The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, December 24, 1879, Image 3

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    Somerset Herald.!
IW-mT24, 18TB.
... i,i iT train on tin rial
.tr '
I Weiluirsilay ni ircing. Austin Gardner, a
jtouni: man in the employ ol Sheriil Kyle,
I wet wuh very pRintuI tutiilcnt. iu'tlie
I lulluwiut; : Oncol tiie prisoners
lliat was netil tt tie lVnitenlUry at l he
List term ol Court, left a revolver in the
hands. ol the District Attorney with in
struction that he tiutilil give it to (Uni
fier. Wctlnewiny Gardner got xcsmon
of it and was as much pleased as a child
with a utw toy, .Notwiilistandin the
fact that the spring was hro'cen, and that
the 1 would coiue out at the rear ol the
chamber instead of at the muzzle, a
kind of double-tinc'lt action arrangement
a it wire, he insisted onjfirinir it or, which
he did ; he chamber llew back and the
ball pissed through the centre ol his hand
iullietins; a very ininl'ul. but cot dancer-
u uik-w.
; ....
J ill
. -rk r-
1 l!i. ll . H-a. iu.
h;mili'i.T '1 "
;i i.iui'ikI lu iip. m.
v mr'"n h'i .
4 ti:i.t' liMiia Z.-i p. tu.
i inlliiitll sti
l iiiiiiU' n ;.il
1 old
Ml plrawuil I IT "
l flllH-Jl" "le a--1 "
v, ni-iu : i "
l. ...-".eotl '
ri.ttloi K -
l'illiur S:2i p. III.
Biltimore Tim 14 minute
rtbn Pltubarab Uni.
Z7m levr Pittsburgh at :hi V.
,. .- . ' m re urn I be Express
r- -ai A M.. arrlTmtc at Mineral
;ii-;;llionuviu.w A. at., PllU-
- VT7 In fh Vjr
"!' i : .0 : Balilm... I 'JO
o , in. Sf r. . dllr. ar
..i. Ml'"": ':r-..u : Ualtlm re. m
:iu r.
A happy Chrislmaa.
The Mine to yon.
I N'ice AILuuis at C N. liod"s.
I Advertise in the "Carrier's Address."
j Madder, for who wuc dot Jink- fur p ?
X.iw is the time to Uv in tour almanacs
Sunday, the ilst, wan the shortest day
of the year.
iur snows thus fir this winter have'
Keen very uiesgre.
Mr. Hiss n. IJeid and it, of Dunlar,
are viinug in town.
Oiir Mreels were crwdil with farmers'
Ik: Ilh im . r.l..
j ,,Ull wound, aud dial)iing him Snun work
i.n t ioriel the lecture in Ihu Couit' tune.
House, Lhridimas n:cht.
After man ome n,t .1,. i: J A pooj'y num'jer ol teachers were pres
been atler him ever since.
H. S Endley. Eq., hi gone to Johns
town to sjtend the holidays. "
Ilon't neglect to insert your business
card in the "Carricr'a Annual Address."
Mr. X. I). Waller, ot Kuitb Bend, Ind
is paying a visit l.j his parents, in this
The IIerai I) w ishes its nalrc.ns. one
and a!l, a nicrrv Cnrin'.mas and a hamiv
New Year '.
Oiar public schools closed ?riday lor the
holidays ; and the yuung tolks are propor
tionalcly happy.
I. jtsol handsome schiKil marmsin town,
this week. The gushing local ot the
Democrat will please take notice.
Womankind is like cider sweet when
first fctjuetzed. but growing more vinegar
like alter lying around lor a lew years.
Dr. II. S., who bis been attend
ing lectures in rhdadulpLta. returned
home to stnd his holiday vacation, Saturday.
eut at the opening c! the County Teachers" a site Joi
Institute, Monday attvrnoon. The after- the publ
nom tes:on was consume m tTectltg an
orgaiiization, ck-ctiiig oilicers, appoiutiog
coiuuiiitcrs, eta John Weiier, Lmj , was
elected Vice l'resident ; Prof. U. II. Soo
ner iSecretiry, ami Mist. Ella Kiuimtl, As-
suant becretarv ot the Convention. In
the evening the court room was crowd
ed, all lxins' aaxions to hear the Address
ol n'tleouie by our talented youna fellow
toviusuian, i. J. Kooser, E-ki. Mr. Koos-
cr'a address was delivered in his usual ea
sy, pleasant style; was interesting and in
structive, ana was listened to with marked
attention by his large and intelligent audi
ence. Alter the address ot welcome 1 rof '
bhaxpe entertained the Convention lor
short lime with a number of select read
ings and a short lecture, after which it ad
journed to meet at 8 a. in. Tuesday.
. Mali tnln-J''y-
' "Zetft Mm "'.
. . Av-j and Smli
"' i UilH.
j. j,v. D.U AS, Sui'L. Coi.ncll6 ille.
e tr a B - 'aaAi romr.
fr (5rr canaaia bailoai.
, j-ter X.0aj, "v. IT. 1ST, tntos will
x.nttlIl with Mall ttuisita
kV l it . B. a U. K. R. (cil Suurtaj ).
lsavb. Aaaiva.
!a. m. I i p.
t at' . d.
,. . 5UP-
:-ft' t Kraular Tiite TUe. totk f.
J""J an euoui in lure
: - , , .,, s. niTit rrrrj alur.liiy at
'".'"j, imwl ii a Hi Mouauin hxtimn
- l, ti k K. K . "'t ,to ifoJii.v at blj
"' !,'l.i-,iMM iraiu , wlihu r-
v , i::t.ft;ti at a. .
W . 11. SAXXFR,
: Let AtrU bBirnitnJtut.
.. IV Hp m
. 1 lu p. m
11 K a. IE.
, 4 47 p. m.
, VJ w a in
. 3 ii A. At
The pavemenls were ice-bnund wilh
sleet, on Sunday, and Mint aud sinner,
alike, had to w alk very up: Llit acd mind
their steps.
It will be unlawltil to k'll partridges,
pheasants, vi ild t irkeys. squirrels, rab
bits and deer, alter the olst of this
Four young ladies were arrested in
Johnstown, the oilier evenimr, lor disturb
ing religious worship, in the Evangelical
The deer hunting season closed on Tues
day. In this connection we might add
that the number killed by our hun'x-rs was
small indeed.
Ain't i' about lime f.r our young men
to swear off? We thick it is eentrailv the
custom "jboul this time to make vows for
the tic year.
Ti.e "Timber Brothers" are workini at
Tn iit's Cigar Factory. They say they can
make more cigars than any two men in
'eiinf. lvunia.
'.. "rail
, ; V t...
