" kihk'av . April . ma- tr. - - j It i estimated that under tbe new i ilia v m m . a m. -J u - a ubiaj ' chosu Pennsylvania will byt P,-,Pib ulaiion of 4 SCO 000. WITIII5 itie X wk, f 350, 000,001), four per cent. U. S. Bouca have been sold br Secretary Sher man. Wje don't believe it'a true that "cur Alec" has bad pistol pockets made in the rear part of bU brei cbe a an to qaulify bim to prepcrly train witD the St-uibern Briaditra. j r x. ' A COBHEfPOXDEXT WHUPg toe j . t J la.urethe other d.y, taya: l"e . droed tld tbin? ba-ied at bib uojii j Lei out Le4;ie!iure tbke tue What a frUtrjLjeriife C( Uiroeatary on tbe Democratic cry of "Tilden and IV f irin" la the preeeul aitenjpt of ibe D. tu crat iu C'rjre-H to re peal tht? Uweiac.ed f r tbe prv.Uc tiv n i-f the hall.M, ulO the purity aud buLCf'y f Uciiotis. "TlLbtX aud Reform'' as tbe Demi crai'c ban le cry iu the Ufct campaign. w it la Tilderi and a fclbfl'rd baliul boX. Who doubts tent j i iiu ii iii i ir.i nui i trie principle of the Democracy are:br.,ken compiuiona eiernul aud uuchugei.bler Ibi-came 1 1 to-dav, to-morrow, and lorevcr. 1 " " " , Oxe of tbe rebel brigadiers offered a resolution in Congrees las: week, to repeal tbe law that forbids tbe appjiutmeut of ex Coufederatcs to pooiiions in the Army atid Navy. Tbe Republicans deteated the at tempt but doubtless it wiii yetfcuc-ceed. The Northern Democracy begin to: the Confederate Brigadiers now coo wiirtfle. uneasilv as the coils of iLe'.trulling tbat V.dy, have reported brigadiers co abuui tLtin. Tbey should Uke courage, and remember tbe words of tbe thjwman to tbe timid woman, "No, that boa con strictor won't bi.e you, mum! he dallos bis willies whole." Gex Garfield drcUres that the campaigu iu Oau w'll be a hot oue, aud iu oiue rei-pcts ibe uui un compromising ouo ever kujwa ia the State. He bas no doubt that the Republicans wiil carry the Siate aguiunt ibe couibiutd Deuucrals aud Greeubackers. Pkesiiiext Wasuixutos eent in two veto messages, Madison six, Monroe one, Jacksoa nine, and Tay lor four. Now tbe prospect of Tri dent Hayes follow tug the example ol the fathers, bas eel tbe Confederate Democracy cavorting like trick borses in a circus. Wj wieb tbe Republicans joy, who by tbeir votes at tbe last elec tion, helped to bring about tbe state of afiaira at Wasbiogion, which places ex rebel officers at the Lead of the Committees on Military Affairs and Pensions in tbe piTccnt Con gress. Dt Rixo tbe late rebellion the rebels adopted starvation as tbe readiest plan to dispose of Unicn soldiers, and now having "captured tbe Capitol," and got tbe balance of tbe Union army in their power, they fcave resolved to resort to old tricks and starve it to death. Ir you want to know bow Gar field's speech hurts, just pick up any Democratic paper and see how the editor froths, and snorts, and de nounces the Ohio congressman. Tur pentine on a dog won't make him half as lively, as GarGeld'a speech doea tbe average Democratic editor. Ki-yie, ki-yie ia beard all through tbe Democratic ranks. The Democrats jubilantly inform us tbat oue of the editors of the fire eating Southern paper, The S'zfes, was born ia Ohio. Well, what of it? Didn't we al ways know that a North ern doughface Democrat could dive deeper, stay under longer, and come out dirtier than any other being tbat lives? Look at them in Chicago. Tell us Bometting new. InUr Occaii. Tue N. Y. Tribune says : ''Only Confederate brigadiers, colouels and 'majabs" seem to have any chance for getting office about the Capitol nowadays. No doubt the new Dem ocratic Assistant Messenger, whose duty it is to hoist tbe Stars and Stripes over tbe Senate Chamber, will be somebody who spent four years trying to shoot down the flag and the men who defended it." We cannot sufficiently admire the success of tbe conciliation poliey, which the political sentimentalists forced opoa the country a couple of years since. It worked mast c Lax ta in gy for tie restoration of the Con federates to power, and daring the last week no less than three of the conciliated Brigadiers in Congress, served formal notice on the country that they intend to wipo from tbe fetatotes, every vestige of tie laws enacted by the Republicans, to secure tie fruits of the victory gain ed over rebellion. Bi.ACKri R, of Kentucky, cracked the old Southern whip most lustily over tbe beads of the Northern dough faces in Congress last week. lie an nounced that tbs Democrats bare determined to carry out tbeir pur pose to sweep from the statute books every law enacted as a war measure, that tber will ait Lore till tbe 3rd of March 1881, before they wiil yield, and tbat any Democrat who fails them now will prove himself "a cow ard and a craven." He doubtless felt very cure of a solid South, and it was the Northern allies wbo had to be intimidated by the cry of "coward and craven." Chocs ye ! Northern Democrat. Be politically damned, or beldj as "cowards ( and cravens" by your Confederate associates. j ! Evebt few days ibe Democrats! . . a n . . : i a. . 