The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, December 03, 1879, Image 3

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    he Somerset Herald. JiwS'ItoSt.?
typhoid lever are re
....PeeemherS. lTt.
The new engine hoiife is comnleted and
no ready to receive the engine.
The dry goods market U booming, and
mere uat been a reraaruauie advance oar
ing the past few days in mosliaa, calicoes.
flannels and other staple. The latter has
cone up four cents, and muslins have gone
up a fraction over two cents wiinin
week. The cause is owing primarily to an
Some of our subscribers ere trvine to
kill us with kindness unremitting kind-, increased demand, and the tact that the
f supply has tallen short in the eastern mar-
... 1 ket has also f reatly influenced the upward
a oumaer 01 our nunters who ro out to tendennr in nrires throughout I tie coun
!... r :
me iuresu in searcn 01 game, return empty try.
handed. I .
It is amazing how many people who
never have anything, who never do any
rariuers are lavin in th-ir wintor Wt-1
and the mure grown-up daughters they ; thine, and who owe everybody,
have the liigger the pile.
lI.Tl0RE A OHIO 1.
8 riTTsBVuau division.
. .. i isrs iralci on t'.
1 k. W luilu"
v ,ier Mi "
n a!
ild turkeys must tie scarce in this sec
tion. e have only known of one being
brought to town this suuson.
That we do a fine quality of job work is
manilesliti lv the l.irc amount of work
which is brought to our oflioe.
In '
l-.i '
1 ... "
. li.k.B.m.
, ... Bl.
-.J - ..m-
j are :
yk ..v p. in.
I'U.lM-tf li-lii ll.'Ml k. Ut.
t liiii..n- 7:1 "
Kutu..Mit lf.lp. m.
M , Uiiitrt.n e i a. lu.
4 tliit-nll4 " w p. Ui.
llni'tlLult III "
h.k.l 4 4;
titno r ie 6 i
I iii.imottfl ;:!
lln.i.1 !nl Ut
Ml. i'lnwalil ; 17 "
Nral-n 7:1 "
Mi k--iHrl 7..
T.U.1.-UIK :iftp. m.
i I, !.nj Tim t nindlM
..nXi ruui'j
" -,v. Wiial.arih time.
- !miln leave Pi-orgh at :5 H.
TyWTt(Vrn'il'illi''- Mineral
""'' i M la return lb fcxree Imw
M:1 j .!i A. S, sirirUm ut Mineral
(!3tcrM unn.lleT,u .IU A. M., Ullr
ii!wt 0j plauit route to tbe La
.7 t tiierf. learlnk
r i
... ,1, fcllKWW
.. n at
1 a. m., dallr. r-
A. H. : lialilniurc. JU
l; Ntw iorkO li a.
v A.
t urk,
m , daily, ar-
m . HAltlmtr Hill
I'liiiujeliil.U; l.ii i
Hev. I. X. Potter, is conducting a spir
ited protracted meeting, at Uie'iletzler
Lnurch, a short diHtance south ot town.
to dress and live so well and maintain their
grade of repecability in the community.
it is fashionable now to contract bills and
jump them. For our part, we prefer that
our friends steal from us directly. We do
not expect that rtoalinir will leave us bliss
fully iiinontnt of the operation, but in
many instances we are placed in that po
sition as regards the operators
For to knit, to spin, to sew, were once a
Km aeujoyweni ; uut now lo dress and
catch a beau is what she calls employ,
Will A. Kimiuell returned lo I'ittsburirh
tuturday afternoon to occupy his former
position in the establishment of F. 11
Liton & Co
Literary societies in the rural districts.
alter a suspension during the summer
months, are beinc reorganized and will no
doubt flourish.
"v.wt, train dilir.
I mi. isaii) iKt Sunilay.
T!i forwr Firth ATenue and Smith
. ' -rn, in if" wrner Grant anj H aicr
ri;tl'ili.:'riih. Pa.
t k. HVNKMAX, Suhu. Cocnelln ille.
f un t causal a kaiuoad.
i.'im MosJiy. 'or. IT, 18T. tralna will
u ff nu'rtlElf with 5IU traini ua
'yc-vt.lir . B A O. K. K. (xiK SuuJa;).
tIjR IOa.B.
T-t IWP.".
12 U p. ax
t SO p . ra
. IAN toEMCU tih Local Wart.
. ..'Dit V KvuT Time Tt l. to tak f.
J.uNny. Jur: ., and cuntioaelu force
...' u- It !UIC31rr.
' Z, !' S"iDi'it rvrry atarlT at
' . i mwrtntn M"Uiitain h-muTM
IWK AO. K. K .and . Monday at Hi
"'i" tn,,a nica r-
t," - n::-uria ai K a. .
frrirz. W. H.SANNER,
fftz k Ti it Airt. hUAnnieDUeiit.
l.tlip B
... 1.10 p. m
... il SI a. k.
... T p. K.
... 1:37 a m
...Si A. M
j4, pfwittr tan
piiwr" rt..,
u- u
If "Dick," of Addison, had sicned his
name, not for publication, but as a cuar-
antee of rood taith. his communication
would have appeared this week.
A few of our business houses were rl.uutl
during the lime set ( part tr holding di
vine services on Thanksgiving-, but the
msiority of them were open the whole
The Bedford Inouirer draws this correct
distinction between a negro and a "nie
g r:" "The former is always colored in
complexion and the latter is generally a
m hite man."
Oa Wednesday evening last the house of
John Hnocv. near UirmiUiZhara. Hunting
don countv, was destroyed bv fire, and
with it perished an infant child. Mrs.
Briney had gone out to gather some wood
preparatory to gelling super and during
ber attw-nce the bouse caught fire. When
she returned the flumes hud gained such
headway that it was impossible to get near
the buildine. the two older children
were rescued, though they received severe
burns. 1 be latc. a tear old, was burned
up, and n )t a trace ol its remains could be
discovered in the ashes. Bedford Oa
Our merchants are getting ready for the
holidays. Advertise in time and let the
people know where they can purchase a
suitable gift for mother, father, sister, bro
ther, or lriend.
It the jrung ladies don't stop wearing
gentlemen's hats, one ol these days they
will I surprised at teeing some venture
some chap donning a muff and tippet, with
his hair pined up in a net.
The g'nis ought to be comparatively
happy. They are wearing boy's hats,
boy's t'es, boy 's era vats, and it is hinted
that l' ey contemplate a raid upon another
inipoi tant part of the male app.ireL
During the fiscal year inst closed there
were transported over tlie ConnelUviiir i
tiranch of the 11. & O Kiilruad. one mil
lion, five hundred and eighlv-six thousand.
six hundred and thirty -eitjht tons of coai
and coke.
IiBAKiMAX Killed SiturJav a young
inin named Greire, a brakeman on the
1'utsburgb & Connellsville railroad, who
left here in the morning on freight train
.No. 02, h J ward Cooper conductor, was
run over and instantly killed by the cars
ai Salisbury Junction, near Meyersdale.
lie was a new man on the road, having
mule one or two trips, and was from bha
ner, IV lie was standing on a house car
making signals with lolh arms extended
1 he l ruin slacked suddenly and he was
thrown under the wheels and frightfully
mancled. His remains were taken to his
home. Cumberland JV :r .
It is high time for our borough autuort
ties to put a stop to the congregating of
large crowds ot hair grown children in
I Iront ot the p t office during the time the
mails am being uistnimteu. luere are
often three or four alter one person's mail
and the manner in which tbey behave and
crowd into the office is Intolerable. It pa
rents can't keep thir children at home,
the proper place for them in the evenings,
and tb js avoid this nuisance, some steps
should be taken by the authorities to di
minish it. It is not only the children that
annoy quiet citizens in this manner, but
large boys and young men are known to
crowd about the steps and conduct them
selves in a manner that is not only ungen
tlemanly but disgraceful.
