The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, March 19, 1879, Image 3

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    The Somerset Herali
March 19, n;.
Oatf6T WAl.rolT &AU.aUaY.
. a mfimr Hir U. IjB. WliM wiu
a UM w.t.
J, M follow. iUM " JHM-tralM
! U P - " "
pea, d.i)r xoci MooJJ I
. 1 Wp. m.
t Hp. m.
1 to p.n.
Kill Ea eoon with l"1
Tbe new Borrmeh "dads" win enter
Oram ibe onerous duties ol their respective
iuces oo tne it oi April.
The rres'iytermn church was so crowd
ed Sunday niht tbM quits a number of
crns were utisMe to procure seal.
"What has become of our Jenner X
Roads correspondent T His items are al
ways very Interesting aud we would like
lo bear lioin lim more frequently.
That peculiar, mournful cry of tbe wild
ff(o whs bearj Sunday night, a several
larjre nocks new over town. J uey were
Jiving northward and weather prophets
say it u a sure sign ol an early apriog.
Mr. H. W. West, tonsnm artist, has
purchased from Messn. Cunningham &
Auman. tbe htitldinir on tbe mutt-east
corner of the Diamond. He intends mo v.
ine hi i-lxp ioto the new building between
this and Die lttt of AHil.
Mr. Hressecker. the roan who met with
the accident ot having: bis leit broken it
the oml t.mft ot Mr. Xicliolas Beikey. baa
so improved that be can be op on crutches,
and is dome very well considering the na
ture ui uis injuries.
A. G. Miller, M.D.
Ms. Ttoto.-huiw.ntttrntM roU K' Lit Tisi.Pe 4
ol tnia rnunui. one ot Joewa lientneer aoos aniicted witn meuniaiisrxi otten aiuii-r
son, the youuceM, residing With bra fath
er, in Jefferson Township, met with very
painful accident ile was hauling sugar
water, when one of tbe hone commenced
kicking and loosened one of the traces.
When tbe young man went to bitch the
trace tbe horse bepnu kicking af aid strUu
ing him on the bead and : inflicting deep'
wounds with the calks of the sboe,sbout
tbe head, and almost severing tbe left ear
from tbe bead. Dr. A. G. Miller was sent
foi, and sewed up tbe ear and dressed the
m-j Paeoxer tn
Wly Ptwenirer Weal..-
gall ta
Kill W
lurrtf W ert
... 13 00 S3
. 12 44 y. a
. ll5 p. BV
. 4 5 p. m.
. J OS A. N
Iu3Jj roads,
g ieigbing is tlayed.
Blue birds are singing.
Springtime b coming. gentle Annie.
Prepare to meet that 1st ot April note.
Ire cream will soon be the favorite dUh.
FiMinp is ii way ; welcome its coming-
Girle. don't l discouraged next year is
leap year.
( liauiisburg is going to have a Loan
r'ins lever is ueconiing prevalent iu
,iur borough.
r,;.i,r the dav and nitlit will be of
equal length.
ll.iuse cleaning is a theme that is being
tliscuwrd ly IUC lauies.
The "betutiful" came down to the depth
of several inches Sunday night.
rnless vnu advertise how are people to
kDo that you sell g-xxis at low prices.
Ad American named Livingstone drives
f,uneeo-horse team in Florence.
Dr. ft". F. Fundenberg can be seen at
ihe -Pale House," Meyersdale, every Sal
The bet-t wsv to feel lor the poor and
..ed is to feel in your jtotket lor money
to give liiem.
Fiurstid one-half by five and one half
tret $uj: Puns, can be Uui;ht tvr f.55, at
Burs Iiarnet, Soniersct l'a..
The tramp nuisance seems to have abated ;
o,av lie only to break out atresh with the
opsins of"sj'riug.
Try Morrison & Bro.s Congh Syrup
Dli Liniment, and get bomelhing good,
osee. l'rite modcra'e.
Dr. SaJit-r. Oiulist and Aurit-t, JCo. 256
IVcn avenue, Pittsburgh. Pa. Eye, F-r, '
Tlirmt and Catarrh st'eciallits.
An t'ffirt is lieing mide to esublish new j
entity out ol a nionot Dauphin, Aoitu
iiuirr!aDi; and Sthuy Ikill counties.
Just received at By era & Barnettt' barj
rc sti-re a ten ton lot ot iron ; also a
l:t;t stiKS. ot llotse Mi8.
The m (irld never knoa s the great re&pi ct
Uwrrs have tor one another until one of
Uirui die aud there is a meeting ot the bar.
Partief who stand in Deed of Galvanizid
or B!k Iron Pipe, should call and see
Byers Harnett, Somerset, Pa.
Tbe pruning of all hardy vines and
blrutw should he attended to early in
Mrvli. Ulore the buds swell, or the
; nl ti obtained very much of a start.
Tbe Cumberland county jail has three
hundred carupaLts and the Shippensburg
CLrohkk thiiiks that the int-litulion
5' sear as many as it should bare.
'Hies detinng sucar pans should call
ce ihtit i lUrnct, Somerset. Pa., astbey
as iuaLae thtru aU.ut two-ttiirds less
lias tier can be had elsewhere.
h;r;cc tu Us cf Hat and Bonnet Trim-
a..r.;.i. at
'fashion Barar,"
Mks. J. R WALTtR 4 Six,
No. 6 Mammoth Block.
We are told that Sundav night, daring
t lie snow storm. Messrs. Alex and John
j Huston captured several wilJ geese from
me Docks that new over town. Ibey
I hunt Tl r aiimo ili.univ lu. lit w Ilia ti. m-n
the light from which attracted the atten
tion ol tbe "geese .and caus -d them to
alight, when t bey were "gobbled" up.
Base Ball The first match game of
the season was played Saturday last, on
the Academy grounds, between the
Quickstep" and the "Siars." At the
end ot the game ibe score stood : "Quick.
steps 19; "trtars Si. I mpire. A. lloyle
corer. r. J. 31eers ; I aptam ot Stars,
E. M Kiminel, Jr. ; Captain of "Quick
steps, K. Lhl.
notice. 1 lie pu Mic are herehr can-
tiooed not to purchase a certain note, given
by the undersigned and Solomon Shoema
ker, to William Levdiir, for 6ome three
hundred dollars, dated six or e'ghl years
ago, as I will not psv said note unless
compelled to do so by law.
HicruRD Maktz.
Slarch ID. 1879.
Mr. Elmer Miller, son ot Dr. Allen G.
Miller, has a bit; undertaking on band.
lie is going to ride his father's bay pacing
hore from this place to south Bend, lad
where the lVictor intends removing, with
his family, on the lt ot April. Elmer
will v.'ry likely feel like Ibe gentleman
who was iMHind lor Omaha before be reach
es South Bend.
"The Old Virgiui Minstrels," of Bed
ford, will give an entertainment in the
Court House, this, Tuesday, evenine.
Tbe troone is composed entirely of "home
tali nl ;"' they have .given several enter
tticienisin Bedford during the past win
tr. which have tieen spoken of very high
ly hy the papers of that place.
Durinz the past week a protracted meet
ing, conducted ty Kev. Burnett, ot Con-
nelltville, and H.-v. Lowes, of Belle Ver
min, baa bwn held in the Preshyterian
chureb at this place. A number ut addi
tions have been made to tbe membership
of the church. 1 he sacrament of the
Lord's Supper was administered Sunday
Cakl, Adams Co.. Tow a, )
i March 10. 1679. f:
Dear Srm : ; Yon will perhaps bn sitr
prised on receipt of this letter. ' I " bope
yon will excuse my presamption in : wri
ting. It has been my pleasure to read a
number ot copies of your paper in the past
two years, which were sent to me through
the kindness of my brother, ( Frank Coop
er.) ot your town. I must say I regard
your paper as a rerjr valuable aud instruc
tive journal, and i. does me good to read
iu In your issue ot the 19ih of February,
last, I noticed an article under Horace
Greeley's ad vice "Go West Young Man I'
which 1 think is the ott ot advice, fluv,
I am not going to enter into debate with
you on this, er any other , question, .-Jor
sbonld I do so, I should expect to ge id
ly beaten.
