The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, March 05, 1879, Image 2

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- - -
a. rr iji Br very decisive ote, tbe Wl to
Thft Snmsrset tieraiQ'.,th.,itMiUmotion a h W.
b 1
-..-h i. m on
'I-1-'"----" 'wwek. We realiy fear if the
The Uoi-ed States w 70,000,000
bhrlff grain yery year for d.s
tilling purposes. Great B'itato u
annually 80,000,000 in the same
Green, acker in
the next
n ., baye resolved to tand
,h..titfr to shoulder m:l
R1' .i aKpnir.,!'- ihi rhr9 cf intioii
the Pemocrais pay tucir m.vC. "
- can be counted oa solidly for jdation and fraud prevailing through
.hat -anr-everr time. lout tbe S a.h at the last election, as
1 ' " 'laadeby Mr. Blaine, in Lis epeccb
Tue M ffet bell puochajid regtfter tiaf r gppojntniPnt cf tie increased tbe revenues cfjc iuee Thurroao Wallace and
r .
Yirgiuiaover twej-ne r
tbe State P-fuaee to abolL-b it. and ia
set king to. improve aad perfect tbe
. . v ..; .,.t
Democratic CommUte bas been -
t.bli.bed at Bo-ton. Tbe leaders
will bave to keep an eye en Bea
rr- I ..,.r,r ir III- Juu.'.n:i'l l"n""i
t ..i... ... eitoiure tbtir carop. .
i U IC l v a- - "
bag and bnpge.
TuEG-ulier Seel C-inpaoy of
Johnhtown is nom in toe iuu v.-eacc-fil
operati o. aid W doing
Urge bubiuess. Oa oe dy lt
wet k tbey -hipped tweWe cara -
wire to oue p iot-
Governor Hoti b appoiuted
Hon Henry M. r-lmer of Luz-rue
county Attorney General of tbe State.
HeU reputed to be an excelleut
l,ayer, and potsssxed of all tbt
requieitea to do honor to the position.
FoRMERLT, tbe Democratic dcctrUe
in regard to representatives wan,
"obey iunroctious or reigo.
neoole t.f Nevada, have . lately
proved on this their doctrine being
oWy instruction- or bang." Tbi
io t-arryiog ibe doctrine of inmrucaon
to legislators to it eitreme limit.
That a a good advertientenl
for Tilden, thai lately announced Le
hd cleared about a Oiiliion dollar
on bii Elevated railway in vent. neat.
Since tbi-D, bif prohjH cte lor a re
m -nidation are bootuiog. I.viden ly
tbe Democracy couut upon hi- open
ing another barrd.
The I'reHideut ba veioed the b.ii
,aedbyb )th ll -u-ea of Congress
reHirictii.g Cbioe.e emigration, at
ill )e t-een by our es column
This ban created a great bubbub
fttuoug the hoodlum ot California.
Tbe veto ban been frUHteiDed in the
Senate, the friends of the bill failing
tot-ecuretbe requi-ite two thirds to
pat it, tbe President's objection to
the contrary not-itht-tnoding.
From latest reports received at the
Agricultural Bureau, at Wa-hiogtoo,
it is estimated thai this year's wheat
yield in the Uuited Spates amounts
to 400 000 000 bushels; corn, 1 300,
000,000 babels; co'ton, .,000.000
SEVEXTEES ex Coufederate Briga
dier Generals are already b oked f-r
eeats in tbe next SeoaVe, and eihty
oae ex C nfederate officers and sol
diers have been awarded seats In the
House Tbis will c'T the "L-t
Cause" pupremacy, in two depart
ments of tbe Government, for tbe
next two years at least
T.tri TRVAVT Governor Hall, t
Florida, bas b?en indicted for viola
tion of the election laws Th Dem
ocratic caucus has decided that all
laws under which he, and offenders
I,ke him," can be punched, should be
repealed. If a Democrat who prac
lices fraud is to be ponisbed, how
long w ill there be a Democratic ma
jority in the Sou'h ?
The Lical Opuotiists are moving
jo force on the Legislature, for re
enactment of tbe old law. While
these people are laboring ia a good
:ause the Legislature should remem
.k.t if i r!(linc with a fet of
the most obstinate impracticable znal
ots in tbe land. A former Republican
Legisla'ore enacted a local opton lw.
and the si-called "Tempance men'
ehowed their appreciation of tbe ac,
l)V running a scprae ticket the next
year, thas throwing the State into
the Lauds of D-ce-.
The value of cheere aud butter
produced ennoally in tl-e United
States is estimated at $330 000 00).
This is about $50 000 COO more than
tbe value of the wheat crop. Tbe
lat few years baa shown a large in
crease in these v&lnable products
The associations and convention
which hve been held Lave done
ranch toward systematizing .nd per
fecting the mnuf-cture of all kinds
cf dairy products
Accorpixo to tbe report of tbe
Commissioner of Internal Revenue
there are 15. 35 retail liquor dealers
la tbe Uuited States Of ths
New York State bas 24 S34 : recn
.yirania. 15f4S; Obii, 13115; Illi
nois, 10 853; California, 8 C25; Mata
chnsetts, C.301 ; Maine. 412 Tbe
tobaeceui-t number 335 2C1. New
York Siate leads also in tbis with
4G.572; Feonsjlvania bee C7 773;
Ohio, 24 8S0; Massachusetts, J3.352
The wholesale liquor dealers number
4,502 ; the brewers, 2.830
TiiEibest ambition of tbe Dem
ocratic party teems to be to remove
ll difficulties in tbe way cf carryirg
lections ty fraud. In -heir eager
desire to accomplish llii (Ley bave
attached a.n rneadroeut to one of ttf
iportantpjcrwiation bills in the
House, nd tiireaten to stop the
-r .eels of government if lie Repub
li -ans persist in tbeir opposition. TLe
nendment tbo'ishes tbe law a u lb or
iziog tbe ppotnt4et of eopervisors
of elections, and removes the last im
pediment in some of the Soclbern
States to carrying the elections by
force and Iraod Stch is the party
thataska the American people to
trust it with power! What would Le
tbe future of our country in its
hand. J
- i
the table in the House one day
a,ucrat r- on in this way, ourp
member General C ffroth w ill not
jri't a cfcauce to fulfill Lis primed
pledge, to vote for the repeal of tbe
Henuuiplin Act."
Tus r port of the Ttller coniuiittee
made to the Senate on Thursday last.
