Xcrms ot publication Hi S-a:rset Herald vii.c.it Morning at w i ' ,i1 in J '" ctharwise 1 u j . h rtmrged. . .n h dlaoontlnaed anill aU 'w!fii'u,a' i ' mft jjd up. rosunasten Befe-lectlng j aS-" when inherit do Dot taka out j ' will beheld Me(oraitBMcrtpUoD.i -""aiu, iroiii one PosViifl-e w aa-j a? the name of tfcs farmer as ; .ST " Atlurm .Iir LOT" S.hiieract JJcrdtu, Ui-1' i i nn..i. AT LAW. i , hLLLAl IOi.N fc Al LAW. ; ,L I cu.'i AgeLl, Rouierwi, .1 r ,-.irnK.i atlaw.soj:- 1" AuvitiiceU on collection .milium nUU Ul.lt. v i v AT L.A .uicrneu renu. j tlttS i K:. MM U4 ouunin ViaUlJIulh ilUUJ.H. IV ATithNtV AT LAW h.,l.h, All'uK.NtS AT t. . .. i ... .n to Sh,ui- 'ilk'-l:H. Ail t'UlUr.Kt en- t j-rvitipwy aiu-noed ui. Alilil-Y AT LAW, :n.i-. ' " I'UMiitM eu- i alj.iuiUH cuuu ( iCl'-V m .vliiui :'u. n '.u ir .- 1- .,;. I V AT LAW, i.u lJ'.uik.up Itairs. j !' iit-'.K.t uia-ie, eB- ' auii nil tfttiil t'Usl-1 .-a miO tiie-l'.y. , i N LV AT L.W. k;KM:. ATTDKALV A I .!1 ;mr n-Jipi atwu-a-u l I'J t.'n c-.ire lb ."uiiToel , u:ui?. Cii!'-e in rTuitiii)! J0J' cjir, J ATT i . 1 iliNKV AT LA W. i,.-e 1U .l:'imi:'i.U Klml'. t-. :hp care ai'iixlea to i ii. i.t-i All' ui.NtV AT LAW. . i Ll, AflOKNLVSAT ig.ii.v it''lnitrtl to. T1"KKY AT LAW, nr.-: f'. r'r:einai i.u.-iin-? entruj;'3 .h k ri'i.H UN. A ITt'KNkYS AT A Aii i .Miitw iiiitUMi u i llu IT care ! 1 . ij. l - i.iivk. lp".-U.;ri. ivtViM;, t!er a Cu Sture. .'. F. WALK UK. PHYSICIANS. K M KIMMKLL & SOX r 'V'tr i" "TV-: nal t-crvi -rr n the ritl :r'"'tm...u l iiiy. On Ihe mfir- i;nn cm a: tin"1, uiiU .r"lJ'i'i:- r :i:u -n i. ,K . K. M!LLT.KL permaoentty located : t utv j ttwIo t hi? pri'Utalun. -1 r.r!f? kHPCiLr.-T U'r. I p K 1 KT MAKKi; tc- - htcpnrfeMlnnal f il rvM ic-Dce. cne d r cf! of tbe Bar it I. . I. . '; tVLl.lNS. PKNT1ST. S..Tcrret, 1 r a. i'rr,.f Hi i nefer" Hlo'k. up tair, r.r it: t tn :iuie tnuni prvjrtNl Uido i t :! w-.ra a--h a tiitttuc. recuiktuur. -- kf. Ar.ie.-ial teeth i all kuxif. and oi u;e! cnl.iEirte.l. t.;rthie aarrxnied. jy. a.g .villi: n - r-s. t" S-ti'h lifr..'. Indiana, here be D" 6 ?. MASTERS i : In S.iinTv f.ir the jra.tire rf Li t. 1 T-ii'U r tii .m' ifi"nii rvtffi to y.-uj ici t.v It MiUr:reMt-nee 1" kit TC. l'r. W.F. FLTM)EMJEIIG, l ale Kin dnl Surseou, SiHEis ani Ear ln&inarj, .::a:e; MM.ila.4 a. - . : Ijs iri Ear, hdud- "t !LaM- A 20 fbtaalh Btr Mrrrt i'ENTIS J :! HILLS. ' new tnlldhiii. Mai: I 'rose Street. Smeret. fa. "WM. COLLINS, OLXTIST, K ''"'"'' Fitee's sx-rc. Jvitnrraet, i Eam vearv 1 bate rreatly r . J ,.! nia. ial teeth lu till pia. '. J1---.ti f n-n t desiasd f.irteetb has a- " " ' relnrice n.y taclliile that can ; ,,; ;f,. B. ,.wer prl's tnan yu '.!. stT w. IP pie in rrmntrr. X1 set of teeth (or. and If f ' irK'ti amona my ib4iandf "LrT"aii l ur itir a !i-4diuc 'untie that '' K.ni"t tnat tr d K iririnar rvl t iw " ' m me at any ume and get HOTELS. fpMOND HOTEL. fcTOYVTOWX PA. ' r'-ir od wpll kix-wn h. has lately u. Zr?'J newlT rrn'.tml. ith all new :n"ur. wM.-h has m.1e It a very k.-Z l''"r l''e (.rib trarrinig puMic , ; r" cn n- lr rariiwd. ail !- -.m a lanre puMir nail aiiacneu i !- i.rye aiw rw.tny atai.tituc. l:fIil l.a4 al tbe lowrft f aai or oi.L Al t.L CI STEIt, Prop. J . I '. 1jt. I ilainond. 8:oy stoirn, Y. i DAVIS BROS. fi'Use, Sign and Fresco Painters. -Si.MJ,,RsET' rA- i"'r i - i... . - i Uff ewij-Utui ewchl year t tin- rtrr. fitw-i a j t irujc ai: k LIVER FILLS Wili rtmrtt fr the ear- of -a"..i ,rk ,-''. ait ail d nn VOL. XXVIII. NO. 23. BANKS, ETC. NEW BANK -:o: Scsisrset County Bank CHARLES J. HARRISON, Coshier rsd Jfenuger. I ; C"ll-tl.t made in all parts of tbe Coiieu Sum. 1 CSisr moderate. Butter and other eheeks col- leited d1 eaf heL raters and Westernexchange , mw on band. Remittances made with prunipt niM. Aiy-.-nnts solyited. Parties desiring to pur 'base U. S. 4 PER C'KNT. ITNliLD LM!, can bw aecommo Ualed at this It. ink. The cop.ns are prepaid In t!rnnlnatl if iO. I ), Sou and 1 tot. S. T. LITTLE c SONS, 1 11AI.TIMOUK i-iTltliFJT, WATCHES. CHADS. UL1D StU LRU ARK, VIAMOXDS, AAlKRICAS CLOCKS, FKISCU CLOCKS. SU.YV.R PLATED WARE, JEWELRY, v. HOLIDAY PRESENTS! Wfttciiefl an I Jewelry Il palrtti hy SkilloJ Workmen natl '1 ly KxpreKS Free of lhaTyn. No cx.ra (.Jiarirf I t L'njfrnvioa:. Gtxl5 war- New and Elegant CAPxPETS! All Grades. Low Prices. DRUGrGrET SQUARES. Lignums and Linoleum. B0YABD.H0SE&G0. 39 Fifth Avenue, rnTMirm;, n. Spl 24 MONTH truarftnr?Hj. :2 a day ;it lime m't y the iiifutiituff. ' 'apt ui ut r-iiuirel: we wiil ?t y u. Mtti u..?ne;i, boy itlrl tmikv ittMbpT lM.,er at 'work ds thnn at anrihiiiK flw. The work U liirht and j.l'M;-nt. aut ?u--t an anyone fn iro rtfrbt at. I'lutscwhoare wire who me thin nntit-e will ptul U! ere 'MrpNs at nc-e and lor tbem-elvea. 'rt y ni'lit hiiil temiri frfH. NOw i the time. Th jm; ti lr3tlj at wrk are iKyiiop large puiub dd-lr-.!! TKVE k :u.t AaKUta, Watne. June il. TO oo A 1 E A R. nr b to at) a lay in ynrwi) l aliiy. No risk. Wuioen io as well men. Many mike OKre than the amount frtnteii Nre. No one ran fail to make money fC Any one ran do the work. Yoa ean mftke trom 5V:a. to jci; an hcur by uevotire yimr eveninun and rparr time to the tuinefO. It eWu noihttife to try the tmnine?. Nothtnc like Ii lor niooy makine ever ntleml before. Hupinetw pleAittt and li'tiy htmr a Me. Keader. if you wuni to knw all aik'Ut the (e ra'riC tmniDeffn tie lore the imMn nd an your name and we will Mndyoa lull artinlar aod private tertoa free ; umplee worth fc ai tre ; yua can then wake up up yur mind it vctnnelf. Ad.lrvfis (SftA'KaESTlNSON ro.. June 11 Fonlaud. Maine. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For ail the purpose of a Family Physrie. and for curite Cos'iveness. Jaunuice, indigestion, i'oui btomaca. Breala, liiiacce. Erysipelas. Kbeumatism. iruotions and Skm Iiseasea. Bil iousness. Dropsy. Tumors. Worms. Ieur.:ia. us a Dinner tiii. :':r tunijing the iiiood. An- :l.p :uo-t i f :i'':ive .Tint co:!:i' iiu; i'rja:ivi'cvi r ;iv nvi'iT'i. iln i :irv ua.