'I'll j Atdy Curin, which fact will J 'cjdvilc moat Pt-nnsvlvaniana that tbe great Rff irmerV' !ys have i ... i gti wmiB ifiwy tg ckiii; tiiucu ifgiry t umuiu i uc- , tjere M tt "Ssiim & utn." ia a Bound d s physically, aad uotjUeacra! Fiiz John Porter, hare j There is no use iu disguising iLe fact paraljtic. The last certificate com-, found tint not guilty of thu charges' Assimaut Democrat represent that nnli.rnur brvation. i made on wbicb be was cemvicttd and !lh,r 'l60 r"tl division between par - d incili-d to a span. This quack j army, eniiila bim to ub ut $100 000 medieice way of adreriiatn tee old j back pay, and make biro a tut th bonibuj, is a new, bat verj appro-J gible Demociatic caudida'.e in the priate dodge. Goruam was removed as Secretary of tbe Seiiate because be interfered jQ pjjjj Tbompncn was elected Seriteaot at-Arma io tho Ilouce fur precinely tbe tarae raaoo. Bui then " the first was a Kepublicao, tbe mi oiid a Democrat, aud tbat mkfs ad the sdaice, 'Vsaee f:r tbe go t-e ii muco f.:r tbe jraod-r,M ia cot tru?. particularly if the gauderls a Dt.io crane oue. Wues the biiys iu blue, t-canered a!l iv-r Uj- c 'uu'ry, tbke a k m tbii.K in Wki-bHiift'in and fn.d b h brai cteh f Ct'i-grew uucer C'inir. of fX-rebr-l fficerf, aiid ll tbe i-ub ordiuHte poi-i'.i.'iis fi!i-d with ex n M poldier, aiid then luru their flu It butLeaard, arid mark tte ra lUtidi tbat d il our rarejard. tneir maimed,' aud cripided, hud tbe fathirrlfi and tmp iid impoverished families of their termer comraaes, oou 1 tuey wouiter 'fcoraetinies by tbey went to war? . The term t f Senator Wadltigh of New ilooipsbire baviog expired aud, as uuder a cbanetd Constitution, the Leinlature tbat ill elect bis suc cessor does not assemble until 1880, the Governor appointed Mr. Bell, a Republican to Gil tbe vacancy, but against giving bim Lis teat. Of course, the opportunity t.) cheat a Republican out ot bis seat cculd uot be recisitd by tLe cont-irteut icentleiiien who so loudly clamor lor "Siaie rights." A mopoSED nmendmmt to the 1'itii-hurh riot bill, made by Mr. Sp. akt-r Ljug, who bus it ia charge, was on Thursday last voted down 103 to 02 Tbis looks asif thechauce of pas-dug the bill tre feliui. Now let tbe people of Alleghany abtud n this measure of more thuu doubtful expediency, face the courts tnaQtuiiy, and if the result be adverse to theni, appeal the Legislature for relief, and doubtless it will be granted. There is no lack of sympathy with their misfortunes. It is tbeir pro posed method tf curing tbem tbat bas siiti d bcf-tilitT. SorruEitx Democrats have a holy Loirorol Uuitei States bayonets at election polls, to insure the exercise of impartial suffrage, bat at the same time not a ma a of a!' thoie who now bowl against tbe appearaace of sol diers at the pj'.ls but what carnes"""a revolver on such and all other occa sions, or belongs to a rl Ma club ready for actioa whenever a colored man is to be shot down like a dog. These sensitive assassins of the South are dreadfully jealous of tbeir rights ben the Government proposes to protect the rights of others against their assaults. Tue clear, able, and bold speech ot Mr. Garfield, to be found on tbe first page of this paper, will ring through the country like a tocfia. He ex "esses with admirable force and log- j the views and determination of tbe great party tbat saved tbe Na tion in war, and that will still pre serve it. despite the revolutionary violence of those wbo have obtained possession of its legislative depart ments. The ringing sentiments ct this ppeecb v:i!l reach the remotest ends of tbe country, and wili rekindle the smouldering fires of patriotism Men cannot escape the irresistible force of conviction as they read it; tbey cannot avoid seeing, as the eloquent speaker said to tbe Demo crats, "the book of your domination is opened where you turned down your leaves in 18G0," and tbey must know tbat the Democratic leaders are again attempting to wreck the ship on the same rock from which we saved ft then. In tbe same insolent over bearing spirit that possessed it when it was deprived of power, the Demo cratic party assumes it again, and in the first dawn of its restoration it swaggers into the Capitol, possessed with the same devilish spirit that prefers ruling in bell to 6erviug in heaven. As a party, it never could rise to tbe intelligent sentiment of tbe country, and now, as ever, mis takes tho dictates of tbe mob, the seething bitterness tf the whipped jebt !, the howl of tbe communist, for the trao sentiment of tbe American people. As a-political party it is identified with mob rule, treason, as sassination, and government by brute force ; its leaders are the spared monuments ot a mistaken clemency, and having nothing to lose, except the brief power tbey have obtained by false pretenses, tbey are endeavor ing to perpetuate tbat power by the sacrifice of the fundamental principles of the Constitution. In Ibe latter days of the last session they avowed their determination to stop the Gov ernment unless tbe Senate yielded to their demand, and now, having the Senate, they repeat their threat un less tbe President abandons his con victions and surrenders his constitu tional rights. This is revolution and it must be resisted by Republicans to the Litter end. As Mr. Garfield so eloquently expressed it "Lawfully, "in oar rights, we pick up the gage "of buttle1 which yon have thrown "down, and will appeal tc our com- "mon sovereign to bay whether you " bhall Ireak down tbe principle of ire tLe publicans a greater ma "free consent in legislation, at tbe JorJ aa tbey have had for years. ... .K i, ' 1 In Milwaukee City the Repnblicana price of starving the GoTernmcat to win cotrol tD6 council fotha fir,t death." It i reported tbat the court of in- . . r ,v-vaa i)i. n a-.i i cashit r d. If tbe Preidcut approve this fiudiog, it wiil restore the graced Grueral to bis pui.iti.t fa the ! 