accumulated to a startliog amount did be feel justified in exercising bis prerogative as Commander-in-Chief, aad then only to protect public prop erty and uphold tbe laws. Tbe strain upon Republican institutions has been great throughout tbe whole con iroversy, but be cou! J see no shade of arbitrary action ia employing tbe citizen soldiery of tbe State to pro tect tbe government recognized by tbe Supreme Court. Wben all the evideuce of conspiracy was ready for tbe press, the public at large will see bow wise ibis ac ioo has been. The Governor was gratified to see bow universally tbe press of tbe country of both parlies bad upheld tbe right iq Maine. Governor Long, of Massachusetts, has officially recognized Governor Davis. Sentinels were to-night placed on tbe outside of the State House and the corridors are all guarded. Col. White, cf Bangor, was tele graphed to-night to guard the State arsenal at tiiat city. The State House authorities say they are now sure tbis was to be tbe uigbt for the rusionist movement on the State House. Tbey say they have intercepted Fusionist dispatches showing that tbe Fusionist Governor was preparing to muster bis forces. Tbe plan was to move upon Augusta from all points. I rom Liddeford 1 to men were to have come on tbe late Pullman train from Boston. All this intelligence is asserted to be con firmed by Republican adviees just re ceived. A SECRET FUSIONIST LODGE. A report comes to tbe State House from Portland that a secret Fusiouist lodge, witb a code of grips and pass words, bas been discovered. It was rumored in Augusta to-day tbat an agent of a New lork firm received t few days ago an order for 200 car bices and 200 revolvers, and a watch bas been kept for tbem by the State House authorities. Tbe Governor has been strongly urged by some of his advisers tc or der tbe entire military force of tbe State to tbe city to-nigbt, to be ready to forcibly disperse the Fusionist government by Monday. Military advisers of the Governor believe tbe true policy is to eud tbe dual govern ment business at once, rescue tbe great seal ot the State and install Holbrook in the Treasury. General Spurting, like many other veterans, believes tbe whole Fusionist govern ment is engineered from outside the State, and is part of tbe scheme to capture tbe next senatorsbip, con gressmen and electoral vote. tue military guard. Tbe presence of military in tbe State House somewhat excites tbe populace, wbo murmur at military rule aud indications of a movement iutiinati. Tbe Republicans claim i; was tbe presence of troops tbat brought tbe Fusionists to their senses and induced tbem to refer tbe case to tbe Supreme Court. Abjut half tbe force is on duty at oace. Tbe whole force could be brought into line in a moment Tbere is a patrol about town watching for any suspicious movements, and trusty men are post ed in every town, to give instant in formation in case of any threatening demonstrations. Tbe military aad executive are both in readiness for any movement ot tbe kind. There is evidently an attempt to rally tbe rurioa forces to night but it will prcve futile. Tbe evideuce shows that tbere was a plan to capture tbe Stae House last night, but wise precautionary measures pre vented. Tbe goverumeut was just twenty four hours ahead. Colonels Blood and Davis, ot Smith's staff, bave recruited 200 men ia Eiddeforo and Portland, aud iutended to send tbem to ibis city by the Pullman traia, but the Governor urdered tbe Biddeford company to take tbe same tram in the eveut of tbe Fusionists comiuK, wbicn meant to stop tbem there, and probably they will not come. Tbe Fusionists from Lewis town intended to come, but reports late to-nigbt show tbat tbey bave abandoned the plan. Tne keeper of the Bangor arsenal refused to give up the keys to Col. Daniel White, as ordered, and offi cials here telegraphed, "Take it, by forte if necessary." Tbe force at tbe State Houes to night is able to cope with a force ot two