!olb Democratic Senator bave quiet
ly sneaked away from counter
chirpe. rade at tbe t'.m ox, bull
and fud. in the New Eug-
i.. w York and I'enn
vaoi.. Although rrqaeewd to d, so
by tbe Committee, tbey have op to
date f-rni-bed it with no Bpec.c..
The Congress that dies today
t t.r J h. has been tbe mot-t
i rt-rkU 64. wi-ttv. nod extrTa,ftot one,
I J V - ti .nal
tbat ever ui-S uioieu ai iur --
Capitol Commeoetng whb ibe
Incii o of iuc mpi tent and corrupt
. ffi,.;l which it was afterwards
c. mpelUd to dit-mifs, it attempted to
caj-ile the country a cry of fraud
gainst the Republicans, and ionitu
ted a series of investigations which
in the end only proved the utter cor
ruption uf it on partisans. It
labored to destroy the credit and
currency of tbe cjuntry, depleted tbe
Treasury by extravaant appropria
tions, and reckless reduction of taxes,
and did its utmost to abridge tbe Na
tional authority aud make it t-ubser-vieul
to the dictate, of local Sute in
tere:a. Its entire political course
bas been die a;ed aud fchaped by
-vmnathv wit- tbe cnuo of tne 1-te
Confe.leracv, and by its truckling to
S uthern demnnds it bas revived tbe
breed of the dirt eatir g dough-faced
Democrat, tbat we hoped bad be
come forever txtincL
Ir is not much to bo wondered at,
that the Democrats ate so anxious to
repeal tbe law giving the General
Government the rigbt to supervise
elections of Congressmen, tbat they
have tacked a repealing clan, to
one of lbs appropriation bills aud are
ri-t-rnonod to block the wbetU of
government by refubingtbe necessary
money to run the machine, or else
forre aa cx ra session of Congress,
hoping to carry the repeal tbrougb
both b'aucbes, which tbey will con
trol iil t r to day. If the law stands,
and it is uow the only safeguard of
the iu:i'v of the ball ot-b iX at Con
gres-io-a! el ii ins, it is highly proba
b!e that tbe anticip-tnd Democratic
maj tity iu the new House, will be
almost, if not entirely w iped out, by
a number of embryo member of Con
K-ress nutling quarters in tDe various
teuiteoiiaries of the cogairy, instead
I the House of Represeota iyes t-Wi-igtoo.
For instance, there is a Democrat
ic member of Congress elect from the
Stcotd Dl-trict of Florida named
Hull abois iudicted at borne for
fraudulently akeriog tbe returns
securing bis own election, aod 88 one
Bisbee tbe clerk of Bevard county,
who was indicted for complicity in
the transact..-, bas just been con
victed and sentenced to tbe peniten
tiary, it is hardly presumable that tbe
accessory being found guilty tbe
principal (Hull) can escape. Tbere
are numerous other cases, where
Democrats are holding certificates c f
election, procured by. the groe. t
violations of tbe law, aud of the
i-Lts oi the voter aids if these be
thoroughly sifted by tbe coru, the
penitentiaries aod not the ball of
Congress will be graced by the pres
ence of a mul-ient number of Demo
cratic statesmen, to deprive their
part v of its boasted msjoritv in at
a w w
least one branch of the National
Legislature It is not strange there
fore, tbat thir friends ia tbe present
Congress are making so desperate a
struggle to wipe from te statute
h i ks of tbe Lation, all laws securing
uonct elections and preserving the
purity of the .ilot, through tbe in
ttromentality of tbe . e.vral Courts.
(irant end IVfcreler vs. Tilden and
Hendricks, is tbe s.bap4i in which the
Chicago Time puts tbe Da:oosl can
didates for the campaign of ltS0.
Tbe Wilmington (N. C ) Poxl de
clares tbat Nrtb Carolina is as much
a Bepublican State as New York, In
diana, Connecticut, or New Jersey,
and that there is as much hope of
the RepublicaM carrying the State
in 1SS0 as there is of them carrying
New York.
Tbe Potter c mmitte, tie great
est fraud of i;8 kind ever recorded,
wiil Ims found yet for "a few days at
the old stand" it any "visitiog
sla'esuian" bas been neglected, and
baa a "memory," let bim please stand
up and be counted.
A Democrat is never so thorough!
ff his nest as when be undertakes
to Quote Scripture. Democratic Con
gressman Banning, of Ohio, for in-
siacce, oo Tuesday of this week, fell
upon Mr. Garfield ia the following
remarkable style :
I was informed tbat the gentleman
was wont to clothe himself in the
white robes of an evangelist, and, as
cending tbe pulpit, to preach the gos
pel of Him bo commands, "Tbou
fc.aJt not bear lalse witness against
thy neighbor." Surely be, of all
men in this House, should satisfy
himself of tbe trutb cr -l-ity of an
accusal ioo before placing it upon the
records of te nation.
A niao may be a good Democrat
wiihwt knowing the d -Terence be
tween tbe Mosaic law a-d its sermon
on tbe mount.; but. as a general rule,
it is saforXor gentlemen of tbat faith
not to break io'o the Bible very much
in iue.r puoivc rpeecoes. mevjnase
themselves ridiculous t and, besides,
tbe Bible wouldn't give them any i
. I II I Ti-l-
conacladon even if they understood (
Ik iwe rmi aa ! ! Ia-a.
appropriation to Allgbeay
. r . lit nt i ii a 7(irr inn at a
would be the
. ..... . . ia
rTii - (,..-.-- --
reason why it should not be included
under ihe class prohibited in section
7 of article 3 ine state ia not
bound to pay Allegheny county any
thing, on moral or legal pri-ciplen.
To pay ber for lostea sustained by
the riotous conduct oi Dec own cm
zens would be an act of pure benevo
lence. Tbe Legi-lature is prohibited
Irotn appropriating money to snch a
purpose by section 1 & of article 3 :
No appropriations, except for pen
sions or gratuities f ir military ser
vices, -ball be made for charitable,
educational or benevolent purposes to
aoy person or cominonity, nor to any
deuoiuioatioDsl or eectatian institu
tion. corporation or association." No
hue of argument cau be employed in
bebalf Allegheny cuuy for tbe con
tribution of money toward ber losses
iX'iept tat wntcn procerus iroiu
(barity or benevolence, toe otaie
did not cause tbe riots, oor were tbey
produced by any breach of contract
on tbe pari of the State Oa the
o ber hand, they were cau-ed by pure
boibeadedtiecs of persons in the coun
ty of Allegheny, and in defiance of
tbe laws of the State. Moreover, we
are informed by ample testimony that
pr4jiue-tcitiusuf Allegheny coun
ty abetted tbe mob in defjiug the
autburltv of tbe State. Simple jus
tice demands that they i-ball pay for
ibeir excrement,
Danville ixtellioescer.
