The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, March 05, 1879, Image 4

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JlyOur Sfci OotreWiBl.
New Yobk. Feb 27, 1S79.
M vrliv! rue s'tke o
i. ...... V-w 'Y.-tk's rtirrd
trite '-1 .vu
uc.eaiion aid rtlijji m .re-p-cuvely
!., comparing ciy.'
preachers'. Be.cher pew ),0( 0,
Edwin ntb.$IOO.OUO e year. r.
H.ll or l iib avenue and I'f. 1". t -fir,uC00; win.
i Sh.'rutms over $h0l("J 6
" i
and John L. Owens.
plava thirty weeks anooal.y lor J0,
00. Ta'.ltnage preacfees ftr $12,
000 DdJ..e J.-ffT"o 18 lrty
k et Kip Van Winkle and earn
1-10 I'OO Tbe fcb"!a'ly aod glUca
ll'storrabas $10,000 salary, and
M-cv-i Mitchell c-rn $30 (i0 to
$.10 000. lr- Covler works taro. end far $3,000 n yen'. ?!idT
Ilepwor'tb for $.",000, xi!e 1'ion
' - ...1. i. finished a tvasou
as ibe "Kta,.g.aun,"etc. at $5 000.;
v7, tod bis manager, sc ld Lim n
t br b caU!"e fce .WCL5 ,
not pUr
Itr.lVwci. of Uraee cturcb, La
Slo.lMnl and a parsonage; the el-
uiLf. Tiffany U 10.000 ; the
oo.'e tigoro". veorrabie, I f.
Cbapinpa 510.000; Lile pretly
MinaXeilaon aiakra over $10,000
, ytBr. ar,d Faooy Davenport c-iirub
$1 000 a wetk, trcry wei k hec playa
Coimon playeis pt". atarva'ion fi-
tfrs, aud Bu d"o camnion iuH,ifc-..
Unv urencLer, within 7',
.t .. i- Kr,o-ra for 3 000 t
Wliil "Ui - t
Aiiirian clergy nifn is
Hiuhl t tbe pay of
ebo.:t ?o00
s horse-car
A riBM Or CHILD I'Oli-ONhii.-i.
At l)iivi!le, L. I , i a Halle, on-tinii-p
co8 b never fte tbe
muliubt, :eer breaibp tb -uut air,
tnkc u esercir, Kiard tiioub
moutd io a stall 42 u.cbt uid, live
:u b"l iU;il!ti v B;l!ur,d furiiihb
tiiiik 13 our cl.ildua. Tb-;r food
fctd Uiodo if life bare so 't t voj
it. erphli.te?. bkb 1 dare not
describe ; but it produce
what tbe
.afiitnrT t;fljir emis a
atmof pt rt," wbi. b tie Ciwi" breathe
over Kisd orer ib ir Litifrn Le
roi-.e di-a-d aud tl tir b-..iit-H heat
ed l y a contucitBf; fi rtr. In a man
Ivl.urhto! iuiiua'.i')D this i-Eciol
ii-liiui: '"C.-uld toy rlcvii-e t-t
mu or li"uJ ba contrived
u bitb
w ould touuer or wore lhx.uawy de
populate a coinuiuiiiiv V 'flit. oSTi
cera arked tc tce their htlw'?, aud
wcie i'oniuiiv told
that there was
not a hick cue la tLe
i-eartbed liutd they
.table. Tbev
were ncaried
w itnout fi.'jdiug one v u cute! bev
of.) Ld ult'Uro-liueuui. Ilia, olhir
bad fever, all bad kidney ai.d
rouble. Tbe cows never leave lue,
etal.le al;er enuring, ciril, giving no
more milk, tbey are "fattened," driv
en to tbe tlaugbtcr Louse and we
cat tLe piisoiiid Louies 1 l'reviiU.
fctuinp'.s bare been made U suppress
Ibis auful busintts, but tbe lirm is
immensely ritb, aid our 1 .cnl laws
jiroted "iutffective." Xjw tbe (Jov
eruor bas taken tbe cate in baud and
tie Legislature will o a.-ked fcr nee
essaty authority. luuigustion finds
bo words scotching e nough to apply
lo the men owning and operating
these ttables.
England was startled a few weeks
ego l.y tbe arrival of feO toes '!elc
American Honey io the-comb, w hich j After labiirious researches be ub-
was bnded in erood condition ana
m... 1. A
Lereiofose Leeu mat'e to export
ey iu ccnib, and ibis sucots-ful vent
ure i due to tie e-su rprire i f Metsr.
II. K. L Y. B. Tbuther .V Co , the
leading w bolesale grocery f:outG cf
Mew Vork. J'rom ibem 1 b.-ara tbe
tminriaing fuctibat bi e culture i
nol Citritd on lo any great exient iu
America, except iu New Voik State
and California: that California Lon
y, alter paying three cents per tb
freight, briugs alwut tea per cent
less Lere tbau Stau- b.iicy, and thai
it can be produced profitably at three
to fire ceuts per pound under prudeLt
tuaeagemeut, If this be true what a
vast and profitable industry it miot
he made to America! Wbat other
S arret can be produced et tttut ng
? Honey is tquaily msiruble for
score of us'CS w ua eul er sugar or
tyrup. Why, if so niijvh cheeper,
should it not for may purposes tup
p!ut those cos .!y sweets, end be
cjme with us, as witb tte ancients,
au imp ) taut article of food ?
KugUnd cunuut hi lp buying cur
Louey, for Ler. fl Jia is fur infeii'.-r t
turs iu honey -pruUuciuK qualities
and ber farmers a. ill u-e old cou-iet-l
Live aud kiil their ixes lo n t
tbe Locey. Our clover E.-i-l-s are l.ui
itless and every H.-jU is c.pil l-,
without dimirisbiug ks otLcr pro
iucts. e f grow ig mre Loi.ey than
New York 8'ate uo' does. The
Pall Mall Gazette ccitiir.entipjr oa
this initial shipment excla n.s : 'There
pceRis to l jo Liiiii. lo the
iocs with w hich Af.erica Is p;f pored j
to Eupplv u.' Ur Honey crop
with the liu-i's m its
audi.iir JL 'ites. to iij ru.liioa
One Dim paid t ote bi.ekeejs-: lor
I ... season's err t a snui jrter il.s'i
tbe salaty tf I'n-fcideni Hives. Over
balf a bee's time is consumed ij
Lutidins tbe c ib ci lis, bjt an eu
terprisiug Vatki.'e, Mr. W. M. lioe,
bas iuvrute d a be ( was f..Hin.1t-ti"n
for tbe comb, whieb tita iteee work
over iuio clis in a tr.EitiLr ih.v-. r. d not to ku. w !( 1
Tbev insist, however, on pure wrxJ-d at Loogwood, tbe name of a meet
and'will ool worit mj ' thai. ;is ih j i. -fcrxse and graveyard of tbo I'ra
least adulteruted. doge it nuari ! -ssife Fi lends, ia Chester county,
Aov man wbocau fiola faecd. ocne;o miles from Fbila lelphia. Tbere
anjotsumenl! C-mbs trc, btsiot s, Bayard Taylor's remaius will be laid,
bebg saved by a nc a prci is. Toe al iag with other members of tbe fain
caps or outer uii i f tbe o ;i I !'r-
arc sLflvcd eff, tie t.mb p!,:ied ou a Before the civil WBr, yearly meet
rtvolvitg frame, ur:d tbe bom v isx-;'naof the Friends wd to be beld
pelled Lv cectiif.iirHl force, aad tbe i
i-mpty, unicjutea liame p-es eiack to
:Le Live for rtfiliirg. Is ct iLis
prowing industry wi.rtb eartlu! c .n
oideration Ly our farmers f
4.ral Tnnclii for fherp.