1 fature. This is tbe way oue ,! the S utb- em Ih ruocra-ic prers talk;", now 1 tbftt C-rgrets i Deinocratie. "Lircoln tirelicps are p'aed out in this Republic f ours, now tbat e bare ct: ured I be Cap! .!" "Li.iC'iu aud Lii ru jb, yclept the TJuiiU armv were traiiorn, - aod their reHoti tuuft b made odiouw."' Tl- Khih.,J.c..s who ,.t-d C. (Tatb bv"itlt . Ueueial Co mubeli ujui Itei uiip jmui JU j l!y r-n.etubt-r tbat tie tinu they elect d by their vute, train with ibe crowd b !dliig t he abo-re q')o- d KeatioieD!. Fkom a party stand p.iir the de bate un the Army bill La beeo a tno-i fortunate ue for the RiMiubli- cans. It ! a trt -npe.X. viu ale arni eh qwei:t dei-laratioua f Rpubl'ran p; 11 eipifs ironi i ara-M ana t ner p!'r!, n uax lam uare toe hc that the Uw at'einpted to bp re lealed rfci'ived a unanimous' Demo cratic vote in its favor when it was enacted, it has cor.solidated tbe Re publican party as firmly as it wa during the rebellion, and it bas called forth an tb qti?i t defence of secession 8nd tf the lost cause by the Southern Brigadiers, much to tbe edificttion of the country, aod tie enlightenment of those wbo coddUd themselves with the idea tbat the doctrines f peppsT.ion aud rt bullion bad hrn crushed out by tLe verthrow of the S 'U;beru army. The country ha learned by this debete tbat the doc trines of tbe rebellion are as rstnpuut at the South as ever, that the results of the war Lave not beeu accepted in ibat. section, and tbat the eleciioo of a Deniocr-itic l'rer-iJei.t in 1880 means a return to ibe o .ctriiiec. tbe whys, and the laws previous to lSdl. For so iiiu;b, we thank tbe hut headt d, indiscreet Southern mas ters if tbe Deun cratic par;y. The Jiu:k-oa Miw.) Clirion iu i;a exuliatiou over the victory, pro tects agHiut au- further pusi ooiug of Uuiou Soldiers. 1 1 says : "If bygones are to be bygones, let them be so in tact as well ns pretension ; but tilts system of pensioning 1 lie soldiers who (ought on the winuiiit' side, ot the war, ut the expense of the. side, that lost (because of the overwhelming odds againm litem), is not only a disagreeable reminder ot l pones but a most iiDhtir and iuiijuitous proceeding. While large numbers o( the soldiers on the oce side of the North hon estly believed they were fitrhting to suve their government, and were impelled by pntrioiic motives, others were mere sol diers of fortune from abroad, who enlisted tor pay, regardless ot the cause involved. On the side ot the South tho struggle was lor home and altar and the right of seii-governuii-ub It is a monstrous crime against the peace ol tl ruiii mmtry lor us government to pursua a cour- wbich will perpetuallv remind the weaker side that it is to tic a beast ol burden for the other." So it bas come "to this has it? Those sensitive geat'emea wbo can not open tteir mouths without boast ing of tbe part they took in the war against the Union, and repeating they would do it agcin under like circumstances. tLink it a monstrous crime for the country to pension the disabled veterans wbo fought to save it, but it is a meritorious performance to place ia office tho men who fought to destroy tbe Union. Sixt E the Cocfederates Lave se cured both Houses of Congress, tbey are boldly throwing off all disguise, and their Southern organs are begin niug to "talk right out in meeting.' Thus the Okolona (Miss.) Southern Stale, speaks Democratic sentiment as it is meant and understood Ly the South. Iu its issue cf March SGih it iLus roiers to tbe Uemocratic vic tory in assuming control of the United States Senate, and pays tribute to tbe head of the Democratic party. The article needs no expla nation. "O. how fit how tiftssins fit it was that the Hauieal party should breathe a final hiss ut our Lonletlerote 1 resident as itsdy ing carcass was borne Irom the isciiate Chamber f ttie States Union ! Hating all that is good and pure, and grand, aud true, it was peculiarly proper that il should hate JtfL-rson Davis w itn a dwithi's bate Its history was one long lie and crime. It flung our country into w ar ; It murdered three hundred thousand ga'laut (Southrons, like the common cut throat that it was ; It pivc our homes to the torch, like the common incendiary that it was ; It plundered our pockets and cullers, like the common thief that it wa ; Il sent its jail birds to lord over ns, and imprisoned the purest patriots of the North like the common tyrant that it was ; It corrupted a whole generation, lil;e tbe common pimp that it was; Finally, with bloody hands and pockets uuiiu sicirn moneys, il ieil DCiore Uie wrath of an indignant and- outraged people hood. But its malignant fpitit was strong; in death, and while the rattle was sounding in Its slimy throat it managed to ultera farewell hiss at our illastrious chieftain. Let this fact be forgeUcaa. It contributes one more shining leat to the splendid laurel crown ot glory that circles the brow of our grind old Confed erate President. It intensifies the immor tal love and honor for our socond Wash ington .' M tnrenfia. Milwaukee, April l.The elec tion passed off very quietly, and a light vote was polled. Tbe Repub licans elected ten out of fifteen alder men, giving them a large majority in tbe counciL Tbey also elect seven out of thirteen supervisors. The county board will probably fce Dem ccratic by a small majority. "The city gives Cole, Republican, for tbe Supreme Court, over 3,000 majority. lite vote to-gay tbows large Repub lican gains. Milwaukee, April I. Cole (Re publican) is undoubtedly re-elected lJu3ge of the Supreme Court by more man o.uuo majority. The reports from tbe interior towns show great nepuriican gains over last year. The whole vote of towns will probably time. .' fl hat the Sslttf BaaiB Demand.. . . , . - .- lies. I hey aseurt that atcu nal el- ; . i - r r- .- : i on w .11 DC tnpuru lit! Ml lll 1 iv V a""'bv unscrupulous uiiiiicinn of b.nb;'f.4 Tnia ilt rl . ttm whul of i b in? i hi in j- adroltlv Dianutueturrd p-iri.-s, f..r eifi-th end Tney claim ! tbat D-.tS ir;ea tnru.t lorwara tbe ; aaiauot ti, $59 505,700. Tbe gre-i-eues whijjb au erira stsciou rainea P-ti th4 kinen Jil ia order to preveut tbe dioiiMegraiioo i j . .. 1 f old orgauiiiiious wbicb bare be come ut-eltss. This representation is radically aod utterly uutrne. There i k rfivii-inn of ntrtiea arkit-b e es to ,hu . f. ... ,H,i..n f nr KtBtJn, f (i verini)eut; Tbe dieiion cu t-d-tj b eXjires--.ed ouly by ibe reMi ancf of a S did N -rtb to tbe asgrea-ivt- assaults ( 8 ''id S U'b Tnd?iy a S lid Sou'h actually ou tr Is b.tri U mtf ot C 'iirest C u fciierate CiK(ertN sartu iu boib iuir8 F ur Gr:orN of tb f.