It is perfectly natural tbat tbe coun
tv of Allegheny should want to sbtlt
three-fourths ot tbe riot out upon me
people of the State, but tbe people
Lave ao eye to their representatives,
audbvn uncertain ti ken will ex
press their beany condemnation of
any approval oi tnis .coeme, i.
iu. as it does, a heavy tax up n
their constituency. In many place
throughout the State calls tor meet
ings have been made to express tbe
dissaiiBfacti n of tbe peoplo wiih tbe
bill now before the Legislature pro
posing that the State -ball assume
three fourths of ibis expense. Tbe
oeoole are not only astonished, but
jos-ly indignant tbt it should have
(been asked, and call upn tbetr rep-
reseutatives to give it a bearty re
Aliegneuy county is liable fr riot
damages b? the express provision t
law, and tbe only legal question is as
to w hether those who suBered from
t he riots were not in fact the guilty
causes of tbem. and therefore wnb
ut claim for relief. Tbe knowledge
of tbeir guilt and of the weakness of
tbeir case against tbe county causes
the railroad officials to look to the
State as tbe only fcopeful source of
relief. AHeehen? county uuues wnb
tbem, as ber easiest way out oi tne
trouble. And down along tbe border
the people w bo bave bad a lame claim
for dataee8 ever since tbe war, now
see a ch-uce to make tbeir game by
rioting in with tbe powerful influ
ences tbat seek to bleed tbe State
aud so an uuboly combination is
f. rmed of such power as to make it
very probable that tbe State will be
fleeced of every dollar tbat tne eias
nc consciences of tbe robber ging will
let them take. It may be seven mil
horns or seventy. We are at tbe
mercy .f tbe fowlers.
Had it (jot been for the cowardice
and imbecility of the city and county
fficials, and the pusillanimous truck
li-ig of the better clas of pople t
ibe passions of tbe mob, and aiding
aud abettiuyf tbem in their deviltry
there would bave bee no n 't, no
oiltage. no destruction of property
Tbe attempt to saddle these claims
upon tbe Slate is tbe logical outcome
of Pittsburgh commuuism. The State
bas no right, in reason, to pay aoy
sucb claims Tbe C aria have de
flared that Allegheny county is re
spuusible for the losses sustained dur
iug tbe riots ; and ibe allegation tba
she is unable to pay them ia eptitled
to no consideration whatever. If she
claims tbe right of local self govern
meut she should not shrink from the
responsibilities of local government
Tbe prp .sal at tnis time to appro
priate $3,000. noO for tbe paymeot of
riot losses, when additional taxation
will be required to replenish tbe de.
predated Treasury, is prep tsteroos
Besides what InteresX, what mcen
tive will tbere be to protect Jife and
property in cities aod other populous
districts, if those who are near at
band and hare tbe tng ans refuse to
do so, and tbeir cegleit of
duty'or the losses bich tbey have
caused are imposed on others who
neither aid-d nor ould fcave prevent
ed tbe it jury done? Large sums
hare been paid without a murmur for
military assistance to protect proper
ty in the county of Allegheny and
elsewhere, and why should tbe citi
zens of tbe rural distiicrs be called
on, in deuaoce of rigbt, of law and of
moral obligation, J? submissiyelv
yield to tte wrong now ii-C?p'ed7
Let those Senators aid Repre-eata
tives who advocate or vote for tbi
iuroad on tbe Treasary remember
that by so doing tbey sign tbeir po
litical death warrant, aud will retire
to private life, followed by tie just
execrations of tbeir tax-burdened
Governor Uovt wisely hesitated to
send troops to asbiogtoo c innty to
suppress a riot. Hereafter the hesi
tancy is likely to be deliberate and
long continued, since tbe sending ot
troops to Pittsburg to rescue tbat city
from tbe effects of ber own poltroon
e.-y is made the pretext for shifting
ber responsibilities from Allegheny
t cuuty to tbe people of tbe whole
State. It might be giving immunity
to riotous counties aud populations
to be send'og troops under such cir
cumstances uuless in tbe direst ex
t remity. Tbe formula would be tLis
first get up a riot then call for
State troops then shoot, slay, bnrn
and destroy then dodge responsibil
ity ty claiming tbe destruction and
murder wer dene while the State
troops were in cnarge. Rioting made
easy and inexpensive io tbe rioters
KIIIIbk Balk
Peaptjood, Dakota, Feb. 21 A
courier arrived at Fort Meade yester
day, bringing tbe new that two
freight-wa-on trains bad been at
tacked by Indians a few miles from
Kapid City. He stated that the In
dians fired several volleys into tbeir
tov;n to prevent tbe citizens from go
ing to the rescue of tbe teamsters.
notbet band of Indians attacked tbe
Sulp-ur pricg Station, on tbe Bis
marck road, ktiliog cue mart and run
ning off fur horses. Two compan?
ies ot tbe Seveoih Cavalry, under the
command of Captain French, atarted I
yesterday from Fort Meade in pursuit I
oi tne marauding savages. The
general opinion is that the dprda-
Lions weje committed by Little Wolf a
- a . 1
band of Cbeyenoes, which is making '
it - way to SitUng Bpll'a camp.
The racincSlopersFoainlug TherreM-
dcut Burnt la Lfflsry I lags at
Half-mast Sud Lei Ban
Sax Frascisoo. March 2 .0-;over Italy on Monday oigbt last, and
log t-tbe fact tbat tor tbe last two wbicb continues, th.'.ugb with Do
or three days tbe commuuity bad1 abated violence. Tbe whole coa-t
been led to eipect tbe veto of the bill , from Oenoa to the eouih of Naples N
to restrain Cbiuese immigration, and
tbat auxiety on tbe bad to j A considerable number of large ves
some extent worn itself tut, tbe actual j eels received serious njury. In all
receipt f tbe news failed to create i
any excitement in the city. It can- j
not. however, be regarded from this ,
that a universal feeling of deep regret '
and indignation exists ib;oubut tbe
State and Pacific coast All day dis-
oatches bave beeu pouring iuto tbe
office ot tbe Associated Press regard-
og tbe sentimeots of the pre.s and
be people on tbe action of tbe Presi
lent. With, tbu far, hut three ex
ceptions, perfect uuanimity has pre
vailed in these expressions, tbe only
difference ia tbe degree. Tbe city
ournals, of course, all treat tbe tu'o-
ject editorially this moroiog.