Tbere are many wave rf niakicg
tbeee, but iLy.aie Lett it strucu-d j
to tbat ttey tnty Le re vived i
iouoie ooies may ne maoe iy sim-
ply naiiiog tbrie boards tugeib.r,
two of tbem secen and one f.ur inch -
s wide. Set the narrow board up-m
cue edge, lay tbe a rfuce cf oa.! of
tLe wide ones upon u. aao i.aif
firmly down iLreuh the centre of
tne wine into ics eoge or lie narrow
vue, vueu va ioc uarruw uu up-:,ircbm, "unlets it is to knock down
ide-down ani nail on tb oiber riUe iH,bscrilera as don't pav for tbeir pa-
toard in tbe same way, and you Lave!,.,, i eurpwe mere "are plenty of
good double trough. Oa the -nds tu,.n meao people."
of iLis nail piece e e.f board fif.eeu ! That boy etaads a U.i&e for the
inches long and twelve inches wide, I'residencv, if ba lives.
aad yon Lave an mveniblc grain j
trough. Be careful tbat the pieces The Cincinnati authorities have
are nailed eo tLat the tuds e.f tte
trougn will be exactly ia the centre
of the end boards.
--I, rs&TTirriwW-
. ti J An. A Inul i
It HlHOWDlfuw....i
Mr. Thomas Alu Edison iuv
i .nr. i uuiiiou ....... ; i
Itbe phonograph white making some j on Una
ixirimeiiU in telegraphy. It basiidenceot
exjicnaietis in veuir.u,.
toc o isserved, boweve
geuious Frenchman to
t-.-red. boeer. for aa m-
r"-" lu ji-re bMtDlaotfO;w rawer
. -- L
jtdin i, ni the tact, and w otner
:l-M.M.o cdificauoo a book eon-,
uiuiie Bino'jguiur. "."f-"-' i
wiiabletcpourt uf -the dcery.
Tb,B Wk is r.lW ' vTrr.1 X I
; . . . , r i n iiru u i r i if nun t
. . a '
co pe ct, v
f,j,.iv. .,
X? w .. : i . ,.-.11 "
U u Toiurne ' ;
iu tte uiccehi
Freueu a
rt accirdinir ti
Le lctit, cancaioriiM.
on ti.e pbocograph
ctotpn ttiit pome .
vcare a?tbfcreiivedin lorkaUiUie.
Jou 'orkin Rir! named Bright.. I.t .e oper
;,f wbotr a neigblHr became greatly eCert a de f.ou n
,, li.d r ie?b tiurr.
I i.i.Hfiedar tbe trallant y
!rnati tVlid upon Mica Drijrbt n while
Lh on- hiiv at her ewin machine
; . . . . n..t tip.-
,aod tpau Pu Aa be'
t'itfd ebe tewed, ana was opparem-
ialioonof Olmy metal
. . , , i... Liver's ardent
lliau IU
un'p.;8eU. At larft, la
r i '...A ..... .
emotion, wu . ,
1 twear to you,
.MirS lirinuwu,
Mm, Hnntoa lo,ked up, auiled, !
. . . .. . ..5 ,h t. fiokinif ma-
UlUSUell UU BKfv- - -
Eipbt inontls later,
ccordiug to
the Li8;uiiaa of the "irccautrotcope, i uui..-o ni. --
te - i laut tyun Diau waaaominoa-STbtD wbea lime is Ircught i'l Con-It
iV f rotaecou't at tte lo-stance of tett w :lh tbe urn, it at once com-
r R-i-ht'.n fi d'fendantiu a suit! bines wirb ibe carbonic acid, and tbe
f!;teaca ) pron. - ,
intd but boever'ablv tbe conntel applied before the aEBJtmU is f-;tm-put
lo biui'ia different fo"rms iboqiiea.; ti. the nitrogen is cxni yi to niuio
K 1 wh eti uuitca wr.h tbe liuie to
tiou :
to narrv
-1 i ti ycu ever pron.i?e
..v- : i,f.. in ! ii.rirmli f
V tver ju ui i-iv . j
... . II. lt..lri...H aninili J 11 (ir.n Hv'f
veracious .... -
reu-iiiijder of tte etory mucu aa
Oiie of these rascally re.'pJBsesjriiii. lie ab-jve eli)
thr ibe vounir AciericaGe-a into! wbcu lime put m.o a
sucb a fury that the was taken w ith
a lit of fcyaujru.- and her nreitv naiis
ranged biong the galloon 03 the dreta
that tbe wore.
What was ibe astouibhiceut of tbe
: t ., li
Bin) .re
f in i.ear coiuiuit uum
of M:sa Brighton
a Voice
jirliCulated ia ibe
ia ibe
fcoftj of Lcr betrayer
Ler betiuyer lboc5 terriuie
Miss Brigbt.u,
' C
"1 t ear ti
will marry ou
These w ords were immediawiy I i-
lnwed y ibe loud souudof a number
of double kisses.
Kvery one gazed in wonder.
-Tl," vonnis ma-. Ik came Verv liale
Hut rrcoveiidg Lis composure be
(', d aud taid :
. -SoDiC one of my friends in Court
h . is a vetmiloquiHt is making fuu
of i;e "
Mr. KJUon was in caurt simply as
a i-ii-:i.t.r. He did not believe in
tie s-i'tiViioqaism. Uut Le derated
bis e (,; pws with tb? air of a man
iv b.i should say :
Let n.e say, tbere is gjuietbljg
uii-'. r this."
He bo'igbt the dress from Mits
iK-'juibtoa at a large price, and basten
.un away witb tbe precious vestment
and submitted it to a minute examin-
Mi. Arttvc t.kII a?,iriL the metal
CbllOOf!, ana It repeaieu aurw .
... , l0 ToU jj8 Bribtoi,"
taiiicd proof that tbe little marks iiu-
p. vi. tu. , toil ' 'v. w uau uctM tl act U
p. IU1LU VI. .V
by a needie. repreduticg tbe
ti'iiS cf tbe vice.
The phonograph Lad bsen discov
ered I:'
Bitj-ard laj lor'a llr.1 M lfe.
Ueti! Bavard Taylor's death, Lard
ly any of bis friends knew that be
had been twice married, most of tbem
learniug tbe fact for tLe Erst time iu
some of the obituaries.
A Fhiladulphia correspondent gives
manv particulars of the first Mrs.
line was a farmer's daughter, ber
uame Marv Agnew, wbo lived near
the poet's home at Kennett Square,
abe was a Ciiraelv, delicate girl, he
an imaginative, roaiaauc. youth, not
very robust, and disiocliued to man-
ijd! labor, believing tbat Le Lad a
carter before hiia. The two met.
a-. d fell io love io tbe usual teatimen-
tl fashion Nobody tbi ubt it would
result in anything, and Mary's par
ents did not wisn tbat it should, for
they regarded youug Taylor as a
dreimy, unpractical ftllow, and would
oever be able to take care of a wife.
He was engaged, bowevor, at 19, and
sf-er be Lad returned from abroad
aud published bis Viewa Afoot,"
bis rural frieuds were very proud of
bioi, and tbe parents cf Mary looked
more favorably on Lis suit.
Tbe marriage was long deferred.
