V Somerset HenE!f Mr. Samuel McGregor, on the 20th inst. two porcupines on bis farin in Shade nsbip. My ss. " EST :iir I ,3K- V. On Sunday nipbt. Mv 10. the residence ot r.d. OleBNoer, in Nonjcreok lownbtiirt. was burglarized. Enquire Laucbnm baa had a new plank pavement placid in front ot Lis residence on I'at not airet-L Will a!l tbe inenit era of Company O be ; uniiurmea in tune to participate in tbe cereuioaies on Decoration Day? The arrh aUicli wj pUf-vU across tbe street in Irvnt of omipasy ti t armory last . rn-pieniuer was taken Gown .Monday morn 11 ..rV"aW- lii-- ,L-a trains vm fr,43 . ,1.., Nary a sua berry lias showed up in tbe Etomerael market tins season : hence, no fuivla Vimnir msn return tli.nbi nr. A .Mi Miafl I . Uranl ! " Kite:.' r... - WFST. MAIL. W All- I' u ' tin" . 1- rtl t: i. Inti nd H.l - ll ' i y, .,..rtllt '.umU""1 '" M a l""rt ; I'.u.innf ! 41 :si p. m. :t a. iu. J 4. . Ul . " 4.U " st: 7:1 m: - Mi ssr. E. A. Sage it Co., on one day of lust week shipped a large amount of but ter Jiatle at tbeir factories to Boston, Mas. sachusetts. bince the bebool Directors have put uicir loot eown on iiail plajing in tbe Academy lot tbe base ball plavers are without grounds. p. m. , i.t lunimrtv lime . TMttsurh it :i '4telim..- A. M.. Ft"- , i.....ni route lo j 'ire 0'' ' 7 -YiV .a"' at : lie Eat dally. r- .. ... a. in . u . . : nun" IM' ,- 7i : HHlm dily, ar. 1:44 .mi"" int:c ' ..,.,-rn. - .,. Sui.u. OunntUM ille. rmt. ironna nJ Smith- 4Dli "''I 1 Jenfril Tikl Aijrni K"B,-riM"i,,li,'",rr "TTfc (alltisa4f. Ex- t ' p. B .rai-Sfr ! i fteaitf W1 I. Kll 'J ... IS 00 B . IS 44 p. B V.M p- B. , 44 P- B. . 1:0 A. M iiyi'5 l"'i'u'ar ,nyoiw'l'''c vests. wrsstt . . i"yu s. riillars' nest. ,Wt jhCnre trami-s at Doyd's. t-S,.!. n.i:nr's ixdiiU-r is com- A tiicbt chance in tbe running ot pas senger trains on the B. & (. It. It. took place on Monday tbe 19lh inst See sched ule in another column. Thursday, Ascension day, all the si reams in this neighborhood were lined with fib ers, old and young, male and female, but the fish still swim. It wasn t a good day lor bites. Mr. A. J. Casebecr is having his large brick block, on tbe southwest corner ot tbe Diamond, painted, wbicb, when com pleted, will add greatly to the appearance ol me building. A great many of tbe pavements of our town are in a horribto condition tbis spring ; worse than for many years. Tbe IJurges8 should see that property holders keep their pavements in better condition. Miss Caroline Coleman Las a flowery almond stock feet high which contains Pi blossoms. Alias Coleman, by-tbe by, is 10 years ot age and is over G tect high, he would be a good hand to overlo. k a household. Vegetation of every kind has been ad vanced by tbe copious and refreshing rains of tbe past tew days. Tbe grain crops are growing beautifully, and wiih an escape from any nnlore-een damage from frosts or otherwise, tbe yield in Somerset County tbis year w ill be unusuilly large. As lor the truit prosiiecls they were never better. J. Ogle and O. W. Pile are having plank pavemenls placed in front of tbeir rest cdive residences, on North street. Mr. ()g':e is also having bis bouse painted and is making other improvement to his prop erty. It the County Commissioners would fia'.-h paving around the public grounds, that portion of North street would be pret ty well paved. EuiTORa IIkkalD Since the lortkenm-! BcjrotvT School Coxtiktiox Pursu ing re union ol tbe 10th Kegt. Pa , Re- ttt to caJL tbe delegates ol the Sunday serves is exciting a great deal of interest schools of the Evan. Luth. church of tbe throughout tbe county and elsewhere, a Uooversville charge, assembled in conven lewiu ms concerning the matter w ill not ' tioo at the Weigle church, and was called dc inappropriate at taw time. to oraer ov u retiring presiueni, j. rr x.titc lliC cV.tT sWii-r' graves on the 30:h . iW us 1 3 cents at C. N . .ti jiuvnt Omrt ill he held on the The forest fires which have prevailed for the past ten days, in diflerent sections of the couulry, were pretty effectually ex tinguished by the rain which fell Satur day night and Sunday. Tbe destruction of property, especially in timber, is unpre cedented in our hitlory, and tbe loss sus tained is computed at thousands of dollars. Much of tbe loss, uo doubt, was occasioned by persons iutenlionally setting fire to clear out the undergrowth. It is a great pity that tbe guilty parties cannot be discover ed and punished to the lull extent of tbe law. During tbe severe rain and thunder Mcrm that prevailed Sunday afternoon, the d wellini: house of Mr. Jacob Showman was struck by lightning. The electricity ran ilow u tbe chimney, demolished several fi-et ot stove-pipe, gave tbe cooking stove a Spanish liU cut through several 5 K,)Ji.is ju&t nrvivul a rtixk of j breadths ot carpet, and finally expended us lorce on ine wan, laying u open ine width ol a man's hand. Mr. Showman and family, w ho bad taken retnge on the bed. in one corner of the room, were deaf ened for a short time by the report, but all escaped uninjured. I tii be mir.i'uny plenty Lii t-fl' WW 1.;c r.tw in perfumes; call at C. Ms. .in UvrCiwmtt need to piny truant j' WjSiil'. Jartmun j.lsutelh tine is where iiiinsraUlietli. A.o'd sc the new stj K-s ol Box m: t'. X. h"d. vs Er. sre the cliejtt Sign iusia Wtt-ttiB 1'rEti.Uvnaia. rteprvrsof the Juniata Valley w ill hi; l rfo cd tbr Oil o! N pteinlier. 'nr:ilcf Mllioery at M. B. Cun .iii! "Wist Ward'' StiTe, thi cv-Ditoiro a tibing buy your ii k Lines, Baskets, 4c," ol C. '. a: ji f r the least money. t M. B. CVNNisr.UAV's. West Ward. bo preaching in tbe Disci ci.rch fich evening during the pres- irk. t IW'ttle, l West Vs., preached s-s ;i'e6' church Sunday morning MiXZ. i.t iiii i t-uy White Iead, Oil, "l hints Ac., at livers & Barne.t, l't t lit A. U-urnn. or Uolliilaysliurg, -c ot t a llepubliean candidate for t Tinvir.-r. li;.' on Lane the Oliver Chilled itJ rpsiis at Uvcrs & Brntt, f - ' ' tfe sre-u' ari i;r.d are beginning to !e::;:'al in their new covtricg of ' ritt Itavit J K rrin 4 Bro.'s Cough Syrup tcntit. aj pet something good, !': a.3er'e. i'- In 'tlmt man will come around "3m:;li tie prediction ot tbe hot "Jrt it taenty jears. '' Vlier, (Kuiist and Aurist, No. 2jC 5 "-ft. I'ittshuruh. I'a. Eye, Ear. ' i Calarxh sjeciaU"es. .' "' 01 ils- Iron. (Jlass, htt &c.. U'iore purchasing else " Bitrs & Barnctt, Somerset, Pa. :"i-' Utut, Land Piaster, Plaster IVuot, eU at the Flour 1 Vpit "tEt.rit. Vain Cmss street, Sin- : ' - . ' ; u -ilrrliatiu'to buy your car- ", jaids just recti v'd. consisting -" ('nttaje llenip.Kac. Stair and "With. - a . the Presbyterian Chureh fftkf illh and y-T of June. -tU3uaccd in thi fulute. '.