I Mt..
I'ji-a-as! are starce.
Tit ic yoiirswning?.
J:v Pnf at Boyd's.
C lit'! nut Mt'Cday.
i.u hi; your erershies.
r..:.i:tr; ha CJ anienctJ.
Su- B-t'ks -t C. N. B jd's.
r.r'iafr advertisements.
Tk in r is making his rounds.
A: ScUV.' book store. Holiday gilts.
I: "a4 i! a inter had cmie to stay.
the wider the
Tit- MfTi -er a woman
EvtrttLinp (heap at Mr
;i.-:a('-e to mil all
5 ;-:.
L".rt!v t.m um.-h proianity among
c. s-a
:t!rv cheap, a
Jlhs. J. K
J. R Walter
ages at C. X
Waltlr i Sos's.
5 lit lis t)k store, cheap sta-
i c irrVte ajsrtmtnt of spectacles at
y t.yUi.
in linry goods arc ordering the'r
i Ute best five cent cigar in town.
Messrs. Frank Sampstll and Daniel E.
Davis have opened an oyster saloon in the
Manimoth block, next to Boyd s lruc
store. Both are experienced bands in the
business and iher w ill no doubt run a first
class saloon
The shortest days of the year arc grad
uallv crawline uiion us. Though short
now, davlit:hl will lie c-iirlniled still fur
ther umil the 21st ol this month, when
after a stand still ot a tew days it wiil
again begin to lengthen.
The amount ot water which falls every
year is about the same, and the weather
wise people predict that there will be con
siderable snow 111 during the coming win
ter, to make up for the long drought we
have been passing through.
The weather up to Saturday last week.
whs mild and spring like. Saturday morn-
ine a snow storm set in and we are now
liavinz in the language of one of our ex
County Commissioners, "Weather a little
previous to what we have had.
Work on the Middle Penitentiary, Hunt
in i: Ion, has been suspended, owiog to the
inclement wealher. The reservoir is com
pleted, ind the foundation of the wall
which is to enclose the ground, ten acres
in extent, has been built ae tar as the sur
Mr. Utz. Dean, one of Addison mist
prominent Republicans, paid the IIckald
sanctum a virit Mondav evening. Mr.
Dean is a pleasant, sociable gentleman and
on whom we were glad to meet, lie re
ports Addison in good fighting trim tor
-tH. Call ain.
received at Mrs. J. It.
"- jnst
Vtri sot 'a
Pstrnt medidnes and Dye stuffs
( S Rnda
T-t Batr's Boom Xavy" at Orton'a.
w ci rhmptst.
are invited to
::niilinc Court
i tC X. Boyd's.
lves are about keep yotr
a.- ctar d-wrs licked .
'.tixri ti uy- at what age exalt boys
c vs t to'nse totaoco.
!'iVr-i:si intcresiing happens in yur
'f'-'Aviu send it to us at once.'.;i1t to he an -off-year" for
"-' t Let wiauve Hand Books."
tir Christmas stwl Xew Year
P vbrli hook and Taricty store.
i vitii'i News Depot, pecci's. pens.
ref. mvf lopes, books, albums and
T ( t'mcr to buy While Lead. Oil,
'"A i'aiatrJLc., at Byers Jc Barceit,
Fh. Tub and Can Oysters, for
,t Dav, at prices to suit all at
1 2 Pa . -
kc futii cs of this Siate they lave
' -s-tird iu'.xz sparroas as a dainty
. r.ibles. aD'UUiS and Pocket
ytmti Niiii; s News Depot, next
is rsef. stop and see the nice
Mm J. U. Waltkr i Sj5's.
, bo, store, next to the
lor I'nittc rwkilt fl.-mr i-nnnf
'aCokituiU '
ltd r.or.cct received twice a
s. J. K Walte & Sos's.
i' J Y
N-htU's N'eas Dep.. lust re-
f .i.'at k of boiks. suiuble for
.tr H ibe (New. IUw, Hall-Can. or
J- .H Put s twloon, basement
Betiiu" Bi.k.
Iepot.": rtnieat or box psper r
tt Ep. .t J. Y. S-beil s Nes IVl
Holiday presents.
Hoi , ock acd best goods at the
J n WALtrn Jk Sos.
Land ibe 0vtr Chilled
- ! npAas at
-;'r. G:
tt s;
Bi'TTEH-cotch One poind of white
sugar, three-fourths of a pint of water, one
and a halt tewpoonfuls ot buUc-r, lem in
juice. Boil sugar and water over a slow
tire until it ropes ; add buiier and juice ot
lemon : pour on a pan to cool. Any oihcr
flavor can be uaed.
The Union service held in the Luther
sn church Tbanksgivinc mrninc. was
quite well attea ie 1. The erm n p ea h
ed by Kev. Wakefield was an able one and
met wiih the appmtwlion of all present
Kevs. Whetstone. Murray and Truxil as
sisted in the services.
Sme of our street crossings are in a bad
condition, covered with loose mud to a
depth ot several inches, miking it exceed
ingly unpleasant lo pedestrians generally.
The man who will invent some process
by which tbi nuisance can be abated will
be voted a public benefactor.
Our farmer fnends, in some localities,
complain ot a srrcity of water for their
siock. If there is a general freeze ,up be
lore the streams are fuller some of them
wiil really sutler from Ibis cause. This
has been "the drvest season within the rec
oliection of the "oldest inhabitant."
A Mi3in county banter fired at anJ
brought down a wild turkey, and. on pro
ceeding to the spot, saw another one ly inz
dead, and a few feet bvond a third, bav
ins killed all three. His gun was loaded
with buckshot, and it is probable they
were in tine perhaps ia listening a'.li
Mim-ison Underwood, a former resident
of Ureens'ure. now of Carlisle, Pa., has
placrd in the bands of trustees the sum ot
11.000. the income from which is to be
applied to the maintenance and support of
the Hieh School of Greensburg and the
establishment an -I maintenance ot a library
at the countv alms house.
And now it is said that the buildinc ot
the Somerset & Cambria R-tad is not such
a sure thing after all. The estimate made
by the engineers who recently finished the
survey, is some f K. Of "0 above what it was
at first tboosht it would cost. It was at
first thought it could be tmilt for 100. 0W;
it is now said that it will cost f 00,000.
The general committee on Gen. Grant's
reception at Harrtobnrc. on the 15th ot
December, have appointed Gen. Cameron
Chairman ot the Committee on finance
Mayor Patterson on invitation and recep
lion, and Dr. Buebkr on arrangements.
This is intended to be the grandest di'play
ever witnessed at the Capital of the itale.
It appears that in Virginia on the first
Tnesdav of November the people voted
for a readjustment f the $!ate debt. Read
Byers & Barnett. i justment is a term that needs explanatum.
i It ia like a man who has owed bill ot f 10
for sutarription and tells yon that yon mar
collect it it tou can, or moves out to Ne
braska. It doe not pay the debt exactly,
but it settles it.
Nails, Iron, Glut, ! . " T
t-w. n-Tr-h.r. . An rxchacre rcmuM mat me mac wno
X Bamett s. mrat Pa. ttds a well conducted newspaper is col
I lika'v t K imnanl nnne br nharner
-!ac s country imnoa, you ! w no are travel. log tnrougn me coooiry
k Jr !! book wore is the p ace ' for the purpose of swindling farmer. And
the little the farther who does not lake at least one
A most disgraceful brawl took place in
front of Cook !c Ileerits' store Saturday
evening. A mn by the name ot Murray,
who has but recently been released from
the Penitentiary where he was serving a
term for having shot a man in Cambria
county aaau!lej several boys from the
country, lie would walk up and strike
them a blow without the slightest cause or
provocation. But when he struck young
tiez. Miaul is. ne nit tue wrong man
baulis bounced him and was proceeding
to give him a most complete bodv-lieatinc
when some one interfered and took him
off. A Urge crowd had congregated and
yells of ' Police!" -Let them rkbt
lair play !" were heard on all side.