Tbe rustic Kos-ips said Lis reputation
ai d knowledge of tbe world bad par
uaJiy cured Lira of Lis boyiab afT-iC-tLu,
but be still taw Mary from time
to time, aud drove ber out, eine raw
day, ia the lite fall, and sbe caught
cold, w bu-b brougbt on consumption.
Wiiea it became evideut that the
1 .iitl nnt !t-o it nad Miii..fl that
ihsy tbouid be married, and she rose
frota ber be d by an effort of will, and
i a yed op by exeitcment, weat
tiirougb tbe ceremony.
z,la itea returned to Ler bed, aad
never quitted il, dviogsix weeks later
'' l-er husband's arms. fc'b9 was bar
at Longwood, and such men as Oar
rison, 1'billips, Wbiuier, Fred. Iuug
J;;ss and Illert l'urves tjok part in
:bi oi.
"Te mmy, my son, wbat are you go
e:f to do with that club f "
"end it to the editor, of course."
' But what are vou going to send
jt t. tbe editor for?"
" 'Cause be says if anybody will
M.Rd bini a club, be will send item a
;opy of bis pajier."
j xte wotber came near faiotiog,
iot reoeriid Lerself tufficieotly to
J a-k :
- Bat, Tommv, dear, what in tLe
' world do von suppose he wanti wijh
j B i-lubf"
Vell, I don't know," replied the!
.decreed that bakers must atamn th
weight opon every loafsf bread they
offer fur eale.
. ja it
SererJ correspondent for lo
nr-rmnir lb.
use or Hu.-e
-. ati1 ili 1,1 111 HI CVUlftlU
several c-mtiO:!? accepwd
- ,,, Firat Ule jrt 3ot
""" .; ,
, ...i i,- i-;ea!ali- c-nj.,
.;jl.n of U18!1T L-r-
i.i ,t- . C4.,1
f....rf u urir.pee?fur. i " ' c
.. Uttftj8 fKlu hicb tnis con -
a - d lfcee jiS,
i.ndVr. W. of it pr.-!
i ' " .....
lent u cts
... i f,,rm . ; f.iM,ero' ob-
.!., coa.pre'l 01 t.LC-K'uriu
"rjor ,.. f4 and tl ia pruia
incut ia iMovian aud Dd guano i,.
h i nianuiatiuicu
- . h. t.,d D-,a.
imi-i ---- - .
fca an lraporteot :
its ac'iou es punt-
r.ed lm.e (kion a '
"cau-tic l;aie" ut-d 'qusck )
h.i j m. Kir.:i.c V lT CHI o.-uic fcciu,
0 b.t wbtnii aud oiganic matter j
( a liirb
h nUmH coLti-ioa a iiirce pr-
uortion of carbonic biid) are mixed ;
ir , , ,nd ....nic acid
- . ,
1 !f orgauic -uaner Xewly. vl.nk.d Kub a,j b.dy anywhere itear me;
i lime"- which i lifoe tivtui' wiib,aDd f,tr conMderable higgling tb
i..,. wi-nil-ir t. nil Ck
ilime tbuunh ttioer, and ttuce in i
, , ,. Pr,.h undeCim -
i.wun i i"""". -
' poted organic aubrfauce, tf pc-iialiy
dung, contain tfe must valuable in-
t.vditnt cf plant food,'0, io
,?....,,.;. ;a rr ,, ,
i lis biui yiv n iu, uut if " -
'cijiiaitd iato iuua"c iat wbichia turo .
i .'
IU, U'WU WW'.vw ' '
; produce nitrate of lime, aad the r.i-
1 troceo saved. Tucrtfjie, lioio
mar be Uu iQ
Brabk'i olu noui-e
, j . .
nnviei. or 10 C'JD.lDotlU.2 CU!CU6e Ol
; cure
'. . . ...
Vut if
- - ..
lulXed wln mauure a uoj 01 i-':
r t-,H result is a n ot valuable nia;e
ttio'iu nty.
CiiUip:i, it
I ; . E,,,.h hr,.lii-iul ni' 1,1 fcr,len- '
TUVII u.l'l
in-' e!iCiuLo!ri'.ion, iiiid uy It :j nee-1
ts-arv t U!c pien'y oi iretn eriu u-
liboib tbe escajiing ammouii.
Free te'd, und tloe ia t api'y d
couiuosible tuhataiitet, are also read
! liy laseu up wy ihii auu ivia::j "JJ
" i. . l. I... 1 . !.,
: rinus coiup
: rious compjuuds, as ol t-u in w ti
are reucireu tarmit'es.
... ... . a
me SJlls inrOiuuie siiiuali-s oi p a
Ta - b, etc, actuuiulave; 0u
r . . I l I. ...... .
lb i! atsiou
of lime will break up ttcts combina
tions aud set tbe pj.auh free f r use
as plant food.
Tbe above statetU'JCts bIw that
tbe uibia acii u of lime ia ibe s :! is
ia makiu avuilai'li) pl it-f eid wbat
was btfore Uuavailiiliiw. Tu ere fore,
.. k.i.. it ..... ii...ri..uu tl.M fr-rt t is!.l
nunc n ut tj
,i it u.i!i p,,.i to bib
about its early exhaustion, unless
plant-food is added. In heavy clay
soils, the above mentioned chemical
reac ions of lime destroys their te
uacity aud makes tbem trivbla aud
ptrous. Soils cootaining a large pro
portion of organic matter are beueGt
ei by its application. Wet lauds are
iesa benefited by lime tban tbe same
wiieu drained, on aciijuul Oi tbe wa
eilJUUl Of l!iew -
a improved Ly it
l.v a l;berl appli-
ler. Light soils are
when accompanied ly a p'RT.el apj
cation of muck or other organic mat
ter ; clays should also have the same
treatmeut. As the best eSJVcta of
lime are not best apn-irent until the
second, it is better ta a,
caily iu the fall j tbeu if ibe Uad is
not rich enough, mauure or other fer
lii.iier put on tb folloviing'rpiiiig
olber couditions bciuir tq iul. Tbo
amount used is from 10 to 50 bu-b-e.a
per acre, according to ciicuaistaa
ces, tbe conduion of ibe 8jil, etc
American Agriculturalist.
lKkl Upiolun.
An honest farmer once called upoa
the late Kojrer M. Sbnnan, the cels
bratcd lawyer, a:;d told bim ttat be
wonted an vpixiun. He bad beard a
creat deat aboHt tba value ef Mr.
Sherman's opiniovs, and how a great
many people went to Lim to get an
ojiiniun; and Jobn, tbougb he never
bad bad, nor was likely to have, a
law euil or either diflkuhy for a law
yer to help Liui from, thought Le
would Lave an opicioa too.
" Well, Jobo, what can I do for
vou ? " taid Mr. S., when John, iu
bis tarn was tbowa into Lis room.
" Why lawyer, " replied Jjho, " I
happened to be ia town, and Daviog
uotbtng to do, I thought 1 would
come aud get your opiuioti. "
"State your case, Jobc, what js
the matter ? "
"Ob! nothing. I aint got no law
suit; I only waot to Ketone of your
Opinions; tbey say tbere very valu
able "
" But JoLd about wbat?"
"Ob! any thing str ; tuke your
pick, and choose!"
Mr. Sherman teeing tbe no'iou of
his client on tbe matter ia baud, io? k
Lis pen, and wriiiug a few words,
folded them and bauded tbero to
John, wbo carefully piaced tb paper
in bia pocket.
"What's to pay, sir?"
