(Fran cur Keflex Com rpeDileTit) Washixoton. March SO, 1S79 Since tbe orga ittioQ of the 46ib Congress there b txreo ft political lull. Old wea wiib good nieniuriei said : "Well, bere is Mother Demo cratic Xatioa! Legislature;" while tte hji ues f the Seute gallery looked iib curious Interest upon the new Srnator, od heard, for the fioi time la ibtir lire", Thurmno od Bay ard tkiDgr ibe initiativejSn JrgMative liu-ioefs. Now that Congress bas completed its orfraoizntii.'ii, the St-oaie dirtribui d im pitiabco of t-Gkisl patroDsi:, ud Speakt-r lUudall is inituers. d iu tbe cmaiiite Italia? prubl. ta, a tbbkltK8 tack ia bicb be will plea aud t-ff-'iid tTrrjb dj ; the qaestion U, what next? The wires mJ leil hef.re tfeiu Irt.er reaches Jou, bat. there U no Ger to tbe question, al ibis ead of the liue, at the present writing. Toe j iot caucus of tbe now politic ally concordant lf?iflaiie bodies will agree upon a business programme for tte cession. At preieni the Senate U dipjy d to adjourn as Boon as the lull, lr which tbexira aossion waa calied, are paed. The llouse, on the coutrary .peems disposed to plunge into ceneral lei-.'ation and revise and txuuDe geuernlly. A rummer in Washington bas no terror for members from Memphis, 'w Orleans, and thereabouts, bo they are ia faror of revising the tar iff, amending the internal revenue la", and lbflaiing the currency .Many believe that Congress will re inaiu" in seseion all summer. There is great newspaper clamor for an ear ly arij lurnment ; but it Is doubtful w betner tbe American voter is at tbe boit-'tn of iL Meiubers of Congrew are paid by tbe year, and there would e ui to be uo reaxou why Ibey r-buuld not make bills, aioiious, aim udaieatx, riie to pjiuts if order, and personal explanation, all through tbe summer It members of Cougreea were paid only for tbo time they are at tbe Cap itol and aiteudiug tj legiiimaie Cou gressioual buiue8, tbe public Treas ury would save money, and aoiue members would gel le-s than half their salary. If Cougrews really withes to pat-8 a urx'.ul law let it en act a bill app'iiutiug a Time Cierk, who bhall keep a record ot tbe time of each uh tuber, and pay bim only tor the time tnat be is a.trnUing to the public buioe.-n. Tbe millionaire Senator ffora Ne vada, who was present in tbe Senaie, if I am not mis.akeo, uuly tixij-Cve days duriug tbe four years tiuce be vis elected, had the effrontery and dibonesiy to draw his pay for the full time, amounting to more than $0,000, aud including $125- for sta tionery. There ia a law on tbe statute book to this effect : "The Secretary of the Senate ad tbe Sergeant-at-Arms of tbe Houec, rexpectively, tbaU deduct from tbe monthly payments of each Senator, Member or uelegate, the amount of bis ealary for each day tbat be Las been absent lrvm tbe Senate or House, respectively, unless such member or delegate assigus as the reason of such absence, the tickaes of himself or some member of bis family." Now, will some eke sue tbe Sergeant-at-Arms of tba Senate for money il!e al ly paid ? Yesterday will be remembered in tbe Senate tor its lively interchanges of rhetoric, parliamentary of course, but verging on tbe language of Bil lingsgate. Senator Blaine eaid to Senator Hill: "Don't U childish," atid Senator Eaton told Senator Blaine that bis task was babyish All this was on tbe subject of electing a Secretary, Sergeant at-Arms, aud other oftcers of Democratic precedents and proclivities to tbe offices tbat have been held by Republicans. These offices are about one hundred in Dumber and Ibey will all be filled by Democrats. On Monday, in tbe rooms cf Rep resentative Kelly, the Greenback Congressmen held a caucus in wbicb they agreed to vote with tbe Demo crats for tbe repeal cf the test oatb, and tbe law allowing soldiers to be sent to polling places, and for modify ing tbe Supervisors law. Tbe Greenbackers hope tbat tbeir financial schemes will be supported by a sufficient number of Democratic votes to give tbem "the balance of power," and their fraternization with Democrats on political questions will be diplomatic and with this expecta tion, a Bub-committee of tbe caucus was appointed to prepare a bill au thorizing tbe issue ot trillions of greenbacks, tbe redemption of United Stales bonds in legal tenders, and, in other respects, to carry out tbe plans cf the National party. Whatever may be tbe policy of the two great parties with regard to the length of the session, it is plainly tbe intention of tbe Greenbackers to contend fot more paper money, "if it takes all rammer;" aod, if the msjority sball decide to adjourn after passing tbe appropriation measures, ibey will en- lavorto fa&ten their financial bill to one of tbe appropriation bills and pars it throngh. Tbe Greenbackers will doubtless be able ta form a coalition with some men ia both parties who bave similar views; bat tbe strength of tbe coali tion cannot be determined until it is tested by actual vote. C. A. S. aafca. If we could only read each others' Laarts. we should be kinder to each ttber. If we knew tbe woes, and Litierncss, and physical annoyance of our neighbors, we should make al lowances for tbem wbkb we do not now. We go aboat masked, uttering ster eotyped sentiments, biding our beart pangs and headaches as carefully as we can, and yet we wonder tbat oth ers discover tbem by intuition. We cover onr best feelings from the light; we do not conceal oar sentiments and ocr dislikes, cf wbich we are prone to be proud. Often two people sit together with "I love yon" in either heart, and neither know it. Each thinks, "I eonld be fond, bat what dse of wasting fondness on one who does not care for it?" and 80 they part and go tbeir ways alone. Life is a masquerade at wbich few un mask, even to tbe very dearest; and though there is moeb masking, would to heaven we dared plainly sbow our real faces, from birth to death, for than some few, at least, would truly love each other. 