W ben Murray got up he struck Shaulis a
learful blow wiih a "billy, above the left
eve. cutting an Uirlv gash. He was
promptly arrested by Constable Deitr and
l.xlgeil in jii. If a number of persons
who did the unearthly yelling had been
arrested and fined. lh-y would have bu:
gotten their just dues.
The Holiday- Skasox. Leaving out Editor IIhiald .Thinking that Def
ine Annual recurrence of our National ana I ni ps a tew occasional items of news from
HtAifi holiday, the date of which has for the staid old town of Berlin would prove
several years past oecn nniiorm oy proem- uricrouug 10 your leauers, we taae up tue
matlon ot the t resiueni ana wovern ut ijuui m give you lusuuiineui mo. i wun a
a number ot States, and which ts always l settled purpose to let you bear from us
the last Thursday in November, we are j "every now and then, should you think
now annrnachine the general holiday ea- proper to insert our scrinitng in your ex-
son, which includes Christmas, New Year, cellent paper. But, alas J how many good
and, with many persons, the days inter- resolutions, born of the beat motives, are
vening between tbeae important event in never carried out and such, perhaps, may
tue Calendar, i OS pntUHNiiwrT bj uii iwuu w iuc um mnu ui icmuuua vi f uur
of the approach ot the holidays are begin- prexent correspondent.
ning to make themselves tclt, for we find Thanksgiving day cams and passed but
that religious associations are preparing tor not without having received from the citi
feslivals, fairs, bazars, big dinners, the reus of our ancient village the attention
proceeds ot which are to be applied to they are accustomed to give to all Nalioual
church purposes, and other announce-1 noiways. i be conzregauons ol the town
menu peculiar to the occasion when bene- all met in the 31. i i. burch. The excr
eta are to bo derived for denominational ciscs were under the direction of the Rev,
organizations, by the opportunity ot spend-1 Weakley, the pastor, and all the arrange
ing money for what the parties in interest menu were so systematic as to prove his
consider a most laudable purpose. Then qualification for tue piace he occupies. At
the toy-shop windaws are nea'.ly arranged the precise hour announced tor the meet-1
with a Wealth ot aucu toys as wutaiiraci tug. tuu j rcsiurui a inociaiiiiiuon caiuug
the attention of the voung lolks, who can for the observance of the day. was rend
scarcely wail until the time arrives lor I by 1'rotessor Critchtleld who immediately
tbeir aunnal Presents to be forthcoming : latierwaid read the 13ih chanter of th
the little ones who believe faithfully in the epislie to the Komaus. The reading was
annual visit of Sinta Cluus, and wbo are inlawed bv the opening prayer oiU-red by-
able lo count, are anxiouoly computing the I lev. BrHenhaugh, palorot the n-jfornivd
numlMsr ot daya which must elapse unti: ctiureh. ?ext came the singing ot a gnud
Si. Nicholati, with bis reindeer team, wiil National tmun bv the choir in wblcu the
FR VNK HCIililNG. OcL 19. IST'l.
at the residence of Joseph Wevand. by
Rev. J J. Welch. Mr. Cuarlea Vranlf u,
Miss Eilen Herring, both of Somerset Co.,
at the residence of Joseph Smith, rear
Friedens, by the sam, Mr. Josiah Bow
man to Miss Susan Horner, both ot S"iatr
set Co., Pa.
J. E. LYON & CO.
BOWMAN. Nov. 17. 1 73, Mary A.
Bownun, aged 34 years, 0 nioiubs am! 23
WALTER On Nov. C Kli, !S70. Mir-
Ciret Waiter, a;exl !)7 veins tt m'.'ntl.'' ac-I
S uays.
TEDRO'.V. Near New Li sljqb.n, P. .
Nov. 20lh. Mary ML'-lilen I'..di0.v
W years. 8 months aud 12 -iiiys.
Mrs. THrow was born in B:;rka cij-tcry.
P., and while yet 0iite young she caui-;
With lw.r l,lliu,:a l,m;lw ,.. ,1 ;
be skipping over rool-tops and down chim whole congregation nniied. lisv. Pollen- Ta bl.r Cir,y w,IUVinuJ,J stie nnitea
neys wun bis load 01 presents wuica ne oerger, pastor ol we ujuicraa cuurcu wa B;i, the Oiscii.!s' church of wiiii-h
TRADE Vim and PusU will dx
No need of argument.
Miriness is rasy in do if yon do it riht.
rices loiie JL ell llie toiv
delights in distributing in households then announced as the preacher for the
where good little boysaua gins aweii. occasion ana proceeded to deliver j uib-
I lieu tue children ol larger groA'in arc course wbich couia not laa to pront every
also looking lorard to the approach of ne who beard it. He announced as his
tue season, and are preparing pmus tor meme ine -a verse 01 me looa t saim, ana
some grand sunrises? Many young ladies in hu remarks showed our cause tor
are deep in the mysteries of working won- gratitude to God by directing attention to
derfully shaped dogs, and alarmingly con- the unparalleled success which we, as a
structed cats, imitation roses and lilies. Nation, had attained in every line of ac-
and other devices, on worsted, which will tivity and the distinction God had bestow
form the ornaraenul part of baby ruling ed upon us in making us a blessing to the
slippers, intended as a Christmas present Nations of the earth. After the sermon
for their several affinities. They are de- the whole congregation united in singing
lermined tnat these offerings shall be a "Praise God from whom all blessings flow"
complete surprise to the recipients, and as and the benediction was pronounced by
a general uiing iney are, in aooui me same i me pastor, i ne ix-rnn military company
ratio that a departing superintendent of led by its gentlemanly commander, Capu
manufactory is "surprised at the present- Floto, was in attendance and occupied a
lion ot a watch, or gold cane from bis for- place near the rostrum during the service,
nier employes, and who is too much over- The alterunon and evening ot the day
come with eniotiou to resiiond properly, I were spent oy oar citizens in muRing so-
w hen the tact is he had several weeks to cial calls and engaging in the festivities
prepare his remarks. Ibe young man common to such occasions. All tn all
who has a sweet heart is casting luuve ibanksgiviug day in lserun was a day
glance in jewelry stores just about this that will be long remembered by many ol
time in November, and is racking his our people.
Detf.iimine!) to Dik On Wednesday
night last, LUniel Utiiev. an old ci' of
Miiford township, committed suicide. The
fallowing circumstances as to the even
have been c nnmanicated to ns : Mr. Bui
v ano c;s wiie, as is me usual custom in
this pari ot the country, were sleeping to
gether. Awaking, he arose, said he w i
tired of living, and declared his intention
of taking his own lite. He proenred i
skein of yarn, fastened it around his neck
secured it somehow to the bedpost, and
swung off, attempting to strangle himself
His wile cut bun down. It is reported
that this art with yarn was repeated three
times, finding himself baffled, he pro
cured a piece ot rope; and his wile, bv
thi time believing him in earnest and be
coming tnorougniy ingntened, ran to a
Deiiihbor s tor help, w hen succor arrived
mi ley was found wun bis face a lew inch
es from the floor, strangled to death. The
deceased was a bard working man, but his
morals aere notot that sublime type de
scribed in I aley s Philosophy.
One stormy nuM last week the store ol
Murdock, Brother & Covode. at Ligonier,
as forcibly entered by burglars and a va
rietv of valuable articles taken. The stolen
gds consist ot clothing, pocket knives.
leveral watches. Jewelry of various kinds.
revolvers, butter, corn and other goods.