'"riurai d sixpeLC; at tee mon
ey, o cents. "
ben Jobn returned borre the
next morniog, be found Lis wife, wbo
pretty much took tbs lead ia Lis busi-
ma:ters, anxiously discussing witb
his chief farm servant, the propriety
if gelling in a large q'laotiry of oats
on tbat day, wbicb bad been cut the
one previous, or of uudertakiag some
other labor.
J.jhn was appealed lo, to settle the
q'lestioo ; out lie couia ntt decide.
At length, said be: "I U tell you
what, Polly, I've been to a lawyer,
and got aa opinion that cost me four
and sixpence. There it is read Ler
out; it's a Iawver's wrpioir, and 1
caa't make bead or tail of it 1 ' Jobn,
by the way, could not read the
tbo plainest print; but Folly, wbo
was sotncUiiug of a scholar, opened
tbe paper, aud read as follows
"Never put off till to-morrow, what
can be done to day."
"Enough taid!'', cried John;
"tbem oats rauti be got in." And
tbey wera "got io"; aud the same
night sucb a storm came on, as other
wise would have ruimd tbem entire-
,ohn often aferwards consulted
this opinion, aod acted upon it; and
to this day entertains a high estimate
of lawyers' opinion gsueikllv, aad of
tbe lamented Mr. Sherman's ia pi,-,
l"refrt u. Rwfcbrd.
Ci.nciknati, Feb. 21 The body
.of Jobn Garrison, cattle drover of
urant county, was round wub bis !
throat cut, baogiog to a tree in Ke3-!
ton county, ky., near Dry Creek, last'
tiigbt. XJarrmoo a-dd a drove ol cBt-i
in k r . . jt e t m. - . 1
n - r St mm i-
u, v,lj fcuaaeu iwflorjje wiyi
116 la euo-
posed to have been robbed and mur
aSTrr tTi
A ntKlrt Ola fluid.
m 1 I I OI.Anna and
Uuerai ou ih iui
agent To nend of ieb ub&tb lwaii -
way always lo?es a good p'ory. lie can by adoption, w ho proposes to
rc-latea tbe fvlluwing uld bim by a jrxpWe on bwroeltck the country be-weil-koown
politic aa and tooriut of j ieea New Yot and ratapooia,
lodi&ea. Tte event happeoed not j reached tbe city yesterday, and is
nuat uiubta tinc w bile ibe Indian- jatoppio. at tb' Cuu' Mr
id , we will call Hoohier f-r
b.'rt, rit'iog in Pullojaa car
over tbe Wabaoli road Ttc car was
Crorded and tae meet coospicaoua
r W8g fta o!d meid, exceed-
Lly pri.h and bard to .uii. She
. . .
es remi v niocett and tad a
ll .- .t. .. C L L 1
nisilkta anupa.iiy i men. oue sau
LireU a berth fa tbe cea-re ,f tbe car,
atd never baviu; ridden ia a tleep-ig-
cer btf- re the snppoped tbe bad
a tight to tbe whole section. Imag
ine her c'.'ntteraujiivjn, then, . afier ro-
tirit", when a man a" great bornd
l)jan pul.Vd aside vne curiains ana
jtri cccdtd ta clinib into tbo upper
section. bhe bcreamed yug aud
Jouu. rai'fiZ ' t- uoiu ior. n uru
the conductor ascertained the cau-e j
0f tier diewonitiiure. aua exoiaiuea xo
Lir ibe tru btate tf affir8,..htej itu-
- :
mv 1
I never . cauld
.. .h. u, otinn.
jjv this tiaio tbe - whole car loud
!t..a - ,akoi.H nnialuten' to ber aor-
roW8. gbe, tb. rougtly.. routed aud
--.-- -r .
incited, ttarted to go
, cooler to et a drink,
to tbe water
but af'er tbe
..... - t, a nerd t..
uuu kuuu j vi -
reujeniVer 'ibu .fete wpulJ out be til
Itt, . . u. . ... - - --- -
ttBd the pinned agnail puce
j t.f ,)Bp,,r n tbe curtain of her section,
i Mlu.r hieb tki;iped down the ai.-ie,
i .ir
f tight lean one of tbe u:any wicked
men who bud been disturbed by, and
led t" Pebf at ibe nmdeet old gir'
fcrrechc aud eoiieia;ion, was vile
'enough to take the piece of paper
piuat d to her berth and attscb it to a
berth a then diM-ance away. S )
ibeolddau.a canie miuciag back to
her c.'ucb IS'ie, steered Bfaigfct for
the tell tale, and hurrying lest tbe
'ejep of ynlgar men might be qpou era baaiilv nulled a-ide the cur-
-n ; uiiih till the ai?ilitv of an
lull , ..... ...... .- - -7 - .
L,lier!t!'n a?e, t pranj la aud Bought
ji, clut-ua unuer tne pihib 01 geu
l r, ..,.f..riii!j suddenlv tbere
tniue f.-oin 'he rccfes of thut tccti. n
a howl and a growl wliub awok he
, . .. . . Tk. .1 muil
.epiest paseuger. iw "J"'
ba'i- era ied Iato bd win a m"0.
And Unit mu
bad aetu.ily camd a ' b Id, bad woman.
Tbrorlra Regarding- at I'lre.
The otper day wbrt bouse on
Fifth sr'.reet took Cre 'and was saved
t y t ii CretiK'i io a damaged endi
lion tbey set ab-ut trying t discover
ii.e cause of tbe sp-ci icyt, and iu so
i.iiuv n iestioned vari-ut iuma'esnf
M'' fHo,iy
" T
l ue bead oi me uouse
bad bis theory r.ll ready.
'It is my opinion,' be began, 'tbat
aome euemy of miue climrtd to the
roof of the bouse aa l emptied coals
on tbe shingles '
Tb" idea was lusjbed at and tte
wife said :
Well, there was a lamp up stairs
but it was not lighted. Now if tbe
rats got hold of matches and tried t
Mght tbat lamp they wo
q,,il k lbro 9 m
ould j'ist as
matcb on tbe
bed as to blow ii cut. 1 don't tay
bey set the bouo a fire ou purpose,
but yon all know Low careless rats
TLat theory didn't bold with the
firemen and ibe o dest daughter was
calied upon.
'I eXiH-ct it was spontaneous cm-
q wi .. i' win trf-xTm i rrr to txij
room up stairs w bro tbe Ere br-e
out, tbere was a bole ia tbe cbnu
nev. I didn't like tbe emok com
ing in mv room and bo 1 stuffed
the hole full of straw. It may be
that the ttraw and tbe mortar and
ibe bricks caused tpootsneons com-
btl-".pn '
The firemen were about to ac
cept ber irieory when the small
boy cf tbe family came running up
and said
'I know all about it. Ye see Bill
Smith be was on the tbed a beavio'
snow balls at, dogs. Tom, tbe feller
w lb oue arm, was io the biro playio'
witb my gat. That Turner gal she
was on tbe fence out there calliu' u
names, aud Ler mother Lad the
clothes line and was trvin' to lajso a
slick of wood eff a wagon iu tbe al
lev. I weut down in the cellar to
see if my mud-turtle bad got away,
and I was jest try in' to set the est ou
him wLen I beard fatber fail down
stairs and m nher give a yell, at d
that's bow tbe bouse got afire, aud
now I won't have to fro to school for
six wetks ' Detroit Free Ptsss.
ritwrfiBr Sow paper ft.
Every one wbo takes a newspaper
which be io tbe least degree appre
ciates, will often regret io ses any
Lumber thrown aside for waste paper,
wbicb contains S 'tua interestiug and
iiu in taut articles.
