The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, March 19, 1879, Image 2

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    The" Soawrset Herald ,
wl1""" T.
V,lWP"'"-' ; -," - nf ihr f Tnaiif Arnew
Ii was the question 01 m
crane ngbt to men oa..o y-,
tnade tDB extra erooiuu
m -v - - r nn trrrM . m
. ;
Thi election v.:
of Kaudall as SPak
triumph for T.lden.
Randall Speaker, means Tilden
for President, just as urelj m w
Democratic National Convention
assemble to nominate a cauaioate iur
President in 1SS0.
Bcttoss are gathered by tbe peck
on renuejlvania avenue, and ae a
rule, jou can recogniie a Democratic
Congressman Ij bi tuttouie
Tbe crowd is buLgry, and tbe e'-"1" f
Republicans njile " tbey
ia fierce.
louk on. '
TnE KubrcripiioUB to tbe four per
cent, luaa are falling tff j rapidly.
This is one if tbe bei i-itf of TeUV'
ion busiacfs. tboiDg as it does, tbat
capitalists are Eadiog better
f ,r t!ir motiev than
t ioat
UitUlD vm
per cent interest.
Over thirty ibouaud applications
fur anearages ot pensi. ns Lave al
ready been tied in the Tension cilice
at Washington, and it is thought,
fully tbat many more will be added
to the list. It s estimated tbat tbe
m a hic-h each U entitled
Wt'lttKC PMM
ill be about eight buudrtd
Tns Democrats are so eager to re-;
turn Jtff Davis to the Senate, that
Bre iniD: to induce Senator I
liruce of Mirsis.-vpt, iate term
does not exoire outit 1S50. to ign.
The wre
ile fur tne bpeakerf-bip '
hi. riralied IQtO a
Tiiden and aut.i- j
1 - - . nr. i
lild. n Cgb Uanflall nng iu -
den caudidate. It looks as if tbe
to Sam's would win, and thus lb
r, nmocratic Xa ioaal Conven-
.!.. .ill hare notion to do, except
register tbe decree euuiiCiated by the
incoming CootrreBs.
Democratic c iutoI of the new
H..ur means tte featiug of every
Democratic c-jaitstaut, whether he
waB elected or not. Tbe last session
ttabliched tbat precedent. 01 ource
Andy Curiin will ueeze io, although
lie was utterly routed by bis op
ponent. The trial of Hull of Florida, for
ballot box stuffing Las been post
poned nntil May. Tbe balls of Con
gress will be graced by the presence
cf that Democratic luminary for a
brief space before tha penitentiary
claims him for its own.
Hull will of course occupy lis
6tolen seat and rote with bis brethren
in the organization of tbe new Re
form Congress.
The Democrats are kiud enough,
in making arrangements for tbe Dew
Congress, to let the President know
bis orders in advancer" If be bebaeta
bimself very tnbmit-eively, he will
fcave money to carry on lbe public
business. But if he be so rash as to
fcave opinions of his own, why, then
tbe government will have to get
long withont money. Xorth Ameri
ca. E. V. Smallev. tbe intelligent cor
respondent of tbe N. Y. Tribune, has
been travelling through Texas, Lou-
i.iana and Arkansas. lie reports
them aa solid to-dav as during the
rebellion, hostile to northern men and
ideas, and intent on controlling lbe
government. Tbey are generally
gainst Tilden. but will support any
Democrat who promises euccssa
The Reonblicacs are a unit for
- s
TnE Democracy are showing signs
of alarm over tbe extra Eession of
Congress tbey bave fcrced, and the
journals of that party are wrestling
most vigorously with tbe lie that the
Republicans are responsible for it
All tbe old arguments in favor of
secession are revamped to sustain
their present revolutionary position,
end tbey begin to see tbat the coun
try sees through their shallow pre
texts. Tbe traditional policy of the Dem
ocratic party is to oppose every safe
gaard to honest ' suffrage; therefore
tbey bavs made tbe present open ie-
eae with tbe Republicans, "repeal the
lawa insuring a fair ballot, or we will
top the wheels of Government, by
withholding appropriations:" This
is the issue on which the preseat ex
tra session ot Congress w as forced,
and this w ill be tbe issue in the next
Presidential campaign. The Repub
licans bave taken their position, and
are ready tor tbe contest.
Remember, tbat tbe additional
taxation that must come, was made
oeceesary by tbe action of tbe late
Coogreee whiefa appropriated millions
for back pensions, and rivers and har
bors, while it not only mad bo pro
vision for obtaining the money it
thus voted away, but redoced the
tax on tobacco, thereby Jecreasing
tbe revenues of tbe government
bout ten millions of dollars an,
AVuile toe Stale is about borrow
ing two millions to make good a
-deficit ia tbe Treasary, members are
rravelyjdeliberating tbe propriety of
voting four millions to pay tbe I'itt.
burgh riot losses, and three millions
for the Border raid claims.
What would the people think of
rutrs business capacity, or common
sense, who.'wbils negotiating for a
loan to pay his debts, would at tbe
fame time bestow gratuities on bis
poor and perhaps deserving neighbors
to four times the amount be was
forced to borrow to meet bis own
necessities? Yet this is precisely!
what some cf our Legislators con-'
template doing. Tbe man who would i
ee :lw money of another, as be
wouia not use lib own, is not nt tOj
erre In any representative capacity.
t.. mmmm
M . "r TJ. ... ' . if
. . nrh A.
7 -" i
juoge ague- -
A , nn thn tXDCD. Qe-
uu k c a. k w wv
lireriogr ibe judgment of tDe couri, di
wuuia neceeMij
jubtlr bare great eibt in moulding
J . 6eulime0t . bot 8 tbe paid
7 of Allegbeoy .coantT, fced
ttf m8ke lbe wor3t ,ppeftr tbe better ,
'cause, bis opinion, as would bo tbat ,
of any lawyer under similar circum
giances, is in favor of bia client
Tbis and notbing more.
It ia eighteen Tears Since
i D4-ui0craticWtv controlled CoDgress.
Wiihia tbat period the Republican'
IRr,y has cruhbed one of the m ist
ftig.i tic reoellioQS on record ; 'reea
four tbiilioos of fclaves; steadily re
duced tbe national debt, incurred
during me war, and made tbe cur
reoc-y irsued to t obtain tbe armies of
the United States at par in gold
Philadelphia frexs.
The Meridian (Mi.) Mrcvry
spek4 tbu: "If Jefferson Davia
teed anything to add to the statur.e
of bis greatness, the malignant Sena
tors whose puisne wrath boiled over
in tbe Senate Chamber the other day
ia the bliodne of their bale are
suppWisg it. The mus of history
in tbe years to come may condescend
dollars I lJ nonce meir uii.guaa ,.H-.-al
du-t tbat bad settled
0pon tbe crown of his full grown
greatness, nod out of great care fr
gJ grand a reputation, brush it away.
Tustrue iuardoe of Tilden's
can)pign f -r tbe capture of the I'rcsi-
dt.m v j8 set forth as follows, y
w.-hintrion correrpondent ef the Y
y Tribune:
fbB &uti Tilden Democrats are not
m Jlt je Worr,d at the attitude which
hb "pid man" (as his followers affiC- b.m has assumed ta re
grd to lbe Trended;! nouiiuation.