8aihra KMra. Mac3x. March 22 A tornado struck MiUtdgeville at two o'clock to-day. Tbe Oconee river bridge was totally demolished. Loss, $9, 600. A negro and mules were killed in the bridge. Stores were nnroofed and several email bouses blown down. Tbe general damage aboat tbe city BOSnU to $8,000. s Jean t'rad. Tbe reform movement is sweeping everything before it. Since tbe mem orable evening when the old geutle man came out on the front sio-'p, bareheaded, and requested the people of New York to mark tbe wrong do ers of UTC with indignation, and net er, never oa any account Xi cnd ue Fraud, tbe Democratic ,'arty, hiving got iu beariags as it were, has made a splendid run. A good cry was what is most want ed. Tbat fragment of the party in cluded in the crowd at Graoiercy Park oa tbe occasiou reterred t iuv mediateb dispersed itself through tbe city aud bea-an to shout, "The Aiur icu People never wi.l Co .d me Fraud!'' Mr. Maoton Marble re plied "Xevel," as loud es be could, and tLen set to wi i k to burn his ci pber keys and construe a letter on tbe Ark and Shechinab if cur Srll Goveruojeot, by way cf keeping up tbe excitement. Mr. Suinh M. Weed attended the Democratic State Convention as a representative of the Reform seoti ojeut of the party, and made a stir ring speech on tbe necesoity of puri fyiug politics end never condouiog Fraud. Tbe wave of enthusiasm rolled Southward. Tbe declaration was echoed from the Chei-apeako to the Rio Grande, eutorced with many a eouuding oatb, tbat the Am-ricao People would oever condone Fraud ; and, so eearing, tbe cuivalry took down their -hot-guos aud proceeded to conciliate tbe colored vote Tbe presses were run at full epeed in the production of tissue-ballot, l:st the voters should conaone raua oy in advertence. Nigger risings, other ice called Republican meetings, were ba:ily trokeu up, lest in ibecuf'jfi u f po litical debate something should be done tat could be interpreted acou donicg Fraud. Persons iu Louisiana and elaewhere who seemed obmiua e ly beut tip n voting the Republican 'icket weie saved from c.ud'iiog Fraud by being killed beforehand There ws no resis insucb generous araor. Wbat with rifles, pistols atid ii?sue-lallots, the Republican pny iu ibe South was euiirely supprest-ed, and those of ibe victorious Demo crats who evaded the penitentiary rufbtd upou tbe National Capital, sbouuug, "Tbe American People nev er will endoue Fcaud !" Then caite the investigation by tbe Poiier Committee, wbiea spe.it near Iv a year ii qoiring into the ti-st'jry ot tbe Presidential election, aud discov ered thai au organized conspiiacy ex isted iu tbe fuoiily of tbe Democratic ciudtdn'e to purchase tbe electoral votes of ifcree. if col four Republican States a d'eCovery w bicb fed tbe Committee t declare with great em phasis tbat tbe Deirx.cratic candidate as an innocent and ' i.jured tuao, tnd that tbe American People would oever condone Fraud. While tbe Committee were drawing up their re port, the rest of tbe Democratic Con gretoien were raising a riot in tbe House cf Representatives, and threat ening to su p the Government if tbe laws to prevent cheating at elections were not unconditionally repealed ; and now in order to effect tbat pur pore they bave compelled tbe calling of an r x'.ra 6e?,sioa. at great expense a:id anucyance to tbe country ; there must be tree fraud at tbe polls if tbey have to t-oi ash tbe whole machine to secure it. Tbe firtt incident of tbe new Din oeratic Cccgrcss is tbe seating of a Democratic member from Florida who has been declared not elected by tbe Florida courts, and for chesting in whose behalf a number of Ever glade politicians are now serving a term in jail' Tbeir next operation, it is said, will be voting themselves mileage for travel they have not per formed. And then thev will be readv to appeal to tbe country on tbe great issae of condoning I raud. Meanwhile tbe clJ gentleman in New York bas not been idle. lie bas made tbe most effective prepara tions for ths next cammigi. In an ticipation perhaps cf the repeal of tbe election laws be is about to revolu tionize tbe police, and in anticipation of the convention he proposes to rev olutionize Tammany Hall. Officers accused of illegal exactions Lave been warned tbat tbey can only escape punishment bv using tbeir political influence for the beneStof Mr. Tildeo; for, as tbat gentleman beautifully re marked, "The American People nev er will condone Fraud never, never, never!" And bo the cause which embraces tbe largest and holiest interests of hu manity, the cause cf pure politics and free ballots, goea on prospering by "absolute trust in moral forces, in tbe people, their volitions and tbeir pow ers.".Y. ' Tribune. l ain A walta 11 its. Many persons are evidently bound to fill exalted positions, tbe buds cf genius showing themselves almost as soon as tbe chosen one is out of bis nurse's arms. Nany cf our most eminent states men gave evidence in tbeir youth of the possession of superior talent", wbicb evidently placed them upon the very pinnacle of fame. A San Francisco street boy baa a brilliant future before mm, and if be is not one day raoted among tbe no. ble army of newspaper paragraphers, this deponent bath utterly failed to read tbe signs aright. lie came bounding into tbe bouse tbe other day, and approaching bis mother, asked ; 'Ma, will candy rot tbe folfcsos teeth V 'Yes, Willie, it will indeed, and I do not want yon to eat any of the in jurious stuff." The embryo laugh builder was si lent for quite a while, evidently re hearsing in his mind tbe continuance of tbe conversation, and getting bis queries in a shape that would enable bim to steer clear of all pitfalls. Fin ally be continued : Will it rot girls' teeth too ?' 