The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, October 15, 1879, Image 3

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Somerset HeraIrjJRtg
.(M.pir ,l7s
, (hip T
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raisin Liim::3!!
blicto meetings wili be held at
b tollowiof limes ad nlacea:
w s
jConfi jecce, IVidaj, Or- 21, 7. r. m
j Aleverodalr:, Satardar, Ox 25, lr.M
(Siojetowo, Friday, Oct. 31st, 1pm
nrU.m, trains
In rn
,f.?u.l " at depot, oornr Or,.
lit"' rW.A, W"7"
7 "
1,1 p.
j J uuerX Road, Sal 'j. Nor.
; Sip?fcvi)le, " "
odaukHTilie, " "
Mineral Foiot, Monday, Nor. 3, 1 P.M
Able HpeaKers will tp present .and
address tbe meetiags. Let there be a
fall turn-out.
tD li. bcvLL, Ch. Co. Com.
When it thai fcaataeaa boom weiig to J Too quarterly fMthi of the Hooren-
ittlM hmminir Ifitl ShiA ofaut aLI 1,w I will Kn nil Atr-Aolwvil A OiwHkl rn fnflk nhxra
come booming Into tbia staid old town T
t rom nearly ever quarter cheering re-
porn or a revival oi uaae, advance oi pri
ce sad wages reach es, but in Some net
business is as flat aa a flounder, and
worst of ail we aee no prospect oi improvement.
rille Sunday -school Aaaocialion, took plaoe
in tiie Evan. Lulb. Church, Shade, bept.
20. 1879.
Tbe Convention was called to order by
ReocLTi thk Kwirioa. la oar
endeavors to preaerra health it ia or - tbe
otmoat importance that we keew tbe secre
tory system in perron condition, ibe
wdl known remedy, Kidney-Wort; has
the Vice President, C. W. Williamson, in specifld action upon tbe kidneys, liver and
tbe absence oi the President, C. W. tVei- j bowels. Use it instead of dosing with rile
Tie. and was opened by singing "All llatl
t 51 -
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n 7
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Leave :
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A frtr tbn IfttlMrrn um.
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.. u.rd Plttunth at
fjT4T"fV lm; P. M.. M era!
J.M,i!l.,.,-,0. mmtlie Expren have
-rTTTiilBasant rout to the Eaai
-.miiBU'"" . ,..:.i. i -ut.
1'";!hTiu,uft. .i .. dallv. ar-
" . nl;injtii --- . . . -.,.u a-9i a
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l-'ac!tc Exprett
WrLrfitlm train.
;wiTnri'"',,,M Smith
riftt( bw corner Orant and W atcr
tl- '''" ,"iTH. Gen-rol TK-krt Airent
t H YN'MIAN, Supt.. ConaelUville.
"7 T. k B. K. E. rA xiKBBAX roiT.
Send us tbe news.
Regular J uly weatier.
A needful article rain.
Short skirts are still atylUb.
Thanksgiving in the distance.
Tbe stove-pipe jokes are in season.
Our farmers are busy making cider.
The pumpkin crop is simply immense.
Tbe Ohio election takes nlara twlnv
Wild turkev shootinff will cnmmpnr nn
the lGlhinst
Send us the local barnenius of vour
Blondes are not fashionable : bunt nn
your dye bottles.
Promenading was brisk on Saturday and
Sunday evenings.
Get out the Republican vote ! Be sure
none are left at home.
The recent warm spell cives a new lease
of lite to the straw hata.
A Perry county sportsman shot a while
squirrel one day last week.
Judge Miller is at work lavine the
toundauon tor the new engine bouse.
Chestnuts are selling at two cents ner
i . . ...
pounu : uiiy-iour pounds to t!ie bushel.
The Fayette County Fair will be held
on tbe '-'UUi, Mlh sad 3 let of ibis month.
A list of premium awarded at the late
County Fair will be found on the 4th pace
i oi uiis paper.
Mr. Wash Megahan seems determined
to have the money for tbe job of plastering?
wbicU be did for tbe County Commission-1
c a. rw un imo ktciw ubj jib iia amu
a couple bands at work scouring the pil
lars, ana nas ai last socceeaea m removing
the lime streaks so obnoxious to our Com
missioners. We seppose he will now, re-
We notice tbe return of Mr. C. B. Moore,
of New Lexington, from Philadelphia,
where be has been purchasing his fall
stock of goods. He reports business boom
ing, but says, "Notwithstanding the gen
eral advance in prices of iron, grain, wool,
cotton, and prod nee generally, I found
manufactured goods quite low, dry goods
havine ouite recently declined to old rri-
cea. Mr. Aloore is one or the few ot oar
country merchants who visits tbe Great
Manufacturing City regularly, which al
ways enables him to supply his customers
with the best goods at tbe lowest prices.
He will have bis new stock on in a few
More Shooting. Mr. Benjamin F.
niegins, of Lower Yoder, shot his wife on
Saturday forenoon. One of tbe small shot
entered ber body near the heart and ten
entered her right arm. Mr. IL says the
snooting was accidental; that be was clean
ing and trying his gun preparatory to go
ing hunting and did not notice his wile
until he beard ber scream. He assisted
ber into the bouse and then came to town
for a surgeon. His wife, in the meantime,
was removed to tbe borne of ber father.
Mr. Joseph Gates, near Morrellville. and
her statement is that she was standing in
the doorway and ber husband was quar
reling with ber and threatened to end ber
existence ; that she quickly stepped within.
closed the door and be fired at ber. John-
toten Democrat.
Mi altar May 13, 1STS, trails wiu There is a great scarcity of water in
i.jiot,wonertiM wlih ail panenirer trains I many places and tears are entertained that
. - m- a B. K. K. (Mall trelni dally, Ex-
be SSSp.m. SO p. BL
bciwt n:oa.. ieoP.m.
" r,i: Et connect with Local Wert.
M.!rint to Rorutar Tim Tat.le, to Uk et
J, i'twiT. Juua as. ls:, and continue u fcro
TS. will k Snir mij Hatunlay at
, uiomiwrt with Uj MuuiiUia Expr-
'L tm. h a II. K. K . and an MiAday ai t:14
7, iirtwilli Mme train tR, hlch ar-
i; Pmcncer En...
f ruMuer Wert..
iu ltn
r,w IaK
12 o n
........ 12.44 p. B
........ IVZi p. m.
4 44 p.
the graiu may be injured by the drouth.
"Le-ves have their time to fall," as the
most casual observer will no doubt notice
about the present time.
lJon't hang back aud make excuses.
The coming election is a highly important
one. JX't every Kepubncan ba at the
polls !
Our stove dealers are rlvinz a busv
trade these days. The wise are setting
their bouses in order tor the "coming cold
One hundred and twenty '-little injuns"
arrived at Carlisle Monday mnrning.wbcre
they will be instructed at the exiicnse of
tbe government.
. 6:ue A. Ml
The dry weather has dried up a great
I many sprincs, wells and streams, and in
some districts a ereat inconvenience is felt
in consequence ot the absence ot tbe aque
ous num.
Eic:grint Passenger Agent
Eai.tijioi'.e &. Ouio Rail Road,
for Simtrsf t County, Pa.
frtriAi, raits will be given to all parts I to bis professional duties.
atftrnrH; r,ptruttii 10 -NeorasKa ana
Iw, the "Garden pot rf the irorW.'" Mr. Charles Trent, of Philadelphia.
lion t delay your Western trip, young ionner employee of the Herald, who has
bu .Xi ia llie time to go il you want been spenUinir the nast few weeks in visit
ing bis relatives in this place, returned to
Uie Quaker Lity Monday atttrnoon
We take the following from an article in
tbe Valley Time, published at Lonacon-
mg, aid. :
We visited also the Herald and Demo
crat offices. The former paper is owned
by Col. Ed Scull & Sops, and tbe latter by
the Memra. Coffroth. The two offices are
in the same building owned by tbe Her
ald and lu- two papers are printed on one
and the sami press. The Herald is a Re
publican papjr, and it is a remarkable fact
that these two political antagonists live and
prosper under the one and same roof. Both
offices are fitted up in tbe best manner and
the papers are among the best in Western
Pennsylvania. The managing gentlemen
are able, and well know bow to entertain
visitors. Our thanks are due them for
courtesies shown us.
We are pleased to notice that our es
teemed friend. Dr. Henry Brubaker, who
has been confined to bis bed tor the past
two weeks, is able to be out and to attend
rave! di?ip. Address or call upon Mr.
fr;:z at once, at Somerset, Pa., and get
your ucketfc, f he is the rcyvnr author-
sit ;eat to kII them, lie will also sell
mund trip tickets, good for fortu day;
. Und Iij'loringi to Lincoln or Columbus,
NtWifka, or to Lllis or Kinsley, Kansas.
Ptrfinf paing West should make applica
nt tot titf ir tickets at least five dax s be
ta tbe lime of starting, so that the Ar.EXT
ai Rite arrangements to check the bar
wyiirwci. lie will 1 in bis njfire at
fat 4 liEEitiTs', nn-stairs in Somertet,
Pa way Friday, Saturday and Monday,
x receive orders "tor tickets.
For hot and dry weather October bids
tair to be tbe driest month in the year.
Tbe great grandfather of the oldest inhab
itant has never seen such excessively bot
days in this section at this time ot year.
We w ibh to particularly call tbe atten
lion of tbe lady readers ot the Herald to
tbe large lot of Ladies' Coats, ranging in
price I rom $4 to f 12, tor sale by Mrs. J.
R. alter it bon. ibe best ot material.
AiSsm-S. A. Dean.
Aicbeny John Wright, (appointed).
Brrlia Bor. Samuel Imboff.
BrjUjersvalley Alex. Coleman.
fflOfmsDrL Eiwood Swank.
t'iaeBcc M. A. Hoss, Jr.
rilick Jacob S. Livencood.
trfenville A. J. Stoner.
itiaumk. Bnigh.
saer VTorth J. Picking.
rtMtrrille A bra. Kautx.