U Beitn to bare tbe party w;rrxiuud
ed, and, it reports from Deuiocratu:
sources can trusted, be threaten,
to dectrof it if be cuot rule it aud
he its caudidate io Ilisagent.
tre already io utauy pans of tbe
South, aud thi.- is tbe y n which
thf v rc haid to put liio cace to tr-e
managers tit the party wiib whom
tbey consult :
"Governor Tilden is entitled to tbe
nomination. Tbe Democratic party
is unaoimous in its declaration that
he was cheated out of tbe ffiee to
which l e wu fleeted in 1876. and
bavtLg ouce Loroe ti.0 brum ot the
Ggbt, and spent hi. money freely, as
muih tor the success of tbe party as
lor bis oo, it is unfair to deny him
the privelege of securing the reward
tbat was stolen from him. He will
be tb ctrongest candidate tbe Dem
ocracf can nominate, becane the
pe nile ho roted for him before, and
a bo were not auo wea ia er i y me
friiita of tbe victory they fairly sroo.
w ill rally around bis standard Again
as tbev will around tbst of no other
man. Bui a-ide from all tbeso con
fideraiions, tbe nomination of Mr
Tilden U a political necescity. The
Democracy will bn iM-atn in 18"0
oi,Ie(i ii carries New York. Went
ibai U 'seroiT Tildeu, if be is nomi
nated, can secure tbe tbirty-five elec
toral votes of tbe Empire S a e. No
otber candidate can do it. Io fact,
ibe "old mao" will me tbat no otber
Democratic candidate does carry
New York if be is bea'cn in tbe con
vention. You see, therefore, that tbe
Question to be considered Is nol
whether yos prefer Governor Tilden
or some other mac, b'Jt whether you
will co into tbe caiupws wiib a
good chance of winning witb iiu,
or with certain defeat staritg you in
the face witb some one else for yoor
To such an appeal as this there is
no answer. If it is said that r.
Tilden cannot carry tbe aoftmoney
States of the West and 8oulh, bis
agents point to tbe election returns of
1S"6, to prove tbat Democratic in
flationists votfd for bim in 1G,
when his opinion oo financial ques
tions were as well known as they
are now, while it is morally
that no representative of li.e "Ohio
idea" can earry ei.her of tbe Eastern
States. If it is urged that Governor
Tilden has been damaged by the dis
closure of the cioher eom-piracy, tbe
answer is tbat the Democratic party
has exonerated him of all partici
pation in or knowledge of the doings
ai Pelton. Smith, Weed, Marble and
WooIIey, and tbat at tbe worst these
men were on;y striving to obtain
what belonged to &e Party. If it is
suggested that Mr. Tilda would
blast bis political future by eoaptss
ing (he defeat of tbe ' Democratic
party in Vew York nnder any other
standard-bearer jud would cover
himself witb infamy, it 3 answered
tbat he has no political futtife ii be
fails to fret tbe nomination, and that
if tbe Democratic party is beaten in
New Y'ork io J88v cobody will be
able to prove tbat Governor Tilden
raised bis Soger against it. If twe
party does not recognize bis claims,
which are stronger than those any
man ever bad before bia, lis leaders
cannot certainly expect that ha will
enter into tbe campaign with as
much t?al and spend bis money as
freely as tbeegh he had great per
sona! interest in tbe issue of it
It wiU be seen from the above tbat
Mr. Tilden has at present "a twist"
upon tbe party of wblcb be is bound
to take adrkctage, and tins far there
seem to be no way of escape, for
this reason we may expect to sco tbe
anti-Tilden men grow meeker and
jeeker from this time until tbe as-
embto of tbe Dominating conven
tion, and lite they will swallow
their dish of crow ! J.ittle men and
good Democrats.
The Bvrk Plaa.
The Democratic programme, as
Senator Beck disclosed it ia tit last
speech before tbe adjoarnroent, is tb
programme of obstructives. Its tact
ics are tho tactics of revolutionists.
I ts object is to force the repeal of the
ooly defence against .corrupt ballot
in many iate. The entire move
ment turns npon tbat ; for the Re
publicans offered to rote for lbe re
peal of tbe test oath and tbe proritsUn
allowing tbe employment of tbe army
to preserve tbe peace during elections.
Mr. Beck ennouueed tbat separate
bills f.r tho repeal of these to tbe
Democrats) obooxioas la. is would
be prepared and acted epoa si iLe
extra session. "If. ' said be. "tba
Presideut ot the United States in tbe
exercise of bis prerogative shall veto
such bills, then tbe riders tbat caused
the failure of tbe appropriation bills
will be insisted on ; and if tbe Presi
dent chooses to block tbe wheels of.
government by vetoing tbe appropria-1
h-JiTS. "T.ROYAL H UrllALo.
continued Mr. Beck, "lbe conn i-
tion-. wbetber ri,rbt or wrong, will
a-eeesarT for Mr.
Beck o illustrate ibe meibod or dm
-- " j - , - . -
r...w .... ;n..rf thn methods or Die
n. he dld i0 tbe last sentence
un w -- -
t i-z axnnf nnr!
wfao ka(JW), enoKb ,bout
the h rtorr or tbe Uemocrauc pe,rj
jt0 eIpreB8 an intelligent opinion
: need to te told tbat the qoemion of
tbeng or jJS
Y of tbat pM,T. Tbe nearest
the partT ever got to tbe conmdera-
tion of the moral aspects of any ques
tion was in the days when it said of
almost every proposition "Is it ex
pedient 7" The question , of right
was niver raised io any other way ;
and it was only raised in tbat way !
by tbe rule of ibe party "Whatever
ia exoedientis right." Ii was Mon-
te-q iieu, we believe, who said, "Jus
lice includes equality, but quality
does not necessarily include justice."
Tbe Democratic leaders never lu tnis
countrv reached anything like so fiae
a pjint as tnat Tneir legislation is
intended to bridge time with days,
out with years; or, better still, with
ages Their methods are tbose ot
uuthrift, which lives from hand to
mouth, and sturdily scorn- tbe man
who sees an inch beyond bis nose.
Because tbe Democratic party mutt
win the fight in 18S0 or never expect
io win at all, and because wiib wlair
and free ballot it cannot possibly
win, U come, down to tbe footlights
and announces revolution. Mr Beck
simply says, remove every defeuce
gainst fraud upon the ballot, or we
will refuse the money to carry on
public bu.ioess
Very weli Let that fee the under
standing, and let us goto the e tuLtry
oo thai issue. Ifjbe people of tb a
couufry want revolution, they cau
so signify by iLtjr rotes. And if
tbey want revolution, tLey pannot be
b!ked "f their want. But it is well
io remark ibat the f?rty-eixib Con
gress was not elected opon that is
uo. Tbe repeal of ibe election law
was not made a question anywhere
at the last election, not even in ibe
South. So far as tbe Democracy are
concerned, tbat could make oo differ
ence. Tbe leaders never consult the
views or wishes of ihe people. Tbey
assume tbat tbe people want wbai
tfce leaders want, end drive on with
tbat aasuinnijoo. certain memo
rable period, in our biior7 f)e Dem
oeratic leaders have learoed, too Lie,
ihat tbe people not only d:d nqt want
what ibey wanted but Wopld bave
nous of jt. The leaders wanted '0
make slavery national and freedom
sectional in 1854 Tbey roted io es
tablish that peculiarly Democratic
order of things. But tbe free-soilers
went to the country upon that Issue,
and then, much to their surprise, tbe
Democrats found thaf the people did
not want what tbey warned,
Tbe same leaders, baring tired of
the Uoioit because it no longer gave
milk to their suck, concluded to
abolish it io I SCI- But tbe people
concluded not to bars the Loion
abolished. The same leaders con
eluded that tbe war was a failure in
1864. and so solemnly proclaimed in
national convention. But the people
did not so conclude, and taking fresb
courage, drove on until ice worm
confessed that tbe war was a success
Tbus on tew occasions u must be
tolerably clear that ids leaders of the
peuiof rauc party did not Jnterpret
popular wiii trjbt. And if we are
not greatly mistaken, lb? uutry is
oi ce more to witness lbe oyerwbeioi
iug rebuke of tboai- leaders for assnm
fug tbat tbe masse are a stgpid and
unscrupulous as themselves, fbpln
telligeut of all parties know that (be
Federal eleciion law la as fair for one
partv as for the other; and honest
voters know that it never impeded
any honest voter in its operation. It
is not denounced by boust roters
an v where, nor can it be. because it
only lays an injunction npon fraudu
lent voting. No man ia Poil.delpbia,
legally entitled to vote in lbe pre
ii ici Lx'"5 be offered bis vote, cao
say tbat ht bas ere (een deprived of
his privilege ry the operation o; tba.
law. And tne same U true oj nooesi
roters every w here. Pfiiladeljh ia
Adrift Atrrica.
