The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, March 26, 1879, Image 2

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    The i Somerset Herald
..Msrrh 6. HTT.
IiRST nnH, end then Curtm.
Make wTf r tbe ex Governor. One
bjrtM food til to ""t ,n
elected, but wbt matters tbat 7 Tfce
nemofTCT most
bave woramg
nikj .riir ia the House,
not be cohered! no,
bardly ever.
Fraod rooct
never !
A usoal, theGreenbackersblowed
hard.and tben fiuled. Tbej bragged
Ike drunken Indians, about holding
,b balance of power in tbe Hoose.
Wben tbe trial came tbey bad only
fourteen Tt, thirteen of which
tbev bestowed on tbat old fossil,
Ueadrick B Wright, and tbe H-uee
orgao-zed witboat them as coolly as
if tbey did'ot eiit
When Raudall was sweariDg in
the members of ihe House by pli
tooos, on Tuesday last, tbe Repre
sentatives from Delaware. Maryland,
Vtrgici. Xonh and South Crolma
came forward in a body, beingtwenty
cine in all. Of these only fire could
take tbe iron-clad oatb, tbe otter
twectv-fonr taring been rebel.
Waa'nt tba; red hot Southern editor
lelling the truth, when be said a few
days aiuce. that the Confederacy bad
"at last captured the Capitol !"
Senator Dawes ot Massachusetts,
thus present tbe iseue between tbe
two parties : "Tbe Democrats en-
- .k.t tk mill break up tbe
government if they are not permitted
to break into tbe baliot-boxea. We
shall unflinchingly deft d tbe elec
tion law!., and let tbe Democrat
carry out their threats of refusing
i,tvr..iritinn8 if tbev dare. On this
-r .
aftrstioa I think there is bnt eu
opinion and one will among Repub-
The President's menage is short
aod to the point. It is as plo
vtn Paddv's biot, that the country
ia'ot dyiog of anxiety for tbe pres
ent aeion of Congress He briefly
inform this Congress that be wax
couetraioed to call it tigetber be
cause its immediate predecessor fail
ed to make pprop-ietiooa for tfce
eunp-irt of the army and tbe judicial i
and executive branches of tbe O ov.
eminent This, and nothing more.
One of the firi-t bills introduced in
tbe Sepa:e, was by Mr. Betk, to
"repeal so mnch of tbo revised stat
utes as prohibits the appointment to
tbe army ot persons engaged in tbe
late rebellion." Oar Southern breth
ren who deserted duriag tbe late
war, want their old places back
By all means let tte army be
reorganized, deserters restored to
their former positions, traitors placed
in control of it, and then back pay
be voted to these worthy gentlemen,
covering tbeir nineteen years of en-
-nce. Tbe Sauth must be
conciliated, yoa know.
Tut Southern Brigadiers evident
ly thought they bad as mnch Penn
sylvania Democracy as they could
stomach tn Randall, whom they
were forced to elect Speaker of the
House, to save themselves from the
follies of Blackburn ; so tbey sana
caarily kicked Heister Cly trier out of
tbe Chairmanship of the caucus
Committee to make way for John F.
House, of Tenessee. Steoger got
just one vote for Secretary of tbe
Senate and Uncle Jake Zsigler for
Sergeant-at-Arms was nowhere. Tbe
old days are presumed to be back
gain wben the more yoa kick a
Pennsylvania doughface, tbe lower
be grovels in tbe dirt si the feet of
bis Southern masters.
Hebe is a comforting assurance of
Democratic sweets to come, for the
business men and tax payers of tbe
country: at the Uemccratic caucus
held on Thursday last, Alexander II
Stephens of Georgia, one of tbe
most conservative Southern men in
Congress, advocated tbe ufcue of "at
least'' $500,000,000 ia greenbacks,
and tbe total repeal of all Internal
Revenue taxes. It one of tbe most
conservative Democrats in Congress
thus proposes to start with a flood cf
irredeemable greenbacks, and tbe
wiping out of f 20,000,000 of revenue
ennually, obtained from taxation of
m bitky, tobacco, Ae. What may not
be expected, when tbe irresponsible
bot beads and fools in Congress get
tbe Legislative machine fairly started
and under control ?
Tue Union soldiers must feet
!eculiarly gratified, wben tbey look
ever tbe present roll of tnited States
Senators, and count nineteen ex-Confederate
officers and only four men
wbo risked their lives for tbe old
flag, in tbat body. Here is tbe roll
call, ex-Confederates Morgan, Gar
land, Walker, Call, Cockrell, Vest.
Vance, Ransom, Withers, Johnson,
Gordon, Williams, Jones, Lamar,
Butler, Hampton, Ilanes, Ccke, M&x
ey. Union soldiers Logan, Burn-1
eide, Plomb and Kellogg. What a
commentary on loyalty to tbe Gor
rnment, tbe constitution and tbe
The division of tbe Senate o freer,
ender the new confederacyook place
oo TLurtday Itt Tbe candidates
selected were as follows:
F StmtMrjiXAaati JnhaO. Bunk, cf Ten.
B'""'. formerly ot Ocoeral I'll-
Fit SrrrMBt-M-Arat
-H. J. fWiht, of talluia.
a ntplM-w ol Jcm K.
Hrutht who wiia exprl)r4
from (he Senate fur trc
ruo Is tML
rClf Clerk Franrif E, fcliuW. of Kurth
('rutin, aa u-Cobfalernic
S'ur Mm tti Clerk (loort U. P. PrU&, uf
Ylrvlitft. who 9erTl un the
MaB u Otneral Kotert .
Lr. Ber. Jnfrph n. Builerk. T Yir-
5ltrt, l.rrther-lu law of (Jeoenl
obaC. lir-kinnO(re.
Tbe west get one office, the eat
none, and tbe sooth all tbe rest
Tbe time baa, again come, when
Xortbera Democrats must take bark
brioatone bad
If the shower of
fallen at Washington D
of in Pennsylvania, it
occurred to some that
about to repeat itself.
C., instead
i.f. .!
We just envy tbe feeling ;f tte
Republicans wbo voted for Coffrotb,
wben tbev read tbe proceedings of
tbe organization of tbe House, and
see that by barely one vote bis
vote tbe Southern confederates were
enabled to obtain control of that
body and the Government for tbe
coming two years. We congratulate
tbem also on tbe fact tbat, tbe first
vote be gave, after the organization
was complete, was to deprive a Re
publican of the seat to wbich be was
elected, aud give it to a rebel, whom
the Supreme Court of bis State de
cided bad no title to it
Tut U 8. Senate has thirty four
committees. Twenty-four of these
bave chairmen from the South. This
most clearly ebows bow the South is
deprived of ber rghta, and ber legiti
mate power in tbe Government.
Having lees tbao oDe tbird of tbe
population of tbe country Including
negroes wbo have been fraudulently
deprived c f their votes she is given
two-lbirds of the power in 'ubaping
legislation" and jet tbe country is
treated to a bowl about tbe iniquitous
election laws, and troop, and Re
publican Supervisor and Marshals
depriving ber of ber rights ; and this
extra session of Congress was forced
on tbe country, for tbe purpose of
repealing theee safeguards of the
ballot box aud giving the South a
Bom Houses of Confess met for
tbe new session on Tuesday last
(lDtL). Tbe galleries of both cham
bers were packed by crowds of long
fcaired, lauk, tobacco stained, hungry
looking individuals who came up
from tbe Soutb, to see "ourn" take
pogaeeeion of the National Capitol
again, afer an enforced absence of
nineteen years. Randall was elected
Speaker of the House by a bare
idj rity of one vote. Tbe solid
South wa afraid to trUBt Blackburn
iii thiscrixis, as he is too iodiscree',
and too itucb of a blatberrkite, so
tbey permitted Randall, whom tbey
cau "count on." 1J tbe lime, to be
elected. It was a tight eqaec Z9 ;
they bad brought in all tbe siik, bad
hurried oua man from Oregon, across
tbe Ccntiuent in a special train, at a
fearful speed, and then bad just ono
of a mnjrity.