-jUui.g AnuT in theSroaie rep'e-.! iLt- iiiih'v iitiwt-r which ovt-r.bre H it a ftw lii.iii tVfrttv CI o.frirAt.A tieiierais iu iub aui cb'tmittr rpre- seul ibn rebi-liioa ouce dtfea'ed. A flra.'ter entert.t" tbe fhnllt'HT would be c .mp-ib-d to doubt Wbeiber Ao p 11m tox interred a vicr,TV or a d-teat t.f thr U liou catl-e Offi 'Ul "t tb SSeua a and the Ilou-o baw beeij cb seo f-.-r tbeir service to the retM'Utou. Noribirn men, wbeu chos leu at ail, tofe teu cuoreu for their it.r,ii;.i.ru stt'iuaiby wi'b reb lii iT-idxy tb; r belliou, revived aud re- ritiiil a-rd, is eucaiuui-d in both II oji-o of Concrete. The St-cih'usl ciirit of the S utb was never ru -re aggressive Became tbe X .rib re si, iheie is a radical, irrepressitilo focUtct. It was b optu tbal tbe de leal f armed rebellion had put au rod to I it at corf ct. But it, bas come attain aud is here, as di-tinct aud a daujieri'U to tho Republic as ever Tbe Si-ulb wauts ud means to have certain tbiiii8. Tbe North waut- aud uix'iRto have certain other and verv d ff-rtiut thiols. TLe S -ltd S utb waut-i, firs', c u ! fol f tbe Government for a minor ity of tbe .e pie. it rueaus to f-eo tha' . coutrol by force at tn Soui h and by fiaud at Ibe North. Tbat Coutrol it Las i-ecuned by massacre aud as sat-siitaiion iu tho bouibern States, by the is of tis--ue ballots, by tbe stuffi'ifc f ballot-boxes aud by such frauds 8 have boeu couiinui!y per peira'Hd'iu this and other Northern cities. C- UHJare the prporiiou of vo es to population iu Nev Y-rk New Jr-ey, Connecticut aud I adi nun, tbe N rthero S.wes wbicb vo ted f r Tildt-o, w itb ibe proportion (f voters t 1 p I'jia'ioQ la other fetiiten of the Union, aud the priof of fraud is clear and irresistible. Tbe S lid Suib iuteuds uot ouly to ruin by suppression of the real omjoriiy ai tbe South, but by dtfrauditig the 111 a- j :itv iu great S dies al the) Norib Otherwise. wy does it stake the ery exisieuce bull of the Democrat ic party aud f the G jverumeut iis-elf upuu an attempt 1 1 repeal election laws framed for tho pre'eution of fraud ? The Solid South demand control tor what purpot? In order to de stroy the public credit, borne sort of forgiveness toward' tbe victorious soldiers those who were defeated in rebellion have shown. But tbeir vin dictive spirit ha never abated to ward those wuo mode a triumph ol the Uuion possible by tbeir faith in be Government, aad their liberal loans ia its time of need. It bas come to pass that the Solid South is solidly hostile to thn public credit. and with tt whatever portion of the North once sympathized with tbe rebellion. It is tbe intention, openly declared, and actively and persistent ly pursued, to be avenged upon the public creditors, to destroy the value of Government bonds, to break down the backing insiiiaitions by which bonds were largely taken during the war. Appeals to the icraoraut or prejudiced voters of the JNorth have given to the party of repudiation no small strength, and wirh tbe aid of s'nffed ballot-boxes in tho Marge cit ies it hopes to secure a rnaprity in several Northern States. The Solid Suth feels poor, and wants to be paid for its rebellion from tbe public purse. Its claims, in num ber as the lice cf Egypt, are thrust offensively before tbe public from tbe beginning to tbe end of every ses sion. Its jobs involve countless mill ions, aud are pushed persistently and unscrupulously by every device known to modern lobbyists and log rollers. The caucus of the Demo cratic party can le controlled bv the hungry South whenever tbe Demo cratic party can control tbe Govern ment in all its branches. Tbe con trolling purpose, often openly avow ed, is "to get even." "We had the "worst of it during tbe war," tbey "say ; "we lost while the North got "rich. If you want us to be loyal "give us enough to start fair. Let "millions be expended for the build "iug of railroads, repairs of levees "and the digging cf canals all over "the South. We arc for the old flag "and an appropriation." Of that sort of loyalty, such as it is loyalty to a Government ruled by the South, nnd for Southern ends, aud si ru'cd as to enrich the South at the expense of the North '.here is quite enough. Tbe South wants the suppression of the rights of loyal men. It wants liberty to crush" opposition, whether a majority or a minority, in any part of the South by force, in CoDgress by tbe dictation of caucus, and at tbe North by tbe unscrupulous use of Federal patronage. She has no re spect for minorities. She never has believed in a Government founded npon the will of tbe people, and reg ulated by law. She seeks to-day con trol in defiance of law, ia defiance of the Constitution, in utter disregard of tbe rights of citizens everywhere, and control tor selfish and sectional ends. To this spirit, aggressive, defiant and lawless, it is time that opposi tion should be made by a solid North. Every bour of delay is dangerous. Hesitation, misapprehension of tbe real Issue, only risks everything that is at stake the credit of the Govern ment, tbe parity of the ballot-box, tbe freedom of the citizen, tbe ad ministration cf a Government regula ted by law and founded npon the will of tlie perple. The difference between parties is radical and vital. The conflict is irrepressible. There can be no peace until one or the oth er tendency is utterly suppressed. It is a sectional conflict, because a sec tional South makes it so, and the Republican party would be false to its history, false to its grand achieve ments in tbe past, if it did net frank ly and manfully meet that issue and fijrht it out at whatever cost. .V. V. Tribune.' Heavy ftaaw ia