Uraw John U. Geiger.
I"er Turkeyfoot John P. Humbert.
Hinsdale Samuel P. Foust.
i .klSecreek-J. R. McMillen.
.id-E.briam D. Miller.
N- CentrevUle Wallace McMillen.
.Vfiunpton S. P. Poorbaugh.
Nf BArtimore John George,
riiai Daniel Brubaker.
Canton in g James Baucb.
SiAlury J. C. Lowry.
w-de JmatUan Yoder.
&.'Be.tet Bor. D. J. Hnrncr.
eicnet Twp A. F. Dickey
Sfinrrfet North Perry I'mberger.
r-trrreck-Mirhael Snyder.
iOiAiriptoD Henrv Mam; Sr.
..wsf D-William"Brubfcker.
Natah-Cj-rus M. Hochstetler.
t?w Turkey toot Peter Zutail.
V'F!i-J B. Jennings.
turg-Joha Uileray.
A frttmuie at Trent's,
tjej ort at Boyd's.
$ Hinges at C. N. Boyd's .
..coli Oil at C. N. Boyd's,
larger Drops at C. ". Boyd' a.
6 fclie Xe Depot for Stationery.
A Mrs. A. E. I'Ll's your wh will bey
LiJirt .ijnuid fte tbe nice Box Paier
Jityavedto those bo boy tlitir
J?oiC. X. Boyd.
r i?, I,,r ,,e at Somerset Steam Mill for
' Wrrel, wholesale.
Tw.'.CuU Tobies are lie Lest we
aoked. Trj-them.
tTfcu wheaat at the Si.mcrsct Steam
--fi W per bushel
r. njrOil. Tooth Brushes, and fine
' C. X. Boyd's.
jv Em, are tbe cheapest Sign
western Penn-ylvania.
' !.";e ry gwd just received by
AIhs. A. . Uhl.
jj-9- Tinnt, Wholesale and RttaU
tigsrsand Toliacco, Somerset
This is tbe season of the year when the
wise man goeth up a chestnut tree to
shake it. and couieth down in time to bear
the gratelul grunt of tbe industrious pig
that walkcth off crunching tbe fallen bounty-
A grand National Fair is to be held at
Washington City, commencing on tbe 28th
of Octotier and closing on tbe Oth of Nov
ember. We understand that excursion
tickets will be sold from this point for f 7,
round trip.
The home farm of Mr. Deitrick Kregar,
in Middlecreek township, was disposed of
on the 4th inst, at assignee's sale, to Mrs.
Kregar, for 2,150. Mr. Kregar bad been
offered for tbe farm some few years ago
f G, 000 cash.
Mr. A. H. Coffroth, senior editor ot the
Democrat, and Mr. C. N. Boyd started on
a trip to Denver, Colorado, last Wednes-
They expect to be gone several weeas.
Mr. Charles II. Fisher has charge of the
Democrat during the absence of Mr. Coffroth.
We are indebted to our kind hearted
friend. Mr. Daniel E. Davis, lor a sample
of celery grown by bim this season. The
buncb senl ns was beautnul looting ana
delicious to the taste. It was something
less than three feet in length and bleached
to tbe top.
The eastern part of tbe Slate has been
Hooded with counterfeit live dollar notes
on tbe National State Bank, of Troy, N.
V. If any notes of that bank are oftered
scan them very closely before you take
them. Tbe satest plan is to retuse tnem
altogether .
Mrs. Henry Shaver met with quite a
painful accident whilst on ber way to town
one day last week. She wUbed to alight
from the wagon upon which she was rid
ing, and in placing ber foot upon the
wheel, she slipped and fell to the ground,
badly lracturing ber ankle.
Sing these beautiful, impressive and
truthful lines with spirit, and after having
rang them ponder them well :
" Tbe man who cheat! the printer
Oat of a (ingle cent.
Will never reach the bcareoly land
When old Elijah vent."
"et. Satins and Silks, lor dress
Mrs. A. E. Uhl's,
t. bayers to go to SoL
v tor their fi, guot. an(, Kut.
l;iT?"r''',ick and lowest prices for
' ' Was. A." E. Uhl's.
JuFi ,0 l,nT Wbile Lead. Oil, Bytrsi Barneit,
efe'WouI, Knit Sacks. Cuffs,
or m i,rce
.. Mbs. A. E. iBL'a.
' VU! r. t . .
f'!ltMldAuriet Na256
WS?: 1 IUbnnsh, Pa. Eye, Ear.
''i4 lnJ OM wellies in Fancy
&Zt of Nails, Iron, Glass.
Bv Mon rwrcbaaing elee-
-veri 4 Burnett, Somerset. Pa.
fii 4 iLV Sa Arrived Sept
NierS1' . J Gro"od Alum Salt,
to IrPer than ever tefore.
:WLe? c tani prices before
Cook & Eeieits.
iti wca-tLe Oliver CbGled
a uyers 4 ttarcttt,
A general complaint is made that tbe
supply of water is scarce everywhere. In
this section tbe wells and springs are fail
ing and tbe cirtern supply of water is near
ly all exhausted. Tbe streasna are very
low. Unless the country Is favored with
copious rains soon a water famine will be
npon us.
At the Cumberland Fair last week Mr.
Peter Heffley's horses, "Alhambra" and
Flora" made themselves good records,
and succeeded In carrying off tbe bulk ot
tbe premiums offered in tbeir line. Al
hambra took two first premium! in the
races apd the mare two second. Alhambra
was also awarded tbe first premium as the
best stallion on exhibition, and Flora first
premium as tbe best riding mare.
Mr. Plummer Pearson, who has received
an appointment in tbe Interior Depart
ment, arrived here Saturday evening on
bis way to Washington. Mr. Pearson bad
been an able and efficient clerk in the War
Department for a number of years, and
was removed last winter when the sweep
ing reductions were made in tbe clerical
force of that department. He hopes soon
to be reinstated In bis old position. We
are (lad to bear ot Plummer's good for
tune. ' ' "T
Among oar boaters none are more suc
cestful than J. IL PiseL On Friday last
he abot enough squirrels to supply balf a
down lamilie. Aware of our fondness
lor game, he kindly sent us a lot of young,
tender bunnies, lor which we return many
thanks. Tncker knows where the squir
rels live, he ha a good gun. and knows
how to use it ; aod alter be get hold of his
game he at once relieves it of viscera, and
consequently, a present, such a we note
above, ia one of value.
Mr. Randolph, chief engineer of the B.
& O. R. It., accompanied by a corps of
six or eight men, arrived here in his spe
cial car Wednesday morning and went to
work to survey the route from this end for
the extension of tbe Somerset & Cambria
Railroad to Johnstown. They commenced
running tbeir line lroji a point on the
road a short distance below the brickyard.
crossed the mill road just this side ot the
inree-bridges, continuing up past Charley
Miner s nouse to rieasant street, running
the full length of Pleasant street, through
the centre of the street, when thev crossed
the creek at the Sloystown bridge, and
from thence following up tbe creek. Tbe
corps that commenced work at the Johns
town end are now a short distance this
side cf Davidsvillc. They are locating as
roey go, ana can tberciore only average
about a quarter of a mile per day. Tbe
line run by Mr. Randolph along the edge
of town is only a preliminary one and may
oe cnangco. 1 be depot will in all proba- on tbe eastern end of Main or
Patriot streets. There are a number of
available lots along Pleasant street, and
the company will experience no trouble in
securing a suitable site lor a depot, and at
a reasonable price. It is said that tbe first
five miles from Johnstown will te let to
contract during the current month. There
will be a small tunnel on the northern end
which will be worked this winter. It is
thought that the road cin be built inside of
a year.
the Power of Jesus' Nwie, followed by
the reading of part of the fifteenth chapter
Rer. J. J. Welsh, pastor of the Friedens
charge, then offered an eloquent prayer,
after which C. W. Williamson delivered
an appropriate address ot welcome, which
was listened to with marked attention.
The Convention was favored with
piece of music sung by the Ridge choir,
wnicn was nneiy reoaereo. .
Minutes of previous session read and ap
On motion. C. W. Weiele was re-elected
President: Levi Koontz, Vies President
E. H. Lambert, Secretary ; John Graeff,
1 reasurer,
Is the Sunday-school likely to be super
seded by any other agency that will more
successfully cultivate tbe interests ot me
ruing generation T Discussed by J. tv,
Williamson, Levi Koontz, James Lambert,
N. L. Berkeybile, Josiab Mowry. S. Get
sel, A. Wechtenheiser, William Trent, J.
Yoder, and Revs. J. J. Welsh and J. B.
Shmip. , . . .
The queries were drawn and discussed
by tbe brethren generally.
On motion, the Convention adjourned
to meet at 2 o'clock.
Benediction by Rev. Welsh.
The Convention met at 2 o'clock, with
the President in the chair, who called the
meeting to order ; the meeting opened by
singing "My Home li 1 here, alter which
William Trent led tbe Convention in
Tbe chair appointed a committee on
resolutions, consisting ot Rev. Shoup, S.
McGregor and Jon. Lambert.
"The conscientious teacher." Opened
by A. Wechtenheiser, followed by C. W.
Weigle, William Trent, and Revs. Welsh,
Shoup and Potts.
Queries drawn and discussed.
On motion, tbe Convention aeljourned to
meet at 0 o clock, p. m.
Benediction by Rev. Shoup.
By rtrtw of nndrv wri'iof Vend. Ex Fl Pa .
and a. Fa., inmed oat of the Court o Oum
BMa fleas of SumwraM eooatT. Pa . aaJ to m
uiroioo. inert win r xpoca to puMIr We,
A Newsi-aper Sermon on Susdat
Yisitino. It has been said that from lack
of thought as much harm is done as from
bad motive. It is likely further true that
balf this thoughtless barm is done by good
people. With a view ot leading many
good people to see how they are doing
barm by one particular practice, I write
and send forth to the public Ihistermon. Of
the moral wrong, or sin involved, I will
say not one word.