thousand. Tbe Governor bas received con gratulatory aad complimentary dis patches from tbe Governor of Mis sissippi, New York and New Jersey, aud set ot resolutijns Irota tbe Graat Ciubia New York. Congratulations are being received by tbe Governor from all sections of tbe country on sustaining tree government ia Maine, and that Ibe government was strong enough to sustain ifs'elf. " The action of the court )S warmly commended for its ab)e decision, wbicb wonld serre as a landmark in the future, and as a bulwark of rer publican government everywhere. No trouble is apprehended to-night. Governor Davis spent tbe night at headquarters in tbe State House. A dispatch received here to-night from Bangor states that Governor Davis bas telegraphed Mayor Brown of tbat city, to seud seventy rifles to Btddefutd to night, and ibat Smith, tbe keeper of tbe arseual,h"ag refused to deliver tbe arms. It is believed that Gov. Davis' pnrpos9 in ordering tbe rifles to Biddeford is to arm tbe militia compaay there, ia anticipation ot tbe possible adjournment ot tbe Fusionist Legislature to tbat city. Toe present prospect, however, is tbat tne Fusiouist will remain here until tbe Qua! decision of tne court is made regarding tbeir legality. republicans capture rat bangor ARSENAL. Saturday Lieut. Lord, command ing tne Jauieaou Guards, received a teiegrapoic order from A. A. G. Frauk E. Nye, on Cnauioerlaiu's staff, to obtain seventy guns aad equipments from tbe State arsenal. 1 ue f uaiou arseual keeper refused to obey tbe order, and declared be would recoguize no authority but Joseph L. Suiiib as Governor, or bis ouoordinates. Tbis report was tele graphed to Augusta, aud at ir:30 P. M (Jul. White, coaimaudiug tne First Regiment, received an order dirtci from Gov. Davis to take immediate possession of tne arseual aud all the property tnereiu. A guard was at once put ou and Suuday tnoruiog Col. Wni'.e bad tne doors opened aud new loks adjusted. Lieut. Lord aud a guard of 13 men uf the Jameson Guards Hto quartered in possession uf tne premises. ALL QUIET AT MIDNIGHT. Boston, January 26. DispatcLcs from Augusta up to midnight report everything perfectly quiet A Flrefcraad la las Hsnse. Washington, January 21 Tbe Democrats bave at last after a delay of nearly two months mustered cour age enough to bring in tbe Marshals Deficiency bill. It was reported to the House to day. Tbe bill is a very short one. It simply appropriates tbe sum of $P00. 000 to pay fees for the fhcal year ending June 30, 13S0, and contains the following proviso: "Bat no part ot tbe money hereby appropriated is appropriated to pay any compensa tion fees or expenses of Marshals or Deputy Marshals tor services render ed io conjectioa witb registrations or elections under any of the provi sions ot title 2s ot the llsvioed Statutes of tbe Uuited States." This is substantially the first sec tion of the last which was vetoed by the President last Spring. Tbe "fr ond section of that bill, which p. o hibited any officer or department from making any contractor incurr ing any liability tor tbe future pay ment of money under any provisioa of Title 5G, and wbicb made it a peu al offence to do so, has been abandon ed outright by the Democrats on the Appropriations Committee. They simply propose now to refuse an ap propriation to execute certain laws, aud to forbid the use ot any money wbicb is appropriated for ths pay ment of certain liabilities. This position is a long way to tbe rear of the one tbat the Democrats so defiantly maintained at tbe close of the extra session : but it remains to be seen whether the extreme wing of tbat party will qiiietly sub mit to this change uf bae. It may do so, Tr it has beeu plainly evident for some time tbat the hot heads were being subjected to a course of severe discipline. There has been no formal caucus of tbe Democrats siuce the session began ; bat there have been maay informal conferences. It is ua stood, too, tbat tbe Southern