A, good way to preserve tbeae is
the a-e of a scrap b . ok. One w ho
bas never been accustomed thus to
preserve short articles can bardiy es
timate the pleasure it affirds to tit
iiou and turn over the pleasant fam
iliar pages.
Here a choice p'ece of poetry meets
tbe eye, wbicb you remember you
were so glad to tee in tbe pper, but
which you would long siuce have
lost bad it not been for your scrap
book. Tbere is a witty auetidote it noes
you good to laugh over it yet, though
for tbe twentieth lime. Next ia a
valuable recipe yoa bad almost for
gotten, aud which yoa found just ia
lime to save much perplexity. Tbere
is a sweet little story, the memory of
which has cheered and encouraged
you many a lime, when almost ready
to despair under life's cares aud tri
Indeed, you can bardly take up a
single paper without re-perusing.
Just glance over tne sheet before yoa
and see bow many valuable items it
contains tbat would be of service to
you a hundred times. in life. A choice
thought ia far more precioui tha a
bit of Glittering gojd.
Hoard witb care the precious gems,
and sue at tbe end of the year
w hat a rich treasure you have accu
mulated. ' '
Mabr4 llrfrlara.
KiEOELSViu-E, I'., Feb At
this moruiug four masked men broke
into tte dry goods and grocery store
of Ji. It Bacbman & Bros., three
mi'eafrom here, aud b uad and gag
ged two clerks and U- VV. Bacbman,
one ot tbe firm, wbo were' sleeping
there. Tbe burglars beat B-icbuiaa
over tbo head badly, and then broke
pen two Bates. Tbey e-ured $1,000
i0 Di0Dey and $i;000 worth of goods,
ad esc.oed. takimr with them a
.nd Rna h1ires belonirin !
to the firm. '
' "C O
Ue who bas pot bia hand open, baa
bis heart a bat. ,
r4atrlm Eserrus.
ui. iieory oc. l atriCK 1 udor, aa
II ct . ik . .
1 i.Dgiibman by t-nh and an Atcert
Tuif-r i 35 yearnof ge, nearly tii
feel Lijfb. nud l.ols if be w"mild
aecoo,piisb tbo fct if it killed all tbe
horses io the coiotry. Besides tbe
explorer tbere is;n the party one
rvan, tore b'es and a i-roall
araeaal ; alio otlj-r things usually
provided 1t pe p wbo mar at any
time be obliged tuicamp out. Tbere
ia notbiug notable1 either abut tbe
animals or tsaddle( except that tbe
former were elecd, cat of man
ffered, with apecU reference to en
durance. It i Mi Todor'a iattatlm
not to chance sueU uoiil it bewmes
unavoidabl, wbicj will about. .ihe
time he reaches .i-xi.H ho nw
deSuiie route An . i:U out. From
tbia' city ibe genlma'l:,.e io Wa.-b
ingtou, V v., tbeUe to UicbiiK.t d
Va., ttiroujib Nori ai,d .Soutb Caro
lina, apd lroui ibe iUer S;ae making
tialveston, Texas, lis otjeciive p Aui.
Ttiirt courte ia liible to ba altered.
abridged or abaodiued, tb uid tb!tbat it will ueiiber be palace nor a
OecesMtV ante. Ah Tnd.irV ni
taking is principay prompted by a
detir to tee tbe ciuatry, ami txam
iuo its resources iua way at once
to one of bis I'pjrafneiii both
pleasurabie and lloutr a. In S otb
America it. is tbe Uttkn to keep o'i
tbe west tide of h' Andes, " and
should the ppertu jty present itself,
gratify a lou-cbeUbed desire hy
crotsiug that raoii of p.i ;autaiiis
Two yewrs bas beji
nien:i.jned as
complete tbe
tbo time required to
journey, nut Air Udor tbinks be can
aceomplttb (be ta-tin one. The dis
lai c ia between U.OoO and 14 000
miles; and in bis encounters with
Mexican mustangs, 'Yucatan xheik.
Chilian cocstablesi and l'atagnijiao
niratea. will und .uk'piUv Lf Im-kv if
be brings back tbes'ime q i-ditv a,d
kind of hair that bf takes wi:b biri j
Fhihidrlphia r. V-f
j , f
"Oe KwiMf ami anit fdi wrU " j
"Oetn'lem If yousee a puss in nu-h-jfor
iu rotiu ois.wor,a euvtlopea iu a
riunund pin au"Bauiter, am dit any !
sign dt be pij.H us, rents a cburcii I
pew an' brings bis cbii eu up tu Q.;
way dey should jf.'j1"
.7 Broi ber Uirduei looked down ou
ih sixty four-taeel in the orchestra I
cbaicr, butnot S oice 8i beard to!
Tes-j'Ud. ...
When yoiyjpe a p;ison seated iu
a tky-bUierr cfcitcr, ptisbia' de lines
ever a fast hogs, ac' loofeiu' outer bjs
left eye as if be bad de bul.r ou all
de co'oer lots in town,', am dat any
s!go dat a single grocer would trus
him fi' a b' X o' sa'd'nes or a j'eck
oi i
carri 9 f"
The Elder TooU Leaved a deep
sigb.; aud Hu kleherry Jooes tUoiil
ly scratched his off leg ju-t bdow the
"When a roan takes up f seats in
de kyar, pushes folks aroua' on de
market, elbows aroim' de City Hall,
an' gits da fust plaee at ue stamp
windiiw in de Post Ofliee. am dal l
any sign dat when it came to rie pull
he'd give half a dollar's worth of
wood to keep an orfun a-yluui from
fie. zin' to death C l atr you t ,urx
folks git dust in yer eyes! Jiii's a
heap o sand and ta d.isi ia (lis
wrld dat passes fo1 sugar to de man
walkin' by, but wbeo you come to
de pinch de sugar ain't dar. De
sawdu:-t bulgea up au' de taod creeps
out, an' v-iu am dis'uinted an' dis
(jurMeu " m d ainijer bard to have to
eat cold turnip w Leo you know dat
d family next d rab am luxuriatin'
on s-vvet esk? to' twkey, hitt if de
turnip am paid fj' you needn't fear
fo' your digestion. I expeck dat de
b'arafter am de Liggett Bug euny cf
us bev got to work fo', aa' I luleyou,
bradders, dst big seal rings an' pauts
cut twenty four inches across de kull
am cowbar alongside cf a kia' word
aa' honest heart."
Unral Jarkvoia mid Ibe frenchman.
The Wilmingtoi Review says ;
Oa the morning of the 8i b, just be
fore the commencement of ibe fixat
ing, as General Ja-ksoo was survey
ing tbe line of battle, a weal'by
French merchant ef New Orleans
drove up to the lije, and requested
an interview with the General. Oa
reacting bis prestnee Jaeksoa de
manded of tbe Frenchman the orject
of bis visit. - , . -
"I come," a id be, ' to demand of
you the return to the city of mv
cotton, which you l-tve taken to mcke
your breastworks "
"Ab,"eaid Old Hickory, ' can you
paint oat tbe purtbul&r bales tbat are
yonr proerty V 1
' Qui, Monsieur, certainemeot, za.
is my cotton and jit is piy cottan,"
pointing to niauy Ddles in the near
vicinity. ' '
"Well," taid Old Hick?ry, "if that
is your property yvu bave just come
in time to protect tad defend it," and
calling to a curpcralte ordered bim
to bring a spaie muskst, and, giving
it to the Frcncbniap, ho u Id Lim to
stand and dtfeod,Lis property. At
the same time he gave the corporal
an order to shoot ifco fellow d wn if
ne attempted to fuo. I bere is no
doubt but that tb Froochman was
glad tbat his cittcn was there to
screen btm Iron the British bul
lets Ilabjr'a AtrnBcnlni;.