U- Ur-
5. '-"'
verul of our Sunday schools are iuak
icg preparations lor a proper observance of
Chns'uias, an l the litt'e tolks are correa-Ki.-diugly
If the weather contiuues ns it has thus
far progressed, the ice cr p harvested will
till tar short of the am-mnt re-juired f.T
cousumi'tion next summer.
Leading Pater, is Western Penn
sylvania. The Pittsburgh L'omnureial
UiiztlU is the leauiug newspaper in West
ern Pennsylvania.
It is the standard authority anions busi
ness men in matters of liuance, tuarke
quotations, statistics ot trade, etc , and
each day's issue is the record ot all the
iuiixirtaiil evecu iu the commercial
It is a faithful exponent and delendcr of
thtt principles ot the llepublican party :
keep.- its readers fully posted in the politic
al ana general news ot the uiy, and is
widely valued l jr hc extent and reliabili
ty of t's new.
The daily is a large thirty-six column
paper, gotten, up in the most approved
style ol i oography. Farmers will save
ten t j-. cost of it during the year, in
being fully p sted on the Pittsburgh mar
kets. The Weekly CoutmcrrM Gazette con
tains the cream of the daily news, with
special market reKrt for the business man,
the larnier and the general reader.
The daily issue is mailed to sulscriberg
at $;, aud the weekly edition at tf 1 00 per
annum, bauiii.e copies sent tree.
Coiimlkcial Gazette.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
IIoad and Bridok Views. At an Ad
journed court held December the I5lh
insL, the following petitions were present
ed and viewers appointed by the Court :
On a petition of cilizena for viewers to
view a road to lead from a point on the
road leading from Coleman's Mill to Som
erset road at Friedensburg.tothe road lead
ing from Somerset to Stoy stown, at or near
John P. Khoad bouse, in Somerset town
ship, the Court apiiointed J. II. Fritz, sur
veyor, liudolph Ferner and Josiah Woy,
On a petition of citizens of Jenner town
ship to view the site ot a bridge over the
.North branch ol Ouemahooing creek
where it crosses the public highway from
Nimcrset to Johnstown, in said township,
the Court appointed John It. Scott stir-
7eyor, Edward Keller and Jacob Casebeer
On a petition of citizens of Middlecreek
and Mi. lord township for viewers to view
site lor a bridge over Middle creek where
ic ro id crosses said creek, at or
near the German Baptist church in Mid
dlecreek township, the Court appointed
Wm. D. Baker surveyor, Jacob M. Walter
and John Ilanna, Jr., viewers.
On a petition to the Court to apjwiint one
person in place of Jacob Deitz, of Larimer
township, who cannot be lound, who was
appointed to view the ground for a road
Irom the Salisbury and 1 ocohuntas road
at the homestead of Hiram Findley to
point near George Tu field's improvement
on road lrom the .National road, at or near
Pine Grove, in Greenville township, the
Court appointed Wm. Domer viewer, in
stead ot Jacob Deitz.
It is quite a while since we have seen any
thing in your valuable paper from this
place, and we think tt might be Interesting
to some ot your many readers to have
few items :
Our merchants are all doing a flourish
ing business.
Our schools are all in a flourishing con
dition this winter.
started tor the
. ' at B 'vd's.
.tt'isesa'.C. X. I oJ't.
i ' . :: IKsii at C. X. Bnyd's.
x its at C. X. Boyd's.
:. T:ir.:' fur "Vinco" Tobacco.
Ia f.wc. Holiday gilts,
.ts mi Eye glass s at Byd's.
r.n fir 19 at C. X. Boyd's.
iC N U yd's for Fau.-y G xkIs.
If you are a teacher aud expect to rtt
vour reward in the hereafter, go to Mrs
'J. lJ. Walter & Sin's, and buy some of
jthoe lieaut ifu 1 Keward ot Merit Cards.
0::e day last wetk Mrs. Josiah Brant,
while t'oioc to the well, in tront ot the
Glade House, for a pitcher of aatcr. s!i;
ped aud tell wilh sueh torce as to break
hel arm.
A Pennsylvania woman has sued the
denti-t w ho dislinaited her jaw lor $.(Xni.
If the commercial worth ot a feina'.e jaw is
tfl.OW, no wonder man fails to und-.-rrtand
the true value ot a woman.
; a:
' Mr. A E. Uiil s.
T-i'iel of Inn ceuce" at C. X.
1 ' . !.
!. ', lis si
J B. Lyons & Co s.
:lr. (heap, st
Jits J. It. Waltlk A Son's.
til' kls at
J. B. Lyons & Co's.
Is. aii siz-. at
Mrs. A. E. t ill's.
B I.i uns Co's. lor Christmas
"a .lJ china d..
sell e bx k store, chesp sta-
-SV GfH'dS it
J. B. Lyons & Co's.
Mns. A. E. Uhl's.
rictived at Mr. J. R.
- .-.t.rr at
'' Ml
to day at
Mrs. A. E. Uhl's.
v'ertec' slock of Cigars and To
- :ttmt at Orion's.
-v't k k f Jtwtlry at
Mrs. A. E. Uhl's.
" l-.Vrs in all kinds ol Goods at
- -; :s i Co s., Ursina, Pa.
i: (" and Xew Year
- .:.; i tv k and variety store.
- LiJits' Cloth Sacks in
Mrs. A. E Uul's.
' kssorment of Pipes and
. ' L"'-.i m Somtrstt county at
' E'tp. Shoes,
Jcur Christmas
Gaiters and
presents at
- Vws Depot, pencils, pens,
'tvtlt.pts, boiks, albums and
sJ (lifttyst assortracnt of
"'.-it:- in town is at
Mks. A. E Uhl's.
ChristUias Gox!
A. E. Uhl's.
'-. Ttli
'S Ijv
- i.
and Can Oysters, tor
. at prices to suit all at
Farmtrs in all portions of the State agree
that there is more money in poultry than
in beet, and much more than in grain, and
as a consequence many are- turning their
attention to poultry breeding.
A drove ot fine youne horses were taken
lrom this place to JohnstowD, Sunday.
They will tie shipjied from the latter place
to the eatern market. There were sever
al very tine teams among them.
One of the things that no fellow can find
out, but w hu h is as inevitable as night
follows uav, is the tact that when a man
a ith a team wishes to stop on the street he
aluays selects a crossing fir his resting
- E '-es.
- ,t.
l News
and pocket
Dtpot, next
' Urk store, next to the
( Lr-n.a Ux ks lor young
!:; Xcws Depot, just re
r"ot lot ot Uks, suiuble for
i: W.
