-s-a - r-n Somerset nortisQ.;Tiiel.,pu. .v :.'; 3 Wili-Tj 111"' OHIO is'.O". 1 I?:. l'-T.'. riii"? lft I 7rr. Jf Ji''-. ' 1. K till, r.ii't .i-riira t va:l. irX t?TATK COXVT.XTIO. pu linearis c: i i-cayy.vaaia are re- t.ui sud to sad ili Ifju'os, npi))'.n!ed ac- MTuipg to their rrpri'scoutlim iu tbe Lg I isbiiurc, to a Con vi alius, to meet at Har ; r Injurs:, at 12 m, in ibe 4:b day of Febru- ary m il, i t i L-.-i il. legates to tlic Rt-publi-'can X-ictial CVavt atiun, to noiniaatc P.-o idrmial Eiect'trs, n num'nate a candi dat; for Judia; of tiie rMtpnuic Court, aad , a ; a:uii Lite lor Au llt.T General ; and to I tr.i l tucli uliu'i bu-iiiiis as l::;iv be fire l.r,f F. C. llOOTOX, Cltairnian Sate Committee. w'"' U J Pa., Jan. 1, ls:sa. ibr, Si-.u n. V C. L. MAiitE, ! W est Clu-.--t.-r, -i rt-ta: ics. v, - - l'-,u- i.'i. i.Vii'.'j"! I" I . p.rti. . - i ;:..: -' , : i'. - !.' , " I ,r I W l '. ') ' ; 1 i ' ;t r;.i.-'.-. . r... .:" ; . . . - v : - r. : -'-J 1 .'.'i-'. Jlrf r- I'. Khi't'i;!.:. ax Meetisc. The aonual l.iini ts iii.c-iing cf tbe nvjmViiean party ut Si.tr.cr-vt c:untv v.i'.l be laid in tbe C.v.iri Il-'ti-fe, S mierset, on TueyJay, Jn urv 'Tib. , k: 7 r. ei. A full turnout Is eoi.S.'.cJtly exjvetcd. JOSIA1I KELLER, Lo 15. Sv-vi.i., Chainnnn. rk-cr. larv. '.'ar T.'.ac Jl it::. b tiiii. .v A- r J, k,l P. M., M.u.ml l ura li e LSl're.-s .... arivni; M., I ft-Un.i.J bkkUlng ail ia.-i nik mi Uric. I i ar su'.s.--ription 1; is inc icusin? riglit j ai-.-cfc'. mi 1 v.e can't help it. j AH ili - aiij 1;kIi-s tre pining tor I lk1 i-kitlnc- ixercUe ia tbe open air. We arc- :i-:.:n c.)a;nl!cd to hold over a c.nn ii r ot snlereKtint; communications. i- M .ili! nl I; ,,'.,M.int rv-utc to ut ni'tij. c :.I 7 41 J va. M. :..;iL- ;. u a. m.: i x.; 1 I-'.: ttio li-.ta .ln'. ! Tbi:e . . Co., !U I.e. irs' til's w ill indicate tbe sweating o!f tb;it Las been 1 a two t. ci-lis' term ot ( a l!ie LM'iib o! tbis Xew Year's Day was one or Ibe mort plensitnt winter Uy we bare ever bad. t;rif til. clear ana warm, it was too ilo ligbtlul fir 'bis season of the year. Busi ness was only partially 6UspeoideiL and a good many store and ofllce doors remained oK-n. There were no games or sports alKiuttonn, no drunken men that we ob served, and the day passed off very quiet ly indeed. The c-irrit-r boys were around with their annual greetine?. and received quite liberal donations lroiu subscribers, to whoiu they return theit most sincere thanks, la the afternoon there were fam ily n unions and turkey dinners. Later in the ilny the yonng gentlemen were out railin;; 'on their la J- friends, and the streets were thronged with ronple. In the eveninsr a dozen or more Somerset la dies and gentlemen attended a phantom itarty at the residence of II. L. Baer, Esq., ind as many more asoml gathering at ths risidi'uce ot Mr. Curtis Kooser. to Titc otn rrn. The entertainment given by Mr. Ar thur Ixre and his most estimable lady, in the Court House, Monday evening, owing to the inclemency ol the weather was, but slimly attended. Those who were pres ent tan't say enough in praise ot these young and brilliant entertainers. Tbcy are both finished musicians ; their charac ter ileliniations are wonderful, their acting faultless, their sketches original, their local hits good and their son js immense. They were earnestly solicited by a number ol those present to give another perlormance this evening, billowing to other engage ments they were unable to comply with the requvsl ; they however, agreed to re turn next weekend will give another o( llicir inimit:i1il iiiti-rlAinmints on Turn. dav evening, the 13th inst, wheD.judg- Hnmng,n namo. irum tbe enthusiastic manner these present last eight sH-ak of tbe performance, we have no doubt they will be greeted by a crowded house, lo hear Mrs. Love sins li"bin Adair" is, ot itself, more than worth the price of admission. Mufli J aat itilTeriOK , ' Out la the mow. Like a lone traveler Wcarv and flow Weary and slow Weurj aod dreary the last bears ro, OS the dying year ; And always aad ever. With frifchtiul endeavor, Vita "now, InTo, or never," lie catches at me. He seeks to embrace me, With hne to solace me, And woes mo to follow O'er hill-top and hollow, ToUnds that are hidden forever from m-. Hut, "old tine,' I know ttee. Out in the snow Too veil, do 1 know thee. Flodding so slow, ThroQKB the depp enow, Tt rlukled and furrowed, I see tl.ee g'S TbCKhostofavear! I ftr not to follow O'er hill top and hollow, IJke (klmralng of swallow. Thy progress to see, And companion to be, While thus voyaging fie ; And mark the conclusion Of all Ute's contusion And bow time will reckon an 1 settle with me ! rti:t going, 1 go not - Out in tiie enow ; And stavlrg, I stay not Out Is the caow, " tfby should I go Trudging and freezing alune In the snow. , To see th.c laid low ? For thou, art the same Report of Somcr-n t County TtaciiL-rs' Institute, hoi J iu tbo Court "House. rJom. ersct, Vii.. beginning Moiulay, 1)jc. 'J.!, and ending Dec. -3, IST'J. WEDNESDAY AFTEHSoOX. j Music ; prayer by Kev. Critclnlld ; : reading ot iiiinutts adoptton and roil call, "IIow shall (,ood teucbers be kept in the profession?" was ojeci'd by Beil, who, iu brief remarks gave tho generally accepted theory, "pay more wanes ;" bv also thought that au education of the pub- ; lie to respect our profession was necessary, remarked tunt as Chri.-itm.u was with in nj iUauuiiai vi-ii, and as u:.ii iU t ill ot joy and good ' v.i;!. It is t!;e gla -Id.-ut lUy of all thoyear. i I: celebrates thn advent ot tue purest love i to our race. It has outgrown sll prejudice, ! iP(Kiition and narrow minded bigotry, i an.i is now accepted throughout all Chris- j timdoiu as the day ot joy. T lie g.reat holy j of the entire l.'hi ivia?i and civiiiz -d world ' gather on tbis d-.y nr. mud Iijth!.-;lieiii's : aiaui-r, which i t the .-.-.'lilting rv.ntre ot Christmas il.-.y, in the est, and in tbi . nu. T H E H E R A L D rOil THE "TTJJVIi yet, in summing up, he mocev ever commau.'.s r.tspect. he believ- j ,,',. , , , eu that all could be cntt.raml uuder the ! " !ron'.o! . a'' lirct stated principle. Followed by sever-, r, ,,',7V.', 1 "i .', a.e,u. ... - - i an,j llve christm-. ods of teathin-' spclliuir. K. li Wt L, i;i tbe north and s-iiith, on the !:. or iioalinj on the -.'ti ;oni one end of the world to th'j ther men, women and ttii tongues, uiid t.i:vl ti.iy, iiiretiiUf; liieir ! 0 M im em Wj X. m w m o to aa- " Mcth-StLucr :ii'Dt !i. . mi' : k 1, liL : t :e eted 1 u-t week to .!vs to Mrs. A. J. : iu'. -.Ui-s sent us return our .hell, for a I.!.. i u: .a paver meeting vtillbe held in yti-:i-ii Ch'jrcii, eseh evening, !.e ; testtit wk of pniy-.T. ua;. 9 a ci .l..bn I. Ilhoi.l--, of Sny . I ...a -a :5i-:kf'airc h'V- niuitecn V.;.l od' d 547 pounds. ,S!!-K. 1. PAt.- afcHAj. rci-i r. iv : aiA nAiltOAr. j Tlii- :': Leap Y.::r. Now, girls you ibavr an .-her ch-aicj to leap into some fe!...'s utms with-ntt waiting t te asked. y. V.1T, . (!. K. K. i - T.inc Tat i. -. tr. l-svill .. il i::.ta on i-tSu:,.':). i, .1 J,. VC. i'hc . ?:kc . t- .lUlr;:y . iNM.it. 1 'ji.r;!: ).; l-,-;iyh is ia a c ..! the necess-iries f 1'ie in l .iu.-vlv;.:ii Esstern Oliio and Sciil! kit lor Philadelphia j.tv:: 1 the Wel I'hiUdt-lphia i - r tje priiieip.Ubip of l'rot. 1 lr; ' . .- ! !.n ! I.;.;..! ut. iL-ir- vrs p: Sated in 1 Wi. 1 r lv- ) c..ntains the sir.ie tiliag joUcs that up;H.-arel in a. . C. X. 'v.t)ic tr.'.i'.'.e this tioic as two ;vo t. s.-ratehed out when :: tii.it the old jiar has lt.