I believe that in general Sunday visit
ing is wrong ; but in particular, it is a
I. lo the minister of tbe gospel and to
bim chiefly for :
1. It destroys the force of bis teaching
on a fundamental subject. Ibe gospel
can do nothing for a people who have no
reverence tor the babbatb. L ntil he has
created a proper respect for the holy Sab
bath day, tbe minister has no basis on
which to work. Sunday visiting counter
acts all teachings in this direction, and so
destroys tbe work of the minister.
2. It hinders bis work. Ibe minister
feels it necessary, and his people expect it
of him, to make every proper effort to have
a general attendance of the community at
divine worship. Every Sabbath service
should be a blessing, and every sermon a
help to all w bo attend and bear, ibis
habit of Sunday visiting keeps multitudes
from church every Sabbath in the year.
3. 11 burdens bis bcart. JSo minister
with right views of bis religion and duty,
can see this practice without having his
heart tilled with grief, lie must grieve
that his teachings have to tailed, and that
bis people have so little conscience. How
can an honest christian meet his pastor on
Sabbath morning, on his way tu preach
the gospal, while he himself u on his way
to some neighbor's lor mere worldly en
joyment 1 And how can a pious minister
meet such a sight wftbout reeling bis heart
cruelly wounded and burdened ?
11. It is wrong to your neighbor. And
it it a wrong to him, even though he de
sires it Could you burn his house, or
sever his band from his body without feel
ing that you were doing him a wrong.
even though be bad asked you to do so T
but most of this visiting is unsolicited, l
am confident. Yon go unasked ; often an
noying, disturbing rest, and interfering
wi:h devotional plans. Yerv often you
keep your neighbor from church, and also
part or all of bis family. Besides, you in
duce bim to violate the sacredness of the
Sabbath in other wavs. He feels under
obligations to provide a feast for you ; be
must also often attend to your stock. Is
not all this wrong to your neighbor 7
III. i on wrong yourself. 1 bis you do
. ....
1. Lowering your christian character.
All tbe civilized world has a Sabbath-conscience,
and no honest man will tail to re
spect yon let for this species of Sabbath-violation.
2. You wound your own better feelings.
All tbe world knows this is not tbe ncht
thing to do. To justify youiself, you
must employ false reasoning, and for that
you must despise yourself more or less.
8. i ou cheat yourself of higher enjoy
ment It u true that a pious observance
of tbe Sabbath results in man's highest
spiritual, moral and temporal good. God
made no mistake, as trial proves.
IV. ion wrong your servant. AH
toilers, both man a$d beast, demand the
Sabbath rest.
1. 1 par hired help s often wronged by
having additional and really unnecessary
burdens imposed upon them. Often they
dare not object, even though they feel
themselves wronged; a bouse and employ
ment is all thing to many servants. And
when your going compels them to miss
sanctuary blessings, are they not cruelly
2. lour horses are wronged by this
practice. God made his Sabbath for toiling
beait, as well aa lor toiling man. Sabbath
rest is a natural right ot a horse that has
done his six days work.
In conclusion. I would aazaeat to mv
friends (and I claim you all M uch) that
they propound to themaelves the following
two questions, and resolve :
1. Ami bit?
2. Should I quit
3. Yes ! ard by the grace of God. I will
do it :
J, B. Soocp.
The Convention met at the hour ap
pointed with the Vice President in tbe
chair, who called the meeting to order, af
ter which it was opened by singing "Al
ways Cheerful," followed with prayer by
Rev. Potts.
Minutes read and approved.
The called questions were then opened :
What is your way T discussed by Trent
and others.
What were your mistakes? discussed
by W. II. H. Sorber and others.
How shall we best finish the vears
work? Rev. Welsh.
Queries drawn and discussed.
Report ot committee received and adopt
Retolred, That in the estimation of this
convention the Sunday-school is not likely
to be superseded by any other agency that
ill more successfully cultivate the relig
ious interests of the rising generation, and
that consequently the Sunday-school cause
challenge tbe warmest sympathy and the
hearty co operation ot ail good, Lbnstun
lUtolced, That the conscientious teacher
is an indispensable factor in our vast and
all-important Sunday-school work.
lieiolred. That no bunday-school only,
under altogether exceptional circumstances
is justified in closing its doors during tbe
winter season.
The Convention then adjourned to meet
at tbe Graeff church, sometime during the
last week in December.
Closed with benediction by Rev. J. J.
This was the first convention ot tbe kind
ever held in that part of the charge, and if
tbe presence of Sunday school workers and
tbe masses speak anything like success, we
may flatter ourselves that the convention
w a grand success.
Tbe workers did not seem to assemble
themselves together in vain, but to instruct
and encourage one another to do the grand
and mighty work looking to tbe lreat In
strudor and Inspirer lor wisdom and
In tbe discussion of some of tbe ques
linns we were ruade to estimate the Spirit
ual above the carnal, tbe Heavenly above
tbe earthly, giving useful bints tor sober
This convention was largely attended,
and at times enthusiastic ; and, instead ot
losing it influence and power with its
novelty, as some "fogies" predicted, this
association is promising to glow more and
more in interest and efficiency as it grows
in years.
bitters or drastic nills. It ia nnrelv vec I th i vmrt Hm in RnmZtT.
table, and is prompt butmikf In its se- . swtfaw. XovemUr llh. 1879.
- - r f
at 1 o'clock., w.
All lha .4-1. llll. 1.1 - I -t-: r . l
a. Diunbx x mm-. ihj you auiiw wrm; , ia uu im hiiiowtns d SCTibea real
!h! Ikr fMnM iwvwiIa n rail imm. f tit. Til :
;, wi,, A certain tract of Und litoate in tluemahoalnar
m unity, we say strange oocause they seem I ta m.... , .
to prefer to suffer and pass their daysfmis-1 more or lea, with a sloVv umi a hair wank dweu.'
erabiy, made so Dy Dyspepsia, and lavcr I m", "m n. ana ner oaiuniumuri
baalel Weaver, Ueunra UarUiM-r and tin wlduw
Lambert, with th aiiparteaaDce.
Takes in exeeatioa aa the nmmrtr of Imh
jarrwn at me iou ueunre ounui fcr tiimaciL
ana iu oi xjieaora sieyera.
Alt the rlt-ht, title. Interest aal claim or H.
Complaint, Indigestion, Constipation, and
general debility.waen bUlLUll'S VITAL-
IZER is guaranteed to core them. Sold
by Geo. W. Benfoed, Somerset, Pa.
Wanted. Immediately 1150 men by
H. C. Frick & Co., ML Pleasant, Pa. For Bser, axrtgnea or Hoary Kmraj, of, la and to the
full particulars regarding kind of work. "iTJ" iT!?5!,if?,!i,J -
" --, .w - I anoowmy, ra-aajotninx; uumhoi jonn JO. KaKer,
C I u U .. L. Il II i l i . v . .
Ul I Bw , ucui , onuiHuain aims iuw rwaHine
or Jams Uritchfleid tract, ul which tb a bore ia
a part, containing titty-nine acre and slxty-ooe
im itwm, wui ui ai'punenaiKOT.
Takes in execution as the nmnertr or ft
Bar, aiwlrMe of Henry Krciiier. at the nit or
aa run iv ui.
William Jordan,
Somerset House,
Stoneware. Apple-butter season is
coming. Have ia slock a large lot Stone
ware, Crocks,, Jars, and Jugs: another
shipment to arrive. Now is the time to
buy them cheap.
Cook & beerits
All the rlzht, title. Interest and claim nf Wm
Sutler, ol, In and to tit lulkra-log described real
esiaie, tu :
A certain tract of land situate In uuemaheninir
twp., Somerset county, Pa., cuotainintr 218 acre,
mure or tea, ol waicn tnera are about IT.iacm
cleared and about 47 acre in meadow, with a large
urujA uvi'uid nuuae, ana irame u weuing onus.'
bank barn and other outbulldinm thereon erected.
adjoioinir land of Daniel IterkeT. Juet-nh Bah.
Pearson LrJbr"Hfirj Lotu'.lieiri, and other, with
me appurtenance.
Taken In execution as the Dronertv of WUIlam
Sutler at the tail ot Anthony Sulkr, la trust lor
All tbe rlirlit. title. Interest anil cUim of Wm.
P Millar ... - .t 1. .1 1 .1...
UUDlAti tUI bAAUAMXlt UcX. I wnant, oi, in and to the lollowlnu deacrioed real
7, at the Riverside House. Confluence, by tractor inn., -tuat- i. Stonrr.k
llev. J. It. llrown, Mr. M. IXXlington to twp., ewmerset ewinty, l?a eontalnina: 131 acre.
inoreorieie, oi wnicn mere are about Macro
cleared with a two story loe; boute and lor stable
Another New Stock of Boots. Shoes.
Gaiters, Rubber Boots, Shoes and Sandals
has been just received, which will be sold
cheap for CASH at
Sol. Uhl s.
Miss M. J. Lancaster.
MUMMA MERLEY. Oct. 5, 1879, at
the residence ot Harry Horner, Main St.,
Johnstown, by iter. W. li. Bates. Mr
Robert Frank Mamma to Mrs. Catharine
Merley, both of Johnstown.
GLESSNER.-September 24th. 1879.
Joseph Glessncr. ol btonycrcek township,
aged 7s years, 10 months and lo days.
Oorreeted by Ooox hv Bsbbitb.
dsalkb u
,e tote
.. 1 ou
Road and Bridge Views. On a peti
tion of citizens of Quemaboning and Jen-
ner township, for the appointment of
viewers to view tbe ground proposed for a
road to lead from the Sloystown and
Greensburg turnpike at David Bowman's,
in Quemahoning township, to tbe public
highway leading from William Zimmer
man's, in Jenner township, to Stanton's
Mills, at or near a Chestnut Corner, near
Stanton's Mills, the Court appointed Hen
ry Ranch, surveyor ; John W. Haines and
Emanuel Cover, viewers.