'lit Sw 11.11 C.n
11 I'lmi's -l.-. .
-. .'r' "f'tw-iit of br x paper from
- u , ' beU's Xe s Depot,
v presents.
idays, at "Wst
--r S
it 0,;r 'uri'ry lrk-nds, you
--ito.k sure is the place
priKcts for the luile
' Kr iB'.eret.
1 1 .
when in w ant of
can a!wfci rt
priw lor Cah. at
it - West Ward Vil'-r-r
. . J
'in'"r 1,,'U w of tfcoele
- s, '" a ooe cent up to twenty-
r f. Rfwa. and
' J. K. Walter & S'.
a'ocs to bov as niaov
t ".T5' P"-i-!e 1r the Uas:l
-.. 'w t" cai! nd f xsniine tL
As will lie seen by our Washinirton let
ter. a irty of Conntllsville's capitalists
have taken out papers at the Treasury Ie-
partment tor the rpose ot staning a -National
lDk in Somerset. It will be styled
jhe iitst at local Bank ol tjmcrset.
It will I out endeavor to make the
Herald lor sun more useful as a
disiinser of news, although it has all alone
erjoyeu ll.e rf-putalioD ot It-ing one ot the
Ust local raiH-rs in the State. See to it
that your n&me is on its subscription list.
It vou want a plate, quart, haTf-gailon
or gallon ot Xo. 1 Ice-cream on Cbritnia
dav, you can get it by leaving your order
at I lsel s tor amount wanted, on Wednes
day. It will be sent to place desired at
$ 1 50 ja r gallon, and don't you lorget it !
Oat meal, now found on almost every
tikble. was a few vearf ago U6ed cxc.csive
lv bv th; Scotch and Irish. Those who
want beinth and breadth and muscle, rosy
chicks fcnd plnsical vior. should torn
from hot bread and other icditslilles to
eatinir oat meal.
The receptions Given to Grant in Sat
Francisco and Chicago were grand, and
the smaller places Le passed through since
his latdine in California did all Inev could
to honor the great chieftain, but in no city
was the reception so hearty or spontan
eous as in the City ot Brotherly Lpve U;s
An old Somerset county lriead, Frank
Kiernsn, lias turned t.p again as a raiser
of Lie porkers. We Lear to day that he
has iust killed two s;xteen-n:pn'bs old
hogs one w eighing 5C0 atd the other
jinerds. His old Ststown neigh tiors
will rtmem'r ttiat Frank always was
hard to beat in this line.
IIoliiat Candies. 101 !ts. in stixk,
p.nsisting ot Slick candies and Kissi.
mixed drops. Creams, assorted fine gocVi
Caramels Ac Ac. w hich we offer at rea
sonable prices by the pound, half-pound or
quarter, and in j b lots ol 10 to frJ pounds,
a hlieral di;ount will be given.
Cook & Beerit.
High Priced Bvtti. Diirymen o!
ten wonder bow their more tavored com
pelitors get such high prices for their but
ter the year round. Il is by a' ways hav
ing a uniform gilt edged article. To put
the "'gilt eJge" on, when the pastures do
not do it, they use Wells. Hie hard son &
Co.'s Pertecled Butter Color. Every but
ter maker can do the same. Sold every
where and warranted as harmless as Salt,
and pcrlect in operation.
Equalization Bovntt Eill. Every
soldier in Somerset conn'.y la urgently re
queued to call at CbatkaC. OrtonaTo
tiacco store and sign a petition imploring
Cocgries to pa the bill equalizing the
Un.Dties ot all solders in the war of the
Rebellion. If the tillpasx each soldier
will get $v 33 foe each mouth of service,
v;z: .'' fr three nion i hs ; flOyforone
year ; ti'O bree years, deducting ev
erv bounty already received. Mr. Orton
is the authorized agent to pr..Tire aigna
turis ia S'tctrset county.
The premised Somerset & Cambria K lil
r.iadisjust cow at a standstill, and the
good pei.ple of Somerset are rather dis
couraged. From all that we can learn
there is just one lliinc to be settled la-lore
thin road will be built. If the B id.
liailroaj can coatract with the Cambria
Iron Company on reasonable terms, for
the nianui'acturc and supply of steel rails
lor a term of years, the road will bs built
i: not it will wot likely be abandoned.
l ilU'jitrsh luniinerciul.
That the S. &, C. Railroad project is now
at a standstill lucre cau be not much doubt.
l lie'.lier the re')n as given is correct or
not we do not know, but we do know that
the people of this end of the route, outside
ot the Cambria Iron Company, did n
give that encouragement to the project
tiu-y stiouu nave cone, and which, it it
h id been given, would have resulted in
the builiia of t'le road, and consequently
iu a greai oeiitiu to n:e place. col.u'
were llirowa iu the wav of giving the
right of way through public property, and
but Utile money or stock suUcribed, w hich
exhihiuon ot lck ot ia:er,st wascertainlv
enough to dishearten tint any corpora
t:oa. e hoe the pr je-ct has not been
abandoned and that all p-irties interested
may liueallcr wor lor each other s bene
tit, but we fear the golden opportunity
has been loet to Johnstown. We hardly
unnK even me u. cc c. iLiilroad propose
forcing a rx.l thing on us. Johnrtoien
e don't sec the standstill ; the corps of
engineers 1-xated at this place arc busy as
neavers onniting up itieir held notes, mak
ing approximate 'V-stiiuaUs, etc.," acd we
have it lnia tjose high in authority, that a
portion ol the rood wiil be let to contract
belorc the close ot the present year.
Time is flyiuc ; before you know it the
little ones will be listening tor the patter
ing leet ol the reindeer Un the root, and
the coniin; of Cris Kingle in the quiet
morning hours. It is a grand mistake to
neglect 6o imvorUnt an evenL Happy
snouia oe tue Home, nowever bumble,
which finds every little pillow occupied
wilh its curly bead and no little slocking
missing Irom its handy place by the chim
ney corner. Xo man is thoroughly bad
who loves to make his children bappv
A borne can be made bright and jovous.
and it brings the largest income lrom the
smallest investment of any enterprise ever
discovered. The ixxr man who has
enough to lee-d and clothe and educate
;xct ol i rigtil, nappy, loving children, is
a king besides the lonely millionaire who
is a iiranger to the romp and laughter of
boys and gins. Don t neclect the little
our. As the world was blessed by 'the
Imt in the manger," so every borne
m tit re lovinnly nesik-s a little one has i
treasure and bicssiuir. Whether the own
ers tie rich, or poor, if he fails, upon sight
ing ins home, to see "tne light in the win
dow aud tec-Is that he brings and will
receive a glad welcome, he shoald at once
set about correcting mat w hich is wrong.