-a v -a uc '.v oac. ..a wU. or C ve While a hearty welcome will lie tender ed the New Year, upon ita advent into the wor.it, the ladies of marriageable age, and peaple who were liorn on tbe 29lU day of February will have reason to rejoice iu a particular manner. It will be a Leap Year, and according to time-honored usage, which extends back to a period whereof tbe memory of man runs not to the contrary, there are rights accorded tbe tuir sex which are denied them during three out ot every lour years. Their re-rogaii-.-e consists ia arranging for halls, ex-cur-i..-. ttc. , aud inviting their male coai; si:v . and they are also authorized to pop the .j :r stion to the inan upon whom their ailc-v. i -ns have been lavished, but wLo is tardy a'out making tbe momentous announcement for bims-ll. Just imagine, young man, how basbtul you will be when the lady upon whom you are "mashed will cx.il at your home some evening before l.ic. und ask vou to be hers tor lite, or un til a divorce court separates you trom her. The coid chilis will run up and down your spiual column, but the whispered a!!irma ttve answer will come all the same. Young men and women who came into the world on the odd February day cn compress four anniversi'.rit-s into the one, and just abandon themselves lo the tn'tel solid good ticie possible. II.wi'V NirriAL. Oa Tudiy even ing last an eveut occurred at the Lutheran church, tbis pHca, ot a most happy nature. We allude to the nmrriaie of John S. bba t.-r, an attaclie.: of thisotlice, to Miss Liura I'icking, youngest daughter of Mr. Barnet I'kking. At precisely eiiitit o'clock the wedding party advanced down tiie main aisle to the altar. El 11. Ilaer. EJ IJ. S,-u'l, Frank Kwil-tuwaite. anJ Geo. U. i-cun a.tiag in the trarwicitv c f n-ihers. w 11 A thce gone before ; hitjr one thoa dofl add. To the buib'jm I bad Tofpenl from my chllJhol One Im of my manhne-1 Is left, fiac thoi. Sevestt-Nisk. art now dead '. 1.... . -.-.:. -. I'nrlr Jey Br ) deeds of kill-dues creates a new wcr! 1 1 lof though: and teclings ; it brings "Glory! ' ,. i : . . I : .. . i .. i. : i. ..... ...I .it. oiiened the question, who gav, m Lr.ef h s : is oal; methixls ot teach.ag tbt. braniu. ,the wt bk-s,.;d, but likewise the greatest ideas were generally accepted as the only ; f b,ilUv -Xjuplw ,ivjD, f) lV ,,r tru.wayto success Further discus.,!; nh 'fJ t.ylloloert, who advocated spelling re-. f . . r ? , . most j voiis world d .y. Si:-.nding atnidj the fecial iiay ot earth's n itioa3 l.k'j "Jo- j seph's iheai'uar 1 the lowing slieavcjof; his lirethren. There is no other least or Cut day beaming with such fullness of joy, and shading l irih such blessed rays ot joy lu'.o .the home circle, and. no V T H T V.AY. T 1880. JULY. T H . "it T V T W JEPTEM3ER. T w, t . r . 8 1 i I 4 .1ST 10 2 S 4 5 T ' S 4 S T' S 9 1) i S ! 11 IS 1! 14 ti IS 17 9 M 11 1J 1.1 15 H 13 IS 14 li IS 17 U: I I If VJ ) Jl Si -M -J4 W 17 1 1! 2U 1 C H Vj ai ! rj ii -jl !u ai light and an.ive all, into thu hearts of children ; form. Chuir apfiointed committuu t draft rts- . 1...: ..:..l. ..... f- II oiuituiiu on luc silbucuoi iauut. j rrot.-esor loiing was tnea latrouuecu to the iustituta who lectured on Derivation of Words, l'rof. Young at once gained the confidence of the Institute by his able lecture. He showed a full comprehension of his subject and, aided by his happy style ot delivery, ho doubly iuinres;td liis audience ; adjournment. V. EDNfcDAT EVENI.VO. Music; recitation Woman's llii'atj by Miss Ella Musse'nian. Tbis la ly ren dered the piece ia such admirable style, that showed her "master ot Ilia situation." It surely whs inimitable and deserves the praise it elicited irom tue ilengc'.a erne. Z-iusic. Iecture, "AV.i' tint li bore," by Pref. j Him who tirst lived us." Young. latere sting as were the several I One oi tho elements entering into the features of the Institute, all joined in pro- i bea-j'y ot Christmas, lies in the tact that it s i -T a sy m si ; -u -a j t, :v I I . ' i 1 31 til FEBRUARY. M T W T , V . g !5 IS I ; i ; 1 - 4 : ! n ; 11.14 17 1' !1 --'J X4 : ' 'A '.V .vJ 1 i 3 4 & S 7 8 9 1U 11 12 13 14 16 IS 17 IS 19 20 XI -J ii 21 H 'J6 ml -Ji ta ! j i oihr festival dove'.ops and reveals in its customs, s .ngs und git's, the mighty pow er of religious thought sosimpiy and mag nificently C'liri!:las and i's celebration. The liis-'i-ibuiion of Christum gifts, ia do mestic and s )ti.'U circles, belongs to the m::s: pL'auut piclurts and events ot the life of the heart, to the most reSreshing memories ct the past; couMmi'.ly protnpt- csi aoui- juir auu eucouraitiau us i ) remeaioer anu i l-)ve one another, and above a!! to "love Jexnehtown ITEM9. Ed. Heuald. As it is very seldom 1 Uher you with any items from this place, please publish the following in your valuable paper, as they may be read with interest by some of your many readers : Dr. Drewster is with us at present, and appears to be doing well at his prolesion. Mr. J. F. Kautz. who has been confined to his room for several weeks, is able to lie about again. The store room formerly occupied by ?rank Sir is now btine riliti Hp witti coods bv James M. Cover, ol Jenac-r X Hoods. The Cornet Band take the opportunity of thanking, through your columns, all who contributed towards the purchase ol their instruments. We are sorry to see so many of our good neighbors leaving us to seek homes in the tar W est. The turee Crooks' lamiiies will proceed on tneir journey westward ia a tew weeks. Messrs. Ed and Frank Sije, on Monday last, started on a journey to the tar West ; and, from what we can learn, they intend to mi'.ke Nebraska their future home. May they have all the success due them. The boys of the Cornet Band feel quite elated over their new instruments ; and well they may bo, for they have tbe finest set of instruments in the county. It I am rightly informed, the retail price wu fat''.. Oar schools have been poorly attended during the past lew weeks, on account ol sickness. tcarlet-rash appears to be tbe commuuttr. Bouncing; that notuing equaled mis tex ture. Deiivt-ruu iu a line style ci orator-, abounding ia fine logical arguaiect,rouu t ed sentences, tilled with pathos, wit and fact. This lecture is beyond our criticism. Gymnastic exercise's with Indian wai is a uay sacred to friendship, civile so by the merry laugh, cheering words and the msny gins prompted by loving hearts. TU'j writer ol these lines was hansell very pleasantly surprised on Christmas eve. Jluring my absence several lautes Young and Sharp?. A 1- j visited my room, leaving a number of use- b: i ui C n.it I i-.r r:.-:.: i- v.tp ,,.-.. i inz to the absence ol l'rot. lK-lil.-. who is ! prevailing epidemic ia our uievat.'e. It has raimd iKua'.lv on hand on such occasions. Mrs. It is not so bad. however, as it was a few . rcn.ierns the r oa:!s Yal Hay kindiy consented to preside at the weeks past. -s aim s: impa-s- icrgtn. acd as the pn-cession moved up the J XJie Christmas hslival held in theLuth ! a-5" l1:l-veJ lhe march, and dui-i trifl cj,urco great surpassed our esmcu.- i iag ie ceremony son, sweet music, i ue i imfc At an tar!v noilr ,.i,lc I gaa to cather in, and de-ii.ite the snow stoim Me.-t sa'.'Scrilh-rs s ur.'ry r m.Is iii a a. Tiii a.v.-.uats e ia l" into t .n n ?. -.i c .nditi-.n of -.v i j jlt. ! iii itna.'s cerem )ny was performed by "more i Whetstone, pastor of the Luth- r the ran church, who understaais how to tie a'id the . 'h' matnnionia! hcit in the neatest aud clubs I'rols. journment. ful articles together with aa envelope con tucrsuat xoa.M:;o. j tuiaing a handsome sum o( money. This ir . . . ,1 , rrr.r ll,.';tul- i,v-,.. i v.as a very unexpecieu visii, one uoweve prayer by K'jv. Whetstone; nviding ef terested thcm.s;lvej in bringing about this mini 11 ac- , that vill alwavs itratefuliv be remembered. : Ts. 1 . . ,J ...l , :... : minutes adontei', on correction ot IlOiOeit I . . , . . , . . 