That Ii. R. Co s, and their agents use
every means possible to induce people to
emigrate west, is, beyond a doubt. rry
true, and. no doubt, they publish all that
is favorable to the west, and leave out all
that is unfavorable. But I think a young
man bas made a good start wben he starts
west. Many persons come from Pennsyl
vania and other States east, to Iowa, Ne
braska and Kansas, who, perhaps, bare
never before been one hundred miles from
home, and the country appears so- differ
ent from that in which tber wew 'raised,
that they become home-sick, and conse
quently, ibey r'i lis satisfied mil they
are again among tbe mountains and rocks
ot their native Slate. Young men who ex
pect to engage in agricultural employment
could not do better than to come to south
western Iowa, where they would not have
mountains to climb, and S'.ones to tall over
and plow through, and here is found the
best soil iu tbe Union. Iowa is also noted
lor its pure water and btalthful climate;
and there are millions of acres -of
unimproved lands yet in tbe markets, that
can be purchased at from $3 to (12 per
acre, on long lime; so that a young man
possessed ot habits ot honesty .industry and
economy, can, in a short lime, by month s
work, pay tor 41) acres ot this fertile soil,
which, is more perhaps, than be would
ever accumulate in Pennsylvania. There
for a life time, their tortures being almost
without remission. Tbe joints and muscles
of such unfortunates are in most cases
shockingly contorted and drawn out oi
shape. To afford Ibem even temporary
relief, tbe ordinary remedies often piove
utterly useless. Hosteller's Stomach Bit
ters, on tbe other band, is avouched by
persons who have used it, to be a genuine
source of relief. , It keeps lite blood cool
by promoting a regular habit of body, and
removes from it impurities which, in the
opinion of all rational pathologists, origin- j
PAUL SPAXGLEtl MarchO, at the
resilience ot Jas. Lambert, LambertsvUle,
by Rev. J. B. Sboup, Mr. Isaac Paul to
Miss Jlartha L. bpangler, both of Sioys
town. JOnXSOK BITTXER January SO,
at Mineral Point, bv Rev. John N. Unruh.
Mr. William IT. Johnson, of Allegheny,
Pa., to Miss Minerva C. Bittner. of Miner
al Point. .
nmifMiv nrtu t.i -,.v
ate this sgonizing complaint and its
Besides this Uiel n.b , .' t Ii-.' ' : "
dred malady, the Root.
Bi iters remedy disorders ot the stomach,
liver and nerves, prevent snd eradicate in
termittent and remittent fevers, promote
appetite and sleep, and are highly recom
mended by physicians as a uesiratiie medi
cinal stimulant and tonic.
Dr. II. T. IIki.mbold. Learning that
Dr. It. T. UelmiHild.. a man base name
bas traveled to the remotest cornets of the
earth, and whose reputation lor pluck and
energv is unsurpassed, was in the city, a
tlar reporter made it a point yesterday to
catch that gentleman on a fiy, so fo speak,
and subject him to a brit Interview. The
LJXictor retains all tbs vigor ot bis former
rears, a'ibougb a sprinkling ot gray shows
itt-eirin bis otherwise coal black hair. He
is a wiry little man of some forty six years,
with keen, piercing eyes, and is evidently
good lor tbe active businens life which be
has mapped out for the future, how be
rode upon tbe topmost wave ot ptosjierity
and commanded an almost fabulous fortune;
how be advertised in . every couceivable
manner which bis Ingenuity could suggest.
regardless ot expense, but always so judi
ciously that bis money returned to him an
hundred fold. Lineiknati Star.
Racbei Huff, of Somerset.
187'J, at the residence of the bride's par
en'?, by Rev. W. IL Bates. Mr. Jeremiah
Gardener, ol Stanton's Mill, tn Miss
Amanda Winters, of Jenn r X It ads,
Somerset Co., Pa.
the residence of Adam SumiwUne. by Iter.
A. r.. iruxel, sir. .noaa u. Meyers, ot
Somerset i ownship, to Susin Fleegul, ot
A LiTKitART Rkvolctios. Chamber's
4n tbe new Acme Loitiok. is meeting
with such extraordinary sale that tbe pub
lishers, to make it still more popular, have
further reduced tbe prices, i'urcbssers
ordering before April 30 will get Ihe eight
volumes complete, in paper, tor 75 ;
cloth, f i 50 ; half morocco, gilt lop, $1 00;
or bound in four volumes, half morocco,
gilt top, forfS 20." Simple volumes sent
post-paid lor 80 cents. 45 cents, 63 cents,
and 9J cents. Tnis is not only one ot tbe
choicest works in the language, but really
wonderful m its low price. Specimen
pages aud terms to clu'ts will be sent free
on renuei bv the paMishers, the Amep.i
cas Book Exchange. 55 Beekman St,
N. Y.
A specimen copy in cloth can be seen at
i .' t; . . - i . v. , i. . .1..
te nwnar ru.ra..r.a tV ... .. T,,- Ml I. lUC 111 ICLie(, KUJ UU3C U UC-
. . rr , ? sire cana.ld their n .mcs to a clab which
SECuLER Octolier 15. near Samuel
Church, Martin L. Sechler, aged 2 years,
i la iDin ana nays.
FLOWERS. December, at Garrt-tt. II. Flowers, aged 2 years, 2 months,
auu 4 uays.
WEYAND February 4. near Center
ville, Charles R. Weyand, aged 5 years, 5
uiouius anu is nay s.
WEYAND February 9. Annie L.
neyaud, aged 1 year, 4 monibs and 8
PHILLIPPI. February 22. near King-
woo-, turner ruiaippLagea o months and
ii duys.
BRLNNER Marcb 4. near Barron's
Church. Ada Elsie Brunner, aged 4 years,
i montn ana zo asys.
, lrrecteJ by Oook Bkuuts.
CKALxaa i
in soutu-western lowa, and 1 nave never
conversed with one yet tnut did not prefer
ihis country to l'ennsylrania. 1 here are
persons residing in this county from Som
erset county, among w bom are tbe Cupps,
and they say they would much rather live
here than there. 1 have known persons
w ho come here, as you say, and have
nothing left with which to get back, and
to-day ibey have conilorUble homes and
are enjoying lite, and would not, il they
could, live any other place than in south
western Iowa; where it they bad bad tbe
means to have taken them back to the
State from which they emigrated, they
would have been homeless. There arc, no
doubt, many who coin went, expecting to
find a land flowing with milk and honey.
and of course ibey are disappointed in that
will soon be forwarded.
Drccistasd rnysictAN. A plivsi-
' cian complaining bitterly about dull limes.
went to his diuggist to tod out the reasim
why, at ibis season of the year, bis prac
tice was not so extensive as formerly; also,
to find out what inducements his brother
medico offered to attract away bis patients.
I To was startled when hisdruggist answer
ed as follows: 'D.x lor, coughs and coids
are very prevalent, but every one is pur
chasing Hale's IIonkt ok IIohluousu
and Tar. and recover so rapidly thai there
is no necessity ot oiling a phvsician.
Again, the reason that Dr. F., on lh
street, is having so many patients is ow ing
to the frankness he aJopted in pieaciibiog
and instead ol making a liule effort to get in every case ot Coughs. Cold, etc., a bot
Satuidav afternoon Mr. Mahlon Miller
went in:o Cook & Beerits' store, leaving
bis team standing untied at one of the
ikli; in 1 r. .n I ,.f I liu liii 1 1. i i a. i. Tli - - -
t.a.k frisihl and ran down Main Cross "rculati, ol your wide-awake paper my
along, and make money, they write borne
to their friends tor money wilh. wbicb to
return. I do not wiah tn tronble Tun
wuu a long lei u r. 1'leaie exeir
presumption aad misukes. With my tkil
wishes lor your prosperity, and hoping the
street to tbe Diamond, there ibey turned
to I be left and ran against the wtt end of
M A. Sauuer's houmi. running the pole of
ihe I'U-'-'V (brougli a wimlow, demolishing
t lie tt. tillers, sash and window panes.
1 hey were tinallv liroiiglit to a halt bv
coming in contact with a telegraph pole.
The Johnstown D.iily Tribune bas en
tered ui on the seventh year ot its exist
ence, aud we gather trom its last inaugural
ibal it has been protenng. dtservedly.
too, for there is not a more wide awake snd
thoroughly reliable patfr coming to this
The local rolunin are admirably edited
by I aj)ar Lisiy, hq , anJ Mr. George
ilil. H e cordially join with our fellow
Ex.'s in wishing the TrihuM long life and
Xotice To Tax Collectori?. Delin
quent tax coliectors are hereby notified
that at itat one half of their duplicate ar
rearages must t paid lurtbwiib, and
their drplicates setilt-d up in full bf
April term ol Court. I am without
funds to nicet current expenses. A
failure to comply with this notice will
cnijiel me to enforce collection.
still be greater, I remain
1 ours Respectfully,
Syl. W. Cooper.