Of course, Hull of Florida was
admitted ; the Democrats could'nt
have stolen tbe organization of tbe
Houe, and secured tbe offices with
out Lim. Here is a history of his
title in brief. Despite the most
bh sra el tea frauds, HuU was defeated
at tbe election. The Democratic
canvasi-iasr officers threw out tbe
vote of certain p&ritbes and declared
him elected, and Governor Drew
tiim a ceruticate, wbtco ne pre
sented to the House. Meantime Mr.
Btfcbee Lad appealed to tbe Supreme
Court of tbe gtate ; it decided that
tbe canvassing board bad exceeded
its authority, and ordered a r-can-vass.
Tbts re-canvass was made and
resulted in showing tbat Bisbee bad
a majority of the votes. He then
demanded tbat tbe Governor should
issne him & certificate. This be
refused to do, although b? Attorney
General a Democrat wrote s-o
opinion tbat it was bis duty so to do:
The Supreme Court certified tbat
Bicbee was elected. Some cf tbe
scoundrels wbo perpetrated tbe
frauds bave been convicted and are
ia the penitentiary. Hull himself is
under indictment for complicity in
tbe frauds, and yet a Democratic
House "Oar Alec" voting yea by
strict party vote gave this indicted
scoundrel tbe seat to which Bit-bee
was elected.
The President was compelled to
eall tbe present extra session of Con
gress, because tbe Democrats insisted
upon taring the so-called, "Super
visor's law" repealed, and added it to
one of the appropriation bills. Tbey
refused topas8 the biil without it, and
by this revolutionary proceeding com
pelled tbe President to assemble
Congress again, or to Jet tbe Gov
ernment stop fot want of money to
pay its expenses. We publish tbe
law in another culumu, and ask wby
any honest man, we care not of
what party, should desire its repeal.
It is not partisan in any aspect, ap
plies to all the country, and is intro
duced as a safeguard against flection
frauds. The only reason or its re-:
pea; is, tnat tbe trauds committed in
tbe Soutb, ad in such cities as New
York, may bo maUiplied. Observe,
it applies only to I ha detica ofj
Presidential electors and Members of
Congress. Repeal this law. and tbe
Democracy sill capture tbe next
Presidency, if tbey &re thousands of
votes in tbe minority in two-li;;ds of
trie Mates, mat is wby tbey are
bowling (or its repeal, and are swear
ing if tbe President uses lis veto to
prevent it, they will vote no ijjoney
to carry oa the Government.
At tbe instance cf an esteemed
friend in Pittsburgh, and in the in
terest of "fair play," we publish else
where a brief communication in sup
port cf tbe Riot bill As a native of
Pittsburgh, having many friends
residing therein, ve bare always
felt a deep interest in ber welfare, a
corresponding pride in ber prosperi
ty, and consequently a keen sympe
tby for ber ciisfcrtones. As a citi
zen of Somerset wbo saw more tban
half tbe weary accumulations of a
lift licked np ia a few moments by
flames, while (cores of onr neighbors
fared much worse, we never can for
get tbe eegec sympathy extended
personally to our unfortnnate people
by many citizens of Pittsburgh, and
through tbe Legislature by tbe effic
ient aid of the representatives of Al
legheny connty. Yet with
every ,
, kily sentiment influencing us in
tboir behalf, witn every impuiw.-
and tbe
! SOrioeiUK iroin rvuiiai,uY,
remembrance of a kindred trouble
j urging nS to espouse beir side, we
j do not believe that tbe -city of Pitts
Jbursb and County of Allegleny are
jeutiiled to tbe relief, in tbe manner
jin which it is aked, and with this
j conviction borne ia upon us, we
cannot say to tbe contrary.
Ike IImfhI aikera .ftesllneat.
from Jie Okolool (Ml.) Staid.
Yes, thank God, we have captured
the Capitol, and in lsO our man
ill walk no tbe White House
steDS and take bis seat in tbe Presi
deutial chair. Then will onr gbri-
ous triumph be complete I Then
will we proceed to tear your amend
ments from tte Constitution and
tramole them in tbe mire! Then we
will break the shackles you bave forg
ed for the free, sovereign and inde
pendent Commonwealths of tbe
Union I Tben will we reoogn'ts the
right of sececsion a right tbat is not
dead but sleeping! Then will we
decorate the Capitol with pictures of
Davis aud Lee anq stuart, and all
the glorious leaders of a cause tbat
is not lost, bat living silll! Yes
thank God, we have captured tbe
Capitol, aud from that coigoe ot van
tage we propose to rule tbo Republic
in a way that will make your Radi
cal laws and your radical leaders
forever odiogs in Aujr'o.
A newspaper published somewhere
in Mississippi is almost frantic wiib
delight because a Washington jour
nal remarks tnat "tbe Confederacy
"has at lata captured tbe Capitol "
"Yes, tbank God !" exclaims the pi
ous fire eater, "we bare captured tbe
' Capitol, and in 1SS0 our man will
"walk up the White House steps and
"lake bis seat in tbe rretidttotial
'i,hajr. "Tben will our glorious trl
"umph be eooipleto. Tbea will we
"proceed to tear your amendments
"mni ihe Contitution and trample
"ibem in the mire. Tben will we
"break the shackles you bave forged
"for tbe frep, sovereign and todepend
"eot commonwoaltbs of the Uuion
"Then will we recognize the light of
"recession a riht tbat is not Head,
"hut sleeping. Then will we deco-
'Vate tbe Capitol with the pictures ;f
'-pavix, and Lee, and fetuart, and all
"tbe glorious leader of a cause ton
"i not lost, but liviuc still. Yes,
"thank God, we bave captured the
' Caoitol. aud from that coicue of
"vaotape we propose to rule ttie Re
'-public in a way tbt will phfe your
"Radical laws and your Radical
"leaders forever odions in America "
This sounds rather wild; aud the
gentleman who is screaoiiu? is prob
kblv a person of no individual con
sequence, as bis paper is certainly
not an organ of commanding import
ance. Yet the most extravagant
outcries of the Southern press are
not without their significance. Tbe
literary swashbuckler wbo fills him
self witb gunpowder and new whis
ky, and lays a raw-bide on the table
before bim when he begins to de
mulish tbe Radical parly and defend
tbe sacred rights of the South, is not
an awe inspiring figure but be does
very often express the sentiments of
bis neiirbb rbood. aad forecast tie
policy of bjs party.