Caaada, Quebec, Canada, April 4. The North Shore. Railroad, which has been blocked with snow for the past few days, is now clear. Ia some places tbe enow was six aod seven feet deep. ' fm Pmr Oil. Vmm. The sobi-c-ipUou to the f or pr jceot bonds amount to $59 5o2,75) jM Sccretarr of tbe Treasury ' will ; j-tl(le B Cltl fJr the biUuc of ibe 2!l .if 'ft? i. U -nil t. m.,mm a ..u .n a t .. ..n .v.. e. on. Btrjea 0f 5 0() hood ' The two calls ' j 1, atnuuut to $3 19 50a 700, makoitf itia aunual s iug ut tuiereSl $0,09 L, 314. No further subscriptions will be received for fjur per cent. bond-, except for $10 certificates, until for mer uolica. . ' Tbe f dloing wa issued this even ing from ibo Treasury Diparimen' : "Subscriptions l iDef ur percent, couloir! Having been rc1ed to. Ibe lull nuiouul ot toe 5 20 bonds out staudiut?, ibw circular of ibi" depiri-ui'-ut, ot daio of Jauuary ' Isi 1 ,"'.), iuvitiuif wucn sub -crip ..loo, rrsciud ed. Tbe $lt retutdiug Cer llL'ie ill b sold H heretofore under cir culars ' f dates of Maid 12 b -and 20tb Tlie 4 per ceot. consols wiilj ue'efter o sold for ibe r-deujpn.iu I 10 40 Oouds of the act f March 3, 1864, upon terms to o hereafter p e- seu.ed JidlN Suebmax, 5ccre.niy ." TaiMinau y Hail Commllar. New York, April 3 The Tam tuaiiV H ll timieral C iiuaiit'e at a iiieetiutf ibis evening ad 'plrd ait adores to tbe I)iuocrcy of t' e S.aie It coiiiiueda tbe c:i-u if 'be- Dem crauc members of Ciinre-s iu demanding tbe, repeal of tbe laws aui hortziug (be use of troops at ib polls, tbe ie.-a oaih and the appoint ment ot election supervisors, it al-0 declares tbat to t,iu S'.utes alone be 'ooifs tbri r)tbt of euf orciug the elec tion laws. Thet address duriounceg ibe removal from office of the County Clerk, Gumbletou, and accuses Gov eruor R bi-sou of being influeuced by peruicious partisan- in the inter ests f a faction wbicb if persisted in will defeat' tbe 'Democracy at the coiutuir election.! it i'ids up by noldiujr tbat lo tit an be allovted bv intrigue or mochinalioos or unblush ing use .f mouey, or by c n-piriuir or combiuing with tbe enemien of tbe ptrty, to get p .ssessiou if tbe public ofBces, ho tbal b..- may use tbeir pat rooi;e to f rce bis own nomination f t tbe presideuey, 01 the Derucracy ot the Union, aud least i f ail must it be permuted to tb man who, when eUcied to the presidency, was too tiiuid and uude-itfed to tako the; of Kcn whiab belonifvd to bim .of right. It insists that while tbe presidency shall never again be secured hy fraud, the nomination to that e Ci.ta by the Democratic party shall uever be cap tured by ciiuuiuir nor bought wi.n Kld. Great appfause followed the reading of the address, aud several speeches were made. Illirit VlHiilirra. WASiitxiiTON, April 1. Revenue Agent Atkinson sends the following despatch from Morristowu, Tenn., to Commissioner laum under date of to-day: j "Returned last night from a raid in Hancock caiinty. Captured ten distilleries, six topper stills, capi aud worms, 119 mash tubs, 7,400 gallons of mash, 210 gallons singliogs and 2ii gallons whisky ; arrested seven vio lators and rode 292 miles oa horse back. We were ambushed at three different points, and upwards of 40 shots fired ai'u w1thontSeTfTO3 eT feet. We sacceeded in arrestiug the worst men in Hancock county and bad them boobd over to court." . Collector Araold sends the follow ing from Knoxrille, Teun : "My raidiug p irty in Hancock Co,, bas returned. They were fired on by a party of nine men oa Sunday even ing. The fire was returned and the assailing party put to flight. None of tbe raiding party were hurt. Four illicit distilleries, two coppers and a large quantity bf mash and beer have been seized since my last report." From llaleigb, North Carolina, Collector J. J., Young reDorts r "Peoninarton's raid in Anson Co , captured four iistilleries, and bad to retire to prevent bloodshed. Mason, with a posse, captured eight ia Or ange county. Tbey were attacked and fired at ewht or ten times: no oue hurt. lit acted with courage and aiscretion.'' A despatch from Collector Clarke, at Atlanta, G a says : "Seized threa distilleries on tho 20th instant. Tbe stills were brought out, D,000 gallois uiab and beer de stroyed. . Three men were arrest ed." : Konttirra I'rtiwft and Criminal . A dispatch from Cincinnati, dated last night, says : Another case of pis tol practice with fatal results is re ported from Cottral Kentucky. A farmer earned R&berta, living near Lockport, went W towo to get the returns for bis tobacco crop, which he had sold to Abrams fi Co. A diffi culty arose in tb settlement, when Roberts whipped but bis pistol, aud fired two or tbre shots at Charles Abrams, son of die senior partner. Abrams, who also bad a pistol handy, returned the fire, and shot Roberts through ithe bead, killing bim instantly. Such event3 are of frequent occurrence in Centtal Ken tucky, and the record shows that the proportion of murderers who are never punished for their crimes ia as about 15 to 1. An epitome of crimi nal history of Harrodsburg. the oldest town in tbe State, during the period since tbe war, will be published here to-morrow. It shows that 29 mur ders have fceja committed in tbe town and immediate vicinty. Of the entire number cf murderers, not one has bjen punisLed with death, and only two have received any pun ishment at all. Oae wes sentenced to tbe penitentiary fur life and the oth er for six years". Joba Whliakrr. Washington, Apil 3 A time schedule of the special train ordered by tbe National Democratic Com mittee to bring Hon. John Whitaker, Congressman elect from San Fran cisco, to Washington ia time to take part in the organization of tbe llousa shows that the whole distance was made in four days, 14 hours and 30 minutes actual running time. Tbe speed of the train