The estimated ls by this j ib is about one
hundred and DUy dollars. The burglars
eff'-cted an entrance bv forcing open one ot
he back window. Tbey alo stole a team
from a butcher in Ligonier and nsed it to
remove the goods they succeeded in cap
oring. The party was tracked into the
mountain but alter following the trail for
number of miles the pursuing party lot it.
ibe horse was tound wandering about a
day or two after the occurence and being
recognized, was returned to the owner.
It is not known positively who did the job.
but from the direction taken wiih the booty
a pretly clear idea has been formed. The
suspected parties mill be closely watched
and UDlrt tbev are unusually sharp the
stolen goods wiil give them away. La
trobe Adeine.
grain. En cade, Siriped :
J- Si. Wai tf A Sos's.
b 'it,ltfo.
P of tboae rle
t.n."at,IX1 ctpt np(o twenty-
rood county paprr h) not to ne greatly pit-
! led if be is occaaionany bitten by these nn-
u"ke an n r I
va l'h;Eg Uittr o no
U S- e iet
Stem tbe
nocrWh and
itt ttsa. Onl) 25 rtcts a
Mii s SaUa.
t4inctpled sharks.
to keep himself posud
It ia rverr man's dntv
A STKRU5A Newspaper. In all the
range of territory between Philadelphia
n the East, Chicago on the North, and
Cincinnati on the West, there is no news
paper of equal merit aDd enterprise with
the Pittsburgh Commercial GaitiXe.
It has led all compeiiiors in the great
iron. coal, oil, and class centres, and is to
day the standard authority on all matters
connected wiih financial operations, trade
wtatiMica. etc. Its maiket quotation on
Grain, Wool Lift itet and Predate are
he standard for buyers and sellers.
In the extent and variety ot iu news it
has no eoual ithia the area above named.
and it influence is widespread and far-
In its politic it is stalwart Republican.
and is prcptred tn do valiant service in the
approaching Presidential battle.
The daily issue Is mailed to subscribers
at $S. and the weekly edition at f 1 30 per
annum, nample colties sent free.
Commercial Gazette
Pittsburgh, Pa.
And now it is our tarn to "advance a
proposition. II the late I h airman of the
Democratic County Committee wasn t lost
n Shade townshin. as reported alter the
election, he was at least ket. to a consider
able degree, to his sense of honor. The
day of the election it was agreed upon that
the Republicans of the borough should pay
x dollars, and the Democrats four, to
have ibe telegraph office kept open, ia or
der to get the returns that night. The
RepaMicans paid their assessment prompt-
y and cheerlullv, but the DeoxcraU were
a little slow. Finally the Chairman offer
ed to obligate h'mseit tor their share, bat
the operator refused to take his obligation
nnles he would give additional socarity.
A prominent Republican present said be
would bail the De trior rats of the borough
for the amount, and Monday morning be
was called upon to pay that amoant, which
he did like a little man. The late Chair
man. upon being called upon, said that
'the news had come in adversely tor his
party, acd be wouldn't ask any ot them to
contribute." Well, the news sms a little
adverse ; there was not much consolation
to be gathered for them, and the majori
ty in the county was orr four hundred ;
but still, honor ia honor, and we think the
Democrata at the bornagh cms scarcely af
ford to be so disgraced f the sake of wr
ing a few paltry dollar. Woe onto lae.
late Chairman, it would have been better
far tbee had thou it en kst in the wilds uf
Shade losnsbip. than that this additional
brain in the vain idea that be may be able
to decide upon some appropriate Chmuuas
gilt tor the young lady upon whom he is
mashed. It he knew the size of the
finger upon which she wears ber rings he
ouid invest in a band ot piain or engrav
ed gold, or if he only had an idea what
md ot earrings or breastpin she prtlers,
he could soon make a choice of the article.
but there is where the trouble comes in
In the desperation ot the moment be will
buy some article which the girl don't
ant, and be will soon find out his mistake
hen she refuses to wear it,
The good loving wile will astonish her
husband on the morning ot the grand an-
versa ry, by presenting him with some
thing that will prove ot practical value ;
some article that will be of use to him in
his daily wear in cold weather, or that will
come handy in bis line of business or pro
fession 1 here will he no nonsense in her
gill Time was when an elaborately
worked watcli-case, lancy suppers, smok
ing cap, or other arrangement of the kind
would be banded over to him. with a very
sweet blush on this day of presents, but
marital experiences have taught her new
lessons, and she has now grown remarka
bly commonplace in this respect. Then
ibe good husband will not forget the com
panion of bis joys and sorrows. It may
be the practical gilt ot a roll of bank notes
to enable ber to purchase that "love of a
Latest style Neck-wear for Ladies at
A Remarkable Result. It makes no
difference bow many Physicians, or how
much medicine you have tried. It is now
an established fact that German Syrup is
the only remedy which has given com
plete satisfaction in severe cases of Lung
Uisease. It U trne there are yet tbotia
sands ot persona who are predisposed to
1 hroat and Lung A flections, Consumption
Hemorrhages, Asthma, bevere Colda set
tied on the Breast, Pneumonia, Whoop
ing Cough. &c, who have no personal
knowledge of Boschee's German Syrnp.
To such we would say that 50,000 bottles
were sold last year w about one complaint
Consumptives try just one bottle. Regu
lar size .5 cents. Sold by all druggists in
Get Flowers and Feathers at
JIbs. J. R. Walter Si Sox's.
StRotCAL Operation. On la-t Satur
day afternoon. Mr. Henry Beall. ol Lona
coning, came to Cumlterland to have his
right eye taken out, the sight ot which h ul
been destriyed bv a piece of iron fly in ir
into it five years ago, whilst at work in the
she continued a devoted and fuitblu! mem
ber until the day of her deith. She was
a woman ot excellent meniul quitlitiea
especially noted among luose who 'enow
her tor her knowledge ot the Sei'ip'ures,
which she mide her constant study fur
more thin half a century. Though ten
derly care 1 tor in the tamily ot her only
son, shu waa, for years before her death,
anxioualy wailing lor the messenger t
call her home.
LICIITV. Nov. 10, 1973, Guy Oscar,
son ol George C. aud S-trah A. Lichtv.
aged 2 years, 2 moa'.hs and 17dys.
LICIITV Nov. 21. Is7, Harry Wil
son, son oi ueorge u. an-.i Surah A. .Lice-
ty, aged 10 yar, 2 ruomhs and 27 days.
LICHTi. Nov. 2Jih, 1379, Emma
Clara, daughter of George C aud Strait A
Licnty, aed 4 years, 5 nivalin, aud S
Mr. Llchty and family have the deepest
sympathy ot all their neighbors and tiienda
in their deep aud unexpected bereavement.
May our Heavenly Father graciously sus
tain the sorrow-stricken parents aud fami
Iv in the word, which says : Sull'e.r the
little chilhien to Come unto mo, and forbid
them not, tor of such is the kingdom ol
H.-aven, even, s i! it iu w the will of your
Father which is in Heaven, that one ol
these little ones should perLsh." How
precious and comforting the thought that
these tender flowerets o b-iiw aro not so
much nipiM-d and withered by de-a-h as
transplanted to a Heavenly Garden, there
to ll mrish in brihlei I. loom and exb'tle a
licher fragrance through eud;c-a ages.
WhjKliuul'l we weep ..r ttio'e wh- ihs.
Tli i blerti vatt wno eep no la re:
Jesus hth ciU'J th !;a t the ttj.
An t (ta lly hiret ,rj- goo )bc!v:c.
A few aii'.rt daj j ilujr liue.l here,
Tb9 ajiji j'nlc J spjrk ol trial knew ;
Prlp'J sarly dpjpp'J tfce parting tea
An. early n-w hare parte'l too.