Tbere is not m'ucb doubt at any
rate tbat the ruiiug passion of tbe
iSt'nilf p ct u tv, ttaiuflle lUtt
Constitutional Amendments in the
mire wbi,b, indeed, bat already,
been done in most of the reconstruct
ed Stales and to sweep away all tbe
"Radical lews" by wbtibtbe Repub
lican party attempted to secure tbe
results of the war wben the rebel
States ware allowed to return to
tbeir old places in the Union. Equal
rights, free suffrage, a fair vot, an
bocest cunt, protection for the weak
and ignorant, were the only demand
wbich we made of tbe defeated party
at tbe end of tbe contest, and it was
to guarantee tbese things that tbe
Amendments and the "Radical laws"
w-ere enacted. WbiJe the Republi
can party beld an ondisputea majori
ty in tbe country, we were asfured
tbat the South accepted c verytbiog
on good faith. Tbe Lost Cause was
lost forever. The .doctrine of equal
ity wad oo more to be denied ruber
in practice or in ttcory. Tbe Amend
ments were recognized witbuyt de
mur. Tbe laws parsed in accord
ance with tbem were net to be dis
turbed. Nothing fould have been
more satisfactory tban tb behavior
of tbe Confederates 60 long "as ttey
were out of power, witb no immedi
ate prospect of getting hi. Tbey
were so pr.ouss in promises and pro
testations tbat tbey aljsoet seemed
to be more deeply attached to the
Union tban the soldiers wbo fought
for it.
With tbe first sign of a possible re
turn of tbe Democratic party to pow
er all these pjesat pretences are
soddenly abandoned. Tbe fpirit of
secession, nullification and rnxliion
flames np as bot as It was io I80.
The Lost Cause is airaio a cao-e to
be fought for. Tbe Northern Radi
cal is an eaetoy to be cursed wiib
great soundiug oatLs. The South
ern white Radical is an "inceodiV)'
to be driven out of tne country. The
nigger is to be taugbt cis place. And
Radical laws and Radical auand-
ments to the Constitution, with all
other evices of "oppression," are to
be prompil trodden the mire.
There is nothing lilio sudden pros
perity to test a man's i-haractcr. A
gleam of good fortune works an in
stantaueons change ia our reconciled
bro;ber. Last year be was the most
cordial aa4 ?o'eel of human beings;
to-day be is as tuenjen; ss if be still
owned niggers.
But this is not tbe first tiiue the
Confederates bave boasted of the
conquest of tbe Capitol before taking
it. xoey may rememoer previous
occasions ou wbLh tbey crossed tbe
Potomac ; we bare fib ionhl tbat
tbey tso remember tte circumstan
ces under fr'Sife-b tbey went back Before their ''glorious trj
"umph is compete" fbey will have
to reckon wiib the san, party which
tact tbem at Antietam and GcirE.-
borg Ar- J" 'Iribune.
reral Ueaenl . tr, Sknua.
Newpobt, R. I., March 20 The
funeral of Gen. Thomas W. Saerman,
United States army was solemnized
from Trinity Episcopal church e.t
oooa to day. Tbe forces from Fort
Adams nj Newport artillery, tbe
latter eacoruog Core.mor Van Zaadt
and staff formed near the jbsrch,
General Cogen R. U. Jackson, 'Uni,
ten Mates army, being io command
of tba line. Tbe casket enclosing tbe
remains was borne by six sergeants
from Fort Adams to and from the
charcb. The church WAsfclLed. Tbe
usual Episcopal service was raad,
bot no remarks were made. The
funeral cortege tben marched to ' tbe
cemetery, jvhile minute guns were
fired from tbe fort Three volleys of
musketry were fired over the grave.
As it is now pretty well understood
tbat if a dead lock occur by a failure
of tbe President and the majority ia
UoogreHS to nurraonize, tbe main
point of dispute will be tbe Super
visor's act, it is well tbat tbe pople
generally know precisely tbe tenor of
that act. r-liowing U tba text
JECTION iruii. nneneveria any
city or town having upward of twenty
thousand inhabitants tbere are two
cutzeos thereof, or whenever, in any
connty or parish, ia' any Congees
sional district, tbere are ten citizens
tnereoi ot good stanaing, wbo, prior
to any registration or voters for an
election for Representative or Dele
gate in tbe Congress of tbe Uuiled
States, or prior to any election at
wbicb a Representbtive or Delegare
to Congress is to be voted for, make
koown io writing to thn Judgm f tbe
Circuit Court of tbe United States
for tbe circuit wherein each city
or town, couutv or parish, is situated,
tbeir desire to bave sucb registraiion
or ucn election, or b tb, guarded
and scrutinized, the Judge wiibio
not less than ten days prior to the
registration, if one tbere be, or if no
registration be required, within U"t
less than ten days prior to the elec
tion, shall open tbe Circui' C urt at
tbe most convenient point in tbe
"Sec. 2012. The Court, wben so
opened by the Judge, shall proceed
to appoint and commission from day
to day, and from time t time, and
uuder the band of tbe Judge, and
under tbe seal of tbe Court, for each
election district or voting preeioct in
such towu or city, or for such elec
tiou district or voting precinct io ihe
Congressional district, as may bave
applied io the manner bereiu-before
described, end to revoke, change or
renew such appointment from time
to lime, two citizens, residents cf the
city or town, or of tbe election dis
trict or voting preeioct in the c-uuty
or parish, wht hall be of different
political parti?, and &Uo to read
aad wri tbe Kuglloh language, and
wbo shall be known aud designated
as Supervisors of Election.
"Sec. 2017. Tbe Supervisors of
Elections are authorized aud required
io attend at all times and places of
holding elections of Representatives
r Delegates to Congress, and for
couuting the vttes cast at such elec
tions ; to challenge any vote
by auv person whose legal
canons thi Supervisors, or either ol
ibem, may doubt ; to be or remain
where 'he ballot boxes are kept at all
'imes after the polls are open until
rve-y vote cast at t-ut'b lime and
place has been counted, ibe cauvas
of all vuies polled wbolly completed
aud the proper aud r" qui-Ue certifi
cates T returns made, better tbe
certificates or returns be required
under any law of the United S.ates,
or any State, Territorial or municipal
law, aud to personally inspect and
scrutiuiz-, from time to time, and at
all times, on the day of election, tbe
manner in which tbe voting is done,
and the way aud method in wnicb
tbe poll-books, registry-lists, and tal
lies, or cneck books, whether the
same are required by any law of the
United Istateri, or any State, territor
ial, or municipal law, are kept,
"Sec 201 S. To tbe end that
etch candidate for the office of Rep
reseniative or delegate in Congres
may obtain the benefit of every vote
for bim cast, tbe Supervisors of Elec
tion are, end each one of them is,
rtooiied personally to scrutinize
c-.'unVaud r-Ai.vRHii K hll
ibeir citation district or voting pre
cinci cast, whatever taar be tbe in
dorement on the ballot, - or ia what
ever b x it may bave been placed or
f. nad ; to mase ana lorwara to tne
nicer, who, in accordance with tbe
provisions ot Section 2.025. has been
designated as tbe Chief Supervisor
( f tbe judicial district io w bicb the
city or town wherein tbey may terve
acu. such certificates and returns of
alt sucb ballots 88 sucb officer may
direct and rtquire, end to attach
the registry list, and any and all
copies thereof, and to any certificate,
statement or return whether tte
tame, or any part or portion thereof
bd required by any law of tbe United
CiaU or of any State, Territorial or
municipal law, any eiteciegi ioucu
Ing tbo trutb or accuracy of the reg
istry, or tbe trutb or fairest of the
election and canvass, which the Su
pernors of the Election, or either of
tbem, may uesire to bae or attach
or wbipfa should properly and honest
ly be isaje or attached in order tbat
ibe facts may beuome tnwn."
Section 2019 prescribes tbe posi.
tion the supervisors snail occupy on
the day cf election aud curing tb
canvass of tne vou-a,
aKi:xi!e-vr ii a mknka(.k.