1 , -... -roll call. CnSuished business, rejwrt of lHreiwu lucu1;nei " Pr:.nS,nS a"oul committee on r..-s -lutions on sickic-ss ot Int urpr, and in tuts way rr m I. f -sied their ktt.iiiv ftehni.j, I hope l, Chair appointed Messrs. Miik-r. Co.A. c-pt my itcir.u-,. .uj,,ks. aad bailor, to wait oa Mr. Hauua. M.- .. .i. iir..-T.. MARCH, ; T W I : tABi mi y t2T SUBSCRIPTIONS 12 A YEAR. locai, Abvitmr-.tviTrxi-EXT- mm:. OCTC'S.K, T : : ! i : 1 i 3 4 1 7 9 lo II VI la 14 IS Ifl 17 IS I j -j .1 .i Zi : '-'4 Iii -Jl 2. -jj -.a i ) : SJ.. 'ill' ! NOVEMBER. r s PkED HOT PJEFUBLICN. ,T tTt i 1 2 3 4 " I 7 S 9 10 11 lu' lit 14 li IS 17 1 1st -,V ii -a u 2i Is ' -J) til I 1 AH. . JUNE. s:jt T w ? . w a a t w t Of All Klnifj .Vn.V KXKf'lITKll. II 2 - 4 5 1 ' 7 A 9 - It !.' V, 14 li M - is 1j ii Jl K T. - J3 J7 r a m AUGUST. T W T M B a X DECEMBER, T W T r ' '. I in i I im i i f t i i i i ; J i l j t 4 I i I I IM ! I il U 1 M 11 12 13 14-- & 7 9 ij It 11 IJ t i 14 15 IS 17 13 14 li H 17 IS t't IS IS 17 IS 19 20 21 12 la 14 T. IS 17 M .n l-i JJ n -l is -.11 -l -a -;i -Ji JJ -J-s 21 S4 XT. 2S 27 J 19 'J. 21 ;J JJ J4 ti t Jo 27 Vif Li Z' ! I ; ; I i ,J7 2S Jt M i i ! I I I I Z 30 SI i ! I l .t Ti 29 J . 01 I i I ROW EES ET Ft A KKlf t j C'.xjK k. KisrxiTS. turn ot Ktv. tntcbtieid to send greeiings to Westmoreland County Tt ichers" Insti tute, carried. 'SuoUid pupils be ti.-jUired losuidv outside of school t" was opened by A. j. Colborn, Jr. This questioa was discussed pro aad cou and no dttiuitc con clusiun was reached. Iecture, O lds end Ends, by I'mlesss-r Young. Ciirijt'-ni3 anthem, by Irvin J. Hi-liiey. Music ; Lecture on Scs-jjI Hyztctse, l.-y Dr. Moore ; an ublo japer read, lepieie with i Tactical ictorniation, well deserving tbe practice of all our teachers. The schools of our childhood- liicussed bv Kev. Crhchrk-id and others. Alter CHOICE CP.0CER1ZS, FLOUR & FEED several motions it w:.s ncaiiy dec.. kd cot lo hold regular sesoi-.a of tiie Ina.tute iu the atlernx)n ; but uil who sa tit to tu gage ia the ex-jrcis--3 ci,u!i dc so. Ad- jouratd. TIJVrIVVT AVTEKXOOX. Informal meeting. Aa iaterestirr meet ing was neiu, cicussing nisny suijjc;, C. I. Cook iu the chatr ; A. J. t.o;u n, Jr., Jseerelary. TUL'liUAV tVtSIMJ. No sessiwa was held this evening as '. :e U-jv. S. W. Davis had engaged the C-ur;-riKitn lur his lecture oa Egypt a-. 1 thj Ilolv Liid. A full iio'dse grc-tcl the lit-in A Iikms t l i.e m.!.:..j1 children o Uisina were tn'.eria'aed at the Lutheran I li church, on Wcdn'-sday tveniag, preceding New year day. lhe church tvmg gaily ornaiuciited with evergreen, mottoes, etc. Two be-autiful trees 1-aieueJ with g'd things t.ipleafe the average boy. Tbe L'r s;r,a land, in ch ir j:o of their teacher, l'rof licit: r, was oa ban 1 with their best mu sic. M'isic bv the choir. All passed oil pji-jt-iat.v ; evtrvoo-iv seeti-i-d in Ham: i. pricclp'il i Lin:- pubttc EcUoe'is, is !ing very lo.v sua.p'.ioa. 11 .1 iai'i i,.is - sevelal we- deasud. 'iiK Crsina " ki,.. itn con- Jui.nB3, ac: t: i E' BU tint ft, V l.a Piact'f, eia:e-J, & E i t-a l.axi. i a Core K .i. n- .il. I.uli S.i.lhi rn ir Jinia. V r-l-u'-r , . . . . ... " Ofmcd .J . .i.. 1,-3 ......., . I T. I. room U. nfiaeil to his on, Jioctor Ar-ples. .tris.!. S. Api -eiia-.tir, (I gal Iir:.a. ! l'-1 is I'a.ter, V l.otter. 'ii & ir"ii l-.at-kjih-.-.-., ? ..a::.-! " iroal, IjO t .. ic.--wai. 7:1 ii. .-j, c-juMcr. yi ft-!.M, " C')un;ry h:'.o.s, .. 1ot?, (??.r f ouitnel torn, (shelled) y UuaLel..., CVrn w-l r"1 C-.i( tkir.f. 1 Hjiri, ' o f.. ur. -rl yiaxt-e.1 t , (i til JiiLU.-,. (sui'iJ-:rs-ii . Lap!, . Jjej'.aer, red rote, V NE WXI VER TISEMESTS. . tn 'jr. ... 41 UI lie gUEIUFF S SALE. l!y virue or fprtain Trit. of Vend. K.t. A! fend. Ka. Fl. F. and Ijer. Fa. ir-aed out o'Cturt ..I Uomnva Ptran .t S .mrt c.unty. Ph.. mn-t lo ne lire-tel. there will im ex r l u. pa'. lie a le at -.he Court Mouse, lu.sk.inur:t. Fa., on Friday, January 2:J, ISso, at 1 o'clock r. v.. nil the rfctit. tiiW, in-en-t anl claim ol tte d-!t:n.l3ni, W t-i.-v i;. Ib;.nl:r:. in sn l lo the fil!..winz .icw ri' '. r it -::i'e. r n ale in .Viiil..M lw... .nr."r."vt .vu'i'v. l' , c,3. k? talninst acr. inore or ir-J. a.l'rtoart-J. on 12 uo . wlo. Q I two rt.irv irarno :i. .!... I. ar,. jc ' MaMe ihcps.o eier'ud. . 1,-, a l..nk, M,i..,ira..x tc ' l-.nds ! J. .V. Sajrlor. W. l. crii:ir Hu.r; 11. .q ciD. t.-a uiuer-. wiin ii:e Hl.pur.cn.ir'-J. ... I to lis I laKen In eie.-o!!..n at t!i -out ol Herman L. ...X'i to loe Baer. awiirote of Henry Kreasr, u?e oi fcl.xt t. ;-c j tuner. 2r i ALSO Ml All the riichi. tl'.la, lnierrt i.. etatia -f V.'m. j J..hnin. Sr.. i.l. In .in 1 1 t!. l. il.iwi-. U'TrlKe.i ; r-l esiate, ;tuat" lu St. ! iwp , . iucr-t . . -- j Fa., cmtaltilns lo acrrs m t? ,r cf w!:i -l; r ! ;: j tln:re are (.ul So iri ci.-r an t lo a- res in ...be w!CC I mrai'.w, with a one n-try l- q ii- u. 1., r,.im, I- -jl ..tit . Mal.ie mi4 other ou:l.uii-!)iit4 ilicrs.n crvc-e.1 a-:. , j.iiini uin.-.soi joiin ao-Pi,;. i.ur. Julio NEW Alt V;; TMEJIESrS E AS , A SPECIALTY. HEADQUARTERS FANCY and STAPLE .IX It RARE and CHOICE COFFEES. J.I!. Jt'NKLVS. 2S fifth Avciiuce Pittsbursli, Pa. OIDEAEODSSSFJCULTIB. M Tl,IMOMAL. Tl.-irsdi !.U . l. 11! lecturer ; lhtmelv UimT. :ius;c : niauv ot our s ot th-j i'; p :'.' tei-.chers uvauii.) taltv ' . r this rat; tich'.esl way rsi'jie: und was witnessed -ro- l.vr fii..l !..;.-s britij;ht la. fore . i -r !aeiti"U?'y re- "jy bad ireca oa the p.'.ice :.t ..tut yi ars uaJ UUt h-jj r.i-vi-r tiiuut an hi. e p il 'ry u:.- the en; .-ti.er e ire in t. I;., iv si i n was a very sat to tut d. a;e;s ia s-.-as..na!.'.e ii'i r ot s-ih-s ma.ie exceiuiiig - porch iserv cen-11-k ral. e:.-ridirs th ir . i.sso a. i. l'..yd V i .- ut C 1 (,'i-ir A lo at ITtv a .-.rtiii. at in S.; ti 1 1 set jis and .mil v at Ir 1 z-1 s N Li lc. li ft. re pttchasir.; i.v.r- A llarci-tu S.r.Hrsj.t fa. . I'ir-"cs kt r-wisr tl.err.c!vt-s n li.y i. i-, will pi-.ise c",i au j :. tt :..iti.er i: 'tit c. j. K. r.n.kLi;. -:i ill- te :i. y tr-ia live to sis hundred people, every available seat in the large spacious church being ivcjpied. After the wedling a in ..-t ele.r;.ct and sumptnotis repast was served at the hoaie ot the bride. We were 1 l hi i U t 1 eelil, ijui ui.c .alc ucaiu eui u ui- liii ' 1 sor'.ptions ot it a. to make its wi-h we had 3 j been. Miss Picking;, now Mrs. SUafcr, is 'one of our most excellent voting ladies. . .. :unl s ill make a w lie that any man mtitht be proud of. John ought to le a happy ! man, and we have no doubt he is. As lor j hi:n, he is a good-looking, honorable and ' enetgi tic young nun. 1Mb. have our sin jevre wisiies for their happy future. The i Ik.ys ot the IIekai.d wish ns to return ! thanks to the friends of the bride lor the delicious cake sect thera. , nua.'ir of wateh m.etliiiis were held t'-ivn New Year's tvc. tjuite a large wd of young lo'.ks as-nibied at tbe res t,l Mr J-i.sit. S, h !l wrl ft t.h-rt t .. r. . ,.rr. iii Mr l .!llill?lif klM. rUUL UI tril 1 U.1U uawcu Jill- A FroAi iocs LmFRTiSE. For the past .? n j.-.i-cee o .:i. J..:U parties rtpirt a rery pleasant !,'.-. ( e.ir .'lily o1 j--eti.ia w;.s that e wire wa'tl-ed to.i ch-Svly, for jdessure. -r-, 1 -A.: pero-rts in '..1 'vll R!i .'.s':.t d to me o i Settle w.iaoui S-L I Hi.. tbr . t;,.l : . 'l. l:iag:;i .1 line oi :'esp tor Cii-U. .ioMAtt Ki.;.!. it:: a ris Cos's creek oa the .urspifce. . ..;'. two miles west of town, is in a c-t.d ::!! 1 1 r-ncler drivinc or riding on r ii tv.n t:eiy d-iDL't-rous. The super v'.s ..rs -r I ir -rs who have that section of ti.e r 1 acUer their supervision, should s. e ti, .1 the ! ridje is retired !ef re Mue an idt :.t hai-;v.