Large Stock, Good (ioods and Small Profit have gained ibr us the LARGEST TRADE in
the Nothing but steady. low nrices Year inand vear nut will rrp.nff nd mm'nmJn
biisinoss such as our-s. We have added largely to onr Stock durin-' the past week and are pre
pared to meet the demands of those who want anything in cur line,
Goo.1 -mit of aii'lrrw'iro for Oent. a
wh"le 9!oi:k.
u I.H.M-' Sh'ei, '
;teis.w' tin
'liinii'lfl llurlc f"I!.;vc, '
OauiiilM Soeen St "
New friul,
iius' Ddo liuttoa t -p kkl Olovef.
i m
M to 1 GO
Lrtie3 Olorea. jo 2.1
nl' Heavy Soelcn, .1 pelrt u
Kine Kuim:irull Yarn, erll.. 74
F.ue Stoekma- Yaru, wuite aat enlore.1,
(Sowewl) l)tW
Clark's IViitun Thread tor ma -bine an, vi
Linen niril, hlaeii ) par oi M
tiem" 0 l Sa'M. t'ni.jn CHflmera fp ot tn 1 no
" Orwnoatf IM'iw
VM', I 10 IO
14 Vhii, -l..(
r, x.
Drugs at reduced rates. Three Show Cases, two large and one
Hardware at reduced rates
1,000 bushels of Wheat wanted. 1,000 bushels of Corn wanted. 1,000 bushels of Oats wanted
All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods.
machine shops at Mt. Sjvae. ll&ceQtlr
... . r . . . I J " ' - - muA nio
Donnei. or mai aress upon uicn sue cas siiht of the left was beirinninz to fail.
.i .u.i -ua .tru u necanie a necfsaitv to hve the in
tet her heart
iatuiiiun be will make a stlvctioa which
will please her very much, aud which wiil
cause her eyes to sparkle as tbey iliii when
he asked the nitfet Important question
which a lovine sweetheart ever answered
and Lis reward will Incommensurate with
bis kind thou hll'uln ess. The holiday
season will commence one month from to
day, and there is co harm in throwing oui
biota to tounjr and old upon which they
cai act, and thus mark an xtU in the
desert of their lives w hich can he looked
hack lo wiih pleasure, kinir alter the txt-
S'jt-ps of every day expeiieoces have car
ried them forward in the uudeviating
march to the grave. Jvhn$iuitn J rrtune.
Brotherstallet, Nov. 29. 1873.
The crowing grain crop throughout our
township looks promising ; it is in belter
condition than il was last tall, especially
the "Chili w hen" looks splendid and the
farmers who sowed ttat kind are well saU
iciied ao fjr with the experiment.
Apples in our section were never so
plenty before, some of our tarmers have
made from seventy to seventy-five barrels
f Cider, and nave besides stored u their
cellars from 5 IX) lo GOJ bushels of apples
lor future use.
Better limes are com'.ni ; ia fact tbey
have come already and have also rt ached
Brothcrevalley. Everything Is in good de
mand trom a pig up to a horse and from
iioiaioes and apples np to oats and wheal ;
Uf course prices are not as high as during
ibe "war times," but everything is in de
mand, and the cash is prompt? paid and
the farmers are well satisfied and feel very
It is rumored irounJ. and correctly too.
that a teacher in our township, carries a
pistol in bis pocket, while teaching in the
school room, and at dinner time be and
bis pnpils are shooting mark. Last
week his pistol slipped out of his pocket
and fell on the fUxu exploding the cap and
discharging the contents of one of the bar
rels. No accident his yet happenc. but
he query with the rood people is. what in
ibe ihonder does a school teacher want
with a revolver ia the school room? I
read an account a year or so ago of a school
earner way down in Mississippi, where
the people mock at morality, loyalty, civ
ilization and Christianity, who used a pair
o" -pUtols to antne purp.e in the
iol room, but in a State like Pennsyl
Tania, and a county like Somerset, where
be masses are loyal and civil and Chris
tianized the teacher who carries a conceal
ed firearm in bis pocket in the school room.
'travs entire!" the trust witb which the
bjurd hs entrusted him. exposes great ig
norance of the laws of our bute, and man
ifests a great want of the proper qualifica
tions as the man who can be trusted with
the children of a district under bis instruc
cealed weapons to the school room is, in
be estimation of the good people, better
(jaalified for the jil than the school room.
But, enough a hint to the wise is sura-
A Crtizts.
j area memuer removed, wmch operant
was perlornied bv our oculist. Dr W". F.
Fumtcuberi;. with thut care aud skill only
acquired by extensive practice. Mr. Deal
returns borne io-dar, fullv relieved of all and the sight of the remiinin eye
win soon rei:in Us fail nower. Vum'xr
land Daily Tinu-t.
e were expvJ week to a pitiles
storm, tbat wet our leet anl st'-ickinjs. and
iniieea our person ail over. In luct we
Unik acrat-kin cold, which brought sre
throat and severe symptoms of fever. The
good wife asserted her authority, plunged
our teet iuto hot water, wrapped us ia hul
blankeis, and sent oar fvihiul son tor
bottle of Ayer's Cherry Fe:toral. It is a
splendid medicine pleasant to lake, and
did the job. We slept soundly through
the nigbt and awoke well the next morn-inij-
We know we owe oar quick recov
ery to the Pectoral, and shall not hesitate
to recommend it to all woo need 6ueh i
medicine. Tekuaeana (Texas) PretbjU
A Mother's Grief. The pride of a
mother, the life and joy of a home, are ber
children, hence her grief when sickness
enters and takes them away. Take warn
ing then, that you are running a terrible
ri-k, if they have a Cough. Croup, or
hooping Cough, w hicb lead lo Consump
tion, it you do not attend to it at once
guaranteed lo cure tbrm. Price 10 cents.
50 cents and $1 00. For Lame Bark, side
or I best, use bbikb 1'orous f taster.
Price 25 cents.
Sold by G. W. BenlorJ. Drajrcist, Som
erset, Pa.
Farmers get fooled when they bnv Dkit-
ter Powders and colored salt, and big
bottles of cheap coloring stuff, if they ex
pect to get as good a Butler Color, as the
Perlected Bu'ter Color made by Wells.
RicbardstiO & Co.. Burlington, Vt The
olhers have tried to imitate the excellence
of this, the original color, but have wholly
tailed, r anners should use only the "Per
fected." Sold by Iiruggtsts and Mer
chants generally.
The following letters remaining in the
Postoflice, at Somerset, Pa., will be for
warded to the Dead letter office if not
called for on or before l)ec 27. When
calling for tbes letters pleae say adver
tised : Barnes Dary, Fales Win,, Bovdd
Mrs. Edward. Day Jacob J., Farns worth
Henry, Riddle Mrs Sarah, Reiman An
drew, Shaffer Joah. Swope Mrs. Barbara,
Scyder Mrs Elizabeth, Taer W. M..
Woodward George D.
The Best I Ever Khew Of. J. G
Ia short a teacher who carries con- Starkey, a prominent and influential Citi-
Z'-n of Iowa Cuv, says : 'I have bad the
Dyspepsia and Liver Complaintfor several
years, and have used every remedy I could
bear of, without any relief whatever, on'il
I saw yoor Sbiloh's Vitalizer advertised in
our paper, and was persuaded to try iL I
an. happy to state that it bas entirely cared
me. 1; is certainly the best Remedy I ever
knew of." Price 73 cents.
Sold bv George W. Ben fort, Somerset,
Oib Recipe for CrBi.vo Meat. As
the season has arrived when curing meat
is in order, we republish as of old, our fa-
moos recipe for curing beef, pork, mutton,
hams, as follows :
To one gallon of water.
Take 1) pounds of salt.
Jib. ot sugar,
J.iz. saltpetre.
oz potash.