Uhmsa Items The two bos8"crowk'a'
p'syers came to I'rsiua on last Saturday to
play with two Lrsina men. and were badly
beaten. vae game the Confluence men
were whitewashed."
Tbe fir annual rtport of the Ligonier
Vaiiry Narrow Gauge Railroad. Ito miles
1"DC in Wesmioreland county, shows
tiulroceip'.s. f3.195 40; total expenses,
t: 91 ; net earnings tor the vear, f 0,-
S me pnifle are proud of one thing and
c nt another. One little girl bragged
lobfr (vmp&nion aU.ut their piano having
an ir-han attucbment, but was int-tan'.ly
-at ui' bv her com Dan ion w ith the reply
'iii ii.'.- Lilcr had a onzi i n p
Vbtn Um an unused stamped cn
Mpe don't cut out the stanip'and paste it
t another envelope, as it w ill ouly take
Tsr lt:r to the dead letter tpoilpd
,ii-';c ejvel..pes soouid 1 Uacn'h) the
p'ater. who wi:l rtcclv thera at the
.cui tie stanips.
Tasted Even laxly to buj tbir
Vr.iij. llats of U5. "ijur gurk is large;
fCij-otlug all the popular styles now t
i-is iro. Kaviug bought directly from
i ni i txunve manLtactMSert and im
Ji.rttrj in lije cited Stale, we are tna
i f-i Ui give you tbe very lowest prices on
wr fiiis. We can also furnish MlLLijj
li good at w holesale prices.
"Fasbioa Biixar."
ilKS. J. R WALTtR A S.s.
No. 6 Maoaoth liUvk-
ba Vax Diat s SvLrHmSoAP. Dr
t ao Di ke, w booe lite king spet ialty. and
aide reputati.n for curing skin dis
eases, Us endeavored (;,r ys l mnubiue
H'rnal Uealment. He bas aocom- j
j1 i.i.i-i thik desirable result ia tbe prepa
run. t tit compound "Sulphur Naip,"
it rueru oi w bich are spoken of by (
it U li.Lly recoujuiendea to an
our traj, rs. price ii ct nis, by mail. 35
f-ou s la i , S cakes 60 cental tv mail,
S crota. t:Eot 50 N. 5lh street. "Wn.4e-
Der., 4iaj N. !ld street. Pbiladeli hia,
f. K.d by all Dixggusta.
!.: MV! WtLD Our reputation as I
W -Ike PW n i.iiv Milhatr?
Hy ti.adi. V are tu dy rtyt ijit p)
'urit ij.i kl ptruj 4 vie ritinty. snu
J: fTeat pWaMire in filling them prrmpt
' td rendtrtng bills calculated to inture
luturt irna?e. Give n a trial.
" 'j'atiit I ir,"
No, 8 Mammntb-Bb ck.
' 'Somen t, Pa.
TiifA lUtnts. tbe famous author of
'-1! !2hs Ua.k, T.",!J Bptwn'f Sr-boot-J:
at i'.jgliv." has wiittea acipltal short
1 1 Miiu-h Boy -Vile, w hlch is to ap
r v iLt torilrviming April number of
. X !rai.A. Tl tale include a yafv
-'"tat ot tiie jrfr t auJ run of tfce oW
fcf-b Si-itivaiof Hang Mondsr. Ifcat
f U h.K:Di's ' of tbe Partsbers. a cere
a cy t;:i irvcd in s,irne fwru. Kate
bi-UiwAT. uf Lnndn, ba iiluy rtd
TTaiia tevera) ptctnres drtwo from
The enterprising farmers who have been
endeavoring to start a cbeese factory at
Mr. James Marshall s place, several miles
east of tow n, are experiencing considerable
ditlit ully in piocuring a sufficient number
ot rows to Justify them in going on with
the construction ot Ibe building, securing
the proper machinery, Ac If our fanners
w ho made butter lait season will compare
notes with those w ho V.. S JRf y Bjk to the
cfciiM; titttorlea, wtiiiiicw luey wlU not
bt-vnat? any longer, but will consnlt their
own lo'rrw.s by tmbbrklng in tbe oew
enterprise. '
The season for the salts of r-yrso?!
proerty is again at bati'X al wib
to Cii'l ll'B ainu.n oi tbe public to tbe
superior ficiliiies oflered by the Herald
tor advertising these Sales, the paper hav
ing truca ll.e largest C'rci'kliotl within
the coUii'.y, wb.ic rs jiijia afe Ur.eiy
larmeis. ana oilier substantial cuizens.
Sle bills will be (uri;iabed in the most at
tractive sly le, our Ut ilities for that pur
pose byi;i l-eQ rtciaily improved.
(Smwuia lit log U a distance can send us a
ljt of ihe a:ti Ks they pr pise to sell, w ilb
the d-.'.e of sale, nanie of apctioceer, i-c.,
artj s u iii mo J ILem Ihe bills by mail.
Tbev can also a v w beahir they want it
iuscned in tbe paper or not, as it w ill not
apjit-jr kales ol personal
ptiirrty are advertised is the paper
at lesf than the regulhr advertising tates.
Gone to Revt. 'Souirc D- W. Buch-
acun. kii iii.l a:. J eitusi.le citisn ot Miaoe
Uiwnsi.ip. tlkd very suddenly at bis reai
idence i the ui uniug of the t(.h inst lo
the eveuiag Mr. Buchanan Went to bed ia
bis L'srtat gsd bealih; but toward
iiia wife r.'Kiced him very heav
ily aud trying to cough. Siie spoke to bim
and on nv i mg no answer got up and lit
the lamp, and uiaia goic; lart to the tied
found hiui tiiiabie to move, bis one side bc
ing paralj led. All her etTorts to assist
bim were in rain and be died a few hours
altrrwarda 'Squire Buchanan was one
t the "KM re1il ritien o bude Tn.
fig sii'ta Vw tA n;tui4i '4fpw;t,
ta, bfid several offlees ai tae
bands nf the party, the duties of wbicb b
rertoritit I in ibe m-t 'stackiry wasaet
lie wa U.e father of a large Lmily and
was a loviug bu! aud and kiudfatbt-r. Sev
jf :-,a rir.hiK-K vff away nHi bouie
.t l ue ol bis tleatb. but oa be'.ug ttle
Crapbe5. arrived in lime to attend bis fun
eral. At the tiine ut bis deatb 'Squire
Buchanan wes CI years, 5 months and 11
da' t of age. " . t
His tUaih h 5Tr3'r'7 TSMiM
to i;rew tutu, aoil a.l symftbiae de'piy
whU the iaoitly in their bereavement
J'y tt rr wearieJ, mal my has 1 an lirej
21 r 4.MI MWWMil i
Aai wi'h hart
.. otily Kest.
TU kxi t ML wh t4t I alaactt vatj .
Ii twrK ! f
Tl hard to w, and err garacf araa
li harvest !;&-
Tbe l.onJea ol lay Javt if hari ta baar,
!,: rl kwmt Uft ;
4b4 1 haie jnjtn twt tahk ht ; prajrer.
YjT Keal-creet B-
Jj Wd ta plaat la Soriag. aat Brr nf
Tf ApiiatarlsWi
Tl hr4 u4. ad mSta V W t vp
Ucr fral. tea aU.
AaJ iu I cry, a weak a4 him ay.
I UtilTeiLg. Silled nrorawila will
"titd at ibe Cimisiwtr's oCi. ia
"timet, to March 25. Ie7. the re-
W:ie; cf u.e bn.?j:e oyer tuemahooing
at n anun's Mill. A'.o the repairing !
'trt a branrii ot fiuncm.
Trust s Mill la swld l-wcblp. tn
naaif(iyn 11 o'tV.k a. lU
pritiKV tbe repairing of tbe tuidge over
J-' its creek, bear W m. Hav's. in Millard
JBsL;t. win l sol'l to iv, I..-?-.; b;i
- t . a fiftv s, i .
;' ' ' 4?k j
r My t h wovnJ t)xa the dewrt yean,
t ,1.'n n"1 - Tbegual boose! Aad care. ialM
Vf renting, abouid bear in mind ilurKt.