-.SoiCKtetT, May SC. 1ST0. - s u reiineci to Mtyeredale, t " ;.i bf riif-xsvd to accommodate . i a win! o! '"i iuciuJed. MKlhia Wlfrin Tin'on LilLni w t aert is.. a trst cluss suit ; The e was bubband The Executive Committee met st the Somerset House on the 23d inst. , Col. J. It. Edie presiding. Capt. Eel it. Scull, Secre tary ol the Committee, announced that la consequence of s press of revenue, legal snd other duties, he would be unable to continue to serve as Secretary of tbs Com mittee : thereupon Cbas. II. Fisher wss elected to set in that capacity berzeant II. ti. Cunningham, ol tbe 1 1 nance Committee, reported II Jl as at ready Laving been subscribed to tbe cash lund. This includes 10 subscribed by Capt. M. li. Adams ot Uarrett. 1 be 1 1 nance Committee further report that they are in hopes of raising f 200 in Somerset. 1 be members ot tbe Committee are it. u. Cunningham, West Davis and B. Frank Cooper : they will give all of the citizens oi bomereet and vicinity, a ensnce to sub scribe and pay something to assist properly entertaining the largs concourse ot people, who will certainly oe nere on thel'Gih proximo. Capt. Scull informed the Committee that he would print the badges gratis ; and Lou A. Smith. Esq., of the Meyersdale Commercial, agrees to print the invitations gratis. I ho Committee on Invitations, consists of Lou A. Smith and "W. C. Hicks of Meyersdale ; the Committee on arches and banners consists ol Lieut. Ueorge Snyder, West Davis, Alex. Huston, John 11 us ion, B. Frank Cooper, Dennis Meyers, A. U Davis snd Cbas. II. Fisher ; the Commit tee on decorations, mottoes, etc., consists of Major James B. Tredwell, Dennis Mey era and ltoirer Davis. I beae gentlemen were selected because or their well known taste, in matters re lined, eleeant, &c Tbe Keception Committee consists ot Cbas. II. Fisher. W. C. llicks, Lou A. Smith, Capt. Ed B. Scull, Lieut. Ueorge Snvuer, George Tayman, R. 1C banner. Capt. Cbas. Harrison, I rank Kooeer, Cap tain J. II. Hite, A. D. Floto, CoL E. D, Vutzy and Major James B. Tredwell. these gentlemen, excepting the Drst named, were selected because ol their well known social qualities and convivial tastes. Other Committees will be appoint ed in due time, and a programme arranged and priniel. I he ladies ot Somerset will please to un derstand that they will be called upon to lend their most valuable aid and assistance to reuaer this affair completely successful. It is not necessary in this connection, to pay the said ladies any cotcplimeuts for their reimtation. tor patriotism, for wit. beauty and accomplishments is beyond my ken to relate. Suffice it to sav that we feel confident that they will not tail us on this occasion ; and since they will not tail to assist, the reunion can not be other than magnificent and brilliant success. We ave letters snd reports trom all parts ot the county and from different sections of lue Mate, convincing us that tnis proposed reunion will call together tbe largest con course of people that has ever congregated in this delightfully cool and pleasant moun tain town ot Somerset. Let our citizens see that the multitude Is entertained as is befitting the well known bosoitable char acter ol this place. Cras ll.riSULR. Secretary Ex. Com. Weigle. after which the convention elect ed the following oScers : President, Levi Koontz: Secretary, E. M. Lambert. The A Hula two-year-old child thai imi been adopted into the family of Ma Jusei h Fike, last FrLJay alter dooo, w hi lit plaj iug in tbe yard attached to Mr. File's resi dence, on Main Street, fell Into tie spring and was drowned. NEW A D VER 1 ISBMEN TS: Win. Henley's Clothing Store snd Mer-1 chant Tailoring Establishment was robbed Messrs. E. A. Sige fc Co, proprietors of the Somerset County cheese factories and creameries will please accept the thanks of the senior npd his household tor a sample of as tine butler as ever graced a table ; indeed it is rarely that one sees such butter even in this Umoas butter country; smooth, golden, delicious, it is such as would soothe tbe palate ot tbe roosMaslid icus epicure. t understand that this firm have made arrangements by which thrv will supply any ol our citizens dur ing the summer with the choicest ot but ter. Orders may be left at tbeir office on Main Cross street- We would advise our friends to give it a trial and satisfy them selves. We understand that our borough au thorities are negotiating tor the purchase of a steam eneine or fire apparatus of some kind. Tbe great drawback at present stems 10 be that tbey nave no suitable building at tbeir command wbcrem to keep tbe engine. It has lieen suggested1, very properly, we think, that (.lie County Commissioners should, erect, or at least should liberally assist in tbe erection ol a building such as our fire company needs. The proertv of the county tbe Court House auai Jail receive the same protec tion from fire that any other projierty in town does; and it would appear only just that tbe county should contribute toward making our fire deartnicnt as efficient us possible. A neat, Ijittle buiiJicg placed on the Court-house square, m'dway between I 'nion and'N'orth streets would nut detract any trom th jjipearance of' tbe grounds, and would be a fit and convenient place br an engine bouse, and would save tbe expense of purc hasing a lot, ltiBATloN Dat. Arrangements have been made lor tbe o!ervance of Decora tion Day in SomcrsL-t A general invita tion has U-en extended to tbe diflerent Sunday-schools, day schools and orders ot tbis place to particiite. It is earnestly requested that all soldiers, sailors snd cit izens bike part on this occasicn. Let us give ore day in honor of tbe brave heroes who sacrificed their lives in delense of our country. The clergymen and others will take part in tbe proceedings. All persons are requested to contribute flowers. Tbe committee desire that all bmquets and loose dowers be brought to the Vicant store room in Cook A' Beerits,' Block, Thursday eyeninjj or before eight o'clock Friday uiorning. TLe business men are reqsest eJ to close their respective places of bjsi ness on said day, trom eight to twelve o'clock. Tbe procession will form in the public square w ith right of column resting on Main Cross street, in such order as the Marshal may direct, at 9 a m.. sharp. At present we 'are unable to give a program of tbe exercises, as the committee of ar rangements are pairjotic and enterprising gentiethcU. nolhipg' will bVleft uhdone. Let there be a general (urn out, :!e t. ; j . " . I tuni upon oeing , - muu aue ino, iDe tnat i One day of last week. Master Harry Heffloy. son of Peter H'elfl -y, propietor ot tbe Ilighlam! Farm, tound in one of the belds on the farm a small land turtle, on the shell of which was carved in very rilain letters, "li. StuffL lS-IX" Judge i being interviewed acsnowi in the bvfione davs, the bacyl- en days ol his youth, as it-were, wuea ne iiiLi.u.... ... .u- was free to emniov bis lime as ne wouiu. "Ci .rf V . v. 1 . , , wln, h. 1,0,1 ra'led Into DubliC lite to t,. uu .ouods i am i .. . j Ji tiw wk rrTUli ,k, : uke upon faimseil the onerous and respon . . - : -:o. j...: - ... I tka sifH.w nl Associate Judge, he used frequrntly to while away his leisure hours by cutting i.i. ...... ... ,k- cl.