I Fob the sU'i'OST o? the govern
MKSt '
Washington, March J9 Tl
follow icg is the President's Mes
sage :
Fellow Citizens of the Senate
aso Hovs.E of Representatives:
Tbe failure of the last Congress to
make tbe requisite appropriations for
legislative aud judicial purposes for
the expenses of tbe several executive
departments of tbe Uovernment, and
for tae support of the Army, ha
made it necessary to call a tp cial
session of the Forty-sixth Cot gree.
Tbe eutimgtes of tbe appropriations
needed, which weffi ?ent to CoDgres-s
by the fcecretary of tbe rreaspry it
ine opening oi tne last session, ere
renewed, and are herewith transmit
ted to bod t f enate and House of
Regretting tbe existence oi the
emergency wbicb require a special
session of Congress at a time wben
it is tbe general judgment of tbe
c0.ur.tr7 that tbe public welfare will
be best promoJ by permanency in
our legislation, and ly peace aad
rest, 1 commeod tbese few necessary
measures to your coosfderaie atten
tion. WAfnixoTOsr,") R. B. Hayes,
March 1J, lSV-f
Accompanying tbe president's
Message are estimates from the Sec
retary of i Trearury of tbe money
needed for tbe Army and tbe legisla-
ti. executive, and judicial branches
of the Goverfiisent. These estimates
are tbe same as those submitted at
tfce opening of tbe last sessioo, with I
tbe ejf'pption of the items provided
tor at that sdstiot), L nder the Army
tbe last Congress made Providian for
tbe Military Academy, at West
Point, and for fortifications and arm
ament. This leaves, according to
tbe estimates, $28,310,500 yet to be
appropriated for the support and
maintenance of that branch. None
of the' legislative, executive, and ju
dicial appropriation vera provided
for, even in part. The estimate for
tbese expenses is 16.520,601 91. To
tbese appropriations is also to be ad
ded tbe item for court expenses,
which is generally placed in the Sun
dry Civil bill, but whfch was left out
of that bill at the last seasioB. The
estimate for tbese expenses is 3 000,
000. '
C WAaisr3r LEi-rca.
(Frwn ur Regular GorrerponUcDl.)
Wasuisoton. March 23, 1879.
The fl irry of tbe early pari of tbe
wei k regarding tbe speakership sub
sided with tbe election of Randall an
speaker, tbe Pennsylvania delegation
g i-ji? solid for bim, aud. of course,
"as Pennsylvania goes so goes tbe
whole union."
Mr. CofiVotb si en Id by all mans
bave a chairmanship, as be did a
fearful amount of chinning for Ran
dall "Aleck" seems to feel comfort
able in his seat on tbe Democratic
side among tbe confederate briga
diers, wbicb is situated j jst one sat
10 rear or tne one formerly occupied
bv bun, and away ui uf tfce reach o
tbe (Jieeohackerri wbo nit. nearly in
a if roup next to the Republican eide
of tbe bouse.
Mouday, St. Patrick's day, a-
usual, tbe anniversary of IrelaudV
oatron saint was S'orroy but tbe in
domitable sons of the Green Isle
turned out ia full force to Celebrat"
ibe day, rain or no rain.
Al early morn wbeu there ws a
pMtpct of good weather the various
public buildings displayed buutinir,
tbe green ot o'd Ireland being pre
dominant, and many ladies on the
s'ree t wore bows of green ribb tu
Tbe precession, a is usual, was a
very imposing one, surpassed tbat of
last year, and as bey pa-sed io re
view before tbe Exeeu ive Man-ion
cheers loud and strong were sent up
for the President and biscahiuet wbo
were on tbe p riic watcbiug the
movements of ibe different temper
ance organ Zi'iou wbo marched I k
Id veterans. -
Tbe breach of promise suit com
menced here by the widow Oliver
against tbe Hon Rim ro Cameron. f
Pennsylvania, for wbicb $50 000
damages is claimed, is eauiux eou
xiderable excitement among tbe pe
p'o around tbe Court room in the
tiiy ball, and thousands of scandal
mongers and sigbt-aeers are seen
pushing through the crowds to see
ibe "Widder" and tbe ex Senator
from Pennsylvania. The widow
Oliver looks to be ab u 50 vears of
aire to an experienced ee. but she
says she is younger tbau that, and
has a tongue that goes as. fast as Mrs
Ibe tion. simon don t put in an
appearance, but is ably represented
bv General Butler and Col. W. A
Cook, wbo on crosx examination made
tbe widow tell some naught v stories
about tbe old man, who she stylea in
some of ber letters given to tbe jry
as '-pupa."
Tbe permanent Committee oftb
Vienna Meteorological Congress b4ve
just paid the Uuited States tb? biirh
compliment of recommending to
proposed second Congress tbe adap
tion throughout the world of a plau
fr exchanges of date f r simubane
ou weather maps or other purposes
similar to the one first orgaoiz-d f t
ibe United Stales by Gen Myer, ibe
chief signal officer in 1873, and which
has been coutiuuouslv pursued nv
tbe signal service to this day. For
nearly six years, this exchange, origi
nated and conducted by tbe signal
service of the United States, has
been perfectly successful, almost eve
ry civilized nation North of theeqna
tor has taken part iu it. It has made
possible for tbe first time in tbe bis
lory of the world tbe preparation of
a daily simultaneous map of tbe
Northern hemisphere at Washington,
nd bas probably adfpnced tbe study
f practical meteorology as tar as
any one undertaking in tbe last ceu
Just as I close this letter the air is
filled witb tbe melodious sounds of
he fish Arabs on every street Fresh
6b seem to be abundant ibis season
and are selling cheap. Fine shad
are retailing at a dollar s pair.
Poalal Kerle.
WAsniNOTON, March 17 By
recent adjustment of posh ffice sala
ries, according to the stamps cancel
ed, newspapars sent and cash receipts
of the offices, 145 were added to what
is called the "Presidential list"
tbat is, the salaries were fixed at
over $1,000, and postmasters "receiv
ing tbts salary or auoye are appoint
ed by tbe President, wbile under tbat
bey are appointed by tbe Postmaster
Judge Key thinks that tbe growth
of postoflite receipts is a pretty fair
iudtpaiioq of tbe growth of tbe busi
ness of tbe uouqut. "The sale of
tamps and postal cards and circula
tion of newspapers," says be, "are a
good bavtp;;?!fr to measure tbe busi
uess and iniciligBUbe of communi-
ties " 1
Judge Key expresses some sur
prise, in tbe recent readjustment 01
-alaries, to find tbe S 'utbvrn State
filling o far behind Compared with
tiie Xonbera and Western S ates
bey make hardly any "sbow" at al)
Tbe most rapid increase is iu tbe
North weetera States, aud so far a
can be gleaned from tbe post-ffice
receip s; 'bat section of tbe coontrj
wiij ovistrip all ibv secjoos in
the re. ' i
The Stats of jt'tbrabka, admitted
to tbe Union at a comparatively re
cent period, and containing so small
t population io 1870 that she bad but
one member of Congress ibis young
State now bas as many Presidential
poetoffices aa Tennessee, with a mil
lion and s quarter of population and
iu members of Ooncress. Ibe num
ber wbich each State has is 17. Tbe
comparatively sew State of Iowa
oow has more Presidential postoffices
tban the States ot .iTabama, Arkan
sas, Georgia, Louisiana Mississippi,
iNortn Carolina and Route Carolina
combined- Illinois and Iowa togeth
er bave more tbao all the Southern
Ststes combined. Following are some
of'tbe figures fu datail :
Uliru-U l-vl Alstons
!' ,,, Vb Arkajv...