Tbe Call, after briefly reviewing
tbe points of tbe veto message, says:
'There is no intimation that negotia-
ions are pending to accomplish tbe
purpose aimed at by tbe bill rejected.
On tbe contra'y, he seems to reirard
he nation as pledged to permit the
maiigratino of free Chinese, with
oiy such a degree of restriction as
may limit tbe innux ot Ubinese to
tbe capacity of tbe country to absorb
tbem. This message does not mdi
cate any comprenensive conception
on tbe part of the Executive of tbe
question as it affects tbe coast. The
argument of tbe message is not ot a
character to mitigate in any degree
the keen disappointment the people
of tbis coast -iil feel at tbe failure of
tbe bill on which so many hopes had
been built."
Tbe Atta savs: We fail to find any
saUi-factory reason in tbe message for
withholding his approval, except tbe
inference tbat it being a treaty, there
fore it must stand until nego tations
can be inaugurated for a revision ot
it. Tbat is, we are b mud and can
not free ourselves, except by perroU
sioo of tbe Emperor of China. It is
a pity the President could not bave
realized tbat tbe people of the Pacific
c tast believe tbat tbey are threaten
ed with a great evil, that they are
suffering from the evil, aud realizing
tbe great strait of tbe pet plewbo
have petitioned for this ln;ereession,
have exercised bis prerogative to
allow the bill to become a law. But
it required more courage than is pos
sessed by the President to listen to
tbe voice of tbe people in a sec ion
most directly interested- He has
chosen an easier course to follow in
deference to the clam r of those who
are nearer to him, but who are iu no
wise affected bv the evil to be re
moved by the bill.'
Opinions of interior papers are
generally much stronger in tone thau
the utterances of city journals. Tbe
President is spoken of as having dis
graced bis Presidential cbair, killed
the Republican party in the-State
tnrned a deat ear to tbe w ail of the
ctt'xens of tbe Pacific coast, out of
deference to the feejintrs of tbe Em
perorof China, and yielded as a cow.
ard and time server to the (Kpular
clamor of people ignorant of the sub
ject under consideration. The lan
enage of denunciation Is pretty well
exhausted on ibe selject. Some take
a calmer view of the veto, aud while
crediting tbe President with statfs
mac like devotion to international cour
tesy, reret bis action none tbe less
Tbe Marysville Jppral. San Jose
Mercury, and Sint. JJrbara V;k
alone approve tbe veto.
In addition to pree utterances
from all parts of tbe Sta'e, the wires
are hardened W'tb report) of mass
ectings and other demonstrations,
resolptions of County Committees of
both parties and of assemblages ot
citizens all deploring in ifco stropjrest
terms tbe action ot the President and
many lnduliog it) gloomy forebod
ings of trouble to arise from tbe dis
appointments of the people. At a
mass meeting at II -HU'er, Sin B
nito county, the President wa bur
ied in effigy, and at Fairfield the
county seat of Sonoma county, fls
were flown at half mast on the recep
t ion of the news of the veto. A'
Dutch Flat the last Chinese shantv
io the' t.o-n limits was burned,
and so indignation metinjr at once
From Nevada aod Oregon public
press opinions are coming in to the
sama pgrport as above, and tbe whole
Pacific Coast eeenij to have united io
a general expression of regrt) and
In this city, notwithstanding the
deep feeling prevailing, there is no
hint of anythiug bordering on vio
lence. At tbe sand lots tbis after
noon there was an unusual attend
ance, about seven thousand being
pre-eut Tbe President was roundly
denounced by tbe speakers, and io
circulating through the crowd it wss
noticeable that a general sentiment of
disapproval of the veto prevailed,
copied wjtb so intention to keep
giating aod uniting for a m re rad
teal cure f tbe Cbtnee esi ja
future Resol-tioDs wars adopted to
the effect tbat the bill was a pieee ot
polii;aI clap-trap which workiogme
wogld have accepted iQ good faith
for what it was worth, aod aem&nded
more, bnt that tbey did pot cooside
ii of sufficient importance to mourn
over it or strike a blow for H fcv
erythjng perJVctly qtii-t io tbe city
and not the slightest approach to y
violent or ineeudwy action.
A Cal Bla-s Barter.
New York. Feb 23 A dUpat
ftom Nashville-Teon , gives ibe f l
Iowiog particulars of a cold-blooded
murder committed tbere yesterday
aitarnpon : A bnrrioie murder oc
curred In the suburbs of Nashville at
1 o'clock T-tterday afternoon. Too.
u-rrimou was intoxicated earjy in
tbe morning, and, alter brutally beat
iog bis wife, went to the bouse of
Maurice Oaborn, his father lu-Ia,
wbere bis daughter was stopping
He asked for his daughter Carrie,
whom be said be wanted to come
out before the muzzle of his shotgun
Fearieg be would kill her. she refus
ed obedience to bis request. "Mrs
Caroline Osborne, bis mother,
came to tbe door, however, and told
bim not to do' tbat way. At that
moment he placed tbe gun within 3
feel of ber abdomen, aod before she
bad time to retreat info the bouse,
fired, filling ber groio with tJiigs.
She fell noon ber bead out of the
door, a corpse. Turning immediate
ly upon her busband, Merrimon, said
bim : ' Don't you say a word, for
if you do I will kill you." Deceased
ras 60 years old.
Merrimon Bed through the large
aanebrakes ten
miles distant. A
Knerin s posse bas gooe in pursuit.
Tne neighborhood is greatly excited
and incensed at the murderer, wbo 1
. . .. . :i
U threatened with Lynch law if cap1-
ored. '
OUastr-na Hi.m la lialj.