-as and th-v are called upon j to pay heavy J;ctitt j t Mr j oople ad go.l bye to li'.9 with a j l.lader fi-.-'.lne towards tiie old year thiu t!i:.t vitl. vihkh they watched the Cer-au-j 1 1 :vTv. Tl.r year Just elided ta ;t -.en t.-t.rstoi in era ot naewel Lti i r --s prosjH r;'y. an! a .'.:. vrotL-i shall Si.indler bis worked at the black - smith shop of Curtis Kooser. He hailed Irom home place in West Virginia. In bis intercourse with men he seemed an affable, moral gentleman. He was industrious and bcr. and a capital workman. With tbe ladies he pursued the course ot a reck less and remorseless libertine. Some weeks ago he was forced to marry a ftirl living in Somerset Uwnship. After bis maniage he continued Lis attentions to other cir's never even paying his wile vi:t attar Im was i.iinpit lo her. On Tn dav another victim lodced information against Spindlt-r f. r fornix et ret, and he was arrested by Constable Gilliert. On oae pretext or another he delayed the exe cution of the warrant, aad finally sayinz I he had to co up stairs to eet a book to aad mud. the house was filled toits utmo.-t capacity. The children seemed over-joyed ot minutes aad at the siirht of tue trees, with their Iruit- I he thai.- v.y laden-branches, dropping gifts into all their bands. The con.ai.ltee ot arrangements deserve credit for the judgment exercised ia arranging the gills. The address deliv ered by Itev. Spaugler was very appropri ate. V. S. M. n.tDAV praver by lie v. 'v ! i:ve ;i.at a- iiii ( !! of 1 tejinnin ' rs- i. I- a e T !dnii.rl a-1 ? Vi 1 a Am ri'nvop It a tiie cew yeartsbnrht , f i- ""i"".'- , .. . cave ine iii(f-r me fc;-.o. oaseu oui oi eue v. sad v -te prtiJt utlv, so i auv t-e even t rthtir iarta F.r .'..il 11 r A v, a? ir.tiiaited la the Herai.D some ii.e aj", xit. '.,7,'iM rliiS occnpiisl bv W. :.s' iu r s;t 1an k r.ttst i r !.. 1 i; r The ta:o e'i r.sl-jit-d ly its i it o i. a oa tbe t .d. ti . deposit in the crip tr..ui dis'tJ 1 tail. I Oiis.,.;. ! :-s .s.i-.L "-ti. ir j JJ. Ltat-r aci ia. li. Ci'ttrota. Ls-'is.. on j M.iia f. r.-.t, bi.ve ieta sold to parties i h.e tatr.es e have t-e- n enable to learn ! ho prop.- cnvertir.e them into a M .ii.t'.:'-'.! ii.-v-l. The sale consum j mattsj i'U tbr 1st in.-!.; p -.s-ioa to be ! ;:t it ou li e Is', ol April. Truly. S. .tuer- t - 1 tv-.r..: a h- u-l U m. i.i. i a. -slt.VC V t!iK.r ro ;1.'U 1: : 1-1'. ! 'A-! ;! 1 issue ot the T orthuaiber'.and . Si in. .-, rot we ai-iii-v that, on the ... ..: j .ni.rv . :!:Ti.r Mr. J- F-. E:i h- i;' ::z. :a ; :;ii h'ni ;a the t-t;U!u-A- ;. :t --lid g-airJ Vlr. -l that pajr ur uaJ; !;i al i:i L. Le..n. 1 A r; ;s a y. .'.y AtiJ w a: a; f.'i ii .'I Vi.sl a '. : rir iia- n.ir; of j;nat f-r nl n i;.- a a!..o'y. He has l.i tL.s jiace, wb ij iip ...i' i. ia un x.aa-U-U euc :;.stlc Cirreer. Ol a Veri- 1 e r . .;. ':..! r.i v. a li.t li.. i. 4l i.j. .r i nt. r li.i '. i,i a s . th likitiit ian a at tL'r ia::.. '. '.. iii Si h t.. .i r sad r. :v a ' V l-.-u : :..r t . taKe a Jsa.- j Lt-rrri: -it: the . ii.. "il t.'ti r a,a.-n.J jy i;iLtii t:iit T. n evi a. t.r.ght .elr "itrocs to ii.vii.r.i.1 v. Co. 's IVr 'r. as i; is it... ui t r i.a ..i g.ve a jvr i.t rvi.r. '.V a lU at ti-e lctiltta- tilt" ! -r 'upt ri.-r ; ut ;v. -it! a i ; i,.l. r trd ; t : " ' Ti i .w .i ir n Ti.' ..rw Is ' c e t U. s-r..i Uxt ift !.- to v... i..V.er. V. ur It r ."' - ir;.-u .J i jititg a - -. a, lw. i : j,, B .. . i-1? ': isc ,- it vtri J:vd- perl.i.is Vvi i-ui --giu i.:u- f.ivtry t,t. ,.j Vrrd k stt i 'J vo -ue ; c , it . -te Iliat e wouiJ jn-:.e- '-- T .c ot tl e ti. k. ' V-!3:'J ft?. A urt'e pro-' i...- r..ta-. jn to cay t-ei I l'fl s ci ' i.e iim't t.i Uit.N a, s-. s ,.; iLt. l.u, tt aid fc Sic aiarn'.ipj:. niakx; .! s j U a?iat : su aad ijL,,aey a liit r.o i--.n ki :Vi 'Li. i. - e rw- i '--.-. ii.e -.ii. a,i'r K ,ar L-4i.V. tl.'i trv .n Ai.ji.st X'.-ioi. 'Y.-ar ' -t-'r talc L a j-iirt .r.i-, mt.ti :Jtj-i (-. Yi-a Cin tt. v m "t ir.se. I V-t- 1 I ;.c- i il.itv sta bs straik the Her ' At.t in tijQ.i". JJiiting tbe i-as; two j vnks e Lave addej more new, cah in .i.l;ar.o.. ?-.!';-vi::h:s to oar list than ever ; ut a -re in the saa.e sj-sce ot t:me. U is a ( ; 1 -lit and .ri.t;ii iag isiicatioa that the !...: .- :-.i st KiiJ l .st psper in the county' i is at.pr.'- a'.f'. a:x; tht our jwople are e'e J u ru.iDtU o ke p li.t aistlvt-s ptei!. is po . I.:.! iviLts. as well as the nes of the ! day, iltirmj; tae i-x. itia; presidential m ! rtisa. lu.taz ti prexxt yre will iaor-Vor to kte: the Ht KaLn liptothe Iftar-isrd it so !'; acpiired and so con -' :a.Iy ialaiiiiod iii thi past and. w IVsel ja-siin-d tt iJ if e do this our rs lerse ! aillt fii!:y nils fled. i Fcsn Dlai Oa New yetr' dav : Mr. McICelw. who works for Mr. D. 2t. lie-, a? cbaroVi bnrning. discovered the iVad Irdyof a mm in the about four hui'.drej ytr.is irom the Punk rood. rr.ileit.l a !ta f s.atb-st of S-mierset. An ia jutst was held by Es-p Ogle on the remaps It aptv-arci teal tar rwoy was ll.ai of Ar-ii't HrlL of Greenville t..wn i.i;.. ho hid bin coairaired to the Poor ii -.niSc n the oth of November. lfTS. and hid i-u Uitte 1-ur or fire dsys uhscjaent Iv. He vas vli tj.d cfcil'ish. aad bad evi j.ci.v .'r.4-n u Ii-ui sic-rdr after hi --;- f.-.m iht I'.x-r Houj. Jht body, al th4.:h It l.d nti lined af-vta f ecliathe w .. u C H .-y c.act titciMnpiti. -ef ack d.mr, to-.-k to his heel, and escaped All ell oris to catch him proved inetfectuiL Spindler's victims were poor girls whom he seduced under promise ot mirriagc. We bear that the two we have mentioned are n.t the only ones that have succumbed to bis villainy. We publish a description of the man. hoping it will be inserted ia our exchanges, and other communities saved Ir&m his presence : He is about five feet nine inches high, tremnndous chest and arms, small eyes, large n wie, heavy jaws, dark hair, and i--d in the ntizhlxrhood ot thirty years, lie speaks quickly, in low toms, aad U weil calculated to deceive aay oae Lt ;sitt-d in ".he tvil ways ot the world. Hi- Hoaor and Soly have been having a very busv lime ot it l.r the past week. From thirtv o far.y small boys, charged with bt iag rioloas aud di.rdtrly aad hav ing c-m::::'.tei various o'Uer breaches t4 the borotijh ordiaarc s on Iw Year's tvf. luv; ken br .ught tf -re his High-nes- fined, impris .ned or disohsrirfd, as thvir re;y.ttive cases ni riled. Ce.urt c:a veaed Tharsdiy atiernoon at 2 o'clock and coutina-d ia session the balance ot the week, adjourning only fur a brief space at intervals tor fresh culpri's to I brought in. Dv S.;Uir.Uv niornini: S'.v commenced to lo-.k hagii-ird aad weary from much ran ning, anJ he a as igain ordered by the Major, ia a deep, baas voice, to "bring in more p:ioaers." As he thought of the long i base up si reels and domn alleys be lore Uui he gave vent tp his over wrought teeiings ly a small bit ot profanity, not in tended fur his Hon.'s cars, but simply as a relief. "What's that you say," thun dered his Honor. "Did I understand yoa t.) teal- that I w;js a d d old leather j head t ' So y Kvked mcacn ng, took a bite iol ses-t craektr, and aaiii "yea." "Then I hoe you live dollars, by m. No profanity, not a d n bit of profanity j will be" allowed in thi Court." and he saak tMU.lL into Lis seat exoaasted. Ny linked d.-j.