9ae Lawyer Aatrtbfr
Sr Locis, March 13 Two of tbe
most prominent lawyer of this city
bad a qoarrel in a Justice's jtourt to
day, which culminated (a one of them
Stabbing tbe other four times infiict
ing fietrioas wenods. I be person
stabbed wts 5 i!liam M. Eccles;
bis assailants was ex-C;rpoit Judge
J. M. Erum, man who bas keen
Mayor of this city, and is ranked as
one of tbe finest lawyers of this Stats,
bis practic of late having included
as clients A- T. Sbtwart k Co., and
otber large New York firms. Tbe
Case being tried was an important
one, and during tbe argument of
Judge Krum, Mr. ICcrlcs interrupted
bim rudely, and charged feist with
being intoxicated.
The Jusge promptly knocked bim
down, aod the cjurt pojcpotly fined
them both for contempt. ' ne
was paid, and tbe argument proceed-'
ed, but Mr. Eccles again offeaded,
and, another Ggbt occurring, tbe court
ordered boti no nnder arre-t
While tbey vera being conducted
from tbe coort Judge Kruw rw
iLJs pocket-knife, and slashed bis op
ponent's wa and side four times, In
flicting aa many cyere wounds. Both
men immediately er laen o their
homes, Mr. Eccles declining to jros
ecut9hi assailant.
4 War i-ei lmm&fit.
Norfolk, Va, March 13 The
United States steaw sjoprjrof-war
Galena was successfully laancfeed a
the Gosport Navy Yard this after
noon. Miss Carrie Gillis, daogbter
of Captain Gillis, of the United States
receiving ship franklin, broke bot
tle of viae oyer ice bow g 8he glid
ed into the war and christened ier
the Galena. The eobitrution of the
vessel was commenced in March,
1873. Her length is 249 feet and
,WTft'Ub 37 feet. She ia beautiful
specimea of carat rcnitecture, and
is to tate tue ptaxj oj ine old war
vessel Galena, wbo record tfrjuj
tne iveDeiuon is wen Known.
a4OOlK fawar
Warka Dc
Danviu e. Pa , March 13 A tr
rible explosion occurred this after
noon at tbe Haconinr powderworks
ot P. M. Gallagher Cc, near this
piace, completely destroying tftj
buildiag and instantly killing Wra.
Moyd, one of tbe pioprietors, J. J.
Evans and iohnC. if owrer, their
mangled remaius Livog cEtverd ia
every direction. The cause ot Ibfl
explosion is unknown.
Ailextowx, Pa , Mareh lz J,
Wey was shot dead, last night, by
a iui iiiui, wune rouuing nen
roost near Cedarville, viUage three
milus from ten.
San-Use of tie Dake ef Counangh', Son
fQaeea TirterU, t Priaees Lauitte
JUrjaret, Dangfcter ef Pi lace
Charles of Prussia. '
The Grandest Wedding Eng
land Has Seen Since tbe
Prince of
New York, March 13 Tbe Tele
gram' London special from George
Augustus Sala gives tbe following
descriotion of tbe royal wedding ai
Wiudaor today: Never since the
marriage of the Prioce of Wales witb
ibe Princess Aleiaudra of Denmark,
now eixteeo years ago, baa Wiudsor
worn Bucb gala aspect as this
morning. The crooked high street i
gorgeous in its fluttering of flagi and
heraldic devices aud royal c ngratu
latory mottoes. It rej -ices in a roas-
of color tbat seems to make the quaint
old street glad, and forms an x -eed-iogly
pleasant contrast with tl e vast,
anetere grey mass of cast e tbat
crowns the crest of the hill. Toe
balconies on either side of tbe tfee
are draped with flags and hung dowo
with festoons of fairest fl wers. At
ten minutes ptst twelve, aud up in a
signal given by ibe L rd Chamber
lam, six royal trompeters, clad in
cyats of cloth of gold and stacdiog
three oo each side if. tbe weft door
of Lit. George's Chapel, sound a pro
longed fan fare. Tbe yeoman of tbe
guard on duty at tbe door relax- bis
Dold of the lock and tbe portals opcu
Kb drsroftic effect, revealiog a loug
Covered way through wbitb sdvaa
cestbe glittering procession of royal
guests, at its head tbe steward of
IJer Majesty's household iu full cs
inme. Ail eyes wej?e fcjea on ve
ituptisiog personage w ho f. II is.
ill Highness the ilahrhjib Dbuleep
Sipgb, whose swarfby face is seo
beneath a splendid turban and caftan
literally blazing witb emeralds audi
diamonds. Accompany iug i tbe
Mahrance, bis wife, in a dazz'iog
robe of golden Web Tbeo the tow
eriog firm of Prince tJJard f
Saxe Weimar, to the onitorai of "
Eiiglish General, u easily reco?nZ'd
The portly form of Princess Mary.
Duchess ot leek, appears am Ing and
genial fts eyer. Tbe Duk-s :f Teck,
io lbe quiet, bQQiuo uQtfina ot
be n ft bngsae, ii beide her. Two
princesses f Safe CoburitQ t ha suc
ceed. Next pomes the llucbess f
diqburgb, escorted by tbe Dukn ot
Cambridge, ber royal sp ii,so haying
taken bis place in another procession J
IDerriDce aua i rincess vnrisnan
alk together. Tbe Prince. Fred
erick Charles, mother ef tbe bride, i-
s)4q Qomoelled to avail herself of the
serrioe. of nuboaiq ae eircum'
at a nee, as ber liege ..rd has busiue
eUewbere. Immeoae interest is t
ken in tbe appearance of the Crown
Princess of Germany and Prass'a,
the Pfincess Riyal of Eagland, who
is arrayed ii u;aj;oificeut costume
of deep blue velvet lined witb ermine.
and wearing a Dumber or foreign or
ders, a spleudid crimson ribbon and
badge eroasitjg her breast. Tbe
Prince Imperial of Germany, . user
Fritz,'' wore a uniform of white nod
silver. At this point the procession
gtoc'g Qore and more exilted in the
ranks of ts meuijbS.S Jpe Priocess
of Wales, io sea green satin and train
of portentous length, is accompauifd
by ber tbree uiarciog little daogb
ten. and by the tiny jl'rioce George
best crans his c tllossal Mjsty tb
King f the belg;i;Qs, looking as good
uatared as bp is large, ana smiling
affably to Bererai acquaintances
whom be recognized in the aisles
Tbe Q ieen of tbe Belgians aears a
train of roamon velvet-lined with er
mine, The procession closed by the
yeoman of ib guard and gentlemen
at-arm-, and while it moves up Iian
del's march from Hercules is plav
Jr'or some n rinntes ntter silence
reigned. Tbe caotioas veouao re
6umes bis hold on the lock, and at a
gentle wave from tbe Lord Chamber
lain tbe silver clarion of the trump t-
ers ringf ot. Pnce more tbe portals
are Bung open and tbe roya; procs
eipn appears in sight. E'qares,
clrks, marsnats, comptrollers, gen
tlemen flshcrs, rlpi as usual, clad iu
gold embroidery, enter, 'f ben pomes
the Garter Ktog-it Arms, scepter in
hand, and tbe Lord CharaWUio, hi"
shoulders covered witb wedding fa
fox s of pbite satin. They r jra
mediately preceding ITer Msjstv,
not preside) y walking backward, but
wheeling ever and anon at balf torn
in remarkably nimble manner. The
Lord Steward escorted on the otber
side tbe greatest personage of tbe
procession. fetateir, serene, but
scarcely so sorrowful as of yore, mi
rayed ID raven black and with length
ened train bom bf two youthful pa
ges of honor in scarlet and white,
wearing tbe broad bine ribbon of the
G&rie ealtiere-wige, the diamond
gorge and a'neoj&er of other decora
tions, with long veil of white genre,
and coronal, flash in? witb diamond
comes Victoria, Qoeea of Knfland
find Empress of India. Princess
fceatrief! p nd little Albert Victor of
Wales plo&ely foljjwo ITer Majesty,
tfter whom come tbe crdwd oi ecai
officers of tbe household, cod Maato'r
of tbe buck bounds, tbe veneraMe
sViscobt Tetgpleton. As tbe proces
sion enters tbe march from "Atbalie"
is played on the1 Organ. Tbe Q teea
ifi conducted to foot-stool cf crimson
and gold, titcei for ber on tbe dias
She does npt, bowerer, tae fcer seat
for some time, bat remain standing.