On a petition for viewers of a road lead
ing from a point near Josiah Mowry 's, in
Somerset township, to a point near Josiah
Long's, on the Sloystown and Somerset
road, tbe court appointed Llwood bwank,
surveyor ; David lu Uiyman and Abra
ham Howard, viewers.
On a petition ot Jacob Poorbaugh for
viewers to inspect tbe workmanship of a
bridge over Brush Creek, the Court ap
pointed Herman Brubaker, Wm. Sevits
and Henry Landis, viewers.
AN Astonishing Fact. A large pro
portion of tbe American people are to day
dying from the effects of Dyspepsia or dis
ordered liver. The result of these dis
eases upon tbe masses of intelligent and
valuable people is most alarming, making
life actually a burden instead of a pleasant
existence of enjoyment and usefulness as
it ought to be. 1 here is no good reason
for this, if you will only thiow aside pre
judice and skepticism, take the advice of
Druggist and your mends, ana try cue
bottle of Green s August flower, a our
speedy relief is certain. Millions oi bot
tles ot this medicine nave been given
away to try its virtues, with satisfactory
results in every case. Y'ou can buy a
sampje bottle lor 10 costs to try. Three
dose will relieve tbe worst case. Posi
tively sold by all Druggists on the West
ern Continent.
Five Hundred Thousand Strong.
In tbe past few months there has been
more than SOD. 000 bottles of SAUoh $ C ure
bold. Out of tbe vast number of people
who have used it, more than 2,000 cases of
Vomnmptuin have been cored. All
Coughs, Croup, Asthma and Bronchitis,
yield at once, hence it Is that everybody
sneaks in its praise. 1 o those wbo nave
not used it let us say. if you have a Cough,
or your child the Croup, and you value
life don't fail to try it For Lame Back,
Side or Chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster.
Sold by G. W. Ben lord, Drugil. Som
erset, Pa.
Winter BvTTER.-Let a farmer divide
his white winter butter into two lota,
while yet in the torm of cream, and for
one make use of Perfected Butter Color,
made by Wells, Richardson & Co., Bur
lington. Yt, while the other goes to mar
ket without color, and he will discover on
what course his interest depends. This
color gives the fine, rich, golden yellow of
first quality June butter, and is not tinged
with the dull red tint, objected to in most
butter colors.
We have a speedy and positive Cure
for Catarrh. Dipththeria. Canker mouth.
and Head Ache, in FHILOH'S CA
TARRH REMEDY. A nasal Iaiector
free with each bottle. I" e it if yon de
sire health, and street breath. Price 50
cents. Sold by Geo. W. Ben ford.
Somtraet, Pa.
Wanted. -For cash or merchandise in
exchange :
1000 bushel choke Potatoes.
1000 " Oat.
500 ' Wheat.
500. . . . Corn.
100 " Flax Seed.
100 " White Navy Beans.
Cook & Beerits.
It is said that in order to preserve cider
and keep it sweet put it iu wine bottles,
add a tes spoonful of whit sugar lo each
bottle, cork it tightly, and tie down the
corks firmly.
The man who goes lo the barber shop
on Saturday nigbt and has hi bair cut, is
the same man who pals a lead nickle in the
collection plate on Sunday.
When yon sea a young gentleman escort
ing a young lady with suspicious regular!
ty, you can bet on that walking match.
Removed. J, Y. Schell has removed
his Neat Depot to the Naogle House, one
door west of Post office.
Apples, dried, W ..
Ailebatter, W rl.....
Hran. V luu x
Butter, H a (key;)
Batter. W (roll)
Buckwheat, buahel I
" meal, luO s tl "i to fx
Beeswax. a a Me
Bacon, sboukier, W a............ c
sides, " 7e
country bams, fl
Com, (ear) $hubel ,
Uura, (shelled) W txuhei.,
Oirn meal p a
Otlf sklna. W
fcirsr. fl do
Fiuar, M
Flaxseed W bTL, (M a)
Hams, (sugar-cured) ft a
Lard. W a
Leather, red sola, yi.,
" npur "
" kip,
Middling, and ehop lull...,,
Oat. W bu
Pototoe, W bu
Peaches, dried, y a
Kye la ,
Raks. a
Sail, No. L fl bbl.extra
' Q round Alum, per sack...
Album, per sack....
Sugar, yellow St ..,
" white
Tallow, W a
w Beat. W bi
WooL W a..
10 to lie
....So O ioe
, tw
SI u
, it:m
, .'te
, tto Te
l5i 1
i to
Watches ami Jewelry '
Ecpaired hykittyd Workman and
returned by Express Free of Charse. No extra
charge tor EngraTinfr. Good war
ranted a represented
oct 14
Rr virtue ot aa order of sale Issued out of the
Court of Uominon Plea of Somerset county. Pa.,
we wiu expose to puouc (ait, at uarrett, on
Saturday, November Slh, 1879,
n. ni. th fullowinsr described nal
at 1 o'clock,
estate, vis:
ro. 1. Ibe umliTHlcl one-half or a lot or around
siluat at Oarrett, Somerset county. Pa., adjoln
inx street on the north, P. a U. Kailroad on the
west, and street on the east, on which it erected a
larsr store and dwellinr bouse.
No. X, A but of around situate at uarrett, front-
ins; on Centre street 40 feet and extending north
im leet on wnicn is erectea a larg stable.
TEEMS. 10 per cent as soon a the property U " . .VrJTi ?!v""i ..V"?: 1
knocked down -. U tnciudinir th tenth nirt on eao. num,"r' L C'B 11 -
hnnation of sale, one-third In six month and one-
third in twelve month, with Interest on deferred
payments. Payment to be secured by judgment
Oct U Assignee of J. H. Boo.
thereon erected, adjoining lands of J. J. Walker.
Charles Heinemeyer, Edward U learner and oth
ers, wita me appurtenances.
Taken in execution a the Dmnertv of William
P. Aliller, dert., and Edward ulesener, trrre ten
ant, at the suit of John A. Fotut, use ol Epbralm
All the rlitht. title, interest and clulm of Jacob
Sechler, or, la and lo the following described real
estate vis :
A certain tract of land sitnate in I'nncr Tur
keyfoot twp., Somerset county, Pa., containing 'AW
acres, more or lens, of which there are about 170
acre cleared and 14 acres in meadow, with a two
story irame bouxo, bank barn and other outbuild
ings thereon erected, adjoining lands of Scull, Jonathan Poorbaugh. John Lucas, Iajac
Metiier and others, with me appurtenances.
Taken in execution aa tbe iroiertv of Jacob
Sechler, at th suil.oi Peter Brougher, use of John
Cummins, executor of Joseph C. Lichty. de-
All th right, title. Interest 'and claim of Chris
ten Sbuiu, ot, In and to the tuliuwing described
real estate, vis:
A certain tract of land situate In Vpper Turkey-
foot, two., Somerset county. Pa., containing AO
acres, more or less, ol which there are about 14
ere cleared, adjoining lands of Jweph King,
usna bciiMcH and ilusuand belrn, wtm the ap-
Taken In exacution as th nronertT of Chrincna
Shults at th suit of Urecn M. king, use ol U. P.
w alker, use ol Cbas. J. I turn eon, CAsnier.
All the right, title. Interest and claim ofwacob
Rlppl ami Jacob Hippie, ad'mr. ol Alartha A.
nnipie ore u., oi, in ana to uie loiiowing aeseriDea
rent estate, vis :
No. L A certain tract of land situate in Cinema
honing twp., Somerset county. Pa., containing 23
acre, more or le, of which 'It acres are cleared,
adjoining lands ol Jonn weivir, winow uelsel and
Stcnr Ctcek, with the.apbunewtnce.
No. L A certain kit oi ground situate in Hoo-
Tenrrine, somerset eounty. rs containing about
one-hall acre of land adjMinlng township road on
me went, John J. Miner, .Harina a. itippieanti
Samuel . Swank on tbe eat, and alley on the
south, with tbe appurtenances.
No. X A certain lot of ground situate"" afaro-
said, containing about of an acre with a one ami
one-halt story frame house, and other
mcreon erv-teri. ainotning 6. S. swank on llie
east, township risul on tbe north and west and lot
no. x on the smitii, witn tnc appurtenances.
No. 4. A small lot of grounj situate as afore
said, ad mining bt No. s, and township road on the
north aud weu wit h the appurtenances.
liken in axecutioa as tne property or Jacob
Klpplo and Jacob Hippie ad'aur. of Alariha A.
Kipiile. dee'd.. at the suit of the heir aod li-cil
represrntallrea of Jolia Park, Jr., dec' I.
All tbe right, title. Interest and claiHi of Darid
Sml! h, of. In ami , to the lullowing deecribed real
estate, vis :
A certain tract or land situate In uaemanorung
twp., Somerset county. Pa-, containing 184 acre
ami 10-J perches, strict measure, about luO acre
cleared, 10 acre in meadow. bsUnce well tim-
bered, with a one and a half story log house and
log bra thereon erected, aljnintng lands of John
M. Zlmmrnnan, r.ll Minrer, Cbarles n. L'lcxey,
Amlrew Homer, Wm. Maurer. J. S. Miller and
Wm. H. liarnhart. with the apiiurtenances.
Taken in execution as the proiicrty of Darid
Smith, at the suit of John 11. Zimmerman ad'mr.
of John L. Smith, dee'd.
All the right, title. Interest ami claim of Jemme
B. Jennings, of, in and to the billowing described
real estate, rii :
iso. l. A certain lot or ground situate m l. rsttia.
Someiwt county. Pa., known on plan of said town
as lot No. J.0, with a two story frame bouse, stable
and other outbuildings thereon erected. Inmtinsi
on Chestnut street, boumled by lot ol C. Hicks ou
tbe east, and auey on th west, with tbe appurtenances.
No. 1 Lot No. Sxl sitnate as aforesaid, frontinar
on Chestnut street, adjoining lot No. 34) and alley
witn the appurtenance.
Taken in execution as the property of Jerome B.