Demo crats are now as tbey professed to be last Spring, willing to follow wber ever the Northern members of tbe party cboose to lead. The latter ap pear really to bave bsea taagbt some political wisdom by tbe Fall elec tions. A burnt child dreads tbe fire, so do they dread any discussions which tend, to arouse the loyal feel ings of tbe people Said General Warner, of Ohio, to a fellow member, a Republican, a day or two ago, wbeo tbe Republi cans complained of the dullness oPthe session, and oked him wby tbe Democrats are so quiet: "Ob, we bave got to bo quiet Whenever we get into a fight witb yon fellows oa tbe issue of the war aad tbea ap peal to tbe people, we are sore to get licked." A 8 to tbe position the Republicaas will take on the Marshals bill tbere is no doubt Tbey opposed it to a man in committee and will solidly oppose it in tbe House. Said one of tbe Republican leaders of the House tb's afternoon: "Whenever tbis bill comes up for consideration there will be a renewal of the discussion of the extra session. Nothing can prevent it "Correspondent of New York Tribune. A CnnfcrecslloB with Plsisls Dra-va. Milan, Ind , Jan. 19. The prose cation and conviction of tbe priest Father Donoehcffeo, of tbe Morris Catholic Church, will be remember ed. Tbat prosecution aad trial crea ted a very great breach in tbe con gregation, so much so that fist lights and occasional shooting at each oth er grew to be a common thing The last act of tbe affair so far was en acted last week (which bas just been reported beyond tbe limits ot tbe con gregation,) and came near ending in a general massacre of the entire con gregation. from tbe bet information tbat can be learned, tbe trouble originated at a meeting of tbe congregation at tbe annual election of the trustees. Tbe strife, between tbe two factions is re ported to have bren extremely warm. The termination of ire whole affair was, that nearly tbe entire male por tion ot tbe congregation stood ia tbeir pews with pistols drawn. Mr. Wernke, tbe County Auditor, who had been tbe friend of tbe priest, aod attempted to kill Amen Braod- stetter at tbe trial of Ibe priest, again came to tbe trout aod repeated bis attempt, shooting Brandstetter in the side. Two others v ere shot whose names it was impossible to leara. Tnere were several shots fired, and for a while it seemed a general fl w of blood would be the resale The affair was kept very quiet, and it has only been snown outside ot tne con gregation for the past three days! It ib said tbat there is much excitement over tbe affair io Catbelic circles in tbe northern part cf the county. A general prosecution will, ot course follow. Baraetff Dwalh. Wichita, Kan , Jan. 22. The baildiug occapied'by the Glvbe print ing office at Cherry vale, Kaa., was burned night before last E. C. Henderson,' foreman, and William McClain, printer, of tbe Globe ' com pany, perished in tbe flames, add another man ws seriously horded, bat not fatally. Kelllaa Olcaasargarlas for Baiter. New York, January 22 A num ber of produce and butter dealers have been convicted aad fined tor selling on worked oleomargarine A substance sold by one uf tbe dealers, wbicb half a dozen experts bad testi fied was Western batter of a low grade, did not contain any butter whatever. linal la Cabav Havana: Jaoaary 22 At 11:31 o'clock mis m rniog the summer Ad miral arrived here, bviug oa O ara General and Mrs. Grant, Col oel Fred Grant and wife. General Phil Sheridan and wife and iwj young ladies. Tbe steamer ltd Ksy Wen at about two o'clock tbis cuormug As tbe Admiral entered tbN p rt. a small steamer belonging to ibo Navy Department, and carry iog Gsaeral Arrias, Civil Governor of the pro vince of Havana, and confidential ad jutant of Captaia General Blauo. several staff otluers, Uenry u au, Uuiced States 'Joasul, aod a number of American citizen-, among them General Webb, proceeded to-Vird tbe Admiral, which tbey btarded Gen eral Arras then teadjred Gaueral Grant tbe hospitalities of the city and an abode ia the palace, aad said that Captain Geueral Biauco expres sed regret at an being ia tbe city to welcome General G.