'Certainly, my dear.' Another long silence and more mental figuring, and then be asked : Ma, Rotterdam isn't a bad word is it?' 'Ob, no, Willie, that is tbe name of a foreign citr. Yon will fiad it in yenr geography.' 'Weil, you wouldo t lick any fel ler for talking about it then, would yon r Most certainly not. 'Honest Injun, yon wouldn't ?' and bts face bore an expression of deep earnestness. Of course not; why doycuafk scch questions?' Well, Mary Dawson is coming over bere to tell on me. She bad a whole two bits worth of candy, and wouldn't give me a bite, so I told ber to jist eat It herself and I hoped it wou'd Rotterdam teeth out' lie escaped chastisement, but tbe moral lesson read to bim will serve as a guide post through life. San Joxe (Col) Herald. Hlatvrj Brpcallas Iiaflf. The last time tbe 87 called Nation al Democratic party bad control of tbe United Staits Senate was while the Thirty-sixth Congress was in ess'ioo At tbat time, John C Breckinridge, of Kentucky, was Presi dent of tbe Senate; Asbury Dickens, of North Carolina, was Secretary. Trere were then twenty-twostaoding c- niaiUues if tbe Seuaie, of wbicb sixteen bad fT Chairmea Seuators from tbe S tulh, only six and tbene of tbe least importance being reserv ed for Northern Democrats. The otber day, after anabenre cf eigh teen years, 'tbe Na'iopsl Democratic party" canie into tbe Stoate agaio. and, Cndio" there thirty four stand mg committees, gave twenty-two of ibeir Cbhirrria'ihbip! to tbe Sutb, leaving twelve for the Xorib. Tbis being done, Jot.n C. Barcb, of Ten nessee, was eleeied to Oil tbe place wbicb bad been occupied by Asbury D'ekeus, of North Carolina, up to tbe time wben the "National Democracy' left tbe Seuate to fulfill certaiu miti tary engagements iu tbe South. Tbus history repeats itself. Tbe Sen ate is rebel ones more . We miss from the roil of the Sen ate Committees many of the names wbicb were familiar to those who followed tbe current iiistory of ibe stirring times w hich matked ths last davs of Democratic rul. Tbe arro gant Southerners ara buck again in tbeir old places, only tbrir names are changed . In those days, J M.Ma son, of Virginia, wa9 Chairman of the committee on foreign Relations His familiarity with international law was niiul to bim wben, a rehel emmt8ary, be w as plucked iff the deck cf ibe J rent, a year or two afterward. Another Yirgiuiao, It M T. Hunter, iben bad tbe Cbair u aucbip of the next important com mittee, i bat of Finance. Alabama furnished toe chairmen ot tbe C "li mit ee on Commerce C. C. CIt,Jr Tbe Cbairmau ot tbe Mill ary C -m 1 1 tee was 1bat pii:k f bou ra'il oatriots, J-ff Dii, of Mt-iwippt. Florida bad the Navy, Maliory beiug Chairman of that cowmiuee. At ibe bead of tbe Judiciarv Cottituiltee was J. A Uajard, of Delaware. Toe illustrious Judah P. Bri'juujin, .f Louisiaua, was Cbaiiuiau f tbe Committee on Prtva e Lud Claim, atid ' Bob" Toombs, of Georgia, pie cided over tbe Claims of ReVoluUob ary Pensioners. Alfred Ivert-ou, of Georgia another fragrant Vii-t'rical ptrsou, was cbairmau of tbe C i li mit tee on Claims, aud D L. Y'ulee, of Florida, not wboily uiikjowu to fame, wa cbairmau ot ibe C miuit tee ou Post Oilk'ei aud Post R ads. Every cue of the important c miiiuh tees was given to Sou'Lcu Demo crats, evea ibat cf tbo Uibtrict ot Columbia being iu tbe Coaii'uiauhii of Albert G Broo cf Mh-sWippi. S u.tj iug the roll of tbe Toisty sixiD Congress, it d -es not appear tbat tbtre was any scarcity of North ern Democrats iu iu IVcnsj Ivania, New Jersey, Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, California, Oregon, and Minnesota, each sent one cr more Democratic Seuators to Washington. But then, as now, the Democratic party in Con gress w as S'a'-beru or nothing. Tbe Commiiu-e on privileges bnd Elec tions, now conderea oueof tbe moi-t important in the Senate, was uot tbeu constituted. Delaware furnishes tbe Chairman of ibat eomniiuee : and Delaware, instead of Virginia, takes tbe C"mmitlee on Finance, Mrssrs Saul.-bury and Bavard beifg respec tively al ice bead of tbe two Com mittees named. Texan, lustead of Floriria, baa the Post Office commit tee, Sensvor Maxey being chairman Virginia, now as tbsn, -'.'never tires." Johuston and Withers, of that State, have tbe committers on Ag'iculture and Pensions, mpt-ctively ; Senators Lamar, Beck, Ht-reLrd, "Hamburg" Builer, and U;er well-advertised 'Southrons," are Chairmen of the committees of to day. There is the same poverty cf material among Northern Democrats which was so apparent in tbe last Senate wbich tbe Democrats bad the privilege of controlling Out of the ihir'yf ur Chairmanships in tbe Senate, only nine are filled by Northern Demo crats. Three minor .! nes have been given to Republicans, it should be said. Edmunds is Chairman of the committee on Private Laud Claims, Anthony cf Revolutionary Claims, and Conkling of Eogrossed Bills We must suppose tbat tbe Northern Democrats enjoy this sort cf thing. Tbey always did appear to like it. The legislation cf the country, so far as tbe Senate is concerned, is once more ia tbe bands of tbe South a South wbicb ia always solid wben tbe distribution of pjwer and place is in question. Unless speaker RanduH's band forgets its curning, tbe roll of tbe House committees will sbow an tqaal preponderance in favor of