Jennings, at the suit of Hiratu J. Nicola use of
J. S. Harrah.
All the rtzht, title. Interest and claim of Hennr
Rumiser. ot, in and to the following described real
estate. Tlx :
A certain tract of land situate In Hrothervraliey
twp., S-nnerset county. Pa., containing 19 acres,
more or less, on which there is erected a one and a
balt storv log house, shoemaker shop, log burn
ami other outbuildings, adjoining lUmlK ol Philip
Hay. Wm. Dickey. Jjanlel Sbulu and others, Willi
tbe arimrtenances.
Taken in execution as tnc property ol Henry
All th rlirht. title. Interest and claim ofRoin
Zimmerman, oi, in and to th following described
real estate. Tlx ;
All that certain one-story bricx bouse or. build
ing situate In lhe borouvh of Somen t. In the
eounty aforesaid, being au leet front. So feet ;deep
V AuU AoliL jX.Al. UlAIE.
By virtue ol an order of sale Issued out of th
Orphans' Court ol Somerset eounty, l'a., 1 will ex
pose tu public sal on the premises on
Friday, November 1th, 1870,
at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following described real s
tat. late the property of Stephen Trent, deceased,
w wu :
A certain tract or land situate In Stonyeretk
twp., Somerset county. Pa., adjolnging land of
Joba Pcig. Peter Zerfue't heirs, Noah Bayman,
Albert Kayinaa. and residue of farm set apart tot
widow, containing 140 acre, mora or lets, about
luu acre cleared and 14 In meadow, cm which ar
erected a 2 story dwelling noase, bank bars and
O'.her outbuildings. Tbl Is a reliable property.
TERMS. One-third on confirmation of ale,
one-tnlrd in tlx month, and one-third la one year
witn interest on aeierreu payments irom aay oi
saie. raymeuts to do Mcurou py jaugmeni
set I) Trustee.
"The nmlt?rilgned trustee for the sale of the real
estate ol Henry Lohr, late of Claemahoning twp.,
Somerset county. Pa., deceased, will expose to sale
oa the premise in (Aid twp., on
Saturday, November 8fh, L879,
the farm of decedent containing 142 acre and l"
perelies, strict measure, about 74 acres cleared'
and al.iut 14 acres in meadow. Adjoining land of
Joba roy, A. Washer and others, harlna thereon
erected a two story log dwelling beosc, bank barn
ami other outbuildings. There ia on the farm a
good spring, exceUeni young orchard and sugar
camp, a good lime quarry and eoal bank. Tills
farm Is situate about two mile from Stony Creek,
and is conTenient to mills and schools.
TERMS. One-third In hand, and the nalaae
In two eimal annual payments, to B secured by
oct 15 TrutU.
by virta ol aa order Issued out of the Orphans'
Ovurt oi Somerset County, Pa., to us directed . wt
will expesw to public tale, on the premises, oa
Saturday, November 8th, 1879,
at 1 o'clock, p. m., th following described real es
tate, sit a at In Jenner twpu Somerset county, Pa.,
late tbe estate of David Lohr, dee'd., vii :
A certain tract of land sltuat In Jenner twp ,
Somerset eounty. Pa- adjoining lands of Jacob
Stuflt, Daniel Koonts and other, eontAlning
acres and 70 perene. with a nlank dwell tar bosuw
ami stable thereon erected.
TUiMS : la-kAlf in hand oa eonnrmatioa of
sale, one-half In on year there Iter without in
terest. Twent) -Br dollar to be paid down oa
day of sal.
M. U. UftHH,
oct 14 Adtn'r. tad Trust).
Soitaa&gT CorsTT, a :
! l 7 M acir tf4 rearvsewfafrr
BAU oJekn Brubaker, ire d. frttlmj :
- You are berebv cited to be and aimear
be for the Judge of omr Orphaas' Court to be field
at Somerset, n the 10th day of November, 1879, then
and ther to show cause why aa order of tale
should not be granted to Dr. Henry Brubaktr. to
ell the real estate of said deceased, herein fall
W Trims the Hon. Wm. M. Hall. Zsn at Som
ertet, this 1st day of September, 1S7
. w JU. U. t UsASIS.
The above writ is lireetel to Mr. EHta Oraew-
wood. Plum Hollow, luwa; HenrteUa Base, Wheel-
tng, west Vlrgtnla; Harriet aewrr, ttyaviaaaa,
oeuiuTu eounty, ra. ; aassen i roatmaa, t rana.
fiirt. Mineral count t. VTest Ylrginla: BeniamJa
TiMtama,'ltsna Statlua, Bedford eoaatr. Pa.
Oliver TTowtman, Bedford county. Pa., Mrs. Ja
cob KlamelL, Somerset, Pa.. Mr. E. Zimmerman,
Uerllo, Soiaentet roemty. l'a w. H. flaU, Umr
lmgtoo, Iowa, WlUiaai Bruhaacr'a heirs, resi
dence unknown.
oct 14
Can trees yasslng oa ths premise of Frank
Launtx. la SotssrM Two.. Soasenot eaaatv. Pa
oa tbe xvth day of Ssptemrwr, U:t, tw koad of
catue, on reu aeuei ana na steer, anou a yuan
Th owner t atkod to eom forward, dtot nron-
rtTaad pay charges or they will be sold according
oct 14 ADAM S. MILLER,
Twp. Clerk.
and th lot or piece of ground od curtilege appur
tenant, taid lot being situat in said borough ej
th west side et w est street adjoining lots ot Cur
tis Kouter oa the north. West street en the east,
alley on tbe south and alley on the west, being 33
feet front on West street, and 127 tfeet deep, with
the aopurtenance.
Taken In execution at the property of Rntlna
and Henry Zimmerman, at tne suit of Charles
Shank and Josiah .Walker, partner trading aa
Shank and Walker.
All lhe right, title. Interest and claim f Aman
da E. Keller, of. In aud to th follow ing described
real estate, tis :
A certain lot ol grouDa sltuat in Salisbury. bor
ough, Somerset eounty. Pa- containing acre.
more or less, witn a two-story irame uweiung
house, (table and other ouibuildlnir thereon
erected, fronting on Union street. ad)otned on th
east by Henry DeHaren. oa .the west byj. W.
peachy, S. t '. Kelm and S. J. Lichty, and on the
north by alley, with th appurtenances.
Taken in execution attae property oi Amana
E. Keller, at the suit of John Lentt and Samuel
J. Lichty.
AH the rtx-ht. title. Interest and claim ol James
B. Walker, of, in and to the following 'described
real estate, Tl :
Ail that certain two-story store house and
frame addition or building, situate in tbe borough
of Berlin, in tbe emnty (aforesaid, containing in
front on Main elreet, about 31 leet ana in depth as
feet, and tbe Irame addition is IU story, about 3
X1S feet and the lot er piece of ground and curti
lege apporcenint to said building, the said lot be
intr descrilied as follows : On the north by alley.
oa th east by lot of Charles Krissinger, nn tbe
oat li Dy Alain street, on ine wedi oy lot oi josian
Hefltey, and is about 3ix200 feet, known on plan of
aid borough as lot No. 47, with the appurtenances.
Taken In execution as the property of James B.
Walker, at the suit ot Jacob W. Olessncr.
All the right, title. Interest and e'aim of C. O
Lint, of. In and to th following described real es
Uie, Tlx :
No. L Two tots of ground situate In Meyers-
dale borough, Somerset count r, l'a., containing
one-half acre, more or less, wit h a two-story brick
house, stable and other out-buiidtnga t hereon
erected, bounded on the south by Broadway street,
on the west by alley, on the north by alley, and on
th oast by J. M. OUnger, with the appurtenances.
No. 1. A certain tract of land siluat e In Somer
tet township, Somerset eounty. Pa., containing 60
acre, more or lea, of which there are about 5
acre in meadow, with a two-story frame house.
lotr barn, and other out buildings thereon erected.
adjoining landsof John Kantner. John MeAdams,
i at nay, ujnu nnauiia, aau vmers, wita iu ap
taaen m neramis um m" firufrtj m c. vr.
Lint, at th rait of Valentin Hay. us of P.P. H.
Walker, et at
AH Urn right, title. Interest and etaim of Henrv
Johnson, oi, la and to th following described real
eslAte, Til :
A certain tract of land situat la Shad twp.,
Somerset eounty, Pa., containing ISO acre. Baor
or lea, about Si cleared and about 3 acres In
meadow, with new two-story plank dwelling
house and log stable thereon erected, adjoining
laada of Joseph Sip. Jesse Slick, John OraTes,
gosepb Sorber and Daniel Berkeybile, with th
Takea ia execution at the property of Henry
Johnson, at tne rait of J. J. Bowman, executor of
Michael Spongier, dee'd.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of W in. J,
TJinget, of in and to lb following described real
A certain tract of land situate at SUatons Mill.
Jaaaer twp., Somerset eounty. Pa., containing S
aerea, am or m, who a two-story irame oweu
Ing house, shoemaker shop and stable thereon
erected, adjoining lands of Chariot Lohr, Nancy
Slahl and lying along th Sloystown road, with
th appurtenance.
iBBea a execution) a i property mna J.
Dlnge, at th suit ot J.M. a. Peter J. Corer, ad
ministrators of S. J. Cerer, dee'd.
NOTICE AlFpersea parCQasiig at tbe ahor
sale will pleas take aocioe that a part of the par
ch money to b mad known at the tim of
saas wlU be nqalrod aa soon aa too property is
knocked down, otherwise it will be again exposed
to sale at the risk of th Snt purchaser. The re-
Uaa of th ntDthatanraaey must be paid on or ba
ton l nursuay oi m am weea ot noTtmoeT ! or,
ta tkne Saedhyth Court for teeuririg the ae-
kaowledgmeat f deads, and no deed will bo ac
knowledged until th parehate money It paid ia
SberifTsofBce, Sberiff.