- 1 .r all tnr terrAnins Uij I. , . "- iini inai came in u wav, ai uu mc v-v.. !.,. .- -', i t , ui juiy, ana oiaer .auoDsi uoiiubb. anmj rt,' .! vmu ne uave I tag tbe file tor tbe cross itoaos toiUDieera i.Ci edn"t lasblonable, and ot tlie very cheapest, B IYmmngham l quantity. and which we offer- see goods and , f $ LjfSRJi,. . -A , : l"Og as lean ik.TtB1 Dyesmade bv W 14 !r.J , J U,BurllD?ti. Vt I can And it is said by many ol bis admiring friends that never bas tbe "Haymakers ! boen tiuingly rendered, lines the Judge M.:. ,M I,- dtu ILmt nAB n.l Mildred lar.T.,... te. . t - . ...i.i;- -M.r Th Jad?a said ir - I lie remarks ol i "K"" " - , ' . , - " " . Lan.Uouje ijow that be reatemters earring lib name on . c " Let th i.ia - . TTTl a turtle in 1847. and that three years later 'elmi..- i . . I i w. n,ir,i farm aome three miles C te( ar, ... w-rA th !g i uiHaai, uu iuaa iu acsw - - - mi'lal ol nis nrsi nsie and ai? ia full, wiih the ds'eVoi a 'smalt' turtle, ... T 1 , "V J 1 .4 t ll,.inn..4(LwttflA Lt undeisigned are ! lis house. Upon being shown the turtle l ILP bHulit.v I l I., i ,1 Mr llffllov h aalll h DBC DO OOUOl bill that it was the same boy. The "arms -irV fc!1 'he scientific men : are between nine and ten miles art, and "" ' i cUtIM sod best as a I tte letters are m pla";!t nd, distinct as they i--"- r very low ao 4 i wu the dy tney were placed there, some r-" uT st" ? rrl d'-ne in tbe best t wentv-sls years ago. This spedesoi tur- ' tvjKj - -"too guatanteed or no tle.terraptn or tortoise, lives to a great age KUOAO BROS, Editor Herald. As items trom this place seldom appear in your most excel lent paper, permit me to pen a few lines for tbe perusal ot your many readers. We occasionly get the Herald, and are al ways very glad when it makes its appear, ance. This term ot college is rapidly drawing te a close. The annual com mencement wiil be celebrated on the 19th ot June, and as soon as that is overs num ber of 'Somerset county boys" will be on their way rejoicing tor their mountain homes, w here tbey can wgain breathe the pure air, and be free from the almost un endurable heat of Lancaster. On Friday evening. May 10th, the Diag nothian L!lerarysocicty oi Franklin and Marshall College assembled at Fulton Hall in this city, for tbe purpose ot celebrating their 44th anniversary. Tbe hall was densely crowded with the friends ot tbe society, college, and persons interested in literary work. Promptly at eight o'clock the orators of the evening, preceded by the college taculty, entered the hall, marched in double file down tbe main aisle and look seats arranged in a semi circle around the rear of the stage. The venerable ex-President lllev. Dr. Kevin also oocupimi a seat upoo the stage. Al ter prayer by tbe Rev. J. B. Shumaker, pastor of the second Reformed church of this city, the programme consisting of a prologue, a eulogy, and five orations was carried out. All the exercises were very good, and they were appreciated very much as was proven by the many flowers ihat the speakers received. We would like very much to lay before your readers some of tbe productions, but time and space will not periniL However we can not help but write a few words ot con gratulation for the eulogist, Mr. Fred. W. Biesecker, of Jenner X Roads, Somerset County, Pa., He bad for the subject of his eulogy "Louis Kossuth" the Hunga rian patriot, Mr. Biesecker is an accom plished orator, and the manner in which be bandied bis subject reflected great credit upon himself, and was an honor to his society. Tbe speaker in the course ot his remarks was several tiniss interrupted by applause, and at the close ot his well delivered production his lady friends kind ly remembered him w ith a large number lit very handsome bouquets. If Mr. Bie secker continues in his present course we predict tor him a brilliant future. After tbe exercises were over tbe benediction was pronounced by the Rev. Dr. Thomas G. Apple, President of the college, and to tbe inspiring strains of a march, tr,e I,rge and well pleased sucHettCie was' dismissed alter an evening spent in real enjoyment vnd ot which tbe Oias have ample reason to be proud. " U-M R We take from the Baltimore Jmerieam, of the ?(nh inst., the. following : The cer emouial of driving the first spike in the first rail to be laid on tbe line of the Penn sylvania Uiilroul took place this morning at tllera.ie, six miles irom uumnenana. An excursion train left the Queen City Hotel at 9 o'clock with a large number ot prominent citizens of Maryland and Penn sylvania aboard, among the nomber lion. John Cessna and Judge Hall, ot Pennsyl vania ; Maurice A Henley, Esq., the Pres ident ot the road ; Hon. Wm. J. lliaid. Mayor of Cumberland, Hon. Henry W. Hoffman, Colonel James M. Schley, Messrs. William Brace, Joseph A. Cab ill. David Sloan.. Robert W. McMichael, 4. W. Thomas, B. A. Richmond, James A Milholland, .Vice President of H Cuujt berland and Pennsylyapia Road, and oth er. When the spot was reached tbe rail was placed in position by Messrs. Daniel Bruce, Wm. Piatt, John Hnmbrid. Theodore Lu man. Rev. Dr. S. C. ThruiL F. Minke, W. Hull. George Henderson, Wm. Brace, James Percey and L.'M. Shepherd,' and the spike driven by Mayor Read. ' Presi dent llealey nude an address,' congratula ting the people on the event. ' .lodge Hall, of Bedford, Pa., maiie an address, pre dicting a bright future for Cumberland, and great benefit from tbe road. Speech es were also made by Hon. Henry W Hoffman, Hon. John Cessna, (Jol. James M. Schley. Rev. Dr. Thrall and Mjyror Read, all of them, fl-iying high tribute to to President Ilea ley for his energy in for warding the enterprise, and predicting a great biefil to Cumberland. A Daxakrocs Torpqh. Torpor or ia activity of the kidneys, is seriously danger ous to those organs, since it is tbe prece dent of diseases which destroy their sub stance and endanger life. This sluggish ness msy be overcome by stimulating them, not ercessivelv, out moderately, aa effect produced by Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, a general invigorant and altera tive, possessing diuretic properties of no common order. The impetus which this admirable medicine gives to their evalua tive function counteracts any tendency to congestion which may exist in their tissues. ! Bom uiey ana