-aor, bt thi: he hooes to arrive before tbe party take their departure. General Graut replied, say tug he would be hippy to m-e: Gsueral Blaaco. Ths wnole party immediately alter tbe ex' ba.'ige of c urtesies boarded the small steam er and weut ashore. Large crowds bad assembled ou tbe wharves aud bouses to wkness the landtag of tbe .;.itiuuisbed visit irs. Ota. Grant's visit here is excuiug cousidera! inter est, be beiag considered tbe gre'e-t celebrity in America. Oa laudiog, the party entered carriages belonging to the Captaia General, and were driven to the pilace, where, af.er the reception at tbe foot of the staircase by General Callejo, Yiee Governor, and Joqain Carboaell, S'cretary of the Government, they entered and inspected tbe palace. The party then s jught rep :se from the fatigues of the voyage. Tnepirty appeared to be in excellent health, aud say tbey bai a pleaaai trip Geo Grant expressed much satisfy-. rn with bis stay iu Florid, and cu!d almost bave oeen ind iced la spend the winter there. The parry will take p essage ia tho steamer Cxy of Alexandria for Yera Cruz oa the 12. b or loth ot February, but befjre pro ceediog tbither General G ant iuteads making a trip to Hyti, and probably toother west Iadiau Islands, oa board a United Stts war steamer. (J-oe-al Grant says tbat be came tj Cuba merely to see the cjuo'.ry, but would accept several iavitati ins he had re ceived to visit some plantations Tne party io tk a drive at 4 o'clock tbis afternoon, aad will to oigat receive .nie intimate frie-jd-t wbo happen to be i i Havana Colonel of Ea'ia rs Cerer Commander Rivera, C ' ef of S aff aad Cavalry; C cum a d-r Sandoval, Adjulaut cf Capta a General Blaac , bave been commis-i-med to at'.eud Geueral Grant aad piny during their stay here. A Doable Crime. Ayer, Mass., Ja j. 13. Mrs M. L Crew, aged 23 years, wife of J.i aaph Crew, living on Libby farm, Groton Ridiie, iu this State, was outraged aDd murdered yetierd iy. Her husband let t home about noon yesterday, and returned about eight o'clock tn the evening and fouad tb bouse locked, tbe curtaio-t d wu and tbe light burning. Noticiug that tbe cellar door was partly open te enter ed that way. He weut luto the kitcb eo, ugDteti a lamp, ana gjiug ino a bedroom, foaad bis wite lyiug iu a pool of blood on ber back, dead, aud covered over witb a quilt Sbe b td been shot three times ia tbe face and once in the chest. He at oace notified bis neighbors, the nearest beiag a quarter ct a mile distant. Dr. Uartwell, of Ayer, me-d ical examiner, was summoned aud arrived at about 11 o'cLck. Deputy Sheriff brown, of Ajer, A S. Lawrence, of Groton, aud other officers were soon on tbe ground, try ing to find some trace of th murder er, who, if be is a tramp liiat wis seen in the viciaity yestird y afu r noon, is a man about 40 years old, feet 10 iacbes bigb, witb a thio, light yellowish face and probably a mulat to. This man is described by several neighbors as having called at various places for water, and at others undr tbe pretence of baying a farm, where be described and inquired abour Mr. Crew's farm. Henry C. He via, a young man wbo lives near, called at the house about 2:15 in the afternoon oa an errant'. Mrs. Crew told him thai she had a caller, wbo wanted to buy the farm, and seemed pleased She was seated in a ruckiag chair, oa the op posite side of tbe room from the stranger, and engaged in sewijg About 3 o'clock Miss Aana F. Carr, aged IS years, called Sae found tbe dor belted and tbe cur tains down, but tbougnt sbe herd some one inside. Liokiog iuto tbe keyhole sbe saw tbe key was ia tbe doot! Sae kaoeked, and the door was opeaej by a straoger aasweriog tbo abjve description, wb said tbat Mrs. Crew bad gone up town. Sae 8a v s tbe man kep: bis baads bjbi jd bim, and shut tbe door