Christinas- is almot: at hand, with all its
happy and hallowed associations and re
miniscences. The time for reunions, so
cial gruluiations, family gatherings and
tamiiy ciLners, 1 he tbiidrens joyous
hearts leaping in anticipation ; when their
lilad ey es sparkle like diamonds and their
tacei glow with jubilant love, or at least
they ought to. It is a time lor general tx
pressiou of love and gratitude by the Old
na tne young. It was and is a glad day
for the whole world. I; is the day upon
which Gud s gieatest gilt was bestowed
upon a sinful world. A gilt w hich de
luanJs all the love aud gratitude the heart
ot i a a is capable ot rmJering and all
the joy that a creature M grace can ex
; . Mm A.E.UhlV
' "''savti v ......
',-. rtaient of boli-
uTi M A-termined toseU.
Confluence, Dec SI, 1ST9.
Editor Hei-ald .The recent capture
of the Government of Maine by the Dera
ocrats, is often denounced as a gigantic
fraud, but it is only an illustration ol what
the Democracy meant by itetorm during
the contest ot 1S76. It would be unchari
able I" call it fraud, since those wbo
counted the votes in Maine are all Demo
crats, and having done the counting in
secret, they could not avoid doing it correctly.
Ihe LiOUi&iaca Ke'uroiog itrd was
comp-ecd ot men lrom two parties who
did tueir counting in the presence and un
der the inspection of many spectators, and,
of coarse, they could not avoid committing
fraud. Betide those who did the count
ing in Maine are creatures of the Govern
ment, w hile the Louisiana Buard was not.
mhichalso gives additional force to t be
Maine count. Ia Louisiana the charges
were lraud and intimidation at the polls,
but in Maine it was only a mailer of cjun;
ing ; -to say that Democrats can't count
would be a slander cpon the party. In
LouUiana the count was made according
to the tacts ot the case, bnt ia Maine, ac
cording to strained technicalities, which,
ol course, is right In Louisiana the rights
ot tne voter were respected, bnt in Maine
they were disregarded and the rubts ot
the counter ret-i-ected. Reform undoubt
edly means v change. It "reform" don't
admit of the capture of a Stale against the
will ol a nnjoritj of the people, it is not
worth anything to the LVniocrary. It is a
decided improvement upon the "Yazoo
plan." Ol course the Democra's of Maine
are men ot taste and nave a high regard)
tor technicalities.
That the JJemocracy ol Maine possesses
ike virtues of the par.y can no longer be
matter of doubt, and the Xew York World
should be taken to task lor crjeationing
their action. The Somerset ' jkmeertt
will perhaps undertake the task. The
Democrat who remarked the other day
I siiSered wi'h Rheirtuatistn for over rix : that VMaine pill is too large a dose lor b:m
years; consul ltd nany physiciasa and lo swallow.' must have Uiien from grace;
tried bucdreds ol retjeUw-a, but w ithout I but b claims U. have plenty ot company,
aval Hav.tgseen St. Jacob's Oil sdver- Wbatwill it profit a pkny to "retorm" a
tited In your lpr, acd heard I st-ce Slate in lS7i to lose ibe Xalion in liSO?
DHt aatiihioz ru-va, I sent u Iiiickpon ; Puah th work cf "reform."
Fr m the Rockport, ltd., Ixiamer;
There is no medicine in the world wbicb
has gained such tanie at St. Jacob's Oil :
this is, however, not in the least astonish
ing, wben we consider its truly wonderful
curative powers. Mr. F. Rodenturg, ot
Gracdview. called at our oce last week.
acd rcUtrd the hiiiowicg circumstance
One ot our young men
far West a few weeks ago.
Mr. Joseph Muter has succeeded in
shooting two deer this season
We are glad to see that Mr. Ezra Yoder
is again able lo walk without crutches.
The funeral of Mrs. Fanny Livingston
was largely attended, on Wednesday last
Mr. John Speicher, of Michigan, and
formerly a resident ot this place, is paying
us a visit.
Miss Louisa, daughter of David and
Sarah Berkey. is reported to be quite ill of
typnoid lever.
Mr. Isaac Kauffinan seems to be greatly
puzzled on account of the Somerset ii
Cambria railroad.
The death of Mrs. L&vinii Blough is
mourned by all who knew her. The fun
eral look place on the 16th ; her remains
were interred in the cemetery, on the tarm
ot bimon Lebmon .
Milkord Items. Editor Herald:
Your paper is always welcome, especially
to true Republicans.
Alfred Evans has erected a water-power
saw-mil!, on bis land, at ltockwood.
The grist mill known as Poister's Mill,
was purchased by Jacob Wiltrout, and is
doing a thriving business.
Mr. Xoah Phillippi, on Friday last, shot
a buck which weighed, when dressed,
211 prmnds. How is that, old hunters ?
John Wilkins, wbo was seriously hurt
by the explosion of a torpedo, at Pinker
ton tunnel, will soon be able to be about
An Unfortunate IlAniT."A lmndlfl
ot habits 1" yes, that ia it ; be old defi
nition is correct enough man is a bundle
of habits. It seems like hortlesa task to
undertake a correcting of thesctiahiu ; for,
ere one can be got rid of, amlier, or half
a dozen new ones are in pross of form
ing. So the bundle is not likey soon t be
diminished. Yet it is neeehil . to make
some effort in this direction, id it occurs
to me now to call general ten:ion to a
common habit that is cluarV reprehen
sible. All good people ought to H their light
shiue ; that is according to Scipture. The
world has never had too niuct light, and
Is not likely a xn to have toojiueli. But
haoit interferes wilh propriety! even here.
We often throw our light ii directions'
where it does more harm Iktn good. I j
am speaking now more pciiculariy ol j
lamp li'jUU I sometimes luiul that aii the
world has gone mad wilh the lentiment cf
the song we learned some tacnty years
ago "There's a light in the window lor
thee, brother. Certainly litre are lew
"brothers" out alter ninbtlall liese times.
who fail ot "a light iu the vindow" to
guide them borne, ll such belp is needed
The use ot the lamp originallywas to k-vj
light to those within thj bouse wc seem
to want to give light to those vituouL if
every residence bad a good gasSamp burn
ing at the gate, the lamp ai lie window
wouiu not oe so otjeciionaoii!; uui, cer
tainly, nothing can bo more ansoying to a
person compelled to be out at night, than
the momentary glare ot a hoise-lauip, so
placed as lo throw a narrow lull of light
across bis path- In place of bang helped,
nine limes in ten one is bindired by such
a glare ; it 8erve3 to make ;he darkness
lelt, more than the light, Iiside?, il is
paintul to almost any ones lyes, to turn
ineni for a moment upon a lidit so placid.