inerr associ-, organ, ine bladder, are tnvlgotwted as well as gently ! stimulated by tbe Bitters, which exerts a kindred influence upon lite stomach, liver. and bowels, and by strengthening the sys tem, enables It to withstand malarial epi demics, to which when exposed it might J o'nerwise succumo. - choir sane hvmn 328. Book of Wors'uia ' ot three hundred dollars worth o clothing followed with prayer by Iter. J. B. Sboup, ' and piece goods, on Wednesday night r pastor ot the charge, after which be deliv-1 Thursday morning. Tbe thievt first at ered aa appropriate and eloquent address ! tempted to enter by boring th shutter ol welcome. Can an officer or teacher be 1 above the catch, but failed, and then rais- a sincere christian who neglects bis Sun- Jed a window in the kitchen, which opened lav-school duties '. discusaed by Hemuel McGrejror. Amaniah Lohr, Jon. Voder and Rev. Shoup. The tooe of tbe speakers was that tbey should bring their excuses along with them to the Sunday-schooL Does the efficiency of a school depend on the size t discussed by Jon. Yoder, A. Lohr, C. Weighs, L. Koontz, S. McGregor, I. Hoover, E. Lambert and Rev. Shoup. Tbe speakers principally agreed that it does not generally depend on the amount of scholars, but on the interest manifested by the officers and teachers connected with the school The choir then sang another piece of music, after which queries were drawn and discussed by members of the convention. On motion ot C. W. Weigle, the convention adjourned to meet at 2 o'clock, r. x. Closed with the benedic lion. AFTERKOON tBSSI'M. The convention met at the hour appoint ed, with the president in the chair, and was opened with prayer by Samuel Mc Gregor. What is the best method oi teach log an inlant class in the bunday -school discussed by E. M. Lambert, L. Koontz, A. Lohr. L Hoover, C. Weigle, J. 1 oder and Rev. Shoup. The conclusion of this question was, that infants should not be taught from the spelling book, as is most generally adopted by a great many of our country schools, but should be taught trom the inspired word of God. What is tbe best method of gathering in 7 discussed by h. Koontz, 1. Uoover, b. aictirezor J. Voder, Rev. Shoup, E. Lambert, A. Lohr. On motion ot A. Lohr, a committee ot three members was appointed to inves tigale tbe queries and report. The com mittee consisted ot Rev. Shoup, Noah Swank and Jonathan Yoder, who reported and withdrew some ot the queries, which were discussed by members of tbe conven tion generally. On motion of A. Lohr. seconded by C. W, Weigle, the convention adjourned t meet at 7, p. m. Closed with singing and the benediction. EVEMKO BKS8IOX. The convention met at the hour ap pointed, with the president in the chair; opened with a song from the choir; mm utes read and approved. How shall 1 most successfully bold the attention of my schol arsT opened by John W. Hairier, follow. ed by I. M. Hoover, Jon. Xoder, Ed. M. Lambert, U. Koontz, C. W eigle and Rev. Shoup. The conclusion was that if teach ers come prepared, and feel interested in their sphere ot usefulness, the scholars will perceive that teachers feel interested and will certainly manifest a correspond log degree ot interest in the preparation of their lessons. An essay was then read by tbe Secretary ; subject, "Bad books and their pernicious influence." Queries were then drawn and discussed by mem bess of the convention, the females taking part. On motion, further discussion closed. On motion of E. M . Lambert, a commit tee was appointed to draft a constitu tion for the Quarterly Convention. The committee consists ot Rev. J. B. Sboup, chairman; Jonathan Yoder, of Uoovers ville, E. M. Lambert, of LambertsvlUe, C. W. Williamson, ot Shade, and Samuel McGregor, ol Graefl. The committee to report at tbe next meeting. On motion of ii. bboup, a committee ot one member was appointed to wait upon and invite one or more persons from a sister convention, to be present and participate in the exer cises of the day. A. Lohr represents the above committee. Tbe President returned the thanks of tbe convention to the kind people ot Uooversville for their generous hospitality to visitors. Tbe convention may be written up as a perfect success. On motion the convention adjourned to meet at Lambertsville, July 4, "TO. Closed with benediction. Secretary. VlUiUnr. Jesse BanahmaB. S 06 06 LOW EH TtUkEYt'OOT TWP. Rcltiltr. MIDDLKCKEKK TWP. Rrfiltr. C. B. Moure, 13 10 CO A1ILFOBD TWP. ken Urn. Walta - it Traa t, J. ttf. Savior, Milter a Co . S. A. Hainra . S. n I. II. WolfeoshTr. their way to the Ies room. Clothing" made to order and the best piece go.a JuJtJJ, g,!., were taken. Sfejertdale (Vms?WiI. 1 MEvntspALE boh kfitittrt. u 10 to 14 7 S-J 14 T UO 13 10 00 14 T W 14 7 3 M 00 A Liter art Avalanchk. An envia ble tame among people who love good books is being achieved by the Americas Hook Exchange, 53 lieekman street, rsew ork. Simultaneously with tbe com pi e- uoav f their woodartalljr cbe4p cessful Acme edition ol Chamber's Cy clopedia op Ekolish Literature, they announce the publication of six other standard snd popular books, all choice ed itions, at prices heretofore unheard or. They are "Rollin's Ancient History," ,192 very large double-column pages. large type, price in cloth, f 2 25, in sheep, i5 : "JoseDbns Complete Works. ,042 pages, uniform with Rollin, but still larger type, price, cloth, ff-3 00, sheep, (3 50 ; "Arabian Nights," large type. cloth 55 cents ; "Bunyaa's Pilgrim's Pro gress," very large type, cloth, 50 cents ; Uobinson Crusoe, large type, cloth, tu cents ; and "Baron Munchausen, extra large type, cloth, 50 cents, A discount of 10 per cent, from these prices is allowed to il whose orders arw received before June and an additional discount of 10 per cent, when ordered In clubs of five or more ot either book, or to the amount ot f 10 00 or more selected from the list, at one time. Circulars giving full particulars, speci mens et type, itec, will be sent free on re quest. Sold only to buyers direct, and not through dealers or agents. Pexsio.v Arrearages. The CcxftiaW- sioner of Pensions ht issued the following circular latter, ft. copy of which will be mailed to each applicant for arrears as soon as a supply can be printed : Detartmext or the Interior, "i Peksiok Office. Washjsgtok, May 17, 1879. J Sim Your application for arrears of pensions has been received at this office. Owing to the limited amount of money available each month for payment ot ar rears due those whose pensions were allow ed prior to January 25, 1B79, a compara tively small number ot cases only can be adjusted monthly, and tberelore some de lay may occur in the settlement of yosr claim. : Tbe right to tbe arrears is fixed by the set of January 25th, and