Rome, February 27. Telegrams
and fetters from all parts of tbe pen-!
iusula bring tbe most lamentable ac '
c -unts of damages caused by tba i
tempest, ac-oa.onid bv heavv
tbunder, bail aud rain, wfcicb bort
strewn wnb tbe wreck ot small craft.
porta ships were dnv.u from their
mooriugs. At Naples especially tbe
effects of the storm were most serious
The number of vessels and steamers
';.;.... i o u i - tti
iijuicu wuuiu ujaac a iouT its.. J n
tbe small crafts along tbe Riviera De
Coiaa were swept out to sea and
lost. Tbe new quay at Pasoilippo
was almost entirely destroyed. A
collier was abandoned ouiside of
Geuoa. At Leghorn two English
steamers broke from their moriogs
aud caused much ii jury. At Fall j-
n c six vessels were wrecked. furtjoithe B.iiish military forces io
Italiaa and two l.nglisri. Ibeir
names are not given. An Austrian
ship ladeued wi h grain from Malta
went ashore ou the Island of MeUrin
and was abandoned. Tbe inland ef
fect of tbe storm is equally disastrous
Parma, Piacei.z, Milan, Floreuce,
Lien aod other tines have sufft-rrd
At Florence a nuaiber of fi ie old
irees and a great many laop po-U
were blown down. At Pagtnola
tbu campouile of a church was blown
down, while people were at mass,
ktlliug two priesU, officiating at tbe
altar aud three , other persms and
wounding twenty-four p-rsons. A
similar catastropbe occurred at Aon
tn'.ro wbere the vault of a church
yielded to ti e force of the storm and
killed a priest who was celebrating
mass aud injured a number of ibe
cougregatiou. At R one the forca of
tbe wiud was unparrallellea. In tbis
city all the windows of tbe Monas
tery of Monte Alle Gracie wre de
stroyed and ponioi. 8 of i he base of
Micnael Autfelus's statue ot David
was swept off
A Brewery -Tartly Itt-auolt.nvd bjr a
Rollrr pluslua.
Readino, February 25 A terrific
boiler expltisiootook place at 4 o'cl ck
tbis uioruinwr at the lirge brew try of
Fiederick Luc, iu N rth Third
street, by wbtcbtbe entire nortberu
and part of the eastern wall were de
tnolisbed. A piece of the boiler
about nine feet long, w hirled through
the air a dinaucj of 2l)0 feet, aod
went crashing tbrougb two brick
dwellings, making its passage tbrougb
ihe front door of one and tbe parti
tion wall, aud then tearing through
ihe studding 'f the neii. bouse aud
bur ing itself in the cellar beneath
Had it struck four feet higher, it
would bave entered tbe sleeping
apartments aud caused a sad loss of
hfe. Another piece of heavy boiler
iron passed over the neigbb-riug
house topi without doing any dam
age. Biicks aud mortar were burled
in every direction ior squares, aud
the debris was piled up 20 feel high
near tbe brewery. Tie shock of this
explosion was felt and beard f-r
miles around, and, occurring at an
early hour, people were aroused from
sleep iu the belief that an earthquake
bad shaken the city.
No loss of life is reported, buf. so na
narrow escapes occurred Audrass
Hambers"ump, tbe foreman, has made
a sta:ement, in wbich be says be
went to tbe brewery at an earl
hour, eaw liat tte fires were all
risrb., and then went into a side
ro m o taku a luoch. While in the
act. of drinking his brer the crash
eatne, and in a moment he was buried
iu n mass of splintered limber. He
eVcaped wl'-b a few spratphes op his
hands and succeded in crawling out
f tbe ruins without help. Joseph
(.ruber, night watchman, states tbat
be pumped water Into the boilers
about nve minuses before tbe explo
sion, after wbich tbe boiler registered
55 pounds of steam, and he knows
ibat there was plenty of water in tbe
boiler. There was an immense iron
tank on the. fourth floor, weighing
many tons. This contained a foot ot
water, and at the time of the accident
uitehed over.extinguishing tbe flames
The boilers which exploded were over
30 feet loDg, were made of No. 3
wire gauge iron, II pounds to tbe
-quart) foot, and were put in several
) ears ago. The machinery was not
injured. Tbe loss Is ahou-, $8,000.
Tba rarb Melleve-.
A f pecial from Wilkesbsrre. dated
yesterday, says:
Judge" W. II. S.antoo, associate
law judge of this district, rsigued
Disposition today. It is thought
mat tbe proceedings looking to bis
impeachment became too formidable
for successful 'resistance. This will
put a stop to further action in tbe
matter. The resignation was so to
tally unexpected tbat the communitj
was takeu by surprise. So caretully
guarded bad been bis' intentions that
prominent men of this city, deeply
interested in the matter, spent the
d.v in Burantoo aod returned home
without the -lightest inforuiatiou.
O.ily two or three gentlemen, wbo
bad tbe impeachmeut matter in
charge, knew anvtbhig of what w
t j he d-me, od tbey kept it secret
It w Jute ju ;; afternoon bcfjre
tbe ppws became kuown here, and
toere w as ageuprul, openlj-exp.e-.ttd
teeling of relief at the abrupt aud
Unlooked-for termination of tbe Ita
pe'achmeut proceedings. Tbis came
not alone fro'w ' member of the bar,
but from the people at large, for
Judge Stanton's actions, notably iu
bin recent discharge ot the ' grand
jury before tr Jabors were com-
pietea, nave convincta etre i,o;e
a bo for a long lime dtfeuded bim
that be was ncQ. for ibe bench. It
seems to be certain that be im
pelled to .be step by the certainty of
impeachment and ri$oyal. pianton s
few friend now threaten to push the
impeachment proceedings again- f.
Judge Harding, ihe prrt'deut jqdge
of the district.
rratrplnc a Lecialalaro.
A Virginia City Nev ) disparuh cf
(to. 'a says;
An immejse mass meeting was
held to-night to take action ou the
anti-railroad bill, wbich comes up io
the Legislature to morrow Three
thousand people were present,, and
'bp excitement was intense, benator
Line, wbo opposed 'tbe bill, was
asked, by resolution, to resign Immer
diatelv. Propositions to hang mem
bers of the Legislature wbo were
bought were received with cheers.
t was proposed to start a procession
of men to ' wjljf 'to Carson ia ibe
m-rniog and demnd that their dele
gates pass tbe bill. A committee of
wenty-tb-ee met and passed resolg
tions tbat tbe proposed demonstration
be done away witb, as its members
feared banging acd bloodshed. Tbe
nmmittee his drawn resoluti- nt to
sponsible for consequences in case the
procession -tarts. '
eeod to Cara io to morrow morning! tbe United States district court this
by delegates expressive of ibe intense morning. He -was introduced by
feelini? and He.lininir tri h ra.ia sits. -w- k- .
Tk PtlM laa-rial Uala lata Act.
f avmlca.
PaIS, February 2C. Prince Louis
Nap.lnuo bas written a letter to M
R-Juber announcing bis iiteotion to
join the Briiiab forces at the Cane.
tie sate:
"For the last eight years I bave
been tbe guest of Euglaod. My ed
ucation was comploted in tbe Euglish
military school I bave strengthened
my ties of friendship with the Eng
lish army by taking part in its annual
mance.vres Tbe war at the Cape
b-viog assumed a more serious char
acter, I have wished to follow tbe
campaign. I could not refrain from
sharing tbe dangers and fatigues of
tbe troops, amoog whom I have so
many fr eod. Moreover, tbe time
spent in itoessiog this struggle ot
c.vilzuiou agaiust barbarism will
not be wasted tor me."