JaaaXJ, im i
Notice It hereby given to all nermns eoncerneil
aa legatees, creditors or otherwise, that the fol
lowing accounts have passed register, and that tbe
same win do presented tor eonnrmation and al
lowance at an Orphans' Court to be held at Sum
erset, on Thursday, Noremlier 13th, 1H79.
First and Unal account ol Lewi J. Stvlnfa. Ad
ministratvr of Jacob Slcinla, late of Ureemiiiu
rp., dec a.
irst and partial account of Henrv Ranch and
Aaron F. lilttner, Exoeuton of the last will anil
teit lament ol John Kaucti, dee il.
Aorount of Jacob Laran, Administrator of Dan
lei Laran, late of Jetlersnn Iwp., dee'd.
Aceount oi navKi j. Miner, AiiminiKtrator bt
Elitaleth Miller, late or Shade twp., dee d.
First and dnal aceount of Henry Knetip, Admin
latrator of the estate of John iiaker dec'il.
Aceount ol Daniel Stuft, Executor of Win. Wil
lis, dee'd.
First and final account of John Blngncr, Ad
mtni.trator e bonut nan cs tettamrnlo
of John Bromm. ded.
Account of Henry H. Hdflman nd Freeman
Hotlman, Admlnlstralort of Keuben liutiuian.
Aeconnt nf Edmund Coleman Guardian of Mary
Ellen Hotlman, fTmerly Coletnan.
Account of H. F. Schell. Ouarillan of Starr J.
Second and final account of John Deeter. Exec-
utorot Samuel Deeier. dee d.
Aorount of J. K. SlcMlller, Administrator of
rreucTics. Diueaugn. uec l.
Second account of C. O. Stutsman and Alex
ander Slutiman, Executor of J. J. Stutxman, deceased.
OCt li Register.
For trial at Novcmtier tTia comnieni lnz
vetnoer loth, IS7U.
L Kcnjaicia Ma.iter" tt. NelT k "olborn.
a. Keim a Urengoud rst Saul. V, Ij-uchel.
tl. same ts. siine.
4. J. S. Zimmerman r. Alb: rt ami David
S. lr. !. p. Iaharl's oe .. Ijiwanl Mostot
- J. W. k II. c. Van Horn vs. JtK. LW on
et. al.
7. larid Ross a. L. Selirork vs. J. Adallae A
iw. tteeo.
S. ITathArine ladle's Ad'mr. ta TfoThl tihe
. ed'h. L. Just Tl S. H. A CathArinaOarry.
19. Niiah 1'..)..'. , v , i
IL K tern an k. Earl tu. L. A. Smith al.
li. Martha E. Hawk us ts. J. Ernest Metre.
13. Wm. MeLellan Tt. John Anspnch Jr- gar
nlahe. B
1. O. W. WUson's us ts. Curtis Kooscr.
14. t 'olhom k Col horn's . ya Newton Rodger.
15. N. W. Kodgcrs vs. Clus. Kodgers.
17. S.J. Cover's ad'mrs. vs. Tho. Endrley et a 1.
la. Levi Ooughenour rs. Uaae S. Cougheaour
IV. S. P. Snyder ts. James Parson et al.
XI. E. Klurnan'suso vs. Walter Joocs, and Has.
21. U. B. Bill ra a A. Brant.
22. Voight k MeOraw v. Thomas HIU.
IP. Josiah Bowl by TS. Pbvbo Walter.
84. Peter Smith rs. W. L. Hoblltteil.
24. Martha A. Ripple vs. C. F. k (Jen. Acker
man and Will.
M. Isaac Simpson Tt. S. tt. Oregcr.
27. Isaac Hugus ts. Eilward Aicott.
25. Boas Pugb's ex tra, ts. Heulii Pugli.
a. Hannah Huttell's right ts. Fred, k Amelia
50. K. Reich rs. Ctiarle Akey.
St. Ann C. Yanert ue ts. L J. Baer.
Si Darld Lichty ts. Edwin I al.
83. James Albright's use t. W. S. Hal rah
51. John M. Holdcrbaum'a awrs. John Zafsll
ct al.
Si. Oeorge W. Pile vs. DaTld Martin et al
3d. A. U Scoliill k Co. ts. J. H. Benford k Ci
37. J. C. Ayer kCo. ts. same.
W. Wm. Kline ts. P. k O. K. H. Co.
w. Samuel Shaffer ra. James Pew.
40. Win. lloose k Co. ts. A. J. Cramer.
41. F. P. Hartman's use ts. W. L. HablittelL
Our annoin.-imint cf IMMEDIATE a.ul JMrEIlATlVE
fuU met triVA a a immediate and inqteralire repone from the people. Although M
treather hn bctn to rcry wirm and ttntcatoiutblt, yet onr ile hat been
TliU is just what He prepared for and expected,
The F rices have been
WFiiii". the Honorable William tw. Hau.
President of the serentl Court of Common Pleas
of theCouutio compijsing the sixteenth Judicial
insinct, ami JU.-ilce oi ine t ciorts of tiyeraml ler
miner and General Jail DeliTery. for the trial of
all capital and other onendcrs in the aal.t lliiitriet.
and Vakiku Srrrrr and O. V. Mrmn.HA F
3ulre. Juilges of the Courtsof Common Pleas, and
ustices of tiie Courts of Over and Terminer, and
Oeneral Jail Delivery, for the trial of ail capital
and other oQemlers in the County ot Somerset, hav
Issued their precepts and to me directed, for hold
ing a Court of Common Picas, and Oeneral Cluar-
ter sessions or tne feace. and trcneral Jail DuliT.
ery and Co-orU of Oyer and Terminer, at Somerset
Oat Jlonelajr, SVfnsbr 10, 1S79.
NuTtra kereka eieen to I1 the Justices of th
reace, tne tjoroner ami uotisutiie wituin tne saio
County of Somerset, that they be then and therein
their proper persons, with tbeir rolls, record. tno,ut
aitlons, examinations, and other remembrances, to
dothoee things which to their ottlces ami in that
behalf appertain to b done; and also, they who
will prosecute atrainstthe priioners that are or shall
be in the jail ol Somerset Cornty, to lie then and
there, o tprosecut agaliiat mem as shall lie juu
oct 14 Sherilf.
Tue fo'i'iowlng aceoun's have tecn filed in my of
fice and will lie presented to the Court for confir
mation on
Thursday, bovemher Zth, 1879.
S. J. Lklity, Assignee ot Daniel Bockua aud
The fir"' aeconnt of W. II. Millen. Assignee or
Valentine J. Miller.
Tho first account of wm. . Llvengncl. As
signee ol Edward Keim and wile.
H. t. Sl'HlLL,
oct l"i Prutho notary.
SoMBnrr CraTV. :
To Simon Vhorpeninq, guardian of Ka Ires-
ley Cnorpenntna. greeting:
ou are nerctiT cited t. oe ami appear
SKAL before Wm. R Frease, Keifter for the
S pnliate of wills and granting letters of
administration in and lor said county, on or before
tue iota uayoi moTemner. iT9, tnn anu mere 10
file your account aa guardian of William Wejky
horpennlng, herein uti not.
Wttnss the Honorable Wm. M Hall. President
Judge ! our Orphans' 1 'ourt at Somerset, this 2d
ar or sentpinper. A. 11. liTH.
Sherifl's orflre. Oct. 14. ) W. B. FREASE.
187V. ElMiAii KYLL, Clerk.
oct It
At an adjourned Orphans' Court held at Somer
set. Fa., ou the Sth day of October, A. D. 1879, b'
fore the Honorable .the Judge thereof. In tbe
mattterol the estate of Henry D. Snyder, dee'd
on motion of Messrs. Colborn k Coliiorn, the un
dersigned was duly appointed auditor to ascertain
the advancement and make a distribution ol said
estate to and among those legaUy entitled thereto,
also lo determine all questioiit arising In said es
tate between the heirs and the administrator ac
cording to law.
ny i tie tjouro,
The undersigned hereby gives notice that he
will attend to the duties of the above appoint
ment, on Friday, Nov. 31st, 1879, at his in
Somerset, Pa., when and where all parties may
attend It tbey think prupc r.
J. li. SVAI1 1,
oct 15 Auditor.
In the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Somer-
til . .t'j wanted. Bus.
ki Partteular Vee.
Catherine rltnr and 1
her next Iriend. William 1
iller. i- set cmtnty. no. .4,
ts. I Aug. Term, l7s.
J. W. Palmer. I AL nub. In Divorce.
And now. October 14th. 187V. petition ol plaintiff
and on motion of Valentine Hay, Erq.. her attor
ney, the Court appoint Herman L. Baer. EJ..
commissioner, to take the tesiimany, hod the facts
and report an opinion.
The commissioner in pursuance of tbe alwTe ap
pointment, hereby gives notli-e that he will attend
to tne duties oi i lie aoov ai'jK'iuimeui, aintsoi
fice. In Somerset borenich. on Wednesday, the 4th
day of Noremlier, 1S7V, when and where all per
sons interested can attend.
oct 14 Coiomuutouer.
The nnderslmed trusteea for Christian shelter
and his credltore, will un tbe LJthilayol Novem
ber, 1879, at I o'clock, r. at tbe farm house on
tbe premise otter ami sell at Public Auvtion, th
lands following, situated In Johnson county, Male
of Iowa, to wit :
Th ae'X of section 17. the n'-sotnt1: ol section
m. It acre off tbe west side of ' oi section 21,
and lot 14 being th w i ot wof swl; of section IS
all In Township 78, Bange T, west ot ,4th P. M.,
oontaining cm aerea, more or less.
1 his farm ts one of the choicest In toe ctn:y.
both at t the location and linpnrrement. About
90 acre of the land I timber awl th balance rich
prairie land, the larger poitlou of which i in tim
othy and clover, and ha been used for pasturage.
There 1 running water on ta farm during most
of Ui year. A Cburch. School bouse and Sbr
are situated near tbo farm. Tho improvement
cousin In part of a large brick dwelling house, a
large Dank barn, a new and complete stocx nam,
two well, two orchards, a variety of small fruit,
including grape. Slc., alaueouslderable .hedge
lence in a tnriity condition.