Wfcw,,. t4 j, oie arc!
ffeos tbaj ajaay boostf .and lliat Tw alwars ; wfcra aehuJ I fajJ
SIU1 BrJ rl.Knt.. ,.rirln t Xn 'SI I I. -Sin
lie l,Ti . . : "-ft i- ,
Confluence will have lo send up another
s ot players, since the "Vender ot Pili
and Plaster' and tbe "Bloated Bond
holder ' lost their laurels in this remuner
ative game ot croquet.
A countryman firm "ITexabarger,"
bearing of that final sleighing party on
dot Limestone Road'' (by dem noble sons
ot Petersburg) wants to know if tber bad
dot kite mil eui.
A man cluiwinz to be a printer, tramped
through here. He said be was on bis way
lo Somerset, where be expected a job In a
printing office.
An ariihemeticil question Is cdng tbe
rounds, w Ui some trader ot tbe, Ukhalp.
answer ;
Two men bave agreed to build 100 rods
of fence for f 100; one man is to bave f 1 25
per day, and tbe other 75 cents per day.
flow long must each man work to earn
Prof. Cook, principal of tbe I'rsina
school, bas been compelled to make use ot
the old fashioned birch "persuader" on
tbe backs of some of bis pupils. One
plucky little fellow, Voow Ing that be mo at
have an unpleasant intioduction to 'birch.
fortified hia back with thtee or tour coats
so as to lighten tbe pleasure.
reca:ur Teliey, oroI Israel Welfiey.
died March 11 lb, of fever. Tbe deceased
was a yonng man of promise ; was a con
sistent member of tbe Lutheran church.
He bad U-en engaged ia teaching school
during ibe w inter season tor a cumber U
ye&rs, and w Tery a;ucb. ked,
Hill's gravel train ran ioto a slip or land
slide, about two miles below Ohio Pyle, a
lew days since. Thomas MfCabct one ol
tt)e P'.ea, ws uiwiy viland bruised about
the bead and tace.
Eu. II. L. Bcvins. wko has been baying
S severe attack of pneumonia is improving.
Tbe niiirutag express train going west,
a tew mornings since, ran iuto about six
left ol din which bad slipped in on the
track at tbe west end of Biook's Tunnel.
The cow catcher was the only person bad
ly hurt. Tbe boai comploicett 'Qf " being
very mucb shake up. .v W
IK-v. Bolton, a traveling missionary,
preached in Vrsina and be Id a collect on
h.inilay evening.
Six persons were Uapiued by Rev
Long last Thursday.
John Wallter. Jr." tisvl a pnhlir aile""ofi ;
S-iiurjiv, John will move lu ls city ifi
The farmers iq IhU violnlty bave been
plotting during the Last Sleek.
Ltcrel bill creek bas lieen full for some
days, owing lo snow- pithing in tbe nvmu.
It is tbiHigbt tbe season w ill be unfavor
able for a large yield of maple sugar this
tie of Hale's Ho.sEror" ll.nitnot.ND and
Tar. and finding it successful, he bus con
elided in future that all bis paiients, when
trt'iilileo' willi any disease of the lungs,
slkiil immediately commence Uking
Hale's Honet of IIoreuocsd aso
The druggist's advice was snapped, and
tbe almust discouraged physiciau now is
considered a successtul pracliiioner. His
claims are based ujn tbe virtues of the
meUicine he adopts, which in ali Cafes is
Hale's Honet of HoitEiiorsD and Tar.
Sold bv til Druggists.
Depot, Na 7, tjixth Avenue, New York
C. N. Crittestos, Sole Proprietor.
Price 50 cents aud fl. Large size much
i ike a fooTn trHS linors, cure in one
' Ax AsTosisniNQ Fact. A large pro
portion of tbe Aniericau (eople are to day
dying from the ellects of Uvspei-sia or cut-
ordered liver. The result of these dis
eases upon tbe masses of intelligent and
valuable people is most alarming, making
life actually a burden instead of a pleasant
existence of enjovment and usefulness as
it ought to be. 1 here U no good reason
for this, if voo will only throw aside pre
judice and skepticism, take tbe advice of
Druggists and your tnends, and try one
bottle of Green s August Fin-vex. Your
speedy relief is certain. Millions of hot
ties of this medicine bave been given
away to try its virtues, with satisfactory
results in every case. You can buy a
samp e bottle tor 10 cents to try. Three
doses will relieve tbe worst case. Posi
tively sold by all Druggists on the West
ern Continent
i "Kansas asd Texas. The Dikect
Roctk. It is to the interest oi persons Jo
is; to Kansas snd Texas to aJect one ol
tfcC 4irHl roiltes by which quick time is
made, through cars run, srd c"ai!.rublc
acainimodat'.oss provided. Among these
the "Pan-Handle Route" stands pre-eminent.
Following v ti;r,e f Euily Express
trains via Pan-Handle Route :
Leave Pittsburgh, 8:42 p. Jf. 11:47 p. m.
Arrive bt Lou's, 7:30 a. H. 9;i0 X- X-
' Kansas City, 10 15 f. . 10d2 r. m.
Ccanevtk" are made ia Union Depots
at Indiaaapoiia. bt- Louis and Kansas City
for all points West and Southwest
To accomodate iaou;cs tuugralics. ar
rangenesu bave been ptritcltd lo run
a Through Coach Tuesday ot each week
from Pittsburgh to Kansas City, via "Pan
Handle itouui" with but one change, in
t'uion Depot St L 'ui. This car ia com
fortably upholstered, anJ will be run on
regular Express train, leaving I mn De
part. Pittsburgh at 11:47 every Tuesday.
It yon are unable to procure through
tickets to points in Misaouii, Arkantsts,
Texas, Kansas. Colorado or the Northwest
by Ihe direct and popular "Pan-Handle
Route." at vour nearest railroad station,
call on W. B. Siorey Agent. Union Depot,
t'llisburgb. Pa., or address W. L. O'Brien,
General Passenger Agent "Pan- Ilxuille
Tbiutr," Colbtubus. Ohio.
Apples, dried, fc
A j.jildmtter, fl yat... .........
bran, f
Kuiter, t" (ken) ...
Batter, a (rlli
iluckabeal, W bu.liel
" meat, luO .
iiacuu, ahoahlers, a
" ai-leo,. "
' country hams, f)
Uorn, (ear) jptaisliel
lVm, (slielleil) )i bushel
IJurn meal a........
(Jail skins. V h
tVK. fl Uo
Kl -ur, bhl
FlaxiweU ) ha., (i a
Uajaa, (scuar-eiire-i) 9
Ir., W a".
Leather, red aula,
" npjier
him "
MWitllr-r, and ebop ion tt....
Oni, y do..........
PuMtuoa, ) ba
Peaclia, drid, V
Kf, J
SiUt, Nu. 1. ) t.hi.eitr
' Qrimna Alum, per sack..
Aaliion. psr sac-k ,
Surr, jS .,
" white
Tallow, a....
Wheat, yl bus..
it II
..... tn 6c
75e to el oo
.12' to le
ie to 60c
lo ta ui
S love
a"0 ui SK
Ir JC lu 7e
at s
to I'je
e .Or
M 2S
i tu 7e
4ic to 40c
-. 41 7 SO Ut SI 74
4 u
. 7s
do 1-900
Vtoul. ft fc jio
1. ok valuable rkl kst ate.
by rims of eoulJDU-J ur t-r ol ils IxioeJ Y.t
the (Joort ol I'unnHi Pleaa in Smurmt Co.,
t'i ihf-auilerltr.tetl direrts.l, as MUaee of fettr
W. Sa ler, ut Aileihrny Twp.. In llio til I e.uniy
for tlie i.leo) his mil ssuie. 1 will II at pul.lir
iv ,ua iiie rb-iuiscs ui A'lt'gucriy lOWUslili, oa
Saturday, April 2G, 1870.