receirttig witb austere dignity the
obeisaoff s of the printe? no nobles
near ber.
Ssarcelv five minutes elapsed be
tweea ibe arfitfl of tbe Qaeen's pro
cession aod tbe repetition cf tbe ter-
emonial kt tbe west door announcing
tbe advent of the cortege of the
bridegroom. This wa? comparative
ly short. Two comptrollers of the
household of P'ince Leop ld (who is
QnforfuDstaiy, having taken ill at
Darmstadt, unable to be present.) en
tered, followed by tbe Duke cf Q n
naoght in full Colonel's ouiform. Tbe
bridegroom is sopponed by bis broth
ers, the Prince of Wales and Duke
of Edinburgh. Sir George Elder's
march, composed on tbe ocfra-ioy of
tbe marriage of tbe Prioce of Wales',
atitlpd "Albert Edward," is plared
u the Pnovea passes np the cave.:
Tbe bridegroom is oou(ted to tbe j
footstool on tbe right Oi the fraani
u. r k. .I...
For tbe fourth and last time tbe
j ceremonial at the wcet door ia re
' ported, tbe yeoman aod gcntleiecrt-
Villa VIVBlUg WUVIV tl, U4 tlVBU)(
their partisans as though to guard
some specially precious object pnce
more tbe clangor cf silver trumpets
is heard and wide yawn tbe doors.
Tbe nbiquitoas Lord Chamberlain
bows low to welc me tbe procession
uf ibe bride. To masters of cere
monies follow tbe herald; then
come members of the German em
bassy io diplomatic uaiforai. covered
itb stars sod ribbton, and then tbe
German embassador, Count'Muos'er,
beamiug aud snoremely happy. Victi
Cbatrberiain Viscount Bariagton.
cleverly emulatiag tbe dt-xierou-
baif turn peramhula ious of bis chief,
immediately precedes tbe bride. Sbe
ia pretty, graceful and trembling.
Her simple, girlinb lineaments re
minded the Fpcttkturs strongly f the
stories and charming pictore of ''Lit
tle Susdown," arrayed in bridal
white; witb veil of richest Honitoo
lace, and wreath of orange blossoms
Her train, a very niagara of white
satin and lace, is b'irue by 8 brides
maid. Piiaees. L oise Marquerile,
or Margaret, as lbe Q ieen is panic
ularly aox us the bride should' be
called, 1 uked so simple, s Im.-b, s
gctle, so natural, tbat the spec ators
j ii'e f rgoi t' a-k whether obe wore
diamonds or ont. Tnev only saw a
sio plj, natural girl. Th? 8 brides
mads, cbosea for their beauty, as
well a their exahed p isitioDS, f il
lowed tbe bride, r-b-.'d in snowy
white and wrapped io a R'ift, droop
ing veil. Tno bride is supported by
her father, Prince Fieder ck Cnrle-.
the stern captor of Metz, familiarly
koown astbn ,-R'd Prince " A -be
procession paired np Handel's 0;;ca
sional overture is played.
by tbe Archbishop of Caoterborv,
who i-i supposed by etiqueti to b
assisted br other members of th Ep;"
copnte and br tbe Dean of Wind-wr.
In realitv lbe ceremony is wholly
performed ty the Archbi-hp bim
self He road beautiful excorpta
from the litany with great feeling and
im pressi eness, the hened'e
tiou tbe sublime Hallelujah chorna
pealel forth from tbeorao ard v ic
ei -f ihe choristers. Tbe coup de
qeil wbei lbe reremonr i at i'a
acne almost bftls d"PC"irtl o f-r
steline--g at.d mngnificercp. The
suo'-i rays 'bronb the s'tt'ofd els.
el it ten air a?ain8C the c'ln-nna and
alU and liirbting up the hainr
helmets and mantles over r-H ook
at.all. coraacatimr on the aoiformnnf
mn aqd jwels of ladiea, ma'la the
Onn one of unequl-d pte'nrpoqip.
nefg and grsndur. T"" choir hv
ing Intoned the lat. anthem the imi
ted processions nf the brine and groom
jaa from th attar to thn woat H oe
ro th tr'nuph rt nfB 'f Afeod"'
Rohn's Redding Njr. Th pair
to ked prnnd and hspnv. h b"in?
enjorlv at'entirB, tn much so a to
afe a 'hi'e silk man'le one of
be ladies ia wai'intr and wrap it
around her na sh eqierppa into th
"mewhat hpk air of the cl'tii'ra.
Her Majesty likewise, oo her arrival
at. tbe west door, la, In c"nsq'ienp
of tbe crispr.esH of the sir. invpated
with a mmtl of wht't- miniver, whih
Priqcesa Batric annp a plonlj of
prmtae rhen thn great ladies gath
er thpir trains, and some lanirhing
tbe while, entirety diverted, them
selves of tbo-e encumbrance, the
scene became a brilliant knletdcoscop-
ic chaos. PUio morning drea shoul
dered grapdnes, errayed in colors f
garter. Princes, nobles, soldiers and
sailors in unifirm. strutted into tne
quadrangle, some to he convevpd io
tforgenus poirt Crpring, others to
Ggbt their way as bt thv eonld
throusb tbe rank of 'be police ino
the. streets of roaring .Windsor, where
tbe bells are clahgtng, banners wa
ving, and pp ple h'ddiog high holi
day, although tbey have seen hot
little ot (he g rgeous pageant in St
George's chanel
e ' "
L ck Haves, March 12 Theice
gorge four oj es west of L ck Haven
ave way ao iutten o clock latniirb
aud passed qowo with a rusb tearing
ay everything iu its p tea?e 'qotil
ii reached tbe Queen's Ran railroad
bridge, which withftoju the shock.
aud tbe ice pgsiioj on reached tbe
city about iniaoigbt. Tbe water
roue four feet in a few minutes and
carried the ice opou the baok along
ibe cltr front. o sorjous damage
was done in the city, but It is feared
bat bcom mers bave sustained great
iijury.' Ibe dn,age at (ueen's Ron
and rrraadsruie is very ceary.-- a
log bouse wbteb t?a stood for fiftr
years was completely demolished and
aootber bouse was carried oa some
distance sod lodged against the
mountain, its ock-ujvn barely es
This morniag tbe Philadelphia and
rie railroa j omoaoy sept CUO men
to the scene, bp lj siz o'ciopx tney
have nearly balf a mile cut tiiroogb
the ice, whicb is froo lea to Efieeu
feet thick, aod expect ty to-morrow
night to be able to get truius through
In m&ny lI"? b th tbe track and
bed are wasted aw?y ny two cul
verts have U ?u yssheqi out.
EarltiMg heene.