Many a time il has caused a person wilh
whom night-walking bas beronie some
what difficult, to miss bis ttp and get a
tall. But more especially b relation to
night riding or driving, is, he habit of
throwing lamp light through uncurtained
windows, objectionable. er, lew horses.
comparatively, will pass a bar ot light
across a dark road without a protest.
Many a mishap, many a fatal accident has
been I a us occasioned. I
The writer of these lines remembers
many an unpleasant experieice ot this
kind. Some two years auo I vas riding a
young animal over a muddy rwd In Perry
county, this Stale, at, perhaps 10 o clock.
when suddenly such an uqileasantness
was met. A sharp bend o the road
brought us at once in view d a blinding
glare of light from a lamp set upon the sill
ot an uncurtained window. 1 he greatest
care was required to prevent being un
horsed : and the place wss passed only
after calling to the family to remove the
But. aside from this objection to the
habit lrom outside experiences, are there
not good inside reasons also, why the cur
tains should be drawn whet, the lamps
are lighted ? Home is invested with a s.i-
cred privacy, which the outsile world has
no right to gaze upon. Tbeie is many a
revelation given to the gross cutsiJe world
through uncurtained windows, as unfit as
it is unfortunate. It is too mtch lo expect
ot the average passer by not jo look In at
an uncurtained window ; looking, be often
sees, though a bad habit, I bat which he
has neither right, nor, perhips, desire to
see. 1 nave sometimes luougtt mat mere
hould bv a law compelling the drawing
of curtains when lamps are lighted ; but
the unwritten law ol common sense and
propriety should be a better correction of
the unfortunate and improper labit.
J. u. s.
Yon Slio tik
1 Seethe New
I beard an old man say, last week :
"Won't we knock the diylights out of
the Democrats next fall !" Good for the
old man; he knows what is true.
This way voung mm ! One of our school
teachers said, the other day : "This vic
inity has more pretty "gals" than any
place in which lever taught school.1'
Good !
The constable of R ckwood came to this
vicinity, some time ago, to arrest a man
named Prills. But Pritu, seeing the offi
cer come, leaped lrom the wagon on which
he was riding, aud a race followed in
which the officer was defeated.
S. W. G.
("V CO N.V Jf NN UliUBliliUb lHn (ai . YY YY
".; t:H NV NV HH Uur- ' Y Y YY
K. ( NX HH ', " YY YY
CO NN N NN KB "?B eat ai YY YY
ttO NN N NN liH uu " YY
CO N.V N NN UB fl; ix (K YY
OO N.V N NN Hit , IX) x YY
CO X' NN X NX , HH iTi. - YY
C(! OO .... NN N NN .... l!HBHnriRB.'Bu tx o YY
n i
If you ever think of making a
CHRISTMAS PRESENT, be sure to call anl sec mv stock, which embraces the u-cf'il and
WBiriNiJ Iil.SKS,
I Have a Full Assortment of these Goods, and Can Suit all Ayes.
Pair Before Your Sight Fails You,
Do not Delay but Get a
An Elegant Assortment of
Ahoji Fall Line of
Confluence, Dec. 20. Editor Her
ald : The five ton bay and cattle scales,
purchased only last spring by our borough
dida, are now under process ot erection
and we are informed that unless the win
ter closes in too soon that tbey will be
ready lor use by the middle ot May, 1880.
Some of the street crossings are almost
impassable on account of the deep mud.
It appears almost useless to Lave good
board walks, while the crossings are per
fect mud boles. Our borough dads should
furnish us wilh gum boots.
The recent rise in the Upper Yougb,
bas put some ot our timber men to work.
There is a larze amount ot material stacked
along the banks of the river that will be
run into the boom as rapidly as possible.
The boys say it is a little cold wading.
Scarlet fever and diphtheria have been
raging in the vicinities of Somerfield, Mill
Run and Listonburg. Quite a number ot
children Lave died ; but both maladies are
A somewhat disagreeable noise bas been
hesrd on Logan's place. Who can catch
the spook? Xebec.
Ax Astonishing Fact. A large pro
portion of the American people are to day
dying from the effects of Dyspepsia or dis
ordered liver. The result ol these dis
eases upon the masses of intelligent and
aluable people is most, making
life actually a burden instead of a pleasant
existence of enjoyment and Usefulness as
it ought to be. 1 here is no good reason
for this, if vou will only tirow aside pre
judice and scepticism, lak the advice o!
Drucgists and vour triem. and try one
bottle of Green's August Slower. Y'our
pcedy relief is certain. Millions ol bot
lies of this medicine have been given
away to try its virtues, with sutislactory
results in every case. You can buy
samp .e bott'e lor 10 cents to try.
doses will relieve the worst case.
velv sold bv all DrucreistB on the
ern Continent
The Best I Ever Knew Ok J. G.
Starkev. a prominent and influential Citi
zen of Iowa City, says : ''1 have had the
Dyspepsia and Liver Comrlainlfor several
years, and have used every remedy I could
hear of, without any relief whatever, until
I saw your Shilob's Vitalizer advertised in
our paper, and was persuaded to try iL 1
am happy to state that il bas entirely cured
me. Il certainly the best Remedy I ever
knew of Price cents.
Sold by Georee W. Benford, Somerset,
Holidats ! Yes, they are coming ! In
consequence of wbicb we have ordered.
V e will have in stock and offer for sale a
selection of Toys suiuble tor the occasion,
heretofore nnequaled in our line of trade,
together with a Slock of Contectionaries
the largest, finest and best ever eitntntc J
in this markeL
Coos Beerits.
Five Hundred Thousand Strong.
In the past few months there bas been
more than 500,000 bollles of SKUoh't Curt
Sold. Out of the vast number of people
who have used it, more than 2,000 cases of
Coiuumption have been cured. All
Conn ha. Croup, Asthma and Bronchitis.
yield at once, hence it is that everybody
speaks in its praise. To those wbo have
not used IL let ns sav, it you have a Couch,
or your child the Croup, and von value
ife don't tail to try it For Lame Back,
Side or Chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plas
Sold by G. W. Bentord, Druggist, Som
erset, Fa.
A Strange People. Do yoa know
thai there are strange people in our com
munity, we say stranee because they stem
to prefer to suffer and pass their days mis
erably, made so by Dyspepsia, and Liver
Complaint, Indigestion, Constipation, and
general debility, w ben MHLOU S 1 1 AL
1ZER is guaranteed to cure them.
Sold bv Geo. W. l en ford, Somerset,
Shas't I Take a Blue Pill! Xo
don't take it and run the risk ot mercurial
poison, bul when bilious and constipated
gel a box ot the celebrated Kidney-Wort,
nd it will speedily cure yon. ll is na
ture s greet remedy lor constipation, and
r all kidney and liver diseases. It acts
promptly on these great organs and so re
stores strength and vigor.