A tract of land situate la Allegheny Tp
U reshi. a.ij.ijjirjf In in! of Maibus) (Valhrr
Aunt Stoner, u uthsri, eootaluinc 207 acres,
aliut 140 acrca citarel. -2i rsn f wi,kn are in
BiexO. w: the bals well timbers I. The iia-
.nvcuirn are lo one and a half atury k.
lf.usca. (wratliertiomr-!e.l), a bank turn, Mirn.
house a-Hl other ouil'ttil.ltori; uruhaM "of eholse
(nut trera; ainuvf osvr Ui I water near
the bae: there are a UK) meoilur riri)r on ihe
(.rvmiKs iusi srm lae (reaier botiy of nlui to
ku .11 aa OeeUr'i aao, To Ihatvkioity, aud euf-O'-teotly
atrutiK enough to run a rrnt-mliL Tfce
rojiny la looted UuecUy at tiie Mumerset aud
tlooiord arn ike. n. has beea fur nuoy year
ant. e now a Uvitrl e drore tiaad. a euotsuiDlut
ei r llroad iwhm tua n-cuily been surveyed
thniuxh t hia property, and la ihe nly roole by
which a raiiruad eaa ba awl tnat tft KHiKrrwit
eouoly l ttelds to Interaeel the fennvyl
"nn KaUruadut Mesa's Cuotoe. Bedbrd o.aoiy,
a u I lei uirtctly in the head of what ia favorably
kn-.wa af ltaeter's Qap. Sle to euu3K nee at U
clk a. w.
TtK'tj One-thlnl ta hand, ooe-thfrd lo all
ro-ol fu . nun djl ol r isr. and one-tblnl in one
year Irxi. late of order, wlih tnreH oa deterred
oameuUffroBi Moamiirni ol sale.
March li Aaeiirttae ol frier W, jjgr.
Vhat Oris Dallar Will Eu!
Min co Meat.
Atmore's Standard, I fc pail... ...i 67
Ataiure't Siaadard, 1 1 6 pall 1 j
Atmore f ftan!afi. IS a )all S uo
Uopioa it Inlwortli a 1 itra Fancy, in (lass,
quarts aoo half gwiloea.
Dried Fruits, &c.
10 lh. Tnrker Prunes ..fl 09
S lbs New trench Prune ., . i oa
S It. Sultana (needlw) Kalsiu I 00
S lbs. New Seuh-M KaMna 1 OS
S Hie. New Miucatel KaiMiie... .... 1 00
&U liia. Later Kaisina... loi
lVt lb. New Currants l eo
a . ieicn""! citron 1 CO
4 lb. tUn.tled Lctn'rfi Peel 1 0
4 lbs. I'iDillLHi Uractre l'eel 1 ta
Win. New Kaisios oi)
IS It New lried Pe:he i no
lb New Dried Apples j oo
Preserves and Jelly.
4 Stone Pot Ennllnh Jelly
3 Pot Dundee .Harmalaue
liHllaaar Fruit Preseiro.
llUlaaaea Kruit Jelly
1 ran (3 in ) i mil jenv
I Pail ( lb ) Apple Uuuer
t Pot Chine Ginger
Fluid Extract
, 1 on
1 o
1 00
1 OS
1 00
1 CO
t, the CjU.I. the mud
Fifty years ago, when liobert f'tpt.fD'
tpagt ji u'u Lis Va,' in teat
orable contest oi tbe $"rst fsst loymotlvcs,
bis sharpest tx nipetitor was John Ericsson,
a ycung Swedish engineer recently rttuov
eif to Londoa. Indeed, according to tie
London Timf of tbe day, Ericsson's loctv
motive, the S'vttUg. surpassed ali the oth
ers, -pee.iiii' uuo of !i9 fSOaJ HjbUme
spectacles of Lu'uJ Ingeuuiiy and bunian
daring ihe world eTer bebeid." SiepUea
soo. who was born ia tbe same year w ith
Frt0- Iwff ty years ago; Ericsson
ttllt. Urea, aad l stlli. ltuugn slow seyeoiy
ve years old, indusuiou&ly at work at bis
borne in "ew York upon new and povei
cngtperinc nndenakiCTt. Uisraxeerbas
been a long and apmoiable one," and ibe I
story ol U (4 lijr tbe Fr him adttjuately
preteattd ia aa article wfeicb is to appear
13 Sckibvkk's JIusrril.T for April, lu
author is Col. Wiluaj C. Cucscq, the
ediwof tbe "Army and Sayy Journal."
I w hose intimate aomaintance wilh Caotain
Ericsson baa given' bim nn usual oppor.un
ities for ercips bis bisuiry, while ii$
Lityfu.' LiviM) Aok. Tbe nuiiibers
of Tht Liriag A'je for tte we-ks ecding
March 1st and Hth respetiivcly, O'ntain
"America Rediviva," .Varmi I i'r.'t .Vcrj.i
tint; ' "ileBlal Phyfiology," Elinbvrt;h
tUrur: "Aliout Ixitteries." CvrnMU ;
"The Prrjected Lortriea," Etoi'-n.iiJ;
"The Polish Aha," itfUHJt: ' "Datliel
! Uasa.' ttriliiV GMrttrtg; 'Didactic
I FSirtr, " ihtrjji Xtriit; "Music and
jPetenee," A tre; "rbdrrt Dick, the
Tbuiso JJaker," CAi!ir' Journal:
"Ebb and Fkw." Saturday Rtut ; an
instalment of "pir GibbU," ly I'n.-iijije
VsLKiaiA ad iii itm lu'a of ''With
ia tie PrtciccU." ty Mrs. tmphsnt. to
gether with choice poetry and miscellane
ous. To subsrriters (or 1879, tbe publi&bcrs
still present ibe six. numbers cf ia?S. con
taiDing the iirst parts of ilc Donald's "tir
For fefty-two inch nasiiriers of slkty-tVuir
large pages racb or more than pages
a lean. Ihe luliscriptkm price tS?) is low;
while lor Ti0 50 the publishers offer to
se ad apy ore of tiie American f I rr-on'.blies
or weec'Us with Licinj A?t t-r a
year, both postpaid. L.Htell i Gay, Bs
lop. publishers.
Posititilt tbe Bwi.-Dr. Morris
Syrup of Tar. Wild CLerrr ani llore
hound is tbe very best cocarKHiud ever
prepared, advertised, or sold by any per
son, or under any name w hatever, for the
immediate relief and permanent cure ot
coughs, colds, cronp. w boi iaj cough.
brooch It U. avibma, and all aiscaees of a
f ji jrej;e; ;
.-iV. L.V a weaaw4 fP --
F:fejtUfl. f !":
34 v werk4 little bewI ; 'W thra I pray4
i -. -iwBKurwo!iiarottDi uuw-
le- ?ltsf malaria aad miasma, aad she A&-i I aa retks stl; IwU! eocw U e'er i
U t.r. l"rtrc"Jr "-'.y as H Bitters, I Uil , , i, tcs wr and ) ee Am
elaaJtalU,itJlt:iot- herel staU tt. ' "
studies and pufeulU pecsibarjy it. bim to i cossampUve type. It wiil thoroughly
rstiiastf (tie ncbtyvtBi'ais of tbs f neat t tradlcaU; tbese alarming symptoms in one
gineer. Tbe article will coouin many en- j half tbe time required to do so by c'Jt.
gravings illu-trative o F-rifwoi"; J V It w Pv'' Sn4
.itl lavfaii-ai. ajj u win ions, r-ery csmsa. pot parrpe p. opium or otget
Uulc guaranteed to perfonn exactly as re
presented. -,
Trial size 25 cents. Large sizes 50 eta.
and One Dollar.
A very lew rioe w"J -til;.. .ai a lrt
il; jjecrfferaeS wITT cure. ' ' ' '" i
FWaaJebyG. Bentord, Somerset, I
ana Mountain & Co., Condnence.
' A iu. a AMt. r r-f l. -i..-- p - .
umi tw -y mn Kvmn whvh ia nnrtert v
Vkiul-ie atlJitp ifc)frrpBicJ ffJtrat'uns.
t ill also sipotig prtr ttinj. gt m rail
and clear account of Cape Ericsson's motit ;
interesting isvestigatiocs into tbe subject
of aolar physira, and a tieacriptioa d bis
'solar engine, njw fur tbe first time pub
I'M: i I' '
St S o'clra-k r.
etUte. via
A eerutn trae: of land ttni In Mil for I
by virtue of aa order liwued oat of the r-iuirt r.f
Couitmin Plea. lo and fr the Ikwnty of Somerset,
the uleriaiM)d Afainee of SebaMlaa (iiier
and wile oi jtili..rd I wp. eiBiy aioreaaid tj
Sul cf PenninrlTanU. will sell at n-JAit, ,i
ibe Can Uou la the gojwa tjf Bojnerwt u:
Saturday. April 12. 1879,
tba followinp; d-ril4 ral
Son anauwoty ttiateof PeanavlraBiw adjoinluif
laou oi ret-r I'oimin. tiroeiiu ileraey. aclia
rUn Walaer and other, camtainlna; 1K1 acptj roorc
leta, aad aUowaara. with a hood two story
dwelling h bmr and utbrrou bullilios there
on em-ted i this lana le well MEjirored ana a very
desirable ht-me.