witb bis foot. An autopsy this mjraiag showed that tbe womaa bad been outraged Fourp:stol balls were found, one oa tbe right side ot tbe eye. Tbe weao- on bad been held so close as to burn tbe eyebrow aad face. Deceased bad a thimble on oue 0 tiger, and must have beeu se wiug at tne tiuie she was assaulted. A .Harder DIseaTsretl Chicauo, Jan. 22. The Tribune's Dabuque special says : Great excitement prevails at New Hampton, Iowa, over a supposed horrible murder by an Adven ist preacher named Flder Buck, wbo re. sides near there and makes a living by revealing secrets coufided t bim by spirits. Oae day last fall a oeigh bor, beariog screams from the hoo-e of Buck and eeeiug bis wife wringing ber baads in agony, looked through the door and saw Buck b.-auug bis young son, wbo was tied to a' bed. aiuce that time the boy has beeu missing, aad as Back belongs to tbe same class of religious fanatics as freeman, of Massachusetts, it is be lieved be sacrificed tbe bor. Mrs. Back declares be boy raa away. Buck has fled tbe neighborhood, aud citizens are makioir an iuve-nia- tioa. Cawhtdlaa: a Freaebrv. Cincinnati, Jan. 21. Vaowert, Qbi.i," was greatly excited yesterday afternoon by the horse whipping of ftey. f u Ilenqersop. pastor oj b Methodist Episcopal pbqrcb, by Miss Norma (Joiner, org&aut of that church. Miss Comer bad been at tending dances during the week for wbicb tbe reverend geatlemaa ceas ored ber public'y in church oo Soi day. He called on ber to apologize, and was met by ber in ber father's store, and received tbe chastisement, which was quite severely administer ed. He offered no resistance, and re paired to bis home after she bad her satisfaction. Death iaj ta ra London. J,0 21 i Wfil) piosi u occurred Bl V . 1 m ' tt tiit i if in i kit r la' , . mwii Culiler Ne CastU u-jder-Tyce, tte",, i"" sioo beiag atmouted to 'n.e ex f nature et ibe coil seam r ... " Us f b.r .,f workmen i,j the 'tvi " " :-: 6 -t uot accurately s . ' b I wu supposed abouwey,., .ft 11 ! bad been killed. 1 News of the ca;a,tropbe spre(, j , j idly, and before nooa, a Urg vt,f', joftueu, women aad children , jof wh im bad relatives iQ ttecoi,i'"7 ! had gathered around tbe moil ! thn rit snora ih . r ., ,v C.C.1B WM ! betr-readiag Search parties were immedi.ei. organized, bat tbeir work wao J-' 7 ed several b urs by dams'- dae'T the shaft These were hours of . J tpen-e fir the anxious wives . a mothers, awaiiiug tidiog f.-cm hV low, and tbe grief became unean' trollable. Maav ut then fainted bad to be borne bck to tbeir b,.J by friends, while tbem ;: di.t-- jciies reut the air SaJr;, noon the first search Dartr H-J. i' , jaad was quickly followed by auu woeu tney returued wi;h ta. bodies ot a duzeu ooconseioa Kea aad muled orpes it wa wib ta9 greatest difficulty that order c.,'ixi preserved so that the wort ,f I - , ie?us- i citation and identification cjuIJ Oae of the recovered corp-ej hai lost part of tbe bead. S ..me i f tbe ethers were burned to mder-., while some appear to have beea killed b7 coucuscion. ' G P. M The latest acejuats fix tte number of persons in the pit whea the explosion occurred at 77. Jt js believed that not more than six f the rescued caa pocttibiv recover Twenty fie c .rpses have beei brought up, a majority of ttem bei x so disfigored ss lo be cnrecoguizjble The tew wbo were resrQed alive re dying rapidly. A lire ba-t been rasiog ia the pit with great violence siuce tfce di.a. ter, biuderiug the efforts of tbe tx pi rers, and precluding all hopes of auy more victims beiag re-cued alive A later depatca sys the fire is be-i-ig subdued, and large quantities . f debris have beea removed, eaaMing the expl jrers to proceed more rabid ly. Tbe 1 itest rep rt place the to tal number cf deaths at 70. Aooih. r explorioa is fere i By ni ie oV-Iock five more bodies bad beeu reovered from the tube, and twenty otter bid been found ia the pit Tney will be brougbt up to-uigbt Veotiiatioa b& been restored. The part ef t'e Lvcett colliery where the explosion occarreil is known as the Fir Lady Pit, od U tae same iu which hi men were kill ed la-it autumn. Toe coal belongs ta tbe Baubury or fiVry s-ara, ia wDica all cf ihe great Smffjrd-hirs explo sions bave occurred. A HasHlrrd Lives Unl. Toiito, Dec. 2H The third di trous cotligraiiou within aevei, veir occurred to day. Miles of nr.. unl were laid wa?te, hf eeu in.