not by the date Df tiling ine application, tberelore tbe claim will be settled without regard to date ot receipt in this office, but in such order as to distribute the payments, equitably among tbe several pension agencies as near as may be. ' 0 further information will be furnished you in relation to your claim tor arrears until it has been settled, when you will be notified and promptly ptid the amount found to be due. As Astomshiso Fact. A atrge pro portion of tbe American people are to day dying from tbe effects of Dyspepiia or dis ordered liver. The result of these dis eases upon the masses of intelligent and valuable people is most alarming, making life actually a burden instead oft pleasant existence of enjovment and usefulness as it ought to be. There is bo good reason for this, if you will only throw sside pre judice and skepticism, take the advice of Druggists and your tnends, ano try one bottle of Green s August Flower. Your speedy relief is certain. Millions oi bot tles of this medicine have been given away to try its virtues, with satisfactory results in every case. You can buy a samp.e bottle lor 10 cents to try. Three doses will relieve the worst case. Posi tively sold by all Druggists on the West ern Continent E. Wliwtond, J. T. Shipler. Hartley a Bra.. (HnrgeU-. Black, Wm. Malfley, Oan. W. Oaasraaa, A. F. Jotaa (V. Co., Hocklns ti Bra., W. H. Beegbley, S. H. Doi.tue. 9. B. OokbloUb, W. J. Jooea, Robert Oatbile, Wm. Slleer. Mrs. 8. J. Baer, IIolel$. 13 14 Cktrt. Wasted. 100 Barrels of Xaple gar. 1.000 Bushels of Potatoes. 1.000 Bushels of Wheat. For cash, or in exchange for goods. Cook & Beerits. Su MARRIED. SHAFFER BRCBAKER-Mav 18. 1879, at the Lutheran parsonage, in Fried- ens, by Rev. J. J. Welch, assisted by Rev. Is. U Seiber, Mr. Henry W . Shatter to Miss Martha J. Brubaker, both of Somer set Co., Pa. OMratHET HABUCT Corrected by Cook a BaaaiT. dbaub u CHOICE GROCERIES, FLOUR tV FEED Applet dried, ft ft AppleJaU.er, pal.. Mran. lx Butter, ft (kea-l... , Butter, fl ft (cull) Buekwtaeat,fl bushel " meal, loo fts Beeawaz. fl ft Baeun, ahunlders, ft - sides, " country hitna, VI ft Uorm, (ear) bushel (Jura, (balled) tnubel tXirnmealf) ft Calf tkins. VI ft I.KXS, fi aoa Fkmr, V bbl Flaxseed VI bo., (66 ft) Hama. (au gar-cured I f) ft... Lr.i, Leather, red aola, y ft......... - upper " kiu. " Mlddllna-s, and chop lOufti... Uata, VI bu Potatoes, VI ba Peachea, dried, ft Kye VI bu Haira, V Sail, No. X, f) bbl. extra " Oround Alum, per sack. " Aahum. per aack Sugar, yellow VI ft " white Tallow, W ft , w oeai, w una Wool. ft , 4e to te oioe .... SI IS to el 26 IV4 to t ...... 10; 45c to 60c .....il 76 10 SK IW .SSe .V"".V...V".V.7e Slot - ...... Sue to 0C Jc - SS le i tO to S6 60 7M s to lue Sc0 10c a 14330 SSATOe r.njfsoe (.wIa 60 404V46e SUt76c i to 7e eoo to'ae Ic 1 7S Si SO to SI 76 M.. S4 00 ViO loeiae ;e si 00 Kfitt PblleoD, Black k Co.. Retturnl. Jotm Staccr, I NEW CESTBEVILLE fa(H. Retailer. Alex, llenford, NOnTHAMPTON TWP Rettilm. u so 16 00 J 00 7 00 T 00 12 60 20 00 Z Ot) 7 00 w 00 ? 0 50 00 60 00 f .O 00 60 00 SO 00 it V) 00 John II. Miller, Geo. W. Ways, Ubrlat Xldea, 14 14 14 T 00 7 00 TOO Hotel. NEW AD VER T WE ME NTS. PUBLIC SALE. Br virtue ofaa order of sate laaaed out of the Orphans' Court of Somerset county. Pa., and to me directed, 1 wUt expose to sale'oa the home place ul aald deceaaed, oa Saturday, June 23, 1878, at I o'rlork P. a., all tbe followina- described real estate, late tue properly of Henry lounx, dee d, via : No. 1. A errtain tract of land situate in Somer set Twp., Somerset Co., Pa., beins; ike homestead, adjoining lands 01 J. Country man, Alex. Country man, Joseph U. Miller, Mcbo'aa Barron and tract No. 2, containing sua acre and TS perches, about ISO acres of which are cleared, SS acrea in meadow and the balance well timbered : lkneelone and eoal on the premises and ia well watered ; there are two aweuing nouses, nana trara and otner out bulldinKS on the premises : farm wllliln on mile of Lavansvllle. M - , - 1 1 , 4mm4 m i-M-lAj. tx JiSlI son Twp, adjoining; tract No. 1, taoda ef Joseph U Miller, Samuel i'llck, Joel Leraa and other. eontaininc 117 acre and 40 perches, about SO acre cleared, 10 acre la meadow, having; a dwelling house and a bam thereon reeled; a good sugar eamp and orchard thereon. TEKMS. One-third of purchase monev la hand, balance In two equal annual payment with Interest. Defered payment to be secured by J ad g men t bond. suss iuvku, May 2S Trast-e. P ARDON. Notice I hereby glren that application will be madf so the Board of Pardon at 11 seanon on tbe ad Taetdmy ol J ane 1R7, ft the pardoa of Jese Banghman. VAU HAY. J. H. I HL, May 2S, 7 Atty'S for Jesse Baughman A ftewrrk Warrant allows aa ofBccr to go through your house from cellar to garret, and LlndSOV'S BlOOd Searcher " warranted to go uiruugb your aya tern trom lu to toe and drive out all bloul d leae. It cure are wonderiul and certilled w by doctors. preacher and people. Scrofula. Mercurial lls e&ftes, Krysipetaa, Tetter, Ulcer In tbe lAingaor on the Skin, Boil. Plmplea, he , we warrant it to cure. It U a purely V eve table Compound and Powerlal Tonic. For sale by all Druggist. See tat our name is on the bottom of the wrapper, ia- E. SELX.LKS a CO., Prop'rs, Pltubarga, Pa. C N- BOYD, Ageat Ssnerset.'Pa- Socthamptos Items. At the organi xalion ot the Kennel's Mill Union Sunday school, the following ofiicets were elected Superintendent, Jesse Critchfield ; 'Assist ant Superintendeht, James Glolfelty ; Sec retary,' Haaaibal L- Martz ; Treasurer, liichard Martz. Mr. Samuel Leydick, ol the firm of Ley dick & Co, is at present i the east em market purchasing their rummer aud tall goods, Rr. U. Wre, of Palo Alto, Bedford eounty, preached a very interesting ser mon in the Kennell's Mill Union Church n the evening of the Uth- It is with regrot that we pen the fact that our esteemed fellow citizen, Mr. Thomas W. Evans, is about going to re move from our midst to Cumberland, Maryland. By his gentlemanly deportment and up ritrbl lile whilst among na. Mr. Evans has made many fast friends. We feel that we can illy afford t lose such a citizen. We congratulate Cumberland on the acquisi tion of one of oar best families. Potato. Hioh Priced BrTTER.