In this ratio tue pickle can be increased
to any quantity desired. Let these be
boiled together until all the dirt from the
Property in the neigbbrnhond' of the
buildings (depot etc) ot the Somerset &
Cambria Railroad, will be in great demand
next spring, when work on the new road
commences in earnest. If any of onr read
ers want to purchase a home, or a proper iv
on speculation, let; hem call on Cant C 3r
IT.rriwm .nil ait i a l,rm,
suar rises to the top and is skimmed off. h,wt M(, n d he
I an f n fii VaV S t a niA Sm run T y arw I anrl vat - r a n
si'e. Terms a ill oe made easy and price
Then throw it into a tub to cool. and when
cold, pour it OTer yoar beef or pork. The
meat must be well covered with pickle, and
should not be put down for at least two
days after killing, during which time it
"My hack aches so, and I feel misra-
said a hari-working mao. Tne doo
cK,oiM h aliirhllv ariri n k 1,1 with rmciLr. biy,
cd saltpetre, "which removes all the sar-1 tor q'O" him and tound that he had
far himvt kr iinf th rrv.t irih .n ' oeen habitually costive for years, that now
clean. Some omit boiling the pickle, acd ' ni di Mered and bis whole
"n.l it tn.n.r w.ll tkmnrh th rr ; vs'em deranged. Kidnev Wrrt was re
tiosi of boiling purifies the pickle, by throw-i ojoimeoded and faithfully taken and In a
ingoatbedirt always to be louod 10 salt ; Ir' : . . cujutc.
n,1 ::ear Ifthia rnv nt iw f,J. .rsui aau iuuk: 1"ci it ion
lowed, it win require only a single trial
Oorractaa bj Cook It Bsaaira.
DaAUas I
Applet, ilrie-1, f at
app!, (-!....-
bran. t Iwi 1 1
Hauer, y a (SeiJ
H'Jlter, ji t, (rull i....
Buckwheat, y busbel
" ICeal, 1 Si
Keewax. J Sv
Baouu, !ioulJeri, k
" sUeA.
couatr? faaoii. a
Ckirn, tari f I'jajiti
Corn, (isheiie i) V bu?liel
O ro meal f
tall jaiai. k. V ,,"
Fa-ur, 'ft bt,l 'f" bu., J Ej
il-m. trjir-cure-i) f a
L'Ler, re-1 "'!e, V S
o, i er
MMJHutj, aod chop 100 Cs...
ju, ft ca
P itat a,fi a
t'eaeliea, drl-I, W t,
Rj y?n .".
tIMCZ, f
Stall. N. Jul, VbbLextra
" lin unj Aluio, per not..
Anu, r sack
Saicar, jellow y ft
Talkiw. ft
Wheat, fi bos
Wool. 9 -
: u- 5-
....... .ifj'i,j(
el (M
- C
10 to lie
ii V)
,;; re
o 7-
..'.Z SPv'i-icl
1 Mti'. 11
.. il icti .0
Dec. 3
Before going elsewhere and satisfy voursrjives that we mean what wc sar.
Seribner's Monthly
LiMt of Ca
Catharine Luttig-. late of S-imerset Two.
Stumer tu.. Pa.. .lee'J
LeUers teeiameatarr co the atxive estate bavins
beiii ran.e.1 w the UDilereitfoeo by the
aut b.-ritT ; notice n hereby eiTen to all i ere..cs
ie.tetHeU to a-itil evtate to Eaae imme.l.ate pa.-
ncuuv .iMmuiiijif claims ax iciet tueAme
la prment Uien duly asibeatioateii iur etUeni
on Krklaj Janaarj letb IS O, at Iheauureui ia
Kieeaf la I rieueciborr. H,nitr'X oupntr, Ja.
b A J L tJL SN It fcK,
Dec 3.
Eetate of John Lnras, lnt. of frrr Tarkejlbrl
I wp., Sumre4 ombij, V . dec 0.
Lettersuiaomiiiutratiuonti theaiVeee:ate bar-
in been rraoti to the atwiertieneil, notice is
her t.jr given Ui ta.iee liklebted to uu make tin me
diate payment, and tttn9 havmi rlalmi r ile-
numts wul prnrnt them aolr aathemirateti lur
tm tiemebt, SaiafUj. JanaarT lu. 15J- at late
resi Jence of aeiised.
Dee. 1 Amir.Utmor cam te-tamei,u anoexo.
r rank Sipe bar inz male a T.lun:arr assTi-
BMM to me In tropt K.r his rrHitJira ot hu real
estate aoU buuk acc-4ia:a, 1 herty glre boiler lo
ail pert- n? havimc claims rr accnaau w he: ber i.f
recvirt or ein-rwue, to fir sent tarn to ne priper
y aatben-.icateU. and ail pecvuos indebted to ai i
aid etate will De rojalred to make lirvmpt yty
ment ol the tame.
Dee. 3 Atwisrnee ol Fran -ipe.
injurs v oviaiTdsa
-aoji lav ni aupjn jo f pan n VW P" T
ssamsaa AHaNQOti
Xridaioiil peiredu aq rtl aTH-K
jo fn n VM "T Xjiow.i qj oj pltr)n T
ucqj - ijpjo oi fxm 2ar.53 jo s;s:!j ijY
V133H 1,UT3 a3l01S zvoa
i j J .7 u w a tm ,f a .a
MOT J S 3XVU o ax V
S O A J A" J 7 3AO.ZS
'SHI OS (I .7 7 S
SorUTOjotpaj j v
ir,n j pes arvrai
warn ? Quojfm
"WUmi I33H2H0S
af'AS3a -js trio
CapL C'bas. J. IlarriscB. ot tne Snaier
tt Cianty Bar.k, bas a property lor aa!e.
to pro re its sapenonir oer the common
war, tnsi ways oi natune down meat.
and will nut aooa be abandoned itr aar
other. Tne meat ia unsurpassed; lor sweev-
neas. delicacr and
Uermantote Tdeffraph.
wocoVi ful.
i o Ge-jr S'ryrr tbe wtl'ir. aa1 Mar raret
medicine oa tbe bowel, and kidneys is I T-SSE. TJl'
nloKwkUsd P. tt . MarTland. Ifvunre Stejer,
?hiloh's Catarrh Rsmsdt A mar
velous Cure lor Catarrh, Diphtheria. Can-
fresline ol color. t ker RKtuth, and Head Ache. With each
J bottle there ia an iairenioits nA"al injector
n ,.w -rT- c . i r U more eacceaalal treatment of tne
C , , . I9.TJTCT. The pm. wiihoot eitra charge. Price
count) tear bera Institute will cunTene in rints.
Su,neTset-,.OB Kitr .ale by G. VT. Bentord, Somerset.
Uecember ti. 13.4, and conunoe mses-lp J
sion ire days. Circukara oonuinisr tkej
progranime will be ftwarVd to teachers. Fob Sale. An 9 horse sUUonarj en
of vUe county by mail wkitia few day, gine, without boiler, warranted in good
Among the leoturert and instructors who rder. Reason lor selling : Not power
are expected to be present are Proteaeor ! taCVient for Ue buainevs tor whk-b it was
Srmrpe. of Worcester. Ohio, and Protessor ! parchased. Call apoa M. H. HartzeU.
oung. ot Indiana State Nursaal school, j jfew Centreville, or at this office.
The aiteraoom seasiun of Toesdar tbe 23d :
Krf anu
disgrace, tkniQgh thy itstrumenulity,
UiMi d be riiiilea uratn tbi nanv
J! n. J. Iv u;ie, a laar i .aui uj jto
rf ff, ni"t itb a ery painful accident
last Turtda morBine Whilst blacking ane roaoe a wdko. ai me price ana oa me terms ne . eTrrT he teacher be in attendance. Alii
miestep fr8 tbe cluur upu wuicn see wi.i ocer k, must prove a --Don ante lr ' fridj d rducaltuo are inriid to be Lrea.