-uud homes destroyed and fifty ih lUraud perrons destitute. The actual pecu niary lors is undetermined. Tte loss oi' life is reckoned at one buudred, al though nothing is certainly ituwa. The progress ot tbe flames wa so rapid as to overtake and destroy mauy who cjuM give no siga io several iustauces numerous uurecti nizable bodies or fragments were found among tbe ruins Mtoy ania, died from expo-ure to the cold Ttie uight succeeding tbe Gre was excep tionally bitter. A happened twice before iu the trea', fire;", a colder ble part of tbe f reign district tu destroyed, iucludiagveral mission ary establishments, one church, one foreign newspaper office, the Tokia Time. Toe legation of the United States was ia dauber, but escap-d uobarm ed. Extraordinary measures cf re lief were instituted by the Gvera meat authorities aad priva e individu als, aad no effjits spared t i alleviate thrtir suffering, but all these were uecesrarily insufficient There is a ?ry for the imperative action of the authorities preventing future crowd ing together cf inflammable struct ures, aad fjr the organization cf an eia Meat fire brigade, which is now uukaown here, where the common multitude are opposing aad inclining oliudly to the eld usages. There is a ouGdent expectatioa that reforms will he introduced, aod that this will be the List cf the totally destructive hi es ia Tokio. Aural tslaiaiij. Danville, Va, Jaa. 21 Oa Moodav evening a fatal catatr tpbe occurred about six miles from here, iu Pittsylvania county. Mrs Mv, aa aired widow ladv. liviuir witb tier two daughters oae being Miss Kite May, a beautiful youalaiy 11 year of age, aad the other Mrs. Herad a, a married ladv was niacin a kero sene Uicp on a mantel abjut 8 o'clock last eeaiog, when it wa overturn ed, and an explosion followed Mr. May was eavel ;ped ia the Biaiesm m mnr !r H.-rnfl ill anil Mis Kate Miv raa to their mother's a- eMUoce, wbeo tbe clothing of bib tjokfire. The three lad.es rusDea nrti ih rarrl lr MiV and M:4 Kate c jntiuued to rua ruad ia a cir- pie Hrremiinr and nratiaiT wildiy for help, until they both fell dead in tbeir iiac-ks completely suffjcted and most frightfully burned Mrs Herudoo bad tbe presence of mind to fall down aud roll ,ver continually, by which meaas the flame which en veloped ber were fiualiy subJued, but sbe was terribly burued, aud becm oncincious. The bright glare ef fl unes at racted a oeighb tr, wbo ar rived Mpo i the spot as soou a possi ble, bn on y ia timetofiod Mr. May aad Miss Kte two burniog corpse, aud Mrs. Uerudoa Ijio oa tbe ground unc:iscious. Mr. Harndoo, though still -live, is ia a very pec' rious rqiditioa, and but Iit'Je bfS of ber recovery is entertained. Harder faafessed The murderer of Jiob Muller, th salo u keeper io CoiciijO wbo called to the door aad shot by aa ut ter stranzer. has been detected and captured by the strangest incident. Ou Tuerday night Captain James bV i).xon, a stock yard rouh, occupied a'ro m ia the Drover's Hotel with Mr. Barrett, wh'oi employed io one of the packiog bouses poring lr oight Barrett' was ojistutbVd bf le.j resiless'u'ess uf bja rdos uate. 0al s V thrown into utter consteroati n by Dsi n exclaiming in his sleep, : terlarded wjth oaths, "1 fiaisbed him: I had to kill bim j 1 bad to 'Jo U These words were repeated sever' times, and finally he seized bis revol ver aud fired it eff Barrett abaa i ..a i.:, .o. at davlirfht in- UOUCU iwm - . formed the police, who promp-ly . n.. )a, was Ua- rested Dixod. me u.u.uc. -provoked, tbe mea beiag ganger and not a word passiag betwee. tbem.