We have resolved to make our Holiday
trade something unprecedented and have
jurt received lrom the Eastern cities, a
large lot of praxis specially adapted lor
Chris'mas presents. In order that our
rade mav come up to our expectations, we
have marked everything down to bottom
Mrs. J. R. Walter & Son.
Come see
The large and cheap assortment of goods
suitable for Holiday Presents : Gloves,
Hose. Kerchiefs. eck and Head Ribbons,
ilk Scarfs. Xote Paper and Envelopes.
Toy Books. Picture Frames. Perforated
Board Mottoes. Embroidery. Silks. Wools,
A-c. Ac, at the "West Ward Millinery
M. B. Cunningham.
We have a speedy and positive Cure
for Catarrh, Diptblheria, Canker mouth
and Head Ache, in SHILOH'S CA
TARRH REMEDY. A nasal Injector
free with each bottle. Use it if vou de
sire health, and sweet breath. Price 50
Sold by Gzo. W. Benford, Somerset,
Sealed proposals for furnishing the C urt
House with coal tor the year lseo, will be
received at the Commissioners' office until
24th day ot December, 1379. Further in
loimation as to kind and quality of coal
will be given on application at the office.
W. 31. Sen rock.
For the Holidats. Together with
oui fine selection ot Candies and Toys, we
will exhibit and offer for sale a large stock
of Peanuts. Cocoanuts, Almoods, English
Walnuts, Palmnuts, Filberts, Pecans, Lem
ons, Oranges, Raisins, Currants. I ananas,
Grapes, Cranberries and Sweet Potatoes.
Coos & Beerits.
For Sale. The Hugus farm, adjoining
the town of Somerset. For price and
terms, apply to Baer Brothers.
Address, .
Artizans' Deposit Bank.
Dec. 18, 7J. Pittsburgh, Pa.
Special inducements, in the way ot large
stock and low prices, are held out to per
sons who want lo purchase Holiday Pres
ents for their friends, at the "West Ward
Millinery Store.'
M. B. Cunningham.
SLATES, &c. &c.
Xo one should fail to sec mv stock.
Call mid vou will be treated politely whether you wish to buv or not. Xo trouble to show
C. N. BO
BAIRD. On Tuesday evenine, Dec
lCib, 1371), Anna Maria, wife of Daniel
Baird, deceased, aged 1 years, 9 months
and C days.
WOY In Dixon. Ills., Dec. 7th. 1970.
Daniel Woy, aged 78 years, 4 months and
11 days.
Brother Woy was a native ot Somerset
county, la., and emigrated to Lee county.
111,24 years ago. He and bis wile now
!eep side by side in the grave yard at
Zion's church, his wile preceding bim to
the grave 7 years. Brother Woy helped
to prepare as a recepticle of the dead the
place in which be and his wife are buried.
He was a noble-spirited man ; was always
r ady to do g ol and communicate favors.
He died as be lived : in lull prospect ot a
part in the first resnrection and a home in
heaven. Brother Woy was a member of
the Evan. Lutheran church from his boy
hood, and labored to buiid up the kingdom
of God in that church tor over GO years.
Two years before be died be made his
will, and bequeathed to tne cnureli ol Lis
choice, all his property.
Somerset, Pexx'a.
Showing the aggregate amount of the Assessment and Valuation of the several Townships
and Boroughs in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, for the triennial year lS5in accordance with
the Act of Assembly, passed the 15th day of May, 1841.
Corrected by Coos k. Bkcxits.
pui.m i
If you want to buy anything in the line
of Woolen Knit Goods, tor yonr sisltr,
cousin or aunt, g to
Mrs. J. R. Walter & Son's.
Tbt attention of the teachers of tie
county is called to the large stock of School
Goods, tor saw ty Sirs. J. K. v alier oc
Son. Rewards of Merit, Demerit Cards.
School Satchels, School Straps, Pencils of
11 kinds ; in abort, everything needed ta
the school room.
Come see
Hem stitch Kerchiefs, fc-r Holiday pres.
enls cheap at ''West Ward Millinery
M. B. Cvsxixghak,
The finest stock of Silk, Linen ami Cot
ton Handkerchiefs ever displayed in Som
erset, for sale at
Mrs. J. R. Walter & Son's.
Mrs. A. E. Vhl. tin my body.
for a Urtile of ibe M. snd used it amid
ing to direction. The relief I felt was ai
iiKi "ekctric" I got belter at once, and
now there is not a trace cf rbenmaTinn left
The Urges! stock or Ltvliday Goods in
tbe coeinty at J. B. Lyons A Co's., Tr
ains, Pa.
New Ties, new Ribbons, new lace fish
net and a very great lot ot handsome fancy
good just received at
Mrs. A. E. Uhl.
Come see
Assorted Xote Paper and Envelopes, in
lancy boxes, at "West Ward Millinery
31. B. Cunningham.
In making your selection of Christmas
presents, do not tail i goto Mrs. J. K.
Waller A Son's, and see their splendid dis
play of Holiday Goods.
Come see
Laree assortment of Mottoes, for Holi
day Presents, at "West Ward Millinery
Come see
Picture Frames, for Holiday presents,
at "West Ward Millinery euire."
M. B. Cunningham.
You can fkid the handsomest and finest,
at well as the c her pes l Holiday goods at
JJiis. A. L Uhl's,
Call and get prices of Nails, Iron, Glare,
Shovels, Hoes Ac, before purchasing else
where. By ers A Barnett, Somerset. Pa.
I will sell Hamburgs very cheap lor the
Mrs A. E. Uul.
Christmas Goon. Too can find the
finest assortment of Dolla, Toys and fancy
articles lor children at
tormed pwisonage, at Somerset, bv IUv.
A. E Truxal. Mr. Abraham S. Bersey
and ML- Sue A. Hunter, both ot Somerset
lay evening, at tbe same place, by tbe
same, Mr. Frank IL Snlall to Miss Lizzie
A. Sumps tine, both ot Somerset, Pa.
Apples, dried. V t
Aimletmurr. rai
Braa. 10
Bnlir. fc (keif)
Butter. j (rull)
Bucatiemi bajhl
" ir.eal, luo n
Heeswaz. V k
liacon. abvttUen, f
" fiaea, "
" country han, R
Cora, (ear) fbatucl
Uorn, ((belled) l botbel ...
Uurn meal fc...
(Jail tain, r3
fcj. 4u
Flour. bul
K;al ? Da., S
Hactt, (reicar-careil) ?....
L-r-l, ji a
Leather, rad !, f R
" Qiir "
" kip. "
MMJllnca, aod chop lu ...