Did you ever watch a dear little
baby wakjng froti hs morning nap ?
It is one of l e prvitiest tights ia the
world. There istbe crib with its
tmail propjrtii$s ana snow-white
drapery that covers tomelLiog out
lined, round and plump. There is
nothing lo reveil wbat it is, not the
slightest movetieot of the pillowed
whiteness that is visible, no s..uud to
indicate actual life, uutil tbe bour
haad of ihe clock that stands eeutiuel
like yourself, bas tu;e made its cir
cuit. Tbeu tbere is a slight pulsiug
'netb I Le wLt.u drupe?y, a piuif,
tremulous band, fair as a rosebud, is
tbrust out, aud from the nest thus
broken into, appears a round diminu
tive face, with wide rpea eyes that
have not much speculation iu them.
Soon however, tbey cease tj stare,
aud become ej'iesiion.'ug, terious. as
if wondering ' vba,t kind 'of a world it
iatbey open u n, and the beau
itself just a li; le. aud two white feet
stand op epasmodicnjly, each toe of
which bas an atteudaut dimple. 15 it
tbe bead is too heavy !?'
upon the pi!-w, anl hair all bioist
aud goldep ibe cfceeks like twin
peaches, aod the totk lookiriif as if
the angels kissed H la tireaina. A
Hneerioir g o o bubbles from its rosy
depths, sweetsr thai any bird's song,
for it has ' spirit too.? ud vet retains
a thrill of its own native tieV. The
chubby bands are lifted imploringly.
persiiasjyely : tbe baby is awake aud
ceases to bean
Sixty -two per tent, ef fcegro blood,
according to ibe Librenau courts, en-
I titles a man to rank as a negro.
Th Thins Endaro.
Tbe tomb of Motes 13 unknown ;
but tbe traveler fclakes bis thirst at
tbe well cf Jacob. Tbe gorgeous
palace of tbe wisest and wealthiest of
monarcbs, with cedar and tbe gold
and ivory, and even the great temple
f 'Jerusalem, are gone; , but Sulo
niou's reservoirs are aa peifc-tt as
ever. Of ibe ancient architecture of
the Holy City not one etone is left
npna aaotber, but the Pool cf Be-h-aaida
commands tbe pilgrim's rever
ence at tbe present Cay. The col
umns f rerep;hs are mouldering in
i. tbe dutt, but ira cisterns and aque
ducts remain to challenge our admi
ration. Ibe iroluen boui-e of ero is
a mass tf ruiup, but the Aquia Clau
uia ttiil pours iato ltoo:e its liquid
xtream. Tbe temple of tbe Sun at
Tadmore, ia the wildernecs, has. fal
len, hue its fountaiu tparklt s,in the
rays as when tboutandaof werthipers
thrnuged its lof y colonuades. It may
be that Loodoo w iii share the fate of
BuhyloQ and notbicg be left to mark
it tave iiiouiids of crumbling brick
ork. Tte Tbames will eontioue to
flow as it docs now. And it any
work of art thould re over the deep
ocean ti ttme, we in a 7 well believe
leojpie, nut some vast aqueduct or
reservoir ; aud if any name should
fli-h through tbe mict of amiquiiy it
i:l probably be that of tbe man who
ia bis day sought tbe happiuess of
bi iellowmen rather tban glory, aud
linked his memory .to some great
wotk t natural utility or benevo
lence. This is tbe true glory which
outlives ull others and shines with
uuujit!? luster from generation to
.geueiaiiou, imparting to man's works
I s )tue of lis ow n immortality and ia
some degree rescuing them from ruin
wbicb overtakes ibe ordinary monu
ments of historical tradition of mere
I.eve Mry of Edward III.
M. Ilep-vorth Iix..a la Lis tewj
w",k. "Kojal Viu.i.r,u ibus speaks (
K,v Bl!"7 l,f Edward 111 j
'To crown Lis gifts of
vas happy in bis 1 re. Many aid!
e.'V.!ing wire tfca bridvs proposed j
ti., whilw he was ooly Piuce
the tnuoirt ycuvb aod loveliness of
France Navarre aad Spain Bat. ha
bad cbovea f jr biiusf-lf and takea as
bis 1 leevtheUdy of tis heart. This
girl, I'bilH,.. of Iltinault, was the
eldest daugver of William tbe (Jjjd,
Ci.uot ot llliitid. Z'laud. Frieslacd
aod Uaicanli Edward had seen tcr
at the age of h ju i;T
father's court
at Ieiiciebnee.a tall, fuir uirL
with flesh all creaky wbue and Ler
cfceeks ell rosy red. A few months
older tbau herself, L led her in lie
way of love, giving uy, fr ber b'a
bard tp..rt, bis e!iootit with the
h i, bis naiiiir after caw airl hound.
For her blight ejes he ugered in
itie r."Ur'e anu passi u nis muruing
h iurs in gszrig up intovfr (ace
Tbe feirl was fur from L'lb, ana when
they parted company ia Valettifcorn s
tbey were deep in love sti det. ihat
Deiiber time bor distance led taatv
I change of mind."
Nraatar Cbuntller.
T)FTROit, Feb. 20 Tbe election
L f z ,cliriab Chandle- to the Uuiied
j Slail.8 sena:e for the term ending
witb the next Congress was declared
at J-iinsing yesterday noon, with the
usual formalities, by the Legislature,
iajoiut convention Mr. Chandler
came to ibis city yesterday, and will
start for Washington to lake Lis seat
to day, reaching there on Friday.
11a has dermoid tbe reception ten
dered him by Lis admirers ia that
liirns to t inders.
Bl- OMixaTO.v. Feb 21 The res
iltuce of Martin Reddington was
consumed by fire last nigbr, probably
from a lamp expiosiqa. Mrs. lled
diiiRtoD was burned to a cinder in
bed, and Ueddington, in rnsbing in
to tbe building twice to save ber,
was burned so horribly tbat he can
not survive. Ueddington was sixty
five and his wife forty. They had
beeo married but a year. He bad
lived here twenty-five years, and
was well iff.
JKirluf HI away Mobbrry.
New York, Feb. 14 A daring
highway robbery was perpetrated in
broad day ligbt on Fifib avenue this
afternoon. The wife cf Adolph De
Barry, a wealthy importer, was walk
ing on the aveaue with a lady friend,
when an elegantly attired man darted
behind Mrs. De Barry, caught both
ot Ler diamond earrings, and endeav
ored to tear tbem from her ears. He
succeeded in tearing one out, lacerat
ing the ear, and escaped.
Wt YlrrlnlM IMruat .nlng- for that
Balnmvre A Onto Ball road Company
Wheeling, February 30 The
Senate to-tlav pr-ssed a joiut resolu
tion by a vote of 22 to 2, directing
ibe Attorney General io proceed
atrniust tbe Baltimore & Ohio rail
road company by a quoirarranlo Lr
ttie alleged violation ot its charier in
toe matter of excessive charges.
"Tedoy, me boy," said an Irish
man to bis nephew, "jtst guess how
luauy cheese tbere is iu this bag, an'
faith I'll give ye the whole live."
"Five," answered Teddy. "Arrah,
by my soul, bud luck to tba man tbat
told vel" exclaimed tbe uncle.