Killnss iii (;.,ri:is
M rhipin tljMunb Ukrnliua...
WW-olilo .t LXHitKiaiut
Judge Key, wbo gives close atten
tion td all tbe details of tbe posttflioe
business, thinks tbat iim .uc.Hse of
pc8toSice receipts is a pretty fair in
tjicaijon of the commercisl and
iajtelleptoal groni of Joe country.
JI this be so, and u tbe marvious
business and intellectual growth of
tbe West and Ifortbwest continuer,
the Southern States will presently
bepome to the rest of the country
what Ibe Gof gf Mexico is to the
A-.Iant c ocean.
Pittsburg. March IS At an
early hour this morning an attempt
was made to fire tbe Solar iron works
The Se was jmmcdiately discovered,
and by tbepromyt 'action of ibe fire
department the works were Mfed.
Some weks ago the ' onion men em
ployed at the mill struck for higher
wages, and non union men 'were em
ployed. The suspicion rests on tbe
strikers. I
Tbe Sew I'aatreM.
Washington, March 18 Tbej Little Roci, March 20 About! Londos March 19 A?pciaidi
a8emb!iug of the first Democratic ! a week ago, at Fyetievil!e, John pilch trum IVsth to the D tily Sue
CoaretM ia eighteen years waa wit-1 Reed, a Union mao during the civd sny ;
ne-sed by au uau-ually large crowd, war, and f deura'H characer, w j "Io the enure, dis'ii.o sunnier;' d
mainly tbe old rebel element who
till existk at the Capital. It wa
eridet,i that the Rt-pubhcaa Senators
realized tbe change Z teb Chandler,
wbo bad been wa.cbiugtbe bilariiy
of the Democraiic Senators, said to
your correspondent:
1 took ibisi same seat eighteen
years ego, and bave sat here ever
since, except the e.hor; break of Cbris
tiancy's term. Tt en tbe Repuolicans
bad just come inio power. JtfT Da
vis aud hi.i party had begon tbeir
treason, and I sat here aud tried to
r j d my bare t graot meaos for ibe
war aiia carry it on, ana cotquer
tr-aou. and save the Union 1 up
po-ed all seuilineotalllies toward
rebels, and tbougtt reconstruction
should be very gradual. I tsever
expected to nee at tbts day, and
especially witbin less than twenty
vears, Deuiocra'ic mj ri'y io the
oeiiate hi ine Luitea ate", ana
ajsj irity of tbose Kama Democrats
ex officers iu tbe rebellion. For an
lutelilgeut people, who caved tbe
Uniou, to turn about and put rebel
iii power over tbem, is abead of aov
thing we'll find iu tbe history of ai y
other couoiry "
lu ine 11 .o-e niucn amusemeat
wat cie ted iu drawiut; seats. Fer
uaudo Wuod aud Joe Junudou were
amongst the la-t, and consequently
fouuo teats bear tbe door Errett
and Bavue, a-i were most ot tbe
iVuuylvani delegation, were f rtu
uato la seeurini; good seal.--.
L(iiver!al c uituipl in expressed b)
both parties for tbe coterie of Green
barters wbo niade efforts to sell 1 tn
or trde for recugnii'O 1 in Comrres-.
I bey are completely in -red 1 beir
members will now fail iuto tbe ranks
f ibe partiet wiib wbicb tbey were
previously associated.
The PisMtl t Vielmkarc, Ml.
VlCKSCt'RO, Mo, Mtrcb 20 A
sbootiuK affray occurred on Tuesday
ulgbl betweeu Capt. V . r. ritzer
aid 00 one side, and Copt. W. II
Andrews and W. L G'eene on tbe
other, iu wbicb Audrewa and Greene
wi re killed almost iuslaoily aud Fuz
treruld was dangerously wounded
1 be (. faculty originated about tbe
Hibernian meeting be'd on Monday,
at wbu-h Audres was ebcied pret-i
deut. Fitzgerald claimed h: ill 10 he
ibe presinent f the Hibernian So
ciety. and denounced tbe electiuu ol
Audrewa as a farce. Greene toi k
exception to Fi zerald's remark
and attempted to draw a weapoo. but
FoZiferald diew bis own first and
-bot Grene tbroub the heart. An.
drews then shoi Fl Zerald, and ihe
latier m mm shot Andrews, the hall
piercing his t-kull at tbe t- p of tbe
f -reheitd. The offiay created iutense
excitement, as all tbe parties were
ell known cit'Zi'ns. Andrews wai
be bead of tbe Qrm uf Andreas &
B-o , and 14 tbe President ot tbe
Howard Association after Mr. Rjck
wood's death last summer. Greene
was a cleik for Andrews & Brother.
Fiizzerald is a prominent lawyer,
aud was once tbe Republican State
District Attorney. Andrews aud
Geene were nuives of Vicksburg,.
and Fitzgerald was a native of Jack
son, Miss.
Peril la alamhav
Sas FnAsflsco, 17. Tbe offlt-ial
report of tbe commander of tbe Brit
isb gunboat O.-prey, now at Sitka,
was received here bv telegraph via
Victoria. He describes the situation
at length, showing tbat there are
aboni three hundred and twenty
wbi es at Sitka, 'of wLcm are ca
pable of beariug arms. Tbe Indiau
village adj treat contains at no time
less than three hundred warriors and
generally 500, wh e within a day or
two of travel io canoes tbere are sev
eral thousand closely connected by
lies of kindred. Since tbe withdraw
al of tbo troop tbe Indians bave
torn down a good deal of tbe stoc
kade guarding tbe town, and at tbe
time of tbe arrival of tbe O.-prey, a
yonng chief, who bad gone to raise
tbe neighboring tribes to sack tbe
town, was momentarily expected to
return. Tbe report concludes as fol
lows : "In conclusion, I lifgto state
that I fool certain tbat the presence
of Oliver Wolcott aud this ship has
averted a serious culamiiv, and that
it is my firm conviction that notbi g
but permanent protection and some
sort ot Government, baring authority.
will enable white people to live here.
without molestation troin Iodiaos, to
carry ou their Tal? anJ develop tbe
resources of tr,e country.
Vratlv lot Henlera W arebanaea.
Chioauo, March IS Chicago ele
valors contain 7,723 725 bushels of
wheat, 3,139 271 busbelsof coru,600 -911
bushels of oats. 327.335 busbel
of rye, and 8 ;o CIS bushel of barley,
making a' total . f I2,alS,SiU bushel',
against J 03. 630 bushels' a week
ago, and i,6tft,f 43 bushel at ibis
period last year. In sddjiion to the
above, the amount of graio on board
vessels in the burbor is 164,743 bush
el v.f whjftt, 436 bushels of corn,
and 2o,CAo bd'sbefs'of obis. Tba to-
4a pjumui VI ,10!U IU uh sku I
13 65S.333 bushels, sinst 13.703.
074 bushels a weik ago.
Milwaukee warehouses are stored
wjtb 3,545,235 bushels of wheat, 25,
008 busncis of corn, 54,045 bushels
of oats, 133,593 bushels of rye, and
420,752 bushels of barley.