averaged 31 miles per hour between Sao Francisco and Ogden, and 51 miles per boor between Cbeyeune and Sydney. Tbe whole time is the quickest ever made be tween the Pacific and Atlantic. A Toraada la Sana (arllaa. Danville, Ya., April 3 A se vere tornado passed over Brown's Summit, N. C-, to-day. Several bouses were blown down and their contents scattered broadcast. Oae boy was killed and many persons seriously injured by falling timber. Trees and fences were blown down and great damage done. l't(IUDtal'ork ta a Vlrtinti Farmixgt -x W Va, April 3 j None receie po mnch rirnefi', and Tuis viciuity bas been ii f- swd f r 1 0 Ue are so profoundly gtateful and some lime wiib a nest of men who j nfj.,? such an interes iu rtcociniend di?reard all U, and defied them ij(ip Ctiters as won.en D is te by stllinir wisky and livi.i it a'moHt ,tily remedy pecnl'arly aJsr.ed to open adultery ifl pitieuc bad ceas ' many ills the sex is almost uui ed to be a vutue Lit Ut ni ht versolly suH-et to. Chills and fever. a ba'id of thirty or forty men, sii; j i.iiji(?ii.rt .or drno,r -d liver, con posed to b -louif 1 1 the od.T recently j8,anl or periodical sick headaches, ', orgauiz d iii tl is couooy. kuon a -etik'iess in the buck or kidueys, called list at .MM MfUuires aou after spilling ber wisky and breaking nerjtig, -! A. !, letu wioiut, u loir oy UT' n-r ijmi;e. l ney neiii called at tCe H'ue .( Dvl L j;ras, Btton.t-y at !a, a-id br-ki I opeu lfcu dour, but i:iited f ri tdtusf j bim, tbey f uud his s n Ttey iheu ei. to the bniitt i f Mrs. Pinasv T M.ttirua't, hn ki thf d tur oitti. aud fouud Sa-djrs.-, tb tana tbey were Lx king f r, and lot k him our. ut.d a plied a, hick TV ;ad t rfct" b :'ck, ftv iu Litii teiay-tie Kst ts. Tty tbeu gave bttu au l "Pii'asy T.i b ifioti and J-tue Lrjtiiiiti ckco n coat of tr and feutner Inef next calietf. .. . t U 1 - . . ... k . I. . ..Ii ..it , ; , . . , a mile from town, and sfave blui and a woiiieu Maying 1 t his bouse n-toed t B -Le Y"u, a c .-f tar and f-ath-ers.- It is n -t, kuon better tti. y ave M Oiitio a vtripjiug or 1 ot Tney Kave B ll'i Youutf orders to! hunt other q mners, aud tbeu left f T th-ir bo.tie. Ssiodifa-s wosl some iu3 sioce 11 le d fifty colUrs by the Clicuit Cit-r a' t .irm-'iit, f.t rohHhoii.if i b I'ietisV To tbiliao lie i fif fve ant she is f r y-five y a-- f air-, - ud botn have cbildieu married. ' He bas left tbe t-u fr.lrln Ftrrv. White Swax, D. T., Mar. 29 -One of ibe iii..st iviiirjc pr.in fires rpi into ibis pl.icei to-d y that was ever known. The 'wind was l.lowto ' a ualrt from the norbe't, aud 'Le fi'e S'etit every thing before i c ms i-u- iiitf th Auieticaii Enpresa- lii te aud I i s coit-n's, N ii tb i-stern Tele graph itfi.ee BUtl f.Uleuis, Post Ib 'e busldioii, tbe resideoee ifj. P Kil pairtck, ihe biro f the Wyoming Stae Cotupauy, i:h the coaches, grain aud slock ; also ibe otru of lh- Cnamberiaiu Hotel, i'.h all i.sstoek and content-"; tbe! G iverniiieii', barns aud eoufuts. L ss estimated ut $75,000 ; uo iusiirHiic t)ulii of Tex ts K i el A-nt Galveston' Texas, April 3 A special .m tUd ,e.W.l tr on l' ( U' .u i says: 'Oi ihe nighi of ibe 2l b nlti mo uiue disguised, e!l urine 1 meu lOok p siUtsl ; of H iui'iu.''- Store, on l epee. cie-K, near ol .scu i iaius, covering the clerk- and others whb pts.tfls uiiiiil they robot-d the storo ot ail money, a'm- aod a.uruJui.i Tbey tbeu attiekroi a Ci.up p irty e:; rout to Lradvi.le, . t-ikiun itimu by surprise, uud shooting Mr. Audertoo, wbo alieinineit resisianon. Tiny took ab -U $'.!0i) ud ail tue lives. jcK of tbe parly. Af r U aviinf this vi ciuity tbey i-ui t - BUuc C-nt o. and robbed t.'ie store of Courd t Rath of $1,500 worth of provtio:i.s, arms, Sic. They are believed to be the notorious Reeves gang from Lin coln county, New Mexico. R.iocrs wiil pursue thera. Tialn Wrecker. Cincinnati. Maicu l. A sttecial despatch says : "As the night express train on the Grand Trunk Railroad was passing iwii iw cities cast of Staub's Creek, Michigan, Saturday Digit, ff was thrown from t'ae track. Tbe en gine aad the three forward ca'a were wrecked. Robert Wiisou, a brake man, was crushed to uVaib betweca two cars. Beuj. Waiers, tha cngia eer, eud Jerry McGaire, ihe (kctuaa, were fatally scalded. TLe lauer has siuce died. Francis Kellogg, of Erie, Pa., had a lug broken. S. "ll. Wil lard, of Chicago, su.-t;.iued a cut on the bead and a 1'ractu; of the rigbt arm. Other persons were fcligh.ly injured. The disaster was caused by train wreckers, wbo removed a rail. They were traced by tbeir footprints iu the mud, and their tools were found a short distance from the sceLu of tur catastrophe. Several suspected per Sjtis Lave L&en arrested. !. tenuis Iu Iowa. Des Moixes, Iowa, April 3 TLe reports from Davis City, Decatur couuty, say the ci'tzsns, ia view -of the la'.easness aud a long series of crimes committed by a -erang of des peradoes, led by Irving Tucker and oue Tartar,- on Monday banded to gether, seized Tucker and hanged him. Tartar was also captured by the citizens. lie said be was ready to die if be WB3 only allowed to kid two citizens named TopLff and Fris bie, w hom be bad a grudge ogaiust, but he was taken from the tuub Ly officers aad plsctd ia jail. The mob tht.'o weut to a bagnio kept' br Mar tha Mc Lane, tore dowa tb-j hose arid destroyed it couteutes. During this time syrup.v.biziiS of Tuc'ier tai Tartar set fire to tbe Comnvzrc ial printiug . ol'ice. Much excitement prevaii.-, and more troublo is antici pated. A ( blrK Iliirrnr. Chioaoo, Aoril .1. Scaadil was occasioned on the Nortbside si.