Yaxktos, I). March 10. A ne
gro named Lank Cain was ,.u;r4y
afternoon caught in tbe act of an as
sauti Qroo tbe tf n year old daughter
ol b. L. . Gorman,- oa tee cp
prairie about a mile west of town.
He ran away, but was suben-ientlv
a'rrested. fjLt:erable exci.ement
followed, sod tbreh'-S o( lytubiag
were b.rd on .1) sided, i bis after
noon tbe prisoner vs ituufcl l'utu
Police Court for examination. Just
before tbe proceedings began, Mr.
jiorujau ajiyearpd in the court room,
leaoiog b) i.iue gacgiftcr. to
fronting the negro, be asked tbi girl
if that was tbe man. 8be std It
wti. Gorman drew a revolver and
fired. The awiipuj rs struck do n
by a bystander, sdd lbe bsti tr,al
through the Degro4s thigh. In tbe
couiS08 which ensued tbe negro
escaped, and fev'id br a mob
outside, and would have bitPtj imrii
but for the prompt action of Sheriff
T.1 ".'t J: -.1 S... l.
wl:b retofoef ia eaj-b band, teji
rescued his prisoner, wto f'snow sef
in jail, and will have b s trial as sown
as be rtcovers.
J li Jtnrrter.
Ci!cimati, Mr:b li. A spciai
dirpa'cb says:
"Charles Herbeck, residing ten
mile west of Lincoln. Illinois, who
fcjs l;eeen si'pirated troa his wife for
the past lea o;nir to a doous
tie qiiarrel. called yt.urday wb;f
bis wite wan eagaged in irouiug aod
shot her through tbe body. When
tbe neighbors attempted to arrest bim
be piatej bjs pistol to bis own bead
aod fired, filling iteai. ' he wife is
lying iuaerit'.eal coudi ion.
Draw ar4.
Xobwicii, Cox , iiar.b 12
Mrs. John Taj lor and two s B.'sged
10 and 5 years were drowned In the
iantis je company's pond at Xian
tic to-day.
Tbe children went for a pall of k
ter and fell ia. Mrs. Taylor bearing
their cries ran to their assistance and
was also drowned. '
Loxdos, March 12 The Timet'
CxreouJeut at Pestb. says:
"For well uigh a week Sjegedin,
the aecoud commercial town iu Huo
gary, baa been in immioent danger
of inundation from thn river Tbeiss,
which fl s through the town. Sev
eral largo d; kes protecting the back
uf the towu hare been burst aod the
safety oi ibe loan aow depends on
tbe embankment of tbe Alford rail
way, to strengthen which all efforts
are concentrated. As, bowevtr, in
the apoer cou a ' of tbe river tbe wa
ter baa begun to fall rapidly, if tbe
eiuoa.iiiueui bold a day or two lon
ger tbe danger may pa-8 "
Lo.nd is. Ma-cn 12 A dispatch to
tb Daily A'eie-i from Szegojin thi
(Wedueeday) room iug. at eight o'
clock, say a :
"Afvt a fearful nibt of anxiety
lleffirta are useless. Toe water
broke ihrougb with immense force at
3 o'clock, carrying away prt of tbe
railway station eoibtukment and
rolliug stuck Within three hours
ihe to wn Was raa iy feet deep ia wa
ter. Terrib'e suffering is fommeuc
tog. Striek aud cries from thous
ands ar beard. II ues are crash
ing hy tbrt score, aud in many cases
carrtiug their iomates i b them
Q d kn wb what we shall do t night.
I'nere ia uO gas, ihe Works bring 15
feet iu a er I fear we sball ruu
short of food. Oju biat was just go
latf to save a large household uf peo
pie when a large crash carried witb
ii tbe whole liviog freight. Tbe
scene is simply bearuetidtog. Over
SO 000 people are out of huuse and
home. Huudreds are dfowuing aud
ibe wa'er i t 11 rising rapidly."
Loxnos, Mtrcb 12 Toe last em
tia'ikiueut of the river Tbeis at
SaS'gedio. IJuogary, borai narly this
luorutog, OdU-in iinnense destruc
too and, tt is feared, great Uss of
zegepis. March 12. The srna-
g'gue has fallen iu, burying a number
of people who bad sought rtfue iu
PE-TII. March 12 Eve.oing Tbe
latest lelegratns anuouure tbat the
9 od witb a terrible roar, is ruhiutr
from two side over Z'gediu. Tbe
horror f the situatiou b fll all de
-cntion. lbe town in fact j de
strojed Tso third of it "are now
-.ubuiergfd. including the citadel an I
he p ist aud telegraph fues. 'boe
roue a of L,oi4c are falling. The oy
pnaoe aid ejuag gue afe de-tf jj-
el. A!i tbe innate, if the former
were buried iq tbe ruju.. Two maa
jfactories are on fire. The Inbab t-
ns are flviiig to New 8z gedin aod
the m re elevaed pans of the town
rhe muuicipaliiy of Pesib l ma
king evcrr t-IT rt to send assistauoe
Sj'gwqiu To relief traiu. have
Ireaqv started ccornqjodailoos
f r tbe fUifit-ives have beii provided
tu the barracks and public buildings
of Pesth.
Lonbos, March 12 Tbe Stan
dard'g dispatch from Pestb, says :
"l)je buoured square rtiues iq tbe
neighborhood of Segedin are flood
f d The crops in Ibis district are
Sedi'i or 2j.9gedin, is e, two f f
souiheint HutiL'ary, c-tp tal of tbe
coon'v of Congrsd, in a marsh ou
'be hauk of tbe TbeUs, at tbe iLuuX
oftheMiras. 53 mil"s west nortb-ve-t
ol Arad. aud acc irding to the
Ut census bad a population of eboyt
63 000 The town is divided iuto
tbe Pala-ika or cmtral town.iu which
he residences of tbe merchants are
grouped arouod an old Turkish fort
ress, thn ooper aud lower towos and
new Szgediu on the east bank of ihe
Theisn, reached by a bridge of boats
U has a vast market place, numerous
churches, convent, high schools,
b ifmitaL and a Magr&r theatre. It
is an nnpaved aud badly lighted
town, but is noted for tbe neatest
boats Sod, best floating mills in Hun
gary. Szugedin has also maoy soap
factories, and bas always bad a large
export trade iq iron, rape seed, tal
low, etc., while the import a generally
included Tky wiues, timbers, etc ,
from Vienna. Bohemia and other
Elarard Tay Iwrr
New Voek, March It Tbe steata
ship Gellert arrived this morning
from JJaraburg, having on board the
remain, of Bayard yayjor.
The ceremonies over the remains
of the late Bayatd Taylor to k place
this afternoon in the presence of
largo nuiuber ol spoctstors. Among
those present in the Governor.', room
awaiting tbe arriral cf the body,
were Senator Bayard of Delaware,
Wbiielaw Reld, Cujlpc'-or Merritt,
farreyor Graham, Mayor Cooper,
members of ttiQ jD'i of aldermen
and others.
Tbe remains wer takeo on board
of tbe revenue cutter at Hobokeo aod
convey? d to the f jot of Barclay St ,
from woub point the procession Ptr
ted. It was headed 1y a sua4 of
police ; then came the i ifib regiment
band playing a dead march ; then tbe
Germau sitgiog soeletiee, and tbe
bears', which resembled a grand cat
afa!',''je and was drawn by six gray
horses surcioouteJ by vrhjte olumes;
then an tber band and 'singing. soci
eties brought BR thp rear. When the
hearse drew np In front ot the (lity
hall tbe societies sang a dirge - and
Hon. Algernon S. Sallirao delivered
an sdJresa. Koltes post No. 32. G
A H , sttcd as tbe of honor
ourrag tte uigui.
tififvlnr Clre anataaer.