A Haracrar teare
Memphis, March 13 In January.
tsij, vatif fcooo, a yoynj man liv
ing at Bartlett, fbjs connty. attempt
ed to elope wiib the daughter of a
neighbor. Being epposed by the
father tf the young lady be "killed
him io cold blood, takiog'tbe daugh
ter behind bim on horseback and
fled tbe'toudty fearing r.rrest be
left tbe ytong lady at a iVgbbor's
residence and made bis escape. A
few months afterwards be was arres
ted in Texas and brought back here
for trial. Yesterday afternoon at
Bartlett a jury $ lunatico inquiren
do declared bitu insane. Judge El-
dringe bas ordered Bond
veyed to Nashville and
the iuoatie aylua,
to be con
coofioed in
Meaalor ' CaMeiu'i Place-.
Washington afarcb JJ In tbe
selection of seats for the new eoa
fors, that formerly occupied by Sena
tor Bimon (Jameroo io rhe froot row
on tbe Republican side w4 taken by
Orville U. Piatt, tbe new Senator
from CoQoecticnt, and a native of
Bradford county, Pa. Senator J. D.
Cameron chose the seat Immediately
to the right. Mr. Cameron being
desirous of cccupyiog tbe seat wbich
bis lather had occupied fjr so many
years.fntimated li wish to Mr Piatt.
Tbat gentleman promptly offered to
change. Mr. Cameron therefore now
(ircunwil hi futhar'a 00 f lit it
r v. .u tus ucu-
ate. I
Aa Es-lala Ml4ir Killed.
; killed iu tbe cunuiy jtiL A friend
of bis for an infiac i o of the ia
: bad beq arrested for some boors,
Reed fallowed ihe fficer io chance
1 of ibe mau, and dually went with htm
totbejil Ab-ut dark, as he was
commuting the prisoner to the cusn-
dy of tbe ji!or, Rted, alhouh able
u bail bis friend, refused to do so.
He entered tbe jil with the officer
and tbe prisoner, and just as the door
was about to be locked on the latter,
Reed struck ibe jtlor witb a hea-y ; leogt b .-f the river. The appt eit u- j WD wss furued to death while "at botila, knocking bim senseless ou which has b-ea felt iu re or les-. i tempting t release some hors-a fr. m
Reed was armei Tbe jilor in fall- as to ib sate y of Sz-imes. Cs-ngrad. ; . burning stabU S-veral other per
iug ex-inguished tbe caudle, and 'he j Vasarhely, aid tbe wb .! c -untry to j prw uvrrele iroiire.l i .
guarua, auowitg iveeu cnaracie
niea upuo nim lu me aara uj n..t
penetrated bis heart. Tbe Coroner's
jury was oaabie to determine
wbose shot killed bim, tbe
guards tbem-u-lrea beiug uoahle
10 tell Tbe jury found a verdict of
justifiable boiiiic de
Reed's frienls, 15 or 16 miles dis
taut, began 10 orifsuiz1 fur tbe avow
ed purpose of se ziog Deputy Sheriff
Darreil, whom tbey supposed 6r-d
ibe fatal sbot, and wb was uuder
boud to appear at the next tem ot
he Circuit Court Tbe citizens of
Fayetieville became much alarmed
at these threats, and asked and re
ceivtd permission of the G iveruor
to organize a company of State
Guards, wbicb, in ibe emergency,
was supplied with rifled from tbe
State University at Fayet:eviile, tbe
State furuisbiug ammunition.
Reed's friends, mean -y bile, had ap
proacbed the town, bnt finding the
militia iu arms abandoned their pur
pose, and left tbeir una outside, aud
coming into town arranged a meet
ing, at wbicb resolutions were adopt
ed denouncing tne course of the. au
thorities. Ao additional resolution,
uot presented at ibe Hireling, was
added, as Mr. R A Caldwell, who
handed tbem to tbe p'iuter, admits
in the Favetteville (Dem ,) denying
the purpose of the assemblage to re
sist ibe civil authorities.
No political question was involved
in ibe matter, tbougb old animosities
of ibe war were renewed. All is now
and will probably remain quiet.
St Louis, March 18 A Leaven
worth, Kan., dispatch ssis a shoot
iotr affray occurred at tbe PiauterV
House, in that cry, yesterday morn
ing, betweeu D. B Smith aud A. B
Suueu, in wbicb toe farmer was prob
amy la'ally wounOea. ll appears
sot ten visited ibe thee of tbe hotel
and during a conversation with his
son, wbo is the clerk there. Smith
wbo was behind the counter, in gome
way got into au altercation wiib tbe
eider sutteo and threw a batcbet at
bim, striking bim on toe sid
of tbe bead inft ctiug a slight
wound, whereupon Su ten drew a r
volver and fired, tbe ball striking the
i p of tbe c iua'er. Limit h tbeo seiz
ed another hatchet and threw tbat.
making a slight -wound on one of
Sutten's arms. Sutten again (red
that shot takiog effect io Smith's
stomach. Sutten at ouca gave him
self up and was released on $1,000
b-iil. Smith is considered to be ia a
critical condition.
Tte Nalphar Shower.
Mactii Chunk, March 13. Tbe
so-cal.'ed 'ulphnr ahower' ot tbe Le-
bigb valley bas been fully investiga
ted atd explained by Dr. B. S. Er-
vin, of this place, and Mr. Eugene
Reau, of Rethlebem. They say that
the powder is simply the pollen from
a species of pine, caught up by the
wind from southern jew Jersey
forests. Floating ia a high current
of tbe atmosphere, it came in contact
with a snow storm over the Lehigh
valley, and was then deposited as
found. This explanation, they say.
can be relied upon, as tbe microscope
pi -ve8 it by actual comparison with
the pollen.
Karapetf front Jail.
Wilmington. Del, March 13. A
special from Dover this afternoon
says :
"Last night three prisoners, Julian
Kent, colored, Hiram GriBin, white,
and Thomas C" knocked down tbe
prison keeper, Walter Pratt" Leaving
bim in an insensible condition tbey
took bis key, and Kent and Griftia
escaped. Cox remained behind to
prevent Pratt from giving a speeJy
alarm. He was discovered' by the
sbenfTs wife, but ' be knocked ber
down and followed bis companions
Lent and Griflt-j bad been c ufiaed'
A Trump H !.
CjNciNXATt. March H There
has been considerable excitement at
Newpcr., Ky., all day on accono; of
the arrest of Peter Klein, tbe tramp
bo outraged Mrs Truesda'e a few
days sieve.'' A croi tkerea in
ihe neighborhood of the jail eary to
day, but oo rJeiifOFji'ra'nq wss made
until six o'clock this tfeuioit
wben abiot twenty Ore toeo marched
through Mammoth street to the jail,
overpowered the jailor, koccked down
two policemen and the Me 7 r, tee. 7
ed Klein a'cd marcfied off. -Klein was
taken to Mrs. Truesdale's bouse and
identified by ber nJ thuj to tbe
woods and undoubtedly oatged, al
though at this time tbe body bas not
been fonad. :
Blows In Pieces.
Red Rock, Pa , March 15 At 5
o'clock this afternoon an unknown
mao evidently intoxicated, staggered
tbrgngh the ptreets, carrying on his
shoulder a bag coolainiop eight quart
cans of nitro-gloerine. Fifteen min
utes later tbe town was shaken and
tbe inhabitants terribly frightened by
a most terrific explosion. Investiga
tion revealed tbe fact that the man
bad slipper! down, causing the explo
sion, whica scattered fragments- of
bis body in every direoj r, All that
could be found of bim would not fill
collar box.
Twra a a hat by a Dtrllv
New Orleans; March 20 .The
Times special from Marshall, Teias,
says: Latt night after tbe Ward
and Barryraore combination bad
finished tbefr play the company went
to tbe depot to await the traio.