our lately erring brethren Eighteen years ago these gentlemo were silting in the Capitol plotting treason against tbe Republic. To day, spared by on unparalleld mag nantmity, they are uack njaiu in their old places, obsequiously attend ed by tbe old-time Aortbern Dough faces, and ready to give us laws and government. A. 1. twex. Iaqaltlll vMeiii. Tbe man wbo wants to know about things We have all seen bi.n Have ali "been there," as tbey say iu the beautiful w est. A dear son of New Eugland having plied a newcomer in the mining re giou of Nevada with every conceiva ble qoustion as to why he visited the gold region, bis hopes, meane, pros pects, etc., finally asked bim it be had a family. "Yes, sir," was the reply, "I bave a wife and six children, and I never saw one of them. Then there was a brief silence, af ter which tbe bore commenced; "Was yon ever blind, sir ?" "No, sir." "Did yon marry a widow ?" "No, sir." Another pause. "Did I understand you to say that yon bad a wife and six children liv ing in New York, and had never seen one of tbem ?" "Fact." "Now can tbat be?" "Why," was tba reply, "one cf tbem was born after I left,'" Bit er Kk. Kellvs Island, O , March 24 Tbe steamer, Golden Eagle, iu trying to wcrk her way throngh the ice, got stuck and sprung a leak about a mile from here, and is Binking directly in the 6teambeat passage between bere and Saadusky in about twenty-fonr teet or water. 1 be passengers and Dggge were safely landed here, and the mail boat is after tbem. "Tbe class in grammar will please to stand up and answer tbis question; "How do yon parse tbe word dol lar '." "Please, sir, if it's a trade dollar you parse it for ninety cents." rMrl Hara Moajr. rOt-'B COINS ETBXCK OFF BT THS COS . FKDK&ATI . GOVERNMENT RESURRECTED. riiUadelihia Baeord. It bas been believed and recorded as an historical fact tbat tbe Southern Confederacy had eo metallic curren cy. After a lapse of eighteen years, ev idence now presents itself to snow that four coius were struck off at tbe New Orleans mint while tbat place wa in tbe possession of tbe Confed erate Government. Tbis discovery has been brougbi about by a Rt-cord iieui, euiitled "A Crz for C ms," which gave the faucy prices placed upon rare pieces. A few days subsequent to tbe pub lication, Mr Mtlnou, lOt) uuuiUuiaiist, of 143 North TeaiU street, wbo was iueidcuiilly referred to ia ibe articl--, received a commuuicalioa from B F Taylor, M. D, the Secretary and Treasurer of tbe L uislaua Sale Board of Health, giviug ibe iuforuia lion tnai he bad a Confederate coin iu bis possession. In reply, Mr. Mason wrote for a lead peucit rubbing of tbe piece, at tbe same time expressing a doubt as to the existeuce of auy genuine coins of the Confederate Slaves. The return mail brougbi a rubbiug of ibe coin. The obverse represents a Liberty cap, above ibe American shield, the union of tbe latter containing seven stars, representing the seven secedinit tvaies. me whole being surrouuded with a wreaib of sugar caue and cot ton in bloom aud me niotut ''Confed erate States of America " The reverse bas tbe Goddess of Liberty, wub tDe ibirteeu stais, representing tbe S ates trciu wbicb tne Confederacy sprang, aud the date, "ISGl " Tbe bisiory of ibe Coin may be briefly recapitulated from Mr. Tay- loi'- sla'emeni. Wtieu tbe New Oi leans mint was lakeu p ssensi u of by the Coufrder aies lu April, 1661, tbe original dies ot tbe United S.atea were Canceled iu ibe presence of ttie i ffic.iI connect ed iib tbe building Tbe Confeder ate CaOiuet, w bicb was ibeu siitiug al Mouigouaery, issued orders lor a dt-sigu for a Confederate currency lo Mr. Tat lor, who was then cjief coin er f ibe. mint Tbe atxive design was submitted and approved, and orders weie issued for the stiikiug off of specimen pieces. Four half-dollars were accordingly coined, and these also, tolliug toe desigu, were approved by tbe Cabi net. Tben came an obstacle. That b.-dv fouud tbt it bad not c- btrol f sufli cient bullion to proceed wi;b an Im-ub ot coins, aud, CoU.-equeutly, ibe. mat ter was deferred, aud a temporary is sue of psper motiy decided upon. Tbe suost q ient rou'e of tbe Coufod eratss threw tbe cottage pr ject oer board. Of ibe f-ur coins struck, one is in the possession of one of ibe chiefs of tbe Confederate Gpvernment, the sec ond was presented to Profensor Bid dle, of the University of L uisiaua; tbe third lo Dr. Ames, of New Or leans, aud ibe fourth was retained by Cnief Coiuer Taylor, by permission ot be Cabinet hint noteworthy fact tbat all the individuals wbo were connected with ibe Coioage, including tbe superinten dent cf ibe mint, sssajer, coiner, en graver, die sinker, down to tbe mau who h ld the chisel and used ibe bamoier, in tbe cauceliiog of tDe old and new dies, are living at ibe pres ent tin.e. To Mr. Mason, in wbost bands tbe coiy bas been placed, quite a number of bids have been made by numisma tic and historical societies for ibe purchase of ibis rare relic of tbe IU brliiou. "" A silver plated electrotype copy is to be seni lo all societies interested in soca matters, but they will all cry for the original. Wbat a Rtnui t Da. A Colorado piper tells tbe follow ing story : Tbe wife of a certaia well kciMwn rancher liviug near this place bas got tbe true grit. Her busbaud was away on busiuess a whole week re cently, and oue day while be was ab sent ibe pump gave out. Tbe near est neighbor lived a long distance, so she hoisted np the pipe herself, and fouud tbat tbe trouble lay iu the auc tion leather, wbich was too much worn to work properly. Away she went to cut a new one, Using tbe old one as a pattern. On returning she found tbat a large hog bad