-L i.ut i - 1 ! n:ii i:i tin it iiW"ai ii:i. i. j tin- MIIT.V .iriii without .:..:i A'.tlicii'jh pentit l in tlicir ijTntmn. jl1 .4 lliev sre ti!l iiu- ,! ir.oM tnoroiiL'ii ami - wan liin" t-atliar- t'.- ttviiifinc that can l mt'ioveil : cl-an-i; the Mo:ii:it.-h and bowels, ami ev'n tht 1i!' k1. 1:i siiiall doses of cr.c Jiill a day. tiny i-.bittlatc she Oitrt Ft ii c organ a ini ?i: . :n . t vi.'.iro;is lieal'.li. Avi::' I'n.i.. hac K'tn tnown fur ii.. -. ti. in n irir.rt.'r of a century, ami have i.iil.ii.io ! a wi.rl'l-wi.lo reputation for their ;r! They correet iiisrase'1 action in the era! r.si;niiative organs of tl.i K'!v. :;'i i are m eomixiseil that obstnit ti.i:i v. i;hin their rars;.-e r. n raivly with-sta:!-i or t va.ie them. Not on'.y do they etire tin' eiery-ii.iy eoniplaiiits of even J"i". 1-i.t also formidable- nnd dangerous iii :i'u- tin: hive baHled the best of li.itii.in skiii. While they jirtxiuee J-OW.T-l.il e:ii vts. tin y a.re, at the hanie tin:e, the s.ilest and best j'iiysie lor children. II v tin ir sjHTler.t ai-.ioti Uicy pripe inuch less than the cotiitnon j.urgatives. and tiever l'.v.' p.-ti:: n i-.cn the Ixi'viis are not iiit'.ureii. Tiii-v .-a:!: the vital fvttr.tains of the blood. r,:i i :n :i.;heTi tin- svtem by freeing i; t; a : ..i" r:ri:il::5 of v.'eakn"S. A iai.'e t to a'.' ares and eonuitiotis i:i res. vo)tainin neither raion.i-. ...,v r.i ieteriotif dnt. these Pill te.n !e t...ier: v. i'li s.tfety by anytxxty. 'lliei: sii'V-eorvtH; nrtervt-s "hem ever fresn an i .irii-s tin :n pleasant totae: iii!, ti-:r.; purely vi ;jeiabie. no hart:: eai: .:r:M frivti tii'. ir use ta any ntiantity. rct:rBi:i cv Dr.J.C. AYER &. CO , Lowe!!, Mass., Prwlk-I and Anili-fical t hnii-at.. PERMANENTLY CURES KIDNEY DISEASES, f Constipation and Piles. M yUK. K. H. CLARK. Wer. Vt, y. -I.tMrK10XET IlitH RLUI HhM Df4 IlkaaHmra. Il ke4 a4WT r nl aJMrriIXII,sulaavrtaUatlJ X ELMS F AIBCKTLft. rfstllamTt. V. - - i. - alas. After statm rrmn ir . i C a. H A BOS, aTBcriiiUn. aai m, m ocIy rsrht, a mrn LHwf lHwsy tea it has vmuo WONDERFUL 1 II I POWER. BECACSE IT ACTS ON THE LITEK,THK BOTTELS AND KHV NETt AT THKSiJIB TIME. Becauia it clvne the natan of tttw polaonou riummw ioeloo In KKlny o4 Urinary diaoaae it InutnnUi Jaundloav CcwMttpartlon. Pi, or In Rhoumsitlaan, Hourabjla and f ama ' d laorders. Uavs T. V-WOifT a Vy rrrrtaMe waaa. . ii -u Owe parlaze w ill aaakr 1 qt. of nr4 iria. TTVTT IT NOW 1 Br MMIW Pi MllH rrirm, !.. TT"S. CSASTS 3, ?rrpi. H3 -a-Tt- 3a T IX 300 1500 mm ; to our friends public" Generally ! :0:- A. J. C4SEBCER, known hrm o! of the old and well- & 'j . has jut returned from Philadelphia, where he j riareliased a large and well (elected nock of DRY GOODS; and as we bur oar good EXCLUSIVELY for CASH We can do better for Tour Customers TiiHO nuy ftore in town or county i but, d .'ea not WE WILL PAY CASH OR EXCHANGE GOODS FOR Flour, Wheat, Maple Sugar, Oats, Corn and Beef hides. We lurite al) to glre Us a Call ani Declfie 6r ToBinsBlves. CASEBEER &CO. Si-. IT no. licit LA r M. HICKS Asents for Fire ani Life Insurance, JOHN HICKS & SON, SOMERSET. PA.. And Real Estate Brokers. i:STABEISIIED 1850. J'treoti" who dulreto tell, bar or exrhanire prop- n. ur Ii rent will find It to their alvant(reto Kieier the descrlptltm thereof, aa no chance I madeunlepfi in.1 or rented. Keal ertate buetiea generally wlil be promptly attended to. aojtlS. CHARLES C. ORION'S TOBACCO STORE. ntitens and visitors will find It to their Interest and eomlort io l uy Cigars and Tobacco at my store. 1 beiiera I can anilcTaell any establishment In the eounty, ami am amain that my stock can not. e excelled in quality, .tneroou ami cigar ettes for beninners In the practice ot smokinir, and Tobies and Pines for those aornntvmeu to nar cotics, are kepi on hand; Very choice brands of i hewing 1 ouacr ami Cigars nave just oeen re ceived and are disposed of at less prices than have oeen beam ot sir ce t be war began A choice Hit ol Hieen hand. The best J'lne t ut In the markc; Is sold over my counter. CALL AT THE SIGN OF THE 273. 3, -uAjIJIOTH S.iLEKOO.nS Union 2quarc,Xcw York, AS D 154 State Street, CHICAGO, ILL . MAN UFA CT U RE ItS OF SILVER PLATED WARE. Trade Mark for Spoons Fork!:, 4c. 1847, Rogers Bros. A. I. :o: Thene Gooil hare taken the Cer tificate of Award irhrreter ex hibit nl, both in thin and the old Countric, nd the Mcridcn Britannia Co. are the LARGEST and Best Manufacturers in this line in the "World. -::- t"Ak your Jeweler for these (tood. April 14. C. P WALK Em this place has a kit of his celebrated Horn Rake for sale better than evej and cheap. Any one w he wants one at onre, wenh do well to srod Mm postal card or in sva way let hiss knew try order to make sare of getttnt owe. as be In bis ronnds of selling might not fins! all who want rakes. May xv obtaiwd for nrm imvmtbrmt.vr frr imyrmrmrmtt cia o4S T'-rmnltcn! at t9tkr ewmttoumfft, rrxuiAt- markl and Mfea. 'ittpi, jltinynmrutM. ltrr frrmeet, Aipmii, fimit for ifrintmemia, and mil rtrfs ttri$ing under ti intrnt frtm. prompt- y mttrn rx furvurinni UMiff ftmvr im fry ' Pntryt Of ft majf art, ta wort rnW. b wiirW'U tVif . .ixtKii fi'iwii' the r. 8. Ptrteni IttpffHmmi, and emvnot'l in Pntntt butinrsa ew- eiusiv!p, w enn matt cfo$rr tnrrnen, and trn Pitcnit mort pramptiw, a-d aria hmndtr claims. 0rnd Mat aW tl r akHck of i mtminatiam and atf-i om q patentability, ! frfeAmrrm AH mt t tfifrndm afrirtly rqn jt.1mt4tL Pt Iw.mnd A O (MAUVE C JT- PA TEX T J SKCI REIK W rfrr in. WMk9rtm In Ban. Pnahmfuder , Octroi V. M k'nt. irvr. P. ih rmrrr, 7e Crrm AnLrt(Stn SatUmttl Jttmk. tm -Hn!a in fAc U. hrtent c. and U hmrtorw "W Xprtmrntmtlv in (mifrMt and rpriallf t tmr cUrutr in tvrrn BaSV. i . - x s j ... BlwH Sw Wlr ir-w r-f W Xrto (TTfJ. Jt Tr GASEBEER I oilier 5ni!IW THE BIBT. Thrjr gather In lotaniE council The chiefs la the bonn.