Maurice Eirrymore, B. C.' Porter
au a female attache of the combioa
tion were io the luncb room, wben
ames Currie. a detective,' entered
and mads slighting remarks about
the lady, to which exceptions were
taken by Barrymore and Porter.
After some words Curry drew a re
volver and shot Porter "lo the abdo
men, killing bim almost instantlv
Turning about he shot Barrymore
through tbe elbow, the ball coming
oot under the left shoulder and mak
ing a severe; if not dangerous wound.
D . j
luner ana carrvmore vr
pA Onrria .a" .'..'t,.
The lrMk Flaw la Haaiarj.
b the 1. vt 1 ft w of ibe Tbelsa al) -ot
120 0U0 persons were fl cded u '
Acet-nat! fi-tim Szgeaifi test ib '
gratioal ib ugb si iw imp otemeut .f
ibe sou itioii The watner cou'tu-j
urs dry, and h tron aim-h milder. :
tberebv allevirtttug tbe Sun riuifH ot
i those who are still cam pi 3 g o;it. Ton
waters are s evlify but si ly suv
siding Tbe Tbeisa river ban f .lieu
30 centimetres
tuh.-lilenCK H i Iiiir
' oo, tboui;n slow Iv, along the w h
, , ine ei eut oi some miles ' -
czegeaiu, nan oeeu removta lr
'spit tbe beavj blow w bicb
's rut-S tZ'gtdin, ibe p -piiUtior ber
up agaiiist it stoutly. In ail the
j ma-t of fugitive aud b.iust Ies retu
gee-, not oue beggar i.s visible, and
not one word cf complaint is heard
Tbey tbttk:u!y accept provi-ioi.,
but not only do n t sbk f. r relief in
noney, bu-in mttiy iustat.ces refuse
it wben offered Iu tbe scbool-bou-e,
many hundreds w ere crow (led to
getber. lot 3iluls!er or f:uaiH'e
came aud askeJ tbem if they wanted
anything, aud tbe answer was tb:
tbey bad brouKbi witb tbem provis
ions for several days and warned
noibiug more. Xo-biuircan rurpa-s
the kiuduess manifested by all tbe
surrouuding couutry. High and low
vie with eacb other iu f Twardiiess t
relieve tbe distress. Emperor Fran
cis Joepb and Herr Tieza, ihe Hun
garian Premier, and party on Mou
day passed through ibe town iu boais
Ttev visited the school bou-e, speak
ing words of comfort aud promising
assistance to the refugees.
The Seng t'rie Frerte of V eoi a
8Ute that 8 200 out ol lo.OU'J b
in ibe town have tilen, uud iba. 1,
900 p-rsuDs bive drowned.
A Vieuua d'.-p ncti to the Daily
Seic says 207 ure corpses have
teen recovered al Sz-ueci.i.
A dispatch to ibe S'anJarJ, from
i esih, says t-zutes is agaiu lu great j appoint Orpu.j nnrea.i.'s, aud m re
danger iroui tne tl H.d on account of : turn tbe Reuub ieaus c.ia retin the
w iud
Hank Kobbery.
A bank robbery was suoce.-s-filiy
carried ut iu this city ou Thursday,
the uarticulars t wbicb h-ve fijuliy
leaked out, li-it wilbst-tudiug tte
streaf.ous e IT its of tbe Cicers of the
bai.k and of tbe detictites n Ltep
ibe matter qtiiet. Tbe mutlu oper
andi was mis: In tbe same bund
log iu which ibe biuk is kcu--d t
the 'ffice of au insurance ctnpant.
Tbe Presideut of tbe bunk is also
one of tbe principal i ffice rs if tfce
insurance company, li is the Oib:t
of tbe tli rk -i to go to diuutr ub.u'
noon. leavMg only one or two per
sons in tbe bank f.-r st.-melixe. Tbe
thieves evideuily understood ibe-e
fic 8 well. Ou Thursday, a little
bt-f re oue o'cl ick iu tbe afternoon,
two men drove up to the bnk in a
hugtfv. Ooe. remained iu ibe buy
while the otter went into tbe 0i k
and told the President thai, tbere was
a man outside w bo wished to see
bim ab;ut some iot-urauce. Tbe
President went out .o the pivecaeut
to see tbe man in the buggy, leaviog
no one in tbe bank but the Ca-hier
aad the straoger. The bitter engag
ed tbe at teutioo of the Cashier, and
a third man, a partner of tbe first
two, Slipped in quietly and g a', be red
op all the money be could reach. AH
tbree then left bef-re the robbery
was discovered. The bat.k ctlkers
refuse to state the amount stolen,
even to tbe detectives, but
that the amount was not la'ge The
ofScers have not the slightest c'oie
as to wbo the thieves ar. ';-
burjh Commercial Gazelle.
Indiana Uervy nanderlna'.
Indianapolis, March 20. .Toe
Congressional appropriation bill pass
ed tbe Senate to-day, with tbe
amendment proposed by Senator
Davis, of tbe National party, and
was concurred io by tbe House.
This will give the Democrat nine
districts and tbe Republicans four,
tbree ol the latter biiog doubtful if
the Democrats and Nationals com
Turasped fur HI .
San Francisco; March 20. Kear
ney is stumping Southern Clifrt;ii
for tbe New Constitution. In his
speeches be abft.-es peopje wiibi.ut
tint. A dispatch from banti .Vi.n i
to-day eava a man whom be vili"5i"d, t
si'.er ne got inrougn speaai ii;. gave
r . .. , i -
Kearney an unmerciful beatiojr.
TerrlOe Explla of Poailrr.
PiiTTsViffi:, March ljf Tbuef
teruuoD, whilii Qien wurktu- in a tun-t
n-I beln j driven io tbe Pot'sriile
bafts were preparing a blast, their
tools struck a piece from tbe flinty
rock, uniting a large quantity of
uenn ttocg powqer. 4. tprriote et
plosion followei',' insiautly killiffg
JamfS Mr-iperrig and 13 is Murrnj.
Tbejr bod'tts are mang'ed Io s b"iri
ble manner. W. U. Murray, ose cf
the contractors, is so frightfully in
jured that his recovery is considered
doubtful. John liowbs was sligb'i?
injured, while James Smith acb
Joeeph Shum escaped. The men
kiije j lea'9 families.
" "-if .i 1 ;
a 1 . .
Japan Prepariaa; far tlraat.
San FaiHOisco, Mrtb 21. Ad
vices from Yokohama, Japan, stated
tbat preparations couiiuue for Grant's
reception, although he Is not expect
ed for many months. Three of the
most powerful ancient Daluios bave
been appoioted to receive aod attecd
upon Lim. distinction, hitherto
vouchsafed t do yisitor.
Wansan Cai Her Tnraat la
Presence af Iter Family
Kansas City, Mo, March 20
Vesteriay MrsWm. rerguoti cut
ber throat with a table knife' in the
presence of ber children. Her bus
band bad bardly left tbe room with a
kiss upon bis Iip- wben tie tragedy
was enacted, aod tbe children were
oovered yitb blood. Mental troubles,
occasioned by her bosband's in
temperance, was the cause.
fire la fna.
Easton, Pa, March 21 Frank
Donnelly's brick Btable, a frame
blacksmith and a dwelling and store,
cpar tbe canal, were entirely de
stroyed by fire this morning at 1 o
clock. The bjild'ngs were some dis
taice apart, but appeared to bave
been fired simultaneously. The loss
. j 1
is $5,000, covered by insurance in the
ortnampton .tiutuai. I'uring tee
excitement tbe fire engine run over :
one fireman aod the bose carriage i
over another, both men beiog serious
ly injured. Tbe names of the injur
ed men are Charles Bachmao and J.