I. I '
Shelbtville, March JO. This
morning, io tbe Circuit Court, a man
by tbe n&ce pf George F. Hill, resi
ding in Union townstip, stiJtw for
a divorce. The causes shown eatla
sea te cort, sod tbe divorce was
granted II ill paid alj tie cqsts in-
curree. nsooutieo minutes wier
he was released front tbe hoods ot
matrimony, he took ont marriage
license, and was married to Miss
Minnie B. Loviit This cae is the
fastis 04 re.cord jo the country.
Merr&d and uivorped o eej than
one hour.
Th Ktaia Actleallaral Calleje
llARBisBitQ, Pa., Marei 13. The
Senate and House Commiuees oa
Agriculture this afternoon decided
upon an investigation into tbe affairs
of the State Agricultural College, ia
Centre county, and a conenrrent reso
lution witl ka presented to-morrow
for a joint committee of two Senators
aod three Representatives to conduct
tbo investigation. While the State
bas do tuje to the institution, $355,
000 have been appropriated from
tiniefo ime, while the College atso
draws tbe interest on the land scrip
granted by Congress in lS62,arnount
ing to over tbi. 000. Tb investiga
tion is expected" to create a sen
sation. .... , . i
BespwraM KMMif la tb llwrili .
A special dispatch from Atlanta, j
Georgia, to the Xew York Jlerald
says: f
A fatal encounter took place in the
Treasurer's office of the Capitol
Tuesday, between Mr. Edward &x
and Col. Robert Alston, in which
Col Alston was mortally wounded
and Mr Cux severely, if not fatally. '
Col. AUton was one of tbe most
promiueot men io Georgia, and well
known throughout tbe country, es-i
pectally in Washington. He came of,
tbe fighting Alstons, of Carolina,
family of duelists every one of whom
died with his boots on. The difficul-i
ty was ae follows;
Mr. Cox aud Geoeral Gordon are
partuers in the lease of the convicts'
of Georgia, but General G rdon was
very anxious to get out of the pari-,
uer.bip. aud sent Alston to AtUota
aith nmhkri:V trk H in wo ,if his in.'
j -- - . -
turest to any one that would take it
Cox, who is a pestering, bullying
man, wiib daogeroos temper, met
Alston bere and insisted oo bis sell
iug Gordon's interest to J W. Wal
ters, wbo bad agreed to take Cox', if
becuullget Gordon's. Col. Alston
said tbat be could serve Gen. Gordon
better by relliug to Mr. Charles How
ard. Cox then got enraged aod told
Alstou if be did not sell as be direct
ed be would kill him. Alston, who.
although a thoroughly brave mau,
has always bad a horror of dying
violent death, as bad all bis auces
lors, drew away aid left. C- X fol
lowed bim, aud finally drew a kntfe
oo bim, telliug bim be would kill bim
if be did out trade wiib Walters. Al
ston said ;
"lam, unsrme j ; you would not
k'll a defenceless mao."
Cox told bim to go and arm him
self. Alsioo went to lbe Capitol,
vhere lbe Treasurer persuaded him
to btay. The Governor came in, and
arked Alston to stepiuto the Treasu
rer's office aiid stay there while be
ould feud for C 'X.
Alb!Oi sad: "1 kiw bim well,
geulleuien, and 1 ou&hi to take a
vboi-gun aud kill bim, else be wil!
kill me " As Al.tou weut into tbe
Trea-urer's office Cox came dowu a
iiie c rrid or. He looked in tbe Gov
ernor's office as be pas.-ed, and seeing
a uiao wbo resembled Alston aittiog
tbere, drew bis pistol. Ha saw Al
iou just then taeriug tbe Treasurer's
Cce, aud, folio el him. Alston, in
i tits Oieaiitiuje, bad procured a pistol
lie lurneq an4 said i
"i wa,u( to have, no trouble witb
tou, Cox ; I've sold that interest 10
11 war4 already, so we ueedu't bave
Cox says j "I must have one. I'm
going to kill you." Alston expostu
lated, aud tbe Treasurer and Captain
.Ntluis, tbe penitentiary keeper, start
ed to iuterfere. Cos advanced an
grily, bavog first shut tbe door.
Alstou ihn says s
''Well, we'll hav it now ; are you
armed t ' Alston waited tor an an
swer, but Cox, without replying.
drew bis pistol, u'.teriog a cry of
rage. Alston whipped out bis pistol
at the same moment. C.ptaiu Melius
jumped hetweentbem, and cangbt at
b jtn tbe men. 1 be two pistils Hash
ed simultaneously, ap4 ie eloao
fOorn was tjlleq with smoke. There
ere several successive flashes, In
tel ference beag iiuposaiblo. Alston',
iirst bail struck C X io the iuuutb,
aud apparently blinded bim, as t e
wasted several shots. Alston slot 4
uerteCily cool. Hi. second shot tore
ibrougb px's uplifted baud, and hi.
third' was buried in Cox's throat.
By this lime Cx bad staggered up
to AIsioo, and, putting hi pistol al
most to hi. bead, fjreJ. laton fell
forward instantly, lbe baii having
emerea bis teuipjo. CuX threw up
bi. bands, aud said :
"We aye both killed 1"
The men were boih carried ui
and atteotjoo girea to ibem.
Alstou lingered oncooscious nntil
half past six last evening, bis condi
tion excitiutr tbe mtensest public in
terest, loimeuse crowds buug about
tbe doors begging for pews as to bi.
condition as long aa be li Ted, and tbe
whole city is borne down with sor
row. He failed to recognize bis wife
or fiieods, and died without any ap
pearance of pain.
CX is in critical condition, and
the pebip Indlgnatioq is very high
against hioj !
It U said of Alston that be bad
many jrcvlous similar difficulties in
his life, and that be bad a present'
rierittbat be was to die suddenly by
itie buljet 0 a peraoaa! onouoer, a.
bad bid fstLer before tiro- n' faqt,
bis family history ibcludf? a' bloody
vendetta. His uncle, Augustus Als
ton, fought a' del io Florida with' ri
fles many' ytftrs ago, ad wskiljed
by Li. adversary, a near-sighted man,
named Reed. His father, Willis
AUtoa, met this man Reed in the
streets of Columbus, Ga., subsequent
ly, apj k'Jltw bim. Reed's brother
now took up the quarfei, sl4 meeting
Wil'is Alston io Ttas, one'day, sbo
and k'lled bim.
V latf tttarai.
St LoLi, Mari.h 2 Joforma
tion has reached hpre tfcat a yioleot
wind storm, aiflJintiog lmos( to a
tornado, pasted over tbe southern
part of Macoupin County, 111 , yester
day, destroy iog bouse, and barn,
an 4 other .roperiy. Tdwrd Mc
Ponald, liviegear theisouibero line
ui the psuntf, od bis little grand
child were killed and several o(er
members ot hi. family severely woun
ded. Uoe or two otber deaths are
renortef? hut thn fert ar not TPt at
taJqatj-ta: ' 'fks Iftc'i of b storm,
wb'cb C6U9 Iroia xuo norcVweat, is
said to have been abont quarter of
a mile in width.
fataf RaHla.
' i. ' t
Citarlotte, X. C, March 13. R.
S7, Caden Was killed' near Halts-burg'io-daT
by "pis Lrotber-in-Uw,
W. W. Barber, with wbom ' he bad
not been on speaking terms for some
time. Ifarbsr was passing on borse
bapk when ijayapo pbst'rnpted bis
passage and aeeosted bim inakiitng
ly. Barber spat in Haydeo's face
and ordered bim to ttand aside, in
stead ot which he advanced and
grappeij ti? Jjritjle of Barber's horse
Barber tbereepon soot itta turougb
tbe bead, kiliiag him almost instant
ly, after which be- surrendered him
self to tbe authorities and was locked
at Lexington. B jtn parties are
whMe' " '
Kill B a
Charlotte. N. C , March 14.