Otu, "ft Da
P'jtatJies, b
Pudiea, dried, ft
Eye ta
tta, R
Sail, . 1. bbLextra
" Uroand Alan, per aw.
" AJbua, per ca. ........
Sugar, yellow Ji R-
" white
Tallow, y -
Wheat. ? bas
Wuoi. V
to ic
SI (a)
1 CM
law He
(u lu TOC
, Te
ci oc
I"t 3c
...1 H-ejf. TS
S4 06
Berlin licr
(''m nti
Confluence br.
Jetferaon .
Jennertowa bor
Lower Tn-keyfucl
.Meyere.lle bur
Mil fori
New Baltimore bor
New Cebtrevllle oor
Unrmabonlnir ...
salisburj bcr
Stoyptown )or.
f 'rin bor
Wellersbarg bor
. ' " . !
s : i" j si f : ! I ' g i s ; ? I a I
3.' 2. i - ' . ; 1 2. 5 - i
s ; -! s ! "i ; Z i s. ! !
! 3 5' 2; I; t i
?i M r i ii t i i 5 i : ' S r
; i . j : i : r : i : I : : j :
I j U ii ii i H ii '
iSt3M vr' at3- is : al -ja i i;
1-jjb UK--i lvtfil i7, 1-Moi 1 ;
4S1CI 1S44S ll.W.I VMM VA'.l 3i 1 I
S7iel 14V-H Sil: KIV.I IlfVlI 4l'TT 1..I7 1 Z. 1'
4'J4 1W Vi- 'l M i 1V j .", i;
VtOi 1411; :-.t H --1H4'- 1..-JLI- ri' Ii 1
S.Tj TITii 34-i. W.IjTi IMS
l.'T33 VSfi VUV I'V-ll Til.'. S'O
SSXMl K612' 136)U- 3Wai 3W S.T'J
U-ert; l'J". lT4c- K-
2TiT ' TZ-v 3"'- -vk;::' I0T- i
Vt'AKt. S44j 34-4 74i I W-l . 1'-. ,
!) i4-J i'oil. lil a-V. l'vi 3 1." 1'
SSt U4i;l. luOeli l-:l:n i Mi 4.W. , '
ISM'! 740 4,'S' 'Wi :T't t ZV, :
1!T IJS-i '" I S5o 41 e, j. ;
WS Wtt, T3t .-" 144i ..IS
1WT 1M ScH VHt ') "''. 1
SnS 64 1 j !. iev.'-K 3.VI
4K1 9- Vijtr -V7S Ti7.' 67' .1 1
lWf W40. 4TT' l:iT.i- Tl f.., i
:-m t 2.Ki0i mh a4i i')is liw 44 0 1 1
1H41SV avAc it-v vhm-v aa:s n 7 lo j-'
4VO. T7-l, 2H 44o-i il
2f4 WT.t 1:.JX.'.: ZHVl iTw", i j
34 . la--. M- t(l 44H2; ' S 1 ! I
31744! JtSlli. TK 1'77, StiTj K!Ii IT:', 2 1!
W 1 To'-S 4" T.'1 1WSAT. artit ' 1
star W 1TT. S il 2- i 1 4
h the
rir virtne of an order of snle. rranted
O pb'iart ol SomersH o-nntjr, fa the na
Cervned Admiaietraur and 1 raee fjr;th rle
of the real atmi of Iran lei A. Ktoada, deceajed,
will aeil at pBt'Uc sale, un
Saturday January 10, 13s0,
at tbeOoart llne In S.merwt Bfjroogti, at 1
u'ckica. r. M, ibe l llowuur real eatate.
No. L A tract of land a-ijutmiuc lb b'-mesra-l,
S.Oiaet Trent. Alexander tinnier, and in Letter
farm, Lli.lia 1-7 acres, more or Irfi. of wnica
tt acres are clear, baianea well timbered ; fine
rortaM and trait urrnnrd oa the atoM
No. A. A tract of land known aJ the L filer
farm, euataining 3'4 acres, morn er leM. wktk
awelUo nooae. uaua b.rn. aai other uaildioit
tbereus ereced. of whk-b 10 arret arc clear. I
seres In meadow, ftne trail and never (ailing wa
ter onlbeaame : adjoinibgr tbe Maaoo Urav, Alex
awler Uanter, No , and teeab lietta.
.o 4. aim a tract of und cunuininr 13 arm.
-nonorlcwi. with new Irame dweouig buuc, new
bars aBdotberrwlldumaow tbe nanM: noewt IS
aerea ciear, abuwl 4 acre in meadow, ad jmu N.
X and No. l.,the .M a o farm,. Joaepb Shaflcr.
and otbera, Tbea toadi are Bear loehvcaef,
rnotl,aal willua MMcenet bvr
ooirh. Terau ol Noa. X. and 1 One third rter py-B-ni
uf exDeners of taniikei. Ac. to remain a
ln-n. the lnleret ! wbicb t be pH aninaUy
to the widvw oi oanitl A. Hoa:. oeco
The imilcrsisicd Count v Commissioners oi' Somerset Count v, Pennsylvania, hereby "ivc
notice, that they will sit as a Board of Revision, at their office in Somf-rset, from the 21 to the
2Sth dav of December, 1S71), at which time and place thev will determine vvltctlicr anv cf the
valuations of the Assessors have been made below a just rate, according to the meaning and
intention of an Act of Assembly, paed the 15th day of May, 1S41.
December 17, lull). Commissionrr
The Assessors of Somerset and Summit Tow nships having unavoidably failed to make a re
turn of their assessment in time for this issue, the day lor finally determining on wme has bcn
extended to Wednesday, December 31, 179, at 2 o'clock p. .v.
Pnrroant to an orderof the Orpbana' e art of
Somerset cnooiy. Pa,. wiU be wdd al pnbta- inle,
at toe COUnt rit Ost, in o-crl, pennyi
vanla, no
TfturtJay, January 22, 1SS0,
the Mi-win dcribel real etate :
Mo, 1. A czlTajn tract ot lanl ntnaU ai Sumer
Kl Twp.. somerset Co. Pa,, near someraet Bor.,
cootaikU. IOO a-Tes. mure or lew : Tiacr
ctearad. anl tne balance wool land : ( ereec
nuw uirvoicn it, ana there are anamberol
un tne prmua?; adjoinina lande of Ko-loipu
pemer. bamael P. MuW, buatncl and 5Uj
town pja-i, and other.