St Lous, March 2') A ircil
He-patch t th Globe Democrat .av
lerriWe fl e reeetiijj 1 rcurrt-d
in R-)Kjri;ie Mid Cl-'ud", K"
sis. f bey rr endV.j an re 10
mile lo-ig aa-1 3 iu;!e- widn, nud
MWept everything before ths.n. I: i
i'1 tba' ab 01 1 one hundred b one
were c iiisumed, also larae q tnQ"(iei
of grain, farming implement, hay and
other p'op-rty The winds wert
higb and tfce fires 8 fierce that the
i'jbahhants were obliged to take r f
usr iu cellars, duiroiita or nrrlu.
I ... ... .j k . u:. , tt ..
""IK WUUt UBU LU' UD. 11 L o li
le , . rtrf i,.a, that ..f Mr- i; . .
'lili; - tiniael a? $JUt)l,'
PiTTsiiliUJ. Marrh H Toe Pitt-
I bur 1 an tor the pu p so of
ar I'lifn ui tue iusirii;eu
iud a-reel fc.iid
j amounting to l,i0o.0U0. pavable io
i five years and beariug six per cent
jl iiereht, bas teeu placed laiuo? tbe
j cip'-talista iu this city. Win Thaw
j hea led the subscription !istwhb$10.
j 0 iU. and ihe balance was taken by
tue batkS.
Uaralr Mlini.
Cincinnati, March 21. At 2 o'
click yesterday m irniog Matthew
Creed, proprietor of a dry g.mda store
at Jamestwu, Ky , was arou-ed bv
a noise io tbe store, f und a buruUr
behind tbe counter aid shot him
dead, fifteeo buckshot poetraiiag his
buoy. Itis not known where the
b-irlir was from.
WAsiiiNiiTos, I C, Marco 21
Ft.e ptoposuiou foi a cHii-r)iuii-e on
i me eu"j cis w men eaust-.i an exra
session f Congress, bave been sub
mitted to tbe 1'residt.nt attd Mr. Ev
ans fy members of ibe House It
. . it . .
, is priiuoseu io repeal in : lest oath t r
ij iroi 'a clause, the riieht tj u.-e tba
i army nt tbe p .lis, and '.he tiht to
supervisors of election. Tbe Dem -cra;s
geucralljr accept this Cjnjpro-u-oje.
Martallj !.
.MkMPitis March ID A special
to ibe Aoalaitvlm from Siorksville,
Miss, sos: Thomas J. Wood, a
prominent attorney, was mortally
eh. t last nitfbt by W Gilmer, color
ed. Wood b 0 caued Gilmer latt
wet k i r using insultiug language in
the present e of his wife. Giloter
made public threats of killing Wood,
and last nlgbl shot ban as be stepped
iu o tbo back yard Giluier way ly
ing in a:uoo-b. 1 1 bits (-d.
Hij frrwna llransnl.
K i. Ni ton, Ja, Mircb 19 The
BriUsU steamer Bolivar. C'np aiu Hi
btriy, plying between Liverpool aad
St Thomas, ca:ne iu c-iilisi n wi.b
ibe lldy.iHij steamer, Miclael. Tj-
laiir sui.k, and sixty persons cn
board were drowned.
A II arr lease mi kta.
St. Georue, Bermuda, Mirca 13.
The bark Wetierhorn, Skilliag,
GUeston for Loudon, witb cotton
sod bone dut, arrived iu distress.
S'ie exjorieuctd a bdrriciae on the
2 1 -it ultimo ; was thrown on ber beam
end-i, aud only partly righted. Sna
is b-akiug and will discharge to rj Tne .-hip Bi-iiannia, IIiin:lioD, New
i Vork for London, wuh a fall carguof
wheat, corn, fliur, etc., fifteen' davs
ou, arrived in Fife Fathom Mole in
disirees. Experienced a hurricaoe on
tbe 21st u!t , during which she was
struck by a bavy tea, which swept
ibe decks, threw heron her beam euds,
shifted ber cargo, carried away her
starboard bulwarks, stauchions aod
chaiu plates and filled the cabin. Her
sails were blown awav, sbe made a
Urge q.iaaiity of water aud lay fmr
ddys oa her beam euds, afr which
time tbe weather moderated, her
hatches were opened and about oae
hundred toas of cirgo was thrown
overboard. Tbe discharge ot a por
tion of her crgo into lighters w-i
coiumeaced on the lt).h iQ8:a,at(
preparilory to iawing iser into ptrl ,
St Lovis, Mirch 21 A Sedalir,
Mo ,' iJispi.c3 says a sackin aSa:;
was euaoieil Stturdiy uignt iu tbe
neighborhood of Bdtbiehem Cnurcb,
I ' - ' "
c mnty. James Rowliui, a
ell tdo batvbelor farmer, 'had a
niece, Miss Julia li)wUud, keepiug
house for h'm. Suaday murniug hH
brother came oa a viai, and f jund
tbe d- or culud auij toe wiodoa
ifusier pj. Ifeariog groans iuside he
f.-rc?d oaca tbe d jt aal f-uud his
brnher io a pool of blood, a revolver
by his side aud a bull -t b le iu tij
head. Oj ihe bod lay Miss Rowland,
dead, with a nh;ttra;h bv her -t'te
, f -. ...
ou wbioh W63 written, "L;er
I httvtf tkeq p isoo aqd siq uiuf t-j
rtiy I itig and bappy home. PU n-o
forglreme f.-r mis.'' R-iwIaud is
still alive, but refuses to give lie
reasoafor tbe tertib.'e tlfiir.
mor in current that m
lover a ai not icce itab e to lr anale,
aod rather than suffer separdtioa sue
took tuisoa, atid that R jw land. v:e
itg tLe sad conseqaeac-f a attcuip'td
to tek- ti-j ou liit.
l.lKhf alaic Warlt.
Memi'Ihs, March 22 V stur.u if
the severest nature swept over Mem
phis just after miduight. It catie
from tbe Sjuthwe-tt and continued
three hours During its proirre-s
Hghtaing struck tbe Memphis Cit on
and Woolen i ills, which were en
tirtly consumed. The rniiU er
valued at 0U0, and employed a
force if one hundred and twenty -Eve
per-ons. who ere thrown out of em
ployment. Tbe insurance is $C0,-
Wife Narver la llliaola
Ciiicaho. M-rch 21. Tbe T,
me'x DeKalb, Illiaois. special sst-:
George Alexander, colored, shot h:.-
wbi.e wife here to-night with a -bt-Bun
tiliinsr her in-tsnilr. TbeV b al
- o -r '- : .
lived io Sfeamore lately, but this
morning tbe left bim, and be f. -Slowing
oa the evening iraia discovered
ber at a touse tf a friend. She was
nineteen and be twenty six years of
age. Tin left side of her bead was
entirelv blown cC.
aba I la Deal by a Ma-
i puisViLLE, March 21 A I'ao'u
cba special to the I'nuru r Jo irnul
aavBT Jerrv Ewinz. Colori d, was
J 1
seized by twelve matked ten ftt-"
shot t; aeain iaet nigni. im..-.
a bag f smd bticg tied around Ls
toiy. hi was thrown into the Otiim
river, hwing ravisbeu a ie.
year old white child namrd Fields,
by whose brother be was captured
after receiving two gun sbot wounds.
- ... y ..