Robert W. Uayden was killed near
Uofiabur'g yt.terday Lj fcif brother-in-law,
M. W. Barber'. Barber was
passing on horseback and Hsyden
obstructed his passage, accosting bim
insultingly, IJsrber spit in Haydeo's
face and ordered bim tc UnJ aside,
but be advanced and grssped ' tbe
bridle of Barber's horse". Barber
thereupon shot bim through the bead
killing bim almost instantly.
mum wasBiNT5r letter
(From tor RfguJir Correipoudnt )
Washisutox. March 15, IST9
Vlasbmgtn is just now. experteo- new Congressmen is toe II oo A
cing ibe lull tbat precedes the politic- j Uoffroth, who wih his wife o,j 0
al tempest which will rsge ccxt wtek j are stopping at the Greeubacker
Many members nd Senators, who' beadqiiarturs Metrcp liitao Hotel,
bave remained iti tbe city since the, Raudall has his headquarter.
adjournment, went borne yesterday j ibe National Hotel for eleciiooeerioir
to spend a few days in tfceir districts, purposes, and Blackburn bang out
before the 13 b of March cslla them ' wiib bis army of hungry judge.. Ku
.t ballot Iti. tjow conceded that 'erals, colonels, J:ai Willard' where
tbe Democrats will be able to.control Jplen y of ihe genuine piritnt fr,,.
the orgaqtziiioo of the 46'b Ccngres. I menu i. dispensed to bi. admi.
All their sick are convalescent, and rers.
tbey will bave a small m.joriry with-! Tbe news from Pennsylvania tbat
cut counting tbse whose election is! 4 out of 8 Democrats in teat dtlega
in disp'ute. It is impossible to pre ! tion will vote for Blackburn is cis
diet with any certaiutv wbo will becredi ed by tbe Randall men. Sena
speiker or wbo will be tbe success- tor Wallace wbo i fighting for B ack
fol caudidate. for the minor cflk-es burn leadtf.e def ciioo in thai d-le-For
these tbe candidates are legion gation. Co tbe otber band Randal!
and each train brings fresh and bun- 8y. be ba Peuny lvnia all riot
gry additions to the clamorrus crowd, aa I that nobody is fiah.iog bim Uli
.uauy oi loem win ue c iuieiieu loceaior t auace auu ine s Uers uf
Durrow money to taie ineir precious
bodies aod disappointed hope, back
to that retirement in which they can
do their party aod country least
Tbere are very few members or
Senators io town, aod tbe caavre
for the offk"es goes forward rathtr
slowly. Randall, chances, however.
are undoubtedly far ahead, Doti:b
standing the defections Hi. advan
tage ia very great, as be ba. "p s
session," whicb is a good a. cine
point. It gives bim a certain pres
tige which bis opponent cauoot
break Tbere is not much of a GM
over the offices xol tbe House. Mr.
Caldtll. of Alabam , is looming op
very proaiiuently lor Clerk ot t
House, bnould Blaciburo bee.citae ErpubUcunt witb represeo wg
ed Soeaker, of course in no eveut j iheir pe pie t-eiter ibn lb repre-ent-could
Mr Adams, wbo is also from aUve. tbey seat bre and
Kentucky, be retained a. Clerk. Tue t exaore their f .Hy on States rihm
scramble for the Senate offices is be-
rood aov thing ever knowa before.
It would b. useless to mention name,
io couueciion wiib ibe Senate t ffi .-es,
a. it is imoossible to give any intelli
gent judKtueut Tbe rtsul; tll
depend largely cn bargains atd
Mr. Raudall Las been out of to wn ! td f sr the heuehi of oomiuerce aud
for iwo or three oay. but will ieiuru 'agriculture.
to dy and establish bi. headquarters Why tu t have a station cf ttk
at tht Naiioual Hotel. Mr. Biack-ji rvatiou and n p ri e. abli.'Bd at
burn wiii esiablii-h Lia.lf at Wil-o,uer&et for the bentfit ot i fa m
Urd., where many p- lilie.l bai- ea. A good live C.'terra.u i h
ilea bate been lo.t aud won. It
said ibai a treat tuai.v Democrat
wbo are out wiib Randal1, have
formed about Blackburn but thai
tbey will eventually cvtuprouiise ou
souie other Democrat Mr. Mci
boo, from Ohio, will probably be able
to rally tbe oppuit:,oa better lbo
any otber &u. Mr. Blackburn',
frienda are, however, very cou&deut
and even txultsct. Qae if them bas
expressed tee opinion tbat Randall
would, get no rote, from Indiana and
Illinois, but oa Vote from Oio, on
ly one from Virgiuia, aud but two
frm Georgia, while Louisiana, Mis
sissippi, Missouri, aud Aikao.a. are
uearly solid against bim on accouui
uf hi. opporiiioo to levee
As to ifa programme of Cocgres?.
ai'v r its orgauization, but U tle can
be ouiliued bow. It i. lbe opinion ot
one of the beat informed Demccratic
Senator, tbat tbe House after organ
ising will SDpoint no committees
save (hat on appropriations aod that
no new legislation will be proposed
He tbitiks ibat tbe appropriation bill,
will be reported iu ;Ltir present
-bape, that i ia the t-bape that tbe
4it'b Congress lelt them on aojourn
menL From a recent appropriation cf a
quarter of a million of dollars for a
National Museum, H appears 'hat a;
least one mre Kraod puolic ediuce is
to be built in Washington before the
National p.pi'al is moved west As
now proposed, tbe museum will be
aityaied on tbe southeast corner of
the Smithsonian groqnds, aod i. to be
three buudrtd feet long br three
buodred feet wide, covering so area
of two and one quarter teres. Tbe
style followed is lbe Romanesque, to
make it harmonise as much. a. p -i-Lle
wiib tbe Smithsonian. Tbe
structure is to be built ot plate iron
acd glass, and being only one story
high, will resemble greatly the build
ngs at tbe Centennial. It is to con
tain four balls of 91x52 feet, four
balls C5x52 feet, aod one ball lioxCo
feet. From the centre of tbe build
ing rises tbe dome, feet high
Ninety thousand square fcrt of floor
rpgoe'are to be lit op by l?,t.OO
square feet of glass, being better
light than was afforded at tbe Vienna
aud Paris expositions. There is to
be a pavilion 'at each corner of tbe
building, the gtde wslje 'f wbit'o'will
be 35 feel'hitcb, while ice walls of
the building proper are 21 feet high!
The flat roofs are to be covered
metal, jnateed oi a yooJtp sUnl'iug,
laid npon porous terra c Ua, or its
eqtiiraleot in li.e prcof quality. Ta
steeper roofs are to b slated upjn
irou rafters, plastered ou tbe inside
Ii is intended to expend on tbe build
ing fhe wfiole pi tb aprrppr;Uon
and it. completion .' roae a o-au-tiful
additico to tbe archiuctural
s'ructores of this city.
C. A S.
Before you be,;in your heavy spring
work alter a wibter tf relaxation,
voor system need, cleansing and
strengthening to prevent an attack ot
Ague, Billions or Spring Fever, or
gome otber vpi"!1 si.r.ass tn.t will
unfit you for a season?? worjL Voo
vjjl sgye time, much sickness and
great egpeoM if you will use 0,34 bot
tle of Hop Bitters In vour fmily this
month. Don't wait. See another col
)J f ; 1 11. 1
4 WOIa Bpraei? l VrtX,.
Loxo Branch, March 12 Mis
Mav Throckmorton, living at Pleas
tire Cay, i this town, threw some
J , t. k..i 1 :
cleaning lamps yesterday afternooo,
into the stove, the flame, flashing up,
a;t ;py dress on fire. Sbe irarueai
a'tely rao' out iuto thp road and
screamed. A gentleman driving bv
stopped, and wrapped her up in borte
bjanbeia and pot ont the fire, but ber
injuries were 'so severe ;be died
this mcrniog.