-hoid bind ; They (it in the darkened chamber A cuoclare proa 1 and grand ; They peer In the cnrtalueJ cradle And each with oat vole j eidnini, Aj ihey point to the new f-anl treasure, -Tne baby mnn hare a name :" They brloa; furih the names by doiens. With many an anxious lock ; They ssan all tic laK-s and novels, They search through the (rood Old l!.v)k Till the happy Tjlced )onc mother X jw nrxliiif her prli r ciulai, (Mes oat In the ondest accents Oh gire hiai a praity name." "Ills aramlp was Ebencr Lmx baried anJ aMne, dear soul." frUya the trembling vuk-e of grandma As the quiet teardrops rAl. "Uli ! call him Laene Auicu:izie," Cries the youuir:st of th-- lhron "PUin John," lays the hanpr father. "It an honest name an 1 f;rooi;." An l thus i thcembrjo statesuiMi, Perhiij.s, or the soliier bld. Rcipectiuit tils Inture title L -ft utterly out In the cold ! And yet, it can matter but little To him wli Is heedless of fuinc For no name will honor tha mortal. If the mortal dishonors the name. A MIDXIU1IT HTRIUUMT. ia tbe early Autumn ot the jear 1S49, hboul halt hour of eunset, I drew reia ia frout of a lare doubld 1 hou oq tbc very summit vi the Blue Ilidtce tuoaatAias iu Eisj'.ero Kentucky. 1 be puce was evidently kept as a tavern, al leabt sj a eiQ proclaimed, and here I deicriuioed to demand ac- cuiumodatioa tor ruytelf and servant iic-e, a Uark-rkiuued body-guard. Bot-e and I bad been playmates in child and bay hood, and 1 Deed hardly say that tbe fuitbtul feliow was a:: tacbed to oib ai 1 was to him, and on more thau one oecatioa be bad sbowu bis devoiiou. There bad been a Vhootiog match' at tbe Mtiuaiaia II juse tbat day, aa J an 1 dumoua'.ed, I taw through tbe upen wiud jw ot ibe bar-room a aoiy, druukeo, and evideu.ly a quarrel some et of batkwoO'isuieu, each of whom was sweariug by all possible and impotibible oalbs tbat be was not oulr tbe bctt tbot, buc tbat Le could out Si;bt, out jump, out w re.it le, ru;j faster, jump higher, dive deeper aud come up dryer tbaa aoy otber miu on tbe mountains. "i sat, Ma s lialpb,'? s-iid Bjne, io a low toue, as I bauUed bim my bri dle reia, "I don't like de look-too dem dere. S'poe we goes oa to de neii. bouse, 'taiat fur." ,,'oue.t n.-:e, Base," I ieplied : "these are only on a Hale tpiee over tLeir fhoo'.ing. We bave Dthinir to do with tbeiu nor tbey with us. Take ibe bor.-es round to the arable aud Bee to them y;ur-elf You kaow tbey bare baa a bard duy uf iu" Aud tbrowiug my aid tie bags over my hboalders, 1 walked up tbe uar row path to tbe bouse. I found, as I bave intimated, tbe bar-room filled with a noisy, turbu lent crowd, who one and all sured at me without ppeukiog as I went up to the bar and inquired if I and my servant could bave accotnmodauoue for tbe night. Receiving aa affirmative replv Irom tbe landlord, a little red-headed, cadaverous looking man, I desired to be ebowo to my room, whuber 1 went, but not until 1 had been com pelled to decline a score of requests to "take a driub," much to the dis gust of the stalwart bacchanalians. Tbe room to which 1 was shown was at tbe far eud of a long two-gtorv structure, evidently but recently ad ded on to the main building, which it intersected at right angles. A gal lery extended along tbe front, by means of which the rooms were reached. I found my ap irtn.ent to be large and Comparatively well furnished, there being, besides the bed, a com fortable cut, half a dtfZsa rpliot bjr tomed chairs, a heavy clothes press, and a bureau with &lss. There were two windows, one alongside the door, aud the o:ter in the opposite eud of tbe routn. Tte first men uotied wiudow was heavily barred with &uui c&k strips, a protection, 1 presumed, agates, in trusion from the porc-n, while acroes the window was drawn a heavy wooleu curiaiu. In tbe course of half an hour B j?e entered aud announced tbat tbe hors es had been properly attended to, and a lew minutes later a bright-faced mulatto girl summoned us to sup per. upper over, I returned to my own room, brat requesting, to be arouned for an early bieakfasi, as I dtsired to be on tbe road at sunnee. 'thoroughly wearied from my day's drive, i at once began prepaiatiouo tor retiring, and had drawn off one boot, when Boee came in ratber hast ily, looking furtively ever his should er, aud then cautiously dosing aud locking tbe door. Mars liilpb, dars gwineto be trouble io dis house afore morninV' be said. And I saw ia a moment tbat some thing had occurred to upset the faith ful lellow's equilibrium. by, Boee, what is it I What do yoa aieau V 1 asked, barely restrain ing a smile. "1 tole you, Mars Ralph, we'd bet ter trabble furder," was tbe ratber mysterious reply. "Yoa see dat gal dere tole me dar would be a muss if we stayed ia dis old house ever night." By close questioning I elicited the fact that the girl had really warned him that four men whom I bad no ticed together w ere a desperate set of villains, and probably had designs upon our property, it not our lives Tbe girl had seen two of tbem at tbe stable while I was at supper, and: by cautiously creeping into a stall! next to tbe one in which they stood, bad beard enough to convince her retreating footsteps down the eor that they meaut mucbitf. Sobse- ridor. quentiy to this she also saw the Iand-j lord in close confab witb the entire; party, and from bis unions judged) tnat be was urging the men to their nefarious work. 1 tell you, Mars Ktlpb. dem peo-' pie aiu'i aner no good ; now you! heard me." persisted Bse. ! bad bevun to tbii k so mvnelf:' bat what was to be dune. The situ- ation was full of embarrassment, aud 1 felt tbat nothing could be done save to wait and watcb.and bv