-c.rd. wijieil the dmp from bis nose paid the fine. rne-.itd out aod the t Court t d aiijourced f. r the tine. Njturlay altemocn Court rcoocvened a; 0 lhe ba.ar.ee ol tec aay was la&en up in heaiiui lesl'taocy and imposing haea on such as had esoip-d the v'g; lance of the olkeman tbe day ltorc Ii came out is the tesuni oy that after the fine was im posed on Saly, be redtmblcd bis vigilance and when an unfortunate hove in sight he cbasenl bnu at a rate ot speed that wouid have put the blush to IUrus or tbe Maid. I'p to ibe present time ot writing forty -t otrsaiaii boys have been rulhleseiy !rae ped IxIhtc bij Honor, for no other crime thaa baring LelbraUi.i tbe advent of the Nir Year, ia accord a rice siU. a ess torn so time honored that "the meraorr ot uaa rusneth not to the coatrary." Fkiedexsrckc, Pa., Jaa. 3d, 1TGX lITOK IltUALUi llaviag cot tuea anything ia your valuable paper Irom this place for a long time, I thought I would tive a few items. Christmas has come and gone anJ with it altn.ist another year, but not without leaving some veslige ot the past. To some It h is been a year of joy and prosperity ; while to others il has tn-ea a year of sorrow and misfortune. But 1 must tell you bow the good people ot Friedens observed this day. Tlae Luth eran church was the place selected lo have a Christmas tree. Tbe day previous, there were two larce trees brought from the woods for the pur pose, but they were much too small to bold lhe presents, "and an addition ol one hun dred and eighty feet of rope had to be se cured and suspended from the window to bold the gilts. On Christmas eve there could be seen people wending their way towards the church in groups of from tour to twenty, until the church was crowded to overflowing. A Christmas an them was ung by tbe choir, followed by an address and prayer by the Kev. Welch, after which the distribution of the presents taok place. The these were taken i-om the trees by several gentlemen anu jis tributed throqj'n the congregation by four young ladies. The young Ui.es aud gen tlemen were ladened with gifts, such as handkerchiefs, dolls, pop corn. etc. Al ter the distribution ot the gifts and singing of the doxology, the benediction was pro nounced and all returned to their respec tive homes the gentlemen accompanying the girls to assist them in carrying their present. The Christinas tree ws a sac cess throughout, and much credit is due to the superintendent ot the Sacday school. Messrs. O P. Shaver, Austin Fritz, and Henry Fritr are still with us, aad are be coming very popular with the ta.r ladies ot this place, much lo the disgust of Sitae oi our gentlemen. But as they hive come east for some particular purpose, as tbe western fellows generally do. we will not say anything. They are joiir ftlloas. any how. ( New-year was greeted ly iLel'.iingo: rifles aud shotguns . More arjoo, F. K. A. l).vis : tin' roil cail isp-:-ai:-.: w it a. utt-d is coii.i.i.'.Ue oa rctj lutions : l;-v. Cl itchliel.i, J. C. . e.ler and A. C. liolbsrt ; on puljl: atem, 1: It. ' Siinoer. Miilou J. Pritts ua.l A. J. Ci lKru, Jr. ; on jrnian-.-nt certiilc.tei : 2l F. Or. .If. J. F. Oiveiy, A. C. Hoii.-rt, .i. C. .Miller and 11. O. ilell. Chair read the ioll-nvlng tel-'grxta fr.ra Wes'inoreliUid County Institute, ia rep: to our greetings : , 'Gri.-t.i.Uurg l'i.,.J-liJ u. 1;IJ. T. SillK-riatendeut and Teachers of s):a.rs..-t unty, Somerset, Pa. The Wofr.i up land i tacaers" Institute, atimberiag C U mem!er, sc-mis l si wishes ia returu to greetiEf.s. U.S. K iiil. Chairman." SpeeeUisoa Iustitutcs wire iu.. l.y Prots. Miller and Young, anil Itev. Lavi. ail of whom beiieved ia saying that this Im-liiute was a grand suoCisj au.l fa'.oiel insiilute works. Committee oa revolutions r-pirtjd as follows : E,$o!uJ, 1. That County at;d Iiieric! Institutes, properly conducted, utid to the creation ot correct public sentiment oa Itif subject of educatioa, aad tacr.-lure should have the earnest suiiort ot h.l tru?r iv.-rs of the canse. Li-1 I rsina, Pa., li r..:ab).-il the firm of . r eltca p'-r,' W hie a 'Aa. i ni rt i.-.ive. jiaieil, iv ' .- crowi'd. Hith his L'r.-i; ti.e c;wlv au ;e-l niit-iC. ;:e to the tt I-.' VV.I- i cvenini. January lit, ia tbe Lutberaa church. Mi-s li.aaic, tlauj-hter oi Joha I .-'tarn 9 Mrs. Joha I.vons, of . IS. Lyons i Co. The Ilcv. acd the rr.airlage cereniitny, ..i ,.lt.ii iii well as solemn aud J. 15. Lyons i-.nd Thotnas '...1 r.s ushers. The church Pro!', lict'.'.-.-y v. .s on hand 1'orr.ei !.;io-.l, who treated - tpie t i s of their the tri i.l pair'.y hid 1 hous?. a s-tntpmona Af ' rvi auru oa'.- ol txp.l'-i.tu a:i-i a wt-1' .11 A. i v i.-i cvi-a ' lor i.; te.iv-jri : - Mac. H.t-;y li ytti'i, is ia tli :.. ;t p :i'.ts in the ;i !n.-'i- ,-t und m:t rell-;r.-l by tii: ays! liberal ths firnilv re- wi.l Le better re in er ;-v di-p irtine: ' i t. aad! t of H f iiiQ :; il'fci". J. ltd i'l-ceral Hii.t peitU ne iii'.e i -iitr heen sca-iwa, au- lor hatiitC'', '. r i.l-. niiu m .:0et reparta. they Will be aai ug the tu lest, ta-fct aecu ra'.e tad vii",a,.i 'v j-itblishi.;. Tera.s ?'1.."0 per annual ; or ia t'-a'.-s ol tea, 'r'. A ! 'r. -s. Ko"K, o Xt.ti l i '"o , I'-i'i'l-hers, liisr .it.h Iron iUuli.ing, P.tts'jar.h. The Oakland Jhmter.ti this week says iae project of a railroad troai Cociluecce, Penn.ji ivasia, to thai pUce "is a'X)Ut tak ing d- tiaite shap. and that the lialtira'.re and o,;io c rapany have seen the necessity of such a r-i id end proi patting a corps ot njrlce-.-rs at work t onc-o to locate tbe route." It is lii.'icult at this distance to see what would sustain sach a roaJ. at least in the ia'.i rct ot the iijiiiuvre and Ohio railr-'nid, as by w.-.y ot the Coanelisvillc rfitite near ly the vi a .!-.' rct:i..n ia .ui'.stioa is drained, and the HempaVid, lo oe completed, will larcisha western ouik-l from the ckc tlelils. Ci-..0!.-:;: .-.!. X -i. Five IIr.-u:ii.F,: Tuousans SriN. Ia the j-ist l'sw atoatas there has been m:re than Z'KfA bottles of Shiith's Cure .V.f.?. Out of lhe Tast nuas'MT of pti.ple who have usui it, more thaa 2,00m c-ises of Cou'vn.; iiort i-ave been cared. All Coughs, Croup, Asthma tad ilroachilis. yield a, oae?, heace it is that everybody 'eats in its j 7ai.se. To th's who have no used ir. let u ? ssy, it you have a Couch, r your child the Croup, and you value life don't lail to try it For Larue Hack, Side or Chest, us- thiloh's IVrota Pias- Alu.u. per rack. ' As.'.ton, prr tack Sjjfar. jeii-.n f t ' r-l,l:.e TsUow. V S, Wneat. W t"ja Wool v a e.; .- a i 7"i,soe l ir- ' : a.'' j-rf 4 w 7c 7M lc ..'2 !' fl'Hi .1 i't 7i 4 Ci i:0 lxSii'-i') 7f .. 'ii iiif l ii aau 2E W AD VEI: USE ME TXS. S HKIUFF S SALE. S-iM bv Ct. W. Ileal -:d, Dru.-rU?, Soai- etc Adjou jiu raaneth not to th( e IVvi-EtTis kb Li " '7 ;'t t. n( J".- r,:'e : Ii is a old Sii ice lhat htdrtn k tLat bsn ls..;ae d xs,." Tt is intrslacto- to tii- ftatrnvnt that lat evening a very tat -s-l-U. -.-. n waskjxct at tbe rtiietice .4 Ir. A. s . act-ley, jsior of the Second1 M-tt-siist Churo.. ;b city. AVmt o'i l.xk t--rij ot the R.-'-.-- of Lis char, cal.e '. c:o Lira in aqe- t. kw way, aad -; ris J Lira and his wit- by aa act es ; r of ar.-ity and kindness. Mr. J. Vi". V. .-j-.rs, ia a neat and appeopnatej f,- ii p.-t f-P-tea tae iocvr. in oeuaii i : tti.-.-- ; : s at tad oit aa eletaatly l.io-? n 1 1: iiii- Aai-ricaa U;vvud tsiiti-.n . t I i- .vw.r. V nrriit-Ut. niA Lis S ih t ji prb purse containing fc'Cie of rod Joha S., Schaff Miss luea. Yon Kooh-i-ut u,.t i-eioii taet!, as itai.ed a&dj can Ir., J4sy Frank. M rr A. O., Wool- :aa prd by the 1 ailed atties Oovernment. 