London, February 26. Prince
L-uU Npoleou and retinue will sail
iu the fcteaoier Danube from South
ampton l' -morrow, for the Cape, to
boutb Africa as a volunteer. Tbe
Goveromeut has chartered tbe steam
er Andean to carry a portion of tbe
artillery to tbe Cape. Tbis is tbe
sixteenth steamer chartered by tbe
G Verumeut to carry troops aod
war material -o South Africa.
hr All Djlac-
Tasbke.nd, Turkestax, Feb. 24.
Several days after tbe departure
ot Geu. Rasgouoff from Tashkougao
for Tastkeud with the Afhau Em
bassy, tbe Ameer of Afh-nistau
summoned Ibe doctor of tbe Russian
mission, who bad been left ai his re
quest at tbat town. Tbe Ameer
said be was suffering from pains in
bis limbs. Tbe d.c.or at first.
ibougni that the Ameer was deceiv
ing him, as he bad been complaiuing
ot various diseases and bad given
his iiluess as au excuse for reuouu
ciog bis journey to St. Petersburg;
but toe doctor soon perceived tbat
tbe cuculaiion was defective in tbe
limbs of the Ameer, aod that tbe
functions ot ibe bean were feebly
Unable to procure leeches tbe doc
tor wished to resort to cupping the
pa leut's legs to blis ers, but persons
iu tbe suite of tbe Ameer opposed
this plan, aud the Afghan doctor
preseut declared that be would an
swer for tbe safety ot bis royal ioval
id. All ibe efforts of the Russian
surgeon, therefore, became useless.
It was only f er ao interval of sev
eral days that the Ameer again sen.
for bim
Tne surgeon then found tbat de
composition bad already set in ou
iiis left leg. Tbe next, morniug a
spot of gangrene had appeared ou
ois side. Tbe surgeon, therefore, im
mediately sent a letter to Geu. Ras-g'.n-
ff. predicting as certain tbe al
most immediate death ot the Ameer.
Linorjr Maale Baraed.
New York, Febuary 27. A fire
occurred at two o'clock ibis morning
;o tbe four story brick buildisg Nos
2 acd 4 east Fifty-third street, occu
pied by S. A Frey as a livery and
boarding stable, back to the "Os
borne," a fashionable parlor apart
ment bouse oo filth avenue, and ad
joining Mrs. Reed's female seminary.
Tbe Amies ex euded rapidly, aud
second an i third alarms were sent
out. Soon the rear wall fell in, and
tbe crash caused a panic among tbe
young ladies of tbe adjoining semina
ry, all of whom were got out, bow
ever, to safety. Tbe building er
totally destroyed. It was owned by
Livingstone and Company and was
Valued at $10 000.
Ou the second fl)or were -tabled
torty-eigb. horses, some very valu
able. Of these only five were rescued,
two of wbich were badly burned. A
large number ot carriages, sleighs,
robes, etc.. were also destroyed. Tbe
loss it is expected, will foot up
$100,000 Tbe Osborne House and
tbe atij .iuing stables belong to tbe
estate of the late Madame Rsstel,
and are damaged to tbe amount ot
A Body taaad la a Traak.
Boston, Feb. 27 Michael Daly,
while at woik in Western avenue,
about two miles outside cf tbe City
of Lynn, this afternoon, found a trunk
from wbicb a human band protruded
Tbe trunk was tied witb a large
woolen string. Oa opening it a hor
rible sight was presented, being tbat
of tbe body cf a young woman, about
24 years ot age, nude, witb tbe arms
aud leys tw isted and distorted, and
tbe oose cut off. Tbe trunk also con
tained two cbamptgne bottles and
several bricks. An autopsy was
beld. It was tbe opinion of tbe doc
tors tbat tbe woman bad been dead
two or three days. Up to midoigh
oo clue to the mystery bas fceen ob
raiued. The "body hs not been identi
Kfaable Harder.
Memphis. Feb. 2G. A special to
the calqnce from luka, Miss,
gives the following account of a
donbe murder perpetrated near tbat
city yesterday c Major . M. Hutch
ins. accompanied by Tbos. McVatt.
both highly r.spepied citizens of tbe
coouty, Mi luka together in tbe af
ternoon to go bomi, being neighbors.
Ilutchins bad drawn $1,700 in gold
from tbe express office, sent from a
Ciocipqatj house, which wa9 to he
used io purchasing farm. Late in
tbe evening McNatl's horse return
ed riderless with blood marks on the
saddle, wh.-b aroused suspicions iu
bis family cf foul play. Search re
vealed tbe dead body of McNatr, ter
ribly mutilated, about two miles from
bis bouse. One hundred yards fur
ther on JIntcnln8 was foond to like
condition. It is thought some per
eoo who knew of the gold being at
tbe express csice wavfsip and mor
de:ed both for tbe money.
faalpaaater Hr raaff.
Philadelphia, March 3 To-day
at 4 p. m. the Philadelphia Postoffice
was formally banded over to Post,
master John F. Uartranft by ex-Post
master and Superintendent of ibe
Philadelphia Mint A. London Moo
den. The clerks presented tbe retir
ing ffficer with a library of three
hundred yolumnsof standard authors.
Speeches were made oo both sides.
Gov. Uartranft merely thanked the
employes for ibeir kind words, telling
tbem bi be would endeavor to
prove a worthy suceeaaor to bjs able
aod efficient predecessor.' He' gave
no assurances ibat tbere would be no
change made in the force and said
bile be should enforce discipline
and be severe, he would at the same
time be just
.... -. -, .i j-;
aa Butler.
Philadelphia, Feb. 26 Judge
Tt-fl carati inalally r n t Ik . k.--lt f
av... . -r a u (jr. bW V "VUVU
address from Eli 1 Price to wbicb
he gratefully responded. ' 1
Mlmarl'i Dcllaaaat Tnwatcr.