being on toe aiert, aeieat tbeir plans by a set ESTA BL ISHED, 182 SOMERSET, PA., 'WEDNESDAY, NOV. 12, 1879. j determined refinance. I fuund tbat ; from the barred wind w, ia which j there es a broken pane cf glass, a i good T13 of the stable could be bad. Tbeu for tbe otber window. I crossed tbe room, drew awide the heavy curiam, and raising tbe ab locked out. A s:agie glance was surficieMt to cause me a thrill of surprise, and I gave a low exclamation tbat instant j iy brought Bose to my side. car cew 1 could see . the faint glimmer o! water, tbe low ninraur of m Lich came indistinctly up Irom tbe depths, while oa a level with what should have been the ground. I j dimly saw the waving tree tops as they Kentl swayed before the treth night bretz.;, ami knew tbat tbe win d jw overlooked cbism, the sur roundings of which 1 could only guess at. In other "words, the house, or tbat pjrtiou of it; wm bulit upon the very verge o: the clifl, the aoli t rock form ing a f jusdatioQ more lastint? than any that could have been made bv iLe bands of man. I leaned tar out, a ad saw that there was not aa inch of spuce left between the beavy log on which the siructure rested and tbe edge of the precipice; aud then I turned a a ay with the fuil coavieti u that if escape mut be made, it cer tainly would out be made ia that di rection. There was nothing especi ally ttriQge ia this ; there are many houses so constructed I btd seen one or two myself and yet when I drew bflck intJ tbe room and saw tbe look iu Boee's face, I felt tb&t danger qu.cfe aiu uea Jly was hovering in tbe air. v unou; f-paKing i went to my saddlebags and got out my pistols a superb pair of long double riflo". that I knew to be accurate anywhere udtr bait a hundred vards. "Dar! dem's what I like to see!" exclaimed Bjee, as he dived dowa in to hi' bags aad flashed out an old bcrse pistol that had belonged to uiy granaiatner, acd wbicn 1 knew was loaded to the muzzle with No. 1 buckbot It was a terrible at clor.e quarters. weapoa The stable ia which our horses were feeding could be watcLed, and by events transpiricg ia that locality, we would shape our actions. 1 founi tuai iLe oo jr cocia De locKed from tb inside, and ia addition to this, I improvised a bar means of a chair leg wrenebed off d thrust through a neavy iron stai tbat had been driven iu tbe wall Its fellow on the opposite side was We theu lifted Using. e ciotces press before tbe window saving just room eaongb on one aid to clearly see, uud, if necessary, G tbraugb : draz- ?ed tbe bureau sga ist tbe door with as liiiie nui-sa at - a ible, - and fell tbat everything that was possible bad been dune. A deatniiae stillness reigned over tbe place, broken only once by the voice of the colored girl singing as she crossed tbe stable yard. 1 bad fallen into a half doz?, seat ed in a chair near the window facing the stable, where Bose was on a watch, when suddenly I felt a slight touch upon mv arm, and the voice of (he faithful eentinel in my ear. "Wake np, Mars Ralph; dey's foulia' bout de stable doo' arter de bosses, sbnab," brought me wide awake to my feet. Cautiously peeping ool, I saw at a glance tbat Bose was right in his co&jecture there were two of them one s'anding out in the clear moon light, evidently watching my win do, while tbe otber and I fancied it was tbe landlord was in tbe shad ow near the door, which at that mo ment slowly swang open. As the man disappeared within the building, a low, keen whistle cut the air, and at tt.e same instant I heard the k job of my door cautiously tried. A low hiss from B ).-e brought me to his side from tbe door where I had been listening. Day's got de bosses oat ia de yard," he whimpered, as be drew aside to let me look out through the broken pane. "Take the door," I'ssid, "and, "Ere through if trey a'.tck lam going to tbuot that fellow holding the hors ee." "L.irdy, Mars Ralph, it's de tav ern Keeper, lie ain t no 'co out Drop tbe big mao !" was tbe sensi ble advice, which I determined to' adopt. Noiselessly drawing aside the car- tain I rested the muzzle of my pistol on the sash where tbe glass bad been broken away, and drew a bead opoo tbe taller of too two men who stood boldiog the horses out in the bright moonlight. The sharp crack of the weapon was instantly followed by a yell of pain, and 1 saw the ruffian reel backward, and measure his length upon tbe earth, and then from the tnaia build ing there rang out : "Murder! Murder! Oh, help!" Like lightning it flashed across my mind. There were three horses oat in tbe opea lot ! There was, then, another traveler besides ourselves. A beavy blow descended upon the door, and a voice roared : Quick ! Burst the infernal open, and let me get at him scoundrel has killed Dave !" "Let tbem have it Bose," I thing The whis pistol. p&red, rapidly reloading my "The second panel." With steady hand the plucky low leveled the huge weapon drew the trigger. A deafening report followed, fel and and again a shrill cry of mortal anguish told them tbe shot bad not been wasted. 'Sabe as! how it do kick'exclaimcd Bjee under bis breath. The blow had fallen like an ucex pected thunderbolt upon tbe bandits. and a moment later we heard their "Darll be more ob 'em heah 'fore long. Mars Ralph," said Bose, with an ominous shake of the bead. "I spect dese b'tongs to a band, and if dev oniea an' we fctill heah. w iron coons fo' shuah " Tci view of tbe case was new to in t hat I flt tfcc turwi r,t it I inw that such bands tHd exist in tham mountains S.uooed for a moment, I turned aad stared bioelesslv at Bose: bat he, brave fellow that he was, never lost bis bead for an instant. 