1 ky Jlra. Lincie, Walker Iis Ella P. A- l;. Vyis, Pusaer. tT is kb Letters. Tbe toUrvmicz k-turrs remain in tbe Poeto&ice at Somer ;st, Simerstt county. Pa., and will be sent to th LVad Letter OSce if not called lor tali January ill ; lincer C harU. Brabakrr Hiss Nancy, tinker Aims M. J.. Maker Mi Liiobeth, A OSDEKVCL JlECOr.D. Myrf.uJ ot s--c&llel "svec:f.cs and "cans lor Hiieumetism have already been brought before the jiublic. and many ot them have even been endorsed by the certificates of respectable ana prominent citizens, wao tave derived benefit from such prepara tions. There is no doubt that a great tamy of these "Liniments," "Oils. ""etc, so middy adver.med and freely recora mended for Kheumatism aad finlul com plaints of a similar nature, have genuine merit and will relieve cutain types ot the complaints named ; but when Kbeuma Um. aijeuralgia, and kindred 'diseases have become chronic and threaten serious results, you Caay ttj. asaurd that they will help but yery little. Although cot recommended as "infallible," ths ptrculiar qualities ot St. Jacobs Oil espei-taiiy adapt it to IhiM case which may be termed '-chronic,' aad which bare previously withstood all knoarn "specific." as well a the prescription of the best physicians. We would mention, as an example, the case of Mr. A- Hcilraaa. editor of the I'UUiuryh Iitpui'ruir ho satTered with Kheumatism tor two years. After vaio'y using all the best roofnmeade-1 remedies and exbaustine the skill ut the m at ex perienced physicians without even lesapo- 1 rary relief, it required only two bottles of St. Jaobs Oil to tEcCt a peraiaaeat cure. Mr. C Hanni. a weil known citizen of Youngsown, Ohio, aecaifd for his wife. who for twelve years had been a constant unerer irom neuralgia in ine bead, the services of the ablest physicians in the land but they were enable to do My thing lor ber ; half a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil cured her. Mr. Wm. Iicinhardt, Elmore, Wis., resorts the ca ot a BeighWir who kr twenty-four year bad suffered to terribly with Rheumatism that, at times, be coakl hardly move around ; a k w bottlta ot St acoi 41 cured htm- -To cap tbe cli- ax." bewerer. air. A- Jbc.rcr. of Tav. lorviile, Pa writes that bisr&otLfi. who had been a continual sufferer with Kheu matism for the r-v-t thirty ytrs. used one bot'le oi SL Jacotii Oil aud was immedi- t V niu.nwt nt tt rai n . TKm. mrm r. aulta which trutr deserve to be brought to ! -'j'ur public notice ; but they are not exceptions. a wlJ be seen by tbe numerous other cer-1 That 2. Thai uacbtrs who are allo-.rcd time for atlendiag County lasiitu'.es. get paid to be present, manifest a wan protessioaal z-il that uteri's the ceai.'t this lody. li. That it is the Jatr of tveiy tci.caer to subscribe for aad read at k-ast oae j car nal devoted lo the interests of his pr-. t.s eu.a. 4. That we regard inttmptraLCc as ca? of the great evils of our day, and that it. is our duty to do all in our power, by ltoth precept aad example, to save the youth r.l our iand from failing iato this snare. 5. That i; is the leather's duty U impart to his pupils such instruction ia morals and manners as shall promote in them courusy toward each other, submission. l. law, aad resjetl tor tlifie who are in an thoiity over ihta. (i. That we recoguite ia onr County SLiperiati.-i.diut a taitbtal and ir&pirtul pat. ic otlkvr, and tSat we consider the -kill witu which he has f.rraaged aad coa ducted tbis Iastita'.c worthy of commends tioa. 7. That we tecd.r ctr thaaks to tire in structors present duriait this session of the Institute, to )xi choir lor the excellent mu sic tnralshed, to the Cou&ty Comas tssion ers for tbe use ot the Court r. ia. and to aU who have in any way cntrit-uted t) the success id this sjrt-ticg. N. B. CuiTcnrti uu. A. C. ilOLBEBT. J C. Welles. Music ; Pr.-fv-s-T Yottrg was cil'eJ up on to sav a fe.y word in ttvor of Nortni! ; schoais ; he iel.ied to Pro!. J. J. Miller. ; who rcci'Biiuecd'.-d lae a... -Bi'nccc il a'lj teachers st s an- Normal SciiooL and oa acomai ot the it oxi-iiiiv to Ind'tana S'at-j; ilAKKK :AP.UOX c. litis. 1-i, Norma! S.b y.!, h..- would y that t: pre-' ' Us-r. S. M. Baata-iv- ner, Henry I). s nt-.d advantiwtes over others. " ; linker t Miss il-.ry A. ilarroa, b-u of Protestor Young could not reiraia fc j:a j Mjaierset p '-tnty. coaipl meating teachers of S mersct cortn- j -r'VN V ,I ('!!i7, "-TKIXBOCK ty. oa their behavior n Itrightat-ss v. j Oa'ibc CAiss-.. 'bv ii'v. li. Koptn.-.-. Mr. attending his Normal -uool. Prsy.r br! M Xucaif-Vr o Mis" V -t'-- ijirTlrtuorocrtalawri-? .f Fl. Fa. A I. Ii. F... an-i Wtv. Fa., i-i.-ueaoat y! thl)ur; oi C.uiiiwn Y-.i ol -jEieri o'-j.. w.i to ujs .It r-.--r-i. 1 w.;l esj o aule t.v J.u'.i:r outcry, a: t.-t-j lur: 11. .use, ia Sourit, tn ua Friday, January 3), liz), at 1 o'?t.-lt. i. m.. all tre rt-ba ii'.!?, ir.i-rei: cutiu ol a.e oio iana uwre H :i;M::.?r. '.. ia aii.l c-j-.'e 1 ;ii"ii.4 ft.nfM:-t re:ii tfta-.e. a.iui-- iu iv:Uicrti iuwu-liif, Somerset Ot,ur.TT, fi. cv-ui-ii-iii ix-i am, ix... re or le?, of l:.i: lucre a-J ai-a; iif a ir?3 .-.ear .m 1 Ul a.-rts la hica.1. w, wi'.u a iw-j et.ry 1-f li u-?, Itji w'.otr cu:i4!i,l:ia. ii.- r'-a erev1.:. Uo')"f AV1 VMt:'.-.-r. Jo' Z.iricr. Wiilui l iii atll .a.l'-;J. Wi'.ii ii.e al.farttiAi.- ?. I.i.. ii ot ii.a ;t ;hra:t el A. J. Cafe!-r S.A r. j:.;. -.it.j. iti.ervt anl ertii.i, .f ti.e utiriiiaei.-. ..-iir-.y ts-.t:r.j'aa ?ian:ii. c.-.0; : ii T -! .'trar'.-i V.iir.'Ul, tise'a. att-i At.ii:iii iti.- jA..r.:liJ.-u:i) r.i.-a C-.l... . -4 -.ij.i i -rti, Jvoii.tan is itn.-ua IiAi.iti V ..in.-ui, V-'.Ir .'ii, s,it ji,ea n itir-.ai, iaviDia V'... ir-'Ut .U VI i.-r.-ai ad Cnsrie. Wiitnat tfiil-ur-3aiii Ltrirs ut Aariti-.:l iUr.'at, -iwc'-i. . f, ia lO iull.HH.a ui.-.Tu-! r-al e-U;ic. C.Iuiie in Ivilalitf , i-m-r-r: '..', cti' tiiii,- l.j aM, tvo r ie?, aoj .ii.t:-. U&a. ol IV. J . aiu-.-r, Uu. fr.ia u -sti:ai ,ic.jir a:.-l l.iii 1 ?.il ; , n.'0 aa-l Ann t l'.iui. n &..ifi si-ie ut it oia i'liULari;-! rju.1, iy. toir it rj-m lai;a o-f-rye-t i,-a U.e l:h o! Ii..-?v!nt.er, tTC, py Wf. J. l'.a-.r w a-1 Alarar-rt "A Uirouu aau otuitf .'part ol tee iur. i culiv-;-:si !.y l.-tiri .-t Jvtf -jli Cujpi:U to IV. J. ili-r, the jar: tSt-reou covc-if l aaii. that -an ol the aa -JtDi-Ocll Ur.ii, --..nunui-i a. i ura anl otner. wiih tn- .i.j..irt..r.an'-.-r. Takn m xe,uti"0 t ti.e juii ..f I'm l'..tnm..n weali h of fenavivHnia, u.e i.l ;. s -i.r.--k. ajoapiian of Aaiiie W..:.. -AL.- f All th rlKlit, tilt. in'e-T't ar..i rl itrn f Jt. y. J"hiwa. 'A, ia ti 1 to t?i f ,;t .t-ii 1-s r.uM r,-: etate, vi'uate in Lflriuier . -s.-m.-rs.-t ;-.a:r,i. I'a., e-.nuiiunif 1 -j tt-n-i. m re or ala: i a- ra ol wiii. -h art eiearr-t, wiiii ..r.e ar. ! a hai! to.ry -.1.1 uii awrliiiiK h..a.o ilire.i . r -'-.e-i, a l- j-.iiiiD-e Uo-ls ol Jew U-aKK'aaa, .1 .eu M r. AUKUiio- Sirno. Cornelius M i t ar.a .,ti:er. with the a;.urte-ianees. Takr-n int-x--utlon at tl,e uii f J,.-n T. W ;-t, a ol Jaai-cr Jei)"S, u,m ur-i- of ii..-.. . file. j AUSi Ail tae iiitht, Ut!. iat-'ct ! rl.rji c,l T..l hi I litiut in ttr.Hi-rsva'i-'y Twp.. S ti.-rs.-' t f . i c,r.'j:ninjc -11 -r..- tuuri.' r 1.---. ,i ni.i t, h art- a-. ut i. a.'n: eier. a'i i J, n r-- ;: m : wi-h a aoe yourj orch-ir-i. (1. ...,,r, .u-.'i iS Rj Utim G1TI.-3 T:3! iaaraa(eol a!.au;cly Ti; nr 7 1:5 n:i r:::r! .-i-iii." vr.-rl T.-t first .'li Ti; zii'-i imth tin: in IVliie Ii.- a l ail I'av.ry a. !2i:s'B: r.::r! ; t. rea !y t:ti,t.us. --. TV'-- " T- : il fan F.r ..at In.t i,: o.. This 1.,- -.e I . nrivaie-i f ! fi-1 Aroaia. Iii i.;: A CHS ri"-T r-'i "-T-1 lj. i-i Ii a a... . a..ai-jrs of BA.-:ii C- it-re. iuv-itvi ill L2:i',l:1 t.i-.T Vjrkty Fan- i.-v.. Ti:G::i2G:2rrjr::;:;: TS5PiR7T:; X Sjrtf basil frn nnl Mher "siti-uii .. j'lr'-Hitu? of Sijuiuci LP J-ith Kh-u-I', Ct.:i ofhm, with it.eappiiricr.iic. l.i Kea in fXc-u:i'..o it i W.S. i-vrH. J. S. Mi r:. - Ail hf r:v iit. tiiV, m,e.-.--r tjm uq I i n.-oil e.-ta!f, .j:uite m ta a.-J ,- Tw;. ll.p.r are a'-m; 3T l'T, iiit-ji 1(w. wi; h a ' ai.