St Louis. Mo.. F-b. 25-Aspe-
cial dispatch from JeffW.on City to
.- dL, n. .ti. -
lUQ m. Vfl U 4fli;n . raj o a a
Treasury Investigating Committee
J . n .
reported to tee House tnis mortjicg,
... . ...
giving the amount of Sn-te Treas-
urer Gates deficit at $343,000.
fi.immtflAd nava ihaaL Knfna fit
St J.M.epb. secured tbe election of
Gates for the aole DurtxHe of con-
trolling ibe deposits, which be bas
done, aud tbat, ia fact, be is the State ' tbe barriers thrown around the bal
Treasurer. is stated, has ! lot-box. the people will understand
made $91,000 since Gates has been
in office, and has controlled every
tHiog. Burns stated to tbe commit
tee tbat be knew' he could control tbe
deposits when Gates was elee'ed.
Tbe committee recommends tbat
Treasurer Gates be impeached for
high crimes and misdemeanors aod
gross neglect of bis official duties,
and the committee bave appointed
jfife managers to cooducttbe impeach
meot before
the bar of tbe State
Richmond, Feb 27 A special dis
patch from Danville says: "Judge
River.' United States Coort Grand
Jury to-day indicted the following
County Judges : J. D Coles, Pitt
sylvania ;S J. Mullios, Henry ; G
11 Bernard, Franklin; Samuel G
Staples, Patrick, and T. T. Bouldiu.
Charlotte. Tbe charge against tbem
is tbe violation of the civil rights of
citizens, and tbe specification is that
ibey bave withheld from colored peo
ple tbe right of serving on juries.
Judge Rivers, it will not be forgot
ten, recently created great conster
nation in tbe State by taking charge
of two colored boys wbo were refus
ed by tbe btate court a jury in part
of meu of their color. Nutwiibstaod
iog the outcries of the press aud ibe
protest of the General Assembly, be
seems determined to go abead wnb
his work of compelling the State
courts, or such as now do uot do so.
to allow negroes to serv as jurors.
Kallraad Accldcat.
WILMINGTON, eb. 27. A span
110 feet loug of tbe iron bridge of tee
Chicago and Alton railroad at thi
pia.'e gave way mis morning as a
train of empty coal cars was passing
over it and three cars were precipua
led into ibe Kankakee river, a dis
tance of over thirty feet. Tbe
bridge is of the Howe truss patterr.
Tbe other sections of it were it jured.
Tbe total It ss amounts to several
thousand dullurs. Nobody was in
jured. It is supposed that the keen
frosts baa affected it.
Tbe ponderous casting trains will
temporarily ruu over another branch
of tbe road aud no delay will then
. mat riii-barft- ia la. tialf.
Pitt-blro, Feb 25 Captain P.
B"v too leit Rochester, Pa, twenty
five miles below here, at nine o'clock
ibis morning, on bis swim to tbe
Gulf. Almost a riot eusued last
nigbt at Rccbester over Boytoo, tbe
disturbance ccurriog between fac
tkns of Rochester and New Brighton,
an adjoining town. Tbe police finally
quieted tbe disturbance. Many ar
rests will be made in consequence ot
the row. Bojton passed luuustry at
11 a. m.. Smith's Ferry at 1:31 p'm ,
a d rtacbed East Livtrpool, Ohio at
2:35. Here he left tbe water to lect
ure this evening. He will resume
bis trip to-morrow merning.
A Baa Robbery.
Jackson tills, Fl,, Feb. 2C
Tbe Duvajl saviugs bank was robbed
to-day about two o'clock, of $3,500
A man drove up in front of tbe ba- k
aud called tbe preside-! out (the only
person io tbe bank). The atrangei
engaged the presideul a few miuuief
io conversation, while a confederate
entered by a side door ad took the
money. Oue party has been arrest
ed on suspicion and $800 found on
his person. He bas made a con
fession. lbePeB-yala Kaada Earalaft-a.
Philadelphia. Ffhrnary 25
Tn m a i y at znentof ibe bueine
of alt lines wi tbe Pcuueyivauia Rail
Road Company east ot Putsburgt
aud Erie tor January 1879, as com
pared with the -ante month latyer,
8-08 anl e as? n ro3 tarningsof
$147,1-3; auU lucicast) in tptse
of $5.7 ; iucrease in net earnings
of $141,332. Ail lines west of Pitts
burgh and Erie for January show
surplus over liabilities of $204,149.
neing a gain over January 1878, oi
Vayerner lloyt'a Appalala-eal.
Harrisbcro, Pa , Feb 25. Gov.
Hoy t to-day seut to tbe Senate a list
of appointments as follows :
Henry W Palmer, of Lnzerne Co.,
to be .Attorney -general ; Charles H.
Rush, of Fayette, to ' be Superin
tendent of ibat part of the Cumber
land Road wbicb lies in Fayette and
Somerset pouoiies: Amos M. Slade,
of Philadelphia, to be Sealer cf
Weikthts and Measoiesfor tbe South
ern Ptstril of that city for three
years. Tbe Senate gave proof of its
confidence in the governor by im
med'stefy confirming tbe appoint
Tel law Jack.
Rio Janeircv Feb. 23 An out
break of the yellow fever of a severe
type is reported amongst tbe ship
ping in tlis poet- The government
has ftrked for tep million milrtis ad
ditional to alleviate tbe distress. In
tbe northeast provinces thirty mill
ions have been distributed already.
At Maseor, oa the ilb inst, 9 per
rons were killed la a riot. ro par
ticulars have yet been received. A
milrea is equal to about 103 cents.
Rerlaoa Rallraa-i Ta-aaMy,
CHAMBEil-ECBQ. Pa., Feb., 24
ITT L "I - l - . .a
oiie snniiDg me man train sooth
at this station ibis afternoon, one tar
pontaiping about 25 passengers left
tbe trapk from some noknown cau:
ana tell over ao embankment six fet
high, turning over oo iu side. Fif
teen or eighteen persons were in
jured, among whom were Hiram Bis-
ler, Jajeue-ille, leg broken; Rev.
Dr. Stewart, Newborn-. N. Y.. arm
broken ; Frank Scbeible. wife and
son, Scotland. Franklin county. Pa..
seriously ir jured ; Miss Miles, Oreen-
casile, Pa., shoulder braised ; Samuel
Pratber, Greeocastle, Pa., injured
about tbe bead, not seriously ; t o
DHdreo oi Col. James Davison.
tjreeiicastle. Pa., Bljgbtj jnjured
Bishop Glossbrencer and Rev. Bui
ger, of the United Brethren Cburcb,
were brutsed, but not seriously. Sev
eral others were hurt, bnt were all
able to proceed to tbeir destinations
- :
London, Feb. 27 A dispatch
from Dunkirk about the breaking up
of the Britirb ship Adriatic, wbicb
stranded near that place Feb. ICtb,
says there were forty-nice persona on
the ship, only seven of whom are
known to be saved.