-nie lime agoby thealUution paid to Mrs. Henry . Geldermau by Dr. Heury Meyer, tbe impropriety of bis ad dresses arising from the fact that Mrs. Meyer and Mr. Gelderman bad shorty before died under circumstan ces which, taken in connection with the subsequent conduct of the surviv ing ones, were deemed saspicious The bodies of the two deceased were therefore exhumed, aad afte. a care ful analysis, ju3t completed, large quantities of strychnine were fouud in the system of Mr. Gelderman. TLe stomach of Mrs. Meyer was found impregnated with the deadly colcbicum. Tbe Coroners jury to day, after hearing tbe testimony of tbe chemist, fuad a verdict recommen ding that Dr. Meyer and Mrs! Gel dermaa be held for murder. Bankrupt aal a Drritnltrr. Maucii Chunk, April 2 T. D. Clauss, Ex County Treasurer of Car bon county, wbo is engaged in tbe clothing business at Lebington, is a defaulter to the amount of $5,800. His Bondsmen have seized his entire stock of good, aad wili sell tbem out at SheniTs sale on the 7th instant, i His business creditors will ba com-! pclled to bear the loss of the cation, at Clauss is bankrupt. . f . Hilled by a Train. WiiEEMNii, April 4 A man named Henry Summers, living seven miles west of Newbury, was instant iy Killed this tvemesr by a west bound freight train. He was . ing up coal on the track, and did not see the train. He leaves a wife and five children who are ia destitute circumstances. Ururfil Vtmnnm. j,Hns h b-ulv. a reeling f Inssi- ! uill, 80d despondency, are all readily j re,n ,7t, ov ln jj t.er Tht ttrntnl Mitrk of Tnu Rtnirr Dalls T'Ih, Ap il 2 A Wri tie rtmii,'i hI av H rort-ilat sieub-'iviMH. K n itm rr. Texi-. on ib 30 b ultimo io i tj( t SiDif to arrest a man nam. d Haladay. R b ertsoi), K.itb. R . ard others, went to execu tb wirri it, wLeo Ilala- j d.iv reMi.'4'J aod ki ied tht in ee mtfU ' t. aued atd m rtaly woo -id.- d thrw ; .btr. li a second fiht. two others ! i'u p., ..,.-1 . A h.l..r Tf .'.nlv c-irh a ' f, , . ,'A..A ; . 1 utfi in tfij 1 it. iru in t ; nouse and deUepi c.-pttirrt . , . ,. . , . ' . Phu Mood-j h.-d is !1 eau-ed by tbe attempt to, Ciip u -e II ilaflay l-T carrying a six-t sbo oer Tbe Sheriff hail jrotin to: tfe scene of di.-;uroauce wib a posse. nieellaneu lim,tina Affray. Lixxle Rock. A pi il 3 United S a;en M irshal A Murphy and M'les Jtiues bad a sh-mtios; aff-av, ortbree of ih.-m. mi the 21 h at.d 2."tb uliimo .it llarri-on, B ne county. Mur phy kleked James, aud tbe latter or. cured gU'j aiot ft ed at Murphy, bo retun.-ed the shot. Both were arrested si-d fiued .lams was put uuder $700 b oud.s NiXi day Mur phy atleuipied to sho-n James from behind w btie the la'ier was eated at trie tatdu -atiug A Mr. II demau attempt insr to ward i ff the pistol re i:uei two sb us in the Land. A bird affray took place f lifle later, iu which th Town Mrsbal was -hot ia the hand, and Murphy in the ioi-h, when bt!i panics were ar-re-ted O the 2Utb James was put under additional bonds. Murphy's woU'id was too serious tJ admit of his Bi pearaiice ia comt. r.ayptlau ttlavw 1'rmlf. I.OXDOX, A,iril 4 The Egyptian olliirer seot to brea'i up th slave (le; pot, at B trael G..i!, Krdofen, re p 'l is u en-riieuiu.. viib Suleiman, ttii chief slave trader and owser of 25 depots, iu which woiiihu aloa v ailing imporiati u int Egypt iioui Ivrtd 10 U00. Tbe Eypiiau f.rce was 3,00tJ troii!. A part of tbem were armed wi;n imoroved rsfljs aud were; eiitreuched Su'eiuiU, wi-b 11,000 Aral), ma Jo e..'Veral assaulis, tun tnev Were cO iip'e ely ddteaieo tttid Q.d iil liisjider, leaviosf 1.0S7 deaj. Tun Eyp'iauc iosi 20 meu Yellow Fi-tt r. BoSTo.x. Aor.l T.;e United Starts ste-inii'r, r':y iii niiti, from this port, Marv'j 15, f r a Cruise to th West Indies, has relumed, yellow fever having brok-?'i oai whea 300 miles southeast or' B irtnoada. Egan, the boats .vain, died tf the disease. The ship came from - tha Wet In dies last autumn '.vitb ycilow fevei oa board, aud it was thoogat that fumigation aud tho frosts ot winter here bad destroyed ail genus of the tlisea.-e. OQIo. D.VXTov, April 4 Fire broke out this cveLing in the Qiucbiue shop ano factory of J. K. J obtison, a four sto ry brick builiiiox oa Wayne street. TLe two upper ilors were occupied by J. L. Baker, sealing wax factory, w litre the fire originated. Ia ha'l an hour the entire building was burn ed wiib all its contents. TLe tots loss is $50,000. Baker's loss is $10, 000 ; insured for $5,000. J. bnson'; loss is $10,000 ; iasurei for $13,000 Nuini; kinking- Miui-r Ir Dtmiifi A special dispatch from Pittsburt in relation to the recent strike ii '.he coal retioas tf Western Penney! vfcuia says : "Sail baa b.-en entered by ope rators agaiust six mtueis to rccovet $7,000 damages resulting from strikes It is alleged that tbe defendants con spired together to prevent men front workiag, thus causing the loss named ihe defendants were arrested oa a capias, and committed in default o! $2,000 bail each. Uis thought tht case wiii settle defitftteiy the ii;ht oi strikers to iofiicaeo their felloe workmen. Fire at Ihe ludtnna I'eullr u(inry. Jefferson vi lle. Ini., April 1. At nine o clock this evening a fir broke out ia the cooper shop of th Southern prison, creating great ex citement ainon-r tho citizens, wht were not admitted inside the walls Tbe fire department of JtUrfrsouvilie. the Gjveruui!it fire engine and oni engiae from Louisville s oi cxtia guished the dimes. Ryder it Hyatt, contractors for the prison labor, lost $4,000 on machinery and stock : in sured IjT $1,000 ia the Franklin, of Inoianapolis. The State lorn about $1,000 : insurance i tknow c. Ilonurnlile Uray Uatra. Men live to be old by watching for tbe early symptoms of kidney trouble, aad taking the fain us KiJ- ney-Wort in season. By so doing they live to be honored wha grey Laired, the meaiciae care3 acute rheuaiatism, promotes agreeable ac noa on me liver and bowels aad purifies the blood. A Violent Strike in California. San I kancisoo, April 2 About 2C0 laborers etuploycd on a sea-wall at North Bitach struck work today, and went to California Street Hill wotre aocut mo more men were working for the same contractor, and forcsd them to quit work. The strik- erj demand an advaoco of 50 centss day. Tbe contractor announces Lis mieaiion cf putting on rueo. at the previous rates. Ltshtalaa-. Cm inxati, March 31.A special despatch to the Enirer says that oa Friday evening, six miles north ot Decatur, III , a wagon coitaiuinar raaa named R abiasoa. his two daugh ters and Mrs. Jones Nye, was struck br I ! irt, I n t n . inolan.lv Ir.lltn. I-. 