-l a an i ra:jk ham iher-i - -. .- a. otiier, i;n the sriri-.f:.-t i-i..r, X !.';, f--l-J. i 'il Mil i TEA. ! TSECaLY. ;r:i"; it; Ei!inCiTITHiTm?3i i- i - 1: .a.r. tfi i. ,1 ALSU Aliths ritu. ti.ie. ii.-... .n-l e'itn ? H.-r.rv P. J.t 'a..i.-r. in ftL-l V. ii. jr.-.t.- .i.-.r..-si rt-sl e--a. ..ituit.-ia pi(,it T S..tn,:r.i i'... I'i..!.ai!.;nx jiin, ti;. : -r ic.J. 7ri,i.-;i ii.-fr art i l.;a. s- t-.-.r ar, a ic -i-i . i'u a :.. a.-fry i.-ai:; .. .?-. iu-r .a", aiji 'i.j. t ..-"- .,-i :iiv!...f J .:h t.'a-i r. in.it il 'i--Ji'iiie an l ..ar. w.ta ti i-r ia I.eit.n. s iij-i ur l.erM. "i M.i'.Pi, ;'..llifi-' i L-iccin 1 aii n-f . Taken in eie3ti. ti at toe a t V, ir. s. ".' rc -i ytiaruaaol urlaaOo. .Sletrjr; a.i-1 .';-.niP.. inip'r ehiiir.-n "t Ari1. I (t-.-ea.l. ncl 31. W. keira k (.' . : ALU'f Atl the rt'ht. tiiie. in;ere-t sr. i 'tita . 1 A.jaui Naos. f. lo anl t. ..li.reg .!--r 11 rer.l e'.te. i:u.-.:e m jVtuMtr Tup., .siD"i-t O... f . ; fmtaiairiz lir -r xn-n ur ir-r. ! wSi--h there are ai u( 0 acre eieur aa 1 lo area ia me vl-.w. wita a txo it. ry Ji.i hu-e. aa. -!.:? thi'nw o I erecteJ. a.t-iriiaz Uo.Jti ot J-i ;.ti H. rer. Iriryl j il imair. J..aa"iii'lleaijer-er laal ..tarj, Willi , tiie a;.pur-..-tiac.-.-!i. i Talleo m i!f.i:i..o al the ' t P M f,'. e j C o. ALSi L.ali L..tu wi iilii ci;li;i:j;jti;i TI-1K ZSTEAV CIOI. YOUNC HYSON. CUNHOWDtK, : V :; IWftRUL, .- c .: J A HAN 'r ! en : . .j e.HCi.l3H BKEAX FAST, .i..t 4.i.i C. ti 'Al. i..i., s -o i i; '.' i, -A r- 'u : .r. . f FT l-o a,,vea oa a.i ta.,.rjveiii-.BiA. wita tae api urten inc i. 1 ;ur; ia exe.nii.a l toe auit ol v J. I; x-r. cr ot lui ia la. i-iy. i ATI tbe rUi.t. title. Interest aa '- rtai:n .if t';e !? teauaot. Ml-tial K noli, ot, in n art lo the foii.jw lr. oe.iTii.d real estate, annate in Ljwr fura.-y. !'l Tj . soaier-et Co., fa,. r?nu.tiln 3 acrr. tD.re or let, on wltlea crectel a, oo auJ 1 ai! rtry oveiuiiif a ue, nai.atm:ta siij. aivi 2tai4e lberts-n eraere-l. .iUiiax Liis ot iititer siyi- wiia!ueai.;,urieiiia. i Ah rhe r.'rM. title. in:et ai l -li.m ' f U 'xh l akea ti txsaanu t t h eait Joha F.. J ea-; aac-l, ..l waatltotlM foltf wa.n .i--nbe. r-l Blnit a ul (h.,R. Firenuce. I JWT twp . -s. aier-1 etmatv. fa.. 'r l;ti. AU tTi pr.aiiT at th aho 1 nuio!nr leo men. ai r of wti-a tht Ja.e. will i ae take at-nx, tnai p.ri ci l e pur- i auo lao i-rs e rr aa 1 Jo --l m uiea-iuw. va aioey to t at a t aavowa at t: luce, off ii1 "? f-''. .ra !i:trt- a;e will oe reoainsa noun as tu property mi;' r-"."- wr-. iUn i ii,er ii t. i a. lu protrty nuockea dowa. vtberve tt nu. min is- ti(.:l M al:tt the risk ol tae r-rt pup-ba-r. lhe rtrsi dce ol ihfc urcliaae sjj aitut. t paia oa or oljre Itursuy. ol ti.o Kcn-i ..f J21- aaryCoart. th? time Bust by lhe Court lur Uk iC'Use a.-Kie.i2tB3it of dvetlA, ana couee.! wu! Le acaai-jl --ugc 1 tat ii 1 orcloM laoce j it p :a lull. M.erirl"j fiJi.-e, t EJKi AH K 1 LE. Jan. 3,1--... i s.Ltriff. , V. ia. Kt imiL.! umf-. f Iar-a T.-31- 0' o COURT SALE. A Sii:asc Pnt.ti'LE. D. yoa it cow that lacre arj irae piopie ia t-ur cvni muaity. we say str-iaje livaaae tliey stem Ui prefer Xt sarT.r ar 1 pas.5 their days rais erabiy. u.a.le sa by Lv?;wrtea aad Liver Cora r.la iiil. Icditstu.n. C'.astipaii.in. aad r-aral .itv.i!ity, bea trlilLOH'S VITAL IZLii is cuaraateed U cure tiieni. SmU by li Kti. V". IlE.M Oiiii, .'Ki:-rftt, Pa. 3H!:r.iKi. tiv virtue ofaa or.ter ..I rale LstjiPE 00' ttie Orphant IVtirr oi S-.taeret eocn.y. fa.. u m i-ottt.l, I w.U cij" Wsile is b;iia imjt., ct Friday, Jan j,ary Z(, l?i'J, at l o cl -e'e r. sc. on the ;.reiaii;. tte ii rrai eii.te. iiie tiie -r Iriy ul J j:a Itra'-aW-.r. uet.d.Tii: Ae-rii 'ot -f srtuE'l krtvn cu '..'.e trorl i4-u of art id t-r.uirh a. Iwt N... ffr. N-or-.e-i cn :ae n.rtti l.y Srtith atreet, eau ty lkAtaj.-t, u trie ;uihiy sireti. jaa e ly U t l!--.z;nif to e-.ate John H-li(r. w;ro two rsry frame iv w aa-1 tA.-ikt.iniih fir j. tnereoa erecie-1 : ai !! 01 ;r.u:i.l ijuig east ol Maia Cm '.rt: t in Sii l H' r.uh- TEn.MSCASir. F. I I.VTS f-e- ; : yUi. " .a "-rtoirz t r-:':ra or-ier r.'.r Ti. 't- ::'t f. W meuiwn ia q 'c,.; 7 y.,.j ,ir.;r... -Ail tti r-f.,4 jo-.r-i a-s.ire at . :r p.,ur. atl u;.wa-rN art.-ie i ibi.iti iii.w Tr if 10 4rttti, .a i any of lr,r i.rri.ii , to ib. bot -r: ftff.J.t, j tzri;r. lc73.KR!AC:L?TIA $!.: ;ir!T. ;0I) TEAS AT L0 IT PJllCES '- OCSFOWIER -I.VIPERXALVOS.-J. - liV- s'X-jAPAX-iL'.-s-;-i.s-;i.:ii UREAK FA3" 21 cents rr.n S3 TjrTinrffttnir i-i-olliwi EI 1 -ZTT7 l.i.i nil. v,7 r i i. COFFEE ! RARE AND CHOICE. I Jan. 7 HENRY BSt'BlXF.it. Uaeii.-.rot Jvoa Aru'-ak. N0' ICE. Fbe au !criife.i ifi-,. a aota. tts ! e Su? mi-i'l a t -'.-r ajA.a-t 2 hn S. M-,Tr. w: Jitttt F.;mi .-.a. f-t titf li. ariTa li-ib .V'.yejrrr, l-T-. UTibir t'.z Dvmh aiter .i:tie. f KilVX. Beti;MBlD MaS wi'..i tt9 a.:.urt-nane-.. Taken ia i-xe-.-Uiiou at the 5Ui t.Vtr. ALSO All the ri.-fcu title, i. f.7j aa-1 eUI:n .f frO the.') tiwe,ir of. ia ai tbe r-i ta:e. itaa:e In I f ijrjl s, bit t exar.rr. I'i. Coota imn. iy . arra m re r lef. wita t- n..ry Iramt Jweian-j a-,u-e ther a ert-.; ao-la.l-.t nr; Tinevar-L a..'.aiir. tare! -f J,n Mi&ler oa -.r.e Nona. Mr. J.. Hu.-t on Uji - m. Seekent.y on tte S ,a"k lot Waj. J. K--r oa ;te wea, wua tte apf,ur.eskpf . Taken in everu-.lji atth,, Ia.i of V.a. J. Kirr au'i uf VI r-s rr OJJ-f. ALSO. Ail to rMkf. ti-.te. 'r."e-e"-. j&t c'.i -n f tn laaiia LLirt ui m an.l in xh- ri e '.a, vi'.uate in l.irT-tu S i-::iit v. .nt.na s-.tn- on me jio -.1 -i i a.sa n l a N a w:io A two t.e7 oie 1 litre- n ere-. axi't 1. ot KiIlit nue on e:i, i.Lerry a.eti-a- on -.Be ti tle a(.pnr.enaDs.. 1 ta In titeaii' D at the s-:f. .'. ... a Tr"- i ter. AL j Alt the ristit. t'.i, mu-rv-. atl li -n ..f JIt.i-t i l.aart-i. !: al fc. tie i..a..:.x . r.r.i "l ! eias. 5.tiuie ia S.iirH-, t.rt.u.-3, &.u.rr-l ' oait,', f. erfit4:aitia- 1 .' artt m,.r f.r 1, L- t H.i,ica there v ereetetl a to a.-y u-j- ,iJL f jnva-e, miMtfiicar no l "X j.ft.tit Briaf oo tr.e j n-.rtn. eat aa-i wot. an-1 n ir:- i.a tte t"j-a i I with the s; ;.a.-.eiwc4-. PEH'E TI C POI'XIl I'm xn. TITE CELEBRATED DELMONICO :ejl. !p.n.s oa VV , ,-r V -J JL? JLj JOuAJLA m 1 Tr i' l:li,.. lul Arj-:ia it '.' ?l-f ..." II ali'.:.i.r ..3, at've li.ia tr.-ii. 'iiii:r.Nc:v have iai FRENCH COFFEE! Ar-i rartr. '.--rt ts rvrr '.9 n.tincl iu; to returaoi be m be! her Mrwr r fr- IL1VL X.tt.'r'Ptii. N0T 1CK. Dcd- IL li :d. j. a. J. Ax:,r;a. I'KITTl iiAWLINGi ST. i.)a tae :d ir.fl., by te et; . II. Hjtvlia-5. tn ML-s I-i-aa ai-.w'i Ud'i oi' i-.-.o . iiaaci.ai l.ir.j tbe United Suite Kctin 'I tii is truly woa-ierfal Estbi!i:l.'n. fcvp.r araarr.'.-a-e.! and over-d'ifplayed as ti-e ra-a.-.; ci it !s. I carae ujua an i-!-.-jaat r'ii-s cise, wh ije m-idefty n lot laore ctaasp:ca(.:3 fr '3 iu nt'ihlKri" finery, sarm-msv-d ! y tae motto XTjaJ Prejtr.it aad dif playia'. ia neat packages, the medical p7cpar&ti..t,s r. tiie h.ce ut Dr. i.C Aver it Co , I. :- ell. Ma.s I was aware i f tae wr.ri :-sriue ;. u.m ol ia: eiCeD'. arm, i.r tae caira-ttr and qaality ot their iala. art.1 rememKr well ti.nr a;--ats la LanJja, M irrs. lar- berry. in Si PaUi'a Cburcua:d. lloviajl a letsare lionr, I Jeteroictd to e i.aninf : tte cr a'.tat ct tai. case. m it !!. aad I , was surprised to Ki the de'.!i;e rtt-itiou to wbie'u tbey hive br"C:ht their h-ic4"-bu'd rtraed'it-s. I n 'as cbajrlned at tiie reTlectioa tht, wbili re have at h-.tae tbe ; most skillful and, pr traicentlv. tbe Ust pLvflcLiai ia tbe surid. tbese Yaakee d jc tors dtstaccc c Ur in the line of p.