7 "B- a id to leab beab. Mars Ralph," be said, unite coiadentlv. "Aa' dar aiu't no way gwine 'cept fro dat wij dow;" and be pointed to the one overlooking the cliff. I merely shook my head, and turned to watch again, hoping to get a shot at tbe rascal on gnard. Bose, left to his own devices, at once went to work. I beard him fus sing around tbe bed for some time, but never looked what he was after uatil he spoke. "Sow, den, for de rope," I heard him say, and in aa instant I caught his meaning. He had stripped the bed of its cjv ering, dragged off tbe heavy tick and the stout hempen rope with which it wan "corded." Ia five minutes he had drawn the rope through its many turnings, and theu gathering the coil in his hands, he drew up tbe sash and prepared to take soundings. It failed to touch bottom ; but no wise disheartened, he seized the cot ton coverlet and spliced on. Tnis succeeded, and tbe cord was drawn up preparatory to knotting it in place of cross pieces. In the meanwhile the silence with out had been broken once. A shrill, keen whistle, such as we had heard before, was given by the man oa the watch, and replied to by fome one seemingly a little way off. Then I heard footsteps soft, cat-like ones oa the veranda outside, showing tbat the robbers were oa tbe alert at all points. At length Bose announced the lad der ready. It was again lowered from the window, and tbe end was held and rnada fast to the bed we had dratrged over for tbe purpose. "Now, den, Mars Ralph, I go down fuse and see if urn strong enough to bear us." And be was half way out of tbe window before I could speak. "No, Bo?e, you shall not," I an swered firmly, drawing him back iuto the room. "You must " The words were lost in the dirt a furious and totally unexpected tack upon tbe doer. The dull, heavy strokes cf the of at- ax were intermingled with tbe sharp, quick clatter of the hatchet as they cut away at the barrier, and once in a while I could hear deep oaths, as though tbey bad been rendered boub ly savage by our resistance "Here, Bose, your pistol! Qaick! I whispered, and tbe heavy charge went crashing through, followed by shrieks and curses of pain and rage. Now, then, out with vou ; I will hold the place," I said, rushing back to tbe window. "Come, Bjse, hurry, or all will be lest." Tbe fellow now wished to insist on mv going brs.; but bo saw tbaUever expected t time was wasting and glided dowu the rope, gradually disappearing in tbe beavy shadows. Tbe fall of one of their number had caused only a momentary lull, and I heard tbem renew the assault with ten-fold fury. I dared not lire again, for I felt tbat every bullet would be needed when aUiirs were more pressing. It seemed an age before I felt the signal from below that tbe rope was ready fur me ; but it came, and I let myself down, pausing an instant as my eves gained a level with the sill, to take a last look into the room. As 1 did so the door gave way. and tbe bloodthirsty demons poured over the threshold. I knew tbat I had no time for de liberate movement. Tbey would in stantly discover the mode of escape, and either cat the rope or else fire down upon me. 1 bad taken the precaution to draw on my heavy riding gloves, and my bands, thas protected, did not suffer as much as might have been ex pected. W ith my eyes fixed upon the win dow, I slid rapidly down, and struck the earth with a jar that wrenebed every bone in Jiy body. Qiick as lightning I was seized by Bose, dragged s iae paces to one side, and close against the face oi tbe cliff. Not a second too soon, for down came a volley, tearing up tbe eartb about tbe foot of tbe rope, where, a moment before, I bad stood. "Thunder, they will escape! After tbem, down the rope!' yelled a voice almost inarticulate with rage. And I saw a dark form swing oat arid begin the descent. "Now, Mars Ralph," whispered Bose, significantly, and with a quick aim I fired at the swaying figure. Without a sound tbe man released bis bold, and came down like a lump of lead, shot through the brain. Another bad started ia hot haste, and was more than half way oat of the window, when suddenly tbe scene above was brilliantly lit up by the glare of a torch. Again the warning voice of tbe watchful black called my attention to the figure now straggling desperate ly to regain the room, and, as before, I threw up my pistol, and covering the exposed side drew tbe sure trig ger. With a convulsive effort the wretch, springing far out into the empty void, turned over once, and came down with a rushing sound upon tbe jagged rocks tbat lay at the foot of tbe precipice. A single look to see tbat the win dow was clear we knew there could be no path leading down for a long distance either way, or tbey would never have attempted the rope, and we plunged into the dense forest that clothed the mountain side. We got clear, it is true ; bat witb tbe loss of oar animals and baggage ; for the next day, ben we returned, with a party of regulators, we found tbe place a heap of smouldering ash es, and no living soul to tell whither tbe robbers had fled. How to mark the gravy. table linen upset Is the man who beats his wife en forcing the lick-her law ? Let the man who is without any sins throw tbe first stone. Trees begin to die at the men begin to dye there, too. tops; A dog's bark may be worse than bis bite, bat we prefer the bark. OIR WAMUIXUTOX I.ETTF.K. (Frm our BsgaUr CMrresfiiidenl.) Washington. Nov. 10, lil'J. Everything in Washington has stretched itself out for a busy time. The weather ban changed, andio-j stead of heat and dust which we bad for the last montb, taking us back again into summer, we bave now tbe cool aud russet fall, which require light overcoats aad gloves in the mornings and evenings and lizbt fires to warm our room. 1 notice the change ia my shaving water quicker thaa ia any way. Tnechaagbg sea sou is also sli'jwa in the carriages and costumes ou our avenues. No longer are seen the open carriages freighted with laughing; belies with straw hats, white feather?, gos?aoi r dresses and fans