falieu ;nto the open well. Notb ing daunted, she got a strong rope, made a slip-noose, 6ebed it around tbe squealing porker, and then, lifting as bard as sbe could, made tbe end fast to the curb, tbus raising tbe aoi mal partially out of tbe water, and preventing ii from drowning. Sbe tben harnessed a horse, bitched him to tbe rope, and in less time than it lakes to tell it, that hog, all drip ping with fresbuess arose from tbe well, but before tbe rescue of ibe par ent anfmal two of ber off-priugs crowding too close to tbe curb, prob ably to sympathize with iheir moth er a distress, lust balance, and were now floundering aronnd in tbe water at the bottom. Instantly tbe bog was recovered, our heroine set about recovering tbe pigs. Sbe procured a ladder, which, however, though long enough to reach ibe water, was not long enough to reach the bottom of the well. Neces sity is the mother of invention, and, procuring a fence rail she thrust it through ibe top round, resting both auds on the curb. Then climbing down tbe banging ladder sbe rescued tbe two pigs, bringing both safely to ibe surface. Tbis done sbe quietly completed tbe job by putting in tbe new suction leather, lowering tbe pipe into tbe well, closing tbe curb, aud pumping water for tbe week's washing. Uaw ! Be lk WlBd. Take a polished metallic surface of two feet or more, with a straight edge a large band-saw will answer the purpose. Take a windy day whether hot or cold, clear or cloudy, only let it uot rain or the air be mnrky ; in otber words, let tbe air be dry and clear, bat this is not essential. Hold your metallic surface at right angles to tbe direction or tbe wind I. e., if tbe w ind Is north, bold yoor surface east and west, but, instead of holding tbe surface vertical, incline it about forty-Sve degrees to tbe horizon, sd that tbe wind striking glances and flows over the edge(keepingitstraight) as water over a dam. Now sight carefully over the edge at some mi- note and ebarply-denned object, and yon will see the airflow over as water over a dam. iUke your ob servations carefully, and yon will hardly fail to see tbe air, no matter bow cold t the result is even better when the eun is obscured. Balldasla m Bw-HHlw. Tbe Detroit Free Pres of Feb, 13, saya: Charles McGnire began his Hon or, as be looked over tbe desk at slim waisted man who bad evidently met a polar wave and been worsted, 1h policeman tella me tbat be found you walking up and down tba street beating an old tin pan and shouting at the top of your voice. Did Sena tor Sharon make bis great wealth by indulging in eucb practizes J Do we remember Homer and Milton because tbey disturbed tbe peace 7 Look me in the eye, prisoner at ibe: bar, and beware bow yon answer.' 'You see, 1 beard a swarm of bees pasii.g over, and I wanted ibem t ! settle on my fence,' geuily replied the man. 'Bees! Bees in the month of Feb ruary Been swarming such weath er aa ibis?' excl.imed the Court as be grew very pale around tbe mouth. 'Can't a bae come out in winter if bewsntsto?' argued ibe prisoner, warming up to his detente. 'He can, but be don't said bis Hon or Every hee iu the land is now in a dormant state, and wilt b for weeks to come.' ? 'Bui I bean' bees in ! tbe air. I know what I hear as well as the nex' ma'i ' t 'Charles McGuirn yon bad a bee in your bonnet, or a fiVa in your ear, Wbat ailed you was to much wbU kv ' 'May-bee tbat wasn't it ;"' thought fully observed Blab. , Tbe. Court gave bim one lingering trembling bok. calculau-d t bring ou cougesiioo of the lungs within tweu ty miuu'es, and turned to tbe prison er and said : 'This is your first time bere, and I can overlook your ftrose. Let me tell you, however, tbat any further bee buuiiug in Detroit in the wiuter will put vou along with people wbo dou'i suie.l b tiey from one year to auo ber 'But if 1 sees bees to-morrow But you won't. If you do I'i send you up for tbir y days ' Bm sU'p se a bumble-bee should come i 'It you say bee to me again I'll s n l you up now.' Tbe prisoner bated to give op but be finally made his way cut, mut- u-ring : 'To bee or not to bee a bumble bee.' ) Sapoli-OM' liana. Nap leon's crimes were eo great aud bis po!iical blunders were s- Kross, tbal au adv. cate, without be ing lynx eyed, conld not fail to draw up a formidable indictment agaiusi bim But ii is a nnsake, even from an artistic point of view, to paint tbe devil too black ; and the tendeucy ot recent writers to depreciate and dis parage tbe intellectual side of Napo leon's character, is a serious error It was not entirelv for evil, or by evil arts atone, thai for a q-iarter of a century he was ibe foremost man in all this world. Tbe interest wbicb men take in bis career would other wise bave died out long ere tbis Bui ibe cbarm of bis name still lin gers round bis battles; aud even now rueu s'udv tie details if Marengo and of Waterloo with more avidiy 'bn ibe details of Sadowa and Uraveiotte. A similar cbarm, a is well known, rests on ibe campaigns of Hannibal, aud we must look for something iu the personal character of these two great cautaiusto explain this cbarm Thar Napoleon bad n oue to tbatk but himself for tbe d ffi cutties which proved too B'rong for bim, is true enough ; but tbe adron skill wiib wbicb, time after time, be trampled upon ibuse difficulties, and conquered tte storm wbicb bis rasb ness had evoked, is really admirable. Perbaps, indeed, it is the element of wonder in bis career an element not wanting in ibe career of Hannibal, also which explains tb fascination bicb that career still exercises over the imagination of mankind Fear ofiotellect, wben we understand, or tbiok we uuderstaud, ho they are done, soon