This is an unusual opnort unity for the purchase
of a hoe farm In a good neighborhood and near to
Iowa City. city ol 10. two population and th teat
of the Stat University.
me term and plan ot sale wiu r stated pa rue
ularly at time of tale, but tint will b giren on a
portion of the purchase muney. Fur further in
formation aud res
.low Uty. Iowa, or
Kicbmond, Iowa.
S.U. LUKE Tru-tee.
Eatata ef Joseph Mason, late of Mlliord
Two., Somerset county, Pa dee'd.
Letter of adaulnlMratioa oa th a bor estate
hariog been granted ta th undersigned, notice it
hereby giren to those indebted to K w make imme
diate payment, aad taos having claim against
iL to present them duly authenticated for settle
ment on Friday, the 31st day of October.
OT9.atlnlaU iwauieaca Jacob F. Walkar, la
Mlliord Twp.
Sept. Administrator.
CaUtarlne Palmer, br her next l In tbe Coart of
friend William Miller, f Common Pleasof
vat ( Soeacreet County
J. W. Palmer. J Penn a.
(Alia Subperns In DlTorrw.
To J. W. Palmer tho aboro named defendant:
You are hereby noilned to appear ai our next term
of tbe Court of Common riaa to D nem at son.
ereeL. oa th 2nd Monday of November. 1879. to
she eauso why a divorce to plaintiff should not be
graatod ia accordance with the ttatate la such
cat made aau prorueu.
Oct! ' . ... Sharta.
thai every person co.ild ree the inducement, and many lines of
have been brjlen ii nizea. On thene odd garments ice make a dill further
and our slock will be kejil up in completeness durinj the height of the sea
son We vrye an early call on the part of all who contemplate buying.
Svx uuix-r Cot XTT, S3 :
) To the Sheriff of Somertet County, Crrff
lay: i Wstkiui, Michael Ixng, heretofore in
or county Court ol Common Pie; of tiie county
of Somerset, to wu : en tne l day or augtut, a.
D. 1S74, beiore til H morable tue Jmlgn then
constituting the same Court at Somerset, by the
eonsideraUoa ot the same recoreied against Cas
per I Kim, executor, and Margaret Horn widow or
fhillu Dum. dee'd. ol Slid county, as well a certain
debt of three hundred and aeveuty-nlne dollars
and seventy-two cents, lawtul money of th I nited
Stan ; as also sixteen dollars and kirty-ure cent
like money, which to tbe said Michael Long in
our same Court were adjudged lor his damages,
which he sustained by accasmn of tbe detention of
that debt, with interest on the debt from the loth
day of Augurft, A. D. Ia74, whereof the saidi.asper
Domexl r and M ariraret IJom widow o: rniiip imn
dee d, convicts as ol record and proceeding there
upon In our said Court bctorefcur Judges at Som
erset reraalnirg. manifestly apprars. Neverthe
less, execution ol tue judgment atores.Mii a vet
remains to be done, ami wuenta.s th a-it l Mar
garet Dom is now dead and tn said CaTjier 1 in
has been discharged as executor of said ..'J, as
by the insinuation of tbe said .Mu lncl L uu we
hare receired, and to prevent tbe ilcnol said judg
ment from expiring, ami becaure wo are willing
tbat these tbings wiiich la our "i:!'! Court are
rightly done, suuuld be demanded ! y dneexe-n'.l in,
we command tou that you make kirwu to Josiah
Dom, Leonard li. Iom. VKi'.llam ih.m. Oliver P.
Dom, Lewis A. Dom, Harri.wn .Null ami Liltn his
wile, W. AV.Oaltherao.1 Meiic.i lii wuc, heirs,
kc. ol Philip Dom, dee d, that tn an appear
lielore out Judices al Sumerzi. . ur iiunty
Court of Common Picas there to i.j held on the 2d
Monday in November next, to abow it nnyibiog
for themselves they kniw or have to say, w .y tbe
aforesaid judgment snouid no lie rev ived n.i-1 con
tinued a lien on tbe real estate ol ii li'bi.. lHitn,
deb'd, during tbe period of live ; ej . aad ihy the
aid Michael Long ! execution ara. .st ll) Estate
ol said Philip Dom, dee d, t his de .aa-i i.iuages
aforesaid, ought not to have according lo tiie t'ui m
and etlect of tliesaid recevery, if to tnem It shall
seem expedient. And have you then aud there
this writ.
Wltneaa, the HosoRABLa W M. M. Ha IX, iJd.,
President Judge at Somerset, thi 19th day ot Au
gust, A. D. one thousand eigh'. hundred and scr
entynlnc. Sheritl's office, Somer- ) H. F. SCHELL.
set. Pa., (ct 4th, 1H7. t Prot.Wjtary.
r.lXiAK K Y LE, Sncritf. )
Mv virtue of n alias onler of sale issuol out of
the orohan' Court of Somerset County, Pa., to
th UBiier?!gr.ed truit'-e to n il tho real estate of
Joseph Pila, lal ot ililforvl twp dee'd., will, on
Saturdau Oct. 1879,
at public outcry. In Kockwood, ( formerly Mineral
Point), sell at "the hotel of Joaepb Scbruck, at one
o'clock T. as., tbe Hi wlng real estate:
No. 1. Aeercainfarm situate in Jlliiori town
ship, o.uniy and sia'.e aforesaid, aloining lands
of John A. Snvder. Peter Puiman, James ?eitiert.
Uorge See.. -.x, Wm. Hann and others ; eontain-
lair .loJ ac.-es, iuiire or lets, anout l.l) a'res cleareil,
with a 2 tory irame dwelling bouse, barn and oth
er out buildings thereon erected. This farm bt in
an ordinary slate of ccltiva'ion, with aimevery
tine meadows on the same, in a good community :
2 miles from New Ccnlreville, and 4 miles from the
county seat, ConTenient to school and church.
wulcb make it very uesiraoie, wiin one iruu ana
good water; also an abundance of coal and llme
stone on th same, there being several cool banks
now open and In good running order and good tim
ber on tne pan not cleared.
No. S. A kit of ground situat In Eoekwood ( for
merly Mineral Point, county and state aforcuM,
having thereon erected a one and one-bait sury
irame dwelling house, sialde, and other outbuild
ings, being the lame projerty now occut'ied by
George Pile.
No. 3. A bit of ground situate as above, having
thereon erected a one ami a half story plank
Jwelling Bouse, adjoining lots of Henry Kreaer on
the west, alley on tbe east. Water street on the
south, and tbe Pittsburgh and Cocaelisville K. K.
on the north, being numbered on th plot of said
town as Ldil An. 1,4.
No. 4. A lot of around situate at above, having
thereon erected a small grocery store room, adjoiu-
ng alley on tbe west, .Main street on the norm.
lot No. 144 on the east, and Railroad street oo tbe
south : lot being 40 leet front and 1 feet deep and
numbered in the general plan of said town as bit
No. 143. For further information call on tne un-
lersinDed truslcot at Ocbbarts. s imcrset county.
TERMS. One thirl of purcias mrmey to be
paid on confirmation of sale, and tho balance in
two enaal annual payment without interest ; ten
per cent, of purchase money to be paid when the
property Is knocked down, and which percentage
will be treated as
thirl, the balance to
bonds on the premise.
Br virta ef the authority of the last will and
testament of John Kaucb, late ot linthersv alley,
Twp., Somerset Co., Pa., U-jc'J, wo will otler al
punc saie, on
Friday, November, 1, 1875,
on lb hum farm of said doceasxl. th following
described real estate of John Kaucti. dee'd.
.No. 1. Tne borne larm ol said deceamt sltunta
iu Brithersvaliey Twp, Somerset county, P,
cmtaining 218 acres, attaining lands ol Philip
Khoacis, Uiian Jolcman, Solsmion Colemau,
Henry Coleman. Amos Walker and others, with
a large brick dwelling bouse, two tenaal bouses,
large bank barn, spring house and other outbuild
lnKS btrge apple ore bar I, twii sugar camps aud
an abUDdance wf ooai and UmesUnw on tLo prsm
bra. So. S. A tract of land situate In tbe township of
Brjtbersralley aforesaid, eontamingaPoat 8 acres,
ailKiinlna lands of Jonathan Milier, Jo!ab Poor
baugh. A. H. Pbilson's heirs and others, ami all
the mineral underlying about 14 acre. ai mining
the same, there is a co-it bank open near the depot
el the Buli:lo Valley Uailroaii.
No. 3. A tract of timber land situat as ainre
sitd, eontaining 3V acres, adjoining or
David Dickey, Eiq., Cyras Bow man s beira, Dan
iel Shuits. t;asper Keltic, Henry Ackerman and
others, tbis tract will be toi l at a whole r In two
parts to suit purchaser.
No. 4. ThesurlaccoialotofgTOUiKisituii.tenear
tbe Uiwn of Berlin, CAilaining io square perches,
adjoiclng tract j. 2, and lot ol Dr. Wn.4. Oar Emanuel Masters and others.
TERMS. One-third In band on (he first day ot
April. ltMJ. and the balance in three tqoal annual
payments without Interest, to be secured by judg
ment bonds or note t,a tho premise, leu
cent, of tne hand muney to be paid aa toon a the
pru'ierty Is told.
JOHN A. WAL1EK. Executors.
Oct 8 Auctioneer,
By virtue of an orJer of tho Court of Common
Picas of Somerset county. Pa., tho nmlcrsigneil
Assignee uf Philip P. iiaarer, will oflcr al public
sale, on
Saturday, November 1, 1370,
at 1 o'clock t, jr., on the "Hume Farm," th fol
lowing described real estate of said Phill 'Jf.