-iuaHtv being eqaktythe highest priced biftter is that ighich is wkred bct. The Perfected But ter Color t Woll. Kichanlson A Co., Burlington. t, is tbe favorite coloring acd by dairymen of reputation. It im parts a goklen yellow, like that oi pasture-led Jersey cows. All Druggists keen iL 1 leadilig Ltsrlat- latTftJ .! tf t.Hrt131 asTJ(B V-M jWWe sw ww Bft- c,- r lie pairing ' some students of natural history msintain I tog that they havs been knowsi to live to the food okl age of two hundred years. I feSalWDKUtUO ABIUTT. UopUlt,- I teri so' freely advenrsed la all the toapers. rViasti at LaJT- The real new styles Secular aad religious, are having a large aaie, aaa are auppianting an tmter meui dnes. There is no denying tbe Virtues p) tbe Hop plant, and tb.e' priettirs of iese Bittersi ( vf tbowa great shrewdness and ability in compoanding a Bitters; whose virtues are so palpable to ever one's ob servation. EuKamgc. , .t, . of MSiinery only came out late la the son. Knowing this tact, I have just re ceived a large invoice that includes every thing that is new in Ladies' Misses' and Children'. Hats, BonpejJ, Fraaei Feath ers, rippers' Ribbons, Buckles, c Now is the tame to call and give your orders for Summer Goods, confident that yoo are getting what is latest aad moat stylish. In addition to the above, I wish to say that my prices are below competi tion. Respectfully, j ; , M. B. Cvusra 0BAK, Parties wishing 4rea&iery butler can be supplied by leaving their order, ia ad vance, at my office. Soauussr, Pa., E. A. Saos. iUy23,I?7. f T Trwtla Is Mlctaty ami will tirevafl. Tbonaaada wbo bare aed an.1 been cured are lirlng wlincsM'S to the tru'h of our siaicueoi.ioat SELLtH 5 LIVtKrILta iLLCcaathe Wkrsl caeesot TJver Oumpiamu Bilkiusaess, Headache arixing Iherelrum, Cjtive nes. CuostlAtk. Ditsincs and all disorders re sulting Iron a diseased Uver. For sale by all Druggist, rrice cent. R. E. SELLERS A Cw., Prop'rs, PltUburgh, Pa. C- N. BOYD, Agent, Somrt,P- J ERC AKTILE APPRAISEMENTS. Dealers is Merchandise, Ac., la Somerset Co., take notice, that in iMimiance M tbe several Acts of Assembly!" this Onsninoaweallh. to prerkl revenue to meet toe demands upon the 1 reasury and lor other purposes, the undersigned Appraiser of M errant Ue taxes fur (aid eounty, ha prepared a list of tradev in aald county, and placed each In t hat elan aulch to him appear jut aad right J to-witt ALLEGHENY TWP. Hetailtn. Kililngerk; Kro. (1. W.( miner. JobaM.Schruck, ADD1SOXTWP, Reltilert. Linton BrsS., M. A. Roes St Sons, H. L. Dean A Bru., A C. Prey, Wm. Kadsley A Soa, ' BEKLIN BORf Daniel HeWey. S. A. i, J. C. PbUson, Mr. J. B. Walker. Pourhaua-b a Juhnana, A. C. Ki.n. Psul a. No war. Wm- ZimmermaSi, Pbilsoa A Bra., ' . 4V,.V 1 14 14 14 13 U 14 14 14 JtwU. 7 00 T 00 7 SJ 10 00 10 00 7 Ol T 00 1v E. U Cook. D, A, B4tkea, 8. a Shafles, liotvi. Jtaattrt. tt 1 14 14 1 U 14 14 14 w 1 r in o 7 Do You 14 011 7 0 T T w TOO law S, Phllfon A Co., BJtHTHEHJ. VALLEY. hitlttUrt. Henry Landla, " Daniel talts, CONFLUENCE BOB, Betai.tr i. W. A- Ron k Son, A. O. Buck a Soa. J. M. Dodds, Mountain A Co.. O. O. Oroff, Brown a Bros., SS M 30 0) rs 00 Si 00 HoteU. Seott Sterner, B. F. Fraaoe, COXEMACOIJ TWP. ' ietailcrt Hiram I Hoeta. Augustus Kthlr, ELKLICK TWr. , - Betailtr. W. aVOetty, OREENV1LLE TWP. MrtaUrr. Mr. at.Qlodlerrr Fxvdnirk Parr, ' 1 ' ' JEFf ERS09 TWP. ' Betailtr. HearySeklag, ' JEN3TER TWP. PetetOoTet, V. !. Mvrgaa. Josiak J. UnHitk, J.J.Btough, Mrs. 8. J. Covet A aoo, -as. Fleck, . JEJRHtTOWl BOB, Bfcr, ' FTaakUa Ripe, - JfaceL Jcrueae Bcwsia-i, LARIMER TWP. KtteHlm. Hersaaa Jobaaoa, I. T. BrUner. 13 IS 00 14 7 SO 14 7 00 14 T 00 14 7 01 14 I 00 j H T W U 1 ws s to 00 14 T SO V. l. K M. OS t4 TOO Mr. S. Wilt, NEW BALTIMORE BOR. Betailert. John M. Topper, Wm. Olllespie, fioftf. Pat Owens, VittiUert. Topper A Brtv, UVEMAHONINQ TWP. ficMilrrt. Oeorge Hoover, Hamrr A Bru., SALISBURY BOH. Retailer. Peter S. Hay, Johnson Colitns, Joseph Dlvely, SHADETWP. Retailer. EJ Lohr. SOMERSET BOB, RetalUrt. M. J. Dillon. J. M. Holderbaom, Cook A Beerlta, Samuel Fox. M r. J. K. Wlter A Son, Sol Vbl. (1. W. Sneers, Henry Uemt-v, (Jeo. W. Benlord, J. 11. Miller, (Jeo. W. Pile, Caselwer A Co., Byers A Barnet, NoabCasebeer, Mrs. A. E. t'bi, Amos KiK-pper, Daniel Flick. Oeo. H. Parker, Joelab Keller, Hotel,. Mrs. E. S. Flick. Joelab Brant, Bank. Somerset Ccanty Bank, SOMERSET TWP. Retailert. William Apple, Peter Sipe, A. Counliyman A Sun, STONY CREEK TWP. Retailer$. C. L. Balttcr, U. A. Brant. Samuel Iiunhain, Daniel Wagner, 6 to 00 7 00 7 ta 50 t 00 75 00 7 00 7 00 10 0 T 00 7 00 14 t e 13 10 00 13 111 V) 11 Vt 50 VI VI 611 14 7 00 14 7 10 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 VI 12 60 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 U0 14 7 00 14 T 00 13 10 00 It 7 00 5 60 00 6 60 00 30 00 14 13 13 13 14 14 14 7 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 Joarph Slull, Hotel. Dittiller. S 60 CO John Suhrie, SUMMIT TWP. Retailer. Eno A Schrock, K.MIlli-r. J. K. Hoblltiell. Hoi-king Bros. A Co , IMel. Michael Shann.n, OisfiUrr. Rlnald Ebaugh, STOISTOIVS BOR. Rett iter 1. P. B. Scblag. .1 J. D. Zimmerman, l Simon Orofl, li Peter Cover. . 1 Uottlt. Jm. U. UU- .... . , - - . - I Samuel Custer, I UPPER TURKEY FOOT TWP. JWcr. K re (far A Uerhart, URS1NA BOB. Retailer. s 00 7 00 T 00 T 00 10 00 S 60 03 S 25 CO It J. B. Lyoi.sk Co., T. Herrington, T. S. Robinson, Davis A Coder, J. A. Hunter, John H. Benfurd, Thomas Hill, 13 14 14 13 14 Hotel. BOR. WELLERSBURO Retailer. 3 IL Brenham, Henry Mueer, Hotel. Oeorge H. Ilehavea, SOUTHAMPTON TWP. fi.iUrr. Val Hinkle, 7 60 7 to 7 o 7 00 4 64 00 10 OS 7 o 7 00 10 00 7 00 60 IM 60 00 7 CO 7 00 NE W AD VERTISES1EN TH E AS, SPECIALTY. MARCH 1870. At bo time have Groceries ben offered ai low ia price as are quoted on my March Price List. The quality o( all good will be fully maintained ; and to those who have never bought from me, all I ask Is a small trial order. To facilitate tbis, 1 will, during this month, all orders for fifty emu worth of each ankle at the sain rate a the dollar worth of each. Particular attention paid to Daeklaar and ship ping proait)y all orders received by kail. All good ar carefully wrapped, boxed and delivered w ucpoi s i roe 01 coarge. 4If any of my customers do not get my Price List tbe first of each month. wish they would write me, and the Seto Knlaroei trie Lut will be sent immediately. What One Dollar Will h SEW 4 VER TlStiMESTSi Xl'W i-V E R TISEMEXl at 0. x. i k y fys Maumoiu Cluck, Ton ra ct SowsKaKT, Pxas'a. HOP IlIlTI Rf. t"lt ST FI'WKH ST. JAiDH'SOii. .1 1 CH a U .1 1 IU 4 at. f . 1 I va.v , CAKKOLIN'E. COD L.IVKK OII. Bl LL S t lll llH Si 111 I , HAW HI KIICK 1 r.A. H ALL'S HAIR KEM EtJTER. IWifK'H EE'S OEKH AN SYRCP, j.t NE s EXr-Eorotttfir. HAMHI'UilKK DMI'f S. i l. IV ltl oik, BASE BALLS. OA KIEN SEEDS. FINE STATIONERY, I'LOTII HRt-SHES, TILfcraD, FISHIVn TA'-KI.K, Pticiitr rK"KS. I'ENSfc Pr.MH'lstsi.4. rimrn Hi;' shis. st iir.r pti dk.r-4 I.UNPKORil S Pt UKt MKRY. FlNf. 7l k. TOILET S JAPS, i.ELHLANll, ,S4 .lO'l. B C9 ViL RU.US UK. HOTS4l.jlXE. ! ntivctri" vc DDrcroiDTinMC xununur DrrcirrTC r n 1 jiLiMii J rnLnir a iuiw nuu siviaa. itbbur a o A. SPECIALTY. ICE COLD SODA WATER. C. N. BOYD, SUCCESSOR TO G. W. SPEERS lammoili 15 lock, Womerset, Pa. May 14. T Sugar. 