sod parasols. Tn 'all leaves io tbe dark ricb colors of autumn strew the parks and ara wafted into tbe Potomac. The stores on 1 ennsylvau:a Avenue, bevenit street and otber fashionable prome nades are gay with life. The win dows are dressed ia richer fabrics and exquisite colors, brighter, deeper and fresher tbau ever before, and tbe hurrying multitude wear happier faces, wbich denotes happier times, If tbe prosperous wave has not struck Somerset yet, you may as well brace yourselves, for k will be high and stroag and swill when it doa come. Somerset is a go ud place to live in and I have no doubt, plenty to eat, good society, magnificent clurcbes, elegant schools, pretty robust aud healthy red-cheeked looking wome.i, but of all the men forgive the wes:- ern exprfS'hiu ' tbey gie tbe place away." Tbey ara tbe laziest lovfeing crowd I have seen for many a day. It seemed to me that nearly every person I met was meditating suicide, others seemed it they were just tr rviog tor a time watching aud wait ing with the expectation that some person would come aiuog and give ibem back their losses without an ef fort. B:g iuoutbed politicians in years gone by eeemsd too tired to talk politics. Everyone k:iws tba: is a eigu of dinsolution. No goa head activeness except with friend Ruppel in tbe peosion business, no ratliog noise frciu parsing vehicles, excepting an occasional runaway, no sound of f-aw aad ha mcer, but instead a demoralizing bang of the croquet ball ia rear of the Marnmoutb builuiug which noise worried cur friend Welfljy so much tnat "Oar Fritz" de'ermtued to emigrate these fellows, and straightway represented the facts to Uarre.t who taw tho im portance of emigration froiu this point aud ruado up Lis mind if be get bis money oi of the Somerset & Cunioria railromi in vesiruent to get rid of these idlers or tbey would drive all the new comirs away. Tbe "Graphic" has a very clever cartoon relating to tbe "go-as-you-please" political contest in New York last Tuesday. It represented tbe three candidates having tbeir boots blacked for tbe race. Tilden was shining up Robison, Coukliog was rubbing away at Cornell, while Kel ly was sweating away at bis own bro gans. Tbe National Fair, near Ivy City, about two miles from Washington, was opened on Tuesday (2S b) witb appropriate ceremonies, with tbe ex ception of an hour of wind and rain in the middle of tbe day tbe weather was favorable. As it was a general holiday in the District tbe various events of tbe day were witnessed by thousands of vernons. The ma l thing to be seen was tbe Monster in dustrial procession, oria otber words the business cf Washington cn wheels. Tbe procession formed at the Battle monument ia front of the Capitol and an old Hoo&ier standing in tbe Capitol steps watching tbe crowds of people getting ia line re marked tbat "they're making as much fuss over this yere as if it was a Presidential inauguration." Penn sylvania A venae presented aa ex ceedingly animated appearance as tbe line hied np toward tbe Treasury. Many of the displays ia line were novel and numerous and as the pano rama passed the people crowded on the side-walks, housetops, porticos and balustrades which were jammed by human beings howling and bellow ing with delight, ibe school cbud rea who were let out by their teach ers iu time to get a peep adred tbeir quoto to tbe noise. Flags were dis played from the public buildings, ho tels and many private houses alt over tbe citv, and tbe town was certainly dressed in holiday attire oa this oc casion. Tbe line of the procession was headed by a detail of mounted police men. Then came tbe Grand Mar shal. Next was the full Marine Bani, 43 pieces, making a fine show as usual, carriages carrying the tair manages, each drawn by four fine horses witb outriders ; and carriages containing the five commissioners and invited guests. Tbe Distrit Fire Department came next. As usual this was a prominent and beautiful feature of the parade. The clean and bright apparatus, strung and sleek looking horses and the stal wart men with their neat uniforms made an attractive spectacle aad tbe boys were heartily cheered. Various trades and merchantile in terests were represented in the pro cession which took one boor and a-balf to pass a given point. The brew ing of beer was through gone with. Former s wsgon with a large beer vat on it, on tbe up ot which was a rep resentation of King Gambrinns, hold ing in bis band a glass of lager, and during the progress of the procession went through tbe motion of drinking to the health of the people. Another large brewer fornisbed from six wa gons, glasses cf the fluid to the thirs ty spectalers along the route. Web er's Brass Band, in one of Adams Express wagons was followed by two wagons of tbe same company, one containing trunk and the other safes. Then came a wagon driven by tbe devil witb an angel in white, seated behind him distributing circulars. A paper banger bad a large wagon ar ranged as a room in which werea number of paper bangers at work. A furrier bad an- elaborate wagon with rep-esentations of bears and etter animal and a hunter seated with a IL o waiaaaBBBasBBaMaaBiMaBaiaataaaBaamMai WHOLE NO. 147!). ri!k A citr mrj wits biiry turo--jiugout speriuieon cf fci.s stuck. A Urge wagou wuh arranged au a shoe sbop with several shoemakers at work oa ladi'-s' shoe, and also two or three ladies tiudiig them, with tbe motto "jkiek to the last." ' Keep pegging away." The boat ranuie ' with sails u,i aol lull erew on bjard wa drawn on a vagou by two mules and aUra'rtel attention as sSe represented aad had on ail tbe aj.p!iaaci.