,. i. . a K.k I f-w-
i SS SlanCiCI:, laillDa attiusi uic WJUiitc i A a.tMju v n U.USC,
-. 1 1 V J J - T . , . V C.I I
will ucTiam uj m imruiiK ut lac X.uum t
Dl'ertnni ot the ninnlr. at whii-h aa Urie and batnidar. ai
! an attendance as pnseibte is desired. Let i
tbe holiday (oods oa Friday
Mm.A.. Uni's.
one. A rood bnrk huiM ball.
i , m a tjv..we., . . j - c 1
I:. r,i an.l hrkin bet collar bone in two places. s.juarei4 crtMiDd. food ouiwu'tdiaes, slen-
k J Ii. Waithm A r.s' -be was BDioacioua lor rmt time, and dl Iruit. cond ncuhborLaud, etc ; can't
-j.a.a.rt?, aeveral davs ber condititui was rery j be picked up eiery day at tbe price tbi
Vt;Ttt p.rir1 ltlj Erocadid. at urecariouev. Wt are harpy to say thatsie , property can be boucht lor. Call at the
J. Ii. n ALiu A ben'. is bow rapidij ;
j bank and see Capt. iiarriaon.
Co. SapL
Our bachelor friends sar they are eettine
uneasy npoa the near approach ot lean
Sauerkraut is pronounced nutritious and
The time is coming when a buflalo robe kealihful. as an article of diet, by pbyti
will cover two beans that beat as one. , l01"-
ofOaktand P. O. Marjlaivl. Elliatwtb Hanv
oa4 In iowa. ldrem aakamrn. Oathertae's
beirs. tname ol haaoand and children ankauwa,
Boaolree) AtntHti SteyeT dee'd. haa tbe fot
tjinil bein (ntaei. tii; Juhn Steyer, Jacob
Steyer, Mary Jane Immel. Sarah surer, iHoiei
k. teyer. titjah tr. Steyer. artf 1 htrrrr
leur S'eyer, all of tlia F. O., Fayeu exiiay,
PennylTanla. Sftalrtrk Steyer.
nkjaoVrn, not heard fr-oa for abt thany yean,
Euaabeth S. iker, a twter. alOakiaaii Marylvu.
O-vbame Hanmooil. a timer alauuf dwlest. I
dead. Waring t-mae. (na.) vi : 4aure UawoMod
anil Sarah Kn-nuiruio. jUllwd. kmix rna-ily,
lihio. lrfine Mill and Ldia Carter. Ml 1'ntna.
iLBAixeosaty. Ohks.Uary A&n Ljtarrt, Stuii-b
Y. l. Rtchiaad enemy, Obio, Sbaii UlUe, tttd
Uka. Lee eoesl y , A aUaeaa.
Yua are beroy axibed tba: In parnuace of a
writ of perUtV toned Mt f tne (r,haif Ooan
ol &uaereei eoaa-.y. Pa.. 1 alii hoM aa toC9et en
the real eetale .if Jaob Steyer.dec A.: No Iltsaw
ia BrothenHralley Tep.. ;ii.en a ejaty ad
Pa, Xu. Xantatl:aatetBiamaiUTvpnt,4&Twt
Oju Pa oa Kn-lay. tbe Sod of J auaary.
b yea can attend if jea tniat pfiper
Sbena-i mat, ( fclKiAK KYLE.
S. Z-,tK. Xo. 3S Merf
P.) (frcat bu been tbe demand tur recetit nnm-b-.:rs
ui ibi ni:i:&ziiie tue luootbly ctrculatWi
(. la-reisc I Bi'ire iban S9.0UO noplea wi'bin tbt
year, aiiil tbe euitkia li-r N.ieiooe-, luo.'Xio, j,
rii.iu.-.fJ w:,nin two week a.ler lasue. I lie
Lrll-b t. a b recen'iy d.elilel, and ihe
manilne lit crerywiire taken Its piace aa tbe
ui.ol b-i.: .ratly l,la.-:rj..e.i pupaiar perVlicai
pul'lifie-j In liie rjis:iu liini?aa,ee. Ev-.-ry nam
uirct uiuiz iMt pKb ol cuutni'mtiu&e lr.ia tb
tiet auibrs, and irota ao t.i l!iu it.ju
. narj.Tiiij. The pauiubtrs vail auentioa to ti.
HI K R'chiX Of Ftrtii THE GliKAT. bj
Li tjijic .-v.iitii.iui. wi.i bja ia an tany t.uui
otze an j t'liiu tbroub t.. yers. it will i-s a
jriici gro-t biiuricai aiiiitUcance and ci ran
ttri-l'U 1. 1 diauiaiic ta;t-re6t. iiureaua oi
-ra;:--& ove i.ycn e-Utb.iib?i ut i'aria aat &t. Pe-l-rtj.-.
si .tluij lor ili exccutu ut tae pict.r
ri-i. A-an ni cjttrpnx an tnterpri-e n.r .!r
iai a gr.air ou..nj cvu a:iy treiMwr uutr
lit:. I"- StKIALS I.V .SC'SIBSEK"!-'
fVT::i.Y nr aim ekic-an wkitei
lu.tUA-.'tiii, a ii.iry iici urivautf Cre
ole i-y '.j ,-vrxe V . t.a-ie, autb-r ot "Vtl..
Crc-t ''axiriHtAA.' a now noreleueut t.K. lj- 1 rau -ii n. Alaraeue, author vt
i Lai t,ne's. ' f,.M'llji;sri t.y Hn-
ry Jniuri, Jr., Lcuu in tbe Janisummer U-jiiuiy
pspt-re i.y i rii.'.ipal Uri'-t, ul Mdtiii Lnlvcrntj
Kii.t-.t -ii. ..i.u V. . trk aii-i Cit-u. i arnbiitu,
ire ia '.xu: .f pn janwwn tfr c iti-Ea e aiil-.-
iii nivi- ili-'fuaii a;r.u'.l j Ibo bi-rKi p. -litiut,
pictiwei'iui;, na otLt-r Ucdtl i.,t;o.aii
try. PAPKHS ON AUT.-Ths (rrjw'.h t art bu
ovvie il utxnary lur the nuaiern ZLairiM u
deTote c4.a:dc-ruM attentui to thi9 toilet, ant
m uaa reeiMCt rn aiforu a jaoaTBi.Y wiu o.-niia
ae tu taxu.-y liin ieaMim place, Ujtn Intbeiuli.
etuoj ifUxjuo aiid tn tbe arutie eieeutioa M tbe
3ul,jccib cLuen.
1-OtTS ANU POETRY. EumanM Clarence
Slwlman aut contribute lo Hraiatiaa's Moktili
uurica Ute eonanic ear c-ni'-al rasaya oa l
su.'..-i, tnciouu-s; Uie bviantn. ol tbe pirue
an in Lbta oauuy, aad ua faoeaqaent Bteu.ry.
ateiiara ucury aiuodartf wtu lunula siaaieao.
tut'jec.a connected with knict h poetry, tbe tin
paer rcin on utijiiea aonaev
number of unique paters to be ouutribavl to
suiBxit oy a bred uiramer, Eas.. ol I uer-er.
caiKiao'l. t .r Uie li.tuirauja ol tbeee. Mr.
Ctiarltre A. anerb-jt baa lrn s- nt n a special
.r.p to cJtitiauu.