1 thJtS lea per cent of the parriuue to be
paid on day of sale, one-third tncludiaaj the tea
pereent. ou eonsruiatiua ui eaie and oe livery ol
oeed, oite-thrd iu fix mnntha and one-third in one
Tr tvtm Ut oi onset, vlx: (27th i January,
Li: a.) wuh luiereM on defrrre-l puymci a jroul
dale of sale, lo be secured by jndgroUit b-rois.
M arch t) Anew of Sebaailaa Gci- k-r.
lO dose Tonrs. Barbara, aer. Elltabeth
mternutn-ied with Jaoub H.rkri n. and are frni
children ol bu d.iiiilrr Uxunah Ayen, deceel.
li.uiel. Am-, Jc Marl. tJtnbeth Intermar
ried with Abraham liaa4anl, Marniret iuut
jU'ried wiih Wm. N'h kcia. the cbllnrea
in StoBaeraet oiwmy, aad gncd chianrtB la i'ay
eue evoniy Pa-,
i. are nretiy ie4ifte4 ta appear at aa
fh-pbana' tJi.t, lobe held at Sotn-wt on Mon
day ihe 2Uh d.y of Airilxrxt, u aoret or relul
u take the real ra'ale of Henry Voafttf, leoaed,
at ihe eppnuaed v.loaUoa, ur aituw buH any the
tauie !i. ul i r-d be hl.
berill OrtVw 1 E1K1AB XYtE.
Mpjii :S. 1?7'A. i SutriO.
.March 19
in Jaibes K. J,,bne. naaa Intermaried with
1 i.:uik. lit-o. w. Jobnww and Sink Catha.
rine Aalrrwo. ol Semrirl e. an y. Pa. Samuel
J. Johns rcaMina: n loeuill. Mart-m euwnty
Met Virginia. Luellne buerwurrncd with Jut: a
1. Kitteo-ir aixl Hrnrv . Johna both ol
I'mitma Xraliall eiwnty WM inrti.ia.
tVoa are hereby nenued oippn.ratanrpiant
ourt u t.e hehl at MueTet. oa Monday the kii s
day of April aext, t aere tor retake. ,0 uke h
realett ot Sarmh A Vao. deM. SI the p
pnuwd Taluat:. er rhvw -eaane wfcy ihe ratne
ai.ud net tie ikl. r
.hen .Oihre, 1 t PHAS KTLK.
Jaireh IS. 1ST. I eriff.
Ain't i
ktlzrj M. G'Saneror aXonyncek Trp. hav
ix j't as ainmexit to the undersigned notice
l hrrrhy grnrn to ail perwmj ladebted to the laid
AF'igin to uak,e natueJlAt p&iaoebl fo tae
aM Awin)e. aad those karin; chum tu
lp-eai tlira to t9 taiM Ut tettlrawt at the
oiasr il Hix Al. Uurauer, on fcalurday AprU
J. UT.
Marci is Aat$ae,
ItEiLEK 11
Particular atircttca 1J lo the etspaawdiag of
m - '
TaiLiTEKAhT Uaoazink tor Msrrbi
1 will be read v on ibe
! advance, as is the custoa iu contents be-1 Ytumtlj rjadaUble. Ko tibysic reouid.
j icg mainly trota tbe fureiga publications Cosu 25 cesta. Try ii.
; ot same date, ibos givinc bal is . pewest i ---.'-
, n tbe Dietary aw'.d. vl fc a year, ot 6
w '-a ,-' fcs-erf, Pat.
Spices, &c.
6'i lb. Pore Oround Rack Pc-pper... ...... 1 00
S V. Whole Mark, Pej.per t oo
S Boxes tlround Mixed Spice 1 oil
40 Pag. Hi-Car. (Kaklnit) S 1 01)
0 Uaua uoiman a tnirusu Mmurl 1 oo
ii haaaSyracutc Salt 1 00
10 Boxer Fins Table Salt 1 to
4 Jar Knicll.iii Tible Sail i
5 Ilottlea Celery Salt 1 ml
lOCan ttak Powder...................... 1 00
S&-18 lb. Luofe Aloslard 1 00
4 lb. Enfc. Dairy Cheese. ImporUd 1 Co
It-ream Cbeoe . so
12 Hi. Nontcbau-1 Cheew I w
giba. Wearu lienen e Cheese 1 00
Pickles, Table Sauce, &c.
4 Bottles Celery Sau.-e
3 Bottle Pickled Onion
4 Bottle (iuerkins
4 Bottles Cauliflower
4 llottl. Clmw-chow
4 Bottle- .Mixed Pkklc
S Bottle t'p 83 a. lilackwell's Knsli.'h
Battle Italian tllive Oil
S Bottles I omio Cul?nr
S B-itilca French Catiera
S Botile Sninlsh Oiivt
S tHll-f llallord Sauce
J Cm t'!i! ken Snnp... 1 01)
S " ( Tail Soup 100
" TarleS'.up 1 w
4 dr. ii .M..B Hnke.1 Beans 1 (a
i " SoopCoioriuir 1 0
Oat Meal, Wheat, &c.
30 ll.a. Freh Oaime il 1 0
0 liia. Frt?h Crac.ed Wheat 1
21) l.'i Choi e lUrley t OU
11 Hi. No. 1 hk-e, Capilina 1 ni
IS lb. No. 3 Kl.-e. Carolina 1 10
13 l!. No. S Ki y. Carolina 1 00
So lb. Choice N .vy Bean i to
4 Pa:kaa:e lireakiant Bomlny VI
10 Ilia, l-.opir.el Keil lir-an 1 00
S il Imported Buck Been 1 U)
S " De'ioea ed Cocuanut Si
T IN. Irith Mii 1 o
4 Packaxe So M ot Farina 2
S Pa.-kae h-ni 1 00
8 Pwkairtt Uelntine 1 10
10 If. Pearl I aploca 1 0U
IU !-. Flake T.ipi -a 1 0i
4Pcki-ir. M .ain
4 Pack'.aya Frcmh Juil.-nne 1 il I
It !.- f ,1. 1 . . . '
... ritoi .iiLiia . 1 IV
10 Packnif-s Fresh Farina 1 on
101' a. K.8t ln-'la S.u 1 o3
IU Package Kiee Flour 00
ail! (lal lrxl 1 nil
17 lb Pearl Wheat I t
Ji It. New Bw-kwheat 1 l
lo Pa- k-Koa S. ll-k.U5ii. ar 1 01
3 Pack :. S'df kaiiitu tnckwilcat 1 Ul
JilV. Wa.ile Hi'Biiuy 1 ou
Si il4. I m Flour 1 00
ju li Svlu Pea 1 on
S Cuni Fre?h A: pi
3 - C-.oI'.irnl Aprioot
Ked Cherries ,
biK cherries
Oooeebe.He .
We take pleasure in announcine; to the public that we hare
JUJ4T ltCJEI VEI a large and complete stock of Hard
ware, which we intend to sell at
Our stock is complete in all respects, and comprises every
article usually kept in Hardware Stores.
For Debilirr, L;s of Memory, Indis
1 01) position to Exertion or Euninefis, Shortness
100 1 or llreft.ii. Irouhleil w ith I lumirhla tit
J IjJ ; Disease, Dimness of Vision. Pain in tbe
1 v.i ; tiacK. cnesl ana Head, itusii ot i;imhI to
1 tbe lle-id, Tnle Countenance, and Dry
1 10 i If tbese syrapbtms are allowed to to on
1 ; verv freouentlv Eoileotie Fits and Con
sumption b'llow. When tbe constitution
becmnes a fleeted it rt-'ptires the aid of an
invigorating medicine to strengthen and
tone np tbe sjstem w fell
rr i 1 lit
Helmbold's Buchu
By any remedy known. It U prescribed
by the nvM tiui ami pbytciaus ad over the
world, in
S " Asparsirt!
S " Lima b...oi
19 iftriail Bean
V) " boajar Corn
T ' M in;low'v'ora
5 " Okra
S Okraac J Taatocs
T llartoKtat Peaa
t F-irly Jaoe Peas......