cease to interest us. Bu tbe power of wonder never fails os It is from wonder that if Shakespeare should appear among ns we sbould all rise up, as Charles Lamb said We should, to do bim reverence. It is to wonder ibat is due the imperishable interest which attaches to tbe check ered life, and more than checkered character, of Aapoleon. Iks Wires Bntlsfu Parmer. A woman wbo evidently is favor ed with a larger share of ber bus- band's confidence ibao wives com monly enj y, thus puts forth her views, which will probably bave tbe approval of a majority of ber sex Sbe says: "Altboogh it is often so, yet I bardiy ibins it right tbat most men should dole out tbeir money so spar ingly and grudgingly tbat tbeir wives and daughters caunot get one-half thai tbey actually need, aud a pity tbat it is ever true. I know by ex perieoce tbat it U no always so. My busbaud thinks I bave tbe same rigbi to bis money as be, aud lo spend it as I please. He trusts me and never requires me to give an account of it. I tbink it sbould be more of a pin nersbip affair. Tbe husband and wife are equal partners, and every bus- band sbould tbink that fifty cents ol every dollar earned belonged to Lis partner, and that the husband sbculd tell bis wife everything about his business affairs; jost how much be earns, and wbat there is to spend ; and there are but . few women but what will take an interest in tbeir husband's interests, and would if an equal partner, instead of spending his money extravagantly, take pride in keeping the money as judiciously Yet, there are 'worse tbiugs in tbis world than an old maid,' aud let me dd, nothing better than being tbe loved and loving wife of a good, boBest man." A LlUU Evtry Stay. A little helpfulness every day. We live for tbe good of others, if our liv ing be in any seise true living. It is not in great deeds that tbe only blessing is fonod. In "little deeds of kindness." repeated every day, we find troe bappinesj. At home, at school, in the street, in the neighbor's bouse, on the playground, we shall find opportunity every day tor use fulness. ' A little look into tbe Bible every day. Une chapter s day Wbat a treasure of Bible knowledge oue may acquire in ten years 1 Every day a verse committed to memory. bat a volume in tbe mind at the end of twenty-five years! A little knowledge every day. One fact in a day. How small a fact is one fact ! Only one ! Ten years pass by, and yon have three thousand six hundred and fifty facts, and tbat ia no small amount of knowledge. Why should a lady's home dnss last forever ? Because she never wears it out w it rtrt yynni Tef IL 1. UfiLUtSUJ.il COMPOUND Fluid Extract Ml "I PHARMACEUTICAL A SPECIFIC MMDY FOR ALL Diseases OF THE BLADDER & KIDNEYS. For Pehiiity. Loss of Memorv, Indis position in Exertion or Business. Shortness ot Brea.h. Troubled with Thoughts of Disease. Dimness of Vision. Pain in the Back. Chest anil Head, Hush of Blood to the Bead, Pale Countenance, and Dry Skin. If these sympioms ars allowed to eo on, very frequently Epileptic Fits and Con sumption rot low. When the constitution becomes sflected it requires tbe aid ot an inviirorHtim; medicine lo strengthen and lone up the 6) stem which DOES IN EVERY CASE. Helmbold's Bucliu IS UNEQUALED. By any remedy known. It is present d by the most eminent physcians all over the world, in Rheumatism, Spermatorrhoea, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Aches and Pains, General Debility, Kidney Diseases, ' Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility, Epilepsy, Head Troubles, Paralysis, General Ill-Health, Spinal Diseases, Sciatica, Deafness, Decline, Lumbago, Catarrh, Nervous Compl'ts, Female Compl'ts, &c. Headache. Pain in tbe Shoulders, Couch, Dizziness. Sour Stomach, Eruptions, Bad Taste in tbe ' Mouth. Palpation of tbe IJeart, Pain in Ilia region or tbe Kidneys, Ami tlwiimanil other rminful nvrnntoinji. are the offsprings ot Dyspepsia. Helmbold's Buchu Invigorates the Stomach. And stimulates tbe tornid Liver. Bowels. Ami I-riflii a tn hpalthv notion in rlpana- inii tbe Mink! or all impurities, and iuijKirt- ing new Hie and vigor to tne wnoie sys tem. A single trial will be quite sufficient to convince the most hesitating of its valua ble remedial qualities. Price $1 Per Bottle, Or Six Bottles for $5. Delivered to any address tree Irom ob servation. "Patients" may consult bv letter.receiv- ing tbe same attention as by calling, bv answering tbe following questions : 1. uive your name and Dost-office ad dress, county and State, and your nearest express office T 2. 1 our aee and sex t 3. Occupation T 4. Married or single t ' 5. Hight, weightTnow and in health ? V. J low long have you been sick ? 7. Your complexion, color ot bair and 8. Have you a stooping or erect gait? 9. Uelate without reservation all von know about your case. Enclose one dol lar as consul tat ion tree. Your letter will then receive our attention, and we will give you tbe nature of your disease, and our candid opinion concerning a cure. competent rnystcians attend to corres pondents. All letters should be addressed to Dispensatory. 