-s of the oyster trade, and from its decks a bivalve was occa sionally Danced to persons on tbe street. The "Alderney " Diiry had five wagons in line with go'igs strik ing aud also a wag n with a clm-rr at work. A butcher wagon was fal lowed bv Gve bet-f cattle ncniy deco rated with nbbiLs. Mijtr liabne man's Artillery with two field pucts aud tbe men armd with en bices was the next special feature. A dec orator and paper box manufacturer had a car ou which were a number of gir's at work makiag papr boxes and distributing tbem along tbe rjute. A blacksmith sb p was erect ed on a wagn wita forge kc ani it brought back to my mi ru ory as the smith drew from the tire tbe half turned shoe my eld frknd Michael j Brubaker, when we ned to turn tourieen sn it utiure oreakust anie one had a larfte wagon on which was a high. post bedstead witb a pat ent spring mattress, on which a negro woman under cover dreseed iu her Light clothes aud night cap, by her antics illustrated its comfort. This was a comical feature of the P'ueewion and thousands if children followed afierthe wafc'oj. Some coni- DJmsuO mercha'it Lad a four bus wagen loaded with chickens aod tur key covjm fiiied iih fuls. The Ttteaire Cou'que company with l and on wagMU and f ur car riages containing CjUipauy in char acters! cbinamen, negroes A?., rep resenting d'ffr.reot nationalities c t us ed Youag America to yell all along toe line, und made my partv, some frm Sonieiset county, ibiuk of the Meyersctale Harvest Home la-i sum n;er. ' Put vour guns down ireitv."; A ccachuiaker had a novel exhibi tion au vld fashioned fimilv carriage labeled "ctrriage from 177'. to ls7'J'' cu tbe bjx was sea'ed a dirkev of tbe old'.'a times with bis wife, hln iuhide was sea;ed a I i-ly and two cbildrea dressed iu the sile of bje-gone-days Tbe -Cri'i--'' o;Ji re had a wation ia line Ubied oh bulletins and it c.n .ained a co.ti- .. kr a; tbe case aad a small press f.u:u h.'cn circulars were struck off aud Matter ed. Strangers were parrcoh !y in terest, d in our street swe ers. The contractors had ia line tbeir eire.'t cleaning apparatus, consisting of t wo wster tprijitiers, tw snow bcriipurs land s reec setpers and oa ecu mach'ne wa- placei a bran ce.v broom, the kind formerly nned to clean the strttts as a reminder of by-gone-iajs. A brick maker b i oue hundred aud fi'ty of his woik mes in line on foot. A potter was in full blast on a wagon showing bor earthen ware was made. After tbe sights connected witb tbe procession bad all been thoroughly scanned a general rush w8 made tor the Fair grounds where by one o'clock fully lo,U00 people had assembled to witness the.opening exercises. Tbe President, Secretary Schurz, Secre tary Ev irts, Secreary Thompson, Attorney General Devens, and Post master Gentral Key were there President Glt delivered the inau gural addre-s. Ia closing he said tbe Chief magistrate of the Nation is here with us to rejoice in our labors and to honor the occasion. I shall so far trespass oo his good will as to ask him t- say a word to yoa (Ap plaose. President Hayes ihereopon ad vanced to the front of the balcony, and spoke as follows: Mr. President, Ladies and Gentle men : A few weeks ago not longer ago, 1 think, than the first week in September many of us assembled here to see tbe first work d)oe upon these grounds by the National Fair Association. Whatever we now have the happiness to behold is tbe result of these tew weeks of energetic and intelligent work. All citizens who are interested in tbe growth and prosperity of Washington, and who desire too see it became wortLy of its name ; worthy of tbe people of the Nation, whose capital it is ; all who desire to see in this city tbe attrac lions and advantages which shall bring to it capital, population and visitors, must join with me in com mending the energy, tbe enterprise,' the intelligence ami the taste of tbe president and directors of this asso ciation. (Applause.) Tbey have done their work well; they have done it promptly ; (applause) tbey have done it as bosinees men. Tbey bave done their work without wasting time or words. (Continued applause.) And in that matter tbey have set you and me a good example, which I mean to follow by a (Here the President made a bow to tbe multitude, and withdrew amid vociferous applause.) As Boon as the opening ceremonies were over, tbe Presidential party filed cut of tbe main building toward the grand stand, which was a signal for a general rush. Seats were reserved ia the froat of tbe grand stand, im mediately opposite the judges, fur President Hayes and party. Mean while tbe horses for tbe first race bad been "rung op." The grand stand was well filled, tbe quarter-stretch ' was well populated bv enthusiastic j sportsmen. tbe poul sellers were kept busy, and the gaily-clotbed jockeys to a train of cars containing valua were the centres of admiring groups i Lie racers, and one was killed and of ambitious youths several others severtly injured. Bon- Tbe in-field was thickly crowded I nie Carrie, belonging to Mr. Law- with visitors who could not affjrd the luxury of a seat in the grand stand or tbe privilege of standing on tbe qnarter-stretch. Lines of car riages stretched far up aod down tbe track. Every one aopeared eager for tbe sport, and even the horses i seemed to breathe tbe restless spirit of the hour. Such a scene has never before been witnessed at any race track in the District- The races were in every instance unfortunate for the fnvnritfii. and demonstrated the old saying that there is nothing more ua- reiving every attention in tte sta certain than horse-racing. If ever ble at tise Union stock yards at Co- anv horse-races were "square," those ! witr.es.td are inclosed in the number,, 'as ever horse seemed to be working, bard for the parse aa4 bob. The track was splendid, harrows and rollers having been osed for several days in perfecting the surface. Tho horsemen are delighted with tho track. 