7 " O-blen Painpkin
S Snecocash
10 T'-maiow, a.........
t " Titjca, extra, S k
... 1 0
... 1 0)
... 1 -
... 1 00
... 1 00
... 1
... 1 00
... 1 00
... 1 09
... 1 00
1 0
... 1 00
... 1 0
... 1 SO
... 1 00
1 00
... 1 00
... 1 )
... 1
... 1 uu
I 00
t-AbioenlataeqiA .. ..
Fine Apple .......
California Par ,.
ltanletl Pear
Litre, Yellow Peaches, S a..
Pie Peaches, S
Fxlra Velio" Peachew, 3 a...
lam-4i Plum
Eg; Plum
t iu.,mi Eifz FUni
are Plum?
CaiilornU Uagw Plums
Oobien Qainee
U bortleberrie
1 00
. I tf.
, 1 Oo
, 1 OO
, 1 0
. 1 w
. 1 en
1 (A
1 W
. I .
1 to
Soaps, Starch, &c.
IS Bar In-ila Soaa 1 flfi
Jt lur Family &on 1 .0
1. i-aiea n 11111 .-i iivtAn p-....... ........ 1 ou
IS Ban Mottled Uencaa S-juu 1 u
i Bar WaiSoup.. 1 OS
M Cake Toilet ( p 1 W
is oars irian txeip 1 ou
t lb. Imourled Castile Soao 1 ok
U Bar SUmlaid Soap 1 OS
36CakeCauiea-ja 1 So
Mtiin .-a.,iia... ....................... 1 00
S l!w. SiarCnulei. It 1 00
4 lb. Wax Oaciifc 1 0
12 Packasrj Oswcim SiIreT01-. Starrs.... ss
U Pacaaae liwryeaa' Satin UicM Starch....
5 i lb. Hotel Canilies, 14a 1 00
IS Pea-e tirs -tarih 1 os
7 Bvie Starrh Poiua 1 00
IS Bole Ka Blue 1 00
Su Boi-e Siliinjr bice 1 OS
24 Bottlet Liiiuid blue 1 o-
li B. ic Lje M
a Box. Snoe Bl-klnz 1 00
U l.ri lia.a lirh k 1 to
1 Bottle Shoe IrejiE! 1 SO
as 1 W ahii.(f 1 0a
SJ Stick Si v PoUsh 1 00
40 pockaae W(binaj Powder 1 00
a loa. Pearl Starch 1 uo
Coffee, Chocolate, &c.
ICakeaEnaKahVacntaChoeolate 1
14 Cke Cb4-iMatt 1 w
4 Harkaaje Cracked Ooeoa , l o
5 Pckaea Lnirluh Cocua I 01
4 Package hroaia............. 1 14
10 lb. Coeua SuelU 1 oa
4j Pa.-kaea LitractoitVifw 1 00
2a Parkxi;e In ported Chicory 1 uu
rix-rana utraet of .nee.l
SJ ; It. Routed Jm tir! Ki.1C. tv3. ....... 1 go
Si-lS f. Koe.l Jrs Flavor IVnee 1 S
Slba. FreJh a;twl CoUe No. 1 1 uo
' .- nf i crere tsoral!.:)
V-i 4- l4d Ui" UuSes, No. S 1
14 rVw.Jere.1 Snar. .
tfj Ik Cnnhed Suirar . .
lUIIULel Sugar ."..
10 li No. I Urcu!tJ Suai. ".
IVi 11 Stadi A iuju
It C. Asvarotl-
? n: eir
Ja-a ft Lic'.t Yellow Snjjar.
1 J 11 No 'j. YHSw aT.-... ..........
u;, in x i s-r
1 00
1 u
1 'i
1 uu
1 vu
1 00
1 w
mojij axfs nnirrn vwav iwtoktstiis
Qaiia jj-Mi Tea!
Taeekbratrd harden Grown Tsa Is
twldfor! 00. l 30. 1 40,
aad tl UO per Lb.
K tb eO -.r-len OrTj Tea at vwasa rrrn k
delrd. ooa't Uil ba aaenttoa it In Ibe orOer.
An excellent Tea, (all varieties), socb
as is sold at other stores as Best Tea im
ported, I sell at GO and W cents per ponnd.
( S lh
i If
1 114
a ii
cents a number. AntRicas hook Ls
new W ..I'anieam ew.
A U pny-ei hy new law. bnrn ber at day cf
in and a tSicanta, aead tw ttamrai iJt
law, MaaUandawUBC'.iooj V ' -
k. w. irrznr.RAi.DL
I.iaaa Tea - tl Oi
!fL New in-a Tea - - 1 00
I lii. IKdoe Tea. (New) - - 1 00
V-. tci. unnktmst TealXewl 1 so
S'lfc. I'ootce frr ee Tea - 1 ou
ma c noiee tor weaxiast test n
, in, t autre ' hH 1 '.1 - j o
, lb. C'-t Jl-aof Tew 1 us
7"A ie.?jtt3a a nrx now per puwsi wUl bt
atWY td v ail orders ul I wv W.
The Oe'elTUed Gar ien Cfinwa Tea.
The Fawry "Frih Fta;"" FT-mr.
Toe Celebrated Snow Bird i i-r
Tfte lelebraied Ijeim.u
The Parw Vfjl iiapie Sjra:'.
Xe Haefia Ck.jwai.liy lmu k. Vcsetables.
Send Tor i5oay by teg1 red Letter,
PostOJlce iioney ('rdL or Draft on
riusburga Iiani- Do oot send ycrjii
Check. !
Xf-Se&l t t h aw Catokwe and Pvfcs US."!
No. 2S Fifth Arc,
Spermatorrh coa,
... Dyspepsia,
Aches and Pains,
General JJebilitr.
Kidney Diseases,
liver Complaint,,
Nervous Debility,
Head Troubles,
af '
(u-neral Ill-Health,
Spinal Diseases,
Nervous Cornpl'ts,
Female Compl'ts, S:c.
Headache, Pain in tbe Shoulders. Conzh,
Dizziness. Boor Sunnach, Eruptions. Bad
Taste in tbe Moulh. Palpation of tbe
Heart, Pain in the region 01 tbe Kidneys,
and a thousand other painful symptot&s,
are the offsprings ot Dyspepsia.
Blacksmiths' tools and supplies, such as Iron, Norway Nail-
rod Iron, Vulcan Horse-nails, Taper Taps, Horse Shoes', Fino
Sleigh-shoes and Cast Steel, A full line of Best Norway Iron.
Carriage and Tire Bolts, and Axle Clips. A complete stock of
Malleable Iron, Burrs, &c., &c.
comprising a full line of Rim and Mortise Locks, Cast and
Wrought Butts, acomed and plain, a complete stock of Nails
always ou hand, also a full assortment of Glass,
We have id ways on hand a complete stock cf Saws both
Hand and Cross-cut, Axes, Hatchets, Hammers Steel and Trt
Squares, Compasses, Bench and Fancy Planes etc., etc.
We alwas keep a full line of licvol vers, Tistolj, Shot-rruns
Powder-flasks, Shot-pouches, Cartridges, Caps, Wads, Iiifle and
Shot-gun Powder, also a full line of Gun liepair3.
We have a complete line of Lamps, Lanterns, and supplies -A
full line of Saddlery Hardware, comprising Saddle-trees
Buckles, Rings, Harness-pads, Ornaments, etc., etc.
In the Agricultural Department we have a full stock of
Forks, Shovels, Rope, Chains, Mane and Currv-Combs. Horse-
brushes, etc., etc.
We make a specialty ofPocket and Table Cutlery. Also
Silver Plated Table Ware, Plated and Britannia Spoons.
We also make a specialty of Paints, Oils, and Varnishes, and
also Painters' Tools, etc.
We keep constantly on hand the Celebrated Cucumber
Pump, (porcelain lined) and a cheaper quality that are not
lined. This Pump has taken the lead of all others wherever
Helmbold's Buchu
Iimirorates the Stomach.
And stimulate tbe torpid Liver. Bowels,
and Kidneys to beaithy set inn. in cleans
ing the likxal fall imparities, and impart
ing new lile and vigor to the whole sys
tem. A single trial will be fiuHe sorTlcient to
convince the ml hesitating of its valua
ble remedial nu!lti-s.