10 lb Powdered Sugar. 10 II Crushed Sugar SUIIaltUlnliinrar 1q'I lbs No. 1 Granulated Sugar.. IV i lb Standard A Suirar. 11U It A Sugar (soft) iz'4 in o sugar 13 lb. Rest N. O. Sugar 13 Hi Light Yellow Sugar. 14 lb Na 3 Yellow Sugar 1 00 . 1 00 1 00 . 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 . 1 00 1 00 Coffee, Chocolate, &c. I Cake English Vanilla Chocolate 1 00 14 Cake Sweet Chocolate .......loo 2 lb. Bakers Chocolate. 1 00 S Package English Cocoa 1 0 4 Holes Epps' English Cocoa 1 00 3 Packages Broma w 10 lb. Coco Shells 1 bu 4 Package Cracked Coco i ou 46 Package Extractor Co (lee , 1 do ti Packages Imported Chicory 1 OK (CJermaa Extract of Coffee.) SS-lOlh. Roasted Java and Rio Colfce 1 SO 3 S-1S lbs. Roasted Java Flavor Coffee 1 l ill. Fresh Routed Rio Coffee, No. 1 1 00 S lb. Fresh Roasted RloCuttee. No. t 1 00 9 10 H lb. Fresh Roasted Rio Colls , No. 8. . 1 00 Fish. Mackerel, Extra No. 1 Extra Store Mess, (nobeadsurtalle)nerSOlb, kit..... Mackerel, No. 1, Shorn, best per 'JO 10. kit.. Mackerel, No. 1, Hay, per 'JO lb. kit macaerei, no. l, me-nuin, " Mackerel, No. S, Large Extra, " Mackerel, No. S, Mackerel. Fresh 1 lb. can Codfish. Woman's Farertte Boneless per 3r lb box, ft li; pcrlb Codfish, Boneless, No. Z, per 30 lb. box, U XS: per lb r& Cndfii-h. Hon Ton. shredded perl lb. box M Cudtlsu t resh, 3 lu can 40 larmouin Bloaters, Umnulne, per box. (60 Fish.) 8" cents: perdoa ?u Scaled Herring, per box, (100 FUb) 30 v nite 1 isn, y. una 22s White Fii-h.ul lb. kits 1 zi Lake Herring, J bbls 1 36 LJige Hernng. ai 13. Kit hi New Holland Herring, per keg 1 20 New Russian Sardines. 100 counsn, Lreorge Bang, per lb 08 Dried Fruite, &c. ...S4 OS ... i ti .. 2 10 .. 1 76 .. 1 60 .. 46 s s TRAWBRIDGE & C LOTH IE R Ni.k luvlte especial attention to tbe DRESS O-OOHDS STOCK, A representing an assortment of Foreign and Domestic Fabrics, Never before fhora In Philadelphia. we bavs even 300 pieces surriNos at Comprising MOHAIRS, DIAGONALS. CASHMERES, NOVELTIES, BEIGES, ETC. VI bavb ovia fiOfi p7eFe"sTTtinjs at '20, Comprising A&MURES, BEK.ES, MOHAIRS. BOCR ETTES, STRIPES. PLAIDS, ETC. WS BAVB OVEB IS Ih. New Currant It. IK. X.' ' 1 . I ... 1 . 1 . 14 lb. New Turkey Prunes 10 lbs. New French Prune 7 lbs. New Sultana Raisins 1.' U.S. New Seedless Raisins V 11. N ew M uscatel Raisins '4 lbs. New London Layer Raisin. 6 lb. Leghorn citron 20,1b. New Dried Peaches 26 lb. New Dried Apples 7 los. newriirs i lbs. Now ItiilUn Prunclles lo lb. Bird Nest Apples 4 It New Pitted herries , 7 ll. New Mixed Nut 10 lt. Dried Blackberries ...$1 00 ... 1 IM ... 1 00 ... 1 00 ... 1 00 ... 1 00 1 00 ... 1 o-i .. 1 00 ... 1 00 ... 1 00 .. 1 Ol .. 1 00 .. 1 61 .. 1 00 .. 1 00 .. 1 00 Mince Meat S 60 00 Z6 00 CLiSSinCATlON Bl VENDEES Of MERCHANDISE Sale $ 1 000, Sales S 6.0O0, Sab aio.ooo. Sale SI6.00U, Sale SJ0.0IU, Sales SJO.OOO, bale S40,eu, rlas 14, class 13, class 12, class II, class 10, class V, class a, tax I 7 00 tax 10 00 UJ til 50 Ul S16 00 UXS20 00 UXS26 00 UXtpOU) Claaitetlca tf Patent Maliclie Msn. Sale 4100 class 4, tax S 00 Sale V00 class 3, Ul 410 M Sale $600 class 2, tax S30 00 CLASSinCATICN DF TAYEEKI Sale 144.000 and tens, class S, tax 60 00 CLASSinCATlON OF EATING HOUSES. Sale fS.OOO and under, elan t, tax 20 Clcsitetia cf Wtoltale ijprMri Sale s3,000 and all silts under, elan 13, UxiCu. Tsk notice, ail wbo are concerned In tbis ap praisement, that an appeal will be held at the Commissioners' Olfim. in Somerset, oa the 30 b day of May. A. U-, 1ST, between the hours of 9 a. anu io'cwck. p. ..wnea aad wner yoa may . proper. WM. S.POWELL, Mercantile Appraiser. attend if yoo thin. May? OUERIFF'S SALE. By virtae of a writ of Alia VeJl Ex. Issued oat Co. of lb Court of Common l'less of Somerset I'a.. aad to me directed. 1 will exptaw to sale by public outcry, at the Court House, in Somerset, on Friday, June 6, 137 ft, At 1 o'clock r. a., tbe following det-sibed real estate, vi : All the right, title. Interest ka.1 claim of red. crick Krtr.g, ol, insud to the fi Ik. wing devrihed real estate, vi : No. V A certain tract of land situate In Cooe maugh Twp Somerset Co., fa., containing it at-rct more or less, of which there are about 40 acre clear and about 16 acre la atuw, with three Urge dwelling bsea Inate (table, water power saw-mill and a new grist mill thcrena erected, ad vHniag land of Darld Mlaales. Geo. Koets aad WiUiam Reel . ad utbers, nil tbe au pbrtenanerL No. 2. Situate In Somerset euuaty. aad State aforesaid containing twelve acre and aiiiety-seven perches being a part of a larv tract of land grant ed In the name ul John Slander adjoining tract No. 1 and other. Taken ia execution ss the troperty ol Frederick Kring, at Ue rait of J. M. ami p. J. Cover, adm'rs 04 8. J. Cover, dee'd. et st TERMS. Any penoa purchasing at I he above sal will please take not tee that tea per cent, of the purchase nsoney most he paid a woa a the property is knocked down, otherwise It will again be exposed to sal. The residue of the purr Case saoney most be paid ea or before tM 2g day of August. 1S79. tbe dav Bxed bv tbe Court far the acknowledgment of Sherifl's deed; aad no deed will n aeanowiedgea antu the purchase money is paid In. EIXJAR KYLE. May 11 'athcaO. H 14 14 14 W 1 14 14 T T OS 7 00 TOO tsss IOCS 10 09 ics its OIIERIFF'S gALfJ. B? virtae of a wsat of eraad Pla. FL Fs.. lasaed out of th Court of Comaioa Plea of Cam bria Co Pa and to sa directed, I will expose 10 sale by pubiw otuery, at lit IXmrt House, in Sum Wednesday, June 4, 1870 all clock r. . the b! lowing described real ecate. m; All the right title, b tercet aad claim ( the. Buffalo Valley Rail Road ijomnaay. of. in an J, Ul Ike Baaalo Valley Ball Road la Soeisei cuanty aad Stalauf PcnBSylTanta.and anon all the proper ty ruaL personal od mted, nacTauihg tocumoUTe. cars. tud ;artV tools epglae. bowses, depot, water atkliolisld fnsn and twitches now 1a the ranlmr nse of taw said BaOaM Valley Rail Road Company la the eoel acting of k baataes a a carrier, aad the rights, franchise, privileges and rights of war t4 sass lcapaDT. mcfcleat, appurtenant or t aay Atmore's Standard, S t palf S j Atmore's Standarl, pi A pail 1 20 Atmore's Standard. IS B pail S 00 2 Jars Gotham Mince Meat 1 00 Gurdoa A Dilworlh's Kxlra Fancy, ia glass, quart anu nan gallons. Cheese. 1 Young America Cream Cbeese 76 12 Hut. Nt-ub-hali-l Cheese I 00 4U lbs. Eng. DalryCheese 1 (O S lb. New 1 ork Goshen Cbeese 1 00 10 11. Ohio I 'rear Cheese 1 00 1 Edam (Holland) Cheese 1 00 1 Pine-apple Cbeese 1 S S Sap Sago Cheese 100 0 Can Fresh Apples 3 lbs 1 gallon each, rresn Apple California Aprieo'.... Blackberries 7 " Red Cherries Whit Cherries , Gooseheirie ., Call lornlaG rapes Pin Apple, An Asm Brand,.... California pears Bartiett Pears Extra Yellow Peaches. 