Maurer, vix:
No. L Th "Home Farm." containing 156 acres,
more or lesa, situate In Somerset Twp., Somerset
county, Pa., adjoining lamis of Abraham Beam,
Hiram Beam, David Hell and John J. Bell, hav
ing thereon erected a new two story plank bouse,
furnished in a convenient style throughout; new
bank barn and convenient outhouses and water
power saw-mill. There 1 also on the farm a lanre
sugar camp with a capacity for boiling 4.ooi
pounds of sugar every season: a young liuit
orchard, geod water; the whole ;be!ug in a good
state ol eultivatiunand situated ewuvenii-ntly to
churches, schools and. Stores, making It a, ve.-y
desirable property.
No. 2. known as tbe "Mountain Tract,'' situate
as aforesaid, containing 2j acres, more or ie,
adjoining in !s ol Simon Zcfall, Daniel Sny
der, Joseph Kboais and ethers, having buli
intrs therein erected, with good fruit orchard, and
under pretty good state of cu itlvatiwn and it con
venient lo church, stores, mill, Ac
TERMS. One-third in hand, one-thirl In six
months, one-third In twelve months from ibis date,
with interest on deterred payment trwm day of
There will also be offered the following personal
property. Til : Wheat, rye, oats, corn, tiu.kwheat
by the bushel, a lot of maple sugar anJ a variety
of other articles.
Oct. 3 Assignees of Philip P. Maurer.
By rlrtue nf an order Issued out of tho Cs urt
of Common Plea ol Somerset County. Pa. the un
dersigned A-ssiguee of Samael Stuil wilt sell at
public sale on
Saturday, Oct. lh, 1879,
a. w on th premise In Jenner Twp, said cona
ty, tbe following described real estate. Tit :
No 1. The borne farm of said Samuel Stuft con-
u ain t'.reet on tbe north, t.alntri- xiMaX. 2S acres, ad'oiniag lands of Herman
a&lB.ahroad street oo tbe ; TtmbrTVrt Wm. W. Orirflih, Jacsw Spb gle, Ja
cob heim. aixl other. 1 n building consist i a
ltnr two swry frame dwelling faotue. large hank
barn, wah-hoioe and other out buildings. About
id l;re of tlm:r land and th remainder oi the
tract is In a high state of cuitlratkin. The Somer
suland Johnstown pike CT"Ses the farm. Church
es, schools, mtlls. suires etc, ounveaient Plenty
oi water on tbe premises.
So. 2. A tract of land containing- about 1SU aires
de-own. and whicn tri-entacc til . jn ta.of AlialB s Siarler Wla ,,,,5
part payment on the first and . Nil),T a igbers. A bout 25 aires of tim-
UJ secured vj juusmn
ber land ami tbe remainder tn a good state of cui
tivatiou. Tbe buinliiixs ar: a two suiry frame
dwelling-house, wash' house, lante bank bara
(nearly new), and other out buildings. Churches,
schoo'.i. mill, etc, withia ciOTerilent dift-tni-.
1 TERMS: Ten pereunf -i the pan-has money
PUBLIC SALE. itob paid a soon as tn prtpertyls knwked
'down; the balan of oe-'hird on confirmation of
HyTirtueofanorler of sale granted by theOr-! One-tliiM lo M month, and ootbird in
plans' Court ol Someiset wnnir. the mrtersigncd ' e year Irom the i day ot September, 17, wlm
Will sell at public sale, at toe 'lai residence of int-rest on de.erred p.yicents Irom date ot sale.
Daniel A Kneads, deed on ' N. L Will be sold unrl and then the auction
Liamei A. naoaua, uct. d., on ( wM q theJrcI;jL, nf x twX M:H
Saturday Oct. 2., 1879, i j no. a. Walter, josiah miller.
' . a . I a . : .... . j J,n...l Oiiii
.i a - a i i i . .! I-. Aw..4.iJIJCT;)i. i,"-iji;vi HjawiiiKi yiiuii.
AT.W A W V i'lK mv, r. Jot., UJ TJiax t--VA vd m r.iA
A. Khoads. dee'd.. consisting aa tollirws.
No. i. The bom place, containing ! acres, ;
more or less, with a new frame two-story dweiilng i
house, a new bank barn, and other mutdinir
thereon erected : about 10 acre clear, 20 acres ia '
ueadnw. with a fine fruit orcbarl on the same,,
adjoint th Poor Hocsa farm, Samuel Fox and j
others ; contains a lime quarry.
No 2. A tract of land adjoining the almve.
Samuel Trent, Alexander Hunter, and tbe Letlter
farm, containing 127 acres, more or less, of which
40 aire are dear, baianc well timbered ; hoe
spring and fruit orchard on tbe same.
No. i. A tract of land known as the LetTler
farm, containing (3S acres, mora or less, w it h
dwelling house, Dana bim, anl other buildings
therecn erected, of which to acrr are clear,
acrut in meadow, tine trait ami never falling -
ailjoiniiig t h .iarm farm, A lex-
Hy vlriuo ol orders ol tne Orphans Com it of
Beilfbrd and S-'mcrset counties, the ru.'i-ribr will
ell at public sale oube premises oa
j hursday, October 30, 1379,
on tract of;!and, th property of Cast. Wm.
Walsh, lute of Juniata township, Bci!forl o.anty.
deceased ami being purpart or tract No. Sol too
real stat ol taid dee'd, as (howa by drafts vu
hie in said courts.
Tbis tract contains 194 acre ami ltt perch
net, of whloh 19 aires and 12 percbe are in Bed
ford eountv. and I acre nd 131 pe relies are in
Somert riountv. adiolng otaer landlnf said W m.
Walsh, lands vl F. MeO:rr't heirt, O. Hull. M.
Needenour. A. KiiEe and ethers. Two-thirns of
tcr on tbe same SC.. ') . H.l I . K
No. 4. Alto a tract of land oontaining 23 acre. said land cleared and under tence and the .ianc
more r less, with new frame dwelling bouse, new : well timireit, with a log dwelling " and
bara, aod other buildings oa th am: about is: other buildings tbereoa.
acre clear, about 4 acrer in meadow, adjoin No. j Scle to rommeoc at 1 o cjork r. w.
1. and No. S., the Mason larm. Joeph Shailar. I TERMS Cab oa eonnrmAtlon of '.
and tho school lot. Tbesa lands are pear to! A' 1 , 7C" ? V
churches, schools, aad within 3 miks from somer-1 Trute to sc J the real estate ot Captain v. m.
set boroiurh. ! Wl5h,uoc'd.
Terms u No. L 2L and S. On tbirt after pty-1 Oct. L
ment of xpenses of partition, kc., to remain a !
ilea, tne Interest o: wnicn u to be pail anonany i , ocf fl VVFN S , I.K
to the widow of Daniel A. Road, deed, during A V fi r ?p?v I'FVt. FTATF
her life, and at her death tho principal to th XA- AB"lTv!i!.V uZr,
heir, on fourth in band, 1st April, Iwo. balance Tue uiylersiirneJ assignee of Emaaual Hersls
In four equal annual payments, to ba secured oa hiser will sell al public sale, ua
tiM piwaute. j Tuenla'j. November 4. 1S79,
Terms of Pi o, . tatn, in ot Apra, imu. ten "
per cent of hand money to be paid or sc-mred by j , ,k ,b, premises la Allegheny
not as sooa a the urooertT is ft rack o 8.
AitmlntHrator and Truster.
Tmn i,nae niiDitT. Fa.. certain tract oi tn.i
wiih thepnurtenaix-t. sitaale in said tnwns!iii
..I Allegheny, adjoining lands ef Elixa Oar.lner.
' Henry Sarver't b:rt siiooa Krislnger.arnl'Jtber.
'eontalaing 40 acres, nearly ail Cleared and tn a
goo.1 state of euitlvatioo ; lb improveawnu are a
Icain dwelling houM. ami bank barn llien-va
. i-.i -l- nr!'v nf fcuit
,i vfrtna of lhe authority irlvea to the ander- .sl . ther are also larva Tariety of
stiraed by th last will aad tin lament of Lemnci : treeaoa the premises: also a never failing spring
King, lata of Upper Turkeyiuot Twp, Somerset I ( water convenient U th hous: this prorrtv
county. Pa., dee'd.. he will expose to rale, by pub- I jj-s directly on th route of tho ountmplld rail
lie uatcry, an th premise, oa
Saturday, October 25, 137 9.
at lOo'cloekA. , of said day, the Mlowlng de
tcribed Taluatile real estat, vis :
A certain tract of land situat ia Upper Turkey
foot Twp, Somerset eounty, Pa-, adjoining th
Tillage of Kingwocl. lands of Jacob Brougher.
Iianlcl Fabllcy. Andrew Shmck tad atbers. eon
mining about 140 acre, of which about Ills acre
are clear and atout 20 acres in meadow ; there i a
(rood two Mnry log bow, a ooe al a half story
spring house aad a good bank bam oa th prem-l.-es
; lso rood applo orehatd aad other fruit
tree, and a good sugar eamp Uereoo. Tb pr.p.
ertvUumiergood eultlvatio aad well supplied
WTEBMj One-third lata ad and the balance in
three eoua! annual payments without Interest.
Piauemlon wUI be given aa tbe 1st of April. HvJ,
wben th deed will be delivered ami judgment
note taken for thedeferred paymenu. Ten per
cent, of tbe ttrchat mosey lo b paid duwa on
Oct. 1 Executor.
thton'irh lMiter's (ian.
TERMS true-third ef lhe punrhas awmey to
be paki oa delivery of deed, one-third In six lauoth
awlooe-tidM in one year aller day of sale. Tea
p-r cent, to be pah! on day of sale whfcl l to be
deducted from tne hand money.
T0TICE IN DIVORCE. bv iter next I ninfi"i"'"
Anthony So'tcr. J Pnr
f Alls ! ilipieaa ia Divorce.)
Tu Anthony So r th above named .lefoodant:
yS Sf BotlawU to .PPoar ni r-.
term of tb. 'ourt of t'ommon Plejs to aenl i
ICt. on the .'v
to show eaus why a divorce
b granted In accordance with tsw tatuic im
such eat. aa t. and PAg g vlE, ,