1217 Filbert Street, Pbila delpbia. Pa. II. T. HELM BOLD, Druggist and Chemist, Philadelphia, Pa. SOLD EVERYWHERE. HeliMuS mm THE SOMERSET HER AjL D , Established 1827. A GOOD FAMILY PAPER. GENERAL, LOCAL AND POLITICAL SEWS. RED HOT REPUBLICAN. L A KG EST CI RCULATION -XTST- J Subscription $2 a year. Tran sient ndrrrtMng 10 cent a line. Special rates to yearly ami qwir terly ailcerti.tera. 52 papers to the year; no postponement on account of Christmas, Fourth of July or other legal HolUlays ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR -TO- SUBSCRIBE! wo ieik: OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS EXECUTED WITH HEATHEB AND DISPATCH. A LA2GS 1IUM2EE CP BLANK RECEIPTS ERSETCOUNTY o:sr TTASTD. ED, B. SCULL, Buainesa Manager. I, M. H0L0ER6AUM & SOK'S. STOKE, Weat End, Main St., Somerset Pa.. HEAD QUARTERS FOR THE SALE OF rwMfti.MT 1IC77IHS AIID 22A?2L3,CLlVEIi CHILL22 PLOWS, HAGZSS TOWN 02ACT SS22 E2ILLS. EX PIES THZSCEES A!D SEPAEATC2,nCHSE P 0 WEES. FARQUAHR'S FoarHurt Thrrthlnn Ma chine with Shakers. FARQ 'S Threrher and Srparator. FANNING MILLS, COB9T PLOWS, SHOVELPLOWSHARES, Cultivator Shovels Stairs fcr Nearly AH ths PIcto Sold.in the Ccitj. M tVautt-J toiure ouecase uf n J T A T T T-T S:a eiwh nHchtwhootl tolntrndtir our a eh:x r.zzzi ca cataii3 isi:?. jj'lne U. ttrpm-kHKU Irw t llum- will-jj. clu'O nv Ailimiorrni'iit Ki.i'o') C- iU-ia. J. E. a ZS. 1-'. OHLTjyflAYEAE. THE BALTIMORE Weekly American. tnmuaBBejasa THE LARGfiT, BEST AND CHEAPEST FAFER IS Ml WORLD. AX EXTKA COPY SX MONTHS FREE. FOIi A CLUB OF FVE. ANP O.NE YEAR, FOR A CLUBOF TEX. A varit-d Iit of valuable Premiums given f r Clubs of from 5 to 309 cp a li-t of which ia puhliched id Tue Weekly American. SptuimtrD c pif! teul fiee. Addre.-a CIJAS. C. FULTOX & SOX, American Office, Baltimore, Md. AbSIGXEES SALE or valuable rf.l estate. liy rinne ufs coutlouml nrier ul Mia toiuwl by the Ourt ol Common Head 01 Somrpl Co., In ih- undcreitt'tttl Uimeieil, u 4mineuf Petr W. Sii'ler. ur AlleijhenT Tnp.. in th snitl eonntj fir the snleul real rutate. I will at Duhlir ale ,uo the premise, in A,W)(iuaj tuwiulup, us Saturday, April 20, 1879 A Uaet r.r 'an.1 situate In Allevhenr Twp ata.mxM. ljt,ii!ini lands or JmhuucI "Walker Ann fun?r, an.) otbrre. ennialniua- 2UT acre. alo.ut 40 acre clraral , a -rrs uf which are in uieiuiow: tne Dalunre well timliere'l. The lm .r..vcm.n9 are tu one ami a half atory liar ftousra, (wratlierhoar !!), a hank bam. -prlnn Iumim- a-l other uii uil.linKS ; n hanl nf chuk-e nut lives; Pi.rui-uf nrer fai l it taitr afar the h"Ost: thure are also two other sjringrs on the premises that fc.rm tne greater bwy uf what ia kn .in as tiller's han, ia that vicinity, and suf aciently sirunx eDuxh to ran a arist-mtU. Tbe pnprny locuieU tlirectly at the Somerset awl Bfilonl iuni ike. U'l haj bnen fc.r many years am. is now a taroriie drove stanl. A euateniplat el r iiroail roate has reoemly been surreyed thnuich thispruperty. an l ia the only route b wliloti a railrot can be made from the S-.fn.-met euunty evl ttekls to interaeet tbe Fennt"il rania Kailroailut Mann's bok-e. Be-llonl eouniy. m ii. im uir-Lij tn ma ufiwi Ol wual IS UToraoly knuwa as lieeter's Oap. Sole to eumaKitee at 1 1 o'elork a. M. Tfc-KS. One-thin! lo hand, one-third lo til months i roia dale oltirder. and one-third in one year Iron, late ol or lor, with iuterejt on deterred paj meats fruui eondnnatioa of sale. U EUKO EU. WALK ER. March 19 Assignee ol 1'eter W . Sa.icr. SSIUXEE'S XOTICE. henry M. Olcssner of Stonyrrerk Twp., har Inir made an assignment to the undersigned notl -e is hereby given to ail persons indebted to tba said AF.l;nors tn make linine.iiale parment in the said Assignees, sod tbosa havinie claims to present tbem to the same for settle rent al the house of lieniy M. Ulessner, on Saturday April 20, 1T!. JOHN M. ULESSNER, Marc 19 Afcignee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Jjcob Steyer late of FruetbureT MJ., decease 1. Letters of administration ou th above estate having been granted oo th. U'-dersttfueiL n-Ki-te is hereuy jrivcn b tnose ln-lebtel lo it t- m:ike itutnlLile juiTtnent. and tboee hv:n claims aaiiist it to present them duly authenticated f--r seitlomenl on Erul-y, March ia, l7. al tbe real dence ol aiitnlnistr .tis Erostt urv. Alleirhepy eouniy. M-l.. ur their attorney John H. I'bl So to etsct,P. OEOUOE-TEl FR. NATHANS. FKosr, Feb. 19 Adniiuistrators. SURE REWARD. O YEARS TO PAY l OIl V.MZTX. S4 to SIO Per Acre. llee h and 7lale l.snil lt Mm hi '-in iu the JIILLION A Hi; i.I x "L, the Grand Kaidii aul tt.d..n.i ItMilrwau luniiata). TITLE PKItir.fi, Serous aoil-atM-erropa-plenty ofrlni-her-uo drought-uu ri.iati bu- uo boic i-. Unnnlns Irranw-.pnn' water rends narkrl-M-hol-Kailrid roia- ' plotcd Ibrousb rrntro bi" tlti- tru.t. Send for pamphlet. or Ceruiau. Addrraa TV. O. m en A KT, I. and i'witnsiiouer. GRAND It As' I ON, Hilt Ii. mumr TTTDICTu trove package ULlIAdllii POLISH. ALWAva acAov fo uc - IS lM-liSiia It Beaa. M-M1. ... It. ' BRUaH, BIIfHT S. Z1ECLER. Solo lanufacturer. M. Jaa luni, ranasni aia. Oct ,m mm mm U1S LIFE, TBAYEU AND IITERIIr- CARVER. AUtmtm WAITED. Secure territory at one. tlc KEKlkiTT Pea. Hotsa, 7a Sanson :., Fails. March U laaiaxir Tu. isn. ta laaa an so. uu. aw-Caa POUSH HanaK-w nn WASTE. T"MS BUM raehaw. Xa JUST EECEIVED AND NOW OPENING .AT J. I HOLDEBBAUS & mi STORE West End, Main St., Somrset,pa A Large and Well Sdsctd LOT OF DRY GOODS, X0TI0XS, - HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, IIATSd- CAPS, BOOTS d SnOES The Largest, Best oxid rCheapest Assortment of Men's and Boys' CLOTHING Fresh and New, Ever Offered in SOMERSET. AH Kindt of Prod nee Taken j'nKK-Iianse for GOOD. Sign et the if-i. MinuiMi CLOCK. lss. CoKxa of Tut Mau i,u Ki.a Sts. JOSEPH HEERj The Veteran Watchmaker, Is prepare.1 at i times to furnish yoa a flnt-cie Umt keeper, either In the line ol WATCHES OR rLOTKS. .'V,"'rln "P""'- Work(tuarautee,. Do ou want "to m a k e so m o m one ir here is your chance, t.v.nioeient M:.le or female wnl u. sell .he K...r aViTw The most O,i,reoieni Arirle l..r U. meie a ibepure desiune.1 ever inv-nte-i i, il! we.Kh. meam an.1 mne. Also ..r nrainl ma- Frnlt. Washinit Kic.e etc