JECis. Ibie clajr. wilt tnotoile a number of
buety nioinrated paper on -Scjaai Krai aad
tbtr cai.nre," by kc. E. P. ltu-, of Cvrnaaii
N. YOLeoi tbe bm racoeietkl cf aorjeuMar'
lata. Papers on -enures aial Uoma Arcnueet
urn" will be cm tribunal L-y Hanell starii j!, tn
liua to eo uiairaied auoutati a! tbe recent eacar-
ttuauf u.e lueCluo In J canak-buat, tbere wiil be
a number of apeetai papers durm toe year, o.jCI
i i pvnfi4.iieAperiucotf, fuc& aa i-urputae-Avot-
imr, walrut Muuttnir, Eotter-ilfblnx, Canneluz
in tbe KapMa ot ue laiaifon aad eeTerul paper
ol a novel character.
r.ztracu brum Uia Josrrja et Htary J. Kaj-
m no," eui.ea by bu eun, U. Kaymond : ao-
-juuu ol tne Souia Paa Jetties. Asfnao Arui-
nd Atsa,uatiKa in itnta, Tbe V. 8. Coast
taic-Saritia srnice. lue.-scw Albany tpttol.
tiuld batuijz Work, etc. ew. Sketebe of 1 .a la-
tana uie, aal ;ccniry, c i urk city and l-
tiiitv, American luie lo t lorence, a.M-as no-
ib. Cauio nia Jiouaialu raaep ao-i Foreetatby
joi,n .Uair), iiuiuc-bnuaax m Pana, fianu
tianchin In tbe U eet, aad niay other tmeret
i4 toi.j jet. Aad taere wiil be tne BMal Tartetj
d e.-eas. p-ern-, ano tuort guinea.
Price, .10 eeut a DDmler, 4 J a year. Ftr
kie au-1 ubacrti(ki reoetred o, ail Bookaellera.
.Newjuealer. aai Pueinvatterv or Kut pen-paid
by ute pubiubera, on receipt ol price.
743 Broadway New York.
For Girls anil Boys.
John reenleaf Wbittier write of St. Nicuo-
us: -it i. lit.te toaay ol tbts maicaxioe thai It
1 tbe brsiebikl ' perlodtcal la tbe world." That
it 1 calculated to iKlwbt tbe Utile tola er.rj-
wnere It Indicated by ibe 'act tba-. it u to le
tned Bt French by beiairrare at Pari, asil that
even toe tar-away little Alveient are now to haT
a Tolatne made Bp ot ira&ciaiiuo Irotn art !f tcu
La m o Arat-tc
itealoniax with tbe orember aamber, tali
nyjnialy a-ai-anoe lor chlkiren ia prinied oa
ueaner paper atia Wkier margin, aau 1 o mtcti
enhanced utat each number euctain eighty or
mure waxes, with Kamrs. poeaoa, lila trated axu-
cie ot traTel and dVacnptjjoc, picture, rbjae.
Kie, etc, ; paces 01 lanre type lor ura very na
il ones, aad a nddie box tur tb aawaant w
tne wnoie lanuiy. For tne eoicisa; year lb pab
lMhers anon nee many brilliant aoi enjaa, taeud-
A New Serial b Miss Louisa M.
Aleott. enjtteu -Jack aao Jul." b a anu
tu ua lavorite author beet vein, aad will bexla
ta Lu Cbriauna (Ueceiaber) wnwie. Taer will
be a eerie ol Cniea-Aujrapcra. by tarafS aaAaora
aaLbur. devoted to dexmpttuna ot oat-dour Hie
aad loci teat la many laad ; aad a arw acparv
sarct, - The f ieamre-boxo( Eoxb-h lAicraiure,
ia watch will be siren Kits troni standard
A New Serial Story for Boys. "Among
the Lakes." by toe author of Klnaer "
beiraa Lu 1 he November number.
jauotber Ktiietuid ervi tor oyr hu t-CT Ktu-
ed li.r tbi v.Jaae. -Tte Falrpor'. .lin-a," a
Mmry et baM-ttaMcuats by valt isaorxa.
(Sea4y Dec ljt) is tbe tarrest and nor, beaut. ful
Vue oi any maeuine fi itrli an boy ever pb
btoed. ijtainuu( over eoe aacaurd pacea aad
auiety-bTe picture.
Ansae otter attraction A sill eonum
byj. T. Tn wbrWire. Waabiouns aiaddea, J.
Vv . lie Form. .Maurice TbuB.paA, Sarib inter
Kelion, aad etiier.
t-ontribates a toe: seen, while Lary lWeova ana
Mary Ma pi ltou; are aiao repreaeated m re-.
hr aaani Ifrleftw-aa 'iUwMrated irtw
: ea Tborratoieu, aad an aceoant, wun iwctr vc
t re,ef tae tlie and dots g of JSrw Yr T-1
crapb Bey.
? Climate Itore. Ksaat. Miry Haiiock, Fjute,
j Keily, Irteieoaa. UeoiwlL, he(rd, EytiSTe.
kae Kauu.ul
an iat b-jee iaiaur aa Iuuim: j 10
uiu lawwiser 01
a 1 year oil heifer : eianr. yeik.wih nd wkite . , .
rpet left eboaiuer. Tbe ower u n.)aeed to . h all book aad new. dealera er K
en orward. prore ivfrtv. par ( Win c it "rnl P-paid by tbe paaluser oa receipt e(
wUitdlapeeJ-iccuritzblaw: prtre : er a a!r; r -o a vaar.
aii.n lSKAELJ.scifKiK K. t B1B LK k CO., Sew Terk.
Fiodioe it more to oar ioterest to or storm and coicenrtate
oar efTim. w ba derermiadto ctos THE BRANCH STORE, 29 FIFTH
f bt eaoeliulon wa reached late in the taauaer tkvt w bad lai! our plan ftit a fare Fail TVd
and t'-enorkwa betas; rapid! pirpira.1. When tbe seaacn trpenel tL ffuejeal a wllSi a
The Largest and Finest in Pittsburgh.
"We not want to take any of tbe stork bide to Pt'iAlelr-hia, so we have marks! it
at. tnch Very Jjote Pricts that a
Ta e clliitb of Pl'M-crgh are ttik tan nca puri.iim a lUeat Utat tbey pprjevaU
TbleprocUtnuUieo lkiaraed, that the eitltee of W cetera Prnaeyhrania. Eattera ikh aaj W eat
Tlrriiwa auy hare a tbare ta tbefe adraatage. Xach of tb ftock la marked ,ai lea tkaa Hoi
turmer price
T ie K.vk rraKaiDlug frn Lbe Summer it will pay yoa ta pnran aad itn aatU vprjcf .
Bargains in. ZVXens' Suits. .
Bargains in Childrens' Suits.
W are ecautantly recehrirjf
SefLatecr Affrclamt U1 be kept upwarla; tba eeaagej wit laawet anJ eboleaat tkiac la
It wUl re;y any war. bu to parch ejotbirr U our Kare aad e tor taemfelvee.
nnU the Ianie rT bite Front.
Persons Interested in STOCK.
Your attention is called to the celebrated
Horse & Cattle Powder,
Prepared only by
G. f. Mftk C. K. Bert Smi-Mi
1 T. R
tawl Mary A. ruexwjar. hU elLaiwer Tarkey- j tat t aaanery v-raeaer. mum e aow.
lea Ivih. SaMTM axair. Pa. aee'd. T.att-ra. .
beiun of aamaawtratka the abvee ertata ! Uttfn A admit
una baea rMd la Lb. ailiimwl aeueet ' baeta; bara fraM
Mrcby clvea ta inoae Lndebtrd u U u make Imme- ; beret.) girea "a Laaa Imlearaa b
ttata wayvaeaa. ana mil narm; etawa aaataat . meata. aayvana. awa '
.y. ia. ah4av ef Ieeiatr, -uraaeat a let ree4aef Jmeetl, ea tar-
UTi, at Ue iate reakirar aeaard. day. IteteatKr 15.
rSot.ft aovtinlnrawr. TM Almautratcr.
uvata e Mary A. Fuexwjar. late Mtamtr Turkey-! 1
It te i