2 A Pie Peaches, i '. , Extra Yellow Peaches, 21 Iamon Plum...... Egg Plums California Egg Plums iage Plum California Gage Plum 1Q00 PIECES SUITINGS AT "25 Comprising MOM IE CLOTHS, CASHMERES. SILK MIX EI SUITINGS, ALL-WOOL CHECKS, PURE MOHS.IRS, SOFT-WOOL BEIGES, CAMEL'S HAIR, STRIPES, PLAIDS, ETC., ETC. BATE OVEB 300 Jt-'s- ALLWOOL B EI( 1SAT 2) . BOTH TWILLED AND PLAIN. WBBAVSOVEB 3' H) PUS- FOREIGN FABRICS AT 7. Comprising NOVELTIES. MOMIE CLOTHS, CAMEL'S HAIR, MONO CLOTHS, PL4ID3, STRIPES, ETC. VI BAVB OVBB 300PCS- FRENCH TEXTURES AT 5(), Comprising SILK MIXED, PEKINS, CHECKS, SATINS. CAMELS HAIR, FOULES, ETC. Single and double width, at 0'2.'4. 75. 87S. IOO, And upward. W have ! THOUSANDS rf PIECES j Comprising j BEIGES (32, 34 and 44 tec he wide), FRENCH CASHMERES. PARIS NOVELTIES, CASHMERE DES INDES, SHOODAS, FANCY BUNTINGS, PLAIDS, CHEVRONS, ETC, ETC. "WE ALSO HA.'V: Raspberries . Gonien Quince., Strawberries Whortleberries .. 00 ... so . 1 00 .. 1 ou . 1 on .. 1 00 .. 1 00 .. 1 00 .. 1 00 ,. 1 00 .. 1 00 .. 1 00 .. 1 00 .. 1 00 .. 1 00 .. 1 00 .. 1 so .. 1 M .. 1 00 .. 1 00 .. w .. 1 O) .. 1 00 CANNED VEGETABLES. S " Asparagus S " Lima Beans 10 " String Bean 10 " Sugar Corn... S Oneida Corn S Okra S Okra and Tomatoes S Marrowfat Pea 7 Early June Peas , t " Golden Pumpkin 7 Sncootash 12 " Tomatoes, St. S " Tomatoes, (extra,) S i,. 12; " Tomatoex, IS. 4 French Pea 4 " French Maahrooms . . 90 .. 1 00 .. 1 00 .. 1 00 .. 1 00 ... 1 00 .. 1 00 ... 1 00 .. 1 00 .. 1 00 .. 1 00 .. 1 so .. 1 00 .. 00 ,.. 1 so ... 1 00 Soaps, Starch, &c. "woi 12 Bars Johnson's Borax Soa; (The B.-it In tbe World.) IS Cake Babbitt's Best Soap 1 00 1 Cakes Proctor A Gamble While Soap... 1 uo M Cakes DjdiaSoap 1 00 15 Cake White Russian Soap 1 00 17 Bar Mottled German Soap 1 00 17 Bar India Soap 1 on X Bar Family Suap I hj ) Bar Wx Soap 1 og 16 Bar Irish Soap ... 1 00 l Bar Standard Soap uo 16 lb. Walker Extra Wax Soap 1 00 is id, nauters Extra Family Soap... I 00 S lli. Imported Castile Sp 1 00 a ua. vjaaet Asrortea lollct Soap 1 00 36 Cakes Castile Soap 1 00 s caaes Mali Flour Toilet Suap 1 go 20 Cakes Palm Soap j w It. Perfumed Bath Soap j 00 40 Cake Oat Meal Soap 1 00 IS Cake Sa polio 100 17 lbs. Star Candles, 7s.. ''.'. 00 S It. Hotel Candles, 14 1 00 S lb. Parl Starch 1 qo MISCELLANEOUS. IS lb. Scbamacher' flat Meal. It's- - Crtvked Wheat llltw. " IVarl Wheat , Si lb. perl Barley 10 lb. Carolina Klc No. 1 Head 12 lb. Rice, CambaaNa. 2 13 Ih. Rice. CrulioaNo. S 11 II. Flake or Pearl Tapioca Si It. Split Pea ...f '4 buih. Prim Navy Bean.... 26 IU. New York Stat Marrowfat Beans'! OITE TttOUSAJiTJD PIECES BLACK HERNANIES & GEENADINES, At prices from 20 cunts to $2,50 per yard. S3 i ia 43)rtmeat of st vies quite extraordinary. Please note : Weinolor :io oirents. Send direct to the honse for sam pled of whatever yoa may Deed, and secure the advantages cf oar low prices. & CLOTHIER, N. W. COR. EI6 HTH3HMARKET STS., p"E3:iXjAX)"EIjj?"i31LcV. Apr SO STRAWBRIJj&E THE CHEAPEST HARDWARE STORE -wisr OF THE- ALLEGHENY MOUNTAINS. :0:- Bl ERS & BAENETT, SUCCESSORS TO JOHN f. B'.YMYER, SOMERSET, PA. e t ke pleasure in announcing to the public that we ha-ce JUST RECEIVED a large and complete slock of Hard ware, which we intend to sell at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES! Our stock is complete in all respects, and comprises every article usually kept in Hardware Stores. :0:- '.busb. I'nedPea sPkg 4 S 14 lbs. Ne Hubbell's Prerartd Vui'l" Blair's Wheat Food Imperial Uranum w lined Com .. 1 OS ..10 .. 1 00 .. 1 on .. 1 so .. 1 ( .. 1 so .. 1 00 ..ISO .. 1 00 .. 1 o .la) .. 1 Ml .. 1 00 .. 1 00 .. 1 ou Blacksmiths' tools and supplies, such as Iron, Xorway Nail rod Iron, Vulcan Horse-nails, Taper Taps, Horse Shoes, Fine Sleigh-shoes and Cast Steel, A lull line of Best Norway Iron, Carnage and Tire Bolts, and Axle Clips . complete stock of Malleable Iron, Burrs, Scc. Scc. BUILDERS' HARDWARE, comprising a full line of llini and Mortise Locks, Cast und Wrought Butts, acorned and plain, a complete stock of Nails always on hand, also a full assortment of Glass. CARPENTERS' TOOLS. We have always on hand a complete stock cf Saws both Hand and Cross-cut, Axes, Hat?het3, Hammers Steel and Try Squares, Compasses, Bench and Fancy Planes etc., etc. Or eo;- TEA! Tea. lb. Flnerncolored JaTtl 03 lb. Ftne Jree Tea - . 1 oa lb. Fine Uuloaa Tea, - - 1 u lbs. Fin Fair. Hank Cm T 1 aa ' x' lb. 4'koic (ireen Te . 10B i n: " Ika "'k. . .i sr. .-. . . . ihm. Clwlee itukmm Tm - IM m wisp434ittali4inaoc coaneeted tbeUa. Taaea ia execution ai ia pfoperty oi me Baf- 11 tb taJoVallerBaUKoad. Company at Ue suit of YBtiy, Scott k Co,, ate ol liward KUnaael and P.'L Meyer, Wm. Jdeyer and John S. Meyers, administrator of Samuel Mey era, dsoswd. EDQAK KTLC M7t KheriB. THE CELEBRATED DELUONICO COFFEE! This delicious Offe? Is ai irslnd for 1U delisrht ful Aroma. t aa other Coflees have failed t please ya. try TI1E CCLEBBATEP DELUONICO COFFEE! tarnow to ssitd money.j Send ronr Money by Registered Letter, Post Office Money Order, or Draft on PkUborgk Bank. Do not send voor Check. 49-Scad hrtbeBewCataloaaeandPrWUst. AVe always keep a full line of Kevolvers, Pistols, Shot-guns Powder-flasks, Shot-pouches, Cartridges, Caps, Wads, Rifle and Shot-gun Powder, also a full line of Gun Kepairs. :0:- We have a complete line of Iamps, Lanterns, and upplie A full line of Saddlery Hardware, comprising Saddle-trees Buckles, Rings, Harness-pads, Ornaments, etc., etc. In the Agricultural Department we hare a full stock of Forks, Shovels, Rope, Chains, Mane and Curry-Combs, Horse brushes, etc., etc. We make a specialty ofPocl et and Table Cutlery. Also SUtci Plated Table Ware, Plated and Britannia Spoons. We also make a specialty of Paints, Oils, and Varnishes, and also Painters' Tools, etc. :0: We keep constantly on hand the Celebrated Cucumber Pump, (porcelain lined) and a cheaper quality that are not lined. This Pump has taken the lead of all others wherever introduced. -:o TECUTOR'S K0TICE. nifQl Plv Brtdaa, latoPtT Now BalUmor Boroaajb, deceased. T. alias lela ! ala ahonraaatala aarlaw been granted to Ih uadenicBed, rwskUaa; ia Jaai- j atatowasnip, rjeaiora eoanty: none I aereby (tvwa w UK laoasjiea to it te maa nasi nni meat, aad the ha vine claims or demands will mahs known the witbowt demy. - -I MHJiL&EX. HICKET, 1 I April 3 BOetB'.ur. J.S.JEI11IS, Xo. 28 Fifth Ayc;. PITTSBURG, PA. 11 goods warranted ta be as represented. Our principle are Fair Dealing, Quitfk Sales, and Small Profits We chajieBge competition. Call and examine tjoosls, aad a cortara prices before purchasing elsewhere. SATISFACTION GlAnA?STEED. BYEES & BAENETT. Dec. 4. V i. n