Mam Orerl.0 0 Aenis are nw emttied in . nir JiV ,r""3r'H-rl taken ever oHerod, so aWdy early. r.,r .rth-nUr. . Uen. Ajrt. West. Penp. Pittsburgh. Pa. C. r W4I KIR , thin plaoe his a lot ui eelebrate-l H-r h- for iiHl.'ieiier turn eivr and cheap. Anyonewho want -ne at on' e. w-.i-M do well to send him a me J w .wiw m ipriri wi nmtr lure ul K one. as he in his rounii;of st-iiiu mijiht u,.t all who wtlnt mkea atay a WANTFH ' w t..ell ami ei,-h0lt. Wj r t nil I L U have hnlreils or ciurners Wlini iliif Iji i.u w liirm. mat h.. V...... ... , j ......... .rw. anew a belter time ti. II Ai-m t ui ...o.. are lifting mey from banks and n'inir , res oimety Address SMJidl-s FltlShnnrh I'vm A ir l i.M. i .' Piiubunru, Pa. ReKinera l"1"1"' Fra .Vori8 L EOAL XOT1CE. Joseph Thomas. J n FlHim.ts. Enunarl Tlioui:i5. lu Mi)tfi!l1.Iia Thnm.. .1 T . -v. My i'Hcruinrne.1 wlih Jacx. J. yan. and Elisabeth iniermarriel with Joseph I. fcaob. lae alHrVe reii in !iMl.rwl l-.mntir L- .. . . Thomas, (ol Lowel p. o ) Kent O.nnly, Mii hlicin. . - -- ...... j pcr ouu- ly, Indiana, and Lerl Thomas, (of Sc-alu Level V. UambriaCo . Pa. oereiy noiinei mat in panaanae of a writ of oartltion Iuumi it ..r .k. . K. . "f Somerset County, Penn . I wiil h-d i an -n-tes the real estate ol ioorae Thomas, dee'd ui I'.memauzh Wwnaeip. S-memet Li aoty. Fa . at til hue residence on rburlar. th--Tth tl ir . I Man-ti where j.m can attend If j-,u tuiuk priper. EIKlAR KYLE. Sheriff's Office. ) .Sheriff. t"al. 17, !;. A IJiUNLSTRATOH S NuTICE. Estate of John Bromm. lata of S,mirj.-l Tnj Letters ofa-fmlnistratl. on theabore estate bar. ins oeen granted to the undermined A.imiu:-tra-lor dr bomt noaru-a Utlammlo mnntio of J,,bn Urimm, dec'.l, (tives notK-e to lhe iwlel.ted tc it lo make immediate tavinent .ml th.. ti .v ., .. claims axuinst it w presoot tbemdalv aoiheniit. ed fur seltleuent at once. JOHN BINCrNEH. March J AduiuiiitnKT. DMIMSTKATOKS SOT ICE. Estate of I. W. Buchanan, lata of Slia.!e Twp., S-imersei euunty. Pa.. dee"d. Letters ol adinillistratlon nn th .hnr. .nat. bavins; been (ranted to the undersiscned, notice is hereby aivea to thtwe indeht.nl to it tn m.o imme- diau payment, and those havms; claims aint 11. to present them duly authenticated lor settle ment on Saturday, the ilHh day of Ayrd 1., at thehi'e residence ofdec ssel. ELIZABETH C.Bl I H AX A . March i Administnittix JXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate or Joseph McKlnjIe. late of llrcenville Twp.. deceased. Letters testamentry oa the above estate bav in lieen uranted to the undenditned, notice it hereby given to thoie in leitted to it to make ita meiiate payment, and tao-e having claims anHinj', it lo present them Ou y authenticated lor wttie ment at his late residence, oa Saturday, Atrti i. 17. F. B. I. KEVZIK. E. J. McKENZlE. Feb. Exeruu.rs. J)ULE TO ACCEPT OU IIEFISF.. n doses Ynurir. Barbara. Es-her. Elii;iWth intermarried witn Jacob Ka.rko.an. snd hve r. nd cbiltlrea ol his uaaichier Uaunah Avers, icc. m-1, ltaulel. Amos. Jac b, vlria. Elisioeth intermar ried with Abraham Kutnaani. .Mntiret in'rr maoried with m Nickels, ibechildren re-". tins; in S.ners-i eouuiy, aal kraod chiiurei) in Yi j ette county Pa.. Vou are h. rehy nitlSed ta appear at sa Orphan' t' t. to he held at s.itu rct on Mon day i he JStn day of A pnl net, w aci-ept or refu.e i take the real esiau of Henrv Younz. iie--eare'l. at Ihe appraised valuatl.ai, or show ul.- wUj tue same sh ul I p- t be s.d-1. eih.-rttt t Office t ElHlAE KYLE. March Ii. ltlTV. t Sueritt. Alarch 1 J CLE TO ACCEPT OK REFUSE. l l James K. Johnson, Susan IntcrmHrlt-d with Fasbrtnk, Oe. W. Johnson a ret tmh Citna- rin Anderson, ol Somerset a.unty, Pa.. f.imacl J. Johnson residinit tn Kosnettvill, M irti-n nrnnty West Vlriclnia. Emetine Intermanried with Joim . Hittenonr arte) Henry w. Johntn both ol Cameron Marshall county West irait.ia. 1 1 Vou are hereny nwincl io;apcar al an iq h.ii t:ourt to he held at Somerset, ou Monday the si'h day of April next, tu acve. tor reluse to bike the real estate ol Sarah A. M'hmi. dee d, al tne ap praised valuation, or show cause why the ame should not he sold. rheri It's Office, I EPOAR KYLE, March 14. Is7. i sienii. March 1 A SSIONEE-SSALE. XX OF VALUABLE UEAL ESTATE. Hy virtue of an order Issued out of the "tirt of Comrc Pleas, in and ror tbe County KiS-a-wt. the aoderidtfncd A.siirnee of Setuftlun tinker an I wile ol .Hill Td Two., county toifl and Slate ol Pennsylvania, will sell at pu lic !. : the Court House, la the Eurouxh ol Somerset u Saturday. April 12. ISTf. at i o'clock r. the lol!owins descri'ie-1 real ottte, sis: A certain tract of land ituate in Milforl TP-. Some-set counts Stale of HennyiViiiU a-ijlnio. lauds of Petr Pat man. Coroelius Brsey. rlah Walker and ners. eontaininit acre owes or less, and allowance, wuh a ! I ""J dwellinK housd, bam and uinenat.liundi.ntst'"' erectetl: this larm is well ImpniveU sin a wry desiratde home. , TEKMS. l en pet cent of the rnn'ha to paid oa day of tale. .ioe-thirl tuclu-itwc "' 1 , per cetil ou ennnruiation of saie an-l deed, one-thirl in six months an I one-third in -aw rear fr.oa date onier. ra: lih oi JauB:ir.. iT9.) wuh Interest oo deterre-l pymen s iro iUh ol sale, to be secured by ju lioni " ' 1 Asslnnee ol Sebastian ire'.-IT "V"OTICE. The poMIe hwhT i&l t0 tnfmM hart. W IllUra H. Yutsy . my ac.iint. "' pay do deb t of his rajtracthiir unelsa sn r.er v mI " N W.TEDBO,. NEW PENSION LAW. . . v. of All pcBsfcns by aew Us, brin - -yto. discharge .Kejeeted eases also "-"I"1'', Dl tloaers and applicania. send two lurai t Uw. blanks and Instructions ".znERAU,. Teb. Bo arth Washlatjton, V- '-- G25C01 t-auied.Bo