Iajar4 ay m Hallaaj aal a
Altooxa, March 14 Four lour-year-old
bora, J .hqny M'C'r,
Or-car and Wilbur IVnsjl and tleorge
Murray, found a railway signal cap
yesterd iy ar.ernoon. Curioua to know
what was in it, O.-car Pen's yl struck
if, wit' an are and an explosion fol
lowed, and aU toe b.e v'efsj Wroi-J
and irgured Joheny M'CIostey's
abdomen wa Mt open aod bis bow
els protruded. He will not reeover.
Esalaaloa af a Pawrter .Will.
P0TTSV1LI.E. March 13 Bj an
explosion of a powder mill near St
Clair, yesterday, two workinmen.
named, respectively, Jones Hine and
Samuel Measeremitb, were badly
burned, lime died ot bia ujories
tbis morniriir and Meeer?rnitb Btill
i j-.-
lingers in a precarious condition.
t precanooa
I Frsn Unr ?:nial Cairioacnu
I utK M.iainwru i.crrcH
i .
j Wasiiixoton. March IT. 1S7H
amoogst tie latest arrivsU of ihm
the Pennsjlvsn railroad.
u g -e.
Tee caucus to-morrow night may
tell ttte siorr, but from present iadi
cati io. it i. apparent tbat several
vicarious assemblages of that kind
wiii be invoked btfore a fi ia! ciueiu.
jsioa is reached regarding the S-wk.
. erstiip.
tun ncutiw upuiuu ia n ashim;.
ton seem to be that tte Sou-hern
member, of Congress fr.-m the Mis
siesippi valley atved very fooIUhly ia
voting against the Seoato bill es.b
iiohmg ia times ot threatened epi
demic a National quarantine. A
lrouiiueni Democratic editor from
Vickiburg, wbo wa. bere uririni? th.
! passage of the Seuata b.!l credrs
am ug?a bi. pet pis who are reir.
pts wlo are repre
: - r
sented oy Oouroob.
Cougrt voted an appreciation
ia T,n- uodry civil at'privjriikib bii)
oi ?;i1a "OO t r th expense of ibe
uorerva ion uid repori ot tu ruia
uoder ihe siuual service of the War
Department. Tbe service i. iuteud-
iste ioiercstsof ibe pooole at heart
c u!d, u aiy opioioo, d- more f-ir ibs
firmer. tba.u ia being done lo Car.
Leiluliou by Congress ia ia tbe ia
lorvsi of commerce and corporatioos
acd tbe farmers interest, are n t
Tne Q mter-mistT Genorl f
now nibkiug preparations to f.iraisi
headtobe io the grave, of I'uioa
soldiers buried throughout the cou in -ry
ia village churchy ard uudtr an
act of Coogress.
The 30 u of May, dtoontloa dty,
will soon he here, wuvl ii would bo n
Suiog liiiid ta hast up ibrouhju'..
tbe ;.)uctry tbe unuiaifcrd graiitsuf
our old Coruradea u.U'es and
location of u'iiu-irk-J grave tj itie
t lartermaster ti-'beral at Wasuiu-
the' baltdiobe
Weekly American.
aa 1 km aaaaaaic
m mm, im m
cheapest nm n
A varied lot of valuable Prpmiums
s;iveo for Clubs of from 5 to COO cop
ies, a lirt of which is puMisbed in
Tax Weekly American. Specimen
copies sent free.
AdJrcS. 1 -
Ameeican Orricc,
Bal imore, Md.
ivl.tur Joseph McKisi;?. bt. f Urnvlll
Twp ..Iwf&seci: '
tt!cr tstamntry ua lb sIkts tttitf bar-Ina-
bwnTranisa to tha nwlrrlnr'?. n'rtc f
fcrre y rivpii U thn in lelHcl lo u tu k1 Im-ttie-'itfri
kayuwol, aoU itty oavixik ela;iad aKio-'t
it t. pi-c,--oi lni-m tisy aa'hr.ut-itic.t Uj,- l-;:ti-'
to- at at hi." Ute mi!t;.-, 6m biiur Ur, April
V. B. Mi-Kr.XZIF,
f: J iiCllitNZIt.
DHOU& NuncE.
1 ie nnlriicii1.' aprxintJ the rrrhiM'
tjovtt in u.rt fi4r,t ti ia 'Ji.rit'o- a '-f
the ii-trt fn tn Uai;.lj ,rt Wm. A. S: iti.
trl'f Mwj S'iht. do' An'i u ; ll"
itral!y entulwl t1rrm. hereiT ifive him t!:t
a-.ten l to ih .latlc ! i .Inlm-ul C
hiAfttn.-e iu Nntirrl. tm Wc tart-lay. I W 1'.
!. Hei and where all a lul-n-slfl mJ
feb. : 4itf. )
tL OiTUiJ S NUtUli
1 ni bo ?rig-l. sppolatS'l t. the (Vurt it
LV unaun fli In aa fur Somrtwt f unt H
uijq tilt itp'.ln Bleil lo ttu rwuiit "I
Hit. AmIkiim ott'n'huriM wlkfrnd a
diMributh-a ol the hjnd in hit han.i. hin-hy iH"
notlc-e l hat be will uen 1 to the ior:? ( i '
p)lniinni on 1 ncklar, JIarxh U, l'T'J at his of.
Lee in t' iserirt. whin D'l wliew aii l r
V.e4a,-a.ta4. R
' " F . v ' AtUiitu
-4ilUNEKS' NOriCK:
Ulufpu lKn r,ir of 'Milfc.rl ! en''P-
5v.aer et o., V a, nuwle a T rluut .ry aftUna""1
for tbe twnetit if lna rre.ll!r to un.leriiI
fMti- i hrretiv kivko lu all jmioii iwif .I" te
iue Ai.L.t u oiaxe iaii:,.!!.iite ijmrnl awl
ttj-ja h-.ip t"W fatstaa
- 5 R.H.I-IU-Fb.?9
Juf ob Cteyr ttta of Fr-tftbs-r ML.
leffr lmltilril, m the -y
a-nr-neeaKniuinl on thi ffd-n-ii
hfv'T iTn to those io.leMe.1 n it ' "
taimin.iie payment. ao.t tb hw
a'ii tt ! (irwii ttrm dniy sohoti- "
"lluirtil ,.l l.hl'jr. li al n,
fk-ni-e wl Irwirui-. ',i",
econrr. Mi., or lr aiU.nry J"Co U. 1 '
ATH AN"!1 FK"-r.
h. jij AJlii1tr'i",
" Tlic Great Blood Tonia,
F.thecnrnr.H h'.wi diaev KVHi
wrr.... UeUlltaie.1. ab aalefaai. ,
hi.! fiearrhrt' will rarr t.. Floifha. p- a Hl l rrl -tr t. .e W .
beau'ltlr. th.-.mi.l-K 'P'r!M p.
ti. E. sELOtK rri itu' a
Saved from tho Grave.
.V- J. K T'lamao. Ut r. Tto T . okii.l.B nH ...r" s,u
the Worn eons lotiaatuu.-..
f. U t-,i!.r. I.rn, Pa-. 0.r t.--
H (4llt' tVaab ) ruv ml- i '"f.'tuVV.
,TII Tl Pia.W Lai. K'fJZ vi
w fur halt a eeotary. S-M y 1 ? J
lmlu. "tt. ts. i,EJa.tfy f, ,
i'at.baiA. fa. ' .. ,
. k v i,ii9a Bot te tru't
l US pu"ia; nit irri- -y . . i ff,:i
harbor WiKUta It- Yatiy oa ay '""S", 4
i i-r '
' my iw hand be jsren. TV
I Mr '