-pu-' lir racdicims tor family use. They bve the sbarpness to Uke 1 vantage ot Ibe tib scieniUie diKveries aaioo cs and taa.e -pilla aad ptkma a f' tal-ic as tbey are j salutary. I was told by a k-adiar dra-; pit in Pliiladelpbi, that Dr. Ayer's snan-; KsiTJ was tbe largest ia AraerUa, riv- ! icp employiaect to Laaurrds. Imaiiiu. t Lowell aad k it. m ray way hiiue . (Serrt'-tiQiAiritt of lltt In-Joi, LnrtisJ, ust. Uta ot Crt aiter bid, ili. EnO!.VX-LEWI5.-Oa tae 2L:h f D o., l.y tbe sax?, S. F. iirwa to 31 : II A. L'.-wis, Ifitii : Ct:rr.U-r'...c J, JId. O'.VEX? COLEMAN'. D.c- 21. 1?73, at tb: Z:-.n thareh. by li-v. H F. Ke-n-r. Mr Win. II. Oaen'jM 31 i Min ( rva S. (.'liaia. totb iS iaerkk-v'a Mill. laraarl-ii Tmjit. wa-o. a wj.'uTrt'-ter I re- t-y tr:Ts n..'tfe. tnst fa.t tii.i at the yo.irt ol t-n-m 4i f lea of Sumrrjel fuo'y. tinLiPa: wtta jCch'jf Jaaaary. ls. a 1 Iter" pet. 'v-n cisintir toe i?eat tlw A f Aortl 14. 1-T2 arcuraur aaarrel w-tuea uc;r int earuinz. Jaa-T t ATHAatlNE ThL-is.EK. i :ien in eae-uti..n at to e:t Si'i.ti-; ' , i-.-r a-t of Henry I-. v a.j . --.,1." ' -ALSt A.i :te r mi title. :?,'rt -n-t .r ;., E,:t t, o. to 1! e .,; . .ii--r.'-.t ''-ai'-. f.t-e ia Milf. -i . s-,,. isuty. fa , er.ntaia.nr 1 i. a. n,. re ir w::;.-s tuere are a'j.,n: -o .-re4 ri-ar aai ai.t a.-r is mellow, wita a i.-ie tw.. rr ir .ru.inr Boa-v. saax oara. ..lier.ait I.iWliBx ! threo ere-to!. aijuit-i.4 W&4M Hear fr-. i Aira jlilier. Catsirite f r.iiut j Wni. "sv-,,r.t 3f, t-'er. with ilia ''fHxm Jryriw i laser, is exe-u;iB it -.! -a: f.f M Va oo-iit. .'..i;.. vf..;... to.. .... . . -. ......... .-M-r-if . ,r. M AC4fff I r;,.,i .. ,r.... ir -t . -1 it. fi jniirn .iiint oIte. l.n- X'ilfrflir't in:ji-r. .tfrimn C.firr, Costa :.. ruffir. lir mi f u tii ''" ;d'tn lti Cvj'fr. 1:C t A PARTIAL LIST Or GOOCS . S.-.it r. RE,il: .STER'S NOTICE. .N.)--it ttTzt-r aives to a. I perstjs." er.n.'-err'e.l u W-KSteet, ertsf il..r ov stherwUe, Hut tr.e ioilf aecocata lve tai-tesl rez'ier. a.tii tthe nie wttl he t.rrseatod St no-.inaa'.r af al- j tiwaaoe at as lirt'Lans Cvart lo IM Im1 al Seal errea oa laurSA-ay, jar uary - ia. i.t. A or.il nt Al-"Ml..r . Walter, Haarl aa of Aiei i-!-T tt.. Ae-o4int of Samuel Hrtl-'siai. ijLL.v.r&-- of Hr.ry Rrt-irru:fl s.r-tr I. t ir-t ar-t titirfl wrcat i-f a-ba S Ikal, Ga&r Jiasof L.ien Ileal. Lett Ut.ti an-i SaraU liea. "... )'.VM A -V IIOFFM AX I-C. 2.tb I a"'- - .a ri.e, oaa ot j.b h . 1-73. at .a? Latbern par .na;. t ritdaaa. j a .-"ont oitacBt.'k-rpeT:tny. Onii.at; . fT bv lie v. J. J. Welch, Jir. Uivid Ivj W. i 'u-.rvea.&i. V , c,va t 1 1 ..t , , w, -.1 im aara boji are-wnr oi mi, xt J jb-j a ... . J r . , ... ... ....... .. .1 r Constantly Arriving. -. ii.i-:aaa a ; i-l Jtaatrr t .urib'r;. i inU-EE-JoilXsOX -Iiic 21. -i M y E.iler Jl-. I. Cover. Mr. C. J. iiiiier, , i J.a.- rset e-.acty, u Mia Ma-y J bos.-'D, : of Fay et te csj'tnn-, i'a. IIILEMAX-v-ILKIXr;.-Atibib.' fif tbe l.ri ,Vt r.rEt, A .''ii..in, I.. LVc. : U. lrs, lr Kev. A. K. Ftlum, Mr. Or : ville Hilf-raia to Mit Mary E. Wilkica, bt-ia of .i.irrsit Co., iV ; LV0X5 DENFoIIH In tbe Ean. Latb. ti.nn.-h. I rsioa, Pa., Jan. Is:, , by llev. A. K. Felttta. Mr. J.jba S. Lyixs .t'M-j iilaale Cvafrd, V-th ct Triicx Pa. dii:i. PAI.ME?s. Oa tie CUd of Dec . Aaaa 1 VEil T. 'vd ! tears, 3 ra- atbs tod CI 'ta-'- on tae Hii- Tbe aTTair was a very f ie ant oe Jar ail I ciicetrnid -Jelvcxr Tritvnt. j 'nrkt. rp.! mfal t'.I t?. !-vrrf.t BtlUM-r m.in. Emert Mrs. Shark. luBcaies trom all partsot tbe United States, i fsx.fuU mne ii,. mr.ei!l ilti Ui ary M Emma. I'ietcVr Jaoub. I'ta-1 It sboald be th datv of everr an to call m.Tihr ht tf antt hia a.v.n r-hit.'eri tn attention ot Lis saSerioi: fr-nds and ; last wiau-r. and has jest been banred tor neUhbora to this woodertul. eflicacioos bis appetite, mast have been aa iaordiaal preparation, esi.ee tally as tbe lo w rrice of tovr of rh m.-at vrtw miijinttrr- 50 nu a bofcle places it witbin tbe Kach 1 wouldn't sunJ anr cbance at sal il te were ti til pe-sons, rich aad pcor. j around. lxlUfvr.te Watt),. ) LOnit. At Lis LcDie ia Sbade I-jwb-saip. S rair'iet t' uaty, Ps, oa tteevtniag of Dec 2. n-.t pa'.'V! 1'ivitl Libr, in tbe 04-h year o! bis t . -.a.a--. N.itr.uel Xetiier lerea-1. Awwu .1 f . F. tiar.wer 4 tt. A. Iv-ar. A.1- m Gr-xi.iT t Henry I.l.t i-- a.-1 A-xnt fA J J. i$a. AjQclaiftra: ,r aa 1 Tm tee of Vr etcre roowiaa asti-'r !. rtnu ! laii -" tut rt Jjso" Ejwavia, Ai-ta-r.it..rif ?VaTcy S:ot? tf-re! first aecTAst .f J-b-Ii K. X-iU, A-Jaii.ra-tu? of J' aa Itafif ue--l. flrai aad t-iiai uvat of Hiraat Swank, a-1 Kiaiatral-riiitt rtaaiitni. aaexo of Sitfjel Swask. Jee'd TbeaeoiBt of J. 1. MeMliles. r-ete fr tie atroi tae real x's -i Am K -l-iy- te'-l. Tae vttI of Henry TSa U rur1i m in KtaorraatdreB o! Arar.ati. f ot. a dee M. Ace;tii R. F a i (i. ti. liarntt. a-ta'r. cf Gc mre tiaroett. der'l. .. VJi..rElSF X-ee St. KTr fter, qUVERX LICENSES. Vbe f,i!t.wlE natne1 ew hare ftte hi nrr fw ibelr ptutotzft Tarern i-.t keuarait I-ti.a. tbe fai&e wiil t yrnn'i t.. tbe I', un for alltwacer. on Tftorwiar. Jainarv lsso. TAVEKNS. Wlitb.m .t .-vr. TIyr.Te N-nci. f .t.ia A. I'aa. S.nenetovroax:!. ELSTAt -AST. A LSO Ail O.e riirr.t. t:t:. In-'-w . . i l;;,u ,.r -vr , -,:e, sitaate in Milforl towa.aVs.a'! j '" " "" " - -"'" ty. f a. eon akiiua; 1' a-rei ax.re ur ! ol w :,i. ti tnere are ai vi arraa tti t1 l',aere ia (ei. ; uw. a a iwoKorr tre .jwiima; tcoae, kact . l-ara. an-! otv..at bow i'ns ber- a ererte.1 a.i- i !i Ja Kirr, At-rsaaa Lt.ai. Het ry Stpe ai ar. w;m tte for-:a!-,. Tannin xu'fa at u. ,a.t JtarrSij-- i ALSO At. a rla-ha tl'te. Inter-rt sl elaiua cf Hern H. liirloer. J. ia aa.a to :ao Hikwuc deacra'ie.l M.-.1 esta.e. Tii : A eenahi xrH tt tac i iiso a--I I : "itv-inrJ IVe: ; rao-l Larl ii P-i.!. u t ; reti L-.c.f. rsiiin c. ' aer. ' C".Aei Oer.e-l ii.?.' a', i Vr eJ I tjj- i '.;r.T.; S 11.. rj it.. 'Ieart-1. IJ -tilBs- tv-e . rJ-- l'mrr4irrrrt- waier &f.w-r . . .'it" Jm Anse- PiCKELS and TABLE SAL'CE. f.f eah ar. t. ititar t: t .jaa. .ij i w. SYRUPS AND MOLASSES. NEW YORK GOSHEN n.a.e in -ifv. t,n. 9hi(i.S..a---et eooMr, f i.. e.1air.1i in w-,a-n a.-rea are -tt- ia e.j-.w wita a a ow i-aa .-am an-i otaer oat e.1. aiso at .-rri-rJ. t.t tciii. ads4Ci- e-a-. o: L et. Jtlf M;:,er aa.1 oli.cj--. witJi -.BfTeanreii. Taken ia etera-ion a'''rr-.tr-T of HrjrT H. (irtoer at ta irait tt Wo. U tili. JftrTICE. All jrms f w-i-naai-ia-at the ar ale will pieaM lag an.v. im a part rf tae -jaa. et -nre?ioM quaj, aa.wa a: ti si-niTf . will b re-ioire-l aa v-,n . . th. - iSS'-Om CREAM CHEESE. Ie Tbu.--.:T of the arai e A J.r.mt. i-. Uietuaesi-dt-ytaC-n l- f le-amx ih fcs ' aiwiefs-a4 ufoeoda sa l no Oee-I will r- vr fai'L':eJ ftt-rh-" oey paia m Baeri-'s (ir ' ELsJAH JlVLE. j lsTa. i Si-trJ. ' J-.-. a Stanrr, e-eTi twroeg a. ET AIL Lilt VOEL. A Vraiaa SKalti. JI'Ter-Oais tr-ry3 K. T. i'CHIXI. r.t--. si. - f EAR ETi Diivtiatit r f.-rd Stati-vj, Mis S-aare i 17 years and 7 moatbs. ::L, sear 31 il- j ' 3!. ikker, UuUri.-jrivBi: Hiran J. Nirola we ot -, i tn r-.or! '-f Oui : J. S. Haran. m-m f tea o SwrM T- , f . !!T. .e J. R iu.an. i ta-r T.. IT. ( D. ) ; A;J I tixt,er.l5T t-o tr-.:V a ol sfcerir; i iiy'w aied. aod oo -o--s a of W. H. K-mrt, - iu aiwraey. tie tvar: a-,t J. O. --, a.-a., 1 ; An-iit -r v li-tritte 'be ruo 1 m t';e jn-; i f toe J Saentt to aad as na; the leaj. e-stft.e-t itere- t : !. t ! -v"CT-rT C'tnrrr si i Eatrart (r:n I am rtrunt. eer ed 1 I-T. H. F. S'HELL. Pxi. ! XaUre rttt y -pvea ut I will a-.:ee-1 t lite tta-.i '.ir a:je a tc-aceut at y ""-tee :a tre ' K.i-SKIgh t.4 Sum, rw . . . T-' . T . - ... aa Dtrt.Sl A,at. T!iL5tTi;iis,r ASjKT!E."T -' LAUNDRY AND TOILET SOAPS. PURE SPICES. CCL.Ar.-S EKELISH KUSTARO. S(-t- f C iIH -X WJ FlKl LlT. D--e-6-rT. J R. JENKINS Xo. S Fifth Ave., PITTSBlTiGH, PA.