Price 1 Per Bottle,
Or Six JJottlcsfor
D'avered b any address Iree Ircm ob
servation. Patient" may consult by letter, receiv
ing the same attention as by calling, by
antweribg the following questions :
1. Give yonr name and post-o.-5ce ad
drew, cocnty and State, and yoor nearest
esprrs otlite?
'i. Your ajre and set :
3. Oct a pal ion !
4. Married or single T.
3. flight, weight." now and in ba'lb?
6. How long bave you been sick T
7. Yonr completion, color ot bair and
8. Have you a sbping or ere tt jrait 1
9. Relate wiiboo: reservaUoa all yon
know about yocr cue. nclose one dol
lar as cricjl-.iiti'n t'ee. Yonr ktur will:
liii-a receive our auenttoo. and we will
give yon tbe nature of your disetta aad
oar candid opinion coocercLsj s, coxa.
All goods warranted to be as represented. Our principles
are Fair Dealing, Quick Sales, and Small Profits
e challenge competition. Call and examine goods, and as
certain prices before purchasing elsewhere.
Ko. 62 South Street,
First Xa.vio.ial Bak, and Wcrr. atio5al Ba.vr, of Eah'morr-,
and Cbxmical National Ba.ik, New York.
Carda caa ke bad at tbe Express Ook, Somerset, Pa
p 3.
TheBaMW Lltjwlw Iwt-lwalt MaDafartared
t.T an eaura aew pn.eta. rtwlrnaa; l Ire rrta
AelWaurao SiaLraetabie aatnui. It will
re k or tpot yonr elo be ho; leaes them a bna
tttnl Hot. aad eaawot be expellee! lur Meaehis;.
teerr IrncUe guarantee-!. Kur tale ly all ra-T
ami dealer. Sen.1 lur Pri-w litt ant) Clrealara.
Haaufaarevl he
JllEBAtliS.rilltssrth r.
Mirrh 1
Ltimie t (larrtaoti X Siaith. lataaT Tpper Tar
kerluoC Twp . deeMil.
Letter of alKitrals ec tlx abcir eetate
h rinjj t-ew treated tn the anServltTned. anvirti I
Sen-f.j him tantw taatetitwd Utt In aaakv laa
aaediait pajetewt. aad tate baeliic elaimt araint
It ta pretest tbeaa ilmj aatbeatleattel fear Muia-
"""' W. S. KTHLM A7C,
Xarek 19 AdBinUtrauar.
iXmn4 retkmet of ynik ! th rtpet yt.
On taatpooofol steeped la owe yart of water,
trained, aad I be drank hi vil.elewr orwitb
emit aad turar. b- Ji 1( u to ii atakea a
deltrtuB waterdriBa. Abuwt owe qoan tf tea
bewid b draaa daily.
Prio BOct. and f I .OO per Boa.
SaiBclcat la Bail box (ur M a jt.
nle-t bj Unlet gnmyCj attatde4 to atUaetswd
toSerkjt Teafw.
HTJ Arra SL Philjiteisiis, Pa.
Xarek 1
Tu Xaaey trili. DaaieJ W. WUL A a raw WUL
Etl-eet. ioteraanrled etik Ja St win. Muae
WUU Hiru W ill. tUeww. Wuk. Silaa W1IU4.
eejl. lewriwa; ta? tAjluiew, W wSotw Oenrye
W. I OiLtxltac. Lwiw. In'eratarried tul
Heair ttxieket. Jattp.UM. bxerwamtd tu
J-a C. Stlutlt, AlhertiL WIU, Aaaaaala C la
rmnrrlKt wiik Chrtaiiaa C. Arxa. Mart M.
Wiii, Heeea J.. BtutMiraatl wi,a ivi -
jaiuer s. Jim w ui.
IBS aaw)pr!ane4 AitnioUtrator, he., ot John
BmoDt, oee'd. will cli at mWic asery, at Uie
pablie eiQara. la eMwer"et SM'TOQrS, ow
Saturday, April 5, 1979,
at one o! k, r. .
5o. L A iraet la ad .taat la Sutatraet Tts,
adiulDina of Haa-v. k:tauii it Wihtr,
CuniiMD Vlnfc J. W inus Yiaa-r. Imrtf Aaa
aey. aad 1 retlerv k Klsa;acr. euaialuux; 3M t-rr.
vr or let, atiutu 1 kim are el mr. with s
sere f taeailow. wilh BHtte awl 3le Iwra.
withotoerejt bwilaliiia; UMre-iw treete4;aa or
ebarl ow the -ame.
No. z. T tcti j sere, aaor or ten. adjaUto; tk
abuve.w I eletr. j4 wairBi i area areio Bt-!.w
bataoew In t:l Mat A cwIUtsiIuw ; aa orcnani
ew tbe tune.
These lam! art ar to tehoola, eharrhew. iin.
aadartwitaiaSaulaaofilumwrtet b. re1
JOHN til (.- tR.
Min-b 12. A lai'r with tba will nwi-W .
la tba matter of the aevwnt ef 1 In the rvtrrt T
Isaac kiaiwuTmut Wtt llVmai KtesJuf
Bale f tne Siw ate rte? w Jtmeral fSnrtt3. Km.
Putat Kailmwd. i N.X .
Aad anw. Xan-b 4 1VT9. m betltka ef lwe
Eaafaaa. Trwttee. filed, the Vmrx at-fMtt J
tt:i todtttnti im land la the tu-aoa kf uut
Tntattw, ta and aatuna; tbute eaiKied tberw
ux Extract final tbe Eemrls ecnitel Xarrh Sta,
la: a.
Hy tirtaeuf .e rtcited nmlloo, aette to
berety; ('.tea W all etaiatasta, nAu ra aad htad
era ol taw awmraaa beavi uc aald eoniBwar. tbat i
W.UI tit at ay bdire, in Sutaertet. Hw.. ow Frioay.
April 4. lata. W dlarsargai ta aailew M wtad av
viataaeM, woew and wbere taej en atten-i.
X. U. 1X1 LE.
Warrb 13 Aactiu-.
.W.iew hi hereby alee, that ta enJer-lioe-i Sis
Qaii apblieattia bir tlx renewal M erifi'vte Wo,
tut ami 3a fear t tharew ol iwt 4 tbe Prrrl
mii bwaruwd Oaapaay. kwacd t wbael Z.i
aterataa. Bw deeemteU. and iatad the t day f
J anw, 1ST3, tfen wB4i haTina txw to dettf.ywl.
XarealS AJaa r. of AIkIumI ZiBKatenwaa
Competent fny Wvt)i atiead to corres- j Yew atn taj auUawd that lw fiinamtf a
ptides'i li letters slionid be addressed : writ (watwaat iaaawd wt tan v- twrt.
la Unur.ry. 1217 Fubert street. Pfeiia ri7T.V7 'J.J.", "T"
delpkia. Pi
Druggist aod Chemist,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Cewurriit bvah, t bis la. te retflenea. ew
Xbarwlay the IMA day tc April, i7, wawrw yvw
ewa btw-wl tl yw Iblak ptwper.
StberiS 't Otftew, tWAK KTa.C
iiat. M. 1ST i Xar. 13 SbentT.
House, Si-Pi and Fresco
Uarawd. law ut AaMiwss tanraaks
Lattert aradatlXTwib ewtt f wantrw
ew tan abtare awate kaeiea; beew artniei t tbw
wndeniaiMd. nnt-e U hereby xtrew tw afl aera.aa
tadebud in wakl ewaiw to But lima.iwi
atMt ax.1 tbtan btnr d-imtttrt iw iR
pretrvt tbeta daly aatbewttcnied lr Oer
tbe nademwaed at law reebltwcw ot M d
d. w Satar ay t Sd day vf 'April wexi. wxwwi
aaal wbarw they will nnend few wt-l "Ve-
JIAfcl-H Xc.LlT-K-
cdi rora-s xotice.
lt awderrwM AwtiKW apwttJ by taw
Orobwaa- tuwrt wertrt ertjoty tt,asnta ma.
ianeVnttwuTne- . dlatHMW-w 1 the- fwl
ta tia-tf A. teaaw. tW A.HtwjJWrwiaeWJ- hw
J FtiUlppt deeeated. t ti awwa lbu tly
aO oStww. bereky Bt nutfcw Ua b.
tTuwd to tbw dwsew W anal antjBt nt Aai
ur. n 1 atuew -. wla astt UlofW
? iw a vxaa ca.avun a.
Bus SSi, Waahmuaa, U (X