Sp?aking of dull times, a wicked
Mobile man says tbat a few weeks
ago a stranger arrived tbere and
bought a bale of cottoo, and a pleas
ant rumor at oace started tbat the
c Mtton buyer bad arrived, bat it out
ly proved to ba a Chicago man with
the ear-ache.
A young lady once went tj a pho
tographer, and wished him to take
ber picture with aa expression as if
cocipoiiog a pjem. It came out with
ibe expression she wore' wbeu the
editor put tbe poem in tbe waste ba?
fcet. '
Mrs. Lucy Anderson,"" wbo gape
piauo lessons to Quen Victoria and
all ber daughters, has just d'ed The
Q ieen was always very kind to the
old lady, wbo often made lorg sad
pleasant visits to tbe abode of roy
alty. Chaies S. Kline, a romantic old
btidcgroooi of J I, "" eloped from
Cbarlestuwn, Ciy county, Ya , with
a fair bride of 20 years, not because
he could not Lave, martied Ler at
home, but pecause Ije thonehi it more
gay and festive to rua avay liks a
b iy of Dine'een.
Tbe Conn ot (J-en's Rencb at
Westminster bas decided tbat, while
the proprieti r of a newspaper is lis.
Lie 'fa civil actions, be is not liable,
criminally, for the actions of an editor
to whom general authority baa been
given to edit in a lawful manner.
It is thouifbt that Prince Alexan
der of Batten burg will be elected as
the ruler of Bulgaria. j
Established 1S27.
Hnbscriition $t a yenr. Trail-.
fieri m'jisri c.nt a
Special vatti fa ysriy ttiul quar
ter! if fKlcerthers. Sjtaptrs to the
year ; no postponement on account
of' (Jhriatmii, Fourth V July or
other Irinl Holidays.
Busineaa 2unser.
West End, Main st.
Somerset Pfc,
FARJUAHR'S Thivjlsij.!? Ma-
cbises mtb Shakers.
'S Threphor aul Scj,aratur.
Cultivator Shovels
I'carly Ail uo 11:
1 -
w kju y a y kj -j &
::i j ivcr.:mansnn ir, punl
tiil ;w :.r-.saeci
?3CCfV3d th'3 h5
V'-" w;'u i-i?13- c-pacfty Is unlfm tccf. There
...a tr.oro wuSO r.lCGMirrso cold in tha Unitcc?
'sXslJ?2Z.;" c-mbine S-S of all tha others
:?l.V'l5-'V3 n?IDiSG ATYACHMENT. for doing
:UUnc,,cf pairing. .WITHOUT PATCHING, given
r j-c v.i;.T each machina ' to
7.?"? c,radwayf f-'sw York; Mew Orleans, La.:
S-ae & Mad. St... ChfCSSa, I233.; and San Francisco, Cal.
Tli Summer ami
F:i s'vl-j OS E. Euttmloit
at Mri. E. R. Wanor'J,
809 Arch St. and 834 South 2i St., Philadelphia
AlHfi.r s le tlie (Vntsnniril PluItiT. Orlcrii
fllle.l hj mull n riitnr price. Cub.! i;u. lor
nishstt oa tti'jili.TiU'.a hj
;.!, r
C J T n X 21 .
ii i -ti ti.'is Oi ri..Ml to lut ro! In. e tir "
?," a..
In u I i l.'i wlIl-B.
" i-ii.- I ti v A 1 ons .r rm in s x. I o' c
Aii.-e:j. T. ZL 2ZT.Z2 I S i
m 1 i". b.:r c
J il !
' I
i..a nr
.f ;
hut bva awarle.l at the Parti Ei i?l
FokM.. i i t s,i.i.rJ Si k Mil 4'irtinn. c"?itirin!n I
tU ALitu i pUceI Uto la.'ir it'HfU ut all lit
riN i-xpu'-iti Ir iu tnut ltni.loa, ImkJ, l
the tx'Stii'-n tl HTt). wiuth Mm-v
Tl ?r.t.uj i ne tl silver U w u Ltk a
hy tttrn V li'i ttu;.n i.t L.I ttn (,'hqi;i tuy, w
cUituia iu b lb jhI ch iirtpif ul Ami'H'-i:i in-
N&G3AiroP3I333 wr3 irartbi
fcr fed Cctlcn t
Mi.ftrs. j. l. fiars UiTe esLihlnhvl In Paw
tnvkci. U. I., iih. I triMC S.jli:o.tju ,H(I! i" it:?
I uiie-t S-a...4 fcvery itrj-s-s tl ib tniaoirv,
lr.m ther i.j mo Bjm1i-1 it..l, Is o n-
ttaODil U-jr. i li..r Aniiirt.-iri-in.i ;! S t.l
ti.u Uh k tlie iwtr i at luo iitsiTdimi.i. rii. wl.i
th:-v h.ive iw-v-r 'i.iiuevl fisci'.! ni rit I.T uit-ir
Aiui-rt -ai.-ui i.l s, n iu jvt-r on;, ut.oii: u
lars l io tlivl' S - ,;, Mills, i hi-T h i thi-n .
ismof amiua.u'lUK r,,tin-r hi-. o l
tbciiuuiTij uu tun t.uuir), in il
AFRICA, as rppreser.tcd ty
J. &. P. Cjats, is sti.l
Ahead in Spool Cotton
Sili3 Aeuu tu Ir
J. a. f. C lATS.
Nor a
Sjconcl Term bsgis Feb. 1st, 1379.
For ternn anl Inrirniatlna ap ly to
RF.V. T. R. EWi?i3, Prii:??il,
Jan. - .
is iiotv9 J. R rVjnrMjmffeT't'nnt.'.rTnivrrrTirT't
of all ii pnirty reL wmn:il m l u.t r
rhti iH;!if tiii crcUtitrt to t e umtvrfixa. iy
1i e-l i lie tUy uf J:ina;irv l?T3.ii 'i 'M tir rcny
pien tll irrr ne iivlr-otnl t mil Aij7i-r t
ititke iiiimfriiiit );vym-nt itnt t!m!e Iutcinir
claim :K.iiu't inm iu prv-nt I hi id 'u ituiiat l-
in Hik'UhtTprtlit-y Twp.. in -H 'uiitr. n S.itr.
it ty tbe i iluy ui M m h. IhJU wiiea ani iirrv
tney vrul tttuuj iur:-i imri-
" 'AAKtN ri!irTKn.'
F- b. Vt AiijmMw
f3 E.iB3toi'AV fo.; a iv.:;i.
4 to OIO Per icrc,
Bferh iTIap?n I.nml -. MM s-.
tu tl.c MILLION At lll.t.;; t, ;
. tho bran. I auti J. .;. .
Ifailrotttt 'omt,r.;si.
T1TIK 3 E H V i: C T .
K(rH aoll mwrei r ro r . j- ;f-r! 'mrT
Iter uu tlruil? - n. t n.j" j. us--
IU io;;j!ftH.
ntinnln; strrnm pure wat-.-r 1 1
ninrki t. w liool.-,!-:, irtt-.t; i ..n
pieteU through centre- il l... rn;.
Send for pamr:rr. r.i:::j cr
Address . XV. o. MIT,
ltMt;1 i wlilllllVH;ulU'l',
CIllDI!ii-Js, JUtli.
rmmtu Jlil f iiijiui puium,
AJ.WAT at.ov for use. '
r Cu. POLISH Whu HtATta-n
BEH3T S. Z5ECLC3, Sola Hanuracturer,
m. at. J.aa mm, ran.a.iyato.
ext , aa .... rt ihl
lntrMt-llmMti4. I.
sf-'d'E-' '
Wct nd, Main St., Somerset, P
ALarw and Well Selected
: J ,
The Largest, Best and
Cheapest Assortir en t
of Men's and Boys'
Fresh and New, Ever Offered in
Ill KiutI of rr oel ace Taken
f n Txeanse for GOODS.