1 1 is said to be one of tbe best in the ouv.ry for bjtn running aad trotting races. Among the curiosities at tbe Fair was Master J. Wolsten Hertford exhibit of greenback money orna ments. These ornaments are made out of the greenback money redoemed by the U. S. Government. The pro cess of k destruction is by iuaceratioi. WblCb reduces It tO pUlp, BOd IU1S puip is e'jld by the government, aad" P' ic Pt..d tx tbe manuf ;urrt of r La ,ue iiis, which is oecouii"i; 'quite ai art The nvt promin-.! miU i';'ere-i.:us f.rjer.s of tt!. S' &ro a bu.-'. ot Uvb Ii.ers''il, rej t sect:"g &b out two millica d"IUr ; bust cf Moody, representing $j0,0uD ; a niMDaruen;, a beautiful column, w:tb a thermometer attacted, representing about $l,0 jt),000 each. Tfce feature of tbe Fa:r H und-ub e'ilv th? stck dls.ilav. Old biTieni' n who talk "hi. SM" by the card, Fay thft there never wa at aoy Fair a bet er exhibition. General Grant's t Arabian burses attract universal ad miration. I'lTKET. The- kaHas Jeksi. Buffalo Bill ie::s a gcol etrry ab'iut a party of Englishmen travel ing ou the plains before tbe Pac.fi o railroad was fioiebed. Tbey came rumbling ii.to Laramie abasing 'n driver and the coach aud tbe ''blar ed country" generally, because, they averred, there was "no coaching or driving at all outside of England " Their contempt of all things Ann ri can was shown in tbe most offensive manner to all tbe people staotliLg around as tbey alighted. It hap pened tbat Bob Scott, the finest driv er and most reckless dare-devil on the pi tins, was to take tbe coach to the next station, eigot mile west ward from Laramie, and as that gay Jehu heard tbe remarks of tbe B it tisbers he slowly made up his mi id to give tbeiu a specimea of purely American coaching. The stable b ys led out six colts that looked a if tbey had Lever heard of a stage before ; they reared and snorted, plunged and kicked until tbe noble Britons were delighted with the anticipation of Sue drive. ".Nov, drier, yoa kaow.jast gie 'em their heads aud let 'em go ; d .a't yi,u fie afraid." "Yes," says another encouraging ly, "my good fellow, just yoa g ahead." B ;b mounted a box slowly while a man held each horse; be gathered the runs and tbea said quickly : 'Let era go.' And they did ; and tan colts plunged and reared, but Bob's iron ii.a-r beld them ia. With the aid ot the California brakes he beld ibem down to a walk for three mil., while the passengers blasphemed a. hirr for a "cad' acd a sneak. At the end of that three miles tbey k' to tbe top cf a hill, and one Britoa P"ked his head out of the wi-dr.w ucft began to gay something, but he did a wild, unearthly yell wak;d that vicioity, and at tbe same tiinf Bib threw all six lines down. The coat-h seemed to lift from the ground, and those six colts started at the very best peed tbey ccnld make. Ano'i f1 yeil from Bob ami they seemed to in crease it ; then to help matters ne drew hi-. vlvr and began firi-v over tbe horse' head. "G ent God," cried the Britons, "we've got'en into the bands of a blarbted lunatic!" "Step, stop," they shouted ; bar the mad team and crazy driver tcre on faster aod faster, while tbe stsg-i went bouncing over the rocky road in a way that threatened to pound the passengers to pieces. Bob craned his cei k and yelled into tbe window: "Gents, I'm just getting 'em start ed; they'll do better after a while." And he took out the lamps and hurl ed them at the leader witb a Coman che war whoop. The affrighted passengers present ly saw the station in fall view; the question was how was that team to be stopped. They gave themr elves up for gone, and bung ou despir'n lj to the seats. It seems tbat tae horses were accustomed to go right into the stables, coach and all, and up tbey came to the open door at full speed. There was yell from the a.-embled stable attendants and tav ern loafers, then a frightful crash as tbe whole top of tbe coach went off, throwing three Britons ont and break ing two arms and a leg, besides otb er slighter accidents. Bob came oat of tbe stable smiling, picked up an Englishman and says : "Never mind, sir, well bave a real nice drive to the next station. I was obliged to take 'em along slowly over that there bad road. Boys, put in tbe other team in a fresh coach and give me a couple of cocat-tails. It's dull driving so dog-gone Blow, aad I'm powerful dry." Those Englishmen waited and sent for a doctor, but tbey did not put down anything in their note books aboot American driving. Aaavirewf the) Father of ) Perl "My son aad daughter, too," quoth the father of the period, "my advice is not to waste too much time on Greek, Latin or music, but rather train op the respective legs I have given yon in the way they should go, and become predestrians and pedes triecnes Seest thou yon poor man, pale face, emaciated, and clad ia thread bare garments ? He in youth devoted bis bead to the acquisition of knowledge, and be starves by it. Seest though yon short little man, taciturn and somewhat ongramatic al of speech That is Rowell. He in early youth, on tbe banks, of tbe Cam, used what mind be bad in tbe cultivation of heels Behold bis re ward. Uo has won fame and is worth $50,000. Son aod daughter, go both as yoa please and walk. Go it both as yoa please while yoa are young, for wben yoa get old. like Norman Tavlor, yoa cant.' Aeeldeat to atsrlsa Hwraew. On the 23d instant an accident oe- , corred on tbe Pan Handle Railroad rence Hart, of New Orleans, tbe win- ner of the Clarendon stakes at Sara toga, was killed, and Clemmie G., Charley Howard, Redding and Buck eye, belonging to the same owner, were all hurt, the ear containing them being shattered to pieces and the animals being thrown some dis tance. He designed taking Bonnie Carrie to England, and expected to stake her against the best runners there. He estimated her value at i 10 000 Tbe wounded horses are re- llumbus, Ubio Mr. Hart was on his way to St. Louis, where he proposed, to winter hn horses.