1. j -.'l iu.iouuj RIIIIUIC I. IU IU- - son and bis daughter Ivate, agd IC years, aad throwing Mrs. Nye to the ground ia an uncousciouj condi- i tion. iate Baya Drawa4. tVELLSVILLE. O.. Anril 4 4 tl-ilT containing three boys, named Daniel pick-'Smith, George Kelley and Charles McMillan, was upset br the waves of a towboat tbi3 afternoon, and they were-all drowned. The bodied have not yet been recovered. I. PR'-VIDENOE, A pril 2 Tn whr.le Iteyublican Slate ticket i elected by a larttfr mj rify than last year Y'izndt.. R:ptih!;cn, f r Ooyerno', ; f,0: ; Ser. Democrat, 5 3''7 ; m i j tritf, 3 237 To majority for How ard, L'etiiensnt Goera r, isi 4,2 'i. Th" General A'-'mblr c mprise. la the S?at. 2-5 R joublicn', S D-m crars, ai 1 2 no choice ; a-td in the fi2 R publicans, l.o Ienio- cra! aud t ii- h"ice. IlraTjr Sufm ftiuw !.' It flavea. Lock Havex. A-il 3 A ht&rv "now Hiorni -e in heri 7 'cloc t ' m m rn.ri . ani c r VQ' e su i. a 0:3t) a f iur nh--t had falle . ' j KE IV A H V E R TIS KM IS, ' : -. tnpara.!ic!od Tho Kail SsjartEtcat ct tho Crenel Depot, 1 hca nccat;;:tatr;d r.n cntlro rer:':t:nj cf t'-to Ir.tcricrcf tho!rrorccm tJovotcJ. t.;:! " . ' to exocuiinjr crdcra roccivocl by rr.r:!!. Tl'.oucii yo-a Ilvo "t-iJo.'phla, you cr.r. Dspit an cntira cutf.t (. xsi, I.i Dry Goods, etc., with t'no (-''c-t-t c-' end cn abscluto certainty of tho came c -.. tticjnllon ttiat la paid to customers vhu :.i "h- tho establishment In 4 Un-'-rwcir. I Precision, Promptness cr.d E.xpcri . comfctnad with tho hiV-cst rosaru fcrcv:.i tha slightest wlahoa cf thso who crier, crd a nov ctmost fauttlosa cyctcni, pcCLl.cr to tho Crand Depot only, tm'tt thta the I.;sdol repcrtmoni cf i'a kind In Arr.crica. ) N ji;t 1 Oo-s THlRTEEiJTH ST., CHESTNUT TO Send a Penny n vhat 13 do?!red, and by return mat! you v. ::i j j fi rscolvs, postage pa J. e:mp!ej cf t. i r.cw- ) jj cct aty!e3 of Cood3, with tho widths end ;j lowest city prices, cctda3 full pzrtlculcrs i ri . . , -. 7 .1 4 THE CHEAPEST -vr.sT ALLEGHENY W 3 A ' m & J H L-a a 4t UkT. 5 -.- . 4 ia I " V I -TV - ----- BY EES & BABN EIT. SUCCESSCrtS TO JOHN r. 3'.YYEIT,1 sou:rsfx pa. We take pleasure in announcing tn t ue r JTU.HT ItKCKI V:B a ware, tvhicli we intend to srll PRICES TO SUIT Our stock is complete ia till ro-p-Tt-. ati 1 article usually kept in Hardware Storr. Blacksmiths' tools and supplies, stuli as Iron, Xovw.tv .N i;! rol Iron, Vulcan Ilorse-nail-i, Taper Tttps, Horse Sinn's Fiiu1 Sleih-shoes and Cast Steel, A lull iino of Best Norway Id:!. Carriage and Tire Uolts, and Axle Clips. A coin pit te -tak vt Malleable Iron, Durrs, &c, &c. BUILDERS' HARDWARE, comprising a full line of Itim and Mortise Locks, Ca-t uiul Wrought I5utts, acorncd aad plain, a complete stock of N.tils always on hand, also a full assortment cf Glass. CARPENTERS' TOOLS. We have !ilvay5 -on hand a complete .stock cf Saws Hand and Cross-cut, Axes, Hate-hots, Hammers Steel r.ai Squares, Compasses, Bench and Fancy Planes etc., ( tc. "We always keep a full line of Revolvers, Pistols Sh-it-uis Powder-flasks, Shot-pouches, Cartridges, Caps, Wa'ls ILide nnd Shot-gun Powder, also a ft ill line of Gun Repairs. :C: W'c have a complete line of Lamps, Lanterns, r.i:l A full line of Saddlery Hardware, comprising S.nl Buckles, Rings, Harness-p t;ls, Oniatnents, etc., etc. In the Agricultural Dqiartment we hive a f ill sto-k t-f Forks, Shovels, liope, Chains, Mane ami Curry-Coitihs. H-rf-brushes, etc., etc. :0: We make a specialty of Pocket and Table Cutlery. Silver Plated Table Ware, Plated and Britannia Sti nt;: We also make a specialty of Paints, Oils, ami Var:ii!i! also Painters' Tools, etc. We keep constantly on Pump, (porcelain lined) and lined. This Pump has taken introduced. A1I goods warranted to he as represented. Oar arc Fair Dealing, Quick Sales, and Small Profits We challenge competition. Call and examine g t! certain prices before purchasing elsewhere. NATI.HFACTIO.V BYERS & SHllIVEll ii n si i n aa JSL COMMISSION iSTo. G'2 South Street, KIIFIJl BY PFKNISSIOX Tt FiasT Nanioxal Bask, and Western" National Hank, an diCHEMicAL National Bask, New York. Cards can be bad at tbe Exi-uess Ooe, Somerset, Ta. ! ililSKES- ACCOUNTS ! Th f '1! '. ix acon bar h, le prw it I i..r ninrtivu ,.n ! ihitr-l-iy .!. 1-u is::t im.ni m i. or. awwti or .! - hn .1 , J.,ha .11 ii-.T. '. k H' .', .!:i.-.l. II. .Uili r. J.i.vr, ''."' I IJ ' !. ! Iijvh S air.. cmmi;i' of T-i'-i.i. I;1. Jlm M. ' 'Un-.r -r. AHnnfri, I'uil tiny Asirl i'lA. ' It. H. Fh-.lt " J.WM. -,v 1 1 'trL mmnit ef H. L. I .n rj- il .1 , , , s'iai s . f J. I '. Kimmi-I no I J. it. K--. H FH-i't,; -'p'if- Mts,,;':., ALL SOLDIERS . mnr. c-n il h l;tt.!!v t'l . ). r(:'L, i i& ate. Guocsca c fc Car-" .-.- during th J p.-.rt c: ii CCCD3 fi CUTFiTTIi a ilO'JiC. a Tiiousar.U: r.7i!c3 f x purchase r.t tho Cr-. r.J c;- the srr. 1 person. -v-.V-'-T-. " - M.l r r-;-'4 PccVd Card, cpe-o! -J n" (, HARDWARE STOiiE of Tin:- MOUNTAINS. -:U: tn.it wo hove lar-t- and complete .l.cl at f liar.!- THE C.)::l;in . t'V TV :0:- I iota In- 1 1 --tra -:():- AU hand the Celebrated ('act: a cheaper quality that ar. the l nx I of all others v!i :iiO- r n it -vr -:o:- m'AKAST::::"- BARNETT. 15KOTHEUS. a n . L AH J MERCILm -:o: IJiiiiaw" 1