May t
to a Chronomster Watc'.i,
as a first-class Piano. i
mz. r.vvara3 r.t th3 Vienna and Ce-
X 32:iV3 CflS-FOUnTH FASxrrr
Sign of the
The VUran Watchmaker, Is prsparej at ,u
tiia to lurninh yUB a firt-cU.Jime-kei-i-r.
either In tie line ol
l,..c""P ' 'ria? - I'cc,l!r- Work yaaraDteM.
Do ou wa m to m a ke srriorrTonf?
.V't.u""'t ""."'"ni Article tor UmaHle
"iMitiiip'iMna Mm... 4l.i.
i..r,- .iroiaaci ever lnrne.i. it
bm, lor
I 111 lTl ' UV I P.
- a "a J
Terr if i. rv H.rTrTu ... iTT u
-fr..h,Tii, t.niy early. K-r pfnit-nlar d
I .lr;afi. Will HE
li u A jit. Wc-t.Pcnna. PtttSburgh.Pa.
rT-" m-mey :auke fwt
J I nuyilmnj :.,. iial n..t
I 1 o.ri ... ii3 ja-r iUy at tin .urn w .mon, In
t-.l rm rvwli.Tf t.. w.ira f(r
lints. O n ly imttit an.l lera
i.att l'(. . Anitusta. Mains
wura ii.r o thaa a
ml rriiuinsl r w. all
: iKiioe maile hy th
i, l iol
rvwli.TP t.. w.irk fi.r n. v. t. .,
- . e ii m...1( nntl l.r'u. tMM A. i.i .. U .7
fi pn wk 11
y yit wiiillii
Inrjtirown lnwi S Outfit frr.
K.. ! !-r. I T ,.B .nt . ha.h..u
hnvnunii.r either az ma
trrn:r. imv Hll the ih.v ..... r...
lrticuj..r u U. Uallktt k. Col, forU.iul.
fi T P T1, ""llM"!'s 1"' mm la. ti to W er
t;f.N l nyt.ln;"'.eJ"'r ny "' f oar MX
vLU I rh' 'a th-tr.iwii rnralitiea. r'ank-nlar.
aa.I uiir4e witrth i frwi. Inimm
tir t-tn.) ui ii.ii. iniKioeaa.
AdUrea Srinaos m
i. o.. t i.n i.ititi .Elaine.
!hl. plue bus a kit ot hi.
snlHiraied H.irw Rake.
fr nle better th io erer
an-l chpup. Anyooewha
want ime at unre. w..q1J
ilo wh t Kn. him a
UHtal orl wr In ffma
tie . ai hs in M run.Ntr ivlllsir tnivht n. t ftn.1
iu A.iEiw in ur.lsr to runlet sure nr.trinir
U w'.io w tnt wkes.
Maya , . , -
turms t.i M .ml exoharire. W
tut io uuy mrnn ) tvrw
"H'-y irai DjirTfcS I a?esniZ Acre
Im'i ' "7thpK""' Aft.i SuuibBeTj' St.
PltMlt'irulu Pa
Th.e iu Karch of f-tni. wo.1 tor prtntej Farm
IVcltavo roOTHtiy male gr., lti:p.-memenU In
ml'".n.R,1J1 t'OV, aial ia.w offer
eTerjiutai. in Pi-iour. We jjaarantee every
juu k.iire brrui !ea
to r.en.hit.1? iu' Aat ee. tfetf.. In
IKirici lrj -aiO" y wirralvea.
it jfft
N .g. l.'l an! lffl Market Strvt,
r 1 ili n.i Th .n. wl ! ,w I.h Thmut.
J.ii.I l'.nmi.. J.. n rit wiii., Ktainuvl ToonM.
rrmy I .ti tm irrt-rl rtith Jwv, J. ton, .tiJ
Klla's-tft iBu,ntiarrinl witb Juw.h U. Kash. Ik.
!.. ri trin S "tient't Oianty. P.... an-l Hewr
l'b..iniis. ..f Unw- V. t ) K-nt V.a:itv, Mich ma.
I..e.. Tu iinas (:.f KeBir P. ei ) J ir 1juu
ty, in II a... auU Ija-x Injjkit, (of staOo Lent
P. .)im'.rl.-.l.'.x. P..
Yon are bersby nnlfle.f that in pnnraitnce of a
wri of t.ardti.iit i.asl it of tb. trjihan. Ciur
..f S..t!)er-t Cuantj-, Ptnno. 1 H nolj an 14
lu. on tbn ri:aie::it ofileurae Tliomn.. dec'.I.
m t'..n. ia m?h biun.-tp. S .m -rant (.unty, P ,
t tiif Lite rmtilenea on rhurlj. llis ilth iUt of
M ova lii;.i, where y.iu can attenJ if Jia tnltil
S H-riroOiTWe. i SLoriS'.
t'j'. IT, l-t-.u. '
Hy Tlrto ul a contiiiutsl onlcrol Hie tmiaatl cat
H iiioj ur; ol e't.nimoi) I'l -as of Ssvn erset Co.,
P ... t.i tu .llrei tea, 1 will jl ptilille tale, on
tbe preicisc.1, or ,
Monday, March 1, 1S7,
at M o'e-ort a. offrtM t'.ar. all tbe tflln.tnk
-iiletjti)l ttm.lli tit:
i-. r.nlti tract ol Uo.l li'ttalc wilbia ihrea
fiartHol'ii milu ot Lur:in.i!., iMitnerrfl 1"f i
ipiimeirjet I'.. , pa.. a.!j.. ait luuila of J-ob f
IVa.k-r. AIcnnili-r.uuntr)uiun.Lwli Welghly
an.l i.there. etntaltilnic lUacrra, at,at Oaeru. of
wM h are nb-areil. lo ai-n. in Btailuw auJ t-.
boUatie wtll ti nlreil. The lan.t 1. In a blkh
neuu uffnuivitiloti an.1 L well htaetl. U. ttuin
it a I Iran two iiturr JwriIi4 booe, a larire biii'k
Kirn ami etht r mll uii:iu,. Hat n onbtirtl if
eb-iico trull. Ll.i.f 'ot . . th. a.'r.lnl- bum
auii Up.eJ iu he na tbia ; coureufeal to char a,
-'ii.U :,n 1 jtvrr.
'I'tlfVlS l.ii) In him!, b-tinoe to nnn
al pavircu , cimuii a intr Asril Ik lus-i. .
AU (..-ris.uai i r Ti- rt.v, rwiii iK'if ihrct;,
t;il. n I Ii trll..f.( ir JU, wblc Wlil t oW
orejfS on r.Sl ttar.
liLdKUE J. W'Af.KEH. 19 f Aiingnee.
S-V 4bOlUr),.17Dn'kTCIKS.l'Ma.
kaon aorhf. Vitikf"1
MjiifUAlK AutSieia. A-CoTkraa aOa.Cbkiaa.
i tncludlrg Sbootlrvx Outfit.'- :
iEveryciiin Warrafnett-
I ll.nk M.ot. a an.k M. I-.. ' -
. ...i.;nt. 3uat
. . urtietilar. Tra.
. ii U-um. aa,