K o. X A certain tract of ntemk.w Uo-1. Ii aate
In Somerset bwrr-njcb, aaici cunnty a-r-DiDK Unua
of H. A. Ilica. MainCruM tret. svmeraet and
SuntUiWa ruad.Cainanne r.reet. an-1 utnera, cki
tatalr 4 acres, mure or lew ; It hi all la a rood
atabe oi cttluva.fc-n. wub nn excellent rr r.a on
tne prcmuee, Thi tract will be udered a a
wbote and alao tn pan-ek.. as MW(i :
A. 1 be towui-weat corner ( iim tract. frunUnx
about W leet on Main Croat nreee. and rx en'iu
back along; Casnarinw atreet, aiaftl -JS4 leel W
Uuut alley.
U. In Vt no rib of VjI -A" aboe described, ef
aiM hi a ka "A."
C lb lot mirth of lot 'B" above dcKTibed, of
cam fit BJ eacb of Um other.
No. X A Jul of growed situt la raid haruoh
of bomeratt. bowled un In nunh t y Othanue
nreee, oa tn eaHby aptin aiiey. on tb t by
North Kreet. and on the w-w. by N'o. here inarter
deacnoeu. IrooilM on No3 tt ntrwet teat.
:40vementj are a
ire .ww etory )rme aweltroa- PMrOM. rt.t-fv tin
he-rUi. and at ter death tb principal tu the txvmjin- bm.k fe(1. The Imp
ner and h r.l reprent.ilTec un. tuor h m toml. I ' " lr7me7weilitho
Ut April, laeu. iiiic in loor r,u. aaaaai pay-. owt!iHinra. A UBvet ot choicw frnu
menta.tob aerared oa tn premiaec i,
Term A aah. m ol Apjr J0. Tea u xi . A ta utwmmi nU boron, Sutn
cent of band moy to o paid or recared by a.:mn: .v.. nboee deecnoed. as I of
nut a a. u prupeny . mm uk Tbere are a BtuaUer of choir
I ice, 14 AJmlrj-traUTanl Troatee.
nary frarn dwelling h' am, Kable. Ao., are un
tbe premise..
Sale to CAMrjawnce at I TO o'clock r. .
TERMS. len pereeot. of tne pttrrruw moiy
to I pal I a fx a the profrny kn. - l
down. atl th balanc when deel 1 delivered
alter 0oc.tirlzL.ti ji ol a!e
Ier. Zi Aiia r. of amnel C. Pile.
riytirtaeof an on!, r la,ai ,n. of t. I itirt
of (offla- Plea of Vnr.-t Otrntr. Pa., tt an
der.intd A;ifnee of Jr. h K.iue. w.U f !i a:
I uI-Ik- .-! on tne preati-e, - a
Fri-lw January 2, IssO,
i at 1 p. m f..;!oicr Uertk-1 real r!. vti
I A m-tur Unl alo.LfiaSjei.rirt ivy, -v
w-e c nnty. Pa . c-ciaiiiic.r ;rj area, mn or le.
bt .iru-.i u n-oT ib-.i ii... ... i"v' 'ory Kram n. B.e. task bam and km it-
ertof onty. to ntuerii.e.l ! t.mUw t nere-M. : al- a r-rei -jrh-rl of.h-.c
directed, taere w;U be tipped W a.e by r-iti' j :-u , .,,, Uul of J hr. Kil-e. William
uotcry, on 1 a. p;r, La.J Hr:i, ta.ri Jaaar-.r,
mm. . , ,v....rt !oi ft'rr.
lUKidd'J, .laHuanjV), l'J, 1 r.KHS -tne thirl Ui !..r.!. .e--.birl i t:x
. -c,at, Ha,
tree n ibis lot.
( o. 3 anl 4 will alh Utteth-r ) '
TV a. A A certain tract of land rttnate in aatd
towTJtupuf SouKtset, adjuinmg '. 1 nerem-
lielor tleteribed. tbe S-asenet and Sloynuwa .
rund aad other, containing nbuat 4 acre. A car
at I o'clock r. . oa tbe bomewal ana. the kl
iowina; ealnabie real eetate. Ut the prerty of
J bn "alier. Ut Jenner Twp.. drr!. Tiir
A eertnm tract of land ritnate in Jenaer T.p.,
is .ld enty. alanine bui of Jaooo i;. Horcer.
Jcintb. John har-bnerzer. John Start!
and other, euotaining i acre, a: net Bir.
brlna; lb late homMiend or ni-1 deC.L There
ar ainwt li aero eknr ol wbirh at. nt 30 arm
in meadow, with a two dory tram t a two
atory MM' nonav an-1 a kara t-nnk barn tber
oa erected: Iftere are aUw two apple urrbardr, a
peach orchard anJ n nut camp tn tb
imnitw. 1 a tarm well wire., U in a Vd
tat uf cmltiTattox, aad 1 aaueruii w.lh lita-
B.h tract an) ia cm of the hert retioct ot
Jenner tuwD.bip. aad are Mimiil tu cl orriie.
chovr) t"Trw awe.
T til US. Ouo-thiril la kaa.1. one-tblri to re
main a lien on to land 1 -r W" i dower. ai
tbe tln- m Ibree nal annual paymetn tb- r
alter, wi-.oontinicreat. ...
Tae dete red paruent tn h tirr-1 hr it-'z
meat nncea. P-wa will be airea en tbe 1
frolt ol AprU. .. O. law. wb-n tn win r- m-
, -r.A U(o Tn erot to lb irruu i ar
rorrr-rf. Tea per eent. ol porcaaje monry mw
M paiid oa day ot
tajx-cih. an.1 doe-rbir I io & t-.r. trn la
'.i. jaT'J. wi-.a hitcren on .leli-rr. paymnu ir a
I'r- .1 A.jn-.
r. :
Executor of Joba Walter, drc'J.
I!r Ttrne nf an i rr of tb 0rt of fvmma
Pleia of Sofcerwt county. Pa., tr.e derind
AixiK-e o; Pfiilip P. Jianrer. w.;i oSer a! pa'-.
n.1-5. at the l.--nn H--tt-e. :a S- nrrw, Pfa a-
Saturday, Jauvary 10, I3T9,
at 2 o'clock r. . tbe Wwin !ecri)e.I tratt
real eitii. anown a the -M- acun Tract, aiua
mSom-rset twp . r cumax 'J aer merScm.! !i of &in ZniaJ. Iraniei Ja-
,r. J.ruh Hb m-'t and utaer. hailr.
l-krx erertl. era tnt orcBarJ. aaw
u--r pr-tty ao.1 atatc of cuittTaiioB aad 1 -.-am:
to cba-ch. pur. ml.!, tv.
TIKHS len rer cent, of pnrcbae nv'7 w
t paid Vi.i aid u-e toianc oa etrni.tJon .
it.t s Lu fm of Fbiap P. ' rwr-