Will Tkcre fca El ---.
Washi-Wto. Feb 2--B.thpar-
' ties are beginning to i.icipt
' - . ..? t n.-.e. claim
ClliS rCPfl I -!- aeo v ww
, tbat tbey will insist n(WB a repeal of
J . n at-
the supervisor's law. Tbe Kepu on-
the supervis
, cans are determined to insist upon
...;-.; t.t remnant of the
L f.,r th. nrouetion of the ballot-
! f. . ki .
box. If an ext. a session should be
tha result of the dead-lock to tbe
Democrats in their zal to break down
wbere belongs tbe responsibility.
IkrtaSant aa Ability.
Hop Bitters so freely advertised io
all tbe papers, secular and religious,
are having a large sale, and are sup
planting all other medicines Tbere
is no denying tbe virtues of the Hop
plant, aod tbe proprietors of these
Bitters bave shown great shrewdness
and ability in compounding a Bitters,
whose virtoes are so palpable to ev
ery one's observation. Exchange.
. foundry, at tte corner of Market and
Eactaa. Kanawha streets, destroyed tbat
- building and Callahan's hotel, ad-
Sheffield, Feb. 28 Tbe mayor joining. Tbe wind blowing a ga'e
of tbia town stated at a public meet- spread the flames to a block of bus
ing yesterday tbat ia one district in jaet,3 bouses, destroying altogether
Sheffield coonty four thousand peo- ten buildings before the fire could be
pie are destitute aod four hundred
families are actually starring. lie
bad no remedy to propose, aod could
only pity and sympathise with tbe
Daatrayed by Fir.
Detrtt, Feb. 28 Tbe coort
bouse of Monroe coonty, at Moon-e,
Mich , was burned last oigbt It
was an elegant $40,000 cot stone ed-
ifice of Grecian architecture. It wis
insured for $10 000 Tbe sheriff wis
seriously injured during tbe fire. Tbe
county records were saved.
R fate Tenperaaea Caaveatlaa.
II arri8bi"RO, Feb 25 Tbere was
a large Dumber of delegates present
to day at the opening meeting of tbe
State Temperance Convention. The
principal object of the meeting is to
urge the adaption of tbe Local Op
tion law now pending before the
The cheapest hardwaee stobE
We take pleasure in announciii": to the public that we haye
ware, wnicn we intend to sell at
Our stock is complete in all respects, and comprises evenr
article Usual j lcppt . -1-rdwaTe
Blacksmiths' tools and supplies, such as Iron, NorMray Nail-
rod Iron, Vulcan Horse-nails,
Sleigh-shoes and Cast Steel,
Carriage and Tire Bolts, and Axle Clips. A complete stock of
Malleable Irou, Burrs, Sc., c?c,
comprising a full line of Rim
V rought Butts, acorned and
always on hand, also a full assortment of Glass.
We havr always on hand a complete stock cf Saws both
Jand and Cross-cut, Axes, Hatchets, Hammers Steel and Try
Squares, Compasses, Bench and
We always keep a full line of Revolvers, Pistols, Shot-guns
Powder-flasks, Shot-pouches, Cartridges, Caps, Wads, Rifle and
Shot-gun Powder, also a full line of Gun Repairs.
We have a complete Jine of Lamps, Lanterns, and supplier
A full line of Saddlery 'Hardware, comprising Saddle-trees'
Buckles, Rings, Harness-pads, Ornaments, etc., etc. ' " '
In the Agricultural department we have a full stock of
Forks, Shovels, Rope, Chains, Mane and Curry-Combs, Iforse
brushes, etp., etp.
We rnake a specialty of Pocket and Table Cutlery. Also
Silver Plated Table Ware, Plated and Britannia Spoons.
We also make a specialty of Paints, Oils, and Varnishes, and
also Painters' Tools, etc
, :0:
YVe keep constantly on hand the Celebrated Cucumber
Pump, (porcelain lined) and a cheaper quality that are not
lined. This Pump has taken the lead of all others wherever
:o: .
All goods warranted to be as represented. Our principle
; Fair Dealing, Quick Sales, and Small Profits
We challenge competition.
certain prices beforeTurcbasin
JSTo. 62 South Street,
Fikst Nasional Bank, and Wisttaif National Bask., of Balumere,
and Chcmical National Bask, New
Cards can be bad at tbe Express O'nox, Somerset, Pa.
arlawa Cav-Ia.
P"J ? V"5 T M
nf Coal Company a No 7 shaft here
. . . - m - ...
in to day. This will eost the
.m rva. t P aaMnntt l.i m i Z, : J
v-.--y ,,u
tbe coal uoderneath can never b
got out, owiog to tba treacherous
condition of tba root A large brick
school bonse Mtuated cloae by
totally wrecked.
No loss of lif i
laca Mkwf.
New Orleans, Feb. 27 A spe
cial dispatch to ibe Galveston Atc
from Mason, Texas, says tbat last
oigbt a stage containing four passen
gers were baited Dear Pig Leg sta
tion by two highwaymen. Tbe pas
sengers were ordered ou. sine ly, and
tbeir valuables taken from tbem, and
tbe mail bags rifled.
I-(rae.l fir.
Parkersblro, Feb. 17 Early
this morning a fire ia Skidmore's
subdued. Tbe loss is estimated at
$25,000, on which tbere is a light in
cia w. aakev
Niw York, Feb. 26 Telegrsph-
ic reports snow a lau ot tbe tber-
monaster in the West during laat
-igb - The thermometer now ranges
fr-n twelve degrees below a: 5t
Pul to tbiny degrees below at Breck-
io idge; and from nine degrees aboya
at St Louis, to twenty-degrees abure
at Cincinnati.
alagalar Deatb.
FLU8HINO. Feb 26 Morri Fitz-
gerald. College Point, L I , died last
n'ght from a wound received yester-
day unJer singular circumstancea.
He was walking piet James Maber,
wbile the latter was ia the act nf
throwing a pitchfork full of manors
into a wagon, and was stabbed in the
eye by one of tbe prongs of tbe pitch-
large and complete stock of Hard-
- tuiv..
Taper Taps, Horse Shoes, Fine
A full line of Best Norway Iron,
and Mortise Locks, Cast and
plain, a complete stock of Nails
Fancy Planes etc., etc.
- i
-j. "i !: sr
Call and examine goods, and as
"elsewhere. ' 1 ' " '